Malaya Tribune, 10 October 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Net Sales Exceed 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1941 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Friday, October 10, 1941.
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  • 585 1 Reuter. HTMIIS morning's Russian communique reports fierce fighting in the directions of Viazma and Briansk, through which the Germans are trying to force their way towards Moscow. Viazma is 140 miles south-wesl ,i Moscow, and the Germans are pouring in terrific forces and
    Reuter.  -  585 words
  • 313 1 Reuter. 'By Matinee Lovell, Reuters Resident Correspondent) Moscow, Oct. 10. QIViNC an act( iin< of the battle for Orel which raged for three days, the Soviet Army organ Red Star, says that the Germans succeeded in penetrating into the western suburbs but were unable to
    Reuter.  -  313 words
  • 113 1 Reuter. Washington, Oct. 9. THE llnited States is to re- cjuisititn large supplies of war materials which have been discovered in various storage points throughout America consigned to Axisdt initiated countries, announced the Vice-President, Mr. Henry Wallace. Mr Wallace said: "A preliminary survey of
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 455 1 Reuter. Washington, Oct. 9. PRESIDENT Roosevelt's neutrality message (see back page), is generally along expected lines, and while its requests will disappoint some quarters, it is generally recognised as about the maximum he can expect to pass through Congress comfortably at this moment. Any
    Reuter.  -  455 words
  • 193 1 Reuter. London, Oct. 10 AN Insight into the hetter protection recently given to shipping convoys is given in th* following Admiralty announcement "New methods of protection foi hipping have been put into operation In ord r i deal with enemy long-range aircraft which attack
    Reuter.  -  193 words
  • 268 1 Reuter Havana, Oct. \l. IVHEN interviewed by Renter's on Thursday, President Arias of Panama said he was completely surprised at the news or the coup d'etat as he left. Panama last Tuesday for Havana hi order to consult an eye epecialist. "I have been greatly
    Reuter  -  268 words
  • 397 1 Reuter. Panama, Oct. ft. A COUP D'ETAT occurred in Panama this morning. The Secretary of the Government and Justice Adolfo de la Guardia took over the reigns of the Government without bloodshed during the mysterious disappearance from the country of President Arias. It is nimoured in Panama
    Reuter.  -  397 words
  • 84 1 Reuter London, Oct. 10. TT .SAW. the Pritr.e Minister of Burma. Li expected fco arrive In Kntjland today on a BSinIOII «'t fOOdWUt. He will pit tnt Mf- Churchill, »11• Premier, with a CMS of the lam us Bin ma cheroots— a personal present
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 184 1 Istanbul, Oct. 10. Till new joint Turkish-German official communique confirming the declaration of TurkishGerman friendly relations published on June 18 forms the headlines of Turkish newspapers. The Vakit writes: "The publication of the lirst declaration is interpreted by ceitain propaganda sources as radical change in Turkey's foreign policy
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  • 465 1 Reuter. Chungking, Oct. 10. ()N the eve of Double Tenth, Chinese National Day, the entry of the Chinese into Ichang, important treaty port on the Yangtze, was confirmed in :i communique issued in Chungking last night. Mi* communique states that Chinese troops forced their way into
    Reuter.  -  465 words
  • 84 1 Reuter. Washington. Oct. I A DECREE drastically curtailing building in the United States is announce;! tu-day. The decree. Issued by the Supply Priorities und Allocations Board, forbids the start of any public or private construction requiring the use of vital material-? essential lor the nation's defence or
    Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 186 1 Reuter. Chungking, Oct. 10. AN appeal for an "all rut" eilcrt. to win the war in China wasj made by Gen. Chiang Kai-shek I in a (Message <r the nation lasfj night, on the eve of the 30th an niversarv of the Chinese Republic] 'Five
    Reuter.  -  186 words
  • 156 1 Reuter. Berlin. Oct. 10 THE police curfew hour* in U.f#j stale ol emeigency in the dl- n .-l tricts of the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia were lifted experiment ally frcm last night, stated the G i nan official news agency. The order has been issued
    Reuter.  -  156 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 89 1 kihosem: operated REFRIGERATORS Urre is your chance to get rella hie refrigeration without a supply r.f electricity "Dominion" Re frigerators need no pipe lines or power lines. Simply fill the r." rmbjm n tm KYOir, light the wtclc and you start It up. Th e advan tnges ot Refrigeration are
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  • 136 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) FOR the third quarter of 1941, there has been a considerable increase in immigration from India. I For this period, the figures show an increase of over 3,000 over the corresponding period in 1940. For both sexes and all ages, in 1940.
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  • 25 2 (Cent-A-Plane Fund) Total number of enemy planes destroyed during yesterday on all fronts up to midnight London time (excluding Soviet claims):— FOUR
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  • 153 2 Singapore, Friday. ZINZAGURO KAKI, a Japanese, pleaded guilty to two charges of attempting to take out of the 1 Colony 11,185, yen and $133 worth of geld, concealed in two rattan < Zinzaguro, who appeared before i the acting district judge, Mr. C. H Whitton.
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  • 229 2 Singapore, Thursday. THE question of whether further I licences to sell cooked fish should be granted to itinerant hawkers was considered by the Rural Board at their meeting today. After discussion, the matter was postponed for further investigation The Chairman of the Board,
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  • 137 2 BEFORE a large crowd, the 73rd birthday of Mahatma Gandhi I was celebrated by the Indian Comi munity, Jasin, at the Kamala I Theatre on Monday. I Mr. P. R Lewis, tne acting District Officer, presiding. In the course of his I address, remarked that as
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  • 214 2 Singapore, Friday. THAT Ang Gim Chuan, a cyclist, was carried 60 feet after a collision with a lorry at the nrie Changi Road, was alleged by the prosecution, at the hearing of a case in the district traffic court yesterday, before Mr. H. E. Kingdon,
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  • 94 2 Singap-rc, Friday. JUDGMENT was, reserved by Sir Percy McElwaine, chief justice, in the high court yesterday in an appeal against a conviction and sentence of three weeks' rigorous imprisonment imposed on a young Chinese, Lim Beng Swee, on a charge of fraudulent possession of a bicycle. Mr. Chong
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  • 55 2 The United Chinese Musicel Association's final accounts show that the sum of $4,325 wr.s collected by the above association largely through the efforts of Mr. Yeo Chiang Swee from the successful staging of the play, "The Obedient Son," at the Happy World on Sept. 19 in aid of the Malaya
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  • 309 2 Singapore. Thursday. ONE of the three allegedly heeded men. Salleh bin Gani who was stated to have attacked two Arab brothers in a lcrong at Geylang Read, was to-day acquitted bv Mr. Conrad Oldham on two charges of voluntarily causing hui\, to Hussein bin Sahil and
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  • 102 2 rrHE following is the programme of 1 music by the Band of the Loyal Regiment (by kind permission of Lt. coi. j». ElSngton M.C. and officers, on Wednesday, Oct. 15. at 5 30 p.m. at Jalan Besar Stadium (Conductor. Bandmaster L. F. A Spirit of Pagentry Fletcher.
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  • 137 2  -  By a well-known Doctor. Everyone is affected in some way by the* present difficult times, but few people realise that worry and anxiety are common causes of indigestion. The digestive secretions of the stomach are controlled by the nervous system, and when the nerves become
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 661 2 MALAYA*! PfICMIEQ HOTEL To-night DINNER DANCE (informal) 8 p.m. to Midnight NEW CABARET ATTRACTION ROSALIE LOUIS American Ballroom Acrobatic Dancers Dinner $3.00. Non-diners $1.00 RAFFLES~CAFE~& "COCKTAIL BAR MUSIC COMFORT SOCIAL ATMOSPHERE RAFFLES BAKERY for Best Quality Bread Cakes Cure CHEST <Jgsa Troubles wTsSsm COUGHS*FLU' <jg§b-A IF you suffer from coughs,
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    • 25 2 I EYE EXAMINATIONS, EYEGLASSES, EXCLUSIVELY. THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4, ARCADE RLDG., PHONE 3002. R. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Science, 35 years' European Clinical Fxprrience.
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    • 242 2 KIDNEY TROUBLE Now says he is Quite a different man Mr. H. H. suffered sharp stabbing Wr A pains and the continual dull ache in the ir i| back that are Nature's warning of Kidney Trouble. He writes lf y° u hav e general reeling of weak- was laid us
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    • 247 2 A PREMATURE AGEING. Wtk The mental and physical strain of business JH -oc'al life saps up the energy and strength i n and women making them look old before i(m time fee] denressed and fatigued and lose t weight "HFRBTP" to: "s most beneficial J» rfe^W'W>eiTects on the bodily constitution's
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  • 111 3 THF Singapore station of the M.B.C. has arranged a special commemorative programme for Chinese National Day, October 10. The programme, opens at 12 n'-c i with the Chinese National Anthem and other patriotic songs sun r by a Mixed Quartette and Chorus At 12.15 p.m. the Chinese Consul
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  • 28 3 The special screening of the Chinese I mot lon picture "The Light of East, Asia" at Un- Capitol Theatre will be on Tuesday next at 4.15 p m.
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  • 201 3 (Tribune Staft' Reporter) QNR oi the least publicised emergency measures adopted by Malaya, are the hospital trains, which have nm\ been completed and are ready for use at any time. Forty-two coaches that during the pre-war days ran the length of Malaya on passenger services
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  • 177 3 i (Special (able I ron H. L. Ilopkin) London. Oct. 9. CTAGE actors and actresses liave j k .1 touuh time these ĔMJt, Not only do they have to fare wartime difhculties of production and reduced audiences, but they I haw even to face physical
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  • 841 3 Singapore, Frday. gVIIiENCE at the inquest yesterday attend. 1114 the death of Wan Ah See, a SI-year-old Cantonese woman who was killed when the ricksha* in which she, her seven-year-old daughter and a friend were riding: was involved in an accident in front of
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  • 133 3 Singapore. Frldav A 22-YEAR-OLD Chinese, Le Ah Soon, who accidentally pierced the palm ol his hand on Sept. 29 while working, died a week later in hospital, on the day of his admission. Cause of death was tetanus. At the inquest this afternocn Chan Siang Kan<4, wife
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  • 128 3 Singapore. Fridiv. FOR absenting himself, while employed at the Auxiliary Depot (Medical». between Aug. 31 and Oct. 5, a 21-year-old Hylam, Wall Kai Meng. was sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment by the third magistrate, Mr. R. Moor, yesterday. The offence was one under the Defence Regulation. Wah
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  • 57 3 Singapore, Thursday. A CHARGE of voluntarily causing grievous hurt, with a piece of wood, to a certain Visuvassan yesterday morning :.t the Convent Gardens was explained to 28-year-old Indian. Pergasam. when he appeared before Mr. L. C. Goh. in the hfth court this morning The case was postponed to Oct.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 445 3 ■jU'Aen Buying Lamps Look Out fl For The H I Quality is the Halt' H Br marA of this Famout I I 8: "STAff" H I Brand Lamp*. mm mm Noted for its Cheap* H j| ness, Brilliant Light* U fl| ing, <rn<y /oic consump- I 11 fion of" Kerosene.
      445 words
    • 146 3 llli Priceless '§3 SECRET OF YOUTH JWJ{ W now revealed 5 jdflk\ Vital strength and energy tails ***LmWT fl Hi as age advances only because H glands become tired, weak and JH i^^* dried up. Once scientists thought there was no hope. But now a wonderful discovery proves that your
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    • 83 3 Hfr REFRACTING MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS mm re V for VICTORY o o I BROOCH SI 00 TIE PIN $1.00 CAR BADGE $5.00 Chromium plated, V in red, words embossed in circle. Size W x PH" BICYCLE BADGE $1.00 Same as Car Badge Size as depicted above. Proceeds in aid of the
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    • 147 3 <PINEAPPLE AND PAPAYA JAM Your palate will assure you of the high quality of Lee's Pineapple and Papaya Jam. Made from choice, naturally ripened Malayan pineapples and papayas, and packed under strict Government control, this jam has been acclaimed by London marketing experts as being "good as the best." There
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  • 1359 4  -  Comments For To-morrow's K.L. Races >•■>£ By "Spectator" T>HE two Singapore trainers, Major Fox and Marland, should have a successful afternocn at Kuala Lumpur tomorrow, the final day of the Selangor Turf Club's October meet. I expect them to saddle two winners each,
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  • 108 4 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, To-day. UORSES were exercised on the main track this morning on soft ffoing- after the rain last night. Those likely to score doubles are Annie Rooney and Lawbracket. Most impressive at training this morning'were Viola 11, Yule Call, Blue Peter,
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  • 289 4 gjCORLNG i fori in each half, the Airport Sports Club, who had earlier in the week beaten the Chinese Athletic Juniors, provided the third surprise in the Singapore Challenge Cup competition when they eliminated the Manchester Regiment, a first division team, in their first
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  • 135 4 THE following are the scratchings and order of running for to-morrow's races at Kuala Lumpur: Race 1: Horses class 2, div. 3— 5.. furs.: Harlowe, Flying Column. Race 2: Horses class 2, div. 2 9 furs.: Measure, The Second Devil. Race 3: Horses class 1,
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  • 90 4 Displaying good all-round form yesterday evening, the RovaJ *nnv Un?on*bv C< ff* b eat MediSf 1 collet Ja roal. fn P °i ntS (f Ur tfles > l ThWnu? f rUgby a t Sepoy Lines. nJ tJP*SS eglans mua1 were handicap by the superior weight of their onponents and combined
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  • 54 4 C-i-ueuge cup, arst round. -v" l£ A Heay y>. Stadium. ?T- Singapore Hornets. f-A-C.; S.C.C. v Medical College, SCC AC b. v Indian General Hospital. Oldham Hall; Khalsa v R.A.0.C., Khalsa grou no RUGBY SCC v Coast Battery. SCC' Loyals V Navy. Naval Ba«e rENK *Ji SCC
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  • 238 4 T*DE Indian Association hockey eleven eleven Impressed greatly ;»t vestcrdav's match with the S.C.C. whom' they defe?iid after a keen struggle on the Padang. T!• Indians' forwards particularly. ustapha. were individually and collecerous t specially towards the Of. ing stages. Ocpls vets shared by Mustapha. Jermia MM Razallt.
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  • 32 4 Mrs. Carslow and Mrs. Rowly-Conwy of th srr n t l of l he w °men's doubles u r ti cc tennis tournament beatinc JlSeiSay! and M SS S StUl 3-6, 9-?
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 616 4 ASTH MA m CPHAZONE Bwfg Ends Attacks at InMjf Lightning Speed §i M fTm I richt side op diagram shows LAM i\ /rU V wSUĔD //|#L« C HOWV ephazone. clears the lungs iflMJiLn jlmrlUmJ r«QM seme phlegm IN 30 SECONDS EPHAZONE S SPEEDY ACTION AVOIDS DANGEROUS STRAINING Ephazone is the
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    • 17 4 WATER (SI mineral water from the Seletar Hot' Spring, Singapore.' An alkaline drink with excellent corrective properties
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    • 92 4 OLD WHISKY Guaranteed matored in the wood for not less than 7 years. V E 1 XOTM i: VAvr VA NEW OF FICES OF *ANG MAIL CAR SERVICE. SINGAPORE MALACCA. (1) MALACCA Tel. No. 182 (Opposite Asia Hotel) (9\ v« SINGAPORE~OFFICE .I (opposite Alhambra) Book your seats at Muar: NAN
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 82 5 (From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh. Thursday. THE first case in connection witii the illegal sale of petrol coupons under the Emergency Regulations Enactment came up before Mr. P. y Radciiffe yesterday when Lee siew Chee, a 25-yeai-old lorry driver was fined $400, in
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  • 413 5 Protesting Bishops Arrested (Special Cable To The Tribune) London, Oct. 9. QONCBETE documentary evidence that Hitler and the Nazi secret police are plundering and destroying the Catholic Church in Germany has been presented to the United State* Senate by Senator James Meade. Senator Meade mentioned documents
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  • 126 5 T)R. Carlos P. Romulo. leading Filipino Rotarian and publisher of the D.M.H.M. chain of newspapers, will be the guest of honour at a tea party to be given at 430 this afternoon by the Singapore Filipino Association at the Rex Hotel, Bras Basah Road. Dr.
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  • 41 5 The programme from the Singapore Station will be interrupted after the London news relay at 6.45 this evening, when Major-Gen. H. Gordon Bennett. Q.O C. of the Australian troops in Malaya, will broadcast a brief message to Australia.
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  • 346 5 Singapore. Thursday. SINGING, infant's rhythmic games, country dancing and dramatics items which depicted phases of the schools' activities, were given with remarkable success by the boys and girls of Changi Garrison Children's Schools during Prize-giving Day which was held at Changi to-day. Those who took
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  • 449 5 Singapore, Friday. J.JOW he attempted to step a fight between two men, and nearly lost his life, being seriously injured when one of the men turned on him with a knife, was told in the fifth court yesterria\ afternoon ty a young Chinese, Goh
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  • 79 5 Singapore, Thursday pRICES lor all positions throughout the week remained unchanged and few transacttont were leourded, state Lewis and Prut Ltd Shipments for September were high. at. 60,224 tons, Mid B domestic exports were la the region of M.500 tons and foreign Imports *****0 lons, ■< marked decrease in local
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 66 5 WpiIUMASIIC All those concerned in the prevention of corrosion, rot and decay, whether on metal, wood, concrete etc., will find WAILES DOVE products the very finest for their purpose. "BITUMASTIC' Solution, Black and Coloured, the ideal general purpose paint: Enamels, Bituplastic Bituros and Bitublack are all carried in stock. 2
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    • 65 5 PERFECT REPAIR. PROMPT SERVICE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ARE THE THREE POINTS TO REMEMBER IF YOU ENTRUST ALL YOUR CLOCKS AND WATCHES TO YICK WOH HING, 429. North Bridge Road. (Near Middle Rd.) Singapore. Tel. No. 7922. (Contractors for Repair of Clocks and Watches for British Army and the R.A.F. Base,
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    • 462 5 Check that fatal loss/ Mf of weight/ lyp- j it may be the advance atypical n °f a disease! siiE yB Put on pounds of fine, firm flesh m m3O da y s! j You knew, only too well, what f hat stead' J WMI oss we nt foretells. Check
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  • 151 6 Japanese Lies r J(HOSE in the habit of listening in to the Japanese and Japanese-controlled radio stations (and there is no penalty for so doing in this free country) are familiar with the extent of falsity and distortion employed and of a degree of virulence which transcends anything dreamed
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  • 207 6 treatment of the battle of Changsha offers an example of this. After the rout, Japanese radio apologists were announcing in foreign languages that their army was evacuating the city. As everyone in Malaya knows, the Japanese never held the city, being subjected to terrific punishment by the forces of
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  • 181 6 JJHE Home front presented a different problem. Undoubtedly the "victory" of Changsha had presented the Japanese internal radio and newspapers with material for generous treatment. Doubtless the "vital blow" aspect of the reported fall of the city had been so reiterated that those responsible for the preparation of
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  • 89 6 "I don't know why they'd call him 'Father,'" said the Irishwoman in reference to the Church of England pastor, "him that's married and has children!" "Thank God that you're the lucky one that had it to lose," an old Irish friend consoled me, upon the loss
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  • 1006 6  -  By w- ed Ward HULTON in Picture Post. ARE you tired of the subject of propaganda? Then don't tire! I Tire cut the Government! Keep lat them until they give us the ser- vice without which we cannot win! What is propaganda? It is not 1 the same
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  • 644 6 books "JUPITER LAUGHS"—A. J CRONIN—GOLLANCZ—7s. 6d TEN years ago a well-known and 1 well-respected doctor threw rp a lucrative Harley Street practice to become a novelist. With his fir.:, book h? created something of a sensation, but it was only after the publication of "The Citadel"
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  • 371 6 EXCERPTS FROM "SPELLING'' limericks nt.tributed to "One who hn -What can happen to mtle words tha, JSw'TeSS The Go-Gebtor A merchant addressing a debtor Remarked in the course of his lebtor That he chose to suppose A man knose what he ose: And the sooner he pays
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  • 650 6 *riiiHTY years ago to-day saw the birth of the Chinese Republic after the overthrow of the Imperial Manchu dynasty. Much water has flowed under the bridges since, a cavalcade of events stirring in their intensity has been witnessed. The infamous 21 demands made by Japan in 1915
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 385 6 Child's Cry Is Nature's Warning I Tar. com- 'JfPKL plain a hild's J Undo:.'. to rr> 'mJ .and should IfM^MR •vht-tk ;il nnc»- for Faulty i mm a lion innini|,lr!f '•It Ktion I he %§O57%Ef bowe I h, h i c h s nn-an* that harm- ful food waste is
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    • 48 6 Smart fashions tor umnto with Colour I Announcing 0/ <v >/ni shipment j H BRITISH AMERICAN Si'if FROCKS Jf/M rOW AY ///£7/// dpr ifl > You'll like them!! CJ (If You'll want them!'! SUCH A CHARMING COLLECTION. BEAUTIFUL FABRICS AND DAINTY CONCEPTIONS. MODERATELY PRICED IWHTfJIUUrYS Penang, Ipoh—SINGAPORE—KuaIa Lumpur, Taipeng
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  • 683 7 Moscow Said To Be Calm Determined Reuter. 'J'HE situation on the Eastern Front is very grave, reports early this morning indicated. Following the capture o" Orel, the battle for which lasted three days, the Germans are driving to thrust their way north. Fierce tank battles are raging. While the Red
    Reuter.  -  683 words
  • 45 7 Reuter. Washington, Oct. 9. EIGHT HUNDRED tons of medical supplies now in England, will b? rushed to Russia, followed immediately by additional shipments, valued at $250,000, from the United States, according to Mr. Davis. Cnairman of the American Red Cress.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 227 7 Reuter. Bangkok. Oct. 9. "THERE is not a single word 1 of truth in this eompletelv mendacious r port," said [ul British Minister, Sir fosiah Crosby, commenting on the Axis pre.s dispatcn from Tckio foreshadowing that he was about to make certain demands on Thailand
    Reuter.  -  227 words
  • 27 7 untitled of the untitled Council of State will be held at the Dewan, Johore Bahru. j on Tuesday Git. 28. and Nov. 11 at 10.30 J a.m.
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  • 110 7 Reuter. Shanghai, Oct. 9. QOME 220 Shanghailanders are taking the opportunity to 0 leave Shanghai for other climes when the liner President Coolidge (21,936 tons) sails to-day. Aboard the vessel are about 100 United States Army men who are en route to America after
    Reuter.  -  110 words
  • 337 7 Reuter. Moscow, Oct. 9. I THE gravity of the situation created by the present German mass drive for Moscow is stressed in to-day's Pravda which gives a vivid account of the mass of material thrown j into the battle by Germany. Warning the Soviet people i
    Reuter.  -  337 words
  • 116 7 Reuter. Bangkok, Oct. 9. WHOLEHEARTEDLY endorsing the Premier's recent appeal that the Thais remain truly neutral in letter and spirit, Thai par ents, writing in the correspondence columns of the British-owned Bangkok Times, cite the example of "subtle and unneutral prooaganda" which is being
    Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 131 7 British Wireless. London, Oct. 9. THE Ministry of Supply states that the chart of the gun production compiled by the Ministry during the last three months looks like the flight of an anti-aircraft shell, so perpendicular is its rise. During the past quarter, production of major sized
    British Wireless.  -  131 words
  • 327 7 Reuter. London, Oct. 9. A LARGE German U-boat surrendered after a fight with the British trawler Lady Shirley and was subsequently sunk. The Lady Shirley arrived at Gibraltar with 44 prisoners. The U-boat surrendered as a result of a most spirited action on the part of
    Reuter.  -  327 words
  • 158 7 Evidence of the efficacy of Baby's Own Tablets as a sterling remedy for the ailments ot childhooa is continually torth<■urninn A letter from Mrs. Roy Hermm, 108 Wood Street East, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, is but one of the many received. Mrs. Herman writes:— "Baby's Own
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  • 18 7 G T. Fulforc 1 Co.. Ltd. 'of Canada) Proprietors of The Dr. Williams Medicine Co.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 43 7 "SPEED THE TANKS" WANTED BUILDERS FOR 'WALTZING MATILDA'S' Yon can buy a "ChurefcUl Tank" ontright for £20,000 or by Hire Purchase at S? week. OR MAKE A MODEL FOR AUCTION! SEND CONTRIBUTIONS TO EVATT CO., SINGAPORE. GAMMON (MALAYA) LIMITED 940 Warms 4 m^mm^mmmmm
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    • 261 7 YOII gttextoa value from a Kaleiqk b H^««^ ,i ,r,le p I SSfrjjjjJff Vj? LOW COST-HIGH PERFORMANCE! Obtainable from all good deu/Yrs e\.er-\%ihcre AGENTS' lIOHI\SO\ A C 0., I I I). 132-41-462 Real leather folding cases, guaranteed Swiss lever movement With aiarm. luminous dial. FROM 821/WHO ELSE WAHTS mOOKYOUHG? "This
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 205 8 THE GREATEST TAMIL HISTORICAL PICTURE EVER MADE! Gala Midnight premiere TO-NIGHT jya ALHAMBRAj ASOK KUMAR Starring M. K. Thyagaraja Bhagavathar with ;i great supporting cast including Srimathi KANNAMBA, NAGIAH, KUMUDINI, N*. S. KRISHNAN and T. A. MATH TRAM, etc. Cash Bookings Now Open for $2.:i0 $1.80 Seats. j iim;iilax!» <;ATiii:iti\4*
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 307 9 si S\\\ FOSTER iSgg in Paramount s New "MAGIC MUSIC" n A TTT A V ALLENJONES \J A -L 11 J\ X SUSANN A FOSTER 615 915 MARGARET LINDSAY 'Phone 3400 LYNNE overman AND PARAMOUNT BRITISH NEWS! The 11 a.m. Matinee To-morrow and Sunday will be preceded by a series
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    • 300 9 Public Notices Re PAPAMMAL deceased. All creditors and other pel sons having any claims against the estaie of Papammal deceased, daughter of Alagappa Piilai, late of 1 No. 275 Upper Serangoon Road. I who died on the 29th day of April. 1938. at the aforesaid j address, are requ red
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 3452 10 HHSSiiwn-nns ONE MORRIS 8 Model 1936. in per.ect I condition. Price »900 or nearest offer I Apply No. 4. Neil Road. Singapore, or te.e- phone No. 2769. (No. 432-) 1935 FORD 8 Saloon complete overhauled, new roof, linings, paintwork tyres excellent condition. Insurance July 1942 a\ailDble 20'h instant. $850. box
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    • 741 10 JOHORE GOVERNMENT TENDERS INVITED TENDERS will be received at the office of the Chinese Protectorate, Johore Bahru, up to noon on the 6th November, 1941, for the right to receive a licence to act as Pawnbroker under the Pawnbrokers Enactment (No. 36i. in each of the undermentioned areas for a
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    • 287 10 NOTICE. In the Estate of TANG AH CHOW, deceased. Pursuant to Section 29 of the Trustees Ordinance (Chapter 59). NOTICE is hereby given .that all creditors and persons haY Maims aeainst the above deceased fate of No. 550 A, Serangoon Road Sinfraoore who died on the ww day S of
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    • 294 10 THE SINGAPORE ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE Of essentially modern £tt°g lime-polished, lacquer-finish .JW grade TEAK CANECRAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE by SI WAH CO., LTD., large Cntf* centre mats, crockery, glass**Philips radio-set, cooking utena--2 specially-made to BAR-CABINETS, a large collect of well-grown flowering plants pots, Etc., Etc. (The proP*; of Mr. A. T.
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 943 10 TO-DAY'S RAMI 0 j SINGAPORE LONDON ZHL 225 metres 1333 krs EASTERN SERVICE ZHP1 30 96 metres 9 69 m rs CSV—17.81 Mcs; 16.84 ms»*M ZHP2 48 58 metres 6.175 m s GSF—15.14 M.cs; 19.R1 metre* p.m. GSD—11.75 M|cs; 25.53 metres 13 00 Music Maestro Please record- 6.10 pm. —11.50
      943 words

  • 952 11 Sin«nP ore ct Buyers Sellers MINING 3- 3 3 fgk Malay 176 18.6 <£ 0 90 0 94 Weng <*» ul6 141Tin 45 1.49 (ID W U| n6 fetal «*»> 17 17[9 Send«tan«<V 0.22 0.24 043 J. 46 S Kong Tin (*> 5 B HTd- 26,- 27
    952 words
  • 41 11 Reuter. Tokyo, Oct. 9: The Nanking Government v/ill open trade offices in Halohon* and Saigon in Tncb-China, to stimulate trade air.'or; Astatic countries in view of the Anelo-American freezing Bction" stat*s a Japanese r n r t frr-m >^ n Vr»ne -llfUW
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 126 11 Singapore, Thursday. \JO fresh comment on the local Singapore market Is possible, and conditions remain uniformly dull and unchanged, >tate Stanton Nelson and Co.. Ltd., In their weekly rubber market review. Shipments from Malaya in September were 89.224 tons, and ruwtga imports during the month were
    126 words
  • 24 11 Singapore, Friday Prices of tin and rubber in Singapore at noon today were:— TIN $139, up V/2. RUBBER Buyers 38%, Sellers 38%.
    24 words
  • 216 11 (From Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Friday. rrHE tin share market, which opened Arm yesterday, eased during the day, and there were more sellers at the close than for some time past. Jeiebus, after business at -88 and -W». had sellers over at the close.
    216 words
  • 33 11 Reuter. Monila, Oct. 9: Sir Otto Niemeyer with Mr. Merle Cochrane, Mr Mcrg?n<hau*s tUAaaiaot, arrived by China Clipper yesterday afternoon. They leave for Hone Kont to-day Both declined to make a statement Beater
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 120 11 AUCTION SALE OF Well-made wax polished teak and other HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ETC. Comprising:—Dining table (with extra leaves) and chairs, sideboard, dinner wagons, serving tables, single beds with "STAPLES"' •'LEGGETT" spring mattresses, wardrobes, dressing tables, chest of drawers, hat and coat stands, suite of upholstered easy arm chairs and settee with
      120 words
    • 239 11 THE MERCANTILE) BANK OF INDIA (TRUSTEES) LIMITED Guaranteed and Controlled by THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA. LIMITED. The Company, which is incorporated in the S.S\ and registered as a Trust Company, undertakes the following duties: EXECUTOR OR TRUSTEE OF A WILL, ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATE OF DECEASED PERSON. TRUSTEE OF A
      239 words
    • 622 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Domestic Occurrence ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced between Mr. George Neo Hong Way. 4th. sen of Mrs. Neo Siew Hin and the late Mr. Neo Siew Hin of Singapore, and Miss Chew Geok Oon, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chew Soo Seng of Kuala Lumpur. The marriage
      622 words
    • 265 11 STEAMER SAILINGS INDOCHINA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD (Incorporated in England) DIRECT SERVICE TO JAPAN via HONGKONG CALCUTT A via PENANG. Taking cargo on throueh Bill of Lading for Canton. Macao. Swato.v. Amoyl Chefo. Tientsin. Ncwchwairr, Yangtse pcrts, Formosa. the Philippines, etc. The steamers have superior BCcommodation for saloon passengers amidships.
      265 words

  • 708 12 Reuter Washington, Oct. 9. JL ADMINISTRATION leaders moved quickly to implement President Roosevelt's message by introducing bills to repeal the Neutrality Act provision against the arming of American merchantmen. Senator Connally, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, introduced a measure into the Senate
    Reuter  -  708 words
  • 267 12 AIR RMDS —Ea.-y Ifethodw < i Dealing vrlh Fire Bombs" is the title ol an excellently illustrated four-page pamphlet vhich is'row being distributed to the Chinese community by the Department of Info-mat lon and Publicity and by A R P. wardens. Printed in two colours,
    267 words
  • 375 12 Reuter. (Military Commentary by Annalist* London. Oct. 10. THERE is a homely American popular saying which is as true editorially as strategically. It is: 'Don't bite off more you can chew." Its application to conditions on the Eastern Front is obvious.
    Reuter.  -  375 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 240 12 made yiith the touch that only a Master Baker can give MADE Royal BnkeTV Curry Puffs anl Sausage Rolls have that extra Trlntt FRESH Romethlno; which only a Ma-,:er nICFERENT |W Baker can sive perfect Birrt" QAIL" pastry, Bklttul mixing of lngr«- SIZE* it m mm mmn* m ien B
      240 words
    • 11 12 Agents:— NAINA MOHAMED SONS, 1 Singapore, Kuala Lumpur j Penang. I
      11 words
    • 194 12 VP 'I "SFCTIv 11'arc ■>!'Gorii r. Electric Clocks and they're British. or T.M.A. High Street. MODERNISE YOUR HOME WITH AN UP-TO-DATE ELECTRIC CLOCK. "CORRECT TO THE SECOND" Always on their job and doing it with British thoroughness, these Smith "SECTRIC" Clocks arc modest but worthy companions of other triumphs of
      194 words
    • 300 12 IF YOU .«.pp kn He guarantee*' completely md yj?** enabling you to w? and sugar withn.,r? recurrence in a short tin* you back your lost encret Unless the flesh has skin has begun to peel ofl HERBAL REMEDY 'fj «5 disease. For more than ,4*°J? treatment has never once r„i.J>
      300 words