Malaya Tribune, 7 October 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Net Saks Exceed 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1941 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Tuesday, October 7, 1941
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  • 151 1 Lahore, Oct. 7. A categorical assertion that Britain cannot iosr- the war was made by Sir Feroz Khan Noon at a press interview. He said that Britain had continue to be mistress of the seas and she wxs rapidly gaining the superiority of the air
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  • 60 1 Reuter. Cairo, Oct. 7. A COMMUNIQUE issued by the Egyptian Ministry of the Inferior yesterday states: "An air raid occurred early this morning in the Suez Canal and Cairo areas A few bombs were dropped. No casualties were caused. Some slight damage was done in the Suez
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 74 1 Reuter. Washington, Oct. 6. A FLIGHT 3,400 miles in 13 hours 45 minutes all in daylight, from luknradi. Gold Coast, to Belem. Brazil, which was announced by Army Headquart' s is claimed to be the greatest distance ever flown between sunrise and sunset. The
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 26 1 Reuter. Oiirn, Oct. 7: comi unique from P-*tt*i OH Q Mltfrfl« Bust. ytrtwOf jtatf* that "in i.ibv.i Umk is no ehanjcc" Urater
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 268 1 EXPEDITIONS FR OM ARCTIC TO GIB. T London, Oct 7. HE fact that Canadian troops had taken part in expeditions to the coast of Europe from Spitsbergen to Gibraltar was yesterday disclosed by Lieut-Gen. A. 6. McNaughton, Canadian Corps Commander. He described the expeditions as
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  • 299 1 Lull don, Oct. 7 ANE of the greatest achievev ments of the Bomber Command of the X A F was helping to prevent an invasion of Britain. This story of the war is now officially told in 'Bomber Command." a booklet issued yesterday by the
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  • 210 1 New York, Oct. (J. must strain every nerve to pass as quickly as we can from ihe defensive to the offensive that is required to win the war,' 1 said Viscount Halifax, the British Amh asaador, speak mg in New York to-night
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  • 177 1 Reuter. T ur Vichy. Get. 7. HE sinkm- of two French merchantships by British thins in \i C Mediterranean is reported by trie Vichy news agency. A Vichy message says that they are the 8,000-ton "Theophile Gautier," and the 1.300-ton 'Oucd Yquein communique by the
    Reuter.  -  177 words
  • 61 1 Reuter. Chungking. Oct. 7. MOST of 100 Chinese seized by Japanese troops in Indo-China have been released but seme are still detained, stated Dr. Quo Taichi, the Foreign Minister, yesterday. lie declared that the French authorities were under obhgat on to provide adequate protection
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 136 1 Reuter. I London, Oct. 7. Jl NEW plane that "climbs like a I wallow" was seen in action by the Kin« and Quern during their visit to a Bomber Command station yesterday. Flown by a voting squadron leader, it shot across the sky, climbed and turned
    Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 581 1 Reuter. i&t! Alexander Jierth, neuter's Special Correspondent in Moseou) r J IIE situation during the past fortnight, especially since the /all of Kiev, has been very confused, but now it may be said with certainty that the situation has considerably improved in the southern sector of
    Reuter.  -  581 words
  • 712 1 Reuter. Canberra, Oct. 7. AFTER announcing the new Australian Cabinet, the Prime Minister, Mr. John Curtin, declared: "I regard the war us the outstanding issue confronting the country. My reason Lor assigning the Portfolio of the Army to the Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Forde,
    Reuter.  -  712 words
  • 953 1 Reuter. London. Oct. 7. official London War Oftice statement received in Singapore to-day stales that "in view of the statement made on the German wireless last night on the subject of the repatriation, the hospital ships will not sail." The Bremen and Luxemburg radio broadcast
    Reuter.  -  953 words
  • 240 1 Stockholm, Oct 7 Till; enormous weight of the German air attacks, preceding the new German offensive against the Soviet, Ls stressed by Swedish correspondents in Berlin. It is claimed that these attacks have caused complete chaos among the sovirt. communications in the 'I'll** Nyheter's Bmliii correspondent
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  • 116 1 THIS morning's Moscow eomtnonsgue says that yesterday Russian troops fought the enemy along the entire front Sixtythree German planes were destroy ed on Saturday Ene Russians lost A German transport was Bunk in the Barents Sea A supplementary communique says that to one sector of the
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  • 62 1 Reuter. Chungking Oct 7. ACOAfIiUNIQUB states that the Japanese strength round Chengchow is estimated at upwards of 30.000 men. 104» pianos, and about 80 tanks The spokesman revealed that while operations were in progrt.v. in northern Hunan last week, the Chinese launched vigorous attacks in the
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 62 1 Reuter. Moscow, Oct. 7. A GROUP of Czech students made an attempt on the life of Frank, the Gestapo Commissioner in tfie Nazi "protectorate," accord ng to a report quoted by the Geneva correspondent of the Tass Agency. Savagp reprisals were taken by the
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 22 1 "GLARE-PRUF"!! LATEST STYLES Wfl KM AN GOGGU 9 M>ld at ii i; is i m o optical 00. IG.',, NORTH BRIDGE RP.|
      22 words
    • 77 1 WEE^w^ siiiW\Jfcisßs» ssssfOh^^shPl P"» jT i^^^Dh^| i 1 I! \T STORAGE ZONE Keeps meat market-pi SAFE FOOD PRESERVATION 1 MILK BEVERAGE ZONE Z XE /o *ecps wOlc awe/ cream civcet and 5. H U M I D R A W E R FOR fresh FRUIT AND VEGETABLE S—« keeps fruit
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  • 291 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. OUDYARD KIPLING was wrong when he said, "East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet." The Tung Shin Hospital which, for the last 47 years, has been virtually a Chinese hospital, using only Oriental
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  • 195 2 Singapore, Monchy. I "YOU are a heartless dog.' was the message, inscribed in Chinese characters, tltat Lim Ah Hong a copra trader, left on the trousers of his ex-mistress when he went in search of her at Keong Saik Road on July 30. To-day Lim Ah
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  • 194 2 Singapore, Monday. ABDUL lIAMID bin Mohammec. A salleh, a driver in the Royal Array Service Corps, was to-day sentenced to one day's simple imprisonment and fined $50 when he was convicted on a charge or stealing two tins of petrol each containing four gall-ens. the
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  • 81 2 Singapore, Monday. A CHARGE, alleging that while employed as a storekeeper of Messrs Senda and Co. Ltd.. he committed breach of trust in respect cf rubber and cash to the total value of $ILOO4 was explained to Lim Heng Choon, a 35--year-old Hokkien, in
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  • 64 2 Singapore, Monday. TEO HWAT. a 25-year-old Hokkien. claimed trial to a charge of committing mischief by poisoning fish, valued at $60, the property of one Soh Teong, on toe morning of Oct. 2. j The case came up before the fifth magistrate. Mr. L.
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  • 86 2 Singapore, Monday. TWO assistants, of the Singapore Naval Base Stores deoartment. P. L. Baskaran and Madhavan Nair. claimed trial before Mr. Conrad Oldham, the second magistrate, this morning, on charges' of corruptly accepting monetary gratification from two other employees. Baskaran was alleged to have accepted $10 from a
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  • 217 2 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 6. AN application, described as the first of its kind, was heard before Mr. Justice Cussen, in the supreme court to-day in wlrch a Kuala Lumpur doctor, J. H. Ponnambalam, sought revision of a decision of the Government
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  • 89 2 Singapore, Monday. T"\EATH from naturai causes, tuDerculosis, accelerated by injury received from two falls, was the verdict returned by the Singapore coroner at the inquiry Into the death of a 48-year-old Hainanese, Chong Teck Lee. It was stated that Chong was admitted into the Tan Tock
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  • 95 2 Singapore, Monday i T_TO Tee Yin, a 23-y«.»i-_IJ, ad■^l mltted stealing $150 in cash, a fountain pen. valued at $7.50. and a watch p.nd chain, valued at $16, the property ot Martin Thomas Hunt, at the latter's house at Outram Road on Saturday.
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  • 77 2 TOURING the Hari Raya Puasa. the pc- j J rlod of availability of week-end tickets of the Federated Malay States Rally/ays will be as follows: Outward Journey. Monday, Oct. 20 (after noon) to Sunday, Oct. 26 (Inclusive); return Journey, Wednesday. Oct 22, to Tuesday, Oct.
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  • 31 2 Reuter. Melbourne, Oct. 6. FE 1,000th. Australian-built ma-chine-gun carrier was handed ever to-day to the War Minister, Mr. Spender, by Senator McBride, the Minister for Munitions.—
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 72 2 Chungking, Oct. 4. TN addition to 200,000 dollars allotted for emergency relief since the beginning of the North Hunan hostilities, the National Relief Committee remitted an additional $500,000 to General Hsueh-yueh. Commander-ln-CMef, for the relief of war refugees. Meanwhile, the National Association for War Relief is sending
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  • 84 2 Chungking, Oct. 5. LANDING one week's visit in Chungking. during which he held a series of conferences with the Chinese authorities on matters pertaining to exchange control between China and the Netherland East Indies, Mr. Mulder. Director of the NJC.I. I'xchange Control Board,
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  • 34 2 rpHE death has occurred of Father James Cheong, a Chinese Anglican priest at St. Peter's. Melbourne. Father Cheoxig It ltd toll fo. thp diplomatic service, but entered the priesthood in 1906.
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  • 64 2 A CONSENT order was made by Sir Percy McElwalne, chief Justice, in the righ court yesterday on the application of C alico Printers Association, Ltd who asked for a perpetual injunction against Jacob Manasseh Co., restraining them from selling piece goods Infringing the plaintiff's registered designs and for penalties in
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  • 493 2 Batavia, Oct. 1. £JR. van Mook is optimistic about future economic development in the N.E.I. Lecturing- on the subject last night to a big audience in Batavia he said that the future of the N.E.I, was safeguarded in the Atlantic Charter, which would do away with conditions prevailing
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  • 459 2 Singapore, Monday. ALLEGING that her husband had been living together with a woman, named B. J. Vertakaya, and habitually misconducting with her since October 1938, Mrs Lily Green a Euro pean, sued Mr. Walter Henry Green in the High ourt to-day lor a dissolution of
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  • 145 2 Chungking. Oct. 5 AT the request of foreign con* pondents in Chungking. special press party left on Saturday night by chartered plane fe the North Hunan front via kit tin. The party included Mr. Speuce Moosa of American Associate Press, Mr. Thomas Chao of Re ß ters.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 613 2 MALAYA*! PftgMIEQ HOTEL J To-night DINNER DANCE (informal) 8 p.m. to Midnight NEW CABARET ATTRACTION ROSALIE LOUIS American Ballroom Acrobatic Dancers Dinner $3.00. Non-diners $1.00 COCKTAIL BAR MUSIC COMFORT SOCIAL ATMOSPHERE RAFFLES BAKERY for Best Quality Bread Cakes I Hons'er Hot Shots. London Accordeon Band 3418 Big Noise from Kokomo
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    • 238 2 (Cent-A-Plane Fund) 7*otoJ number of enemy pian^ destroyed during yesterday on v from s up to midnight London Urn (excluding Soviet claims):— NONE FIVE SECRET AGENTS GO TO WORK as Boon as you fill your pen with Qu/n/r. /3 One dissolves sediment. The others clean flB gljfl your pen as
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  • 175 3 Back From Seeing P. I. Defences r pHi 7 i Cominaftder-iil-Cnief, Far East, Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert Bronke-Popharn, returned yesterday evening from Manila by flying boat. While in Manila he met President Quezon, Vice President Osmcna, the High Commissioner Mr. Francis B. Sayre.
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  • 59 3 J.J E THE GOVERNOR, accompanied by Lady Thomas, and attended by the Aide-de-Oamp. left Singapore by car lor Malacca ye&terdfev morning. They will leave this evening for Seremban where they will stay at the Residency up to Thursday evening and return T o Singapore I y the
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  • 76 3 Reuter. London, Oct. 4. COHORT money was generally easy v throughout the week, the quarter ending comfortably. Applications for next week's Treasury Bills totalled £159 million sterling and the full £75 million was allotted at an cverase rate of £ d. per cent, the market receiving 35 per
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 118 3 Manila, Oct. 7. Sill Karle Page, who is on his way t<» Britain as the representative of the Australian Government, arrived in Manila yesterday afternoon from Singapore (reports Reuter). mi He will leave for the I nited States, en route to London by Clipper to-morrow. On
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  • 100 3 (Fiom Our Own Correspondent) Bfalfirrn. Monday. t AM only a coolie and I have no chance to Ittmant* prosperous so I f;rank some soda." laid Ng Soon H>e, an 18-year-010 Hokkien. in a statement to HM police when he was found to be in a fick
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  • 65 3 A VARIETY entertainment was given by The Raniakrishna Mission Orchestra to the inmates and quests of the Indian .Military General Hospital. The audience much uppieciated the orchestral recitals (nd vocal music A unique feature in 'he programme wa-i an excellent tubals ♦nlo by Dr M. C'hotti;
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  • 337 3 QVER 160 Hindu devotees went through the self-imposed ordeal of firewalking at the Mariamman temple in South Bridge Road yesterday evening in the presence of a surging crowd of people of all nationalities and different religious creeds, including hundreds of British, Australian and Indian aenrfe*
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  • 155 3 MR. Sze Zau-tsung, former Chilfl nese Consul at Singapore has received instructions from th*> Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Chungking to act as Chinese Consul at Singapore again, succeeding Mr. Li Yen who has been trans* ferred to Chungking, it is announced by the local
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  • 28 3 Dr. T. Wilson has been made a member of the Board of Licensing Justices r Malacca with effect from Aug 20, in place of Dr. A. A. Cameron.
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  • 429 3 London, Sept. 10. QLOOMY speculations on tho future of the rubber industry were expressed by Mr. A. J. Ritchie, chairman and manag-ing-director, at the annual meeting of the Cairo (Malav) Rubber Syndicate, Ltd. "Companies domiciled in Malaya," he said, "paying no Excess Profits
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  • 230 3 m Chungking, Oct. 6. IHE American Anti-Malaria Mission, with its expenses provided by the Lend and Lease fund, is scheduled to arrive at Rangoon to-day en route to West Yunnan where its members will be working for two years helping the Chinese combat the deadly
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  • 254 3 DAN American Airways yesterday announced that, effective Wednesday, Ocl. 15, Transpacific Clippers will be leaving Singapore for San Francisco, via Manila and Honolulu, on a weekly basis in. stead of the previous fortnightly schedule which has been maintained since the inauguration of the Transpacific air service to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 103 3 HERB VIGOR A restorative and reconstructive tonic of the first order for Men. Prepared from herbal and mineral substances. Infuses more vitality and vigour. Indicated in many forms of debility and disorders. $1 bottle of 60 pills. Postage 25 cts. X D A VIL AS Single dose produces increased effect
      103 words
    • 38 3 QUICK RELIEF FROM BAD coughs: How? Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, a leai-poonful every hour tiiilil the harking is re* Ueved and ihcgcrm-laden phlegm expelled. Pleasant Ittiiig. I ic-orirc-iluvonrcd. INio narcotics. Safe for adults and children. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY
      38 words
    • 59 3 COOLING- THOUGH! FOR A HOT DAY |OH! /V^ 17 to be N on a k\ I? with a lono drink, of 1 m ROBINSON'S LEMON, LIME OR ORANGE i BARLEY WATER M 5 $3* TO OTA L ft£CO. Both are Tootal products, guaranteed by TOOTAL BROADHURST LEE COMPANY LIMITLO. MANCHESTER
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  • 188 4 nooFUNGS for seats for D Saturday's league soccer replay at Arison Road Stadium between the Straits Chinese Football Association and the Royal Air Force to decide the issue of this year's first division honours are now open. Cash reservations can be made at the Stadium between
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  • 175 4 MEMBERS and friends of the Mavfair Badminton Party celebrated its ninth anniversary at 138, Pasir Panjang on Saturday and Sunday last. mmm M m nf The following are the results of the sports held on both days: 100 yards flat race (men) Winner, Teo Heok Kwang; runner-up,
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  • 1559 4 Fox And Sullivan Should Have A Good Afternoon Comments For To-morrow *s Races B y Spectator" MAJOR FOX and Sullivan should have a very successful afternoon to-morrow, the second day of the Selangor Turf Club's October meet. The former is likely
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  • 114 4 Following are the weights for three races on the final day. Horses, Class L Div. I—6 Furs. Bay Dragon 9.07 Bridge Law 8 08 Lined Up B.llEelgrass 8.06 Counsri 8.11 Remember Me 7.10 Faststep B.o9Tonroe 7.09 Horses, Class 1. Div. 2—6 Furs. Sultana 9.ooNeverset 8.05 Harpo 8.11
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  • 148 4 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday A NUMBER of horses did work to-day, and jk. most impressive wer c Mystk Music and Lisadin. The forme, was extended over three while the latter carried out a circgt over six. Kalo, Grofmo, Democracy and the newcomer. Gold
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  • 125 4 following are the scratching and order of running for to. morrow's X.L races: Race 1: Ponies Class 2, Div. 2— 6 Furs.: Sycillian, Pratique. Race 2: Ponies Class 2, Div. 1— 6 Furs.: Winsome. Race 3: Horses Class 3, Div. 2--6 Furs.: Baffler. Race 4:
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  • 29 4 THE Oversea Chinese Bank wob the business houses' table tennis championships when they defeated the China Insurance ft four games to on? in the final last night.
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  • 56 4 pLATDfG belter hockey throughout, the Argylls first eleven found little difliculty in beating an S.C.C. team by five goals to nil in their game on the Padang yesterdaj. The Argylls led by three goals to nil at half-time, adding two more in the concluding stages. Scorers
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  • 50 4 rpHE monthly medal (Staplefordi played at the Island Club recently resulted Hs follows: "A" DIVISION R. A. Mallal (10) 35' i S. Hayashida (7) 35' 4 S. Jones (8) 35 "B" DIVISION T. Murata (22) 37 V 2 Ong Kirn Teck (24) 36 A. Nasslm (18) 35V2
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  • 379 4 XIOLDERS of the trophy, the Loyals made a good start in this year's Challenge Cup competition when they eliminated the "B" team of the S.C.F.A. by three goals to one at Anson Road Stadium yesterday. Ball, their centre-forward, was again in
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  • 43 4 SOCCER: Challenge Cup, Airport v Chinese Athletic Jurs.. Stadium. HOCKEY: Indian Association v Indian General Hospital, Balestier; S.C.R C. v Field Army Regiment, S.C.R.C; Post Office v R.A.A.F., Post Office. RUGBY: Medical College v R.A.S.C., SeDoy Lines. TENNIS: S.C.C. tournament.
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  • 57 4 THE following will represent the S.C.R.C. at hockey against a Field Army Regiment side at Hong Lim Green to-day: Yee Cheok Wah; Cecil Wong, K. T. Ooi; Fong Kirn Wah, Chua Boon Unn, Ong Swee Keng; Low Huck Yang, Swee Lim Swang, Low Kee Pow, Seah Keng Siew,
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  • 63 4 AS the Indian Association Have been disqualified, their first round cup tie against the Manchesters, fixed for to-day at the Stadium, has been cancelled. In its plate, the two teams which had lest to the Association in the earlier rounds —the Chinese Athletic Juniors and the Airport
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  • 134 4 IN the final of the Rose Bowl competition at the Garrison Golf Club, Capt. T. K. Murphy (4) and Mrs. R. H. H. Stewart <9) beat E. V. Smith <11> and Mrs. J. W. Finhey (30) 6 and 4. The monthly mixed foursomes competition of the Club
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  • 62 4 \y 11. BROCKETT is the winner oil the Royal Johore International Club President's golf prize presented by Ills Highness Sir Ismail Tungku Mahkota foi 1941. The scores are as follows: W. H. Brockett 414-41—82—11—>>8 Dr. T. E. Cheah 364-41 77 —7—70 J. W. Moore 38+41—79— 7-^/0
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  • 16 4 TO-DAY: 11.52 a.m.. 9.3 ft. TO-MORROW: 11.22 a.m., 9.4 ft.; 12.16 p.m., 9.4 ft.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 159 4 f U C«te* shade••a*- Blac k Mi: old Riot an>P v adarwood. Old NEW POROUS POLISH CUTEX r j v; m gji^ I f UfUtcd Motor QantPt SerembAii. Ipoh Motor* \ixfn. The Oriental Trading (J •A d Mown Kuij Lumpur. Vrnartf Motors, Permit, hoU t. r,m IH L 11»'* A
      159 words
    • 174 4 Wr- JF-*****^^Sial The gifl a*** skin has MOftE sax appf* and Aliura than tha gW a surManned complexion This is what leading beauty ag* I say. And it's true. Men adore fair j and smoothness of complexion a****, I anything else. So don't let ugly ■•J spoil your romance. Use
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  • 33 5 Troops of the Empire are regularly arriving in Malaya. The tndinr units recently had a large draft of reinforcements to sieell their number,. Photo shows the luggage bcinr/ brought ashore
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  • 412 5 Batavia, Sept. :J0. 'pHKRK has been some doubt as to the continuance for any long pciiod cf the present very favourable ccenomic conditions in the N.K.I because of the limited tonnage available for e\ port, and the tact that at some time the accumulations
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  • 494 5  -  (By AUan Hammond) Manila, Oct. 6. THE Br!H?h o'immander-in-Chief, Far East, Air Marshal Sir Robert Brooke-Popham, gained a comprehensive review yesterday of American and Filipino military readiness. An official spokesman stated that Sir Robert and Field-Marshal Mac Arthur, the Commander of the United States
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  • 25 5 DR. CARLOS P. ROMI'M» trell-k-nnwn Philippine editor nrd publisher, now in Sirnjapoi meet local military and dvUtoi chiefs, and to ton? our defr.ic.\
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  • 431 5  -  <By Gerald Herlihy, Renter's Political Correspondent) London, Oct. 7. STALIN'S 1 hanks for the "bountiful supplies" that have already reached the Soviet Union are an indication of the measure of the British assistance given at a time when there is a general
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  • 30 5 For the purpose of the Rubber Estates Assessment Ordinance, the selling price of No. 1 latex rubber for the quarter ended Sept. 30 Is fixed at 38 cents per lb.
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  • 137 5 "THIS KNGLANO" (At the Pavilion) A FILM which Is excellent propaganda and also excellent entertainment began a season at the Pavilion last night in This England." Tracing the history of a tiny English village from the time of the Norman conquest to the present war. the production features such
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  • 187 5 London, Oct. 6. "U/E In this island are experienc- ing a short respite from serious air attack," said the Minister of Economic Warfare, Dr. H Dalton. at a National Council of Labcur meeting at Newcastle yesterday. Dr. Dalton, however, warned that there must be
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  • 92 5 Reuter. Chungking, Oct. 6. OPERATIONS in north Hunan have not yet concluded as considerable bodies of Japanese troops on both banks of the Milo River are still fighting to extricate themselves from the Chinese encirclement, said a military spokesman at a Press conference. The Japanese, who
    Reuter.  -  92 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 167 5 Stop that COLD with VAPEX clean yow teeth with .Aw.- .-.mi mftfif. v^^S-lv.-:-:-^^ You wouldn't dare to clean your teeth polishing ingredient in Gibbs can never Trittv 6 n n 9 rri^ aUSe Z? v knOW those «*«ch-it polishes. Gibbs penetrating *ntty particles would soon destroy c mi 7"7 the
      167 words
    • 85 5 Public Notice THE 'Chapter 45) In the High Court of the Straits Settlements Settlement of Singaoore. In Bankruptcy. No. 7 of 1932. Re ANG HOCK YEN of No. 50-1. Onan Road. Singapore, Clerk. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Third and Final dividend is intended to be declared in this
      85 words
    • 175 5 Selling at the lowest price In Gillette history, Thin Gillette blades are specially designed to give even the tenderest skin a close, clean, comfortable shave I Golden in colour, honed to the famous Gillette edge, these Thin Gillettes give you a new high level in shaving comfort with the utmost
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  • 153 6 Hitler's Mistake THERE can be no doubt that Hitler badly underestimated the strength of Soviet Russia when he launched his treacherous attack on June 22. Naturally, the first few weeks saw him gain immense stretches of territory. Advancing more slowly of recent weeks he has succeeded in knocking out
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  • 189 6 iINE of the most important weapons in modern war— aircraft—are being used by the Russians with deadly effect and if the daily figures issued by the Soviet Information Bureau are correct Nazi plane losses are appalling when compared with those of Russia. It is interesting here to reflect
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  • 113 6 THIS is exemplified by passages in the officially produced booklet on the work of the Bomber Command, quotations from which have just reached Malaya. During a raid on Genoa, it states, civilians made for the few ill-prepared air raid shelters, only to find them already occupied by the
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  • 895 6  -  By 8 JOHN L. YOUNG I'HK Axis struggle for wor! I domination has been fought during the first twenty-one months of the war in a series of twelve military or diplomatic battles. Six of those battles have already been won; the issue of the remaining
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  • 641 6 t'ROM Poland, crushed, overrun, enslaved and driven underground, has been smuggled a remarkable manifesto addressed to the Peoples of the World. It exposes as nothing else has what Hitler's New Order for Europe means for the conquered peoples; it appeals to the nations who have
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  • 126 6 Difference Of Degree Years ago when I first got mv Ph. D. degree, I was inordinately proud of it and used to sign myself "Dr. Leacock" in season and out. On a trip to the Orient I put my name down that way on the passenger list of the
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  • 593 6 recent G.O.C.'s broadcast A speech has given food f or thought to many serious-minded people in Malaya. In one part of his speech, regarding tne increase of troops in Malaya, he says "But confidence however well founded is apt to lead to complacency and mental slackness. "Do
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 387 6 YOU CAN BOOK THROUGH TICKETS ROM ANY RAILWAY STATION TO PENANC HILL, MAXWELL'S HILL (TAIPINC), CAMERON HIGHLANDS, THE CAP AND FRASER'S HILL HEADACHES DISAPPEAR Fleadarhrs most **2kis torn mono 1 all f '^tsjP^. human ills usually a —^^T^H direr? result of in- r*WL ter rial disorders. TImNMPv And h> far
      387 words
      20 words
    • 49 6 ACE W7 *****1 I* IP E Fine Qua lily Selected and Seasoned Briars, in a variety oj popular weights Cr shapes. 888 DOUBLE X PRICE 54.50 888 SUPER BARRAGE PRICE 54.95 888 "WYTEWAY" PRICE 56.50 MADE AS ONLY "BBB" PIPES CAN BE MADE UffITEJHUffIS I I'enanff, Ipoh—SINGAPORE—KuaIa Lumpur, Taipenir
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 580 7 Reuter London, Oct. 6. I A VERY bitr German attack on a vast front about 1,200 miles from south of Leningrad to the Crimea, which is probably the major offensive to which Hitler referred in a recent speech, was to-day reported to he in
    Reuter  -  580 words
  • 52 7 Reuter. Twkio. Oct. 6. THE Japanese newspaper, Yomiuri, qu tec. by thn official Japanese N?\vs Agency. commenting on Hitler's speech on Saturday, writes: 'Hitler is obviously entertaining an unoptimistic view concerning the envelopments of the war "The Fuehrer frankly admitted that Russia is developing into an arsenal despite the tremendous
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 333 7 Reuter. Canberra, Oct. 6. Till; full t 'imposition of the new Australian Cabinet is now announced by Mr. John Curtin, Prime Minister, who also hold the portfolio of Minister i Deft nee Co-ordin-ation Mr. F M Forde will be Arm] Minister. Mr. ChifTey, I n r urrr. Mr.
    Reuter.  -  333 words
  • 119 7 London, Oct. 6. REUTER learns that there is no information in well-in-formed quarters in London regarding a reported naval battle off the north Brazilian coast. A sharp but very short battle between two warships of unknown nationality took plac? in the South Atlantic
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  • 48 7 London, Oct, 6. TAPT. W. H. Cable, master of the s.s. Bturdee Rose, and crew have received the personal congratulations of the Naval C.-in-C. for shooting down a twin-engined German bomber. The ship was attacked about midnight with high explosive and "mcendia.y bombs. She vvas ready. —British Wireless.
    48 words
  • 312 7 Hong Kong. Oct 8. THE purpose of the mission is to make available in its most effective form all the assistance that is afforded by the Lease-Lend Act," declared Brigadier-Gen. John MacGruder, head of the U.S. Military Mission to China, in the course of
    312 words
  • 130 7 Reuter. Washington, Oct. 6. TALK in the Senate of "filibustering" against any change in the Neutrality Act has arisen as the President has arranged to discuss the situation with Congressional leaders to-morrow. It is reported in Government circles that President Roosevelt has decided to ask only
    Reuter.  -  130 words
  • 250 7 Reuter. New York. Oct. 6. j "THE wars of to-day are won In the shops and America must I sweat hard for the next year so as to overcome the tremendous lead the Nazis hold in the production of important war items,*' declared Mr.
    Reuter.  -  250 words
  • 406 7 THOSt: British and German i prisoners who are to be j exchanged—now that the Germans have at last agreed I to the exchange without get- ting Hess—these prisoners will make a historic journey, j declared .Mr. D. Gallagher, j Daily Express war correspoii- dent in the Far
    406 words
  • 402 7 Reuter. Simla. Oct. 6. A MESSAGE from Mr. Winston Churchill was read by Gen. Sir Archibald Wavell, Comman-der-in-Chief, India, before the secret session which followed the inauguration of the first meeting of the National Defence Council. Mr. Churchill said that in the
    Reuter.  -  402 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 282 7 Became Beautiful in a week WRINKLES CONE SOFT SMOOTH SKIN LOVELY COMPLEXION Miss Drouet made this amazing change in her appearance in 8 days. Read below her personal letter in which she explains exacMy how she did it and how any woman can dc the same. "T can hardly believe
      282 words
    • 217 7 We have just received a new .shipment of English and Australian compacts, suitable for gifis. Cur selection includes Enamel and Chromi R.A.F. Compacts, Enamel R.A.A.F. Ccmpai Leather Powder Boxes with Zip fastening, also Enamel Compacts in F.oral designs, and attract:ve Evening Powder Boxes with compartments for Cigarettes, Rouge. Ccmb, Lipstick
      217 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 143 8 Accorded an Amazing Reception by Crowded Audiences at last Saturday's MIDNIGHT SUNDAY'S Morning Shows! EVERY LOYAL and PATRIOTIC CHINESE SHOULD SEE IT! to3ayV* 'capitol 5 SHOWS! 10.15a.m.-12.30-3.15-6.15-9.15 The Sensational CHINESE FILM thai has been the subject of INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATIONS I "LIGHT OF! Jjf EAST ASIA" ■RHS PASSED IN ITS "^y^-"
      143 words
    • 263 8 ANNOUNCING The Grandest Musical Treat of the Season! MIDNIGHT CAPITOL PREMIERE mt SAT. NIGHT at 12.11 General Far Eas'.ern Premiere: WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 15th NOEL COWARD'S beautiful operetta now a new TECHMCOLOI R M.G.M. Screen Sensation with THE WORLD'S SINGING SWEETHEARTS JOtk > MacDONAID A ĔĔK NELSON EDDY \l JNS Bitter
      263 words
      413 words

  • 50 9 The engagement is announced of Mr. Chua Bck Kirn. the only son Of late Mr. Chua Boon Im and Madam Choo Kirn Kiew to Miss Cecilia Tan Siew Noy, the only daughter of late Mr. and Mrs. Tan .Too Guan and sister of Mr. Tan Soon Huat.
    50 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
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  • 48 10 The engagement is announced between Mr. Secw Ah Kew the eldest son of Mrs. S'eow Ghee Seng and the late Mr. Seow Ghee Seng ol Singapore and Miss Wee Hui Neo the only daughter oi the late Mr. Mrs. Wee Lecng A.k also of Singapore.
    48 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 3249 10 f T For Sale IPANCREALIN has cured Diabetes permanently. Don't dread the disease any more !No injection, no fasting. Indian herbal i product of Oriental Chemical Laboratories. One month's tin $3-. Q. O. Peters, S<;ie Agent. Malaya, Po3t Box 154, Kuala Lumpur. (No. 332!,) FOR SALE New A C. Ceiling
      3,249 words
    • 185 10 The Oversea-Chinese Banking ICorporation, Ltd.. beg to announce 'that their Kluang Branch at No. 27. Jalaxi Ismail will be open for business on Friday. 10th instant. Telephone No. 111, Kluang. Qlostora That wetl-groomocl appearance can be ruined by a few unruly hairs, Glostora conquer* unrury hair—keep* every sirand tn ih
      185 words
    • 81 10 GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO. Manufacturing Opticians Established in 1928. Optician C. T. FIN 275, South Bridge Road. Tel. 2154. Palatable Well Balanced Cough Remedy. Particularly useful in cases of scanty secretion, expels hacking and troublesome coughs, soothes the respiratory system. Contains no narcotics or harmful ingredients. Therefore can be safely
      81 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 859 10 S u c BASTEKM OTKVICB. /.111. 225 metres 1333 k cs rR Ifi -L ZIIP1 30 96 metres 9 69 »1« gg £;JJ jg; g JJ "JiJ /HP2 H51 metres 1.171 mcs GSD 1175 mcs; 25.53 metS* P m 6 10 p m. 11.50 p m 12.00 Music for Everyone
      859 words

  • 1095 11 MOMMY <M PJt MINING Buyers Sellers Ampat (58) {I* austral Anal .»s> iuatral Malay 032 J-M Ayer "1« 186x1 AvP r Wen ($ll BB y Tin («> «> Batu Selsngor ($1) 144 I4j B er junta! (*s) 1- »J p.orma Ma»ay it) 1 Chendenang n
    1,095 words
  • 23 11 Singapore, Tuesday. Prices of tin and rubber in Singapore at noon today were:— TIN $*****, unchanged. Buyers 3cS> 8 Sellers 38%.
    23 words
  • 180 11 (Fran Our Einancial Correspondent) Singapore. Tuesday. rriN shares were a very good market Jfes--1 tcrday with large absorption of nn-iy counters. Hong Fatts Improved to 1 3'<. LukutS to -50. Ayer Wengs to -90 nnd Sunge] Luas to 168. Petalings were done at 975
    180 words
  • 255 11 LARGE numbers of miners in Britain are to be withdrawn from the Forces to help in the drive for mor e coal, and pressure is to be put on ex-miners in munitions and other industries to return to th e The Government has been
    255 words
  • 66 11 Singap-re, Oct. 6. GamDier J-jjjJ Java oube link. Hamburg Cube 12.25 Muntok White Pepper 18.00 White Pepper 1J.50 Black Pepper 8.00 Sundried Copra 2.90 Mixed Copra 2.65 Small Flake Tapioca 9.00 Fair Flake Tapioca 8.50 Medium Pearl Tapioca 9.50 Small Pearl Tapioca 9.50 Lingga Sago Flour 5.10 5.10 Fair
    66 words
  • 291 11 yyHEN an R.A.F. plane crashed into the sea quarter of a mile out from Rhosneigr, Anglesey, each of four rescue boats capsized. As men were hurled irom the boats by heavy seas planes circled and cropped life-saving jackets to t hem. But they wer?
    291 words
  • 143 11 (Irem Our Own Correspondent) London. Sept. 3 PRESIDING at the 32nd annual meeting of the Buktt Mertajam Rubber Co.. l td.. Mr. A P. Goodrich said all European members of the staff had been absent in turn for one or two months of military training during the
    143 words
  • 94 11 (Fn»m Our Own Correspondent) London. Sept. 1. at the annual meeting of the Biting Rubber Estates. Ltd., the chairman. Major C. C. L. Fitzwilliams. 11. said that out of the profit earned :'o less than 42 per cent, had to be reserved for taxation in Java alone. It
    94 words
  • 68 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) London. Sept. 2. AT the annual meeting of Lendu Rub- ber Estates. Ltd.. Mr. D. E. Sinclair, the Chairman, said the profit was £13,909. compared with £-1.521 for the previous year. The sum available was £15.888, and ..iter allocating £6.500 for depreciation and reserves and deducting
    68 words
  • 677 11 evidence in support of an allegation that his wife gave him "doctored" food, a voting man told the Milton, Northamptonshire, magistrates: "She wanted me out of the way. I think she wanted nu to die." After hearing his story the magistrates committed for trial Mrs. Elsie Mary
    677 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 120 11 "IF YOU WANT i TO DO I SOMETHING WELL" 1 "IF YOU WANT TO DO I SOMETHING WELL you I must do it yourself," said m our forefathers. This is as I misleading as it is out of G date. In this 20th century, m specialisation spells success. I You
      120 words
    • 93 11 GOLD LEAF PU<E CEYLON TEA You ov onereu a suDsuiute r for "GOLD LEAF" Tea at a few cents less, tut as you well know, t here never was a product made but what someone can make it worse and sell his stuff for less. "GOLD LEAF" has many imitations,
      93 words
      44 words
    • 262 11 STEAMER SAILINGS INDOCHINA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD (Incorporated in England) DIRECT SERVICE TO JAPA via HONGKONG CALCUTT. via PEN ANG. Taking cargo on through Bill c Lading for Canton, Macao, Swatow Amoy, Chefo, Tientsin, Newchwang Yangtse ports, Formosa, the Philippines, etc. The steamers have superior ac/ommodation for saloon passenger* amidships.
      262 words

  • 209 12 Reuter. Bombay, Oct. 7. ANi: oi the greatest war games ever staged in India starts to-day when a mock air invasion attack will be reproduced as realistically as possible throughout the North-Western Frontier Province and Punjab. Parachutists, followed by alr- borne troops, w ill attempt
    Reuter.  -  209 words
  • 279 12 Reuter. 1 Military Commentary by Annalist) \tfiti London, Oct. 7. jyEITHER the German nor the Soviet communiques vesterda' revealed anything more than the usual claims of hard ntfhting all along the front. Unofficial reports, however hive oome from various quarters which appear to corroborate
    Reuter.  -  279 words
  • 120 12 Reuter. A TRnSf ™> ri <ia). Oct. 6. A a kufical hurricane. with 109 Eft? a velocity oi Bahamas, according to an anSf e rp nt by th e United State, vveather Bureau. h^I r j C ne warnin ss have been hooted from Hollywood. Florida
    Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 101 12 JT IS anticipated that a sum cf approximately $5.000 will be raised as a re--sth Sat,, f da y night s gala at the Chinese Swimming Club. Singapore in aid of the China Relief Fund and The British War Fund stonfT! Of ,M30 n
    101 words
  • 39 12 Reuter. London, Oct 7. fjFF the Belgian coast yesterday morning, Fighter Comma hurricanes attacked four German armed trawlers, sinking or c and setting fire to another/ The gun* of the third trawler were silenced after a short attack —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 46 12 British Unit* in the Malayan ;<••/>- -pie undergo continuous and intensive training, e.speeiattu in I hi* Vfi of concealment In thin i>pccir>-id warfare they Lave themselves extraordinary adept, and never for one moment is their readiness relaxed Photo mounting a machine gun difficulties
    46 words
  • 429 12 To-days Vital Conference Reuter. It is announced in New York that Mr. ordell Hitf U.S. Secretary of State, Mr. Henry Wallace, the Vi<* Presidnet, five Senators and two members of the Hoik* of Representatives will confer with President velt in Washington to-day (Tuesday) with
    Reuter.  -  429 words
  • 25 12 A PRELIMINARY inquiry was held untitled terday In the fifth poiirc court, wfce a SS-vear-old Indian. Andisan.y face!, tentative charge of murder Hearing is proceeding.
    25 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 317 12 for perfect frying and cooking use- ZZ BEEF DRIPPING I ffee most economical I f&t for all cooking f 'PHONE: SINGAPORE 5376 (5 lines), K. LUMPUR 3331 (3 linos) IPOH 110 111 (2 lines), PENANG 1500 (3 lines), BUTTERWORTH 2^ C.S. 246 A Advt. of Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd.
      317 words
    • 146 12 WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE-1 V» about Caloael Aid You'll J map Bed in the Morning Fill of Vha. The liver should pour out two noundM liquid bile into your bowels daily. If UMkfc is not flowing freely, your food doesn t <Uax It iust decays in the bowels. Wind
      146 words