Malaya Tribune, 6 October 1941

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Net Sales Exceed 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1941 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Monday, October 6, 1941.
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  • 190 1 British Wireless. London, Oct. o. C f|IHE (ierman Aiiny has list more than 3,000,000 I nun Ufled, wounded and i prisoners since the out- break of the Russo-(ierman I war. This figure, aceord- ing to a Moscow press ■iMMUfC. was given by M. J ScherLakov, Director
    British Wireless.  -  190 words
  • 128 1 Reuter. Moscow, Oct. 6. QOCCB9BFUL Russian air or.eraHons are described in a suppleiixn to this mornings rornrriun.que. It sivs that in one day, an air MBit "in the western d rection of the front" destroyed 30 German aleraft, 24 tanks and 40 lorries, carrying
    Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 126 1 Reuter. London. Oct. 6. fWrNTY Axis aircraft were des- i yod last week in Western >v on- and tn: Middle East. The RAP, lost 43 machines. The.™ figures do not include the tb;-r Gorman planes brought down Pus* la by the RAF. without loss to themselves.
    Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 53 1 Reuter. Lahore, Oct. 6 NORTHERN India's ten day de- > r- >;es be-an at Lahore Vested ay with object of testin" tr railway repair organisation r -n-l arrangement! for re-routing trains a feature of the exercises J a 40 minute low "bombing attack" n the
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 323 1 SUCCESSES CONTINUE Reuter. Moscow, Oct. 6. DETAILS suggesting that affairs are going much better for the Soviet troops in a certain sector of the southwestern front are given by a special correspondent of the newspaper Pravda. The Soviet troops delivered a series of
    Reuter.  -  323 words
  • 379 1 Moscow, Oct. 6. A despatch from the Leningrad theatre of war, quoted by the cfficvl Soviet News Agency, claims that Sov'et troops off enemy attacks in the past few days, infictng heavy losses It tells of how German concentrations of guns and truckload.s of infantry
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  • 55 1 London, Oct. 6. ANEW Vichy Minister, M. fon, has been appointed in Bangkok, states a Vichy message to the Berlin News Agency. He replaces S. M Garreau. who according to the German News AgencY, has been recalled to Vichy but who. in fact, has joined
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  • 124 1 Central News. Changsha, Oct. 6. PRESSED by their Chinese pursuers frcnt the south, the retreating Japanese have crossed the Mile River from the North Bank, abandoning many dead b dies and great quantities of supplies en the way Meanwhile, the defenders r .f Hsinchiang River are ready for
    Central News.  -  124 words
  • 122 1 Reuter. New <York, Oct. 5. ONLY three men are m'ssing from the crew of the torpedoed AmeI ican tanker, LC White, according to a radio message received by the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey from the tanker's skipper, Capt. William Mello. Capt. Mello. who
    Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 136 1 British Wireless. London, Oct. 6. THE Minister ol Iniormat.on, Mr. Brendan Bracken will be the guest of the British Association for International Understanding at a London luncheon on Wednesday. Mr. J. G. Winant, the American Ambassador, and Dr. Stephen Litauer, President of the Foreign Press Association, will
    British Wireless.  -  136 words
  • 32 1 Washing- "n, Oct 5 —Mr Louis Prandeis. former associate juc'gecf th? United StalM Supreme Court, died on Sunday after a lonR. illness at the 3ge of 84 —Healer. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 161 1 Reuter. London, Uct. b. MARTIN AGRONSKY in a bulletin broadcast from Ankara 1 on Sunday night to the National Broadcasting Company of America, stated that the Rumanians had sustained heavy losses in a Soviet combined torpedo-boat and plane attack east ot Odessa. He quoted Rumanian sources
    Reuter.  -  161 words
  • 196 1 Reuter. London, Oct. 6. ™HAT the German air losses in all the theatres of war are probably exceeding her aircraft production by about 300 machines a month is the conclusion held by a number o\ London air experts, basing their figures on the American estimate
    Reuter.  -  196 words
  • 744 1 No Full Agreement On Air War Strategy Reuter. London, Oct. 6. JJOVV the French prevented British Wellington bombers from taking oft from a Fiench aerodrome to attack Italy on June 10, 1940, (the date of the Italian entry into the war), is described in
    Reuter.  -  744 words
  • 170 1 Reuter. Dublin, Oct 'i MR Eamon de Valera, thr Bire Prime Minister, speaking at the conclusion of the Local Defence Force manoeuvres at Mullingar yesterday said: "The Irish people wanted neither an old master nor a now one. The course we have che son. though the
    Reuter.  -  170 words
  • 148 1 RAF Raid Bardia Sollum Reuter. Cairo, Oct. 0. AN R A F. Middle East communloue yesterday states: "An Important railway i unction, power station and muniti n factory at Marina iA Cantanzaro were successfully attacked on Friday by bombers of the R A F. "The raid was made from a
    Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 472 1 Reuter. <By ANNALIST) London, Oct. 6. the perverted facts and travestied truths that constitute the main body of Hitler's speech on Friday, there is one statement which is 100 per cent, true. It is more surprising, seeing that it not only supplies the key
    Reuter.  -  472 words
  • 32 1 Reuter. Vichy. Oct. 6: Dr. Klapaka. Mayor of Prague, who was condemned to death on Thursday, has been executed, according to a Berne report to the Vichy News Agency—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 20 1 "GLARE-PRUF"! I.XTKST STYLES \M! RICAN GOGGLES, sold at ii i: > ii i m o OPTICAL CO. lnT>, NORTH BRIDGE RD.
      20 words
    • 62 1 See how the new patented DOUBLE Plate-Lock holds plates firmly apart—stops the cause of buckling and short circuiting, protects separators and ensures more power—longer life. The new patented DOUBLE Plate-Lock is "What every battery needs but only VESTA has." LARGE STOCKS NOW AVAILABLE 7 Stockists for Singapore, Malacca Johore:— CHINESE
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  • 155 2 A Bedtime Story MALAYA is still in the drowsy, ianguid interval between sleep and the awakening. In the third year of war we are even now in the process of stretching* our legs and arms and yawning to keep ourselves from falling asleep again. But whatever the degree of
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  • 182 2 WHEN we had listened to the broadcast up to the last climaxing appeal we experienced a flood of pity for the G.O.C. Here, we thought, was a famous soldier who would rather fight battles than talk over the radio, yet he had to go to the microphone and
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  • 115 2 JET us have done with this dilatoriness, this mincing of words, this penchant for kid gloves and red tape. Let us honestly and truthfully say we are going to help to win the war. And let us have done with these aimless, stupid appeals. For God's sake and
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  • 1760 2  -  by H.G. WELLS THE Sunday Dispatch asks me to write something about the new situation created by Hitler's at tack on Russia. It is difficult to do so without a certain flavour of "I told you so getting into it. I have just published a collection of papers
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  • 581 2 A.R.P. Wardens, fire-watchers, fire-fighters and members of the Medical Auxiliary Service and Volunteer Police Reserve often find that though their spirit is willing their physical stamina lets whem down. Only the other day a fire-fighter found it difficult to handle a shovel because of its weight; another
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  • 267 2  -  W. Alexander REPRODUCED here is a cartoon from the New York Post. It is a striking cartoon, differing from most political cartoons ia that instead of exaggerating, it falls very far short of conveying an idea—an idea of the exi.ent of the ghastly carnage resultant upoo
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  • 193 2 This Strange World FROM England's shady wood, lands and fields, Boy Scoots, Girl Guides and voluntary group* of women are gathering an unusual wartime harvest. They tie picking stinging nettles, dandelion roots, meadow saffron ant other herbs containing useful medicinal drugs. Nettles are wanted for
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  • 112 2 A NEW synthetic fibre, making possible a novel range fabrics, has been produced m Britain after four years' research, j As a result, colour effects whfcn cculd be had only by blending ana weaving can now be got single bath of dye after the tar has
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 310 2 SiNGAPQPE TPADEPS TELEPHONE 7603 Painsin Back Gone in 3 noun If you suffer terrible sharp pains or dull wearing down' a< h* s in back or sides, you can't get rid of these with ordinary medicines because you must kill the germs m your kidneys. Other symptoms of Kidney and
      310 words
    • 77 2 When Buying Lampt Look Out B for Tne IVorA 9 QDB Quality is the Hall. H J| B** 'Ais turnout I I*4 Brand Lamp». H V Noted lor its Cheap- I ■B ness, Brilliant Light* lEb O and* /ou» consamp. I ■H X-L Iron o/ Kerosene. H| IB MB SoW
      77 words

  • 209 3 (By Alexander Werth, Reuters Special Correspondent) Moscow, Sept. 5. HITLER'S speech on Friday was the clearest indication that 11, the work of the Moscow Three-Power Conference was a "very heavy blow to Germany." declared the Russian spokes- I man, M. Losovsky. He added that Hitler
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  • 220 3 Singapore, Saturday. L NOA<.ED on AJi.P. exercises in July a fire brigade engine 10 me into collision with a private tar driven by N. DavidoQ. manager and cutter oi II. B. Winter and Co.., at the junction of Stamford K«ad and St. ~'s Koad. It
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  • 103 3 f J Imports into Malaya from th-: United States will in future require permits (A.P. forms) before their export from the United States will be allowed. The procedure to be followed to apply for these permits is given in a circular by the
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  • 114 3 Singapore, Saturday. making a false report, alleging that he had boen robbed by a Sikh private in the R.A.S.C. of $62. a Chinese employed in the canteen at Buller Camp. Ngian Liang Pon, was to-day sentenced to six weeks' rigorous imprisonment by the fiftji
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  • 84 3 Reuter. London, Oct. 6. will be with Russia until vlctory, declared the First Lord of the Admiralty, Mr. A V. Alexander yesterday, stating that help to Russia was urgent. "We are going to see that everything )-r>ssible shall be done to help Russia. Who says
    Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 42 3 The road toll last week was One death 1 und 25 mjon'd. includ) i..-. n.r.f chtttbren, u* cjinyitred wi f h one uvnth una 14 injured the wrek, preVlOUa The tola! frr th* year *o fui Is 78 asaihs und LOW injured.
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  • 38 3 AT an extraordinary general meeting of the Malaya Provident Fluid at Kuala Lumpur on Thursday. a proposal to alter present scheme for the payment of sxipplemcntarv bonuses to members was rejected. The rule remains unaltered.
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  • 16 3 The estimated export of dry rubber fiom Malaya. Brunei and Labuan in September was 54.400 tons.
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  • 17 3 Indians In Mersing celebrated the 73rd birthday of Gandhi with a meeting at the Chinese School. Mersing.
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  • 28 3 A branch reading rocm was opened ft 11' 2 milestone. Bukit Panjang. for numbers of the Tamils' Reform Association on Sunday by the President. Mr. o Rimr,sasmy Nadar.
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  • 113 3 MOST successful charity dance was held by the Chinese Swimming Club in aid of the China Relief and War bunds last Saturday. Dancing was held on two floors and though there were sbout 70 amateur hostesses m attendance there were not enough to go
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  • 133 3 Carlos P. Romulo. a Director oi Rotary International and publisher and editor of a chain of newspapers in Manila, will address the Rotary Club at their weekly luncheon meeting on Wednesday. An assembly for Presidents. Secretaire and other members will be held at Kua.
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  • 125 3 AN excess of $1,297.79 income over expenditure was made by the Chinese Mutual Help Association. This was revealed at their seventh annual general meeting held yesterday afternoon. Ten per cent, of the profit was voted as a bonus for the secretary. The following were elected
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  • 78 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Saturday. THE Red Cross originated in the tunes of the Crusades, stated Mr. Burdett. the Commissioner of the Red Cross in the Far East, in an address to the Johore Teachers' Association, at the Government English Preparatory School. He explained the
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  • 45 3 The 73rd birthday of Gandhi was celebrated by the Tamil Brotherhood Association at 6 p.m. on Thursday at the Sri veerama Rallamman Koil. All the speakers urged local Indians to bo more united a:id to foster a Hindu- US 11m front in Malaya
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  • 27 3 The Kodats Doputy Unknow commissioner, M: R Cat. S. HerrhjR. been ipp-uni-d Ancjfi'ant Comini*jloncr or Special Pcltro while Inspector O Scott Iim? been ivppolnled to in* place.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 554 3 "SPEED THE TANKS" WANTED 1 BUILDERS FOR 'WALTZING MATILDA'S' You can buy a "Churchill Tank outright for £20,000 or by Hire Purchase at week. OR MAKE A MODEL FOR AUCTION! j SEND CONTRIBUTIONS TO EVATT CO., SINGAPORE. Andrews Sisters Ambrose His Orchestra ***** \fZ*e? mC 771 l he Kin e
      554 words
    • 207 3 A 4 NEW remedy brings you INSTANT'glorious "relief Take 2 or 3 Resprin Tablets and your dull W m^m^m^m^ weary headache van- MORE ishes instantly. Insist TABLETS FOR on Resprin. It is unMtv double refined. No TUoK MUIYcT other remedy is just Look for shiny, as S° od ye How
      207 words
    • 170 3 CALL SEE THE NEW ARRIVALS carefully selected for our There are glorious prinl suitable lor spoi Ls wear. dinner dresses as well as ,oVe,y 0001 paslels in plain colours. You'll I* I delighted with the lovely GOWN DEPARTMENT _____410-41-777 In the LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (AUTUMN) 1940 results just published:
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  • 386 4 A PENALTY goal scored by Todd, the Wolverhampton reserves' player, a minute after their opponents had opened the scoring enabled the Royal Air Force, the holders, to draw with the Straits Chinese Football Association, in their replay to decide the
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  • 136 4 Reuter. London, Oct. ssJi\ l V thousand peopie cheered Prime Minister Churchill when he went into the arena to greet the players in the football match between England and Scotland yesterday afternoon at Wembley Stadium. Mr. Churchill shook hands with all the players. As he
    Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 82 4 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, To-day. llfONG Peng Soon, the Malayan and Singapore badminton champion, entered the semi-finals of the Selangor singles championship when he easily accounted for Chan Yoke Hong 5-0. 15-11 in one of the quarter finals played yesterday. Other semi-finalists are
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  • 76 4 Reuter. London, Oct. 6. rpilE Curragh, the three-year-old Miilboy gelding by Lansdownc out ot Milennis, won the Irish Cambridgeshire by a head from The Abbot of Hainault. which was two lengths ahead of Mcadowfes Cue. Burns rode the winner which finished last season with three successive wins for Mrs. M.
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 147 4 i TN a thrilling hockey match j the Harlequins and the Hornets drew 2-all at the I I Girls' Sports Club ground j yesterday. 1 The game was fought out I I at a gruelling pace, which was j maintained to the end. The exchanges were
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  • 74 4 SCRAPPY soccer was served up at Anson Road stadium yesterday when the Argylls defeated the Fortress R.E. by three goals to nil in a Div. I soccer fixture. There was hardly any enthusing feature in the first half which ended with the score-sheet blank. The Argylls were
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  • 137 4 <Krom Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, To-day. FEW horses were stretched at training this morning. Lc Touquet and Time Tells galloped together over four furlongs, with Time Tells slightly ahead. Both are very fit. Another to catch the eve was
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  • 41 4 SOCCER: Challenge Cup, first round, Loyals v S.C.F.A. "B," Stadium. HOCKEY: Medical College v RAF. (H.Q.), Sepoy Lines; S.C.C. v Argylls, S.C.C; A.C.S. v St. Andrew's. Oldham Hall; Khalsa v R.E. (P. 8.), Khalsa ground. TENNIS: S.C.C. tournament.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 460 4 MALAYA*! PQCMIEQ HOTEL To-night DINNER DANCE (informal) 8 p.m. to Midnight NEW CABARET ATTRACTION ROSALIE LOUIS American Ballroom Acrobatic Dancers Dinner $3.06. Non-diners $1.00 "RAFFLES CAFE COCKTAIL BAR MUSIC COMPORT SOCIAL ATMOSPHERE RAFFLES BAKERY for Best Quality Bread Cakes fRo ont *x 1 How thank my doctor tor pir recommen
      460 words
    • 46 4 GOLD LEAF PURE CEYLON TEA The merit of superiority of "GOLD LEAP' Tea is that it is drawn from the cool Highlands of Ceylon. "GOLD LEAF" Tea is a perfect Tea. IV L M ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES OPERATING TWO SERVICES A WEEK SINGAPORE-MIDDLE EAST PHONE 7856-8
      46 words
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    • 146 4 SOUTH KBUTIMI INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. (incorporated In New Zealand.) I "■■impeachable Security W. G. DOVE, Manager, Tel. 5926. 2, Finlayson Green. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA (TRUSTEES) LIMITED Guaranteed and by f Trust Company, undertakes the following pyrniTOß OR TRUSTEE OF a will ADMINISTRATOR OF FSTATE'OF DECEASED PERSON. TRUStIe OF
      146 words
    • 271 4 STEAMER SAILINGS INDOCHINA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD (Incorporated in England! DIRECT SERVICE TO JAPAJ via HONGKOM; CALCUTT via PENANG. Taking cargo on through Bill Lading for Canton, Macao, Swatoi Amoy, Chefo, Tientsin, Newchwang Yangtse ports, Formosa, the Philippines, etc. The steamers have superior ac/ommodation for saloon passengerg amidships. They carry
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 533 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter) A FTER meeting local military and civilian defence chiefs in order to gain as complete a picture of the actual position and views in the Far East," Sir Earle Page, (newly-appointed special representative of the Australian Government in Britain),
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  • 433 5 SUBSTANTIAL general reinforcements of the A.I.F., and some New Zealand Air Force and Navy personnel arrived in Singapore yesterday. As has been the case with their predecessors, the men were in very high spirits and the thumbs up salute was the general way in which
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  • 27 5 (Cent-A-Plane Fund) Total number of enemy planes destroyed during the week end on all trovts up to midnight London time (excluding Soviet claims). NONE
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  • 506 5 DELIVERING "A Message of Courage, a Message of Hope" from Mahatma Gandhi to the Indians of Malaya. Mr. N. K. Raghavan, president of the Central Indian Association, Malaya, declared that "our happiness is his concern and we can count upon him now and hereafter." Mr.
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  • 211 5 THE run-ral or Mrs. Wee Cheng 0:011, wife of Mr Wee Cheng Soon, the well-known Singapor 0 contractor, who dieo' at her residence in Pasir Panjang on Sept. 3C at the age of 62 years, took place on Saturday, oreceded by a full chcral
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  • 41 5 THERE was a large attendance of relatives and friends at the funeral of Mr. Poh Cheng Tee yesteiday. The cortege left his residence In Upper Scrangoon Road for interment at Bukit Brown Cemetery. Many wreaths were receivec'.
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  • 620 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter) "I WAS amazed at the nonchalance of the public ?he TapaneL is a Dr. Romulo is travelling on behalf of the four papers he edited ard the King Features Syndicate of New York, which represents 122 newspapers, to visit all possible
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 228 5 MNGA WATER (Mi MINERAL WATER from the Seletar Hot Spring, Singapore. An alkaline drink with excel .nt corrective >ropertiet 4M12 Wonderful P AA| C De Witts Pills are made UMljlVflullEi especially for weak kidneys. ■*«wimnm#ll»i In 24 hours after the first This Nurse's praise of De dose you see that
      228 words
    • 19 5 GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO. Manufacturing Opticians Established in 1928 Optician C V FYS 275, South Bridge Road. Tel. 2164.
      19 words
    • 237 5 ■MA.XO BY FAMOUS MAKERS Only genuine woodwards bears this"BA6l trade-mark Genuine Woodward** Gripe Water, recommended by the medical profession for eighty years, it distinguished by the famous "Baby" trade-mark. There are plenty of inferior imitations on the market, but only genuine Woodward's bears thia trade-mark. Mothers—safeguard your baby's healthl Insist
      237 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 327 6 You'll be the Loser if you miss this Thrilling new M.G.M. picture CAPITOL ,XKr f 3rd SCREEN HIT FROM A GREAT AUTHOR! 1 MONTGOMERY |A l||C GEO. SANDERS LUCiLE WATSON OSCAR HOMOLKA H DIRECTED BY w. 5 VAN DYKL it By the Author of "LOST HORIZON" and "MR. HIPS" I————T!l—■■
      327 words
    • 249 6 llieyve Revolutionised the Film Industry THE WORLD'S FUNNIEST SCREEN TEAM are coming back j to send you into Hysterics again ...They're IN THE NAVY NOW! j WEDNESDAY at the CAPITOL 4 SHOWS II A.M.-3-15-6-15-9-I5 You II see the BOYS in Honolulu surrounded by the snappiest Hula peaches that ever danced
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    • 386 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Domestic Occurrences ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Mr. Ang S'wee Hua, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ang Hoe Soon, to Miss Pauline Wong, third daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wong Siew Kong. ACKNOWLEDGMENT MRS. POH CHENG TEE and family wish to express their heartfelt thanks
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 3247 7 msiiiiio- bds Situations Vacant WANH -J Junior ollice clerk. Indian. lor ■Mat* in Mu;ir District. Typewriting essential Application toother with copies oI t Is to Box 627 co Malaya Tribune BtngapOf*. <(No. 420L) wan IBD Canvaacra to sell Australian not*i~ bd rommlMtnn basis. State previ- out. exper 1 nee. Apply
      3,247 words
    • 739 7 CIRCULAR FOR INFORMATION IMPORTS FROM THE UNITE I STATES OF AMERICA. As a result of arrangements concluded with the United State; Authorities, it will be necessary te confiim to the Colonial Suppb Liaison Officer there, particulars o* would-be imports and actual arrivals of goods from the Unitec C. :aies of
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    • 218 7 TENDERS INVITED. Supply of cooked rations to Sungci Pinang Depot, Ptnang. Tenders are invited by the Indian Immigration Committee for the supply ol cooked rations for the Sungei Pinang Depot, Penang, for the period of twelve months from 1st Januaiy to 31st December, 1942. 2. The terms of contract be
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    • 74 7 AKSIR—SHAH TILAI Literally means liniment par excellence for the kings. It is an excellent treatment for any deformities and for the rejuvenation of exhausted and rundown tissues. Small $2. Postage 25 cts SAHNA OIL Another good external treatment which strengthens tissues and stimulates circulation of blocd 80 cts. bottle. Postage
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 1106 7 (tO-day's iia»io| a £*£2& r«J5M,cr 1 ZHP1 30.96 metres 9.6}» in cs Gsv 17 in ,Y^ ZHi'2 48.5X metres 6.175 m rs < ;sF 4 metrea p.m. i 4 mcs 19-81 metres. U .ou Instrumental Novelties =n gramo- 6.10 p m 2?®"**' j ZuSSSFS V S5\ p .r r ammc
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  • 200 8 Reuter. Chungking. Oct •">. FIGHTING In central Honan is growing in intensity with the Japanese reinforcing their attack on Chcngchow. Japanese forces up to yesterday had increased to upwards of 20,000 with heavy fighting in the neighbourhood of the city. The situation in Kwangtung is
    Reuter.  -  200 words
  • 167 8 Reuter. Vichy, Oct, 5. A COMMUNIQUE bailed by the Ramanian i;<"iieral hoadquartI ers admitted that Rumanian 1 losses since the hpjt'nning of hostilities total »6.000 killed and wounded, according to a message I from Bucharest. i The communique also reports furious Russian attacks, both at I Odessa
    Reuter.  -  167 words
  • 155 8 (From Our Financial Corre>pondent) I Singapore. Jklondiv. 'JTHE tin share market area firm on Saturday a good selective demand. I Hong Fatts were taken to 1 36. Jel'i*us fair iMMIIMN a* -88 ard in the A-is-i tml!an section, Rawang Tin Fi-ids mat; to
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  • 35 8 i Singapore, Monday, I Prices of tin and rubber S in Singapore at noon to- J day were:— I T,N i j $138' unchanged. i I < Uuyers 38 V«, tellers 38~< J V
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  • 42 8 Reuter. Suva ;Fiji Island). Oct. 5. AN aircraft crashed in Nandi Bay on the Island cf Viti Levu, 6& miles west of Suva, and two flyingufficrrs of thp Royal New Zealand I Air Force were drowned. —Reuter
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 310 8 British Wireless. London. Oct. 5. TWO examples of grim determination which had far reaching results lies behind the immediate award of the Distinguished Flying Medal to Sergeant J. H. Mills, pilot of a heavy bomber squadron. When the rest of the squadron left on a special
    British Wireless.  -  310 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 129 8 /tome made name muuu delicious I always fresh J COOL MEAL^ If you have not iried one of I J our f:!l.ioUN SOS f /SmUl^—^S missed a treat. They are really \l If x smimp'i her,.i x J l^k tenderesl meat, poultry and jj, CT» came are used to make
      129 words
    • 265 8 DIABETES SUFFERERS! It it fatal to delay. This destructive disease is the forerunner of more dangerous and humiliating diseases: T.B. and loss of manhood. I H Mil H MD HASSAN, specialist or 14 years eaperience, guarantees to cure you completely and i»ernianent!y. No fear of relapse. Hut-ui-<is already cured. Come
      265 words
    • 394 8 A PICTURE WHICH ANY THEATRE IN THE WORM) WOULD HE I'KOI'I) 1 TO PRESENT TO ITS PATRONS oi»i:\i\<. PAVILION 3.15-6.15-9.15 WITH ALL YOUR FAVOURITES J, I >ll V\ WILLIAMS JOHN CLEMENTS CONSTANCE CUMMINGS Frank Petttagell fowfld Knight M Roland Culver Norland Graham M Leslie French Martin Walker M Ronald Ward
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    • 62 8 CATHAY 3,5 615 'PHONE M«0 DON'T MISS THIS GREAT LAUGH! Paromounf Present; /sMB reOB HOPE-DOROTHY LAMOUR Oughts Drap? 3 J Lynne Overman. Eddie Bracken Uf fj Nimiii B. G. OeSylva vfif)] Oirecfed by OAVIO BUTLER V (1 AVD KXY MOVIE IPXE XL\\ SHELL wi: x t ar i ka( fTo\
      62 words