Malaya Tribune, 4 October 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune. Net Sales Exceed 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1941 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Saturday, October 4, 1941
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  • 527 1 33,600 KILLED AT CHANGSHA Reuter. ran HE Japanese Army has sustained 79,f>00 casualties, including 33,600 dead and left on the battlefield, as a result of the fighting at Changsha, according to an announcement from the headquarters of Gen. Hsueh Yo, the Chinese Commander-in-Chief in Hunan.
    Reuter.  -  527 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 1 (.EN. HSUEH-YO ihe Chinese Ciimmavder on 'he Jiunj.n front, a ho iuis injltvtcd the Jiixl mujur defeut on the Japuvuie .since the war started over f(>.tr years ago. iCentral rVtflM Photo I,
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  • 131 1 Reuter. Washington, Oct. 3. DRESIDENT Roosevelt asserted at his press conference that undoubtedly some effort would be made to revise the Neutrality Act. He told the press conference that! a final decision would reached I only after the two-party conference next Tuesday with the Senate leaders.
    Reuter.  -  131 words
  • 143 1 Reuter. J Shanghai, Oct. 4. APANESE troops in northeastern Hunan are continuing: to withdraw northward unmolested, while the push of the Japanese forces in north Honan has reached about seven miles northward of Changchow, a strategic junction on the Pei-ping-llankow and Lunghai railways, the Japanese military spokesman told
    Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 81 1 Reuter. Vichy. Oct. 4. NATHALIE STANKHOV. a 19-year-old girl has been sentenced to death by a court martial at Szeged, Hungary, lor sabotage against Get" man shops on Sept. 10. says a Budapest despatch. Another girl. Grosda uauuu. who was foutid guilty on a similar charge,
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 65 1 Reuter. London. Oct INFORMATION been received In London, reporting the antral i>y sea at Bombay, ol t!:-- ex*8hah ot Vwala, '-t.ites Reuter'a (Uplotnfttlc oorre.-pondent There 1., no confirmation that the exKhali is en the way to Chill or some other port 01 South America. Rather. It is
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 35 1 Reuter. Rangoon, Oer. 4- -Mr. Duff Cooper has anlVOd lrom Singapore. He Is going to Maymyo to meet the Governor of Burnut. Sir Reginald Dorman-Smith hnd then leave for India .—Renter
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 35 1 Reuter. London. Oct. <*. QIXTY-TWO people hare been arrested k> la the I4tn aagrondtajemenl in Paris (working class quarter) lor being in possession of Communis loath ts, says the Swiss Radio -Renter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 101 1 Reuter. Tokio, 02t. 4. Government officials refuse to coniirm or deny the reports of a Japanese protest to the Iranian Government against the suspension of the diplomatic-privileges of the Japanese Legation at Tohcran. Japanese officials even r fuse to admit that the diplomatic privileges have K en
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 51 1 Reuter. vtchy. Oct. 4. PETAJN yesterday commuted th death sentence passed on Paul Collette who marie an attempr on the life of Lavol and Dcat. The Vichy News Ascncy states that Collette appealed to Fetair against his sentence. Darlan visited Laval on Thursday.—
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 24 1 Reuter. CtUttKktltfr. Oct. 4 Dr Chart*, the United S'.it. economic Investigator m the Pur F.e,t. tuu MTtv«d in rhilnerklnp bv air from Kinuntns Renter
    Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 702 1 HITLER DEFENDS HIMSELF -AGAINST CRITICS IN REICH Reuter. Berlin, Oct. 4. ¥N an unexpected speech in Berlin yesterday, Hitler announced that a "gigantic operation" had been in progress on th;» Russian front for the past 18 hours which ho claimed "will help to defeat the enemy in the east." Hitler,
    Reuter.  -  702 words
  • 210 1 v— w s TERRIFIC tank battle is reported to be i" progress in the Ukraine battlefronl where the (Germans claimed to be advancing along ihe tributaries of the Dnieper towards Kharkov, east of Dniepropetrovsk. This morning's Soviet com* munique states: "During yes terday, fighting
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  • 129 1 Reuter. St. John (Hew Brunswick i Oct. 3. A MEMORIAL tu the vulour ol Capt. Fegan anti the officers and men of the British armed merchantman, Jervis Bay. will be unveiled at Bt, John, New Brunswick, to-morrow. Chief Justice Baxter will givi an address, flowers
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 107 1 Roosevelt Religious Freedom In Russia Reuter. Washington. Oct. 3. MR. Avenll Harnman vvas instructed by President Roosevelt to take up the question of religious freedom in Soviet Russia while he was in Moscow it was disclosed by President Roosevelt to-day at his press conference in Washington The question had also
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 326 1 Reuter. (By Annalist) London, Oct. 4. TTHE beat commentary on the progress of tin- war on the Eastern Front can be deduced from the gradual ami progressive shrinking* of the rate of the German advance For the first two months, the German push averaged nearly
    Reuter.  -  326 words
  • 144 1 Reuter. London, (><-t. 4. AVERY successful air attack ou a German convoy In the English Channel yesterday morning resulted in a flak .ship being tunk, one supply ship ami three accompany tng tlak ships being set un lire. while three other flak hips were
    Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 89 1 Reuter. New York, Oct. 3. COMMENTING* on reports from Rio de Janeiro that the Unit3d States freighter Westnilus had picked tip. about 4f>o miles from Pernambuco. .survivors of the Panama registered tanker I. C. White, which was reported torpedoed on Sept. 27. Che Standard Oil
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 60 1 Reuter. Manila, Oct. 4. SW. i:<.beil Liuukt- ropham is planning to hold a conference to-day with Fekl Marshal Douglas MaeArthur. commander of the United States forces in the Philippines, Brigadier Oeneral John Mitet* ruder, Admiral Thomas C. Hart and Hr. Manuel Quezon, President of the
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 92 1 Reuter. Adelaide <hl I. f riu. Japanese Mm. tei la 1 Australia, Mr. lata— Kauai, said on liis arrival at Adelaide j esierolaj "I say iMaiteJ) thai il there is am southward activitj lt\ Japan, il will he ab solute!) peacefuL •The Pacific situation i
    Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 162 1 Reuter. London, Oct. 4 rIE reign of terror in Poland continues unabated, says the Polish telegraph agency. Death sentences are raining down on the Polish people daily During the test three months, tne f«w German newsp&ners hi Poland have reporter 'oJ death -enctnees executions. Oi those
    Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 56 1 Reuter. Hav.-uia! Oct. 3:—Myster> sui rounds the Cuban NacyV capture, on Furnl* Point, of a namti. a id uniuentlfled iartre iron barge. Rm impression prevails that the m a SUPptf vessel to a raiding Mtunarlm -n.d waa driven by VU« hurricane racing iast fortnight to the
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 56 1 Reuter. l dßdott t 4 TT WAS* learned In London yciterrt»* mat there Is now evidence that anotner enemy torpedo-bomber, not previously reported, was brought Juwa during mi recent attack on one of our convoys the Central Mediterrnhean thus malting a loral or 14 instead Ml
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 26 1 PROMOTION FOR DUK E Reuter. London Get 4 1 "l.i- PitiM or i iloucea I ier M> Dean promoted to the iarat of Lieutenant -Oeneral —lteuter
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 20 1 "GLARE-PRTK IITEST STYLES AMERICAN OOGOLI B I Xl liisivi-1v .i| »i: \ni m n OPTICAL co. 165, NORTH BRIDGE Ul>.
      20 words
    • 81 1 *'«dtiH Mahm s^u^H 1 Earth moving, mining, logging, Jungle clearing, rubber clearing, agricultural work, haulage, road matting and maintenance whatever your power problem, Caterpillar" Diesel equipment is the most economic.;! and efficient method of doing the job. "Caterpillar' Diesel means saving In Fuel Costs, Long Life and Dependability, Worldwide Parts
      81 words

  • 212 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) fpHE Singapore Improvement Trust is to spend a little over $2,000,000 on improvement schemes next year, the budge*, estimates for 1942 just revealed show. I Of this sum, $1,280,000 will be from the $10 million fund and
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  • 219 2 Singapore, Friday. TWO privates, Robert Currie (28). and William Thompson (19», who were stated as being recent arrivals in Singapore and with vtry good Army records, were convicted by Mr. Conrad Oldham, the second magistrate, this morning, when they pleaded guilty to a charge
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  • 111 2 pLEASE let me go to prison. I would not mind going there for one or two months," said Ng Slang (38). when he and his 11-yrar-old son appeared before Mr. R. Moor, acting third magistrate on charges of being vagrants without visible means of
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  • 309 2 JWAT a plea of guilty by an accused person at a murder trial should not have been put to the jury by the trial judge in his summing up, and that by so doing the jurv would be prejudiced against the prisoner, was the unsuccessful submission made
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  • 49 2 T HREE THOUSAND Ch ?a P S?e S e OCt troops. Chinese encirclement on Tuesday In h battle, the Chinese kill.-d and wounded around 1.000 enemy soldiers, and destroyed 22 armoured cars The rest of the Japanese being mopped up.-Central News. 6 1
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  • 302 2 HE. the C-in-C, Sir Robert Brooke-Popham has given his patronage to the Singapore Gramophone and Music Society, which celebrated its first anniversary last night with a recital by leadng local artistes and a recorded programme of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 in C Minor ("The Victcry"). The Bishop
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  • 52 2 Chungking. Oct. 2: Field dispatches irom the Changsha front reported that Japanese troops were routed in Northern Hunan and that they are now retreating in great disorder. Japanese losses In the current battle of Changsha are estimated to be many times heavier than those Incurred by them In
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  • 173 2 Reuter. Minila, Oct. 3. CIR Robert Brooke-Popham arrived at 1.30 p.m. to-day and conferred with General MacArthur, and later called on President Quezon. At a press interview, he said that the current lull in the South Pacific was due to the fact that the Japanese believed
    Reuter.  -  173 words
  • 156 2 Singapore, Friday. A LEGAL point of considerable importance to rice dealers, which came up lor argument in a police court for the first time, was mentioned in the fifth police court to-day, when Mr. T.W. Ong, appearing on behalf of Teo Siew Jin,
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  • 173 2 rpHE band of the Straits Settlements I Police will perform as follows, under the direction of Mr. J. C. Hitch, L.R A.M., A.R.C.M.. R.M.S.M. Sunday, at Botanic Gardens \at 8.30 I-.m.:— March. "Royal Standard". J. H. Keitn. Selection. "The Rose of England", arr. by J. Ord Hume. Serenade.
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  • 114 2 Reuter. Simla, Oct. 4. ALL holders of Bank of England notes must present them to the I Reserve Bank of India for exchange Into rupees before Dec. 4, under 'an order issued by the Government lof India yesterday. The object of the order is to
    Reuter.  -  114 words
  • 27 2 Reuter. London, Oct. 4. pHINESE youths, nominated by the Chungking Government, left yesterday for America, according to a Hong Kong telegram. -Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 10 2 The untitled untitled untitled CouoeU will mi m, .;<i N
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 25 2 Si MALTED RUSKS 1 BARLOW CO., LTD., I (Incorporated Jn the I i Singapore, M Kuala Lumpur, m V Ipoh. J 6 APB 8
      25 words
    • 599 2 fiEST HOUSEHfUn REMEDY M All A SIIAKTI DATA For YOUTH, VIGOUR, HEALTH HAPPINESS AND ALL OVER REJUVENATION IN MEN "MAHA SHAKTI DATA" v ill put you in the prime of lif e by giving abundance of physical mental and virile powers even in old age. Many hopeless patients have regained
      599 words

  • 400 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) ARE our "Digger" visitors unromantic, or are Australian sailors exceptional hlitzkrieprers of love? This question is prompted by two factors. Earlier this week, our London correspondent cabled to tell us that when a certain Australian ixiip awheel in England h ha*! its crew
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  • 196 3 Hong Kong, Sept. 22. Written judgment was delivered by Mr. G. T Lowry at Central Magistracy on SaUircay in the case in which two managers were charged with possession of a Chinese puDlication printed in Hongkong called Lum Sim Kit Chin (Blitzkrieg), which was alleged to
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  • 303 3 THE pathetic story of how a man took his own life because he had become paralysed in one arm and one leg, the result being that he could work no more, was told in the coroner.; court yesterday morning at the inquest into the death
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  • 277 3 JW: loss of .S.'iO.OOO worth of rubber belonging to the Hula Shoe Co., of Singapore, in October 1940. was recalled at the Court <if Criminal Appeal yesterday when Teo Kwee Liang, the company's former shipping cleik, appealed against the conviction and maximum sentence of seven years*
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  • 80 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Frldiv. pONVICTED on a charge of using crlraJJ nal force. G. N. McHardy a European planter, was fined $10 in the Police Court to-day The complainant was his former gardner who alleged that on Sept 2? SCCUI d Int him on the fsos
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  • 283 3 Elong Kong:, Sept. 25. 400 bachelor-husbands attended a meeting at the Peninsula Hotel Rose Koom yesterday evennig and learnt that the Governor, Sir Mark Young, had undertaken to recommend to Horn.- Government at the earliest possible moment the revocation of the evacuation decree. They received
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  • 63 3 TT V Singapore. Friday CHINESE youth, picked up in a crimes! condition at the junction of Grove Road and Geylang Road at midnight, died on admission to the General Hospital last night. The youth, stated to have been riding a bicycle near the place he was picked up.
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  • 243 3 RAMASAMY Balakrishna, a young Indian, who appealed against a sentence of four years' rigorous imprisonment imposed en him by Mr. Justice Worley for forgery, broke into tears at the Court cf criminal appeal yesterday when he askec' the court for a reduction of sentence. Balakrishna. who
    243 words
  • 125 3 Singapore, Fridav. admitting that be had no intention Of &oing back to his employment as a stretchei bearer when he left the place. Chan Peng Yoilg 120». a Cantonese, pleaded guilty to a charge of breaking an agreement by absenting himself from the Auxiliary Depot
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  • 130 3 Singapore. Friday. j HAVE no doubt whatever." Mr. R. Moor, acting thin* when he convicted and sentenced Lc San« Cheah, who descr oed himself as a director of a film ccmpanv. as well as having Interests in other busi n esses, to five months*
    130 words
  • 41 3 Relative untitled untitled untitled untitled n.1i......... Army uurtau i" uivaain Hollllltll ailll v. hi- wa*--one.l b) (in- German,. In th# H l J i. iite received perwjind m.i< wr|i»"ti lo the Red Cl*Ol AI i.U. that i-aj.r j. i > i- ftflrtl
    41 words
  • 507 3 J|OW i night-fighter pilot from Malaya shot down a German bomber over the North Sea is told in a letter received by Group-Captain EL L Nunn, D.S.O., commanding <he Mala van V olunteer Air Force. The writer, Sgt. -Pilot P. S Kendall, received his earlier training
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 85 3 iff \Rickeit iw^SEJCt^O^AW A LARGI SII.BCIION AND THE VF.RY LATH ST 1 kESIGHB OP V 13 L C A I N It O S X 0 P (I M A >! V A D O MIDO and WATCHES Arc now on display at:— Yick Woh Hing, 129, Noitii Briifc Rd
      85 words
    • 268 3 PI A N musical INSI RUMENT A'£U' OR USED BY FAMOUS MAKERS I PI 'OHOS.SHEGIE HP.S'PORfc.TEI' 6956. 2eS,BATU R?, K.IUMPUR.TtWOI* 0 Regular automatic stropping kMpi Velel* httJts I 1 In perfect condition for weeks on end—fit longer fee* r%t~\ ordinary blades. A Vale) Razor wftt fast lor ye em Valet
      268 words

  • 78 4 SOCCER: S.A.F.A. league, Dlv. I replay. RAF. v S.C.F.A., Stadium; Dlv. I. SCC v Police. Depot HOCKEY: Indian Association v RIASC and RA.SC. Balestier; ACS. I v Raffles Inst. I v Raffles School; AC S II v Raffles II? Oldham Hall; Khalsa Association v Windsors XI. Khalsa
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  • 365 4 A TRY by McPherson just before the final whistle enabled the S.C.C. to draw with the Coast Battery six points-all, each team scoring two unconverted tries, in a rugby on the Padang yesterday. The Battery deserved to win, making use of every inch of the ground
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  • 433 4 Only Goal By Own League Player Beats First Divisioners NEWCOMERS to the competition, the Spartans, who have already cleared two hurdles, created the biggest surprise in the Challenge Cup competition so far when they defeated Chinese Athletic, a highly placed first division team in their first round
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  • 109 4 HARD hitting characterised the various events' in the boxing programme at the Happy World Stadium last night in aid of the Churchill Tank Fund. There was a fairly large crowd present and though there were no knock-outs served up during the evening, the boxing reached quite a
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  • 47 4 The October untitled of the keppel untitled < i on bniwrriu\ .mrt SundMv Thr i-ioui M.n.i! wj.i I», ruvnd tor in roiifiju.-T: wii :;odi»l :'..«1 AC OiMXt. U.? W.v,lpn U ßh. M O. Huruv I mn j0,,, r w nmhill. i J fc-miM T A Hum..,,,, n Corfcrnira,
    47 words
  • 74 4 rpHFRF. should he a record crowd at \nson Road Stadium today, when the Royal Air Force and the Straits Chinese Football Association meet in a replay to decide the honours of the Dir. I league. Roth teams have finished their season's programme with a same number of
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  • 102 4 rpHh" Indian General Hospital scored their fourth successive victory when they defeated .Medical College by lour goals to one in a hockey match played at Se|e»y Lines yesterday. The Hospital led 2-0 at half-time. :.nd added two'more in 11 j*> second hall. Whin the Colle'tans
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  • 858 4 'JHE following is the card for this afternoon's races at Kuala Lumpur, the first day of the Selangor Autumn meeting: RACE ONE PONIES—CIass 2— Div. 2—5 2 furlongs 0 0 0 PRATIQUE f»y 9.00 Mr. A. van Tooren Sullivan 0 0 0 SYCILLIAN 9y 8.13 Mr. A.
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  • 110 4 SELECTIONS (Bv "SPECTATOR (Bv MAC") Race 1: SUZANNE Rate 1; EAST LYNNE New Life Suzanne Race 2: TURN OVER Race 2: THE PATHAN Lepanto Turn Over Race 3: KISSING CUP Race 3: WINSOME <har Lady Patricia Race 4: ANNIE ROONEY Race 4: ANNIE ROONEY The Needles Last Chance Race 5:
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  • 217 4 DOMINATING exchanges in both harJ the S.C.R.C. beat Mm VMc A three goals to one in liorkev played on the Y.M.C.v ground %elt^ atc On the run of play the have won the gam. derT5S They had many to score but they failed t i
    217 words
  • 127 4 Reuter. Summit (New Jersey), Oct f k pREDDIE COC HRANE, world 'welterwe4'i- to champion, is reported to have rec.i»!li an offer of £10.000 to defend his mS against Ernie Roderick British rhamnlnn Both Cochrane and Willie his manager, are willing to accept fori! date
    Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 76 4 tN his weekly sports review from tfc Singapore station at 10.05 p m t». morrow "Echo" <W. Arthur Wilson) give a commentary on to-day's big soccer match, R.A.F. vs. Straits Chinese FcotbS Association, which is the plav-off for tSi League championship, these two team having finished level on
    76 words
  • 60 4 St. untitled Insitution beat on untitled U-..M1 h\ Oir»'i tv >.Dr in i kmkf\ p Lived on I hi- PjKUuc jerttrThe Club npenrd tJiP s.-ofOig thtooa Cole, but tlu- *ehoolbov c pqu*]Ut-a heon tbt? nid o: tho lir.t ;>*u uirounl) 1« eh. > Th* trhaolbayc improved nn mumptA
    60 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 314 4 WB TO THE The war obviously has placed an extra burden upon the nerves of asthmatics against which the fullest precautions must be taken. A person suffering from "nerves" is very susceptible to Asthma, Bronmcnts Catarrh and kindref J ail- f >OUr now Or his fISTHMR Off ea you from
      314 words
      29 words
    • 43 4 4K j j COHftNAT iQN J^^^^^^ Hormone* of SI Nsf-mol BloodHjTW M I; Orqonic Iron Hi I L4^>*m<M WITHOUT >| ii"-" i II •rare inimc J 7 v for ANAEMIAS PERNICIOrs SECONDARY OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE Sole Agents Naina Mohamed Sons, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Penang: Branches.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 720 5 (Tiibune Staff Reporter) spending weli over 35 years in the Far East, of which many were in Japan, and the last seven as Australian Trade Commissioner in Shanghai, Mr. V. Gordon Bowden, first Official Representative of the Commonwealth of Australia in Singapore, declared in
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  • 60 5 Singapore, Saturday. THE following is the programme of drills for the. Singapore Volunteer Corps, to-day: S.R.A. (v)—To B.D. Post from headquarters, 2 p.m. No. 1 See. S.B.D. Sec. R.E. (v)—B.D. Training at Mt. Rtsie Road, 2.30 p.m. "B" Coy. Ist. Bn. S.S.V.F.— Digging and wiring at headquarters, 2
    60 words
  • 232 5 A DECLARATION that lt would be the most momentous Labour conference ever held was made by Mr. A. E. Monk, President of the Australian Council of Trades Unions, in speaking of the International Labour Conference which he will attend In the United States. In
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  • 69 5 Singapore, Friday QTATED to have cheated a Customs Officer by falsely representing to him that he had not been dismissed from the service of any Government or State, In order to obtain a Job in the Customs Department. Joseph Tan (22). a Teochew. claimed trial before Mr. R.
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  • 345 5 Singapore, Friday. "TWO different versions of the accicent have been brought forward at this inquiry," said Mr. W. G. Porter, the Singapore Coroner, this morning at the inquiry into the death of a 40-year-old Hokkien, Khco Cheng Guan, who was fatally injured at Kirn
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  • 510 5 Batavia, Sept. 29. jpOR the lirst time since the invasion of Holland, a meeting was held last week-end by the members of the Association of Senior Officers of the Forestry Department in the N.E.I. "Our countrymen, however gallantly they fought, were obliged to
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  • 88 5 Singapore. Friday OSMAN BIN OMAR, a 34-year-old Malay, appearing on a charge of using criminal iorse to a Eurasian girl, was ordered by the fifth magistrate, Mr. L. G Goh for mental observation when he claimed trial to the charge to-day. The incident was alleged
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  • 110 5 Opposing an appeal for a reduction of sentence in which a young Chinese Yap Kirn T:e had been sentenced to three year's hard labour for robbing a young Chinese couple while they were having a walk along Grove Road. Mr E N. Griffith-Jones, crown counsel, told their lordships
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 107 5 We have succeeded where others have failed For entire satisfaction consult: Tin: i; \<-u: I'IAVO CO.. SINGAPORI L We buy sell used Pianos GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO. Manufacturing Opticians Established m lf>2B Optician C Y. FVN 275, South Bridge Road. Tel. 2164. XJZZ-124 ORCHARD S'POPE w- LEADING HOUSE MEDALS JLi
      107 words
    • 255 5 IF it is an ACCIDENT there is a sure SAFEGUARD HINDI KTILAN CO-OPERATIVE offen to its Policy-holders at an additional cost of 51.50 per thousand per year. Double the sum assured if death occurs with ACCIDENT. Three times the sum assured if the death occurs by accident in a Passenger
      255 words

  • 222 6 A s a paean of triumph, the Japanese explanation of "voluntary withdrawal" from Changsha is several notes flatter than the oft-repeated Nazi assertion that their campaign j "is proceeding- according to > plan." The further Japanese flights I of fancy regarding the tens of thousands of Chinese troops
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  • 106 6 £HINESE opinion sees in the Changsha fiasco a turning point in the whole China campaign, and while we must remain on our guard against unjustified optimism, Changsha indeed has proved a glorious epic. The extent of the damaging blow inflicted on the Japanese is as much apparent from
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  • 146 6 find it impossible with professional sincerity to offer congratulations to those Axis news sources which scooped other agencies in accounts of the fall of Changsha. At least a little history has been made, for this is, we believe, the first occasion upon which a precipitate claim of occupation of
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  • 1808 6  -  Lease-Lend Co-ordinator. (This is conclusion of an article on why Hitler won't win the war. The first part of tl;e article appeared yesterd'.y). By if HARRY HOPKINS I.N the final analysis, those who maintain that Britain will lose must base their final judgment on their belief in
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  • 633 6  -  By Y. W. HWANG yyHILE the average Chinese youth seeks education of his own accord, the English youth requires encouragement, and in some cases compulsion U) acquire it. This may be accounted for by the fact that Chinese mentality is moulded on an entirely different background. In
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  • 222 6 this strange world qUITS made in London for an American millionaire have gone hack across the Atlantic. They will be handed on to London working men left by air raids with nothing but what they stand up in. And the millionaire has given his London
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  • 657 6 TN (he event of vcr the possibility is that there will be a numbe' of children who will be rendered orphans and strays The Govern J ment has doubtless consulted the various churches an d missions with regard to assistance in carin* for these unfortunates should th
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 131 6 THE RAILWAYS j QUOTE 1 REDUCED FARES FOR SPORTS TEAMS AND PLEASURE PARTIES. ENQUIRIES INVITED. We lnstal most up-to-date instruments to discover your eye defec'.f Scientifically and Acmratelv. Refractionist:_C. p. CHONG, PIN PIN OPTICAL MEDICAL CO 112, South Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. Oil IN MAI AT* V. R. VICK CO, LTD.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 919 7 Reuter. Herlin, Oct. .i. "J HAD to make a d flicult decision and send my minister to Moscow fo try and reach an understanding. We kept our word. "Not a single word about Bolshevism appeared in our pre-s. Russia tried to obtain bases on the
    Reuter.  -  919 words
  • 199 7 Tientsin, Oct. 3. DESPITE widespread opposition among the local White Russians, the "Whit House"—the headquarters Of the 1 cal Japanese- sponsored Russian Anti-Communist Ccmmittc" in Tientsin is continuing the registration of young Russian (•migrants lor military training to fight the Communists. "A third batch, comprising 81
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  • 116 7 Reuter. Shanghai, Oct. 3. WHILE the Chinese are celebrating what describe as the great victory of Changsha, Japanese forces have begun a new campaign in Hcnan Province. Chines 3 forces are said to be trapped by Japanese troops which started new driv3s early
    Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 34 7 Reuter. Shanghai, Oct. 3. ACCORDING to an official announcement, of the Nanking Government. Hsu Liang, the Nanking regime's Foreign Minister, has exchanged his post with Chu Minyi, Ambassad-r to Tokyo.—Reutej.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 138 7 British Wireless. London, Oct. 'THE conference, convened by the International Labour Office, which is to be held at Columbia University, fm Mew York, commencing on Monday, Oct. Ti, will discuss, in particular the report of the Acting Director, Mr. E. J. Pheian, who has
    British Wireless.  -  138 words
  • 652 7 Reuter. London. Oct. yyiTH a defeat of a majority of three—:',G votes to 33 —on v censure by the Labour opposition, the Australian Govern- ment resigned to-day. There will be no genera] election and the Labour Party will take office. The motion was moved
    Reuter.  -  652 words
  • 144 7 T Singapore, Friday. HL Japanese have made a new grab in Indo-China. French sources report that the Japanese military have now seized all warehouses, buildings and stores near the docks at Saigon. The premises are privately owned, and practically every large French commercial company
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  • 68 7 Reuter. London, Oct. 3 MR. Charles Ecvward Buckland. who has died in Londcn at the age of 94, was understood to be the "father" of the Indian Civil Service which h? joined 73 years ago. He c:mpilec. single-handed. "A Dictionary of Indian
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 159 7 Reuter. THE Germans lost 1,500 killed and several thousand wounded on the north-west sector of the front where our troops have inflicted heavy blows on two German infantry regiments/' states a supplement to the Soviet communique, adding: "Our troops also inflicted heavy losses on the
    Reuter.  -  159 words
  • 143 7 Reuter. Moscow, Oct. 3. THE success of the Moscow conference once more stresses the significant fact that the Eastern Front at the present moment is the primary and decisive front in the struggle of the freedom loving peoples for the annihilation of Hitlerism," says Pravda to-day.
    Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 46 7 Reuter. Moscow, Oct. 3. TWO German planes were brought 1 down during a German attempt to raid Moscow last night, according to the Moscow Radio. Anti-aircraft fire and night fighters prevented the German planes from reaching the capital. —Ruiter.
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 53 7 Reuter. London, Oct. 3. IT is learr.ed In London to-day that an enemy supply ship escorted by seven flak ships (antiaircraft barrage ships) was attacked by British Hurricanes off Gravelines. One of thp flak ships was sunk. the supply and three ilak ships set on lire Utd the remaining three
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 167 7 I YOU cart be health/ and gracefully slim without starvation Vfl diet or violent- e<ercises if ycu Mm mr jm\ Mr follow th? golden rule of taking mm wT mrnwr A\ two Bi'e Beans regularly every mm JkW right *aL\\ Bile make you feel better mm wk in yourself the
      167 words
    • 317 7 CALL SEE THE NEW ARRIVALS 10 :1 14 m w suitable for sports wear. tea frocks, dance and >^^W^fißw>ro£ l&^w! > dinner dresses as well as lovely cool pastels in delighted wifh the lovely GOWN DEPARTMENT lin-41-777 The LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (AUTUMN) 1!)40 RESULTS, just published award SIXTY FOUR
      317 words

  • 364 8 Reuter. London, Oct. 3. I HE swilt conclusion to the Moscow Conference is hailed by the British press as prcof of its success and also as a united pledge for final victory. The Tim?s says: "A high tribute to the resilience of the Soviet economy is
    Reuter.  -  364 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
      194 words
    • 377 8 Britannia Rules The Waves and BI D and LOU Waves the Rules in their Latest Hurricane of Hilarity Coming to Malaya's Largest Most Popular Theatre— (You guessed it THE CAPITOL) I NEXT 1 OPENING WITH 4 SHOWS hose BUCK PRIVATES are ALL AT SEA tou "71 jR Nothing Funnier since
      377 words
    • 162 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Situations Vacant CHINESE LABOUR COMPANY. The above company is shortly to be formed for service in Malaya. Suitable men of Chinese <Hok kien» nationality are wanted NOW to enlist for the duration of the war. Conditions of pay. by rank, are as under: C.S.M. $125 per day. Pay
      162 words
    • 197 8 Have toii met John You cannot afford to miss the idol of millions! TO-DAY TO-MORROW 4 shows i> Irons vre respei rvvu.\ kkque- ro COLLECT UNPAID RESERVATIONS BEFORE 9.13 P.M. OTHERWISE THEY ARE LIABLE TO BE SOLD. 'Tree'list strictly susPEispm «3 REASONS WHY "MEET JOHN DOE' IS THE FINEST PICTURE
      197 words

  • 244 9 Reuter. London, Oct. 3. A WARM tribute to China's resistance and strategy is paid by The Times in an editorial headed "Withdrawal From Changsha." It says that one of the most striking revelations of the war against China is the power of an ill-armed but morally
    Reuter.  -  244 words
  • 141 9 Reuter. Tokio, Oct. 30. "THE frequency with which acts against Japan of late have been committed by the Netherands East Indies makes certain quarters think that they have reason to regard the attitude of the Dutch Far Eastern colony towards Japan with grave concern." states the
    Reuter.  -  141 words
  • 77 9 Reuter. Bangkok. Oct. 3. REFERRING to a recent Tokyo newspaper suggestion that the British authorities in Thailand are spending large sums of money on press and film propaganda, the Thai newspaper, Nikorn. outright repudiates the insinuation that the British Government is subsidising the Thai press As regards
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 75 9 Reuter. Ottawa, Oct. 3. FOURTEEN experts from among friendly aliens who were brought to Canada from Britain have done such valuable work for the munition industries that gun production, at one point in Canada, is seven months ahead of schedule, stated Lieut.-Col. R Fordham.
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 50 9 Reuter. Shanghai, Oct. 3. I THEIR business in the Philippines susoended as a result of the rei cent United States freezing orders, 197 Japanese merchants and businessmen have arrived in Shanghai from Manila. The evacuees are reported to d* planning to return to Japan.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 367 9 /i A TT A V 11 15, 15,9,15 X ±X A X 'PHONE 3400 808 HOPE'S LAUGHTER RIOT! t in —-nrnmnunt Pretend y r~BO6HOPE• DOROTHYIAMOUR Lynne Overman Eddie Bracken tgj/ -y" /7 produced b» B. G. DeSylva YW\I D<rec»ed by DAVID BUTLER \p yl/ft/ Paramount British Newsrecl! NOTE The 11
      367 words
    • 7 9 c Always tfsĕ 1 TIGER lie BALM*
      7 words
      321 words
    • 111 9 1 SHOWS ii i I*AVILI(XN TO-DAY il AAA. I 3.15, 6.15 9.15 I j An outdoor epic in gorgeous technicolour. SEE IT I Ml BP 1' TflJj i^lrßMß^Miijinfi^Bil^^^^^^i^^B^f^H^fY^f^^B^^ I .™Son Topeye meets William Tell' A HISTORY- MAKING DATE V^* 00 BECAUSE IT MARKS THE RELEASE OF WHAT WE PREDICT WILL
      111 words

  • 44 10 The engagement is announced of Mr Lim Ghim Hye, eldest son of Mr. Mrs Lim Ban Kim, to Miss Boon Gaik Keow, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Mrs. Boon Loong Kim, and the youngest sister of Mr. Boon Wah Phoy.
    44 words
  • 33 10 To celebrate his 72nd birthday, Mr. Koh Sek Lim is taking his holidays at Cameron Highlands on Sunday, 5-10-41, corresponding to Chinese Lunar on the 15th day of Pek Guek TOng Chew.
    33 words
  • 95 10 MR. POH CHENG TEE, aged 68, passed away peacefully on 2nd October, 1941, at his residence, No. 535, Serangoon Road, Singapore. He leaves behind him to mourn his loss a widow, 3 sons Messrs. Poh Siong Hal, Dr. Poh Chee Juay and Poh Siong Joo, 6 daughters, 3
    95 words
  • 94 10 TAN—Mis. Tan Chay Yan. M.B.E. nee Madam Chua Wan Neo passed away peacefully at the age of 08 on Monday, 22nd September, 1941 at her Malacca residence No. 73, Heeren Street. She leaves behind her one son Tan Hoon Siang, three daughters Mrs. Chua Poh Siang Mrs. Chee Guan Chiang,
    94 words
  • 47 10 LADY SONG and family wish to express their heartfelt thanks to their relatives and friends who attended the funeral of Sir OngSiang- Song and those who sent wreaths, telegrams, letters of condolence and contributions to the War Fund. (Penang and F.M.S. papers please copy).
    47 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 2865 10 BUY SELL LOST FOUND CLASSIFIED-RDS RENT AUCTION HIRE SERVILE Wanted WANTED 1,000 FEET 2'/ 2 or 3" Galvd; piping. Table fan 110 volts, DC. Longf bath ti wash-hand basin. Box 624 c,c Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 416L, PORTABLE TYPEWRITER WANTED, k State price and condition to Box No. f>P5 co
      2,865 words
    • 750 10 TENDERS. Tenders will be received up to noon on 31st October. 1941, at the Colonial Secretary's Office for the fo'lowin services for the Department of H.M. Customs and Excise lor a period of oi.e year commencing fro n Ist January. 1942: (1) Making of copper pans, sizes and dimenslcns as
      750 words
    • 206 10 For Stvle, Comfort, Economy, CONSULT The Oriental Optical Co., VIANUFACTURING OPTICIAN* Read Office: 162, South Bridge Rd Branch Office: 348, N. Bridge Rd. SINGAPORE. FREE TESTING HAXDttAKE (.UTAH SEASON CO., LTD., 115. North Bridge Road. I HOWARD DUAL RADIO] FOR 6 VOLT STORAGE BATTERY OR AC CURRENT TUNES THREE BANDS
      206 words
    • 60 10 HI ABETES SUFFERERS! It fc If to delay. This iettn* tire disease is the fc» runner of more daifSM and humiliating dissM* T.B. and loss of hood. THABFB BID. HAS8«| specialist of M yean *j pcrience, KuaranteM cure you completely kj i*ermanenily. No fear of relapse. aireadv cured. Come or
      60 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 900 10 KAIIlo] SINGAPORE LONDON ZHL 225 metres 1333 k rs B XSTERN SERVICF ZHP1 30.96 metres 9.69 in rs GSV 17.81 m r S 16.84 /FfP2 48 58 metres 6 175 m rs GSF 15.14 m cs; 19.«1 «Jl?!* pin GSO 11 75 m«s: 2 5 53 SeSj 1 12 00
      900 words

  • 943 11 MINING Buyers Sellers Singapore. Sept 3. S&ffisl (9s) Stt Sml Malay (£> 0.32 033 Rk« [f) 17 6 18 6xi y Wen* ($1) 087 0.92 ELTTL ik\ 1316 141STselsngor ($D 143 147 iff kiss Etas' gin Tin (50 cts 0 43 1.46 tmwS Tin (-1) 134
    943 words
  • 63 11 Singapore, Oct. >amDier .I*s! fava uube lz.uu lamburg Cube 12.25 luntok White Pepper 18.00 (Thlte Pepper 17.50 Hack Pepper 8.00 lundried Copra 2.90 dixed Copra 2.65 Small Flake Tapioca 8.50 "air Flake Tapioca 8.00 fledium Pearl Tapioca 9 .00 j fmall Pearl Tapioca 9.50 ingga Sago Flour 'air Sago
    63 words
  • 911 11 THE "Faith in Victory" campaign 1 of the "Buy A Bomber" Fund has now realised $10.306.02. an increase of $2.995.62 since the last published lists. The latest list of donations is as follows: Sitiawan Bella Muhammadiah Assertion of K. Bahru. $872.17; Europe**s. Chinese and Malays
    911 words
  • 699 11 Batavia, Sept. 26. The annual report of the N.E.I .'s largest shipping .company, the X.P.M.. .nates tha; their merchant fleet at pre;ent Includes 132 ships and live motor lighters, totalling 322,000 tons. Several ships were used for special services and much attention was paid to the protection of
    699 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 88 11 ROASTER- ff^^il Here's coffee flavor to thrill you with its pungent "wake- 1 up" tang! Packed at the peak of its flavor in modern vacuum f §f ROASTER-FRESH coffee fla- l I Ask your grocer tor dclec- 1 table, ROASTER-FRESH 4tfWt f- I Chase Sanborn Coffee, with the tangier, "wake-up"
      88 words
    • 125 11 A. T. EDWARDS CO., LTD. AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS VALUERS, 11, MALACCA STREET, TELEPHONE 4646. Consult Us For AH Classes Of REAL ESTATE REQUIRE MENTS AND INVESTMENTS. No Obligation Phone 4646. FRIG I DAI RE A-.sfl »EFIIICEMATEI| FOOD* JMm MEAN 1114.4.1 It PROFITS More and more retailers of perishable foods find
      125 words
    • 613 11 Public Notices TENDERS. Tenders will be received up to noon on Friday, the 31st October, 1941, at the Colonial Secretary's Office, Singapore, the Resident Councillor's Office, Penang, and the Resident Councillor's Office, Malacca, from persons desirous of contracting for supplies for the Government at Singapore, Penang and Malacca, respectively, for
      613 words
    • 271 11 STEAMER SAILINGS INDOCHINA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD (Incorporated In England) DIRECT SERVICE TO JAPA via HONGKONG CALCUTT via PENANG. Taking cargo on through Bill Lading for Canton, Macao, Swatow Amoy, Chefo, Tientsin, Newchwang Yangtse ports, Formosa, the Philippines, etc. The steamers have superior ac/ommodation for saloon passengers amidships. They carry
      271 words

  • 786 12 Reuter. London, Oct. 4 Till; delay in the exchange of the Biitish and German sick and wounded prisoners of war. annnmred by the War Office last night, is expected to*be only tempt rat y, Ueuter understands hi author Motive quarters. A War Office announcement on
    Reuter.  -  786 words
  • 331 12 Reuter. Teheran. Oct. 3. THE Iranian transport organisation is already capable of dealing with twice its former capacity and thousands of tons of I war material have been delivered to Russia. This has been I achieved within a month by a staff of British transport
    Reuter.  -  331 words
  • 10 12 Btrtftd Left to ngn* JJ' </•/". Knott U pMfi ->
    10 words
  • 259 12 Reuter. London. Oct. 4. A PROCLAMATION, issued by the Czechcslcvak Council of Monsters hi London yesterday afternoon and broaocasi io the Czechoslovak people, announced that the Government was the locrl interpreter of the feelings >f the people In declaring that all true Czeehoslovals would
    Reuter.  -  259 words
  • 154 12 Reuter. Tokyo, Oct. 4. "IN crdcr to check subversive by foreign nations, to prevent the leakage of information inimical to national defence and the furthering of the prouaganda activities of third' nations." the Japanese Government will promulgate an Imperial Ordinance subjecting all mail matter, includimu hist-class mail
    Reuter.  -  154 words
  • 139 12 Chungking, Oct. 2. DE! ..T3 from the Kwangtung front indicated that the Japanese trocps ed .n the offensive north and southwest of Canton have sutrered severe revets?s T:iri;- aenertd withdrawal from all irouts in Kwangtuna has commenced, Including the evacuation from Hoppo, an Important
    139 words
  • 271 12 a PROFIT of £175.769 10s. njB made by th the National »J*tt eri' In.-uruncc Association Ltd. iaslsH At th<- 27t:> am. .ui -ti.f rai held in London on A»i<r 6. the cSSfl said: Th" A' -'ion t, -1 r.-.t rp'y ajJ|H ed the nr.! complete
    271 words
  • 109 12 Reuter. Brazzaville. Oct. 4. THE United States economic mission to Free French Equatoria Africa disembarked at Pointe Noiion Thursday and was expected; get to Brazzaville vesterdav. On landing, Col. Cunninghat, head of the mission, delivered j message for the Free French H& Commissioner in
    Reuter.  -  109 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 232 12 |f5 FINE 'PHONE: SINGAPOiCii 5376 (5 lines), K. LUMPUR 3331 (3 lines), IPOH 110 111 (2 lines), PENANG 1500 (3, BUTTE RWORTH 3: 1 C.S. 250 A Advt. of Singapore Storage Co., Ltd. READ THE SUNDAY TRIBUTE Dominant In Malaya fjfcl <%in| .MIR AC Ii E short-wave stations the
      232 words
    • 82 12 A j iim.iii u Araiiiii xt; Will Take Place a( Jalan Besar Stadium On Sat.. 11th October, 1941, at 2..10 P.M. Entire proceeds will be devoted to:— Till: MALAYAN WAR FUND THE MALAYA PATRIOTIC FUND The British Red Cross Society (Scottish Branch) FIELD Ac TRACK EVENTS Highland Dancing Competition* Contests.
      82 words
    • 201 12 To-night Tc- morrow *i^J? 7M Night at 7.15 <uo p.m. iGARRICK THEATRE} "Bayar Dcngan Xjil! 1 -*q EQUIPPED WITH TMI LATEST «=23f WesTern Electric igSr |i\v/a" 50UN0 SVSTIM vMWCI A Sensational Malay Talkie. Next Change: Matinees: To-day To-morrow Double Feature Chinese 2 p.m. Talkies "PAI YUN AUM" "SIAK S "ROSE
      201 words