Malaya Tribune, 26 September 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Net Sales Exceed 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1941 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Friday, September 26. 1941.
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  • 391 1 Reuter. Washington, Sept. 25. ENATOR McKellar has introduced into k9 the Senate a resolution to repeal the Neutrality Act Declaring that the Act was "in direct conflict with our freedom of the seas policy," Senator McKellar told the Senate that the law ought
    Reuter.  -  391 words
  • 44 1 Reuter. Loudon, Sept. 26 FOREIGN conscripted workers in Germs ny work so slowly at military tasks that the Germans have been compelled to mere as; the number of supei visors controlling them." stated Ibe Moscow Radio yesterday evening/—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 59 1 Reuter. Simla, Sept. 26. TT Is understood that certain anange--1 ments, regarding the supply of mica, were reached between Dr. Henry Grady, special United States economic investigator In tHe Far East and Indian India 15 the world s leading producer of sheet mica, one of the
    Reuter.  -  59 words
    REUTER.  -  51 words
  • 235 1 Reuter. Shanghai, Sept. 26. THE Hunan front is the scene of fierce fighting as the Japanese drive southward on Changsha. Hunan's capital. Chrnest reports admit that the situation is cri'ical. Cities mentioned in these reports as the scene of severe battles are Pinkiang. about 50 miles
    Reuter.  -  235 words
  • 95 1 Reuter. Chungking, Sept. 26 A JAPANESE war with Russia is believed in Chinese A circles in Chungking to be brought nearer b> the German successesm» Japane se S 'Tfn Manchuluo but wel.-informed Cheese .troops massed in wianc nunu./, in £r i .L.j iUp figure cf
    Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 47 1 These are the first pictures to oe published'in Singapore of the Centenary cetel rations in Sarawak this week. The top picture \hows Chinese schoolgirls participating m the night procession, while the otht r dry cts busy day tame, a kronchong pari tn procession, toitowed irstivc.crordr.
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  • 284 1 Reuter. New York, Sept. 25. A recommendation by Mr. Henry Morgenthau (Secretary of the Treasury t that all profits should be limited to six tier cent, during the present emergency caused today one of the sharpest stock market breaks since April. Steels, motcrs, aircraft. and
    Reuter.  -  284 words
  • 71 1 Reuter. Mo COW, Sept. 26. THE forttie] personal secretary of MusSJllr.i Bebastlanl, has been killed in a dying accident, according to a Geneva report to the Official Russian News Agency The at sncj ados 'hat there are rumour, ln Rome that the accident WM
    Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 73 1 Reuter. Lisbon. Sept 26. r pWLLVL German diplomats, who arc 1 exchanged for a like number of British diplomats, armed at Lisbon yestcrd-y from Britain. The British contingent, who include Sn Lancel t Oltphant. British Ambassador to Belgium, are txpectod to reach Irun on the Franco-Spanish
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 56 1 Reuter. Vichy. Sept M. EN. Le Gentllhomme, former CommanJ der-in-C hief ot the French lorces ln BomalUand. who U now with the Free French. Wa* sentenced to death, in Bit absence, by a court martial at Gannat yesterday. The court also ordered a confiscation
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 15 1 Tokyo. Sept untitled PROMINENT Tokyo economists and financiers have organised a South Sees economic conference.
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  • 201 1 Reuter. London, Sept. 26. THE King and Queen were told yesterday by two Germans, a man and a woman, how they were learning to help tho British war effcrt to drffat Nazism. Their Majesties were making a toil*- of the Home Counties' Ministry of Labour
    Reuter.  -  201 words
  • 220 1 Reuter. London, Sept. 26. AN occupation of Bulgaria by Germany is foreshadowed in an Ankara report quoted by the Moscow Radio. It says that it is stated in foreign diplomatic circles in Moscow that all reports from Bulgaria point to an acute aggravation of the
    Reuter.  -  220 words
  • 95 1 Reuter. i. ndon, Sept. 2G. DURING ihe first four days oi the "Tanks for Russia" we k, more tanks have been turned out than during the peak production month r< voided befcr? Dunkirk, states the Ministry of Supply. In the long process cf production, ranging
    Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 415 1 Reuter. JMIE battle tor Leningrad continues to be of great ferocity. In marked contrast to the previous night's claim by Berlin that German troops were already in the city suburbs, the German* spoka yesterday of fightinp; in the villages and approaches of the city.
    Reuter.  -  415 words
  • 107 1 Reuter. Full-Scale Battle London, Sept. 26. SERBIAN resistance to the Axis yoke hr.s grown into a fullscale battle near the Albanian frontier. Two (ierman battalions have been to help the Yugoslav Quislings. A Budapest paper says that the Serbian patriots. ILVOOO strong, advanced on a town so strong!?
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 158 1 Reuter. Washington, 'U pi 25 k S'IUDY of plans to trerle the United States refining capacity ior aviation petrol at the expenditure of approximately yiSOjOQOjOOQ was announced to-day by Mr Ickcs. Minister of the Interior. He disclosed that the NTavj had entered the market within
    Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 102 1 Reuter. Simla. Sept. 26. ALL recruits to the. Indian Air Force, in future, will be granftfS commissions for the duration of the war immediately tlr y have com- Dieted training. Previously, those who could not jbe immediately absorbed, wece returned to civil lif? until required.
    Reuter.  -  102 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 877 2 Reuter. Kuching (Sarawak), Sept. 25. A CENTENARY memorial, to be called (be Brooke Club, is to be erected in the centre ol 4# Kuching, the capital of Sarawak. The site for this has been donated by the Rajah to the native
    Reuter.  -  877 words
  • 481 2 £JESCRIBING a collision involving his car and another, Edward Charles, a European piano tuner, said that he took his foot off the accelerator when nearing the junction ot Weld Road and Rochore Canal Road, and seeing no other vehicles in the vicinity, proceeded.
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  • 249 2 AN application by a Chinese n woman, Tan All Eng. alias Lulu Chong, for re-trial of the case in which she was sentenced to six months* rigorous imprisonment by the third magistrate for persistently soliciting soldiers and civilians for immoral purposes, was dismissed by the chief
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  • 30 2 A TENTATIVE charge of having untitled ot «?o »t liu««z. on "l»U»»n»o to Levua <«». il4l- N "oc.,. ll,ir«t ,n»«i»l.snt«. >e»t«rll..> l«>. „>.'l».l4..l o„ «v« < «nu l>«livr l«a »u<. «?xlv»..! 1
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  • 494 2 VICE-ADMIRAL Sir Geoffrey Layton. the British Naval Commander-in-Chief. China Station, has sent the following message to the Rajah of Sarawak in connection with the Centenary of the state: "On this, the occasion of the centen rv of the State of Sarawak. I have the
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  • 165 2 TFO CHEF TAT. a detective, who 1 L.C been convicted and fin I $30. with the alternative of 30 days' rigorous imprisonment, by the second magistrate on a charge? of cheating in respect of a transport bill for $3. successfully appealed In the high court yesterday.
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  • 467 2 JjJZRA S. DAVIES, an Indian motor businessman life. abusive language was used by Inspector E Bii him, and that Inspector Bunnens thumped on the his car, and that the inspector smelt of alcohol of Davies was making his defence yesterday in rwo summons charges alleging
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  • 226 2 A SUGGESTION that rh* ed to be jealousy foiiowina >~r^ ar he had heard concern^ffs tress association with tS T ceased, was adduc d by ttJLS" cution yesterday when a aged Chinese, Chua Tat"** appeared before Mr Conrad o2 ham the second district l ud
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 402 2 ENTERTAIN V YOUR FRIENDS THERE MUSIC COMFORT SOCIAL ATMOSPHERE Relay of Raffles Orchestra nightly SUNDAY NIGHT Relay of Regimental Band Concert It AFFL ES BAKERY FOR BEST QUALITY OUTSIDE CATERING AT BREAD ft CAKES MODERATE TERMS. PHONE 5381 mosquitoes I j to kill mosquitoes. Substitutes .ire soldier and black band.
      402 words
    • 58 2 i Bombers PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE withIRIUW niU U C y fo* tCeth 10 p rkJ wich til chair t v 1 1 on PEPSODENT with IRIUM Its amaZin g now quickly Pepaodent chases mm $mmm *W Stains to reveal the true brilltaace of your teeth. Thar'i whv^JWaw J. i U
      58 words
    • 15 2 J_jfe How much more satisfying is 555 perfection 555 CIGARETTES ARDATH TOBACCO CO. LTD, LONDON.
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  • 602 3 QVER seven months ago the A.I.F. landed in Malaya. Witii it came the Australian Red Cross. A solitary Red Cross man landed in Singapore that steamy February day from a prreat Atlantic liner with just on a thousand bales and cases of everything
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  • 69 3 'TWO men. Hoe Kuck Teoh (39) and Lee Kiang rheng <40i. said to have cheated a compatriot by dishonestly inducing nim *o deliver $111.60 worth of leather goods to them, claimed trial when they appeared before Mr. R. Moor, acting third magistrate, on a charge of cheating.
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  • 347 3 Singapore, Thursday. accident which occurred in Grove Road on the nigh 1 of May ."> last in which a motor car and a taxi were burnt and one of the passengers died five days later as the result of burns was recalled
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  • 119 3 CIR Josiah Crosby, British MinisB. ter to Thailand, arrived by plane in ISingVipore yesterday evening. His visit is primarily one of consultation with Mr. A. Duff Cooper, British Cabinet Minister. Sir Josiah was met at the slipway of the Civil Airport by Mr. Don Fox,
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  • 38 3 t I Rangoon. Sept. 24. THE Deputy Commissioner of Immigration, Burma, has returned from Chltta{ong, where he had conversations with the authorities rewarding Indo-Burma Immigration. He will submit his report to the Government of Burma.
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  • 136 3 lARGE reinforcements for all units of the Indian Army in Malaya anived in Singapore yesterday afternoon. They included drafts for the transport, medical, signal, intelligence, and other units. There were also some nurses on board, and a full hospital unit. By the same boat also arrived
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  • 107 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. ACTION to relieve the labour 21 shortage in the F.M.S. Is to lie taken by the Government, it is reliably learnt. It is understood that a bill to grant extra powers to the Indian Immigration Committee so that it
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  • 419 3 (From H. L. Hopkin) London, Sept. 26. MEMBERS of the F.M.S. and Straits Settlements Bomber Squadrons, who arc taking no small part in the R.A.F. off en sive against Germany and Italy were among the guests at a successful party to-day at the Savoy Hotel, given
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  • 125 3 JyM Soon Heng had ft silver chair.-belt given to him when he became engaged U> be married. Ou the night of Sep> 11. he went to bed ln his room at Xam* pong Bahru Road, left the door open and ;iled to lock a trunk whicn contained
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  • 50 3 C 3 pHARGED wnh misappropriating $65 wlych had been entrusted to him by n womut, Lee Kong Wan i claimed trial before Mr. R Moor, acting thai m isistrate. yestcidav The case was postponed for men'hn an Oct. 2. and bail was offered in the sun ol $200.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 106 3 PROUD j jf?* Of course you want to take lifeM X like snaps of your family, friends I ''w I and happy experiences. If you abf ffi-SB J a KoQ<ak it if eas y lo *r get good snaps; so why not ask Kodak cameras take clear snaps IflvV*) because
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    • 73 3 =—5 V tor VICTORY BROOCH $1.00 TIE PIN $1.00 CAR BADGE $5.00 Chromium plated, V in red, words embossed in circle. Size IH" x I%" BICYCLE BADGE $1.00 Same as Car Badge Size as depicted above. Proceeds in aid of the WAR I 1 \D f*n sale at all leading
      73 words
    • 207 3 i• TH E ROYA t0 A X E ft V 6 ARE S f1 H E B CAR E 5 Make teatime more enjoyable by serving Royal Bakery Cakes. There is a 'large variety to choose from—different flavours, colours and shapes. All Cakes are <W made fresh daily in our
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  • 39 4 THE Challenge Cup tie ait Chanel between the Royal Artillery (Heavy), a Div. I team, and the Royal Army Medical Corps, a strong Div. lIA side, ended in a three-nil win for the Gunners.
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  • 90 4 GIVING another fine performance, the combined II A S C. and the R.I.A.S.C. scored their third successive hockey win of the season when they inflicted a (Heme defeat on the Ceylon Sports Club at Balfstier yesterday. The Corps led by one goal to nil
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  • 38 4 MEETING at Woodsville yesterday, St. Andrew's School scored a 15 piints to nil win over the Anglo.Chinese School. The points were obtained thiough two penalty soa's and three tries. Dr. Linehan. the Director of Education, refereed the game.
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  • 481 4 S. A. F. A. Challenge Trophy Soccer THE Spartans, newcomers to the competition, gave a further proof that they will be the giant killers in the S.A.F.A. Challenge Cup competition when they eliminated a Div. I team, the Police, in their preliminary round tie at
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  • 74 4 LT.- GENERAL A E Percival. partnered by Major R. Bedford, competed in the S.C.C. autumn lawn tennis v urnament yesterday when the pair lost to O R S. Bateman and J E. Phillips 7—9. 2 6 in the profession pairs handicap. The G O.C. plays pretty
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  • 75 4 A GOOD evenings entertainment is promised at the Happy World ccverfd stadium to-nig-ht, when a splendid card of 14 events is staged bv the Singapore Amateur Boxing Association in aid of the War Fund. All the boxxers aking part in the events are the hnest in
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  • 23 4 THE Singapore Swimming Club will meet ihe R A A.F. iSembawang) In water-polo match to be played at the 8.8.C. ofT Sunday morx;ing.
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  • 157 4 This Morning's Track Work (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, To-day. TRAINING this mornmg was confirmed to slow work cm the inner and sand tracks. Time Tells impressed with its easy striding-, while Distinguished, given half pace work, looked fit. Democracy and Yule
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  • 170 4 ALTHOUGH the Medical College contested every inch of the ground, an R.A.M.C. side went over seven times to score, and emerged easy victors by 25 points (five tries and two goals) to 5 points (a goal), when they met on the Medical College ground yesterday.
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  • 377 4 T*IIE Singapore Cricket Club held their first hockey trial of the mmoom on Ihe Padang yesterday, and if the form displayed is any criterion, the Club should have a successful season ahead. Several players gave particularly impressive displays in a rrame in which Colour.-,, composed of most
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  • 57 4 TO-DAY SOCCER: Challenge Cup, preliminary round. Renal Navy v S.R.C Stadlurp.. liOCKEY: ACS. v. R A.O.C Oldham Hall: S.C C. trial. Padang; Indian Association v. Medical College. Balestier; S.R.C. v. St. Patrick's School. SRC; V.M.C.A. v. Indian General Hospital, Y.M.C,A. BOXING: Programme in aid of the War Fund.
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  • 58 4 THE following are the qualifiers and the draw for the first round of the Royal Singapore Golf Club championship, to be played to-morrow afternoon: 2.35 R. Craik v H. B. Sym. 2.40 M. M. Paterson v H. C. Ainslie. 2.45 M. C. Bain v R. F. C. Markham.
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  • 50 4 fpHE Tamil Brotherhood Association will be meeting the Merrilads Musical Association in a friendly game of>r at Firrer *****, on Sunday The Brjtl*:hood's team will be selected from the following: Chelliah, Subramaniam. P Gopal, Rajagopal. Muniandy, Slntha, Harun, Ismail. Ponnuswamy, Ramoo. Rangayah. SinnUh Muthu, Thamby and Krishnaswamy
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 559 4 EPHAZONE WILL MAKE YOUR SYSTEM ASTHMA PROOF Asthma IN 30 SECONDS 1 W I all strain is ENDED 6-Attacks Mastered KgPft With Ephazone you can go right through erery day and every night without suffering a single attack of Asthma. Ephazone stops attacks before they start. Take Ephazone ft fSuScNml
      559 words
    • 35 4 HAW-PAR SWIMMING POOL 10TH ANNIVERSARY GALA SWIMMING CARNIVAL Competitors for all events are hereby notified that the heats will- be held at the Haw-Par Swimming Pool on Sunday, 28th September, 1941, at 10 a.m. sharp.
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    • 250 4 fotr burnt oltHk„ Mm** sßa has MORE sex apr Z and Allurtyhan the girl a sun-tannld complexion.' This is what leading beauty exom, say And it's tne Men ad rc fair LSSK and smoothness of cornpkxiorj morervT anything eise. So dm't let ugly sun 5 spoil your romance. Use Wtii*!
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 486 5 rrilh coconut industry-Malaya's neglected industry-is even v.orse off to-day than it was in 1934, when it was described as precarious,- stated the chairman of Selangor Coconuts Ltd at the SOih annual general meeting of the company held at Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday. Government w as
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  • 470 5 Singapore, Thursday. pOUND dead in a piece of waste land off the 17th milestone Lim Ch-i Kang Road, near a by-path, his body bearing the marks of 22 wounds, the inquest into the death of 35-vear-oh-Liang Kirn Weng, a labourer, was held in the coroners
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  • 250 5 Singapore, Thursday. A MAN who admitted no few°r than 20 previous convictions, the first of which dated as far back as 1915. was to-day sentenced to a total of two years' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. J. L. M°Fall, the district judge, on charges of housebreaking and
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  • 131 5 AS certain changes are scheduled to take place in the BBC. transmissions in the Eastern Service from London, beginning from Monday, Sept. 29; the M BX. Services are also affected and the following revised schedules will be to operation during the mornings from that c date: vicfs
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  • 132 5 "SAILORS THREE" (At The Pavilion) A GOOD story with the cleverest of clever gags and the magnificent fooling of Tommy Tnnder, Claude Hulbert and Michael Wildinn help to make "Sailors Three" at the Pavilion a really splendid picture to see. The action goes with a zip from the first
    132 words
  • 158 5 (At The Alhamf>ra) EASILY more than your money's worth is the present programme at the Alhambra. In addition to three newsreels and the main picture, there is a March of Time film dealing with China's war of resistance, which is nothing if not most heartening and very topical. It
    158 words
  • 337 5 asped of Government control of trade in Malaya was criticised by the Hon. Mr. J. L Dawson, chairman of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce, at the half-yearly meeting of the Chamber, yesterday. Mr. Dawson reterred to prohibition of import by the local Government of certain goods
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  • 227 5 RUBBER MARKET "STAGNANT UPSET" SPEAKING at the half-yearly meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce yesterday, the Chairman, Mr. J.I Dawson, cliev attention to the great upset and stagnation" of the Singapore rubber market due to the rubber reserve scheme started in America by the United Kingdom and U S
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  • 183 5 RESTRICTION of imports and a big increase Li exports 01 Malaya's goods has given the country, for the first half of this year, a favourable trade balance of $145,553,000. Reporting this to members of the Singapore Chamber of Comme'ce yesterday at the association's halfyearly meeting, the
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  • 43 5 On Oct. 1. 1941, and for the duration of the ir»i tl c inter Fmpire Press Rate will be reduced to one penny (five cents Straits) per n'crd with the exception that th* existing rutt-s with Eire and Burma will rerrai'i temporarily unchanged.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 8 5 ITS BEST ADV M f NT iiD ISPECIfll
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    • 108 5 Healthy Children! Children should be full of life and nood spirits, they will be. too. if their occasional health irregularities are quickly corrected with Baby's Own Tablets. This specific was devised by a children's doctor who made a special study of the maladies which may beset the young. Baby's Own
      108 words
    • 364 5 NURSE MS f 'j**^ Wonderful De Witts Pills are made uHUI\HLBI especially for weak kidneys. w m WBB In 24 hours after the first This Nurse's praise of De dose you see that your kidneys Witts Pills as a wonderful are being cleansed from the remedy for backache is of
      364 words

  • 206 6 The Outlaw YOUNGER members of the present generation may be unacquainted with that figure of a former day, the professed believer in the negation of all political philosophy except that of outlawry. Described as a Nihilist, he was hardly a popular figure in many Continental countries, but usually found
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  • 200 6 'JHE Reuter version of the incident reaching Singapore does not phrase it quite so outspokenly as that, but it is stated that current stories credit the Vichy envoy with assuming that America was seeking a full settlement of her differences with Japan, "and requested that as the Japanese
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  • 129 6 'J'HE only hope for deliverance, as Vichy know well at the bottom of their hearts, lies in an Allied victory in Europe. The possibility of U.S.-Japanese appeasement in the Far East, leaving IndoChina in the hands of the invader, is not relished. Hence the naive request to Washington
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  • 1053 6  -  DT 0 Dr. Blankenstein IT is said that at every strategic point in the Netherlands East Indies, at every sand pit, every bay and cliff along the coast you can find a Japanese photographer. The people in those regions, as far as they are
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  • 923 6  -  By Thomas Barton V^ T E were prisoners in the heart of wartime Germany 25 years ago! 5.000 men. an odd assortment from every walk of life, interned in the Ruheleben camp for British civilians near Berlin. Pitched into bare racing stables, six to a horsebox, 100
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  • 28 6 Dear Old Lady: Little boy, does your mother know that you smoke? Junior: Listen, lady, does your husband know you speak to strange men on the street?
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  • 617 6 launched soon by r hp be ties Following the first campaign held toward, end of April this year, SHJS profiting by the learnt in the collection ing of waste, should raeef better success than its predeo^ "Hbt only U this S being collected, most of if j,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 263 6 I BE WISE I SAVE FOR VICTORY fse VEX I S FACE POWDER CERTIFIED FREE FROM HARMFUL INGREDIENTS BRITISH EMPIRE PRODUCT. Insomnia? Sleeplessness is very often the result of nervous dyspepsia. Excess acid attacks the nerves m the stomach; inflammation ensues, and soon the whole nervous system is upset, making
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    • 96 6 yMw w fl Mill Il\: U vtetf iii i[ M i SEEDS GROW YOUR OWN VEGETABLES Ladies Fingers Turnips Watercress Lettuce (Early)... j Marrow (Long Fruited) Lettuce (Mignonette) Yam Beans. Angled Loofah ...Maize Broa d Beans Fiench Brans Beetroot Mustard Lima Beans Sword Beans Parsley (Triple Curled) Cucumber Carrots Rad
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  • 292 7 Reuter. >"! -.c«.r6m„ to «n allele tv present in "I cannot say that the repeai would have stopped the war Germany and Italy counted very heavily upon the fact that under the arms embargo law we could not sell a single plane or tank or
    Reuter.  -  292 words
  • 266 7 Reuter. Washington. Sept. 25. pERMANY has the 'direct W responsibility" for feeding ihe prople of the conquered rations, declared the Secretary of State. Mr. Cordell Hull, in a letter to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The letter was a reply to a request for the
    Reuter.  -  266 words
  • 234 7 London. Sept. 25. A STRIKING commentary on German charges that Britain is a plutocracy is to be seen in a comparison made by the "Sunday Express" city editor between two big firms who are prospering from the war. One is the British National Fire Protection Company. The
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  • 171 7 Reuter. London, Sept. 25. AUTHORITATIVE London circles emphasise that the "Tanks for Russia" Week is far from being Britain's only contribution to the Russian allies but is only a symbol of the great aid which has been arranged for the Soviet. We have
    Reuter.  -  171 words
  • 121 7 Reuter. London, Sept. 25. WE had to call on you to help us in a cause for which we are renting- we shall need you even more for the cause for which we will be working in peace, said the Foreign Secretary, Mr. Antoony Eden, welcoming
    Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 328 7 Reuter. Moscow, Sept. 25. GRAPHIC story of a four-day battle, in which two Nazi infantry regiments were* routed and flung back across the River Dvina, is given in a despatch from the front. Large Nazi forces, including artillery and tanks, had succeeded it l forcing the
    Reuter.  -  328 words
  • 396 7 Reuter. (By Patrick Crosse, Reuter'- Soecitti Correspondent in Teheran) Teheran, Sept. 25. FURTHER trainload of Axis agents left Teheran last night for Ahwaz, en route for British Empire internment camps. The detachment consisted of some 50 Germans. 80 Italian sailors belonging to Italian ships
    Reuter.  -  396 words
  • 648 7 Reuter. (By Alexander Werth, Reuters Special Correspondent in Russia, Moscow. Sept. 25. THE Germans will not win this war and the Russians are doing well on this front. But let us face the facts," a Russian officer stated to me to-day. "Our industrial
    Reuter.  -  648 words
  • 176 7 Reuter. Canberra, Sept. 25. THE EXPENDITURE OF £217,000,000 for war purposes is provided for in a record budget of £322,000,000 introduced m the Commonwealth House of Representatives to-day by Mr. Arthur Fadden, th e Commonwealth Prime Minister. Of the expenditure for war purposes £160 millions
    Reuter.  -  176 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 292 8 The CROWDS Applaud S -«AV.T.W." AGAIN! AT THE CAPITOL m tammmttm^ —^h IN TECHNICOLOI'R Adfenture— "GONE WITH THE WIND" iii Starring CLARK GABLE VIVIEN LEIGH and CAST of Thousands POPULAR PRICES: 60 cts. —51.20 (Stalls) and 52.30 (CIRCLE) Including TAX. ■f HOURS of GREA T ENTER TAINMENT I "WHEN Yd'
      292 words
      297 words
    • 316 8 The Year's Big Musical Surprise! V L RT mI Br f RKO RADIO Picture Scr««n «ov fry S<9 Htwg »ro*» ih« Mvsicol Comedy. 'Svnny" Sock o«d lyr»c» Oy 0»© Moroocn on<j Uicor Mommer»i#i* n, SPECIAL! presented with one of the best issm THE MARCH OF TIME Series SEE HOW CHINA'S
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    • 52 8 ONE MAN IN A MILLION I A MILLION MEN IN ONE! That's JOHN DOE the man that only FRANK I APR A knows...the man he wants you to meet. To-morrow Midnight P «ODUCTION ►<&4V EDWARD ARNOLD WALTER BRENNAN BYTNGTON JAMES GLEASON and GENE LOCK HART tyZZ ROBERT RISKIN r~*«*..WARNER BROS.
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  • 317 9 (By A Special Correspondent) Hong Kong, Sept. 17. JJONG KONG has heartily welcomed the new drive by Mr. J. P. Pennefather-Evans, Commissioner of Police, formerly of Malaya, to eradicate the drug evil which has lasted since Hong Kong became a Crown S~l 1 uoiony. The
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  • 93 9 Simla. Sept. 24. YESTERDAY'S conference on recruitment to the emergency branch of the Indian Medical Department' (Indian cadre) prepared various proposals to make the terms and conditions of employment more attractive to licentiates. The principle was accepted that the licentiates v ho volunteered for a term
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  • 187 9 TJAN American Airways yesterday an- nounced that application had been made to the U.S. Civil Aeronautics Board 'or permission to operate increased a. scheaules between Singapore and Manila and ManUa and Hong Kong. Indicating that the new service will soon be a reality, a forty passenger fourengined
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  • 153 9 rpHREE charges of possession of various kinds of labels for the purpose of denoting certain goods to be the manufacture of firms but which were not made by those firms, were explained to Lv Thean Mm (40) when he appeared before Mr. R. Moor, in
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  • 62 9 at the Tamil Epworth League yesterday, on the subject of 'The Evolution of Wealth." Mrs. E. V. Davies can through the whole gamut of the different sources of wealth and delighted Ler audience with amusing anecdotes or any account miss this picture. about modern advertising. Mrs. Davies
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 332 9 CATHAY 4 SHOWS DAILY II A.M. 3.15 6.15 9.15 ALL THE FIRE THE POWER. OF THIS CRF A t NOVEL BROUGHT TO THE SCREEN TO I TYRONE POWER DA ■•mooit sAivn" IN TECHNICOLOUR NOTE:—The 11 a.m. Matinee 20th To-morrow and Sunday will 7 be preceded by a series of j3Bfcg£?L
      332 words
    • 151 9 "SPEED THE TANKS" WANTED BUILDERS FOR 'WALTZING MATILDA'S' You can buy a "Churchill Tank" outright for £20,000 or by Hire Purchase at S? week. OR MAKE A MODEL FOR AUCTION! SEND CONTRIBUTIONS TO EVATT CO., SINGAPORE. §mmmmmmmmtfsmtmmmsmsmmmm To-night To-morrow 9 p.m. ilWßlffiWMMftl *mi fl "they drive mm mmmm m BY
      151 words
    • 230 9 AIR-RAID VICTIMS NEED YOUR HELP! The entire proceeds of the two night shows at our cinemas To-morrow and Sunday, will be Devoted to the Lord Mayor of London's Relief Fund. By seeing the shows you'll be contributing to a cause Worthy of every support! TO-NIGHT Tea Dansant From 7.30 p.m.
      230 words
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  • 47 10 The engagement is announced between Mr. Tan Beng Leong, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Tan Fk Lee of Singapore to Miss Wee Siang Chwee. the elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wee Kirn Lian of Singapore. The marriage will take place shorcly.
    47 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 674 10 l^Nllllllll'NNl^^^^ Situations Vacant WANTED KxpefteDceti Millwimlki mas-tr-i for Higher Classes Apply Box 565 c,o Malaya Tribune. Singapore. <No. 31 ID WANTED—Store Clerk able to type well. Knowledge u f Radio Parts an advantage. Apply p. (j. Box No. 17ti, Singapore. (No. 3031) SELL INSURANCE ON SALARY. W e propose to
      674 words
    • 877 10 Situations Wanted ENGLISH WOMAN wants position responsibility and organisation requiring energy no stenography. Fifteen years experience lecturing. Journalism, office management Box 523. Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 232 L) SUB-ASSISTANT SURGEON. Quarter century. India, Thailand. Malaya. Efficient in preventive and curative medicines. Popular with Asiatic labour. Box No. 52J <■ o
      877 words
    • 923 10 For Sale PANCREALIN has cured Diabetes permanently. Don't dread the disease anymore. No Injection, no fasting. Indian heruil product of Oriental Chemical Laboratories. One month's tin $3i-. G. C. Peters, Sole Agent, Malaya, Post Box 154. Kuala LumpGr. (No. 282L> BURGLAR-PROOF PETROLOCKS obtal-i--able at Oriental Electro-Plating Co.. 134. Orchard Road,
      923 words
    • 920 10 WANTED 1937 38 Austin 7 Sun Hoof Saloon or 1939 40 Marvelette. Full ptfticulars to Box 540 c.o Malaya Tribune, Singapore. I No. 275L> WANTED: Mechanically perfect 500 cc Motorcycle. Any make 1937 upwards. Particulars and' price to: Post Box 91. IPOH. (No. 246 L) LIM MOTOR OARAGE for all
      920 words
    • 700 10 Stamps FOR SALE- Really good quality stamps of Malaya.' Fine selections. Competitive rates Selected approvals sent anywhere. List free. L. K. Thye, Federal Dispensary Chambers, Seremban. (No, iilL) FOR SALE:— Perak vertical strip of S O. 34. 37. 40. 41. 41 and 42 at $6 per mint strip Registered postage
      700 words
    • 281 10 UNDER INSTRUCTIONS FROM ASIA INSURANCE CO., LTD. AUCTION SALE Of 39 bundles of Chinese fishing nets from Sv.atow. To be held at our Saleroom No. 64. Chulia Street Cn Tuesday. Sept. 30th.. 1941. ai 10.30 a.m. sharp. NOW ON VIEW. THE SINGAPORE AUCTIONEERS. TWO DAYS ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE Of Well-Made
      281 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 892 10 j T O-D AY S b7\ «T«! I p i SINGAPORE Lo\ nnx^ J ZHL 225 metres 1333 k!c, EAsir.Tv ZHPI 30 945 metres 9.69 mcs GSV-f; 8 i s KVIc r ZHP2 48 58 metres 6175 m.cs jf«« JJjJ 12.00- "Divertimento- No. 17 In D M,- H Z\T jor
      892 words

  • 1138 11 Singapore. Sept 25. Buyers Seller; MINING. 2;9 3|unal 7l- 7,3 Mala] (J£) 0.33 DB tss) 16 9 17'9xd ($1) 085 0 90 'bagr* Tin 1216 14|g, tai (ss) 16!4>2 10 9 Malay 16[6 17 6xd ng 111- 12-xd da ($1) 0 22 0 24 q ,50
    1,138 words
  • 17 11 Singapore, Friday. Prices jot tin and rubber in Singapore at noon today were:— TIN fiUBBfcR
    17 words
  • 189 11 (From Our Financial Correspondent) mir-or Singapore, Friday, ruiwrit was a firming tendency ln the tin share market yesterday, although fairly quiet. Hong Fatts improved to F33. and Sungei Ways to 3 10. tin U maQe -i B3 aud Kuchais 1 78' /2 while Papan
    189 words
  • 307 11 London, fept 24: Tin opened dull. The turnover was 50 tons. Cash tin was neglected and easier. Smelters continued to abstain but limited and slightly cheaper ofterings of three months and intermediates from dealers were well absorbed. After official hours, the market was much more active with
    307 words
  • 66 11 Singap:re. Sept. 25. Gammer 7.50 Java crube 12.00 Hamburg Cube 12 .25 Muntok White Pepper 17.50 White Pepp?r 17.00 Black Pepper 8.00 Sundrled Copra 2.80 Mixed Copra 2.55 Small Flake Tapioca 8.50 Fair Flake Tapioca 8.00 Medium Pearl Tapicca 9.00 Small Pearl Tapioca 9.50 Lingga Sago Flour 1 air
    66 words
  • 185 11 Singapore, Friday. NOT a subject for levity, was the remark made by Mr. J. I. Dawson, chairman of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce, speaking ot* the possibilities of synthetic rubber in competition with the natural product, yesterday at the association's half-yearly meeting. "The names of those
    185 words
  • 146 11 J 1 iS m Peat (Singapore) Ltd.. in the J rUbbet report dated Sept 25 write.— j Once again a week lias panted with the Singapore market dull and lat lected. In response to a cable that has been received Ironi the Rribbcr Trade Association
    146 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 33 11 \7 HUQT RO^°y ORCHARD S'POPE mm A CHINA BUILDING, a SINGAPORE u Overseas T*egr*M9: CENTEN MOTOR VEHICLES Hssurance U WORKMEN'S corporation, COMPENSATION Xto* v personal accident AGENTS THROUGHOUT MALAYA lowest rates liberal settlements
      33 words
    • 214 11 A.T. EDWARDS A < P.. LTD. PROPERTY SALE To be sold by Public Auction at the Sale-room of A. T. EDWARDS CO., LTD.. No. 11. Malacca Street. On Thursday, 2nd Oetohcr 1941. At 2.30 P.M. AUCTION SALE I OT 1. Freehold land and houses Nos. 166, 168 170, Rangoon Road.
      214 words
    • 427 11 Public Notices RECRUITS WANTED. English speaking Chinese recruits are require J on a voluntary basis for the First Eattalion of the Straits Settlements Volunteer Force. Vacancies exist for:— Signallers Wireless Operators Transport Drivers Pioneers Light Machine Gunners Stretcher Bearers No previous training is necessary. Further information may be obtained from
      427 words
    • 296 11 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA S. N. CO. SERVICES Bangkok Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta, Port Swettenham, Penang, Negapatam, Porto Novo, Cuddalore, Madras. Sailings will be maintained as regularly as circumstances permit. For passenger accommodation apply to: BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. 'Incorporated in F.M.S.) Tel. 5431 for Passage Freight. REFRACTING«» MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS TESTE
      296 words
    • 346 11 P. o. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated ln England) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S.N. CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. The best possible services are being maintained by the P.& O.S.N. Co., from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers
      346 words

  • 254 12 Reuter. ißy Maurice Lovell, Reuters Resident Cor espondent j Moscow. Sept. 26. THE great battle for Leningrad goes on as furiously as ever, according to the latest reports from the sjrty. Since the fall of Kiev, more interest than ever attaches io this keypoint. It is impossible
    Reuter.  -  254 words
  • 60 12 T UANG Netjoati, Tha. Consul-General Singapore, left yesterday morning by train for I Hi Mid 'o be ca leave for thne week 1 Mad.urn Nctinatl, w:fe cf the ConsulGeneral baa teen a Bangkok iji sent time. Th ir s at school in Singapore. Sir Jcsiah
    60 words
  • 332 12 Reuter. London, Sept. 26. ItfEW evidence proving the success of the R.A.F.'s recent daylight offensives has been secured by reconnaissance, states the Air Ministry News Service. Sunday's attack on the electric power stations and chemical works at Gosnay, near Bethune, was conspicuously successful. A strong
    Reuter.  -  332 words
  • 68 12 Reuter. Bombay. Stpt. 25. pOURTOS HUNDSEO men of Uw B::tiall Ntv> are already assured Ci vma»r c mf.irt sneepssin )acket> owing to the of trc Bcmbay branch trf the Sheepskin Jackets League which has coi.tctrc already £1.000 The jacket, which will be complete gloves and
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 151 12 Reuter. London. Sept. 25 •'VTEW difficulties must be overcome and overcome every day." sa:d a milita.y commentator on trie German Radio ft i i terday evening, referring to the ftgh*"!4 ion the Bwtan front. Lines of supply, he pointed out. have •been lengthened by the recent advm."".
    Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 10 12 Reuter. untitled of the Duke of 4,11>V ..!<>! III,''! ".'V,. -.>, l?>
    Reuter.  -  10 words
  • 145 12 Reuter. Tokyo, Sept. 25. THE British evacuation vessel Anhui has been held up just outside Yokohama harbour since last night on technical grounds of quarantine while several hundred British subjects have been waiting on the pier. The British authorities are reported to be watching the vessel through
    Reuter.  -  145 words
  • 278 12 Reuter. •By Patrick Crosse. Reuters Special Correspondent > Teheran. Sept. 25. \i T HERE the British troops are billeted, British and Soviet troops on Tuesday morning Drawn up facing each other at each end of a large open space, the formations saluted l oth
    Reuter.  -  278 words
  • 294 12 London, Sept. 26. '■•HE news from the Eastern Front is against confused and conflicting (writes "Annalist"). Although both sides speak ot heavy lighting at Leningrad and Odessa, at neither of these bastions of Soviet resistance tl the Germans appear to havi made any headway.
    294 words
  • 80 12 Reuter. Washing* n Sept. 26. THE Eccnrmic Def nc? Board has 1 -"nmn.-ei a supnlementaiy 'h.r>el; |I«*.*' of firms re mg on behalf -f tho Axis in the tner re r-ihiio<: ol America, ac'.Jing 300 ind' nnd firms to th? original Ua» of 1
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 394 12 EXPECTATIONS of a new scale of income tax were voiced by Mr. J. I. Dawson, member of the Legislative Coantil and chairman of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce, yesterday at the haJf yearly meeting of the chamber. Mr. Dawson said: "The War Taxation of
    394 words
  • 120 12 THE Rhino* mtm that Laughed" In the DUmtMC of 'Guiding in Malav.t" b\ Mr Tneodore Hubback teas oi a Blue rhincccross revenge on a man who imrithwlj killed rhinoceros ln order to sell their horns. Mr Hubriaci teiis his -toi y with great bJ 111
    120 words
  • 61 12 Reuter. Chungking. Sept 25 A FTIIR an absence of 23 days. Japanese atrcralt once more de an arpearance over Szechuen yesterday morning. Chum;klMi had a brief alert lasting «> minute*, when Japanese aircraft were iCfhtad cruising in the vicinity of the city but no bombs
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 173 12 Reuter. Washington, Sept. 25. THE visit of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, who met an enthus astic reception from the peole lining the sidewalks, was climaxed by a reception at the National Press Club this afternoon when the ballroom was crowded with 600 journalists
    Reuter.  -  173 words
  • 179 12 Reuter. Mosc:w. Sept. 26. GOMEL which for a long time past has not b°en mentioned in war front despatches, comes into the news again to- day. It is stated that place "D." in the Gomel c'Mvcticn was wrested from the Germans J after Soviet attacks, according
    Reuter.  -  179 words
  • 91 12 Reuter. London. Sept. 35. THROUGHOUT Britain, tanks are rolling cut for S'viet Russia Hundreds and hundreds are being assemb'ed and armed m a ceaseless flow. Peak figures are b'-ing reachec: and a'l previous reccrds have beei smashed. Women are taking: r leading part in this gigantii British
    Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 138 12 Reuter. London. Sept. 26. THE fourth trainload of Axis 1 agents, rounded up in Iran, lift for Ahwaz :n Wednesday night on their way to internment some where in th? British Empire. They include about 50 Germans. 80 Italian sailors, belonging to ships captured
    Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 75 12 Reuter. London, Sept. 26. A FURTHER donation. received from the Punjab, has brought the Punjab War Fund total to a tcta' of £224.000. The Fund has now given two fishier squadrons to the R.A.F An additional £10.000 has brought the British Ccmmuniiies In China donation for
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 137 12 Reuter. Cairo. Sept 2-S IT is learned authoritatively that the general supply situation in the Lebanon and Syr a has Unproved. Go-d sut plies ol «M, ga r\ kerosene and coffee hive reachad tha country, although the .;it ■-ntion r >nt!nue«t to b e rather
    Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 261 12 Reuter. "THE big 1 French National r nnv already been termedL iH?* who have seen experience in the v» r. d var *d country. me of u eir The Commissioner for w Le Gentilh:mm- Va t H r Gen French Army Chief \H ho the
    Reuter.  -  261 words
  • 46 12 J\s from jresterda: nation: caUin United States and il need to carry, hips-,- arr^. rl^ e UnUed s Commission in order to se facilities .ithoct 2££ Details of thii --hip* warrant scheme aon an advertiseme:.: J0 r n
    46 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 121 12 "I'm Always Fresh and Full of Energy!" H fl v \J« fl I fl Kb s*v iflSki m B v flssHnP fl fl IsSSc ssiir Lsifl>>&''- i^BsHH^Lsl^a^ae wMĔMtwtm _j i WflsssMasMfflili Bm And the reason is—Lifebuoy Toilet fresh too; full of energy and better Soap! It guarantees personal freshness, able
      121 words
    • 105 12 Gian Singh Co., I 4, Battery Road, H SINGAPORE Telephone 24* 3. I Consult about your ,h B mrnts, business. marnn.t*. B| affairs, promotion, litigation, mm etc Satisfact on guaranteed SJ excellent testimonials W officials. Charges .Moderate. n H Prof X. A. Mawn. B Adviser. 2nd Floor. 3. Singapore. H
      105 words