Malaya Tribune, 25 September 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Net Sales Exceed 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1941 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Thursday, Sept. 25. 1941.
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  • 253 1 S Vichy, Sept. 25. QUADRONS" of British planes are now participating in the defence of Leningrad, according to a Stockholm dispatch to the Vichy News Agency. With the aid of British aircraft, the dispatch says, the Russian Air Force has caused serious losses to the
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  • 120 1 Reuter. Berlin, Sept. 25. ALL is quiet in Bulgaria, deA clared the Bulgarian Minister of the Interior, M. Grabowski, addressing foreign journalists in Sofia yesterday, states a Sofia despatch to the official German News Agency. The Minister stressed that as a partner in th? Three-Power
    Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 229 1 Reuter. Canberra, Sept. !>5. jyjli i urtin, the Opposition m leader, moved a virtual vote of censure on the (.overnment after the sensation caused in the Australian of Represrnta\ives .vc-terdav bv a disclosure ,tb>2< PrfU'i Minister, Mr Fadden, that Government funds had been used for payments
    Reuter.  -  229 words
  • 90 1 Reuter. UNCONFIRMED REPORTS OF A STATE OF SIEGE IN PARIS WERE RECEIVED EAST NIGHT The latest decree in occupied ice is that th..;-- who help Briti h airmen arc to be shot on the spot. Arthu: Le.sses, a former propagandist for the French Govment, on arrival in
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 28 1 Reuter. New YOrk, Sept. 24:—The untitled En 1.11 uoiuntil Union rma lh l! day strike priding onu at uogoUattoni bet:.' shipowners a»id ihe t> nc Medial ion Bjard
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 456 1 Reuter. Chungking, Sept. 25. )JOST sanguinary fighting between the Chinese and Japanese forces is going on in Northern Hunan where the fate of Changsha (capital of the province) hangs Mi the outcome of the present battle on the Milo River in which both sides
    Reuter.  -  456 words
  • 151 1 Reuter. Shanghai, Sept. 25. npRE biggest terrorist hunt fi t ntf nlnrt by the International Settlement Police been launched following the at tack on a Japanese civilian along hanghai's main street. Nanking Road, on Monday Heavily armed Match parties are combmg the Settlement In
    Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 59 1 Reuter. London, Sept. 25. A BRITISH submarine has torpe- ti Jd an enemy transport and a supply ship of about 1,500 tons in the Central Mediterranean, according to an Ac'miralty communique yesterday aftemrxn. The supply rhip is believed to have been sunk and the
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 41 1 Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert Brooke-Popham, Commander-in-Chief, Far East, has issued a warning against complacency over the present lull in the Far East "Full value," hi declared, "must be drawn from 'he time thai is yet ours."
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  • 37 1 Reuter. Calcutta, sept piVI more districts ln Bengal Intra qualified lot flgntati in the East in rita ■quadrona to be named after them ai result <'i contributions, totalling R--. SSMSB —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 382 1 Reuter. By Gerald Herlihy, Renter's Political Correspondent j London, Sept. 25. VURTHBR support iv the pleas of Members of Parliament that Government should adopt a more vigorous production policy to which referred on Monday was given \>y editorials which appeared yesterday in the
    Reuter.  -  382 words
  • 56 1 Reuter. Whiting (Indiana), Sept. 24. TOE gigantic Are which broke out to-day aft?r an explosion at the Standard Oil Company's factory is now apparently undei control. One man is reported killed and' several injured. Th, fire spread to dozens of oil storage tanks in a
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 300 1 Reuter. JT was strongly indicated in Washington yesterday that President Roosevelt would request a virtual repeal of the Neutrality Act next week. It is reported from the Capitol that Administration officials are urging the President to recommend also an elimination of the provisions
    Reuter.  -  300 words
  • 222 1 Reuter. Shanghai, Sept 25 UEAVY movements of Soviet u troops in Siberia were wilnessed by a party of nine foreign schoolteachers who have arrived in Shanghai from Turkey through the Soviet Union. One American member of the party said that trainload after trainload of
    Reuter.  -  222 words
  • 26 1 London, Sept. "rr.r. Britten Red rrr. -s nee BUoented I £230,000 to deal With the Immediate i needs Eiussie end Britain* otnet aujes.
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  • 298 1 C-IN-C IN RURMA: NEW WARNING Reuter. Rangoon, Sept. 25. THE present temporary lull it) activities in this part of tlie world fc not one for sleep, said the Commander-in-Chief, Far East, Sir Robert Brooke-Pophaiu, interviewed here. Hr emphasised that this periml that fortunately presented itself to us shot»
    Reuter.  -  298 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 993 2 RAJAH SAYS PEOPLE NEVER EXPLOITED Reuter. (By D P. Wagle, Reuters special correspondent) Kuching (Sarawak), Sept. 24. "W E pledge ourselves loyally to uphold the traditions of the Brooke family in building up a state free from oppression and crime, free from poverty and want,
    Reuter.  -  993 words
  • 184 2 SIR Shenton Thomas, as British Agent for North Borneo and Sarawak, has sent the following message to H.H. the Rajah of Sarawak, on the occasion of the Centenary celebrations: "On the occasion of the centenary of the State of Sarawak I offer to Your Highness my
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  • 298 2 THE "On Duty" Union Jack Emblems are now for sale everywhere in Singapore and in the leading towns up-country. These very attractive emblems consist of buttons, brooches, silver cuff links of various patterns, motor car emblems and match boxes. They display enamel Union Jacks on
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  • 147 2 Reuter. Canberra, Sept. 24. p is a great compliment to i Australia that China should send a man of such distinction, said Mr. Fadden, the Premier, speaking at the official luncheon by the Commonwealth Government to Mr. Hsu and the Councillor, Dr. Tuan, at Parliament
    Reuter.  -  147 words
  • 97 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Fuso Maru, one of the three ships sent by the Japanese Government to evacuate its nationals from foreign sreas in the Far East, arrived in Singapore to-day. It is expected to sail tomorrow or on Saturday, with about 600 Japanese nationals from various
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  • 177 2 London, Sept. 22. "an enormous number of Frenchmen are supporting General de Gaulle" is acknowledged by Signor Virginia Gayda, noted Fascist editorialist, in a recent article which appeared in the semi-official Rome paper "Giornale D'ltalia." "Hatred for the Germans anu* everything German remains uppermost
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  • 49 2 Saigon, Sept. 24— After a three-weeks stay ln which he established contact with Japanese authorities ln connection with the entry of Japanese forces to southern Indo-China, Admiral Decoux, the French Governor-General of Indo('hintt left by train yesterday afternoon rc/wu Lack to Hanoi E»cUt v IV.,
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  • 386 2 THREE summons charges were brought against F <a r» of the Royal Motor Hiring, in the district traffic yesterday. Davies was acquitted on the first eharire of Hi;,; an otherwise than careful and orderly manner by improperly overtaking a car driven by Inspector E. Bunncrty
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  • 249 2 A VERY interesting country of wonderful mountain scenery and polite and friendly people was how the Very Rev. John Leonard Wilson. Bishop of Singapore, speaking to Singapore Rotarians at the Adelphi yesterday afternoon, described the subject of his talk, Iran. •I left Swansea in
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  • 81 2 A FTER standing his trial on a charge or corruptly receiving $50. and alternatively, cheating Lau Kwock Yen of the money. Saul Menaheni. a former clerk employed at the Restricted Imports Department. Singapore, was acquitted by Mr. R. Moor, acting third magistrate, on baturaay, v.hen judgment was delivered.
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  • 74 2 Bangkok. Sept. 24.—Rokuro Murakami, employee ol tne Ntobitai Shokai. a Japlincse commercial tirin, was to-day reported out ot danger after receiving a serious wound in the neck from an unknown assailant, as Thai authorities continued to search for the attacker. It was revealed that Murakami suffered
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  • 27 2 (Cent-A-Plane Fund) Total number of enemy p i ane destroyed during yesterday 0 n 5 fronts up to midnight London time (excluding Soviet claim*);SEVEN
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  • 269 2 Singapore, Wednesday A DIVORCE petition in n Elias Davies. an In ing for a dissolution of his marriate with B. E. Davie ground of her adultery with another Indian. S. L s ns which was fixed for hearing in the high court to-day. bef< re
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  • 78 2 Reuter. j Teheran, Sept B THE ex J-hali has l< I Xt m the direction of Band land is to pass through T his way to the /argentine, acccrdI ing to the Iranian New.; fkg ncv. There is no ootifirmatiori however, of the report that the
    Reuter.  -  78 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 462 2 MALAVAI PftCMIER HOTEL J TQ.\i(.IIT "BATTLE OF BRITAIN" DANCE CABARET in aid of the CHURCHILL TANK FUND DANCE HOSTESSES J"? DAN HOPKINS HIS ORCHESTRA ly THE HARMONY HAWAIIANS DINNER $3.00. BOOK VOl'R TABLE. f. Brectheoble Cure hr coughs Wl^ll Bronchitis. M^jlM troubles, so you must breathe in 'fS^^^^ftl l the
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    • 148 2 'Asthma Cause Killed in 24 Hours Thanks to the discovery of an A mcn c *J physician, it now is poaalble to get rifl those terrible spells of choking, gasp™* coughing and wheezing Aathn a by awm the true cause which is Germs in the No more burning of powder*,
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  • 113 3 Havildar Maqtul Singh, whose home is in Patiala State, India, and icho is serving in Malaya 7ioic. fccw surrendered his Indian Arjny pension in aid of the icar effort' Havildar Maqtul Singh jott ed Skinner* Horse in October, Ist4, he saw active service iviih hk /2t> (jiment
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  • 233 3 jl w ('lril)une Stuff Reporter) |N Singapore now to set up an office for the "International Publicity Bureau under the Ministry of Publicity, China. is Mr. K. C. Yeh. This bureau will act as a liaison between Chinese and British publicity devartments and is similar
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  • 61 3 Reuter. New York. Sept. 24. j SUBSTANTIAL aid given j to Britain by the re- fitting of British warships 1 in the United States has j resulted in Britain promisS ing to give reciprocal faci- lities to American war- ships at Singapore, says
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 88 3 CHARGE ol attempting to murder an Indian police constable. Sardar Khan, aaa explained to 32-veai-cld Ahmat bin Rt lim, an Arab. In the fifth police court csterday morning Ahmat was -alleged to have stabbed SBTdar Khan with a knife *t Bernam street. The praaeeutlng officer told the
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  • 192 3 THREE Hainanese, arrested at Changi Barracks early yesterday morning, appeared before Mr. R. Moor, acting third magistrate, on charges relating to unlawful societies. Go Liong Hian. alias Go Ah Llong (27), claimed trial to three charges; being a member of the Voic? of the U.S.S.R.
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  • 52 3 Tate Yama. Sept. 24.—No Soviet patrol ships were met during this year s fishing trip declared Captain Hibl of the Agriculture and Forestry Ministry's fishery supervision ship. Shunkotsu Maru, on her return here from the Arctic regions of Kamchatka where he was engaged in assisting and supervising the Japanese fishing
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  • 254 3 4NY person in the Cclony who has financial dealings with or on behalf of a person in France or any other enemy-occupied territory is liable to prosecution Also, any person who holds cr manages money or property on behalf of a person in France cr
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  • 122 3 A WAKENED in the middle of the night I by shouts for help, s Abdul Wahab. who described himself as a compositor, stated that he got out of bed and went out to see his mistress in the arms of Mohamad Ayob. a conductor employed by
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  • 105 3 A WELL-KNOWN member ol the Eurailnn community in the person of Mrs. Eugenic Francisca Gomes, wife of Mr. Martin F. Gomes, passed away at the General Hospital, Singapore, early yesterday morning after a short illness. Mrs. Gomes counted a very large circle cf friends and
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  • 86 3 rpHE Btraits Settlements Police Band will perform ln public during October as follows, under the direction of Mr. J. C. Hitch, L.RA.M, A.RC.M.. R M S M. Oct 2. Thursday. 6 p.m., Telok Ayer. Oct. 5, Sunday. 8.30 p.m., Botanic Gardens. Oct. 7, Tuesday, 5.30 pm, Katong
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  • 198 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) ]Vf R. LEE NENG KERN, Singapore Chinese Consulate official, who four months ago arrived from Switzerland and who has been studying local Chinese educational problems, has, it is understood, already submitted certain recommendations to the Chungking Government. During his stay
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  • 228 3 ONE of six labourers, an 18-year-old Hokkien named Ngan An Luan was fatally Injured in the Hour store at the Alexandra Military Supply Depot, on Sept. 10, when sacks of flour, weighing 140 pounds each, fell on him. pinning him underneath. Removed to hospital, lie
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  • 54 3 TINDER the auspices ol the Singapore Indian Association Musical and Dramatic Section, an Indian musical concert will be held. on Monday. Sept. 29 from 6 p.m. till 8 30 p.m. at the Ramakrishna Mission Ball. Norris Road, by Mii-s Papa Oomathl of Kuala Lumpur. The concert will
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  • 169 3 Singapore. Wednesday. WHEN Janaki. an 18-yeer-old Tamil girl, was charged before Mr. Conrad Oldham, the second magistrate, this morning, with failing to report to the pclice on Sept. I, while undei going a term of police supervision, she advanced the plea that she could
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  • 89 3 "JN making a claim for the title to a piece of land situated at Coronation Road. Lim Bang isBl. allegedly made a raise declaiation before a police magistrate by ..tatinu; »hat since his occupation, for more than 14 years, he had neither paid rent, nor had rent been
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  • 832 3 Batavia. Sept 18 I r I HE N.E.I. Trade Commissioner in the United States, Mr. Zimmerman, has returned to his post. An impression of his activities in this country may be gained from the fact, stated by the Java Bode, that be attended no fewer than 95 conferences.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 177 3 iff Spartdn Si?EETSEMC 6^MgAW Foot Itch Healed in 3 Days Do your feet itch, smart and burn «<~ badly that they nearly drive you era?} Does the .skin crack; peel or bleed? The ause of these skin troubles Is a germ that has spread throughout the world, and is called
      177 words
    • 463 3 "l or economical ami i nourishing dishes Iff Cold Storage HI t T f TON Cutlets, Legs Loin Chops Shoulders Cold Storage Mutton makes better Curries > PHONE: SINGAPORE 5376 (5 lines), K. LUMPUR 3331 (3 lines), IPOH 110 111 (2 lines), PENANG 1500 (3 Unes), BUTTERWORTH 33. C.S. 199
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  • 61 4 TO-DAY annrvn- Challenge Jup competition, S %l s minary :h round. Spartans v Police Anson Road Stadium; R. A. <»*ffg. J R A M.C., Changl; S.A.F.A_ lea «ue. Sly HA. RE. (Malays) v R.A.S.C.. HOCKEY' SC.C. trial. S.C.C; Colts v ffISST' General A.C.S. v Singapore Engiisn mm Oldham
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  • 80 4 •raFAULTS of yesterday's ties in R the S.C.C. autumn lawn tennis tournament were: Men's singles handicap. Mr. and Mrs C J. R. Bembroke (scr.) beat Mr and Mrs. T. Kitching (plus 4) 6—4, 6—2. j Men's doubles handicap: H Ltokes and S. C. Woolmer (plus 2) beat Major
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  • 86 4 ENTRIES are now Invited for the men's and women's open singles table tennis tournament of the Amattur Athletic Union. The entrance fee will be 30 cents per head. Those who are desirous to compete should communicate with the hon. sports captain Mr. Lim Kian Soo. or their respective
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 4 MISS Gem Hoahinjr, "The Chinese Lenglen," winner cf the British junior championships in 1936, has been playing: many matches in aid of both the British Red Cross and the China Relief Fund. She is pictured above with Mr. S C. Hellings, the secretary of Queen's Club.
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  • 322 4 Challenge Cup Soccer ITNLUCKY not to win on their showing, the R.A.F. (Kallang; drew with the Naval Rise Corinthians two-all in the S.A.F.A. Challenge Cup competition's extra preliminary roun l tie at Anson Road Stadium yesterday. The Rafa were definitely the better team, possessing-
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  • 76 4 THERE should be plenty of fun at the Singapore Polo Club ground on Saturday, when the gymkhana in aid of the War Fund is held. The following is the programme for the day: 3 p.m., jumping; 4 p.m.. Malayan Kadir Cup; 4.30 p.m., women's Kadir Cup;
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  • 192 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Tuesday. rpHE Muar Hospital Club have successfully completed their annual tournaments and prizes were distributed by Mrs M. L. Bynoe, the wife of Dr. Bvnoe Medical Officer, General Hospital. Muar, to the following: Tennis doubles handicap (Dr. Vlswanathan Shield): Winners, Ng Bah
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  • 46 4 rpHE following will play hockey for the Singapore Hornets against the Sappers and Miners on Saturday at Thompson Poad: S. Rodrigues; R. H. Barth, M. Modder; L. Estrop, R. S. Barth. D. Decruz; B. Scheerder. C. Rayney, D. N. Booth, H. Boudewyn, J. Scheerder.
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  • 386 4 Vital Points Dropped In Game Against Chinese HROPPING vital points in their game against the Straits Chinese Football Association reserves at Farrer Park yesterday, the reserve team of the Gordon Highlanders, hitherto strong contenders for the Re serve Division honours, have now
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  • 217 4 THE S RiC. hockey trial between the Colours and the Whites played on the SK C. ground yesterday resulted in a win for the Colours by tie odd goal in five. The match was productive of a fairly good standard of hockey and although the Colours fielded
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  • 245 4 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, To-day. TRAINING for the Selangor Autumn meeting began this morning. The going was yieldin?. Some of the outstanding gallops seen were done by Drift On, Depot, Bridge Law and Green Howard. Lawt-racket and Golden Plateau were paced together
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  • 166 4 rpHE teams and starting times for the women's inter-club match between Garrison Golf Club and Sepoy Lines Golf Club, to be played at the Garrison, on to-morrow are as follows:— p.m. 4.00 Mrs. A. M. Scrimgcour (30) vs. Mrs. A C. Brooks (30). 4.05 Mrs. R.
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  • 111 4 rpiiE following have been selected to play hockey for the V.M.C.A. vs. I.G.H. to-morrow at 5.10 p.m. on the Anson Road ground:— F. Haist; A. C. Edgar, Lee Fong Lim (capt Goh Chin Chye, G. Day, V. R. Sabapathy; Ross. I. Suratta, Mustafa, A. Ganestam. P. Swyny.
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  • 20 4 TO-DAY: 1.05 a.m. 10.1 ft.; 1.08 p.m. 9.8 ft. H TO-MORROW: 1.52 a.m.. 9 6 ft.; 1.46 p.m., 9.5 ft.
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  • 228 4 ONE of the finest amateur boxing cards will be presented at the Happy World covered stadium tomorrow night, when another War Fund programme is staged by the Singapore Amateur Boxing Association. Most of the top notchers in the game to-day will be participating in the
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  • 33 4 TN a friendly game of badminton played at their own court on Friday last, the Hurricane B.P. beat the Pulau Branl B P. by 8 games to 1. V. .—V
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  • 25 4 The Reserve Division match between the Argylls and Chinese Athletic, which was to have been played on the Fraser and Neave ground yesterday, was postponed.
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  • 145 4 Reuter. •THE first big match of the I will be played on the Padan- on Saturday, when th c New comers meet the Rest The following; a r e the y teams for the match: Newcomers (Whites) j Willoughby; Lt. J. R. Mathie MM. W.J. Tyson, D
    Reuter.  -  145 words
  • 101 4 rpHE Royal Singapore <.olt (iul) A Medal—l94l competition will b played on Saturday and Mindav Oct i and 5 in conjunction with the Ortni..* Medal. The lollowing have quahhed to compete:— M. C. Bain. R. F. C Mark ha m R McKern, H. Campbell. F. Knight
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  • 142 4 A LARGE gathering attended "at home" of the Makepeace Bacminton Party held on Sunday sidence of the hon. Becretary 111 Joseph de Souza. No. 151. Bukit Tlmab Read The function was preceded by a bad* minton match between the captain's team and the secretan suited in win for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 153 4 Brush Bloodstained? danger for teeth That tiny trace of blood on use Gibbs S.R.—the finest your toothbrush is like a way both to help cure and red flag. It warns you that prevent gum diseases. In there's danger ahead—the dental surgeries you will danger of losing all your find that
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    • 19 4 SINOA WATH W II I MINERAL WATER from the Seleur Hot Spring, Singapore. An alkaline drink with corrective ->ropertict
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  • 513 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter) I: youngest Regiment in the British Empire—the Malay Regiment 'give a varied display "somewhere in SinguytsteHay for the benefit of local and foreign newspaperand photographers. rmed only eight years ago, Malay Regiment now boasts full battalion, an extra any and a depot.
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  • 338 5 ENGLAND would not allow the Dutch here to be at. tacked, while she herself merely looked on with hands folded," said Mr. Duff Cooper during a press conference at Batavia. states a correspondent from Batavia. He said that he had come to liatavia to meet the Gov-ernor-General
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  • 116 5 If ROM 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. on Sunday, there will be a practice evacuation of the Bedoh and Changi areas. Between 10 and 10.30 a.m.. traffic will be controlled on the Changi Road as follows; (It. Between its junction with Bedoh and Tampenis Road, vehicles
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 5 Two special Tribune snapshots of {he Malay Regiment exercises yeti^rday. The big picture shows a ivellcamcu'l.igcd Bren carrier alv ost. undetectable, and the other thou* a trench mortar creio at work.
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  • 45 5 Singapore, Wednesday. QHARGED with stealing a gold chain and locket belonging to his employer. i>aid bm Sidi (18) a Malay, claimed trUl before Mr. R. Moor, acting third magistrate, to-day. T e C£ i Se was Postponed for mention on Oct. 1 V...—V
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  • 37 5 Harbin. Sept. 24.-Nineteen members of outer Mongolia,'a delegation to Manchou-KUO-Mongolia border conference to open he-c sho-.tly. are scheduled to arrive today. The conference will thresh out final details of the border agreement Eastern News.
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  • 1038 5 pOLXD guilty of causing grievous hurt to Mabel Wong. Medical College student, by causing a permanent disfiguration of her face, Salleh bin Samad. an 18-year-old Javanese youth, was yesterday sentenced to 18 months' rigorous imprisonment, Mr. J. L. McFall, the district judge, remarking "He is
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  • 175 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Thursday. PRACTICAL method of alleviating distress among a certain section of the poorer classes in Malacca baa been dovised by a wealthy Malacca Chinese, Mr. Gan Hong Hoc. who has, during the last four months, distributed over $1,000 worth
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  • 78 5 AT an extraordinary general meeting ol The •Society For The Protection of Hindu Children, Singapore. neld on Saturday to approve the purchase of land lor the Hindu Orphanage buildings, as recommended by the managing committee, the proposal was approved and the following were appointed trustees of the
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  • 71 5 Singapore, Wednesday. tn»> stlb'Mtlun that, th«.y h»d cc^r < initled gan>« robbery by annulling «s>tnp.itrlat tvlth a hammer and relies Inn < him or «a? at deyltuia ltood on Vonc. tao feo Chen» and ah Vee. api>clired bllore ldr Corned O? hum tho iocimd thl« m log. ri,e chnr«v
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  • 57 5 rOKyo, bepl. 24 —Plans for an Imposing Japan Ball to be constructed for Thailands Constitution Easy Exposition to be held in Bangkok for a woek beginning on Dec. 12. Lave been completed. With various exhibits ready, member* of or■anlsetlons and commercial arms planning to participate are
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 117 5 THE NEW JAR CONTAINS f¥ ij/ A NEW IMPROVED ICIEMA AV^/B^X -A BEAUTY CREAM EOR \\^SĔ) HIE MODERN WOMAN mET cream with a unique and jWR3L fragrance in an attractive new /rfJJ w\ Nils is kilma's latest contribution i Mil \Vy\ toe beauty needs of the modern I Li\ an.
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    • 314 5 Piles Drive You Crazy I Don't let Itching, bleeding, internal or protruding Piles sap your vitality, ruin your nerves, and drive you crazy with pain. I Chinaroid the recent discovery of an American physician Rtops the pain in lo minutes so you can walk, ride, work and enjoy life i
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  • 127 6 Russian War AFTER more than three months of fighting, which is acknowledged to include some of the fiercest and most bloody battles ever fought in world history, the Russians are still holding out with magnificent courage against the invading Nazi hordes. In the north Leningrad still stands, despite the
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  • 134 6 greatest danger appears to be to Marshal Budenny's army which is threatened by the German pincer move which was responsible lor the capture of Kiev. In the face of this splendid resistance, one is inclined to minimise the fact that Russia's strength has undoubtedly been diminished. She, too,
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  • 165 6 workers of both Britain and the United States realise what a great factor in hastening the ultimate victory the Russian resistance will be, and no pains will be spared to divert to the Russian front planes, tanks, guns and other equipment which can be spared from the defence
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  • 1434 6 T OOKING back a year, heart L can be taken —and some prrim smiles be caused —from the arrogantly jubilant tone of the Nazi press and radio then, when compared with the actual position to-day. Countless examples of Nazi propaganda gone wrong can be cited; here
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  • 515 6  -  •&>• Arthur Wauters ON Jan. 14, 1941, the announctr for the Belgian Radio from the 8.8.C. in London gave curious advice to his compatriots in occupied Belgium—put the letter ••V" everywhere, he told them. For French-speaking Belgians this letter stands for "victoire;" for
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  • 645 6 gOME day, ago when the living room of a m- bungalow i saw a L Piece of cardboard between two framed photograph My curiosity being arousedi ventured nearer and was confront ed by a clipping of the a about gambling among Chine* women which i wrob months
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 573 6 Gland Discovery Restores Youth In 24 Hours HulTerers from loss of vigour, nervouo- nee-s, weak body, impure blood, failing memory, arid who are old and worn-out before their time will he delighted to learn ol a new tjluii'l discovery by mi American Doctor. 'I hi s nov; »1 ow-ry makes
      573 words
    • 57 6 FOR GREY HAIR USE "NIGRIS COMB" (Patented) Gives immediate, natural, lasting colour black, brown, chestnut or blonde by Just combine your grey or white hair. You can wash, use lotions, etc., the colour will remain indelible. Will not stain or interfere well coiffed heads. $ti 50 complete state colour required
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    • 61 6 c a it i» i: t s I Uk F°P l^ar drover one colour carpels arc CVen mOrC sou nl a f ter tliatl ever a^zm recet m l are Grass Green, Cream, Whit€y Rus! Mui Blue IiSB G 1:11 Wjir $23.50 569.50 $150.00 WONDERFULLY SOFT RICH PILE, VERY DURABLE.
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  • 249 7 Reuter. REPORTS that Britain has told Finland that Lf she continues to invade purely Russian territory, it will be necessary for Britain to treat Finland as an open enemy ow and when peace comes, were confirmed in London to-day. It is added that if
    Reuter.  -  249 words
  • 318 7 Reuter. London. Sept. 24. TN a bid to offsei the effect on the morale of the Germans of the almost non-stop attacks by the Royal Air Force at a turn when the bulk of the LuftwarT> is concentrated against the German Radio nours out stories
    Reuter.  -  318 words
  • 131 7 Reuter. New York, Sept. 24. VIGOROUSLY demanding the repeal of the Neutrality Act wing the sinking of the United State.-, steamer Pink Star, the New York limes says "The Nazi Govnient maintains that if the Star is sent to the bottom by German submarine it is
    Reuter.  -  131 words
  • 43 7 The icorld famous liner. "Queen Elizabeth" puts into Singapore i«rmg her travels tc avail herself of the excellent docking facilities in i.*der to undergo 3 general clean-up. Photo shows Malay sailer* lined uv ready to assist in the docking.
    43 words
  • 537 7 Reuter. London, Sept. 24. Soviet Ambassador, M. Maisky's speech, yesterday when he 'demoted" ''General Mud and General Winter," stating that they would not win the war, is the theme of comment in the British press this morning. The general trend of the leaders is
    Reuter.  -  537 words
  • 514 7 Reuter. London, Sept. 24. MAKING a statement on behalf of the Russian Government at the Inter-Allied Conference to-day, M. Maisky, Soviet Ambassador to London, said: "This conference has assembled at a time when Hitlerite Germany, after having enslaved and ravaged several European countries, is continuing
    Reuter.  -  514 words
  • 643 7 Reuter. London, Sept. 24. X ,nter -Allied conference In London to-day unanimously affirmed as a common aim that supplies of food and materials he made available for the post-war needs of the countries liberated from Nazi oppression. mi <-i vut Ambassador, M. Maisky, addressing the conference,
    Reuter.  -  643 words
  • 182 7 Reuter. Washington, Sept. 23. DECLARING that Britain "is on short rations," the Secretary for Agriculture, Mr. Wickard, testifying before the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee, stated that a very minimum estimate of the funds needed for the commodities the Departmen had promised to supply
    Reuter.  -  182 words
  • 59 7 Tokyo. Sept 24 —Customs officials revealed that they had received advices that the China Navigation Company s -hip. Annul; dispatched to pick up British and Indian evacuees from Japan, is arriving in Yokohama to-morrow, two days later than first scheduled. It is understood that she is
    59 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 395 7 SERVICE TAILORING nw v/Sm (^Ui English cutter well acquainted with all items of tĔoĔĔk%i£lĔ± service tailoring and we can >.uarant€H sa isfacto r y c ,ml; e ll01! an v uniform tailoring und( rtakcn. We have fuU (kitails of Xaval > Military ISP* s WSm 1 1,1 A r orce
      395 words

  • 24 8 WOODS —At Hemel Hempstead on September 18th. to Jean (nee Ker) wife of Lieut. G. A. L. Woods, R.N., a daughter.
    24 words
  • 37 8 The family of the late MRS. F UGENUS FRANCISCA GOMES wish to express their heartfelt thanks to all relatives and friends who attended the funeral, as well as those who sent wreaths, telegrams, letters of condolence.
    37 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 311 8 The C ROWDS Applaud Jffijt ik. ••Ci.W.T.HV AGAIN! l AT THE CAPITOL s 4.15 and 9 p.m. l# I f Screenings on SAT. Adventure— IN TECHNICOLOUR "GONE WITH THE WIND" Starring CLARK CABLE VIVIEN LEIGH and CAST of Thousands POPULAR PRICES: 60 els. SI.20 (Stalls) and S2.30 (CIRCLE) Including TAX.
      311 words
    • 113 8 NEXT CHANGE[pavilioN H^JM THE STRANGEST KM AN Hl^^^^f^S^j^^^THH WHO Ml RDERS HER IIIK A dP^H husband: BEfIMMBBMBHBBHHHra OPENS TO-NIGHT 6.15 0.15 HAVIS in Th Wainer Bros.' Greatest Dramatic Masterpiece: With HERBERT MARSHA] I JAMES STEPHENSON FRIEDA INESCORT Week-end Matinees 1.50 p.m. IRENE" also DOCTOR HRISTIAN TO-NIGHT Pa ?^?°X' 3 "RANGE
      113 words
    • 296 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Wanted American Couple require fully furnished flat, small house or bungalow in good residential district, preferably close to Orchard Road. Must have modern sanitation. Nc objection to sublet from people going on furlough for not less than six months. Phone No 2031. Singapore. (No. 300 L) i h
      296 words
      164 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 215 9 The Show that Dazzled Broadway Now Sparkles on the Screen! I ALHAMBRA i\- rko-uauio JSSLJsf m V n II p.m. A *NI i\l A i\l A I l9m GmlCSl Dancing Musical Comedy, KSU N N V" g p s^^^^s jM -th RAY BOLGER, JOHN CARROLL, EDWARD EVERETT HORTON, FRIEDA ISZ^Pjfl^^^H
      215 words
      113 words
      173 words
      30 words

  • 28 10 EU —Born to Nancy, wife of Eu Keng Loon, Singapore, a daughter Angela-Teresa, at the General Hospital, on 19th September, 1941. Hongkong papers please copy.
    28 words
  • 73 10 TAN —Mrs. Tun Chay Yan, M B E., nee Madam Chua Wan Neo. passed away peacefully at the age of t>8 on Monday, 22nd September. 1941, at her Malacca residence. No. 73, Heeren Street. She leaves behind her one son. Tan Hoon Siang, three daughters. Mrs. Chua Poh Slang.
    73 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 648 10 tlBSSltliD HOS^^^lSl Situations Vacant WANTED Male and Female teachers. Box No 512 c o Malaya Tribune, Kuala Lumpur. (No. 219L) WANTED DISTRIBUTORS far British Lotion, well Known brand. Box 546 c o Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. i~2Li WANTED Indenting Agents for Australian Canned goods. Apply Box 517. Malaya Tribune. Singapore.
      648 words
    • 839 10 WANTED a teacher for Private School. Qualification not below Senior Cambridge. Commencing salary $30- per mensem, with annual increments. Apply with copies of Testimonials to Principal, United English School, Kota Bahru, Kelantan. WANTED by firm of Chartered Accountants a junior ShorthandTypist. Commencing salary $45 per month plus war allowance. Good
      839 words
    • 916 10 For Sale PANCRKALIN has cured Diabetes nently. Dont dread the disease anymore No injection, no fasting. product of Oriental Chemical IMg One months tin $3-. G. C. Peters Sole Agent. Malaya. Post Box 154. Kuala Lumpur. i_2L___i FOR SALE.'aTdmms "King f»» d "J£ quality Pale Boiled Linseed Oil l»»Jg»
      916 words
    • 954 10 WANTED: Mechanically perfect 500 cc Motorcycle. Any make 1937 upwards. Particulars and price to: Post Box in, T POH (No. 246 L) SALE. WOLSELEY "WASP" 10 H.P SALOON 1938. Excellent Condition: $1,300!-. Reply Box 529 co Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 248 L) LIM MOTOR OARAGE for all sports cars specialists
      954 words
    • 598 10 I Professional i i I CAST OUT UNCLEAN SPIRITS, hea» sickness and disease in the power of Lord Jesus Christ. Come. Free. "Peace Cove 393. Joo Chiat Road, Singapore. (No. 291 L) Lost And Found LOST. Smooth-haired black dog, t»ir.marklngs and docked tail, age 6 months. Tanglln district. Finder rewarded.
      598 words
    • 45 10 VFOR VICTORY FOR VALUE RADIOS fof3 BRITISH \wk\W BEST. P'e 11 o t to take, BRCX>KLAX Chocolate &rjk. r-J W Low** brag* gentie, r o\ijt f thorough, natural relief > tJrjfcsi e»a« tha most I ambbora cases of ConmaMtme rtipauon. It cannot dauurb digssooa. SOLD EVERYWHERE
      45 words
    • 44 10 Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day?] Dear Sir, In reply to your q^ry- OF COURSE I VtDl For sparkling white teeth, healthy gums, a fresh coo mouth, use Macleans quickly removes stains, wnitenj and polishes the enamel ana it is economical in use. Teeth.''
      44 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 947 10 |TO-DAY 9 It YlH<> U j SINGAPORE LONDON ZHL 225 metres 1333 krs EASTERN SERvir* ZHPI 30.96 metres 9.69 ran GSV —17 gi iV CEZHP2 48.58 metres 6-175 mcs GSF is!l4 met- il l* P m GSD 11.75 m cs H B,p tr 12.00 Light Music on Records. 6.10 p
      947 words

  • 1101 11 Singapore, Sept. 24. Buyers Seller MINING. 2,9 3--1 (£> fl- 7 3xd A y 0.32 033 5») 16 9 17 9xd ($1) 0.85 0 90 10 4' 2 10 9 Malay <£> 16;6 nexd ll- 12-\d 11) 0.22 0.24 0 its 0.40 0 44 Tin ($1)
    1,101 words
  • 19 11 Singapore, Thursday. Prices of tin and rubber in Singapore at noon tot'av were:— TIN Buyers ;*cv}», Sellers3B%•
    19 words
  • 169 11 fHREE < oiivicts, the warden ol the Oklahoma State Prison, and a warder were killed, and three other men wounded in a jail break attempt. Hiding under the r.teps of the prison hospital, four convicts tinbushed the warden, Jess Dunn. One of them held a
    169 words
  • 1044 11 M Singapore, Thursday. extraordinary general meeting of members of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association was held yesterday for the purpose of receiving a report from the committee of its decision to accept an invitation from the Rubber Trade
    1,044 words
  • 119 11 (From Our Financ'al Correspondent) Singapore. Thursday rpHE markets continued dull yesterday. Business passed in Hong Fatts at 1 11 Hitams at 142' 2 Jelebus at -|83, and Lukuts at 42' i. In the rubber share market. Chanr»kht Serdangs improved to 101. Ayer Panas were again done
    119 words
  • 98 11 Singapore. Thursday. 'pHE local market during the past week has become, if possible, even more dull, state Stanton Nelson and Co. Ltd., ln their weekly rubber market review. There is of course general buying power at Reserve limits, at wnich prices, little or no business
    98 words
  • 70 11 Singapore, Sept. 24. Gammer 7.50 Java uube 12.00 Hamburg Cube 12.25 Muntok White Pepper 17.50 White Pepp»r 17.00 Black Pepper 8.00 Sundrled Copra 2 80 Mixed Copra 2.55 Small Flake Tapioca 8.50 Fair Flake Tapioca 8.00 Medium Pearl Tapioca 9.00 Small Pearl Tapioca 9.50 Lingga Sago Flour 4 .95
    70 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 63 11 The safe settlement of your Estate depends upon: |A° Experience and exacting; care of your SoY J Executors, Time to devote to your affairs, Knowledge upon which to base decisions. Accessibility at all time: 9 Unquestioned honesty and integrity. J <9f J Unfailing because it is an organisation Oyy A
      63 words
      46 words
    • 292 11 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA S. N. CO. SERVICES Bangkok. Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta, Port Swettenbam, Penang, Negapatam, Porto Novo, Cuddalore, Madras. Sailings will be maintained as regularly as circumstances permit. For passenger accommodation apply to: BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated in F.M.S.) Tel. 5431 for Passage Freight. piles" H. KARIM BUKSH
      292 words
    • 343 11 P. o. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S.N. CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. The best possible services are being maintained by the P.&O.S.N. Co., from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are
      343 words

  • 1009 12 Fullest Collaboration, Common Action Agreed Reuter. London, Sept. 25. THE first page in the history of a new world of freedom ar.d i>eace was written yesterday in the ancient palace of St. James, London, when the Allied Council unanimously endorsed the Atlantic Charter as
    Reuter.  -  1,009 words
  • 64 12 Reuter. London, Sept. 25. THE Moscow Radio in Eng- iish yesterday stated that doctors in German Army hospitals have had instructions to put to death badly wounded men for whom there is no hope of their returning to the ranks. The question is decided in each
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 255 12 Reuter. London, Sept. 25. THE Germans on Tuesday announced that a complete elimination of the encircled Russian I forces could be reckoned with "in a few days'' (writes -'Annalist"). This tells a somewhat different stoiy from their previous claims 'that the surrounded Soviet troops
    Reuter.  -  255 words
  • 465 12 (By Alexander Werth, Reuters Special Correspondent) On the Central Russian Front, Sept. 25. I HAVE just witnessed a complete cycle of the Nazi raiders' "hit and run" attack on a Soviet town that ended disastrous- ly for the Germans. The raid awakened us on the
    465 words
    393 words
  • 79 12 Reuter. Lrndon. Sept. 25. FLYING- OFFICERS who direct Britain's air operations In the Middle East;—th? Western Desert, the Mediterranean and Iraq—are included' in the list cf R.A.F. awards issued yesterday. Th? 112 names include three officers and two n:n-commissioned officers in the Women's Auxiliary Air Force.
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 63 12 Reuter. Vichy, Sept. 25. ADMIRAL Darlan. the Vichy VicePremier, received the Japanese Ambassador. Mr. Matsuo Kate, yesterday, says the Vichy News Agency. Their talk concerned relations with Japan anc. the Japanese situation Vichy's new Commander- inChief in Tunisia, G?n. de Lattre Dctassigny. arrived in Tunis yesterday
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 143 12 Reuter. London, Sept. 24 IT is stated authorityu i here that Si. Uncete Oliphant, formerly BriS> Ambassador in Brussels j3l now detained b y th e Gw-1 mans, is to be released ana exchanged for Hen V vM Gerlach, formerly Comul-General in keST Sir Lancelot Oliphftnt
    Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 182 12 New York. Spet. 24 A CALL to American farmers to produce enough food t. help Britain to beat Hitler and at the samo time meet the f-xpandir.s :Jemr.:ids of the United Btates \va. mode yesterday by Mr. Claude Wickard, the State Secretary ot Agriculture, addressing an
    182 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 450 12 Public Notices RTKOL CONTROL ORDER 1941. The public is informed that the Petrol Coupons lor October will be available from Friday the 26th September. 1941 onwards. WILLIAM ROSE. Petrol Rationing Officer, Singapore. LIBRARY lhe underrated newly added non-fiction and fiction works wdi be ready for issue on Saturday, 27th September,
      450 words
    • 111 12 Just look —his first little teeth are through: j>early white, sharp and firm—and they /I Vi\ didn,t hurt a bit Other. 111 fl .O bigger teeth are on the way fClIlIJIU but the y won 't hurt either, J because Mummy is wise and ff\ y gives her little boy
      111 words
    • 141 12 Stop that with COLD VAPEX (gaKicl Iheatrl) tQui»pio with thi i*n»T /psar' ?oo p £/ccfric SOUND SVSTtM Errol Flynn ft Miriam Hopk ns in "VIRGINIA CITY" Thrills! Actions! Excitement! Next Change: Matinees: Saturday Sr.: At 2.00 P.M Hindustani Talkie "THE LOST CITY" (12 Thri "LADIES ONLY" Chapters to be shown
      141 words