Malaya Tribune, 19 September 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Net Sales Exceed J6,000 Daily SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1941 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Friday, September 19, 1941
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  • 241 1 Ceaseless Bombing Fires Suburbs Reuter. FIGHTING around Leningrad is one vast melee in which Russian and German troops are sometimes so inextricably mixed that neither side can use its artillery for fear of hitting its own men, state Stockholm despatches received in Vichy. Gen. Von
    Reuter.  -  241 words
  • 106 1 Reuter. Fukuoka, Sept. 19. i IAPAN can rest assured J of ample supplies of J food, fuel and iron from French Indo-China and Hainan Island, Capt. Kanei Chudo, former Chairman of the Japanese Naval Commission to Indo-China, i declared upon arrival yesJ terday afternoon from
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 54 1 Vichy. Sept. 19. pEN. Yoantiu. Chief of S'taff of U the Rumanian Army, was ac cidenta'ly killed in alighting Irom an aerop'ane at Tighina. Bess arubia. according to a Bucharest d \s patch. He was decapitated by the pro- Uer. His body has been
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 27 1 Reuter. Simla. Sept 1« rpHE total subscriptions to all the Indian 1 derence loans, up to Sept. 13, amount i £65,572.000—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 9 1 Shahpur Mohammed Rizv, Iran's neio Shah.
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  • 153 1 Reuter. London, 19. A MEETING of the Allied Council. A which was originally fixed to takP olace three weeks ago but was oostwned will be held next week, Se? Renter's diplomatic corresAnthony Eden, the Foreign icir-etarv will preside and at the Irst session, representatives
    Reuter.  -  153 words
  • 156 1 Reuter. (Bu Patrick Crosse, Revter's Correspondent at Teherav.) Teheran, Sept. i»RUSSIAN trcops have held up a bir convoy of cars mostly carrying Germans, that leu Teheran for Turkey. The. convoy, which was. stopped a few miles from the city, included nearly 600 people, among liwm Italians
    Reuter.  -  156 words
  • 86 1 Lord Lcuis Mountbatten, cousin of King George VI, inspecting the crew oj the H MS. Illustrious as he tOOZ command of the famous aircraft carrier on Aug. 28 4. Norfolk shipyards, Virginia, f) S In the centre is Cap. G Seymour Tuck, whom Capl. Mountbatten succeeded. The Ship
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  • 29 1 Reuter. I/mum, faepi. w. PEN. Sikorski, .the Polish CcmG mander-in-Chief, to Moscow yesterday tcJd the Poles in Russia that he would be visiting them personally -Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 39 1 Reuter. Ranrhi. Sept. 19. FTfJHT Italian prisoners of war. who escaped recently, were surprised and arrested by a party of police as they were preparing to camp for the night In a village six miles from Ranch!.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 315 1 (20.000 GO ON STRIKE) Reuter. New York, Sept. 18. QEMAN DING an increase to the present monthly bonus for entering the so-called war zone, about 20,000 members of the Seafarers' International Union of North America have gone on strike and 11 American merchantships are
    Reuter.  -  315 words
  • 325 1 Reuter. Tokio, Sept. 19. THF Japanese Governmen' has filed a "categorical protest" with Soviet Russia as a result of the alleged dangci arising from Soviet mines (loatJrg in the sea of Janan. This was revealed in a Japanese Foreign Office statement
    Reuter.  -  325 words
  • 118 1 Reuter. Washington, Sept. 18. rIE 8,000-ton Italian ship Leme, which was among the Axis ships lequisitioned by the United States, will, it is reported, shortly be transferred to Britain under LeaseLend procedure. The damage inflicted by her crew before, she was requisitioned is now being repairec.
    Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 113 1 Reuter. Toionto, Sept. 18. MASTERY In the air is the only road to victory, said Air Marshal W. A. Bishop i Billy i in a speech to the workers in two aircraft factories in Toronto. If we all do our share, of ultimate victory
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 255 1 Central News. Chungking, Sept. IK. WITHOUT China's consent and participation, nobody can settle the Far Eastern problem, asserted the Ta Rung Pan, liberal newspaper, in an editorial. The Ta Kung Pao said that after China has become an important four years of resistance, China
    Central News.  -  255 words
  • 304 1 Reuter. Chungking, Sept. 19. fHE Chinese determination to continue fighting until the north eastern provinces (Manchuria, comprising Liaoling, Kirin, Heilungkiang and Jehol provinces) are completely recovered, forms the keynote of Chinese statements on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Mukden incident. A statement
    Reuter.  -  304 words
  • 207 1 Reuter. Cairo, Sept. 19. "T"HE harbours and shipping at Tripoli ana' Benghazi were attacked by heavy bombers of the Royal Air Force and aircraft of the Fleet Air Aim during the night of Sept. 16 17," says an Air Ministry communique which continues: "The results of the
    Reuter.  -  207 words
  • 99 1 Reuter. I Tokyo, Sept. 19. I f FHE Japanese War Minis- ter, Gen. Tojo, in his capacity as President of J the Manchurian Affairs Board, urged national pre- paredness to cope with a possible extension of the European war to the Far Kast in a radio
    Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 188 1 Reuter. London, Sept. 19. AN Air Ministry communique states: "Aircraft from lite Fighter and Romber Command:, carried out a number of offensive operations yesterday. "In the morning. B'cnheims oT the Bomber Command, escorted by fighters, attacked a large enemy suiply sliip off the Belgian coast. The* ship,
    Reuter.  -  188 words
  • 215 1 Reuter. Canberra. Sept. 19. ARISING out of a question put by the Labour leader. Mr. Curtin, to the Prime Minister, Mr. Fadden, in the House of Representatives on the previous day mysteriously phrased as bearing on "public administration," there lollov.ed an hour's discussion at a Labour
    Reuter.  -  215 words
  • 46 1 Reuter. Bombay. Sept. 19. r pilE Ciovtrnnvnt of Bom buy hu tpprov* 1 ed the coaitructtou ot five hostels lor the children ol Indian soldiers. each wnli uecommodatw v for 40 boys, at a Hitul MSI Of about H .800—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 710 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) "J HAVE never had a better audience or a better setting," remarked Mrs. T. H. Menzies (Marie Ney), the distinguished Shakespearean actress, in an interview, describing the impromptu concerts around camp fires at miners' camps in cut of the way places
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  • 157 2 Singapore, Thursday. DLEADING guilty to a series of 1 charges of criminal breach of trust, falsification of accounts andj using as genuine forged documents, Chua Choo Kiat alias Robert Chua, till recently a clerk in the Mission to Seamen's Institute, Singapore, was sentenced to two years' rigorous imprisonment
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  • 107 2 oiugupure, inursaay. A WARRANT for the arrest of n Lieut. C. F. Jackman was issued by Mr. C. H. Whitton, district judge, to-day when Jackman failed to turn up at the appointed time to face a charge of improperly overtaking a car and a military Red
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  • 25 2 (Cent-A-Plane Fund) -Total number of enemy planes destroyed during yesterday on aU fronts up to midnight London time (excluding Soviet claim*):— FOURTEEN
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  • 155 2 Singapore. Thursday A CHINESE woman. Lee Bee Chtfy (30) who tried to fight her way into the Casino Cafe when a watchman prevented her from going In. last B%ht, VU tir.tri one dollar by Mr. R. Moor, acting third magistrate She was convicted, on
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  • 131 2 Singapore. Tmirsday. AN ..implication brought up by a Chinese woman. Lei Han. for the ejectment if one of her sub-tenants, Ah Ting, from room In the second floor of a house in Trengganu Street, wa s dismissed by the Rent Assessment Board this Afternoon.
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  • 132 2 bingapore. Thursday. fAPT. P. D. Smithcrman, in- volved in an accident at the junction of Yeo Chu Kang Road and. Jalan Kayu. which resulted i-i a military truck knocking down a fire hydrant and overturning into a ditch, pleaded guilty to a charge of driving without care and
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  • 792 2 (from uur uwn Keporter) Penang, A WAKENED by some noise in the early hours of ih. of Aug. 3 See Tin See, lady teacher of :t school, got up from her bed to find out what it was opened the door of her room she
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  • 92 2 SKING for a deterrc:,: sentence Hit p -osecutinj: officer pointed M mt the chap-ji-ki rackc. by Chinese, were now y unlike Chinese, if cor. for a similar offence, could not be butt, cd. when Mr. R Mo magistrate. comicted Bali] fata Ladm '39/. on a charge of assisting mmrw on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 418 2 I& ENTERTAIN v\ <&X «4 w fcj your friends there «T MUSIC COMFORT SOCIAL ATMOSPHERE Relay of Raffles Orchestra nightly SUNDAY NIGHT Relay of Regimental Band Concert RAFFLES BAKERY FOR BEST QUALITY OUTSIDE CATERING AT BREAD CAKES MODERATE TERMS. PHONE 5381 f K AMERICAR Cwm« i"W>M, IM Hn>q The Ontnui
      418 words
    • 165 2 M All A Ml Alii I DATA YOUTH, VIGOUR, HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND ALL OVER REJUVENATION IN MEN. "MAHA SHAKTI DATA" will pat you in the prime of life by giving abundance of physical, mental and virile powers even in old age. Many hopeless patients have regained their lost manhood. N
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    • 322 2 BACKACHE Kidney Trouble fc. J "as fit as a fiddle" fSyP Mr. J. C. tried erery known remedy J^fc&Z for backache and kidney trouble, but IglllWlf found no relief until he gave De Witt's WNjBBBr Puis a fair trial. He writes «p "Being a sufferer for years from V flß|
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  • 111 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) *A' v ne an ther S help >" declared Luang Vtmati. Thai Consul-Genera, in Singapore, when interXl V r^ W,th referenc to the statement of the ro n;mander in-Chief Fa r East, Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert flrook-1 opham on
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  • 74 3 POUR beautiful Chinese paintings. T the works of Prof. Liv Haishu, and several tins of Chinese ti i were presented to the Duff C open when they were entered at dinner by the Chinese ul-General. Mr. Kao Ling-pai Wednesday. Among those present were Mr. and
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  • 16 3 Bombay, Sept. 18. Mr Jamanadas Mehta Is the new preRkl vi the National League of Hindustan.
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  • 1 3 untitled
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  • 104 3 London, Sept. 19. CIR Harley Trusted, the Chief Justice of Palestine, has been appointed the Chief Justice, tho Federated Malay States, in succession to Sir Kenneth Poyser. Sir Har)ey Trusted, after serving in the Leeward Islands, became Attorney-General cf Cyprus. He was appointed AttorneyGeneral, Palestine,
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  • 151 3 PROFESSOR T. E. G. Gregory, Economic Adviser to the Government of India, arrived in Singapore by air to-day for consultations wiih the Ministry of Economic Warfare, Far Eastern Mission. Professor Gregory is one of the world's leading economists. H? has filled important posts in several British
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  • 258 3 <Ti ibune Staff Reporter) ANOTHER "salvage week," to be held probably in November, is being planned for Singapore, the Tribune understands. This will be the second for the Colony, although since the first one, held towards the end jof April, regular collections of scrap from
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  • 64 3 HIS Excellency the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, has been notified that His Majesty's Government has accepted the generous gift of $100,000 which Messrs. Guthrie Co.. Ltd., Singapore, have made for the purchase of two Spitfire planes to be named "Harimau'' and "Hamadryad." Besides these names the
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  • 115 3 Singapore, Thursday. TEH Ah Ec (29) a vegetable gar- dener had a successful night of fishing, but the fruits of his lab:ur were lost when all the fish he caught with 80 fishing rods were confiscated, and, in addition I he was fined $2, in default. 10 days'
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  • 43 3 Singapore, Thursday. MR. A. Duff Co:per. who has been interviewing local officials, made a tour this morning of the Ministry of Information. Mr. R. H. Scott, the Representative of the British Ministry of Information, showed him round.
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  • 46 3 CONVICTED on a charge of having lig allowed bis piemli»es »n lalan Nesar to be usee, a brotbel. llai ?eng aliaH lioti «at Cblng «57» van 5!tt'>. »n de!.,ull., two impri>cnml?nl. bv iXsr ll in tbe lbud pol'.ce court. Xob was defended bv N l? vVli^.'.,
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  • 320 3 Hong Kong, Sept. 4. a meeting in which feeling alternated between indignation and good humour Hong Kong's bachelor husbands yesterday decided to make representations for a public inquiry into conduct of the evacuation of their wives and families. The meeting was held in the Peninsula
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  • 192 3 Singapore, Wednesday. THE first hoarder to be bi ought to book is a woman. She is Chan Ah Hoe, a Cantonese, living at Malabar Street, and she was discovered by a detective inspector and two detectives to have kept in a steel trunk $60.24 in silver
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  • 264 3 Reuter. Bangkok. S4pt. 18. is anxious that the integrity of the Thai state sha'l Ije maintained and there is no reason for Thailand to be apprehensive over British reinforcements in any part of the work! i ear Thailand, said Sir Frederic Eggleston, first Australian .Minister-designate to
    Reuter.  -  264 words
  • 276 3 Singapore. Friday. THF strike among dance hostesses employed at the Great World, which threatened to spread to other halls in town, has been amicably settled and the strikers returned to work last night—the seventh day of the strike. The strikers, who are members cf the Singapore Cabaret
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  • 320 3 Singapore, Thursday. KNOCKED down by a bicycle last 1« Saturday afternoon in Robinson Road, a 70-year-old Teochew, Goh Ching Mia. died in hospital the next day as a result of injuries sustained in the accident. Medical evidence in coroner's court yotenUj wus that Gch was brought
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  • 96 3 Singapore. Thursday. STATED to have signed a driving test Term an i; presented it to the Traffic Office while another man, a qualified driver, took driving test and passed it. Ng Eng Hua (28>, a Hokkien. claimed trial to a charge of cheating by personation, when he appeared
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 176 3 V^or BROOCH $1.00 TIE PIN Sl.OO CAR BADGE $5.00 Chromium plated, V in red, words embossed in circle. Size 5 V x 3 3 4" BICYCLE BADGE $1.00 Same as Car Badge Size as depicted above. Proceeds in aid of the war fr m d On sale at all leading
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    • 435 3 Australia produces Biscuif* I I everything that you J£sJ need for your shop- °I^ am o 9 r Dried Fruits l> 4* f ping list. A really Honey ft TBl j Fnrfts in Syntp g£| As fine choice of good Fish Pastes things for the table, f!jSL \§l> and the
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  • 48 4 SOCCER: S.A.F.A. Challenge Cup- extra preliminary round tie, Spaftans v R.A.F. (Tengah), Stadium. HOCKEY: S.C.R.C. v. R.A.S.C., Hong Lim Green; Y.M.CA. v R.A.0.C., V.M.C.A.; A.C.S. v Indian General Hospital, Oldham Hall; Medical College v Fortress Coy. (P. 8.) M.C.U. TENNIS: S.C.C. tournament. BOXING: Police finals, Depot.
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  • 160 4 Echo Of Ibrox Park Game Reuter. London, Sept. 18. FE Scottish Football Association have taken drastic action over the incident at Ibrox Park—when the police had to draw their batons when the crowd of 40.000 staged unruly scenes in the game between Celtic and Glasgow
    Reuter.  -  160 words
  • 1575 4  -  Annie Rooney, Lover's Fate For The Big Events FINAL DAY OF IPOH RACES By "Spectator" JJAZMORE and Scotch Melody are being taken as my best bets for to-morrow's races at Ipoh, the final day of the Perak three-day meet. Scotch Melody ran a
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  • 654 4 COLLEGIANS' FINE SHOW Medical College 23 pts. R.A.S.C 3 pts. playing against a team superior 'in almost all departments the Medical College rugby team inflicted a crushing defeat on the R.A.S.C., winning by 23 points (four goals and a try) to three points
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  • 162 4 THE following are the scratchings and order of running for tomorrow's laces at Ipoh: Race 1: Horses Class 3, div. 3— 5 1 furs, str.: Greypion, Marcheta 11, The Caliph, Boy Cullen, Straight Flight, Trelawney. Race 2: Horses Class 4, div. 2— 6 furs.: Sacrifice,
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  • 134 4 CEVERAL matters of inter- est to intending referees for this season's rugby games are to be discussed at a general meeting of rugby referees to be held at the Singapore Cricket Club on Wednesday next at 7 p.m. One question to be brought up will be in
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  • 212 4 This Morning's Training (From Our Own Reporter, Ipoh To-day ANLY a few candidates runnYn* V to-morrow were out this mom' ing on the tracks for final train ing. Slow work was th e order h i a number of three-quarter oZ work-outs were seen. Among the earliest
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 311 4 The manufacturers of STREAMLINE FILTERS now introduce a nnit which can be fitted to truck engines, enabling them to run on clean oil at all times, without even draining the sump, for the STREAMLINE FILTER removes all damaging collodial carbon and "sludge." By the removal of these harmful bodies, the
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    • 176 4 Your Children's Health. To correct health irregularities, pirents ihould remember to keep Bain's Own Tablets always handy. The gentle laxative taction ot these Tablets tones up the stomach and Internal organs generally At the first sign of irregularity i n th e natural functions, the child should be given one
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 190 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter) THE N.Y.K. Liner, "Hakone Maru," which arrived in Singapore wMerday morning, had on board 77 Japanese evacuees picked up from Bombay, and Colombo, and w hen it leaves this morning on its last lap for Japan it will carry a farther batch
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  • 29 5 News has been received from Ceylon by s-.l»ol!i ol <n» unt,rnel> <ll>2tl> ol U»e vUe. ol r»r 15,«» «r»n«z«,n »l lVle pl,/»i,<:z«.n. nonui»,lv l uovn prs»vl!o<5r»Ksl«r" ol <7Nniluur«N!. 0e>1c,o
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  • 93 5 "PACK IP YOUR TROUBLES" (At the Alhambra) rpHE popular West End Artists arc in form i n the comedy "Pack Ud ur Troubles" which opened at the Ail.;i.mbra last night. The picture, besides topical, also abounds with catchy ;nes and to hear these alone a visit to .1 Alhambra
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  • 61 5 British war pictures are being shown in Sarawak and British North Borneo by means of display boards of the type shown above. The boards are made up by the Far Eastern Bureau, Ministry r/ Information, and have captions in English, romanised Malay and Chinese. They are also
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  • 1043 5 "JJAVING in mind the grave extent to which corruption is rife in this Colony, I consider it the duty of the courts to do what they can to stamp it out and to pass a sentence which will act as a deterrent," said Mr.
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  • 728 5 B'mbay, Sept. i 5. rnjlL aviation in India to-day is playV an increasing part in training me!i for the air force. A party of jour-zia»*-ts who visited the training centre ntav Bombay were told that by the eni o: ihts month, nearly 350 mechanics from ail centres
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  • 24 5 The August outputs of the Kuala Beman Rubber Estates Ltd. and the Bruseh Rubber Bstate* Ltd were 194 000 lb and 49,000 it, respectively
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  • 101 5 Singapore, Friday. PEOPLE in neighbouring houses and pedestrians hurried awa> fearing; an explosion, when fire broke out outside a benzine k'"osk hi Albert Street this morning. The fire spread rapidly and the who.'e kiosk was socn ablaze. Two engines of the brigade were sent out and fought
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  • 66 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter) BY spicial K.N.I.L M. plane next week several Singaporeans, including Government officials, will fly to Sarawak to attend the centenary celebrations there. The plane has be?n fully booked', one passenger being a Netherlander, while the rest are local residents. A K.N.I.L.M. official said
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  • 127 5 pROM Oct. 1. 1941, the fares for the road portion of through rail road bookings to the Gap and Fraser's Hill via Kuala Kubu Road Station will be as follows: (Per car accommodating four passengersj From or To Kuala Kubu Road Railway Station The Gap Fraser's Hill
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  • 32 5 Reuter. Simin, Sept. 19. s'r t, cH0Vr.,umenl ol lnllln l>ruszn<»»l to l:lUi»»n »<lHuN2rc, N5 "Nl> l,ol»s 'rne „r<»,"»-», l« lnl?n.l?<l !<» rnlululUw tt.o »,>.> s>ul»l,c lrorn N,«? 4 U l» U»ri> black-out». Nl'lltl'r
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 386 5 ARE YOU WORRIED ABOUT YOUR WEIGHT? A quick way to put on flesh. If you are worried about loss of weight and fear that something worse is on the way, do as so many hundreds of men and women throughout Malaya are doing to-day. Take Clotabs, the tiny, tasteless, flesh-forming
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    • 294 5 (ODtUIIn THE LONDON CHAMBER OP COMMERCE (Autumn) 1940 RESULTS just published: 87 per cent, of PITMAN TRAINED STUDENTS were awarded Passes in the Elements of COMMERCE and 28 per cent, of these attained DISTINCTION. Enrol NOW for iBllflRu&MjIRBI the new term i^flflf>if^^S^ll^Ari^^ PHONE 5022 APT* 8 88 ii UPE R
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  • 157 6 "News" I AST Monday recipients of "Eastern News"—an unsolicited daily news bulletin issued free of charge in Singapore hy Japanese interests noticed the following item: THAI-MALAYA FRONTIER CLOSED BANGKOK, Sept. 15.—The Thai-Malaya frontier has been indefinitely closed since last week-end and entry into Malayan territory permitted at the border
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  • 193 6 JJALAYAN newspapers are not dependent upon news from Bangkok to lear n what is published in the Federated Malay States Gazette, nor for a correct interpretation of such news. Through its Kuala Lumpur Office, the Malaya Tribune confirmed that this sensational announcement of the "closing of the Thai-Malaya
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  • 168 6 £YEN though a genuine misunderstanding might have arisen over the announcement of the Perak regulation, the "Eastern News" reference to the "Thai-Malayan frontier" is grossly misleading inasmuch as the Perak link is only one of the four main channels of communication between Malaya and Thailand. There are railway
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  • 523 6  -  by. James Agate "CIR," said Dr. Johnson, "we had a good talk." On the base of Johnson.--•statue, turning its back upon the ruins of St. Clement Danes, are the words: Critic, Essayist, Philologist, Biographer, Wit, Poet, Moralist, Dramatist, Political Writer, Talker. Time has turned Johnson's stream
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  • 164 6 DEFORE the war the wcmen of Britain were sauandering pins at the rate of 5,350,000,000 a year. Now they face a pin famine. For the pin manufacturers, with limited supplies of raw materials and increased demands from the Government for such State departments as the Stationery
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  • 857 6 THESE are the nine politicians who rule the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics under Josef Stalin. They would be the first the Nazis would shoot, if they could catch the?r. J Four of the nine plus Stalin form the war dictatorship known as the State Defence
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  • 654 6 A member of the R ura] rv recently suggested that side trees along Ponß a ol should be cut down his point cf view they v beautiful but dangerous' 004 Some old trees with rotting rem, may be dangerous, but on Vk whole trees lend beauty to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 201 6 (!ITIVATE A BEAT !II I I COMPLEXION BY INSISTING ON FACE POWDER i J LASTING BI T NOT SHINING OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE GARDE NFS mm Concrete Garden Furniture sup- plied ir. .<Ltractive eolouis and beautiful designs. For the full range see our showroom. I LEE KIM SOO LTD. j 89, HIGH
      201 words
    • 137 6 When an old lady of 80 can still b? the centre ol attraction in any gathering, she must have something. A young girl, envying her grandmother's charm, once asked what her secret was. "My child," said the grandmother, "just remember this: In the alphabet of there is no such letter
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  • 346 7 Reuter. new Shah of Iran has nleH™,i *u J eheran Sept. 18. i ship of h is e»„„t? y n F^jfggssrsi* friend j;> Patrick Crosse, neuter's Snmiai r> vith deputies and officials who J 1 1 U \r d d w
    Reuter.  -  346 words
  • 217 7 Reuter. London, Sept. 18. THE British Government has no actual confirmation of the truth of reports that Bulgaria is to ask for permission lor Italian warships to pass through the Dardanelles under the Bulgarian flag. The Biitish views, says Reuters diplomatic correspondent, are very clear and
    Reuter.  -  217 words
  • 118 7 Reuter. London, Sept. 18. THE Chinese Ambassador to Bri--1 tain, Dr. Wellington Koo, pleaded at a luncheon of the new Commonwealth Society of London to-day that the Far Eastern situation should not be overlooked in formulating any permanent peace plan. 'Stress is laic 1 on
    Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 89 7 Reuter. Ottawa. Sept. 17 BY an Order in Council, strikes «n Canadian war industries have been made illegal unless the majority of the workers affected vote in favour of striking in a poll taken under the supervision of the Labour Department. Mr. McHarty. the
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 172 7 Reuter. WASHINGTON, SEPT. 18. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT HAS ASKED CONGRESS FOR AN ADDITIONAL 85,985,000,000 FOR LEASE-AND LEND, IT IS ANNOUNCED HERE. American financial aid to Russia began a month ago with a $10,000,000 Treasury advance to the Soviet, revealed Mr. Morgenthau, Secretary of the Treasury,
    Reuter.  -  172 words
  • 65 7 Chungking, Sept. 18. V|R. Owen Lattimore. political adviser ITJ to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, is reported to be planning an extensive inspection tour of Free China, concentrating on th(- south-western and northwestern areas. The trip will be made late this rutumn. The Itinerary for his
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  • 522 7 British Wireless. London, Sept. 18. THE Manchester Guardian to-da; ievotes a leading article to a survey of the magnificent resistance to their German masters which the peoples of every Nazi occupied country are showing with ever increasing energy and to the brutal methods of suppression
    British Wireless.  -  522 words
  • 166 7 Reuter. Cairo, Sept. 18. REPORTS of Nazis efforts to drag Bulgaria into the war with Russia are discussed in diplomatic circles in the Middle East who well know that Russia possesses in Bulgaria a formidable body of sympathisers. The great majority of Bulgars are
    Reuter.  -  166 words
  • 240 7 Reuter. London, Sepi. 18. ALL Russian men between the ages of 16 and 50 are to I undergo military training. The State Defence Committee made the announcement in the following order, says the Moscow radio: "Considering that every citizen of the Soviet Union who is
    Reuter.  -  240 words
  • 280 7 Reuter. _iTj_<T->_> London, Sept. 18. THERE has again been a total absence of specific claims re♦v, fighting in the hard-pressed Leningrad sector tnougn tne German communique declares that the Ukraine German offensive operations east of the Dnieper are Digressing irresistibly." in the meantime attention is
    Reuter.  -  280 words
  • 252 7 Reuter. S London, Sept. 18. PEAKING at the annual conference of the Liberal National Council in London to-day, Lord Simon said it was impossible to exaggerate the significance of the joint signing 0 f the A t nl c Charter. In a reference to Mr.
    Reuter.  -  252 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 71 7 -FIGHT FOR FREEDOM" EXHIBITION Victoria Memorial Hall, Open Daily 9 a.m. to 6-30 p.m. Admission Free. A Panorama of the War On Land, On Sea, In the Air, and the Fighting Forces In Malaya. j TWO ART EXHIBITIONS Singapore Art Club Chinese Art Club Also in the Memorial Hall. ExhibitM
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    • 381 7 A REVOLUTION IN CYCLE LIGHTING THE PATENT DYNOHUB (12 or 8 volt.) is 1 completely revolutionary in cicsign it provides electric lighting from a dynamo mounted In the front huh... .It consists of the usual cycle hub w th the addition of a drum at one end. to which is
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  • 178 8 Reuter. London, Sept. 18. THE Times, in an editorial draws attention to the fact that an important change frcm a year -ago is the development of the R.A.*. offensive. But raids, even on such an increased scale and of such a concentrated kind, will not
    Reuter.  -  178 words
  • 98 8 Reuter. London. Sept. 18. SLAVERY has been abolished in Abyssinia by Emperor Haile Selassie, and the Ethiopian Goveminent in Addis Ababa has issued a statement to that effect. The Emperor, who had long wanted to emancipate his subjects, took the first steps some years ago. but
    Reuter.  -  98 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 198 8 "BACK STREET" IS ONE OF THE YEAR'S BEST PICTURES" M. Tribune .jjer" V.: 2 Great Stars Together.. vr 1 ill vr ew Universale brilliant production Charles Boyer- and Margaret Sui iavam XL W FANNIE BURSTS y world-read novel B "T-gi "BACK STREET STIRRING, DARING ENTERTAINMENT FOR THOSE BIG ENOUGH TO
      198 words
    • 268 8 UNFORGETTABLEJCENES! The BURNING of ATLANTA! The Death of "BONNIE!" The SIEGE of ATLANTA and TARA! The SHOOTING of the YANKEE SOLDIER by SCARLETT! The Escape from the INVADING ARMY! Scarlett's Fall down the Giant Staircase! The World's Greatest Picture TWA is coming TiM'%«la> X«'y< > al the CAPI Im J-mw^wml
      268 words
    • 145 8 A CHANCE FOR ALL TO TAKE LP GOLF, FOR OUR 9-HOLE COURSE IS SOON READY FOR PLAY! TO-NIGHT Tea Dance, from 7.30 p.m. j Late Dance. 9.30 to Midnight TO-MORROW Extension to 1 a.m. SEE TO-NIGHT The greatest adventures ever dared by mankind! Warner Bros.' "SOUTH of SUEZ" Featuring George
      145 words
    • 177 8 'PACK UP YOUR TROUBLES 1 And SMILE! SMILE!! SMILE!!!! TO-DAY 3.15, 6.15 t 9,5 *i ALHAMBR A A Picture With A Terrific Popular Appeal hum in i s Hear: "SALLY," "PACK (UP YOUR TROUBLES," "TIPPERARY," "BEER, BEER, GLORIOI S BEER," I "WHO'S YOUR LADY FRIEND" "SOUTH OF THE BORDER" also
      177 words

  • 294 9  -  By Annalist. Reuter. London, Sept. 18. THE Russian, communique to-day is worded on the usual lines: "Stubborn fighting all along the front." The German communique is a little more expansive. It claims that offensive operations east of the Dnieper are progressing irresistibly and that great successes were achieved
    Reuter.  -  294 words
  • 47 9 Delhi, Sept. 12. The special committee appointed by the All-India Women's Conference to enquire into the problem of village reconstruction work has concluded its meeting, i'lans have been drawn up to be placed before the annual meeting of the Conference to be held in Rajamundri In December.
    47 words
  • 55 9 Galistan. Cn 19th. September, 1941, at his residence in Morse Road, Singapore. Cecil Emile Galistan, 4th. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Galistan of Singapore. The funeral service will take place at St. Theresa's Church at 7 a.m. on Saturday. 20th. September. 1941, interment at
    55 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 323 9 CATHAY \$&XJjSm FOUR SHOWS DAILY 11 a m 315 > 6.15, 9.15 Ijj lO jm 'PHONE 3400 Songs, Music, and the laugh of your life! HORACE HE IDT and his Musical Knights and CHARLES WINNINGER AND LATEST PARAMOUNT BRITISH NEWS T b< U a.m. Matinee To-morrow and Sunday will be
      323 words
      608 words
    • 203 9 Jf\ .A LAST DAY I T/aviUcn to day 3,5 v^> oc m___ ____M——B—fc_^_ T V f or r M \W w J M Lw J mmj Am mW m n row mo mmm Mr r w _A_________ __r c^'n ,ha B7 V A mw con talk __T k m __T
      203 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 884 10 FGG Situations Vacant j WANTED educated Indian girl typist nn •iecent salary. Apply Box No. 466 c|o Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 126 L) POSTS OF SALESMEN to sell Tuberculosis Medicine and Mixture Filled. Applicants thanked. (No. 133 L) WANTED MALE TEACHER with Senior Cambridge qualification. Apply Public English School, Johore
      884 words
    • 875 10 Wanted TENOR SAXOPHONE WANTED in good condition. Recent model. Box 506 c\o Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 206 L) ADVERTISER seeks lady companion, any nationality. Please apply Box 502 clo Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 200 L) WANTED TO PURCHASE second-hand lounge dining room, and bedroom suites; Also refrigerator. Box No. 489
      875 words
    • 929 10 For Sale TENNIS. Boxing and Physlculture ments. Apply Box 483. Malaya Tribune Singapore. (No. 171 L) ATTRACTIVE Parchment paper lamp shades, all colours and sizes; also made to order. Apply G.P.O. Box No. 214. Singapore. (No. 130 L) LATEX CUPB 8. 10 and 12 oz. Size* and other kinds of
      929 words
    • 600 10 DIAL 3053 If you want any odd J°°s done for you. Let us do it for you Save time and money. Satisfaction guaranteed. Employment Service Agency, 243, Middle Road, Singapore. (No. 1631-1) SERVICE AND COMFORT guaranteed. Stay at New Asia Hotel, 2. P«k Street. Singapore. Rate moderate. Modern sanitation. Phone
      600 words
    • 677 10 NOTICE. In the Estate of TANG AH CHOW, deceased. Pursuant to Section 29 of the Trustees Ordinance (Chapter 59). NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and persons having any claims against the above deceased late of No. 550 A, Serangoon Road. Singapore, who died on the 15th day of
      677 words
    • 204 10 PIGS PURE-BRED LARGE BLACK. Breeding Stock. FOR SALE j Apply Manager, Birdshop's FAffil 92, Hugh Low Street. Ipoh. Pbont»_ SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY TENDERS. TENDERS are now invited for the following materials or aerrtce For particular! see Munlcp Tender Room. Care maintenance of the Municipal Cemetery at Buklt Brown during 1942. (Deposit
      204 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 871 10 mf~lo-mt— >«~ mr— m— tj^„ m TO-DAYS BAHio SINGAPORE LONDON ZHLj 225 metres 1333 Kcs EASTER\ m. ZHI'l: 30.9« metres 9.& mcs GSV—I7.BI vi, s ,V rr ZHP2: 48.58 metres 6.175 mcs GSF—IS.I4 i,, 84 GSD-11.73 Mcs- 25 P™ «I» pn —1, S 12.00 Orchestral Concert. including NORTH \<ir.RU-\!! >fc
      871 words

  • 1055 11 Singapore. Sept. 18 MINING*^ (Ss) 2 9 3:3 a] Anal 7| 4ft ,7„ A ml Malay 0.32 <L33xd Hi tarn 15s, 16 9 KEJ Wrng ($1) 0 85 0 90 feoerta Tin 12\9 i4|_ SeUngor ($1) 1.45 1 49 flfrjuntal (5s) 10|3 job a Malay 17
    1,055 words
  • 24 11 w Singapore, Friday. Prices of tin and rubber in Singapore at noon today were:— TIN J raiBBER J Buyers 38%, Sellers 38"/;..
    24 words
  • 114 11 A team Picked from the A.I.F. stationed here and the R.A.A*. will meet a strong S.C.C. combination in a whole-day cricket match on the Padang on Sunday. The following are the teams: s>.LC: Dr. J. a. P. Cameron; [Major B. K. Castor, FIO. S F. Downer.
    114 words
  • 271 11 jyjEETING the S.C.C. in a return Div. I soccer match at Anson Road Stadium yesterday, the Manchesters scored a comfortable 3-nil victory after a keenly contested came. I»T 1 THE following will represent White*, and Coloius in the first S.C.C. Rugby practice match of the season on the
    271 words
  • 93 11 fO-DAY there will be the usual afternoon races for all classes, starting at Dm P for\h f r thP ClaSs p.m. for the other classes ls?"r n^ m ay ♦l hc C class wlll the £m£ at f0 9.50 \ST m ChalleneC f• T cl »f will sail
    93 words
  • 243 11 BROADER CONSUMER DEMAND IN TIN rniIP London, Sept. 18. £Hh pressure of cash from tired holders attracted broader consumer demand at the decline. Three months was fairly steady, with limited offerings and some cash sellers absorbing forwards. After official hours, a further 25
    243 words
  • 116 11 I FURTHER progress was made in j r it he S.C.C. autumn lawn j tennis tournament yesterday when i five more ties were decided. Fol- lowing were the results: Women's doubles handicap: Mrs. |F. Still and Miss S. Still 15) beat Mrs. Griffiths and Mrs. Giles (—15.2) 6—4,
    116 words
  • 24 11 THE Malays conceded a walk-over to the Argylls in o reserve division soccer match fixed to be played p.t the Clerical Union ground yesterday.
    24 words
  • 162 11 (From Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Friday. 'pIN shares were inclined -„o be easy yesterday. Hong Fatts being done as low as 1132. Sungel Luas were unchanged at 1|73, Putehs at 1j25, while Taiping Con; exceptionally, had good buyers at 1 96 1 i. with no
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 75 11 GOLD LEAF PURE CEYLON TEA There is a wiue-spread impression and it is definitely true that a cup of quality Tea acts as a powerful but harmless stimulant to the flagging energies and ail are convinced of its efficacy. "GOLD LEAF" Tea is uuchallengablv a QUALITY TEA. XEbC CHINA BUILDING
      75 words
      38 words
    • 137 11 BANK OF CHINA (Specially Chartered by the National Government of the Republic of China as an International Exchange Bank). SEREMBAN SUB-AGENCY Offers The Public Its Banking And Exchange Facilities. Address:No. 141 BIRCH ROAD. Telephone Nos: 338--Siib-Agent s Office 339—General Office Telegraphic Address: "Chungkuo" P. O. Box No. 86 SUB-AGENT: 1
      137 words
    • 285 11 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA S. N. CO. SERVICES Bangkok. Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta, Port Swettenham, Penang, Negapatam, Porto Novo, Cuddalore, Madras. Sailings will be maintained as regularly as circumstances permit For passenger accommodation apply to: BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated in F.MJS.) for Passage Freight. JNf refracting m MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS THE
      285 words
    • 346 11 P. o. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S.N. CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. The best possible services are being maintained by the P.& O.S.N. Co., from the Btraits to their usual ports of call in China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers
      346 words

  • 366 12 Reuter. London, Sept. 19. A TRIBUTE to India's war effort was paid by Mr. U A Amery, Secretary for India, broadcasting to Latm America early to-day. "While it is true," Mr. Amery said, "that there is much political agitation in India—more between rival
    Reuter.  -  366 words
  • 95 12 Reuter. Canton. S?pt. 19 rIRRORISTS in Canton celebrated the eve of the tenth anniversary of the Mukden incident with a series o' oufap-e* that n«vp suited in the imposition of strict martial law It is reported that were four bomb explosions at twominute intervals on Wednesday
    Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 188 12 Hong Kong, Sept. 18. IN conducting negotiations with "P"' America is only playing hands, declared Mr. l.iu Wei-chih. vice minister of the Board, when commenting on Jap anesc talks in \Vashin K iun. ir is understandable why America is anxious for peace in the Pacific and
    188 words
  • 57 12 Reuter. Chungking. Sept. 19. fHTNESE fueriUas m Manchuria, com- Drtftiaa twelve armies, total 400.000 .vcorduw to Gen. Li Tu. C-in-C of the Chinese voluntflcra ID Manchuria. WftO ri present In Churcking.' He revealed thu Chinese volunteers in Manchuria have effected a Junction with the main body ,1 the-
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 299 12 Reuter. London. Sept. 19. FRANCE HAS AS MUCH RIGHT AS ANYONE ELSE TO NATIONAL PRIDE, DECLARED THE j FREE FRENCH GE* EE GAULLE. BROADCAST ING TO FRANCE LAST NIGHT. 11 Hitler and h.s accomplices are i doing everything In their power to; i keep France prostrate,
    Reuter.  -  299 words
  • 70 12 Chungking. fc>ept. ia. TAKING advantage of the full harvest, the Central Government has decreed that the collection C land tax tnfctad in Free China will begin next Monday. Such a tax to BMChUtn alone will .mount to 12.000.000 piculs. which will Ibe collected in three months.
    70 words
  • 60 12 MAYFAIR Park, the new sports ground of the Mavfair Musical and Dramatic Association. Robinson Road. will be opened by Mr Aw Boon Par at 6 p.m. on Sa The d China Relief Fund (women section) .will be selling bcwl s of rice in aia «I British and Chinese
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  • 369 12 A DESERTER at 16. That is the remarkable position of Private Tommy Taylor, Glasgow-born Irishman, who faced a courtmarlial at Witley, Surrey, after a year's travel round the world. In December 1939 Tommy—he is now just turned 17—went to Canada to join
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  • 292 12 Reuter. Washington, Sept. 18. npFciTDFNT Roosevelt noted in a letter to Congress that, of voted last March, had been allocated. His letter showed the projected allocation of the extra $6,985 millions he is now asking lor Lease-Lend purposes. The largest single item, reflecting
    Reuter.  -  292 words
  • 77 12 Reuter. oondon. Sept. 19. rpwo enemy mine-sweepers were sunk and two others damaged off the Belgian coast, according to an Air Ministry communique which states: •Late on Wednesday alternoon. four tlrcraft of the Fighter Command attacked Icur enemy mine-sweepers off the Bel~All tne ships were
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 90 12 Chungking, Sept. 18. WITH the eyes and ears of the world now centred on Soviet Russia, many journalists and cameramen, mostly Americans, are flocking to Moscow. Among recent arrivals there were Mr A T. Steele of the Chicago Daily News and Carl My dans of
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  • 125 12 Reuter. Calcutta, Sept. 19. THIS part of the world must make ft contribution towards defence by making available minerals and agricultural products vital to defence," Br. Henry Grady, Piesident Roosevelt's special economic investigator ta the Far East, told a Reuter representative. Dr Grady is conferring with
    Reuter.  -  125 words
  • 70 12 Reuter. Liverpool Sept. 19. THE Cunard White Star ha» decided to repay the Treasurr f.7.950.000 which ihe Government advanced to build the l-ners Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth. The Directors remark that the building ol passenger ships of replacement types .suitable lor peacetime Atlantic trade rannot
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 101 12 Reuter. Shanghai. Sept. VJ. OVLR 20 priests were killed when the French Catholic Church at FMwen City. in the north-east of Hainan Island, was rturnt b\ Japanese troops on Aug. 27, according to a delayed report appearing j.i the local pro-Chungking Chinese I r.per. Sin Wan Pr
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 52 12 Reuter. Madrid. Sept. 19. A TREATY of friendship, commerce and navigation was signed yesterday morning between Spain and Manchukuo. Senor Serrano Suner. Minister for Foreign Affairs signed for Spain, and Mr Kwan Marrumura, the Charge d'Affaires ->f Manchukuo. signed on behalf of his country. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 60 12 Reuter. Shanghai. Sept. 19. THE Nanking Government has announce that Mi. Wu Kai Sheng. Vice-chairman ot the Examiners" Com- mission oi the Examination Yuan, haa i oeen appointed Ambassador to Italy. He I served as Chinese Minister to Switzerland I m 1933. his appointment,
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 59 12 Reuter. Simla, Sept. 19. Fakir of Ipi. it is rumoured, has advised his associates not to Interfere with passenger lorries and refrain from kidnapping Hindus living in the tribal territories. The Fakir s anxiety to spare passenger lorries is ascribed to the resentment among some oi
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 54 12 Reuter. Teheran, Sept. 19. THE new Shah has decided to restore to the nation hit father's property which includes huge estates and much other wraith, according to newspaper reports published yesterday. The reports add that the new Shah conveyed this decision to his ministers immediately
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 63 12 Reuter. Bombay, Sept. 18. A POLISH relief expedition will be nrcceeding to Russia shortly in order to bring relief to thousands of Poles who, as a result of the war, found' themselves in Russian terntcries, mcstly Siberia, Turkestan and Kazakstan. Thi? mission is being organised by the
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 58 12 THE British Mali»ya Trustee and Executor c It' made a profit of $1a.520.39 last year. With the balance of $1.579.43 .rem tb" P"< v!' us year, the balance in hand is 120 .000. 82. The annual general met ting will be held at 11 a.m. on Friday.
    58 words
  • 71 12 The Java Bode untitled that on untitled nxfdlate change in the maximum rubber '«oducti n 1» (ssenila! since the rubber ftzport quota tor l\e fourth quarter cf :m<4! has b-tn raised to 120 per cent. Tb« paper points rut 'aiious methods of IP* «easing the productivity and announces r-at the
    71 words
  • 137 12 (Tribune Stan Reporter) KING Ananda liahidol, whose isa birthday will be celebrate] k morrow, assumes full r powers on his attainment of Urn age. Nephew of the former King 0 S'iam, he was educated in Swr Z e r land and returned to That'and k 1938
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  • 81 12 Reuter. Shanghai. Se?: II LOCAL scientists have c arrangements to obscne 2 Mri eclipse of the sun on Sundti riftl it is believed will be partial!] iS ble In Shanghai. The ias* lop of similar magnitude fUfe I China is said to hav;
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 30 12 The N.E.I, press untitled the teaching of the N a Bubject at Melbourne v expresses great satisfaction I °nable tne I intact with the peonh ••tc. of the Netherlands
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 72 12 To-night To-morrow EpSj iMyfojpMljffl 7 9 p.m. i "REBECCA" story from the famcu s novel by Daphne dv Manner. j s*. mm s£in**-*.«T». t^mß^: with fuU EnsHsh Matinee-Sat Sun 3 p.m. "VQGUEs'or 1038- (in Magic Technicolor) Madeleine Carroll BATH. ITS LOVELY RJCH LAWEf^f^ i&^Hßßi^' PENETRATES THE PORES ANP I lIV
      72 words
    • 144 12 THE GREAT EASTERN' OPTICAL Manufacturing Optician; I Established in 1928 Optician C I W 275. South Bridge Road. Tel. 21« W Quality superior. Workmanship guaranteed Moderate I>l Test ng titt. 9M I CROUKa I CLA> $4 UPWARDS The lure of JHI fairer, BPI WHITER skinl You, 100, can learn the
      144 words