Malaya Tribune, 13 September 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Net Sales Exceed 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1941 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Saturday, September 13, 1941.
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  • 1124 1 A FEW HOURS before President Roosevelt made his momentous speech on Thursday night (American time), in which he revealed that he had instructed the U.S. Navy to shoot Axis warships on sight anywhere within U.S. defence waters, another Americanowned ship was torpedoed and sunk while on
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  • 270 1 Reuter. WHAT President Roosevelt i said in his speech of t inivement was to be exr J petted." was the German gadio comment last night i „n the President's speech. He reported the lie that a German U-boat began the J it:aik on the Greer," the Radio
    Reuter.  -  270 words
  • 58 1 Shanghai. Sept. 13. i NDMINIi laM by Chinese guerillas totally trreckad a Japanese troop in Sutyuan Province, according report* lecatvad in Shanghai. Japoneac ofllcera arc said to have :-cl by KUeTlllaa who lay jn ama boS 5dS of th, railway g£ attacked the troops with
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  • 65 1 U.P. Blkaner, Sept. IJ. FIGHT to the last ditch and to the last -.nan." vaa the exhortation of Haharajab of Bikaner when a.third unit of the Bikaner State Army left for B £&aja» expressed conhdence I, would fight for their beloved ror accordance wjh
    U.P.  -  65 words
  • 154 1 0 N ihe Le i,,grad f t C"sse; the Germans are now sufferoes. is ragmg and thelosses the M Solomo ing are heavier than the> nave evei ,vsky, Soviet spokesman, sa.d yesterday. "The struggle has taken on ich a proportion and such a r that
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  • 39 1 Reuter. I Moo, Sept 13: An Air Ministry munlquc last night states that single raft dropped bombs In tne r orth —titern coastal district In tne minj, ausing enly minor damage anu galtlfMi wcr>' reported —Reuter
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 315 1 Moscow, Sept. 13. i SUPPLEMENT to this morning's Soviet communique state, A hat on Thurs day, the German Air Force repeatedly at- emnted to raid Leningrad but were each time driven off. A "bout 11 P-m.. isolated planes broke through to the city and dropped
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  • 150 1 Reuter. London, Sept. 13. A BRITISH Admiralty communique 1 states: "It is now known that in addition to the enemy bomber shot down by the destroyer Vimier i in an air attack on one of our convoys in the North Sea on Thursday night
    Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 90 1 Reuter. London, Sept. 13. v BLENHEIM aircraft of the Coastal Ccmmand. escorted by fighters, early yesterday afternoon, attacked an enemy convoy off the Dutch coast, states an Air Ministry communique. One of the larger ships was hit and set on fire and was left with a heavy
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 74 1 Reuter. Bombay, Sept. 13. "TV/TR. JINN AH, President cr the All-India Muslim League has expelled from tne League Sir Syed Sultan Ahmad, and the Begum Shah of Nawaz who had not rom the Viceroy's Executive Council a 9 called upoT» to do so by
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 234 1 Reuter. London, Sept. 13. ANCE again both the German and Soviet communiques are guardedly non-committal but behind this reserve, it is clear that the battle for Russia is entering another highly important phase (writes "Annalist"). While the danger to Leningrad appears to be no
    Reuter.  -  234 words
  • 75 1 Reuter. Vichy, Sept. 13. YfORE than 500 persons lost their lives in the town of Agri alone in an earthquake on Thursday which convulsed a large area in Eastern Turkey, says an Ankara despatch to the Vichy News Agency. The disaster, which is described
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 193 1 Reuter. New York, Sept. 12. SPECIMEN texts of the secret messages in which Hamburg, the spy centre, allegedly gave instructions and asked about American production and military matters, were introduced as evidence in to-day's hearing of the Brooklyn spy trial. J The messages were
    Reuter.  -  193 words
  • 192 1 Washington, Sept. 12. United States Mission to Moscow would take up soon the question of furnishing American supplies, not only needed by Russia in the immediate future, but those required for "ultimate victory," declared Mr. Averell Harriman, head of the Mission, after
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  • 223 1 Reuter. (By Desmond Tig he, from Cairo) BY the end of winter, Germany will hardly be able to carry on the war owing- to the Russian resistance and the continued R A F. raids. This is the opinion of a senior German air force
    Reuter.  -  223 words
  • 206 1 Reuter. Washington, Sept. 12. REPORTS to the effect that Japan and the United States are on the threshold of a comprehensive agreement are regarded in Washington as fanciful. Most of them emanate from Shanghai and Tokio. No evidence can be discovered in Washington that
    Reuter.  -  206 words
  • 150 1 London, Sept. 13. jlflARCEL DEAT is dead, an- nounced the Berlin Radio, according to an announcement .by the National Broadcasting Company. Deat was shot with Pieere Laval on Aug. 28 at Versailles during a ceremony marking the departure ot 1,200 volunteers tor the Eastern Front. When
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 65 1 "CaUnpUlar*! D j ese t iu7l-load standards of* wform ance 3Bss«i»*J heraus" W oV er simpTint*v Jif design which ehnunate* frequent tinkerinK and adjusting: AM they are economical because their 1 "I**1** design permit* trouble-free ooeration from a wide range of low -fravity Diesel Mela. F.M.S. Sub-agents: BRINKMANN 6- CO.,
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  • 504 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) THERE was a naval "battle" off Singapore Island a few day's ago. A force of "enemy" naval craft had drawn near to the scattered islands south of the city and were preparing to shell the waterfront when they were engaged in
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  • 25 2 (Cent-A-Plane Fund) Total number of enemy planes destroyed during yesterday on all fronts up to midnight Lonaon time (excluding Soviet claims): TWO
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  • 139 2 Singapore, Saturday. A PETITION claiming damages in the sum of $50,000 against the Crown for alleged wrongful, malicious and illegal acts by Commander C C Dix, master attendant, and Mr. E. H. Valberg. deputy shipping master of the master attendant's department, was dismissed by Mr.
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  • 110 2 Singapore, Saturday. MERVYN George Mcses, a ship's engineer, was sentenced tP six weeks' simple imprisonment, by the district judge, Mr. C. H. Whitton, for deserting his ship. Court Inspector A. H. Frew, prosecuting, said "This is a case of other attractions proving stronger than ordinary duty."
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  • 197 2 Singapore. FiiJav. k MOTION for substituted servic? 4 of a bankruptcy notice issued against C. M. Houghton, a boxing promoter, was allowed by Sir t»srcv McElwaine. the Chief Justice, in the high court to-day. This was the sequel to a civU action 'n the high court
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  • 91 2 Singapore, Friday. CJHOKTAGE of ammunition and uniforms fof Singapore's dog shooters was rent rted at yesterday's meetin? of the sMaptfre Rural Board, and it **s decided to grant the transfer of $160 to enable the required mateiials to be bought. The higher cost 6f living influenced the
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  • 298 2 Singapore, Saturday. HOW his eight-year-old daughter Rukumani, came home one afternoon, crying, with an injury to her head, caused she had said, by a Chinese boy who hit her with a" stone, and how some ten or 12 days later Rukumani died in the General
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  • 66 2 UNDER the Merchant Ships (Defence and Safety) Order just gazetted, the Rear-Admiral. Malaya, or any officer authorised by him in writing, is empowered to order that members of the crew of every British ship, or such numbers of men as are necessary to man the defensive equipment
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  • 74 2 Singapore. Friday. A TENTATIVE charge of corruptly giving Mr. E. V. Fowler. Acting Superintendent of Police. $5,000. was explained to IJm Kiat leong (32) who appeared before Mr. R. Moor, acting third magistrate, toThe money was stated to have been given to Mr. Fowler on Aug. 25. as
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  • 262 2 Singapore, Saturday. »N application for exemption from all training for 11 members of their staff was granted the Immigration Depot yesterday, when 20 out of 22 applications were granted, by the Singapore Tribunal. The applicants were Messrs. A. O. Jones of Mansfield and
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  • 87 2 Singapore. Friday. AN automatic pistol found in the posses- sion of a Chinese was produced as an txhiblt in the third police court when Ns* Chai Hok (20) appeared before Mr. R. Moor, to-day. Ng pleaded guilty to a charge of possess'on of the revolver.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 453 2 MALAYAN PftCMIEQ HOT It J TO-MORROW EVENING IN THE PALM COURT MILITARY BAND CONCERT 8.30 to 10.30 p.m. by th e Band of The A rgyll Sutherland Highlanders By kind permission of Lt.-Col. I. Mac A. Stewart 0.8. E., M C, Officers. PAHITS DINNER ON THE LAWN SINGAPORE'S MOST POPULAR
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    • 135 2 ANNOUNCEMENT As from September we shall be pleased to accept orders for Fibre Brooms and Brushes suitable for use by P.W.Ds, Municipalities, Sanitary Boards. Hospitals, Railways, Estates, Mines and other Public Services for sweeping drains, floors, etc., etc. Our designs conform to standard pattern and are meant to replace imported
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  • 368 3 You Can Still Build Houses Now—These Are The Types (fribaM Staff Reporter) a\\M:KS of property in first- V |;i>s areas may soon be ble to erect temporary build'irs <-n their land. At present U,po<arv buildings are permitted in first-class areas only if the ar plicant
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  • 139 3 Singapore. Friday. THE case, in which Ronald John Maxey stood trial before the district judge, Mr. C. H. Whitton, on a charge of negligent driving, resulting in a collision with a motor taxfat the junction of Aljunied Road and Sim s Avenue, concluderj to-day. when Mr.
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  • 721 3 Melbourne. Sept. 3. The Minister for Suoply ibenafr M"Leav) announced a high-pressure plan for war-time exploitation of oil and other minerals. All deposits which may be of value to the war effort will be investigated. Evidence of the closer relationship which is springing up between the Netherlands
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  • 57 3 Reuter. Melbourne, Sept. 13. HIVE Koyal Australian Air Force fighter squadrons, equipped with the most modern aircraft, are serving abroad, stated the Air Minister, Mr. McEwen, adding that the progiessive and substantial strength of the Malayan defences 'included a Buffalo squadron. These were only a part
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 174 3 CONVICTED on a charge of living on the immoral earnings of Ah Fon« a young Chinese woman. Li KauPui (30) was sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr R. Moor, acting third magistrate In her evidence Ah Fong said that after the death of her
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  • 28 3 THE secend weekly sports review presented by the Singapore broadcasting station will be giver on Sunday at 10.05 o'clock by Mr. W. Arthur Wilson rEeho").
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  • 341 3 "WHO are my enemies? At whose instance am I going to be hanged? I reserve what I have got to say for another court," declared Manickam at the assize court yesterday when asked by Mr. Justice Worley whether he had anything to say why
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  • 138 3 Singapore. Friday. ttEARING sentence of two months* aimpie imprisonment passed on her. Teoh Geok Lee a 16-year-old Chinese girl, who pleaded guilty to a charge of assisting in carrying on a chap-Ji-kl lottery, said. "I am a spinster and going to he married
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  • 34 3 AN Ordinance to provide for the application of the Malay Regiment Enactment of the F.M.S. to soldiers of the Malay Regiment while In the Colony has just been gazetted. V -V
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  • 112 3 THE Lak Aik Amateur Musical Association. Singapore, will stage Chinese historical plays at the Pacific Hall in the Great World park on the night of Sept 2J. the entire proceeds of which will be doI nrted to the War Fund. Tickets ;>t $10. $5 and
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  • 80 3 (From our Own Correspondent* 1 Malacca. Friday. T7OR committing an offence under r Food Control Ordinance, a market stallkeeper Low Bock Chee. was fined $6o! or in default, two months, rigorou, imprisonment by Mr. A. E. Mills in TrtS°S£-* the mar&nsssgi rir X V. Rodntuea. that tne
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 226 3 St* WKh II x Agonising v^-^^O P,LES? of piles' (haemorrhoids)' f7 why let constant o^^3^^^ men: has proved successful in /j^^^^^^y^^jft We h e^ng C to d sapp r 5o don-tsuffertromp.lesan/longer. uetZam-Bu. app!/ the ointment two or three times daily. >g^^^r 7amßuk gbm Herbal OSNTMEHT Price 75 cts. or $1.50.
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    • 20 3 Something new igain! Something fine ot course! M&pros Stewed Duck! (Advertisement of The Malayan Products Canning I Co., Ltd., Penang).
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    • 288 3 take your pic* from J I%*****/ onr fine selection s* o*^0 Evory bird has been carefully selected from the finest English, Australian and Continental breeds and represents the best value in poultry that can be I obtained. Always a fresh supply f C in stock see and select for V\.
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  • 132 4 POOR finishing by their forwards brought about defeat for the Medical College, when they met the Singapore Hornets in their first hockey game of the season at Sepoy Lines yesterday. The Collegians lost by two goals to one, after they had dominated play in the second half,
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  • 77 4 Washington, Sept. 12. rE new world featherweight champio:». as recognised by the New York and Maryland authorities is Chalky Wright. Los Angeles negro, who knocked out Joey Archibald in the eleventh of a fifteen-round fight. The National Boxing Association, however, regard Titchie Lemos. Mexican, as the champion
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  • 95 4 THE following will represent the Gentle B.P. against Kampong Jagoh Badminton Party in a friendly match of 4 singles and 3 doubles on Sunday at their court, commencing at 2.30 p.m.. and against the Merry Union B.P. on Thursday next at the Happy World covered stadium, commencing at
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  • 115 4 AS the present Ordinance does not cover the appointment to the Senate of the Associate Professor lof Medicine. Medical College. Singapore, and he is only eligible for membership, by election, as a leeI tuier which is subsidiary to his main appointment, a new amendi ing ordinance will
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  • 1019 4 FOLLOWING are the handicaps for this afternoon's races, che first day of the Perr.k Turf Club's Autumn meet:— RACE ONE Horses—Class 4—Div. 3—5 Furlongs Straight 0 0 0 ROYAL BEAU 4y 9.04 4 Bulan Stable" Marland J 0 2 CViEME DE MENTHE 8y 9.04 Mr. Alan Loke
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  • 112 4 By "SPECTATOR" By "MAC" Race l: SELANGOR II Rare 1: AUTHENTIC Starlock Selangor II Race 2: TREASURE Race 2: TIN POCKET Rhett Butler Treasure Race 3: THE WARRIOR Race 3: CLIFTON LAD Prude Moonlight Sonata Race 4: SOHO Rare 4: CHATTERBOX Rackarock Soho Race 5: SILVER LACE Race 5:
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  • 58 4 THERE are 402 hotrses and ponies 1 running on th>e Malayan turf, according to the latest classification list issued by the Straits Racing Association. Of these 58 are cTlass one horses, 88 are class two, 104 class three, and 91 class four, wliile the rest are
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  • 71 4 THE following have accepted to 1 play hockey for the V.M.C.A. against a Heavy Bty. on Wednesday, Sept. 17, on the V.M.C.A. ground:— Ec Thiam Han; R. L Atkinson, A. C. Edgar; K. Y. Spencer, Goh Chin Chye (capt.), Lav Hock Chye; Low Huck Yang, Vow Wah Sang,
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  • 256 4 Hatnid Scores Two Publishers 3; R.E. Malays 2. IN a keen game on the S.H.B. ground yesterday, the Publishers, showing good form again, defeated the R.E. Malays by the odd goal in five in a Div. HA match. On the run of play, the Malay Sappers should
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  • 175 4 ENTRIES are invited for the Tiger Sporting Association tenth anniversary swimming carnival to be held shortly. Entries close on Sent. 25. There will be no entrance fees. The following are the events: 160 yarJ s free style relay (team of 4 persons open to Chinese;, 40
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  • 156 4 AN invitation to Eurasians who have joined the Services to be come honorary members of the club was extended when the Singapore Recreation Club held its annual general meeting yesterday evening. The report of the committee and the statement of account* for the year
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  • 75 4 TO-DAY SOCCER: Div. I, Argylls v Loyals, GillMan; R.A.F. v RA. <Ac), Changi; Reserve Division. Police v S.C.F.A., Depot. Die. lIA. Signals v. Moravia. Alexandra; Div. 118. Sultan v Indian Assn.. Naval Base; Wanderers v Fort Canning. Selerang; Post Office v N.B. Indian-. Post Office. HOCKEY: J.C.S.A. v
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  • 19 4 TO-DAY. 9.05 a.m., 7.9 ft: 2.59 p.m. S 5 lr 9 l»i u.m,. 7 I >« p ,n »2 it
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  • 68 4 The following will represent the (3range L? agaMst Me Klodiddad vl» in a lrlendly matcd ol badrnlnton. cunslstlng ol 6 single?, QNtt I doubles to be played at Me court, to-ciay. at 4 p m Lncne' l3uang «<?apt..i. Isnin. UaKar. ltasdim. vasmon. Kadlr. Nadim. Nassan. Vem. Suddi. t'. Samadl. player»
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  • 38 4 The following have been selected to represent prvxnl fl,« z««xNQ»l «f'.ll-N's l>»pc,l! <». l,iio linlc »Ui »l VlrlUllnd»»,-»,,»,. 8u»nlQb 2 t.»5inl»n. Uu ltUn Noli», c: V «uN4»»l»o>. a v»l»«l. li.ln l.l,n l<l». —<3 «ull.,»«5lU5. <3 Lupplutl. clul. u<x»n tau»«.
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  • 135 4 THE "autocralc a ui. adopted by Sin, connection witli ,n rugby fixtures was den?, at the meeting of iheW2 section of the Via, ft held recently Uub The chairman, Mr b p Ormstcn, said that la* S m son, Singapore just put g; ward their own virus
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  • 48 4 RAFFLES College beat th e Y\J C.A. by five goals to h* b hockey match played at Bub Timah yesterday. The Coll 4—1 at the interval. Scorers were Abdul Aziz m Ghazali <2\ and Karim College, and Sheikh Muslapha n for the Y.M.C.A.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 457 4 VB TO THE The war obviously has placed an extra burden upon the nerves of asthmatics against which the fullest precautions must be taken. A person suffering from "nerves" is very susceptible to Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh and kindred ailments. Make sure of your protection now offered by Bilk's in wt
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  • 546 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter) £)R. HENRY GRADY, chief of the American President Lines, who is acting as President Roosevelt's economic adviser in the Far East, arrived by plane from the Netherlands East Indies yesterday afternoon. Ii Explaining his mission to local pressmen shortly
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  • 71 5 Singapore, Saturday. -ALUABLE practice for riref squads, incst of them 11 trained, will be obtrinn the all-Malayan r the A.R.P. and other nee services on MonTuesday next, Sept. 15 requested that all firesquads in business and other premises, be cn Monday from 3 to 7 p.m.,
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  • 8 5 Bombay, Sept, 12. fi< »u lnrcr ior l«»ur
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  • 192 5 Singapore, Friday. LOVELY Kcdachrome shots of two of the important funcUcns attended by the Maharaja of Patiala during his recent visit to Singa-' pore, taken by Mr. Julius Fisher, were screened for the benefit of the Press, the Colonial Secretary, and officials from the Ministry of
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  • 114 5 Singapore, Saturday. SIR Frederic E™leston, first Australian Minister to China, and Mr. J. P. Quinn. assistant to Australia's official representative in Singapore, were entertained at lunch by Mr. Kao ling-pal, the Chinese Consul General, yesterday. The gathering, which took place at the Chinese Consulate-General, tas
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  • 261 5 Singapore, Saturday. THE first Malayan Chinese woman to hold a licence for a lorry, 1 Miss Jessie Yong was yesterday convicted on a charge of exceeding the speed limit on a lorry along Geylang Road, but said Mr. C. H. Whitton, district judge,
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  • 99 5 I'HE Cantonese Guild (Kwang Tung Hui Kuan) of Singapore is pl uming to organise a federation of all the Cantonese Guilds throughout Malaya. A circular proposing the organisation of th« said fedeiation, has toed issued by the Singapore Cantonese Guild to all the other
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  • 56 5 A PROGRAMME to commemorat? the Royal Air Force Fighter Command's greatest day, Sept. 15. 1940, is to be broadcast from tne Singapore stati n at 9 p.m. on Monday, the first anniversary. It is* entitled "Fighter Command and will be introduced by tbe Commander-in-Chief, Far East.
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  • 169 5 (From Cur Own Reporter) Ipoh. Friday. \TTER eight years ln this country, the Rev Hamilton Aikin. minister of thr Presbyterian Churcn, rerak, will leave Malaya towards the end of the year lor New South Wales, to take over the nfinlstrv ot Scots Church. Sydney, probably the
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  • 78 5 Singapore. Friday. A 67-YEAR-OLD Chinese and a boy of 16. Chua Kirn Che e and Chua Poh. were alleged to have caused mischief l-'llllng one goat, valued at *iO, and creaking the leg of another, also valued at $10. at Reformatory Road yesterday The goats
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  • 43 5 A TALK, prepared by Mr. E. H Corner of the Botanic Garlens," Singapore, on 'Popular TJames of Plants in .Malaya' will be presented at 9.15 p.m. on Monday as the sixth broadcast m the Singapore station's "Science in Malaya" series.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 134 5 PHI the ft\ SMALL [C\ BOTTLE >mmm\ with 9P14 A LOT IN IT i Identical natural water in j taste and mcdiPHONES: 3700-3709 Everyday, everyone needs VITAUSIII6% VITAMIN B m$ NESi LE s MALTED MILK, to which has been UQUUJPf .drted an extra quantity of Vitamin 'B. pro- w ff\
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    • 253 5 Obtainable from all dealers from A F mmSt W CHLORIDE ELECTRICAL (Incorporated in England). Oldham BATTERIES SINGAPORE. mw mm m FOR YOUR RADK) f OBTAIN QUICK RELIEF J FROM STOMACH TROUBLE <X V witll BISMA-REX J Dear Early this year I began to experience pairs wh'ch. my BISMA REX
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 277 5 WEEKLY RADIO PROGRAMME FROM LONDON p.m. SUNDAY. 7.45 O. M. Green's Far East newsletter. 8.00 London Studio Players. 9.30 New Books, talk. 10.30 American Commentary by Raymond Gramm Swing. 1 p.m MONDAY 7.00 Services' parlour game. 7.45 Dancing Through, played by Geraldo and his Concert Orchestra with Olive Groves (soprano).
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  • 196 6 Timely Warning I ORD Moyne's recent dissertation on the war offorts of Colonies and Dependencies, and his warning to look to their future development, has been interpreted in some quarters as being an unofficial indication that World War II will be an extremely long affair. While it is incumbent
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  • 160 6 jJJALAYA is wealthy now because the demand for tin and rubber is plentiful and the same condition will maintain in the immediate post-war boom which is expected, but after that—the Colonies must be prepared for the greatest slump the world has ever known. Malaya can prepare to
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  • 137 6 JS there any reason why Government should not include agriculture as a subject in the curriculum of th e senior schools Is there any reason why small pieces of land should not be given as a Government grant to various schools for the purposes of practical,
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  • 1484 6  -  Nazi Fifth Column In Japan—IV By Charles N. Spinks AS in other countries, the A Nazi Fifth Column in Japan relies heavily on nonGerman stooges and gobetweens. First of all. there are the Japanese Quislings, contact men for the German Embassy like Tadao Muarata, former
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  • 670 6 TROM Sept. 15, the Indian Terri- torial Force will to all intents and purposes cease to exist for the duration cf war; its units will indeed remain in being on paper, but the men will no longer be there; for the overwhelming majority of them
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  • 144 6 fight the Nazis' rain of incendiaries on Britain I,OOC miles of fire-hose have been turned out since the war began by the weavers in a north of England village. Her,? craftsmen were weaving on their hand looms two hundred years before the mill from
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  • 230 6 hats decorated with ping-pong: balls, bus tickets, inn signs, and even a tiny copy of the wrought-iron gates of a wrecked London church, are among a collection of London millinery which has set the fashion world of New York talking. It is the first
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  • 571 6 r VHE long, costly sion one frequent; v on a Saturday afterno day shows the extent this retains its hold on the people in Malaya. Chinese customs since th lapse of the Manchu dynai'v been progressively modify changed, but funeral custon not altered to any tent. aDle
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 186 6 F. M. S. RAILWAYS i CASH--ON--DELIVERY SERVICE. ASK YOUR NEAREST STATION MASTER FOR PARTICULARS. We instal most up-to-date instruments to discover your eye-defects Scientiiically and Accurately. Refractionist:—C. P. CHONG, PIN PIN OPTICAL MEDICAL CO. 142, South Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. Septic germs lurk everywhere the least scratch will let them in.
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    • 42 6 National Employers' MUTUAL GENERAL INSURANCE ASSOCIATION LTD. (Zneorpormt«d la Bnflan4Li Meyer Chambers, Raffles Plata, SINGAPORE. Tel: 2845. ASSETS EXCEED £2,000,000 OsWKBAL RZSKRV* FUND SBOO.OOS OARJEFUL DRIVERS' MOTOR POUCT. M I|B% NO CLAIM BONUS Pit* Workmen'• Compensation Third Party APPLY rOB AQKNCT TERMS
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  • 282 7 Cardiff, Sept. 12. fHE death was announced from Swansea Valley yesterday of Mr. H. Grindell-Matthews. known as Death Ray Matthews." Among his researches, it was r< ported, was the' discovery of a ray kill disease germs, a design of a new method of aerial defence,
    Reuter.  -  282 words
  • 1206 7 Reuter. Washington, Sept. 12. COMMENTING on the President's speech, Mr. Wendell Willkie. said: "The President spoke as he should have spoken. He could not yield on such a fundamental right. This is the time for all Americans to rally to his support. "No
    Reuter.  -  1,206 words
  • 267 7 Reuter. New York, Sept. 12. IT is strongly the isolation- ist states of Ohio, Indiana, J Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin that is winning the food war for America and Britain,'' states the correspondent of the New York Daily News. In a series of articles the
    Reuter.  -  267 words
  • 119 7 Reuter. London, Sept. 12. A BRITISH Admiralty communique states that an enemy bomber which attempted to attack a British convoy was promptly shot down in flames by the British destroyer, Vimiera. "No damage or casualties were suffered by our convoy or its escort, it says. "This
    Reuter.  -  119 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 43 7 Wouldn't you rather have V IOAJV A A You ns* tfee health if foodjs P^P*^ I every scratch is a dangwous^germWf I ■WR WaYs double-action first W removes the dirt, then holds it for easy rinsing away. C/eawses smoothly g I —NEVER SCOURS
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    • 335 7 if L iEE lhese distinguished new V Eulova watches and you will v/ agree that they live up to their name because of their reputation of holding first place in timekeeping, dependability and artistry. Any person wearing a Bulova watch will be proud of its modern streamlined compactness, its dignified
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 228 8 VNDOUBTEDL V THE GREATEST EPIC of the AIR ever made! Packed with THRILLS j The U.S. Navy helped flLlfiHa|M M.C.M. to make th s a Grand Adventure ly Dei oV.'i in tn« liryl Oar* d#.l/1 in lo»«l M«»l ffiM« loom,ng. dioing «ooUi ol tho 1/ S. No*y ot th»r «©<"
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    • 581 8 PACIFIC AIR ROUTES pAN American Airways System yesterday announced that they are applying to the Civil Aeronautics Board ln Washington to re-route their South Pacific Air Service between the United States and New Zealand to Include Suva. Pill Island*. At the present time Pan American's route operates from Honolulu south
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    • 272 8 YOU WILL BE HELPLESS WITH LAUGHTER When you see "THE GREAT MR. NOBODY TO-MORROW 4 Shows AMI VMlilt There v. Dreamy'• look* up and finds it's he! f- VTire! athrill Wpr Mmfg:# ing rescue!.. < JpF and again 'Dreamy' is saved! I So me clay he's going to be HA*
      272 words
    • 102 8 Positively Last 4 Sho^T f DONALD CRISP BARBARA O NEIL A.J. CPCs. c.rtrt.d k IRVING RAPPER A WARNER BROS.• f ALSO FIRST AIR MAIL PICTURES OF THE HISTO'«# MEETING BETWEEN <IC MR. WINSTON CHURCHILL w PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT Universal Newsreel Special And an inspiring M.0.1. Short "WORDS for BATTLE"— Laurence Olivier
      102 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 332 9 daily CATHAY 11 a.m. 3.15 6.15 9.15 BOX OFFICE 'PHONE 3400 HENRY FONDA Ce¥e TIERNEY THE RETURN OF JACKIE COOPER Frank James ir.?™"™ mmwf tOD COlll s «o»»cf B>m<i« Thrills You'll Never Forget! Also 8.M.1. Documentary THIS IS ENGLAND"" paramount News—CHURCHILL and ROOSEVELT MEET. TO NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT (Show Starts
      332 words
    • 201 9 I CAPITOL] Special Notice!j TO-MORROW MORNING ——(S ii nday) TWO SPECIAL SCREENINGS at 10.15 and 12.30 o'clock of the Splendid Modern Chinese Production "WILDJfYoSE" The Story of a girl who wanted to be NAUGHTY BUT NICE Presenting the pretty Star of "HUA MU LAN" j SNAPPY SAUCY! REFRESHING! STILL PACKED
      201 words
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 3154 10 nmxmm nuz^^^M For Sale good board motor. Box 422 cio Malaya Tribune. Singapore. ATTRACTIVE Parchment pnPf r lam P Ses all colours and sizes; ago made to order. Apply 0.P.0. Box No. .14. Singapore. v PHILIPS 1937 RADIO T~valves gJJ-JJ nearest. Box 451 c!o Singapore. (W». WM FOR SALE. Radiograms
      3,154 words
    • 498 10 Execution No. 25,41. Suit No. 162 of 1941. SHERIFF'S SALE In the High Court of the Straits Settlements Settlement of Singapore. Writ of Seizure Sale dated the 28th day of May, 1941. IN THE CAUSE OF Opt org Company (Malaya) Ltd Plaintiff. VERSUS Sin Heng Pineapple Factory Defendant. AUCTION SALE
      498 words
    • 200 10 VFOR VICTORY BRITISH \m 7 BEST. mm f BEAUTIFY YOUR BUST WITH OLR dß&k WELL KNOWN REMEDY L%f?% "BISTOFIXE" Jpw Ensures a beautiful Bust, cures flat Li ~4 Chest, restores the shape of fallen mĕr 4. and flabby sagging Breasts developes ml^^^^K§S mm j9L^k, undeveloped Breasts doe to ill-health, mfli
      200 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 814 10 TO-DAY'S RADloi I J SINGAPORE LONDON ZHL 225 metres 1338 klc« EASTERN BERVIr» ZHPI 30 96 metres 9.69 mice CSV 17.* i m cs; "I ZHP2 48.5« metres 6.175 m|c s GST 15.4 m!cs rs 8 i J n tI p.m. «T« 11,4 mic 25 S3 12.00 Recorded Variety. *w*2L
      814 words

  • 901 11 Singapore, Sept. 12. Buyers. St'let*. MINING. 81«% 3|--74 '2 7172 0 32 0.33xd 17;- 181--ti** 11 0 80 0.85 S« TIS v 1.43 1.47 V 18|3 109 wSS?m Mr* BP •P c T n r-i $1) 132 1.37xd iS 20!6 3 2#x4 rf 0.78 0.81 a*
    901 words
  • 212 11 IfLUANG Rubber Company Ltd., at its meeting yesterday, declared a dividend of 15 per cent on preference shares and 7 per cent., on ordinary shares, the profit for the year ended June 30, being $141,136.30. b The dividends declared were in addition t the interim dividend
    212 words
  • 120 11 Lewis Peat (Singapore) Ltd., in their rubber report dated Sept. 11 stated:-! "We have no comments to make on the market this week, and needless to say prices in Singapore remain unchanged and are likely to continue to do so until perhaps some measure of local control is
    120 words
  • 34 11 Th±; MaiaKa Pinda Rubber Estates, ltd. output amounted to 66.200 pounds for August, making a total of 936.120 pounds for th e twelve months of the financial year ended (Aug. 31, 1941.
    34 words
  • 277 11  -  TRADE IN RUBBER FUTURES RESUMED (By Reuter New York, Sept. 11. yyiTH Mr. Henderson's approval, the Commodity Exchange on Monday is resuming trading in rubber futures between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. daily except Saturday for the sole purpose of settling open contracts and subject to the maximum
    277 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 113 11 I FOR A GOOD REPAIR SERVICE JO ALL CLOCKS AND WATCHES ENTRUST THEM TO YICK WOH HING, 429. North Bridge Road, (Near Middle Rd.) Singapore. Tel. No. 7922. Contractors for Repair of Clocks and Watches for British Army and the R.A.F. Base, Malaya). Dlas ii jM IP j^H up tang!
      113 words
    • 120 11 THE GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO., Manufacturing Opticians Established in 1925. Optician C. T FAN «75, South Bride* Road? Tel. Ilia. Quality 'superior, Jfj Workmanship H f uarantet-d. «SgPIRcT/ Charges TmWmSffEEmf Moderate W||r Testing free. 1 if CROOKS 1 f GLASSES FROM mkmW $4 UPWARUI AWfTZFTfMmXWk 15IMIkilliF j j \i:W IHDM>\
      120 words
    • 66 11 HHHH 1 The safe settlement of your Estate depends upon: ITjVo\ Experience and exacting care of your l°F S Executors, Time to devote to your PwMH affairs, Knowledge upon which to base decisions. Accessibility at all time; W 111 1168^ honesty and integrity. f &f I Unfailing because it is
      66 words
    • 285 11 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA S. N. CO. SERVICES Bangkok. Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta, Port Swettenham, Penang, Negapatam, Porto Novo, Caddalore, Madras. Sailings will be maintained as regularly as circumstances permit. For passenger accommodation apply to: BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated in F.M.S.) Tel. 5431 for Passage Freight. WE SUPPLY VARIOUS TYPES
      285 words
    • 340 11 P. o. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S.N. CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. The best possible services are being maintained by the P.& O.S.N. Cd., from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers
      340 words

  • 668 12 raid shelters built on the surface would be death-traps in the crowded parts of Singapore, says an official notice explaining why there are no shelters in Singapore. The following reasons are given why shelters are not possible:— Most of Singapore is built
    668 words
  • 140 12 Reuter. Bombay. Sept. 13. "THE Flag officer commanding the Royal Indian Navy. Bombay, will shortly launch a new venture when he selects about 100 Indian lad*, between the ages of n and 15 '2. for recruitment lor the new Junior Boys" Training Establishment which
    Reuter.  -  140 words
  • 259 12 Singapore, Saturday. IYANCE hostesses at the Great World, Singapore, over a hundred, went on strike last night. As a result of the strike, dancing was held up and the cabaret eventually closed at 10.50 after repeated efforts to get dancing going. There was a lot of
    259 words
  • 214 12 Reuter. Cairo, .Sept. 13. TARGETS in Cyrenaic?.. at Messina and in the" lonian Sea were attacked by the R.A.F., according to yesterday's R.A.F. Middle East communique which states: "Heavy and medium R.A.F. bombers and aircraft of the Fleet Air Arm raided a number of objectives in Cyrenaica during
    Reuter.  -  214 words
  • 38 12 AIR CHIEF MARSHAL Sir o Brooke-Popham. rw* Hs Chief, Far SS, uho visit to the Nf I i£s «1 visit he will call on the r!?* General and th e C-in-C j?S Army and \aw
    38 words
  • 297 12 Reuter. Vll^ Teheran. Sept U Iran's oil wells now safely under British control td British and Russian forces occupying strategy her communications as well as blocking the path it, th thr igh the Cpucasus, the British and Russian are now intensively studying
    Reuter.  -  297 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 367 12 TO-NIGHT 6.15 9.15 I W a jAjL The greatest story of m WM k«M w dm tne west by tne west's great story-teller j mMsnmmmmMmma^m mWßßLmm ZANE GREY'S TEItX I AIO.\ TECHNICOLOUR with ROBERT YOUNG RANDOLPH SCOTT DEAN JAGG \R VIRGINIA GILMORE Mon. 15th Sept. 1941, 6.15 9.15 CHARITY SHOWS
      367 words
      244 words
    • 307 12 Public Notice, SINGAPORE 001 CO., Ltd. A.R.P. EXERCISES September loth-lTth. 190. The following business k be observed at Orchard P ing the above period:— Monday— Open 5J v September Istb t pji Tuesday— Open 6 aa September 16th i pa. Wednesday— Open 6 im. September 17 th I lose /un
      307 words