Malaya Tribune, 11 September 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Net Sales Exceed 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1941 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Thursday, September 11, 1941.
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  • 144 1 Reuter. Washington, Sept 10. lyjK i rdell Hull, the U.B. Secretary of State, revealed ycsterda\ thai the Germans have refused to assure safe passage to v v American vessel proceeding to Britain to fetch United States iaens. The Stale Department has permitted
    Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 164 1 I nnien. Sept. 11. DEAUFORT aircraft of the E fJMsI il ommand, continuing thtir hunt for enemy shipping i R the south-west coast of Norway, yesterday, located a Ger- man ionvov and torpedoed a supply ship. states the Air Ministry News Service. Beaufort, piloted by a tmmander,
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  • 82 1 Reuter. Tokyo, Sept 11. THREE new motor loads and one rway v/ere opened yesterLn the Chinese province ol tuns?, by the North China 1 imication Company, says a natch to the Domei three roads connect the ol Chuhsien and Issui—a ol 20 miles—in Southern Hv.cimin
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 47 1 Reuter. London. Sept. 11. T "«> British Rear-Admlrals. who are to advise the Turks on the r blisHment o< facilities for snip floating docks and nar-«-ur expansion, have arrived in furkev for a week's stay, accornthe National Broadcasting [tompany's correspondent in Ankara -Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 410 1 Reuter. MESSAGES from Moscow, Berlin and Budapest, received in Singapore this morning, all speak of new Russian counterattacks along (lermany's eastern front. This morning's Soviet communique says that Soviet troops continued to fight stubbornly -long the entire front yesterday. On Monday, r >9 Gorman aircraft were
    Reuter.  -  410 words
  • 352 1 Darlan Reported Resisting Reuter. (On the French frontier), Sept. 11. IT is learned in well-informed neutral diplomatic circles that a deadlock has been reached in the negotiations which have been in progress between Vichy and Germany for a reduction of the occupation charges. These are being
    Reuter.  -  352 words
  • 108 1 Reuter Melbourne, Sept. 11. VIU. V. vV. Fadden, Australian Piime Minister, declared in I speech yesterday thai must be prepared to lake Ihe offensive and hit hard. •We cannot heat Germans by waiting for !<• r to wear herself out. The Ausfialian Government has received
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 353 1 Reuter. London, Sept. 11. RUSSIA is taking the offensive. From Smolensk to Gotne., A Sovkt troi ps fn >ni a series of concentrated blows at specific points, are believed to be developing I large-scale action, (writes "Annalist"). of the Dnieper by an outflanking movement
    Reuter.  -  353 words
  • 362 1 Reuter. Moscow, Sept. 11--1N a fierce counter-offensive ♦'outh-east of Smolensk, Marshal Timoshenko's forces have driven the Germans across the river, destroying 238 tanks. 50 aircraft, 486 lor ties and 135 guns, according to a war correspondent cf the Red Star, the Soviet
    Reuter.  -  362 words
  • 74 1 Reuter. Sept. 11. j ROME thousands of (ierman v troops have recently passed through Italy en route to Sardinia, according to traveller who has arrived in Lisbon from Italy. The traveller stales that Sai' dinia is entirely in (ierman occupation and no Italian is allowed
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 63 1 Reuter. New York. Sept 10 .IF.SSK JONES, the United suites Secretary oi Oommeree mid the Fede- Loan Administrator, announced to- the Beconstructlon Finance Corporation is financing an nddittonai production ol .''.!>.000.000 pounds of alumlitUOl and 112.f100.000 pounds ol IWffMi Mum. at a cost
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 19 1 Reuter. London. Sept. 11. "NOW !<lt on Tuesday in North Finland, tyg the Finnish Radio lust gjpbt.— j Biattiir
    Reuter.  -  19 words
  • 155 1 Reuter. In the Presidential Train. Sept. 10. PRESIDENT Roosevelt to-day completed his address on foreign affairs which he is delivering at 2 a.m. on Friday (C.M.T.) at the White House He has emphasised the importance he attaches to the speech by Utcreasing its length ami
    Reuter.  -  155 words
  • 90 1 U.S. Production Material Shortage Reuter. Washington, Sept. 10. THE supply Priorities and Allocations Board has instructed its executive director, Mr. D. M. Nelson, to work out a complete senedule of the nation's military and civilian requirements in an effort to solve the problems pertaining to the shortages of materials and
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 86 1 Reuter. Vichy, Sept. 11. COUNT De Briir-n, the Vichy representative in occupied territory, last night paid a visit to Laval, whom he found walking about Versailles hospital. It is announced that Laval will return to Paris shortly and will stay there sony days before going
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 55 1 Japan-U.S. —"Nothing New" Reuter. Washington, Sept. 10. Till! Secretary ol State, Mr. ordell Hull, at his press conference, said that he had no advices of any impending agreement or announcement concerning the JapaneseAmerican talks whith had been under way for several months. Mr. Hull added that there was nothing new
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 106 1 Reuter. Limla. Bept, 11. INDIANS art- .sending in a wide range of suggestions and inventions aimed at improving the present equipment of the armed 10-ces, and also increasing the use of Indian materials in the manufacture of war materials. A special commiHee. formed lor the
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 75 1 Reuter. w Magton Bept 10. rpin. threatened rail tmn>api lias beea delayed as Pn :-ldent Ro.isevelt hits t-edcied the creation ot a board <>f rive members i i investigate the railway wage d'tTep .ices This, in effect. delays the stoppage as, ln accordance with
    Reuter.  -  75 words
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    • 101 1 I "wigmm it" F0& AC MAINS "r) Vri j:;A j 9" FOR DC/AC MAINS these -Hi' three of the main points to look for »n a radio. These are just three ol the chief reasons why the G E.C seven and ei&ht valve series ol receivers are Malaya's mosf popular
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  • 223 2 Singapore. Wednesday. SEAH OH YEA. till recently a Harbour Board labourer, who stood charged at the Assize Court with the murder of a fellow labourer, Ong Ah Poh. was sentenced to four years' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Justice Woriey to-day. The special jury returned a
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  • 109 2 THE Indian Army in Malaya now has its own newspaper. This is the Singapori Akhbar. a weekly newspaper in romanised Urdu. The first issue was published last week. In addition to war news and comment, this newspaper will give special attention to news and pictures from India, particularly
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  • 73 2 Singapore. Wednesday ALLEGED to have contravened the import of Food United Kingdom t Order, a European, J. K. Gwinnel. claimed tiial before the fifth magistrate. Mr. L C. Goh. this morning. Gwinnel. was alleged to have imported 46 cases of assorted toffee in July without
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  • 59 2 Smgapore, Wednesday. to have stolen cash and property i k worth $29 from a house in Rochore Canal Road. Ng Kirn Thoy was charged I hffore Mr. R. Moor, ln the third polite court, to-day. He claimed trial and the ca*e was postponed for mention on Sept. 17.
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  • 547 2 Batavia. Aug. 30. "An appeal has been made to all Hollanders, to all Netherlands subjects and friends of Holland ln the overseas Empire and in many other countries." writes the Sourabaya Hnndelsblad. touching Prince Bernhnrd's radio talk, ln which the Utter Indicated a new aim for
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  • 607 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) XTEVER has the poignant side of life been presented with such pathos and illumined by the transcendancy of mother love in greater degree than in the work that the Salvation Army is doing for the babies, whose parents are in
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  • 347 2 Eastern News. fruE Tokyo, Sept. 10. A Japanese Cabinet spokesman, Mr. Koh Ishii, told foreign correspondents that he had no comment on the progress of Japanese-American negotiations. However, replying to a question, he said that from the personal viewpoint, Japanese-American relations were more important
    Eastern News.  -  347 words
  • 366 2 Singapore, Wednesday. AN award made by the Commissioner for Workmen's compensation on the application of the Assistant Controller of Labour (Chinese) on behalf of certain dependants of a Chinese, Loh Lai Hah, who was killed in an accident while clearing a piece of land belonging to the
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  • 160 2 Singapore, Wednesday. A NINE-YEAR-OLD boy, Tan Hoi Ti Ti, who fell from a tree, went home to This house in Kerr Street on Sept.* I. and apart from a headache appeared not to have been affected by the fall. He informed his parents of his fall,
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  • 224 2 QWING to comprehensive tests of the Singapore Harbour Boards Passive Defence Services, all work, including the berthing and unberthlng of vessels, the discharge ;'iid loading of vessels, the delivery and receipt of cargo, the drvdocking and repair of ships and shipbuilding work will be stopped between
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  • 156 2 Reuter. Washington, Sept. 10. IEADERS of 19 railway unions, both operating and nori-ope-rating. were authorised to call a strike last Friday. The non-operating unions, which total some 900.000 members, comprising those not actually concerned with the actual mechanical workings of the railways, have set to-morrow as
    Reuter.  -  156 words
  • 22 2 C, nt-A I ....Total number of enewl destroyed during yesterdal fronts up to midnight LonL (excluding Soviet claim*/1' THREE
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  • 209 2 (Tribune StaT Importer, |'HE Fight for Freedom Kxhib lion, which has been Malaya for the past five m visiting nine or 10 im] centres, opened a show at Victoria Memorial Hal! tht morning in a blaze of colour. Together with this S rx also being held an
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  • 78 2 Singapore. Wedr.> 17. S. Pillai. the publish newspaper. "Kerala Band] ed in the fifth police court this m on a charge that, on certain d April and May. had public: 'Kerala Bandhv." contain graphs with captions or heading- ii W Malayalam language, without matter having
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  • 74 2 untitled The Lord Mayor has sent a ma thanks to the Viceroy for the b of over £9.500 to the Lord Maj* ror the victims of air raids on Grea: Br.tain. He says: "WV are grateful to JOB another practical expression of tl pathy of the people of India tims
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 267 2 Eciema Itch Killed in 7 Minufei Yoimekin has nearly 50 million tiny •eU" and pores where germs hide and cau» rible Itching, Cracking, Eczema. I' Burning, Acne. King/worm. 1 Blackheads, Pimples, Foot Itch ai blemishes. Ordinary treatments tziv.e rtemporary relief because they do I the germ cause. The new discovery,
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  • 157 3 Duchess Inspects S'pore Wrens PASSING through Singapore her way back to England, tia the United States of America, after her visit to the Middle East, the Duchess of Roxburghe made an inspection of the W.K.N.B. who are stationic! at Kranji, Singapore. Th? Duchess was accompanied
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  • 56 3 Mary Neg (in private life the\ r Mr. T. H. Menzies. popular m racing figure >. phoiop/ted on her recent return froil Sydney, where she gave sovi-j v:ry > nful performances in aid of harities. Miss Ney icas tpeuknown or? the stage in Britain and
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  • 50 3 Singapore. STATED 10 be a police supervisee who led to report himself in March •lice in Kuala Lumpur, cnong «i Tonj alia. Chong Koi alias Wong 25) Cantonese, was arrested in appeared before Mr. R Moor, hird magistrate, to-day and tne raDeferred to Kuala juumpur.
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  • 51 3 were 271 deaths in Singapore Ipality in the v/eek ended Sept.. in WfTC male and 103 fe™ aie •ie week totalled 493Ot eaths r 35 were Cninese. Indiana two Europeans. lU se« of mortality were tuentertUs 28. convulsions m. 18 i n.ath rach from leprosy. i and
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  • 527 3 (Ttikune Staff Reporter) MARCHING 19» 2 miles across country, I learned to-day, is one of the simple* training exercises for infantry batta- ns statMMfJ in Sinirapore. W\\ and day out they practice soldiering so hard that amp ol even 3fl milts becomes a routine affair over
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  • 48 3 Tokyo, Sept. 10. mHE Cabinet meeting yesterday approv- ->- ed the appointment of Mr. Kenkich Yoshfzawa former Mm'stcr an i uSii recently, chief Japanese rank £LJi from Indo-Chtna recent v, re o xpelted c t d o Sn his post indefinite!". —Eastern News. r
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  • 24 3 The untitled-demonstration on "Laborntory £3 U O HoSms organised by the i'rofessor H v. f£* Klng Edward Vli Alumni AesocUJto* < *J*%* hM „n tWannounced.
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  • 147 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) official festivities have been planned for the 68th birthday next Wednesday of His Highness the SuKan of Johore. This will \>e the third year in succession that the occasion will pass without pomp and ceremony. This year, like last year, is
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  • 118 3 THE Eurasian Association will consider formal ion cf a Council ol Malayan Eurasian Associations at their 22nd. annual general meeting to be held at the Singapore Recreation Club at 5.15 p.m. on sept. 15. This, Council will consist ot three delegates each from tin
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  • 52 3 Singapore, Wednesday 4 YOUNG Chinese, Kang Bhvn Kins, claimed trial to a Charge of being a member ol ,m unlawful society—the Malayan Communist Party when he apbefore Mr. R. Moor, acting third magistrate, to-day The case was postponed for mention OB Sept 17 and ban was offered ln The sum
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  • 454 3 rjpHREE vans, green, yellow and red, with a large Inion Jack painted on each side, have hecome familiar sights in the Malayan hinterland during the last two months. These vans are touring the Peninsula giving short talks on the war in Malay, Chinese and Tamil,
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  • 150 3 Singapore. Wednesday. J7OR selling dried fish above the maximum price. Chia Poh Joo (44) was fined $70. in default, three weeks' rigorous imprisonment, by Mr. R. Moor, acting third magistrate, to-day. The magistrate warned Chia that the next time he came up for a similiar offence
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  • 350 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) OUT on a trip to the Netherlands Eas 4 Indies and Malaya to "see thing for himself," Mr. H. A. McClure-Smith, editor of the Sydney Morning Herald, has arrived in Singapore. He was to have been a member of the Austialian press delegation
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  • 230 3 GIFT of £10.000 from Malaya to the victims of air raids in Great Britain is the suborn of a letter received by the Governor. Sir Shcnl n Thomas, from the Lord Mayor of London. The Lord Mayor writes:— "I have received through Malaya House.
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  • 74 3 Singapore. Wednesday gjNWQ Malays, who were charged mMi crinun 1 mi.-appropriation of a sheet .;f iron, tfco property ol Messrs. United Knglnenra, appeared bctorc Mr. R. Moor, actins; third magistrate. Rais, bin Haji Russaln, one oi tne men, was acquitted. Abdul Khdfr
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  • 77 3 Singapore, Wednesday THIRTEEN Chinese women. their IOM ranging from 31 to 46. ■pnearrd before Mr R Moor in the third police court, on charge of persistently solicit [mz for immoral purposes, and alternatively. Djrtas on the Unmoral earninga or ther persons, at Baiida Street Hats. They claimed trial
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  • 183 3 A BIG drive to collect funds for the British War Fund* and the China Relief Fund has been planned by the Chinese Swimming Club, Singapore, for Oct 4 and 11. The final arrangements for a dance and bazaar have been completed. On Saturday,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 86 3 Asthma Germs Killed in 3 Minnies gasping, wheezing Asthma an j poSon your cystem. rum 3 our weaken yomr he;irt. Mendaco, ription of an American physician, A thma Germs in 3 mlnotea, and builds new vitality p soundly all night, eat and eniov life. Mendaco is so I that it
      86 words
    • 235 3 •*for economical and I nourishing dishes j try Cold Storage I MUTTON" I Cutlets I Legs I Loin Chops I Shoulders I Cold Storage Mutton makes better Curries I 'PHONE- SINGAPORE 5376 (5 lines), K. LUMPUR 3331 (3 line*!. IPOH 110 111 (2 lines), PENANG 1500 (3 lines), BUTTERWORTH 33.
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  • 45 4 FE following will represent v the Singapore Swimming Club in a water-polo match to be played versus the R.A.F. Tengah, at the Club to-day: H. G. Parsons; J. R. Browsing, P. Driuding; F. W. E. Tydeman, L. H. Chater, W. H. Yetton.
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  • 22 4 THE Gordons were given a walk over in their Reserve Division game against the Malays which was to have been played yesterday.
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  • 47 4 TO-DAY SOCCER: S A.F.A. League, Div. L S.C.C. v Argyll and S.H., S.C.C; Police v Royal Air Foroe, Depot; Reserve Division, Chinese Athletic v Argylls, Anson Road Stadium; Div. ITA, R.A.M.C. v Malay Regt., Gillman; Div. 118, Stamford v Fort Canning, J.C.S.C.; TENNIS: S.C.C. tournament.
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  • 768 4 Malayan hockey season is starting: with a controvesy. Selangor started the ball rolling by urging the non-inclusion of players from military sides in State teams, but so far little j support has been forthcoming I from other States on this point. 1 Singapore, among
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  • 165 4 lIOGKEY among civilians in Sin- gapore was ushered in yesterday evening when two games, one a Irincc Edward Road ground and the other at Bukit Timah were played. At the Prince Edward Road ground, a home-and-home gome between the V M.C.A. seniors and the juniors resulted in
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  • 378 4 CHIN GEOK SCORES FIVE Chinese Athletic 9; R.A. (Heavy Regt.) 0. CCORING their biggest victory this season, Chinese Athletic obtained full points when they defeated the R.A. (Heavy Regt.) by 9-0 in a Div. 1 league game played at Anson Road Stadium, yesterday. Although the Chinese won
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  • 137 4 THE Singapore Amateur Boxin* Wai A 'F„nH ati K n iS t0 hold anothe dfum PPy World staprog h rlmme° Wing h the tentative Heavyweight: Andrewartha v« t t v. son (SABCi- ,£5. Vs J Johnvs. aS&S.; W °olham Parry; Cook <Ra I f > Simpson vs.
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  • 69 4 The following have been selected to play hockey for the V.M C A against 7th H?avy Bty. on Wednesday Sept. 17 on the V.M C A ground: M.A. Lange; R.J Atkinson, A.C. Edgar; Cheong Thiam Siew, Goh Chin Chye (captain). Khoo Hock Choo; Low Huck Yang, Vow Wah Sang, I.
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  • 536 4 ■pOLLOWING are the weights for the first clay's races of the Perak Turf Club's Summer meeting to be held on Saturday. CLASS 1, DIV. I—sJ£ FURS. STR. BAY DRAGON 9 09 NATIONAL 9 07 KAOLIN 8 13 BOOKLAW 8 08 BRIDGE LAW 8 06 GRAND PRIX 8
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  • 100 4 FURTHER ties in the S.C.C. au- tumn lawn tennis tournament played yesterday resulted as follows: Men's singles handicap: W. N. Rothery (plus 3) beat K. H. Fleming (plus 3) 6—3, 6—4; J. Chester (plus 4) beat T. A. Cooper (plus 15.2) 3—6. 6—4, 6—3. Women's doubles handicap:
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  • 320 4 (From Our own r CEVERAL interesting ejd nessed at the r when training for Satarda continued. The goirn majority of the* 2 three-quarter pace work Ul h<« Among the most Lmpn Pinafore, Trelawney, Houlii up. n MW LW The earliest out wor t v. n Mercury, who
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  • 46 4 Reuter. Brooklme (ifassachusi Sept 11 MRS. Glenna Collett times holder of the title, m eliminated from the America Women's Golf Champions Brookline to-day. by Mis Collender of Pasadena. Calil Miss Callender who won bf and four, enters the quarter tad —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  46 words
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    • 120 4 Piles Ruin Your Nerves r^Tvi?}. let hln Z' Weeding, .internal or protruding Piles sap your vftality. ruin your nerves, and drive you crazy with pain. Chlnaroid the recent discovery of an American physician stops the pain in 15 minutes so you can walk ride, work and enjoy life in comf
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    • 19 4 NNtiA WATEI (SI c MINERAL WATER from the Seletar Hot Spring, Singapore. An alkaline drink with corrective ->ropertn I
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  • 221 5 i GIFT of £10.000 from Malaya n victim* of air raids in Britain is the subject of a received by H E. the GovSir Shcnton Thomas, from Lord Mayor of London, lord Mayor writes: "I have d through Malaya Hoiul', London, a cheque for £10.000. being
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  • 255 5 (From Our K. L. Representative) STRICTER control of the price of meat is envisaged following a meeting of the Sanitary Board to-day, at which it was revealed that the price of mixed mutton here is 12 cents more than it is in Singapore.
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  • 164 5 THE Malayan Governments nave under consideration an insurarcc scheme providing at Government expense cover against any accident to, or caused by, a vehicle used by a member of the passive defence services during, or as the result of. duty as a member, which cannot be
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  • 90 5 ISLAM and the Nazi Belief is the title of a pamphlet written oy Dr. Victor Purcell, DirectorGeneral of Information and Publicity. Malaya, and just issued. In four pages it sets out very clearly the guiding rules of Islam and their utter conflict with Nazi policy and methods.
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  • 54 5 DR. Traub Agronsky and delegates of the lewlsii Agf-ncv for Palestine, who are on their way to Australia, will arrive Ta Singapore this wee* a lecture has Decn arranged at 8 p m on Sunday at the Adelp-'i ifotel Roof Garden TM hsubject win be Palestine Yesterday,
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  • 82 5 (From H. L. Hopkin) London, Sept. 10 WHEN Nazi bombs wrecked the famous church of St. Clement Danes in London the rector. Rev. W. Pennington-Bickf ord, died from grief. This was revealed yesterday at the inquiry into the death of his widow, aged 76, who, it
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  • 285 5 AT the annual general meeting oi" the Friends of Singapore held at the Adelphi Hotel yesterday evening, Mr. T. H. Stone, presiding, stated that, with the print'ng of the broadcast series entitled "Presenting Singapore" in book form, the public of Singapore would have a document
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  • 60 5 Singapore. Wednesday. /CHARGED with stealing a gold ring from house in Wayang Street. Lai Kok Ha! 127» a Khek. claimed trial belore Mr. It. Moor, acting third magistrate, to-day Th,> case was postponed for mention on Sept. 17. and he was remanded In custody for
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  • 277 5 Batavia, Sept. 6. THE economic situation in the N.E.I, is still veiy satisfactory as Is shown |n the first half-yearly report for 1941, issued by the Statistical Bureau. During those six months exports in bulk were 4.5 per cent, less than during the same period of last
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  • 130 5 Singapore. Wednesday to have had five previous convictions, a middle-aged Indian, Ramisamy. was found o uilty o: anot..c oifenco—theft of a bicycl beli—and senby it:.* Mth magistrate. Mr L. C. Goh. to three months' rlgorou> imprisonment. Inspector P. Ball, for the prosecution, stated that Ramasamy
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  • 115 5 Singapore, Wednesday, t 37-YEAK-OLD Cantonese woman. Ngow Ah Yew, who drank poison because she 'wanted to die," was rushed to hospital but died the next day. Sept. 4. the cause of death being cor rest ye poisoning. At '.he coroner s Inquiry this morning, Low Ah
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  • 297 5 INTERVIEWED by the Indian press on his return home, the Maharaja of Patiala said that an atmosphere of expectancy prevailed in Singapore hut that calm confidence was allied to effective measures. "I was greatly impressed by the keenness and bearing of the sold- iers and the
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  • 196 5 "THE RETURN OF FRANK JAMES" (At the Cathay) YOU all remember the disappearance of Frank James, one of the two famous brothers in the film "Jesse James." He went over a clifT into a whirling torrent. Yesterday at the Cathay Frank James returned from the dead in a fine
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  • 402 5 Singapore, Wednesday. A LLEGED to have killed a compatriot by striking him with a changkol and causing him 13 injuries in a house at Desker Road shortly after mid-night on April 10 last, a middleaged Indian, Manickam, was charged at the Assize Court today, before Mr.
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  • 163 5 tFrom Our Own Kcporlerj Kuaia Lumpur, Tue-day. AM appeal by the executors of the will of tfa late Mr. Chua Cheng BoK. a-alnst cc tain decisions of the Collector cf Death Duties. Federated Malay States. WM hecrd tO-daj in thu Supreme Court before
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 102 5 DIAMOND I The popular ay of "Diamond" H Bedheads has been pre-eminent j for many years on account of Hj tKeir extreme durability and higk standard of fini&h. B DIAMOND METAL PROOUCTSC?t B 60! KAM PONG BAHRU ROAD L SINGAPORE W Cusson's TalcunvPowders like all h 1 Cusson's Toilet U
      102 words
    • 138 5 B/ood on your brush /j warning! A trace of blood on your daily. For Gibbs S.R. contoothbrush doesn't look tains Sodium Ricinoleate, dangerous, but it shows the which dentists use in their presence of those un- surgeries for clearing up pleasant diseases gum-rot these gum diseases, (pyorrhoea) and gum- You
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  • 511 6 Degenerate People AT no time since Italy's entry into the war—vvhen the Duce confidently expected that his commitment would not go beyond a final stab in the back of prostrate Franco and the negotiation of an easy ]>eace with Britain—has Mussolini's prestige been lower than is the case to-day.
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  • 627 6  -  FEDERAL UNION-NOW By Clarence K. Streit must have a great American Expeditionary Idea if we are to win this W&r without a huge American Expeditionary Force. For ideas can invade and conquer. There is no keeping them out' by warplanes or warships or warriors.
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  • 504 6 A 5-Point Programme To Defeat The Axis Establish A World United States THE first, step toward union is for American citizens to ask their j representatives In Congress, and the President, to: j Invite at least the people of j Canada, the United Kingdom, Eire. the Union of South Africa,
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  • 168 6 Means More Food For Britain FISH which has been flattened 1 and dried so that it looks like a piece of cardboard is Britain's latest device for economising in shipping space. It is a modern version cf stock- fish, which in Tudor times was exported in huge quantities
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  • 39 6 As soon as she married him, rumours began to circulate via the sourgrapevine system. (A.L. Goldman) One woman's poise is another woman's poison. (Katharine Brush) She gave him a lunch of cold shoulder and hot tongue. (Eddie Rogers)
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  • 551 6 JHE war has resu. strictions some i x have become very irksomIt is therefore i faction to see how i n resourcefully the varii arising out of thi are being tackli d b and groups. Perhaps the mo effort to overcome one difficult the copper shortage made
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 441 6 PILES can be Cured The"- are thousands of men and women who suiter awful ugony day and night because of pile trouble, who do not know that every chemist stocks a special remedy that does most surely and quickly banish the misery of this wretched trouble. Make a confidant of
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    • 50 6 < lliij|Trhiiinuc ipoh-tbif v mill iraujtiTj«-roii» i NEUJ BRITAIN MORLEYS SPORTS SHIRTS Made from a special quality Tory Towelling with an attractive polo collar and 'short sleeves. soft, cool and particularly absorbent. EXCELLENT WEARING QUALITIES j &i xe > Navy White, Fawn. j fffpglA Grey, Maroon, Canary. siz es 32
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 152 7 Reuter. Tokyo. Sept. 10. ADMIRAL Seizo Kobayashi, former Governor-General of Formosa, writing in the Kokumin, declared that while Japan's southward policy remains purely economic and "peaceful nevertheless a form of measures" must be taken if j nations, persisting in hostile j mtentions. deliberately threaten Japan s
    Reuter.  -  152 words
  • 174 7 Reuter. Rangoon, Sept. 10. T EE Burmese Government has 1 announced four decisions to ig Burma's relations closer in rnationa] affairs. (1), To abolish the transit dues on ihe goods to China; (2), The creation of a Department of War Supply and Economic Warfare;
    Reuter.  -  174 words
  • 39 7 Reuter. Batavia, Sept. 10. (V the appropriation of 56.000.000 v guilders lust asked by the GovI ent in Batavia for the Dutch 50,000,000 guilders is to o? tor the purchase of flying- which will serve as scouting Manes —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
    Reuter.  -  645 words
  • 36 7 Bangalore, Sept. 3. Th oovernor of Mysore has decided The oo\eri rourt judpe to ento appoint H JgL2S2 of the textile quire into the grievances r h o^work"r s m re y cenuy returned to factories.
    36 words
  • 239 7 Reuter. London, Sept. 10. 2 AMAZING adventures of I 183 French officers I and men captured by 5 the Germans during the bat- I tie of France last year were Z disclosed when they arrived Z at a London railway station a this morning when they were
    Reuter.  -  239 words
  • 401 7 Reuter. London, Sept. 10. jyjß. CHURCHILL'S review of the war situation forms the theme of editorials in the London papers which find in it grounds for hopefulness while at the same time, they emphasise the need for still greater efforts to help Russia
    Reuter.  -  401 words
  • 75 7 Reuter. Boston. Sept. 10. DECLARING that the United States faces inflation now and "must deal with it at once," Mr. Tvlorgenthau, the Secretary of the Treasury, called on workers, farmers and businessmen to curb iheir desires for higher wages and profit* in the interest of
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 186 7 Reuter. London, Sept. 10. tv.P Norwegian Dublic are laid down in a decree issued in Oslo, by S a state of emergency has been proclaimed. and P a a "L n tiy been disturb•following" regulations have been Issued. "It is forbidden to interfere with work in
    Reuter.  -  186 words
  • 850 7 Reuter. (By Desmond Tighe. Reuters Special Correspondent). Suez, Sept. 10. SLEEK grey Royal naval vessel slipped into an Egyptian port on Tuesday afternoon with 24 members of the crew of the American freighter Steel Seafarer which was divebombed and sunk by enemy aircraft. The
    Reuter.  -  850 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 358 7 JhuphioA tfjupA w I I We have in stock a wide range of E.P.N.S. or Silver Cups, Shields, Silver Medals and E.P.N.S. Tankards. Special Discounts to Clubs and Institutions 234-41-558 Guard Against /r^fP^^V THROAT PM| Infection r*~ I; you feel the slightest irritation SJSmMs^S or hoarseness in your throat. sxUßeeJF^
      358 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 224 8 The Screen's Greatest AIR EPIC! Every Moment a Tlirobbing Thrill! Greeted by ENTHUSIASTIC CROWDS M.G.Ms Most Thrilling, \1 £imV Spectacular Epic of the U.S. Fleet AIR-ARM! thrillTromThe shksT"*' Zooming action! Heart-throbbing romance! y The U. S. Fleet s flying "Hell Cat*" trash their way into love and danger! The J
      224 words
    • 632 8 1« T I'HOM X *f «IV Presen I s ■'^^^^m Matinees Sat. Sun. MIDNIGHT Laurel Hardy Saturday at 12 p.m. •FLYING DEUCES" v BEYOND BENGAL "THE WHITE EAGLE LOOK HAPPY- FEEL HAPPY- BE HAPPY 1 I HAPPYGIRLS TO-NIGHT'S DANCE 9-12 P.M. VSEPT. 14TH ru\ to 5.30 I'M |JJJB CCCKTAIL DANSANT
      632 words
    • 170 8 "Those who have seen the previous films of D r stories should see this picture without fail ni|, V Says THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. TO-DAY 3.15, 6.15 9. 1S At The ALHAMBHA &h*«J STEPHENSON fl^nSSi 1 >■'■■ i,~ h/A. J CRONIN TO^afcSß^^pMPP^pW^ ALSO AIR-MAIL PICTURES OF THE HISTORIC MEETING BETWEEN MR.
      170 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
      497 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 3267 10 )^^^^^^^aWW^^^^MD^>H>>D^^^sM^D Miscellaneous OULAM MOHAMED. Tailor. Alexandra Road. Singapore. 1 v*u* good fitting—Moderate prices.(No. 86SK) FRUIT TREES Rambutans. Pulasans. etc—grafts Marcots availably All trees guaranteed. Particulars Woo. 243 Middle Road. Singapore or Phone 3053. (No. 74L) GOOD NSWS for the sick. SlowKeng Ngoh Chinese. Physician. Specialised m Acupuncture and Cauterization (old-Chin-ese
      3,267 words
    • 677 10 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY TENDERS. TENDERS are now Invited for the following materials ox ternce. For partJcularf fee Municipal Tender Room -Car* maintenance of the Municipal Cemetery at Buklt Brown during 1942. (Deposit $50) t amM 12 noon. 27 Sept. 1941. Occupation servicing of Kedals at Gunong Pulal Pontlan Ketchli. Q 12
      677 words
    • 255 10 NOTICE Mr. H. D. Grand has resigned the management of the Elysee Hotel, as from 31st August, 1941 and will continue doing business as usual for household requisites etc at 143 North Beach. Tel. 232. ALL SKIN DISEASES like red, black and white spots, boils, eczema, ringworm, itch, swelling or
      255 words
    • 36 10 pidyou MACLEAN your teetn to-day j Sure thing,stranqer For sparkling white teeth, 5 healthy gums, a fresh coo mouth, use JJ quickly removes stains, whiten* and polishes the enamel ana it is economical in use. reef* '<
      36 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 884 10 to-day*s radio] SINGAPORE LONDON ZHL 225 metre. 1333 kcs EASTERN SERVTr. ZHPI 30 96 metres 9«9 mcs 17. »1 m c"■ i« F, 1 ZHP2 48 58 metres 6.175 mcs «g£ 15.4 mics-'ii .r p.m. GSD 11.7$ m:d; M U»«*r ZHL 22$ metres 1333 kcs w P m v 2:«
      884 words

  • 956 11 Singapore, Sept. 10. Buy era. Be'lera. MINING. (59) 2i7 tt 3! s*<S Amal (£> 7 3 V€cd t r:^(sl) 0/70 $5 ■fJS 15s) 1013 10,9 SfJSjl) B -0», c x.V. 0.34 0 37 P& T t Tin ($D 129 1.32xd Kona Tin (ss) 1516 10|S uyd
    956 words
  • 22 11 Singapore, Thursday. Trices of tin and rubber in Singapore at noon to* day were:— TIN RUBBER Buyers 38*»«, Sellers 38"»
    22 words
  • 86 11 TN keeping with their progressive policy. The Malayan Products Canning Co.. Ltd., of Penang are adding a new item to their list of canned provisions. This time it is stewed rluck. The product is composed of selected freshly killed ducks ccoked with potatoes, onions, salt and clove. It
    86 words
  • 300 11 London. Sept. 10. HECFNT sinkings, including that P of the Steel Seafarer, did not appreciably harden war risk rates for United States ships which London ond New York insure on similar terms. Representative rate.s for round voyages between the eastern United States and Africa and
    300 words
  • 28 11 r PHE August crop of the United Malacca 1 Rubber Estates Ltd. was 52.590 ib. The total for the past four months :s 213.250 lb.
    28 words
  • 203 11 (From Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Thursday. TTHE markets were again Arm yesterday, and there was a good turnover ln tins with a number of rises recorded. Hong Fatts were done, ex div., at 130, f>nd Klang Rivers, Rantaus. and Jelebus all met with good support.
    203 words
  • 58 11 n HE amount of assurance of the Onen- tal Government Security ■*r Ltd.. in force at the end of the last Ascal year, Is Rs. 83 crores and not Rs. Dj iakns. the number oi proposals received was 51.305 and not 51.306 and the amount (Is.
    58 words
  • 32 11 rpHE export of dry rubber from Malaya. Brunei and Labuan for August is m follows Minland, 49.973 tons; Straits Settlements Islands. 492 tons; Brunei. tB<s tons; Labuan, 30 tons.
    32 words
  • 200 11 Singapore, Sept. 10. The following are the exchange stock quotations this morning according to the daily circular issued by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. SELLING London T.T. 2|4 3 32 London demand 2[4 3|32 Switzerland demand (T.T. only) 202.46 New York demand 47.iv Montreal demand 51.85 Batavia demand
    200 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 58 11 ANNOUNCEMENT BANK OF CHINA 'The Specially Chartered International Exchange Bank of China) SEREMBAN SUB-AGENCY commence business on i SEPTEMBER 15th, 1941. Address:No. Ml BIRCH ROAD. Telephone Nos: Office itt—General Office Telegraphic Address: 4t Chungkuo P. 0. Box No. 86 \,r, District Manager: >l R PARKCANE C. HWANG. Ageat, Kuala Lumpur
      58 words
    • 159 11 THE GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO., Manufacturing Opticians Established in 1928. Optician C. T. FAN 275, South Bridge Road, Tel. 2164. Quality superior, B_ Workmanship A3 Bf\ guaranteed. wWMHMv Charges uHSmfl mm Moderate l_tl_____r Testing free. CROOKS DIABETES SUFFERERS! It is fatal to delay. This destruc_gl tive disease is the foreJ__£__A_____
      159 words
    • 137 11 PHILLIPS', I UKE MILK oi MAGNESIA gums Yj TOOTH PASTE ii CONTAINS OVER 75% GENUINE PHILLIPS' MILK OF MAGNESIA U'- ilmmWL A I -the most effective neutraliier of *s oxceu acids known. This magnesia Crfis* 'counteracts the mouth acids that BSB?* co'jsb decay gives complete fcpSjjkk I protection as it
      137 words
    • 210 11 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA S. N. CO. SERVICES Bangkok. Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta, Port S wet ten ham, Penang, Negapatam, Porto Novo, Cuddalore, Madras. Sailings will be maintained as regularly as circumstances permit. For passenger accommodation apply to: BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated in F.M.S.) Tel. 5431 for Passage Freight. Everyone
      210 words
    • 345 11 P. o. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S.N. CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE, rhe best possible services are being maintained by the P.& O.S.N. Co., from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers
      345 words

  • 201 12 Reuter. London, Sept. 10. GEN. Yon Brauchitch. the Nazi Commander-in-Chief, is reported to have arrived in Sofia for a conference with King Boris of Bulgaria and a tour of inspection of the German troops in Bulgaria, according to the National Broadcasting Company's Ankara correspondent. There
    Reuter.  -  201 words
  • 254 12 Reuter. Reuter. Calcutta, Sept. 11. J'HE Premier of Bengal, Mr Fazlul Hug, has resigned fiom the membership of the Muslim League Working Committee and the Viceroy's National Defence Countll "as a mark of protest against the arbitrary use of the powers vested in the League
    Reuter. Reuter.  -  254 words
  • 270 12 Reuter. London. Sept. 10. JJRITAIN has lost two of her giant American-built Flyin;? Fortresses but it is expected that at least 500 of thaw substratosphere bombers will be her portion of the £84,380,000 contract reported to have been awarded to the
    Reuter.  -  270 words
  • 53 12 Malta. Sept. 11. j Jl SHIELD inscribed "a token of apI«■ preciation and gratitude for the I biilliant services rendered in the j defence of these islands," was prej sented to the R.A.F. and Fleet Air Arm by the Anglo-Maltese League lon Tuesday in the name cf the
    53 words
  • 493 12 Reuter. London, Sept. 10. THE British Government has given the United States Government firm assurances respecting the use of materials received under the Lease and Lend Act. Correspondence between the two Governments is published as a White Paper. Under to-day's date Mr. Anthony
    Reuter.  -  493 words
  • 106 12 Reuter. Chungking, Sept. 11. pHINESE financial circles in Chungking are pleased with the result of the Hong Kong conference by which Chinese and foreign banks have pledged themselves to co-cperate In eliminating the "black bourse." Members of the Stabilisation Foatd are returning to Chungkin» shortly, following
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 66 12 Mr. Patrick O'Flvnn vid Miss Fredrika (Rickey) Robbins, pictured as they came out of the Tanglin Garrison Church after their wedding yesterday. The groom is a member of the S.S. Police force, and comes from Ireland, while tht bride is oj Devon. Instead of the traditional veil, the
    66 words
  • 211 12 Reuter. London, Sept. 10. ERRORS of judgment were mentioned by the Air Minister, Sir Archibald Sinclair in the Commons in giving the results of investiga tions into the two fatal crashes of Atlantic aircraft in which 45 lives were lost. He said that the first
    Reuter.  -  211 words
  • 306 12 Reuter. London, Sept. 11. jyjß. Drexel Biddle, the United States Ambassador to the I Allied Governments in London, was injured yesterday while I watching manoeuvers by a Royal Netherlands brigade in the Midlands. Mr. Biddle received a splinter in his left hand and was
    Reuter.  -  306 words
  • 47 12 Madrid, Sept. 10. COME hardening of Germany's attitude to Turkey is perceivable from a comparison of the despatches of Spanish newspaper correspondents in Berlin this week with their writings a week ago. The Germans appear almost to ihave given up hope of winning I ver Turkey diplomatically
    47 words
  • 247 12 Reuter. Cairo, Sept. IX 'J'HE Corinth Canal has again been heavily bombed, announces an R.A.F. Middle East communique, which states: "Heavy bombers of the R.A.F. bombed the Corinth Canal on the night of Sept. 8-9. A number of direct hits was registered on both
    Reuter.  -  247 words
  • 259 12 Reuter. JJITLER has lost two battles —that of Britain and of the Atlantic, declared the Pravda, official organ of the Communist Party, quoted by the Russian War Union. The Pravda continues:—"The Soviet Uni:n is bearing the brunt of Hitter*! attack, thereby diverting from England the
    Reuter.  -  259 words
  • 170 12 Reuter. London, Sept. 10. SUBSIDIES in various forms are costing Britain approximately £109,000,000 per annum gross or £104,000,000 net. Giving this information in a Parliamentary reply, Major Lloyd George. Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food, states that the current annual rate of gross subsidies,
    Reuter.  -  170 words
  • 176 12 Reuter. Bombay, Sept. 10. THE production capacity of textile mills in the country is expected to attain concert pitch as a result of a general agreement reached at a textile conference in Bombay. The Government of India has agreed to transfer the textile
    Reuter.  -  176 words
  • 20 12 Air raid warning untitled will be sounded in the S.H B area on Sunday morning between 8 a.m. and noon.
    20 words
  • 204 12 Reuter. j JHE duel Norwegian Trade I leading Morweg I Viggo Hanstee I dny in Oslo, folioj I tion of a death man summary cou-> the The news wa* German Black Gu Nonvay, Lieut -Gen broadcast from 0 gave reasons for the' n martial law in
    Reuter.  -  204 words
  • 126 12 Reuter. London, Sept j AS a result of the Angloil action in Iran Gc\::;i. lose not only considerably supplies but will also be m of substantial quanl cotton, jute and boxwood A Ministry of Bconou expert said yesterdaj Germans would 1 20.000 tons of cotton
    Reuter.  -  126 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 167 12 Public Notices THE SINGATOmFhARBOUR BOARD. AIR RAID SYRENS. U. fa SEPTEMBER, 1941. NOTIC E The mibhc is notified that Air Raid Warning Syrens Will be sounded in the Harbour Board's area on Sunday morning next, tlie 14th September. 1941, between 8 a.m. ar.d noon. J R. WIGGS. Secretary. The Singapore
      167 words
    • 33 12 GOLD LEAF PURE CEYLON TEA Leaf the De Luxe Ceylon Tea incomparable in quality. 30,000 ♦endfr shoots of high elevation gardens go to make ONLY TEN pounds of "GOLD LEAF" Quality i i
      33 words
    • 104 12 TOMGHT Double Far faar F or ono p.. 'ISLAND CAPTIVES' 'U-67' Next Change: ~~j Matinees Sat.A Hindustani Talkies At 2.00 pm. "USNE-KYA-SOCHA" "BUCK ROGERS" "SITARA" (Whole S< Morning Shows: Saturday Sunday at 11 a.m. "GHttMOS? Satuiday Midnight Show: A Thrilling Malay Talkie "PANGGILAN PAR AH" _J It hapoc-i.' v. I
      104 words