Malaya Tribune, 10 September 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Net Sales Exceed 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1941 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Wednesday, September 10, 1941,
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  • 275 1 T HE Danish shi P> th e Sessa (1.700 tons), which the U.S. Maritime I ommission took over and which was flying the Panamanian flag, has been sunk 300 miles south-west of Iceland, the U.S. State Department announced yesterday. he Sec
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  • 258 1 Reuter. (Tribune Staf Reporter) Ken Tsumuri, the Japanese sul-Generai in Singapore, special interview with the !o-day regarding the dist a special vessel to Malaya i'- 1 the Japanese nationals ava, denied that this sugany large-scale evacuation oanese from Malaya. the time being." he said, schedule of Japanese
    Reuter.  -  258 words
  • 48 1 Reuter. 'p. Cairo. Sept. 10. 1 robruk area, there was some ex- 01 artillery fire. Our patrols I rated deep into enemy posiyesterday'a Middle East wax 2j lighl enemy bombing attacks ncKli K ible damage. In the there was nothing to re- Renter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 207 1 Reuter. London. Sep 4 10. MR C R Attlee, the Lord Privy Seal, replying in the Commons debate, said, in reference to the criticisms of the Atlantic charter, that a general statement by the heads of two great states could not be expected to contain more
    Reuter.  -  207 words
  • 412 1 Reuter Washington, Sept. S. There is reason to believe that the less tf the American ships— the Steel Seafarer and the S:ssa —at German hands and the attack on the Greir are leading to chinges in American uo'icy. The Sessa was undoubtedly carrying foodstuffs and
    Reuter  -  412 words
  • 83 1 London, Sjpt. ft. ALL attempt! of the enemy to penetrate Odessa's defences have been shattered, says an official Tass Agency message from Odessa quoted by tin- Moscow Radio last night. It elated thai the German and Humania) th lists, which have now be n going on lr
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  • 163 1 Reuter. Madrid, Sept. 10. Oo.ML hardening nf Germany's attitude to Turkey is perceivable from a comparison of the despatches from Spanish newspaper correspondents in Berlin this week. They report that the Germans appear almost to have given up hope of winning over Turkey diplomatically and are now ominously
    Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 488 1 Reuter OUR troops occupied the town of Yelnia. This is only the second occasion since the fighting began on the Eastern F*ont that tbe Russians have named a town recaptured from the Nazis as a result of a counterattack, writes "Annalist.'' In mid-July, the
    Reuter  -  488 words
  • 127 1 Reuter. London, Sept. 10. "CONSIDERABLE progress" V has been made in providing Russia with economic assistance. The Minister of Economic Warfare, Dr Hugh Da it on. tuld the Commons that substantial shipments had already been made, including lubber, tin, wool, lead, jute, shellac and notwithstanding the
    Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 233 1 Reuter London, Sept. 10. THERE was no confirmation In London yest?rday of the German claim to have surrounded Leningrad and captured Schlusselourg. The capture of Yelnia, announced by the S vhts, is regarded as proof of the strength of the coun-ter-attacks of the Russians in the central
    Reuter  -  233 words
  • 280 1 Reuter Li nden, Sept 10. IN Ihc House of Lords Lord Moyne, the Cchmial Secretary, irade a statement similar to that cf Mr Churchill in the H<use of Commons. Referring to Russia, he said:' "Little was known in peacetime about the war machine of
    Reuter  -  280 words
  • 112 1 Reuter London, Sept 10 AXTHKN the War Secretary. Capt David HMpmO) announced In the House of Commons, in reply to a question that v nder the armistice terms, the Iraqi Army was permitted to retain its arms and equipment, 004 Wedgwood (tod.), asked whither this was
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 199 1 London, Sept. I<>. r VHE sinking ol :i GeilllH destroyer and probably also a light cruiser off Murmansk is announced in an Admiral? rommunt que which states that, "light forces, under the command of RearAdmiral P. L. Vian, h?;ve been operating against German convoys supplying
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  • 492 1 ANY very important emergency decisions are being taken and large supplies are on the way to Russia. We must be prepared for serious sacrifices In the munitions field to meet Russia's needs." In these words. Mr. Churchill, British Prime Minister, told of the implementing of the
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  • 81 1 Reuter. rr is now known that the British, Canadian and Norwegian shoi k troops which landed at Spitsbergen have .smashed the mines there and set fire to about 150,000 tons of coal, and wrecked the wireless stations which w r ere siting the Nay.»s valuable weather Information.
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 343 2 Singapore. Tuesday. I CANNOT enter into the issue of the ownership of the land," said Mr. L. C. Goh, hearing the case of a Chinese woman and her daughter-in-law. Quek Cheo Toe. and Tan Sai Choon, who were arrested in May of this year on
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  • 348 2 JUNIOR OFFICERS TAKING ACTION (Tribune Staff Reporter) A REQUEST that the regulations contained in the Government circular on indebtedness should not be brought into force for another three years, and that direct and immediate relief towards the liquidation of debts should be given by
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  • 356 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) (XSE aspect of the defences of Singapore—anti-aircraft guns and their crews—provided local pressmen and foreign cameramen with ample evidence of Malaya's preparedness when these observers yesterday watched operations "some- where in Singapore/* The actors in yesterday's "rehearsal" were all Hindu Jats
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  • 157 2 k MESSAGE from Sumatra shows that, as a result of a meeting of prominent British Indians resident m Medan. under the chairmanship of HB M Consul. Mr. E. T Lambert, the British Indian War Purposes Fund Sumatra, was started with the obiect of raising
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  • 109 2 •pHE tenth annual gtne.-al meeting of the S/nari Christian Union. Singapore, preceded by a musical and social •n-enine. Iras held at the Ladies' Union Hall. Moulmeln Road, on Saturday with the President. Mr. P. V. Thomas, in the chair. The assembly paid a tribute to the
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  • 55 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. Monday. AFTER netting an eight-katty fish, a Malay fisherman pot stuck In the mud at the edge of Muar River yesterday evening. In his efforts to extricate himself, he KOt badly cut around the ankles and had to be removed to hospital in a police
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  • 297 2 ON the occasion of the 61st birthday on Sunday of Her Majesty Queen Wilhelmina of Holland, messages were exchanged between the British Far Eastern Comander-in-Chief. Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert Brooke-Popham. and the Com-mander-in-Chief of the Royal Netherlands Indies Army. Gen. Berenschot. and
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  • 169 2 FINANCIAL difficulties year-old Ong Koh employed at a petrol Jiuong. to take his own revealed at the coroner' yesterday morning. Cng Koh Geok was foil ing from a beam in the house off Rifle Range P Timah, >f his wife, 23-: Lim Fwee. when she retui
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  • 362 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) pH)R more than a year Mr. David Ladin, an American >wb- ject, lived through war in Europe and never heard ot sti a bomb drop, though he had to take cover several times rinrng air raids. Mr. Ladin arrived
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 441 2 Restore PEP, VIGOUR, VITALITY and overcome your NERVE TROUBLES with the most scientific and effective Gland Tonics TESTIIOXES brand tablets for Men OVEROXES brand tablets for Women You feel and look years younger *nd return to the full vigour of manhood and womanhood. $5 bottle of 100 tablets each Postage
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    • 187 2 Bombers s^kFromCent$^ 111 j^ljl NEVER let the year* steal your birthright <* youthful skin. Nature meant your complexity to be renewed aad refreahed with every day that patted. She meant the drying outer akin imperceptibly to dissolve and to make way tor the fresh new (kin which it always growing
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  • 107 3 I Tribune Staff Reporter) MEMBERS of Hfce crew ot i i'Mhe Clipper which brought)! vii anil Ails. Dulf Cooper to >inga»ore were reticent about .'ncidents during the j journe;. of the distinguished 1 ouple 'Perfect passengers," was i the description applied by one of them, but so
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  • 196 3 Singapore. Tuesday. A POLICE sergeant and a lancecorporal. Mohammed Saad bin abtu and Ahmat bin Wahab, ap ared before Mr. L. C. Goh ihis morning. the former alleged o have committed breach ol trust of ne sack of chandu in his capacity a public servant,
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  • 1086 3 R.A.F. Give Thunderous Singapore Welcome (Tribune Staff Reporter) R.A.K American-built Brewster Buffalo fighting planes gave a thunderous welcome to Mr. A Duff Cooper, British Cabinet Minister, and Lady Diana Duff Cooper, when they arrived in Singapore yesterday, by the American
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  • 381 3 Lady Duff Cooper Ambassadress? (Tribune Sta* Reporter) LADY Diana Duff Cooper, famed English Society highlight, whose arrival in Malaya will probably cause a flutter in Malayan social circles, had only a few words to say in an interview with me at the Airport just before she was driven off to
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  • 37 3 MR R. F. Kingdon Ward. FR O 5.. will address the Rotary Club op "In Search of the Chinese Tree" a their luncheon meeti.ig Minister to Thailand was a fellow to-morrow.
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  • 56 3 Reuter. Tokyo. Sept. 9. A JAPANESE ship will be sent to Malaya to evacuate Japanese nationals, says a Foreign Office announcement. The Domei news agency says that there are over 700 Japanese residing in Malaya. A further two Japanese ships will be dispatched to India, the Near
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 182 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Taiping. Tuesday. PPEALING to thf Taiping Indian community to give more generously to the War Fund for the successful prosecution of the war and stressing the need lor unity among themselves. Mr S. Dutt. rhe Agent of the Government of
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  • 234 3 rrIF trial continued in the assize ccfirt yesterday bef-re Mr. Jus--1 tice Worley and a special jury of Seah Oh Y?a, alias Seah Ah Yay. a Harbour Board labourer on a charge of murder, when Seah made his defence from the witness box. The allegation against
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  • 83 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Monday. A SUGGESTION that Justices of the Peace should preside in courts where small cases are tri:d. was made by Mr. X.X Benjamin, speaking on the adjournment today at the Selangor State Council meeting. He dealt with the
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  • 148 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Monday. THE cuestlon of the rates pajd to the State for water by mosques was raised by Che Hamzah to-day at the Selaniior State Council meeting. He mid that the rates were not high but some mosques round
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 258 3 [Your 71 I ii "NOW for vme rclaxati I you think at the end of a busy H a >'- nc y° u go 10 nenia H mind, of course, but what about your eyes They've got to I work just as hard as they've MS been working all day—some-
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    • 104 3 Fat Dissolved 5 Pounds a Week Ar6 you top fat? Would you like to have beautiful figure like the famous Cinema Stars of Molly wood? A California physician In treatmg famous actors and actresses has discovered a safe secret method of quickly dissolving excess fat without drastic dieting or exercise.
      104 words
    • 101 3 No matter what the ronditions, ICEBERG BUTTER i protected at all times from deterioration or containing tion. This pure creamery butter is sealed in an air-tight container and is obtainable everywhere. 'PIIONE SINGAPORE 5376 (5 lines), JS. LUMPJJR 3331 (3 lines), IPOH 110 111 (2 lines), PENANG 1500 (3 lines),
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  • 591 4 MALAYS BEATEN 3-1: KOK CHOY'S TWO GOALS WINNING by three goals to one in their return game against the Malays at Anson Road Stadium yesterday, the Straits Chinese Football Association continue to race neck-to-neck with the Royal Air Force, the trophy holders, for this
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  • 117 4 rpHE following Is the programme of the Royal Singapore Yacht Club for the veek ending Sunday next. On Friday there will be the usual afternoon races for all classes, starting at 8 23 p.m. for the "A" class and 5-25 p.m. for the other classes. On Sunday the
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  • 96 4 WITH their win over the Malays yesterday, the S.C.F.A. have only one more game to play to complete their programme for the season, against the Police. The Royal Air Force, who are running neck-to-neck with them for the league honours, have two more games to
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  • 164 4 A GENERAL meeting of the Makepeace Badminton Party of Singapore was held at the residence of Mr. David Cde Souza m Sunday. Mr. J. J. de Souza. newly-elected president in a short speech thanked all those who made the meeting a success. He then stressed the
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  • 105 4 Kuala Lumpur, Sunday. TN one of the best battles seen at tfte Rukit Bintang Park boxing arena, Johnny Mortell (8.11) won by a narrow margin of points over Little Bernal fB.6'-) in their 10-3 minute round contest. Both boxers hammered away at each other from the
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  • 173 4 Track Notes From Ipoh (From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, To-day. rpHE track was slightly holding when training ir. preparation for the iortncoming Perak Summer meeting was continued this morning. Trainer Fenn's Jessane and Maintain vere two of the earliest to be trained, both going out together on
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  • 129 4 R A F. (Kallang) 7; Indian Assn. I. OUTCLASSING their opponents in all departments of the game, the RAF. (Kallang) trounced the Indian Association by seven goals to one in their Div. 2B league match played on the Clerical Union ground yesterday. Although the airmen won the
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  • 30 4 IN the final of the Governor's Cup competition played over the Garrison Golf Club, Captain T. K. Murphy beat L. H. Chater (10) by one up.
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  • 429 4 SignalsLoseßyNine Wkts. £JOLLAPSING badly against the splendid bowling of Oldham, who captured six wickets for 17 runs. Fortress Signals were beaten by nine wickets in their army large units cricket final against the Manchesters, which concluded at Tanglin yesterday. r A feature of the second
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  • 120 4 Scremban, Monday. A DECISION that all ideas of competitive rugby, except in instances of matches between nearby teams, could not be entertained at the present moment was reached at the annual general meeting of the NegriSembilan Rugby Football Club held yesterday, when a
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  • 206 4 FURTHER ties in the S.C.C. autumn lawn tennis tournament yesterday resulted as follows: Men's singles handicap: Lt. D. W. A. Simpson (plus 3) beat Lt. P. Rogers (—4) 6-1, 6-2; H. L. Ward (plus 4) beat O. Fuller (—15.2) 6-0, 6-4; W. M/ Oak-Rhind (scr.) beat C. G.
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  • 121 4 THE Serangoon Lads P.B. beat the Kangaroo B.P. in a friendly badminton match on Sunday at the latter's court by four games to two. Results (Serangoon Lads players mentioned first): Singles: Lee Yang Kwang vs Seah Kirn Teck 11—15; 15—3 (abandoned owing to railing light); G.
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  • 48 4 THE finals of the Y.M.C.A. open swimminp; championships will be swum off on Saturday, commencing at 4 pjn. The nool at Fort Canning will be closed for cleaning to-morrow, and it will also be closed on the day of the carnival from 8 a.m. to 3 30 p.m.
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  • 63 4 TO-DAY SOCCER: S.A.F.A. I r,. Chinese Athletic v R a Anson Road Stadium Division, Malays v o< and Neave ground. HOCKFY: V.M.C.A Seniors Prince Edwa TENNIS: S.C.C aut ment. TO-MORROW SOCCER: SA.F.A lea S.C.C. v Argylls. Pad. Royal Air Force. D Division, Chinese Athlel Stadium; Div. HA. Malay
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 397 4 tigjS 'HUBBUCK'S PALE BO|LED P|§f| LINSEED OIL 2§lH Hubbuck's Pal* Boiled Linseed Oil is mad* I milf 1 for Hot Olmaua for mixing with our DL Patent Whit* Zinc It dots not discolour F I whit* or other delicate shades, like Raw United m Oil and other Boiled Oils. HUBBUCK'S
      397 words
    • 160 4 Has just the right alkaline character to neutralise after* dinner acidity ®F -N SIN G A WATER Mineral Water from thr Seletar Hot Spring,, Singapore BOTTLED BY Fraser Neave, Limited y "BISMA-REX acts like magic J V writes this sufferer of stomach trouble ALMOST INTOLERABLE PAIN IN THE STOMACH" In
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 35 4 TIDE TABLE HIDE TIDKS TO-DAY: 1.13 a.m.. p.m., 9.3 ft. TO-MORROW: 1.46 1.50 p.m., 9.1 ft. FRIDAY: 2.24 an. p.m., 8.8 ft. SATURDAY: 305 2.59 p.m.. 8.5 ft. SUNDAY: 4.01 a.m ,7.3 p.m., 8.1 ft.
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  • 320 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter). "EN the U.S.A. there Ls tremendous interest in the Far East, and everycody is closely following the n:ws telegrams lrom tr.e Orient, I so that 1 was legarded as fortunate to be going to a place which is
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  • 77 5 Singapore. Tuesday. DONALD StableR (61), a European, had a tentative charge of rape explained to him when he appeared before Mr K. Moor, acting third magistrate, to-day. The offence was stated to have taKen place on Sept. 8. at Siglap Road. Mr. A. J. Braga. appearing on behalf of Stables,
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  • 133 5 Singapore. Tuesday. pHE case against Salleh bin Abdullah, a Javanese youth, who t» charged with causing permanent disfeguration to the face ot Miss Mabel Wong, a medical student, wa? mentioned In the first magistrate'a court this morning, before Mr. ,T. L. McPall. The accused claimed
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  • 111 5 "LONE WOLF KEEPS A DATE" (At the Pavilion) ONE of the best of the Lone Wolf series is the new attraction at the Pavilion, "Lone Wolf Keeps a Date," which opened yesterday. That charming villain Warren William is at his very best in the role of Lone Wolf and
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  • 98 5 (At the Alhambra) WARNER BROTHERS has made a brilliant adaptation of Dr. Cronies novel of a psychiatrist who searched for a cure for nervous disorders. James Stephenson as the doctor gives a brilliant characterisation helped by Geraldine FitzGerald as his sweetheart and co-worker. She gives an excellent performance.
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  • 123 5 (At the Capitol) HIGHLIGHT in the Capitol change of programme, last night is a series of pictures dealing with the historic meeting at sea of President Roosevelt and Mr. Winston Churchill. The film, naturally, is not detailed owing to the Precautions taken to observe secrecy but it is
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  • 9 5 Picture UH* on t*e %X*jgg*fc .T"
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  • 439 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter) •niSAPPOINTED at not having been offered a home for Services' convalescents either «t D Fraser's Hill or Cameron Highlands, Mr. John Roxburgh, honorary treasurer of the Austrian Red Cross Society, who has been visiting Malaya, has making the necessary arrange
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  • 161 5 Singapore. Tuesday. A MAN who admitted cheating three people by posing as a detective was. ;.t the request of Uae prosecuting officer, tent to a hoapltul for observation as Ong feo Seng (26K the man. was Buspected ot being a leper. On Aug 15,
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  • 115 5 Singapore, Tuesday. DESCRIBED as being known to the police as a notorious trafficker In drugs, i'mall alias Salleh. an elderly Mohammedan was fined $3u In the Dtstiict Court tnls morning, when he pleaded guilty to a charge Of being in possession of uelet.M ious"dn gs. 0.1
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  • 56 5 fFrom Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Monday. T EMAT BIN SUDIN. a 50-year-old Malay. Aj was fined $5. In default five days" r;trorous Imprisonment, by Mr A is. "Ills In the police court, to-day when be was convfetid on a charge of criminal
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 298 5 'household j GAMES FOR OLD YOUNG j lagnificent British Made. I 51.70 52.50 i •51.85 .j 51.83 i $1.85 Draughts $2.50 Bace 52.50 tits 50.95 .v i adders Si.Bs i W PUZZLES P.f. Victory $0.75 v r l suo > r $1.50 I so. n s* N A Beauty $0.80
      298 words
    • 216 5 Quickly HEAL UP ULCERATED LEGS By The Regular Daily Use Of THE CHEAT HERBAL OINTMENT w iar aye > ou smce y° u arr vc< n tne 10 s* ven f^ W /tjj/ thought to your skin? Now, more than ever before, it Jg&t dM your constant care to keep
      216 words
    • 45 5 ivew supplies; of j 'GUIDE" MILK have just arrived. j SOLE AGENTS: Jos a V E RS G 02 I GOLD"LEAF" TEA I If you have drunk "COLD LEAF" Tea, you i know how well it satisfies; if you have not, drink ft. Get a
      45 words

  • 111 6 The Blackout NEXT week the whole of Malaya will take part in extensive passive defence exercises which, according to notices already issued, promise to be the most ambitious held so far. Our experience of previous blackout and A.R.P. practices, however, leaves us in doubt as to whether these exercises
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  • 125 6 £RITICISM levelled against the authorities after the last blackout was to the effect that not all passive defence personnel was called upon during the exercises, in spite of the fact that every member of these services was actually on duty. This meant that a number of men
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  • 139 6 MOTORISTS and householders who go to the trouble of procuring the proper shades for their lights are considerably disappointed when they see other motorists and householders disregarding the regulations with apparent impunity. Another point which the A.R.P. authorities would do well to remember is that constant changes in
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  • 986 6 THIS YEAR LAST—III This is the third of a series of articles comparing bombastic Axis assertions of a year ago with the facts as they are known to-,day.... VTOW we are on the turn from the second year of the war into the third, it is exceptionally useful to compare
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  • 188 6 nnHE United States are sending to Britain a committee of American medical men to try and find out why the people have come through the "blitz" with bettor health than in the, years of peace. Medical men generally are completely baffled by the nation's fitness.
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  • 55 6 "WIY family thinks there's some--111 thing nrrona with me," a woman complained to the psychoanalyst, "simply because like buckwheat cakes." "But there's nothing wrong about liking buckwheat cakes," the doctor murmured, puzzled. "I like them myself." "Oh, do you?" The woman was delighted. "You must come up some time.
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  • 450 6 THE ties between Malaya and Madras are of such long standing that no apology is needed for n survey in these columns of recent developments in that grent Presidency. The remarkable fact which emerges from a review of wartime life in Madras is that although Madras
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  • 605 6 ]yjEN. .men. men! It is the eternal cry of the ever-expand-ing R.A.P. Men who will make officers not only for flying duties but for the administration of their giant organisation scheme. What type of men do they need? How are they picked? I have
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  • 162 6 I A TOBY jug of Mr Winston Churchill's resolute and cheeri'ul face i> a best seller in the United States and Canada. The makers have doubled the value of china figures sent to North America since the war. All told, Britain shipped nearly £2.000.000 worth more
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  • 216 6 this strange world WALL boards from Ceylon coco- nuts, frcm New Zealand apricot, peach and cherry atones, building blocks from the coral mud of British Honduras and canned chfcken from India are among the investigations reviewed in its new report by Britain's Impelial Institute. The
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  • 545 6 £HINESE schools Malaya have boM, Singapore Chinese t ciation to express th how the Chinese ed j tern in this country sh proved in order, fij I formity of standard tamed, and Mcondly, standard can pro vie! facilities for those wl proceed to China Cor hi These
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 684 6 VICTORY ECONOMY A tarsi Beauty 8 SE SOLELY POWDER i < rtiiied free from ■l ir.-iiiul lnxredients m We instil most up-to-date instruments to vt i your eye delects Scientiiica and Accurately Ri frad m I:—C. P. CHONG PIN 1 IN Or- i f At MEDICAL CO 14:,', South Bridge
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    • 10 6 H'M-V FOR RADIO BE SINGAPORE. I Kuala Lumpur. Penang. I
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  • 1602 7 Premier Reviews War [N (ho course of his speech in the House of Commons yesterday, Mr. Churchill revealed that help was now reaching the Russians from her friends in considerable quantities. He save good news of the Battle of the Atlantic, and
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  • 159 7 Reuter. Moscow, Sept. 9. DUM/ "LANS have lost 20,000 officers and men in the fighting foi odessa during the last ten days, according to a supplementary communique broadcast by Moscow radio. A Rumanian guard division, 11th, 21st and Ist Frontier guard divisions suffered exceptionally
    Reuter.  -  159 words
  • 124 7 Reuter. London. Sept. 9. NEARLY a hundred R.A.F. bombers last, night attacked Kassel, Western Germany, without loss it is learned in London. It is pointed out that Kassel is the headquarters of the extensive Hencesel locomotive workshops described as of particular importance at present in view of
    Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 313 7 Reuter. London, Sept. 9. NEWS oi the Allied landing in 4 Spitsbergen came too late lor editorial comment in the majority of British papers. The Yorkshire Post, however, remarks that both for the British and Germans, the Arctic regions have acquired a new importance from the Russian war.
    Reuter.  -  313 words
  • 97 7 Reuter. Bangkok. Sept. 9. ADDRESSING men of the destroyer Thonburi and members of the other armed forces to wbteh he presented Distinguished Service Medals, the Thai Premier, Field Marshal Luang Pibul Songpram, extolled their bravery and said: T firmly believe that if any one should attack us
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 210 7 Reuter. London, Sept. 9. FOR 26 days the Russian forces have been attacking in the central sector 50 miles south-east of Smolensk. Here the German forces have dug themselves in with extensive fortifications. The Russians attacked from the north and east
    Reuter.  -  210 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 155 7 Idigestidii Most of us are working long which corrects stomach trouble hours-and who is free from scientifically in three stages, worry just now? Overwork and First it neutralises excess worry play havoc with the deli- acid. Then t soothes and procate festive organs. Appetite tects the. inflamed stomach goes. Even
      155 words
    • 63 7 QNE QUALITY 1 THE WORLD R 111 j Made in London by CABRERAS LTD. CAJ 00 IrTthe LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (AUTUMN") 1940. RESULTS just published: 71 per cent, of PITMAN trained students were awarded Passes in Certificate Book-keeping, 60 per cent, of which attained DISTINCTION. Enrol for the new
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 195 8 _i_ ———i> Every Moment a Throbbing I Thrill! j I Greeted by ENTHUSIASTIC CROWDS at Yesterday's Opening! M.C.Ms Most Thrilling, Spectacular Epic of the U.S. Fleet AIR-ARM! ROBERT TAYLOR RUTH HUSSEY WALTER PIDCEON "FLIGHT COMMAND** The Greatest AIR Adventure Story ever Filmed! SPECIAL! Official Pictures of the CHURCHILL ROOSEVELT MEETING
      195 words
    • 481 8 FORI HCCMING COMPETITION NOVICES 'STAR 9 CHAMPIONSHIP 1941 1942. HFRF'S A CHANCE FOR THE NOVICE TO DANCE AND TO DANCE WELL! COMPETITORS ARE TO SI RICTLY ADHERE To The Following Syllabus To Merit Qualification! OtUKSTFP. ENGLISH WALTZ 1 Forward Backward Chanses I. Quarter Jims Natural Turn 2 Natural lurn j
      481 words
    • 219 8 I The first picture to lay bare a woman's mind! Written by A. J. CRONIN brilliant author of "THE CITADEL" TO-DAY i^;*tt*9Js^l, |4 AMftl* A 6909 I *m J GEBAIDINE FITZGERALD V DONALD CRISP• BARBARA O'NBU f~.£*ft.i.CRONIN• MRVWC RAPPER -A MnM.^ ALSO FIRST A I R-M AI 1. -^tfHfe k<£t
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    • 80 8 The Greatest Mystery Thriller ever mad e 31 Reels will; be screened in its entirety SA Tat MIDNIGHT-AIHAMBM j #It ;iapue!fed e hi Kaloha MP3O T!,xr Ra^r Goodbye Blues In Dance Tempo— MFEI9 Japanese Sandman flccl For Dancing Lady be Good f66bl La Cumparsita—Tango Other Hawaiian Orchestra n(yft Jf Rosita—Tango
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 482 9 LATEST j ADVERTISEMENTS Domestic Occurrence MARRIAGE. NELSON-DAVIS. At Wesley Church, Singapore, on 9th September, 1941, Constance Davis, elder daughter of Mr. Mrs. G. H. Davis of Singapore to William Nelson of San Antonio, Texas. Situation Vacant H.M. NAVAL BASE. SINGAPORE. Temporary Assistant required in Quantity Surveyor's Office with experience in
      482 words
    • 172 9 THINGS EVERY ADULT SHOULD KNOW! The Place: CAPITOL The Date: Weds. Sept. 17th. The ATTRACTION:— The Outstanding Picture of the Season. _______r v^^^^^K Screen Play by Bruce Manning and Felix Jackson Directed by ROBERT STEVENSON Produced by BRUCE MANNING A.UNIVERSAL PICTURE PERFECT REPAIR, PROMPT SERVICE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ARE THE
      172 words
    • 174 9 v 4fe nips a kidnapping that 1 caught the cops napping F1 ori a m cn 1 lIP WARREN WILLIAM FRANCES ROBINSON BRUCE BENNETT ERIC BLORE Based upon a work by Louis Joseph Vane* Story and tcreen ploy by Eorl Felton, Sidney Solkow Directed by SIDNEY SMKOW A COLUMBIA PICTURE
      174 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 756 10 NS^',^' n««,«,lN.NN5^^^.^Z Situations Vacant WANTED GIRL CLERK. Apply by letter i o Mr Ho. 324. Victoria SUeet 3rd floor. Singapore. (No. 25L) WANTED. Lady Teacher. Apply Box No. 4.13 cio Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 77L) WANTED Qualified tutor for ma thematic* for a girl of the Senior Cambridge Class. State
      756 words
    • 908 10 For Sale FOR SALE coßt price 32 new bicycles, "Hlrondelle". Apply 528, Geylang Road. Singapore. (No. 15L) CAR TRAILER good tyres. Johnson outboard motor. Box 422 Cjo Malaya Tribun?. Singapore. (NOACETONE in 5 lbs. and 10 lbs. tin. Apply J. Lea Co.. 523. Serangoon Road, Singapore. (No. 33L) FOR SALE.
      908 words
    • 932 10 Wanted I WANTED A* a going concern Large Boarding Establishment. A &P ly ,J*° X «t■ clo Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 35L) WANTED small piece of J*3*f*£s*; $1.*****.500 Box 432 c|o Malaya Singapore. A~NORTHERN INDIAN holding: Jgf position wtehes to meet a S~£*"-Jtc view friendship. Please apply ■ft**./*? Malaya Tribune,
      932 words
    • 704 10 Miscellaneous GULAM MOHAMED. Tailor. Alexandra Road. Singapore. G uaranteea good fitting—Moderate prices. (No. »o»k.) FRUIT TREES Rambutans, Pulasans. etc—grafts Marcots available All tre.»s guaranteed. Particulars Woo. 243. Middle Road. Singapore or Phone 3053. (No. 74L) GOOD NEWS for the sick. Slow Keng Ngoh Chinese, Physician. Specialised w Acupuncture and Cauterization
      704 words
    • 593 10 THE SINGAPORE AUCTIONEERS. AUCTION SALE Of well-made polished TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, GEC electric table fan (almost new), Etc Etc. (By Order of Mr. J. J. Richardson of British-American Tobacco Co., Ltd.) To be hejd at No 21, Nathan Road (off River Vailey Road), On Saturday, Sept. 13. 1941 at 2.30
      593 words
    • 183 10 GOLD BIRD. TEA Sec** 1 BETTER THAN MOS^ SINGAPORE TRADERS TELEPHONE 7603 MYERS ARE APPRAISED THE WORLD OVER ON fBT" BASIS OF EFFICIENCY. with effortless pumping a pressure of over X 100 hbs., is created at the nozzle tip for a fn) continuous, unbroken, mist-like or coarse J Ll^-a^ spray
      183 words
    • 62 10 FSUFFER FROM i I Abdominal Pain Indigestion I Loss of Appetite Headaches I Sleeplessness Nerves I (olds and 'Ru Weariness I CONSTIPATION I Can be the cause 11 I Banish CONSTIPATION I Overnight with j SOLD EVERTWHEt! For Style, Comfort. Fconomy. CONSULT The Oriental Optical Co_. VLANUFACTURING OPTICIA* Head Office:
      62 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 728 10 TO-DAY'S It AII j SINGAPORE LONDON ZHL 225 metres 1333 k'cs EASTERN SF.Rvic ZHPI 30.96 metres 9.69 mcs GSV 17.81 rn'cs; u u ZHP2 48 58 metres 6 175 mcs «£T 15 14 m cs; 13 p m GBD 11.75 rues; 25 53 12 00 Recorded Orchestral Concert in- Alt
      728 words

  • 909 11 Singapore. Sept 9 Buyer*. sViers. MINING. JWH 3[Ift] f£) 7|3 ',«ecd >y 0 32 0 33xd Rttam 17,- 181--iU 0.70 0.75 p ;d• Vm 14|DgOf (Hi 1.40 1.43 1013 20.9 i.lay I7i- 181- i$D 4.-J1 0.33 034 0 37 T n (W) 136 1.39 cd rin
    909 words
  • 179 11 (Fr m Ur Fin -»cial v T HE markets were I&SSE l A day. and d*«ii„t mely hrm yeBter I ov" a very great Si Were widespread In the tin section M f companies. I Placed at 137 if w 1 Hon F atts werI
    179 words
  • 20 11 Singapore, Wednesday. of tin and rubber in Singapore at noon today were: TIN KUBBER W%, Sellers 38< a
    20 words
  • 65 11 OUBBER crop returns of the foly lowing companies, In pounds tor the month of August, 1941 are i o, A in r P ajah 17 900 Australasia 21,100• Ayer Panas 73,000, Bukit 18 300. Glenealy 51.000 Jalan ?o" b Sn 12 00 Kl i ,an 43 400 Pa
    65 words
  • 39 11 j» COLLATIONS governing the import r sale o! P«rol. the operation of peuol pumps and petrol coupons in the t\J hor0 w have just beea Bazetted. They are substantially the same as those obtaining in the Colony
    39 words
  • 34 11 fHIRD quarter rubber connons are not eon iv lld toV r the fourth <* u "ter as erronfousls stated in a recent issue Third Quarter coupons will expire on Kept 30
    34 words
  • 492 11 TN connection with thp not*, i 1 is now i„ force and h S Reslric,i °»ler which -su mm ar> «f the ru aD S ,Win b il on Sep.. 15 and ,6 ,he co ,,n b,atk ut tK following is a summary of the
    492 words
  • 27 11 Simia, Sept 9. The Government of India have decided M a temporary measure to recruit 300 civil doctors for full time duty in the local military hospitals.
    27 words
  • 319 11 present a united f m ,u rt nmst os of the war, not because she was not sen* !n d W are fi Khtmg to pre- p all these tnlngs which are held "i oui hearts, they •'-d ne V y v lU who ever destroy thai
    319 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 78 11 ANNOUNCEMENT BANK OF CHINA i The Specially Chartered International Exchange Bank of China > SEREMBAN i SUB-AGENCY m& commence business I on I SEPTEMBER 15th, 1941. Address:No. 141 BIRCH ROAD. Telephone Nos: 338—Sub-Agents OfFice ■y^— General Office Ti ieirraphic Address: "Chungkuo" P. 0. Box No. 86 Distiict Manager: JIR. PXRKCANE
      78 words
      50 words
    • 336 11 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA S. N. j CO. SERVICES Bangkok. S!I!* an BSP"* "IP Calcutta, Port Swettenham, Penang, Negapatam, Porto Novo, Cuddalore, m Madras. 2SH£R will be maintained as regularly as circumstances permit For passenger accommodation appjy to* BOUSTEAD CO., LTD rel. M3l for Passage Freight. MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS mmm mm.
      336 words
    • 334 11 I p. o. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S.N. CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. The best possible services are being lEJii ,ta Ed by the P.& O.S.N. Co from the Straits to their usual port.of call in China, India Ceylon and the United
      334 words

  • 177 12 Reuter. Bombay. Sept. 9 THE new Government of India Supply member, Mr. Mody, has conferred with Indian textile interests on the problem of increasing the aemand ijr textiles to meet war needs, and to regulate inflated textile price: and civilian needs following the stoppage of Japanese
    Reuter.  -  177 words
  • 496 12 Reuter. London, Sept. 10. fHE Prime Minister's latest review of the war was made to a fully interested but "unexeited House," writes Reuters Parliamentary Correspondent. In the diplomatic gallery were the Chinese. Russian and Spanish Ambassadors and the occupants of the Dominions gallery included
    Reuter.  -  496 words
  • 192 12 UP to the end of June. 1941. Free China had 107.904 rural cooperative societies with a tctal membershiD of 5.979.212. according; to the official of the Central Co-operative Administration. In 1937. ther* were only 46.983 co-operatives with 2.139.634 mem-| bers in China. In 1938
    192 words
  • 38 12 The champion New Zealand four year eld was bracketed with at least 20 Melbourne Cup stn-tcrs m the Caulfleld-Me!-bourne Cup double Ho has not hud a rare in Australia but in track sallons ha. made very fast times.
    38 words
  • 16 12 The Atlantic Battleground assumes new significance in view of the latest developments—see page 1.
    16 words
  • 273 12 Hong- Kong, Aug. 18. JjVARLIER reports stating Japanese troops will give up Tamshui and Shayuchung on the southern terminus of the Mirs Bay-Shiukwan highway turned out to be premature, as the enemy will hold on to this line in order to block the outflow and
    273 words
  • 50 12 Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek has mobilized women powei of the nation for farming to relieve men called awa;- io join the colours. The Generalissimo takes a special concern over the food production. All women organisations are mapping out plans to put the Generalissimo's orders into effect —International News Agency
    50 words
  • 259 12 ■JHE main topic of this issue can be but one, the < tion in Hongkong on St. Mary Magdalene's Day, T July 22, of Dean John Leonard Wilson as Bisho] Enthronement on Wednesday, Aug. 13 in St. Ai Cathedral as Lord Bishop of Singapore, thus
    259 words
  • 51 12 untitled Sir Akbar Hydari. Inu of the Viceroy's Executive c ed at Simla yesterday. The MaharaJ.. of Kapurtto -*d yesterday and is >i.iyi:.Lodge. Dr. C. R Reddy. Vice-4 the Andhra University, has ed a member of the B and Industrial Research -< Government cf India He a member of the
    51 words
  • 22 12 untitled Indian franchise in Ceyl a ed yesterday at the explora rence of Indian and Ceylon Colombo. The conference w::. n'scu-slons to-oay.
    22 words
  • 28 12 The Minister for Repersentation untitled Cclletn says that the sche.'"g re'.u-ned soldiers is nou coon The men will be allowed to en styles and sites of their he
    28 words
  • 903 12 Bntavla. Sept. 5. Queen uUbelmtna's 61st biithuuy was celebrated with greai enthusiasm throughout the N.E.I. The festivities lasted tnree days. On Sept. 30. an international radio uook-up took place, linking up the Netneilanders in England, the N.E.I the •> West Indies. Canada the United States and
    903 words
  • 206 12 Reuter. I fftTiTi j London, Sept. 9. THE torpedoing of two German supply ships by British paAHmlroit m the En S lish Channel last night is described in an Admiralty communique to-day. Two ships with a strong escort were intercepted and in the first
    Reuter.  -  206 words
  • 47 12 Chungking. I it is reliably learned that postage I co foreien countries will be increas- led by 15 cents for each letter of j less than half a gram There will be increase of other postal rates after action by the I Legislative Yuan. International News Agency.
    47 words
  • 67 12 ,1? e most s P°ctacular marches n Melbourne since the outbreak or war v as held to-day. when 2.500 men of the paraded to assist the Red Cross 1 Abo »t 100 returnea Hounded soldiers were driven in open trucks, and warmly cheered. The Com!vr^ Ger
    67 words
  • 47 12 The death has occurred of Mr. George I Erlsi bane philanthropist. Lntln !ftS du l f in 8 hLs life-time reprevf re than 10 0 000: also of Sir Vy 1111am Clemens, former chairman of the Commonwealth Public Service Board and of the Red Cross Society at
    47 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 268 12 Pul»lie Xotiee IMPORTANT j Wiil any customer who took i f 1 urn AMA i ELK PHOTO STORE, 103 Noith Bridge Road, in mistake for his own order. 2 roils of developed 35mm. i.eica negatives, and 2 Leica cassettes on the evening cf Friday, Sfpt., sth.. between 4 p.m. and
      268 words
    • 66 12 EYE EXAMINATIONS, EYEGLASSES EXCLUSIVELY. THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4, ARCADE BLDG PHONI R. A. Thompson, l>i ol {hu r* Science, 35 years' Ewpeaa ,lJ Experience. *iinakwon* Incandescent Lamps, Cas <c> Lamp give Brilliant Light, JgSfca with Economical oil consump- IyS&W l tion and longer service. m3K Sold in all Lamp Stores
      66 words