Malaya Tribune, 9 September 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Net Sales Exceed 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1941 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Tuesday, September 9, 1941.
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  • 97 1 Reuter. New Ycrk, Sept. 8. XV has had the secret of I li NorQen bombsight since rding to a United StateMr. Kennedy, who open pr sedition o 16 alleged j th Fed ra] rour\ dmg the ramifications i i I spy ring which h
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 75 1 Reuter. Shanghai, Sept. 8. ::?ER withdrawals ot Japanese >ps from Chinese ports and cities pectetf by the Chinese authorities. Uiiß to Chinese press reports. tng the recent evacuation of the th China oort of Fcfchow, they are to evacu.ito the treaty ports Nlngpo and Swatow and the
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 119 1 Reuter. Tokyo. Sept. 9. PAN is virtually isolated from intercourse with Europe, said |i c Admiral Sakonji, the Japanese Minister of Commerce and I Ekustry, broadcasting yesterr this reason—he continued— lerce was limited to the soi co-prosperity sphere in :h -circumstances prevent a th interchange of
    Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 28 1 he titanic battle of Leningrad h .still rages, the Germans in a communique from Hitheadquaiters, that they have pi ted the ring round the city^
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  • 269 1 A SMASHING Russian victory, in which eight German divisions were routed at Yelnya, 50 miles south-east of Smolensk in the central sector of the gigantic front, and the occupation of Yelnya itself, is reported in this morning's Russian communique, which also says that Bucharest was
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  • 57 1 Reuter. Shanghai, Sept. 9. FOUR Soviet steamers, at present undergoing repairs in Hong Kong will shortly be placsd on the regular service between Australia and Vladivostok, calling also at Manila and Singapore, according to local Chinese press reports. These steamers plied between Shanghai and
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 417 1 Reuter. Moscow, Sept. 9. l rtAn i irlllP H <Vhtin£r a!l alone the front again last night ma> IHE' da.m to ha gg£*4 BitionB their ability to hold their be symptomat.c of their n d for what is 3t stake
    Reuter.  -  417 words
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  • 83 1 Reuter. Tokyo, Sept. 9. A BRITISH evacuation ship is scheduled to arrive in on Sept. 2S, although there may be a few days de!yy, it is unHArfitnod. The vessel i* u 4™* Possibly 1,000 Britons and Indians are expected to embark on it which would
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 254 1 Reuter. London Sept. 9. 'JHE question of the extension of the presnt limits of the call-up of men for the armed forces as not been discussed by the Cabinet. The possibility of such an extension of the needs of the armed forces has not been
    Reuter.  -  254 words
  • 149 1 'er, Sept. 8. PERMAN long-range v mounted on the French coast sld the Dover area for half an hour last night. Several houses were aged during the bombardment which the first for several weeks. Dover's Pre warning was sounded when the ctiade opened wjth a two-gun
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  • 71 1 Reuter. London, Sept. 9. THREE British four- engin?d planes flew over the Norwegian coastal area moi ning and dropped high explosive bombs from a great height, says the official Geiman News Agency quct*. fd by the German W.reless. Two N. wegians were killed. German fighters tcok off
    Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 78 1 Reuter. Jaipur, Sept. 9. AN unshaken belief that India will rise to the occasion and play her part worthily In the present Juncture In augmenting Btlll further the resources of the Fmpire was expressed by the Maharaja of Jaipur, addressing officials of the State
    Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 379 1 Lor.lou Sepj i. DRiTIoK, i ■yiating id raJbard iSpifrbtrgcß) n; illtas I md tag in ilus tar iK n hem Arctic island. I'hCj ha se zed va.uabie coai lies which, since cite ouib.eak ol the war, Germany uas planned to use 10
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 62 1 M. HASSAN, ■Metrical. Gas St Water Contractors, 36 A 3?. Bras Basah Eos*. vG.VrOKE TEL. Mil. your requirements in the .on or repairs of electric, water pipe fittings, pleaee us and we will submit ow r.otc without obligation. tXNSHIP GUARANTEED AMD CHARGES MODERATE mj t also stock:—Electric ugttttlera, bowl fittings,
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    • 36 1 I ■iH %B| Si H coB i is Bfl *JB "^^B I I ki B* I B nBEB B H (Advertisement of The General Electric Co., Ltd., cf England, "Magnet House" Singapore.) 341 War* ns 300>!'
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  • 111 2 Reuter. PRACTICALLY all R.A.F. aerodromes in Malaya are guarded by detachments from the Indian Expeditionary Force. Some units are defending aerodromes belonging to the Indian Army, while others are infantry battalions raised in the Indian states and placed at the disposal of His Majesty by
    Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 82 2 IT must not be assumed, because the evidence of aerial activity at the present moment is not so pronounced in Singapore, that our R.A.F. defence is in any way reduced. On the contrary, it is growing in strength every day and very recently has been strongly
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  • 436 2 (Tribune Stall Reporter) I "J_'HEY are a fine, happy band 11 of fellows, young and tough," is how Mr. Harold B. Herbert, Australian war artist now passing through Singapore on his way back home, described the Australian, British and Indian troops in the Middle
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  • 328 2 IN response to the Chinese demand to be associated in the Empire war effort, the Royal Army Medical Corps is calling for young Chinese to join up now to bring medical units in Malaya to full strength. the corps appealed to the Eurasian population for recruits
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  • 80 2 MEMBERS of OA Penang Chinese Ladies' Sectid of the Malaya Patriotic Fund helping to sell "Victory" plates pi an attractive design. These plates sfw the 'V* symbol superimpose! on the Union Jack. They arlsuitable for display in houses jon walls and gates. The nett
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  • 50 2 Singapore, Monday. CHARGED wittfaihng to give a satisfactory »ount of how he came to be in fcsession of two piglets at Moh cfn Terrace at 2.35 this morning, f-year-old Chan Kirn Seng aprjfd In the fifth court this morfc. He claimed and the case was postponed ISept. 15 for mention.
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  • 419 2 Singapi Monday, "t HAD a fight with nim but I did not mM to kill him," stated Seah Oh Yea, alias Seah Ah Yay, yarbour Board labourer, when charged at the Assize Court jay before Mr. Justice Worley and a special jury with the rm er
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  • 279 2 SOME motorists in Malaya still appear to be in doubt as to what they can do if they run out of petrol miles from a filling station. The law requires the retailer to deliver petrol into the tank of the car the number of
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  • 123 2 rE fourth annual reunion dinner of the St. Andrew's Old Boys' Association was held at the Adehohi Hotel Roof Garden yesterday on the occasion of the 79th birthday of the school. Thp Rt. Rev. the BjLihnn nf Rinfrrpore, ana Mrs. vvilson, were amonjj the guests.
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  • 82 2 Singapore, Monday. PNTRUSTED with cash while emP ployed as sub-postmaster, Mohammed Ishah was alleged to have committed breach of trust, during the period. 1939-1940, of $1.320. being money entrusted to him in 1 his capacity as a public servant at the R.A.F. station, Seletar. Ishah appeared before
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  • 318 2 JSSPSS! °i f 4 drllls up to and for wepk on TO-DAY. sn n S^t, Rof:le Rd.. No. 1 Sec S.B.D. Sec RE. (v). B D Train no-- Xt* P.m. Headquarters. Ist Bn s S V F 8 C om graining. 5.15 p.m. Headquarters. 1„ H S.C
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  • 195 2 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Monday. REFERENCE to the insufficiency of the cost of living allowances granted by the Government was made by Mr. K. K. Benjamin to-day at the Selangor State Council meeting. He said that inquiries among shopkeepers revealed that prices were
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  • 292 2 Singapore. Monday. SENTENCE of 12 months' rigorous imprisonment on each of three chaiges cf criminal breach of trust, the sentences to run concurrently, was passed by Mr. J. L. McFall. the district judge, on S. A. Dawood «28» a Indian ship's chandler, when the case, which
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  • 132 2 Simla, Sept 3. The English Commercial Corporation. Ltd., which has its headquarters m thr United Kingdom under the chairmanship of Viscount Swinton. i s in future to hav e a representative in India. Mr C. W. Miles, whose duty will be to maintain contact with the Supply Department of the
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  • 296 2 Singapore, w. T HAT this year s Popp I will be extended to men, women and their of the Merchant Navy members of the Won.. Service in addition n:en and dependents of the ti Services as was the practi years, is revealed in a let the
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  • 23 2 (Cent-A-Plane Fundi ....Total number of encrai destroyed during yesterday on d fronts up to midnight Lokc 'excluding Soviet clatrrn SIX
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 533 2 ENTERTAIN V YOUR FRIENDS THERE M MUSIC COMFORT SOCIAL ATMOSPHERE Rday of Raffles Orchestra nightly SUNDAY NIGHT Relay of Regimental Band Concert RAFFLES BAKERY FOR BEST QUALITY OUTSIDE CATERING AT BREAD CAKES MODERATE TERMS. PHONE ***** Chinese Chow Our Chinese food is guaranteed to tickle the most fastidious palate, as
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    • 58 2 A long B\W\ co delicious drink your whole In the LONDON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (AUTUMN) 1940 results just published: 90 per cent, of PITMAN TRAINED STUDENT S awarded PASSES in TYPEWRITING and 57 per of these attained DISTTNCEnrol now for the new t< rm Mm IfmI WIiIKaBIWJ m llfllf commencing
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  • 19 3 A picture of Malaya's newest bomber, a long-nose Blenheim, many of which have just arrived in Malaya.
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  • 863 3 Tribune Reporter (Nellie Wong) Investigates Local Educational Problems, And Finds Malayan Chinese teachers and staff are underpaid, and overworked. This is the general concensus of opinion, ivhatever classes of people one comes up against, and the Tribune decided to look into it. A reporter read
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  • 349 3 THE offensive strength of the Royal Air Force in the Far East has been further reinforced by the arrival in Singapore of a large number of the latest type longnose Bristol Blenheim bombers. For some months it has been policy to strengthen the al Air .Force
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  • 61 3 Singapore. Monday. WHILE on his way to market with his mother, eight-year-old Lira Boey Nghee. walked across Serangoon Road right in the path of Ĕ lorry travelling towards town. snd Uefcrc he ooulrf taW» h*>~» his mother's shouted warning he was knocked down by the
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  • 435 3 mmm% Sept. 8. MR DUFF COOPER, f«nner British Mlnistc of Information, MI, arr ival here to-day said that his missin was to inquire whether it v>as desirable to establish in the F* East a "set-up similar to that in Cairo under which a
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  • 23 3 Hyderabad. Sept. 1. rpilF. Nawab of Chattarl arrived here to- (luv t o assume charge of the pre.tdentshS ot the Ni/ams Executive GouncU.
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  • 246 3 Mr. A. Duff Opcr. former British Ministerof Information, who is coming t the Far East on a special missio, is expected to arrive in Singpore. his Far Eastern headquarirs. by the American Airways Clipp* this afternoon. Lady Diana Duffiooper is accompanying him. When the aiinmcement of
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  • 147 3 INTERVIEWED, Mr. E. C. S. Adkins. Assistant Director of Chinese Education, said that while per capita grants to Chinese Schools had increased by very little since 1931 a very much larger total sum had been spent. Attention ivas being concentrated on extending aid to a oreater number of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 256 3 yYou Cant Afford To Miss The Extra Inspiration Of! L Parkers Lubricated Writing J EFFORTLESS WRITIMO INSPIRES CLEAR THINKING.. .Your flow of ideas B$B& is definitely stimulated when you write with the pen that glides smooth-as-oil. SmĔM That is why the Parker Vacumatic actu- :g ally inspires success. It's resihent.Osmi-
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    • 110 3 NoAsthma Years Two years ago J. Richard's. Hamilton, Ont., Canada, was in bed with Asthma. Had lost 40 pounds weight, suffered coughing, choking and strangling every night— couldn't sleep—expected to die. Mendaco Btopped spasms first night and he has had none sine*—in OVER TWO YEARS. Mendaco is so successful it
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    • 166 3 CYDER For a clean, healthy, and re- MSml^^^^^^ freshing drink, Whiteway's ĔwSmmmmmm 9Bu Cyder takes a lot of beating. r We can offer you a fine wlec- ''J7' tlon of Whiteway's Spar Ml n6 fi Cyders (see list below; whldh *> UffY M are made in the heart of glorious
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  • Article, Illustration
    56 4 THE Straits Chinese Football Association team, who are running neck-to-neck with the Royal Air Force for this year's first division honours, pictured btfore their game against the airmen, which ended in a draw, r?centlv. The team will meet the Malays in their stcond last game of the season
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  • 155 4 CIX recent importations, Bos- worth Park. Bracklaw, Air Offensive, Night Raid, Radasca and Silent Court, are included in the latest classification list just issued by the Straits Racing Asiation. following is the list of transfers, new classifications and deletions. HORSES Transfers:— From class 2
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  • 17 4 New dassifications:— Class I.—Edelweiss. Class 3.—Gold Dust (late Predust). Super Special. Deletions:— Class I.—Balmoral.
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  • 85 4 THE second annual life MIT- in? competition for the S Bagrall Life Saving trophy y was held on Sunday at the V.M.C.A. pool. Last year, the j challmge cup was won by FongKim Choon. who scored 68.8 <ut of a possible 80 points. Yesterday. Kirn Choon J
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  • 378 4 Athletic Take Full Points Chinese Athletic 3 Police 0 /COMPLETELY outclassed in almost every department of the field, the Police suffered a three-nil defeat at the hands of Chinese Athletic in their Div. I soccer match at the standing yesterday. The match in itself hardly rose above
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  • 261 4 Three Goals By Walker ARGYLLS .j; S.R.C 3. THE first divisiii game on the 1 Padang proved fast and interesting *th the Argylls triumphing over le Singapore Recreation Club by ye goals to three. The Argylls fiel ?d a fast forward line which seldoi slipped
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  • 121 4 T-HE following havj been selected to play hockey lor tie junior department of the Y.M.CA. against the senior department to-morrov on the Prince Edward Road ground M. A. Lauge; Chet is Thiam Seiw, A. C Edgar; S. L. Vaki Goh Chin Chye (capt.). Khoo Hoc* Choo: Low Huck
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  • 41 4 SOCCER: Div. 1. SC. FA. v Malays. Anson Road Stadium; Reserve Division, Manchester Regt. v Argyll and S.H., Tanglin; Div. 118. R.A.F. (Kallangt v Indian Association. Clerical Union; Naval Base Ccrinthians v Wanderers. Naval Base. TENNIS: S.C.C. autumn tournament.
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  • 354 4 A START was made yesterday in the autumn lawn tennis tournament of the S.C.C. when four opening ties were decided. Results were:— Women's singles handicap: Mrs. Carslaw iscri beat Mrs. Bourne (plus 3) 6-1. 6-3; Mrs. Griffiths (sen beat Miss S. F. Still (plus 15) 7-5,
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  • 464 4 rpHE following are additional entries for the Ipoh races:— Horses lass I Kfcf Cf 9f 'Vnnie Rooney x x o Bay Dragon x x 0 Booklaw x x 0 Bridge Law x x 0 Boswerth Park x 0 x Cimon x 0 x Crossbow x 0
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 247 4 I the same high guahtyj The well-known metal box container for Gibbs Dentifrice was made of aluminium. National needs now call for all available aluminium to further the war effort, and so in future Gibbs Dentifrice, while still retaining its outstanding quality, may come to you in a different container.
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    • 437 4 r~7 J Airmen Win 4-o? I DLAYING at home v I day, the Ro Vl w holders of the SlviSl championship, and 1 j contenders for this v ear > nouis, collected two valuable points when #5 S defeated the Gordnn s 2 four clear goals. J The airmen aro
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 923 5 Interview With First j Envoy To Chungking I (Tribune Staff Reporter) gIR Frederic Eggleston, first Australian Minister to China, and now in Singapore on his way to Chungking, uttered a message of hope to China in the course of an interview with the Tribune
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  • 140 5 I From a Special Correspondent) Batavla, Sept. 3. WHEN Sn Frederic Eggleston was Batavia, he granted an to the Java Bode, which Frederic Eggleston's appointshould be seen as the third series of similar nom'nations thai show the intense interest of A istralia in her relations with
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  • 25 5 The arrival is announced of the largest ntingent of Dominion air personnel yet reach Great Britain The contingent an nil—a Australian-. New Zealanders, .nd Canadians
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  • 366 5 He Says This. (Tribune Staff Reporter) i SIR Frederic Egglesion, nrst Australian Minister to China who is now in Singapore, is amia- blc. a gardener by heart, and some- what stocky. f Apart from gardening, he is most interested in art (being trustee 01 the National C»al!ery in Australia),) economics,
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  • 222 5 T?OR the hrst tune in the last 20 years j of the history o the Oriental Government Security Life Assuramrt Co. Ltd the re-election of two of the retiring directors was challenged They were tbe re-elections of «*r. v/akhand Hirarhand and Bir Rahlmtoola Chinov. The latter,
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  • 113 5 Singapore, Monday. AS the result of the finding of the A body eg Lee Ah Peng. 54-year-old sawmill* labourer, hanging In his cubicle it th- coolie line* at Tanjong Rhu on Sept 1 the Singapore Coroner. Mr. w vPorte", hen an inquiry into the labourer s
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  • 65 5 AT an extraordinary general iiiuin* the Tamils' Reform Association, held ves.erdav. the following were elected Must™- the immovable property of the Association I.e. the Association fig ,Vl«es 12«) EterattSOOO Road, which had heen printed to the Association by Mr SWff X? d C r H JP Mr
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  • 313 5 ESTABLISHMENT by Pan- American Airways of a new Clipper service between the Pacific Coast of the United States and Hawaii is expected to more than double the passenger carrying capacity of the Transpacific Clippers over this eastern sector of Ihe vital air !inks now
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  • 31 5 Singapore, Monday.—Violent and in a wml-con&c'otl state, Chlne&e woman itm» conveyed from iv street to the Oeneral Hospital, bj the ambulance early this morning. She hart both her wrists rut.
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  • 30 5 The untitled Deportment untitled that no mailt from the United Kingdom etc. n i•. by the eaetbound British Overseen airways Ccncowttao tiymg boat, riich srrlved In Singapore yesterday* r.'tor noon.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 24 5 TOOTAL Crease-resisting and washabie J grounds (including khaki) r- TOOTAL BBOADHLRST LEE COMPANT MANCHESTER ESCLA, Both are Tootal products, guaranteed by TOOl* PYRAMID HANDKERCHIEFS
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    • 158 5 [one key I I wo>ot jit.>u| lock I I SO IT IS WITH PAINTS I I r THERE IS A PAR PAINT FOR EACH I I REQUIREMENT I I PARALIN —High gloss Paint for interior I and exterior woodwork. I PARALUX —Quick Drying: Synthetic 1 I Enamel for general
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  • 172 6 Shoulder To Shoulder recent appeal by Mr. Mackenzie King to the United States to tell the world exactly where she stands in relation to the hostilities between Nazi Germany and Great Britain has received considerable notice in America, where responsible public opinion will give it full endorsement. Mr. Mackenzie
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  • 125 6 THERE can be little doubt that the reduction in tonnage sunk by U-boats in recent weeks has been brought about largely by American co-opera-tion. Surely, therefore, the declaration of which Mr. Mackenzie King speaks can make little difference to the United States, whose statesmen see clearly the danger in
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  • 155 6 gRITAIN'S statement that she stood by the side of America in the Far East, and that she would take parallel action with the United States in any crisis that might arise removed any doubt as to the opposition Japan would have to face if she were reckless
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  • 624 6 SPITSBERGEN, where the v British and Allied troops nave landed, is an Arctic archipelago, almost midway between Greenland and Novaya Zemlya, comprising the five large islands of West Spitsbergen or New Friesland, North-East Land. Edge Island, Barents Island and Wiche Island and many small islands divided by
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  • 784 6  -  By NOEL BARBER S (Editor of the Overseas Daili J Mail formerly of tkt (J Malaya Tribune) JTUS is the story of the planes that never carry guns—of the planes that for a year now have kept open, through Naziinfested skies, Britain's lifeline tc the Empire.
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  • 262 6 TO-DAY a horrified world is wit--1 nessing the ugly spectacle of radical and political prejudices displaying themselves in primitive savagery in many countries. The following are the six most common types of prejudice: 1 Prejudice against foreigners or races supposed to possess despicable characteristics. 2. Religious prejudices.
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  • 550 6 TN his stirring call A to American m tensive production, r sevelt emphasised labour In the rict* tion of the war. A lesson can be learnt speech of the Import to the social fabric ot hi lution. The honest toil of less workers from time Lm has
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 52 6 QUALITYFOOTWEAR I Will ii: 111 < KSKI V WALKING SHOES MADE IN NORTHAMPTON, ENGLAND j Smartly Styled Day Shoes in White Buckskin with invisible eyelets, neatly stitched toe cap in medium width. Superior quality leather soles and heck comfortable shape last. Very durable. SIZES Si TO 10i PRICE 13.50 PAIR
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    Reuter.  -  773 words
  • 166 7 rIE Japanese ex-War Minister. Lt.-Gen. Hideki To jo. writes in the Hochi that j Japan's real enemy is internal dissension, says the London radio. The cai ses of domestic trouble, are the result of foreign which are incompatible with Japanese ways of thought and life. The rest
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  • 293 7 Reuter. Ankara, Sept. 8. a GROWING sense of frus- I J\ tration ia Germany is reported by travellers arriving J here who tell how people are openly asking: "For what are J mi nghting? Why is the R war not finished? The sources siress. bowever, that
    Reuter.  -  293 words
  • 218 7 Reuter. London. Sept. 9. AR.A.F. Middle East communique states Libya: Cm Sunday night, a heavy raid by R.A.F. bombers on Benghazi resulted in a number of direct hits on the military stores adjacent to the buildings. Barre Eerka was also attacked and
    Reuter.  -  218 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 7 Here's one aspect of the might of the Soviet Army a motorcyclist corps parading through the st r cctc of Moscow.
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  • 321 7 Reuter. Montreal, Sept. 8. 'IHE Canadian Primo Minister, Mr. Mackenzie King, gave an interview on his return to Montreal from England. He expressed confidence tint hfa stay In Brittin had been made a m "vf?r> oppprtun time.** He was glad that he had
    Reuter.  -  321 words
  • 129 7 Reuter. Hamilton fOntario), 8. "iT is more important o defeat 1 Hitler and his gangsters than bring the most tyrannical reactionary employer in Canada to his. knees'* declared Mr. A.R. Mosherl in a prepared address at the open- j ing session of the second regular
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 183 7 Reuter. London. 9. THE convey mentioned in the Middle East R.A.F. communique as attacked early on Sunday moinng in the narrow gap between Pantellaria and Sicily, says the Air Ministry News Sen-ice. consisted of a 6.000-ton vessel, left listing heavily and sinking In
    Reuter.  -  183 words
  • 195 7 London, Sept. 8. SEVEN navies of Europe are fighting side by side with Britain. Thougn he Royal Naw shoulders the lion's share I the' task, the combined strength ol ich ships of the other seven as were H\ed and succeeded in Joining the Allied •„use,
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  • 20 7 Calicut. Sept. 1. A shark oil factory Is to be evened in Calicut. The buildings will ccn.t about j: 3.000.
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  • 345 7 Reuter. XTFWS of one of the strangest due's between an aircraft and a U-boat in the Battle of the N Atlantic was received in Singapore to-day. It resulted in the capture of a German U-boat. American-built planes, manned by British crews, played
    Reuter.  -  345 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 343 8 With the Help of the U. S. NAVY M.C.M. make Screen History Again! > TO-DAY at the CAPITOL 3.15- r i See What HITLER'S PIRATES ARE IN FOR IF U. S. A. DECLARES WAR! I j Acclaimed by Enthusiastic Crowds at Last Saturday's Midnight Premiere! 1 WHAT IS THE MORAL
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    • 525 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Situations Vacant WANTED TEACHERS (maie or female) for Jalan Eunos English School. Apply Principal. 174. Serangoon Road, Singapore, (between 5 p.m. 6 p.m.). (No. Bt>L> Lad fresh from Commercial School. Box 434 co Malawi Tribune. Singapore. ""WANTED IMMEDIATELY for Raffles Institution well-qualified teacher of Shorthand and Commercial subjects.
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    • 142 8 THE BRITISH PRIME MINISTER MR. WINSTON CH mi PRESIDENT, MR. FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT, ON BOARD H.M.S. PRINCE OF WALES! IN THE ATLANTIC —t. to-day AI HAMRRA BOOK NOW J 3.15. 6.15 9.15 /\l— I I/ If T IUIV THOXE (NJ I The first picture to lay bare a woman's mind! the
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    • 94 8 i ■MHMpnfsjjjafjjj. HU I AST NIGHI I k 4L B powerful picturization °f the famed stage 1 drama. TOBACCO ROAD with Charlie Crapewin, Marjorie Rambeau. Cene Tlerney and William Tracy. L a A 13^ft Sun. 14th Matfnee~at 1.50 p.m. WTJTHERING HEIGHTS" and THE REBEL SON" s\ D T NI^ H
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  • 74 9 Reute r. i Ottawa. Sept. 8. T production of passenger motor cars for sale In Canada in 1942 U to be curtailed to approximately 44 per cent, of that In IU4O, Recording to an Order in Council aunouncen by the Minister of Munitions, Mr. Howe.
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 22 9 A meeting of the Rural Board. Singapore, will be held at the Land Office at 10 a m on Thursday. Sept. 11.
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  • 115 9 OEVFN members of the Royal Singapore Flying Club made successful first solos during July and August, two In July, while a further seven members gained their "A" licences, two In July \lso. The successful "soloists" were Messrs. L. H. Solomon, L. W. Cox, J. E.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 174 9 th7c ATHAYto^ I LAST THREE SHOWS! 3.15 6.15 9.15 'PHONE 3400 /Wnßm H 31 Ih rfa?s ar warm t'-t wait H you >.m thoift V I US VEGAS NIGHTS J fifcJS BITTY MEMR IIILUNCOINItU ;|__7 > '"^CP^f ViSCINIA DALE RED DOhttHUt P j amount's Brand Nnv Hit in Musicals! MEW!
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 971 10 A Situations Vacant WANTED GIRL CLERK. Apply by letter <0 Mr. Ho. 324, Victoria Street 3rd floor. Singapore. (No. 25L) WANTED. Lady Teacher. Apply Box No. 433 c o Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 77L) WANTED: Qualified tutor for mathematics for a girl of the Senior Cambridge Class. State salary reqd.
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    • 922 10 For Sale 1 ZS£ o Oi£~" m 32 new bicycles. Apply 528 Geyl^ 0 5 a L d Sjf r otor 422 c|o Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No< jgj C S°^ ln 5 Jt«- and 10 lbs. tinTApply Co.. 523. Serangoon Road. Slngae (No. 33L) FOR SALE Radiograms H.M.V G.EC Ford
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    • 822 10 DO TOD WANT to Mil your car? P£™ c 5088, Singapore. Cash paid. (No. 876K| WANTED Flat Marvellete or other small car for cash Particulars and price to Box 401 do Malaya Tribune, Singapore (No- *3L) 1939 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH, first registered 11th April. 1940. most carefully cared for. mechanical condition
      822 words
    • 672 10 PRIVATE INQUIRIES Investigations undertaken. Moderate charges Clie^' s confidence respected. Apply Woo 243. Middle Road. Singapore. Phone 3053. PERAK-RACES: Many punters profited at Singapore-races. »Write immediately for coming Perak meeting. Apply Box No. 413 c o Malaya Tribune. Penang. (No. 41L) SERVICE AND COMPORT guaranteed. Stay at New Asia Hotel.
      672 words
    • 371 10 BRUNEI UNITED PLANTATIONS LIMITED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on Saturday, the 4th October, 1941, the Directors will recommend that a final dividend of 5 per cent., for the year ended 30th June. 1941. be paid to the Shareholders
      371 words
    • 96 10 FOR GREY HAIR USE •'NIGRIS COMB" (Patented) Gives immediate, natural, lasting colow black, brown, chestnut or blonde by Just combing your irrey or white hair- -*v can wash, use lotions, etc.. the col"' will remain indelible. Will not stain or interfere well coiffed heads. 16 50 complete. State colour required.
      96 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 886 10 |T 0.-D AFS RADIO] SINGAPORE ZHL 225 metres 1333 klcf EASTERN SKRVICr ZHPI 30.96 metres 9.«9 m!cs m cs; 16 M m ZHP2 48 5» metres 6.175 mica g» mcs:' JfITJSSf 12.00 Mozart's Piano Concerto in C Ma- D-tn iiJW tre Jor. X.467. played by Arthur Scb- ffl*si jS"**** SERVire
      886 words

  • 998 11 Singapore, Sept. 8. Buyera. Sa'lers. MINING. -tnrat (59) 2!7»4 3!- a Amal 713 5 6cd Malay 0 32 0.33xd Hltam 17 181Weng ($1) 0.70 ft.7_ <r Tin 12!« 14!- Selangor 1.4» 1.43 B-rJuntal (ss) 10,3 10 9 Malay 171- 181- I*'- 131Chia ($D 23 Tin
    998 words
  • 23 11 Singapore, Tuesday. Prices of tin and rubber in Singapore at noon to* day were:— TIN RUBBER vers 38%, Sellers 38" 8
    23 words
  • 68 11 Singapore, Sept. 8. Gammer Java crab* 12.00 Hamburg Cube 12.25 Muntck White Pepper 17.25 White Pepper 16.75 Black Pepper 8.00 Sundried Copra 2.80 Mixed Copra 2.55 Small Flake Tapioca 8.50 Fair Flake Tapioca 8.00 Medium Pearl Tapioca 10.00 Small Pearl Tapioca 10.50 Lingga Sago Flour 5.50 5.50 Fair Sago
    68 words
  • 17 11 The rubber output from New gcudai Estate for the month ot August. 1941, amounted to 24,474 pounds.
    17 words
  • 340 11 London, Sept. 6. DELIVERIES in August were: v Tiie United States 13,625 tons. foe United Kingdom, 548 tons and 2.596 tons, a total of 16,769 impared with 12,575, 835, tid 15.915 tons, respectively, U July. stocks decreased by about l «0 tons during August,
    340 words
  • 142 11 'J'HE tin share market was firm yesterl! and i, here wa s considerable actl,S- Patts.were taken as high as iaj%, Kucbais at 172. and Jelebus at m?JL- the A,lstr section, there was vfnl T(n v. u mpong Kamuntings. Raln Flelds Austral Amalgamateds. KundanEO. and Berjuntais.
    142 words
  • 208 11 (From Our Own Reporter) Penang, Monday. THE Penang and Province Welles--1 ley Silver Jubilee Fund distributed $13.668.99 last year as compared with $14,178.43 the year previous, states the annual report. The present scale of relief is as follows:— For each adult, $3; For children between the
    208 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 92 11 The safe settlement of your Estate depends upon: 1 Experience and exacting care of your m Executors, Time to devote to your affairs. Knowledge upon which 1<» base decisions, Accessibility at all time; W Unquestioned honesty and integrity. J*h I Unfailing because it is an organisation A not dependent on
      92 words
    • 324 11 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA S. N. CO. SERVICES Bangkok. Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta, Port Swettenham, Penang, Negapatam, Porto Novo, Cuddalore, Madras. Sailings will be maintained as regularly as circumstances permit. For passenger accommodation apply to: BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated in F.M.S.) Tel. 5431 for Passage Freight. FOR A GOOD REPAIR
      324 words
    • 345 11 P. o. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S.N. CO. MALL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. The best possible services are being maintained by the P.& O.S.N. Co., from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers
      345 words

  • 55 12 untitled issued by the Minister for Supply 'Senator McLwqr) indicate how Australian industries are meeting the enormous demands for clothing and other essential equipment for the fighting services Orders delivered Include 1.285.100 jacket and blouses. 1,412.480 trousers. 700.000 greatcoats. 5,477.328 boots. 5.939.926 rcekl and stockings. 3.721,926 underpants, 4.016.029 Singlets. Other
    55 words
  • 637 12 Frontal US.-Nazi Clash Foreseen: birst Japanese Comment On Greer Reuter. Tokyo. Sept. 0. THE possibility of any application being made to Japan to implement the 1 w.3 miXiL in yesterdays Japanese press on the Greer mcident. The n^spaper^ which tend to favour Germany, foresee a frontal
    Reuter.  -  637 words
  • 59 12 A multi-enqined giant plane, th'j "U.S.S.R. L-760" (note three engines on one icing), which can be easily converted into bombers and long-range aircraft. By now. it is presumed, many of these planes are taking part in the big raids ivhich the Soviet Air Force are making upon enemy
    59 words
  • 262 12 (From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, To-day. MORE recruits are needed for the Auxiliary ,Fire Service ot Ipoh, for which branch cf the Passive Defence Ser\ices, three new tenders have just been completed by the men of the Fire Bridage in their own workshops, at a
    262 words
  • 114 12 London »rIN opened firm. The i was 50 tons. Prfc< sympathy with a better Cash and Nears from on er. Forwards were also b a little covering b-' C ;.> 1 After official hour broadened and a fi were traded. United I weekly warehou, tons,
    114 words
  • 288 12 Lor U r\\ TENSIVE damage waj done during sui 1 raids, according to an Air Ministry corcmuniq terday afternoon. "The R.A.F. last night attack* at Berlin, Kiel and other places in Germany, also th< Boulogne," it states. 'The attack on Berlin was carried out by a
    288 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 273 12 GUARD THEIR > /%Br LUNGS GET RID OF GERM-lADEN PHLEGM Whenever they cough, it means that the bronchial tubes leading to their lungs are irritated. It means that germs are accumulating in these tubes and threatening to attack their lungs. Are You Using the Right Cough Medicine? There arc two
      273 words
    • 183 12 Public Notice I IMPORT A Ml Will any cus'omer I from A M A T EURPHO 108 STOivi:. 109 So Ah in m -take order, 2 roil.? 35mm. Leica 1 Leica cassetus on tne c > 1 of Friday, Stpt., sth.. betwf 4 p.m. and 6 p.m, kindlj turn these
      183 words