Malaya Tribune, 1 August 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Net Sales Excee, 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1941 FFfe CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Friday, August 1, 1941.
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  • 188 1 Washington, July 31. MOVING towards compulsory restriction in the use of petrol, Mr Harold Ickes, Secretary of the Interior, called on the oil Industry to close 100,000 petrol service stations in the eastern states between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. on seven days a weeks, beginning
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  • 234 1 RedsCounter-Attack In Smolensk Area RUSSIAN troops round Smolensk yesterday launched r a counter-attack. This morning's Moscow communique reports that stubborn fighting took place round Smolensk yesterday and that Soviet troops launched counter-attacks, hurling the Germans back with heavy losses Berlin last night admitted that
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  • 543 1 Reuter. DECLARING that the Japanese apologies for the bombing of the United States river gunboat Tutuila were insufficient to close the incident, Mr. Sumner Welles, acting Secretary of State, told pressmen yesterday that the United States Government was awaiting a more complete reply
    Reuter.  -  543 words
  • 136 1 Tokyo. Aug. i. j a DECLARATION that < IA lapan cannct retreat l«ei one step fr.m her tadancntal pohcy ol Landing a neater j !i was made in j j TekVO evening > rv Mr. Ogura, the Hnlike Minister, i jh warned the Japanpeople expect an Increase
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  • 143 1 Reuter. reheran, Aug 1. FOLLOWING reports that Nazi agents an active in Iran, the (.(>\f tei lay save asMranct! thai it had taken all the ■eeessarj steps t maintain peace and order An ant! tive statement condemning alarmist rumours says that the r appear to oe ignorant
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  • 40 1 Reuter. B Cairo. Aug. 1. iuiun d Benoist, the newlyFree French deleNeai East, officially at his office yester- to the Independent news agency. He occasion by giving which Egyptian and paper correspondents -Reuter.
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  • 51 1 Reuter. Washington. July 31. THE rise of 3.4 per cent- m the 1 c st of living in the Unitea States during the last three month is said by the Government staUs tician in Washington to have one of the reasons for Roosevelt's message to fJngr-ss yesterday On price control.-Rev
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 96 1 Reuter. ii A7T London, Aug. 1. IT:] alarmed at the re-ti-Nazi steps in South ttcluding the expulsion w.e uerffian Minister to Bolivia, -nmsferring their funds and, according to wellutral sources, says the Free French news to this source, a large high Nazi Party
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  • 145 1 Reuter. Batavia, Aug. I. INDICATING that determined i eflorts would be made for the resumption of trade between Japan and the N.E.1., conversations for a new monetary arrangement were initiated yesterday between Mr. [maqawa the Batavia manager orthe Specie Bank, ana Jonkheer Witers. president of the Java
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  • 107 1 Reuter. London, Aug. I. FURTHER discussions regarding United States aid to the Soviet Union were held both in Washington and Moscow yesterday. Reuters Moscow correspondent cabled last night that Mr Harry Hopkins again saw M. Stalin yesterday evening after meeting M. Molotov the Foreign Commissar, in
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  • 80 1 Reuter. Ottawa, July 31. A THREATENED increase in the price of bread in Canada has been averted. This was stated by Mr. Mackinnon, the Minister of Trade in announcing that the previous tax of 15 cents a bushel ended to-day and will not operate in the
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 36 1 MR. rENRY WALLACE US Vice-President, who declares: -US mvU show willingness to fiahi Tte preservation of Vherty itself de.tnds on us. We shall not fail/ 'Fill speech is repoted on page 12).
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  • 71 1 Reuter. Washington, July 31. WIDER powers for President Roosevelt were agreed to by the House of Representatives Military Committee to-day. Adding two amendments to the previous version approved by tne senate, the ft to four. approved legislation authorising the Preside ;t to seize army and naval
    Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 118 1 Reuter. New York, July 31. "CJOME people say that now that the Germans are fighting Russia as well as Britain, it is not s" necessary for this country to help Britain; do you agree or disagree?" This is the question put in a Gallup
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  • 63 1 Reuter. Washington, July 31. JAPAN has suspended her merchandise trade with the Republic of Panama and the United States has stopped Japanese ships using the Panama Canal "because of repairs," according to the Commerce Department which says that the action is significant as this is the
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 25 1 London, Aug. 1. PE resignation of the Foreign Minister, M. Zalesky. and two other Polish Ministers was reported in Polish circles in London last night.
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  • 149 1 •Washington, July 31. THE consumption of silk is to b3 restricted in the United States. A priorities order is bsing prepared to curb "substantially, if not completely," the flow of raw silK to the hosiery mills, the Office of Production Management stated 10 The order is
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  • 149 1 Reuter. Melbourne, Aug. L THE war task is not ended but beginning," declared the Prime Minister, Mr. Menzies. This year, he said, would decide whether we would lose or win. "Do not say that the Russians are doing well and the war will be over by
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  • 230 1 Reuter. London, Aug. L THE results of the first five weeks of the Russo-German conflict are summed up by the Pravda, the organ of the Communist Party, as follows: "Hitler's plans for a 'lightning capture of Moscow Leningrad and Kiev have been frustrated; crack Nrzi divisions
    Reuter.  -  230 words
  • 34 1 London. Aug. I. Thp Foreign Minister, Mr. Anthony Eden, saw the Russian I Ambassador, M. Maisky and later 1 the U S Ambassador, Mr. Josepn Winant, yesterday evening.
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  • 163 1 Reuter. Moscow, Aug. 1. A STIRRING appeal to the people of the Germanoccupied Soviet territory to exterminate the Germans has been made, according to a despatch to the Soviet official news agency from the front. The message reads: Marshal Budenny, Commander-in-Chief of the south-west-ern front, and
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  • 109 1 Reuter. Cape Town, Aug. I. THE attachment of the Japanese steamer Manila Maru (9,480 tons) has been transferred to its sister ship the Belgium Maru (5 839 tons) which arrived irom Durban, but the supolementary writ of attachment granted 'A. Thursday on behalf of the
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  • 292 2 i i> n .„T r Singapore, Thursfay. A 1 OINT of .nterest to lorry owners and lorry drivl came up for consideration in the high court to-day vhen Sir Percy chief justice, was askei to give ruling ■n regard to the .ntcrpretation of the
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  • 127 2 and labour force of 52«?f* 1 $26; Sta $63.98; Air He m! H lO1 Est ate, J M. Hemes Jl5 m^hT»^ H. Brown. S8 Mr T v ere Mr w R- Wilson. $i 0 Mr w '**2lz 125 Vr Mr. R v s p Winston. $y
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  • 94 2 Singapore, Thurs4av. j death of a newborn Chinese infant at the General Hospital. wh«re it had been taken, Uter S having been found al>an- t dvned in the garden i>f a i house in Adam's Park, re- 5 I suited in a Coroner s in-
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  • 168 2 Singapore. Thursday. THE escape of a 12-year-cld "jaga kreta" boy. Lim Heng Hooi, from legal custody was described by the prosecuting cfficer in the ruth police court to-day Lim Heng Hooi. said the officer. E*» arresUd by a detective on 1^ 29 ana detained at
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  • 3 2 Chier Detective-Inspector L.W.C.
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  • 211 2 0\TF o fvn i Singapore, Thursday. expired certificate of reg-istratirm u declared Sir P»„ l! ffl&trat,on as th e owner of a mark," utciared Sir Percy McElwame, Chief Justice in hi. the appeal of Tan Joo 1*1«* of the Dfefcri** t.„j„. j against the
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  • 50 2 LZJl r WtJry "HOP*** b Inril? raDidl > T throughout i?s th^J atest demonstration \vas tne appearance of thp iten of US' 8 Assembly yesterday In Kapurtha-a State In th* funjab. State Ministers are in future displaying the »v sig on the bonnets of their
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  • 172 2 Singapore. Thursday, j A SHIP'S painter, a 55-year-old rt Cantonese, Ow Ah See, died when he sustained a fracture of the skull, laceration of the brain, and fractures of th e ribs, following a fall from a height of five feet it was stated in the
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    • 81 2 BICYCL^\ Si EYE EXAMINATIONS EYE CLASSES EXCLUSIVELY THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4, ARCADE BLDG. PHONE JM Science, 35 years' European CUlar Experience. I ~n» |)ean (i in cal I Bombers \—i<From Cents* Flies carry on Flic to kill flics. Substi- ■^Sf^Sf sometimes even dangerous— **fe3sJfe i AT anc frequently waste your
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  • 533 3 family Remittances Quest ion: Assnrance (Tribune Staff Reporter) s of the freezing action by the local (;overnment of "foreign accounts" ,V n residents in the Republic of China ame known yesterday morning mcd a sensation among the poorer class of who have, daily, been remitting
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  • 54 3 "LJIS Excellency the Governor. Sir Shenton Thomas, is leaving Singapore by plane to-day for a tour up-country. Lady Thomas and the Aide-dc-Camp will meet His Excellency in Penang on Monday and will accompany him for the rest of the tour. The exact date of His Excellency's
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  • 21 3 TO-DAY the Swiss Colony in Malaya are celebrating the anniversary of the foundation of Switzerland 650 years ag f >
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  • 8 3 The I.S.P. Fighter Fund total to-day is $29,957.
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  • 44 3 Messrs D.T. Waring and W.J.s. Grenier have been appointed by His Excellence/ the High Commissioner to be members of the Board of Commissione-s for the F.M.s. for the purpose of nearIns appeals from any assessment mart.* by any Collector under the War Taxation Enactment.
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  • 81 3 THE Singapore Botanical J Gardens arc banned at nig fits from They are being used as rt j p/nce o/ assignation after i dar/c, onr/ r/ie authorities are decided to enforce the by-law, which provides that the Gardens shall be doted from one hour after
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  • 726 3 JT is officially announced that, at the request of the Chungking Government, action has been taken in this country, with effect from the opening of business yesterday morning, to freeze "foreign accounts'* here of residents in the Republic of China. A Government Gazette notification to
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  • 114 3 ANOTHER big increase is to be made in the strength ot the Singapore Volunteer Police Reserve. An announcement last night states that until further notice, the strength of the Force will be 115 gazetted officers. 40 superior officers, and 345 subordinate officers and constables. The
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  • 37 3 "BURMA Prepares For War" Is the title of a talk to be broadcast from Singapore at 9.25 p.m. today by Lieut -Commander J. C. R Proud. R.A.N.V.R., who has just returned from a tour of that country.
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  • 1085 3 "I WOULD ask the Service men to remember that by the mere A tact of their presence here they are helping to keep the seas open for the safe passage of men. food and the materials of war that are being transported in an unending
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    • 161 3 FOR HEALTH STRENGTH AND INCREASED POWER OF THE VITAL ORGANS TAKE SAX ©VIGOR SANOVIGOB feeds the nerves and worn-out cells, equalises blood supply, restores normal polarity, and tones up entire boay. It viii impart to old age the vigour, elasticity and energy 01 yuth and win help to preserve it
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    • 473 3 No matter what the conditions, ICEBERG BUTTER i protected at all times from deterioration or contamination. This pure creamery butter is sealed in an air-tight container and is obtainable everywhere. emu groußGe PHONE: SINGAPORE 5376 (5 lines), K. LUMPUR 3331 (3 lines), IPOH 110 111 (2 lines), PENANG 1500 (3
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  • 50 4 SOCCER: t)lv. I. Chines* Athletic v -•VrL' An *on Road Stadium; Loyals v SRC S.R.C; Div. II A. RASC v Publishers. S.H B. v TENNIS. S.R.C. tournament. HIGH TIDES TO-DAY: 4.04 a.m.. 8.3 ft.; 4.27 p.m., 8.6 TO-MORROW: 5.30 a m., 7.6 ft.; 5.34 p.m., 0.4 ft.
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  • 92 4 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. CEVERAL matches in the allMalayan Indian tennis championships were played here today. Although clashing with the Malayan tennis championships, the Indian tournament drew record entries including many play, ers from Indian regiments-. Open doubles: Major Ghose and Capt. Bhonsle beat
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  • 297 4 Div. I League Soccer Malays 1 pLAYING superb soccer, th* Highlanders 4-1 in the se< soccer match played at Anson Steward stood out among th* Don's forwards. The Dons kicked off and immediately sent play to the Malays' goal area where they forced
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  • 131 4 f OLLOWING are the scratching* Penang: i 0 nwrF races at I—Ponies Class 2. Div 2— 5 furs—Miss Rod and Explode (all engagements), Li>heen. Race 2 -Horses Class 3, Div. 4CuHen Swelter Waricum, Boy Kace -JNnltl Class 2, Div. 1— >*\z furs -Kissing Cup (all engasemttots), shoot Up. Rate
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  • 1149 4 By Spectator' 'JUAINER M. van Breukelen should have a successful day at the opening of the Penang Turf Club's August meeting to-morrow. I expect him to saddle three winners Puma, Jack Druce and Edelweiss. The manner in which Puma won at Singapore should make
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  • 211 4 R. vJ£^l\ m j£ a and Roberts did not confine his actlviSol,*™ 81 to -J hc forward line. ThW OSp lwlble for t*o goals. «2 e JfX played Bamel y out they vere up against a definitely sunenor team Day was seen m
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  • 22 4 irtz Uvo ties in s. r c n^i Mr. and 6—4. 4_g. 6—2 Norris TIES FOX TO-DAY 'f del' M
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  • 14 4 S.C.R.C. tennis courts wi ll be notice rom tO da v unti l further
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  • 203 4 a The inter-club was won k»*k< Augtot Badminton Pauy las "yea year with Siong Boo Athletic Asaociation s°cond best telm entrance fec $5.00 per Mens singles championship for Mr. Aw Boon Haw's challenge cup was won by Chua Kim Hern who will be defending his utTe h
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  • 94 4 S QOME good football i O witnessed l! Stadium on Business Houses* j team meet v t ,nih,r '-rl Combined Services l The Busmen f( l bmation Ut U p a gainst the Chines, Association in their fund game. and lh against better Ut;h time should,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 162 4 "1871 70 YEARS OF SECURITY TO POLICY OWNERS 1941« TB» m lVaileJJewn!\ Nail down some of your present prosperity. Nail it down so that in later life, you will have a Guaranteed Monthly Income from the earnings of your most productive years. You can do this conveniently and adequately by
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    • 132 4 Toys do not alwau t^i^s1 uiete nthe Across' hahv k*by 9;H. When toys fail to nleasp h a k» be sure that something vo Canadian nurse. M? s Mary i rS£ 1 of Freeman. Ontario. te£ V I ment she found successful Jj""•«• f ba »>y Rirl Has fretful nr..
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  • 38 5 N6. tl»e Qorernor, Hir 5Kenlo»> secitN'inll open t/ie ikes 5/licis Clad </or l,e5tersaz/. Hllllno /le/t to riil/il) l.t <3e« /'ercwlil iQ.CC /Val7l/tt>, /i/rz l.ors, l.c,sz/ T'/iomnz. sHa/l'lltion c/lle/ l?7ls Oraltam ?/),.:< 0« pnoe 2.
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  • 184 5 apore, Thursday. rATT )NS b> charcoal R the Controller have ught about a 20 Auction in the wholsoaL This fact assistant food he filth court n v as first made by who appeared j-* charcoal dealers by the tilth magis- >n charges of selling sol the maximum
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  • 34 5 THE Malay Union, Singapore, will j ho'd its third annual concert j n aid of the Scholarship Fund at 8 30 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 6. at the Covered Stadium, Happy
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  • 145 5 Singapore, Thursday. CERTLFIFD fit to stand hi? trial. Tan Hock Chw< c (23 >, a Hokkien. who had been sent lor observation, was fined $25. in default, one month's rigorous imprisonment, by Mr. W. D. Caiew. the third magistrate. He was convicted on a charg°
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  • 128 5 (At the Alhambra) AFFECTIONATELY YOURS," which at the Aihambra la*t night, It one of tne brightest mad-c;.p films to nae« come to the Singapore screen Mad-csp is the proper word for it. for the:v is UttU whit-h is eiedulous about it. Yet you sit back and watch
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  • 63 5 Singapore, Thursday. CHONG SOON LIAT. Englishspeaking motorist, was fined $SQ by the traffic magistrate this morning for driving without due care and thereby colliding with another motor vehicle along College Road at about 8.30 p.m. on June 28. It was alleged that Chang collided with
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  • 33 5 The appointment Of Mr. D.K. Broadhurst, 0.5.P.C.. Sungei Patant, and Mr. C. S. K. Bovell, 0.5.P.C.. Kulim, to be Deputy Immigration Officers In Centr/il Kedah and South Kedah respectively, ha; I been gazetted.
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  • 363 5 it appears to the Competent Authority to bo necessary for maintaining supplies and services essential to the life of the community and expedient that the Order should be made," further restrictions on the use, production and importation, etc. of paper and newsprint have been
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  • 203 5 Singapore, rhr.r.-day. ALLQOSO to have corruptly accepted stuns of money, amounting to $4.25, rhite being an agent if the Malayan War Mesh and Fencing Company Ltd., in order to persuade h?s employer to retain the services of three persons, a niddle-aged Chinese, Wong Song 3bing appeared
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  • 296 5 Singapore, Thursday. *J*HE case in which Sohan Singh, Singapore Traction Company omnibus driver, was charged with driving without due regard to the safety of others, at the junction of Kalking Road and Lavender Street, on June 2, came up for further hearing before Mr. C.
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  • 113 5 (From Our Own Reporter) I Penang, Tnursday. MR. A. G. Mccrea, Mumci- pal Veterinary Surgeon, will not be released for i service with the Royal Air j Force for the duration of the j war. This decision by the Com- missioners in Committee at i their
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  • 112 5 Singapore, Thursday. THE adjudication order made against M K. Kasivlsvanathan Chetiiar was annulled by Sir Percy McElwaine, Chief Justice, in «the iHgh Court tc-day a-* the result of 'he creditors accepting a composition of 25 per cent. Kasivisanathan Chetiiar was made a bankrupt, with liabi UUea
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  • 39 5 Singapore, Thursday in tne »< lit UN UlsUVvllll "'V- :ile lllanl; L^a il.' inls M»is i?ll'l.> :^srs' >es Inn Nan nu »»1' wllen l.c 7» C <n '.lle co,nt lo-say. l' lor i l, />>>!.' 8 a„s dall l ,,< .ill, ,..l,
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  • 117 6 war is forcing Malaya to embark on many a scheme which a few years ago would have been rejected as j unworkable. I It is doubtful whether a single grain of padi has ever been grown on the island of Singapore, except perhaps by accident or in
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  • 200 6 nJOW the war has changed that, and a plot of rive acres in the Paya Lebar area will shortly be planted with padi. This seems to be the first organised attempt to grow padi as a commercial money-crop on the island. The farm work is being done by
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  • 143 6 JMPORTS of fresh vegetables in 1940 were 6,905 tons i worth over one million dollars more than in 1939. Though much of this increase is probably due to the new system of including deck cargoes in the final import figures, the gcwaaed imports suggest that Malaya has to
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  • 604 6  -  By E.B. Wareing harassed people of France, as distinct from their unworthy politicians, have not yet had time to react to the news that Admiral Dalian has signed some sort of treasonable agreement vrith Hitler in his "Nid d'Aigle" in Berchtesgaden. Admiral Darlan is the second
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  • 86 6  -  By JOIN MARCHBANK Leader of British Railway men pEACE and the methods and usages of peace mean more to the working people than to any other section of the community. The burdens of war are felt heavily by all classes, hut the most grievous
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  • 173 6 rr THE Trade Union and Labour Movement is committed, by the solemn and explicit declarations of its representative assemblies, to full co- operation in the present struggle. Organised workers are in this conflict because they are determined to preserve the institutions founded by their fathers to
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  • 140 6 TINDER Nazi rule the British workers know that slave labour would be the established principle of the Nazi economic system. Slave labour has been introduced by tl~c Nazis in all parts of Europe—not only where workers are deported from their own countries for servitude in
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  • 225 6 THEY realise that the destruction of Nazism and all that it means must be the principal v/ar aim. This realisation has unites the whole nation. Tc achicve this aim the British Trade Unions have already made many great sacrifices. They have set aside many cherished rights and established
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  • 538 6 J CTATE control of of emergency U cepted as the only State capitalism. It is as an unavoidable preparation for the the people to condir warfare. The object, th not merely to prevenof profiteering, but al the after effects of i ing the inflation spiral w] bound
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    • 33 6 LEE KIM SOO LTD. 89, HIGH STREET. 'PHONE 2053. EARTHENW' HE. AGRICULTUP Ai AND SUB-S XL J> PIPES for drain- J a«e and Antl- malarial Work*. As supplied to Jr the Local Oov-
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    • 101 6 "Yew Maka DaMongki" (An open letter from a Chicago 'Wov' to the Duce) Benni, Yew maka da mongki, An' da world alia mm** da mff' Now alia bad boys in da streeta, At Benito now maka da chajf Wit' aa mout', yew talkn ink Caesar; Wit' da armee, yew maka
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  • 519 7 Reuter. London, July 31. THE battle of Smolensk is being waged on such a gigantic scale that it cannot continue indefinitely and a decision is expected within the next week or two. This view is taken in authoritative quarters in London where
    Reuter.  -  519 words
  • 49 7 ngton, Ju'y 30. Miles United States etary of State, aniay that the hostilities between Pro Ei uadcT might be eximmediate future. that morning prompt solution oi the dispute, he said. remembered that fighting has continued on the r frontier since the to last Saturday. —Renter
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  • 69 7 Reuter. London. July 31. SIR Emslcy Carr, vie Editor-in-Chairman of the ay newspaper, New; died to-night at his on on-the-Hill, aged A ths ago. Sir Emsley i 50 years as EditorNews of the World, recipient of many conmessages, one of them being irom the King.
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 51 7 Reuter. l T London. July 31. 1 ed from Ankara to-day t has handed a note king for the release "ench .ships interned in adopted the attitude td of hostilities in Syria tifj the release of these »eh are mostly armed men which took refuge h
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 65 7 Reuter. PWa :.!ns;ton. July 30 Roosevelt conferred day .55 Whit <? House on WednesQen. Marshall and Acesnectively Chiefs ot 1 "te Army and Navy, «rance, which was held mted States had made M to JaDan regard!l^in X of the American Jtafl} at Chungking, has thereu
    Reuter.  -  65 words
    Reuter.  -  1,264 words
  • 237 7 Reuter. Bombay, July 31. THE Reserve Bank of India has issued instructions to a?l banks that the accounts of all persons and firms resident in China, including Shanghai, or the accounts of all firms and companies incorporated therein, or under control cf residents in
    Reuter.  -  237 words
  • 129 7 Reuter. Washington, July 31. A LICENCE permitting the Tatuta Maru (16,975 tons) to withdraw tunds needed to nay for fuel in order to return to Japan was granted but the company was notified that the Tatuta's large silk cargo could not be landed. The
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 75 7 Reuter. London, July 31. MAJOR Sir Herbert Paul Latham, Conservative Member of Parliament for \he Scarborough and Whitby Divisions of Yorkshire, has been placed under arrest to be tried by Court Marflial in respect of alleged offences under Military Law. Sir Paul Latham is 36 years of
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 61 7 Reuter. Moscow, Ju'y 31. FOUR Soviet torpedo boats in the Baltic sank a large Nazi ship laden with tanks and infantry, relorts the official Tass Agency on Wednesday. mm One Soviet vessel was damaged In the engagmrnt but the others formed a smoke screen rcund her
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 369 7 Reuter. LONDON. JULY 31. R.A.F. AND FLEET AIR ARM PLANES BOMBED PETSAMO AND KIRKENS, NORTHER NORWAY PORTS, IN A WIDE AND DESTRUCTIVE SWEEP, YESTERDAY. The British air raid on northern Norway ports last night is the nearest blow which the British have hitherto
    Reuter.  -  369 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 363 7 K I H. M. V. 7-VALVE TROPICAL RADIOGRAM The imposing design of the cabinet Is finished in walnut figured in front, and straight-grained lid and sides with a darker base. The loudspeaker grill covered by wira mesh is finished with antique bronze. MODEL PRICE 1032 AC MAINS $550.00 j AGENTS
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 154 8 LAST 2 DAYS! The Whole Town Is Talking About This Grand Musical Laugh Show! I CAPITOL I TO-DAY 3.15-6.15-9.15 <pv__S I I Charles Roy Monte Blue X ll f n < enk% Kenneth Horlan I Wil'iom Desmond Tom Dugan L. I_fl______Si_f SPECIAL RETURN ENGAGEMENT! OPENING SUNDAY At The CAPITOL j
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    • 79 8 if HOI RS of TIIKILLS Yet Another Columbia Sensational Entertainment! 25,000 Feet! 31 Reels! JUST PASSED BY THE CENSOR f Special HOLIDAY SCREENINGS! j MIDNIGHT PERFORMANCES: TO-NIGHT, TO-MORROW 8c SUNDAY NIGHTS at 12.10 MORNING SCREENINGS TO-MORROW at 10.15 A.M. SUNDAY MONDAY MORNINGS 1 at the capitol"! EAGLE j J 4,2
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    • 217 8 -B THE IDEAL 'SPOT' FOR YOUR HOLIDAYS. SO. BRING YOUR PARTIES ALONG! SEE SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT of To-night's Big Programme TO-NIGHT (7.15 9.30) RKO Hadio's "THE FIRST REBEL" Starring Claire Trevor—John Wayne j WEEK-END HOLIDAY j MATINEES AUG. 2 3 4. Frrol Flynn in "VIRGINIA CITY" and Kennv Baker in "THE
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    • 89 8 JUST THE RIGHT SHOW FOR YOUR HOLIDAY ENTERTAINMENT TO-lIAY 3.15, 6.15 9.15 ,STl{[ ■I|J STRAWBERRy I and how Dennis loves :t! mm IXCVItD BACON hattie mcdawel jerome couan Xv A WARNER BROS.-F** N-w V V Fr«cn c Sror« Wlf Fast and Ale. U_» MAIINEES J To-morrow and Su:v:':iy E:!a I
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 309 9 y e DO s amECHE "THAT in KUT SHOWS TO-DAY ,1 a .m. 3.15 €.15 9.15 20th Century-Fox l„. the (i.nvenience of the patrons of the 50-cent seats, these tickets will be on sale from 9.30 a.m. daily. iSPECIAL! I the enormous demand fox seats there will f v xtr*
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    • 433 9 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Situations Vacant WANTED outports commission salesmen Applicant remit $1.00 tor one U.S.A fountain-pen 42 Filmstars coloured Photo samples. M. T. Chan. 67-30. Chnon Guan Street. Singapore. (No. 585Kj WANTED 24 GIRLS to serve as Hostesses in "Swing Palais de Danse" 511 513. Serangoon Road. Singapore, en salary and
      433 words
    • 151 9 THE BIGGEST FIRST RUN DOUBLE I FEATURE PROGRAMME EVER OFFERED' SUNDAY at MIDNIGHT Sgjg ALHAMBRA Reckless in love and battle! I iMOVITAxfcCARROU. IPS vwlnEwWl HbMmmil BHHBfiImHMBH MAItLBOKOI GH GALA MIDNIGHT PREMIERE TO-NIGHT at 12 Sharp The Iniriiiuinu Tale of a Great Maukian on whom a Ikauiilul Maiden tried The Mapric
      151 words
    • 192 9 EVEN THE WORLD'S LARGEST SHOW PALACE WAS NOT LARGE ENOUCH TO HOLD THE CROWDS! Below you see the Reproduction of a Photograph taken outside the Radio City Music Hall, New York, when the crowds queued up for COLUMBIA'S heart jrory 7/ 3 SHOWS TO-DAY jjfS 15-^-15—9 15 EXTRA >l< >KMN(
      192 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 619 10 tIHSSIf IED-HOS mSm^i Situations Vacant WANTED young smart Chinese girl assistant for dispensary, knowing English. Appply personally to 313. Batu Ftoa.l. Kuala Lumpur. (No. 578K) WANTED LADY TEACHER. Tamil School. Apply Alpha. 14. Jalan Tembusii. Talplng. (No. 663K) JOBLESS? Call, phone or write to General Employment Agency. 100. Emerald HIU
      619 words
    • 557 10 Wanted WANTED. Secondhand Shafting. Box No. 157 cio Malaya Tribune. Singapore (No. 556K) WANTED. Counter weighing scales, must be modern and attractive appearance. Apply Box 148 cio Malaya Tribune SinnaPorg- (No. 538K) EUROPEAN wishes friendship of young educated Jewess. Write Box 145 c!o Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 531E) i WANTED
      557 words
    • 803 10 For Sale KINE EXAKTA Latest Model. Xenon P|2. Telephoto Lens 15 cm. P|5.5 other accessories available. Box 169. Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 575K) PHOTOGRAPHIC PLATES, Gevacrt Gulllmlnot. Fresh supplies. Kodak Bromide Papers, chemicals and other photo requisites. Orders with M.O. accepted. Amateur Photo Store. 109. North Brld«r Road. Singapore. (No.
      803 words
    • 713 10 Miscellaneous CiULAM MOHAMED. Tailor. 460 B. Alexandra Road Singapore. Guarantors good fitting—Moderate prices. (No. 469K) PENANG RACES: Here's your chanrc to test "Argus". One certainty $3|-, Three selections $2'- complete selections $11- per I day. Guaranteed successful. Write lmmedlately T. G. Choo. 84, Irving Road. Penang. (No. 519K) 1 MAISON
      713 words
    • 686 10 NOTICE OF THE THIRD QUARTERLY SESSION 1941 OF THE BOARD OF LICENSING JUSTICES, SINGAPORE, HELD UNDER RULE 7 OF THE LIQUORS LICENSING RULES, 1937. The quarterly session of the Board of Licensing Justices for the Settlement of Singapore will be held in the Court of the First Magistrate in the
      686 words
    • 236 10 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY TENDERS. TENDERS ar c now invited for the following materials or service. For particulars see Municipal Tender Room. Supply of Btralght Plpea Special Castings for period lllittt to 30 9142. 12 noon. l Baal.. im Supply of Liquid Chlorlna for period *****41 to 10 9 42. 12 noon.
      236 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 771 10 SINGAPORE 'l^^ ZHL. 225 m. 1333 k|cs. EastfU ZHP.I. 30 96 m. 9.69 mcs. GSV -Tii «i SE RVIc» ZHP.2. 48.58 m. 6175 m|cs. GSF g'H m U^T* ZHP.3. 41 38 m. 7.25 m!cs. GSD 5*5 C 19 «m! 12.00—1.00 p.m. Chinese Programme. 610 n m,cs: 23 am! (On ZHP.3
      771 words

  • 791 11 S Jul; 31. jr j .vers Severs. 10la 3'iii T 4 1 2 34 6 18--0 80 141- 1 4.v. (1 r* 10 9xd vi 18'- 13 < i 0 21 if'» 037 I M I 16 6xd 49 236 0.78 223 0 30 11 9cd 21
    791 words
  • 17 11 re Friday. 0 j tin ;nd rubber I I noon to- l Hi BBER j
    17 words
  • 139 11 (From Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Friday. pONDITIONS in the tin share market were very dull and any price chancres were narrow and irregular. Hong Fatts Were done at 133 and closed at IJ2 Kuchais fetched 166. There were buyers for Thabawlelks at 24 3. with
    139 words
  • 164 11 Singapore, TXlUTodby. A EUROPEAN E. C. Ewins, was fined $30 by Mr. K. M. Byrne, the fourth magistrate, this morning when he fleaded guilty to voluntarily causing hurt to an ex"rnployee of his, Chui Cheong. Ewins, who appeared on a amnions, stated that on July
    164 words
  • 145 11 Singapore, Thursday. TAN Ah Kuan, a 21-year-old Hokkien, had the experience ot being charged and acquitted without a trial, on the same charge m one day. He was arrested last afternoon in a pawnshop in Selegie Road. He was charged with fraudulent possession of a fountain
    145 words
  • 26 11 THE Competent Authority for Oil Fuel and Lubrications, S.S. and F.M.S., advises that the basic petrol ration for August will re main unchanged.
    26 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 38 11 In« risk of an 1 »nsils and adenoids? them easily with i remedy that has m reputation in v rid abroad act guaranteed Imitations 1 P;i rticulars: j ki Agents: Nai^Mohamed&Sons,| X «la Lumpur iVimng. CL,N,C m MADRAS
      38 words
      50 words
    • 19 11 0 V— j WILLYS Jlltn 4. A AIVHE RI CAR jffi (MUrt Cwr 0 C Mom— rr%M»* a****-* L
      19 words
    • 290 11 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA S.N. CO. SERVICES Bangkok. Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta, Port Swettenham, Penang, Negapatam, Porto Novo, Cuddalore, Madras. Sailings will be maintained as regularly as circumstances permit. For passenger accommodation apply to: BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated in F.M.S.) Tel: 5431 for Passage Freight. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA
      290 words
    • 347 11 P. o. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S.N. CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. The best possible services are being maintained by the P.& O.S.N. Co.. from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers
      347 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 65 11 Volunteer Drill Singapore, Friday. THE following is the programme ol drills for the Singapore Volunteer Corps, to-day: &.R.A. (v)—Advance party rarnde, at headauarters. S.S.L. Bty. R.A. fv"> —L. G. training and manning, at headquarters. S. V. Sig. Coy.—Specialist training at headquarters. TO-MORROW S.R.A. (v)— Manning, at headquarters. 1st. Bn. S.S.V.F.—Map
      65 words

  • 69 12 Reuter. G Simla, Aug. 1. EN. WAVELL, Commander-in-Chief. India, presided yesterday at the first meeting; of the Defence Committee of the Central Legislature, .set up in pursuance of an undertaking given by Gen. Auchineck. his predecessor, in the Upner Souse recently. In his opening speech, he
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 82 12 London, Aug. 1. IT was revealed in a Parliamentary answer yesterday that authority had been given for 308 interned refugees to be returned to the United Kingdom from Canada and that 196 are on their way from Australia. These figures were given by the
    82 words
  • 105 12 London, Aug. 1. IN order to postpone the elections in India and Burma, a bill was introduced in the House of Lords yesterday and it is understood that a second reading will be taken shortly. The intention of the bill is to give power to extend
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  • 281 12 "We Shall Not Fail" Reuter. Burlington (Iowa), July 31. THE United States must show a complete willingness to fight if necessary if there is to be any chance for peace, declared the Vice-President, Mr. Henry Wallace, in a broadcast speech at the dedication of
    Reuter.  -  281 words
  • 65 12 WITH effect from to-day the ex- par t of sugar from Malaya to Thailand will be placed under quota. It will be necessary for exporters to this territory to apply to th* v ood Exports Branch, fe Exports, Singapore. o r the Assistant Registrai of Imoorts
    65 words
  • 184 12 Reuter. London, Aug. 1. DRITAIN'S reply to the Finnish v aide-memoir intimating the suspension of the Finnish Legation in London was handed to the finnish Minister in London M. yesterday morning oy Sir A'exander Cadogan, permanent Under-Secretary at the Bri--JSh Foreign Office. Rejecting Finland's assumption hat
    Reuter.  -  184 words
  • 294 12 2 IT is officially announced S that the extraordinary J demands for iron and steel 5 for Empire war purposes and for re-armamenii in the United States have so far overtaken productive capa.i- ty that a situation has re- suited in which, after several S months of
    294 words
  • 112 12 Reuter. Simla, Aug. I. INDIA is the arsenal of the British Empire countries east of Suez. She is now manufacturing a very large proportion of her own defence requirements as well as the Pastern Group's. The goods she makes cover such 1 wide range as shirts, ships,
    Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 105 12 Reuter. London, Aug. L QERMAN reprisals against the fathers of young Norwegians escaped to join the Free nic^l£? n forces in Britain ha ve piovoked serious disturbances in towns m Western Norway, accord Agency Nor wegian Telegraph nty of Su ndre alone, 70 householders were recently
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 66 12 Reuter. A Sydney, July 31 S a result 0 f extended militia training, Australia wi?l always have about 150.000 men permanently under arms for hon* ™defence stated Mr. P. c. Spender the Arm- Minister here to Sly. Mr. Spender said that the mobilisation of Australia's
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 158 12 Reuter. London, Aug. 1. MANY distinguisned Moslems are attending an important cerenony to-day when a new East London mosque and Cultural Centre Is being opened. The programme includes the welcoming speech by the Moslem adviser to the India Office, a report by Sir Ernest Hotson,
    Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 44 12 Reuter. Peiping, July 31 NETHERLANDS and British India have been included in the list of nations whose assets have bae.i "frozen" in North China. A declaration to this effect was made by the Japanese Consulate-General in Peipuig to-day.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 192 12 Reuter. CIRRY FASH* Ate Cabinet, consist bcrals. five StaSX h Saadists, thas S iv n J e t n h ts 31 ment a strong ma u, P ii G **S me n t. s majority n The Government w yesterday afternoon 2 SS** Prenrer and terior:
    Reuter.  -  192 words
  • 26 12 Che Mohamed Yunys untitled Hussln. Auditor. Grade IT Sut*rvJ General Clerical Service, baa been J pointed to act a s Accountant Klnta aJ tary Board, Ipoh.
    26 words
  • 180 12 Reuter. London, Aug. 1. QWING to the poor results of the recruiting campaign for i Norwegian legion to fight in Hitler's "anti-Bob crusade/ Quislings are taking steps to force the people into the legion, says the Norwegian telegraph agency. Local branches of the Quisling National
    Reuter.  -  180 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 188 12 TO- N I C H T I GRAND DOUBLE FIRST-RUN /■^^W^^^^^^^WB 'THE NEW MESQUITEERS" GIVING YOU THE NEW THRILLS. STUNTS ACTION! J ROBERI LIVINGSTON jyip||gL. lh t Masked Rider) /BBjj^^^^^^iGS^^ FXHIBITTNG HIS WHIP 8 for darin^o^®^ SKILL I PhV| H vith JxJPb^ WOM W f^^l^l imm Toir* JbS^^S Us I
      188 words
    • 290 12 NURSE SAYS f^gf^f RAfeKAHHP De Wrtts P,lls are made UftUßftwllk especially for weak kidneys. In 24 hours after the first Th,s Nurse's praise of De dose you see that your kidne?s Witts Pills as a wonderful are being cleansed from the remedy for backache is of poisons and impurities that
      290 words
    • 59 12 Public Notice Please note lha! MR. T. I KIAT is no longer in oik <iv ploy, and is noi authorised 1 accept moncv on oar behalf. REMINGTON RANDiv 4 1 7 V v V y Designed and build expressly for Military Wear. D< rb> < BUck Calf, Bend Sole and
      59 words