Malaya Tribune, 20 June 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Net Sales Exceed 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1941 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Friday. June 20, 1941.
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  • 634 1 Berlin Accuses Former Singapore Consul Of "Attacks On Germany" Reuter. r'lV I KK N "S A £n%J3* U ACTION IION IN ORDERING THE rffJXin S IT ED STATES ACBV JULY 10. CLOSING OF ALL CONSULATES Htorks, and in Italy Em iJiTSK German-oceiipied terft
    Reuter.  -  634 words
  • 19 1 f is in the centre of ye, taken during a re in Singapore Kan age.
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  • 163 1 otribune0 tribune staff Reporter) v "t the United States diplomats who is accused in the wrman note to the United States ••Knunent, was formerly stain Singapore. E Bower, described in in note as "American lich, who. in January i very anti-German lung determined atmany and the German
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  • 20 1 terms to France l.«o--annlca continue fighting. sign Tientsin agree-tx-Kins in North Afr'.ca. r l"l Italian attack on
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  • 647 1 Reuter. Ankara, June 20. 'WE Turks will never go to Vienna," is a statement heard on all hands following the signature of the German-Turkish pact. The Turks are anxious that it should be made clear that Turkey remains the friend and ally
    Reuter.  -  647 words
  • 100 1 Reuter. A Washington. June 19. CALL to the United States $12,000,000,000 oil industry to unite with the Government In order that "our efforts to defend democracy may not be hampered by any breakdown in the flow of essentia] petroleum products" was made by Mr. Harold Ickes, Secretary of
    Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 33 1 An expert ™KhlnUtin a Canadian gun plant grinding a gear 1 one °l the V* 7 arts which into a Aeld gun This operadon requires the highest degree of precision.
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  • 184 1 Reuter Mom o\v. June ?0. MO I ill \i. is known in Mot- cow oi any demands made by Germany on the Soviet Union. Responsible observers in fact have grounds for believing that neither Germany nor Rumania has made any approach lo Russia. There are
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 334 1 Reuter. Jerusalem, June 20. AUSTRALIAN cavalry patrols have reached Wadi Zeni, 16 miles from Beirut, stated the military I spokesman in Jerusalem. British troops, he added, at*' still pressing from south-west of Damascus and holding the Damascus road running due south to Kiswe. But they are
    Reuter.  -  334 words
  • 46 1 Reuter. Washington, June ID. THE Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. H?nry Morgonthau. announced at his pr?ss conference that conversations had been inaugurated with representatives of Portugal, Russia. Finland, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland to exempt those nations from President Roosevelt's assetsfeezing order—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 200 1 Reuter. London, June 20. REFERRING to the heavy R.A.F. raids recently carried out on the Channel ports and on industrial areas in occupied France and Germany, the Red Star (the organ of the Russian Army) states that in a recent raid on Hamburg the British
    Reuter.  -  200 words
  • 124 1 Reuter. Washington, June 19. 1 WARNING that any attempt to eutde th«» recent order free-zing foreign funds through per ons in the other American republics or elsewhere would bring swift counter-action by the United States Government was given to-night by the UnderSecretary of State, Mr. Sumner Welles. Addressing
    Reuter.  -  124 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 57 1 M. HASSAN, irwtr. al Gas A Water Contractors. w a !T Bras B asah Road, J; v ,\r«>Ki: TEL. MB. requirements In the I Lunation or repairs of electric. pipe fittings, please nd wb will submit our without obligation. iiniKM kMSHI t GUARANTEED CHARGES MODERATE. stock Electric lightbowl fittings, lampbulbs,
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  • 384 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) A NEW industry is slowly being developed m Malaya. A It is the film industry, and already the p*aneew of this industry in Malaya have expended moi c than $150,000 during the last year in studios, purchasing machinery, and the production
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  • 22 2 (Cent-A-Piane Fund) Total number of enemy planes destroyed during yesterday on all fronts up to midnight london time. TWENTY-EIGHT
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  • 163 2 Singapore, Thursday. I. R. WILSON, a European, was J fined $100 in the Singapore Traffic Court to-day when he was convicted of negligent driving. On April 25 an optician. Mr. L. H Smith, was driving his car towards Holland Village with his wife beside him. Nearing
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  • 61 2 Tokyo. June 19 THE Yokohama Specie Bank will handle all foreign exchange transactions in United States dollars or affiliated currencies starting July 1. it was revea.'ed by the Finance Ministry. The system has already been applied to exchange transactions In sterling currencies since yesterday
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  • 232 2 Singapore, Thursday. "'JHE main reason why we bring this kind of case to court is to show that these so-called lal>our organisations cannot go about threatening their employers to make them do as they want," remarked an officer of the Special Branch at the conclusion
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  • 93 2 Singapore, Thursday. SEAH MAH OON, managing partner of Chop Chin Eng Hin, Singapore, claimed trial in the fifth court to-day to two summons charges of selling 100 bags of Red Dragon cement to Chop Soon Huat at two cents above the controlled price
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  • 23 2 The High Commissioner has appointed Lieut. Commander Thomas Parker to P*»riorm the duties or the Benior Inspector or Machinery under the Machinery Euuctment.
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  • 69 2 Singapore, Thursday. INSPECTOR T. Dorai was fined $50 1 by Mr. Kenneth M. Byrne, the fourth magistrate, when he pleaded guilty to a summons charge ot causing hurt to Ong Lan gn. In pleading guilty, ns P ec l Dorai said that he gave Ong
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  • 109 2 Singapore, Thursday. RANI bin Latiff, a Malay, was committed for trial at the ass.zes on a charge of causing hurt m committing robbery. This was at the conclusion of a preliminary [nquirv held before Mr. W. D. Carew. Ln the third police court to-day. According to
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  • 64 2 Singapore. Thursday. SAID to have stolen a pair of shoes and a coat belonging to another constable in the Traffic Barracks. Maxwell Road. Uttam Singh, a Sikh constable. claimed trial when charged before Mr W. D. Carew, the third magistrate, to-day. The case was postponed for
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  • 81 2 Singapore. Thursday. SAID to have misappropriated $4.971 while employed by the Kee Huat Radio Co.. Kuala Lumpur during February and June, this year, Tan Bens Kirn »37». an Eng-lish-speaking Chinese, appeared in military uniform before Mr. W. D Carew." in the third police court,
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  • 81 2 His Excellency the Hight Commisioner has appointed the following committor of ladies to Mtfat in tho management of i the Federal Home for Women and Otm: 1 resident. Mrs. C. S. Wilson: 7*CSpresldent. Miss Loke Soo Lip: members. En C A Mathews. Mrs. C. F Symington Mrs E. P. Hodgkin.
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  • 253 2 Singapore, Thursday. SENTENCES ranging from 18 months to four years' rigorous imnrisonment were imposed on three Chinese pawnshop employees at the assize court to-day by Mr. Justice Worley on two charges of making false entries in the pawnshop account books and abetment of those charges.
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  • 181 2 Singapore, Thursday. A VERDICT of death by misadventure was returned by the Smgapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter this morning at the conclusion of the inquiry into the death of an 18--year-old Hokkien, Low Sing Kah. who slipped into the sea and was drowned on the
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  • 51 2 Singapore. Thursday. CHARGED with being a member of an unlawful society—the Patriotic Workers' Society—Chiong Goan Chhun. claimed trial before Mr. W. D. in the third police court to-day. The case was postponed for mention on June 26. and bail was offered in the sum of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 168 2 GIVE YOUR CHUjH SUCCESSFI i BUSINESS^'AIiKKK from the many £"S Except In Academi- c llnstructionI Instruction is no* tuition Is given. Enroll at any time. On eonr I Pitman's Certificates are examination. These accepted by employers DAY EVENING TllTinv Write For Particular, of couk desire to sturly. 3 TELEPHONE 3
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  • 251 3 PUPILS PARENTS WANT TO KNOW.... Mr n pft, n" 110 staff Reporter) fW U POLICY has yet been promulgated to t h i dc f w,t h what will prove to be one of JSfcWS in Singapore during air emergenev schoo,(hndr in Recommendations
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  • 81 3 At a meeting of the Selangor Government t L\o y !t wa unanimously icreed mUsT. tP? d Executive committee t ,r 'v A Cam P»*n. Loh Cbooju Chens Sm S, übra, naniam. Choong Ah mvi e h K tll 1 Kamariah binti Ah»iS I che Ibrahi m bin Haji Ahmad
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  • 109 3 system to help British ers to avoid unv d< la v* in the tranI s has been intro>,v ihe London .Ministry iinomic Warfare by vi the iwitii of "Desti < ontrol Certificates." h present methods it is necessary to tranris, for example at I
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  • 33 3 Singapore, Friday, n idoshaxn will deliver li on -The Evolution Parasites" at th:licine to-day at 6.30 auspices of the of the Kins College oi Medicine. her members or ted to attend.
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  • 19 3 untitled A.S.P., Officer-in- Perak, will be thortsfer to Kuala Lmpur Mr D P M.irnamora as Com F.M.S. Police Depot
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  • 137 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) "THE exercises held by the Medi--1 ami Auxiliary Services during the last two nights' black-out were of the most comprehensive nature, and proved very satisfactory." said an M A S. official. A very satisfying feature of the practice from the M.A.S. point of view
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  • 84 3 IN ncknovledprment of the cnble from H.F the Governor and Hieh Commissioner, conveying birthday greetings to IPs Majesty with an expression of staunch loyalty on behalf of Malaya, the Secrel iry ol State for he Colonies has cabled: "Your telegram hos been laid before His Majesty, who
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  • 113 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) THE Tribune is reliahlv informed that the Governmenl is seriously considering the suggestion of increasing the quota of ilnlni.2rrp.nts from China, which since May, 1338, has been fixed at 500 each for males and females. An announcement on this subject will be
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  • 236 3 Singapore, Thursday. QOPAL SINGH, a taxi driver, was charged in the fifth court to-day with giving false information to Inspector Baboo of the Registrar of Vehicles' Office with intent to cause injury and annoyance to Leong Mew Chan, also known as Lilian I Lecng, on Dec.
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  • 219 3 FURTHER measures are uc-mss taken by the Johore Government to protect the public health. The latest step is greater control 01 the saie of milk, rules and regulations for which nave just been gazetted. Any person who Is not licens 'd and who sells
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  • 84 3 S.ngapore, Thursday. LIM CHIN SIA, a 40-year-old Chinese clerk, was this morning convicted and sentenced to 12 on th«' Imprisonment Mr. J L McFall, the district judge on a Large ol oonunitting cr minal breach of trust ol $9M. Chin Sia bad been entrusted
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  • 20 3 Second-Lieutenants R. J. McCarry and P. R. Lewis have been taansfemd tn rIM Straits Settlements VoluiU'-er Force terve ol Officers.
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  • 215 3 TIIE Government is purchasing rice on contract from abroad in order to safeguard the essential 1 supply of lh<- majority of people living in Malaya. mlj reasonable that Govrnm should be asked by the i p v 7 countries to take a cerquantity of all grades of
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  • 27 3 The annual general meeting of the Ail Malaya Muslim Missionary Society, Singapore, will be held at Society's Headquarters. 830, Qeylang Road, on Saturday at 4 r> m >
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  • 41 3 untitled to the 'mt Che Ismail lin Mohd. Alij PJfS Qucah'i Scholar at Cambridge, hat rrj his anal examination. Che Ismni, n old boy ol the Victoria Imtitutloa, left M.tUya in Jmlv 1928. to study <■ KHnlO and law at Cambri Ige,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 203 3 THE ONE BEST RADI i B?HHHIr} FOR EVERY PURSE ,R 41-758T—8 Tube A< Superheterodvii'\ Tuned It 1 Q S* a ff e 3 Bands, Vernier Tuning. Variable 111 I 111 i i|i I T 41-722T—6 Tube \C SiWTheterod\no I v >r*d R.F. ta c'e' 3 Tuning Hand-. Vernier liming. Variable
      203 words
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    • 266 3 V 3? CYDER JO' For a clean, health v. and /c- i < v v. We can" offer you a fine ielet tlon of Whiteway's Sparkling f W** 't*»^Cyders (see list below) which J OrfV are made ln the heart of glorious Devon where the afppt world's finest cyder apples
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  • 339 4 13th Round Sensation Reuter. Pittsburgh, June 19. fOE LOUIS retained his world heavyweight championship, knocking out Billy Conn in the thir^en^ c^ ou, i d nnn had The fight ended with dramatic suddenness. Conn had been going extremely well, punishing Louis and winning
    Reuter.  -  339 words
  • 161 4 ARCHDEACON Graham While. 0.8.L., distributed the prizes at the 30th annual athletic sports of the St Andrew's School held at Woodsville. \e»ttrday. Ttte meet was noteworthy for the excellent performances of the beys, six records beinjr smashed. The Inter-house team event— long jump -class 2 -was won
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  • 141 4 IfHE following are S.C.R.C. ericI ket teams for this week-eno and tennis ties for Friday. I Cricket, Saturday against S.C.C. jat the Padang at 2 p.m.: En Cheow Chye. Chua Boon Unn, Evan Wong. Cecil Wong, Cheong j Thlam Siew. Swee Lim Swanp., Fung Guari Chye,
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  • 163 4 THE Royal Air Force will meet johore in the third "Malaya" Cup match to be plaved in Singapore at An«on Koad Stadium this afternoon. The airmen, who arc in fine form now. won their first game of the competition against Negri-Sembilan at Seremban by three goals
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  • 24 4 SOCCER: H.M.S. Malaya Cup. Johore v K.A.F., Anson Road Stadium 5.15 p.m. TENNIS: Spore open championships. S.C.C. courts; S.C.R.C. and V.M.C.A. tournaments.
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  • 1031 4 FOLLOWING is the card for the first day's races of the Selangor Turf Club's Summer Meeting, to be held to-morrow: 2—Div. I—s Vi Furlongs 0 1 2 RANSCOMBE 4y 9.00 'Mr. Wong" van Breukelen 0 2 4 JULIET A 4y 812 Messrs. L. Toon Poon Oon Breukelen
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  • 297 4 Reuter. Newmarket, June 19. jyjK. J. A, Dewar's Commotion, ridden by Harry Wragg, won a great race for the Oaks—the fillies classic— to-day, beating Lieut-Colonel Robindon's Turkana by two lengths in 2 mins. 37 sees, Lord Glanely's Dancing Time third. Dancing Time had been a hot
    Reuter.  -  297 words
  • 163 4 QOOD soccer is when the Combined I ness Houses' L meets one of tho leading division sides. Chin in a War Fund mat son Road Stadium on Sundae The combined sid< lected only after a games, and is consi best combination avj il Some indication
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  • 85 4 FOLLOWING are Spectator? selections for to-morrow's rates, subject to scratch ings:— Horses: Class 2, Div. I—3' furs. LEPANTO Waeteie Horses: Class 2, Div. s—s' furs. EASTER PARADE Golden Meloch Horses: Class 2. Div. :;—<"> fury GOLDEN PLATEAU Courting Horses: Class I, Div. I—(j luk CHATTERBOX Moon win Horse?:
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 145 4 -1871 70 YEARS OF SECURITY TO POLICY OWNERS 1941* |bl j i^iiL^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^L'^^^^^■■^Bb''' gß^S^^^^lfcf*yift^ x If HOW DO YOU INVEST YOUR SAVINGS? VOl probably save some money every month or two, until you have accumulated a sufficient amount for investment, BUT HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TEMPTED TO SPEND PART OF YOUR
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    • 21 4 Be Our Regular Customei and Get Special Prices For All Your SPORTS Requirements From NATH CO., 27 Coleman St., TEL. 2604.
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    • 18 4 SINOA WATER (tit) MINERAL WATFR from tha Seletar Hot Spring, Singapore. Aa alkalina drink with cor ractir* propertied
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 696 5 JOHORE HOLDS BIGGEST MOST REALISTIC RAID PRACTICES (Tribune Staff Reporter) ITH the usual Johore thoroughness, A.R.P. authorities in the State yesterday held one of the biggest dav-lignt air raid practices in Kluang. Practically every elvil defence service was tested out—and with'all the realism that the A.Pv.P. authorities could think of.
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  • Article, Illustration
    135 5 Pictures taker at the full-*calß A.RP. p-actices held at Klin"... central Johore, yesterday. From top 10 bottom: \l> "Casualties" brovcl c to Kluanrt hospital from firs:- j. I depots in town, being treated In one of the wards cleared for the purpose; I 2) To lend realism, a
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  • 502 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter) THE second of the All-Malayan 1 blackout exercises which was brought to an end last night is generally admitted to be the most successful held yet. Advance publicity and excellent arrangements in every detail, coupled with the co-operation of the public,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 252 5 takeHalibutOilfgivethemHalycitrol CHILDREN need plenty of vitamins for health, growth ?nd energy, and these vitamins are most plennful in halibut oil. But when children can't take halibut oil give them Halycitrol. It is a delightful refreshing drink which c -tains the important halibut oil, and orange juice and glucose for energy
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  • 169 6 Batavia Parleys protracted negotiations lasting about nine months, Japan has failed to coerce the Netherlands East Indies into conceding the trade and economic demands made on her. Mr. Kenkichi YoshiZawa, chief Japanese delegate to the Batavia parleys, is accordingly leaving for Japan on June 29 empty-handed. The breakdown of
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  • 181 6 gHOULD, however, Japan try to please her Axis partners >y an attempt to violate the territorial integrity of the N.E.1., one thing is an immediate certainty, and ihat is the complete paralysing of her trade. Her exports to the Americas and to Britain and the Empire countries
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  • 183 6 army is already warweary. Her navy is modern, but has not yet tried conclusions with that of a great Power. Much remains to be seen. A great deal is at stake. A false step now, and Japan will live to rue the day she threw in her
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  • 1644 6  -  AN INTERESTING SIDELIGHT ON THE BRITISH PRIME MINISTER. FROM A BOOK PUBLISHED SME YEARS AGO BY WINSTON S. CHURCHILL S FROM "AMID THESE STORMS'' i To have reached the age of 40 without e\c handling a brush, to have regarded the painting of pictures
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  • 577 6 A Charaeter Study of JIENRY Maitland Wilson is a member of an old Suffolk family. He has the largeness and the calm* of Constable's country, and. like Constable's country, he becomes the more impressive the better he is known. Still under
    577 words
  • 571 6 icsumomaijs ployers really bearers' true char; tar? Testimonials moi i state than imdi i capability, and one opinion is not necess as that of another A man may get on w< employer who is so posed towards him thai comings are not noticed V only natural that
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 332 6 I Your Portrait Painted by Qualified Artist Liiywhite Studio 7'J North Bridge Road U PHONE SCOI. >:' /for/ i! )XRTISt!Of > i| CEMENT; XI.LOORING 7 MriLES LEE KIM SOO M I /T EE L"j> BHDIV ROOM: 8?>. High Street, Singapore. w———sSSsssSsß ■^■■■■■BSSßßSi^^B» NAN YANG cak SERVICE 4 TIMES DAILY. MALACCA
      332 words
    • 47 6 I E2£ FU L SATISFACTION ALL ROUND; c s* F, °wers, Weddin* Flowers. s££&PPresentation. rese ntation Baskets. Funenl wreaths. Flower, Potted Plants. Grafted Malayan Fruit Trees, »«tc etc ALWAYS CALL at BIRDS'? ir". (PERAK FLORISTS). Im* Phone 290: FLOWER NURSERY at Jalan Pasir Pnteh, Ipoh. Established 1902.
      47 words
    • 64 6 I— ROUND THE NECK HAND-FREE MIRROR (able and c m h S^ your **»tas ~HAv?^TH Y^s L f R^' l ANDS AR E FREE -II FOR LADits TO,£ tv T ANYWHBKE. T AND MAKE-UP IT is PERFECT K "mh ><S 5,N(,, H ffl MIRROR >%jjgF r\ PRICF HKsr >' X
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    Reuter.  -  413 words
  • 27 7 Mr. untitled Hake, formerly of Malays, wa s nominated a member of the'l of the Rubber Growers' Association at that body's annual meeting In London recently.
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  • 92 7 VI A UNA flying-boats arc now arriving in Singapore from the I nited Mates via Manila, to rag men 1 the strength of lht Malayan Air Arm. Thc*sC ait craft are a modem type of long-range :nnnaissance flying-boat. Thi Catalina first broke intc the news at
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  • 89 7 Delhi, June 19 SIR George Cunningham, Governor o! the North-West Frontier Province, spoke to a tribal jirga In Thai yesterday on the subject ot the war. Expressing confidence In the Itimate victory of Great Britain, His Excellency said that it was the of good Muslims
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  • 24 7 Reuter. London. June JO. NOTHING to report" up to 6 p.m. says the Air Ministry communie ie issued last night —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 703 7 Reuter. (By Reuters Special Correspondsnt with the Advanced Forces in the Western Desert) AN early morning ground mist obscured the details of the opening manoeuvres, as the second day of the battle on the Libyan border dawned on Monday. As the scorching sun melted the mist,
    Reuter.  -  703 words
  • 178 7 Reuter. London, June 20. S TP ONG forces of British bombers ox: Wednesday night attacked porta In north-west Germany and the naval base at Brest, where the battleships Scharnhorst. Gneisenau and a Hipper class cruiser, are berthed. Despite the variable and often cloudy veather. the British aircraft
    Reuter.  -  178 words
  • 97 7 Reuter. Dublin, June 20. MR. Lemass, the Minister of Supplies, stated In the Dail yesterday that a Central Tea Purchasing Board had been established which was endeavouring to purchase tea direct from India. The Board had already purchased a quantity of tea In America and the
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 67 7 Reuter. Washington. June 19. THE House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee toGay decided tentatively to recommend drastic increases in surtaxes on individual incomes and tightening up on corporation and excess profits taxes in order to raise the estimated $2,480,900,000 of additional revenue. The new
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 71 7 Reuter. Ottawa. June 19. FERE are the best of reasons for continuing to recognise the Vichy representative In Ottawa, -aU Mr Mackenzie Khik, the Canadian Prime Minister, on his return from the United States today. Ke added that Sonth Africa still retained
    Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 559 7 Reuter. Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 19. "U/E, too, are born to freedom, are willing to fight to maintain freedom and would rather n die on our feet than live on our knees," declared President Roosevelt in a message read on
    Reuter.  -  559 words
  • 142 7 Chandernagore. June 19. AN impressive ceremony was held in Chandernagore yesterday to celebrate the first anniversary ot the Flee French movement. The Administrator of Chandernagore. addressing a large gathering, declared that a year ago Frenchmen were mourning and in despai Their fatherland s:emei forever bound
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 239 7 BACKACHE Means something 0 'Wm very serious! pS^l;, 1 him) KIDNEY TROUBLJE -j.* un der the eyes and urinary irregularities all D.d you wake again this morning with a una u kidaeys are wea k and*sluggisb. bad back Are you struggling through tne v: y BUdderJ>iUs cleanse, d *y. every
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    • 65 7 U E L It O§ E! S EXTRA DRY GIN Triply distilled and guaranteed absolutely pure, and is also the finest Gin imported into Malaya. Price 54.25 per Bottle Including Duly. ROBINSON 'S SINGAPORE 212-41-473 j Glo-cAs for 220 Volt Mdal case. 10 inch dial $26.- 11 m 32Wooden 10
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 131 8 I Shure&>Begorrah....'tis JUDY GARLANDS Grandest Starring Picture! \r A TO-DAY at 3.15-6.15—9.15 I I 1 SHOWS TO-MORROW SUNDAY A Ww- "PEG 0' MY HEART" lIT S &06n$ LAUGHING, SINGING TIME ON THE BOWERY...WITH JOYOUS JUDY AND ALL THE*LADS "A *mw _^___HH____En______ _HM__* r >^_bf _B_i HI YOT LOVED HER I
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    • 33 8 I LAST 2 SHOWS it 7..50 9.30 MATINEES SATURDAY SUNDAY "CAPTAIN FURY" "GOLDEN BOY" MIDNIGHT SHOW TO-MORROW RAMON NOVARRO in mm Desperate Adventure m fiffa RADIOS I 'J|9 British and j BEST. I
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    • 334 8 2nd SPECIAL MIDXIGHT S 4 hi: L 1 V 4. I TO-MORROW NIGHT. 12.15 At The CAPITOL 1 In Response to hundreds of Requests from those unable to obtain admission at the recent midnight show. THE BEST TAMIL PICTURE OF THE YEAR "THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" Tickets obtainable at the
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    • 216 8 HOW MANY DIFFERENT HAVE YOU SEEN THIS YEAR? We mean really different ones, with real' new ideas! Not many, we will wager and none as good as "FLIGHT FROM DESTINY" fl SELECTED AS THE BEST PICTURE of THE MONTH IN THE MARCH ISSUE DAILY AT 3.J5, 6.15 9.15 P.M. ALttAWfiiiA
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  • 47 9 lhe engagement is announced of Mr. Tan Hin Yam, third son of the late Mr. Mrs. Tan Chin Wah of Singapore, to Miss Kwik Poh Swan, eldest daughter of Mr. Mrs. Kwik Tiang Boon, also of Singapore, and the marriage will take place shortly.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 324 9 rlli: YU R S TOP SCREEN BVENrf R|o3|| CATHAY CM*tu» (Mapiwin '~*aujo*h n- u WNI «M ■HMUi T t AO 0«. MM f ZANUCH 0~, «m x» C ii ii fcni JOHN fo 0 ;5 SHOWS 3.15 6.15 9.15 ALSO FOX MOVIETONE NEWSREEL Returning By Popular Request TWO MORNING MATINEES
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    • 285 9 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Situation Vacant j WANTED Reliable representatives and agents for Klllem Fluid. Klllem Powder. i Disinfectant, Wood Preservative. ChOy Sauce and Worcester Sauce. Hygien»c Co.. 54, Sumbawa Boad, Singapore (No. 51K) Wanted WANTED GODOWN, preferably River Side. Offers to Rotterdam Trading Co.. Robinson Road. Telephone 5071 Singapore. (No. j4K)
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    • 356 9 Public Notices THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 45) In the High Court of the Straits Settlements. Settlement of Singapore. Wage-Earner's Administration Older. In Bankruptcy. No. 149 of 1936 Re LIM SIG LARG of No. 566A, Telok Blangah Road, Singapore, Store-keeper. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a First Dividend is intended to
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    • 132 9 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY TENDERS. VENDERS are now invited for the following materials or service. For particulars see Municipal Tender Room. Construction of drains In Reserve Road, parallel to Miri Road, from Nelson Road to end. (Deposit S50|-). 12 noon, 26 June, 1941. Supply of 110 X 40 gaUon drums of Disinfectant
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  • 88 10 The engagement is hereby an jiounced between Mi. Kang Tiong Lit ol Cliop Hock Guan, 11 Rochore Road. Singapore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kang Boon Tuan, and Miss Stall Bay Bee, the youngest daughter ot Mr. Siah Chuan, also known as .siah Mi rlway ol
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  • 16 10 MRS. CLAY and family thank all iriends who sent wreaths, telegrams and lei U rs.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 632 10 lllN5«»«N'NN«^Z^ Situations Vacant DRESS DIVER required for MlTl. P:eu«-e apply to A.P.C. Marine Dept. (No. 3SK) WANTED experienced driver 'or a. hei'-v Lorry-Van. Apply at Hock Guan Hin <fc Co No 3. Yew Swi Guat S'reet. Kti i Lumpur. (No. 4,K > WANTED Clerk nlio knows doubleentiy bUOk-kaeplng and can
      632 words
    • 885 10 Wanted t WANTED IMMEDIATELY 20 or 30 mCT*% a more, Meant lend. preferably wtUi buildings, In Singapore. Apply Box^1«. Malay. t Tribune, Singapore. (No. «KJ WANTED a drag-line excavator for hire or Bale. Apply Box No. «85. Malv/a Tribune, Penang (No. ?< h V* ANTED Leltz-Elmar F. 3 5. 3.5
      885 words
    • 848 10 For Sale FOR SALE B S.A. cycle 1«" frame. 3 speed, almost new. cash $55|-. Apply as. Am pang Street. Kuala Lumpur. (No. 44K) FOR SALE. Conn Baritone Saxphone. ■Old plate.l. ln excellent condition On view at Nang Heng Company Singai 1 0 A GRAMMER PIANO for sale. $150 only,
      848 words
    • 701 10 Stamps 100 DIFFERENT MALAYANS $2 Mayans. British. Foreign Stamps from ISO., including mint Malayans, ask for aporotala Yong Ah Tee, Batu Tlga Rwl. Klang. Selangor. Financial WANTED temporary loan $700'- on good security and interest to complete s for export. Box 874. Malaya Tttmme, Singapore. (No. 097H; Personal YOUNG educated
      701 words
    • 464 10 NOTICE In the Estate of HENRY FKIDTJOF CLAUSEN, Deceased. Pursuant to Section 29 of the Trustees Ordinance -Chapter 59. NOTICE SB HEREBY GIVEN that creditors and all persons having claims against the estate of the above-mentioned deceased, late of Mount Austin Estate. Johore, who died on the 26th day of
      464 words
    • 106 10 H When Buying Lamps Look Out H H H H| Quality is the Hall. H H mark of this Famous I HfJ Brand Lamps. n| V Noted for its Cheap* H ■B ness, Brilliant Light* I Si *> ing, and* lou' consump~ I MB II iron or* Kerostne. mm So/</
      106 words
    • 13 10 DI AftETES. EARLY STAGES tTHABIB A HP. Ml permanency and guaranteed. Hoadnril rf^j
      13 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 731 10 j TO-DAY'S RADIO!! SINGAPORE 9gM ZHL 225 m. 1333 k|cs. LONDON ZHP.I. 30.96 m. 9.69 mcs. GSV 17 81 mcs, u u ZHP.2 48 58 m. 6.175 mcs. GSF 1514 mf v, m«rn ZHP.3." 4138 m. 725 m|cs. 615 p.m. lo n„ mnr p.m. GSD 1175 »ncs S M 12
      731 words

  • 903 11 Buyua. Sellers MINING. 3!3 39 7,114 7,6 33!6 34(6 £b» "Jf 17!- 18!-->H 067 0.72 E« 12 6 14,--9- 9|6 17 6 18 6cd Ss»^- £1 12- 13- v 0.17 0 20 I 0 35 0 37xd iV 11 1 29 1.32 15 6 17|--4 3
    903 words
  • 25 11 Sinn a pore, Friday. Prices ol tltl an d rubber i, n Singapore at noon to- were: I IN RUBBER Sellers oi)"' t.
    25 words
  • 124 11 FLIGHT FROM DESTINY" (At the Alhambra) JHE question of the right to take lie is dealt with in brilliant iwiuon in Flight From Destiny." i aim v.hich began a run at the Alhambra yesterday. The story tells how Professor Henry Todhunter, knowing himto have less than six months -:ve
    124 words
  • 131 11 (From Our Financial Correspondent) rriTM 1 Singapore, Friday. rjMN shares continued firm yesterday. Hong Fatts being done at*l 30. Sungei Luas improved to ljflU and Rantaus So In the Australian section. there wa« 6 enquiry for Kampong Kamunting which was done at lis. The rubber
    131 words
  • 223 11 Singapore. Thursday. dull conditions have prevailed during last week ln Singapore, and reports from London and New York tell a similar story. Possibly the tense pol ileal atmosphere may have something to do with it, although for many mon.hs past markets have become almost
    223 words
  • 32 11 Simla, June 17. MR. Ram Chandra, 1.C.5.. who recently expressed his inability ito accept the post of High Commissioner for India in South Africa, has been appointed Controller oi Imports. India.—By Radio.
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  • 12 11 The May crop of the United Rubber Estates Lid., was 50.000. lb.
    12 words
  • 234 11 OUR SPECIAL FINANCIAL SERVICE By REUTER Cable London, June 19. r VM opened quiet. The turnover was 250 tons. The market was reactionary after the recent rally while freer smelter selling of cash found the market less receptive. After official hours, a further 15 tuna were traded
    234 words
  • 171 11 Singapore. Thursday PRICES have again remained very steat'y throughout the week and nenrly aD the buvmg has been done for July shipment for which allocations are now made and there seems to be adequate shipping available, states Lewis and Peat Ltd. in their weekly report. Concern has
    171 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 99 11 \y take snaps you'll be proud v/\ Y| /a// l 7 -hps full of detail, crisp anc <\X Jf v always load up with Kodak 3 C I c' film. These features mak« >§L T* L r me' the most widely used film Zr —T Very high speed helps W
      99 words
    • 155 11 THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA (TRUSTEES) LIMITED Guaranteed and Controlled by MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LIMITED. The Company, which is incorporated m the S.S. and registered as a JTust Company, undertakes the roiJ'iwing duties: EXECUTOR &OR TRUSTEE OF A WTXL, ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATE OF DECEASED PERSON, TRUSTEE OF A SETTLEMENT
      155 words
    • 327 11 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA S. N. CO. SERVICES Bangkok. Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta. Port Swettenham, Penang, Negapatam, Porto Novo, Cuddalore, Madras. Sailings will be maintained as regularly as circumstances permit. For information regarding freight and passenger accommodation J apply to: BOUSTEAD CO., LTO. (Incorporated in F.M.S.) 1 Tel. 5431 for
      327 words
    • 364 11 P. O. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S.N. CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. The best possible services are being maintained by the P. O. S. N. Co., from the Straits to their usu3* ports of call in China, India. Ceylj and the United
      364 words

  • 615 12 LUFTWAFFE RENDERED IMPOTENT Reuter. (By Richard Busvene, Reuter's Special Correspondent with the advanced British Forces in the Western Desert) THE most striking feature in the Western Desert battle was the British gain in air superiority from the beginning; it was never lost. I asked
    Reuter.  -  615 words
  • 111 12 Lisbon, Jun? 19. MR. Mamcru Shigemitsu. Japanese Ambassador in London, arrived in Lisbon yesterday afternoon from London by plane en rout? to Tokyo. Be is expected to leave on June 25 alter a short visit to Spain, aboard th? Clipper for the United States. During
    111 words
  • 67 12 (From Our Own Reporter* Kupla Lumpur. June 19. D. SUPPIAH won the Selangor men's open singles tennis championship for the fourth year in succession beating Leong Hoe Yeng this evening 2—6. 6—2, 7—5. The champion was superior in courtcraft and made his opponent run from end
    67 words
  • 207 12 (Tribune Staff Reporter) PAN-MALAYAN blood transfusion service, to entile work of the various blood transfusion service s ill tilt! different States and Settlements in Malaya, ma\ i, by the medical authorities shortly The Tribune learns that discussions on the formation of such a service
    207 words
  • 211 12 |f\ a broadcast from the Singapore Siadi: last night, an R.A.F. 1 bomb disposal expert described i how. i hen about to touch a new bomb, "a cold perspiration starts at the temples... and the past floats befor? :ur eyes." Two qualities most necessary, he
    211 words
  • 221 12 S Singapore, Thursday. IX summons charges were brought against the Asia As surance Co. Ltd. in the Fiftn Police Court to-day for making loans of $3,000 to one of its officers, Mr How Say Huan. on Aug. 5, 1937 without trustee security and also without notifying
    221 words
  • 156 12 Singapore, Thnradti SUCKLING an Infant 0 in the dock bei id< J band, Aug Bone Ci. man. and Yap Ah X man, were each in. weeks' simple Imprison] Mr. W. D. Carew. thi gistrate. Yr.p and f\ng, d< bers of a Form saj convicted on a chai
    156 words
  • 52 12 Singapore. Thursdtf rINTING cut how ea 5 w for such tragic happen through eai tessnei remarking that such becoming all too fieq Singapore Coroner. Mr v. Q Porter, returned a by misadventure 1 death of a Chinese Cheong. v. ho drank a soli caustic soda, m
    52 words
  • 42 12 Reuter. Cairo. Ji ne 2 p PRESIDENT ROOSE-. ELTS rep: sentative for the c the delivery of Least and material. M■ A H 1 rived in Cairo b* a'r y a short vis** Trom the Hi Strt°s. Reiv[er
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 244 12 4g± CHIP SIN6A IIE 4T HEMSLEY SINGAPORE f MALAY ItlXOilEl* KLUARAN KA-DUA-PULOH-DUA QF. SFRAMPANG LAH. Ronireeng. Che TA'SEAH. jjßm n ,q NASIB MALANG. Xasib. Che TA'SEAH. VjSjjl lUiy Lain 2 record yang bagus oleh Che Ta 1 Seah va'lah: QV 1002 —Q F 1007 ()F 1008 —9 F 1014 —Q
      244 words
    • 76 12 Fascinating learn makes WHITEX an am- acts instantly ami pale complexion that m< personality and ne vba Whitex penetrateunderskin. It nouxisl is NON-GREASY. smears cannot X il dan today. Sec t><; J complexion pout teco"n: at one »OJ WUI •t the dtfercace. If your dealer not supply you. snid w
      76 words