Malaya Tribune, 16 June 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 20 1 The Malaya Tribune Net Sales Exceed 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1941 FIVE CENTS. SklBafiSa&ikjif Monday, June 10, 1941.
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  • 552 1 Vichy Admits Fall Of Abou Kemal Air Reinforcements For French Arrive In Levant a OMITTING the forced retirement from Sidon, yesterday's French Army comBiunitiue from Syria says that in an effort to alleviate violent pressure exercised on their coastal detachments, bombing planes twice
    552 words
  • 127 1 Reuter. J itfon, J«:n? IG. DESKi < at nee adopting i 1 iclaiiatory »M3str; against America, it Government has J census J (fates prtperty •Ji Italy, according to the Haiti n broad- evidently Musso- r to President v liien in order- rAn% »,f ail
    Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 60 1 Reuter A TEE r Ralt i rilore > June 15. A of a new bember R A.F showed that was "about as fast as flying in Europe,'' the makers—the V' ■'■n Company. will be known by as the Baltimore" and < will be sent to
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 16 1 Reuter. London, June 16. i port states that three bomber* have crashed i territory.— Reuter. I
    Reuter.  -  16 words
  • 26 1 A striking picture showing a message being passed by line From a Urilish destroyer to a cruiser while under way at sea.
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  • 132 1 Eastern News. London. June 1G FIVE thousand tons of rubber have been sent to Gennanv j fiem cccupied France. 1 The first baich of 3,700 tons wns given priority ov;r other goods by railway, and the second of 1.3G0 tons v. as similarly treated,
    Eastern News.  -  132 words
  • 48 1 Reuter. Londcn, June 16. I SURVIVORS ot the Robin Moor, 1 the first American vessel to be sunk in this war by a German U- 1 boat, state that a picture of a "laughing cow" was painted on the ccnning-t:wer of the submarine.— Renter. I
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 158 1 Reuter. Washington, June 15. IHE United States Maritime Commission has announced that six Danish ships will be placed in active service with the United States merchant fleet, on Monday (to-day). The ships are among 84 foreign vessels tied up in American waters which
    Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 511 1 British wireless. London, June 16. AN account by the pilot of a Beaufort aircraft, which scored a direct hit with a torpedo on a German battleship off the coast of Norway, gives a vivid picture of the night opcratiens which are the routine oi
    British wireless.  -  511 words
  • 296 1 British Wireless. London. June IG. WHILE the R.A.F. are striking several telling blows against Germany on land and on shipping targets by day and night, there was little enemy air activity over Britain during the week-end. Following the destruction of seven Nazi raiders in scattered attacks
    British Wireless.  -  296 words
  • 180 1 Reuter. Denver (Colorado), June 15. JgREAD riots in Syria in which 78 were killed and hundreds injured were precipitated by profiteering by French officials before the British entry, stated Mr. Francis Kettaneh, Rotary International delegate from Beirut, in an interview. He said that
    Reuter.  -  180 words
  • 140 1 Reuter. Madrid, June 15. Jjjlß RONALD Campbell, recently British Minister to Yugoslavia, told Reiner's correspondent today that be and members of the British Legation and British residents from Yugoslavia now in Madrid were treated throughout then- journey from Yugoslavia with courtesy and consideration by the
    Reuter.  -  140 words
  • 47 1 Reuter. Vichy. June 16. A meeting for the purpose ot Croatia's adherence to the Axis was used by Ribbenircp and Ciano to have two long talks, according to n Rome telegram. Ribbemrr also had a talk with the Japanese Ambassador, Mr. Horokiri Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 40 1 Reuter. Ankara, June 16. THE British Ambassador, Sir Hiighe Knatchbull-lluges-wtm, had an boar-Nag interview with the Foreign Minister, M. Sarajofjlii. at uhich, it is thought, the KussUn situation may have been among the questions discussed.—lieuh i
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 202 1 Reuter. P.j;.uv;u, June 10. ttfARPARE, defence and the prefT scrvation ot the national existence were the three main objects 01 the N.E.I. Government po'icy, said the Governor-«. lei it ral of the Netherlands East Indies, u]>ening the 1941-42 session ».i ihe people's Council yesterday. The
    Reuter.  -  202 words
  • 45 1 Reuter. London, June 16. CHUNGKING sustained a heavy raid yesterday afternoon when it was bombed by a force of 27 Japanese planes. Ths American Embassy narrowly escaped being hit. Large fires were .started along the banks of the Yanß River Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 50 1 M II \SSAN, (r Gas a Ml« Contractors, Bras Basah Road, XX TEL. 3411. ntiiiirements ln the a of repairs Of electric, r pipe fittings, please nd we will submit our Ithout obligation. \\>UIP GUARANTEED II \K< KS MODERATE. Electric lightbowl fittings, lampbulbs, t.ble lamps; toasters, heating I other appliances.
      50 words
    • 75 1 xSSnf jl l v lin la Bin Emm R W «BBc^l TMrnroHnra V 1 JJ HIBHI See how the new patented DOUBLE Plate-Lock holds plates Brady apart—stops the caus > of buckling and short circuiting, protects separators and rnsurcs more power—longer life. The new patented DOUBLE Plate-Lock is "What every
      75 words

  • 315 2 ALLEGED ADULTERY INSULT BY WIFE, GRANTED DIVORCE (From Our Own Reporter) Penang, Saturday. A DIVORCE petition brought by Jesudason Retnam Isaacs against his wife, Mary Josephine, on the ground of her adultery with a young Penang Harbour clerk, Guru Patham, was heard before Mr. Justice U W. j V. Carey
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  • 189 2 Singapore, Sunday. FE need for an enquiry into the recent strtWe disturbances hi some of the estates in Selangor and Negri Sembilan was discussed by the members of the Indian Youths' Association at an extraordinary meetnig held at their Association premises this morning. The
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  • 30 2 MISS BETTY BRYANT, Australian actress, returned to her home by plane this morning; after a 10- 1 day stay in Malaya packed with engagements from the beginning.
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  • 18 2 Mr. K. Nankivell, Senior Executive untitled glneer. Malayan Public Works Service, has been seconded for service in Johore.
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  • 16 2 Wan Annur bin Wan Ishak has been appointed to act as Assistant Land Officer, Kuala Muda.
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  • 136 2 Reuter. Washington, June Is. DECLARING that he had received complaints of nation-wide discrimination against Negroes President Roosevelt to-day called on the Office of Production Management to deal effectively with "a situation of grave national importance." In a memorandum addressed to the co-directors of the Office
    Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 156 2 Singapore, To-day. FOUND guilty by the Traffic District Judge this morning on a charge of causing grievous hurt to an A.R.P. warden by negligent driving during the night of a previous black-out, Ong Joo Chin was to-day sentenced to seven months' simple imprisenment. Ong Joo
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  • 66 2 f IGHTING regulations for motor vehicles In Johore during the coming black-out this week will be vimilar to the regulations for the previous exercises, and not the new regulations to be enforced in Singapore, it is stated by Mr. D. G. Pritchard, Director of A.R.P., Johore. Johore will,
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  • 33 2 His Excellency the High Commissioner has approved the promotion of Lieutenant H. P. Yates. Federated Malay Stat-N Volunteer Force, to the rank of Captain. Mr. P. O'Connell has been appointed Assistant Engineer, Kedah.
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  • 217 2 Associated Press. Simla, June 5. THE South African Government, it is learned, have taken steps to see that the Anti-Asiatic provisions of the Union law are not applied to Indian visitors, particularly students, passing through Union territory on their way from Britain or the Continent
    Associated Press.  -  217 words
  • 114 2 (From Our Own Reporter) Penang, Saturday. A DOZEN war posters, drawn under the supervision of iVIr. Abdullah Ariff, art master of the Anglo-Chinese School, by seven boys of the A.C.S Art Class, were presented to Ylrs. Mervvn Cox of the Department of Information and Publicity, Malaya, for
    114 words
  • 52 2 ITJST after nine o'clock on Saturday morning, the Swedish steamer, the 6,000-ton Ningpo, fouled a mine in Singajx)re waters, but fortunately no serious damage or casualties were caused. It is understood that the mm? exploded near the stern of the vessel. The vessel is now safe
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  • 48 2 Reuter. Washington, June 15. ONE thousand million dollars is to be provided by the Federal Loan Administration to build factories for the 500 bombers per month programme. This action is being taken by Mr. Jesse Jones. Federal Loan Administrator, under his new defence spending powers.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 277 2 ,<r THE total sum so far contributed by Malaya to the war effort ie about equal to the combined revenues of the Colon all the Malay States for the year 1938," stated Mr. H. Wei the Financial Secretary in his broadcast last night froi Singapore
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  • 135 2 (Tribune Stall Reporter) Singapore, Monday. SINCE the opening of the lists, applications have been so heavy that in my opinion *>-he lists will have to be closed in a couple of and those who intend to buy must get in quickly," said a prominent Singapore
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  • 198 2 Associated Press. Calicut, June 5. ABOUT 18 boats, valued approximately at Rs. 75.000 capsized in the sea during the cyclone in and around Calicut and goods worth about Rs. 30.000 damaged and lost, according to mation received in Calicut. As a result of cyclone a number
    Associated Press.  -  198 words
  • 15 2 Mr. W. L. Midford, untitled Malayan Public Works Bervlce, ba seconded for service in Johore
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 149 2 (Cent-A-Piane Fund) .Total number of enemy planes destroyed during the week-end on all fronts up to midnight 1 ondon time.... EIGHTEEN *'U€Tfl€ft YOUR CAR I STANDING I JOB! I STARTI H6 lg j3| ?holl Motor 011 is such a good oil f r I KIIWO car because it is refined
      149 words

  • 183 3 our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. Till lital necessity of members ,I, titrating on the thrift M of the Society, and enti, t<> toryet that there loan section at all, was b) >lr. W. H. P. Barrett. al the annual genera! ut ihe Selangor P.
    183 words
  • 76 3 Own Correspondent) Ipoh. Saturday. k raid on a hut at the Jelapang—c he m or ning of June 5, real a Chines? appeared in the Potwo charges in relamanufacture of samsu. the accused, pleadng in possession of ad one jar of samsu of $19.35 had not nd
    76 words
  • 853 3 Assurance Of Revision Of I Present Scheme Sought ARF t* ii (Tnbune Staff Reporter) sati«firri r duates who teach in Malayan schools, tion saiH n tu tl,eir lot, as Dr. W. Linehan, Director of Educahe meeting of the Legislative Council last week, or are
    853 words
  • 79 3 k FUNCTION was held at the Sri n Krishnan Temple. Waterloo Street, in honour of the new King's Firthday Honours recipients Mr. B. G:vindasamy, J.P., M.C.H.. and Mr. P. Govindasamy Pillay, J.P. They were garlanded by Mr. V. Pakrisamy, a trustee of the Temple and Mr. T.
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  • 79 3 THE Klang and Coast Rotary Club entertained Mr. R. M. M. Letchumanan Chettiar to dinner at the station restaurant on Tuesday night in honour of hi. c appointment as a Justice of the Peace, Tengku Hussein, the president, presided. Mr. N. K. V. Valliappa Chettiar proposed
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  • 117 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. THE thief Inspector of Mines, Mr. ML C. Hay, stated that there is no official confirmation of the rumuur.« that gold has been found in the Sungei Manik art a in ferak. The area is divided
    117 words
  • 217 3 (from Our Own Reporter) Ipon. Saturday. THE next ses lon of the Perak Assiz e Court will commence on MOnday, with the Hon Mr. Justce Munay Aynsley presiding. The list comprises 14 cases including two murder trials. Counsel assigned in the cases are Mr. M. Diamond
    217 words
  • 34 3 Reuter. London, June 16 plfi ItaJ ilinistei in Ankara had ,i conversation with me 1 urkish Foreign Minister. M. Sarajoglu. yesterday, reports Rome Rao'io. The interview lasted a considerable- time.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 23 3 Inche Ahmad bin Ali, acting as untitled Assistant In the Chief Electrical neer's Office. Johore. has been appointed an Assistant Superintendent of Customs
    23 words
  • 161 3 (Prom Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Saturday. PJRTHER details were arranged at a m?eting held at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of the committee appointed to look after the welfare of those who may be bombed out of th-ir homes during emergency periods. The meeting
    161 words
  • 240 3 "HAIFA'S def< rices were so excellent that in a four-hour raid on Tuesday very little damage was done and only one person was killed," said a young Dutchman who arrived by plane in Singapore yesterday with his wife from "Palestine. Mr. and Mrs. Kumferre have lived in
    240 words
  • 102 3 1 Itl IHI. 11.11 (At iht v i rheai t> T 1 o Itlon al c-. t ol the Hat and presen td gratis t u members of the forces at the Victoria Theatre taut night was well received and augurs well for the Circle s decision to utilise Singapore'*
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  • 239 3 fFtoffil Our Own Reporter) Penang, SaiurcU.y. IHE Official Dispersal Camp at Paya Terubong is now rearing completion, arrangements having been completed for the housing, feeding, medical attention, sanitation etc. that would ■be required if a large number of people have to be accom1 A 3
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 32 3 A CURRENT! A HIT (Bmipi Summerweighti made from the X FJNEST QUALITY; fl| AUSTRALIAN ME RINO. WO O Lj UNCRUSHABLE Obtainable at all Good Dealers "I'utorsT HE NOUVEAUX CO. 19-22 Laidlaw Building.
      32 words
    • 329 3 No matter what the conditions, ICEBERG BUTTER is protected at all times from deterioration or contamination. This pure creamery butter is sealed in an air-tight container and is obtainable everywhere. mm §mmm SINGAPORE 5376 (5 lines), K. LUMPUR 3331 (3 lines), IPOH 110 111 (2 linos), PENANG 1500 (3 lines),
      329 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 144 4 Malaya is in the fight to-day with her men...labour...and money. Money 1. War Loan is a gilt-edged security is building planfes, tanks, guns a never ending stream of them. BUT backed by Government. You purWE MUST HAVE MORE! chase the Bonds throuffh your Bank or Stockbroker. Successes on the financial
      144 words

  • 68 5 Reuter. London. June 15. as Rosetta Filly, I mpion two-year-old 1 id v. ho was -cnce a uood chance in this year is not, n the Oaks. as reached, no hr performance appearing likely a naif demand- j third in the Thouafter leading
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 89 5 ■LAVING the Hong Lim Green P.- the S.C.R.C. dein a cricket match Batting first the up 134. the highest scorers being Harbajan Singh (38) mci Denison-Smith (36). The Chin< se passed the Police ss ol seyen wickets. Cheow Chye top-scored with 48 v ng knocked up a
    89 words
  • 552 5 mn lay's play washed out by inclement weather the I cricket match between the Selangor Club arid the Cricket Club ended in an exciting draw on the Pa terday, the "Dog" just managing to hold up their tail Dy Wi( ket The
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 5 Players as well as spectators had fun last week when the Hong Kong and Singapore R.A. rounded off ceremonial parades held in connection with regiments centenary celebrations, with a hockey match (on a mud pitch) in fancy dress.
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  • 252 5 IJNPLAYABLE bowling by R. Thoy, who captured six wickets for only two runs, was the highlight of the cricket match at Ralestier yesterday, in which the S.R.C. trounced the Indian Association, by 105 rur.s. Lai! Singh, for the Indians, also bowled well, taking six wickets
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  • 178 5 Reuter. Banstead (Surrey), June 16. FOUR of Britain'? outstanding women gohers played a match in aid 01 war relief for air raid victims and comforts for the services organised by the Daily Sketch, finishing ail square. Three of the four. Miss Pamela Barton,
    Reuter.  -  178 words
  • 150 5 ROYAL Singapore Golf Club's June medal competition played at Bukit Timah on Monday afternoon, resulted in a win for Mrs J B. Ross in A division with a net score of 38ft, in a win for Mrs. H Gild in B division with a score of
    150 words
  • 21 5 In a friendly football match olaved yesterday at Fraser and Neavc s ground Jollilad's Athletic Union drew 2-aU with, the R.A.O.C.
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  • 270 5 THE Ceylon Sports Club inflicted a severe defeat on the Medical College in a whole-day cricket fixture on the former's ground yesterday. Passing the College's first nnings score with six wickets in hand, the Ceylon Sports Club were rather unfortunate when time intervened to prevent an innings
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  • 171 5 Reuter. New York, June 15. IOE LOUIS will defend his world heavyweight title for the 18th time on Wednesday, June 18. Unlike many previous fights, it now seems he has a worthy challenger in Billy Conn from Pittsburg, who first achieved fame as a lightweight.
    Reuter.  -  171 words
  • 30 5 The throwing of the waterpolo l-, 0 l ft t the Singapore Club on Sunday was won by L. H. Chater with 7CI feet Windle with 65 feet was second.
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  • 52 5 SOCCER: Div. I. R.A.F. v Loyals, Stadium; Reserve Div.. R.A.F. v Manchesters. Seletar; S.CF.A. v Gordons, Geylane Stadium; Div. II B. R.A.F. (Kalians) v R.N.W.T. Kranji, F. and N; Div. II A. Publishers v R.A.F. (Seletar). V.M.C.A.; Malay Regt. v R.E. (P. 8.), Alexandra. TENNIS: Spore open championships.
    52 words
  • 57 5 Reuter. FOLLOWING were results of the Scottish Summer Cup soccer matches. Albion Rovers 1. Thirdlanark 4. Clyde 3. Greenock Morton 1. Dumbarton 3, Motherwell 0. Glasgow Rangers 3, Falkirk 1. Hamilton Academicals 4, Airdrieonians 2. Hibernian 9. Celtic 1. Queen's Park 3. Heart of Midlothian 1. St
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 239 5 l BIG upset in the Singapore i\ junior and veterans' badminton cnampionship ties played off yesterday, was the deieat of Milorcrl Rufus (Devonshire) by Dora Tan iMerridale) in the ,vomens junior ties. Following are results: Men's junior singles: S. Ahmad Mattar (Eclipse) beat Tay Ec Hye
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  • 30 5 The War Fund baseball match between the Japanese and the American, played on the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday, resulted in a win for the former by six runs to four.
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  • 31 5 The Ceylon Sports Club will hold their first annual athletic sports on the Club grounds on Saturday. June 21. Brs. E. M. TampcneFhilips, wife of the President, will distribute the prizes.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 29 5 Has just the right "ikdline character So ueutralitc afte*£ ainnej acidity I NGA WATER l W dier from the v '"iur Hot Springy BOTTLED BY 1 raser Neave, Limited
      29 words
    • 108 5 Only genuine woodward's GRIPE bears this' BABY"trade-mark Genuine Woodward's Gripe Water, recommended by the medical profession for eighty years, it distinguished by the famous "Baby" trade-mark. There are plenty of inferior imitations on the murkct, but only genuine Woodward's bears this trade-mark. Mothers—safeguard your baby's health! Insist on genuine Woodward's
      108 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 142 6 Reuter News Direct JX pursuance of a decision reached by the Directors of the Tribune Group of newspapers, announced in these columns on June 9. our upcountry editions in Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang- publish with effect from to-day Reuter cables received direct in those offices up to the
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  • 196 6 gY a happy coincidence, the progress of this journal in the past quarter of a century has synchronised with an era of unprecedented progress in Malaya, cultural as well as economic. A quarter of a century is but a brief span in a newspaper's existence but time alone
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  • 79 6 Simultaneous with the development outlined above, we have arranged for the resumption of the special cabled and air-mailed news from India and China which was a feature of the Tribune prior to the outbreak of the present war in Europe. Special representatives have been appointed in Chungking and
    79 words
  • 1373 6  -  By Sirdar Ikbal Ali Shah EL L-A'/VO U A' MUSUAI 1UTHOR JX a highly industrialised state of life of which London mu>t surely be an epitome, two points which must strike an Oriental in war-time England are: would not the severity of the
    1,373 words
  • 1084 6  -  BY A CORRESPONDENT JJHE chief requirements of a Naval Base are that it Should have plenty of sea room, to provide anchorage space for a fleet, that it should be defensible, so that the fleet may rest under the protection of the defences, and that
    1,084 words
  • 476 6 at held in connect] Golden Jubilee c< Anglo-Chinese Bchool Anglo-Chinese Penang. Mr. H. R. < said: "During the past quartet century in no direct] been greater progr than in the egucal The girls are no k>i stay at home. Th release, 100. iron, house of Ignorance to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 481 6 Why Not Have A LOVELY COMPLEXION ?—Take Bile beans Reguiirly Evtry Night At Bedtime father is having 4 me trained in f Singapore f» r a good Your father has made r. wise dcci ion ln sending you to Pitman's, for thmrw you can study for your matriculation i or
      481 words
    • 72 6 Wp" REFRACTING MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS TKTgffjg Jiyj^'f|i!Jj]f|B(i SULPHUR OIL Valuable remedy for purifying blood and in cases of loss I of appetite, chron c constipation, ringworm, itch, white leprosy, boils, swellings, colic and kidney pains, rheumatism, diseases of spleen and liver, high blood Fissure, giddiness, toothache and many other diseases. No
      72 words

  • 598 7 v York. June 15. [V< )RS of the British I 1 S Britannia —sunk by s L ..icier—who arrived v. told a giim stor/ s' journey in an open j i 1.500 miles Of th? which 44 out of I tannia sighted the j
    598 words
    Reuter.  -  1,142 words
  • 516 7 Reuter. (From H. L. Hopkin) London, June 15. gIR Patrick Dollan, Provost of Glasgow, in a speech in London said that one of the threats Rudolf Hess made was that unless Britain accepted German terms, Germany would enter into a military alliance with Russia.—Via
    Reuter.  -  516 words
  • 245 7 Reuter. London, June 15. "THE magnificent courage Of the British and Imperial troops j was well known to us all. In the battle of Greece and its crowning episode, the epic struggle in Crete, Your Majesty's troops surpassed themselves in feats of valour which
    Reuter.  -  245 words
  • 270 7 Cairo, June 15. B.itisl. in souther '"Afterleaving M*j Ayoum area. the west, and made «n« ad l alo„f?n^ l M t d i! en a nea„ roast he continues. with the comparafive peacefulness of the inteno., a strange p Cture was unfolded when we
    270 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 230 7 It's Famous for its fine Smart, workmanlike de- ll ll MM sign Heavy chromium 1 I plating on all bright parts lil Hard, long-lasting ■tt*'^^^^ It's Famous for its strength A II Super-sprung saddle you ride on wings! w\ /i! Extra dependable braking Immensely strong Jm steel frame Hard-wearing tyres
      230 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 562 8 Positively LAST DAY! J Your last chance to see BETTY BRYANT in her first Sensational Screen Role that Everybody's talking about! CAPITOL 3.15 6.15 915 I THOUSAND HORSEMEN" GRANT TAILOR V EQUAL [O HOLLYWOOD'S i Greatest Triumphs \\m jP^IT iPw NOW MAISIE IS MAROONED IN DARKEST AFRICA WHERE THE JUNGLE
      562 words
    • 65 8 Read The SUNDAY TRIBUNE Dominant In Malaya A Landmark in the History of the Documentary Films. The Movieland' A Great noble, Patriotic and even a Sacred Picture. For it enshrines the genius of the Country. Tree India' opening to-morrow 6i5 9i5 THEATRE ItOYAL "LIFE OF MAHATHMA GANDHT I H TAM
      65 words
    • 248 8 Public Notices SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY TENDERS. VENDERS are now invited for the following materials or service. For particulars see Municipal Tender Room. Supply of 110 X 40 gallon drums of Disinfectant of approved quality and British manufacture 12 noon. 30 Juno 194;. Supply of Standard High Pressure Copper Tubes. 4 p.m.
      248 words
    • 93 8 POSITIVELY LAST 3 PERFORMANCES S DA 9 3 i5 5 A LII AM BRA GINGER ROGERS fISL. —Oi America's Whit* Collar mW^S^^m\mWjl Girl, in Christopher Morley's MORGAN-CRAIG flk CDUARDO CtANNELU ERNEST COSSART GLADYS COOPER 3 Wrecttd by SAM WOOD SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTK) The MARCH of TIME presents A Vivid Panorama
      93 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 592 9 s/ \SON EXTENDED OWING TO HUGE SUCCESS! CATHAY _*yp 2 SHOWS TO-DAY (Owing to Anzac Cluh Benefit 6.75 BING CROSBY 808 HOPE DOROTHY LAMOUR nil\n to zmhb^; BING, 808 and DOROTHY'S NEW LAUGH HIT.... 1 even nu»r e fun than the "ROAD TO SINGAPORE ffIXT ATTRACTION! GENE TIEINEY as ELLIE
      592 words
    • 202 9 SOVIET VIEW OF NAZI MOVEMENTS Moscow, June 15. STATING that the rumours that Germany was intending to make aggressive moves against the U.S.S.R. were "false and provocative," the Tass news agency declared that the dispatch of German troops, which had been freed from operations in the Balkans to the eastern
      202 words
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 824 10 Ul^^5.^l>.Nl3>lVllll"Nlll.stl^^^l^ Situations Vacant WANTED—Lady Teacher—School Certificate. Oral English. Apply Box 865. Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 962H) SALESMAN WANTED with driving licence lor van. Apply Box 847, Mulaya Tribune, Singapore. No. Mill) WANTED Male Stenotyplst, strong in English State salary with testimonials. Apply P. O. Box 443. Singapore. (No. MBj WANTED
      824 words
    • 846 10 Motor Vehicles FORD 8 H P. in perfect condition, «850.00. rllng *****. (No. 914H) FOR SALE: 1W35 Morris 8 H P., In perfect condition. inspection, after 4 pin, 32, Poet Road. (No. 92«iHj M.G.. 4 seuter. Model PB, very fast and attractive. In perfect condition—sl,3oo cash. Apply Box '464, Malaya
      846 words
    • 811 10 For Sale FOR SALE—IO valve 'Philips' Radio nnd Pick-up $110-. Cash Sale only. View t. Lower Ampang Grove, XL. (No. 966H; FOR SALE. Alsatian puppies all pedlgrev Three months and 14 mouths old. Apply :,2b, Balestler Road, Singapore, after 2 p.m. (No- W7H) NITRIC ACID from America 130 lbs. Jar
      811 words
    • 712 10 Public Notices IN THE HIGH COURT, SINGAPORE. Originating Summons No. 49 of 1941 In the Matter of the Trustee of the Will of LEE KIM SOO, Deceased and In the Matter of Section 56 of the Trustees Ordinance. Between Neo Bah Tah (Widow) Plaintiff and L The British Malaya Trustee
      712 words
    • 442 10 NOTICE In the Estate of ERLING OLUF CHRISTOFFER VIGGO DANNES-KIOLD-SAMSE, Deceased. Pursuant to Section 29 of the Trustees Ordinance--Chapter 59. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that creditors and all persons having claims against the estate of the above-mentioned deceased, late oi Mount Austin Estate, Johore, whj died on the 3rd day
      442 words
    • 87 10 Palatable Well Balanced Cough Remedy. Particularly useful in cast scanty secivtion. expeb and troublesome coughs, the respiratory system. Contains no narcotics or harmful ingredients. Therefore can be safely taken by the eh Idren ani adults. It carries no adverse influence on appetite and does not cause constipation. Sold everywhere: BENGAL
      87 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 834 10 j TO-DAY'S RADIO] SINGAPORE ttMtttn, ZHL. 225 m. 1333 klci. mstppv 1 ZHP.l. 30.96 m. 9.69 met. GSV ifv, TRANs MlSSH)v ZHP.2. 48.58 m. 6-175 m|cs. G SF Z i< ,i mcs i 1« 84 n,,.,. ZHP.3. 41.38 m. 7.25 mlcs. «Il mr s: 5 SS? ZHL. 225 m. 1333
      834 words

  • 287 11 Reuter. Washington, June 15. F jpi:N Roosevelt on Saturday issued an executive ordei S^stoiSr^^^ 0 and Italian > **J time he ordered the freezing of the assets of Previous The new order states that the action has been taken in view of the unlimited national
    Reuter.  -  287 words
  • 284 11 THE outstanding features of the yer.r under review are the high quota and the high price which have led to very large profits, state the annual reports of the Austral Malay Tin group. These profits are abnormal for the actual consumption of tin has not
    284 words
  • 41 11 Reuter. Rome. June 16. FOLLOWING his attendance at the signing of the Tripartite pact by the "independent' states oi Croatia, Ribbentrop left Venice on his return to Germany at midnight He was seen oft by Ciano.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 105 11 cabinet began finally disinte- .led by rehab.'c E fa Jer alnn. it was when Dr. Ambassador, re- iter an abhe was rec-- mber, 1939— W treaty that "diss3 cancellation reementi in far the duration the Germans twenty kiloside of the Baghhanding over mes for th? dvJiS
    105 words
  • 32 11 Reuter udun, June 16. BPH cation be- b uid Stockfioim v on fciaturucij I a SIOCKHUiIi iiiaepenaeni re-opened yester- Cw>* re ins true tea not to ml B iue message
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 41 11 Reuter. Tokvo, June 15. ■MICTIONS to Mr. Kenkichi Yoshizawa, head of I Japanese trade delegation swin Batavia. were despatchj Saturday afternoon, it is ■0*3 announced. Thb fellows the reply of the web Indies rejecting the »Pane>r proposals.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 28 11 Ciienu Whee < Miss Mary >f Mr. Tan Kah r; ay afternoon at ifter a short vived by her husa -d two ons.
    28 words
  • 190 11 Prom Our Financial Correspondent Singapore, Monday. THE tin snare market was quiet 1 on Saturday but everywhere Quotations wer c maintained. There was small business in Batu Selangors, Thabaw)eik s and Kramats. The rubber share market continues to be quiet and while there are buyers
    190 words
  • 25 11 Singapore, Monday. Prices oi tin and rubber in Singapore at noon today were:— TIN $136«/;,, up $i/t. KUBBER Buyers Si) 1 Sellers 39V".
    25 words
  • 245 11 TO-DAY p.m 7.15: Talk on Fish, by W. Birtwhistel, Director of Fisheries, SS. and F.M.S. 7.30: Singapore Music Hall. 8 45: For the Australian Forces. 9.35: London relay, "The Stones Cry Out." TO-MORROW p.m. 7.15: Talk, "Malaya Speaks." 7.30: Successful Pupils (from the Studio). 10.20: London relay,
    245 words
  • 441 11  -  Official Embargo On Tin Precautionary By REVTER Cable London, June 14. ]y|ESSRS. Strauss and Co.'s tin circular states: "The change from a forward discount to a cash discount in London is due to the official embargo on exports and the withdrawal of outstanding export licences, meaning
    441 words
  • 46 11 Reuter. Lisbon, June 16. AMONG the 221 passengers who left Lisbon for the United States yesterday were 89 from the occupied areas of Europe and 44 survivors of the Egyptian steamer Zam Zam which was sunk by a German raider Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 39 11 Reuter. Washington. June 15. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S .sure throat has "practically cleared up" and his temperature is normal, recording to his physician, Dr. Ross Mclntire. The President will probably be able to resume his full duties tomorrow —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
      111 words
    • 20 11 SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. (Incorporated in New Zealand.) MARINE INSURANCE W. G. DOVE, Manager, Tel. 5926 2, Finlayson Green
      20 words
    • 316 11 HIGHLY-STRUNG SENSITIVE CHILDREN have a better chance in life But there are dangers that have to be watched during childhood RIGHT from birth on, you can lessly. All these are serious see whether a child is the signs that something is wrong, highly-strung, sensitive type or It usually means that
      316 words
    • 330 11 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA S. N. CO. SERVICES Bangkok. Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta. Port Swcttenham, Penang, Negapatam, Porto Novo, Cuddalore, Madras. Sailings will be maintained as regularly as circumstances permit. For information regarding freight and passenger accommodation apply to: BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated in F.M.S.) Tel. 5431 for Passage Freight.
      330 words
    • 357 11 P. o. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S.N. CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. The best possible services are being maintained by the P. O. S. N. Co, from the Straits to their usu3* ports of call in China, India. Ceylj and the United
      357 words

  • 68 12  -  Italian Internees Stage Riots From H. L. Hopkin London. June 16 yOUNG i alians, interned in the Isle ci Mi n, rioted alter organ.sing celebrations marking the anaiversarj of the declaration ol nur. Tney attacked and seriously njured an Internee known 10 be aro-British si ying:—"We will
    68 words
  • 103 12 The co per:system have now been to the purchase of shoes. H)i; move thus brings shoe.-- in some category as ctotht I' has also led to a beam :n the repairing' business. Rich and p i alike are affected, anc all oi them are determined to make
    103 words
  • 129 12 Reuter. a'cutta, June 16. a I N postponing '"direct J* on its c( nstitutional de- pted by 61 votes to ten Hindu Mahasabha—an In y re resenting moopinicn—at the end i on in Calcutta r peecbea during the debat< te; out that the
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 144 12 Reuter. London, June 16. 3JR. A. Duff Cooper, Minister of Information, speaking at Guildford in Surrey, warned the nation to expect a big German effort this summer. He referred to Greece and Crete AD "quite jrloomy setbacks" but said that these should be set
    Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 65 12 Reuter. London, June 14. THF new Commander-in-Chief of Use Coastal Command of the R.A.F., Sir Philip Joubert. who takes chr rge to-day of aerial operations in the Battle of the Atlantic, has been promoted to the rank of temporary Air Chief Marshal, it was officially announced
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 50 12 Reuter. London, June 14.—1n view of the Improved position in liaq, the restrict ons en sterling payments by residents of Iraq will be withdrawn from Monday, the Treasury announces. The residents will be to make sterling payments anywhere In ihe sterling area—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 28 12 Reuter. London. June 16. AFTER a quiet evening when no bombs were reported dropned oii Britain, the alert sounded in the London area early this morning.Router.
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 358 12 Reuter. London, June It. THE reasons for the relatively reduced night activity of Gorman bombers ever Britain during the past month were examined by Air Commodore R. V. Goddard in a broadcast war commentary. "Do you imagine." Commodore Goddard asked his listeners, "that the great bulk of
    Reuter.  -  358 words
  • 70 12 Reuter. London. June 14. THE French Fleet has left Tou- ten, according to a Vichy despatch to the official Geimaii new agency. Nc confirmation cl this message IS been leceived frcm any other ource, but it is commented In London that, if it is true,
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 56 12 British Wireless. Lond:n. June 10. WOMEN born in 1918 registered on Saturday for the industry service, bringing the number of women registered up to the million mark. About 50 per cent, of th? women already interview 3d are not available for transfer irom homßs owing to
    British Wireless.  -  56 words
  • 407 12 Reuter. (By Reuters Diplomatic Correspondent) i London, June 15. (GERMANY is finding Italy I more and more of a Ha- i bility than a help and that i tf J why the German efforts arc at present directed towards I securing evrn closer co-opera- tion with France,
    Reuter.  -  407 words
  • 147 12 British Wireless London. June 15. the subject oi the pc Ibility ot 1 a meeting of the Bommion Prime Ministers in London continues to interest public opinion in London. Recalling Mr. Churchill's statement in the Commons en Saturday night that he would warmly welcome such a
    British Wireless  -  147 words
  • 236 12 Eastern News. f, Shanghai, June 16. WAXC; CHING-WEI, head of the puppet Nanking Government, left for Japan yesterday aboard the N.Y.K. Yawata Maru, it was revealed in a communique issued by the Japanese (Government through the Japanese Consulate-General in Shanghai. Simultaneously, the Ministry o* the
    Eastern News.  -  236 words
  • 176 12 Reuter and British Wierless. London, June 16. AT least 78 Axis aircraft were destroyed by the R.A.F. and the Navy "in Europe an:i the Middle East during the week ended at dusk on Saturday. The R.A.F. Icsses amount to 4»; in all the theatres
    Reuter and British Wierless.  -  176 words
  • 170 12 British Wireless London. June 36. THE Air Ministry's pre-entry training scheme which provides for the instruction of potential candidates for commissioned rank t the universities is now in full swing and in a few months, the first batch of students will be training at
    British Wireless  -  170 words
  • 96 12 Associated Press. Lahore, June 3. THE number of Civic Guards recruited in the Punjab by the of Anrii 1941 was 19.910. This figure entitles the province to the first position in India in this re*neet. Penpal coming second with •bout 13 000 Civic Guards,
    Associated Press.  -  96 words
  • 17 12 Reuter. London, June 16. h TELEPHONE service .is to be cn°ned to-day Lisbon and London.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  17 words
  • 222 12 Eastern News. Batavia, June 15. THE Japanese delegates are calmly waiting for ihe arrival ol instructions from the Japanese Government to the latest Netherlands Fast Indies reply which may mean the complete breakdown oi tiade negotiations between Japan and the N.E.I. Mr. Yohizawa, the chief
    Eastern News.  -  222 words
  • 106 12 Reuter. London. June 16. j*IIE Admiralty announce that the i Destroyer Jersey was sunk by an nemy mine. The Jersey <i,690 ons> b:l n£ed to the Javelin class f destroyers She was completed n 1930 and had a normal complement of 133. Three times in
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 129 12 Reuter. Ban-kon 1n... 1- j THE harrnXi 3 JapancM- u| despatches i 1 lo be the th t in Thai daiii,... J]s The Varasab reveals th»< legislator contemplati a i uige the Cabinet I foreign correspondents The Si, stoiies like :i pit pjT i tier's
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 30 12 Th* Reynaud Government was replaced by th; t German thrusts north-v fti east cl Paris continued ments were neanng DUOB Marshal Petain MM asked for a te—Tion
    30 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 12 12 Brewed an,J battled l»y breweries ltd ni.irii»*« ituslk a reave ltd j
      12 words
    • 140 12 GRAND OPERA, LTGHT OPERA. ES3BS 391 The Gondoliers 6 Rteottf* I S O*) C L.".50 555 loianthe f Record* I 9.0 L 8321 326 The Mikado f> Pfcouh S 909 D 8434 439 Yeoman of the Guard 6 Records I 990 GRAND OPERA. A?da (Verdil 6 Records Sl2.m LX6IC 635
      140 words
    • 42 12 HOE BOON LEONG 58/40 OKHQBD ROM) /iNQQPORt v lAgents:I Agents: THE RADIO HOE HOON LEONG SERVICI SINGAPORE Taiping. Peak. j Distributors: Peaanff, Piwtoc v-i 1 RADIO GENERAL vior star, Kj N AGENCY, CHOP HUP SOO Kinlg l umnin- Kn»»i Qimi:-i"». W^*}***^ 0
      42 words