Malaya Tribune, 13 June 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 21 1 The Malaya Tribune JVfc &fo 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1941 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Friday, June 13, 1941.
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  • 59 1 Reuter. London, June 13. YESTERDAY afternoon aircraft of the Bomber Command, escorted by fighters, made a successful attack on enemy shipping in the Channel, says an Air Ministry communique. Direct hits were claimed on a ship of about 1,400 tons which was left sinking. One enemy fighter
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 268 1 "Let's Start The Shooting" Washington, June 12. BE ACTION ranging from a proposal to "convoy with battle fleets and let the shooting start," to expressed doubts whether Germany is responsible for the sinking of the Robin Moor swept the capital as forceful diplomatic
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  • 358 1 Reuter. Washington, June 12. THE I nder-Secretarv of the State Department, Mr. Sumner Welles, looked grave when he announced to dis Press conference to-day that according to a preliminary report from the United States Consul Mr. Walter J. Linthicum, at Pernambuco, the "Robin Moor was undoubtedly sunk
    Reuter.  -  358 words
  • 62 1 Reuter. New York, June 12. new vessels, totalling ►00 gross tons, were cornAmerican shipbuilding ng May when production 1 the highest level since the orl of the American Bureau J Shipping, quoted by the New ■''Jiiriial of Commerce, sta t! ;,r m addition, 12
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 211 1 London. June 13. "THE British continued their rapid advance in Northern Syria to-day," said an American commentate r broadcasting from Ankara last night. ••According to reliable reports, the British brigade, which oecnpie I the desert post of Dier ez-Zor on Wednesday is now pushing ahead in tiie
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  • 1540 1 ALLIED GOVTS. PLEDGE WAR TO THE END REUTER. London, June 13. THE fir A mMtiw of all UM British Umpire and Allied Governments engaged in the war against Germany was held at Saint James' Palace in London at noon yesterday. Tho ing, which
    REUTER.  -  1,540 words
  • 468 1 THE first news of a naval clash between Hrilish and French warships in the fighting, for Syria has been issued from Vichy, though there is no confirmation from London. The Vichy announcement declares that two light British naval units "were hit by two French
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  • 226 1 Reuter. D ESMOND lighc, Renter's Special Correspondent with a British column now driving north of Merj Ayoum, which has been described in Cairo as one of th? main centres of Vichy resistance ln Syria, and the capture of which followed sharp fighting In the Metulla sec- tor just
    Reuter.  -  226 words
  • 23 1 Reuter. Cape Town. June 13. FE chief rabbi, Mr. Hertzog, has arrived from New York. Re is on his way to Palestine —Reuter
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 238 1 Reuter. Malta, June 13. IT is officially announced that ten enemy aircraft were shot down over Malta yesterday (Thursday). Another was unlikely to reach its base, and others were probably damaged. The official statement describes how in the morning a strong enemy force was broken
    Reuter.  -  238 words
  • 178 1 Reuter. (By Martin Herliky, Reuler's Chief Correspondent in Cairo' Cairo, June 13. THE capture of Lekenti was announced yesterday. It is a town of some importance on the main road leading- westwards from Addis Ababa to an area still held by the Italians around .limma.
    Reuter.  -  178 words
  • 83 1 Reuter. Jerusalem, June 13. Fwas officially stated that on Wednesday night that there were raids on Haif, v and Tel Aviv when bombs were dropped. In neither town was there material damage but at Tel Aviv eight persons were killed and 25 injured, mainly as
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 141 1 Reuter. Washington, June 12. PETROL restrictions for the eastern states of the United Btates appear inevitable, tne Secretary of the Interior, Mr. Harold Ickes, told the Press to-day. He hoped to* have a plan for civilian conservation of oil ready in the next Week or two.
    Reuter.  -  141 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 65 1 ji. HASSAN. ft l ontrtrtuik •"••J. J7 Rm Basah Road. SjtrOM TEL Mil i v»ui r < i u rMneu: in n or repclr» of electna. n 4 w»tn P*P* fitting* plea** C a ,1« and we will submit <*M W i without obligation -JTkM*NSHJP GUARANTEED AN* CHARGES MODERATR stock:—ElectrW
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  • 220 2 2 Afcw Transmitters Possible (Tribune Staff Reporter) WHEN the new Cathay building is ready for occupation, one of the tenants will be the Malaya Broadcasting Corporation who intended having their town studios in the Cathay building. I As has been announced, the Malaya Broadcasting
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  • 83 2 Reuter. New York, June It. TIIE full shift was resumed thia morning at five factories of the vast Cleveland and Ohio works of the Aluminium Company of Anur!ca, following a settlement of the strike. The Comnanv stated that everything was running smoothly and it was
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 253 2 Reuter. LONDON, JUNE 11. TT IS OFFICIALLY ANL NOUNCED THAT THE BRITISH WARSHIPS, LADYBIRD AND TERROR ARE LOST AS A RESULT OF ENEMY ACTION DURING OPERATIONS OFF THE LIBYAN COAST. The Admiralty announcement states, "The next of kin of the casualties now having been informed*, the
    Reuter.  -  253 words
  • 75 2 Reuter. Madrid. June 13. THE Communist, Miss Dolores Ibarrui Gomez, whose impassioned speeches during the civil war made her known throughout the world as La Passionaria has been condemned to a 25.000,000--peso fine, which is equivalent to the loss of all her possessions, and banishment for
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 7 2 The I.S.P. Fighter Fund collectionsnow total $28,280.
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  • 25 2 The promotion of Second Lieutenants R V. Welch and D. R. Mathews, Federated Malay States Volunteer Force, to the rank of Lieutenant, has been approved.
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  • 117 2 Reuter. J Bangkok, June 12. COMMENTING on the per- sistent Japanese Press rej ports of the strengthening of the Malaya and Burma border defences as menaces to the security of Thailand, a hight placed Thai official declared to-day that Thailand was i not the least
    Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 159 2 (From Our Own lUporter) Kuala Lumpur. Thursday. BICYCLE thieves are active in Kuala Lumpur and last month between 65 and 70 machines were reported missing, it was revealed in a case heard 111 the first magistrate's court yesterday. Forged receipts, false chops and implements for
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  • 210 2 (From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Thursday. pOLICE from Ipoh and Chemor were rushed to a small village near the latter town to rescue two constables who, while effecting some arrests, were alleged to have been beaten up by several Chinese, sustaining bruises and abrasions. The two
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  • 23 2 (Cent-A-Piane Fund) .Total number of enemy planes destroyed during yesterday on all fronts up to midnight lon Hon time.... TWENTY
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  • 31 2 Reuter. Madrid, June 12. rIE French Ambassador, M. Pietri, has handed Sir Samuel Hoare, the British Ambassador, a further note regarding the British action in Syria to-day.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 229 2 Reuter. want sftH a and jury anything to do v had directly, with the d< ath A!: Erroll," said counsell wli 7 Delves Brought*.• Slr ti ial charged il h' th f,n of the Earl of ErroH TJ (kf the witness bo> judge's rejection of m
    Reuter.  -  229 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 120 2 MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS THE GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO.. 275,, S. Bridge Rd. Tel. 2IV» Established ln 1928. Optician C. T. TAN, Glasset supplied with a guarantee Coupon. «1871 70 YEARS OF SECURITY TO POLICY OWNERS 1941" Life Insurance is the one certain'means of f f cushioning a financial shock resulting from
      120 words
    • 288 2 WEAK KIDNEYS CAUSE RHEUMATISM Only a Kidney Restorative can help yog Rheumatism is usually due to weak, When you start to take De Witt's sluggish kidneys. These very important Pills you have positive proof within 24 organs, when working healthily, eliminate hours from the first dose that they are and
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  • 216 3 ivernment Jobs Are Too Tempting! (Tribune Staff Reporter) COINCIDENTAL with the reported shortage of labour in Penang harbour, Tribune learns that there is also a short- harbour "hands" in Singapore at the although this shortage has not yet I ar acute stage, shortage
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  • 33 3 ihe Postal Department advises that no air mails from the United Kingdom were received by the eastbound British Overseas Air ways Corporation flying boat wntcii arrived in Singapore yesterda\ afternoon.
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  • 22 3 A TALK on -Vegetable Growing" will be broadcast from Singapore oy Mr. G. H. Addison to- night at 7.15 o'clock.
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  • 10 3 The appointment of Miss untitled iismftl Serrlcv. has been anpr3\ti.
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  • 40 3 Hofors Ac-Ac guns, proven lor their efficiency against tow-flying high-speed planes, make up part of the aerial defence of Malaya. Many of them are manned by Indian gunners who are here shown during a practice shoot.
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  • 137 3 Reuter. —COMMONS STATEMENT London. June 13. THE programme of development which will provide "substantial assistance not only to the United Kingdom but to countries in the Fastern group" including Malaya, was mentioned in the House of Commons by the Minister of Supply. Sir Andrew Duncan, reporting on
    Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 86 3 British Wireless. London, June 10. SIR Alan Cuthbert Maxwell Burns has been appointed Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Gold Coast in succession to Sir A. W. Hodson. He has been Governor and Com-mander-in-Chief of British Hon duras since 1934. Born in 1887. he joined the
    British Wireless.  -  86 words
  • 332 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. JJEf ERENCE to prices in the central market, about which there has been general dissatisfaction, was made by the chairman of the Sanitary Board, Mr. W. N. Gourlay, at a meeting of the board to-day when the minutes
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  • 199 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Thursday. A TOTAL sum of $31,981.00 was paid to the nominees of deceased members during the year under review, stated Mr. Law Yew Swee, J.P., president of the Selangor Buddhist Association at the annual general meeting. "The report for the
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  • 165 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Thursday. HT the annual general meeting ol A the Perak Chinese Maternity Association held yesterday, with Mr. Lee Ah Weng, J.P., in the chair it was announced by Mr. A. W Hay, (Protector of Chinese, Perak i, that draft schemes
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 230 3 THROAT AT ERSE Glycerine and irrant PASTILLES are ti m pure glycerine and ol choice, fresh black by a special process cons rvea the full value ivi or of the fruit. Iving slowly, ALLENs PASTILLES have q stringent, demulcent, hich stops irritation and irther progress of the f^llenburys PASTILLES jAA.
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    • 90 3 THERE ARE MORE JOBS FOR WOMENIn times of War there are more opportunities for women to get first class jobs. Be prepared to fill one of these better positions by registering now with Pitmam College. You will soon have the qualifications to fill a well-paid job previously held by a
      90 words
    • 236 3 CS. 199 A ,J "(or eroisomieul and J nourishing dishes try I 1 old Star ee>r MITTOX" Cutlets per lb. $0.42 Leg (whole) per lb. $0.40 Loin Chops per lb. $0.40 Shoulder (whole) per lb. $0.30 Cold Storage Mutton makes better Curries HPj I r fIM SlTif nj Rrffl ftf
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  • 507 4 POLICE DISAPPOINT S.R.C 6; Police L QNE of their biggest victories for many years was scored by the Singapore Recreation Club at Anson Road Stadium yesterday, when meeting a weak Police team in a Div. I match. they trounced their opponents The
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  • 244 4 H.M. Customs 8; Stamford Sports Club 0. JNDISPUTABLY the better team, Customs beat Stamlord Sports Club in a Div. 2U match played on the J.C.S.A. ground yesterday, by eiirht goals to nil. A feature of the game was Amat Fattans hat trick in tne first
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  • 150 4 In a friendly game of badminton Played on their court on Sunday the Hurricane B.P. beat the Alexandra B.P. by 7 games to 2. Results were: (Hurricane players mentioned first). ,c^ Swyny lost to Kon Sen 13—13 (3 s >. *3-i3 (0-5): s. Galistan beat Lim Jlak Kirn
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  • 74 4 The Singapore Syrian Christian Union tennis and badminton ties to be played during the next three week-ends are: To-mcrrow: Tennis singles final —P. C George vs Vergis Koshy. Eadmmton singles semi-final—J. CKoruthu vs A. M. Cherian Saturday (June 21): Badminton d:ubles final—A. M. Cherian and T. A. Abraham vs J.
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  • 30 4 TO-DAY SOCCER: Malaya Cup, Singapore v Johore, Anson Road Stadium; Div. 11, A. Moravia v Malay Regt, 5.H.8.; R.A.S.C. v V.M.C.A.. V.M.C.A. TENNIS: Singapore open championships, S.C.C courts.
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  • 92 4 S.C.R.C. cricket teams for this week-end's matches are:— To-morrow against 5.A.0.8.A. at S.C.R.C. ground at 2 p.m.: Fung Guan Chye, Tan Huck Wan, Alex Tan, Evan Wong, Cheong Thiam Siew. Swee Lim Swang. Ong Swee Keng, Ong Teik Sin, Un Hon Wing. Chua Boon Unn, Scan. Keng Siew.
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  • 828 4 jyjESSRS. Cheong Yok Choy and Cheong Yok Chong headed the list of owners at the Ipoh meeting just concluded. Their stakes won amounted to $3,020. Mr. Alan Loke was "runner-up" with $2,740. Champion trainer, once again was Van Breukelen. He saddled nine winners.
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  • 122 4 SINGAPORE TENNIS HIGH standard of play was seen in the varioi^ i(1 Singapore open tennis championships played iff on the S.C.C courts. Nine ties were completed 1 suits were: the Open m en's doubles pu m and P. C. Tan tost t« £3 Ta and
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  • 41 4 The Naval Base "irhltji were awarded a walk-over in uv£ Div. HB match against Fort ning, which was to have Played at the Naval Bat vet? day. The team from Perl Cumin, arrived too late for the match.
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  • 175 4 DOZENS of children had a field day at the Singapore Swimming Club yesterday when novelty races were held. A large crowd had no less an amusing time in watching the events and some of the children's senses of direction in the blindfold race caused a
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    • 66 4 mm MINERAL WATER from the Seletar Hot Spring, Singapore. An alkaline drink with excel. cnt corrective properties I Be Our Regular Customei and Get Special Prices For All Your SPORTS Requirements From NATH CO., 27 Coleman St., TEL. 2604. c dSOP en r fr+f TOOTH PASTE Of all Tooth Pastes
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 58 5 i Most of the Nazi-con-Iquered people* of Europe i and nan) Asiatic races (are represented in Singa- port's Local Defence I rps, the local Home J l,u:U(l. They serve alongside S Eiglish residents of the I cit>. Picture on right shows i the following nationalities
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  • 58 5 i n Our Own Correspondent) Lumut. Thursday. Mr C L Carrier, District Forest I officer Dindings and Bruas star one d in Lumut, will proceed r to R"aub to-day. His >lace will be taken over by Gin Ghee of Raub. By Mr Carrier's departure from strict Sitiawan
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  • 51 5 .From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Thursday. t S C KeU, former I chaplain cf St. John's Church. Kell arrived in Ipoh on 7 on their return from derstood that the Rev. R j 7. mpson. who has been r the Rev. KeU in Ipoh, stationed hi Kuala
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  • 24 5 untitled Che Lah A.M.O., District untitled hag been transferred to the an Sungei Buloh. Dr. V. Velur m Sungei Buloh. has taken hl^> place.
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  • 1038 5 qpHE hearts of the people of the Empire are in London today," said Sir S hen ton Thomas, broadcasting from the Singapore studio last night on the occasion of the King's birthday. Sir Shenton sketched a picture of the swift change of events between this
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  • 54 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Tnuisday. THE third annual exhibition and sale of handiwork oi th Malay schools in Perak will be held in the Taiping town hail on June 28 and 29. The exhibition will be openea by His Highness the Buitan oi Perak. at 10 a.m.
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  • 27 5 inche Mohamed Salleh bin untitled man an Officer or Cla*ss IV Ma I 1 Civil* Service, has been appoint, d 'o "iinclate us Assistant District Officer, In
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  • 141 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter) A COCONUT tree, crashing down on a little shed in which half-a-dozen Malay women were celebrating a wedding yesterday at the East Coast, killed one middle-aged woman outright and seriously injured three others, who were removed to hospital by ambulance. Fracture of toe
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  • 62 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Sitiawan, Thursday. l«IS3 N. B- Craven, woman misi<i mary ol Sitiawan. has gone to Ivu.xwells Hill, Taring, on a n mth's holiday. Mr W. R Coombc, O.C F.D., Sitiawan, and local soccer league president, has gone on two we.ks' cave Tuan Haji Pin, tne
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  • 43 5 His Excellency the High Commissioner has confirmed the (Temporary) Commissions s So und Lieutenants in the "eclated Malaj States Volunteer Force *r.uv.ed to Mr. A H. Hill. Mr. C H Mr. A I Oreethem. Mr H. I. Royle. and Mr. H. tl Jennings.
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  • 782 5 Melbourne, June 12. Australian official war correspondent's first message from the Syrian border states that after sundown on Saturday Australians moved up towards a position within ■trikiniv distance of the border and waited. Even at this stage, writes Mr Kenneth Slesser. it was hoped that he move
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 15 5 Agents: NAINA MOHAMED SONS, Singapore, Kuala Lumput Penan;. j Jm '.'iV'. r' V 1 i
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    • 431 5 HEALTH MAGIC lfi|F<T-» *op of C'.'cicj' i'<! ~-^H Elf ha,.bur Oil contains 0» —Jai P? times mor< pTotfcme Vit» -c^B IB mm A and 50 timet mart -^^9 HI tunsfiin? V itamm D that l|3fl[ V/tam/ns V/ta/to HEALTH Doctors tell us that certain vitamins these vitamins. </ro/> o/ are essential
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  • 121 6 Decision For Japan IT is not difficult t<> imagine what Japan's reply i<> the setback her trade negotiations with the Dutch East Indies authorities would have been it* Britain and the United States had not reinforced their repeatad warnings with active defence preparations in the Pacific. The high-pressure power
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  • 146 6 THE only manner in which Hitler desires Japan to deal with what the Axis Powers might well consider to be an act of sheer effrontery on the part of the N.E.1., is obviously to attack her. Should Japan embark or. such a venture, dazzled by the rich baits
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  • 139 6 £UMmu as it docs on the eve of a special liaison conference of tho Japanese Cabinet, convened to deal with grave, issues, Vice-Admiral SirGeoffrey Layton's radio talk, in which he told those interested that the Singapore Naval Base was fully ready to discharge all the duties expected
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  • 549 6 THESE days the q U ing up childn taken on a scienl psychology is soun< schoolteachers by authorities who lull importance of tra the right lines. How do our Chii measure up to tl standard of strict, scientifi bringing of children The of the race hangs upon
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 44 6 I p I Fouf Portrail ruin ted hi/ j t QuuUficd Artist J Lilywhite Studio I 75 Bridge Road PHONE 6601. t for X; I j; ARTISTIC > LEE KIN SOO 4LA/H I /T" E 7 1 i 5nOW ROOM: f •i. High Street, Singapore.
      44 words
    • 44 6 II EX DE ItSOX FINE FUR FELT HATS Made in AUSTRALIA Even hard bitten men stem to nni,« <k v f»r (he ..bUkcbS si.ns of Si end Btyh .1« wrillen all „v,r every C and IN THE SMAIYrKSTCOWAN? I)RfcssE »-RVEN ItUttITfJUIUYS Kuala Lumpur-Ipoh-Sl NGAPORE-Penang-Taipeng.
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  • 307 7 Reuter. London, June 12. COINCIDING with the arrival of Sir Stafford Cripps, British Ambassador to Moscow, in London, the >matic correspondents of the morning papers' contrate on possible developments on the Russo-Ger-frontier. The Times says: "Outwardly, all seems calm between an 3 and the Soviet
    Reuter.  -  307 words
  • 101 7 Reuter. New York, June 11. IF the United States does not takp some action definitely and immediately, we may find ourselves surrounded on all sides by forces which eventually will crush this freedom we hold £o precious," declared Mr. Wendell Willkic m a soeech at a
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 51 7 Reuter. London, June 12. S I NITS of the I French Fleet j I at Toulon have left j for the Eastern v Mediterranean, ac- ording to official S advices reaching S v\\ ashington, ac- j j cording to the New j York Times. —Rev- j
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 85 7 Reuter. Simla. June 12. •rHE birthday honours gazetted ides Knight Commanders Star of India (K.C.S.I.l red on Sir Andrew Clow, Sir Raisman, members of the r General's Executive Gen. Fleming Hartley. V.rny. G.O.C., Northern mand, His Highness the Ma- raja of Dcwas. lc ol K G.I.E. is
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 557 7 Reuter. LONDON, JUNE 12. JHE BRITISH HAVE ADVANCED ALONG THE COAST ROAD IN SYRIA TO WITHIN SIX MILES OF SIDON, IT WAS LEARNED IN LONDON TO-DAY. This brings them 2« miles from Beirut, the capital of Syria and the undoubted Allied objective in their main
    Reuter.  -  557 words
  • 70 7 Reuter. Ottawa. June 11. PERMITS tor two wheat shipments to North China have been issued Mr. Mackenzie King, the Canadian Premier, announced that this was in accordance with the wishes of the British Governm°nt, and in the interest I of all parts of the British
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 38 7 Reuter. Montreal, June 12. AN Atlantic crossing in 810 minutes, it h officially announced, is the j new East West record time for a I flight from England to Canada. The I plane was bringing trans-Atlantic pilots back.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 134 7 Reuter. New York, Jun* 12. FN cargo ships, comprising the fleet of the Southern Pacific Company which were ordered by r he Maritime Commission to be delivered for "national defence ourposes" In connection with President Roosevelt's shipping pool for aid to the Allies, are
    Reuter.  -  134 words
  • 172 7 Eastern News. Batavia, June 12. MR. Kenkichi Yoshizawa, the chief Japanese delegate, and the Japanese Consul-General, Mr. Ishizawu, called on Dr van Mook Minister of Economic Affairs, and Jonkheer van Hoogstratcn, Director of the Commercial Affairs Bureau, in the Netherlands East Indies Government. It is
    Eastern News.  -  172 words
  • 104 7 Reuter. Shanghai. June 12. PANDEMONIUM reigns in Foochow, a treaty port on the Fukien coast, which was recently captured by the Japanese, following a Chinese advance to the outskirts of the city, accordine to a local proChungking Chinese paper, the Sir. Wa Pan quoting a Chungking
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 181 7 Reuter. ADEN, JUNE 12. ASSAB—THE SECOND PORT OF ERITREA—WAS CAPTURn ED ON WEDNESDAY MORNING AFTER A COMBINED DAYLIGHT OPERATION BY THE NAVY, ARMY AND AIR FORCE, IT IS OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED. Several hundred prisoners were taken, including two Italian generals. Referring to the occupation of Assab, the
    Reuter.  -  181 words
  • 103 7 Reuter. Moscow. June 12 rO trade agreements between Soviet end Japan were initialled yesterday says the Tass agency. It says that since February 17. negotiations have been proceeding between the Soviet Commissar of Foreign Trade, M. Mikoyan, and the Japanese Ambassador. Mr. Tatekawa. with a view
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 106 7 II \I I<>H M I <>• (Valse) Outstanding record! P.*****-RAYUAM GUITAR Rumta I by MM Yalta N'ASEB PENYANYI New Kronchong J P. *****— BUNGA RAHPAI VKronchongs by Miss Emmy, a new MEN AH AN II ATI Jh.M.V. Star singer. I» ***** SRI BANANG 1 Genuine Malay songs sung oy Che
      106 words
    • 56 7 THE OHLY DIGIVERMiNT A 2™ The Mints you always waul because they're delicious and good for you. OBTAINABLE AT ALL GOOD DEALERS ROBINSON'S S I NGAPO RE 304-41-568 inibrcakable glass, cCO adjustable uristlet. Swiss Watch Specialists [noPE in eiiglqTu ITS THE mm tobacco w THAT COUIITS ii READ THE SUNDAY
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  • 77 8 The family of the late Mrs. Chye Liew Quee nee Meianie Lee thank all friends and relatives who attended the funeral, sent letters of condolence and wreaths. The family of the late Mrs. Chua Hong Hin tender their heartfelt thanks to the many friends and relatives who
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 69 8 ITS THE BIG HOLIDAY SHOW WITH IT'S STAR RIGHT IN OUR MIDST! Betty Bryant has captured All hearts! See her in this Thrilling Adventure Epic |cAPiTog :t r^ T gr| m I flßte _TV, S Bh -V fli Bf? j LATEST CINESOUND NEWS ,w«h BETTY BRYANT PREPARING FOR HER SINGAPORE
      69 words
    • 182 8 It's a great Day for tl\e Irisfr! LOOK Who's Here! The Cute favourite of "STRIKE UP THE BAND" in her first SOLO Starring Role MIDNIGHT PREMIERE 12-10 CAPITOL. .To -morrow Night j JUDY ML COHAN'S^ GREAT BROADWAY MUSICAL SHOW? J Iff ""'iff Eß *mm nolleu E *mUt McPHAIL 1/ A
      182 words
    • 452 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Situation Vacant WANTED Male Stenotypist, strong in English. State salary with testimonials. Apply P. O. Box 443. Singapore. (No. 9t'oHj Professional PSYCHOLOGIST advise s you on Domestic happiness, finance, health, marriage and 10-.? affairs. Write C. W. Chellappah, r|o Bj\ 859. Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. :>SBH) for Sale
      452 words
    • 165 8 SEE GINGER in 'the best performance of h which won her the ACADEMY AWARD i„ (areer 1 (ri#A L. Actress of 1940! tilJxZiljLil^Jr/ii daji GINGER ROGERS *SL —Ol America's White-Collar fflk*i II G/>/, in Christopher Morley's MORGAN-CRAIG fife BHIARDO CUNNELU ERNEST COSSART GLADYS Directed by SAM WOOD WHO MADE "GOODBYE
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  • 95 9 (From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Thursday CONVICTED on two charges ot having pretended to be a customs officer and thereby dishonestly induced a Chinese shopkeeper to give him 25 cents and $1 respectively, Shanmugam, an Eng-lish-speaking Indian, was yesterday sentenced to a total term ot months' rigorous
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  • 66 9 Tunku Baharom and Tunku Osman who left Kodah six years ago for En< land to continue studies at preparatoi-y j schools and then at public schools and j Oxford University, have .completed their I courses and are returning home soon. The I former obtained a diploma in Political Scitntc and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 232 9 smTlestones galore in the I I "ROAD TO ZANZIBAR" I 1 SHOWS TO-DAY 11 A.M. 3.15 6.15 915 WNG CROSBY-808 HOPE— DOROTHY LAMOLR Where Everybody Goes I jflSltt "ROAD to ZANZIBAR" JBP »52 MORE LAUGHS THAN jfj&jk "ROAD TO SINGAPORE" •v 1 so FUNNY THAT EVEN THE LIONS ROAR. 1
      232 words
    • 236 9 TO-MORROW I AT MIDNIGHT Rcpnbfic Pictures pmean Ifmf I J NAN YANG car SERVICE 4 TIMES DAILY. MALACCA TO SINGAPORE AT NAN CHIANG HOTEL. 84, Bunga Rava Road, Phone 92. SINGAPORE TO MALACCA AT HAICHEW HOTEL, 35, Beach Road, Phone 3015. 'w ————^BBS mmm SBBEBR LAST NIGHT 6.15 9.15 A
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      59 words
    • 394 9 Public Notices BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (Chapter 45) In the High Court of the Straits Settlements Settlement of Singapore. Summary Case. In Bankruptcy. No. 202 of 1933. Re If. MAM AT of No. 15, Lorong 17, Geylang, Singapore, Proof Reader. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a First Dividend is intended to be
      394 words
    • 156 9 EH of the haunting loveliness... the V gallant loyalty H ...the under- HI standing heart I SB 'i HESTER cf the smolder- Wr '^SSt_ IN GRID WARNER A tOltr SMtfwOOD >»ODUCTiON Diftcf d by Gt£GO«Y BATOFf A TO-DAY L'NSVITABLE FOR NON-ADULT AUDIENCES MORNING SHOW at II A.M. TO-MORROW MATINEES To-morrow
      156 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 775 10 rasgsg tmssif hp-hps aeaa Situations Vacant SALESMAN WANTED with driving licence tor van. Apply Box 847, Malaya Tribune, Blngapore. (No. WANTED experienced Chinese dispenser for a Singapore dispensary. Apply with copies of testimonials. Box No. Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. DS4JI) A JUNIOR CLERK wanted with knowledge of book-keeping, Tamil preferable.
      775 words
    • 872 10 Personal YOUNG CHINESE desires to correspond with lonely Chinese girl. View friendship. Photo returnable. Box 835 co Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. VulB) YOUNG ENGLISHMAN would like to m«t educated Chinese girl, willing to teach Malay lond of dancing. Photograph appreciated, returnable. Box 855, Mtlivi Tribune, Kuala Lumpur. (No. 955H) WELL-TO-DO
      872 words
    • 821 10 To Let TO LET. Well furnished double bedsitting room. M.S. Every convenience. Apply 2, Eu Court, 5—7 p m. (No. J49H) CORNER HOUSE, furnished flat vacant. All conveniences. Telephone 6794 or G9BO. Mrs Lancaster, 332. River Valley lioad. (No. 9.17.'*) TO LET airy rooms in compound house, locality, MacPherson Road,
      821 words
    • 732 10 Public Notices THE SINGAPORE AUCTIONEERS AUCTION SALE Of modem European polished TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, crockery, glassware, cooking utensils, etc., etc. (The property it Mrs. C. Kreyi. To be held at No. ft, Swanage Road (Grove Estate, off Tanjong Katong Rd.), On Saturday. June 14th., 1941. at 2.30 p.m. On view
      732 words
    • 642 10 IN THE HIGH COURT, SINGAPORE. 'Originating Summons No. 49 of 1941 In the Matter of the Trustee of the Will of LEE KIM SOO, Deceased and In the Matter of Section 56 of the Trustees Ordinance. Between Neo Bah Tah (Widow) Plain!iff and L The British Malaya Trustee Executor Co.,
      642 words
    • 372 10 WE ARE PLEASED to advise the Public that new stocks of ANTIPEOL Cutaneous Vaccine Ointment have arrived from England. Its healing action is rapid and certain in all septic conditions, and its immunising properties render it invaluable treatment for any affection whatever of the skin. Sold by all good Chemists.
      372 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 882 10 SINGAPORE LONDoIT^ ZHL. 225 m. 1133 k|cs. EASTERN Itiwnt... ZHP.I. 30.96 m. 969 m!cs. GSV 17»i NSM ISSION ZHP.2 48.58 m. 6.175 m|ci. OSF U.'JJ mrfc 1« 84 ZHP.3. 4138 m. 725 m|cs. 6.15 pm AV 1 FRIDAY. JUNK 13. GSD ll 11 50 Pm. ZHL. 225 m. 1333 k,cs.
      882 words

  • 126 11  -  RECORD OUTPUT OF BRITISH STEEL By •if.-'.--.. REUTER Cable London, June 12. home output, with large and increasing imports A United States and the Dominions, continue to war requirements of iron and steel. Adequate. M.rted supplies of semis permit the maintenance serves. oi ioundry iron si
    126 words
  • 141 11 London, May 15. DUKIT SEMBAWANG RUBBER CO. v is doubling its dividend for 1940 at 12 per cent. The capita is £166,977. Sungei Purun (F.M.S.) Rubber Co., is paying a dividend of 10 per cent., an increase of 2V 2 per cent on 1939. The net profit is
    141 words
  • 17 11 London. June 11: Silver was steady with production quarters satisfied with the negligible trade buying.
    17 words
  • 161 11 From Our Financial Ccrrespanden^ Singapore, Friday. kT the opening of the market rt after the holiday this morning, there are outstanding buyins? orders for Hong Fatt, Larut, Austral /malgamated, Kundang and Pungah. Raubs were in request at 3 82 y 2 In the rubber
    161 words
  • 41 11 London, June 11: The Central Mining Corporation's chairman thinks that the recent raisins cf South African gold-mining industry's special tax contribution of 11 to 16 per cent, must, to some extent, adversely affect the dividends of several companies.
    41 words
  • 14 11 New York, June 11: Wali Street was mainly registering the labour developments.
    14 words
  • 16 11 New York, June 11: The market was nervous about to-day*s meeting in Washington.
    16 words
  • 21 11 Singapore, Friday. Prices of tin and rubber in Singapore at noon today were:— TIN RUBBER Buyers 39*/«, Sellers 39%
    21 words
  • 263 11 Singapore, Wednesday. rpHE stormy International outlook «i;ms to be exercising no effect whatever en the market, which has throughout tho week remained persistently dull but remarkably steady, states Stanton Nelson In their weekly rubber market review Highly Important news Is contained In a cable received yesterday,
    263 words
  • 236 11 Reuter. (By Reuters Special War Correspcndent on the Syrian coasta< sector/. London, June 13. SPORADIC lesistmce is being gradually smothered by the Australian forces marching towards Beirut, and after Tuesday's over the Lecntes River, where a stiff encounter turned into an Australian victory,
    Reuter.  -  236 words
  • 101 11 Reuter. Washington, June 12. Senate, by 46 votes to 25 has approved legislation authorising the President to s*ize defence Dlants in the case rf existing or threatened failure of production, and where the management and labour fail to utilise existing mediation agencies The Administration lost the
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 38 11 Chicago. June 11: Despite the torrential rains and floods suspending harvest in Oklahoma end Kansas, the wheat market tears that the wet harvest will ultimately be bearish, since low Quality zrain is ineligible for Government loans.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 321 11 Front Page Reminder To All Wise Parents. < a worried when the tells of weight for baby, the little one is not thrivIn many such cases rmrits of Baby's Own Ind renewed health and th,. child. tasting tablets are the I r those health troubles tren which arise from a
      321 words
      45 words
    • 329 11 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA S. N. CO. SERVICES Bangkok. Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta. Port Swettenham, Penang, Negapatam, Porto Novo, Cuddalore, Madras. Sailings will be maintained as regularly as circumstances permit. For information regarding freigti 4 and passenger accommodation apply to: BOUSTEAD CO.. LTD. 'Incorporated in F.M.S.) Tel. 5431 for Passage
      329 words
    • 357 11 P. o. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England) PENINSUIAR AND ORIENTAL S.N. CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. The best possible services are being maintained by the P. O. S. N. Co., from the Straits to their usua 1 ports of call in China, India, Ceyto and the
      357 words

  • 291 12 Reuter. RITQcn rT?x>\r a London, June 13. RLe r 01,3 iseUsse<l in WmkT i« The the says it that the ca 'e taken to frive publicity to Soviet t Coneentrati o« of German military power on' th,. offenlo iT r tK SU^ eStS 3
    Reuter.  -  291 words
  • 61 12  -  (Trr m H. L. Hopkin London, June 12. MAJOR J-chn Vernon Gibson, 47, of th3 Duke of Wellington s Regiment, who was recently courtmaitialleci for lrautiulent misapplication of the funds cf the Leeds Technical Training Group, was cashiered and sentenced to seven years' penal servitude. Gibson was a
    61 words
  • 193 12 S London. June 13. IR Patrick Dollan, Provost of Glasgow, declared in a speech at Fire, that Rudolph He<s. (Nazi No. 3 who provided the biegest sensation ol the war by landing *n Scotland one month* to-davi came here
    193 words
  • 231 12 Story Of Robin Moor Survivors Reuter. Washington, June 12. The survivors of the Robin Moor informed Ihe American Consul that the German submaiinr torpedoed her after givI ing the crew 20 minutes to abandon ship, it is officially announced. The Consul reported to the State Department that the
    Reuter.  -  231 words
  • 338 12 Melbourne, June 13. The A.I F., moving on rvamaseus, is encountering opposition in the Merj Ayoum are a from defences prepared in houses, crops and orchards, says lan Fitchett one of the two official Australian War Correspondents in the Middle Fast. The Air tralian artillery
    338 words
  • 50 12 Reuter. London. June 11.—The Assistant Chairman of the British Council Sir John Chancellor, who had been acting as chairman since the appointment of the lite Lord Lloyd a s Secretary of State has now resimied from thai post but wul remain on the Executive Committee of tho Council 1 Renter
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 34 12 Reuter. Washington. June 12.- President dent Roosevelt h a > nominated Mr Harlan F Stone, of New York' *o succeed Mr Charfes Hvan* Hu?hes .iv Thief Justice of the I nited States Supreme Court.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 92 12 Reuter. London j u jJIR CHARLES CI come Controls r at t of Aircraft Product ir to a Ministry ol An announcement which U: at the request of t ter and the Production, the bcurd of trs* has agreed to releaS I Craven to takeH? Si
    Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 57 12 The many friends of untitled Popular Selangor ftu£L v.t s missing when iL J l ,:u r «ta >c was returning to M.; J leave was intercepted A; by a raider some month V 3:: Klad to learn that n™" f\'f to ed through the Red Cr£ but Is held
    57 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 472 12 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS GOVERNMENT j Proceeds to be a gift to His Majesty's Government for the purposes of the War f ,SS UE OF MALAYAN 510,000,000 j REGISTERED DEBENTURE STOCK il I (Authorised by Straits Settlements War Loan (Local) Ordinance 1941) II REPAYABLE AT I\\R NOT LATER THAN 15th JULY, 19TJ.
      472 words
    • 106 12 f a jr beauty- Th 9«rl with fair ski. has MORE sex appeal and Allure than the girl with sun-tanned complexion.* This is what leading beauty expert, 2 lt S true Me adore lair lo "me™ com P*™n more th?„ •n>tning else. So don't let uelv sun-tan •pod your romance.
      106 words
    • 5 12 W 'T V I' SSBBsJ
      5 words
    • 177 12 PRESENT JUDY GARLAND whose :ovely voice has captured the hearts of inilhons winch Wery one's one now before it is too late! r her OVn home M LOVE AFFAIR" <Film. Strike up the Band' F.M ALWAYS CHASING RAINBOWS 'Film: Ziegfeld Girl. Now (,n sale at all Dealers in it. Write
      177 words