Malaya Tribune, 6 June 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Net Sales Exceed 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1941 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Friday, .June 6, 1941.
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  • 581 1 FRENCH COLONIES TO BE TAKEN OVER? Line- Up With Nazis "Inimical" To America Reuter. Cordell Hull, the Secretary of lWm State, yesterday informed France that Franco-German collaboration was "inimical" to the rights of the United States and other nations.
    Reuter.  -  581 words
  • 133 1 Reuter. I UR. Ccrdtll Hull's states' mtnt is regarded by i litical observers in Washington as > document I of the first importance and i final warning to Vichy that if it bows to I Berlin ard follows the path of Darlan. it has in- dicattd
    Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 164 1 London, June 6. MR Cordell Hull's warning to 1 Vichy has been followed by the iifws that the leaders of the Preach African territories have been summoned to Vichy for a conference with Marshal Petain. At the same time it is announced Gin. Weygand has postponed
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  • 251 1 Ankara, June 6. at Aleppo and Palmyra in Syria are now in German hands, and all signs have been printed in French and German, according to travellers. A London message says that the latest news from Syria is that the French authorities there have
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  • 60 1 Reuter. London, June •>• THE reply of the Netherlands East Indies to the Japanese economic proposals is expected to be handed to the head of the Japanese Delegation to-day. According to the Batavia Radio, the Netherlands East Indies will refuse to co-operate in any way
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 127 1 Reuter. Chungking, June 6. WHILE Japan remains undecided whether to go southward or penetrate further into China's interior, the Chinese Army is looking towards the autumn when enough American armament, it is expected, will have been received to enable her to take
    Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 245 1 Reuter. Washington, June 6. STATEMENT made by Hitler on May 23 to the former United States Ambassador in Belgium, Mr. John Cudahy—now Berlin correspondent of the American magazine Life—is pub- lished in that magazine to-day (Friday). IN THE FIRST INTER- VIEW GRANTED TO AN AMERICAN
    Reuter.  -  245 words
  • 75 1 Reuter. Tokyo, June 8JAPANESE shipping circles are apparently mystified at the withdrawal of four American President liners from the Far East, reported to have been ordered by the United States Government. Information reaching a local Japanese shipping company from San Francisco states that
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 56 1 Reuter. London, June 6. FROM Tokyo it is reported that the Government of French IndoChina hu.s consented to the removal by the Japanese of military and other stores destined for the Chinese Government. The stores, it is added, had been accumulating at various
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 30 1 London, June 6. THERE was considerable diplomatic activity in Tokyo yesterday. Mr. Maisuoku, the Foreign Minister, received the Italian Ambassa. dor and laier the United States Ambassador, Mr Joseph Grew.
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  • 139 1 Reuter. Ankara, June 6. 1 THE attitude of Turkey to a pos- sible outbreak of hostilities in Syria is the main pre-occupation of the Nazi diplomats In Ankara. According to some circles in Ankara, yon Papen, the Nazi Ambassador, has already asked the Turks to make
    Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 72 1 Special London Cable From H. L. Hopkin Via Cable and Wireless. London, June G. THE body of the Rev. Edmund Sinker, aged 69, honorary canon of Southwark, who has been missing since Mar. 18, has been recovered from a waterfilled cla pit in Arlesley.
    Via Cable and Wireless.  -  72 words
  • 62 1 Reuter. Washington, June 5. THE reasons for President Roosevelt's requesting of powers V seize property was explained tr Mr. Stimson, Secretary for to a press conference. They were needed, he said. 1 relieve machine tooi bottlenecks aluminum shortages and Germar patent controls on vital defence processes,
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 107 1 Reuter. Washington, June 5. AN expenditure of 592,000,000 for modem long-range along the north-cast coast has li< (it recommended b\ the House of Representatives Appropriation Committee, in order that warships and aircraft might be freed from the defence of harbours. Major
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 163 1 Reuter. Washington, June 5. THE House Appropriations Committee lias sent to ihe House the $10,009,655,187 Army Supply Bill, the largest single appropriation since Great War days, including funds to give the United States Air Corps a total of 40,000 planes. Mr. Robert Patterson, the
    Reuter.  -  163 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 70 1 HI. HASSAN,KwiricaU, G Contractor*, IV, 3« 37. Brat Hasan Road, VINGA' >ORE TEL. Mil. For all y° ur requirement* in th* installation or repairs of electric. cas and water pipe fittings, pleas* I pcrnult v* snd we will submit mar estimate without obligation I I WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED AND I CHARGES
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    • 16 1 mcc cc's- ,ht> *c aC ,f /gr/gWjp >o»^t»eo*' 6£ te^ 00 A^a oeo /41 Warina 2
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  • 779 2 WITH the possible outlets for canned pineapples progressively reduced, the pineapple industry has been trying various ways and means to utilise the resulting surplus of fresh fruit, states the Malayan Agricultural Journal. Research work was done on pineapple jam and some measure
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  • 288 2 Singapore, Thursday. HOW two men entered into a '•partnership" to collect funds for a non-existent school was revealed in the third police court to-day when two additional charges of cheating were preferred against Chew Ng and Kirn Kee Chan, the two Chinese who admitted a charge
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  • 145 2 Singapore, Thursday. A SEQUEL to the case in which Tibi bin Mansor. a fireman, was charged on Tuesday with causing hurt to nine other firemen, was heard in the District Traffic Court to-day when a charge of causing the death of Kuchit bin Ibrahim by a
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  • 165 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) ONE of the latest "notwanteds" dumped into Singapoie's scrap collecting depots is, believe it or not, a gcod old motor-car! It is a car whose condition is good enough for it to be converted into i van which will soon go through
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  • 127 2 Singapore. Thursday. A l9-YEAR-OLD Cantonese youth. Fong Weng Kee. who appeared before the fifth magistrate. Mr. L. C. Goh. to-day. on a charge of loitering at the junction of Tanglin Road and Napier Road last night, -'with intent to commit an offence. pleaded guilty. The investigating
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  • 125 2 Singapore. Thursday. CHARGED with misappropriating a silk suit, Wong Ah Mun (28» pleaded guilty before Mr. W. D. I Carew in the third police court tooay. Wong's excuse was that he needed money to buy some medicine so he pawned the suit*. It was stated
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  • 374 2 Singapore, Thursday. BY an "amicable arrangement" with the respondents, Messrs. Thornycrcft (Singapore) Ltd. today obtained permission from the Singapore Rent Assessment Board to eject tenants from premises adjoining their shipyard subject to certain agreed conditions. It was stated when the application came up before
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  • 23 2 (Cent-A-Piane Fund) Total number of enemy planes destroyed during yesterday on all fronts up to midnight lon don time.. TEN
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  • 104 2 Singapore, Thursday. PLEADING lor leniency, Liang Ga Sing (54», the contractor who admitted being the promoter of a wha hoay lottery last week, inicrmed Mr. W! D. Carew, the third magistrate before whom he came up for sentence, that he had several coolies under him
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  • 116 2 Magistrate In Uniq Ue Position Singapore Th lM c MR. C. H. Whitton tSS gistrate, wa s placed in ma position to-day when h,V sit as a magistral n fJ which he was I the district traffic court G. H. Curu stadium, was the defeS he was given the >pUon
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  • 43 2 The following untitled commissions as Sec a the F.M.S.V.F. have their rank: Messrs. R. L E Whltaker and M. J I V loving new tempore-. Second Lieutenant l. Messrs. I. H. Alsop. 8. C 1 wles, V q J. Coppape and W. N. <
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  • 556 2 Singapore, Thursday. A SEQUEL to the reported theft of $2,016 worth of and cash belonging to a Chinese couple who lived in i room of a hotel in Geylang Road, was heard in the district court to-day when two Malays, Salleh bin Ashad and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 43 2 THOMPSON OPTIC AL Co. 4, ARCADE BUILDING Specializing; Ocular Muscle Anomalies. Crossed Eyes. /r^^. Intricate Visual /§^s^ Problems. I Glasses if needed. R. A. Thompson Dr. of Ocular Science. 35 years' European CUakal Experience. Thone 3002. mosquitoes j^^^^ V Fli,,fth "rrr.^ 5 rill
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  • 186 3 Approach A Iready Made To Home Authorities (Tribune Staff Reporter) OPENINGS for local medical men in the military hospitals in Malaya are being planned. Local dressers and nurses have already been taken into the military hospitals throughout the county, and the Tribune
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  • 50 3 THE eleventh anniversary celeb- rations of the Broadway Musical Party will be held at Mr. Tan Boon Liat's. bungalow. Mata Ikan. on Saturday and Sunday. Members desirous of free transport are requested to assemble at Mr. Tan Ah Goo's residence, 22, Jalan Kembagan before 2.30 p.m.
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  • 68 3 Miss Betty Bryant, the Australian film star, who flew to Singapore specially for the premiere of her film "Forty Thousand Horsemen" ichich will be held in aid of the War Fund. She teas met at the a-'rport by a big crowd which included Mr. Julius Fisher and
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  • 805 3 "I'm In Love With Life A Medical Student" (Tribune Staff Reporter) r Miss Betty Bryant, Australia's latest film find who has hit the headlines all over the world with her performance in her first picture "40,000 Horsemen," arrived in Singapore by plane yesterday, and had a pleasant surprise when a
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  • 158 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) local shippers say (hat it is too early yet to say how the new arrangements for controlling freight charges fcr vxyages touching British and United States territories for the duration of the war (published in the Tribune yesterday) will affect Malaya, the
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  • 132 3 (From Our Ow n Reporter) Penang, Thursday, j A STRONG objection to an alle- gat ion by Mr. Lim Huck Aik j that there were a number of extortion cases nowadays, was made Iby the Crown Counsel, Mr. Paul Storr, in the course of the
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  • 92 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Thursday. "TT is essential that landlords should get the permission of the Board before increasing their rents, even if the tenants agree to such increases. "Rents cannot be increased without the permission of the Board," declared Major H. J.
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  • 288 3 Singapore, Thursday. A VERDICT of death by misadventure, was returned by the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter to-day at the inquiry into the death of a Chinese domestic servant, Ng Kirn Seek, who was fatally injured when she was knocked down by a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 143 3 Mmi*** PROUD 1 P Of course you want to take lifejf v i like snaps of your family, friends '|L t-OS I and happy experiences. If you "wr vj¥ j get a Kodak camera it is easy to V I w get gooc so wn y not ask t0 Kodak
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    • 672 3 1 I Australia produces Biscuits LSSi. /apSr Breakfast Cereals t§sNs3 everything that you Butter, c/ieese J need for your shop- Frttffs I|F ping list. A really Honey *tj2L I Frutts in Syrup C&M jy\ fine choice of good Fisfc Posies rSffl Jams things for the table, Means' f and the
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  • 289 4 M.F.A. Reserves 3 S.C.F.A. Reserves 1 ITNINSPIRING football was served at Anson Road Stadium yesterday when the Chinese Reserves (S.C.F.A.), displaying deplorable finishing, went down three-one to the Malay Reserves in a league match. The sccre was one-all at The end of the first
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  • 86 4 London, June 5. OXFORD and Cambridge have agreed to meet in the interuniversity cricket match at Lord's on June 28. This is the first occasion the universities will have met in wartime cricket. All the proceeds of the one-day match will go to the Red
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  • 195 4 V.M.C.A. 4 Malay Regt. 2 DOMINATING exchanges in both halves V.M.C.A. defeated the Malay Regiment by four goals to two in a Div 2A soccer match played on the Y. M. C. A. ground yesterday evening. In the first half the V.M.C.A. were
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  • 125 4 (iTom Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Fiiday. CLOW work was the order of the day on the tracks this mornin?; when candidates were put thiouirh their final paces in prept ration for to-morrow's races. Most impressive of the horses that came out were Lord Bug. National.
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  • 90 4 Reuter. London, June 5. DERBY second callover:— 75 20 Lambert Simnel offered, 4 1 taken. 61 Morogoro and Sun Castle taken and offered. 9 1 Thoroughfare offered. 100 8 Orthodox and Star Wort offered. 100 7 Fairy Prince taken and offered. 100 6 Sunny Island offered. 20 1
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 40 4 y.M.C.A. tennis tournament ties 1 for to-day are: "A" doubles handicap (semifinal): John Lim and Ong Chew Pee <—15» vs. Low Kee Choc and Y. P. Tan <—6). Championship single (final): Chin Kee Onn vs. C. K. Pang.
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  • 396 4 Y.M.C.A. Tennis Tourney FN a match which will be remembered for some time to come for its science, superb placing, and powerful cutting, Yadi and H. Kamis defeated Chua Choon Leong and Chin Kee Onn 6—2, 3—6, 6-—l, in the men's doubles final of the
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  • 249 4 S.H.B. 4: R.A.S.C. 4. IN an evenly contested Div. 118 soccer match, the R.A.S.C. held the Singapore Harbour Board to a 4-all draw on the S.H.B. ground, yesterday. In the very first minute of th 2 frame, Macmullen cut through on his own and scored the
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  • 56 4 TO-DAY SOCCER: Div. I, S.C.F.A. v lb, chesters, Stadium; Div it d" Fort Canning v R.AF ,rr 5.H.8.; Post Office v S.C., Post Office: B.H.L o£? sea Chinese Bank v Honeknr and Shanghai Bank. Jcs fl g Malacca CUP V TENNIS: S.C.R.C. and Y|| c a tournaments. AATHLETICS:
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  • 117 4 TESTS for the Royal Life Bj Society Intermediate CertirTcate and Bronze Medallion held at the V.M.C.A Wednesday. Candidates were examined by Mr. R. Lyne Twenty two boys from Raffles Institution were tested and only one failrd to qualify for the Bronze Medallion The following passed
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  • 1024 4 j/OLLOWING are the weights for to-morrow's Ipoh races, last Hay's events of the Perak Turf Club's June meeting. HORSES, CLASS I, DIV. I—s' 2 FURLONGS STR. i 2 0 1 NATIONAL 5v 9.11 Mr Ong Tens Hock van Breuk t 1 0 BAY DRAGON 6v 9.10 Mrs.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 393 4 X For X v||kDOttNG A LEE KIM SOO /L A/M 1. /T X EE SHOW ROOM 89. High Street. Singapore. jp-l SEGRETWYOUTH /OWm W now revealed! mJlilm )jtf3 m Vital strength and energy fail* fl j» as age ndvances only because m M elands become tired, weak and I MM^tJmW^.
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    • 42 4 PURE CEYLON TEA Every packet of Tea sent out under the name of "GOLD LEAF" for sale, rests a responsibility that is not entirely measured by its price. For reliability, "GOLD LEAF" is unaffected by any other lea on the market to-day.
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    • 39 4 j Be Our Regular Customs and Get Special Price* For All Your SPORTS Requirement From NATH CO, 27 Coleman St., TEL. 2601. WATER (is MINERAL WATER from tha SeJeta/ llot Spring, Siogapora. As alkaline drink with cor* ractlva propertied
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 195 5 "Utmost Should Be Done To Raise Standard Of Living' Reuter. London, June 6. R E C° G NISING the great co-operation of eon lonles in the war effort-such as millions in money gifts and the smooth supply of essential raw materialsBritain has urged
    Reuter.  -  195 words
  • 505 5 War Restricts Imports 1 g< HEMES for (he extended planting of tea in the lowlands and the development of the highlands on the completion f e (h s are i a coincided with the inauguration of control of tea plantmg by the International Tea
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  • 133 5 Singapore, Thursday. STATED to have been guilty of a "deliberate evasion of the ordinance", by the prosecuting officer, Ah H:e (30). a Japaneseborn Formosan, was fined a total $200 or two months' rigorous imprisonment, by Mr. W. D. Catbird magistrate, to-day. Chio pleaded
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  • 30 5 untitled Hurdy, Health Office, Batang f pah has left on transfer as Br. General Hospital. Penang Hudson Medical Officer. Aft«lH act for hint In adtiihta own duties, pending the arriuccessor.
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  • 245 5 Sltr avnm Singapore, Thursday. with criminal breach of trust in respect of JU4 cases of sole crepe rubber, valued at $30,000, belonging to the Bata Shoe Co., Teo Kwee Liang alias Kwee Liang Chong formerly a clerk in that company, claimed trial at the
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  • 20 5 The Governor has granted a commission os Second-Lieutenant In the Straits Settlements Volunteer Force to Mr J C F Coi.nell.
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  • 114 5 WITH a last spasmodic chatter from five typewriters, the "Kitty Foyle" Singapore Underwood Open Typewriting Championship concluded to-day in Messrs. Robinson's and Cos Cafe, at 5 p.m. Mr. Sidney Dant, Director ol Pitman's College who judged the contest, will correct the papers and it is expected
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  • 22 5 THE Rural Board will hold a meet--1 ing at 10 a.m. on Thursday. June 19. in the Land Office.
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  • 21 5 Mr. V. K. chinnish, of the staff of the High School. Klang. is an inmate of tne Bungsar Hospital. Kuola Lumpur
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  • 488 5 Singapore, Thursday. "A 8 T e kWm bribery and cor niption are rampant in thW Colony, and they are peculiarly difficult to detect I fori one am not prepared to treat them leniently. -Moreover, in this case, in order to try to escape justice he accused have
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  • 122 5 "CROOKS TOUR" "CROOKS TOUR" rpHE best English school traditions are A employed by the two fellows in "Crooks Tour" who are mistaken for enemy agents and are handed in error a gramophone record that holds vital information to Britain's enemies. There is also a mystery woman, a siren of
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  • 78 5 MILLIONS of Australians are now reading the day's news on paper made from Australian gum trees. This strengthens Australia's industrial independence, means retention within Australia at once of £500,000 a year formerly spent en overseas newsprint, and an ultimate saving of £2,500,000 a year in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 166 5 Safeguard their health... J It VITAMIN DRINK they'll love HALIBUT OIL AND ORANGE JUICE IN DELICIOUS FORM Growing children must have plenty of vitamins because f these are necessary to build their health and energy. The y^~*J^-i «senual Vitamins are most plentiful in halibut oil. But C^T-A nwny children are
      166 words
    • 301 5 /7 i\ Mfc** Foot WkJmM/ Troubies Every Night THE hot weather tells on your feet. It makes y^^^ them swollen and sore, and they ache terribly. Keep your feet in good trim by massaging them nightly Zam-Buk. The refined, herbal oils in /Jr3Sg3ffSfTl Zam-Buk are absorbed into the skin,
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  • 177 6 The Voice Of Jacob THERE is nothing J»rc 1 health y than free and tearless discussion of the PwW"£ Of the day. This »a» h principle and one which as far as possible is observed m in British tcrntones throughout the world, even m war time. Noi all countries
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  • 148 6 THIS was not clear io s-ne slightly more than casual reader of the articles. In fact, many readers, coming upon this and that reference to M at home" ami "The Empire would have thought that England and the British Empire were being referred to. Again what is to
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  • 206 6 IBT there be no mistaKe. we welcome that voice in our daily counsels. If Japan has something to say about her own problems and even about ours, we are happy to hear what it is. We would not like to see all expressions of foreign opinion stifled either
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  • 1375 6  -  Hidden in caves, cellars and ruined temples, elusive co-operative industries are fighting the Japanese and creating new hope for the future of China B y Bertram B. FOWLER IN THE SURVEY GRAPHIC THERE is a new battle cry in A China to-day. It is Gungho, and it
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  • 433 6 MR. RANDOLPH HEARST is not the only American newspaper magnate to change his heart towards Britain. Mr. Henry Luce, the mUlionaire proprietor of Time, Fortune has also come to the pen tent's bench. In the current issue of Life he affirms ti) that the United States are
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  • 65 6 It is a mistake to take oneself too seriously. That onry ends in self-consciousness, which is just as deleterious a habit of mind as selfpity. No doubt it is an excellent thing to know oneself, but seifconsciousness is a heavy price to Day for that knowledge. Indeed, perhaps the main
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  • 585 6 fASES of attempted suic.d through drinking ea ..-.•.< arc becoming as coir: days as chap ji Id have no doubt caused the dec the authorities to take mean control the sale of this poison Acute financial troubles and jealousy seem to drive highlystrung persons, chiefly womi seek
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 257 6 Tour Portrait Painted by Qi-alijied Artist Lily white Studio 79 North Bridge Road PHONE GGOI. 1 WIDE S HANDSOME ASSURE VOI It O\VTi FUTCBE i Mat no plare to c--. SftSTfc reward' to give to the unbilled. ÜBtnlned worker ICC jL t.,iv to Uu qualified! Decide tUH pitmaN'S Singapore —Bmncn
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    • 1 6 AE
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    • 48 6 I PATONS I KNITTING WOOLS I IN A WIDE RANGE OF GORGEOUS SHADES SUITABLE FOR EVERY I PURPOSE FOR MEN, LADIES CHILDREN'S GARMENTS .///<-; SUPER SCOTCH FINGERING /^W^Ĕ^ j||Pt 50cts. ounce. cts ounce Double Knitting I 20 New shades JW SScis. ounce. UlfflTfflUUWS Kuala Lumpur—lpoh—SLN GAPORE —Penang Taipeng. k
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    Reuter.  -  499 words
  • 112 7 Reuter. Bangkok, June 5. IHHERE does Japan stand with rid? This question was ::s\vered by the Srikh is known to reflect Thai opinion, r contests the Japanese ..Lit Bnt.iin dominates national economy has the lion's share ot export and import trade, future Japan steps into Bntai
    Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 205 7 Reuter. London. June 5. DAYLIGHT attack on Zeebrugge was made yesterday by tfte R.A.F. and many bombs were seen to burst on the mole. A ship of 500 tons was blown clean out of the watei by a direct
    Reuter.  -  205 words
  • 55 7 Reuter. Stockholm, June 5. OF.VERAL German seaplanes this morning flew over Swedish tery on the western coast of the island of Gotland, it is officially ann ur>c:d. They were driven off by anti:raft fiie. The island of Gotland lies in the Baltic, off the
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 36 7 Reuter. New York, June 5. THE death is announced of Mr. Arthur Curtiss James, one of America's 12 richest men. Hir. ath from pneumonia occurred on his yacht. Mr. James' investments were estimated at $350,000,000. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 105 7 Reuter. New York, June 5. pHGHT British merchantmen totalling 54,268 tons were recently torpedoed within 700 miles off United States shores. This was disclosed by the Maritime Commission on Wednesday, and the disclosure has driven home to United States officialdom the fact that the
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 320 7 Reuter. London, June 5. "XHERE is fortunately no longer any doubt of the future policy of Great Britain —or, it may be added, of the United States—towards the Vichy Government and those who submit themselves to its rulers," writes The Times. "It is a Government ol
    Reuter.  -  320 words
  • 91 7 Reuter. Tokyo, June 5. A "SERIOUS defeat" of two group armies, said to be under the direct control of Gen. Chiang Kai-shek, and 23 Chinese army divisions as the result of the recent Japanese campaign in south crn Shansi and Northern Honan I* claimed
    Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 43 7 Reuter. Washington June 5. AMERICAN mass production methods are now geared to manufacture aeroplanes in numbers sufficient to overwhelm the enemies of democracy." declared the Assistant Secretary for War Mr. Robert Lovett, in a broadcast last night.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 151 7 Reuter. Sydney, June 5. THE Labour meniDers of the Ausj tralian War Council will msist ;on a discussion of the Australian casualties in Crete and a review :of the position of all the Austrai lian forces at a Council meeting in j Melbourne to-day.
    Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 136 7 Reuter. London, June 5. THE G:rmr.n night raids over Bri- tain were "considerable and widespread" last night, states an Air Ministry communique. "Bombs were drcpp?d in the Midlands and the south-east. The number of casualties is not large and no extensive damage has been
    Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 83 7 Reuter. Washington, June 5. MR. Winant Joseph returned with as complete a report of Britain's war experience as is available. It is said to cover not only military experience but details regarding British economy, the foor! situation and the social background Mr. Winant told the
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 31 7 Reuter. Wellington, June 5. THE New Zealand Patriotic Organisation's conference has decided to send £100,000 to Britain for the relief of air raid distress. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 227 7 Reuter. Jerusalem, June 5. JHE Iraq Regent, Emir Abdul Illah, was bombed and machinegunned repeatedly throughout his four-day journey to Baghdad, it is now revealed. The first attack occurred a fewminutes after he landed on an Iraq airfield. Following a long attack during which bombs
    Reuter.  -  227 words
  • 58 7 Reuter. Washington, June b. THE Maritime Commission has asked the Atlantic and Gulf Steamship Line to divert half their tonnage to national defence. Compliance with this request would add 60 to 70 ships of about 375,000 tons which President Roosevelt is assembling for
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 64 7 pepsodent TOOTH PASTE with IRIUM jp If you want your teeth to sparkle and gleam with all their r Als PEPSODENT with IRIUM I£ It's amazing how quickly Pepsodent chases away Surface- N Stains to reveal the true brilliance of your teeth. That's why^J^H^^ j i millions prefer this dentifrice...
      64 words
    • 172 7 BANISH BACKACHE caused by KIDNEY TROUBLE Backache is really kidney ache. The kidneys are clogged up with impurities. They become sluggish. Harmful pain-causing poisons accumulate, and then starts that down-dragging weakness and exhausting backache. To end your pain you must restore the kidneys to health. Only a genuine kidney remedy
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  • 34 8 ACKNOWLEDGMENT MR. VOON SHAK LEONG thanks all friends and relatives who sent wreaths, letters and telegrams of condolence and also those who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Voon Shak Leong.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 282 8 L\l <■■!! YOU'VE SIMPLY COT TO!! IT'S JUST ONE OF THOSE GRAND M.C.M. Comedies that the whole Town loves! I TO-DAY CAPITOL 3 15-615-915 MYRNA and MELVYN TOGETHER.... j and what a topping Combination! MARRIED...BUT HE MADE m*M v HER ACT E PART! W A. Hfc Wl ft rS Bu'
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    • 461 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Situation Vacant WANTED: A Malay salesman. Apply personally 68 Bras Bason Road. Singapore. (No. 87'.H) Situation Wanted INDIAN, married, well over sixteen years' experience in the Estates In different capacities, seeks position as a conductor. Please apply Box 820. Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 869H) Wanted CHINESE BACHELOR. 25.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 180 9 TO-DAY r—^-^^^l 3.15 6.15 9.15 CATHAY 'Phone 3400. \_™*re Everybody IHLL, W± Sl) -NEFCL!' C£ SAR ROMERO. YIRCTWt* f I MOMEMsIE Also Fox Movietone News anH r>„ Midnight Premiere To-morrow 152 MORE LAUCHS THAN "ROAD TO SINCAPORE'' TH£YR£ WNTTOFiAUOHSt BING DOROTH> 9 "Birds Of A Feather" "Vou'ie Dangerous" UNA MERkE.
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    • 77 9 I I NEXT chance rfWtUCtll I j SUN TALKIE (TO-NIGHT 7.:*0 <U0 p.m.) > /gi Nandsom* stalwarts, living, j^t^mX^% fighting. Hating together patrolling the bandit-infested borders of mystic India m Iff H§AL, >, LANCE R COOPER r Franc,lot Tone Ricnar <l Craimvell Sir Guy standing Kathleen Burke jjjf MATINEES To-morrow
      77 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 705 10 SE Situations Vacant Lumpur. WANTED W1REMAN for Automobile EVctrical works, starting SI 50 Motor Works, 283. Orchard R5v) l) pore. Phone 4758. (N WANTED TAMBY. knowledge of^nrs'' and able writ, fluent *.taj MaOttP^ $20- Apply Box No. 817, Muh y bingapore. v WANTED WOMEN or ry kers lor waste App
      705 words
    • 647 10 Situations Wanted srar* £ss 1*1» Malaya Tribune, Singapore. HOUsFioY. free commended. WSW Mta Road. Kuala Lumpur, Parr time work preferred. Ar)p V ISJ f w 4 o H ?o Malaya Tribune. Slngar^reJN^^H, Supply and Hydrau, Plants, ec gto k SSS d S Bex sS*«f co Malaya Tribune. «ngP»^ Motor Vehicles
      647 words
    • 735 10 Property For Sale ATTRACTIVE MODERN BUNGALOW. pore. r^LE l "c^l oß~sA_*r M^ n G h a r^; I bedrooms, bathroom at^b^^HS r lervants' quarters. Apply 711. Paja Lebar. FOR SALE HoteT^oardl-T" ou f fj,.?* U _icx Antral situationlJH roong cheap. Bex 774 co Malaya Tribune. P* oBo 788H) FREEHOLD LAND
      735 words
    • 971 10 NOTICE. I i S0U v d ?'S"s C eleg,e Rold Singapore at No. MB. °»gy«J£; Fiim as from retired from the sa d mi m the 2nd day of June i?d Firm debts incurred by the sa m a,ter S/Sd nrT«Wch will arried on at the ,h iN S D
      971 words
    • 89 10 forgreT hair USE "NIGRIS COMB" (Patented' Gives immediate, natural J***** black, brown, chestnut OrW*»» VoJ combing your grey or W&* *g n was h use lotions etc. y.. n o: tm remain indelible. Will Interfere well colffed ea^\^o^ Singapore. Trinity college of music, london examinations in Elocutkm&_Spoken Kn,i»l' The follows
      89 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 790 10 |to-day*s R AjHa 01 vr A PORE LONDON SWwrArvjjw EASTERN TRANSMISSION ZHL 225 m 1»3 CSV 17 81 mc s; 16 84 metrei ZHP 2. «S 58 m. 3 s 615 p.m. to U. 50 p m ZHP-3. 4138 m. 7-25 m cs. gsd g 25 53 metre, p.m. nrnwamme
      790 words

  • 851 11 Singapore. June 5. Buyua. Sellers MINING. Wh Tin (ss) 3;3 3 9 L (ss) 7,1% 74% Malay (4;) 33ie 34.6 17,- 181T.n 12,6 141--t ($1) 1.37 1.40 t *1 ss) 9i- 9(6 Malay 17j6 18E g 121- 131- ($1) 0.14 0.16 t>o cts 0.38 0.41 0
    851 words
  • 25 11 Singapore, Friday. Pi ices of tiii and rubber j in Singapore at noon tone re:— TIN 1 RUBBER l" 1 i. Sellers 40^.
    25 words
  • 9 11 1 Fighter Fund collecday is $28,080.
    9 words
  • 11 11 untitled of Klang has gone «jj ■-U\A\n and Dr. Watso.i Is
    11 words
  • 139 11 (From Our Financial Correspondent) Twit f »v. Singapore. Friday. HE tin share market was very quiet tn thi^T 1 [nt al n confined lanl?, t o 6tralmn secti °n where Kampong Lanjuts Rawang Tin Field*. Laruts Kro- an d Kuala Kempas were all plar.Jd at
    139 words
  • 224 11 T«m n Singapore, Thursday. JNFORMATIO. from America Indicates f„*„ tha V Steps may be taken in the neer future to reduce the consumption of crude rubber, if this l s correct It c£l only mean the rationing of luxury *rades to insure that essential
    224 words
  • 42 11 ALL British protected persons, all Asiatic subjects of th e Netherlands and a 1 subjects of the Republic of China are exempt from the Registration 0 f Aliens Enactment in the State of Kedah, states the Government Gazette.
    42 words
  • 169 11  -  Clarification Of Syrian Situation Awaited By REUTER Cable London, June 5. THE Stock Exchange opened slow. 1 In Giltedgeds, there was minor routine selling, while investors were postponing re-investments pending clarification of the Syrian situation. Industrials and tobaccos were dull. Kaffirs were firm and cheerful on
    169 words
  • 90 11 Reuter. Bangkok, June 5. lIOW the Japanese are fast cust- ing th? Chinese fronf rubber estates and rubber markets in South Thailand is revealed by the correspondent of the newspaper Laemthong He says that the Japanese already own several estates in Songkhla. and have
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 143 11 Eastern News. 1 Osaka, June 5 gOMEWHERE on the Indian Ocean, a number of giraffes, worth their w-lPht .in gold, are craning their necks as thrir ship makes her way nearer Japan whore the beasts will be housed at the OsiYu Zoo. They are the gift
    Eastern News.  -  143 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 43 11 DIABETES. EARLY STAGES tTHABIB A. MD. HASSAN guarantees to cure you permanently and completa.y. No diet required. No relapse guaranteed. Hundreds of hto clients of all nationalities have been convinced and are thoroughly satisfied. Call or write to 632-C, AI.JUNIEU Road. Geylang. Singapore—l.
      43 words
    • 93 11 FOR CLEAR DISTINCT EFFICIENT REPRODUCTION Try Radio for which they are UNSURPASSED Sole Agents: HOE BOON LEONG SINGAPORE Distributors: RADIO GENERAL AGENCY. Kuala Lumpur. THE RADIO SOUND SERVICE, Taipmg. Perak, Penang, Province Wellesley and Alor Star, Kedah. CHOP HUP SOON A UN, Kuala Dungun, Trengganu. P "STAR BRAND" DELICIOUS WHOLESOME
      93 words
    • 324 11 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA S. N. CO. SERVICES Bangkok. Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta Port Swettenham. Penang, Negapatam, Porto Novo, Cuddalore Madras. Sailings will be maintained as regularly as circumsta: <*s permit For information regarding freight and passenger accommodation apply to: BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Insorporated in F.M.S.) Tel: 5431 for Passage
      324 words
    • 357 11 I» P. o. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S.N. CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. The best possible services arc being maintained by the P. o. S. N Co from the Straits to their usin' ports of call in China, India. Ceyio and the
      357 words

  • 243 12 Reuter. Washington, June Is HE possibility of American war supplies being carried to Britain under the American flag is referred to »y Raymond Clapper, ore of the best known political columnists, in an article widely syndicated throughout the United States,
    Reuter.  -  243 words
  • 166 12 Reuter. -By GotdoJi Young) London, June 6. FOR abcut ten days now British trading with Syria has completely teased. Thursday's reports that the Australian and Egyptian Governments have declared that country to be enemy territory under the Trading With* The Enemy Act will lent strength to
    Reuter.  -  166 words
  • 28 12 Reuter. Lisbon. June 5,—A decree forbidding strikes and lockouts in Holland was published in Dutch newspapers on May 21. The penalty is prison, hard labour or death. R6Uter.
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 191 12 Reuter. New York, June 5. < rE number ot workers striking in J the defence industries has been iaised to 52,800—the largest total cut any day this year—by to-day's walkout from the warplane factory of the North A merican Aviation Corporation on the Pacific coast,
    Reuter.  -  191 words
  • 42 12 Reuter. Zurich, June 6 THE Basler Nachrichten report from Berlin that the German are establishing military courts In Crete in order to try people allegec co be members of the regular British Army who ai 3 accused o "maltreating German parachutists. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 129 12 Reuter. Melbourne. June 6. MR. R. G. Menzies. the Australian Prune Minister, annoimcec. last night that alter a long <~ cusslon on the Middle East. Uu 1 Aavisory War Council, at its mc. j ing had approved the Government view on the position recently se
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 289 12 Reuter. Simla, June 6. THE Bengal Government has been 1 the first to declare the Khaksar mavcment-a military Mtttltobog, originating In the Northwest Frontier unlawful under the "ewers given to al! the Provincial Governments. fl jpt The Khaksars came into conflict with the police at Lahore mi Mjch
    Reuter.  -  289 words
  • 251 12 Reuter. Nairobi, June 6. DURING the Broughton trial the atmosphere of the court was distinctly stormy on occasions during the long cross-examination of Nairobi's Mayor, Lady Deiamere Answering questions in regard to talks Lady Broughton and Lord Erroll when the witness
    Reuter.  -  251 words
  • 84 12 There are few more trying times for a mother than when her child is teething. A simple and ready solution to the fretting of both mother and child is to be found in Baby's Own Tablets, for these pleat ant little tablets allay the pains and assist the
    84 words
  • 17 12 G. T. Fulford Co.. Ltd. (of Canada) Proprietors of The Dr. Williams Medicine Co.
    17 words
  • 142 12 Singapore, Friday. PRODUCED to-day before Mr. I) A Carew, the Third Police Magistrate, on three charges of criminal breach oi triM cf cash, jewellery and a cheque, the property of Miss Mary Chow. S. A. Dawood, an Indian, clainiad trial. The case was postponed
    142 words
  • 195 12 Reuter. RUMOURS OF PEACE OFFENSIVE Washington, June 5. RUMOURS of a peace offensive which are shortly expected from Berlin, flooded Washing on to-day chiefly, it appears, on the strength of what Mr. John Cudahav will say il gHtlf magazine Life about his haiihour interview with Hitler. It is
    Reuter.  -  195 words
  • 363 12 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY NO EVIDENCE WAS LED WHEN THE Vr.v 11 TRACTS COMMISSION OPENED [TO SIONS THIS MORNING IN THE COUNCIL CHAto BER. Mr. Justice Worley, who presided, said that the meeting of the Commission had been called to report on the; sent.position, which was
    363 words
  • 70 12 Eastern News. Manila, June c PRESIDENT Manuel Quezon has signed the anti-espionage bill which passed the National Assembly last week, it was announced yesterday. The new measure is simnar to ♦•he Immigration and Naturalisation Act in the United States designed to check espionage, sabotage and ether
    Eastern News.  -  70 words
  • 216 12 IN extraordma: tl ing of the Singapore Association will be held i day, June 14 at 4.30 p m Association Pavilion. 81 Road, to consider an following resoluti with the recent La! Selangor:— (1» This meeting, in the grave and wide tent which has
    216 words
  • 39 12 Tokyo. I«M A DECREE to control Of matches to Ties outside the yen-bto mulgated by the Minis merce and Industry. The control becomes eneow June 15. This de:: dance with the Foi scciation Act -Ex
    39 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 12 12 Agents:— NAINA MOHAMED SONS. Singapore, Kaala Lurnput Penang. 940 War ins 4
      12 words
    • 105 12 At the age of 6 to 7 months it Is generally found desirable to wean an infant on to starch food. It is essential that the form in which the is introduced should be such that will cause no digestive disorder. Cerex, made from a selected wheat flour, fortified
      105 words