Malaya Tribune, 5 June 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Afer &to Exceed 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. JUNE 5, 1941 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Thursday, June 5, IS4I.
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  • 569 1 VICHY TIGHTENS IRON CRIP: ORDERS "SHOOT DESERTERS" Reuter. B„ Desmond Tight, Renter; Special Correspondent on the Syrian Frontier, Hi. i>npTc v London, June 5. WORTS trickling over the frontier indicate that the ,„1 I' T^ a nfi 7" ation into continues by land, sea
    Reuter.  -  569 words
  • 88 1 Reuter. Trenton (New Jersey), June 4. COUR stormy years of waving swastika flags and shouting "heil" at Camp Nordland came to lan end to-day with the sale of the I camp and the surrender of the charter of the German-American Bund in New Jersey State.
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 23 1 Reuter. London, June 5. AN alert sounded in the London area after midnight last night followed by some gunfire.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 42 1 Reuter. Vichy, June 5. REPORTS published abroad that six French naval bases had been set aside for joint occupation by the Franco-German forces arc formally denied in authoritative circles in Vichy, says the official French news agency.— Renter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 90 1 NAZIS SHOOT GREEK WOMEN CHILDREN Reuter. Cairo. June 5. J S German threats, the tutants of the Greek town 60 miles north-west ol -an unloaomg a goods vmg supplies Which had d in that area, authoritatively learned In that the German police fire and killed and woundv persons, including women
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 70 1 Reuter. r London, June 5. 10 of Germany's latest Messermitt fighters—M E 109F er shot down into the h Channel yesterday evening were among a number attempted to cross the Kent re a cover of cloud but ckled by cannon firing Spit ■Bf. 2™' British fighter
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 199 1 Reuter. London, June 5. (JEN. Sikorski's visit to the United States and his conversat''m with President Roosevelt has aroused great enthu:asr>> in Poland, declared the Polish Commander-in-Chief, in ment on the results of his American tour to the Polish **tional Council in London yesterday. J
    Reuter.  -  199 words
  • 155 1 Barricades On Syria Palestine Border Reuter. London, June 5. BRITISH and Ik nth troops patrolling the Palestine-Syrian bcrder exchange cigarettes with each ether when they meet, according to a Jerusalem despatch to the Independent French News Agem y. But whi'e the British are on the lock out for Arab smugglers
    Reuter.  -  155 words
  • 99 1 Reuter. Cairo, June 5. THE occupation of Mcsul was carried out by British airborne and ground troops yesterday, according to military circles in Cairo which, owing to the lack of news, are unable to state whether the British met with any resistance. The samp circles
    Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 39 1 Reuter. Lisbon, June 4. nORTUGAL continues to strength- en the defences of the Azores. A further contingent of steelhelmeted and war-equipped troops left the capital yesterday to reinforce the garrison at the islands —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 392 1 Reuter. TT^__r m Simla, June 5. MOW a sloop of the Royal Indian Navy was responsible for the capture of two Italian islands off Massawa and how a small party from the same vessel chased and finally captured a party of Italian soldiers including
    Reuter.  -  392 words
  • 150 1 Reuter. Washington, June 4. THE United States Navy has not yet been able to determine whether the expansion of the United States nay .l patrol has substantially reduced the effectiveness of German submarine operations. This was stated by Col. Knox, "Secretary for
    Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 63 1 Reuter. London, June 6. THE Falangist organ, the Arriba, yesterday discussed the agreement for an exchange of workers between Germany ana Spain The number of workers sent trom each country will be the sane anil they will be put to work In various industries in the country. The
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 51 1 Reuter. Nhw York. June 4. MILLIONS of dollars worth Of defence materials for Britui.* have been immobilised in new York by a strike of 1,400 warehouse worker! in New York's 74 dry and cold storage warehouses. Th" strikers are demanding an Increase in
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 38 1 Reuter. London, June 5. PARACHUTISTS from all pans oi the Soviet Union are taking part in exercises now being held, and ninny of these m< n are veterans with coo jumps to their credit. —Renter
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 194 1 Reuter. London, June 5. OCHOOLBOYS and other young g men may volunteer for the Navy, including the Fleet Air Arm, under a new "V" scheme announced by the Admiralty. They must have reached the age of 17 but will not be called for training until
    Reuter.  -  194 words
  • 296 1 2 SHIPS DESTROYED Reuter. Cairo, June. 5. "A HIGHLY successful" aerial attack on an enemy convoy is recorded in the R.A.F., Middle East, communique*. It states:—As a result of reconnaissance carried out by Maryland aircraft, R.A.F. bombers on Tuesday attacked a convoy of enemy merchant vessels
    Reuter.  -  296 words
  • 190 1 Reuter. Chungking, June 5. WITH the Chinese force* in south Shansi moving northward to take up a mobile role in the rear of the Japanese Army at present massed along the north bank of the Yellow River, there Ka heavy fighting in progress in Central
    Reuter.  -  190 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 76 1 HASSAN, u, r tn<al. Gas Water Contractors, tl J6 37. Bras Basah Road, f IS( ,\I>OKE TEL. 3411 Z' T your requ'rements in the MtoDatton or repairs of electric. «i snd water pipe fittings pttase Cumll us »nd We submit our j r• n its without obligation ■OBKMANHOP fJI'ARANTEEI* AND
      76 words
    • 18 1 MAO f IN (Advertisement of The General Electric Co., Ltd 0/ England "Magnet House" y.itigaport.) i 241 Vtvfftl
      18 words

  • 72 2 Reuter. London. June 5. IN an effort to bring Japan and ■Thailand into closer touch by meanfl of various forms of communications Including aviation, shipping! and telecommunications, the Japanese Government has appointed Mr. Nobuo Yokota, Becret try of the Communications Ministry, as the
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 518 2 AN Interesting talk on music was given to the pupils and friends of the Fvli Eastern Music School on Saturday by Dr. W. Lovelock, the visiting examiner of the Trinity College ol Music. He said that he was very satisfied with the progress mad?
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  • 54 2 Singapore, Thursday. COPIES of the prospectus for the new F.M.S. $10,000,000 three per cent War Loan which is being Issued at 101 were received In Singapore this morning. The loan is redeemable at the Government's option at any time after July 1, 1953 Application lists will
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  • 84 2 Reuter. London. June 5. rE traditional dress of swallowtail coats and silk hats was adhered to by Eton College boys in yesterday's Fourtn of June celebrations but the clothes rationing may make it the last time until after the war. Otherwise the celebrations wer among
    Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 80 2 rvWING to the present intense demanos V for sleeping accommodation on the F.M.S R night mall train*, Intending passengers are notified that ts fr">m July 1, reservations for sleeping and'or seating accommodation will only be Accepted after passengers have purchased their train tickets. Tickets must be purchased and
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  • 308 2 DETAILS OF DEAL IN SPORE NOT YET FINALISED (Tribune Staff Reporter) THOUGH details of the oil pact have not yet been finalised, His Excellency Maior Vilas Osthananda, Thai Diplomat and Minister of State, who is at present in Singapore to arrange
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  • 87 2 Singapore. Wedncsd BECAUSE he a^s: >ted in carrying on eha Jt ki lottery. Lim Sco Batt, Hokkien. was sentenced to two tnontts rig tous impnsonm-nt by Mr. W. D. v> rew. the third poitCS court Lim and another Hokkien. Hong Sek were arrested last week in a in
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  • 27 2 Mr Chanchal Singh will deliver a lecture on "ffkhism" at the Ramakrishna Mission. Morris Pond Singapore, on Saturday at 700 p.m. Mr. B. G. Sahai will preside.
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  • 71 2 (From Our Own Reporter) Ipch, Wednesday. AN unusual charge was prefer! Ed agamst three I'uniabi youths in the first court yesterday when Amolak Ram, Takar Singh and Sham Lai claimed ti ul to wronglu»> i entraining one Suppiah d> iorcing him to go for a
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  • 144 2 Reuter. London, June 4. BRITISH labour will never yield, the Minister of Labour, Mr. Ernest Bevin, broadcasting to the national conference of social workers in the United States. Labour, he said, was supporting the war because they believed it righteous. •We are determined to preserve our
    Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 347 2 Singapore, Wednesday. •TTIIIS W from Ihe evidence given, a murderous attack mad--1 upon the complainant when his back was turned and which resulted in a fracture of one of the bones of his shoulder. "I cannot treat it as anything but a serious matter, remarked
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  • 22 2 (Cent-A-Plane Fund) .Total number of enemy planes destroyed during yesterday on all fronts up to midnight london time. NINE
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  • 267 2 Reuter. London, June 4. MANY coal miners are believed to be trapped in remote workings far under the sea at the William Pit, Whitehaven, Cumberland, as a result of an underground explosion yesterday. Rescue workers from all the mm- j ing areas in Cumberland
    Reuter.  -  267 words
  • 178 2 Singapore. Wednesday. WHEN Lenord Osinski (Pole), Grigoris Klein and Arthur George Hames Beers (Canadian', the three sailors who pleaded guilty before Mr. C H. Whltton In the district traffic court yesterday. to a charge of deserting their ship, came again to-day. the orosccutir.c officer said that they had
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  • 191 2 Singapore w^, AT the conelu,*-,;, 7ft tinued hearing Ui th the c s Court this mornin rp» S£?*i motor accidriu or) i the night of May 13 Roa <i qj oeople. S. T. n *tj the car and P.? 1 Malay cyclist. ;r i Coroner.
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  • 74 2 tr7 0 v C Singapore. WednedQ IN the traffic district coal European motorist, R E was fined $5 for dnvir. a licence nnd $50 for drhi out a third party insurance m on May 13 along Collyti Qua) Asked by the magistrate m was
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  • 25 2 DR. D. P. Breenivs J Gcneiai Hospital v ill a crJ the V's ".Ten's Club I and the Public" on Saturday 1
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  • 24 2 Mr Napper, of the staff of untitled Research Institute i. I M head of the Medical Auxiliary Sel from Mr. T. P. F. McNeice
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  • 24 2 His Excellency the High untitled has accepted the r< I mission In the F.M SV F of Ltf?| (Mfdical Officer) J. O Poyr.ton I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 53 2 GOLD yj CEYLON £P*& TEA ■■Kiisi SINGAPORE TRADES? jmsMOnmaHE '603 Jvhy undergo the S opeiaticn for Tonsils and ade» Dissohc them easiTj v The unrivalled renv gained the unique India and abroad Non-r currence Beware of Imitatw» For Particulars: ALLEN CLHJ ROYAPETTAH Sole Agent Naina Mohamea Singapore, Kuala 1 u">P
      53 words

  • 273 3 Local Ch inese Circles Have No Knowledge Of It THFRF (T''ibune Staff Reporter) bovs from Jv T f mystery about the traffic in was given out in 'tlf w Mala ya. the first news of which when Mr ri the House of
    273 words
  • 260 3 Batavia, June 2. A Domei cable of May 29, quoting a Japanese daily, the Asahi Shimbun, stated that the N.E I attitude towards Japan had stiflened because of the vigorous pressure exerted by Britain and the U.S.A. The report went on to say
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  • 95 3 pore, Wednesday. the importance 3f in the develoDmeat rj was laid by Sq.-Ldr. Hullett, speaking on c weekly luncheon i Hotary Club Us the subject from the of view. Sqr.-I c!r. aid that the deve- md every country ransport. summed up. was a primitive tran mportant
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  • 29 3 untitled received to the untitled 800 oi Mr. and g ;oi has flown fly ng tune and 00:1- record of his squadr "i, I K:i; !aiid."* by one
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  • 135 3 Singapore, Wednesday. A MAN who gave the inspector at Tanjong Pa/jar Polite Station a sor*. of Hitler *alute. fined §8 or ten days' simple imprisonment by Mr. 1., c Goh for being diunk and disorderly at the ;ame police station on May 30 at
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  • 194 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) jHE problem of indebtedness among the clerical class is at present engaging the special attention of most of Singapore's public bodies, and the latest organisation to interest itself in the question is the Singapore Rotary Huh o-i-~*v. -iwwj v. The club is
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  • 199 3 Reuter. Tokyo, June 4. IF the reports are correct, it was an unfriendly act to Japan stated Mr. Koh Ishii, deputy spokesman of the Information Board commenting on press message from Singapore, Shanghai and elsewhere that United States Army airmen were going to assist
    Reuter.  -  199 words
  • 273 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) tyTHILE in England there is a shortage of legal men due to the big demands of .he Services and Government departments, in Malaya steps taken at the outbreak of war have forced lawyers to remain in the country
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  • 91 3 Reuter. Jerusa'em June 4. THE Croat Peasant Party leader, M. Matchek, whose whereabouts has been unknown for some time and who was feared dead, is now j mterned at xOmencich, it is learnt !in authoritative Croat circles in j the Middle East. The vice-president of the party
    Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 413 3 Hong Kong, May 23ONE of the biggest funerals seen for some time in Hong Kong Uok place yesterday when the mile long funeral procession of the late Mr. Eu Tong Sen. 0.8. E., wended its way through the centre of the city to Vat Pit
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  • 74 3 (From Our Own Reporter) K. Kangsar, Tuesday. HIS Highness the Sultan entertained the students of the Sultan Idris Training College to tea at the Astana last week. This was the first functicn of its kind after their arrival In Kuala Kangsar. The students, led by the
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  • 178 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) JSiE PuWie Services Contracts Commission will hold its first public sitting on Friday at the Council Chamber, Government Offices. The first subject whkh will be inquired iato is the tender system prevailing in Singapore. The commission has already had several private
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 311 3 B delightfully m 3D CHEMISTS AND h'l CRERM ■ILLIRNTINE Foot Itch Cause Killed in4Dai|s toiri and Itching I Stepped in k A It'h so hadlv that they germs, parasites, and fungus responsibl craaj Does the skin on for these toot infections, as well as RingI peel? Are there blis- worm.
      311 words
    • 336 3 Did Devonshire Ife WINES in Add those delightful British Wines to B 9K fully alcoholic made hi Whitewar» 'PHONE; SINGAPORE 537« (5 lines). W CS. 210 A Adit, of Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. IP I A X O NANC HENC CO., PIANO House, 103-iO5, Selegie Koad. *25, Ratu Koad,
      336 words

  • 169 4 TENNIS Following are ties to be played on Monday in the Singapore Lawn tennis championship: Open men's singles: Com. E. JMockler vs. C. K. Pang, Pang Chiap Yong vs. S. A. Dawood, Robert Chia vs 9 A. Dawood, Robert Chia V 8 Ong Chew Bee, Choo
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  • 700 4 THIRD DAY OF IPOH RACES (From Our Own Reporter) 1 Ipoh, Wednesday. WHILE favourites were generally obliging at to-day's Ipoh races, punters were given some excitement when two outsiders romped home winners. They were Pat Burke, in the fourth race, and Drift On
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  • 72 4 Kace I—Marnell $20. S7 East Lvnnc $7 Kit $7* Race 2—Danse Dv Ventre $21, SS Spring Girl $8 Kaoe 3—Beau Mari SI3, S8 Camba'ong SlB Golden Plateau Sl7 K ac e 4—Prit Burke 594. $14 Char S7 Inventory $7 Kacc s—Drift On 574, $17 Waetere Sll
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  • 123 4 UNABLE lo play for the Europeans in their "Clarke" cup match against the Rest last week-end owing to a slight injury, "Gerry" Waites showed yesterday, what he might have been able to do in the cup match had been able to play, when
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  • 376 4 Chinese Ath 3 R.A. (Acac) 1 pHINESE ATHLETIC beat R.A. (Ac ac) in a Div. I match played at Anson Road Stadium yesterday, by three goals to one, after the R.A. had led by one goal to nil for most of the first half. r
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  • 456 4 Malays 6 S-C-C 3 DLAYING good soccer, (he Malays beat the S.C.C. by six r goals to three in a Div. I league match played on the S.C.C. uadanir yesterday. Responsible to a large extent tor U c Malays' win was Aziz, pivot o*
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  • 34 4 TO-DAY SOCCER: Reserve Div., S.C.F.A. v M.F.A., Stadium; Div. II A, S.H.B. v R.A.S.C., 5.H.8.; V.M.C.A. v Malay Regt., YJVI.C.A.; Div. II B, S.C.F.A. v Customs, J.C.S.A. TENNIS: S.C.R.C. and V.M.C.A. tournaments.
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  • 41 4 Johore ’s "Malaya" Cup Team THE following will represent Johore against Malacca tomorrow in the Malaya Cup tie to be played at Malacca. W. Moore; Ibrahim. Buck Heng; Samah. Hashim. Prentice; Parham. Mohd. Zin, Sze Tat. Janis, Syed All, Johnson, Mazman.
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  • 285 4 FOLLOWING are handicaps for the races for the fourth day of the Ipoh races on Saturday: Horses, class 1, div. 1, s!i fur. straight:— National 9.11 Bay Dragon 9.10 Kaolin 8.12 Fast Step 8.12 Bridgclaw 8.3 Honeymoon 8.1 Royal Hampton 8 1 Derby 8.0 Jack Druce 8.0
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  • 39 4 In a Div. 1 match played at the Police Depot yesterday, Fortress R E. beat the Police three goals to one. At Selarang Krangl (R N.W.T.) beat the Wanderers by three goals to one in Div. 2 B. match
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  • 406 4 PLAYING his final in fine style yesterday evening Evaa n won the veteran's singles handicap of the S.CJLC. lawn tennis tournament, defeating Tan Wan Liat 8-2. G.i HIT- Both veterans played with a handicap of but Evan Wong lasted the pace better. TanJJan Liat played;
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 160 4 \ytor clear, distinct reproduction for which they are unsurpassed Sole Agents: HOE BOON LEONG, Distributors: RADIO GENERAL AGENCY Kuala Lumpur. THE RADIO SOUND SERVICE, Taiping, Perak, Penang, Province Wellesley and Alor Star, Kedah. CHOP HUP SOON A UN, Kuala Dungun, Treiujgauu. chew choo Boot. up «oHtt^lJU*!* Fpi) hPr anri
      160 words
    • 99 4 NoAslhma Two years ago J. Richards, HunOn Ont., Canada, was in bed with Had lost 40 pounds weight, suffered x Ing, choking and strangling every r :r couldn't sleep—expected to di- Mensw stopped spasms first nicht and iv hasai none since—in OVER TWO YEA.? *edaco is so successful it is
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 455 5 (Tribune Staff Reporter) VyiUTIXC; to fellow-doctors in the country, Dr. R. E. Anderson, honorary secretary of the British Medicai Association, Malaya Branch, makes an earnest appeal for contributions to the Medical War Relief Fund, a special fund inaugurated, as in the last war, for
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  • 128 5 Singapore, Wednesday. GRAPHIC account of how he A an Indian hanging by the from a coconut tree, was yen in the Coroner's Ccurt this mi, by an elder I}'1}' Bcyanese r, SamUl bin Kaiman. the inquiry this afternoon, the death of the Indian, Oogamy, who was
    128 words
  • 127 5 Singapore. Wednesday. ALT: IGH the two men* charged with attempting to cheat and tment of attempting to cheal Dr Paglar pleaded guilty ..ages, their pleas were but not accepted by Mr. C n v.-. tne third magistrate. Ng Lam <25> was charged .ring to cheat Dr.
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  • 73 5 TWO men, a Bengali and a Chi- neae, received burns when a lorry caught fire near Jalan Kubor at Victoria Street early this morning. It is gathered that the lorry was filling up with petrel when there was a flash and the Bengali attendant and the
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  • 82 5 Singapore, Wednesday. CHARGED with assisting in the carrying on of a chap ji ki lottery. Gian Kee Cheow pieced guilty before Mr. W. D. Carew in jthe third police court to-day. Gian admitted that when a house lln Waterloo Street was raided [yesterday, he was found
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  • 108 5 Reuter. Ankara, June 4. rE two members of the Vichy Embassy in Ankara who resigned in protest against Admiral Darlan's policy of collaboration with Germany had only recently been appointed. They took their decision some weeks ago when they saw France moving irrevocably towards war
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 52 5 Reuter. Tokyo, June 4. THE French Ambassador in Tokyo, M. Arsene Henry, and other officials of the French Embassy, were guests at a dinner given by the Japan South Seas Association last night in celebration of the rocent conclusion of the JapanFrench indo-Chlna economic tact. —Eastern News,
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 74 5 Singapore. Wednesday ALLEGED to have committed theft ot clothes and cash to the value nf $12 75. the property of an Indian, K. Mahadavan, from his house in T.onc; Bahru Road on Monday night. Koh Thih Teng 36-year-old Hokliien appealed before Mr. L. C. Goh In the ftJto
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  • 292 5 Melbourne, June 4. /CORRESPONDENTS state that the Mttl In Crete against the Anzacs was more savage than at Dunkirk. The Australian cruiser Perth helped In the evacuation of Crete. Amazing tributes are paid to the courage, resource, and determination of the Anzacs Who fought their way out
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  • 51 5 Reuter. London, June 4. FE United States Assistant Naval Attache. Lt. Com. Jones, it is now revealed, died at Londonderry on Monday. It is reported he stabbed himself with a bayonet en board ship. The inquest was held on Tuesday, the press not being admitted.
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 72 5 A GRAND Maha Pooja will be celebra"ed at the Veera Mahakallamnian Temple at Serangoon Road, on Saturday. At 10 30 a.m.. there will be Maha Ablshegam of t'ae Deity and Pooja. and at 7.30 pm. evening PooJa and a profession of the God Subramanya. Special prayers will
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  • 53 5 Singapore, Wednesday. CHARGED with the theft of a "changkol' from Kirn Seng Road, Lim Tan Nam, 33-year-old Teochew claimed trial before Ml. L. C. Goh in the fifth court this morning. The alleged theft took place at 12.45 this morning. The case was postponed a week for mention bail of
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  • 56 5 Reuter. New York, June 4 JOE LOUIS and BUly Conn have signed oaoers for a world heavyweight 15-round contest in New York on June 18, Conn at the same time relinquishing his claim for the lightheavyweight championship which he holds but which he surrendered when
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 56 5 Reuter. Lisbon, June 4. DAILY papers in the occupied part of France will, in future be reduced from four to two pages ty an agreement between the papers and the French Council of Ministers, states the Madrid paper Informaciones. The price of the
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 86 5 Tokyo, June 4. T\R. Oetullo DorneUes Vargas. President of BraBU. has Instructed the Brazilian Consulate In Kobe to Issue visas for oa>«ports of 400 Japanese immigrants who. on May 26. were forced to cancel their passages on the Montevideo Maru due to the
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  • 446 5 Singapore, Wednesday. A COMPLETE denial of the allegations that they corruptly paid Mr. Henry Moore $50 as a reward and made an offer of 25 per cent, out of the profits to be derived from contracts, was made by the two Punjabi contractors, Bakhtawar Singh
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  • 65 5 AT the annual general meeting of Messrs. Caldbeqk, Macgregcr Co., Ltd., h?ld in Shanghai on April 30, after making substantial increases to reserves, a final divii dend of $5 was declared en the ordinary sharßs, making a total of $7.50 per share for the 12
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  • 56 5 Singapore, Wednesday. ON instructions from the Deputy Fublic Prosecute r. the case against Tan Liew. Lim Ah Peng. Ang Chek and Yoong Yeo Hoon. who were charged in the second magistrate's court last week with importing 1.762 British trade dollars into the Colony, was withdrawn this morning and Mr Conrad
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 3 5 133 Warms 6B
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    • 259 5 PILES Sufferer* from the maddening irritation, tiie exhausting, agonising pain canted by piles 1 Do not wait until piles (haemorrhoids) reach such a terrible state that a aerious operation may be necessary. Ask jour chemist ail about this special remedy. He knows the ingredients from which this inexpensive and scientific
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  • 173 6 Pig-Rearers Face A Problem [X recent months this journal has frequently called the Government's attention to the unabashed profiteering that has been going <rh in almost every branch of retail trade except those covered by Government control. Though it may not be practicable to include in the present control
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  • 133 6 fOOONUI oil cake (-r "poonac'' as ii is known to the trade), bran and tapioca refuse form the principal food of local slaughter swine. On representations made to the Government, the price of bran was brought under control some months ago, but the price of poonac (mostly imported
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  • 156 6 the sky-rocketing of non-controlled prices, particularly of poonac, a Tribune reader engaged in pigrearing writes from Bukit Mertajam: "Coconut oil cake, which could be obtained at $2.60 per bag in pre-war days, has now* risen to $4.60. You will find, that the lower classes of the population
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  • 111 6 IN this country, we have had a surfeit of talk on the need to grow our own food, though little energetic action has yet been taken. What is now needed is some rapid thinking as a prelude to effective action to free the country from its present inordinate
    111 words
  • 964 6  -  Emlyn Williams, young Welsh actor, producer and playwright, is the author of ""The Corn Is Green," which is meeting with a big success in America. Rt EMLYN WILLIAMS, in "London fulling** AM GOING to talk about a woman I know. Her calling: is both the humblest
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  • 818 6 New York. jyjß. Gordon Knox, is connected with the American Embassy in Berlin. One day he lost his house key, and what happened thereafter tells the story of one phase of war time rationing in Germany. Mr. Knox's Berlin apartment door opened with
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  • 69 6 If we were all given by magic the power to read each other's thoughts, l suppose the first effect would be to dissolve all friendships. The second effect, howevtr. might be excellent, for the world without friends would be intolerable, and we should learn to like each other without needing
    69 words
  • 615 6 |*HE crew—five Chii nearly black by posure to the sun rreat squares of much unnecessary iuge junk, endowed 5 rid( ungainly life, waddled the bosom of the Ch "It was a huge, mund-te blunt-nosed affair, wi 'ooking fish's eye on < of the prow, such as ru
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 459 6 SULPHUR OIL Valuable remedy f«i purifying blood and in <f tf appetite, fhron'e can**'" pat if in, ring worn, >*eh, white leprosy. boils, swell'ngs, < >li and kidney pains, rh umal- ism, c 'eases «f 1 le**n an 1 liver !»i- 1» b!«H <| irssurc j gttMine**, toothache and j
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  • 771 7 Reuter. REPORTS of further plans for tichv and the Nazis were current in London to-day, and though Ihey dti not so tar find confirmation in official circles they are interesting as indications of German aspirations renrdtßS I r ench assistance. One oi these
    Reuter.  -  771 words
  • 202 7 Reuter. Shanghai. June 4. THE Japanese Consul-General at Hankow has protested to the ish Consul-General over a regrettable incident" invola boy of the Hankow Club -tated to be a member of 1 ngking's Blueshirt organisa i wealed the Japanese Army ..»an at a press conferencs The
    Reuter.  -  202 words
  • 38 7 Reuter. London, June 4. Dl. I WEEN dusk and an early hour thia morning, the only enemy air over Britain was the of a few machines over the at two wid?ly separated ts. No bombs were reported Reutei
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 176 7 Reuter. London, June 4. 2 THE London Gazette an- J nounces the appointment of Lieutenant-General Sir James Marshall-Cornwall as General Officer Command- j ing-in-Chief dating back to April 14. No hint is divulg- a ed of his Command. April 14 was the date
    Reuter.  -  176 words
    Reuter.  -  564 words
  • 4 7
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  • 287 7 Reuter. London, June 4. XHE critical tone regarding the events in Crete are still evident in the editorials though comment has moved on to the danger threatening Cyprus and Syria. After urging the Government to give a lull account of the Battle of Crete at
    Reuter.  -  287 words
  • 119 7 Reuter. Amman (Transiordan). June 4. THE General commanding British operations in Iraa has sent a message to Emir Abdullah, expressing the warmest appreciation of the part played in the "short niV victorious campaign in Iraq" by Major Glubb Pasha and a detachment of
    Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 51 7 Tokyo, June 4rIE former Danish freighter, Tongking (6.445 tons), which sank in flames off the Malayan coast near Penang and was subsequently salvaged, has been taken over by the Japanese Amakusa Steamship Company, it was revealed to-day. The freighter has been renamed the Holland Maru.—Eastern
    51 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 97 7 sp 11 A NMMABi B- <; THT A It Superior quality Perfect in finish. jgg^ SEASON CO., LTD., in. North Bridge Road. UlUUll i"^ BB THr N EW DODGE LUXURY LINER MOHEV-SAV.NG OA^jS^^ Lifetime Engine B«» r,n Slipcrft n,shed d 91 CS«C« features. tull .Flo.un,R.<«' <;,„„, Driven Camshaft Brjkrl
      97 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 208 8 LAI Ml] YOU'VE SIMPLY GOT TO!! IT'S JUST ONE OF THOSE GRAND M.G.M. Comedies that the whole Town loves! r~~~~~~~~~ TO-DAY CAPITOL 3.15-6.15-9.15 MYRNA and MELVYN TOGETHER.... and what a topping Combination! MARRIED...BUT HE MADE I Bfc jtiH in} M ti! fc 8w 1,1 I H RAYMOND WALBURN LIE BOWMAN
      208 words
    • 315 8 DON'T DELAY— BOOK TO-DAY! for the Gala WAR FUND PREMIERE of CHARLES CHAUVEL'S mighty epic of AUSTRALIAN COURAGE DARING HORSEMEN" June fl^vJfl^^^B MISS BETTY BRYANT WILL M £1,000 has been generously donated by advertisers contributors in the special souvenir programme, the printing coat of which is being kindly defrayed by
      315 words
      646 words

  • 1584 9 Reuter. THE EX-KAISER WILHELM OF GERMANY DIED AT^Vrai^MOß m «r AT DOORN, STATES AN AMSTERDAM DISPATCH MORNING With the passing of Wilhelm 11, the last of the Kaisers of th« world loses at the age of 82, a man whose name became during tne wSm
    Reuter.  -  1,584 words
  • 113 9 Reuter. London. June b MALA, the bottom half of the Mayo composite "pick-a-back" aircraft, has been damaged and rendered unserviceable in a British harbour. At the beginning of the war. the pick-a-back plane which was one of the worlds most expensive aircraft, was released to the Air
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 338 9 TO-DAY "777 m -.1 3, 5 -6,5- 9 ,5 CATHAY 'Phone 3400. -J Where Everybody Goes ill W VND TUN EFUL! DAQtf Urin M 04iU CRSAR ROM*HO• VIRCPfIA' GILMORE MILTON BERLEI mANOJOMEM^S LAUGHSIoud, long and close together THERE'S MUSIC, TOO And AH Song Hits! 7/,//<> Done It Again!" 'Didl Have
      338 words
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      98 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 832 10 tmssif iiphps v^^aia Domestic Occurrence ACKNOWLEDGMENT. The family of the late Mr. Ng Kah Ghee thank all friends, relativ:s. associations and others who sent Joss-papers, Scrolls, Wreaths. Telegrams, Letters <>t Condolence, lent Cars, paid nighl visits :md attend* «t funeral. Situations Vacant EXPERIENCED Indian Cook Wanted Apply Box 77G c
      832 words
    • 864 10 Property For Sale ATTRACTIVE MODERN BUNGALOW. Goodman Road, excellent position near Grove Road beautiful garden, 22.780 sq.itfreehold owner leaving colony. Please apply Box 793 c o Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 817H) TO LET OR FOR SALE. Modern house, 4 bedrooms bathroom attached. Garage, wrvante' quarters. Apply 711. Paya Lebar (No.
      864 words
    • 760 10 For Sale MENDE RADIO 7-valve. Excellent condition $70- Owner leaving. Box 795 c|o Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 820H) G.E.C. RADIO (8-valves) $85'- and G.E.c! Electric Gramophone. $95-. z2. Niven Road. Singapore. <No. «528H) FOR SALE Puppies or Intelligent stock. Write Bux 7«y cio Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 797H) OTAH UDANG
      760 words
    • 563 10 Public Notices THE SINGAPORE AUCTIONEERS AUCTION SALE Of well-made polished Teak wardrobes, r.lmeirahs, showcases, oeasteads, child's cots, baby's scan? s play-pen, toy horse, scooter, elecinc oscillating table fan. colourful carpets, "RO/AL" portable typewriter, rattrn chicks, etc., etc. 10 be held at No. 64, Chulia Stree. On Friday. June 6th. 1941,
      563 words
    • 335 10 FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. NOTICE Reservation of Sleeping Accommodation on NIGHT MAIL TRAINS Owing to present intense demands for sleeping accommodation on the Night Mail Trains totending passengers are notified that as from Ist July. 1941, reservations for sleeoing and or seating accommodation will only be accepted after passengers have
      335 words
    • 203 10 liany doctors AGREE The Old Adage is Found Best Doctorsin Singapore and throughout the world still find the old saying "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" m sound advice for everyone. Most of the weakening coughs and colds that come with wet weather can be prevented...
      203 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 876 10 jTO-DAY'S RADIO SINGAPORE LONDON /.HI. 225 m. 1333 k!cs EASTERN TRANSMISSION ZHP.I 30 96 m. 9-69 mlcs. GSV 17 81 mcs; If ZIIP 2 48 58 m. 6-175 mcs. GSF 15.14 mcs; MM Z ZHP 3. 41.38 m. 7.25 m|cs. 6 15 pm g m,tr«. it* Chinese programme summary and
      876 words

  • 1038 11 Singapore. June 4 Buyua. Sellers. MINING. v Tin (ss) 3 3 3 9 a] Amal. (ss) 7|1% 7,4»% austral Malay (*> 3318 3416 rostral Amal. (ss) 7j1% 7J4% Wvug ($1) 065 0.70 rtang: n Tin 12<6 14!--0 'i; Clangor ($1) 1.37 1.40 Dtat (58) 9|- 9f6
    1,038 words
  • 22 11 Singapore, Thursday. Prices of tiit and rubber in Singapore at noon today were:— TIN Kt'BlStfß Bayers 40%, Sellers 40 8
    22 words
  • 64 11 Singapore, June 4. Gambler ,2*52 Java Cube J2.00 Hamburg Cube JJ-Jg Muntok White Pepper 15.00 White Pepper 14.50 Black Pepper 7.25 Sundried Copra 2.50 Mixed Copra Small Flake Tapioca 7.50 Fair Flake Tapioca 7.00 Medium Pearl Tapioca 8.26 Small Pearl Tapioca 8.25 Lingga Sago Flour 4.95 Fair Sago Flour
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  • 23 11 London, Juno 3: Shell Transport has declared a final dividend of 2-12 per cent making the total dividend 5 per cent.
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  • 123 11 (From Our Financial Correspondent.) A t THnnnu Singapore. Thursday. ALTHOUGH quotations were malnralnth/tin .r c was not much activity in such bVr££ c *9**F* and fined M tni S was conK>«m he Austr a"an section where Kramats improved to 1216 and Kundari-t tions 6 htUAtt
    123 words
  • 16 11 The Estimated export of Dry rubber from Malaya. Bruhel and Labuan for May is 49,000 tons.
    16 words
  • 26 11 Mr. V. K. Munisamy will conduct a musical entertainment at the premises of the Indian Youth League. untitled Race Course Road at 5.30 p.m. on Saturday
    26 words
  • 240 11 MARKET REPORTS (By Reuter) London, June 4. IJNDER arrangements just introduced, all freight charges for voyages touching British and United States territories in any part of the world will be controlled for the duration of the war. The United States, United Kingdom and British Overseas authorities have
    240 words
  • 997 11 Guarding The Dollar Arsenal "JN devoting this series of talks to 'The Science and Practice of Rubber Growing,' therefore, we shall attempt to describe, in simple language, the scientific facts and principles underlying the practical operations and the economic factors of the industry; to discuss
    997 words
  • 49 11 New York, June 3: The less insistent trade demand for cotton indicates a slower textile business or consumers' hopes -of easier prices. Nevertheless sellers ace reserved despite the beneficial rains .n the Central belt, witn proiipecti of rains coming to ttw East where they are greatly cd.
    49 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 48 11 Did you MACLEAN your teeth to day?! Dear Sir, In reply to your query. OF COURSE I DID! For sparkling white teeth, healthy gums, a fresh cool mouth, use Macleans. It quickly removes stains, whitens polishes the enamel and it is economical in use. "British to the Teeth'
      48 words
    • 195 11 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA S. N. CO. SERVICES Bangkok. Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta. Port Swettenham, Penang, Negapatam, Porto Novo, Cuddalore, Uadras. Sailings will be maintained as regularly as circumsta; <*s permit. For information regarding freight and passenger accommodation apply to: BOUSTEAD ft CO., LTD. (Incorporated in F.M.S.) Tel: 5431 for
      195 words
    • 364 11 P. o. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL gjr co. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. The beat possible services are being maintained by the P. ft o. S. N. Co, from the Straits to their usu3« ports of call in China, India, Ceylj and the
      364 words

  • 22 12 Photo shows more German prisoners—airmen—on their way through London to prison camps. They do not look very unhappy!
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  • 125 12 Reuter. i London. June 5. i RIOTS, which broke out in Baghdad on Monday and which were suppressed following the proclamation of martial law. are described; as the dyin efforts of Rashid All's supporters The return of the Regent. Abdu. Hlah. has been unanimously welcomed
    Reuter.  -  125 words
  • 93 12 Shanghai. June 4. j WITHIN 3ti hours after the S? 500 pnn (Chinese* were stolen frcm the Chine c main Post Of*ice. Japanese Lendarmes recovered the entire loot and arrested the two. oi iti^'-n.T-s of the daring robbervj Masao Nonomura, 37, and Liang Chen-kwang. The
    93 words
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  • 89 12 Reuter. London. June 4. MOSCOW Radio says that tradesman in Damascus have been 1 ordered to report to the authorities their supplies of rice, sugar, butter and other foodstuffs Moscow Radio also says that in view of the shortage of flour in Istanbul the supply
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 97 12 Reuter. been proved in many fierce encounters against heavy odds. The least they deserve is every atom of support in machines and equipment that our workshops can give them, coupled with the resolve on the part of our High Command to abandon all old-fashioned notions of strategy.
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 95 12 Singapore, Thursd«>v SAINT ThiruvaUuvar's day will be celebrated at the Ramakrishna MlMton premises on Sunday at 5 p.m. The programme consists of a series I lecuires in Tamil and English touching on such aspects M "Thoughts on VUluvar." 'Greatness of the Thirukkural. Some Aspects of the
    95 words
  • 96 12 Tokyo. June 4. JAPAN is try:ng to get as much wool *'s possible from Australia and at the same time Increase Japanese exports to Australia. Mr. Koh Ishii. deputy CaVn't spokesman, disclo-ed at a press conferee >. He disclosed that when the Foreign Vice-Minister
    96 words
  • 134 12 Reuter. Cairo, June 5. A CABINET reshuffle is lakingl place in Cairo. Members of th? Cabinet submitted their re-, signation to the Premier who in, tutti sent his resignation to King, Farauk las! night (Wednesday). It is understood that th; re- forming of the Cabinet will be
    Reuter.  -  134 words
  • 144 12 Reuter. New York, June MANY distinguished peiToni were iii present at a solemn pontifical man at St. Patricks Cathedral for the j eople of Britain. Lord and Lady Halifax. Mr. Wendel? Willkie. Governor Lehmann of New York State, the Archduke Otto and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
    Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 104 12 Reuter. Cairo, June 5. UTTER confidence in final victory was expressed by the Greefc Prime Minister, M. Tsouderos. to a message to the Greek people because God and righl art- with u> and Greece cannot di«r The message con turner Th* 3 (aggie continues. A\
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 39 12 If, Lem Th au: Soo and Miss Ec Bong Soo 'alias Kirn V* rVf hJ unr-vDore Registry The bridegroom is the second the bride is the second daughter, son oj inaavm Mr and Mrs Ec Seng Watt >
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  • 775 12 Washington, Apr. 23. THERE Le powerful expert military support of the President's expressed opinion yesterday about the outcome of the war. This opinion is that the war can be won by assuring the existence of the British Empire, and this existence can be assured
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  • 54 12 Reuter. London, June 5. GERMAN raiders launched a concentrated attack on a West Mid lands area in the early hours today When the planes came over the f.rea in force, they ran into a terrific r»ntl-aircraft barrage. Ili appeared to be the Nazis' chief effort
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 62 12 The following appointments in the Malayan Public Works Service are gazetted Mr. R Waddell to act as Executive Engineer. Head Office, Taiplng; Mr. O. 8. Thntcher to officiate as Senior Executive Engineer. Larut, Matang and Krlan; Mr J V. T. Campbell to officiate as Executi c Engineer, Lower Perak: and
    62 words
  • 103 12 Reuter. Washington. June 4. I THE veil of secrecy which has 1 hithero shrouded the visit of Mr John Winant, the United States Ambassador in Britain, to Washington was partly lifted this 'evening when Mr. Corde'l Hull. the Secretary of State, said at his press conference
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 165 12 COL. COLLETT "KILLED" BY NAZIS —ON PAPER London, June 5 FANSOCEAN, the official German news service, yesterday had a news item under the head line of Beirut which stated thn 1 the "French Major Le Collet has apparently committed suicide." Once again, the German propa- gandists have allowed their wishe<
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  • 81 12 "TALL, DARK AND HANDSOME" (At The Cathay) THERE is much fun, gangster slang and gun-work in Tall, T)irv and Handsome", the Cathay s new film, which has for Its theme a pretty bright young thing m Virginia Gilmore going hard for a playboy gangster one of those fellows who
    81 words
  • 41 12 London, June 4. Tin opened steady. The turnover was 75 tens. The market ruled steady but active. Both buyers and sellers were reserved. Business was again mostly confined to threemonths. Alter official hours c further 15 tons were traded.
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  • 55 12 Reuter. Washington, June 4.—President Roosevelt has issued an executive order directing that an unspecified number of coastguard officers and enlisted men be transferred to help to operate certain naval vessels. Meanwhile, the Maritime Commission has issued a list of 28 merchant vessels, including the liner America, which have been acquired
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 428 12 Reuter. London T-in WHEN Parliament Jn r e e 4 as i ■emMes H b certain ftT will be a debate arisi ßr 2? the British withdrawal X i Crete in which Mr i ml m 1 Churchill, the Premier 1?A Mr. Clement Attic- the
    Reuter.  -  428 words
  • 104 12 Reuter. Jerusalem. June 5 -MAY the Arab countries 1W their national aspirations the help of Allah and the aid n Britain, their great Ally wewm just be loyal to Britain M m loyal to us." vVith these words, the Bn dullah of Transjordan addres desert
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 27 12 Mar del Plata (Ai THE German merchantgen (6.101 tons, ha cdlv arrived at Mar aei Chile. She will I wool and canned f<
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 134 12 WZDVING' C€P€/HlOfifY 'fi\\3l successwrenml m Ami very disappointed at your\ XMf*'father,i understand all the •>! lip} II jR 1 Hi I I ARRANGEMENTS FOR OUR SON'S WEDDING .\mt ARRANGEMENTS FOR MY WEDDING ARE HE.? >\ A_ 111 I\ j WHY, EVEN THE INVITATIONS HAVEN'T ID u p MOTHER SAYS YOU
      134 words
    • 84 12 Piles Curbed inlOMinules Don't let itrhintr. bit eding protruding Piles sup V* your nerves, and drive you Chinaroid the recent dlscov; lean physician stops the P s j you can walk. ride, wort in comfort. It qui* heal the sore tender part: swollen tumors and n »i tlons to the
      84 words