Malaya Tribune, 4 June 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Net Sales Exceed 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1941 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Wednesday, June 4, 1941
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  • 80 1 Washington, June 3. A PRODUCTION "miracle" for warship building is demanded by the Secretary of the Navy, Col. Knox. Addressing a conference of shipbuilders, he stressed that his demand was made in order that the United States and the British Navies should continue
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    REUTER.  -  444 words
  • 241 1 Reuter. Wallis, Rcuicr's Ankara Correspondent). propaganda is very imeng MsaleaM in Syria. fan Ankara that they great play with the 1 question, and are also d»sI I' 1 i. load. dred and twenty trucks hi at, ric? and aviation arrived at Aleppo, en to
    Reuter.  -  241 words
  • 124 1 Reuter. New York, June '5. A GALLUP survey on the question of whether the United States Navy should he used to guard ships carrying war materials to J»ritain resulted as follows:— Yes, 52 per cent.; No. 10 per cent.; Undecided, 8 per cent. The survey
    Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 41 1 R.A.F. Active Over France Channel Reuter. London, June 14. A COLUMN of enemy trocps and an armed trav.ier were attacked by RAF. fighters operating over Northern France and the Channel yesterday. Our aircraft returned safely, statei the Air Ministry communique. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 48 1 Reuter. Jerusalem, June 4. THE entire European staff of th? Iraq Petroleum Company whom the had held as hostages have been -elcascd, according to word received in Jerusalem. All ai'fit and well and have returned to their residences or to hotels.— Renter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 168 1 Reuter. Washington, June 3. TKaJ United States Navy Department has announce* that the Assistant Nival Attache at the United States Embassy in London has commit tedjsmcide. A message from Lond"n states that the death in t.ond->n of the Assistant Naval Attache at thfj American Embassy,
    Reuter.  -  168 words
  • 80 1 Reuter. Shanghai. June 4. A PROPOSAL to raise a c:ntribution from th? Chinese in the j South Seas to buy 2,000 pursuit plants for the Chinese Air Force' has bee:; approved by (ienera!- j issimo Chiang Kai-shek, according to the local Chinese press quoting Mr
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 56 1 Reuter. Tokyo, June 4 IHE German and Italian Ambassadors, ott and Indelli, called at the Japanese Foieign Office yesterday. Ott had an hour's talk with Iffr Matso ika, the Foreign Minister, in the afternocn while Indelii had a talk of similar duration with the nce-Miiiteter,
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 79 1 Reuter. London, June 4 EIGHTY TWO THOUSAND official 1 1 been d'~niissed by i\ le authorities in Moravia < mia Protectorates, ac- 01f irrrjved by the C/! «i; authorities in London Tln dismissed officials mcrade civil servants in the Government q-par*:'.!' "ts in Prague, municipal
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 78 1 Reuter. Wellington. June 4. r'O thousand and right hundred New Zealand soldier* ar? unaccomnted for following the Crete i evacuation, according to inform- ation at present In the possession ■ol the Government I Thia wai announced by the actIng Prune Minister, Mr. Nash. He
    Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 77 1 Reuter. I ondon, June 4. THE shifting situation is very serious, Mr. Shin we 1 (MP.) told j the Labour Party Conference yes''Unless we can .-.peedily repair oar ye sets damaged by enemy I action and replace those lost as a result of our own
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 51 1 Reuter. .Shanghai, June 4. YET another terrorist outrage wa* committed in Shanghai yester day. Mr. Wang Yueh Sun who is reported to be a propaganda agcn for the Nanking regime was si dead by two Chinese gunmen ir the French Concession yesterri* morning. The gunmen
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 227 1 London, June 4. BROADCASTING from Ankara late la«t night, the National Eroadeasting Corporation correspondent, Mr. Martin Agronsky, said: "The British continue to COM centrate troops in Palestine, In»i and on Syria's southern and eastern frontiers, while the Nazis quietly and rapidly strengthen oach day
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  • 58 1 Reuter. Batavia, June 4. TflE Netherlands East Indies have received export licences for the purchases of war material.. In the United State.-; valued $57.nn0.nn0 daring April, thi York Times. This shows a striking increase idnce the beginning cl the yea* for export licences In
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 202 1 Reuter. Washington, June 4 TWO huge new orders estimated to provide about 800 giant bombers have been placed by the War Department. One of these orders was placed with the Consolidated Aircraft Company of San Diego, valued at $226,636,200, and the second with the Boeing
    Reuter.  -  202 words
  • 65 1 Reuter. Bangkok, June 4. IT is rfiicially announced that the Prim- Minister, Luang Pibbul Songeram. yesterday morning cordially received the British Minister, I] Josiah Crosby. They conversed on foreign affairs for an hour. A communique states that Major Vilas Osthanajida 1 visit to Singapore was
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 44 1 Reuter. Moscow, June 4 THE Soviet yesterday caucelled re- cognition <<f thr Qreeft Legation <n the ground of the loss of its overelgnty. This action is similar jto that taken recently gainst the Yugo lav, Belgian and Norwegian itions —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 56 1 jl. HASSAN.a.i Gas vvo.i«r Contractor*, i a 37 Bras Basah Road, SroU TEL. 1411. row itqu rrment* in th« Mat! n or repairs of electric. V 1 ffatcr P'P e flttlnpra please fltifl we will mibmtt t( without obligation NSfflP GUARANTEED 4ND riMXCES MODFIRAT* stock:—Bfecttl. > .gntv b rwl fittingF
      56 words
    • 30 1 m ■■■■■pSJfloVi|V9f'' v ■■■■■■■a UU4M I LATEST WAR "NEWS" RECEIVED TO-DAl| CAIBDS briefest communique from headquarter* middlweast for very long time says quote on all fronts no chmge in situation
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    • 21 1 ■■■■■■mrHh There is a Spartan product for every type of application. Ensures colourful, durable and smoothly attractive finishes. Made in Australia.
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  • 291 2 Daylight Exercises Also Probable (Tribune Staff Reporter) (SINGAPORE and Johore will hold parallel two-day black-out exercises "sometime" at the end of this month, the Tribune learns. Members of all the passive defence units will be in action again. Daylight exercises will most
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  • 379 2 (From Our Own Reporter) Penang. FORMERLY on the editorial staff of the Straits Echo, and a teacher of St. George's Girls' School. Penang. Mrs. Raymond Li (ne* Florence Wong 8.A.» has been appointed assistant superintendent of St Nicholas' Home for Blind Children, Bagan
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  • 68 2 Singapore. Tuesday. CHAP.GED with causing hurt to a compatriot by means of an axe. Biswa Nath Singh, an Indian, claimed trial before Mr. W. D. Carew. in the third police court, to-day. The incident was said to have taken place at Dunlop Street. The case was
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  • 44 2 Singapore, Tuesday. FOR assisting in carrying on a Chan Jl ki lottery, Loh Tin Puan. and Teng Chin Tong, two Chinese, were each sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment, by Mr. W. D. Carew, the thirl police magistrate to-day.
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  • 270 2 (From Our Own Reporter) Penang. A FEW members appear to me to be over zealous in their interest displayed for the welfare of the fund, for instance, a member insisted on the committee or the trustees taking responsibility for any loss sustained on
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  • 85 2 Singapore. Tuesday. ALFRED JAMES ELLIOTTE. 24--year-old private, attached to the Royal Engineers, appeared on three charges of house breaking in order to commit theft and one charge of attempted house breaking, in the second district court this morning, before Mr. Conrad Oldham. The allegations against Elllotte was that
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  • 363 2 Singapore, Tuesday. PLEADING guilty to a charge of criminal breach of trust and two charges of falsifying account books, Anthony Mary Joseph Frr.ncis alias mmasuxas Francis, till recently a clerk in the S'ngapore Harbour Board, was bound over by Mr. Justice Worley in the Assize
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  • 136 2 Singapore, Tuesday. WHEN Goh Ah Goo collided with i another cyclist at the Cenotaph. while he was cycling along ihe Esplanade on May 17. he said to the man who picked him up "This is the end of r-e." Six days later, he died in the Hospital.
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  • 339 2 (From Our Own Reporter) Penang. A LLEGATIOXS that her husband assaulted her in a room in a hotel, where he was found with another woman, by kicking her and throwing a chair at her, were made by Tang Si Seng in the case in
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  • 21 2 H.H. Tunku Abdulrahman, District Officer Kulim, has been appointed *o be a Deputy Director of Passive Defence Services for South Kedab.
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  • 170 2 Singapore. Tue da ftS a sequel to an Keppei Road y< noon, when nine Mali y {he Singapore Harbour ft BrtflMfle were Injured It hich they were n v overturned. Tibi bin to have been the cr■ i jorry. aoreared in the District 7raffic
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  • 87 2 x Singapore, T sd A 5O YEAR-OLD Hindu Chettiar. claimed trial In the I fifth court ta-day to a charfe of removing a printed notice bond with the words "Landing Place" at (the 7Va nrle. Pasir P.* May 29. Th° offence Is Whe Emergency Powers
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  • 66 2 Singapore. Tuesday. A 4O-YEAR-OLD Hylam. Poo X c ftoog, claimed trial to a charfe of theft in the fifth court to-e'ay. Foo was alleged to have stolen m alarm clock valued at $3.50. belonging to Junes Allen, his employer on M-ay 30 ai G. 30
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 63 2 YOUTHFUL I VIGOUR VITALITY restored in an hour by taking a couple of VITAELINE the Premier Power Pills for Men. Large $3.20, Small $1. Postage 25 cts. ANANDA VILAS, another great nervine tonic and a quick restorer. $1 bottle. Postage 25 cts. VITOPHEX Ointment. Restores and increases power quickly. Large
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    • 200 2 (Cent-A-Piane Fund) Total number of enemy planes destroyed during yesterday on all fronts up to midnight I ondon time. SEVEN gIUH I HUBBUCK'S |ff||l§ LINSEED OIL ■MUSS'S Sviill Hubbuck's Pale Boiled Linseed Oil is madfl especially for Hot Climates for mixing with oar Patent White Zinc It does not discolour
      200 words

  • 315 3 Singapore's Latest Consular Arrival To Study Problem "l nn« <«> l« «««.KI) un«ler«to<xl. «.«<, »tu«l> -.°N. >'r'..' '"«.««n lo l.e c«n.u.",?e Im Provements in the teachmg of Chinese in Malaya are a probable sequel to a study of the problem he is now undertaking.
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  • 123 3 fill registration of rice purchasers, based on legislation similar to that irbtahiing h* Malaya, will i into forte in Labuan n July 16, 1941. S ibsidiary legislation to thi end contained in a supplement to the GovernGasette published last lhe main provisions are thai householder shall,
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  • 82 3 THE tol pi c?cris derived from th< dances held on New World, the Greal rid, and the Happy World Ca rets in aid of the St Andrew's Miss nd Orthopaedic Hospitals 279.63 cts.. including the sale of tickets, hospital flags. firs! bouquet was purchased l Ly
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  • 56 3 Singapore, Tuesday. BAIL of $50 was offered in a case in the fifth court to-day in which Pong Hong Kee was charged with violently resisting arrest when fcund idling by a detective on the beach, Trafalgar Street, on June 2 at 9 p.m. The case was
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  • 61 3 iTAn4DAT,xr Singapore Tuesday. J'ADARAJAN, a jeweller who admitted misappropriating jewelery worth $113 with which he had been entrusted last week, was sentenced to four months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. W. D Carew, the third police magistrate, to-day. In passing sentence, the BM*U 'rate remarked
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  • 282 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Tuesday. |X commemoration of her great interest in the movement, and to bring about the materialisation of a long-felt need, the Girl Guides and Brownies of Ipoh and the district, will soon be provided with a "home" of their own
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  • 119 3 Singapore, Tuesday "UNDER war regulations, even if v you are under contract and the contract has expired and you leave the ship without permission you are guilty of desertion." remarked Mr. C. H. Whitton, this morning when three sailors. Leonard Osinski '(Pole). Grig oris Klein (Yugoslav) and Arthur
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  • 81 3 Singapore, Tuesday. SAID to have stolen railings from' the Old Graveyard at New Cc- I metery Read, Tan Chong Yeng (43), a Chinese, claimed trial to' a charge of theft of the iron and I an alternate charge of fraudulent possession, when he appeared
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  • 140 3 IT is 12 months to-day s nee th* last ship left the beaches of Dunkirk with the evacuated forces, and to-night some of those who took part In the historic adventure will broadcast from Singapore their experiences on that occasion. The programme commences at 8.35 p.m..
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  • 196 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday DALLYING to the appeal for n more men in the Passive Defence Units, especially the ART. Corps, more than 1,000 Chinese residents of Kuala Lumpur and district have recently offered their services. Within the short period of
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  • 271 3 THE rhythmic clicking of 24 type. writers interspersed here and there by the tinkle of a bell, heralded the opening of the "Kitty Foyle Singapore Uneerwood Open Typewriting Champ onship at Messrs. Robinson and Cos. Cafe yesterday afternoon. Held in connection with tiie screening of
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  • 141 3 Singapore. Tuesday. HENRY HARLEY CLARKE, secre- tary of the Singapore Swimming Club, was acquitted and discharged by Mr. Conrad Oldham, the second magistrate to-day. on three traffic charges, two of which were in respect of causing hurt to a Malay syce, Warain bin Rispy, and Lieut. W.
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  • 118 3 (From Our Own Reporter) K. Kangsar, Tuesday. 'I HOPE that the Malays will take what happened in Selangor recently as a lesson and will refrain from such action," said His Highness the Sultan cf Perak, Sir Abdul Aziz, when he declared open the jumble sale
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  • 87 3 T Singapore, Tuesday. HE Singapore Accident Ambulance Service attended 350 calls during the month of May and of these, 44 were to casts outside Municipal limits. Motor car accidents topped the list with 39 while the second highest number of cases attended to by the ambulance service
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  • 53 3 Singapore, Tuesday. HONG HOI and Chong Cheok. two Chinese were charged before Mr. Conrad Oldham, the second magistrate, this morning with stealing six tins of petrol lighter flints, valued at $1,200. from a steamer in the Singapore harbour. Both accused claimed trial and the case postponed
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 287 3 6 DANGER I SIGNALS i' fMr rW> ssfLW' 'ill>'ila^aaWnilWHHlpyJl■sUnT^-^fll Heed their warning NOW lIFE to-day imposes great strain on you\ eyes, if any other part of your body *r* yr *y** had to do so much you would never get JSlt fwi'** «ia through the day. Because they do not
      287 words
    • 388 3 you can tell by the flavour it's LAMB of exceptional quality It is the very finest Lamb Australia I AUSTRALIAN produces deliciously tender a i real pleasure to carve and a delight IT A TV AT Tfc to taste. What better qualities 1 I ./A \/I Hv could a joint
      388 words

  • 73 4 (By "Spectator") Racel: KIT East Lvnne Race 2: SHOOT UP Danse dv Ventre Races: DOVER Beau Mari Race 4: WINSOME Phirini R aces: sSIANI» Easter Par .de Race 6: HOULICHAN Annie Rooney Race 7: LEPANTO Ranscombe (By "Bess Beit") 1: EAST LYNNE raitn Race 2: SUZANNE Spr,ng .Y'/i,
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  • 913 4 FOLLOWING are the weights for to-day's races at Ipoh: RACE ONE PONIES, CLASS 2. DIV. 3—5«/ 2 FURLONGS n n i MARNELL 8v 9 04 Mr. Alan Loke JJSli^S 1 0 4 EXPLODE lS 9 00 Mr. Teoh Cheow Ghee van Breuketon 0 S 1 SnStOm 7y
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  • 45 4 Reuter. London, June 3. WHEN Wales meets England in the soccer international at Finian Park on Cardiff next Saturday, Leslie Jones, the Arsenal forward who began his career in Cardiff, will captain Wales. Arrangements are being made for 50,000 spectators.—Reuter
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 20 4 THE Singapore Traction Company received a walk-over from trie Hongkong and Shanghai Bank in a Business Houses' League match yesterday.
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  • 66 4 IF the weather keeps fine the going is likely to be good. Forward runners to-day should be Spring Girl. Freedom, Faith, Little Charm. Scofflaw. and Electra. Scofflaw exercised this morning on the sand track and was the picture of fitness. Faith, Little Charm are in top form and
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  • 41 4 THE soccer Div. 28 match between H.M.S. Sultan and J.C.S.A., which was to have been played on the Singapore Harbour Board ground yesterday, was postponed as the J.C.S.A. were unable to field a team. The sailors were con. ceded a walk-over.
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  • 31 4 SOCCER: Div Athletic K pffifWit2:f&i: div ii a. liurVß E Pulau Branl. Gillman: Div. II B, winder? v Kranji. SeieTENNIW: S.C.R.C. and V.M.C.A. tournaRACES ntB ipoh Races, third day.
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  • 58 4 CEVEN singles will be selected from the following to represent the Municipal Services Club against the Singapore Harbour Boaid Junior Service Club in a friendly table-tennis game on Sunday at 1.30 p.m. at the S.H.B. J.S.C. premises. Peng Nam, Weng Kal, Ah Hong, Charm Khuan. Chong Pak. Ying
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  • 58 4 This is Miss Ho Lye Toh, one of Malaya's only two women weightinters. The other is her cousin This Malayan Amazon. age> 17, height 5 feet 2V% inches, iceigrt 115 pounds, can lift 200 pound weight aoove the around, and 130 Dou'nds over-head. Ambition—physical instructor, intentions to
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  • 361 4 HOLDERS of the mixed doubles, and of the women's singles 11 and open singles respectively, of the S.C.C. Spring lawn tennis tournament Margaret Stokes and Roy Smith qualified for the final of the open mixed doubles in the V.M.C.A. ]open invitation lawn tennnis tournament
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  • 328 4 S.R.C 2 R.A.F 2 T UCK, more than anything else, saved the Royal Air l m last year's Div. I league champions, from defeat wht n they met the S.R.C. in a league match at Anson Road Stadium yesterday. The match ended in a two-all
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  • 83 4 Q.C.R.C. cricket teams fat thl matches will be: Against J.C.S.A. on Saturday A Imm at S.C.R.C. ground: Low Kee Pow. Alex 'I Chye. Swee Lim Swang, On Chua Boon Onn, Un Hon Win i n Sin, P. L. Tan. Seah Keng b, Kirn Wah. Against Loyal at 2
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  • 24 4 i)N a Division 2B League fixl > 1 played on the Clerical rjoi ground yesterday evt Airport trounced the Indians by fx goals to two
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  • 23 4 IN a Business Houses Lea? u< that was to have been played n the J.C.S.A. ground Bramtoc gave a walk-over to Sim D
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  • 177 4 R.A. (B. Mati) 3 R.A.O.C 2 AGAINST a markedly superior team, the R.A.O.C. were forte A to submit to defeat when they met R.A. (Blakan Ibl in a Div. lIA match at Gillman yesterday. Score against tk Corps was 3-2. The Gunners, who
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 19 4 SINtiA WATER MINERAL WATER from theSelctar Hot Spring, Singar^ c Ad alkaline with exce' nt correctiva fcr«p«* l el
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 1071 5 Appalling Destitution (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday, fl official ostracism is the penalty for criticising Governnunt's discriminating policy of distributing annually MacGregor** Bounty of $360,000 to the European officers while limiting us contribution towards the relief of distress in Silangor to $250 a
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  • 360 5 (From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Tuesday. ""yyE should be proud of the fact that we as technical men in the discharge of our daily duties are constantly performing war service and we are glad that in that way we are contributing our share towards a
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  • 181 5 (At the Alhambra) TDETTE DAVIS has a superb opportunity of displaying her worth as the screen s greatest dramatic actress in Somerset Maugham's famous story of Malaya "The Letter." which opened at the Alhambra yesterday. She plays the part of an Englishwoman, wife of a planter, whose
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  • 168 5 (At the Capitol) rpO stop her admirers from pestering her and her family from reminding her of the fact that she Is a spinster and happy and contented, Myma Loy tells them that she has acquired a husband after a trip to South America, although In
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  • 53 5 SAID to have forged a letter on Jan. 3, 1940 intending that it should be nsed for the purpose of cheating, Ramasamy Bela Krishna, an Indian, had the charge explained to him when he appeared before Mr. W. D. Carew, the third magistrate, yesterday. The case was postponed for mention
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  • 58 5 TH E Accountant-General, S.S., Mr. W. C. Hodges, advises that a further sum of 52.290.980 has been paid by the Government of the Colony to the Imperial Treasury Chest Officer. Malaya Command. Singapore. This ?um represents the proceeds from the sale of War Savings Certificates for
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  • 166 5 Singapore, Tuesday. HECAUSE the Salvation Army Remand Home could not keep a 15-year-old boy as he was "too much of a handful fo r them," he was sentenced to undergo his term of punishment in the reformatory ty Mr. Conrad O.'dham. the second magistrate this
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  • 591 5 Singapore, Tuesday. IJNDER the Prevention of Corruption Ordinance the trial opened at the Singapore Assizes to-day before Mr. Justice Worley and a common jury, of Bakhtawar Singh and Bickram Singh, Punjabi contractors, on two charges of corruptly offering on Jan. 21 to Mr. Henry
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  • 77 5 Singapore, Tuesday. SENTENCE on two Chinese who were caught attempting to p. 1 edge stolen articles last week, was passed by Mr. W. D. Carew. in th e third police courc, to-day. Lim Ah Wang who was caught trying to disease of a stolen camera
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  • 42 5 ON Thursday, June 5. at 6 30 p.m., a lecture will be given on "What ana Whom to Believe" by the VicePresident ol the Singapore Lodge Theosophical Society at 8 Cairn hill Road. The lecture is open to the public.
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  • 564 5 Melbourne, June It ls announced In London that the 15,000 men evacuated from Crete Included British and Anzaca but no Greek j The "Dally Mall" correspondent In Cairo tells the story of the production of rcmr issues of a one-page news sheet in Crete by five Anzac
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 691 5 THOMPSON OPTICAL Co. 4. ARCADE BUILDING Specializing; Ocular Muscle Anomalies. Crossed Eyes. Intricate Visual f Prohlems. Glasses if needed. VJr*^^ K. 4. Thompson Dr. of Ocular Science. 35 years' European Clinical Experience. 'Phone 3002. Bj 1 FAMOUS DOCTORS PRAISE KIDNEY MEDICINE That Acts In 24 Hours To End RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA,
      691 words
    • 504 5 j /f#o?<\ Let's be j %^45 1 beautiful Here is a new line af cosmetics scientifically prepared from the finest g\ ingredients according to famous prescrip--9k Yj tions, cosmetics that will make every woman > beautiful at prices that every woman can 7 pay. I Blue Hyacinth Lipstick comes in
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  • 181 6 Tin—After The War WHILE he did not commit himself to wearing the uncertain rrantle of the prophet, the Hon. Mr. J. P. Mead had some interesting, it* speculative, observations to make at the annual meeting of the F.M.S. Chamber of Mines, regarding post-war conditions in their relation to their
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  • 136 6 WHETHER Mr. Mead's prog- nostications will be fulfilled remains to be seen, but most people who have given the subject any consideration at all will agree that conditions very like them are bound to arise. The question of the removal of the present system of control and
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  • 197 6 THE accumulation ol hug* stocks of tin in America and the establishment of a smelting industry in that country will add to the complication of problems which will be the lot of the Malayan producer when the war is over. The huge reserves being built up in the
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  • 1230 6  -  A WISE AND MERRY CHINESE PHILOSOPHER RECORDS HIS r IIV r K a T m A J LIN YUTANG In "With Love And Irony" WRITE of the English character because I think I understand England better I th n other European countries. The spirit of the
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  • 325 6 ET me give a word of advice to you young fellows who have been looking forward to retirement: Have nothing to do with it. Listen: its like this. Have you ever been out for a late autumn walk in the closing: part of the afternoon, and suddenly
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  • 726 6  -  By Ivan Palmer Ill \YOMi:X (Australia) A PAPUAN WIFE these days costs anything from £6 to £50 'Australian', or the equivalent in such possessions as dogs' teeth or pigs or solid shell bracelets. And polygamy is widely practised Of course, seme men may argue that Papuan
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  • 309 6 GREAT Britain is ■ending overseas £100,000 worth more clocks a year tnan she did m tne last i«i months of peace, although 95 cent, of those who once mad*: them are now turning out precision instruments for aircratt, dc tonators, and other war accessories. Lord Beaverbrook, Minister
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  • 595 6 THE collection of waste m; for conversion into uses is by no means a novel tice. In tins country it has been going on for a number o! years and has been made quite a pi means of livelihood ami <■<•- tion of the Chinese Who, if
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 405 6 COUGHS, COLDS, THROAT TROUBLES Quickly Cured D/ PEPS MiT&PlK. mMATHSMU >ABUTS FOR MIL SATISFACTION ILL KOHM> Cholre tut Flowers, Wcddine. Flowers. Sheaf Presentation Baskets. Euner il Wreaths. Flower, Potted Plants. Grafted •eeded Malayan Fruit Trees, He etc ALWAYS CALL at BIROSHOP". (PKKAK FLORISTS). Ipoh. Phone 2«H>: FLOWER MKSHtY at Jalan
      405 words
    • 30 6 i fey Accurate Eyesight Examination, «,o: im in Eyewear, Sup no. Service Economy, < .n:sult Our l>t/ac'io»i*t:--C. F. CHONG, TIN IT OPTICAL A: MEDICAL CO. 1*42 U>u h Bridge Road, BINOAPORI
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  • 705 7 Thrilling Stories Of Crete Evacuation Reuter. fw-udii i .vr Alexandria, June 3. "KILLIWu eye-witness accounts of the ™W«taP conditions under which hritish warships fought against odds in evacuating I>,ooo weary and wounded men from Crete were given to me hy officers on board
    Reuter.  -  705 words
  • 56 7 Reuter. Dallas, June 3. WITH thumbs up, r>o Britons comprising Hip initial c'a&S or the R A F training programme in the United States nave arrived here frorr England via Canada. Aft' 1 three month- thej will be readv to roniplete the course entitling them
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 24 7 Raja Sidesman bin Boo has been oppointed under the Court* Enactment a Magistrate of the First Class within m-l for the State nf Johore.
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  • 328 7 Reuter. Cairo, June 3. AM; of the last men to S leave Crete, the Greek 5 Minister of Justice, M. Ditnit--5 rakakis, spoke of the "inI describabie" ferocity and J savagery with which Ger- man airmen devastated the J cities of the island, in an in-
    Reuter.  -  328 words
  • 94 7 Moji, June 3. r PHE many fclntlnn—ll extended *x) fhe Thai delegation by the Japan m Government and people will be reciprocated by Thailand, thereby drawing closer still the friendly ties between the two countries". Prince Varavarn. 'lip! matic adviser to the Thai Foreign Office and chief of the Thai
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  • 240 7 Reuter. I Lisbon, June 3. JN a quiet picturesque hotel not far from Lisbon, 116 Americans—men, women and children—are recuperating from one of the most dramatic experiences of the war. They are the survivors of the Egyptian steamer I Zamzam, which was
    Reuter.  -  240 words
  • 109 7 Reuter. Rome, June o. A semi-official statement oil the Hitler-Mussolini rtieeti ing yesterday says that the 1 presence of the ('ommander-in- j I Chief of the German armed I force* and the chief of the Italian General Staff confirms that the Duee and the
    Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 87 7 Tokyo. June n "lITITH rieka due to fluctuations of Foreign Exchange quotations «Itrrl- nated by the Government measure t.o: stabilise foreign exchanges with th* pound sterling and currencies linked to It Japanese Exchange bankers have ie- j ided to discontinue the system of noritMl quotations
    87 words
  • 255 7 Reuter. London, June 23. Till whole of the British press is virtually unanimous in demanding that the lessons of the events in Crete should be thoroughly h arned. The Times writes: "It appears from the first that the success or I failure in the defence
    Reuter.  -  255 words
  • 69 7 Reuter. Shanghai, June 'S. A CAMPAIGN to raise contributions to purchase 100 pursuit planes for ihe Chinese Government has been launched in 60 districts In Szechueri Province, according to Chinese reports. The campaign wa.j started on Sunday and will end ;n June 15. It is
    Reuter.  -  69 words
    Reuter.  -  536 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 129 7 1 YLE, COMFORT, ECONOMY Consult niK ORIENTAL OPTICA!. CO. ACTURINGI OPTICIANS Hei d Ol ice: 162, South Bridge Rd eh other 348. N. Bridge Rd SI\ T < i A PORE FREE TESTING f $L ma tic Ifw H y dqn't yqu)^ [PAIN'S ARE (tJtRY SLOAN'S? jj TERRIBLE NT'S WONDERFUL
      129 words
    • 141 7 M E E is o Sirs EXTRA DRY GIN Triply distilled and guaranteed absolutely pure, and is also the finct Cm imported into Malaya. Price $1.25 per Bottle Including Duty. HOlSf ftSOitTS SINGAPORE j J W-11-AVi V I !N E W SUI»I» E I E "GUIDE" 1 have just arrived,
      141 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 672 8 I MYRNA LOY and MELVYN DOUGLAS TOGETHER What a Grand Combination for LAUGHS. make "SCREAM HISTORY;' again with THE TOWN'S BIG LAUGH SHOW! to-day 3^- CAPITOL •Where you always good show" j < «f rnuDle who had to "play" at being married, The Saucy. Snappy story of U P* W
      672 words
      249 words
    • 132 8 IP Till; I j jJWfißy LETT Kit i I EXCELLENT FIRST RATE BREATHTAKING SUPERB SUSPENSEFUL THRILLING ONE OF THE SEASON'S BEST' TO-DAY 3 SHOWS j 3.15, 6.15 9.15 p.m. I AlmambmA j Free List Strictly Suspended II What was the strange secret in the letter? j greatest stor> i liQjPi
      132 words

  • 144 9 Singapore. Tuesday lIM BOON CHYE appeared in tire ■i Traffic Court this morning on a charge of causing the death of Mohamcd bin Haji Abdul Rahman on the afternoon of May 31 at Telok Blangah Road, by a rash act not amounting to culpable homicide,
    144 words
  • 85 9 iFtOBk Our Own Reporter) Penang, Tuesday. THE 60-year-old European who collapsed in front of the E. and O. Hctel last week and died without regaining consciousness when admitted into the General Hospital has been identified as Mr G. H. Johnstone, a miner who was
    85 words
  • 78 9 Singapore, Tuesday. D-.EADIVG guilty to a charge of stealing a pair of shoes from a house in Havelock Road. Lim See How, a Chinese, claimed trial to a charge of escaping from the custody of the constable who detained him, when he appeared before Mr.
    78 words
  • 80 9 Singapore, Tuesday. PAID to have cheated the East d Asiatic Company of $2,113.49 worth of goods. Ong Koh Seng, a Chinese, clamed trial when charged before Mr. W. D. Carew, in the third police court, to-day. Ong was alleged to have given a cheque for that amount for
    80 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 408 9 j 3 shows OP^NjI^G^O-DAY 3.15 P.M. 6.15 P.M 9.15 P.M. BOX OFFICE 'PHONE 3400 CATHAY Where Everybody Goes K• Qf£fr) %vN CESAR ROMERO as the ROMEO of K^t^r R-kcts a v ..<:; I I BRIGHTER ,lUj l| C.»> u,,s! The HAPPIER fl Aill/ ROMANCE; ROMEO ENTERTAIN- UHIIII Of id Ufe
      408 words
    • 337 9 Public Notices NOTICE Rubber Dealers In the Islands ol Singapore and Penang are remind cd that coupons issued for the first and second quarters 1941 expire on 30th June. WAX, and any such coupons delivered to the Rubber Control Office after 3.30 p.m. on 30th June. 1941, will not be
      337 words
    • 243 9 MAIMER JRj if? I! TASTE Are you one of the people who waice up m ti e morning wun unpleasant; symptoms? They are a that the liver is not functioning properly ana that the digestive system l s out of order too. To put this trouble right ls usually
      243 words
    • 155 9 AMAZING CURE OF PILES and FISTULA Performed on Local Sufferers Read below. HI 33 < JaJa n Lam. W &sĔSĔg%B& bak Klu a n v Ifcfe »>*P?lli«il Johore. 7th Feb., IT? 1940. This Is t«. &Jte Certify that 1 MX% have been snffer:ng from interlUt J -iPs!!! nal P ilc!
      155 words
    • 76 9 Positively Last 3 SHOWS TO-DAY g: Iffl are delighted to respond to popular yLmmmWf*f> demand...and extend the engagement of ImSrTlr the greatest outdoor picture oi them all! _^2^Jb^9E^^HbSbl Irp Hp ft IH I SJI 9Mb :t 3^S^9"a Y PAvTuON v SUSAN HAYWARD SHE HAS I JUST A WEE BIT MORE
      76 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 2617 10 A SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY TENDERS. TENDERS are now invited for the following materials or service. For particulars see Municipal Tender Room. Supply of Liquid Chlorine for the period 17 41 to %t%AA 30 6)42. 12 noon. 10 June iw. Supply of Standard High Pressure Copper Tubes. 4 p.m. 7 July 1941
      2,617 words
    • 136 10 All Aches and Pains f Acents NAINA MOHAMED SONS, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur Penang. DIABETES. aß> IF YOU ARE AFFLICTm. WITH Tins DISEASE come to Thablb A Md. Hassan, tbe specialist for DIABETES I V- ts*m He guarantees to c*re you I completely and permanently enabling you to take rice Jem&
      136 words
    • 50 10 m—iiMMMPM'mii.Hiiii fm^^^iyiftfi 6^ TORaEARDKJJNCr EFFICIENT REPRODUCTIW Try M PYE" Radio for which they are UNSURPASSED Sole Agents: HOE BOON LEONG SING ATOM Distributors: RADIO GENERAL AGENCY. Kuala Lumpur. THE RADIO SOI M» SERVICE. Taipiig. Perak, Penang. *g3E Welleslev and Alor Star. X™ 4 CHOP HUP SOON Al >• Kuala Dungun,
      50 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 956 10 SINGAPORE LONDON ZHL 225 m 1333 k|cs. EASTERN TRANSMISSION ZHP l' 30 96 m. 9-69 m!cs. GSV 17.81 mcs; 16 84 mctrfi ZHP.I 48.58 m. 6.175 mcs. GSF 15.14 mcs; 19.81 metre, ZHP.3. 41.38 m. 7-25 m|cs. 6.15 p.m. to 11 50 p m p.m. GSD 11.75 mc\: 25 53
      956 words

  • 896 11 Singapore, June 3. Buyti». Sellers MINING. 33 39 7 Ii 7 4'i t 33 f 34 6 rfr». Tl' a 7j4Va 0 65 070 12 6 141L 1.37 1.49 9- 9 6 17,6 18.6 12 13 0 14 0.16 0.38 0 41 1 20 1 23d
    896 words
  • 10 11 Wednesday. and rubber at noon toTtN Sellers 40%.
    10 words
  • 71 11 Singapore, June 3.^ Gambier 12! 00 Java Cube 12 25 Hamburg Cub- IC o0 Muntok White Pepper »-JJ White Pepper 7 25 Black Pepper Sundries Copra 2.bu Mixed Copra 005 Medium Pearl Tapioca J g Small Pearl Tapioca J g Small Flake Tapioca Fair Flake Tapioca J*» Lingga Sago
    71 words
  • 142 11 (From Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Wednesday. 'PIN shares were not very active yesterday and what business passed was confined to the Australian section. Kundangs improved to 18 3 while Rawang Tin Fields. Austral Amalgamat»d and Laruts were all done at prices unchanged from previous business.
    142 words
  • 213 11 PRIMARILY intended for planters fcut also of interest to the general public, a new series of talks on "The Science and Practice of Rubber Growing" is to be broadcast frcm Singapore. The first is to be given to-day at 9.20 p.m., by Mr. H. J.
    213 words
  • 184 11 (Fiom Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday. ONE hundred and twenty-two Tamils were arraigned before Mr. G. L. Hove, the first magistrate, yesterday, charged with being members of an unlawful society at Telok Datch on May 15. Mr. Forbes Wallace. ASP., stated that on that day.
    184 words
  • 192 11 Singapore, Tuesday. A CHINESE, Quek Keng Huat, who was fatally injured when the tricycle he was riding was involved in an accident with a motor car at the junction of Tank Road and Fort Canning Road on the afternoon of May 23, formed the subject of
    192 words
  • 354 11  -  Cash Tin Strengthened By REUTER Cable London, June 3. TpN opened steady. Trie turnover was 125 tons, nearly all being three-months where moderate selling, including some from smelters, counter-balanced the improved demand. The latter, and sellers' reluctance, strengthened cash tin which was also influenced by the
    354 words
  • 214 11 (Viom Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Tuesday. WE the members of the Kinta Ind'an Association are assembled here to bid farewell to one of the most valued and founder members cf this Association, Mr. G. Thiagarajan. "He has been connected with tnis Association so very closely
    214 words
  • 128 11 Singapore, Tuesday. THE annual report of Thorny croft (Singapore) Ltd. stata that the profits for the year ended Jan. 31. 1941, amounted to $57,088.58, to which sum is added $18,221.85 brought forward from last year. A dividend of seven per cent, has been recommend:6V by the
    128 words
  • 98 11 Reuter. Washington, June 3. THE view that it is too late to prevent the escape of Axis funds from the United States by a "freezing" order was expressed yesterday by the Secretary of the Treasury, Mr Morgenthau, when asked by reporters whether he still considered a
    Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 75 11 Peshawar, June 3. I HE British have never called themselves the protectors of Islam Protection is for the Muslims themselves. The British, however do call themselves the friends of Islam and they are determined to save Iraq and other countries frcm the calamity of rule by the Axis powers." declared
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 714 11 STEAMER SAILINGS P. o. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE (Incorporated in England) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S.N. CO. MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. The best possible services are being maintained by the P. O. S. N. Co, from the Straits to their usuo< ports of call in China, India, Ceylo i
      714 words

  • 111 12 Reuter. Shanghai, June 4. THE Japanese forces claim a Uam- aging victory over the cream of the Chun-king Government*.:. Central Army in Shansi Prwincc according to the Japanese Army spokesman in Shanghai. He asserted that the Chinese strength in Shansi had been &p proximately 13
    Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 74 12 Reuter. London, June 4 FOR distinguished services in ng the withdrawal from the beaches of Greece under fire and in the face of great difhculol many tin usands of Allied troops and for the fine services while In command ot His Majesty's tory of Capt
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 39 12 Reuter. London, June 4. BELGIAN pilot.-, are now co-ope. ating with the a.F. in th Middle East, accord:ng to the Free Belgian news service They tool part in the operations over Cretr
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 571 12 J'HE report of the General Manager of the F.M.S. Railways, Mr. L. M. Smart, C.8.E., shows that for the year 1940 surplus of revenue over expenditure amounted to $5,072,041 as against $2,001,406 in 1939. Total revenue in 1940 amounted to $19,732,787 (Railways $18,087,229, Wharves $1,286,279
    571 words
  • 87 12 Reuter. Washington. June 3. THE United States War Depart 1 ment Bill, authorising the Government to take over privatr property useful for defence is designed to assure deliveries of doi fence articles. President Roosevelt I told his press conference to-day The-bill was the result of th
    Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 102 12 Reuter. F T T Pretoria. June 4. IELD-MARSHAL Smuts, broadcasting ;n the anniversary of !'he departure of the South African troops for East Africa, said that, the Italian menace there had been eliminated and another illustrious chapter added to South African history. The South Africans
    Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 89 12 Reuter. Chungking June 4. THE casualties in Monday's air 1 raid en Chungking were probably higher than in any previous rain this year. Fixtv-seven were killed and many 'njured in a dug-out In which many took refuge though It was constructed for trucks and not
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 257 12 Reuter. London, June 4. IT has been decided to entrust the direction of the existing British Information Bei vices in the United States to Kir lieraid Campbell now serving as British Minister in Washington, In response to the inci'_i<sing demand hi the United "tales for
    Reuter.  -  257 words
  • 170 12 Reuter. Tok>o. .lune Tin; Baftavia parleys aave come to i*-e most important stage, Mr. ishii. the deputy spokesman oi tie Board ot Information, stated at his press conference. He may receive reply from the Netherlands Fast Indies to cur proposals in the very near folate, he added. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  170 words
  • 96 12 Ann Stephens. nlne-yca r -old pirl Wring at Golden Green. Ton-\ ion, vho was chowen from 700 children to play "Alice in the recorainr; of Lewis Carroll's famous ttorp Alice in Wonderland." The story has been adapted and produced by Mr. Edicard P. r j'> v and
    96 words
  • 118 12 Reuter. Johannesburg. June 4. THE Rand Mail, in a leader entitled -Heroism is not enough." says that f he overwhelmingly important feature of the Battle cf Crete was that from the British viewpoint it was a battl* of bayonets against aeroplanes "What the bayonet could do
    Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 553 12 'From A Special Conespondeiit: Bit a via, June 3 JH the course of a speech to I occupied Holland, the Chief of the N.E.I. General Staff. Gen. H. Ter Foerten. said that frequently requests came in from units of the NEI army asking to be sent to
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  • 65 12 Reuter. Washington, June 3. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT conferred for one. hour to-day with Mr Joseph Winant, the United states Ambassador to Britain. Mr. Winant, it was noted, was carrying a bulging brief when he entered the White House. He remained for luncheon at which Mr. Harry Hopkins,
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 108 12 Reuter. Amman in,, MAJOR GLUBB P. m the famous B trol. returned to An with his men afteparticipaUon in the which led to the co Ali's rebel'ion in Iraq Major Glubb. I o ci ibed as the "Lawn cf this war, was an ciai welcome
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 97 12 Reuter. London. Junt i THE Ankara Radio attack Admiral D Vice-Premier, regard ences to Turkey in speech. Quoting a Turk paper, the announce] seems that Admiral Dai intolerant complaint tain and brimming with v also tittered words I the feelings of the Turki "It Is
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements