Malaya Tribune, 18 February 1941

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Net Sales Exceed 16,000 Daily SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1941 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Tuesday, February lo, 1941.
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  • 653 1 TURKEY BULGARIA SIGN NON-AGGRESSION PACT Nazis Rush Preparations For New Balkan Move Reuter. Berlin, Feb. 18. 4 \ON-A(K;RESSION agreement has been concluded between Bulgaria and Turkey, according to a Sofia despatch to the official German news agency. According to a London message, the declaration by the Turkish and Bulgarian Governments
    Reuter.  -  653 words
  • 102 1 Reuter. Istanbul, Feb. 18. T at ion in Rumania is I rave. The populaeking essentials, which lered wholesale by troops who terrorise ians, state travellers ring in Istanbul from The Rumanians are convinced that the Germans are preparing quickly to invade Bulgaria, and ,t is
    Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 265 1 Reuter. Vichy, Feb. 18. THE Danube has burst its banks, 1 and 30X00 people have been mauled from their homes after the waters of the swollen river had J>ur,t through the protective dykes H miles below Budapest, says a fcspatea to the official French ■Hi agency. had
    Reuter.  -  265 words
  • 77 1 Reuter. p. Lisbon, Feb. 18. M :p A was also struck by the an hour hurricane which Portugal during the week- 'id. ■•age at Madeira was estlbout 80,000 contos, which it £800.000. areV rtuga strrnuous attempts muni V lB made to restore com--1939 i
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 60 1 Reuter. S, Aden, Feb. 18. "ERAL thousands of Italian i are attempting to enter v according to informaiching Aden from Jibuti. A ol Italian officers are stated wlth h.3m. French authorities are f i to have refused them °ion to °nter up to the pre--1 'here
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 69 1 Reuter. Bangkok. Feb. 18. ANGLO-THAI relations were described as "most cordial" by the British Minister, Sir Josiah Crosby, in an interview. "If anything has been reported to the contrary," he said "it is ridiculous—so ridiculous as scarcely to call for contradiction." Sir Josiah Crosby made this
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 30 1 Reuter. Washington, Feb. 18. CONGRESS ha*s sent to the President for signature bills authorising the increase of the Federal Debt limit to $65,000 millions.Reuter. I
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  • 180 1 PACIFIC WAR NOT IMMINENT CHUNGKING Reuter. Chungking, Feb. 18. WHILE attaching much significance to the British mining of Malayan waters and the evacuation of Britons in Thailand, wellinformed quarters in Chungking express thy opinion that this does not necessarily mean that war is imminent in the Southern Pacific, but merely
    Reuter.  -  180 words
  • 186 1 Reuter. Washington, Feb. 17. IF Germany won the war, the United States would face not only a hostile Germany but a hostile world, declared Senator Barkley, the Democrat leader, opening the Senate debate on the Lease and Lend Bill to-day (Monday). The Bill has already
    Reuter.  -  186 words
  • 43 1 London, Feb. 18. SEVEN districts whose Wa Weapons Week has just closed announce figures double or more than double the figure aimed at. Among these is' the district of Windermere and the Lakes which setting out to collect £110,000, collected £300,000 —British Wireless.
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  • 151 1 Reuter. Sofia, Feb. 18. THE British Minister to Bui- j garia, Mr. George Rendel, yesterday outlined British policy towards Bulgaria. I He was replying to ques- j liens raised by Reuters correspondent as a result of the 1 var.-ous statements in the Bulgarian press. •'British policy
    Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 122 1 Reuter. London, Feb. 18. WHEN Hitler has nothing more to offer the Germans, when he realises he has been cheating the people, he will scuttle himself as he scuttled the Graf Spec. This is the opinion of Sir Neville Henderson, British Ambassador in
    Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 168 1 Reuter. Berlin, Feb. 18. IF the scope of the Turkish Bulgarian agreement is modest, it is at least proof of the sincere love of peace animating the two countries, declared the Bulgarian Foreign Minister, M. Popoff, according to a Sofia despatch published in Berlin.—Reuter. London, Feb. 18. GERMAN,
    Reuter.  -  168 words
  • 409 1 British Tighten Grip: No More Italians In Egypt, Sudan, Kenya Reuter. London, Feb. 18. all-round increase of British pressure on the enemy was revealed in yesterday's war communiques. No Italians now remain in Egypt, the Sudan or Kenya, except as prisoners, and in Italian Somaliland,
    Reuter.  -  409 words
  • 55 1 Reuter. Rome, Feb. 18. M. GRECIANTJ, formerly Minister in Berlin, has been arrested for complicity in the January disturbances in Rumania, according to an official announcement in Bucharest, says a despatch to the Italian news agency. M. Grecian v was appointed last December to succeed M.
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 145 1 Reuter. Athens, Feb. 18 FALIAN air activity Is practically at a standstill, and famine and Italian Incitement of the Greeks to revolt against the Italians are reported from the Dodecanese Islands by a party of 25 Greek refugees who have escaped from Calymos and Simi. They state
    Reuter.  -  145 words
  • 100 1 Reuter. Malta, Feb. 18. MALTA had ten air raids on Sunday—the largest number yet in a single day, the previous highest number having been in the first days of the war with Italy. There have been 63 raids in the past 11 days, including
    Reuter.  -  100 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 60 1 m yi HASSAN, r.»«; A Water Contractor*, Isi 3*- TEL. Mil ronr rpoulrement* In too I «J or «pairs of electm. /Sitfr PIP* Agings. pW*s* I*> W and will «übmlt our """SJati. without obligation. ....MVsmP GUARANTEED AND B HAF<.™ MODERATE. -ta- stock:— Electric Ught*e bowl fittings. BT ct,a^: t "lampbulbs.
      60 words
    • 59 1 I Attractive range of QUICK-BOILING ELECTRIC KETTLES a Sheathed wire immersion element 9 Bakelite handle. robust construction. Heavy gauge aluminium. q Automatic cut-out. Earthed Connector and three-core Extra large lid-opening, flexible. W 2 p t. 3 pt. 5 pt. Models. Made in England. (Advertisement of The General Electric Co., Ltd.,
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  • 29 2 S'PORE ROAD SCANDALS FAILURE to render prompt aid to those Singapore road accidents was referred to m iwo court cases yesterday.
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  • 564 2 Singapore, Monday. The action of three motorists two Europeans and a Chinese— who refvsed to convey to hospital a dying Indian soldier, who was badly injured in a motor accident, was described by Inspector Francis Goodship as "scandalous." Inspector Goodship was conducting an inquiry into
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  • 525 2 Singapore, Monday. James Boyd, a private of the Argyll Sutherland Highlanders, was charged before the Traffic Distrwt Judge, Mr C H. Whitton. in the District Traffic Cow t to-day with causing tr* death of one Bakri bin Noor Sadan by dnving a military lorry negligently.
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  • 319 2 Singapore, Monday. AN unusable automatic pistol and a large quantity of New Year cards of the "Teng Choan Tan" secret society which were found in a room of a house in New Market Road led to Kwsk Ji Ba, a Chinese, who described
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  • 183 2 Singapore, Monday. SEEN in the act of attempting to 1 start a car parked in front of the Corner Bar, in Serangoon Road, Hugh Hamilton and Samuel Smith, soldiers of the Argyll and Sutherland Regiment, who pleaded guilty to a charge of having attempted to
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  • 16 2 MR. J. Percival. or the Sydney Herald, passed through Singapore yesterday from Batavia
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  • 15 2 Mr. P. H. Bonnet, Deputy Chief Surveyor, has been promoted a Chief Surveyor Grade 11.
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  • 220 2 Mr. L.H. Gorsuch Head Of New Department OFFICIAL confirmation was made available last r of an exclusive story published in the Tribune last week of the creation of a new Malayan Civil Defence post. The official communique states:— A new Department of Civil Defence lv- beta
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  • 110 2 Singapore, Monday. THE story of how a quarrel between two children led to a fight between their fathers was related before the fifth magistrate, Mr. L. C. Goh, when Tan Oo Lee, a squatter, was sentenced to four months' rigorous imprisonment after being
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  • 143 2 A DISCUSSION on the venereal disease problem will be initiated by Dr. Chen Su Lan at the Rotary Club meeting on Wednesday Other Rotarians are expected to express their views on the subject The Community Service Committee is' planning to prepare an illustrated pamphlet on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 31 2 ((**vt A-F1nrfP Fund) Total number of enemy planes destroyed during yesterday on all fronts up to midnight London time.. FOUR ]actocef/8 Advt. of Nestle Milk Products, Ltd.. Incorporated in Nasia- Bl
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    • 6 2 !*Ji:!il USE JE ilii- j VAPEX
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  • 198 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) s KEN valuable portraits, of men whose names associated with Singapore for a Ions* time ri which at present adorn the walls of the Vicrial Hall, will be removed to a place of safety if an! when
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  • 16 3 Mr. G. C. Stubbs, Surveyor. F.M S.. and S.S.. has been seconded for service m Johore.
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  • 82 3 ng in my forces ear 'r land, or in the id, indeed, to all my ed in the defence .!n. I t ommend the this hook. For the Bible has been ie and strengthenice in our national U bhoves us in entous days to
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  • 59 3 effort tor air amI vrai aintrd ai hut actually the d was £50.290 3s I tins sum £220. 16s. m .Malaya, mbulances for the provided for £15.000 first two specially aircraft to be used in have also been madr ..pment of quiet rooms y,
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  • 47 3 s apore, Tuesday. t :i red yesterday at 0 nment Hospital Theresa Miller, .4. W. Miller of the D ;ient, Batu Pahat. .ter of the late Mr. Mrs. M. T. Mahon of y. Ireland. will take place at 5 '.Tiling at Malacca.
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  • 121 3 (Tribune 'Sta ff Reporter) THERE was a Icrc/t croud present yesterday at Messrs. Chenna Hock Chuc dt Co.. Ltd., when the first auction sale of contraband seizures by order of the Marshal of the Prize Court, began. It was the beginning oi i week's
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  • 384 3 (Prom Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Monday, I. H. A. TROWELL, Inspector of Machinery, Perak, was this J morning convicted by Mr. P. F. V. Radcliffe, In the Batu Gajah court, on three summons charges of having accepted monetary presents totalling $90, without consideration, from three Chinese-owned mines
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  • 69 3 IT is officially announced that the offices of the War Tax Department are situated in the Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore. The telephone number is 3841. The offices of the CollectorGeneral and Collector. Singapore, are likewise situated. A'l requests for advice and assistance or for copies
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  • 81 3 Singapore, Monday. CHARGED with being members of j the Chinese National Emancipation Vanguard Corps, an unlaw > fuj society. Chong Kian Lin, a man, i and So Giok Hi, a woman, claimed i trial before Mr. J. G. Rappoport.' !in the Third Police
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  • 24 3 At Saturday, Feb. 22, is an American national holiday (Washington's Birthday), the Singapore American Consulate General will be closed to business on that day.
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  • 462 3 Singapore, Monday. APPEALING against sentence imposed on them by the Third Magistrate for offences under the Defence (Finance) Regulations, R. S. MacMillan and I. F. Ferguson were partially successful in their appeal which was disposed of by the Chief Justice, Sir Percy MacFlwaine, in
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  • 130 3 Singapore, Monday. BECAUSE he attempted to ride off on a motor-cycle which had been parked at the Capitol parking place, C. Pearce, a soldier of th? R.A., Changi, was fined $100 or, in default, two months' rigorous imprisonment, by Mr. J. G. Rappoport, the Third
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  • 77 3 Singapore, Monday. CHARGED witn having snatcncd a goM necklace and locket from a woman. Lim Ah Eng, in Baiestier Road, on Feb. 16, Boon Kwan. (alias Lim Hup Kip) and Lee Ah Sen?, claimed tria 1 before Mr. J. G. Rappoport, in the Tnird Tolice Court, to-day. The necklace and
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  • 182 3 Kuala Kangsar, Monday. A NEWLY-BORN child was seen lying on the bank of the Kangsar river by an Indian conservancy labourer while en duty early yesterday. The body was I highly decomposed and identification of its nationality was not pojatpje. The matter was re[ported to the
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  • 116 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh. Monday WHILE travelling by car on Saturday afternoon, with two Europeans, at Taiping. a young Chinese clerk had a miraculous eseao from death when a pistol which one of the Europeans was carrying went oft. The clerk, who was sitting beside
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  • 94 3 Singapore, Monday. THREE electric bulbs were found In the possession of Tan Seng Kee. (45>, when he was arrested fey a detective. Police inquiries revealed that Tan had stolen one of the bulbs from the flve-foot-way of a coffee shop in South Bridge Road. Charged before
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 275 3 H£W STRENGTH g\ TOR YOU in W THE IMMEDIATE W Wf g- t% tonic g^fy W qr A Amazing Scientific R V J Discovery Now Revealed M K||l§ •jf Vital strength and power fail as age jjajr -ivances, because glands become tired, weak and dried up. Once wr scientists thought
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    • 117 3 DIABETES. IF YOU ARB AFFLICTED WITH THIS DISEASE com* to Thablb A. Md. Hassan, the specialist for DIABETES He guarantees to cure you completely and permanently enabling you to take rlcs and sugar without fear of recurrence In a short time. He will gire rou back your lost energy and
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    • 273 3 ow about pound /?a66it fitt J Rabbit is stew for j *\7 jr\ enough for dinner" gT\ J /our penoni" I rv\ JV\ -/1 f "we've lots I 1"o Rabbit f\ l\i [of good 4 J make, a *3 Jft jL fla w* I delicious and I )\^j/y? Rabbit* I
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  • 427 4 Singapore's Soccer Boom FIFTY-FIVE teams have entered for four divisions of the S.A.F.A. football league, which starts in the first week of next month. The number of teams entering this year is 11 more than that of last year, and together with the Business
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  • 293 4 Harper Gilfillan 3; N.A.A.F.I. 1. POSSESSING a more enterpris- ing forward line, Harper Gilfillan defeated the N.A.A.F.I: by three goals to one in a Business Houses' league soccer match on the Clerical Union ground, yesterday. The N.A.A.F I. led by scoring the only goal in
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  • 98 4 C. J. A. Haines won the final ol the Island Club Gold Medal competition by beating Dr. T. V Chia 5 and 3. In the first round C.J. A Haines beat M. Sum! 2 and 1. S. Okamoto beat M. Matumoto 3 and 2,
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  • 165 4 A FAMILIAR figure of the Malayan Turf was missed at the Singapore Spring Meeting just concluded. Jack Duval, the popular trainer, was not present but remained »n Kuala Lumpur. Duval used to train exclusively for Mr. A. van Tooren, who owns the biggest
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  • 31 4 TO-DAY SOCCER: Business Houses League. Cold Storage v Traction Co.; Stadium: AP C. v Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. 5.H.8.: Straits Times v Sime Darby J.C.S.A. LAWN TENNIS: V.M.C.A. tournament.
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  • 199 4 0.C.8 <; Brinkmanns 0. AFTTSB remaining an level terms (hiring the first half, the Oversea Chinese Bank overwhelmed the Bnnkmann's by six goals to nil in a Business Houses League soccer match played on the Fraser Keave ground yesterday. The game was an entirely onesided affair
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  • 101 4 THE final of the Wei-Hai-Wei Cup 1 was played at the Island Club on Sunday morning and ended in B win for the Royal Singapore Goii Club over the Island Club 4 and 3. Details of the matches were a-, follows: M M. Patterson 1
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  • 104 4 pE SUITS of two ties of t'r(. V.M.C.A. lawn tennis tournament played yesterday were; Men's singles «Knowles Cup,: M. I. Reshtv oeat I. AlsagoiT 7—5. 2—6. 6—l Men's A Class Singles: C. V Koh beat A S. B Pakir 9—7 6—2. Ties for Wednesday and Thursday are:
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  • 179 4 THE following have been selected 1 to represent the Merry Union D P. against Heptarchians B P. in a friendly match ot five singles and two doubles, on Thursday nit lit at the Clerical Union Hall, at 7.30 p.m. Richard Tan. Henry Ooi, The Tjiong
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  • 73 4 The following players have been selected to represent the Singapore Shorthand Writers' Association i Pitman's> in a friendly game of tabic tennis against the Great Eastern Life Sports Club at the la iter's premises on Saturday, at 2.30 pm Llm Choo Ann. Tan Wee Kim, Young Hai Wah. Seah Kim
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  • 174 4 *FEN new horses, and the promotion of Annie Rooney to the top class with Rose Quilt and Shipley, the advance of the pony Soho to class fr>ur of the horses and the deletions of several familiar names are outstanding features of the latest list
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  • 204 4 Wearne's 2; Bramtoco 1 WEARNE'S scored a narrow 2—l victory over Bramtoco in a, closely contested Business Houses league soccer match at Anson Road Stadium yesterday. There was little to choose between the two teams and exchanges' were even 1 throughout. Wearne's opened their
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 350 4 4 String DOUBLE BASS Tropical model SEASON C 0., LTD. 9 15, North Bridge Rd. *iingkiiiDn* A Incandescent Lamps, Gas «C» Lamp give Brilliant Light, JmE^ with Economical oil consump- flpß on an< l° n 2 er service. (mSi W" So/</ in a// Lamp Stores everywhere. Or jHr* SOU DISTRIBITOrS
      350 words
    • 134 4 HOW TO OVERCOME FEVER EXHAUSTION Doctors now know that the greatest danger in fever comes trom the poisons it sets up in the blood-stream. Fighting these poisons leaves every nerve and organ in the body exhausted. One of those tired organs is the stomach. Just when the body requires nourishment
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    • 53 4 GOLD LEAF PURE CEYLON TEA Knowing what you want and seeing that you get it, is a good rule for buying Tea. Do not he put off with something said to be "just as good" as "GOLD LEAF" Tea. "GOLD LEAF" costs no more than ordinary teas, but tastes a
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    • 277 4 BOTTLE IN IT J— European Lad 1 j X "I have much pleasure stating that since 1 have taken Okasa, my health has >—— a improved greatly. lor Hir tost two years I have sufieri <• AI I W/O AAPM rom had headaches and genL L WU/V\trN eral debility and
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 135 6 WHILE it would be imprudent to subscribe to the view gaining hold in certain quarters that the world's ills to-day are primarily due to fundamental weaknesses in religion, thoughtful people everywhere will find sufficient basis for the contention that the present age of international feuds and
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  • 158 6 THE deterioration in the religious life of Britain has been causing acute anxiety in church circles. In a most challenging article on indifference to religion, particularly in urban areas, the Times cited an instance where 19 out of 31 children (with an average age of 12) evacuated from
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  • 151 6 DE that as it may, the seeds of the Gospel sown in Malaya have been bearing excellent fruit. A most interesting pamphlet entitled "Every Man's Book," issued by the British and Foreign Bible Society, which is well worth study by all interested in church life, says that
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  • 153 6 WHETHER proselytisation is desirable or not, only time can tell. But the leaven is spreading. And a truly missionary spirit is required to tackle the numerous human problems the establishment of new congregations of Asiatic and African peoples is giving rise to—class or colour distinctions in
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  • 1264 6  -  By RICHARD HUGHES *JH) what extent has the expensive, dead-slow China affair drained the resources of the Japanese Treasury and weakened the spirit of the Japanese people? An absurd extravagance of wishful thinking has coloured most speculation on this twofold question, the key to which
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  • 631 6 VTNETY-EIGHT out of every hundred Norwegians listen-in to the B.B.C. and are confident Britain will win. Few of the 300,000 Nazi troops in Norway are happy firearms are banned to civilians, but Germans are always being found mysteriously drowned. Many Austrian soldiers have committed suicide, and they
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  • 40 6 jtflSS MARY DA\EY, of Brighton, who died last October at 108—Britain's oldest woman—left $3,000. For more than seventy years she was associated with a local confectionery business. She joined as an assistant when in her twenties.
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  • 35 6 A decree nisi of divorce was granted against Mrs. Victor Bruce, the airwoman and racing motorist, in the Divorce Court. Her husband, Mr. Victor Austin Bruce, of Inglenook, Cobham, Surrey, alleged desertion.
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  • 574 6 I AST week the Tribune minence to the the abolition of the the Empire launched lish churches. It i the people of ||a] these words: "It is not sufficie by British people hi British Empire Is a pire; the unity nee survival in the lor secured only
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 308 6 THE RAILWAYS ARE YOUR OWN PROPERTY. a I "LODHRA" UTERINE TONIC Lodhra With its reputed eure for uterine disorders, etc. also sets the genital organs of women in perfect order, builds the constitution with tine attainment of radiant health and happiness devoid of periodical uterine troublas peculiar to women. Can
      308 words
    • 102 6 mm i I HH &J Thanks to the j magnificent coum rage of our L iP-i' workers, the R.A.F., the Navy, BS^^^^^^t!! WPBH We can get i iiK«^ mm) and offeT you 1 j- something really FABRICS that are I NEW AND DISTINCTIVE Fascinating Ranges of No v el Folk
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  • 216 7 Reuter. Tokyo, Feb. 17. iSUKE MATSUOKA to-day told members of the Diet was imperative for Japan to invite the aid of Germans and economic experts. With this end in view rming advisory commissions made up of experts in two fields. policy was defined
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    Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 74 7 Saigon, Feb. 17. j T ncluskaa of peace ad under satisfaeh Japanese medised by Vice-Ad-D< coux. Governor-Indo-China, in on Friday, il Indo-China was preparMekong River tiers to Thailand, Decoux said the veen Thailand and June, 1940. stipulated ng River formed the I therefore the islands Seep
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  • 108 7 Reuter. Berlin, Feb. 17. HERMAN KRIEBEL, who marched at Hitler's side during ihe Munich beer cellar Putsch in No- 1 vember, 1923. and subsequently shared his fortress prison at Lands- i berg for five years, died to-day, aged 65, according to the official i German news
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 54 7 Reuter. Bangkok, Feb. 16. RESPITE alarmist reports from outside, hinting at an imminent Far Eastern flare-up and the possibility of a British invasion across the Malayan border, the situation is very quiet. The Government has already made it clear that there is no danger whatever
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 93 7 Reuter. Dublin. Feb. 17. HALF the population of Dublin and Port Kingston is ready to evacuate into the interior should the need arise. It was estimated that when the registered centres closed on Saturday night, over .150.000 peopb had signed. The Eireann Government's scheme covered
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 17 7 Mr. V. S. Kelly has been appointed to be a Deputy Accountant-General for ♦■.he Supreme Court, Penang.
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  • 216 7 Reuter. New York, Feb. 17. SIX-POINT plan for the feeding of Nazi-occupied countries in Europe was outlined by Mr. Herbert Hoover in a broadcast speech last night. The plan, he said, had been submitted to the British and French Governments and provides for: (1)
    Reuter.  -  216 words
  • 205 7 New York, Feb. 17. fHE passage of the Lease and Lend Bill is expected to be followed by the creation by President Roosevelt of an "overall defence administration" to plan, co-ordinate and supervise the obtaining of supplies in the United
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  • 104 7 U.S. Produced 1.046 Planes In January AUTHORITATIVE sources close to the National Defence Commission revealed that the total plane production for January in America comprised 1.020 military planes ana 26 commercial planes, reports the New York Herald Tribune from Washington. It is understood that under the present system che United
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  • 179 7 London, Feb. 17. IN the course of a speech at Tonypandy yesterday, Mr. Clement Attlee. Lord Privy Seal, stressed to his audience that there could be no return to the pre-war wcrld and the new world would have to be planned for. In spite of
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  • 226 7 Reuter. London, Feb. 17. 'JHE official advice to British citizens that they should leave Thailand must be read as a wise precaution, not as proof of imminent danger, declares the Daily Telegraph in an editorial. It adds:—"When Hitler boasts of the number of people
    Reuter.  -  226 words
  • 93 7 Reuter. Stockholm, Feb. 17. AN indication that the days of the Quisling regime in Norway are numbered is given in the impressions gained by observers who have just returned from that country, says the Dagens Nyheter. A rumour that the Germans have given Quisling a time limit
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 144 7 Reuter. New York, Feb. 17. J*WQ thousand Italians and Italian-Americans—80 per cent, of them men—attended a big anti-Fascist meeting organised by the Mazzini Society at Cooper Union Hall. Professor Salvemini, after paying a tribute to President Roosevelt. said:—"If Hitler wins, Italy becomes a German colony.
    Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 37 7 Bangkok, Feb. 17. Jtlß. Yosuke Matsuoka, the Japanese Foreign Minister, has informed the Thai Government that the extension of the Thai-Indo-China truce ends at 10 a.m. on Feb. 25 (Bangkok time).
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 28 7 -COM* Pjau H 9 With >our pahits piquant savoury biscuits, always ready to serve, always appreciated. X PEEK FREAM'S PRE AN CO., LTD. London, fng'anl PF 53 «iiiii^
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    • 174 7 B ioiwi: i. jM Ktv~IX MALAYA THERE'S nothing like a l/\ fragrant cup of Robin- R son's Coffee, a blend of the Mil choicest coffees grown, I 17 J m carefully selected for its \V JJ J M quality and rare aroma, \v M and skilfully toasted to x bring
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  • 282 8 London, Feb. 17. THE visit of two Yugoslav 1 Ministers to Berlin on Friday is the subject of the usual crop of unconfirmed reports and rumours of German origin, of which the intention is designed to increase tension and cloak possible Nazi moves. On their return to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 195 8 Positively LAST IJAY of this j magnificent new M.C.M. Production! C. A w TO DAY APIT 0 Mj 3.15 6.15 9.15 PRODUCED by the MAN who made 'CAVALCADE' ROBERT YOUNG l in M.G.M.'s brilliant novelty I IL I 'FLORIAfsr P-.^l You'll see the world-famous Ballerina. JBgSjjijfcjj^^ in her exquisite dancing
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    • 75 8 OPENING THURSDAY 20th FEBRUARY Simultaneously at SUM Talkie and EgfOTjjg OPENING FIRST 7 CHAPTERS OF COLUMBIA'S THRILLING SERIAL! I HIS PAIS f> 2 NEWSPAPER Calling all adventure-lovers j the year's Wg actionI packed chapter play thriller! AMD THi^ pmns B;:ed upon the famous -~J*^ MiHcn Canitf cartoon strip JcpatSp-*-
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    • 158 8 LAST FEW SCIEENWesi mm Hood \B (surrinf OLIVIA Dc AVILLA. rnn /\T BASIL rathbom; fcKKVJL CLAUDE RAINS wwr T T PATRIC KNOVLES EUCENI PALlcnt L 1 V iVI I\l ALAN HALE MELVILLE Co i r rlil 111 l lAN HUNTER UNA O'CONNOR IL M~J 9» m f P Presented by
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  • 215 9 Singapore, Monday. juVATION Army headquarters in Britain have cabled to b \-h idquarters thanking the Malaya Patriotic Fund for ,:t of £5,000. The cable also tells of the work Salvation Army is doing among the troops in Britain raid victims. The cable states:— ■iiiti I"
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  • 641 9 allegation that $30,000 was involved in the tontine case in which Madam Ee Tiow Leng, alias Suay Niah, stood her trial before Mr. J. L. McFall, the District Judge, on three charges of criminal breach of trust, was made during *he hearing, yesterday. She was
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  • 183 9 Reuter. Washington, Feb. 17. MR. Harry Hopkins, recently President Roosevelt's special envoy in Britain, was present at a White House conference to-day on the subject of the Lease and Lend Bill. Also present were the War Secretary, Mr. Henry Stimson, the Treasury Secretary,
    Reuter.  -  183 words
  • 94 9 Reuter. Caracas (Venezuela), Feb. 17. THE British Mission, which has been visiting Latin America under the leadership of Lord Will ingdon. concluded a five-day visit to Venezuela during which its members were the guests of the Government and lavishly entertained by many friends of Britain's caus'3,
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 45 9 I WFE-LIM—The Engagement is announced between Mr. Wee Gim Chuan, only son of Madam Koh Geok Lan, and the late Mr. Wee Tion7 Kiat to Miss Lim Boon N?o, youngest daughter of Mr. Mrs. Lim Huat Phuat, Kuala Lumpur paper jjlease copy.
    45 words
  • 61 9 TAN—Mrs. Tan Kang Whye, nee Chua Poh Neo, aged 75, the mother of Tan Peck Jim (of the Overseas Assurance Corpn Ltd.), Tan Peck Hoe and Mrs. Koh Kim I.iatn, on Monday, 17th February, 1941. at hor residence, No. 25, CrtflCCIlt Road, Singapore. The funeral will take place on
    61 words
  • 48 9 MILLER: On Feb. 17, 1941. at Muar Government Hospital, Maiieline Theresa, beloved wife of A W. Miller, Batu Pahat. and daughter of the late Mr. Mahon and Mrs. M. T. Mahon of Eyrecourt, Co. Galway, Ireland. Interment in Malacca, at 5 p.m. on Feb. 18, 1941. R.I P.
    48 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 159 9 TATHAY ope ninc toTday L/ I I 10% I 3.15 p.m. 6.15 p.m. 9.15 p.m. c Everybody Goes A DOG STORY FOR ALL DOG-LOVERS |9 a boy and a dog who, together, fought the world! IT\ A Poiomount Picture with M BILLY Lf€ COROELL HICKMAN '%L%* HEIENE MILLARD RICHARD LANE
      159 words
    • 40 9 A. STROK Presents Hilary Napier Brilliant English dancer in 2 Recitals only At the Piano by Kind Consent Mmc M. Bonenfant Booking at! Littles Prices $3, $2, $1. EXCLUSIVE OF ENTERTAINMENT TAX Victoria Theatre Feb. 26 27 at 930 p.m.
      40 words
    • 150 9 A.T. EDWARDS LTD.. AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS VALUERS, 11. MALACCA STREET, TELEPHONE 4646. Consult Ua For All Classes Of REAL ESTATE REQUIREMENTS AND INVESTMENTS. No Obligation Phone 4646. Manufacturing Opticians CROOKES OPTICAL COMPANY I 20«. South Bridge Rd., Siogapor*-. Optician T. 8. L«e Tel. 644« Eye-sight tested glasses supplied from $41-
      150 words
    • 514 9 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Situation Vacant WANTED book-keeper, clerk for upcountry. State salary required. Box No. 231 co Malaya Tribune, Singapore. Public Notices NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that in accordance with ancient custom a New Manager of the Thandayuthauani Temolc at Tank Road and Sithivinayaga Temple at Keong Saik Road. Singapore,
      514 words
      327 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 3105 10 kiSte&t&ktifit j I: IH 1 j N j B 1' ±10\01$&0 Financial WANTED Partner or Financier for profit, able business. Apply Box 219. Tribune. Singapore. (No. ai^u) Board Residence PROFESSIONAL Business, Women Girls Accommodation. Y.W.C.A. Hostel. 8. Fort Canning Road. Tel. ff L ARGE~BED-SITTINa ~ROOM In quiet home Fully furnished,
      3,105 words
    • 640 10 NOTICE THE RAUB AUSTRALIAN GOLD MINING COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Queensland). Notice of Declaration of Third Interim Dividend. NOTICE is hereby given that a Third Interim Dividend of four pence per share for the financial year ending 31st March. 1941, has been declared by the Directors of the Company in
      640 words
    • 165 10 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY TENDERS. TENDERS are now invited for the following materials or service. For pa;tlculars see Municipal Tender Room. Supply of Sanitary Fittings (Deposit $50,-). 4 p M 31 March 1941 Supply of 100 X 40 gallon drums of Disinfectant of approved quality Biiush manufacture. 12 noon 18 February 1941
      165 words
    • 100 10 iBIOZYGEN'i eradicates j INDIGESTION* Send 30c *U*9 **J* t G P.o. box 439 mm*" J Why you Should buy RED MENTHOL CONE EAGLE-BRAND Years of «S spent for the P erfect A M Product. No other menthol as good. Nice to ook at. to use, guaranteed to 'onger. MADE BY
      100 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 983 10 TO-DAY'S R ADTQj SINGAPORE LONDON ZHL 225 m. 1333 k|Cf. EASTERN TRA\<M|s Sl lv ZHP.I. 30.96 m. 9.69 m,cs. GSF—I9B2 metres (15.13 in, ZHP3. 41.3« m. 725 mics. p.m. OSG—I6 86 metres n- -V 10 15| ZHL. ZHPI A ZHP3. 8.50 p.m. GSB—3I 53 riltlr "V 4 la a.m. fom
      983 words

  • 882 11 Dt*pore, Feb. 17. Buyers. Sellers. MINING. 3 3 3'7ft 6'- 6|6cd 35!- 36|-Cd V 20- 211--13 6 14(6 ■Mriß 1 ;<o 1.35 9 9|6 18,9 19i6 12 13|--0 17 0.20 raw 0 38 0.41 1.45 1 48cd ss) 181- l»f--5 3 59 23,6 24|6 ft fin
    882 words
  • 27 11 1 >in g a pore, Tuesday. Pi t 3 of (in and rubber ire at noon tofcj were:— RUBBER Sellers: 36' >. riN si 1 Up
    27 words
  • 141 11 From Our Financial Correspondent Singapore, Tuesday. WITH buyers still holding off, the tin share market was extremely quiet yesterday. Hong Fatts were done at $1.45 and a few Putehs and Jelebus changed hands. Raubs, despite the declaration of dividend, were no better and a few shares changed
    141 words
  • 163 11 London. Dec. 10. MR. E. G. Estall, presiding at the thirtieth ordinary general meeting of the Rim (Malacca) Rubber Estates*, Ltd.. held in London today, said the year had been a very successful one, the yields being good and the costs reasonable. After making
    163 words
  • 127 11 Singapore, Feb. 17. Siam Rice (Special) Per bag $14.70 No. 1 $13.80 No. 2 $13.35 No. 3 $12.45 Siam Rice (Broken) Per Bag No. 1 $11.55 No. 2 $11.10 No. 3 $10.65 Rice Saigon Al Rice Saigon 1 Rice Saigon 2 R. Rangoon "S.Q." Meedon Singhway "Small Mill Rangoon
    127 words
  • 38 11 Singapore, Monday. THE output of the Malaka Pinda Rubber Estates amounted to 89,250 lbs. for the month of January, 1941, making a total of 410.680 pounds for the five months of the current financial year.
    38 words
  • 241 11 MARKET REPORTS (By Reuter) Reuter. London, Feb. 17. Stock Exchange opened dull, with Giltedgeds firm and Rails higher. Kaffirs were occasionally lower while Japanese bonds were better on the abatement of rumours but Tins are still unresponsive to the recent excellent dividends, for instance in
    Reuter.  -  241 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 66 11 f, of today make care- M cessity. I rl iould be avoided. they contain soon makes the hair riwti it under the freb necesiary to I .utifut. 9 women every when t -jse «ts pure. naItsi oils keep tha k Mulsifted r r soft and easy ta i reserves the
      66 words
    • 61 11 Haliborange is a perfectly blended emulsion of Halibut Liver Oil and fresh orange <v'v\\\\ juice The taste of the oil is eliminated completely, it \\\\\Y contains the essential Vita- mins A. C and D which U\\\\\ build up resistance against aU Uls. AN ALLENBURY a\\\\ PRODUCT. Agents:— BARLOW CO., LTD.,
      61 words
    • 2 11 Warms 4
      2 words
    • 495 11 I NOTICE. DEFENCE REGULATIONS (REQUISITION OF TRANSPORT) ORDER 1939. m The undermentioned motor lorries have been requisitioned by me under provisions of the above order. Any claims under hire purchase agreements should be made to the undersigned not later than 12 noon on Friday 21st, 1941, after which date no
      495 words
    • 402 11 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA PASSENGER FREIGHT SERVICES For all information apply to: P. O. S. N. Co.. The Agent, Collyer Quay, TeL 5961. 8.1.5. N. CO., BOISTEAD CO., LTD., Tel. 5497. 8.1.5. N. CO. (APCAR LINE) For HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, MOJI, KOBE, OSAKA. For PEN ANG, RANGOON CALCUTTA. Regular Sailings: Special
      402 words
    • 331 11 P&Oand INDIA The best possf.blo services are being maintained by The P. 0. S. N. C&y. from the Straits to their usuas ports of call in Chin*, India Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to register their requirements btri under present circumstance* sailings are perforce re* tricted. All
      331 words

  • 94 12 Reuter. London, Feb. 17. 1 "THE greatest infringement M I patent rights in history," i is how the Nazi organ Voel- j ki«cher Beobachter describes the landing of British parachute troops, says the official j German news agency. But whose patent—whether I Soviet Russia's or
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 101 12 UNDER the provisions of the Defence Regulations (Requisition lof Transport) Order, 1939, the Re- eistrar of Motor Vehicles, who is i the competent Land Transport Authority for Singapore, has requisitioned 100 motor lorries for the use of the Government. This is the first time since
    101 words
  • 229 12 (Tribune Staff Reporter) RATIONING of petrol for road users in Singapore ma> X X introduced shortly, probably from next month onwards, it is reliably learned. Consideration of tne scneinc has been given by the authorities for many months, and it is understood that
    229 words
  • 202 12 Reuter. London, Feb. 18. THE Greek advance is continuing 1 along the whole of the northern part of the Albanian front except in the Pogradetz sector, where a lull has developed. Heavy artillerv fire has been proceeding all day long. The Greeks stih hola the initiative, both
    Reuter.  -  202 words
  • 123 12 Reuter. London, Feb. 18 DR Hendrik Colijn. the 71-year-Old former Dutch Prime; Minister, has been dismissed by the Germans from his post as editor of the Conservative newspaper De Standaard, it is learned in London. Dr. Coliin, say the Germans,; i -will not adapt himself
    Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 75 12 Reuter. Berlin, Feb. 18. IT was announced here yesterday that Admiral Raeder. Com-mander-in-Chief of the German Navy and Admiral Riceardi. Secretary' of State for the Italian Navy, conferred at Merano, Italy, on Thursday and Friday last week. The official German news agency Ays:—"There was a thorough
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 133 12 London, Feb. 18. A RANGOON University student, who abandoned his iaw studies in favour ot aeronautical engineering, is the first Burmese to be granted a R.A.F. commission Literally translated, his name to "Sacrificial Hawk" and he obtained a scholarship which brought him to England where, for
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  • 75 12 Reuter. London, Feb. 18. ONLY a small number of German aircraft crossed Britain's coasts durng daylight yesterday and none of these came very far inland, according to an Air Ministry communique A few bombs were dropped In east and south-east England and north Scotland, causing
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 54 12 Singapore Monday:—His Highness the Sultan 0 j p a h OVn extreme left) photographed when he paid a visit to the 4 Muslim school off Victoria Street, Singapore, to-day H a icas taken rouv.a the school by the principal, and Q( j j the students.
    54 words
  • 376 12 Batavia. Feb. II MR. Churchill's magnificent address was received in this country with great satisfaction as showing the statesman's unshakable faith and the stubborn si the British people. Nirom was able to record the whole ol Mr. Chui speech, and it was relayed to listeners
    376 words
  • 257 12 Reuter. Cairo, Feb. 17. NO Italians remain on the soil of Egypt, the Sudan or Kenya, except as prisoners, according to a General Headquarters official communique which states, *"bk Libya and Eritrea the situation remains unchanged. "In Abyssinia: With tlie fall of Kurmuk on Feb
    Reuter.  -  257 words
  • 117 12 London. fl*-JJ\ PUBLIC reaction in the "lands East Indiesto -U* rumours of the last two bern an attitude ol calm mination. state. -There can be no as to the attitud mentlands East Indi rj do said the announcer all in their pow peace in the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements