Malaya Tribune, 28 August 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 14 Malaya Tribune
  • 21 1 The Malaya Tribune VOL. XXVII- -No. 206. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1940 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Wednesday, August 28, 1940.
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 1 Xazi demonstration in Budapest to demand the return to Hungary ot Transylvania.
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  • 149 1 MR. CHURCHILL'S GUARANTEE Reuter. London, Aug. 28. 4 PROCLAMATION issued at Ford Chad, Lamy, on Aug. 26 by the Governor and military commander declares that the French African colony of Chad will continue to support the Allied cause, adding that the restoration of French
    Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 78 1 Reuter. Berlin, Aug. 28. THE German responsibility for dropping bombs in Eire is disavowed by the official German News Agency, which states that it is learned in authoritative military circles that "the route over The Irish territory is not used by German panes flying to
    Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 54 1 Tokyo, Aug. 27. JAPAN'S policy towards the Netherlands East Indies remains unchanged since the Japanese Government's statement favouring ?he maStenance of the status quo in the Dutch possessions in the rai East said Mr. Yakichiro Surna. the spokesman of the Foreign Office, at a regular
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  • 105 1 Reuter. I London, Aug. 28. IMPORTANT diplomatic changes are to be anS m unccd in the French offiJ ial gazette to-morrow, acj (.tiding to the Lyons radio. officials are j lo he retired, including 15 nisters, three Embassy i our.cellors, 19 CorpsulsJ General and 23
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 57 1 Chungking, Aug. 26. rURTHER minimizing the danger preading fire in future raids, additional fire lanes have been opened to cut through the parts of 1 king which survived the a'tacks. fifteenth house will be torn WWII aa m 11 as those damaged be 3'onci repair. l[
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  • 231 1 FRONTIER ATTACK BY PLANE Transylvanians Ready To Fight Reuter. Budapest, Aurj. 28. allegation that a Rumanian aeroplane yesterday committed an act of war" against Hungary is made in a statement issued by the semi-official Hungarian Telegraphic Agency. The statement says: "It seems that
    Reuter.  -  231 words
  • 40 1 First picture of the bombing of a new German gun emplacement cut in the chalk cliffs of Calais. One bomb has just burst; the next fell directly on the target, completely wrecked the emplacement and the guns.
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  • 79 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Singapore, Wednesday. FOLLOWING up his speech in the Legislative Council meeting on Monday, when he expressed disappointment at the response to the call for blood donors, His Excellency, the Officer Administering the Government, the Hon. Mr. S. W. Jones, has now
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  • 124 1 London, Aug. 28. SIR Walter Womersley, Minister of Pensions, in a broadcast speech last night, explaining details of the civil injuries compensation scheme said: "This is the first time in the history of any nation that ordinary working people have been recognised by the State as standing
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  • 135 1 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Singapore, Wednesday. ALTHOUGH tne prospectus for the Straits Settlements War Loan was only issued yesterday morning, the number of inquiries made at local banks by members of the public asking for advice on the acquiring of bonds, indicates that the response, when
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  • 383 1 Russian Power In Balkans Reuter. London, Aug. 28. REUTERS diplomatic correspondent writes that although there is no decrease in the Italian press and radio campaign against Greece, the situation has not deteriorated materially and there is no new evidence that Italy means CO break the
    Reuter.  -  383 words
  • 25 1 Reuter. London, Aug. 28.—An Admiralty communique announces that the submarine Spearfish (Lieut.-Com-mander J H. Forbes* is considerably overdue and must be oresumed lost.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 463 1 CINEMAS CARRY ON Reuter and British Wireless. London, Aug. 28. /CINEMA and theatre audiences in London again took air raids coolly yesteiday and hardly anyone left the buildings when the warring was given according to one manager, who said the show went on normally. IN ADDITION
    Reuter and British Wireless.  -  463 words
  • 185 1 London, Aug. 28. ACTING Squadron Leader M. NCrcssley, who last night was awarded the D.5.0.. is stated in An official account to have now destroyed 18 enemy aircraft, and possibly another five. The account says that Crossley hos flown rlmost continuously tnee the start
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  • 25 1 Reuter. Cairo. Aug. 27. Hassan Sabry Pasha denied to pi ess representatives this afternoon the report that his Cabinet had resigned.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 21 1 London. Aug. 27.—The Prime Minister. Mr. Churchill. had audience of the King at Buckingham Palace this evening.—British Wireless.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 65 1 Gave Birth \jn Air Raid s (fmni 11. L. Hopkin) London, Aug. 28. i \d\ Flizabeth White, wife L „i Sir Eric White, gave t)llt h to a son in London just. JN the afternoon raid ended v t-stfidav. I* or Accurate Eyesight Examination, Vogue in Eyewear, Superior Service Economy,
      65 words
    • 63 1 EXTREME J Adequate storage facilities and safe food preservation are two main reasons for buying a new refrigerator. Your examination of the greater H M.V. will give you an entirely new conception of spaciousness Your assurance of safe food preservation is the famous Silent Circulator Cold-Maker. You get everything gcneious
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  • 178 2 RECR UITING STILL OPEN (Tribune Staff Reporter) jyXiLEN Eurasians have been enlisted into the Royal Artillery since recruitment for these posts commenced on July lf>. and only one Eurasian has obtained a post in the Fixed Defences Department. These selections were made from
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  • 119 2 FIFTY Singapore girls will act as hostesses at the War Fund dance to be held in the Memorial Hall on Friday. The dance has been arranged by the War Charities Dance Committee, and the Band of the Loyal Regiment will provide the music Every type
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  • 65 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Tuesday A 6 V2-YEAR-OLD boy, son Qf Mr f* Ramasingam, Chief Booking Clerk of the F.M.S Railway* Seremban, was knocked down by tne Malacca mail train which *eftc f t Seremban for Malacca Jn Saturday, about 3.40 p.m., near
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  • 22 2 Mr. s. Angamuthu, Chief Clerk of the Survey Office, Kulim. will be going on leave shortly, and will Star f thG Abr
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  • 15 2 Dismissal for Insubordination or 11 result in forfeHu?e pm«i Sha e con tributed by the
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  • 459 2 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday. DROVIDENT FUNDS to ensure a 1 retiring allowance for employees, both European and Asiatic, have become recognised institutions in most business houses in Malaya, and planting companies have in recent years also extended this privilege to their Asiatic
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  • 175 2 TN what rh, v i i Singapore, Tuesday. J»W WM described by the prosecution a s a robbery in htn ££*T?" meth dS had been -10, Bisan .ll'f T FaZ r Khan Wh Were with robbe y C^ n f r bbery were each
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  • 38 2 Mr. Robert Tan of the Navy Army and Air Force iMUtatZ' writes to say hat h e rC e s "J"** Knee' Su n rfr? ntl^, Char^d m 2 f Courts 'or illegally sellira St. UtsWe the AmamS
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  • 263 2 (Fio m Our Own Reporter) S Penang, Tuesday. IX applications—two for postponement certificates, two renewals of postponement certificates, one for exemption from naval service and one for exemption from continuous training— were considered by the Penang Tribunal. The applicants were two jockeys, a qualified accountant,
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  • 131 2 A RALLY of Netherlands subf 1 jects in Singapore will be held at the Holland Club on Saturday, the birthday of Queen Wilhelmina. At 11 a.m., the Consul-General :or the Netherlands will lay a wreath on the Cenotaph in joint memory of Dutch and British sub--25°«
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  • 121 2 ro>L\IENCI\G from Sep t. 1, the ann P*!i service betwe «n Penang int^o. pres Bnt Bangkok-Penang plnr natl S nal cx P ress will leave of 2 \n S n^ Sar at 330 instead at ?"?o Sff-iS? arrive in Pena ng at 7 30 p.m. instead of
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  • 6 2 "Talk About Tiger Instead"
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  • 298 2 (Tribune Staff Reporter) THE absence oi heavy casualties in tte Malta was attributed to the island's natural J? ri ters—innumerable tench—by Mr.- p Rath ld wife of an officer in the Royal Navy, who passed th";,,"! pore yesterday from Alexandria on her wav to "A
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  • 113 2 iftfp 0« sin S Pore. Tuesday. Kb rER 26 years' service in the Straits Settlements Police Force, Mr. Walter MacQuarrie, chief police inspector, and now actmg Singapore coroner will be soon retiring. Prior to his retirement he will go on seven months' leave as from Sept.
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  • 88 2 (From Our 0»n o»rres„„„ denl) P» some time EM'S* C arrested in Muar ha fS placed in the dock only after have taken off their Set Z^P ""-WIS with, by Inche S a d!, the fl rst magtotrate. who has Instructions to the Court
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  • 164 2 r r* t Singapww, Tuesday. fJwTHBS worth |300 were stolen from the house of Mr. W. J. Warden, in Chancery Lane, during the week-end. but thanks to a couple of alert detectives the clothes have been recovered. Among the clothes stolen wai a dinner jacket. It
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  • 39 2 The funeral of the late Mr. Tan Tock See of the Oversea -Chinese Banking Corp., Ltd., took place on Saturday. The deceased had been an officer of the Ban.'t for several years, and counted a laree number of friends
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  • 480 2 (From Our Own Reporter) a rniAMw m Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday. I A ot sporting into the F.M.S., for the purpose oi I. J 1 8 traffic 1 sirl nam «i Yap Tai, and subsequently dispw ing 01 her to a woman named Loh Ah
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 120 2 J GIMLETS^ I For Radio entertainment value the Lissen "Alnwick" cannot be beaten. Specially designed to give trouble free reception in tropical climates and especially daylight reception of ffiS short wave stations Ul °P ean It If designed for battery ooeraat.on but employs mains valves -V eception usu ally iv
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    • 13 2 The Fifth Column When in Doubt, Say .\ow'r Advi. of TIGER SSL BEER
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  • 223 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday. a N APPLICATION for bail pendA Ins appeal, made in the First Court before Mr. W. J. Thorogood by Mr. G. A. Narayan, on behalf .ow Leong Hua. a former m the Office of the Collector < Estate Duty,
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  • 45 3 The Ladies' Union in Moulmein Road was the scene of a pleasant function on Sunday when The Tamil Brotherhood Party entertained, to a tea-party, Mr. O. Ramasamy Nadar, a Patron of the Party, on his recent appointment as a Justice of the Peace for Singapore.
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  • 180 3 Singapore, Tuesday. AT the conclusion of the inquiry into the death of a 50-year-old Tamil, Alagappan. mandore of the Permanent Ways' Department, F.M.S.K., who died two hours after being found lying unconscious in Spoimer Road on the morning of Aug. 17, the acting Singapore
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  • 58 3 JOHORE has prohibited the importation of sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid or any liquid containing sulphuric acid or hydrochloric acid, except under a permit signed by the Trade Commissioner, and subject to compliance with such conditions as the Commissioner may deem necessary. Acid or liquid, imported by
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  • 235 3 Singapore, Tuesday. ■TNOWN to the police as a habitual housebreaker and a thief, Buang bin Haji Eusop, alias Bachok, a 50-year-old Buggis, threw away a piece of iron, and took to his heels, when he noticed a detective trailing him at 9.30 a.m. yesterday. Buang
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  • 53 3 I)RICES at which gold shall be offered for sa?e to an autho rised dealer in gold are gazetted. The prices determined are: (1) For gold of above 900 fineness, per fine ounce, $69.85; (2) For gold below 900 fineness, $69.65, :tnd (3) For English sovereigns,
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  • 226 3 Singapore, Tuesday. IZOH AH PI AN, a middle-aged Chinese farmer, was committed to stand his trial at the next Assizes, at the conclusion of a preliminary inquiry into a I charge of murder in the t Fifth Police Court, to-day. Koh was alleged to
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  • 92 3 Singapore. Tuesday. ALTHOUGH his pass had expired four months ago, Chong Kee, a labourer, to-day informed the Third Police Magistrate, that he had been working in the Naval Base since, but under another contractor. Cheng Kee was arrested yesterday when he attempted to enter
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  • 69 3 Booking for the Combined services variety show, 'Footlights Parade," opens on Friday, Aug. 30, at John Littles. In addition to the many other attractions, the massed bands ot the Manchesters, Loyals, Gordons and Argylles will appear m a grand finale. I The entire proceeds of the performances,
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  • 236 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia. Aug. 27. A SUM of f.5,000,000 has been collected locally for the Queen Wilhelmina Fund, with the object of reliering Dutch nationals suffering in the Netherlands after the Nazi inrasion. Unfortunately, this money cannot, owing to circumstances, be
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  • 197 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) MR. G. R. Palstrik, free-lance journalist and re-write man on the New York Post, has passed through Singapore. He has been travelling i n the last six months, covering the news m Japan, China, Indo-China and Tndia for his assignment by the "Time" magazine.
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  • 35 3 His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government has nominated Mr. Heah Wing Chew to be a member of the Po Leung Kuk Committee, Singapore, in place of the late Mr. Seah Eng Tong, J P.
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  • 248 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday. TPHE revised salary scheme which accelerates promotions and transfers in the General Clerical Service, introduced in 1939, increased the total expenditure on this service by $96,136 to $633,556 in 1939. The number of clerks in the Special Class
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 212 3 m "HERB TO** TOXIC M NON-ALCOHOLIC Vtfjjtk FOR WOMEN jfc'WMb Wise women always take "HERETO" to be graceful. active and healthy. "HETIBTO" brings ease and comlort to every woman, stimulates the growth of new vitality. mm%r7&-r-- vl strength and grace m womanhood. It Is an idea! rAWV"VW:>?B§& tonic' to restore
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    • 4 3 ITS TH€ I SCOTCH!
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    • 203 3 Hfl gtf Ilk V I fOfNrHimPVCf 'PHONE• SINGAPORE 5376 (5 lines), K. LUMPUR 3331 (3 lines), IPOH lie HI (2 lines), PENANG 1500 ft 1501, BUTTERWORTH 33 C.S. 204 A Advt. o/ Singapore Cold Storage Co- Ltd. DEA X X A 1> iRIN X W^^t^ Singing M 1 I Schubert's
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  • 191 4  -  To-Day's Track Work BY "SPECTATOR" CANDIDATES from Marland's and TurJev's stables were prominent on the track for this morning's training. Turley's Spear of Sarawak, fit and ready, did half-pace work while Hot Flash, Hue and Cry, and Kerrena, from the same stable, were sent out for
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  • 22 4 Royal Singapore Golf Club women's team beat tho Garrison 011 club women, at Bukit Timah on Monday, by 44 PoinTs t0 27
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  • 360 4 R-A.F. Res. .9 SPLENDID teamwork gave the RA F 0 the Malay, whet I tei l f' 800,1 2 victor v wer lewe 'occer n at ;roh the SRcT U Divis The airmen pC| ~JU and fuMy P 1 Md *nw forwards combined won
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  • 132 4 Results of ties in the badminton ournament for A.R.p. Wardens of group 2 post 4, of the Singa- T f'lf g Fa B*r division, played at th,- Chines Industrial ihLi Com^?cial Continuation School on Saturday last: ho K f 5 snan5 nan and Y "e Yit
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  • 26 4 n J ""lowing will play Wat.>r "t Port C Can o ni g orrOW *3° PmeoJesf,h ch s?- Tham ch ~o* SSS%, i «t
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  • 248 4 Northerners Not Impressed I By Cup Winning Team Malaya Soccer Review By "Ajax" M°' ir TOP-Cf,ASS SOCCER IS IN STORE FOR SINGAPORE STAB smr" ENTHUSIASTS WHEN THE SELANGOR STATt SIDE ARRIVKS for matches aga nst COMANFn C T WINN NG SINGA,>ORE TEAM AND THE
    248 words
  • 184 4 rOOTBALL referees are seldom severely criticised bv the Press But recently, the refereeing of some league matches—partieulariv and mainly in Division I-has un Ume U for t cnn beei S0 P V that U TlJ f^ m u nt and a suggestion a n™^te s fs n0 aTL' 0
    184 words
  • 130 4 W 1 their victory over the Pohee, the Manchesters Rave rh^'• WOn the Resei *ve Division championship— irrespective of the thp' n? f their last against them nese Con gratulations to Starting the season not too impressively. the Tads shewed tretheir last nprov^ m h ent winning
    130 words
  • 261 4 fIUW that the Australian Jv*twefefct, Konnie Dennia J 7 s™» th e attack of fever fee had last week, the boxin ff bill scheduled for the Happy Uorld last Friday will take Place on Saturday night. on IILl l L^ rii t m^ c was
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  • 57 4 competition the *°™*>me flub, Singapore and Te'fnf 01 mg were the whTj? follow. Mr. Mrs R j return ed:~Fer *nic 4/? Capt. Mrs W 91 4=36% °F °SU d rr B^«'4 Mrs B p ton xp 50 -10 =40 Ma'wL Ford M F ar H-ey
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 197 4 ACCOUNT^ Secretaryship. Co sf a the Malay 8 ates lr by postal training countancy fa, the «W the building of JJ' Careers. Wr: c ?or F THE SC HOOL or J^J your intei to become conepo,* wh, low-spirited am? Avoid constipat ,1 °f yourself regular w;tV 1<! dose of Pinkettes
      197 words

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  • 32 5 London. An;.'. 28. It is officially announced that the casualties in the destroyer Hostile, which struck a mine during the week-end, were four ratings killed and three wounded -Reuter.
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  • 115 5 London, Aug 28. MR Herbert Morrison, the Minister of Supply, stating that the national domestic salvage campaign had made a very good start announced: "The value of salvage for July was a little over £300.000. with returns from about 50 small local authorities stTll to come. Tills
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  • 133 5 A return friendly badminton match, consisting of frre singles md two doubles, has been arranged between the New Life Badminton Party and the Henderson Badminton Party. The match will take place at the Spartan Badminton Party's court River Valley Road, behind the Great World' on
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  • 104 5 The second string of the Useful Lads B.P. will play a friendly badminton match of five singles and two doubles against the World Sports Club, on Saturday at 8 p.n. at the Great World Amusemeot Park. The following players will re present the Useful
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  • 37 5 Leicester City F. C. announce aloss of over £7.000 on last season. It has been decided that all accrued interest shall be cancelled and all loans be interest free during the war, except certain loans from players.
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  • 93 5 wMAV JENKINS, the Texas knock-oat artist, hit the 3 deck sis tins* a when the per- S pctual motion battler Henry j i Armstrong derailed the lightweight champion at Los Angeles, Kefcrer Arthur Do- j noTan stopping the bout be- 1 j fore the seventh round be-
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  • 75 5 Tli- Swing B P. team against the R.A.F. No. 26 <N.A.A.F.I.i B" tram in a friendly match ol four singles and throe doubles at Cicncnl Union Hall at 7.3J m to-morrow: Ong Keng Wee, Ec Bian Heong, Chia Ah Soy, Chua Boon Guan. Tiiio Sin Kec. an
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  • 878 5 Singapore, Tuesda\. A STRONG complainl was made by Mr. H. Fancolt, director -»nd secretary of Gamma (Malaya), Ltd., that the European contractors in Singapore were not given a fair share of the War Department contracts, at the trial by court murtial of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 130 5 FOR CLEAR, DISTINCT 1 i I( II NT REPRODUCTION tm ••■•vir* p»» for which thry are UNSI RI'ASSED. Sole Agents: HOE BOON LEONG, Distributors: H ipiQ AND GENERAL AGENCI One atofz o*l ACHING CORNS relieves pain in three -econds! Apply Gets-It two or three times and the corn will |>eel
      130 words
    • 419 5 C\T TO-DAY wuer. ATHA I 315,615,915 Everybody II JL Box Office 'Phone 3400 Goes. From the man who gave you the thrilling momenta of KING KONG I A PARAMOUNT PICTURE sv ".'^^w^^' The picture mode behind locked doors! DR. CYCLOPS, Diabolical discoverer of the most frightening invention in the history
      419 words

  • 216 6 JHE Dominions, India and some of the Colonies are f ullfilling- many war orders. Among other things, India is accepting- war supply orders for boots, against which deliveries have started and are expected to he maintained at a rate of 125,000 pairs per month. With an
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  • 242 6 JHE Germans often claim that they are the most inventive race in the world -;mc e the outbreak of hostilities, they have boasted possession of a number of war devices supposed to be unknown to the opposition. But none of the weapons used so
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  • 826 6  - Mme. Tabo uis Tells Of Her Escape From The Nazis "Churchill Brought New Courage" By Madame Tabouis Madame Tabouis. the famous international journalist and Sunday Dispatch writer, of whom Hitler said: "The speech I am making to day she knew yesterday," is safe in England after many thrilling escapes. Here
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  • 266 6 ■EVERYBODY'S mind to- da 3' W turned to the possibility of invasion of Eng. land. I saw the Germans coming as innf £?n mt T° the Nor wegian capital of Oslo. I saw something of their war tactics, and I heard a whole lot more from Norwegians
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  • 227 6 THE capacity 1 silience of Brit Z% armament engineering n n tries is strikingly instant the war time activity of the world's larg l*k* bread and biscuit Maintaining their nets in spite of the v °,Uslalready shipped big i manufacturing p i a IP*** Australia
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  • 476 6 j -But Thankful To Be Still Alive T f E VKa Khan> one of ,he world's richest men, is a refugee in Geneva with so little monev_f„ r him—that he eaniiot afford to run his Rolls-Royce. ho his Fiench-born wife and their seven-vear-old
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  • 437 6 M. King George made his mother promise she would stay out of the danger zone as long as the war lasted 80 a great lady went into voluntary -exile" in the country Queen Mary—one of her close friends told a London newspaperman—is -really miserable
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 302 6 t TRAVEL WEAR "Henry Heath" FOR FELT HATS With the lashion able snap nrTl, fu,i erown < v >rirr ,ine d white satin with grease LIGHT AND MID GREY LIGHT DARK BROWN PRICE $10.50 EACH Sizes W to 1W RAFFLES PLACE SINCAPORE 3M The Wise Way to Perfect Hygiene ([^^ifl
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    • 7 6 AI mcic *W wh!m SCOTCH TSj WHIBKV
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  • 160 9 NOTHING BLOWN UP TO DEL A V ADVANCE Former French Air Minister's Sensational Allegations Reuter. New 'York, Aug. 27. THE former French Air Minister, M. Pierre Cot, in an exclusive interview over the New
    Reuter.  -  160 words
  • 66 9 Tokyo, Aug. 27. IWO Soviet war planes crossed the northern border of Sakhalien at 10.40 a.m. on Aug. 21. along the Pacific coast, from the direction of Fnnai, at an altitude ol 2.000 metres, according to a belated report reaching here from Toychara. The machines
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  • 67 9 Reuter. v, York, Aug. 27. Tii; v s P ,Avers have a de finite programme" in the j States, according to Dies, chairman of the ressional Committee, in- ,in« un-American actirjiea told the press that zidence that the prowas first to prevent ry assisting England,
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 101 9 Reuter. Cairo. Aug 27. j nW \L communique states Athat during the night of Aug 23 24, British naval «orces attack rd the Italian harbour t where there were troop concen trations. and the seaplane base at B mba. also on the Libyan coast. Both
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 161 9 Reuter. London, Aug. 27. Sir Edmund Ironside was among the principal witnesses called on the resumption of the Wintle courtmartial this afternoon. Sir Edmund said he met Wintle last December through the introduction of Lord Birdwood. former Chief of Imperial General Staff. Wintle
    Reuter.  -  161 words
  • 311 9 London, Aug. 26. T HE urth ...miv,rsary of the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty 1 made the ocoskm by The Times for a renew of the reU--hi,, existing to-day between the two Governments a > which the newsi aper describes as closer than at any llOnSfllU WIIIVM since the outbreak
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  • 377 9 Reuter. Cairo, Aug. 27. A VIGOROUS reply to Axis propaganda allegations that Britain is attempting to drag Egypt into the war against her will was given by Sir Miles Lampson, British Ambassador to Egypt, broadcasting on the occasion of the fourth anniversary
    Reuter.  -  377 words
  • 103 9 Reuter. Berlin, Aug. 27. THE Foreign Office has sent a request to the Swiss Government, asserting that a number of Cases has occurred in which the German "ambulance seaplanes" have been exposed to attacks by the British forces. The note declares that these attacks
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 210 9 Reuter. Peiping, Aug. 27. AFTER launching furious at- j tacks on Britain for her alleged greed, craftiness and duplicity, and widely prophesying her early collapse, the local Japanese-controlled press has now changed its tune and started an anti-American campaign. The method chosen in the
    Reuter.  -  210 words
  • 95 9 Reuter. Cairo, Aug. 27. AN R.A.F. communique states that British planes raided Mogadiscio, in Italian t Sumaliland, and a number of fires were observed. The aerodrome at Dessie, Abyssinia. was raided and hangars were bombed. A building J was demolished after an ex- plosion and a
    Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 61 9 Reuter. New York, Aug. 26. THE correspondent of the Columbia Broadcasting Corporation broadcasting from Berlin said that the capital had another air raid alarm to-night. He said that three Berlin streets had been roped off to-day after last night's raid and it was impossible
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 94 9 Lcr.dcn, Aug. 20. A MINISTRY of Home Security communique states: "It is now known that during last nignts raids on a town in the Midlands some casualties were caused, a leu people being killed. "Municipal, industrial &nc residential property was damaged. "Al 1 fires were
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  • 62 9 London, Aug. 26 VOLUNTARY workers have beeplaying an important part in gathering the first wartime harvest. Most of the cornfields In the southern half of Britain are already cleared, and the yield is generally considered satisfactoiy.^ Experts estimate that at least two-thirds of the extra two million
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  • 203 9 Reuter. London, Aug. 27. TOE all-clear signal was sounded in London after to-day's raid 1 had lasted six hours, but it is believed the raiders were only a stnall force, possibly under a dozen planes. It is suggested that the Germans are exploiting the
    Reuter.  -  203 words
  • 51 9 Reuter. Washington, Aug. 27. THE Senate has rejected by 60 votes to 19 the proposals to limit compulsory military service to men between the ages of 21 and 24. The new drafted bill renders all men between the ages or 21 and 30 liable to
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 21 9 Reuter. Buenos Aires, Aug. 27— President Ortiz has withdrawn his resignation, following the refusal of Congress to accept it.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  21 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 459 9 I The new NACET De Luxe J I\l A(TIF T S I Blade has been introduced I\J r\i *L I to carry on the tradition I^^BBHB^hMHHpt perfect shaving established TTnTF TTTTrSCIF ■by that great favourite, the L HDE I popular NACET Blade. But j gggj wO WP this time with
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 326 10 THE BIG SCREEN EVENT of the YEAR (Jala MIDNIGHT PRE .HI I ERE SATURDAY, AUG. 315t... 12.10 o'clock AT THE CAPITOL The World's Greatest WmwMmĔmWIĔUĔmWĔ Dancing Stars.... K-JK? 31 TOGETHER FOR THE BjJKr^rJ^ FIRST TIME m* i ff|g| M.G.Ms CHAMPAGNE ol 9BBb| B a S Screen Musicals. B SV IB
      326 words
    • 265 10 The Happiest Show Yon Will See This Year! RKO RADIO'S ALL-STAR MUSICAL-COMEDY SENSATION! anna 4 .^jWr Romno younG nmn mnRSHRi TL_. IBRV ROBSOII BIIUE BURKE r B s Rithur Treacher "Cottle of DreW v n 4,o »*>" RKO RADIO PICTURE Scroof. Ploy by A/.ce Duer M,7/er F«*n Fr«riuc«d llf I
      265 words

  • 123 11 Last Night's First Nights GIRL MUST LIVE," now on at A the Pavilion, is a picture yon should not miss. The story of two gold-diggers trying to make the same catch each time, with another simple girl U- rown into the plot, and whom the iich
    123 words
  • 80 11 iiACK to Singapore's cinemaD goeio. a most refreshing picture, is "Merry Widow," Ernest Lubitsch's musical extravaganza, featuring the talkies' first love couple Jcanette Macdonald and Mauric? Chevaliar, and now at the Capitol. The' screening of a brand new copy of this picture brings in its
    80 words
  • 58 11 FOUR men and a girl find themselves far in the jungle at the call of a mad doctor making fantastic experiments. He reduces thsm to miniatures. This is the story of Dr. Cyclops." which opened at ihe Cathay last night. Besides interesting shorts theie is
    58 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 579 11 Public Notices giNGAFOU AUCTIONEERS. M (HON SALE made excellent design 1 European ix)lished TEAK HOLD FURNITURE of scription, Saigon Chinese centre mats, crockery, cooking utensils, one Tourer, Etc Etc ,der of Mrs. L. V. Allen* eld at No. 59, Meyer Road, day, August 31st. 1940 a! On view irom Thursday.
      579 words
    • 468 11 IN THE HIGH COURT, SINGAPORE. Originating: Summons No. 47 of 1940 In the Matter of the Trusts of the Will of LEE KIM SOO, deceased and In the Matter of Section 56 of the Trustees Ordinance between The British Malaya Trustee Executor Co., Ltd. Plaintiffs. and 1. Lck Ah Dek
      468 words
    • 89 11 I 1 iAmoP»osm«rfs I I I mHim I I An Invaluable Tonic In this climate where ths demands made upon the body are much more extensive than In other climes. It Is essential that any symptoms of Illness should not be neglectei. When tired and rundown. BYNIN AMARA restores nervous
      89 words
    • 342 11 mmWW FRIDAY S CARNIVAL NIGHT j mB jHB Sponsored By X W FPASER M AYE LTD. AND mLm***** *W-\ MALAYAN BREWERIES, LTD J SEE >- THE FAN DANCE REVUE ■-f TIGER RAG TAP TAP DANCE H SPOT DANCES Ss Vanity Cases and Necktie Set. Paramount News 1 Cameraman WIN THE
      342 words
      202 words

  • 64 12 The engagement is announced and the marriage will take place at Kokuvil (Jaffna) on the 29th Instant of Mr. S. Seenivasagam of the F.M.S. Clerical Service (brother of Mr. S. Ponnudurai, Station Master, Malacca, and brother-in-law of Mr. A. Nadarajah of the Auditor General's Office, Colombo) with
    64 words
  • 30 12 EU—Born to May, wife of William Keng Yuet Eu, at Eu Villa, 30 Adis Road, on August 25, 1940, a son William Atholl Eu. (Hong Kong Papers, please copy).
    30 words
  • 35 12 PERETRA.—On 27th August, 1940, at the General Hospital, Singapore, Martin Pereira. The funeral leaves residence at 4.30 p.m. to-day for the Church of St. Joseph and thence to Bidadari Cemetery lor interment. Deeply regretted.
    35 words
  • 37 12 MR. MRS. KOH KIM HAN and family beg to thank all relatives. Paya Lebar Church members and friends who sent wreaths, and also all those who attended the funeral of the late Miss Koh Bee Wah.
    37 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 507 12 buy sell lost Situations Vacant WANTED. Good Motorcar driver, salary $25i- with quarters. Apply 35-A*, Winchester House. Singapore. (No. 554E, CANVASSER to canvass oil paintings. Good prospects for right man. Apply P. O. Box 622. Singapore. (No. 508E) WANTED »n t'perleDcea teacher. Apply stating qualifications to the Secretary, Tat Kha)~«
      507 words
    • 796 12 Wanted WANTED. Brick making machine. Second hand. Write:— S. Law it Co. Ltd Mercantile Bank Chambers, Singapore (No. 545E) OFFICE ACCOMMODATION Required Four Rooms where A.C. Electricity sellable. Urgent. Box 546,. Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 504B) WANTED Second Hand Aluminium Coagulating Tanks, size 10* X 3' X 11* in good
      796 words
    • 688 12 EABTERN PIANO Co. 64. Rangoon Road. Singapore. Tuning, repairing, on hire, and removing, speciality. Will buy Pianos. Organs, In any or broken down condition or for exchange. (No. 540E) LEPROSY. Leucoderxna, Diabetes, Paralysis, Consumption, Piles, sufferers of these scourges, write for particulars of my sure-cure treatment. I offer you my
      688 words
    • 917 12 FOB BALE. AO Eddy stone All Wave Four Radio Set $40 AC Electric Gramophone in Teak Cabinet $90!-, complete with powerful Amplifier and 12" Speaker. Both in working condition. Apply Box No. 343, cio Malaya Tribune, Kuala Lumpur. (No. 500S) "HUNDRED Fast-Selling Products- Easily made at home. Experience and Apparatus
      917 words
    • 776 12 Public Notices TEL UK ANSON RUBBER ESTATE LIMITED (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). NOTICE is hereby given that an Interim Dividend of 5 per cent, on account of the financial year ending 31st December, 1940, has been declared by the Directors payable to shareholders on the Register on Wednesday, 9th
      776 words
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 698 12 J TO-DAY'S HAlMo] SINGAPORE LOXnnv T ZHL 225 metres (i n me|s). ZHP 30 96 metre. (9 69 mc OWifJKff ,ON p.m. ;r?y ■•els A 100 Miscellaneous new Gramophone GSti 5» v NMJ Records. p m J*v 1 Ut* s_*H 1.5» Warning to Mariners. Programme 6.00 Lo u pre Summary.
      698 words

  • 429 13 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, July 18. ,|N\; at the ninth annual meeting of the Duff Develop1 fo Ltd., Sir Crosland Graham said that an interim ,f 6 per cer.t. was paid on Jan. 12, and the directors (1 (-n
    429 words
  • 190 13 Singapore. Aug. 28. The following are the exchange stock Quotations this morning according to the daily circular taued by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. SELLING London T.T. 2 4 116 London demand Lyons demand Switzerland demand Hamburg demand New York demand 46 15,1b Montreal demand 51 *JgJ Batavia
    190 words
  • 235 13 TIN London. Aug. 27. I £258 1 4 Buyers £258 2 Sellers 0 p I £258% Buyers £259 Sellers RUBBER London. Aug. 27. Buyers Sellers l 1 r#of 12 716 tttlll 12 7,16 12 916 2nd Forward) Oct Dec. 12 12 8 12> 2 12^3 LONDON STOCK
    235 words
  • 132 13 Prom Our Financial Correspondent Singapore, Wednesday. THE tin share market was fairly quiet yesterday, with a little business passing in Jelebus, Rantaus and Murais. Raubs continue to be well supix>rted with buyers at quotations. Rubbers were quiet yesterday business reported being confined lo a few
    132 words
  • 20 13 Singapore, Wednesday. Prices of tin and rubber in Singapore at noon today were: RUBBER Buyers 3714; Sellers 37»/2TIN
    20 words
  • 60 13 AFTER making provision for depreciation, directors' fees and bonus to the staff, the Bukit K. B. Rubber Co., Ltd., realised a profit of $12,688.85 for last yea. and tne Company will vote on a five pei cent dividend, at the annual general meeting, to be held at
    60 words
  • 51 13 London. Aug. 27. To-day's record proved uninspiring dealings for the most part being confined to certain leaders. Gilt-edged supported, rails met with small provincial offerings. The re. cent firmness of Egyptians was unimpaired by the latest political envelopments, rubbers inclined to be harder and Wall Stieet closed
    51 words
  • 897 13 Singapore. Aug 27. MINING Buyers. Sellers. impat Tin <ss) j£ 41 Mistral Amal (ss) Ji3 W** iustral Malay JJ^ •»yer Hitam (ss) Jf* Weng (I) UtT&angor («1 > 143 jerjuntai (ss) 3 3urma Malay 20 zi nd 015 0.18 2hln Chin (ID 0 .y, UUm Tin
    897 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 106 13 THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA (TRUSTEES) LIMITED Gu ranteed and Controlled by THE MERCANTILE BANK O* INDIA, LIMITED. The Company, which is incorporated i r the S.S. and registered as a Trust Company, undertakes following duties:— r^rw EXECUTOR OR TRUSTEE OF A WUL ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATE OF DECEASED PERSON TRUSTEE
      106 words
    • 39 13 North American Trading Corporation Agents for ISBBANOTSEN-MOLLEK CO. INC. NEW YORK Swedish Motorship "SACIOLAXD" Loading Singapore early October for Basrah and/or Bandarshapur, Persian Gulf. North American Trading Corporation E_6. Hongkong Bank Chambers. Tel. No. 3655 PUMP HANDLES EVERYTHING AW
      39 words
    • 65 13 PERFECT REPAIRS PROMPT SERVICE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED To all clocks and watches handled Yick Woh Hing, 429, NORTH BRIDGE RD., (Near Middle Rd.), SINGAPORE (Contractors for Repair of Clocks and Watches to the British Army and the R.A.F. Base Malaya). Tel. No. 7922. PHOENIX CLUB SOOB It's a better Soda
      65 words
    • 583 13 STEAMER BAMW BRITISH INDIA and I'ASSENGER it FREIGHT I g R J g H SSS.*"* INDIA Tel. 5961. r i s.N. CO., BOUSTEAD CO., LTD Tel. 5497. xhe best possible services For BIS riokSU A o PCA IH&i, are being maintained by For m§ji kobe! osaka. xhe P o.S.N. Coy.
      583 words

  • 277 14 Chungking, Aug. 26. SINCE the closure of the Burma Road in the middle of July no medical supplies have been coming through according to Dr. P. Z. King, Director of the National Health Administration, and Dr. Robert K. S. Lim, Director of the Chinese
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  • 138 14 London, Aug. 27. IT can be stated authoritatively that the R.A.F. has a very clear idra of the present disposition of the Germany bomber and fighter aircraft. A large proportion of the enemy's air force has been moved up to aerodromes in Franc. The bomber concentrations are
    138 words
  • 417 14 R.A.F. BOMB VITAL NAZI OIL, CHEMICAL AIRCRAFT WORKS 27 Enemy Dromes Also Attacked Reuter. London, Aug. 28. Air Ministry communique states that on Monday, R.A.F. bombers made daylight attacks on enemy aerodromes. The scope of these attacks was greatly extended at night. Twenty-seven aerodromes in Germany, Holland and Belgium and
    Reuter.  -  417 words
  • 90 14 Reuter. Berlin, Aug. 28. A NEWS agency quoting "authoritative circles' claims that during the period Aug. 1 to 26. 1.C55 British planes were destroyed In air battl? by anti-aircraft fire or on grcund. As announced in Air Ministry communiques. Britain has lost 287 planes during this
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 188 14 THL death is announced of ihe D ke Bedford, aged 82, one of the four richest Dukes and owner of several parts of London. —Reuter. VTT° rm JV- D t0 Kin e Ed ward /II and King George V, the Duke JK bO L n m
    188 words
  • 78 14 Tokyo, Aug. 26. [>R. Earnest H. Lindley, former U President of the University of Kansas, died on Wednesday morning aboard the N.Y.K. Pacific liner Asama Maru, while en route home aftfr a year's leave Mr. Lindley and his wife visited Japan, Borneo, Java
    78 words
  • 74 14 u THE conclusion «,f an A >he precise the disputed bord, r Nomonhan was announced joint communique iZ?" In I by the Alanciull-r ler Mongolia Border Mixed Commission v lm, C'? The communique wi s Ue here throng Government. The Mixed Commission j ,n h termed under
    74 words
  • 153 14 Reuter. London, Aag 28 DEUIER'S diplomatic mil if "dent writes: "The retail of 40 Japanese diplomatists to Tokyo has been variously interpreted in the foreign and Japanese press, but the following statement bvth e Japanese Ambassador, Mr Shigemitsu. may be regarded as an authoritative
    Reuter.  -  153 words
  • 102 14 Reuter. A London, Aug. 28. WARDS to naval men for good services off the various coasts ar c announced by the Admiralty in a supplement to the London Gazette. In connection with operations oif the Dutch, Belgian and French coasts, ther? are five awards fo the
    Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 33 14 London, Aug, 28—Aiming to provide a full squadron of Spitfires for the R.A.F., Northern Ireland has provided funds for eight machines i n fifteen days, the total raised now being £40.000. -British Wireless.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 348 14 LEND FOR VICTORY I SUPPORT THE COLONY WAR LOAN Straits Settfeaa»ate GaveraaaeaJ WAR LOAi\ 19J2/19J9 Proceeds la be placed a, the disposal oT^m iesi y s Wrmnentlor (he prosecu(ion „fc ISSUE $25,000,000 BONDS TO BEARER" j (Authorised by s.rai. s Settlements War Loan (Local) Ordinance I'.IO) I Kepnvahle At PAR
      348 words
    • 28 14 For Style, Comfort, Economy, CONSULT The Oriental Optical Co., MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS Head Office: 162, South Bridge Rd Branch Office: 348, N Bridge Rd, SINGAPORE. FREE TESTING. If*/! I
      28 words