Malaya Tribune, 15 August 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 20 1 The Malaya Tribune VOL. XXVH- -No. 195. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY,AUGUST 15, 1940 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Thursday, August 15, 1940.
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  • 29 1 Mr W. T C«spave leader of the Fine Gaei Party ■iilli jreal AlLParty meetin^^t Cc :rave spoke frcm the same platform for the firft time !n
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  • 91 1 Copenhagen, Aug. 14. JT is Mated that irresponsible Danish dements have cornmil led assaults on soldiers of the German forces of iKTupulior.." I Danish Minister of" Justice warning describing the highly deplorable." epetitions may "re|f 'ious disturbance in ■een Germany and the people of
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  • 51 1 Reuter. London. Aug. 14. I try ot fcod announces 1 ale of all kinds of be prohibited from Oct. 1, bject of conserving liquid s to use them tor the l essential dairy pro>a\ed, amounting to 70 million gallons in ar, will bo diverted to
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 44 1 London, Aug. 14. THE armed merchant cru- iscr, Transylvania, has been torpedced and sunk.— Reuter. (3uilt in 1925 at Glasgow, the Transylvania was of 13,171 tens. Before being converted into an armed cruiser, she was the property of the Anchor Line.)
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  • 43 1 Reuter. London, Aug. 14.—1t ia announced that it is the desire of the King that Sunday, Sept. 8, the first Sunday after the anniversary of the outbreak of war. should be observed as a day of national prayer —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 232 1 PARACHUTES FOUND IN MIDLANDS SCOTLAND No Evidence Of Any Nazi Troops Landing Reuter. rj London. Aug. 15. I Ministry of Home Security states that there is no whence of parachutists landing either in England or Reports had been received of a number of parachutists, in > dropped from aircraft, having
    Reuter.  -  232 words
  • 190 1 Reuter. The Admiralty announces that the armed merchant cruiser Transylvania (Captain F. N. Miles) has been torpedoed by a U-Boat and subsequently sunK. The Transylvania, 6,925 tons, was formerly an Anchor Line liner and was sunk in the Atlantic. Smart work by ships and trawlers which reached the
    Reuter.  -  190 words
  • 475 1 Smashing Raids On Nazi And Italian Bases Reuter. TERRIBLE havoc was caused in air factories in Italy and Germany by British bombers during Tuesday and Wednesday. Junkers, Caproni and Eiat factories were devastated. London, Aug. 15. Air Ministry communique states that last night, in
    Reuter.  -  475 words
  • 223 1 Reuter. London, Aug. 15. BETWEEN June 18 and Aug. 13D a period of 57 days— 543 enemy ?eicplanes have been brought down over Britain or British waters by the R.A.F., anti-aircraft fire and the Navy, while in the same area and for the same period
    Reuter.  -  223 words
  • 63 1 Reuter. London, Aug. 15 j YONS radio last night broadcast a statement which was appa ently intended to reassi re Frenchmen about the situation in French Indo-China. The announcer, quoting a despatch from Hanoi, said that Admiral Decoux. Governor-General had made all arrangements in sgreement with
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 60 1 Reuter. London, Aug. 14. IT is officially announced *hat two British destroyers made contact with enemy light forces early this morning. The enemy tried to escape behind a smoke-screen but three vessels were seen and hit. It is thought that MM! armed trawler and one I'-bcat
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 103 1 Reuter. Istanbul, Aug. 15. ITNEASINESS is felt in Turkey in regard to Italy's against Greece in connection with the of Daut Hogeia. according to the newspaper Tan, which points out that, while territorial differences are dividing the PaiVan States. Italy is making certain inciden's in Albania
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 23 1 Reuter. London Aug. 14.—It is officially announced that the mineswe?ping trawler Elizabeth Angela is reported to have bern sunk. There was one fatality.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 1216 1 Official Decision IT is officially announced that the Government of the Colony has accepted in principle the Committee's recommendations for a War Loan of $25,000,000, and for War Saving Certificates. The F. M.S. loan will be $20 millions. On May 29 Government appointed a committee consisting
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 34 1 TIIRKE DANGER ZONES. Thinning hair at the 1 crown, temple and forehead uv definite signs of baldness. Heed this warning grid do something. Use rielyri Astroya Dandruff re for your daily hair dressing. r
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    • 74 1 r7 es fir rr s and «£?<£C! factory specialists. Electric Cookers are includes oven and grill pansavailable in mottled green three oven grid shelves-acid-resisting enamel with black thermometer full instructions bakelite and chromium relief. for use. An important feature The finish is calculated to give is the removable oven lining
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  • 394 2 Singapore Divorce Petition Postponed Singapore, Wednesday PETITIONING for divorce in the High Court to-day, before Mr. Justice Manning, a Eurasian woman, Mrs. Kathleen Pennefather, of 293, East Coast Road, Singapore, alleged that her husband, Mr. Cecil Pennefather, had committed adultery with a Chinese woman. The
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  • 123 2 (From H. L. Hopkin). London, Aug. 14. PLIGHT Lt. R. V. Jeff, the R.A.F. ace and son of Mr. Ernest Jeff, the Seremban lawyer, is reported missing, after a Channel battle. Jeff won the distinction of being the first British pilot to bring down a Nazi
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  • 184 2 A DREDGE costing nearly a quarter of a million pounds has been installed by Kuala Kampar Tin Fields, Ltd., on one of its mines, said Mr. A. A. Hengeler when he presided at the twelfth annual general meeting of the company at 16, Barrack Road, Kuala
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  • 627 2 Singapore, Wednesda JJEMAKKING that the Magistrate should not, on principles, have imposed the maximum penalty on a firt offender unless the circumstances were aggravating n r tice A. K. a'Beckett-Terrell, sitting on appeal, to-day re the tine of $500 to $200 imposed by the Third
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  • 69 2 Singapore, Wednesday CEVENTEEN Chinese claim- ed trial to-day when charged before Mr. j g Rappoport, the Third Pol ue Magistrate, with bein«r members of the Singapore (Red) General Labour Union. The men were arrested at Changi Barracks at G a m yesterday. The case was
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  • 133 2 Singapore, Wednesday. A TWO-YEAR-OLD crime was brought to light in the Magistrate's Court to-day. when a young Chinese woman appeared before the acting Second Magistrate. Mr. L. C. Goh, on a charge of theft of cash and jewellery valued at $163. taken from a house in North
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  • 138 2 A COMMON topic of (onversation among British people i" Malaya at present is the ittHl and cenfident tune of HI en received from Home. Here is a sample, tak-n from a letter written by a Londoner to his son in Singapore: "I hope peopl? in
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  • 16 2 The High Commissioner untitled transferred Lieutenant W. J Duncan, F.M.S.V.F.. to the S.V.F. Reserve of Officers.
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  • 224 2 Singapore, Wednesday. AN ingenious method of catching a petty thief was related Inspector A. J. Blake in the fifth court, this morning. i J onrl BP losing three sums of money, aggregating $34, which she had kept in a money box in a cupboard
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    • 23 2 The Fifth Column Guard Your Words And You Guard The Empire STOP PRESS "Talk About Tiger Instead" j Advt. of TIGER SI BEER
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  • 255 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) AT ONE TIME Bob Hope's part- ncr In vaudeville acts in New York, petite Joanna Claire the leading lady of Chang's Revue which opened at the Capito] last tiighfc, has also had small roles in moving pictures before she joined Chang. She was
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  • 129 3 Singapore, Thursday. CONTRIBUTIONS received up to Tuesday for the Malaya Patriotic Fund (Chinese section). Singapore, total $157,062.19. The latest list, which Includes $2,773.13. being proceeds from performances of *.he "Desert Horizon," is made up as follows: Siew Si n Sia Association $42. Mr. Scow Poh Leng
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  • 35 3 The Malaya Patriotic Fund benefitted by sl7 from tokens of remembrance sent by Messrs. Harrisons, barker and Co.. Ltd. Tier Mrs. Enid Fetnet and Mr. Cheok Huan Cheong (for Mr. Sheik Yahya Afifh.
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  • 252 3 Singapore, Wednesday. Jl PLEA to Rolaiians that they m should "'ook around them" and help the youth of the country to discover "doors of opportunity/* was made by the Rev. E. S. Lav, of the Methodist Mission, when he spoke at the Singapore Rotary Club's
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  • 61 3 Singapore, Wednesday. Said to have cheated Lim Ah Wah of $130 on Aug. I, at Sembawang Road, Chan Sai Seng, a 57-year-old Chinese woman, claimed trial when charged before Mr. J G. Rappoport, in the Third Police Court, to-day. The case was postponed for mention on
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  • 99 3 Singapore, Thursday. DEATHS from tuberculosis in Singapore have been increasing in the last two weeks, according to official statistics. For the week endin? Aug. S, the number of fatal eases from this disease, was <i 3, while last week the number was 35, Chicken-pox cases were
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  • 211 3 Singapore, Wednesday. IBM live Uitnish sailors who weie chaiged with being vagrants were granted a discharge io-dav b y Mr. J. G. Rappoport. the Third Police Magistrate, and informed that they would Ret the wages due to them from the Ernst Asiatic Co., Ltd., the agents. The
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  • 107 3 AFiER negotiations with the Saleon Traders' Association, the Thailand Traders' Association, and the kai S*e Traders' Association, which represent the majority ot the importers of dried fish into the Colony, the Food Contr: Her. Malaya, has arranged to allow all exports of dried and
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  • 14 3 Mr. James N. McHugh, of the P W.D.. Kuala Lumpur, has returned from leave.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 355 3 BUCK&WHin scotch Wjf^SKY \)II(OS VOI TH PILLS i;reat rejuvenator. alth with all its inner M tnhood and of ability to j almost a new life. gff, tive tn ease of f> .on of spirit I i iusion of thoughts W iknesa of Memory rlinrition for work plesmtMb recommended by physicians.
      355 words
    • 170 3 No matter what the conditions, ICEBERG BUTTER is protected at all times from deterioration or contamination. This pure creamery butter is sealed in an air-tight container and is obtainable everywhere. mm %wmw, 'PHONE: SINGAPORE 5376 (5 lines), K. LUMPUR 3331 (3 lines), IPOH 110 111 (2 lines), PENANG 1500 1501,
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  • 122 4 THE exhibition tennis games r between Koh Sin Kee and Pat Hughes, Davis Cup play- J crs visiting Malaya and Singa- i pore. Chinese players, at the t S.C.R.C. ground on Thursday, 1 (to-day week) at 430 p.m. have now been fixed. j The programme is:
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  • 126 4 TAN Chin Tuan won the in the Duffers' Cup at the Island Club by beatinc W Cdr. T. F. Moloney 5 and 4. In the first round -P. C Da Costa beat Chua Tian Chon<? at the 19th hole, Tan Chin Tuen beat R. Henderson by 3
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  • 91 4 S.C.R.C. cricket teams for Saturday and Sunday will be: Saturday against Khalsa Association. 2 p.m., S.C.R.C.. Seah Keng Siew, Alex Tan, Ong Swee Keng. Ong Swee Law, Tan Hak Wan, Teo Mong Joo, Chua Boon Unn. Tan Liang Chia Anthony Lim, Fong Kirn Wah, K. T.
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  • 281 4 Evenly Matched Div. 28. Game Chinese 3 J.C.S.A. 2 ¥N a Division 2B fixture on the J.CS.A. ground yesterday, the S.C.F.A. beat the J.C.S.A. by three goals to two. Play, although never of a high standard, was nevertheless keen, and en the whole the teams
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  • 64 4 Thp following will represent The Friendly Band of the Straits Chinese Presbyterian Church at table tennis against the Tan Tock Seng Hospital Recreation cjub on Saturday, at 3 p.m. at 77, Prinsep Street, consisting of five singles and doubles: Se,* Chin Kee, Eugene Chua, Charlie Kang, Ou
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  • 90 4 I The Royal Singapore Yacht Club programme for this week-end will be: Tc-mcrrow: Usual races for all classes, starting at 5.25 p.m. Sunday:— "C Class will sail the first race for the Trix Challenge Cup, at 9.50 a.m. "A" Class will start the first race for the Alexander
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  • 61 4 The Friendly Band of the Straits Chinese Presbyterian Church table tennis team against the Tan Tock Seng Hospital Recreation Cluh on Saturday, 3 p.m. at 77, Prinsep Street, will be: See Chin Kee, Eugene Chua, Charlie Kang. Ou Siew Leng, Ng Kiok Jin, Quek Kheok Loy, Lim
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  • 49 4 V.M.C.A. cricket XI io meet the S.C.C. Saturday, 2 .p.m. on Anson Read ground, will be: J. p. Chrysostom, A. C. Wilton, S. Hope, F.W. Marsh, V. Xavier, K. Goldsmith A. P. Raja, Quick Sam York, V. N Pillay, V. R Sabapathy, Tan Guan
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  • 47 4 Y.M.C.A. soccer team against the R A.F. H Q., at Kallang to-morrow, 5.10 p.m. at Anson Road ground: T Morrison; V. N. Pillay, M. Swyny R. Gill. G. L. Day. F. Hutchinson; S. Orton, K. Goldsmith, A. Ex,°yama, J. Povah, Tan Guan Kiat Reserve: Chan Joo Kirn
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  • 32 4 Reuter. London, Aug. 14. R. Peter Eckersley, member of Parliament and former captain of the Lancashire cricket club, was killed to-day. He was a lieutenant in the air division of the R.N.VR
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 447 4 S.R.C. Disappoint After Recent Good Display Loyals 8; S.R.C 2 pLAYING with ten men throughout, the S.R.C. caught a trouncing when they met the Loyals in a Div. I encounter at Anson Road Stadium yesterday. Rarely in the picture, except for a brief stage
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  • 137 4 TEN Cards were returned for the Quali-Round in the Haji Amboo Sooloh Cup Competition, at* Johore Royal Internaticnal Clubs. Scores were: Dr. E. W. Martindell. 77—10 67 Dr. T. E. Cheah. 78— 6 72 George Lowe. 81— 8—73 Major Muso bin Yusop. 92—18—74 J. W. Moore. 82—
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  • 218 4 THE R.S.G.C. women's August medal, played at Bukit Timah and resulted in a win for Mrs. R. L. Nunn in "A" Division with a score of 37, in a win for Mrs. A. C. Macdonald with a score of 36 and in a tie
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  • 109 4 A friendly badminton match was played at the Baba Shoo Factoiy Klanc. between 'he Teachers, Klang, and Bata Shce Factory Klang. resulting in a victory for Bnta Shoe of 5—2 o am es. Scorer2riLS?vsr i s i5 ta) beat Mc,: 15-10: N is^J ajah (Bata)
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 174 4 Manufacturing op l CROOKES OPTICAL roll? 206. South Bridge Rd.. Sinrannr. Optician T. S. Le e tSrSu* Eye-sight tested R la ss s su 'p pl) from $4|- upwards fSf WHITE bg«=£] SCOTCH pEI whi s k y tie Scotch! For Radio entertainment value tne Lissen "Alnwick" cannot bt beaten.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 321 5 Somaliland Battle London, Aug. 15. ITALIAN attacks on a wide front are reported from Brit ish Somaliland. These attacks are being pressed with ffreat vigour and determination, by infantry supported b) tanks and preceded by low-flying aeroplanes bombing and machine-gunning. lique Issued from British In
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  • 112 5 Reuter. A\ Tokyo, Aug. 14. T MERICA should follow the British example and withdraw her troops from China," was the demand i mad J; da y »n a statement by Tang Liang-I, chief of publicity of the Japanese- sponsored Chinese Govern- ment, states a
    Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 51 5 Singapore, Wednesday. SHORTLY before midnight last night, a 19-year-old Sikh recruit constable was found with four stab wounds, on the mouth, neck, chest and stomach, at the Sikh barracks at New Bridge Read. A knife was nearby. He was rushed to hospital but died on the
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  • 47 5 Singapore, Wednesday. MR. Adrian Spits. Governor of P Mcdan. passed through Singapore to-day on his way back to Medan from Batavia. Interviewed on arrival at the Airport. Mr. Spits would not discuss to:;t cs. He said that he was returning home after a •duty" trip to Batavia.
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  • 26 5 Mr. Sidney Lang, sixty-nine station-master at Vauxhall, London (Southern Railway >, was killed by a tram when walking on the line. Mr. Lang lived at Stainesroad. Sunbury.
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  • 251 5 Last Night's First Nights TROWDED houses welcomed Chang, the great Chinese magician, and his company of American and Chinese performers at the Capitol last night. They were enchanted with a non-stop programme—except for the "minum" interval—of 50 items of mystery and fun and ravishing beauty. Chang's
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  • 134 5 •TRENCH LEAVE," now show--1 ing at the Pavilion, is another of those pictures to drive your blues away. It is chockful of comedy, and brimful of amusing situations built around th e story of a woman, wife of an Army captain who smuggles herself into Army
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  • 699 5 Singapore, Wednesday. RELEASED from prison after serving- a sentence for attempted murder, f. P. Mohamed (28), an English-speaking Malabari, who said that he ha'! never been of any good to anybody, said that he was willing to sacrifice his life for the Government. vviitu iic
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  • 31 5 The F.M.S. Government have accepted the majority report of the F.M.S. War Loan Committer on raising a war loan cf $20 millions, at 3 per cent.
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  • 326 5 Reuter. London, Aug. 15. IT least ihree of 12 twinengined bombers which made Jive-attacks en South-east England yesterday were destroyed by anti-aircraft fire and a fourth is believed to have failed to reach the sea again The Air Ministry and the Ministry for Home Security communique states
    Reuter.  -  326 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 122 5 WHAT IS 110 L DI N G YOI HO WW? It is not that you have never had the chance. It is not that somfhodv rise has all the luck. Re honest with yourself—it is MtUM you lack the training that •''hers possess. fkt 11 s ran prepare you for
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    • 267 5 TO-DAY £jftTHf)V 3.15—6.15—9.15. HAU*AS iHiKL Oi IUTI Where Everybody Ooei JOAN BENNETT ADOLPHE MENJOU "THE HOUSEKEEPERS DAUGHTER" abo t but what she knew about men would fill a book Comedy at its best. See it To-day! UNITED ARTISTS f CarminaU Murid luteins? IjfiM OremM •1% Gifert AWMkIMiMIMHk a 2„ r
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  • 224 6 THE furious air battles of the last few days do not yet suggest that Hitler is taking the initiative or that there is real confidence in victory among the Gorman air pilots. German losses are about five to one. Repeated bombings of military objectives in Germany
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  • 209 6 JHE appalling air accident at Canberra, in which the lives of several ministers and officials of the Australian Government were lost, has come as a shock to all those who have the well-being of the Commonwealth at heart. The untimely death of such key men
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  • 1210 6 America Supplies Most Imports THE l r.ion of French Indo-China, in southeastern Asia, is France's largest and most important overseas possession, savs a special report by the Washington Hureau of Commercial Investigation. F fining the eastern half of the peninsula which protrudes into the China Sea,
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  • 214 6 IT was once announced thru the devil icas going out of business and would of) all his tools for sale to whoever would pay his pnce. On the night of the they were all attractively d played, and a bad-looking lot they were. Malce. hat) envy,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 324 6 A SWEET WITH AN APPEALING FLAVCLIi Dl AMI NTS THE ONLY PERFECT DIGESTIVE PEPPERMINT OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE SOLE AGENTS A POPULAR FAVOURITE This BROCADE DRESSING GOWN is an <^^ml excellent example of what can be done and _Ja/ is one of the many we have to offer, made j §lr 1
      324 words
    • 20 6 MALAY MUSfC PIECES Latest KRONCHONG RUMBA STAMBOKL. NASIB, LAG C GAM BOS. etc., rtc. Obtainable at "BIRDSHOP" Ipoh. Phone 290.
      20 words
    • 36 6 j f?=C Size 6' x:r 45.00 9'x 6» $127.:»« A 12' x 9' $275.00 and a further selec- j tion in various sizes. colours and at t ratitiiTf mm j Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh—SlN GAPORE—Penang, Taipeng. j
      36 words

  • 42 7 Reuter. Halifax, Aug. 14. «v A A timing its production planes monthly by the I Mr. Howe. Minister who is visiting He udded that he was the figure would be rh< output of munitions Canada was rising rapidly.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 548 7 Reuter. London, Aug. 14. JKE both offensive and defensive, of the R.A.F. in recent weeks, have made a profound im>ressioi; on a number of foreign Governments, states ihe political correspondent of the Daily Telegraph. The correspondent adds: "Re- country's expanding production. p; .curatives of
    Reuter.  -  548 words
  • 75 7 Reuter. Canton, Aug. 14. WIDE area in the Tungkoon district, in eastern Kwangtung province, is flooded as a result of the East River overflowing, according to reports by the municipal authorities here. Sheklung, an important town 40 mii?s Irom Canton, along the Canton-Kowloon Railway, is
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 38 7 Reuter. Salisbury, Aug. 14. Mr. Huggins, Prime Minister of Southern Rnodesia, to-day announced that the Parliament and Government had accepted the invitation to attend the Empire conference on war supplies at New Delhi in October.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 1232 7 Debate On India In Commons Reuter. London, Aug. 15. JN the House of Commons, in initiating the debate on India last night, Mr. Amery spoke on the background of the political controversy in India, and the deadlock which had led
    Reuter.  -  1,232 words
  • 216 7 Reuter. London, Aug. 15. EN the Heme oi Lords, during a d:l teen India the Duke ot Divon.>hiir i aid that all indicalisma showed that thre would tc a widespread re-pcnsc to the rrcmt statement of tha Viceroy. "The statement affords the opportunity so anxiously
    Reuter.  -  216 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 93 7 4«nti\* HEALS I Without a SCAR The Finest Ointment for Cuts, Bruises Sores. AS joon v you smear Zam-Suk herbal ointment on any sore, injured or diseased skin, pain disappears and healing starts. Zam-Buk expels harmful l f :rrr,s. draws poison out of the tissues and prevents f istenng. It
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    • 9 7 TjT I 1 BAH THE PERFECT 4 r|§|g| DAY.
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    • 329 7 1 The manufacturers of STREAMLINE FILTERS now introduce a unit which can be fitted to truck engines, enabling them to run on clean oil at all times, without even draining the sump, for the STREAMLINE FILTER removes all damaging collodial carbon and "sludge." Ey the removal of these harmful bodies,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 520 8 Welcomed by Enthusiastic Crowds Last Night. The- Best STAGE Attraction Seen in Malaya Since the MARCUS SHOW! NIGHTLY first visit CAPITOL 6 15 9 .30 The Mighty CIIA ft G and his Company of American and Chinese Artistes J^g^^g "A TRIP TO HADES 1_ W ASTOUNDING X %3** gg PRINOESS.
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    • 249 8 ■MMiiimn tr^m -it mwar it— The Popular Star of "DUST BE MY DESTINY 7 in another Grand Comedy-Drama Warner Bros. Present JOHN GARFIELD ANNE SHIRLEY I in MAXWELL ANDERSON'S Prize-w inning Hit SATURDAY'S CHILDREN with CLAUDE RAINS ROSCOE KARNS Packed With Human Interest Laughs SATURDAY AT MIDNIGHT Three Great Stars
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  • 63 9 Reuter. Berlin, Aug. 14. 1 UERR SOIMON, German "head of the civil ad minis- j tration in Luxemburg, to- day announced that the constitution of Luxemburg will become null and void. j According to the official (Verman News Agency, he declared that in future offi- J cial
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 59 9 Shanghai, Aug. 14. 4 DMIKAL Hart, commanding the U.S. Asiatic Fleet, arrived unexpectedly this morning by submarine from Tsmgtao Rtute.. An earlier cable stated that Admiral Hart would join in the Shanghai negotiations, involving the forces to tak? over patrol of the British sector of the
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  • 33 9 Reuter. Malta, Aug. 14. JN tvo moonlight raids, a number of bombs, including incendiary bombs, were dropped. There was very little damage. and only one civilian casualty. Heuter.
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 115 9 Reuter. Washington, Aug. 14. MR. Walsh, chairman of the Se--111 nate Naval Committee, opposed the transfer of over-age destroyers to Britain in a broadcast speech last night. He said: "Either we should enter the war and give our all, or we should stay out of the
    Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 40 9 Reuter. Hyderabad, Aug 14. AVER five lakhs of rupees have M already been subscribed to the rund raised in Hyderabad for Hurricane aircrafc. This is more than two lakhs in excess of the amount appealed for -Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 247 9 Howl Got Rid of Wrinkles •and loc^^ Read this amazing letter from Miss C r "One day, looking into my tnirror, I In about 6 weeks the result was really Ml d to myself: Mydear, you.are begin- miraculous. Every line and wnnkla oing to look positively middle-aged.' I had disappeared."
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  • 38 10 The family of the late Mrs. John Lim express their sincere thanks to all relatives and friends, for their kind attendance at the funeral and also for their beautiful floral tributes and messages of sympathy.
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  • 23 10 LUCAS—Audrey, dearly beloved wife of Fit -Lieut. C H. Lucas, a 4 the General Hospital. Singapore. o n Wednesday, 14th August, 1940.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 674 10 g —i J 1 Situations Vacant BAILSMAN Office Manager, British Capable taking charge small business Apply Box No. 295. Malaya Tribune Singapore. (No. 385E) YOUNG ENGLISHMAN Requires HousefjTfP* 1 _f*PiJ giving full particulars. Box 294, c o Malaya Tribune. Singapore (No 38«) CHINESE GEN: wants Independent housekeeper 3040. likes children,
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    • 744 10 Property For Sale FOR SALS—Building iota ln healthy locality. Apply Peat Office Box No. 281. Singapore. (No. 3HEi FOR SALE Freehold vacant land at Nathan Road Junction. Area 13.737 Sq. Ft. »0.500 Apply 72. Nlve n Road. Singapore (No. 40fiE) For Sale FOR SALE. Several nets of second-hand OoU Clubs.
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    • 770 10 Educational DRESSMAKING. Learn to cut. ltt and make your own frocks by the accurate Body-line ay item. Under European tuition. The Artistry School of DressmaKlng, 985. Serangoon Road. Singapore. (No. 177E) r HIGHLY Specialised tuition ln Maths Science and English by College Graduate. Quick results guaranteed. Std: VI to Senior.
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    • 568 10 Stamps OLD MALAYANS. British and Foreign stamps. Write for appro wai books. Yong Ah Tee, 70, Batu Tiea Road, Klang. (No. 373K) FOR SALE: Really good quality stamps of Malaya. Pine selections. Competitive rates. Selected approvals sent anywhere. List free. L. K. Thye, Federal Dispensary Chambers. Seremban. (No. 391E) Lost
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    • 387 10 TTIE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 45) In the High Court of the Straits Settlements Settlement of Singapore. Wage Earner's Administration Order. m Bankruptcy. No. 579 of 1936 Re SI RADI BIN IBRAHIM of Ihe Tanglin Post Office, Singapore Clerk. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tha a Final dividend is intended to be
      387 words
    • 415 10 D X Lt X E RESTAURANT BAR (AIR-CONDITIONED) TEL. 4244 IN THE NEW WORLD CABARET Exceptionally comfortable place for WEDDING FUNCTIONS, SPECIAL DINNER PARTIES OTHER RECEPTIONS. Best Chinese European Food Served. SPECIAL SUNDAY TIFFIN $1.For economy and prompt service, ORDINARY DINNER $1.75 including Admission. Kindly phone 4244. IF YOUR V
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    • 58 10 WtfßadioL Iro clear, distinct reproduction for which they are Agents: Kuala Lumpur. HOE BOON LEONG Distributors: Rndio Cienrral tiiimiii■ I'm limiMwwi mww IF YOl T ARK A SI'FFKKI KOf DIABETES Either in the Fir r rfM* or chronic, u—iM mediately THABIB J MI). HASSAN. »iS2<. Aljunied Road, a IPIBi THE
      58 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 776 10 f TO-ftAirs RADIO: i SINGAPORE LONDON ZHL 225 metres (I.SS mc|i). TRANSMIggiow* ZHP 30.96 metres (9.69 mcls). GSP 15.14 Mc s (9 82" JL. 1 L lBht mu.,o. gs SMa.^ 1.30 Warning to Mariners. Programme p. m ÜbJ m **m Summary. Mid-day Tin, Copra g.oo Announcements Rubber Prices. 6.35 News
      776 words

  • 87 11  - MARKE T REPORTS Markets Again React Well To Air Victories By Reuter London, Aug. 14. Stock Exchange again opened promisingly on the sucvsful outcome of yesterday's air battles, with girt-edgeds and Kaffirs a good second, eturned to favour, Anglo-Iranians being 1.43, up oneJapanese were one half stronger. Elsewhere the tone
    87 words
  • 117 11 London, Aug. 14. MR. R. A. Butler told the House cf Commons that Government were considering representations from the Soviet Government in which they raised objections to the prohibition imposed by an order in council to the transfer of gold lying in the Bank
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  • 69 11 Tin E. P. T. London. Aug. 13.—The Tin Producers' Associations' representations to the Chancellor of the Exchequer for modification cf the 100 per cent. Excess Profits Tax stress the discriminatory action which this tax will have against the mining industry, compared with other industries. The Association says that tne E.P.T.
    69 words
  • 97 11 Manchester. Aug. 14.—The Cotton Controller has agreed to issue preference directions for yarn and 3loth for protective clothing for industrial and agricultural workers, provided the yarn is soffl--iently fine. It is rumoured that September cotton freight allocations, which are shortly expected, will be below previous expectations, whence the market
    97 words
  • 21 11 London, Aug. 13.—The Swiss Franc official rate has been altered trom 17.70 80 to 17.65 75 to the pound Sterling.
    21 words
  • 301 11 TIN London, Aug. 14. h OP.) £263 Buyers £263 17 2 Sellers O.P.i £***** Buyers £264 Sellers RUBBER London, Aug. 14. Market Tone Steady 13*8 IS»4 Forward) Sept. 13 316 trd Oct. Dec. 13*8 (3rd Forward* Jan! March 121/2 125 8 LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE London, Aug. 14.
    301 words
  • 123 11 From Our Financial Correspondent Singapore, Thursday. THERE was very little doing in 1 the tin share market yesterday, but Hong Fatts changed hands round $1.07. There was a fair demand for Petalings and Kuala Kampars. Raubs were slightly improved on increased buying interest. There was
    123 words
  • 90 11 THE Borneo Co.. Ltd., advise the following tin and rubber outputs for July, 1940: TIN Pahang Consolidated 00., Ltjd.. 5.280 pels. Ipoh Tin Dredging Ltd. (Lahat>. 291 pels., 116,400 yardage treated, 603 hours run. Ipoh Tin Dredging Ltd <Puchong>, 912 pels, 92,200 yardage treated. 502 hours
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  • 161 11 THE thirteenth annual general meeting of shareholders of Kramat Tin Dredging, Ltd., was held at the Registered Office of the company, 16, Barrack Road, Kuala Lumpur, on Friday, Aug. M. Mr. A. A. Henggeler presided and. in moving the adoption of the directors' report and
    161 words
  • 25 11 Singapore, Thursday. Prices of tin and rubber in Singapore at noon today were:— RUBBER Buyers 37%; Sellers 37%. TIN $132 V,, up $14
    25 words
  • 1021 11 Singapore, Aug. 14. MINING Buyers. Sellers. Ampat Tin (5%) 3.6 4iAustral Amal (ss) 53 5.9 cd Austral Malay 35 37,-cd Ayer Hitam <ss) 19 20!Aycr Weng 0 55 0.60 Banifrln 17|- 181Batu Selangor ($1) 142» 2 1.47' /2 cd Berjuntal (ss> 8.- 91-cd Burma Malay 201-
    1,021 words
  • 34 11 London, Aug. 14.—The Board of Trade has decided on a compulsory commodity insurance scheme covering war risks which shall continue at five shillings per cent, monthly tor the period Sept. 3 to Dec. 3.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 115 11 REX "AIR-FLO" TRUMPETS WU J IFULLY DESIGNED—PERFECT IN TUNE. J &2B gb Trumpet, Slide change to A, Brass $50.00 Bb Trumpet, Slide change to A, Nickel plated $62.5© J?** Bb Trumpet, Slide change to A, Silver plated $78.50 ,j fßb Trumpet, Rotary change, Brass $56.50 Bb Trumpet, Rotary change, Nickel
      115 words
    • 76 11 fNACET I BLADES J You can deoend upon Nacef REOD. TRADE MARK r I j/j^'"4£" m *4Bfr I Blades to give you many close, L MADE IN ENGLAND J -o°'h Th.y bnn, th■B Wm uniformly high qualify n»v«r before known in low-priced blades Qfffl KrpHIHI every blade in every packet
      76 words
    • 372 11 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA PASSENGER FREIGHT SERVICES For all information apply to: P. O. S. N. Co., The Agent, Collyer Quay, Tel. 5961. 8.1 S.N. CO., BOUSTEAD CO LTD., Tel. 5497. B I.S.N. CO. (APCAR LINE) For HONGKONG, SHANGHAI. MOJL, KOBE. OSAKA. For PENANG. RANGOON CALCUTTA. Regular Sailings: Special Holiday
      372 words
    • 352 11 BRITISH INDIA The best possible services are being maintained by The P. O.S.N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to register their requirements but under present circumstances sailings are perforce restricted. Special Holiday Return tickets
      352 words

  • 80 12 Reuter. London, Aug. 14. A BAN on the production nf Christmas cards, crackers and picture postcards has been made by the Minister of Suppiy under the newspaper control order, which ccmes into force on Friday. The ban also applies to greeting cards and calendars exceeding
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 713 12 War Minister Tells Why Britain Will Win Reuter and British Wireless. London, Aug. 15. JVIE Sr cretary of State for War, Mr. Eden, broadcasting last night, recalled that in less than a month's time, Britain would btive been at war for a year. The
    Reuter and British Wireless.  -  713 words
  • 55 12 Reuter. Ron c, Aug. 14. ALBANIANS have been arrested en the Greek frontier in the province cf Ciamuria, according 10 an Italian News Agency despatch from Tirana which says that the men "refused to act as spies and propaganda agents for Greece." Italian newspapers continue thfir
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 161 12 Reuter. I.cndon. Am T is authoritatively i ttf 2 J«Uy. Britain 1 tj ns of contraband n< 0 'vcrc taken from ncutr*,"!* md 10,700 fri.m Italian hm Caigocs In neutral mostly bound for Italian do ;n ootBC ca.«-es sailed befo entry into the war
    Reuter.  -  161 words
  • 55 12 Reuter. Washington An 14 THE United States will have ccrn--1 plete equipment for IJOGiw men by the end of 1942. st ited Sir William Knudsen. chief produ expert of the National D Commission, to-day. He sstirated that it would take a furthei months to procure
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 604 12 I *S*ifSC NOW STOPPED CAjLlr** OVERNIGHT by this new 1 Two-Way* Treatment J FIRST A GARGLE WITH J.C.P *m THEN A SMALL DOSE OF T.C^P. mto relieve throat soreness and kill the Mto counteract feverishness and injecting germs that lodge andmultiply shivering and drive the Cold or 'Flu m the
      604 words
    • 103 12 I (%3 What did the I I Planter say I f^^^^^ planting hhmelf I <>| \T in his chair? I /"food old I "It's good to get back to Johnnie Walker!" |l >@ Kff *jk \J I I That is particularly true after a hard day's work. j If f
      103 words
    • 53 12 PROFESSIONAL HANDMADE GUITAR FRESCOLINE BOUND DISTKMf c,K is a perfect wall finish for use over all types of plaster, brick or concrete. Frescoline Distemper gives a velvet-like rif** IS obtaina ble in 50 different dengnttul colours and can also be supplied in powder form. Frescoline is a P. A. R.
      53 words