Malaya Tribune, 14 August 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 21 1 The Malaya Tribune VOL. XXVII- No. 194. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1940 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Wednesday, August 14, 1940
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  • 995 1 Record Total Of Nazi Planes Brought Down Reuter. IXTY-NINE more German planes—a new record—were brought down yesterday in the fourth big air battle over the English Channel and southern English coast within a week. Only eleven British planes were lost, signifying the
    Reuter.  -  995 words
  • 281 1 Reuter. ROME, AUG. 14. REJECTING THE ATHENS EXPLANATION OF THE DEATH OF DAUT HOGGIA, THE ALBANIAN CHIEF, ITALY HAS INTENSIFIED ATTEMPTS TO STIR ITP FEELIN(, AGAINSI GREECE IN ALBANIA. Gayda, in the Popolo d'ltalia, for instance, declared that Italy has many proofs of political repression and
    Reuter.  -  281 words
  • 143 1 (Reuters Special Commentary) London, Aug. 13. rpHE New York Post have devoted a full-page to reports of their daily lives by their corresoondents in Londcn, Berlin and Rome. Mr. Sfroneman, London correspondent, headed his article, "Life for Britain runs alcng calmly, war or no war. Blackouts,
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  • 64 1 Reuter. London. Aug. 14. Higti explosive bombs were dropped by a German plane on a north-east Scottish town last night but there were no casualties apart from a few people injured by fivlng glass. People in a tenement house were preparing their shelter at che back of the
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 48 1 Reuter. London, Aug. 14. i GERMANY lost. 184 planes in raids in the last three t dayr—l79 were shot down by the Air Force and anti-air- j craft fire and five by naval 1 aircraft. In the same period t Britain lost 48 fighters.— Reuter. 1
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 34 1 Tientsin, Aug. 13. A Japanese Army spokesman said th* Japanese authorities were impressed by the British confidence in Japanese ability to protect foreigners. The Japanese were willing to patrol the British area of Tientsin
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  • 134 1 Simla, Aug-. 13. TWENTY-FOUR Indian pilot officers of the Indian Air Force Volunteer Reserve are being seconded to the R.A.F. by the Government of India at the invitation ot the Air Ministry. They are undergoing preliminary training and arc expected to proceed to England in
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  • 146 1 Reuter. The ViC Toy. Lord Linlithgow, adaressing the War Gifts' Committee in Bombay, referred to the expansion of the Indian arm°d forces and tho production of the war effort. "We would hkr to see an army of a million men catted Into being, to defend
    Reuter.  -  146 words
  • 90 1 Reuter. London. Aug. 13. THE Allied Fortes' Bill, giving full extra-territorial status to the authorities of the forces belonging to the Allied Government in this country, went through its second reading in the House of Lords. Br.-General Sir Page Croft said that the provisions
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 334 1 GRENADES USED A T CLOSE QUARTERS Reuter. London, Aug. 14. AN Admiralty com muni?] tic stales that in the early hours of yc Urday morning s<nu of our motor torpedo-boats made contact with enemy tight forces. 'Ihe enemy was sighted when lie only
    Reuter.  -  334 words
  • 104 1 London, Aug. 14. jr*RENCH "75" jruns adapted for anti-aircraft work and manned by crews of General de Gaulle's Free French Nation, defended Britain in recent raids against a south coast port, states an official announcement from Gen. d£ Gaulle's London head- quarters When
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  • 86 1 Reuter. Washington, Aug. 13. MR. Sumner Welles stated t'oat the United States (>' verninent is ex,icctin°, its heal authorities in Shanghai to settle questions ar suig from the withdrawal the B'itish troops. He said that Admiral Hart, Chi l of the Asiatic squadron would,
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 26 1 Reuter. The Admiralty announces thai the minesweeping trawlers Tamarisk and Pyrope. damaged as a result of enemy air attack, sub* sequent!? sank Renter
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 80 1 I A.R.P. Appear Rosy Pretty this simple way. Use Evelyn Astrova Face Beautifier which costs you less than a cent a day. 71% >< JL BLACK l§f WRITS Hf; SCOTCH 3H WHIBKV Care Of Your Eyes. that your prospects are not being hinDefective Vision. We alists with complete equipment to
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  • 257 2 Singapore, Tuesday. Q\ his being sentenced to-day to two months' rigorous imprisonment on two charges of misappropriation, Paul Carson, ai?ed 18, a Eurasian clerk employed in the Naval Base, collapsed and fell in the dock of the Third Police Court. arson, who was employed by
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  • 139 2 Singapore, Tuesday. FURTHER hearing in the suit brought against two motor companies, Messrs. Eng Co., and tiie Scietar Bus Company, by Vellama, 45-year-old widow, who claimed damages for the loss ot her right arm, which was amputated following a collision at Thompson Road, involving
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  • 15 2 Mr. H.C Mustard, manager of Braunston Estate, Jeram has returned from leave and resumed duties.
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  • 129 2 "MANY CLUBS in Singapore J are aware of the dan- get that youth in this Colony is liable to, and it i has even been suggested by I the Police to the various clubs that a Boys' Club should he formed in Singa- pore where
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  • 281 2 Singapore, Tuesday. |\AN SLNG CHYE, 27-year-old lawyer's clerk, appealed before Mr. J. 6. Rappoport, the [Third Police Magistrate* in a preliminary inquiry to-day, on charges of criminal misappropriation and forgery. Mr. Luke R. Prynn prosecuted, and Mr. Kenneth A. Seth appeared for the defence. Tan is
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  • 530 2 Singapore, Tuesday. riding his bicycle near the 13th mile, Changi Road on the night of Aug. I, Arthur Egerton Minjoot, a n elderly Eurasian, was knocked down by a taxi travelling in the opposite direction, and received severe injuries. He died in the
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  • 2471 2 Evidence On Contract Work At Court Martial Of Lovedav Singapore, Tuesday. ALLEGATIONS that he had paid $1,500 to a Quartermaster Sergeant who "was making a nuisance of himself" on the site of a certain contract, were made by a witness, Ong Kirn Teck,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 119 2 PHOENIX VICHY Has it for Health Identical with f\ the natural j water in taste and medicinal pioperties as J\ recommended hy doctors. 1 Yardley English Lmvender M~">Ti.\- ti i' >fi»&^ffi Lavender Toilet Soap W jgfo. Je*^^^ The Luxury Soap of the World W W*", c MtjmL lavender Face Pouter
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    • 130 2 Manufacturing Opticians Hr: t c asll^^?^^^ F,».hi hr Bridge Et" Sft co> Established m 1928. Optician C f fay Glasses applied with a guarantee™ For Radio entertainment value tile Lissen "Alnwick" cannot bt beaten. Specially designed to give trouble free reception ia tropical climates and especially uaylight reception of European
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  • 200 3 rVHE first ><ina<! for the Government Flying Training School in g ngapore was enrolled at the Civil Airport on Saturday by Director of Civil Aviation, who then gave the cadets their first lecture. 16 cadets so enrolled were:— Adams N. W. Berg. W. Burns, q cox
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  • 11 3 Mr. E.R. Stuart has assumed duties on Bukit Cheraka Estate, Jeram.
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  • 274 3 I Singapore, Tuesday. I JUDGMENT was entered by I Mr. Justice Manning, to-day, against the Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation in the j suit by Mr. Wee Cheong Theng for a sum of $3,500, being the amount paid out by the bank on a cheque purported
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  • 874 3 "TRAITOR TO THE COLONY CHINA" Singapore, Tuesday. have proved a traitor to the Colony in which you have been living, and indeed proved a traitor to China," declared Mr. Conrad Oldham, the acting first magistrate to-day, when he sentenced 17-year-old Tan Thai Tiau, a student of the Chinese High School,
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  • 49 3 With a war coat of ?ray and buff, the S.S. Volendam of the Holland-America line is shown arriving in New York. The snip, while now operated in the British service, still flies her own flag. She brought in many refugees, mcstly children, from England.
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  • 235 3 THAILAND SITUATION VERY CALM STEADY U.S. Diplomat Interviewed (Tribune Staff Reporter) 'pHAT the Thai Government was primarily interested in internal development, and that it desired amicable relationships with all countries with which it was in contact, was the opinion expressed by Mr. F. R. Dolbeare, American diplomat, who has been
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  • 16 3 Mr. M. Subramaniam, Assistant Station Master. Railways. Singapore, is leaving for Ceylon on short leave to-morrow.
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  • 95 3 HUGGING KISSING $8 FINE Alor Star. UCCGINC and kissing in a public place during the week-end cost a young Chinese couple the total sum of S*. when they were found guilty of disorderly conduct My a police magistrate The couple were caught by i\v( policemen "laughing gaily," and later "hugging
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  • 182 3 Last Night's First Nights USING the John Garfield-Claude Rains team once again, Warner Brothers have produced another "picture*, to rerr&mlfer in •'Saturday's Children,'' which opened at the Alhambra last night. Both Garfield and Rains turn out hearty performances in this story of the life a family
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  • 125 3 yWO's company, but when four men meet the same girl and want to keep house with her, it's a comedy of errors. So it is in the Cathay picture, "Housekeeper's Daughter,'' which opened last night to good houses. With Adolphe Menjou at his best, and
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  • 75 3 Singapore, Tuesday. CONVICTED on a charge of obstructing a constable in the cischarge of his duty at Tiong L«ahru on July 11, a young Chinese, Teo Ah Hok_ was bound over in the sum of $5u to be of good behaviour for six months, by the £cting fifth
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  • 150 3 (Tr»bun# Staff Reporter) £JHIEFLY with the aim of bringing Malayan Chinese into closer contact with fast-moving events in China, a branch of the Chinese People's Foreign Relations' Association will shortly be established in Singapore. This decision was reached by the Association at a meeting held
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  • 34 3 Singapore, Wednesday. A Chinese ricksha puller has died as a result, it is believed, of being knocked down by a car. at Kallang Road, in the early hours of this morning.
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  • 57 3 "To my mind, it is no good being very clever if you are physically unfit. There is no good in being physically fit if you are a Cool. Both mind and body must be developed at the same time," said H. H. the Sultan of Perak when opening the new
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  • 49 3 Reuter. London, Aug. 13. I FLYING -OFFICER Lord/ J Shuttleworth is reported J missin» following operations i on Aug. 8. Lord Shuttleworth sue- i ceeded to the title last year on the death of his grand- i lather. His fa,her was killed in the last war.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 88 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Tuesday. AN INDIAN wireless technician named Raghavan. 41» was hurled to his death from the top of a wireless mast about 190 ft high yesterday evening at the new wireless station now under construction in Peel Road. Pudu. The tragedy occurred
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 186 3 B LACK E, WHITE c o/ic h w_h\s k y Ah Agents: NAINA .MOHAMED SONS, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Penang. WHEN CHILDREN OUTGROW THEIR STRENGTH rapidly growing children, nt must keep pace with growth When it doesn't the child Seta thin, pale, weedy, with no energy or inclination for food.
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    • 141 3 sreg roast (iVINEA FOWL a delicious addition to your week-end menu Pheasants are not available at the moment but we have plenty of Guinea Fowl which have an equally fine flavour and are delicious roasted. Try one this coming- week-end and see how good it is. Www 'PHONE: SINGAPORE 5376
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  • 45 4 the side is not officially chosen, Singapore's team for the cup match with Kedah, which selects itself barring unforeseen difficulties, will probably be the men below:—Webber; Abdul Rahman, Soon San; Harith, Aziz, Hor Khoon; Taib, Velberg, Lai Chuan, Madon, Yahya.
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  • 1259 4 SINGAPORE EVERY REASON FOR. CONFIDENCE Soccer Review......By "Ajax" £ITALA LUMPUW will be ihe venue on Saturday of what promises to be an historical firal in the annals of the Malaya Cup competition when Singapore meet Kedah for the first time in a final since
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  • 18 4 TO-DAY SOCCER: Div. I, S.R.C. V. Loyals, Stadium; Div. LIB, J.C.S.A. v. S.C. F.A. "B," J.C.S.A.
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  • 228 4 Ipoh, Aug. 14. RACE weights for Ferak T. C. meeting at Taiping Saturday— seven races—are: Horses: Class 4, Div. 1, About 5 furs. Storm Ahead 9.0, Flying Scotsman 8.13, Ming 8.11, Monte Video 8.10, Moonlight Monata 8.8, Gay Prince 87, am Buger 8.4. Beacon 8.3. Hazmore 8.2.
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  • 101 4 Lrcod soccer was served at Farrcr Park before a large crowd when tlx* Pasir Panjang Rovers defeated the Victorians by two goals to nil. There was no score in the first half, but on the resumotion, the Rovers attacked consistently and following a pretty bout, ol short
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  • 35 4 The Division 2A League scccer match between the Naval Po ice and the R.A.0.C., which was co have been played at Alexandria last evening, was postponed oving tothe flooded ground conditions.
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  • 435 4 Loyals lies 5; Malays Res 1 completely demoralized after having two doubtful penalties awarded against them in the first half, the Malays received a sound thrashing i n the hands of the Loyals, when the sides m?t in a Reserve Division match at Ansoil Road
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 457 4 I SOMETHING IS" SHOUT <«W THE GOOD WHOLESOME j£ QUALITY OF THE BREAD CAKES BAKED AT Ĕt l (Raffles Bakery itM^D MADE WITH CHOICEST /1 INGREDIENTS UNDER J_S r- STRICTLY HYGIENIC jLI VJ conditions. ppfa Order by phone—s3Bl f j Deliveries daily from sto 9 p.m. J—«> BP SEA VIEW
      457 words
    • 247 4 ROSE'S II A I It 1 aTTT if you have bald head. i| N„ur hafa is thin or grows slowly; if ,t u off in patches or generally; i| JJJ encounter early greying ot v ame or have dandruff or feel an itchitu sensation on your seal p. <!<, 2
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 1639 5 lIALIANS WILL PAY FOR AGGRESSION QNCE a pcac£fu and happy c jnvad^ IhrouKh no fault of their own. This time they are natives ol ATMes, and (heir only crime is that they live under the pro1H V l l riU h aa But the S»™ 3
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  • 97 5 THE Davis Cup players, Klio Sfn Kie and Pat Hughes will be coming back to Singapore to play matches arranged by the S C.R.C. in aid of Malaya Fatriotic and China Relief Funds. The matches will be played en the S.C.R.C. courts on
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  • 132 5 THE All-Star Singapore v. Ameri- can Association baseball game will be held at Anson Road Stadium on Sunday. Admission will be $1 and 50 cento and th e proceeds will be given to the War Fund. Determined to beat the Yankees manager Paul
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  • 66 5 THE following are new classifica- tions and ponies, announced K y tne Straits Racing Association:— HORSES Transfers.—From class 2 to class I.—Mystic Music. Scottish Rifle, Yule Call. From class 4 to class 3.—Autumn Bride. New Classifications.—Class 3.— Kackarock. Reinstated.—Class 4.—Meg. Deletions.—Class I.—Playboy; class 2.—Flying Star; Class 3.
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  • 59 5 The following players have been elected to represent the Gentle B.P. B team against the Kg. Jagoh Muslim B.P. in a friendly match of four Singles and three Doubles at home court on Sunday, at 2.30 p.m.: Ha.'san Awang, M. Shahii, Sari, Senawi. Abdul Wahab, Masrom, Hassan Ahmad
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  • 157 5 Singapore, Tuesday. I C. J. Thaman Pillai, a 23--■*J year-old Malabari. employed in the Naval St«res Department, in the Naval Base, was to-day sentenced to a day's imprisonment and had to pay $3» for stealing a I in. of cigarettes. It appeared that yesterday afternoon,
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  • 30 5 Reuter. London, Aug. 13. The football league announces that 68 clubs will be competing In the forthcoming Regional competitions, beginning Aug. 31, and ending Dec. 28.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 231 5 A DEGREE IN ACCOUNTANCY h p. Cost Accountancy, ShipInsurance or Bookkeeping .1 highly-paid executive q Examination* can be taken in ii caas guaranteed by postal g i School of Accountancy ia ;.-utution in the British the building of Successful ireers Write for Free lBop. I Dlred Way to Success." education
      231 words
    • 204 5 3.15 6.15 9.15 I nitcd Artists Present Where Everybody Goes THE HOUSEKEEPER'S DAI ]nnTFP" Starring; j JOAN BENNETT ADOLPHE MENJOU C omedy At Its Best Hilarious and Exciting SA F %11 1 NEXT CHANGE xm A Paramount Picture 3k '-mt rWB •SAI. 17TH AUGUST, AT 11 A.M. •c;illivi:b*s tHavkiv CHILDREN
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  • 194 6 WHILE Hitler is said to be completing his plan for the invasion of Britain, there are also unmistakable signs that he is trying to delay it as long as possible. He knows that the success or failure of his world domination dream depends on this fatal* move
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  • 221 6 JJR. Amery, Secretary of State for India, has further clarified the offer made to India early last week by His Majesty's Government. He has re-affirmed the Government's resolve that India shall attain to the same freedom, to the same equal partnership in the Commonwealth, as the other
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  • 2349 6 Muslims Reject SelfAppointed Protector (By A Special Correspondent) QN March 10, 19:57, Marshal Balbo issued a proclamation to the Arab population of Libya announcing the imminent arrival of Mussolini, who was described as "A warrior intolerant of offence, defender of the prestige of Rome,
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 6 The Egyptian Army of to-day is weil-trained, highly efficient and equipped with modern weapons, lt has mechanised units and the latest anti-air-craft defences. Photo shows an artillery observation post in the desert.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 14 6 Jrrw Taken Regularly Every MfeM BILE BEANS GIVE YOU THE FIGURE ALL MEN ADMIRE
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  • 179 7 Reuter. London, Aug. 14. lif K. Harcourt Johnstone, Secretary to the Departnl of Overseas Trade, in a temenl on the Government's iew measures for aiding the extrade, said that the Export incil had hitherto formed 270 export groups, and result could claim, for the time
    Reuter.  -  179 words
  • 25 7 untitled of the tnciency Medals have d to the following Joi Engineers: Sgt. R. Meldrum. LCpl. k< I zie, and Spr. J. M. Hi rrics.
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  • 620 7 AIR MINISTER AND HIGH OFFICERS LOST Reuter. iv in Canberra, Aug. 13. A Walling accident, in which ten people, including several high Australian personages, were killed, occurred to-day when a service plane en route from Melbourne to this city crashed near the
    Reuter.  -  620 words
  • 295 7 MUNITION WORKS, DROMES HARBOURS BADLY DAMAGED Reuter. AN ni£ht St f eS that att,ckefl b -V R A.F. bombers last Germany 3 Ha f ,0 1 ne and other objectives in north-wet" W VanCe Ho and The attacks wet From 5* b cr
    Reuter.  -  295 words
  • 36 7 INDO-CHINA Shanghai, Aug. 13 Recording to Chinese reports from Shanghai, of which there is no official confirmation, a Franco Japanese understanding has been reached concerning IndoChina and a pact of amity has been concluded.
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  • 21 7 Mr. K. Valtylingam, of the Port Traffic Suoerintendent's Office F.M.S. Railways, Port Swettenham. is leaving for Ceylon to-mor-row on short leave.
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  • 80 7 Reuter. London, Aug:. 13. Kins'liv Wood, the Chanu cellor ol the Exchequer, ann<unccd that he has decided not tc proceed with the purchase tax in newspapers in the present circumstances, as a freely and widely distribut d press s ess ntial to public interest. He also
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 560 7 Reuter. London, Aug. 13. ■J-HERE are increasing signs of a concerted campaign, encouraged by the Nazi Press, to weaken and discredit the British blockade through an appeal to the well-known philanthropy of the American people, declares an editorial in The Times, which
    Reuter.  -  560 words
  • 86 7 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Tuesday. TWO mining companies are involv- cd in a case in which a Lim Kirn Yook, is charged with having been found in pessession of rome scrap iron suspected to be stolen property. Ihe Chief Court Inspector informed Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 89 7 SPEND TO SAVE! may SAVE s'/ by managing your own properties l i SPEND s'/r and yen will SAVE MORE. or by appointing a well-organised and efficient firm to •'OUT properties, r houses will be less often vacant, >! of repairs under their expert supervision will be iced to the
      89 words
    • 261 7 i ;.rr t ii'- 1 -j Kotex is the only sanitary napkin that comes in three sizes: Regular, Junior and >* Super. Choose the one that is right for you. Kotex is made in soft folds. Ft is less bulky and extra safe. You scarcely know you're wcarine if! I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 461 8 The 1114.4.1 M STAGE ATTRACTION TO visit Ma lava mat c fhe maihts gHgjjvi OPENS TO-NtGttT 6./5 anrf 9. JO MM£" Box Office Phone 5261. FIRST APPEARANCE IN THE EAST The Mighty CIIA <> and his Company of American and Chinese Artistes 9 jjjjpfc?' Presenting the £10,000 Spectacular Sensation "A
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    • 267 8 "A Fine Drama, suitably spiced witn an essence ,f comedy* —STRAITS Tl\ lr s JiMM ~~ALHAMBiT\ Warner Bros. Successor To "DUST BE MY DESTINY" presenting JOHN ANN GARFIELD SHIRLEY A&slc JBSk BL Bh IN MAXWELL ANDERSON'S PRIZE WI\NIN« HIT "SATURDAY'S < 111 ID 111 V with CLAUDE RAINS ROSCOE KARNS
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 847 9 m opening to-morrow Simultaneously MARLBORO' and EMPIRE ?i .r. It KIT AM v mi? KOiVr, A new, very mild and mellow blend of ihoicest Kmpire and exotic Pipe Tobaccos 'NCI NOHI "S^^ racked in double- Mild, Medium Price 9mA Full Per Tin covered tins to keep the 2 oz TlnH
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  • 53 10 MR MRS. A H GAUDER, acknowledge with gratitude the kindness of all those who sent wreaths and tokens and attended the funeral of their son late "Yountf Gauder" also to those who sent letters and telegrams of sympathy which have been received from all over—Ceylon and F.M.S.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 601 10 «l.Nl'«l»N'Nlll^^.^>^M Situations Vacant BALESMAN Ac Office Manager. 3r\lßh Capable taking charge small business. Apply Box No. 295. Malaya Tribune Singapore. (No. 385!;, YOTJNO ENGLISHMAN Requires HouseReaper. Reply giving full particulars. Box 294. cju Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (No. 384B) CHINESE GEN: wants Independent housekeeper 30 40, Ukps children, comfortable home. «11
      601 words
    • 829 10 TO LET 18. Fort Road. Immediate entry. Newly constructed. All conveniences. $130;-. Apply 5. Derbyshire Road, off Thompson Road. Singapore. (No. 394E> OFFICE space to suit applicants with or without furniture St telephone, apply 2nd floor 9-N, De Souza St. Phone 5874. Singapore. (No. 345E) PLAT, 2 bedrooms; sitting and
      829 words
    • 712 10 Matrimonial RESECTABLE EUROPEANS desire wives. Europeans or Eurasians. Guardians Kindly communicate. Caters all classes. Two weddings arranged for July. Marri*x*f> Agency, 79, Buklt Timah Road, Singapore. (No. 396E) Personal PSYCHOLOGIAL Bureau. 79. Buklt Tlmah Ro;id. Helps those in trouble. Love, Domestic Affairs etc. Write fully or call. (No. 398E) Professional
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    • 741 10 Lost Found LOST near Junction Taujong Katong and Grove Roads a smno'h-blared 5 month* 1 old Pox terrier black and white with trown markings on face. Answers to name of "Terry." Finder please return to 797. Grove Road. Singapore Reward. (No. 371F) Financial EUROPEAN REQUIRES Loan of $500! Repayment in
      741 words
    • 595 10 AUCTION SALE Of well-made polished teak household furniture cane and rattan chairs, refrigerator, iro n safes, steel filing cabinet, etc To be held at our saleroom No 64, Chulia Street. On Friday August 16th. 1940, at 10 30 a.m. THE SINGAPORE AUCTIONEERS NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that as Rosa
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    • 348 10 BY ORDER OF THE OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE ESTATE OF CHARLES JACOB JUDAH (DECEASED) AUCTION SALE of Teak Household furniture, cutlery, filter, wall clock, cabin trunks, and personal effects, etc. To Be Held At Room No. 9, Burlington Hotel. 3 Coleman Street, on Thursday, 15th Aug., 1940 at 10.30 a.m. On View
      348 words
    • 72 10 FOR CLEAR, DISTINCT EFFICIENT REPRODUCTION TRY "PTE" for which they are UNSURPASSED. Sole Acents: HOE BOON LEONG. Distributors: _„m*t RADIO AND GENERAL AOLNt» Good Blocks make all the difference to your printed illustrations Block! made by PRINTERS LIMITED cost a little more but they have the necessary qualities to make
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 762 10 f TO-DAY'S RADIO I *-_J SINGAPORE LONDON ZHL ZZS metres (133 mc|l). TR INSMISSKIS ZHP 30.9« metres (9-69 mcls). GSF 13.14 Mcs n p.m. < ;SJ 21.53 Mrs (1? 51 1.00 Miscellaneous Gramophone Re. GSG 17.79 Mcs (it,*. m cords. s"2* 130 Warning to Mariners. Programme ■00 AnnouncementSummary and Mid-day
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  • 59 11  -  By Reuter London, Aug. 13. pi: Stock r.xchange opened harder on favourable interpreta ion of the present aerial activity. Kaffirs were supported hit Ei vpfans were all buyers. Gilt-edgeds and industrials ed upward. vaghout the day the market continued very firm led by Industrials.
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  • 108 11 Aug. 13: The total of and New Zealand wool tot the season ended estimated at 3,669,400 mpared with the previous mate of 3,550,000 bales, light that the latest eshowa an increase of 14 iv< r the previous year, within 11.000 bales of and are valued at Which is £21,236,000
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  • 46 11 Aug. 13: Cotton mernt here have been advised to ition in selling ahead fed conditions and ight spa i considerations Imrehemdon, however is *mi to Lancashire I ther with diversion oi continental shipUnited Kingdom, cotton was hit by pro-nt-takim; but the market v/as H'ry thin.
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  • 30 11 Aug. 13: Yesterday, were still not interest--1 air smelter offerings were Laken by a couple ot influqtlarters, apparently for miv. This morning the marened easier. The turnover ISO tons.
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  • 59 11 Aug. 13.—The recent t in inquiries for tonnage to lited States scrap to Japan d by the realisation cent ban on scrap shipis not applicable to ail would certainly apply one grade, but there of 72 grades of United p, many of which may be exported under nber one
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  • 53 11 London, Aug. 13.—There was fair inqmr y for freight for Unitec 1 States scrap iron to the Far East but hasmess was retricted to one 13V rtnno n rr nge t0 Ja Pan at 13/2 dollars per ton. Shippers ar^ indicating thirteen dollars to Japan from the United States
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  • 54 11 Aug 13 —Observers of rpviv^ 6X1 S an 0il Sltuati0n express v in S h °Pes of a forthcoming improvement in the relations- be-J'-'f the Mexican Government law w™ whose Properties v£ expropriated. The Mexican Congress is expectcd to announce the election of a new president who is more
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  • 303 11 w TIN c,s h ,o.p, taßd A "«a«U Forward (0.P., RUBBER 64 Se,lerS Market Tnn London Aug. 13. J a et Tone Steady (ist Forward* Sept. 13it 13 v. '2nd Forward) Oct Dec. 13 131* December S% 12 i« ,S '3rd Forward, Jan! 8 1515 March 12%
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  • 141 11 By Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Wednesday. THERE was slightly more activity m the local tin share market yesterday, with business in Hong Fatts, Kuchais and Batu Selaneors. In the Australian section Kuala Kampais and Pungahs found ta- kers, whi.'e in sterlings Ipoh Tins were a
    141 words
  • 21 11 Singapore, Wednesday. Prices of tin and rubber in Singapore at noon today were:— RUBBER Buyers 37Vi; Sellers S7V4. TIN
    21 words
  • 931 11 Malacca. "rpHE result of the year's working is a profit of $68,372.63, compared with $19,227.52 earned for the preceding twelve months. The increased profit is due to the improved market conditions and increases in the percentage released and is very satisfactory," said Dr.
    931 words
  • 794 11 sssr- Au i3 Ampat Tin (ss) Bu J?»- 8 f ller Austral Amal (5«) 53 5^ Austral Malay 35- 37 £h Ayer Hltam (ss) 19 oqi Ayer Weng 0.55 0 60 Bangrln 17. «3? Batu Selangor ($1) 1.43*4 1 4 7 2 cd Berjuntal (ss; 8-
    794 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 120 11 Public Notices SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY T TENDERS, the are now invited foi materials or service ■Jars see Municipal Date of Closing. 01 Galvd. Wrought i-iii j x s for Period 1 IIJ -40 to 30-9-41. 4 Pm, 16 Sept. 1940. M Electrical (Deposit kin of 4 JEfi- 11 Nov 1940 yen
      120 words
    • 107 11 THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA (TRUSTEES) LIMITED Guaranteed and Controlled by THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LIMITED. The Company, which is incorporated in the S.S. and registered as a Trust Company, undertakes the following duties:— EXECUTOR OR TRUSTEE OF A WILL ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATE OF DECEASED PERSON TRUSTEE OF A
      107 words
    • 297 11 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA PASSENGER FREIGHT SERVICES For all information apoly to- S• N. Co., The Agent, Collyer Quay, Tel. 5961. 8.1 S.N. CO., BOUSTEAD CO LTD., Tel. 5497. B I.S.N. CO. (APCAR LINE) 2S£°KX2' SHANGHAI, MOJI, KOBE. OSAKA For PENANG, RANGOON CALCUTTA. Regular Sailings: Special Holiday Return Tickets to
      297 words
    • 358 11 BRITISH INDIA The best possible services are being maintained by The P. O.S.N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to register their requirements but under present circumstances sailings are perforce restricted. Special Holiday Return tickets
      358 words

  • 172 12 But Britain Asks For More Reuter. New York, Aug. 14. ACCORDING to a Dow Jones Agency report from Washington, an aircraft procurement programme calling for the delivery of between 1,300 and 1,400 planes a month has been outlined, for the British
    Reuter.  -  172 words
  • 150 12 Reuter. London, Au° 13. REPLYING to a House of Ctrrmons questioner, who asked tor particulars of action taken by the Government with respect to the sending of refugees and internees iverseas, the Lord Privy Seal said hat in view of the new strategic situation, resulting
    Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 550 12 PETAIN'S WARNING OF Reuter. Vichy, Aug. 13. BROADCASTING to the French to-night, Marshal Petain complained that the intention of the Government had been persistently misrepresented in certain quarters. He -aid that the difficulties facing the Government were unprecedented. "These which arise from Fiances defeat in we cannot cure."
    Reuter.  -  550 words
  • 17 12 Picture showing a Brium bomber being loaded with bombs prior to a raid.
    17 words
  • 289 12 COMBAT reports tell dramatic stories of pilots' adventures in repelling to-day's mass attacks on England. One Spitfire squadron chased a large formation of Dornier bombers right across the Channel and damaged at least five of them. Another squad on began a battle against 30 Dornier bombers five
    289 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 252 12 I Craven' A.' Smoke as many I as you will, their consistem •Cellophane* wrapped PACKETS of 10 MAoI R B U Y CAMERAS »2 CA. 717 MEN! this beauty v 1 secret Palmolive Soap is i I made from these s~ **j beauty oils only. It I/ f HPHE greatest
      252 words
    • 121 12 jKV.'yy' .-.■.■■■::•:■.:■.> ;>. 16ST ¥ifMif Wincarnis is suitable alike f r the robust, the invalid and the convalescent, it,, braces the yyhojle system, imparts health and vigour, and preserves the abundant energy of youth. In all cases of debility and lowered vitality, whatever the cause, Wincarnis will be found a
      121 words