Malaya Tribune, 9 August 1940

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune VOL. XXVII -No. 190. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1940 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Friday. August !>, \\r t U.
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  • 258 1 BRITISH VICTORY IN CHANNEL London, Aug. 9. AT least 53 enemy aircraft were destroyed yesterday in the biggest, most determined and most continuous air battle nf iL II a 1 A cr the war oft British
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  • 680 1 150 Attackers In One Fight A FULLER story of the sky battle over the Channel was given by the Air Ministry News Service last night as follows: The German Air Force to-day suffered their heaviest losses since the air war round our coasts began. Nineteen Junkers dive-bombers and
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  • 120 1 Reuter. An Air Ministry and Home Security cemmunique says bombs were dropped on various parts of Great Britain last night by isolated aircraft, but apart t;om broken windows little damage was reported except in one town in north-east England, where a sanatorium and shop property suffered considerably.
    Reuter.  -  120 words
  • Article, Illustration
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  • 69 1 Reuter. Madrid. Aug. 9. t.V. Spanish and Bri--1 regarding Spain's ippliea are proceedfriendly spirit. A of agreement has d, including an underlie extent of the pre- Sp. nish stocks. ouestion cf this issue crt" system having caused friction. Lative of the Ministry Warfare who
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 118 1 Reuter. London. Aug. 9. IN authoritative circles it is stated that Germany has gloated that the German Fleet and Air Arm have exceeded the successes against Great Britain achieved by ihe Imperial German Navy in 1917. Actually, say these circles, this is far from the case.
    Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 216 1 BURMA ROAD Reuter. London, Aug. 9. REUTERS diplomatic correspondent learns authoritatively that the Japanese naval spokesman's suggestion in Tokyo that war materials are still proceeding by the Burma Road is devoid of foundation. He also pointed out that the medical supplies which the spokesman mentioned are not
    Reuter.  -  216 words
  • 29 1 Reuter. London, Aug S. The Minister of Aircraft Production, Lord Beaverbrook, announces that the contribution from the public for the purchase of aircraft now exceeds £2.400,000.Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 47 1 (Special Cable from H. L. Hopkin) London, Aug. 9. JifISS Joyce Tregear, daughter of Lieut.Colonel Tregear, has been arrested in London under ihe defence regulations. Miss Tregear, who is well known in and Scottish society, has been taken to Holloway Prison. (Via Cable Wireless)
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  • 34 1 Reuter. Rangoon. Aug. 9. A BURMA communique states that the British liner Kemmendine, 7,769 tons, whose destination was Rangoon, is 21 days overdue and must be presumed lost.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 225 1 New Air Devil London, Aug. 7. MR. LLOYD GEORGE, in a broadcast message to the Welsh pecpie, on Wednesday night, said: "The storm clouds which have been gathering over our country and her empire are now assuming a marked and more threatening purple,
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  • 127 1 Reuter. London. Aug. 8. < IT is learned in authoritative quarters in London, says Reuters diplomatic correspondent, that the British Legation at Bucharest is making a strong protest about the recent molestation by Rumanian police of a messenger employed by the British Legation. Information reaching London
    Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 73 1 United States Soviet Reuter. Washington, Aug. 8. ]y|K. SUMNER WELLES, Assistant Secretary of the State 'Department, indicated to-day that the United States and Soviet Russia were seeking a general improvement in their 11-kitions. Commenting on a conversation he had had yesterday with M. Oumansky, Soviet Ambassador
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 84 1 Reuter. London, Aug. 9. AN Air Ministry communique states that yesterday R.A.F. bombers carried out daylight attacks on enemy-occupied aerodromes at Cherbourg and Hamstaede in Holland. Last night our bombers, though hampered again by poor weather, attacked the Hamburg oil plant, Kiel naval dockyards and stores
    Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 94 1 Reuter. Bermuda, Aug. 9. The Duke and Duchess of Windsor were smiling and looked very fit when they came ashore here CT yesterday. The visit is described as private and informal. The Governor and Commander of the West Indies Squadron, Admiral Sir Charles Kennedy Purvis and Mrs. Hastings
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 178 1 rr necessary PR E C A UTION. haii- is a definite I approaching- baldI n most cases, it is dandruff which you never know. Take' ait ion by using Astrova DandrufY ,r your daily hair I dressinf. i Don't Neglect 1 our Vision H.ive roar eves scientifically examined andL*feets properly
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    • 139 1 FAR EAST MOTORS LTD. 50/ E AGENTS C. A. V. LTD. Acton, England and Amoriean Kosrh Corp. Springfield (Mass.) U.S.A. i^;}! Injection Equipment MADE IN 7 1 U.S.A. PYMI PTY. LTD. Melbourne, Australia /or Sparking Plugs and other Electrical Equipment. FAR EAST MOTORS LTD. offer competent and efficient service in
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  • 91 2 Singapore, Thursday. CAID to have had counterfeiting material in his possession, Ten Khok Sin, a 29-year-old Hokkien who was arrested at the coolie lines of the Singapore Harbour Board, yesterday, claimed trial when charged before Mr. Kenneth M. Byrne, the Fourth Police Magistrate. It was alleged that two
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  • 18 2 His Excellency the High Commissioner has awarded the Efficiency Decoration to Captain Wilfred Lawson Kitserow of the F.M.S.V.F.
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  • 260 2 Singapore, Thursday. A VERY silly thins to have done," was how the acting Filth Magistrate, Mr. Oon Khye Kiang. characterised the action of a 22-year-old European soldier who was caug-ht exposing himself i n Pender Road yesterday. Produced in court to-day, the scldier, Private George McGovern
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  • 56 2 Singapore, Thursday. THE fourth anniversary celebraqaip«m^ S Of A the sin gapore Chinese Salesmen's Association will be held th «:s! d at 311 Siglap ~252 ela *?°rate programme includes a dinner on Saturday and a tea party and dance on Sunday afternoon. The fourth annual StSSi will S
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  • 290 2 Singapore, Thursday THAT I woman, whose nude body was found with iwounds in a locked room of the Empress Hotel ktl been murdered by a man, Tan Tiong Bee, was the m*r returned by Acting Singapore Coroner, M» \v!, (t Mac<Juarrie, to-day. "The evidence
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  • 229 2 Singapore, Thursday. k COUPLE of days after he had snatched some gold ornaments from a young Chinese woman who was out shopping, Chan Yek Chong (17) was arrested in a coffee shop. The gold ornaments which were said to be worth $55 had been disposed of and only
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  • 136 2 Singapore Thn QAID to be a regfeti O owner, Lim Ko-a M as plaintiff- appellant in or, gured before Mr. Justice Ped?cT PPCaI against the decision ol th» day District Judge regarding Z ership of a ricksha. oWn In the lower court. Lim u„ claimed for the
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  • 144 2 Singapore. Thursd THE hearty spirit of co-opt among local engineering neil anics was commended by Mr J a P. Strachan, when he congral the Singapore Engineering Mechanics' Association on the attai of the twelfth year of its ex at a mass meeting of over IJUt members held
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  • 64 2 Singapore. Thursday lIEARING fixed for to-day In U 11 divorce suit brought up by F C Spykerman against his w: Hortencia Spykerman, journed by Mr. Justice Pi following an application by petitioner's counsel, Mr. P C Nathan Both parties were n< go on with the case. Mr
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  • 357 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) i ci'rpr Batavia, Aug. 1. to the Netherlands Indies Government that 'in gratitude to the British Government' for the boepitality given to Queen Wilhelmina, Java could set apart a certain sum from the funds collected in Java for the war,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 246 2 g SEND A CALL TO UNIVERSAL RADIO HOUSE--205, Orcfiard Road, Phone 4907' When You Need Mende Service or Spare Parts. (Mende Servicing Specialists). Overseas Asm ii ranee CORPORATION, LIMITED China Building, Chulia Street, PHONE 5808. SINGAPORE Fire, Marine, Motor Vehicles, Workmen's Compensation Personal Accident. I Painftd Case of 1 RHEUMATISM
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    • 19 2 The Fifth Column Least .Said Soonest Mended STOP PRESS "Talk About Tiger Instead" Ik Advt. of TIGER medm, BEER
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  • 135 3 I'ONCIR ATULATIONS to Ihe L Health Department of the Hoard on the success of their vegetable exhibition held for labourers last month, were made by Mr. J. M. Jansen, speaking at the meeting or the Singapore Rural Board yesterday. Mr. Jansen added that further encouragement should
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  • 355 3 IN v letter 1<» his diocese, pub- lished in the Dioctsan Leaflet the Bishop of Singapore, the Right Rev. Basil Roberts, explains the circumstances that led to his appointment as Warden of St. Augustine's College, Canterbury, and the consequent relinquishment of his charge of the diocese
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  • 422 3 JjOW four Chinese were said to have been concerned in an attempt to extort' money from Tan Kai Chwee, an employee of the Singapore Traction Company, after one of them, with another Chinese who has not been arrested, had insulted Tan's mistress, was related before
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  • 48 3 An extra-ordinary general meeting of the members of the Fede- rated Malay States Benefit SJciety I will be held at the Town Hall, Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday. Aug. 20 at 5 p.m.. with a view to considering a grant of a donation to 1 the F.M.S. War Fund.
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  • 308 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. fHARGES of accepting monies from persons concerned in the tin mining industry were read out to two Europeans, A. E. P. Kershaw, Chief Inspector of Mines, F.M.S., and G. Mac Donald, formerly Chief Inspector of Mints. F.M.S., when
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 346 3 SCOTCH WHISKY IRON BOLT r fl mi |i[J Countersunk. Snap g~y yT" Square. Round and j Hexigo n head rj manufactured by Size from dia: l 2 j i.ud upward a j J*y length from 6" and unwards. Collapsible Rates. Folding aorta Ol Iron Wurk for m Welding—Ekotric §t CHAN
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    • 445 3 ■'Oil*! 4. i i i: W© W L a delicious addition to your %vee k-end menu Pheasants are not available at Ihe moment hut we have plenty ol (.uinea Fowl which have an equally line flavour and are delicious roasted. Try one this coming week-end and see how good it
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  • 460 4 records were broken at the 29th annual athletic sports of the St. Andrew's School held for the first time at Woodsville yesterday. Bad ground conditions affectec the track events, but Peter Chua broke the 10-year-old high jumj: record set up in 1930 by Briar
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  • 62 4 The following tics for the Koh reck Ec Challenge Shield wil] be Payed off at the Marigold B P court at 4 p.m.: Koh feck Fe v w* Ngiam Hng, Wee Ghim Tee v Tan Chong Tee. Ng Chia Hen- v Tan Cheng Hot. Low Seah
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  • 863 4  -  By "SPECTATOR" PAY OUT AND UTRECHT ARE MY BEST BETS FOR TO-MORROW'S RACES, THE FINAL DAY OF THE PENANG TURF CLUB'S AUGUST MEETING. Van Breukeleii, who failed to saddle a single winner on Monday, should be very successful to-morrow afternoon. Westenra.
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  • 40 4 TO-DAY SOCCER: Div. I. S.R.C. v. Navy Stadium; R.A.F. v RE Seleiar; Div. iib. ray (Kallang) v. r.a.f. <h.q.> Kallang; Div. Ha R a •BM.i v. Pulau Brani, Blakan Mati. CRICKET: S.C.C. v. Combined Colleges. S.C.C 5 p.m..
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  • 44 4 ITSIXG a basket for the pig V and a -mall packet for the goat these pupils of F riffles Girls* School were patt in the ''Take the pig and g( at to market" fcvent at the school sports [yesterday. j
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  • 250 4 pAYOTJREP by splendid weather, the annual sports and games day of the Singapore C hinese Girls' School was held at the school ground yesterday before a big gathering of parents and friends. Ail 17 events were carried out without hitch, and some keen rivalry
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  • 197 4 THE draw and starting times for the Colonial Cups competition qualifying round at the Island Club, to-morrow, are: First Tee 2.40 p.m. l. Langdon Williams <V and F. R Martens (12) v B. Woodal] «9, and p. Jonos (8 2.4 d pm. Dr H.
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  • 105 4 Mrs J. MOOCUT (M| v. Miss S Lues Mr I P s m F M rS E A Elder it. 2" V s English (I 61; 3.50 n m M A J Wilton ,36, v. Mrs Jam™' WO .34»; 3.55 p.m. Mrs. I. A M SmTll
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 209 4 THE GREAT EASTpR Glasses applied wtS a f V coupon i f,N tin Liquid Extrj jambolan Effective Safe Cure for It can be SAFELY n all suffering from ri the DOSE Increased ti is perceived. I n diabet its action begins I, Quenchabll thirst troublesome sympton debility and ends in
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 58 5 WHETHER or not they were amused by the actions of the girl left doesn't niatt r, but these pupils of Singapore Chinese Girls' Jlrgh School got a great In ugh i n a t their school sports yesterday. Something was funny. lo r even the Alalay
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  • 265 5 IN the first year of competition between the tour houses of the Raffles Girls' School, held last evening on the school ground, Clifford House emerged the champion house by a narrow margin. The sports were run under ideal conditions and interopersed with concert items.
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  • 56 5 THE probable American line-up far the baseball uame against an All-Siar Singapore side on Aug. 18, will be: Cruickshank. pitcher: Solicit', catcher; Thompson, fust-ba>e: French, sccondblSC; S'lvervtrin, short stop; Bernard, third base; Dyas, if V -field; Easton. centrefield; Rickey, light-held. Jh; game will be played at Jalan
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  • 144 5 CCRATCHINGS and running *J order for Penang races tomoi row arc. Kaee I. Biltfl, Class 2, Div. 3, 6 furs.: Dinna Forget, Julietla. Nutciackcr. Rare 2. Horses, Ciass 4. Div. I, Itfc fats.: no scratchings. Rate S. Horses, Class 2, Div. ft, H furs.: Depot, Brazcno, Golden
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  • 336 5 Fortress K.E. (Res.) r> S.R.C. (Res.) 2 jDUTTING up a brilliant performance, the Fortress R.E. (Res.) gave an object lesson in soccer when they defeated the S.R.C. (Res.) by five goals to two in a Reserve Division match on the S.R.C. Padang, yesterday. The
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 230 5 |\|>H.l VI lO\ Stopped in 5 minutes! deuce of the remarkwit h which indigestion pains can be stopped paled by medical ex- X-ray photographs These prove thr Bi sura ted' Magnesia tiickest-acting and most n to medical science. nutes a teaspocnfiii Magnesia in a little laced complete reliej in numberless
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    • 177 5 OlI)THIIV VA.A'A J OE lim Where Everybody Goes Singapore's never laughed so much before! 808 andBING were never so funny! HEAR THE SONGS THAT PUT THE "SING" IN SINGAPORE "TOO ROMANTIC" "THE MOON AND THE WILLOW TREE" "SWEET POTATO PIE" "X AIGOON" "CAPT. CUSTARD" Grand Midnight Premiere TO MORROW From
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  • 256 6 rKOM time to time since the war began the Tribune Group has urged the people of Malaya, particularly Government, to tuke steps to grow more food in order to make this country sellsupporting. We have urged that it is necessary to be certain that Malaya can support
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  • 125 6 CIR Stafford Cripps has again seen M. Molotov (Soviet Premier) and the Soviet Commissar for Foreign Trade. It is also reported that Russia is carrying on negotiations connected with trade matters with several other states Iran and Afghan—friendly to Britain—are among them. More significant, perhaps, is the
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  • 1389 6 Will Be Mightier Than Ever TJXDER the Allied surface dressing of a liberal war against IJitlerism seethes a vast revolutionary ferment that must ultimately give shape to (hat brave new world of the idealists. As surely as night follows day, revolution begets revolution. When Hitler decided
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  • 51 6 l broadcast me J WHsh people on 1 "There is every tbe armament tempest as Britain ha. before encmmtered peopie are wort!,.. forefathers. Britain Jhrouffh this hun less and erect 2 emerge from it s rage miJS 1 er, more honoured Kh sood of mankind
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  • 193 6 London, Aug. 8. gTRONG Italian action in 'Africa Time!s ex writes The "It is indeed a little surpnsinc to view of the fact that Italy en ered the war at her own chosen thTf ££L long easier d not have be^ Italian
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  • 25 6 Reuter. London, Aue 8 11 announces that the trawler River Clyd by an enemy mine kin of the casualties hai formed Rente
    Reuter.  -  25 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 215 6 REVOLUTION j LIGH T I N C 1 H THE PATENT DYNOHUB <12 or 8 volt.) is com- pletely revolutionary in design. It provides electric lighting from a dynamo ABSOMT ELY It mnSstw r hU .it consists of the usual WATERPROOF c V-le hub with th e addition ot a
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    • 82 6 I N VI LH'iy Perfumed with Uvende, firs,!!.? SALE B„xt ti Ja min and oatnle »lPRICE 3 51.10 SAUS CHARMAINE BATH f r $L 35 SOAP HOI'RJOIS TOILET SOAP s"vfet S %I er 10 ft* Pca Honeysuckle, ButtemHk P Blosaom. Boxed $1.75 Z SI 10 CU II 0 o N
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  • 127 7 ghat, Aug. 8. i.. rmnent has Chongkinf, hin esc Ambase, that France i over liidon pared to remilitary ng to the Chill thai defence ■i hina are p.—Reuter. by, Aug. 8. ion of the i of French i us is brought decree just t»> Haras I
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  • 29 7 untitled Aug. 8. to-day an ing the month re reported H >me Security ri usly injured United Kingomen and 23 ige of sixteci ailed, and 77 n were among
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  • 101 7 Reuter. London, Aug. 8. A BRITISH fighter pilot. rt faced with a split-second decision to bale out from his blazing machine or not, was one of the heroes in to-day's Channel battles. His aircraft was hit by an enemy fighter machine-gun' fire and was almost soon in
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 267 7 Reuter. London. Aug. 0. |X the House of Commons on the committee stage of the Finance Bill, Mr. Pethwick Lawrence said that the misgivings of the Labour Party with regard to the Purchase Tax had by no means been removed, but they
    Reuter.  -  267 words
  • 32 7 Reuter. Cairo, Aug. 8. LEWA Ibrahim Atallah Pasha, King Farouk's aide-d:-camp, has been appointed chief-of-stafl in succession to Aziz el Masry Pasha, who has been placed on pension.—Rmter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 510 7 CANNOT ASK U.S. TO SOLVE HIS PROBLEM Famine-Stricken Europe London, Aug 8 pROFESSOR Arthur Goodhart, an American who has occupied the chair of jurisprudence at Oxford since 1931 and who in addition to being a member of the American Law Institute and a
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  • 123 7 Reuter. Hongkong, Aug. 9. AS a sequel to the dispute ever British-owned steamer FatMian. 2 639 tens, which has been held Up at Canton since last week, the British authorities here have reiused permission for the Japanese Steamers Kaiju Ifaru and Shiragame Maru to enter
    Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 190 7 Tokyo, Aug. 8. THE threaten**! full-dress German attack on the British Isles by land, sea and air, with the Germans employing new tactics, including the use of 500 bombers and fighters daily in mass raids, is generally expected to come within the next fortnight, a
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  • 26 7 London, Aug. 8. IN the Commons to-day, Mr. Att'.?c announced he hoped the House would be able to rise for a shor' hrijournment on Aug. 22.
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  • 114 7 Reuter. Washington, Aug. 8. MR. Morgenthau to-day dis- closed that British veterans of the "Flanders pocket" are helping to adapt United States military tanks to modern war developments. He said that the British Brigadier General Pratt, as the official go-between on Anglo-American contract negotiation*
    Reuter.  -  114 words
  • 65 7 Reuter. Shanghai, Aug. 8. TERRORISTS were active again 1 here early to-day when ther? was three kidnappings in two hours, claiming four Chinese victims. At least cne case is known to be political In vhich two Chinese were kidnapped from a hotel in the International Settlement. Bishop John
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 48 7 l A I ill ii Ml the hole contained only one real test of a shaving system. Does it you a clean, close, smooth shave? It is because tie passes this test so capably that it is preferred millions of men in every country of the world. M2
      48 words
    • 458 7 HEALTH MAGIC in vitamins for you and your children ,ff MlmmmmmmmmmJmmwmm L-.vry drop of Crookvs' EMM s*£'' B Hi.libut 0.l contains EO > rrrr»m?»™^>2 more protective •^m m 7^mmm^rrrr f m^ m W*^S^ Vitamin A and 30 time '-^^W^ HK i-i sunshine Vitamin jffiftfoi. I) than good Cod livei CROOKES'
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  • 156 8 WITH the purpose of helping householders with information on vegetable growing, a Government pamphlet, with the titles "Grow your own food" and "Practical hints for war-time gardens in Malaya," has been issued by Government. Hitherto, anyone wanting this information has had to search for it in
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  • 225 8 Reuter. Bucharest, Aug. 8. SEVERE RESTRICTIONS on M Jews are incorporated in legislation which the Rumanian Government has had under consideration for some time, and which has now received statute form and been approved by the Government. The statute divides 750.000 Jews i >to three categories.
    Reuter.  -  225 words
  • 35 8 Mr. O. A. Arunasalam Chettiar editor of Tamil Kodi." will deliver a lecture on "Bharathiar and Baratnanad" In Tamil at the Inuian Ycuth League, on Sunday at 5.30 Dm. Mr. D. W Devarai will preside.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 247 8 Tbe Famous little Singing star of "UNDERPTJP" gives you ANOTHER Grand picture I CaimtoL today 3.15 645 9.15 f Hear (iLO/JU JEAN THEY'RE THE "I«Htfe re > Honie in the K| °d /940. I Haven't lime to be a 4 Millionaire" SPECJAL! exclusive: FGLORIA JEAN Latest Ncws-of-the-DAY ff itfCfW My
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    • 259 8 FREE OF CHARGE 1 COME FOR mimmmk NIGHTLY Ol H W REE I MEMORAHLK Jfcf %b C AKK \i I KIJS |J PORTRAIT J 0F EARLY I SOUVENIRS 3Kmmm%\ j> AX r ONS Popesco Amazes Hundreds at i 1 a ii t IN HONOUR OF HIS MAJESTY'S j j NAVY,
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    • 64 8 And smart men \iy always use Anzora for their hair. The reason is that Anzora is s&fs; the best, most healthful hair 'W dressing you can buy. It prevents scurf and dandruff, and keeps fcgaft ,h e hair in perfect 5=5» condition and the I I head cool. t "N
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    • 322 8 "It is a film which is a worthy successor to CITADEL," a previous CRONIN work which wa Singapore Theatregoers." STFm 'i- r, f l hi TO-DAY 3.15, m m mv m^ 6.15 9.15 m mj II ilif I I RK.O. RADIO PICTUBES PRESENT ANNE BRIAN CAROL! SHIRLEY AHERNE LOMBARD ifrii
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  • 30 9 Mr. Arthur Sleep. M.C.S., Financial Commissioner. Johore, will be going on leave early in November. He will be succeeded by Mr. J. D. M. Smith, who will be returning shortly.
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  • 45 9 Inche Suleiman Bin Dato Abdul Rahman. First Magistrate. Segamat, has been promoted to be a First Class Magistrate. Inche Suit iman is one of two barris-ters-at-law serving as magistrates in Johore. The other is Inche Abdu' H mid Bin Dato Mustalfa First Magistrate, Batu Pahat.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 583 9 I Public Notices I 1 EGAL NOTICE. I l IS HEREBY GIVEN thai 1 intended to clear the "Seh I Burial Ground" situate in the I Tanjong Pagar, Sine a I Rcsurvoy Lots 892, 893, I Mukim 1 < Tiong Bahru I I ayes found therein. I ona having ancestors
      583 words
    • 130 9 JfcyARE YOUR (j£fc* EYES WEAK? Avail yourself of the expert services of a skilled qualified Specialist with over 35 years European clinical experience. Moderate cost for modem individually planned and built practical glasses. Thompson Optical Co. 4, Arcade Bldg., Phone 3002. K. A. Thompson. Dr. of Ocular Science. 1» E
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    • 316 9 |<.\llltl<K 1 To-night at 6.15 9.15 p.m. The Record-Breaking Egyptian Talkie With The Famous ABDUL WAHAB MISS SAMIHA in "HAPPY DAYS" Biggest Finest Successor To "TFARS OF LOVE" "LONG LIVE LOVE" Dazzling Spectacle! Gorgeous Costumes Lilting Music Melodious Songs To Thrill You a X d .K ill w dr Wi
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  • 77 10 The family of the late Mrs. Louisa Monteiro wish to express their heartfelt thanks to all relatives and friends who attended the funeral, as well as those who sent wreaths. Mr Tay Tiang JSoon and family wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends, the Chinese
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 628 10 ESSEm iiamiiin.gai Situations Vacant WANTED Young man for Jobs. starting $10- pm. Apply to Bon No. 3(i2. Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 3008 WANTED—Agents. Leading Life Insurance Co. attractive terms. Box 265, cio Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 307Ej WANTED an Indian Doctor with good experience for a Dispensary in town
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    • 791 10 Board: Residence LARGE Furnished room for rent with or without breakfast—Flat 7, Eu Court. (No. 360E; 44. OXLEY ROAD. Rooms and self-con-talned flats. Meals and Service optional. (No. 349E) PRIVATE Family ln Katong can accommodate Gent (European). Box 400 M iaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 322E) SPEND a week at the
      791 words
    • 588 10 "00-TO-IT" Drink Gold Bird Brand Ceylon Tea for full sa faction. ,No 14(E) Motor Vehicles SALE—I93O Hlllman 14 h.p. Tourer. Box 269, co Malaya Tribune. Kuala Lumpur. (No. 327E) FOR SALS Austin Seven Tourer. New Hood New Tyres ln perfect running condition:—s2oo- only. Phone 3725. Stanley Co., 107, North Bridge
      588 words
    • 671 10 Personal PSYCHOLOGIAL Bureau, 79, Bukit Tlmah (Road. Helps those In trouble Love. Domestic Affair, etc. Write Financial LOAN FOB $*****- required. To be returned within a year.First six months on SteSet second six months Principal and Interest instalments. Write Box Malaya Tribune. Singapore. (No. 30is.) GENERAL INVESTMENT Advertisers have capital
      671 words
    • 663 10 of the clause after the words "The objects for which the Company is established are" be numbered as sub-clause (a), and that the last line thereof running "and the doing of all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects" be deleted, and
      663 words
    • 68 10 NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a.s Rosa Ng (tn.w.) hi\s left the protection of Madam 'leu Lye Yon<.', of No. 125 Keng Leo Ruad! Singapore, our client the said Madam Ico Lye Yong will not hold herself responsible fur any debts vvhatso ever that may be incurred by the
      68 words
    • 72 10 FOR CLEAR, DISTINCT EFFICIENT REPROOW H ,,N m "|»V|;" urn for which they ure UNSURFASSI D. Sole An HOE BOON LEONG. Distributor RADIO AND GENERAL A(.IM> HuAr Good Blocks make ill the difference to your printed illustrations Blockt made by PRINTERS LIMITED cost a little more but they have the
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 876 10 J TO-DAY'S RADI*] 4 SINGAPORE LONDON ZHL 225 metres (133 mcli). nUNSMIgKi». ZHP 50.96 metres (9 «9 mcls). QsW 1.5.14 ftf, p.m. «SJ 21.53 Mi l Jl'S ni, 'trK 1.15 Light Music. GSG 17.71 Ucg 1.30 Warning to Mariners. Programme p.m. Summary and mid-day Tin. Copra G OO Announce:. and
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  • 35 11  -  By Reuter Liverpool, Aug. 8. I yes that lhL British Government's fixed prices I nng Egyptian cotton will discourage speculation, nsatticn is valued at around €i 0 million.
    35 words
  • 87 11 Aug. 8.—There wen yment difficulties foi r:e carriers from the United States de.spitt inquiry. ippers are inquiring r scrap to Japan. a would repeat 55 for e to Canada. West Africa is inquirt tonnage for maize Kingdom and Spain an coal shippers have ailing vessel at four Je Janeiro,
    87 words
  • 306 11 8 —War bond sub- week ended Aug. 185 WO; the previous t-k 'a' w:i> £10.424.000. th e lu?ln in Alexandria on May 10, when future trading was suspended; but the market was then slumping and the U erpo parit y evidences mat the Alexandria quotations if available, would
    306 words
  • 58 11 London. Aug. B.—Tin ruled steady with a turnover of 200 tons. Interest centred in September. British smelters offered cash which was well absorbed by professionals who. perhaps, are carrying cash to cover certain dates in September for which a premium is being asked. After the official hours, only
    58 words
  • 35 11 I And Itubber New York. Aug. B.—Julv retail sales of new motor cars and lorries were 30 per cent, above 1039 The trade estimates July United States rubber consumption at 45 to 43 thousand tons.
    35 words
  • 34 11 S l<M*k Exc*liangc London. Aug. 8. —For the greater part of the day, the Stock Exchange was desultorily do!l, with Kaffirs and Easterns steady. Towards the close, however, the market was a shade, harder.
    34 words
  • 30 11 Textiles Ml Manchester. Aug. 8. —Textiles were dull, with fair inquiry, buc most offers were unworkable. There were Washington rumours that the loan basis is unlikely to exceed last year's.
    30 words
  • 25 11 London, Aug. 8. —The banks have ceased quoting the currencies of Latvia, Lithuania and Esthonia in view of the reciproca* blocking of accounts.
    25 words
  • 256 11 TIN London. Aug. 8. £265 ;t 4 Buyers 1266 Sellers £265 3 4 Buyers £266! 4 Sellers Rl'BBER Aug, 8. 'larki-t lone Quiet 13 Vi S 1.*****6 13 1 15 -r.d fonvaid» Oct 16 12 13 10 •'■i F J a:. -3i6 12 5 16 l.ONDO.N >
    256 words
  • 160 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) INTFRf <?T Sin S a Pore. Friday. MjizacßST was confined to but a mSkJ meS I" i hC dollar tin snare market yesterday. Hong Fatts were m better demand, and im roved to fl 06. Among Australians, mterest was displayed in Kampong
    160 words
  • 25 11 Singapore, Friday. Prices of tin and rubber in Singapore at noon today were:— RUBBER Buyers: 86%, Sellers: 37. TIN $*****, down $V 2.
    25 words
  • 84 11 ACCORDING to latest rubber figures issued by the RegistrarGeneral of Statistics. Mr. H. North-Hunt, foreign imports of rubber to Malaya during July were 27.625 dry tons, making a total for the year, up to the end of July, of 146.510 dry tons. Up to the
    84 words
  • 97 11 The following crop returns for July are reported: The Ayer Kilning (FM.S. I Rubber Co.. Ltd. 96.000 lbs.; The Badek Rubber Estate Ltd. (Staffield Estate) 20.500 lbs.: The Bradwall (F.M.S.i Rubber Estate Ltd. 50.500 lbs The Chersonese (FM.S Estates Ltd. 94.000 lbs.; Dennistown Rubber Fstates Ltd. (Dennistown Estate
    97 words
  • 33 11 The Renong Tin, Dredging Co.'s tin ore outputs for July were as follows: No. 2 Dredge 368.94 Pkl.s.; No. 3 Dredge 171.11 Pkls.; Gombak Dredge 773.61 Pkls; total 1,313 66 Ikls.
    33 words
  • 23 11 The crop of Bukit Katil Rubber Estate for July was 29.315 lb. making a total of 83,213 lb. for the past three months.
    23 words
  • 13 11 The output of New Scudal, Limited for July, 1940, amounts to 32.960 pounds.
    13 words
  • 1103 11 Singapore, Aug 3 MINING b Buyers. SellerAmpat Tin (ss) 3 6 4 Austral Amal (ss) 5 3 5 Q r H Austral Malay 35 37uS Ayer HI tain (Ss) 19- 20 Ayer Weng 0 55 0 60 Bangrin 17- mm. Batu Selangor 1.42',, l 471, Berjuntai
    1,103 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 29 11 ing jour requirements. We have a wide range of designs, 1 can supply from stock or to order. KIN Igpf SOO. LTD SHOW ROOiM: 89, High Street Telephone 2063.
      29 words
    • 109 11 THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA (TRUSTEES) LIMITED Guaranteed and Controlled by THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LIMITED. The Company, which is incorporated In the S.S. and registered as a Trust Company, undertakes the following duties:— EXECUTOR OR TRUSTEE OF A WILL ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATE OF DECEASED PERSON TRUSTEE OF A
      109 words
    • 68 11 hhla li et 11 s l ™Vanted 'to^vritT^o'^ 11^'^ FREE BOOKLET whicn explains in simple language how DIABETES IS CURABLE WITHOUT FASTING, DIETING OR INJECTIONS Write to-day to: VENUS RESEARCH LABORATORY P.O. Box 587, Calcutta India. BVICHY If Identical with the BxiL. I 111 iii nalural water in 3 \l\CHv'
      68 words
    • 11 11 MOTOR CYCLE for your enjoyment. r CYCLE CARRIAGE CO 1986 LTD
      11 words
    • 265 11 SIT AMI II SAILINGS p o BRITISH INDIA PASSENGER FREIGHT SERVICES For all information apply to P. O. S. N. Co., The Agent, Collyer Quay, T©l 5961 8.1 S.N. CO., BOUSTEAD CO LTD., Tel. 5497. 81.5. N. CO. (APCAR LINE) For HONGKONG, SHANGHAI MOJI. KOBE. OSAKA For FENANG. RANGOON CALCUTTA
      265 words
    • 360 11 BRITISH INDIA The l)csl possible services are bong maintained by The P. O.S.N. Coy. from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China, India, Ceylon and the United Kingdom. Passengers are requested to regisU* their requirements b* i under present circumstan If I sailings are perforce i»• tricted.
      360 words

    REUTER.  -  58 words
  • 79 12 Reuter. London, Aug. 8. MEN in the forces will get 6d. a day more pay. Sir Kingsley Wood. Chancellor of the Exchequer, j announced in the Commons to-day. i He said the increase was warj ranted by the additional taxation ion tobacco and b?er, the higher
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 672 12 Egypt Calmly Awaits Threatened Invasion Reuter. Cairo, Aug. 9. AN Italian invasion has been the bogey of Egypt for the last five years and now that the enemy is knocking at the frontier the people of Egypt are cool and calm, smilingly asking
    Reuter.  -  672 words
  • 64 12 Reuter. Rome. Au? 8 I MADRID despatch lv the Stefani Agency iedatj that violent prnfire has been heard in the .Mediterranean south of Valencia. Fishermen believe a naval J pagement occurred betw mentera, one of the B. lands, and the north rica near Algiers. Rio de Janeiro,
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 102 12 Reuter. Panama, Aug. 8. THIRTY Germans, including twenty pilots and technicians formerly employed by the German Scadta AviatiM ft* pany in Colombia, have fcfl for Germain \i. t fapaa a I Japanese steamer. Following Press attacks against the Scadta Co.. j» cribing it as a "meaan*
    Reuter.  -  102 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 250 12 Li uj I m i i... 11 11 mi i in .in BOOKS OF INTEREST! The Ridden Bell Its Mental Pror- HE Hunt $2 70 Loves Way by Orison Swett Harden 13 00 MakliiK Fr.ends With Our Nerve, by •> 8 Harden $3 Of; The OpUmiSt Life by O Bwctt
      250 words
    • 113 12 Fresh fragrant long-lasting Nothing could be more refreshing than the cool ¥7 fra grance of Himalaya Jwf SS tSfEs Bou Quet Pe.fume. Flace a i«\ j ~jfcf "Hie Himalaya Bouquet on r XjL Jf? your clothes-on your temples-behind your ears. t\\ V fl/ 1 1'/ Its flow er-like fragrance will
      113 words
    • 75 12 WHITE SCOTCH WHIBKV u I When you give /j 0 present —moke if /j a Swan/ /H Whatever the occasion most people would m J9f rather have a Swan m than almost any other gift. With J -3B its famous long- ?3f m 01 wearing 14-ct. Ĕ JgM car GOLD
      75 words