Malaya Tribune, 31 January 1940

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 21 1 The Malaya Tribune VOL. XXVII- -No. 26. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1940 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Wednesday, January 31, 1940.
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  • 1126 1 Says Chief Issue Is Colonies SARCASTIC ATTACK ON ALLIED WAR AIMS IN a series of sarcastic gibes at the Allied war aims and democracy generally. Hitler, in his first speech since the Munich beer cellar meeting which was interrupted by a bomb, cpenly
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  • 294 1 Reuter. London, Jan. 31. lot possible to give any considered reaction to cccii it is pointed out in authoritative circles, in the greater part of the speech was devoted, to now threadbare, about the war bein£ forced on ir] rhv customar> falsehoods about
    Reuter.  -  294 words
  • 45 1 Reuter. New JHihi, Jan. 31. »j I* VNDH] will have an rview with the J on Feb. 2. Considerlance is attached to it ion, owing to ical stage reached in r litical controversy in the outbreak of «ar.—Reuter. a] reports on
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 57 1 Reuter. Berne, Jan. 31. SEVERAL further arrests have been O made in the affair in connection with which a former Swiss colonel was arrested last week on a charge of espionage. The affair is said to be assuming bigger Proportions The Swiss Attorney-General, M.
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 62 1 Reuter. Paris. Jan. 31. fiyiE Havas correspondent Helsinki is authorised by the authorised by the Finnish, headquarters to disclose that the port mentioned in a Finnish communique as having been bombed by Finnish warplanes was the Soviet naval base nt Kronstadt. It is added that Kronstadt.
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 93 1 Reuter. Belgrade, Jan. SI. •nri.iERE is no menace to the Bal- kans" declared the Yugoslav Foreign Minister* M. Cincar Markovitch yesterday, according to the newspaper Naplo. The meeting of the Balkan Entente, en Friday, he said, would produ?e no surprises or sensational results. He added chat
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 382 1 Bomber Shot Down Reuter. London, Jan. 31. |T is authoritatively stated that German raiders received a surprise when fnr the second day in succession they tried to attack shipping yesterday morning along 500 miles of the British coast. The raiders retired, leaving one bomber
    Reuter.  -  382 words
  • 25 1 The Holkar Government has contributed lis. 1,000;- to the Turkish Relief j Fund as a token of its sympathy for the I sufferers in Anatolia.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 84 1 EYF EXAMINATIONS Or -MODERN GLASSES on Ruarantced lowest Charge* assured. .V. Everbright Optical Co. D KYESIGHT SPECIALISTS .hi* Street. Phone 4435. HONG. Dr. of Optometry. RIMLESS GLASSES glasses are held in Tews. Experience has that screws always the lenses to wcbble, ii correct alignment. 1 is mostly due to the
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  • 457 2 Singapore, Tuesday. fIIARGKI> with the murder of a 23-year-old Chinese woman, the trial U ol Teh Ah See, alias Teo Teh Ah See, an elderly Chinese, began today at the Assizes before Mr. Justice Pedlow and a special jury. The accused is represented by
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  • 122 2 (l ioin Our Own Reporter) I poll Wednesday. FOR throwing a stone at the Police notice board outside the < entral Police station, William, a middle-aged Indian, was fined $8j in default tuo days' imprisonment, when he pleaded ill. t<> a charge of being
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  • 349 2 Singapore, Tuesday. Sta Maria (14), a Eurasian, appeared before Mr. Kenneth If, Byrne this morning and claimed trial on a charge of theft of a picture valued at 50 cents, the property of Mai Ah Meng at the Alhambra Theatre, Reach R<«ad, at 10.20 p.m. on
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  • 75 2 < From our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Tuesday. CLAIMING trial to a charge of committing criminal intimidation by threatening a Sikh oolice constable, Ahmad bin Hussein, a young Malay, made his appearance in the Ipoh Police Court yesterday before Mr. 1». P. Y. Radcliffe, the Ipoh First
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  • 119 2 (From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh. Tuesday. k HEAT wave is being experienced in the Kinta District owing to the fact that th( re has been no rain for the last two weeks. The variation it temperature, between the heat cf the day and the cold of
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  • 93 2 Singapore. Tuesday. TWO European women and an infa*! 1 were involved in a motor accident at the junction of Braa Basah Road and Prinsep Street at 2 p.m. to-day. They were Mrs Fidler and her l>al>v and Mrs. Brazier. Both women are believed to be wives
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  • 51 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Jan. 30. BETEL-NUT chewing among soldiers and Government otfieials is likely soon to become rehe of pre-Constitution Day, following a War Office request, approved by the Cabinet. This means consigning thou, sands of large brass t uspidors to the scrap
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  • 132 2 Singapore, Tuesday. MX. James Newman was granted v decree nisi of dissolution uf marriage fiom his wife Mrs. Mavis Newman, when the divorce petition was heard in tile High C ourt to a*y before Mr. Justice aheekctl Terrell. The petitioner, represented by Mr P. F. Kmsey; said
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  • 48 2 The have been elected by the Justices vi the Ponce to be members ol the Board of Licensing Justices for the Settlement ol Malacca lor a period of 3 years: Mr Allied Heniy Charles Allen, JP. Dr Ong Bah Hm, J P.. Mr Edward Cecil Martin, J P
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  • 261 2 ASSOCIATION OF LAWYERS' CLERKS (Tribune Staff Reporter) slowly N sur,.y shape. 2*J™j£o3 Ul *t i. hi a roftri and exteiuio. of the formeJJ™«* Serto |.„wt.l,:tll Club, which existed some 20 ear h a D o p ntorO amwitiM for its members. The new body
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  • 173 2 Singapore, Tuesday. order for all the accused t<> remanded in twenty-lour hours' police custody was made bj Mr. n. Watson in the '1 li id Police Court this morning*, when Chinese were produced before him f»n unlaw In] society charges. Three ol the accused, Lam
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  • 66 2 (From Our Own Iteporter) I;joh, Tuesday. A FATAL moto.- accident occurred yesterday. r<suiting In the death 0 a three year-old Chinese bo v. It would apix'ar that the boy was playing on the road in Pasir Puteh, in the afternoon when a Ford saloon, knocked tlie
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  • 273 2 Singapore, Tuesday. k FINDING of culpable homicide A not amounting to murder ag jinst some persons unknown was returned to-day by Mr. W. G. Porter, the Singapore Coroner, at the conclusion of the inquiry into the death of Mohamed Hanifa bin Naina Mohamed whose body
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  • 85 2 rpHE Pavilion Theatre efc*, A its doors temporarily v morrow and will resale place in the cinema business \l Singapore three or foui month hence. During: the intervening per*d extensive alterations *iU made to the building. y"J air-conditioning plant, for whiU Messrs. Sime, Darby ft Co
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  • 93 2 (From Our Own Reporter) Penan i;, BiMßfcy, ONE of the most pupulm mm members of the staff of th< Posts and Telegraphs Office, rcn*) Mr. Mun Soon Hon*- Superintendent of Mails, fell to hiv lag from the top storey of the total Hospital. It is stated
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  • 72 2 (From Our Own R ipoh. nwakg AS a result of police investi the report of the loss made by Mr. J. D. Havel Sikh, Piara Singh, was duced before Che Ismail Magistrate s Court by Mj St. G S* wart on a charge of hoi; night. The case
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  • 478 2 Singapore. Tuesday. FATAL motor accident at Pasir Panjang Road in the early hours of Christmas morning, which resulted in the death of a 24-year-old Hylam cake deliverer, had a sequel in the Traffic District Court today, when the driver of the motor car involved claimed trial
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 82 2 HB,O The Safe Way to Security The danger of disease demands CaJverr'i Medical Soap a strong S carbolic soap world-famous for its efficacy. Calvert's is your guarantee of safety because you can rely upon its strength. Always keep a tablet y^^^^ bandy in case of emergency. alvert's make a fragrant
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  • 12 3 Mr. Koh Kirn Seng, of Police Dent Sm pore, recently.
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  • 109 3 Helsinki, Jan. 31. il Finnish coirtmuniqu* states that a few enemy attacks north-east of Lake Ladoga were repulsed with heavy enemy ties. Tw< Russian tanks were destroyed. my sea attacks on Mantsi Fort supported by aircraft artillery, were repulsed. Karelian Isthmus Finnish coastal forces silenced
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  • 49 3 From our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Tuesday. rk at the new Government :h are under construction, a ter Guan Sian Nung feli from a sustained head injuries. A I the spine is .suspected. He to the hospkai by ambulbis condition Is said to be
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  • 16 3 untitled the Governor has been appoint Dr. N. Rasiah to be to the Mental Hospital, Singapore
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  • 66 3 Reuter. London, Jan. ;JO. rpHE first British officer to fail in ar encounter at the Western Front is Lt. P. A. C. Everitt of the Royal Norfolk Regiment, the only son of Lady Everitt and the late Sir Clement Everitt. Lt. Everitt was aired
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 28 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Wednesday. It is announced that the Fuehrer has conferred on Thailand's Premier the Grand Cross of the German Eagle.
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  • 398 3 JUDGMENT RESERVED IN IPOH CIVIL SUIT (From Our Own Kcporter) Ipoh, Tuesday. interesting civil application for the acquisition of a certain piece of land near Sungei Siput was heard yesterday in the Perak Supreme Court by the Hon. Mr. Justice C. M.
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  • 356 3 MEMBERS of the Malayan Magic Circle were "At Home" last night at their "Circle House" to about 50 men of the Argylle and Sutherland Highlanders. The men were entertained to an excellent stage showlasting about an hour and a half, after which lady members of the
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  • 77 3 TWO tiger cubs have been 1 caught in Johore in a pit dug en Monday to trap wild pig. The capture was effected by Mr. G. Masscy, of Permatang f-tatc. Khoto Tinggi. He caused the pit to be dug and on visiting it yesterday morning
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  • 151 3 Singapore, Wednesday. THE rescue of 14 Burmese seamen by a coasting vessel off Penang was told when the steamer put into port yesterday. In Ncvcmber 'ast, the men travelled in a boa; from Rangoon bound fcr the Tao Bay Island. They lost their bearings owing to severe
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  • 182 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahiu, Tuesday. FOUND guilty of voluntarily causing grievcus hurt to his kepala, Koh Yum, by means by acetic acid, a coclie named Siew Thcnp was sentenced to three years' ligorous imihonment by Mr. Justice Lavillc at the Assizes to-day.
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  • 84 3 Commencing from Apr. 3, Wearne's Air Services are operating a service for the carriage of passengers and freight to Kelantan. The postal authorities will also send all correspondence which is suitably superscribed and on which an air mail surcharge is paid. The schedu'e cf arrivals and
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  • 39 3 Syed Abdul Aziz an Advocate of Patna. has been appointed Law Member for 3 years to the Nizam's Government in successicn to Nawab Mirza Yar Jung Bahadur. r'yed Abdul Aziz is the President of the B'har Provincial Muslim League
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  • 78 3 A Singapore, Thursday. RRESTED at 6.15 p.m. last night, at Jelaii Besar, throe Chinese were produced before Mr. H. Watson in the third police court this morning on a charge of assisting in the management of m unlawul sociHy, the Malayan Communist Society, and
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  • 25 3 Reuter. Rome, Jan. 31. A CCORDING to an Ankara des- patch received in Rome last night a Turko-German commercial agreement has been initialled in Ankara.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 162 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Tuesday. TAN Beng Lee, a Focal soccer player, was yesterday fined $25 and an order made for the enoorsement of his driving licence in Oae Ipoh Police court when he pleaded guilty to a charge of diiving his car in a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 131 3 Box Office 4V TO-DAY Piione KShHIHIMHBII 3.15 11 MdLdYdJ Mo/r Modern 34 00 i 1 cine mini' o.ij y.ij v UNITED ARTISTS. ACCLAIMED THE r i GREATEST of all FREE jnMW IRIIL PICTURES! HIM! B&fo I EXANDER DUMAS' |X Hayward Bennett ji^ilHilr^l^^ man W y MASK jl/jP Man does the
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    • 229 3 you can tell by the flavour it's LAMB of exceptional quality AUSTRALIAN —In fact it is the very finest lamb NEW ZEALAND Australia and New Zealand produce. h a a a Dcliciously tender—a real pleasure A A A D to carve and a delight to taste. What /V\ |J better
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  • 486 4 IN POSSESSION OF SPURIOUS COINS Singapore, Tuesday. "THIS offence of issuing to the public counterfeit coins and notes is 1 a veiv serious one indeed," remarked Mr. Pedlow when sentence of five years' rigorous imprisonment was passed on Norman Albert Jansen at the
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  • 88 4 Singapore, Tuesday. PLEADING guilty to the charge of assisting in the management of a common gaming house at block No. 3, Singapore Harbour Board coolie lines, Nelson Road, yesterday, Tan Yew Ton and Png Yew Tay were each fined $50 or in default to
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  • 127 4 Last Night's First Nights PRESTON FOSTER usually fills a picture with action and in "Missing Evidence which opened at the Pavilion last night, he is his fascinating twofisted self. r ,p If you like a picture with plenty ol punch (both literally and metaphoricalJSI G-Men. undercover
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  • 129 4 THERE Ls plenty of action in "Flight To Fame." starrinu Charles Farrell and Jacqueline Wells, which opened at the Capitol yesterday. The film deals with a mysterious ray capable of reducing the fuselage of a plane to molten metal within a matter of seconds and the
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  • 166 4 AN unusually long programme of allround excellence opened at the Alhambra the chief attraction being the RKO-Radio picture. "They Made Her A Spy," featuring Sally Eilers and Allan Lane. Spy stories meet with natural, ready approval in days of war, but this is a narrative of
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  • 295 4 <Fiom Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Tuesday. JUDGMENT was reserved in the Perak Supreme Court yesterday by the Hon. Mr. Justice C. M. Murray Aynsley in the civil suit for instructions for the interpretation of the will of the late Ng Chan, the contending parties
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  • 534 4 DONATIONS to the Malaya Patriotic *-nd received up to Jan. 27 are as fo "°2f Q V 7fiS 07 DoSions previously acknowledged $W7.765.C. MALAY SECTION InSk Acnok bin Andek Awane $1. Inche HusJST bin Saeng Metaka $1. Tuan Haji Abdul Wahab bin Haji Daeng Pabila' $1 Tuan
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  • 380 4 ryilE Singapore Arab community are to be congratulated on collecting $8,913.00 towards the Malaya Patriotic Fund. This money has already been forwarded to the Chartered Bank. The fo'lowin? orntrihutions: Alkaff Co. $2,000. S. Omar Bamadhaj $1,000. S. L O. Alsagoff $1,000, S. Ahmad Abdullah bin Abdul
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  • 55 4 Singapore, Tuesday. H. van Cuylenburg was this afternoon fined $10 in the Third Police Court by Mr. H. Watson on his plea of guilty to a charge of negligent driving at the junction of Race Course Road and Owen Road on Sept. 2. 1939. Prosecution stated that the
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  • 16 4 Mr. M. V. del Tufo, M.C.S., has been seconded for service as Superintendent of Census, Malaya.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 170 4 DON'T WORRY! Wjk HEADACHE /f\ CURE WILL RELIEVE J>Wf\ SS K\( \l\ TOSC, TIGER MF.DIC.U. HALL, SINGAPO RE how have jjj&f -J|r a CINEMA SMILE Just start using a half-inch of —,Kolynos on a dry brush. Jjß& Soon you'll see the difference. Your teeth will sparkle like a cinema star's.
      170 words
    • 444 4 /fit asaX II FiELS I Kir%?"'M No snore ■iw" i Pait, me eyes! Herd's one person who's found a reclp« for eternal youth Re her, it's how old you fet-J that matters. Read this letter: "I am 00 years of aye ai been suffering from high blood pi sure and
      444 words

  • 588 5 BASIS OF THE MILITARY INTELLIGENCE SYSTEM THE following article, by Keith Rogers, describes the work of the R.A.F. Camera Patrol, which is difficult and dangerous, and highly important. Upon it depends largely the whole system of mili- tary intelligence. Zero hour is 0300. No
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  • 36 5 There are two main types of aerial cameras used by the British MyaJ Air Force—hand-onerated machines (such as the one shown in this picture) and "built in" cameras which are mechanically operated.
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  • 326 5 THE Colonies are willing to help Britain in her great war effort. How best can they do it? Mr. Malcolm Mat-Donald, Secretary of State for the Colonies, has given an indication, states the De- partment of Information. "First and foremost," he declarer "they can
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  • 116 5 Reuter. New York, Jan. 30. rE contrast between British Fascists who were permitted to heckle MChurchill during nis speech at Manches--ter on Saturday and Germans who are forbidden to listen to foreign broadcasts if drawn by the Herald Tribune, which sa -Th7 British, because they
    Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 73 5 Reuter. London, Jan. 30. Reuter learn* that Sir WUIUm Seeds, iriuih *mca*sador in Hdbsial !o return to his post during the comlU| f William has been on i:hort leave in inland and absent from the Ssviet smce the new yea. .-Reuter. J t nnriSi Jan 30: The sea wall or
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 179 5 London, Jan. 30. FURTHER German attempts to j frighten neutral countries into ceasing trade with Britain are not likely to prove successful, in view of the well known facts. Rear-Admiral Doenitz, in an interview given to the Borsen Zeitung, warned neutral ships against seeking the safety
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  • 110 5 The Rnub Australian Gold Mining w u\a advise the following output for the four week* cn Crush J lng" No.' 555 Battery treated 5.466 tons of ore returning 1.215 ounces of bullion equivalent to 1.153 ounces of fine goldRotreatment Want treated 9.034 tons of takings producing 888 ounces
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  • 58 5 There is more to atrial map-making than the mere caking of Pictures and the "eraund trews" of Royal Air Force stations in France and Great Britain are all hiehlv trained craftsmen This picture shows a group of student being instructed in developing the 85 foot ClfcH metre) lengths
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 395 5 WELL PAID APPOINTMENT intuit. Secretary. Cost Accountant, Offl.-e ,r. Shipping Expert. Bank or Insurance shier or Book-keeper is within your X ytu train by poet with The School of -the leading organisation in the pin iov the tuilding of Succeseiul Careers. Write for Free* 180 p. Book Direct Way to
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    • 367 5 jgEJBBBBBiaBBBBBBSISBBBBEBBBBBftBffI "'""gj i Nasty Acid JRfi i MEANS mfc I I Digestive Trouble i Take this Advice and m| I EAT WHAT YOU LIKE im I That excess outpouring of acid in the stomach is the M cause of almost all forms of indigestion. But although MRfa; ra this acid
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 178 6 Positively Last Night! 6-15 9-15 CAPITOL i I j Columbia Pictures' Exciting Murder Spy Story Who will be the First to use the dreaded DEATH RAY? The Famous Star of "SUNNYSIDE UP" stages a great tome-back iert Charles Farrell Jacqueline Wells Alexander O'Arcy Jason Robordi Suspense! Thrills! Scraaa play by
      178 words
    • 42 6 I NEXT CHANGE j j TMEQUON aaaaaaatMalll TO-N,CHT 6 t 9 .30 j^^r^TAli J H G and the Most Entertaining TAMIL Picture CHINTAMANI" Starring I K. A S wa.h amma m. K. Thyagaraja Bhagavathar. and Y. V. Rao, etc.. etc 1 1_
      42 words
    • 280 6 RKO- RADIO'S THRILLING SPY DRama A SPY MUST DIE A THOUSAND DEATHS BBtt^ To Be Presented with A FILM SCOOP OF THE FIRST MAGNITUDE NOTHING LIKE IT EVER BFFORE ON THE SCREEV "INSIDE THE MAGINOT LINE" See inside the most Powerful system of underground frontier fortifications the World has ever
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  • 152 7 ROAD was again the scene of wild disorder last night when the quarrel between two clans of ricksha pullers was resumed with renewed vigour. Forty-one arrests were made and there were four casualties. Bottles, brick-bats, sticks and stones were used freely by both and Weld Road and
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  • 230 7 London, Jan. 30. "DETROLLTM Press Service," a technically well informed trade journal, discussing the negotiations between Germany and the Soviet for the placing of the Galician oilfields at the disposal ot the Reich, states that these oilfields accounted for about threequarters of Poland's normal oil
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  • 11 7 Mr A. M. Ezekiel. O.D. F.I.O. (London) arrived yesterday from Batavia.
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  • 507 7 MARKET CONDITIONS VERY SATISFACTORY (Tribune Staff Reporter) "A S a wno e tne P l mar^et has come up to a level where capitalists and investors can rest assured of getting reasonable returns from their investments and, with the improvement of prices in
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  • 110 7 (From Our Own Reporter) Sereinban, Tuesday. SEVERAL families were rendered homeless and damage estimated at SlO.OOO was done when a fire occurred last night at Salak, a village rear Nilai, a few miles away from Seremoiin. Eleven houses were razed to the ground. The hr P
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 613 7 Singapore Municipality TENDERS. TENDERS are now invited for the lowing materials or service. For Mculars see Municipal Tender Room Date of Closiii iv of Two Chemical nrv Feed Machines, 4 p.m., April 30, 1940 ply of Porous Plates r underdrain System Water Dept.), 4 p.m., May 14, 1940. ,v of
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    • 220 7 By order of Messrs. M. Jaminadas Co., Singapore. AUCTION SALE OF 1.000 bags ot Egyptian onions (approximately fifty tons* Io be sold in one lot At the Singapore Harbour Boards godown No. 61, at 10 A.M. on Thursday Ist Feb., 1940. by T EDWARDS CO. LTD., as agents for Messrs.
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    • 146 7 PILES SPECIALISTS Tong Nam, Plies is a dangerous and painful disease Early treatment always is advisable. Messrs. LAU KIM PING and LAU PING HSIANG of the above named premises had spent many years in a very careful study of this disease. They discovered a sure remedy for lt No operation
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    • 132 7 Victoria Memorial Hall SI'XDAY, FEB. 4TH AT 9.15 P.M. on*. mrirxi By WERNER BAER IN AID OF THE MALAYA PATRIOTIC FUND. SOLOIST MRS. R. L. NUNN. At The Piano ROBERT WADDLE. BOOK AT LITTLE'S SI AND 50 CENTS. Service Concessions OKURA'S I ART CHINA I SHOW are now on at
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  • 522 8 IT N EMPLOYMENT among planters arising out of the war is a matter of "great concern" to the Incorporated Society of Planters, Mr. E. M. Allen, the chairman, told members at the annual meeting at Kuala Lumpur recently. This is a case of the anomaly of want amidst
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  • 107 8 America, Britain, Japan Reuter. Chungking, Jan. 30. fHINESE circles are following with the closest interest the Asama Maru and Wing Sang incidents, also the intensified blockade of Tientsin and probable developments in connection with the expiry of the Japanese-American trade treaty. With the removal of the
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 138 8 Reuter. Hankow, Jan. 30. The American Ambassador, Mr. Nelson Johnson, who arrived here yesterday morning aboard the U.S. gunboat Luzon, is curtailing his visit by one day and returning to Shanghai to-morrow morning. During his 48-hour stay he is attending half a dozen receptions. Mr.
    Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 208 8 Reuter. London, Jan. 30. THE Food Ministry has made an order revoking the Tea (Provisional Prices) Order made at the outbreak of war, with the object of preventing speculation while arrangements for control of tea supplies are completed. The Ministry is now making contracts with
    Reuter.  -  208 words
  • 96 8 New York, Jan. 30. rE death is announced of Mr. Edward Stephen Harkness, a multimillionaire philanthropist, aged 66.— Reuter. Mr. Edward Stephen Harkness. born in Cleveland in 1874. was educated at Yale University. He married Mary Stillman, of Brooklyn, in 1904 and made a tremendous
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  • 55 8 Reuter. T TT Burbank. Jan. 30. HE California Lockheed Aircraft Corporation announce the receipt of an order from the British Government for 200 new type bombers, also spare parts to the value of $18 millions. T hp machi nes will be taster and larger than the
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 116 8 Chungking. AN exhibition of photographs and posters from China arranged by its art group was recently held at Melbourne and Sydney. Australia, by the Australian International Peace Campaign. "The European War has made our work for China more difficult," writes the Australian IPC. "But the
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  • 48 8 Reuter. Tokyo, Jan. 30. The Nippon Yusen Kaisha. owners of the Asama Maru. state that they will tollow the Government's policy and not deny passage to all Germans, but will grant passages to Germans having c°r tificates stating they are not embodied in the German armed forces."- Reuter
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 487 8 Reuter. Paris, Jan. 30. pREEZING conditions have returned to the Western Front, arresting the thaw which started on Friday. The prospects of a real thaw appeared small last night. Reuters special correspondent with the B.E.F. says that ground conditions ar c bad that
    Reuter.  -  487 words
  • Article, Illustration
    164 8 JfITLER'S speech shows that his thoughts are more on U-boats and destruction by a i than anything else. Germany's policy, as consistently stated 'in this column, is a sabotage war WITHOUT ANY RULES, and without any consideration neutral interests unless they belong to those of a power which
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  • 175 8 THHIS callous destmction is war with the gloves off, just Uh same as if the Qerman armies raped the countryside or German airmen bombed undefended cities. The Germans would Wo those other things without dolly if they thought we could not hit back just as hard or harder.
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  • 87 8 these aggressors are arrant cowards and bluffers, and any one of them could be made to squeal by retaliation in his own coin. Hitler's latest speech has a suggestion of a whine in it. What have we sot to be afraid of? The first smashing blow deliver ed,
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  • 86 8 JET Malaya show that it means H by adopting at once the only method by which large sun money can be collected regularly < pl war purposes. IT IS TIME Wn STOPPED ACTING I IKE ANGELS DANCING ON POINT OF A NEEDLE. HALF OF JJJ DO NOT
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 172 8 FAMOUS PERFUMES BUNGA RAJAH BUNGA RADIN t«a MAS POPPY RAJAH 1.75 PER BOTTLE. ROBINSON CO., LTD. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR DISCLOSED BY Tek Often hidden behind a row of gleaming white teeth, decay is eating its way to their nerve centres. Tek "Short-Head" toothbrush, is the only genuine and patented brush
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    • 95 8 Fal Dissolved 5 Pounds a Week Art yoigjipo fat? Would you like to have beautifurfifrure like the famous Cinema Stars of Hollywood? A California physician in treating famous actors and actresses has discovered a safe secret method of quickly dissolving excess fat without drastic dieting or exercise. This discovery, called
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  • 739 9 Getting Into Difficulties In Finnish War Reuter. RUSSIA is transferring troops concentrated on the Rumania frontier to the Finnish front in a desperate effort to end the conflict and because of food and fuel difficulties at home. Taking advantage of Russia's difficulties, Hitler is
    Reuter.  -  739 words
  • 36 9 I scene in a London provision «.h p when the rationing of butter, and sugar, came into force— a house-wife is >rc:i presenting her raticn-book for her ration of the National butter.
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  • 63 9 Reuter. Tokyo. Jan. 30. WORTH-WEST Japan has been swept N by th worst blizzards recorded for more than 50 people are havi been killed and many injured. M si ol the deaths were caused by hes and collapses of houses under the weight of
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 178 9 Reuter. Paris, Jan. SO. THE German Government is reported to have informed Balkan countries that the Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia will be incorporated in the German customs system in March or April. All commercial agreements with Czechoslovakia will be invalid after April t The German Government invites
    Reuter.  -  178 words
  • 229 9 London, Jan. ivTHE Royal Air Force have received greetings from the air lorcesoi Canada, Australia and New Zealand on the start ol tht Empire Air Scheme. looKing foiward The Canadian message sayo. Weare 100* D aith me keenest pleasure to shurng the
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  • 165 9 London, Jan. 110. TIM Ministry of Shipping announces: 1 "Sir John Gilmour, Minister o Shipping, has recently rece-ved JJrtMJ from M A Rio. French Minister of Mercantile Marine, who was accompanied by M Jean Mane. Director of Maritime Transport in time ofwarThe consultations were also attended
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  • 30 9 Reuter. Cairo, Jan. 30. The wife of an Egyptian named Sayed Hamada Gcheza has given birth to quintuplets. They are all girls, and all are m j,ood health.—Kmter.
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 100 9 Leaders Arrested By Reds In Poland Reuter. Paris, Jan. 30. ACCORDING to Ukranian sources Pro lessor Szulgyn. president of the National Ukranian Committee and former Minister cf Foreign Affairs in the Ukranian Government established b\ General Petlura. has arrived at Helsinki He has reportedly been organising
    Reuter.  -  100 words
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 2 9 I I
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    • 342 9 It's fir cheaper to protect your property than ,^3^ to pay for repairs 1 A food paint It the best /^flM^ defence against those destroyers—Tropical sun and Tropical dampness. Hubbuck's Is the r^»S— best paint you an buy —use It rexularly. PATENT DIPLOMATTE NEW FLAT OIL PAINT FOR J ."zZziyW
      342 words

  • 405 10 CRICKET CLUB LOSE BY THE ODD GOAL Dutch Club 3; S.C.C 2. INCLEMENT weather did not prevent twenty enthusiastic players and two brave umpires from providing* an interesting hockey match on the Padang yesterday. Playing with nine men throughout, the S.C.C. put
    405 words
  • 86 10 will be the usual races for "B". "C" and 14 foot Classes on Friday. Feb. 2, at the Royal Singapore Yacht Club, starting at 5.25 p.m. On Sunday, Feb. 4, the "C" Class will sail the second race for the Caprice Challenge Cup, starting at
    86 words
  • 14 10 TO-DAY HOCKEY: S.C.R.C. vs. SRC. SC. RC: S.R.C. vs. Signals (Malay). S.R.C.
    14 words
  • 24 10 Ventura Marques, the Mexican boxer who is lighting Star I'risco on Feb. 9 arrives in Singapore this morning by X L.M. plane.
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  • 55 10 Singapore. Tuesday. Cricket nets on the Indian Association pitch at Balestier Plain will be available for practice daily commencing from to-morrow. A Home vs. Home match will be played on their pitch on Sunday and the Association will play the Selangor Indian Association on i<eb. 8, 9
    55 words
  • 548 10 THERE is a good number of entries for the Singapore Turf Club's Spring meeting—a total of 135 horses. The following are the entries: HORSES, CLASS 1 Ist Run 2nd Run 5 1 2 i or 7f 6f or i%m Artful Sailor X X Bal
    548 words
  • 257 10 MAJOR F. T. Pope won the January medal with a nett score of 67 in the A Division and A. Yarnada with a nett score of 67 in the B Division. The qualifying round of the Gold medal competition was also played in conjunction
    257 words
  • 102 10 There will not be a qualifying round lor the Sir George Trimmer Cup (Ladies) at th M Keppel Golf Club and ihe following will play off their first round on Wednesday. Feb 14:— Mrs. M. G. Harvey vs. Mrs. E. H:toham. Mrs. R. J. Fennie vs.
    102 words
  • 118 10 f yHE Women's Fourscmej was played at Bukit Timah on Monday and resulted in a win for Mrs f G. R. Brittorcus and Miss M. Elder with a scor P of 69:— Mrs. F. G. R. Brittorous Mis s M. Elder 93 24 Mrs.
    118 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 190 10 THRDRT RT ERSE ALLEirtlirßYt' Glycerine and Bl rant PASTILLES ar? mad* roni pure glycerine and the juice ol choice fresn black:ur rants by a special process I:ich conserves the "fuE value i nd nay( m cf the fruit. 1 T. Ivirig slowly, ALLENHURTS PASTILLES have a uldlj astringent demulcent i'u
      190 words
    • 109 10 Revitalise Your KIDNEYS And You'll Feel Young—Look Young Nothing ages man or woman more aches caused through bad kidney actioi Tins makes you suffer from Getting i*P Nights, Burning, Itching Passages, Nerves, Dizziness, Rheumatism, Backache. Leg Pains, Circles under Eyes, Swollen Anki-s. Loss of Appetite, Energy, etc., »> kidneys which
      109 words

  • 1107 11 Reuter. LONDON, JAN. 30. rr»HE AIR MINISTRY ANNOUNCED THIS AFTERNOON THAT 1 THE ENEMY WERE REPEATING THEIR WIDESPREAD ATTACKS ON EAST COAST SHIPPING, WHICH THEY UNDERTOOK YESTERDAY. "Reports so far indicate that early this morning a reconnaissance ra n appeared off the east coast, but disappeared
    Reuter.  -  1,107 words
  • 186 11 London, Jan. 30. BRITAIN'S great transport holdup —described as the most serious and chaotic ever known—continues. All over the country, people are marooned, trains are fumbling along tortuous journeys, and business is dislocated through late mails. Owing to the weather conditions, leave for all R.A.F. personnel in
    186 words
  • 81 11 T<HE Royal Artillery (Anti-Air-craft) defeated the V.M.C.A. in a friendly game of hockey played yesterday at the latter's ground at Prince Edward Road, by three goals to one. In spite of th c bad condition of the ground, the game was quite interesting. The R.A. scored
    81 words
  • 65 11 The following will represent the Singapore Khalsa Association in two hockey matches against the 5 2nd Punjab Regiment on teb. 1 «nd 3 at tne Khalsa ground and Naval Base ground respectively: Charon anigh; uuizara Singh, Sarmak Gingn: Uttam Jagder Singh, Piara Singh, Choor Singh Sanoar Singh. Bahoo
    65 words
  • 62 11 The following will be selected to represent the Lad Footers XI team against the Singapore Traction Company Sports Club in a return game of soccer at Farrer Park on Friday, at 5.15 p.m.:—Peng Kong, Ah Bah, Jimmy. Sun Leng, John. Kai Teck. Ah Yuik. Sum Wing,
    62 words
  • 67 11 The following players have been selected to represent bime Darby Sports Club against the H.M.S. Medway footbail XI on Thursday in a fri€ndl> game of soccer at the Farrer PaJ-*:— E Oliveiro, Neo Eng Bee. Choo jSeng Uvye. N. Ess, H. G. Riches, C. Francisco, Lim Chew
    67 words
  • 266 11 London, Jan. 30. YESTERDAY'S unusually extended offensive from the air again showed that submarine attack without warning is not the only form of Germany's frightfulness at sea, with which neutrals as well as British ships have to reckon. In the systematic bombings and machine gunnings
    266 words
  • 100 11 A friendly match was played between tr.e Bata Shoe Co., Ltd., Klang, and *h e Humorist Party, at the Baia Shoe Factory, Klang. The weatiier was .deal and the brilliant electric lighting proviued excellent play in the open air. Ihe result of the match is a.* iollows (bala Snoe
    100 words
  • 87 11 The following arc Minto Cricket Union office bearers for 1940: President: Che' Alimuda b. A. Tamam, Vice Presidents: Che Johari b. H. A. Hamid. Che' 11. YusofT b. Hassan, Hon. Joint Secretary and Treasurer: Che Khamis b. Hashim and Che 1 Ahmad b. Abdullah. Hon. Auditor: Che*
    87 words
  • 212 11 London, Jan. 30. rPHE coldest weather since 1894, which has been experienced this month, has not deterred the hying personnel of the meteorological flight, and regularly twice each day a meteorological aeroplane ha* gene up from one of tiip British bomber stations. On every one or the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 184 11 ROSE'S GIMLETS b GOLD LEAF TEA 0 v the bud and first 2nd second □Dei .eaves are gathered for Gold Leal Tea Four pounds of these green s, numbering over 3,000, go to the of 1 lb. of Gold Leaf duality I An Antidote For Gloom. A cheerful smile is
      184 words
    • 396 11 When Poisons Clog KIDNEYS and irritate Bladder Flash Them Out And l< tl Young Again Go to your enemlst to da) van gel this sate, swift and harmless (burette and sttmulani ask rai gold MEDAL Haarlem Oil Cap/ suks (Dutch Drops in tapsute form), the famous urinary antiseptk and start
      396 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 30 12 A doctor's action in putting into a coffin a doll instead of the child s body was described by the coroner as 'abso ute'y irregular" at the inquest on a
    30 words
  • 62 12 lIM chop Si l? gapore Tuesday. I KENG alias Lim Swee 5 appeared before Mr Kenneth m onX?2Se LUke R Prynn charge nn th hUip Mm ls 'or the defence tn ?n he aPP'teation of Court ISSSf tor Charles W Such th« jnspecfixed for
    62 words
  • 6 12 His Exellency the Governor has been
    6 words
  • 473 12 Singapore, Tuesday. KAPAL2 terbang pehak musoh jiada hari sa- j ma lam telah melakukan serangan2 yang sa-habis besar di-atas kapal2 British dari- I pada yang telah pernah di-chuba mereka semen- jak mula perang lnl. S«rangan2 itu di-bahagi2kan mereka sa-pan-jang2 400 batu lebeh pantal negeri England, laitu
    473 words
  • 42 12 Singapore, Tuesday. The 78th birthday anniversary of Crimat £wami Vivekananda will be celebrated at tlie Ramakrishna Mission. Norris Read, on Jan. 31 and Feb. 4. There will be a long programme cf lectures prayers and entertainment. JQi ar° In* vited.
    42 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 476 12 Trouble with your Radio? Give us a phone-call and we'll promptly send an experienced man Guaranteed low cost. Reliable oi-e-time repair service on all makes. UNIVERSAL RADIO HOUSE Servicing Specialists, 205, Orchard Road. Phone Always in Stock Mende Valves and Spares. MOTORISTS—ARE YOU AWARE that SMOKY EXHAUSTS" is now PUNISHABLE
      476 words
    • 296 12 RUDGE reliability > anion** rudge owik- r 7*o« are contemplating U: 1 a bicycle you cannot do So{ than to invest, in a Pi-h bettp is an investment thai handsome dividends in of years of troubie.fre* 1 RUDGE i s built to extra strength at the vil RUDGE BICYCLES Sole
      296 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 764 12 1 TO-DAY'S IC A 11 10 WitWJtwZf i ILIIIIJ 5 4* 1 CAPITCL: Flight to Fame--6.15 and SINGAPORE J J LONDON 9.15 p.m PAVILION: "Missinir f virions ZHL 225 metr n-» men). i transmissions 2* J mvi ssinff Evidence."— Zap 10.9s metres (9.69 mm. 11 it < iinn J** 5
      764 words

  • 34 13 Mr Tim Ene Hoe thanks all reiauvi» M Ss E g ho paid night and attended the funeral of the law m Urn Cheng Swe« and those w porcelain wreaths, wTeaths and etc.
    34 words
  • 25 13 KI SCT« A L 30th 1940. .Ben r^chS h 50 of the'singapore funeral will take plaee Deeply sssa fr 5 uT,Xa 53» please copy).
    25 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 870 13 D^N2lH«««l«'NN«ZLMD immediate!? Cafe Gals, I—2 p.m. 9, Emuuia bingapoie. [nd energetic man ol any j v! 'Vi pr.vais I p rs quaiiticaiion and witn i i ie a HOrtt and canus*noly, Knngsar Dispefi- TICKET COLLECTORS PUCANTS THANKED^^ junior Compounder, male minese preferable, lor dlsKuaia Lumpur. Own handE a ge what
      870 words
    • 633 13 SALE OR EXCHANGE—VauxhaII UJJ in perfect condition. Selling cheap or excnange for smaller car lax ana insurance covered Apply Box 400, Malaya Tribune, Singapore. J^Z_, •-■MORRIS 18" Saloon 1937 Mod. 17,00') miles. Beautiful Car. Excellent condition Price $800. Owner leaving. Apply Box 402, Malaya Tribune, Singapore. Professional EXPERIENCED CHINESE ACCOUNTANT
      633 words
    • 222 13 Domestic Occurrences BIRTH rath At the Maternity Hospital Singapore on Jan. 30th to ROSEMARY. holding good P°f^ loi^ young and good Rn«Nb 373. Satrimcny. Please W w co Ma»aya Tribune, ENGLISHMAN School Education companion. View maUimony. Box No. 392, Malaya Tribune, m c pore. MAN of 28 years o. age
      222 words
    • 110 13 IGAIX STONE Specialist. MRS. COOPER-ABBS, 2, Eu Court, SINGAPORE. GALL STONES removed without Operation. This treatment has a wide field of action. It tones up «he toweto oy promoting better circulation poorer blood; it helps to lower tt _gS which leads to P_»J^_tSs !V. ML s! It. I Ihinese New
      110 words

  • 244 14 Patna, Jan. 20. "I Wfaw to Accept life in a narrow sphere. I want you to be heretical in the most creative sense of the word and tear asunder the bonds in equality. Your breadth or vision be something more vital more fruitful and full
    244 words
  • 75 14 Lucknow, Jan. 22. M R cd Ja fmm a H aSh Narai Who retu ed from his tour in the eastern districts of United Provinces in courS of an interview to the Dress as t, sub e mit er J h M a C H° n f
    75 words
  • 79 14 A ««IMlgnc note regard- chances of a settlement of he p resent the lnd,a„ Political situation was struck by Pandit JawaharU Nehru, addressing a largelyattended public meeting Pandit Nehru said that at present there appeared to be no chance of a settlement of i m Passe, though, he
    79 words
  • 13 14 The Mysore Government announce sion, created under thp S <2>mmisnnnonnced recentfy. ew Ret °™>*
    13 words
  • 768 14 Viceroy's Speech Raises Hopes Bombay, Jan. 20. *pKE latest pronouncement of Lord Linlithgow seems to contain the germs of a settlement honourable to both nations," says Mahatma Gandhi in a loader in 'Harijan' to-day. Under the caption 'The Dissentients" Mahatma Gandhi writes: "I am
    768 words
  • 160 14 TWardhaeaui i HAT Mr. further clariii,' tain points containi-rf u Viceroy's Bombay speech 1 <hp view to seeing if th* W h 3 political deadlock could h^ 1 was the unanimou" arrived at by the r un' n Working Commictee hours discussion of th* ea, situation in
    160 words
  • 19 14 Mr. B. G. Kher. ex- Premier untitled bay. has been appointed Pn c the Adult Education Gommittet Bombay Government.
    19 words
  • 400 14 London, Jan. 20. "OUTSIDK the more extreme groups in the Congress Party and Lov*7Z^ he mim>rities there is *™eral agreement in India that nl f gOWS SPeeChGS durin his tour ended, have improved the prospects of settlement," writes "The Times" editorially. Heferring to
    400 words
  • 57 14 Wardhagan j, Jan. 21. the date for the nomination of candidates for the Cmjrrtss prcsidertial eJecticn i> drawing near—Feb. 4 is the fast day for the nomination—there i> evidence that Mauhna Abdul Kaiam Azad will be requested to stard for ejection this year and
    57 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 164 14 Have you heard best food in Orchard Restaurant Bar 38, ORCHARD ROAD, SPORE tncar Cathay Cinema). I'RICES VERY MODERATE. AUCTION SALE of Office Furniture removed Eron j-eeuwen Airing Ltd.. Incl teak and steel cabinets. "Dalton" add-ing-calculating machine, chequ pnr lector, postage scales, Underwood R imperial and Smith Premier N typewriters
      164 words

  • 279 15 LONDON TIN London. Tuesday. Official Prices £238*4 Buyers £238 3 /4 Sellers i vOfficial Price) £***** Buyers £238V 2 Sellers LONDON RUBBER London. Tuesday. Buyers Sellers rket Tone Steady 1113,16b 1115 16 s ard) Feb. 11 13 16 b ll 7 8 s n ard) Mar. 11
    279 words
  • 14 15 Singapore, Jan. 31. fhe price of tin at noon in aporc to-day was:—
    14 words
  • 16 15 i he price of rubber at noon in c to-day was: 37 Sellers: 37 1
    16 words
  • 206 15 Singapore, «j»»The following are the «orulni according to the jJ» v corporaMc Hongkong and Shanghai Banking SELLING m mi London T.T. 2|4 l|ie Condon demand 2057 Lyons demand 208 EwMnorland demand Hamburg demand 46 7|2 I em York demand 51 s[B Montreal demand 87 via demand 86 Ta urang
    206 words
  • 792 15 FRASER CO.'S SHARE REPORT Singapore, Jan. 30 MINING Buyers Sellers Ampat Tin 49 5]Austral Amal 6 6 6cd Austral Malay 37 39 -cd Ayer Hltam 23;6 24 6 Ayer Weng 0.80 0.83 Bangrln 226 23 6 Batu Selangor 1.50 1.55 Berjuntal 16|6 11.9 Burma Malay 2313 24 3 2henderiang 16[6
    792 words
  • 139 15 Singapore, Jan. 30. m coast No. 1 per Koyan S SS) W! Coast No. 3 per Koyan Rice Slam 1 205 Klce Slam 2 l&G Rice Slam 3 165 Slam Broken R cc No. 1 16l Siam Broken Rice No. 2 Rice Saigon Ai Rice Saigon 1 Rice Saigon
    139 words
  • 198 15 Singapore. Tuesday. IN SPITE of a further rise in the price of tin to-day both locally and in London, the tin share market was lethargic and prices slipped back under selling pressure. Hong Fatt.s were easier with at $1.26 and buyers at $1.24. Rantaus were done at
    198 words
  • 75 15 Maynard lOOnom SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL |f| 41 1Q47 103 112nom \v£ 1955 JW lljnom 1963 107 UOnon 5% 48-08 W 10 I r 7Vfls 100 101" 2 100 ioi'.2 3- 1958 107 110 41 1939 red. 1959 103 104 PENANG MUNICIPAL 5' 56-86 I" 4%% 59-69 1 14
    75 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 221 15 THE MERCANTILE BANK OJF INDIA (TRUSTEES) LIMITED. Guaranteed and Controlled by THE MERCANTILE BANK Ol INDIA, LIMITED. The Company, which is incorporatedl in the S.S. and registered as a Trust Comparry, undertakes the following XECLTOR OR TRUSTEE OF A WILL adShNISTRATOR OF ESTATE OF DECEASED PERSON. TRUSTEE OF A SETTLEMENT
      221 words
      282 words
    • 343 15 STEAMER BAILING* BRITISH I INDIA PASSENGER FREIGHT SERVICES For all information apply to: P. O.S.N. Co., The Agent, Collyer Quay, Tel. 5961. 8.1.5. N. Co., BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., Tel. 5497. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD., (Apcar Line). i For Hongkong, Shanghai, Mojl, Kobe Osaka Fortnightly For Penang, Rangoon and
      343 words
    • 162 15 P&CL BRITISH INDIA incorporated in England) P. ft 0. 8. N. CO.'S SAILINGS. Owing to the Company'! inability to publish the actual departure dates of it's steamers intending passengers are courteously requested to enquire at the P. O. S. N COMPANY'S Office to ascertain the approximate dates of departure. AH
      162 words

  • 296 16 Reuter. London, Jan. 31. THE Danish steamer Fredenaborg, 1 2,091 tons, has been sunk off the toast of Scotland. It is feared that all hands have perished. Danish circles in London state that Lie Frec.enaborg was sailing with th» pamsh ship England (sunk on -Vondayt and
    Reuter.  -  296 words
  • 298 16 Reuter. T London, Jan 30. HE War Office has issued its first casual, y hst in the present war, covering all names up to Dec 31. It comprioes 753 names. Of 719 have died, one died of wounds, 24 wounded, cne i s missinc
    Reuter.  -  298 words
  • 477 16 America To Build New Atlantic Fleet Reuter. Washington, Jan. 30. THE need of providing "crushing weapons" to protect U.S. wealth was stressed to-day by Mr. Edison, Secretary of the Navy, advocating) the House of Representatives Naval Committee approval of the 81,300 million fleet expansion
    Reuter.  -  477 words
  • 73 16 Reuter. ashmg on, J an 33.-Prcsid» at ,s 58 to-day and is ui r bratmg his birthday quieth dL doctor says the President fe fa. perfect condition as any man M his age could be. Many birthdaJ dinners and dances are beU all ever the
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 125 16 Reuter. I „1.1.4, PanS Ja U. I AST night French war communique states that there was mark d activity of contact units to the west of Sarre. In the same region on either side, artillery was Say^S?" l a art S Other report's state that
    Reuter.  -  125 words
  • 67 16 Reuter. mi t London, Jan. ;j1 J!*o men. Felix Pierre Duiin.HV,er' a "atiira isrd Briber, and WilUam Alexander Crow? a» en. F lty:e cf .he Devonpo, ZL mcnthJ' rrC Cach scntt "ced to six rJj? lne CJfc was he.-rd in camera Duvivicr was
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 38 16 Reuter. Hansro r, Jan. 31. J*HE rkathroll as a resuJl 1 Ihe crmmunaJ rioting ha.N 11 w reached 12. 0 600 people have been arrested. Isolated incidents arc still beirff provoked by hooligan elements.—Renter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 149 16 Reuter. London, Jan. 3J OQUADRON Leader K. C Doran, who led the famous Kir I an raid in the early days of tn< R-ar, has been awarded the Distinguish ed flying Cross. Doran was leader of the formati oomber aircraft which was at! by enemy fighters over
    Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 37 16 Reuter. Copennagen Jan. 30. «Is reported from Tuender tha' nam afcer .rain ?s leaving the German W base of Svh. and that the fltooenoerp Dam wh:ch connects it with Lhe mainland is crowd:d with evamated persons.—Rem" tr.
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 125 16 QUICK WAY TO BANISH MUSCULAR ACHES *r" Urn Jr th reliable. double-actin X Nt us,d fa. ypars by trajnerB Qf >t| J HMB. This eoolm* antiseptic liniment penetrate, straight to the* breaks up conKction quickly, relievin* the soreness. MwMH Jr. ran be masked. It will not 7*™ It. essential
      125 words
      16 words