Malaya Tribune, 29 January 1940

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 21 1 The Malaya Tribune VOL. XXVII- -No. 24. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1940 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Monday, January 29, 1940.
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  • 87 1 Thames —vital artery of the British capital's shipping trade hh organised Air Raid Precautions service to ensure that ds shaU not dislocate river traffic. This picture shows a nf bV. manned by a "decontamination squad," comks and gasproof clothing, ready to rush to a gascontaminated area. The
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  • 138 1 Paris, Jan. 29. inactivity, the Western Fn nt was much livelier French communique reports activity on the part of aivantt units at some points on the front. the last few days was frost and then by a ed all the mud. j w ient from
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  • 49 1 Pages si n Drowning rvice In Johore J 1 1 tor ;>inmended 6 and 7 I Review The News" —C.H.S.J. jj ill Hec&led q •Push' In Balkans 10 and 11 Radio J5 a Advertisements I Page \l 1 inanoia] intelligence JJ Naii Cruelty To Africans Ab
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  • 183 1 Helsinki, Jan. 29. THE big Russian offensive north--1 east of Lake Ladoga, now in its eighth day. is losing its fierceness. According to yesterday's Finnish communique the latest Russian attacks were weaker than on previous It is'pointed out In Helsingfors that a complete
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  • 57 1 Reuter. Rome. Jan. 29. M. TSVETKOVITCH. Jugoslav Premier, was injured in a rail smash near Kraljevw yesterday, according to a Belgrade message. Thf Premier was going to Belgrade with several members of the Cabinet when the train collided with a goods train and a
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 507 1 New Anti-Foreign Drive In Japanese-Occupied Areas Reuter. A MERICA S first step to secure a change of Japanese policy A in China, following the expiry of the trade to«ty wttt Japan, will be to extend further
    Reuter.  -  507 words
  • 94 1 Reuter. Tokyo, Jan 28. THE Domei Agency understands that Japan is likely to make a further protest against Britain's action in removing th e 21 Germans from the Asama Mara, and will j attempt to refute the legality of the British case. Following the interview with Sir Kobert
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 64 1 Reuter. Tientsin, Jan. 29. 1J LECTRIF X€ ATION ol tenets around the British and French Concessions was remcd last right. Fond prices have soared again, although the Japanese military authorities deny that any tightening of the blockade has been ordered. —Reuter. Electrification of the barbed
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 383 1 Reuter. London, Jan. 29. IIERR HITLER has decided to pass Hot this year's Nazi Party celebrations, which 'ah on Jam 30, with as little notice as possible. A repoit from Amsteidam states that Dr Goebbels who, it is leainea, wasl to have broadcast to the nation
    Reuter.  -  383 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 107 1 .Y1 i VMINATIONS or DERN (1 LASSES Ll iiiteed lowest Charges assured. Everbright Optical Co. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS a Street. Phone 4433. NO, Dr. of Optometry. Oilers a new Evening Sessional Class__to SH^THAND iddition to the usual classes, la enrolling tot the new Class U be specially coached ior the i
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    • 62 1 ~A*T HAS AM ENEMY CALIED I&NOAANCE. w<st 6»*LS always insist on Evelyn Astkova cosmetics. JASCHA HEIFETZ The World renowned violinist plays I "RONDO CAPRICCIOSO" I Saint-Saens I "HORA STACCATO" I Dinicu-Heifet': I IN THE FILM I "THEY SHALL HAVE MUSIC I (CATHAY) I HI. HAS RECORDED THESE TWO COMPOSITIONS ON
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  • 346 2  -  CORONER'S OPEN VERDICT AT PENANC (From Our Own Reporter. Penang, Sunday. CIRCUMSTANCES surrounding the death of Png Keow Tee, a fifteen-year-old Chinese girl, whose body was found on the bank of Sungei Pinang on the morning of Dec. 26 last year, formed the subject
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  • 118 2 Last Night's First Nights "GANTRY," a blind horse, is the star of "Pride of th P Bluegrass," which opened at the Alhambia yesterday. This is a story of the South American racetrack, of the blind faith of a young jockey in the futur e of
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  • 80 2 Dennis O'Keefp and Florence Rice are featured in an amusing M.G.M. picture which opened a short season at the Capitol last night. Under th e title of "The Kid From Texas," M.G.M. present a novel polo rame on Long Island with a team of Indiana opposed
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  • 215 2  -  (From I Our Own Correspondent Johore Bahru, Sunday. THE formation of a beneficial section opened to members of the Club only was decided at the annual general meeting of the Oversea-Chinese Recreation Club, Johore Bahru, held at the Club premises. Presiding at the meeting, Mr.
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  • 193 2  -  (From Our Own Reporter Kuaia Lumpur, Saturday. EXCELLENCY the High Commissioner has been pleased to award th e Efficiency Medal to the following officers and other ranks of the Federated Malay States Volunteer Force: Company Sergeant-Major Geoffrey Michael Knocker. Company Quartermaster Sergeant Harry Eastman Fisher. Armourer Quartermaster-Sergeant
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  • 74 2 WITH reference to the announcement Rpri rrn eW ago tnat v British Red Cross is not empowered to receive comforts except for the sick or convalescent, we are asked to state that since the middle of Decembe? the only comforts sent to the Red Cross by
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  • 169 2 Singapore, Sunday. OVER two hundred members and guests of the Chinese Sports Association sat to a sumptuous Chinese dinner at the Southern Hotel last night to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the club. I During the dinner, the President of I the association, Mr. Koong Khai
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  • 146 2  -  (From Our Own Reporter) Penang, Saturday. SUICIDE by hanging wajs the verdicc returned »y the Coroner, Mr. A. W. Bellamy, at the conclusion of the inquiry into the death of a Tamil coolie named Veerapen, who was found hanging from the ceiling above the bath-room door
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  • 33 2 His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to approve the transfer of Captain Mohamed Noor bin Shaik Ahmed, M.8.E., E.D., Straits Settlements Volunteer Force, to the Straits Settlements Volunteer Force Reserve of Officers.
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  • 81 2 Reuter. Doom, Jan. 28. r!E ex-Kaiser spent his 81st birthday quietly at home. Flowers arrived an day long at the now snow covered castle at Doom. He also received a present from Princess Juliana and Prince Bernhard. Queen Wilhelmina sent her adjutant to convey her congratulations,
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 325 2  -  (From Our Own Reporter Penang, Saturday. WE stress particularly the practical aspect of agriculture, and we hope you will pay more attention to the practice rather than the theory of it," said Mr. C.W.S. Hartley, Agricultural Officer, Penang and Province Wellesley, in the course of
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  • 112 2  -  (From Our Own Correspondent «w»«vv{/utiuvuv/ Johor#» Bahru, Sunday. Pleading guilty to a charge of having imRorted 59 tubes of nongovernment chandu valued $16.34 into Johjre, Tay Chong to on P month's rigorous imprisonment and a fine of $100 or two months' rigorous imprisonment, the sentences
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  • 617 2 ALTHOUGH Malaya is safe, and free from the horrors of war, and it may be hoped will remain so, it remains a fact that when Britain is at war it is Malaya's war also, and the people of this country must do all in their
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  • 74 2  -  (From Our Own Correspondent Johore Bahru, Sunrlav Bail of $500 xsuj allowed a lorr cir v er, Lim Cheong Huat, who apnea™ tefore Tuan Haji Nassir for causme tile death of a Chinese woman bv driving hi s lorry in a nepliger.t man ner.
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  • 118 2 Singapore, Monday. informal re-union of the Christie Brothers' Old Boys Association. Si ganore. will be held at the St. Joseph" InsMtuticn on Wednesday. Jan 2' commencing at 5.15 p.m. The newly-apnointed director an 1 sub-dinctor of St. Joseph's Institution the Rev. Bro. Joseph and the Rev b Casimii.
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  • 143 2 Singapore, Sunday. I elderly Chinese woman together with her only daughter had the tragic experience of seeing her 16-year-old son drown before her eyes off the coast of Pulau Tekong shortly after 6.30 p.m. yesterday. Both mother and daughter struggled into the water to save the
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  • 444 2 CANADIAN SOLDIER WOMAN CHARGED Om v,;. a 4 i London, Jan. 10. 1,1 L Ud since tomil, g l o KnKland, a vouw said hadlZ S °"f r r PP T ed Bow stre with a woman who, he treaty Canadians" and had taken some of them on a party
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 146 2 advise l D uTs'io! and strengthening the ea 'i hy a^ ettfß overcomes system. A tr ££L feT* or any illness affecting the chest or n v !V lungs, there is nothing that wfl Z f J^ SC bcd by the Medical surely soothe the diseaseditoS f F Ver 4
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  • 132 3  -  1 From Our Own Correspondent Muar, Sunday. i:llREE Chinese, Pang Yin Yong, I Tan Ah Tung and Fah Bin Chin, v this morning produced before he Haron bin Ahmad and charged h having distilled liquor at the milt-stone Jalan Bakri on the of Jan. 26
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  • 48 3 are puzzled by the political in Canada will be able to resting talk frcm the 8.8.C I on "Canada's General Elei tion." the programme, frcm 8.50 Sir Wi'liam and H C le will be heard in the the series called "This Freed na
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  • 58 3 Singapore. Sunday. wing a collision between which he was a passen:,e: car at the junction of Hill dexnan Street in the early Morning, a European led tc the R.N.V.R. was Genera! Hospital in an ous state, ever, regained consciousness to the hospital and but ful hi
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  • 49 3 1 d of the Straits Settlement 11] play Lc-day at Teiok Ayer at ui.cier the direction of Mr. J. C. L R M.S. A.R.C.M.. R.M.S.M. Light CavalrY Starke; overiph cf Bagdad' Boieldieu: seRosalie" Pcrtcr; valse "MorgenStrauss; intermezzo -Bells Meadow" Ketelbey: fox trot M md Rose"' Hanley.
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 3 Mohd. Noor and Siti Easah, who were married at Geylang last nte ht The bride is the sister-in-law of Capt. Osman bin ArsnacL
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  • 634 3 London, Jan. 11. ROBERT JAMES. 60-year-old ex-convict and self-commissioned Army officer who held a pest at the Ministry of Food and also helped to guard the Bank of England as a private in the National Defence Corps, well known in China and India, was sentenced at
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  • 44 3 Singapore, Sunday. A Chinese fitter employed oy United Engineers Ltd. had the tip of his right thumb severed when he met with a mechanical accident shortly before two o'clock this afternoon. He was extremely shocked and was removed to the General Hospital by ambulance.
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  • 127 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Sunday. A CEREMONIAL opening preceded the opening to day of the first sessioa of the Johore Bahru Assizes this year In a wig and scarlet robe, Mr. Justice Laville arrived at 10.20 a.m. and WU received by Mr. J.B. Weiss, the
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  • 66 3 1 LECTURE en "The Organisation of A Aid Posts and the Running Thereof v.iii be given by the District Burgeoil, Dr C. C. B. Gilmour, M.A.. M B Ch B. at 5.30 p.m. on Feo. 6, at the Old Supreme Court Bui'dtng All Corps Officers, Divisicnal Surgeons Divisional
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  • 98 3  -  (From Our Own Correspondent Muar, Sunday. As o result of a col'ision between a lorry and a motor car at Parit Pechan vesterday morning when two were injured, Yusop bin Hussin, the driver of the lorry was this morninq produced before Inche Haron bin Ahmad
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  • 102 3  -  (From Our Own Correspondent Muar, Sunday. TpWO persons were seriously in- jured while two more persms received injuries and had to be admitted to Hospital when a motor bus ran into a ditch at the 14 Vz milestone Jalan Ayer Itam at 3.10 p.m. yesterday.
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  • 29 3 The Singapore Rotary Club is holchn.; a business meeting on Wednesday at the Adelphi Rcof Gaidar*. Members will discuss the arrangements lor the forthcoming District Conference.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 52 3 Box Office T DAY Ph ne I MdLdYd'jMo/r Modern 3 4 00 OPENING TO-DAY "The MAN in the IRON MASK" FROM DJMAS' STORY UNHID ARTISTS RELEASE .Joan -^'frf^^^^^l^^^^ra^^H „_HI M flrxS \\V ARD (AS! Splendid Entertainment For Young And Old. HORE-BFUSHA LEAVES ERITTSH WCll/Q ll« WAR OFFICE—U NIT V PARAMOUNT
      52 words
    • 157 3 iake i/our pick from I W J our fine selection I Every bird has b?ea carefully selected from the finest English, jC*S Australian and .o;il mental breeds f and represents the best value I in poultry that can bp obtained. Always a fresh supply in stock 111 see and select
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  • 1201 4  -  Inquest On Malay Syce Postponed (From Our Own Reporter Kuala Lumpur, Sunday. ADDRESSING Dr. Hussein of the General Hospital at the end of his evidence at the enquiry into the sudden death of a Malay syce, Abdul Razak bin Mohd. Syo l, Mr. W.
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  • 114 4  -  (From Our Own Correspondent Sunday. AT the meeting of the Larut and Matang Sanitary Board, the Chairman informed the Board of a suggestion that hi order to save paper lists of those present and absent at meetings should not be included in circulation copies
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  • 145 4 London. Jan. 28. IN the first nine weeks of the savings campaign, defence bonds to the va'ue of £33.711.515 have been sold. The value of national savings certificates scld in the same peiiod is £34.313.250. The combined total for both is £68.024.765. weekly average figure
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  • 34 4 An example of what happens to those who break the ration laws was published in Berlin newspapers—ten years' imprisonment for a woman shopteeper wro sold foo<i and clothes without asking for customers' ration cards
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  • 471 4  -  vFrom Our Own Reporter Ipoh, Sunday. ACCUSED snatched the $1 note back from the hands of the detective and attempted to chew and swallow it. Unfortunately for him the detective managed to retrieve part of the note wfefc* accused had tried to bribe him with," said
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  • 43 4 Reuter. Paris, Jan. 28. i„fT h s viet ar L d Mongolian delegations left Harbin without reaching an agreement with the Japanese and Manehukuo representatives on the boundary problem, according to a report received In diplomatic circles.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 87 4 r Canberra, Jan. 28. E chairman of the Australian Wheat Board has announced that the wheat harvest will amount lo about 204 million bushels a total which has only twice been exceccied. The crop s in New South Wales Vie other StaleS are lar B
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  • 36 4 Reuter. London, Jan. 28.—Miss Unity "Mitford is now man Oxford infirmary It is understood she is suffering from two P r !°S/ n the noad one of which r the brain, and her eoncntion is serious.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 100 4 DOG'S HEAD n JLdrandy P|B| SPECIAL MATURE AUSTRALIAN P BRANDY HOSPITAL QVAUTY) MENTION "DOG'S HEAD" IF VOU'UE I.UOkIM. FOR A PURfI RIIANDY IT'S A FINE "PICK-ME-UP". WPS 17Pt LEMONPOP PSH You'll thoroughly enjoy I WhKI ne co c ean flavour of i Emm the Fresh Lemons in mHHL LEMONPOP, especially
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    • 462 4 LITTLE BOY'S WEIGHT WENT UP LIKE MAGIC! Read this Schoolmaster's story. How anxious fathers and mothers when they see their little ones logSI weight. Those thin, pathetic arms and legs, those ribs stick! through the flesh, those hollow little cheelcs do they mean that son more tragic ill is on
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  • 138 5 London, Jan. It). A RI'SSIAX airman was forced down a few weeks ago on the Finnish coast near Helniki. In his pocket the Finns found a map. The map shows the Gulf of Bothnia, with the adjacent puts of Finland and of Sweden. T.
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  • 41 5 Paris, Jan. 11. al Nicolai, chief ol the Gerionage organisation, has retirone to live in Switzerland, acreports reaching Paris. with Hitler over the Gerpact, objecting to sharing of his organisation with Shortly afterwards he asked to resign.
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  • 42 5 need not go shoeless bestringent leather rationoffice has b?en set up id B-rlii disused or outgrown footxebangsd or sold. Thus muks are worn out will n another pair r:ven if io buy them at their ufual shop. i
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  • 147 5 Antwerp, Jan. ITNDER the stress of war conditions, ("Jermans are eating fetter meals at home. And the German hausl'rau, traditionally proud of the table she keeps, is being forced to 'cave her own oven idle. Warm meals cooked a I home arc. in fact, considered
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  • 320 5 Paris, Jan. 8. LKED lay to two Czechs who have just arrived in Paris the Czech Legion, after a hazardous journey across the tnd the Mediterranean, writes a reporter. idenl of Prague Univerther a peasant !><>>' from i hey met at the frontier out of
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  • 24 5 Details of Gestapo terrorism untitled cross the Franco-German fronuer, how that since the war began tne v have shot 10,204 civilians, ana 2.178 soMiers.
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  • 73 5 Cardiff Watch Committee decided that, if the council and Home Secretary confirm it, they will allow one or two cinemas to open in the city en Sunday—but not for the general public. Members of the forces in uniform will be allowed to have one civilian companion
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  • 32 5 Mrs. Galstunn of the Primary Department, King Edward VII School,, has retired from the service. Her place has been filled by Mrs. W. H. E Moneraslnglie. a Rafrr 3 Collet graduate.
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  • 472 5 LEADER CHALLENGES IRISH PREMIER i Dublin, Jan. 4. CHALLENGE to Mr. de Valera to stake his career, and, if necessary, his life, by vigorously using the powers sought by his Government to cms* the terrorist conspiracy was one of the
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  • 40 5 About 2.000,000 Germans are on a black list of Catholics which Soviet Russia has drawn up, a Vatican radio broadcast stated. Catholics in other countries throughout the world are on the list, which totals some 4.000.000 names, it was added.
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  • 347 5 London, Jan. 11. WHEN Lord Gort, Mayfair man with a private income of 120,000 a year, came back from the last war with a triple D.S.C). and the V.C. his friends asked him what he was going to do. "I
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  • 202 5 Moscow, Jan. 12. is going on rapidly with a scheme for the development of Western Ukraine and White Russia, despite the difficulties of winter conditions.. The construction of a great inland waterway linking the rivers Bug and Pripct with the Dnieper and the Black Sea
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 130 5 COLD VAPEX WHETHER YOUR CAR lb MM STARTIMG mm UUMMIMG H SHELL MOTOR OIL I Ws ON THE JOB! I Shell Motor Oil is such a good oil for your densation of water formed by combustion jjgj A car because It is refined by the most up-to-date of Motor Spirit.
      130 words
    • 108 5 Only genuine WOODWAR^ bears this BABY TRADE-MARK Genuine Woodward's Gripe Water, recommend** 4 by the medical profession for eighty year*, is distinguished by the famous "Baby* trada-mark. There are plenty of inferior imitations est tha market, but only genuine Woodward's bean this trade-mark. Mothers—safeguard your baby's hesitkJ Insist on genuine
      108 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 219 6 f larfci?, funnitst screen rem**e« F^\l!B6PSdL2^l V Sf'ACe "fft»r,n C\Tonnor"/ ttf^tS^Kf Rollicking Tale f^^^^^S^^^^^^Hi of a I DENNIS O'KEEFE I Cowboy who tried I FLORENCE RICE I I Mthom Itsak Buddy I to Crash I ALLAN RALPH EBSEN I Society LAST TWO PERFORMANCES: 6.15 9.15. x A IOWf-.RFUL DRAMA OF
      219 words
    • 270 6 LAST NIGHT 6.15 9.15 PAVILION PRAISE FROM THE PRESS FOR A GREAT FRENCH FILM! "If you want something: unusual, this is the film to vmm see" TRIBUNE. Tine acting First class entertainment". jJSf* "Acting of a very high order.. Fine film"... STRAITS jB COMPLETE dialogue alßj ERICH YON STROHEIM t
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    • 86 6 FINAL CHAPTERS TO-NIGHT AT THE EMPIRE TALKIE At 7 and 9 p.m. SUN TALKIE AT 7-30 and 9-30 p.m. Chapters 7-12 of Universale Sensational Serial ROGERS" Starring Buster Crabbe Don't Miss The concluding Chapters DE nTxi RESTAURANT BAR (AIR-CONDITIONED) TEL. 4244 IN THE NEW-WORLD CABARET. EXCEPTIONALLY COMFORTABLE PLACE FOR.— WEDDING
      86 words
    • 227 6 "g^yffir% T ALH AMB It A You will cheer-You will thrill—You will Remember Forever when You see GANTRY The Blind Horse perform the feats that q won the acclaim of the world! Willi EDITH FELLOWS JAMES McCALUON Oktfd by WILLIAM McGANN k Onainol Screen Ploy toy Vincent Sherme* A WARNER
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  • 539 7 GREAT CHANGES MAY COME IN FAR EAST v Shanghai. W*TH the expiration of the American-Japanese trade treaty, Japan is very much on the spot in China—both internationally and politically. IN THE OPINION OF AUTHORITATIVE AMERICAN AS WELL AS JAPANESE SOURCES, IT IS
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  • 59 7 Singapore, Sunday. Said to have been knocked down by a motor car at New Bridge Road at abom 3 45 this afternoon, a 60-year old Chinese woman was conveyed to the General Hospital in a semi-conscious state. She sustained several lacerated wounds over the centre of her head,
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  • 127 7 Tokyo. IAPAN had taken a constructive step to ameliorate relations with the United States and expected the latter to meet Japan in a "constructive way," a Foreign Office spokesman declared recently. Asked whether there was a ray of hope for readjustment of relations with America,
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  • 169 7 Chungking. A 5,000-inile-long "water tight" tariff wall protecting all of Free China from the possibility of Japanese economic conquest has been established by the Chinese Ministry of Finance, financial circles told the Cnited Press recently. This 20th century economic "Great Wall" which protects China against
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  • 304 7 Chungking, Jan. 17. IN an article describing the difficult portion Japanese economy is facing in the third year of the war China, the Red Army journal Orgakanshaya Zvezda states that the war has led to the decline in Japan's industries which supply the home market and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 296 7 Singapore Municipality TENDERS. TENDERS are now invited for the following materials or service. For particulars see Municipal Tender Rooa. Date of Closin cioDiv of Two Chemical pry Feed Machines, 4 p.m., April 30, 1940 SuDDiy of Porous Plates Underdrain System (W -»ier Dept.*, 4 p.m., May 14, 1940. sudp v
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    • 13 7 OKURA'S ART CHINA SHOW are now on at \RABA&Co.Ltd. i Middle Road, Singapore.
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  • 323 8 T\R. H. H. Kung, the Chinese Finance Minister, in a recent statement on China's financial position, said that the extraordinary elasticity of the country's war finance was a marvel to most international observers. It has not only confounded Japanese estimates but has also exceeded the hopes of many
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  • 153 8 TN prosecuting a member of an unlawful society in Kuala Lumpur an officer of the Criminal Intelligence Department said he wished to give the widest publicity to the fact that such societies, with innocuous titles referring to China relief, were being controlled by agitators and used to foment
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  • 642 8 Labour Leaders Define Peace Terms For Europe London, Jan. 28. rpHE national purpose in the war was affirmed and reaffirmed in a large number of gatherings on Saturday. The greatest was that at Manchester, where the First Lord of the Admiralty's address had to be relayed
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  • 210 8 Reuter. Cape Town, Jan. 28. VOTING reflects increased support in the House for the policy of Gen. Smuts. During the course of the debate, it is estimated that the Government commanded 18 more votes than the Opposition. Befoie the vote was taken, Gt. Hertzog replied
    Reuter.  -  210 words
  • 75 8 Reuter. Eupen, Jan. 28. THE German-Belgian frontier has been re-opened at the frontier post at Hauset as from to-day. Tramcars from Eupen and Lpepfchen on the Garman frontier will run as soon as snowdrifts have been removed, and pedestrian traffic over the frontier will be reestablished. Vehicles
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 51 8 Reuter. m London, Jan. 28. A crow of twelve was lost when th? F.eetwoid trawler, Merisia, went on the rocks near Ramsey, Isle of Man, durin-2 the night. On Thursday, the crew were preserved with £100 sterling for saving Hollancers from ope n boats i n the
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 119 8 Reuter. Kaunas, Jan. 28. is trying to persuade a number of countries to receive some Polish refugees she is harbouring. Negotiations are in progress wit i Germany for the voluntary return oi 6ome of them to their homes Russia has agreed to take a thousand,
    Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 69 8 Reuter. Istanbul, Jan 28 Brigadier General Sir Wvndham 3*32 T^t 0 r d by re nn £S Turk s t Government Red Cross on his arrival here en route to Erzinjan X nti i h dele g*te he will part it S;?n? e fK dlstrib
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 37 8 Reuter. A statement issued i£tBfi&_ n B ew SS de R nies mea against Roman Catholics i n Germanreport of the archbishops that thp Palace cathedral is beini uLh a racks.—Reuter 2 das bar
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • Article, Illustration
    108 8 lISTENING on the radio to Winston Churchill was a little break in the boredom of this which is not yet a war. It was not so much what he said as the atmosphere of the meeting in the Manchester Trade Hall—the clear evidence that Churchill has caught the
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  • 167 8 pKERE appeared to be one or two interruptions, apparently from Mosley's Fascists and a few extreme Socialists. Did you hear the interesting asides? Th P Lord Mayor apologised Churchill said to him: "I've been in the game for over *0 years ai:d Vm used to it." And
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  • 123 8 "(JET or with it" is the reaction of 99 per cent. of British subjects throughout the Empire. Many of them believ P what Churchill said—that the German nation under Hitler cannot have the Jame righting spirit as they had under the Kaiser and that they will compel
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  • 144 8 I#ANY people are beginning to believe |fI that Hitler is just sitting pretty In •he West for as long as he can. And so long as the Allies show no sign of attacking, and his supplies hold out. that is his best policy, in the political game he
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  • 95 8 SWEDEN or Rumania—it is a toss-up who will get it in the neck first. N< the Rumanian complaint of threats on all sides, also the American Ministers advice to Americans to get out of den as soon as oossible. Note a'so tne presence of General Weygand. foremosi
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 162 8 Mi d o MULTIFORT WRIST WATCHES VJATCHES do exist, which are either Unbreakable, or Water- proof, or Non-Magnetic, or Untatrnishable, or Self-Winding, or Accurate. But it is the Mido Multifort which for the first tune, combines all these advantages. ItOlll\SO\ CO.. LTD. INTERCONTINENTAL AIRWAYS K. X.I.L.M ROYAL NETHERLANDS INDIES' AIRWAYS
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  • 58 9 Gen. Gamelin, Commai.dcr-in-Chief of the Allied Armies, decorated General lord Gort. Commander-in-Chief of the B.E.F. and Gen. Sir Edmund Ironside, chief of the Imperial Staff, with the insignia of the Grand Cross ii 11 Legion of Honour at the General Headquarters in the British sector
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  • 520 9 Reuter. Helsinki, Jan. 28. II'DGING from to-night's communique, the Finns are now definitely 1 masters of the situation north of Lake Ladoga, where the Russian f«;rce. estimated to number 200,000 has been trying for a week to outIhnk the Mannerheim Line. The Finns have thus
    Reuter.  -  520 words
  • 53 9 Helsinki, Jan. 28. The News Agency states that the Russians are using enormous quantities of munitions during the intensive bombardments. Experts estimate that 15,000 shells fell within an area of IY2 square miles, so blackening the snow that the Finnish troops' white overcoats were rendered temporarily
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    Reuter.  -  185 words
  • 127 9 Ottawa, Jan. 28. MR Mackenzie King announced that the general election will be hrld on Mar. 26. Nomination day for all constitutes wili be Mar. 10. A special returner oflicer has been appointed to supervise the voting of Canadian troops overs as j ar.d ainuner special
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  • 38 9 Reuter. Haifa, Jan 28. Reuter is authoritatively informed in London that refugees are only being allowed temporary permission to remain in Palestine. They are no w in camps with a view to ultimately bemg jepoi ted.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 446 9 Reuter. London, Jan. 28. WITH Germany dunning her for oil, Russia making threats as well, W Bulgaria wanting South Dobrudja, Hungary claiming Transylvania and Italy looking for prestige, the lot of Rumania's statesmen must at present be as difficult as any in Europe, writes
    Reuter.  -  446 words
  • 121 9 London. lan. 28. THE Royal Air Force has now been strengthened by several hundred Polish airmen. They are attached to an air station in England, and were inspected yesterday by Sir Kingsley Wood, the Air Minister. He greeted them in their own with the words. "Soldiers,
    121 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 149 9 VAPEX KOY Ol I'M 3.M I'HO.Mi I II —CINEMA 4» a I OPENING TO-DAY! United Artists Production I m\^ j —i I ISK jtSjßSj J narrative (hat made the world 11 I t i m c! 1 A STORY ,r iwi TMC 1 STORY YOl WILL I JHsmW UST ENJOY
      149 words
    • 115 9 Not a hair out of plate fmWwk to ANZORA _W__% >, The new Improved Anzora keepi the hair smart _Wsmf A throughout the day—iv popularity increase* V>y_ ft* I] daily because— y i It is now pure whit* •muUiflod J O Do ••!> linen, h*t«, «I Do not "pl*st*r" or
      115 words

  • 379 10 Selangor Club Beaten I At Tanglin United Services Officers 3; Selangor Club 2. GOAL scored three minutes before the final whistle gave the United Services Officers victory over the Selangor Club in an exciting hockey match at Tanglin yesterday. Slightly the superior side, bhe
    379 words
  • 103 10  -  (From Our Own Reporter Kuala Lumpur, Sunday. rE Technical School hockey team, champion club side in Selangor, maintained their season's unbeaten record when on the S.C.R.C. padang to-day. they met and defeated, by the odd goal in five, the Penang State side which had beaten
    103 words
  • 408 10 S.C.C 2 Selangor "Dog" 1. Singapore, Sunday. J^E VERSING the previous decision when they lost to the Selangor Club by the only goal in the game, the S.C.C. beat their upcountry rivals in a hockey fixture on the Padang yesterday afternoon when the Selangor
    408 words
  • 291 10 Singapore 2; Negri Sembilan 0. Singapore, Sunday. •."E\AST and thrilling hockey was seen on the Padang yesterday, when Singapore narrowly defeated Negri Sembilan by two goals to nil in a return inter-state match. The result was somewhat a surprise to many followers of the
    291 words
  • 66 10 Reuter. Sydney, Jan. 28. JHE Australian cyclist, Hubert Oppermen, gave an amazing performance in a heat wave, setting up world record for 24-hours unpaced track record of 489 miles and 596 yards, beating the old mark of 431 m. 1574 yds. by the German Weiss in
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 75 10 Reuter. London, Jan. 27. TIHI following ar c results of soccer c jytrt* l J**** England and Scotland to-day:— SOUTH "A." Clapton O. 1, Millwall 2 SOUTH "B." Bournemouth 2. Brentford 2 Portsmouth 5. Brighton 1 NORTH WESTERN. Barrcw 1, Olcham 2 (abandoned). SOUTH WESTERN. Swansea Town 2,
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 38 10 Playing at Farrer Park yesterday, the XI at soccer by four goals tn nn P Scorers for Banka were Chin l Geok and Koon Chye, while K ok Choy Scored the only goal f or the Double Eagle
    38 words
  • 56 10 rIF following have been selected to play for Singapore in their return inter-state hockey encounter with Maiacca next week, at Malacca:— Yee Cheok Wah; Pay-Lieut. Fortin, Sgt. Shorey; L S. Reutens, Sgt. Cronin, P. K. Baskaran; D. Ross, T. A. D Hewan, Arokiasamy, Gulam Nabi, Salleh
    56 words
  • 365 10  -  (From Our Own Reporter Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. PENANG beat Selangor five goals to four in the Inter-state match played here this evening. Selangor paid the penalty of mistakes in front of their own and their opponents' goals. Vohra, the Penang centre-forward won the match for Penang
    365 words
  • 51 10 The Chung Hwa F.A. beat the Grwal m a s V°rts Club at soccer on the i round on Saturday by three goals to one. Scorers for Chung Hwa were Hong Slew (2), and Chin Geok. i 2k ye scored for Great Eastern, wfafl «ed by an only goal at
    51 words
  • 378 10  -  (From Our Own Correspondent Segamat, Saturday. G lV tne G For?" r° Und bCtt€r dis P lay the Fort Canning XV from had an easy over North Johore in a rugby friendly at Genuang, the visitors scorinr 21 points (three goals and two
    378 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 149 10 IF IT COULD ONLY TALK THIS stanch little tin has been party to more thrilling adventures than you or I dare dream of. Round-the-world flights, grim Polar expeditions, daring jungle safari are routine with Klim. For Klim is that amazing dried milk which not only stays fresh but taste.; fresh.
      149 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 106 11 London, Jan. 27. ult of the Red Cross Steeple- c was as follows: ack Chaucer (betting 4 to l). rling Duke (betting 12 to 1). tck Droleen (betting 20—1). .nlim-, finish Mr. H L. Egan's v i;. ridden by Jack Drogan, m behind and
    106 words
  • 50 11 rds were taken out for the lies Foursome at the KepClub and the following were scores returned:— W P Douglas H rst W Flett Mrs. H lohan 45—1 li 2 -33 1 o v. Gtinstone I Fennie 50—15 =35 Mrs E Hitcham H E Pike 49—13 =36
    50 words
  • 202 11 (JOUSING rugby was witnessed at the Anson where the end of season North Q q„ i 1 1 w °ay wi for the South by 13 Jinte (a droo A in goals) to 6(a try and a penalty a d 2 in J r
    202 words
  • 155 11 Results of Saturday's races at Ipoh:— Race 1: R AWANG S2O S8 Au Boss $7 Wait-.A-Bit $9 Race 2: SALMON PAR 526 &S9 Authentic Sll Danse dv A'entre Sl3 Race 3: PRATIQUE Sl5 S9 Nightshade Sl7 Winsome Sl9 Race 4: ADELE S3B SlO Constant Light $8 Abbot
    155 words
  • 217 11 THE Gold Medal Competition of the Royal Singapore Golf Club for 1939 will be played on Saturday and Sunday, Feb 3 and 4, simultaneously with the February Medal Competition. The following are qualified to comnPte- H B Sym, D.M. Henderson. J. Cricnton,' H H.
    217 words
  • 340 11 CITY OF SORROW DEATH Ankara, Jan. 5. T HAVE just concluded the most tragic journey of my life—the journey to quake-wrecked Erzincan, writes George Maranz, in the Daily Herald. Two American journalists, a Frenchman and mysjslf were the first Pressmen to set foot in the devastated city. To-day, even with
    340 words
  • 141 11 A TALK of special interest and importance to the business community of Malaya will be broadcast from the 8.M.8.C. at 7.30 p.m., toc 7 ay. The speaker will be Dr. T. H Silcock, Professor cf Economics at Raffles College, and his subject will be "The
    141 words
  • 179 11  -  (From Our Own Correspondent Muar, Sunday. IN a keenly contested hockey game the Muar Police scored a narrow 1-0 win over the Segamat Police when the sides met in a friendly match played at Segamat over the week end. The Muar Po'ice deserved their win lor
    179 words
  • 347 11  -  (By “Pete” JT will be a unique occasion when a man of the championship calibre of Star Frisco appears in Singapore. That is one reason why the boxing promotion fixed for the Chinese New Year season at the Happy World Covered Stadium is going
    347 words
  • 169 11 New York, Jan. 11. ItfICHOLAS DOZENBERG, at first believed to be an insignificant Communist, who was arrested here last month on a passport charge, was revealed to-day as an ace Soviet spy. Dozenberg, it is alleged, duped "an important European monarch" and asec! a royai
    169 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 230 11 Thinning Hair us signal fh2t Her Majesty losing her crowning glory— her hair. for a lot of reasons— physical. But whatson, the cure is certain by MIA INFRA-RAY LOTION L the eying roots or fallen I rigs thr n back to life A I for five to eight weeks all
      230 words
    • 277 11 VAPEX WE GIVE YOU SIX INSERTIONS j FOR THE PRICE OF QNE! MALAYA TIIIBIMO "SMAIX ADVERT" Oi l I I! The Small Advertisement Page of the Malaya Tribune Is Head By 100,000 People Every Six Days. YOU CAN REACH Them For 90 eta,! To convince YOU of the advertising value
      277 words
    • 129 11 Aie You Handicapped By Rheumatism How much vitality are you losing through rheumatism? How much better (ould you concentrate on your work if ran were not constantly hampered by rheumatic pains. Rheumatism, in its severest form, has responded to treatment 1 1 rough the blood by means of Dr. Williams'
      129 words

  • 167 12 Reuter. Shanghai, Jan. 28. 4 PARTY of British bluejackets, members of the crew of the gunboat A "Sandpiper," arrived in Shanghai after a long overland trek from Changsha to Ningpo. The final part of the trip from Ningpo to Shanghai was made by
    Reuter.  -  167 words
  • 85 12 Reuter. Lcndon, Jan. 28. THE money market experienced a busy week. Heavy withdrawals of cash from various banks for tax payments were responsible for reducing the usual supply of loanable funds. Consequently borrowers in some cases paid up to 1% per cent, for overnight ]oans. Only £55
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 37 12 This is where Britain comes in, and France and ItMy too. There is a tug-cf-war between these three countries and Germany for the key to the Balkan larder, and it does not seem that Germany is winning.
    37 words
  • 243 12 London, Jan. 5. CAPPER CARTER, of the Royal Engineers, must be one of the few men who ever welcomed a King of England with their feet. And for this unusual distinction he has been rewarded with an enormous hamper from Queen Mary. All this sounds
    243 words
  • 350 12 Rome, Jan. 11. THREE Italian Air Force pilots— in uniform—walked into the Finnish Legation as 1 was sitting there to-day. Two in their middle thirties, the other younger They were short and compact, and looked tough. They wore the 'BJack Arrow" badge, showing that they
    350 words
  • 255 12 Buenos Aires, Jan. 3. CAPTAIN PARRY, of the cruiser Achilles, still limping from a leg uouii'l received in the battle, gave the whole credit for the defeat of the Graf Spec to Rear-Admiral Sir Henry Harwood when he brought his ship into Buenos Aires to-day. Sir Henry,
    255 words
  • 120 12 British Wireless. London, Jan. 27. INVESTIGATION of the rise in the cost of living between Sept. 1 and Dec. 1 reveals that the highest price increases amongst articles of general consumption are those of tea and meat, which have risen by five
    British Wireless.  -  120 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 211 12 SEND A CALL TO UNIVERSAL RADIO HOUSE, 205. Orchard Road, Phone 4967. When You Need Mende Service or Spare Parts. (Mende Servicing Specialists). FOR CLEAR, DISTINCT, EFFICIENT REPRODUCTION TOY |»YE" RADIO for which they are UNSURPASSED. Sole Agents: HOE BOON LEONG, Distributors: RADIO AND GENERAL AGENCY, KuaJa Lumpur. AN EXCELLENT
      211 words
      217 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 885 12 TO-DAY'S RADIO~~j •> 1 SINGAPORE n LONDON ZHL 225 Metres ci.33 mcf.). m SSI NS 2 ZHP L S* (9.69 mc W gg £JJ Of* Miscellaneous programme of Programme oegins p.m. ciStS Gramophone records. News Bulletin 8 35 p.m. andniVTi 1.30 and mid-day Rubber, OSB 9 Tin and Copra prices.
      885 words

  • 58 13 Domestic Occurrence* Mr. William Rodrigues and family wish to thank all relatives and friends who :o kmdly attended the funeral of the Jate Mrs. Lousia Rodrigues and also those who sent wreaths and telegrams of condolcnce. Requiem mass will b2 I held r.t the Church of St. Joseph on
    58 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 513 13 CLASSIFIED-ADS SUBJECTS with v knowledge of Dutcn language* requirea m baiary according to quaiin- :;ugv:iiicnt on mon-n to Apply tosi uffice aox 712, ,uag iuii information preand any other re- ui«re>. for Grade I Technical .vice with P.W.D., Brunei aust iiave had at least x p nence m surveys, road
      513 words
    • 476 13 Sged We Chinese. Plant'n 2 's of New Indian tann™ 379 c; Mala ya Tribune, Sin. ap re (310-C) Educational COLLEGE POSTAL TRAIN w^i T^ liSned 1900) SHILLINGS JfiESfiT courses: Matriculation, Cambridge, Bookkeeping, Shorthan I Accountancy, Secretarial, Journalism, Draughtsmanship. Architecture (A.R.1.--tJc'2 Engineering: B.Sc, Civil (A.M.a ;7r'. Electrical (A.M.1.E.E.) Motor <A.M.I.A.E
      476 words
    • 529 13 I Wanted WANTED Chinese to lease out pine apple area (100 acres) in parts or in full. Box No. 393, Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (344-C> WANTED Leica, Contax, Super-Ikonta Cameras. State model, lowest prices. Box 389, Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (334-C WANTED to supply coolies, labourers and stevedores contractor for all kinds
      529 words
    • 385 13 A GENTLEMAN holding good position wishes to have correspondence with a young and good looking lady. View matrimony. Please write Box No 373. co Ma iay a Tribune, Singapore. (336-C ENGLISHMAN 25. R.A.F. Secondary School Education, desires English girl companion. View matrimony. Write Box No. 392, Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (342-C>
      385 words
    • 675 13 AUCTION SALE of well-made modern European polished Teak Household Furniture of every description, English centre caipets, crockery, glassware, etc. (The property of Mrs. D. Hiemstra), To be held at No. 11, Oxley Koad (off River Valley and Orchard Rds), on Tuesday, Jan. 30th, 1940, at 4 p.m. sharp. On view
      675 words
    • 308 13 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Metalling and Praining of Lorong M, Telok Kurau. Owners are notified that the plan, est?, mate, .specification and provisional apportionment, in connection with Notices served under Section 103 of the Municipal Ordinance, have bocn confirmed, and are available for inspection during office hours at the Office of the
      308 words

  • 543 14 Nariman Opposes Present Policy Bombay, Jan. 18. -THE present system of forcing, of course by non-violent means, 1 down the throats 'Gandhism' has resulted in a complete negation and destruction of Democracy. For it is the essence and fundamental basis of Democracy that all
    543 words
  • 246 14 Lucknow, Jan. 16. S PEAKING on the Constituent Astfmbly and other Problems" at the Mamocdaoad Hostel in the Luckm w Daiftwity Dr. K. H. Katju, ex-Minister of Justice, U. P. discussed at length the \iews expressed by £ir HiM*Hcc Gwyff in his Convocation address at the Benares
    246 words
  • 294 14 rruv a r Calcutta, Jan. 18. J'HL demand for the appointment cf a committee of enquiry to go into ca>es of communal disharmony at Noakhali, a *n BtergSj, as embodied in the resolution moved on behalf of the Congress Group, was negatived by the Upper House
    294 words
  • 79 14 Calcutta, Jan. 16. -The work done by village defence parties is a very welcome sel Qf win ?nd is I trust, an indication or the improved relations between tne the public" observes the Inspector-General of Police BengaJ his report on the Police Administration in the Eengal
    79 words
  • 92 14 Rangoon. j un 1( Mr. Hutchings, Agent to l U ernment of India, ha>- retunJSr Rangoon after a toui «.i J J by car, rail and boat. Mr. Hutchings. who visiti of towns and district he; was accorded an enthusi tion by Indians
    92 words
  • 392 14 New Delhi. Jan. 17 rpHE effect of war on India's economic structure wa s explaii Sir Jeremy Raisman, Finance Member, in a broadcast ta is the first of a series arranged by the All-India Radio to em ordinary listener to appreciate current economic
    392 words
  • 36 14 "The Evening Standard." commenting on Pandit Nehru's pronouncement in favour of Soviet action in Fin:and. states: "The Archbishop of Canterbury said ol' him, 'such an agreeable ccntvman who would imagine he could shake up a cntinent.'
    36 words
  • 48 14 Delhi. Jan. The local police earn raids In the city to-day in with the reported manufaci teneit currency notes, search in a house in Fate] twe persons have been tak Titc office of a loc n weekly news?ajE is also guarded by the police
    48 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
      289 words
      9 words
    • 71 14 Have you heard best food Ji Orchard Restaurant Bar 38. ORCHARD ROAD STORE tnear Cathay Cinemai. PUCKS VERY MODERATE. a. t. Eim \\\m CO.. LTD. AUCTIONEERS. ESTATE AGES! VALUERS, 11, MALACCA STREET, TELEPHONE 4ft*. Corault CTs For All Classes REAL ESTATE REQUIREMEfI AND INVESTMENTS. No Obligation Pfceae J I 111
      71 words

  • 319 15 Singapore, Jan. 26. Price MEAT kati 40 P or curry; kati 35 I lb. 65 alian: lb. 42 sh; lb 54 icca; lb. Vkati 48 'and fat (Ist quality); 38 POULTRY reared); kati 60 55 43 ired); kati 50 fledged; pair 60 P c unfledged; pair 63
    319 words
  • 15 15 igapore, Monday. The price of tin at noon in Singapore to-day was:— |122 (unchanged).
    15 words
  • 14 15 jl u of rubber at noon in Singapore to-day was:— s Hera: 36^;;.
    14 words
  • 380 15 Yon \a New Jan. 10. v wou d never know that the Flatz family were heroes. Joseph his w'f a* thG substantial Austrian burgher he used to be; arp If d l ark haired and Plump; their two sons, Kuno and Walter, are red-cheeked
    380 words
  • 195 15 London. MEN in more than 60 types of jobs which are "reserved" employment can now volunteer for service in the .Forces, including the Home Defence Battalions, and the Pioneer Corps, or for civil defence. The Ministry cf Labour and National Service announced on Jan. 2 the
    195 words
  • 271 15 London, Jan. 10. 40,000 young Irishmen will be liable for service in the armed forces under the recent Royal Proclamation, it is understood. But for the fact that a large proportion of them are in the building industry—which has a reservation against military
    271 words
  • 42 15 His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Messrs. B. F. Bridge, J.P., A. Williams, J.P., Tan Chong Lek. J.P., and Dr. A. A. Cameron to j be Members of the Board of Licensing I Justices for the Settlement of Malacca.
    42 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 105 15 THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA (TRUSTEES) j LIMITED. Guaranteed and Controlled by THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LIMITED. The Company, which is incorporated in the registered a Trust Company, undertakes the following duties.rXECUTOR OR TRUSTEE OF A WILL, OF ATE OF DECEASED PERSON. TRUSTEE OF A SETTLEMENT OR DECLARATION OF
      105 words
    • 111 15 SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. (Incorporated In New Zealand.) Unimpeachable Security W. G. DOVE, Manager. Tel. 5926. 2, Finlayson Green. THE EASTERN BANK LIMITED. (Incorporated in England) (SINGAPORE BRANCH) 4, D'Almeida Street. Authorised and subscribed I Capital £2,000,000 Paid-up Capital £1,000 000 Reserve Fund 500,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON Branches: Bombay,
      111 words
      306 words
    • 371 15 STEAMER BAILINGS. P&CX BRITISH i INDIA PASSENGER FREIGHT -.SERVICES, For all information apply to: P. O.S.N. Co., The Agent, Collyer Quay, Tel. 5961. BJ.S.N. Co., BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., Tel. 5497. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD., (Apcar Line). For Hongkong, Shanghai, MojL Kobe Osaka Fortnightly For Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta
      371 words
    • 165 15 II ik and BRITISH INDIA incorporated in England) P. ft 0. S. N. CO.'S SAILINGS. Owing to the Company's inability to publish the actual departure dates of it's steamers intending passengers are courteously requested to enquire at the P. O. S. X COMPANY'S Office to ascertain the approximate dates of
      165 words

  • 95 16 Reuter. Kobe, Jan. 28. COUR women and six children were I* among the 13 passengers and 99 of the crew of the liner President Quezon, which went aground on Saturday off Bomin Islands, who have arrived, following the sinking of the liner. They wer c rescued by
    Reuter.  -  95 words
    127 words
  • 85 16 Reuter. London, Jan. 29. APART from Germany, where it described as the chmax to a sy stematic spreadjng f •g£ stories, Mr. Winston v speech at Manchester has been »eu received abroad. pvanre welcomes it as an expression as C °well as British opinion and the
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 97 16 Victims Rebel And Seize The Boats Reuter. Dar Es Salaam, Jan. 29. ALLEGATIONS of brutal treatment while A German coastal vessel from Tanganyika just disembarked by an Italian stea The Afri«». aUU ,W Mr struck them with beer bottles and on half rations.
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 151 16 British Wireless. London, Jan. 28. THE announcement that death or penal servitude ar c to be penalties applicable to all those listening to foreign broaden sis n Germany has aroused considerable interest in London official circles, since th s will apply to neutrals
    British Wireless.  -  151 words
  • 532 16 Reuter. London, Jan. 29. M. DELBOS, president of the AngloFrench Parliamentary Group, who is in London with a party of French Deputies, broadcast in French on Sunday night in vhe BB C. European service. Considering the close co-operation existing between Britain and
    Reuter.  -  532 words
  • 110 16 Reuter. New York, Jan. 28. ACCORDING to a Rio de Janeiro telegram to the New York Times, skippers of coastal trading vessels reaching Bahia (Brazil) reported that they have sighted German submarines near Ilhecs en the border of the States of Bahia and Espirito Santo. Another Rio
    Reuter.  -  110 words
  • 29 16 Reuter. Ankara, Jan. 28. GOLD valued at £15 millions, granted under the recent Anglo-French-Turkish agreement to strengthen Turkey's exchange, arrived by special train from Syria to-day.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 162 16 Reuter. London, Jan. 29. T HE execute council of the Internationa! Transport W.rW unholy alliance M Germany and Soviet Russia. The meeting called upon the Russian workers to resisi a regime "which by its attack on Finland has violated the conscience of humanity and
    Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 107 16 British Wireless. London Ja IN spite of great calls due to i made on Vi? Southern ra crnisafon of the Waterloo City which 1» the or-rjinal "Twopi..■ has bee:: ramdly proceeded v. r-orroaches completion, ra ove; to the new system is exp take place early this
    British Wireless.  -  107 words
  • 140 16 Reuter. Tsingtao, JanThat Wang Ching Wei's c0 fere ne here on the formation ol a "puppet" Chinese central res" been a failure is indicated 1 f{ tent reports circulating 11 liel( j ence to another meeting 10 soon. that This may be taken to ,nU t0 another attempt
    Reuter.  -  140 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 167 16 I Tsktn Regularly Every Night i BILE BEANS MAKE YOU HAPPY HEALTHY AND FIT i ul ithyf i* _^an Tracing Paper r c specialise in the types of drawing Tracing Cloth papers which are required by engineer. Detail Paper aril architec's. We cany lar;e s'.OCks Fcrro Gallic Paper that are
      167 words