Malaya Tribune, 23 January 1940

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 21 1 The Malaya Tribune VOL. XXVII •No. 19. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1940 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Tuesday, January. 23. 1940.
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  • 34 1 Cragedi oi the Turkish earthquake exemplified by a woman shivering in the cold outside a rough shelter made of planks, stones and a carpet in an Anatolian village wrecked by the disaster.
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  • 159 1 Reuter. Paris, Jan. 2:\. I nigbt'fl communique reports that there was no incident on the Western Front during the day.—Reuter. I intense rold continue fo operations on the Western both sides again had nothing has been very little activity in but one German plane
    Reuter.  -  159 words
  • 165 1 Reuter. New York, Jan. 22. CAI Browder. American CommunL t leader has been convicted < n charges of twice using passports U ned by false statements ana sentenced to two years' hmprison•nent and fined a thousand dolors »n each of the two counts. The
    Reuter.  -  165 words
  • 44 1 Reuter. Chungking. Jan. 23. MORE than a hundred person* were drowned yesterday when two steamers collided on the Yangtse River below Chang* king. One of the steamers sank «ii three minutes. The victims include about 30 girl students. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 135 1 Reuter. London, Jim. 23. A GREEK steamer of C.OOO ton! Jius been unk by a German submarine. 150 miles off the Portuguese coast. Six of the crew were killed and two others were rescued by an Italian steamer. Two Fortiiiwsc naval vessels are searching
    Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 38 1 Reuter. Chungking, Jan. 23. A LULL prevails on the Hupeh *ad Hunan fronts as a result of snowiall. Chungking is in the grip of a wave of unusual cold, with continual snowfall—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 51 1 City of London Conservatives have decided to invite Sir Andrew Duncan the new President of the Board of Trade, to meet them with a view to his adoption as candidate for Parliament and his unopposed return as Member to replace Sir Alan Anderson, whose willingness to retire Is anticipated —British
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  • 835 1 Nazi Pilots In Red Air Force Reuter. Reuter. M 1 ERMANY, reported to be eager to end the Russia-Finland war, which is hindering Soviet economic help, has sent German pilots to assist the Soviet air force in bombing the Finns into submission.
    Reuter.  -  835 words
  • 79 1 Reuter. Rome, Jan. 23. THE Italian Cabinet met for three hours yesterday under the chairmanship of Bignor Mussolini and agreed on a number of measures which would make Italy prepared in the event of war. Draft laws were approved in which Italian firms would
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 123 1 Reuter. Moseaw, Jan. 23. "Impressive Allied '.roop concentrations'' in Egypt. Palestine and Syria form the Mibject of an article in the Soviet General Staff organ, Red Star, which says that such concentration should net be underestimated in putting pressure on potential enemies of the AngloFrench bioc in the
    Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 111 1 Reuter. Tokyo, Jan. EX 4 FOREIGN Office spokesman eosr firmed to-day that an ord.narre concerning experts from the United States was under consideration. ,\r added that the date of promulgation had not yet been decided. It is recalled that on Sunday Pres* reports stated that an
    Reuter.  -  111 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 58 1 O* OTHER PAGES Hostel Extensions At Colleges Malays Favour Lotteries 3 Malaya as Currency Arsenal 4 Malayan Rugger Captain Killed 5 Cinemas 6 and "I Review The News"~C.H.S J a fusion In Balkans pold Finns' Attack 9 Sport JO China News Radio j« Classified Advertisements i l India Page n
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    • 118 1 PA SAYS MUM LOOKS YOUNGER siwce she uses EVELYN ASTROVA FACE BEAUTIFIED. M v S J 6-0° So eV,S c \r~ *****.00 LISTEN to Transmission 2on one of the new4cAC ]()-valve sets and you will realise the amazing superiority LESS 10% FOR CASH OR this new receiver displays over its
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  • 200 2 J}IXTY-TWO applications for assistance were received during the past year by the Singapore Branch of the Ex-Services Association of Malaya, states the committee's report, which has just been published. Of these, only eight were received from the member! of the Association. The circumstances of every
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  • 192 2 iFroao Qui own Reporter) Penang. Momlav. Ĕ UKI I MSI A\« 'F.S Ml I ■■■111, the #fctUi or a < Untie named Koh Thim 'lull, iriw was alleged t«» luve flung himself down from the third Moor of Block, Penang General Hospital, to the
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  • 163 2 < Frjm Our Own ReporteJ I Ipoh, Monday. A SERIOUS accident occurred yesU'Jday afternoon in the vicinity ol the aerodrome, resulting in the instant death of the pillon rider of a motor cycle and extensive injuries to the rider. It would appear that a
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  • 104 2 (From Our Own Reporter) Penang, Monday. A CASE of considerable local interest was mentioned in the Middle Court before Mr. Lim Koon Teck when S. Bekhor, as. sistant manager of Messrs. Borneo Motors, Ltd., Penang Branch, was summoned on a charge of having voluntarily caused hurt
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  • 78 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. Monday. A middle-aged Chinese was fatally injured when he was in collision with a motor car alleged to have been driven by a European, of Paloh estate at the 32nd milestone. Kulai. yesterday evening. The Chinese, who sustained a
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  • 213 2 (From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Monday. MYSTERY surrounds the disappearance of a 20-year-old Ipoh man. Amir Chand, son of Harakh Charkd. proprietor of one of the largest importing and exporting firms in the country. Accompanied by his uncle Amir Chand boarded a vessel early
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  • 409 2 DEVELOPMENT MUST BE GRADUAL (Tribune Staff Reporter) OEVIVAL of public agitation for more accommodation at Rallies College and the College of Medicine is reflected in the active interest takes by certain bodies in Singapore. The question came under (discussion soste mcnths ago when it
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  • 160 2 (From Our Own Correspondent Muar, Monday. AS a result of a motor ear ateident at the 10'- milestone Jalan Bakri on the night of Jan. 19, Tav Kirn Sua, the driver of the car, wa«this morning produced before Tuan Sheikh Abu Baker bin Yahya and charged with having
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  • 46 2 (From Our Own Correspondent i Johore Bahru. Monday.—Warn.: Jalaludin bin Ariffln, a 16-vcar pupil of the English College, Johor< Bahru. not to repeat the offence. Tuan Haji Nassir, second magistrate, Joh< i Bahru, fined him $2 for riding a m cycle without a licence
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  • 35 2 British Expeditionary Force was carried to France in 400 voyages by 17* ships of all kinds, Sir John Gilnv Minister of Shipping, has just reveale*: Programme was uccojnplished in almost exact accordance with scheduled plan.
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  • 241 2 rrO very valuable contributions to Chinese literature are made by Mr. Chiang Ker Chiu, author of "Mandarin Made Easy" and "Progressive Mandarin Readers," which have just been issued and are now on sale at leading bookstores at the remarkably low price of 50 cents and 60
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  • 38 2 Mrs. Audrey Macleod Sellers will be the speaker at to- morrow's meeting ot the Rotary Club of Singapore. She is an accomplished amateur actress and the founder of the Singapore Poetry Circle. Ladies may be invited.
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  • 61 2 Singapore, Tuesday. THE Consul-General for China, Mr. Kao Ling Pai, and Capt. Hashim. the Malay Member of the Legislative Council, addressed the Harbour Board strikers at the main gates at Keppel Harbour this morning, urging a return to work and advising them to choose negotiation and
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  • 60 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Jan. 22. THE eldest son of a former Malayan resident and Leader of Rotary, Prince Purachatra, was married this afternoon to a daughter of the former Minister of Economics, 'ihe couple received many gifts from the groom's late
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  • 547 2 (From Our Own Reporter) Penangr, Monday. "AFTER beiny; here for 30 years you can't leave without mixed feelings," said Mr. James Dick, J.P., manager of Messrs. Islay Kerr and Co., Ltd., in an interview with the Tribune yesterday. "This island is one of the nicest places I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 74 2 ijSi *i fffeSlg THAT WAR MAKES NO f DIFFERENCE TO MALAYAS SUPPLIES OF COW GATE *KSFS?&aJ? Wise Mothers wh <> «se tuw GATL, good stocks are available ©and regular supplies are coming forward. ™4i g to *J ar er stocks of 1 lb tins; until further notice two of these
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  • 100 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Monday FURTHER increases in the cost of living allowances to artisans and tirers are announced in to-day's tM S. Government Gazette. Th* rates will have effect from the st of this month. The increases represent a rise cf 40
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  • 248 3 London, Jan. 8. AN \rmy officer who, it was stated, had not been rzen by his %vife three years, was committed for at Newport. Isle of Wight, on I >> of bigamy. He is William Fairbairn Douglas. 'A ot the Royal Engineers, now stationed
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  • 23 3 A bouquet of flowers dropped from a ing plane taking part in patrio>brations in Bolivia fell on an year-old girl and killed her.
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  • 37 3 Mr. Winston Churchill. First Lord of the Admiralty, raising his hat in acknowledgment of the cheers of airmen when he visited the Royal Air Force during his stay at the western front.—Planet News.
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  • 286 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Monday. jyjOHAMAD bin Marsam, a young Malay boy, was to-day produced before Tuan Sheikh Abu Baker bin Yahaya and charged with having caused the death of Tee Kern by doing a rash act not amounting to homicide, at 7.30 p.n:.
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  • 279 3 (From Om- Own Co:respondent) London, fan. J THE following deaths are announced: Mr. William Austin G lligan. father cf three prominent cricketers, at B02,r.or L>gis. aged 75. His eldest Frank captained Oxford University in 1919. A. E. R. GiKigan. captained Eng land against South
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  • 506 3 Public Interested In Effort "jyjGNEY is just as much needed for this war as it was for the last one, and the public's enthusiasm for lotteries in general is well-known." With this frank admission does a recent editorial of the "Utusan Melayu" a well-known Malay
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  • 45 3 Reuter. London, Jan. 22. SEVENTY per cent, of the Po'ish Navy succeeded in escaping and joined the Allied forces, states a communique issued by the High Command of the Polish Army in France, broadcast by the French wireless.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 129 3 (From Our Own Reporter.) Penang, Monday. "COMFORTING PARTY," which will pay a visit to the Chinese soldiers fighting at the fronts some time in March this year, has been formed by the committee of the Malayan China Relief Fund. Thi s party wiil
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  • 43 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Monday.—Mr. F. M. Still, accountant attached to th° Public Works Department Head Office and Mr. Brooke, licencing officer, Johore Bahru, have returned from home leave. They proceeded to Furope on leave before war started
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  • 126 3 London, Jan. 8. gLXTY-YEAR-OLD Alderman H. S. Carter, Dorset County Council member and Poole Education Committee chairman, has passed the London matriculation examination. He sat for it because he thought he should know the tests young scholars in schools under his control are up against. 'These were
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  • 205 3 London, Jan. 8. CTILL clutching the lock and handle of the door of the hut in which he was trapped, the body of Lance-bombardier Arthur Black was found yesterday amid the charred riiins of the 20 military huts damaged in a fierce fire at a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 113 3 gjwgs3*rgj TO DAY 34 00 lIL-agM nßmssi____ia__sr *■■B■» t.AST 20TH CENTURY-FOX PRESENT SHOWS Ai if p FAYE and DON AMECHE IN X STORY OF THE BIRTH OF Tlir FLICKERS "HOLLYWOOD CAVALCADE" _ni TIIKPIN AND MACK SENNETT GANG BISTER KEATON —BEN TW»~»~ I THURSDAY fox hritish movietone news n am
      113 words
    • 87 3 No matter what the conditions, ICEBERG BUTTER is protected at all times from deterioration or contamination. This pure creamery butter is sealed in an air-tight container and is obtainable everywhere. 'PHONE: SINGAPORE 5:J7« (5 lines), K. LUMPUR 3331 i lines), IPOH 110 111 (2 lines), PENANG 1500 15*1, BUTTERWORTH XL
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  • 33 4 Wellington, Jan. 22. It is announced that petrol raticning will again come into force in New Zealand on I-'eb. 1 It was suspended during December, and January, for the benefit of holiday motorists
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  • 222 4 Last Night's First Night VIBRANT with entertainment that quickens the pulse, "The Lost Sana dron." with Richard Dix, Mary Asu> and Erich yon Slroheim heading th£ cast, opened a season at the CanXS yesterday. f hm For those who like a film that b brimful
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  • 128 4 "THE Angels Wash Their Faces," which is the current attraction at the Alhambra, features Ann Sheridan and the "Dead End Kids," and excellent entertainment it is. The film is the story of a bunch of town children, rough diamonds, who set out to free from prison
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  • 70 4 Reuter. Peking, Jan. 22 Many prominent foreigners, including diplomatic officials, were present at special memorial ceremony to Marshal Wu Pei Fu this afternoon, at irhicfl foreigners paid their respects at the latMarshal's home. Each of those attending bowed tiuve times to the Marshal's portrait.
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 267 4 NACET > For qualify plus value, thara b nothing to equal I tho Nacef Sot at tho prica. It contains a Nacot I razor and two Nacot blade* in a compact If moulded case. Nacet are unsurpassed among II low-priced blades for the number Il of perfect shaves they give
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    • 19 4 You'll seldom^ CROMPTON THE COILED-COIL LAMP OF LASTING BRILLIANCE wiifpy it mm'-im MR. 1 *"> 1 Tir p 190 A
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 101 4 CAPITOL: "The Lost Squadron —6.15 and 915 p.m. PAVILION: "The Broken Rosary."— 6.15 and X15 p.m. ALHAMBRA: 'The Angels Wash Their Faces."—3 15, 6 15 and 9.15 p m. CATHAY: "Hollywood Cavalcade."— 315, 615 and 9.15 p.m. ROXY: "Secrets of An Actress."—6.15 and ft. 15 p.m. MARLBOROUGH: "Dynamite" (Hindustani)—6.1f. and
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  • 412 5 EIGHT DEAD WHEN PLANE PLUNGES IN SEA Batavia, Jan. 22. A WELL-KNOWN Malayan sportsman, Mr. Dougal Harper, was among five passengers killed when a K.N.I.L.M. Lockheed plane crashed in the sea shortly after leaving Bali on its way to Australia. Three members of the
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  • 27 5 The Norwegian Government has suppressed advertising o nthe wireless, be cause it has been suspected that mercial announcements might conceal coded messages from spies.
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  • 26 5 Production of war planes is to be undertaken by the Norwegian Defence Ministry. The first planes are expected to b« completed soon.
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  • 36 5 All ranks home on leave from the front may, if they wish, wear civilian clothes the War Office stated recently. Full dress and mess dress are not to be worn on any occasion during the war.
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  • 20 5 M MUk Fong San£, who fwere marrletl Ml Low B«k En* -ChS on Saturday, at the United Chinese
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  • 54 5 wing a big accumulation of buyrders over the week-end a rise occurred in al?. Brit'sh Government •cks on the London Stock Exchange were led by the 3 1 per cent, war which after opening at nn« to 98'« The industrial market respcnclecito dlt-edged rise, although on
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  • 256 5 Copenhagen, Jan. 10. OOTH Sweden and Finland are making intensive search for Communist spies. Messages have been sent revealing the movements of transports carrying volunteers and ammunition to Finland The Swedish police know that secret meetings are being held on the northern frontier. Their task is
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  • 324 5 Singapore Monday KAPAL penihinasa (destroyer) British yang bmmam Grenville itu ada-lah dt-wartakan telah tenggelam oleh peiiok :>pi atau torpedo dalam Laut Utara. 118 orang pegawat2 flan ketest2 telah dapat di-bawa ka-darat. sa-tengah-nva luka2. Delapan orang kelasi dlketahui telah terbunoh. dan 73 orang maseh h»lang dan di-agakkan
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  • 47 5 Closed down after 200 years, Layton's of Windsor, the first Eton College tuckshop. Established in the reign of George IV, it has been carried on by successive generations of the Layton family until now. when, on retirement of Mr: John Layton, no inemUt of family remains available.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 332 5 BLUE fE% feed j ur baby on Blue Cross Milk end endow him with .vnnrl tec* i v bones aR( firm muscles Blue Cross Milk is pure and rich in^the BLUE CROSS STOCKS ARE ALWAYS FRESH CONNELL BROS. CO., LTD.sssss* W.P.S 3 WE GIVE YOU SIX INSERTIONS I FOR THE
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 489 6 TO-MORROW a, the CAPITQI Your favourite Singing Star of "ROSE MARIE" "MAYTIME" ''NAUGHTY MARIETTA and Other famous M.G.M. musicals! A NEW HIGH IN RECKLESS LOVE AND DARING ADVENTURE! ABLAZE WITH STARS! HE... College bred and wise in books, but a cool, fearless, two jjßfc^V fisted fighting son of the West!
      489 words

  • 772 7 London, Jan. 22. Till speeches of Lord Halifax and Mr. Winston Churchill, each resounding with determination and ting forth the British case against Germany and the factors which make faith in victory confident and red. are applauded by the press, jch emphasises that
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  • 109 7 Amsterdam, Jan. 4. XJITLER'S health is giving anxiety. His complaint is the old one— an affection of the throat. Some people say it Is cancer, others that it is nothing more than thickening of the vocal cords due to overstrain in the days when the Nazi Party could
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  • 27 7 Paiii, J-i»* 1 22. The death lias occurred of °ount Damien Mnrtei, former High commissioner of Syria, and formerly Ambftsoador in Tokyo.—Reuter. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 169 7 Threat To Allied Plane Orders New York, Jan. H. PLOT to wreck the massive Government-operated Doulder Dam, and so cripple aircraft production in Southern California—where orders for Britain and France are being carried out—was revealed in Washington to-night. Saboteurs In the pay of an
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  • 83 7 ALDERMAN Harold John Mcrland. seventy. Ha re wood-road. Croydon, a Quaker, who was at one time auditor of the Foyal Mail Steom Packet Co., left £73,592 7s. lid. But be valued something far higher than ins fortune—his wife and family lie wrote in hij will:-
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  • 22 7 Dick Williams. of Penryn, Cornwall, recently established new world record by lifting 126 lb. with the little finger of his right hand.
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  • 223 7 London, Jan. 8. pi'KKA civil servants should join ia the revolt against these who arc bi ing ing discredit on their great profession," said Sir Ernest Benn, the publisher, at an anti-waste meeting in the City. "Seme men in the profession are definitely interested In destroying
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  • 396 7 Afloat in Hitler's Graveyard, Jan. 7. VTINE wrecks—gaunt grim navigation marks along the few miles of channel up which we are passing—mark "Hitler's Graveyard," as the Navy call it. These wrecks are the victims of the first outburst of magnetic mines, writes H. C.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 32 7 We Present To You Gaim's Restaurant 264, MTDDU? ROAD. TEL. 3552, The one and only Restaurant tint serves best North Indian and Continental Dishes. O/wi TV// 7 A M. Under Mohamodan Management
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    • 127 7 mnfm IIiIIIMiBWMWBWWWMMMMMMBWMWM^ The Surprise Hit of The Year! TO-DAY 3.15, mm m mm ff mm 6.i5 915 AIHAMBRA Warner i\ ~Es SHERIDAN Hit Ihe Dead nd K, L> S jMNS WASH THEIR The Angels "*<«o Straight... and alB for the "Oomph Girl" What A Sacrifice! What A Woman! YOU WILL
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  • 262 8 (XSE of the most valuable war talks given in Malaya so far was that of Dr. T. H. SUoock, Professor of Economics at Rallies College, who has made it clear to us that Malaya's contribution to the war effort is not just a matter of holding the fort,
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  • 296 8 rpHE appointment of Sir John Reith as the new Minister of Information is a clear indication that the British Government has realised the importance of fully mobilising the news arm and of letting the public know as much as possible of what is going on in the war
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  • 301 8 Reuter. London, Jan. 22. FEVERISH political activity in the Balkans continues, reports the Daily Telegraph's Balkan correspondent. While officially a calm attitude is preserved there is a substantial undercurrent of nervousness. There is uncertainty as to Italy's ultimate policy in the Balkans and renewed fears
    Reuter.  -  301 words
  • 28 8 Reuter. Bajiiuud. Jan. 22. Besyid Ritiam Haktar, Minister Finance, has died as a result of a bullet wound received last wee*. ReiiMT.
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 187 8 Shanghai, Jan. 22. (SENATOR Key Pittman, in an interview given to press representatives, said that Congress sentiment is overwhelmingly in favour of an embargo on exports to Japan. "There is growing confidence," he continued, "that my embargo proposals will be passed at the coming meeting of Congress.
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  • 32 8 Athens, Jan. 22. The death has occurred of Prince Christopher of Greece. He was uncle of the present King of Greece and of the Duchess of Kent.—Reuter. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 128 8 AFTER Winston Churchill Nad expressed what everybod neutral PEOPLES, thought i precarious attitude of neutral go v ernments. the 8.8.C. had to spoil a plain, much-needed warning (with a note of authority 1* \u by carefully explaining 1 thai the First Lord of the Adn said
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  • 135 8 SOME cf the oM Ostriches mn finding Churchill, and truth of a nuisance. At all costs keep up the old ilu sions, even if we ARE sending "cmsidcrable help" to Finland. We mmt not openly offend Stalin! Let us still pretend thai era? advance or threat by the
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  • 130 8 DOSSIBLY some cf the Premie] dithery advisers (aol members 0 f the War Cabinet, sure'y be aware of the real facts m afraid that Churchill is bar:: old idea of a winning thrust in Balkans. What! Salonika again? The landi Al'ied iorces in ihe Balkans was much more
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  • 135 8 MO doubt the Allies, among wh may—unofficially again count Turkey and Greece, have made theii parations. At the moment everything on Rumania's stand and the v: the Balkan Entente. If Rumai 1 weakens before this double bull) v will commit national suicide knowledge of Allied backing, like H
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 254 8 AEBTEa A NEW SHIPMENT of these jfTjj I I EXCELLENT SPORTS XV^^V SHIRTS JUST UNPACKED! mfcC New Marl Shades, Small 1 Checks and Coloured Over- ii checks —in Blues, Greys, Browns and Greens. Cut Coat j Vj 1 StyZe wirft New PoZo Cottar V AX and Pocket. fv*. for the
      254 words
    • 6 8 End the nuisance of vjjr BUGS
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    • 115 8 soap. A milk soap perfumed with Lavende*- of the Alps. Excellent for B3bv T.velve delightfully scented C&kos Boxed 3 cakes. of toilet soap in box. In White CA| r DDI m Heather. Honeysuckle, Orange jALL rKliwt Blossom. Narcissus and Sweet Pea n t r~ Usually $1.50 box of 12 tabs.
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  • 305 9 Reuter. London. Jan. 22. REGARDING reports that Japan may protest against the stopping of the Asama .Mam. it is stated in London that the British action was in perfect accordance with interna. j tional law. Such action, which was frequently ken during the last war. has
    Reuter.  -  305 words
  • 111 9 Wellington, Jan. 22. VI n ZEALAND celebrates this month the centenary of the lunation of British sovereignty. the beach near Wellington this ig Lord Galway, the Governor ral, unveiled a memorial to the I the pioneer colonists. Marquis ot Wilhngdon. former India, representing the Unite. I m
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  • 80 9 Reuter. The Hague. Jan. 22. L EIGN planes, nationality not ldent titled flew over Holland this after;nd were eventually reported over Ihe Hague. An l-a.rcraft guns opened fire and h air patrols took off to intercept N therlands Government has launched a protest in Berlin against
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 58 9 Reuter. Ottawa, Jan. 22. THE .success of Canada's first war too. I has encouraged the Government to aake plans to offer war loans securities, the small investor. announced The Finance Minister has annoj ncea [hat he proposed to issue f-gfg c t e h r
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 69 9 Reuter. New York. Jan. 22. in official circles in Washington that BriTHE New York Times learn* £25Q minions on planes and tain is preparing to *pen states other military supplies in v thau secretary to the Treasury, has It is stated that Mr- m the
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 505 9 BOLD FINNISH ATTACK ON SOVIET AIR NAVAL BASES Britons To Fight Tn Foreign Legion Reuter. HELSINKI, JAN. 22. RUSSIAN NAVAL AND AIR BASES HAVE BEEN BOMBED BY THE FINNISH ARMY. Raids on the Baltic port of Baltiski, where a Russian air base is established under the Soviet-Estonian non-aggression pact, and
    Reuter.  -  505 words
  • 133 9 Reuter. London, Jan. 22. IT IS pointed out in London to-day that Mr. Churchill's broadcast was one of a series in which ministers will from time to time, make personal comments on the war situation. The broadcast was in the nature of
    Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 114 9 Reuter. Amsterdam. Jan. 22. THE Government has instituted a new form of censorship. The Pres s Service has sent letters to fortign correspondents. telling then, that the following items must not be used in their reports: CI) Information cf plans and supposition of rumours about the aefuice
    Reuter.  -  114 words
  • 226 9 Reuter. Rome, Jan. 22. TO-DAY, the Vatican's broadcast station made an outspoken denunciation of the atrocities now being committed by the invaders of Poland. The Pope, it said, had been profoundly pained by the reports received at the Vatican about the plight of the matured
    Reuter.  -  226 words
  • 48 9 London. Jan. 22. j Sir Wvndham Deedes and Professor nirstaiiK are going to Turkey with the SorovaTof the Turkish Government to Assist in the distribution of goods seni hv the Relief Fund, for which goods are still in London and at Port Said.—Britisn Wireless
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  • 111 9 Reuter. London, Jan. 22. EXCEPTIONAL precautions were taken when the I.R.A. appeals against death sentences for the Coventry bomb outrage were heard at the Old Bailey to-day. Rarely has there been such measures m the history of the law courts. A strong police
    Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 72 9 Reuter. London. Jan. 22. ON the Stock Exchange, gilt-edged and home rails were active and higher, the former on further consideration of the conversion proposal, and the latter on rumours about a compensation Wgti ment. Leading industrials were also better. Indian stocks improved in sympathy
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 293 9 DO YOU FEEL £5 SLEEPY oxMi~0 x Mi~ AFTER LUNCH? Bmfo TF you feel exhausted after a few Start taking Wincarnis at once work in the morning and and regain whole day energylunch leaves you drowsy and energy that enables you to work lethargic, it can mean only one hard
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  • 648 10 Close Game On The Padang S.C.C 1. Indian Army 1. THE Indian Army, who beat the S.C.C. at hockey in their first encounter some weeks ago, failed to register another victory when they met on the Padang yesterday evening. The Club put
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  • 172 10 Singapore, Monday. Tilt -r.inmiitee n eeting of the Singapore Amateur Boxing Club, which was to be held this afternoon at the Happy World, had to be cancelled owing to the holiday. The next meeting of the Club will be held next Monday at S.SG p.m. a%
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  • 40 10 Reuter. London, Jan. 23. Cambridge have agreed to the Oxford suggestion to row this year s Boat Race at Henley on Mar. 2 ovor a course of about a mile and a half .—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 28 10 #Rev- ter. London, Jan. 22. The League management committee at to-day's meeting decided that all postponed or abandoned regional soccer matches must be replayed in full.—Reuter.
    #Rev-; ter.  -  28 words
  • 7 10 TO-DAY RUGGER: S.C.C. tournament. Padang.
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  • 284 10 MEDIOCRE hockey was seen on the S.R.C. padang yesterday, when the Club were held to a goalless draw by the Khalsa Association. Though the game was evenly contested throughout, thrills were few and fa*between, and neither goalkeeper was really seriously tested. The finishing of both
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  • 37 10 The Singapore team (top) which defeated Selangor in the hockey match played at Singapore on Saturday. A toe game was one of the best seen this season and Singapore won by two goals to nil.
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  • 815 10 INTERESTING rugger was seen on the padang yesterday, where three further ties in the S.C.C. seven-a-side rugby tournament were played. These resulted in a win for the R.A.F. Kallang "A" by 7 points (a drop goal and a try) to 3(a penalty goal). The other
    815 words
  • 407 10 THE following are weights v second day of the Perak Turf ciuto January meeting to-morrow: PONIES Class 2—Div. 2—6 F U i Spring Girl Explode Mabel Smith Char East Lynne Bali Girl 8 2 Carmana White Gardenia 7 < Cash Bay Rose NON-ACCEPTOR: Beverant j
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 418 10 MEALS WITHOUT MISERY Are meals a constant dread to you? Do you have to take great care about •very bit of food you eat, for fear of baying to pay the penalty in pain? I» stomach trouble the bane of your existence? Even if you have long been a victim
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    • 13 10 s and l Bow Price from $15... SEASON CO., LIMITED, (MUSICAL INSTRUMENT DEALERS)
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 256 11 China's Postal Admin istration pOOTAL rnuUs must be maintained and opened at A Btogaa known anions the rank and file of the Chinese Postal Adm,r.,strati,n has been introduced to the public Z Mr ZS> I Chan ot Ministry of Communication, Tn a radii Central XGOX Station. m T thl
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  • 55 11 Reuter. London, Jan. 22. THE crew of the Norwegian steamer I Notes arrived at a northern port today and reported that they were attacked by a U-boat off St. Kilda. A loud explosion and dense smoke came from the U-boat which disappeared, suggesting that she
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 137 11 Ichamr. "Tj%OR Ihe benefit of both China and r Japan. 1 hope that my people ouM shake hands with the Chinese pi and with all their efforts oust it militarists in order to pave the ,iv lor lasting- peace in the Far 1 ist.'' Thus declared
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  • 207 11 Chungking. THI recognition of the importance I the primary school education and the iole played by primary *c!i< l teachers and the promise that thei treatment will be improved was made by Generalissimo Chiang Kai- utk in an open message. Generalissimo's issuance of the was motivated by
    207 words
  • 311 11 Tokyo. DAGE 1933 in Japan's diary records a series of disasters and itoappoirtments, shows the lavishing of blood and treasure, and ends with a large question-mark reaching deep into the future. To the people, it has been a lost year, stated an Associated
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  • 162 11 Chungking*. UPON the eve of the completion of making 400.000 army blankets for the army, the Chinese Industrial Co-operatives have received another order from the Ministry- of War for another 1.500,000 blankets. Fight factories, four in the Northwest and fou" in the Sfcecnwan-Hkang area, have been
    162 words
  • 453 11 U. S. Assurances To Chungking Government Hongkong. United States Government has assured China that it will barter away none of China's sovereign rights or territorial integrity in its current negotiations with Japan to adjust conflicting Japanese-American interests in the Far East, according to a
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 213 11 STOP THAT COUGH Quicken, Soothe your irritated throat by bucking the only cough drop meditated with the time-tested ingredi* ents of Vicks Vapoßub. JL COUOH PROP m n EY i; !\i INA T IO N EYEGLASSES, EXCLUSIVELY. Specializing. B*fe*f Oi-ular Muscle Anomalies f lr^ Crossed Eyes, f fli^^V Intricate Visual
      213 words

  • 668 12 Sees Hitler Shot By Assassin Old Lady Of The Thames (From A Special Correspondent) Shepperton, Jan. 8. MOTHER Reaves stirred the water in the crystal bowl and bent her m steady, dark gaze on the ripples. <Ah she whispered, "the picture clears." The
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  • 37 12 Reuter. London, Jan. 23. THE Admiralty announces the following 1 casualties in the destroyer Gren* ville, sunk by a mine: Officers, no casualties; ratings, 8 killed, 73 missing, presumed dead—total ai —Reuter
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 163 12 London, Jan. 10. I HEARD to-day the story of the frightened Nazi. It concerns Herr yon Ribbentrop, writes a reporter in the Evening Standard. During his stay in London he had to have a minor dental operation. One of the leading anaesthetists tn London was
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  • 169 12 Chungking. WITH the death of Mr F. M Foudrez the conservancy expert sent by the League of Nations to China, during a survey trip along the upper reaches of the Chhigsha River, or the Gold Sand River, in May, 1939, the Ministry of Economic Affairs has
    169 words
  • 80 12 fIfITHIN a few minutes of taking a sniff of poison gas at an AJR.P. class, ninctecr-year-clrt Kathleen Read, of High-street, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, sank dying ha the arms of her fiance in a cinema. Doctors found later that she died not from the effects of
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  • 51 12 Reuter. Washington. Jar. a THE State Department ha< to Britain against the tr accorded to United States shipp the Mediterranean area. particul Gibraltar, where, it is alleged ,;r\ips are detained thrice as Italian. It is requested that ex; tion of American ships be speed T
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 351 12 SHE LOST WEllitll EACH WEEK The Ideai Way To Reduce. A woman writes to tell how she U reducing excels fat—and 1 her way seems to be the ideal way. "I am 49 years old, 5 ft. 5% ins. in height, and was 13 st. 8 lbs. when I started
      351 words
    • 180 12 SHE'S COMING SOON J WATCH TO MORROW S ISSUE 1 I Jor clear distinct re- vj X wj production for which >j g r .hey are unsurpassed g BC HOfc BOON LEONG 3 X Radio General Agency "3 bg Kuala Lumpur. Call or phone for a demonstration run CYCLE CARRIAGE
      180 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 544 12 I TO-DAY'S RADIO j 1 SINGAPORE 7 LONDON TRANSMISSIONS 2 S P m GSG 17.79 Mc|s (16.86 metres) 1.15 Miscellaneous programme of GSF 15.14 M cis (13.92 metres) Gramophone records. gsj 21.53 Mc> (19.82 metres) 1 30 The News and mid-day Rubber, p.m. t>;« n fi ft nra nri PPc
      544 words

  • 77 13 Madam Tan Beet Neo (Mrs. Lim Chwee Ong) passed away peacefully last night at her residence, 19, Roberts Lane. Singapore, leaving behind her, two sons. Lim Seng Klang, Assistant Pay Officer S.S. Police, and Lim Bone Soo, Clerk iic External Audit, Hartour Board and one daughter Mrs. Tan Chen-j
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 458 13 INTED Experienced Advertisement ser Short period. Commission Apply G.P.O. Box 60, Singapore (306-C; ■AL CLERKS, Girl Typists for al Kedah, Perak, Selangor. Chi.vspondence, Bcok-keeping. Drivirs essential. Apply v/ith copies of nials to The Insurance," c o Box [aya Tribune, Ipoh. (301-C) INTED: Insurance Canvassers for s] Fire and Marine Insurance
      458 words
    • 520 13 "GAXM'S RESTAURANT" 'kro Mlddle Singapore. Phone 52 (223-C) Educational LEARN FRENCH BY POST—Cheap and pleasurable study of this fascinatinglanguage. Write Box 378, Ma_aya Tribune, Singapore. (308 Ci CHUANG HWA MANDARIN INSTITUTION (Eton High School Building), 56. Short Street. NEW CLASSES' Commencing 6-2-40, as under: (1) MANDARINBEG INN ERS, 7.15-9 pjn.;
      520 words
    • 566 13 Wanted REQUIRED by office lames -2 seats in car 8.15 4.30, Rangoon, Newton, cantonment Roads. Please write Box 366, Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (278.0) t WANTED small rubber Estate in South Johore, Kedah, Upoer Perak, Full Details to Box 376, Malaya Tribune, Singapore. <305-C» WANTED: A small piece of sea-sldc land,
      566 words
    • 398 13 Domestic Occurrences ENGAGEMENTS. The engagement is announced between Jimmy Wee, only son of Mr. ft Mrs. wee Kah Keng, and Miss Mary Ec, eldest daughter of Mr. Mrs Ec Kirn Cuan. I** engagement to °k Place on Monday, 22nd January, 1940 between Miss Lye Hou Yin, eldest daughter of Mr.
      398 words
    • 641 13 Pittite <3? To The Members, SINGAPORE TURF CLUB. Gentlemen, The following Members have been duly nominated as Members of trie Committee Of Management for the year 1940: Hon'ble Mr. R. Williamson, B. M. Johns, Esq., H. C. Reilly, Esq., Hon'ble Mr. C. G. Howell, K.C., J. M. Mason, Esq., A.
      641 words
    • 572 13 BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE (CHAP. 45). IN THE HIGH COURT OP THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS Settlement of Singapore. Notice of Wage-earner's Administration Order. Name of debtor: KAWAL PETH. Address of debtor: No. 1. Sepoy Lino Singapore. Description of debtor: Watchman at th© General Hospital. No. of Proceedings: 505 1939. Date on which wage-earner's
      572 words

  • 906 14 "Congress Will Again Help Me" Bombay, Jan. 12. "J AM ready to consider any practical suggestion that has the general support and lam ready, when the time comes, to give every help that I personally can,*' —declared His Excellency the Viceroy speaking at a
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  • 54 14 London, Jan. 14. LONDON Press emphasises the severe indictments by Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Kajcndri J rasad against Bengal Congress as "sign* < f disntcg.ahon in the Congress organisation." Ihis as well as the statements that attempts to solve the Ifmdu-Muslim differences have proved abortive, are likely
    54 words
  • 303 14 Bombay, Jan. 15. THERE is no getting: away from ihe fact that the Indian problem in Ceylon does exist. Denial of that fact is no solution," said Mr. A. M. Aziz, Secretary of the Ceylon Indian Congress in an interview to press tepresentatives en h.'s ariival in
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  • 66 14 New Delhi, Jan 17. THHE Budget session of the Assembly, though it to be one of the briefest on will deal with quite a hen legislative programme, as far be judged from present plai New proposals to regulate End trade relations and tc levy a ci export
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  • 308 14 New Delhi. Jan. 18. REGARDING Press messages which have appeared in various parts cf the country political observers here do not share the optimism expressed in them that after the Viceroy-Gandhi meeting "al! will be 0.X." and the time limit for ushering in Dominion status would
    308 words
  • 179 14 Calcutta, Jan. 16. QIVING his ruling in the Bengal Legislative Council on the point of order that th e Bengal MoneyLenders' Bill was 'ultra vires' of the Provincial Legislature inasmuch as it seeks to deal with the conduct of banking business by corporations which is
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 375 14 Entertain your friends /a at this popular D f i rendezvous H n■ 1 c. d c c A C I 8 i RAFFLES CAFE p m c r c t a and f c 0 t 1 COCKTAIL BAR ni—, t m r 1 1 m a jr i
      375 words
    • 151 14 DAILY INDIA PAGE EDITED BY V.E.JACOB,B.A Ml/ ugly ■n i'j NN Jk O New ,VEET leaves the skin I Ĕm smooth, without S§ trace Ugly stubble. O NVw 'VEET* is a daintywhitecream —sweetly scented snd pleasant to use. M New VEET' avoids V tJL coarseregrowtli—un- r£> like the razoi wl
      151 words

  • 259 15 NEW YORK New York, Jan. 22. RIBBER B. S. Tone Stagnant 18 15 16 19 116 April June 18 3 4 187- 3 TIN lone Easier 4514 LONDON TIN London, Monday. Price) £231V 2 Buyers £232 Sellers Price) £2313 4 Buyers £232 Sellers lONDON RUBBER London, Monday.
    259 words
  • 13 15 Singapore, Tuesday. The price of tin at noon in Singapore to-day was:—
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  • 13 15 The price of rubber at noon in Singapore to-day was:— 'Sellers: 38%.
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  • 484 15 Copenhagen, Jan. 8. IE s L hortIif SHAL GOERING has heen ealle<l >" to end Berlin's coal The city, almost without fuel, is still in the grip of a cold spell, transport. B bn>Ught ab Ut by a brea l<down in railway
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  • 39 15 Reuter. Doom, Jan. 22. The ex-Kaiser will be 81 on Saturuay, when hk> birthday wiii be celebrated quietly without ceremony. He is stated to be ta excellent heaitn despite his age and the severe weather.— Neuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 17 15 London, Jan. 22: The King and Queen returned to Buckingham Palace to-day from the week-end at Windsor.
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  • 203 15 V, ILE the crew of the Lowestoft motor trawler Eta were hauling their nets late at night, a mine caught in the trawls exploded blinding flash. h T s »x members of the crew, ex"a| '<! after working six hours at JMimps and paddling
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  • 360 15 London, Jan. 3. "crime of the month" is a A Goebbels idea. It gets more free publicity space in the German pape.s than fifty novels. The Selection Committee sit regularly to make their choice. They ferret through th-q police records, hear the evidence of
    360 words
  • 47 15 Figures just compiled show that America's New Year celebrations were the biggest, noisiest—and most tragic— within living memory. In the three-day holiday 168 people died by violence; ninety-seven road deaths, twenty-six suicides, and twelve murders. New York night clubs netted over twenty million dollars; highest total ever.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 90 15 I THE EASTERN BANK LIMITED. (Incorporated in England) (SINGAPORE BRANCH) 4, IT Almeida Street. Authorised and subscribed Capital £2,000,000 Paid-up Capital £1,000,000 Reserve Fund 500,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON Branches: Bombay, Calcutta, Colombo, Karachi, Madras, Amara, Baghdad Bahrein, Basra, Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed
      90 words
      363 words
    • 453 15 STEAMER BAILINGS. P*CX BRITISH! INDIA PASSENGER FREIGHT SERVICES For all information ajjply to: P. O.S.N. Co., The Agent, Collyer Quay, Tel. 5961. 8.1.5. N. Co., BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., Tel. 5497. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD., (Apcar Line). For Hongkong, Shanghai, Moji, Kobe Osaka Fortnightly For Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta
      453 words

  • 253 16 Appeal By U.S.A. Clergy Laymen Reuter. Washington, Jan. 22. "fHRISTIANS in neutral countries cannot remain neutral in the present international conflicts," declares a manifesto issued by 33 prominent Protestant clergy and laymen which says: "Basic distinctions between civilisations in which justice and freedom
    Reuter.  -  253 words
  • 235 16 London, Jan. 23. j with the war in ltu nun month and W rationing in its third week a survey f of lood supplies and prices shows that many iocd< are as chea? and plentiful Hi be-'ure the war and some
    235 words
  • 67 16 Reuter. Washington. Jan. 22. THE President and Mrs. Roosevelt, members of the Supreme Court of tne Diplomatic Corps and many others attended the funeral service for Senator W E. Borah in the Senate Chamber Floral tributes included one of gladioli and lilies sent jointly by the
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 113 16 Reuter. London, Jan. 23THE idea of lidding a public trial in Germany a< a result of the Munich bomb explosion has apparently been dropped—probably for good. It is now ten we «ks since the explosion took place in the beer cellar, in which Herr
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 128 16 Reuter. Washington, Jan. 23. Muigenthau, Secretary to l!:e U.S. 1 re-usury, at a Press (;infcrenr* sad he saw no danger of hting involved m liquidation of H ij'st -«:v,ii..a secu.itics in the United States to do lar exchange, to finance Allied war purchases
    Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 49 16 Mr. George Arthur Dunn, of Redboum, ileits (founder of Dunn and Co. >-tt and men's outfitters), left 1295 353 met 1226.9931. Mr. Dunn was seventy-four. WfJ he retireo ten years ago. he handed th'Lm ness over to his managers. He Lfi l:is money to his children.
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  • 122 16 Reuter. London, Jan. 23. THE Admiralty last night issued the name- of two officers and ratings of H.M.S. Rawalpindi uho at? prisoners of war in Germany. It will be recalled that the Rawalpindi a P. O. liner which had been converted into an armed
    Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 126 16 Reuter. London. Jan. 23. THE British Government has approved the establishment of an Empire air training scheme in Southern Rhodesia, the cost to be borne by the British Government with the Southern Rhodesi: n Government contributing thereto, while the equipment and the majority i of the
    Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 156 16 Amsterdam. Jan. j and regret at Mr. chill's call to the Fmall neutrals to join the Allies against German; expressed in the Dutch paper graaf. which says that bad M Churchill addressed hunsell to United States, Italy and Japan would have been easier MnUerstood.
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  • 94 16 Reuter. Washington. Jan. tt LORD Lothian visited Mr. (.mini Hull (Secretary- of State to-d:n to discuss particularly the situation created by the suspension of United St?tes tobacco import- into Britain. Mr. Wallace. Secretary of A and other Government offi private individuals are urging th
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 463 16 All Passengers Saved Reuter. QF 649 passengers and crew aboard the Italian liner Orazio. which cnutfht fire off Toulon on Monday, all the passengers have bees saved. A few of the crew arc still missing. There were no British or American nationals on
    Reuter.  -  463 words
  • 88 16 Ottawa. J• MORE details of the Emp ing scheme ar.« anncu:..« ed Canada. The C.u.adia Tra star, Mr. Clarence c. Howe, already 4.000 p*:ane s have b en 1 rJ tor the scheme. Ali the quired are now und .r const tv The Royal
    88 words
  • 23 16 Reuter. London, Jan. 23.-The untitled Office announces ihat the 1 appro.''' of the extension I Viscount GalwayVs tei tn 1 o:' Mew Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements