Malaya Tribune, 20 January 1940

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 21 1 The Malaya Tribune VOL. XXVII ■No. 17. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1940 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Saturday, January 20, 1940.
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  • 271 1 Reuter. Stockholm. Jan. 20. According to reports reaching here a Finnish iiotory on the Salla front bigger even than their Suomnssalmi success is anticipated. In their retreat to Maerkikaervi which is said to have developed into :t panic yesterday, the Russians
    Reuter.  -  271 words
  • 101 1 Reuter. Paris, Jan. 19. THE France-Spanish trade agreement signed in Madrid is described here as a partial pact to meet the present situation. It is meant to satisfy the immediate needs of bolh Spain and France. Thus Spain will receive considerable quantities of
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 100 1 Reuter. Helsinki. Jan. 20. FT is announced here that daring the seven weeks of war 205 Soviet planes have been shot down and a number of other lasses may be revealed when the snow melts. The Russians have also lost 434 tanks, 189
    Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 294 1 A Ban On Japan: Loan For Finland Reuter. Washington, Jan. 19. REPRESENTATIVES of public bodies in the United States interested in securing legislation to enable an embargo to be placed on exports to Japan are beginning to gather in Washington, preparing for a
    Reuter.  -  294 words
  • 357 1 Reuter. The United States Administration is understood to be seeking a compromise in the dispute over the que tion of a United States loan to Finland, which would enable America to aid the Finns without risk of violating her neutrality. Well informed circles predict a busy
    Reuter.  -  357 words
  • 232 1 London, Jan. 20. jilt; Lord Mayor's Red Cross Fund tof 4 ick and wounded in the war a further £2,000 yesterday and stands at £969,999.—8riti5h Wireless. announced by the Colonial Office Banabans—a native community m Island in the Gilbert and i s'anda Colcny—have placed at
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  • 180 1 Reuter. London, Jan. 20. THE Air Ministiy announced yesterday afternoon that an enemy aircraft was attacked by R.A.F. fighters ever the sea east of Aberdeen and diiven off. The Air Ministry statement gives point to a leading article in this morning's Yorkshire Post which recalls
    Reuter.  -  180 words
  • 49 1 Reuter. Ankara, Jan. 20. HPHE Turkish Prime Minister, at the closing" session of the National Assembly, declared: "In order that security shall reign all over the country, our aim is to lead the country along- the path of prosperity, following the best course, namely democracy."—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 88 1 Reuter. New York, Jan. 19. PN LAND'S fate is important enough to this country to warrant it taking some risks on the Finns' behalf," writes the Herald Tribune, discussing the proposed United States loan for Finland. "The successful Finnish resistance," it declares, "is militating against
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 118 1 Reuter. Washington, Jan. 19. MR. Ccrdeli Hull, Secretary of State, indicated at a Press conference to-day the possibility that the British island of Bermuda might be terminated as a stopping place on the transatlantic air service unless a satisfactory solution concerning the searching of
    Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 32 1 Reuter. Ottawa, Jan. 19.-The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that it is within the power of the Canadian Parliament to abolish appeals to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 268 1 Reuter. Helsinki, Jan. 20. BITTER fighting: is laging round Maerkijacrvi, in Finland's waist, where the Russians, whose offensive towards Kemikaervi is broken, are new facing a counter-attack that has already driven them bark many miles. The outcome of the struggle is still in suspense.
    Reuter.  -  268 words
  • 16 1 Reuter. Washington, Jan. 19. The death is announced of Senator Borah, the Republican Itader.—Keuter.
    Reuter.  -  16 words
  • 232 1 Reuter. Peiping, Jan. 19. APPARENTLY with the aim of clearing rumours of dissension between the Peiping Provincial Government and Mr. Wang thing Wei and his followers, Lt. General Kita, director of the North China Liaison Office of the China Force Board, told foreign correspondents in an
    Reuter.  -  232 words
  • 43 1 London, Jan. 20. ACCORDING to the Paris wireless five people were killed and ten seriously injured in yet another accident on the German railway system, when a passenger train and goods train collided at Cracow, in Poland.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 60 1 0\ OTHER PAGES Paces Ihree >'ears For "Boy 2 peath of Mr. Leong Sin Nam 3 K.idio Talk 4 Ordered to Pay Maintenance 5 (inemas 6 and 7 I Keview The News"—C.H.S.J. g Powers in S.A. g Russian Retreat 9 Sport 10 and 11 Radia 12 Classified Advertisements 13 hina
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    • 89 1 I "youd ASTROVA PANDRUFF CURE" ana™ Offers a new Evening Sessional Class in SHORTHAND in addition to the usual classes, students enrolling for the new Class w ll bo specially coached for the November, 1940, London Chamber of Commerce and Pitman Ceitii.fate Examinations E.MIOL \mv Course commences Ist Feb., 1940
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  • 580 2 JUDGE ON USE OF THE KNIFE Singapore, Friday. "THE use of a knife in quarrels is all too common in Singapore. Every Asiatic seems to think that at the slightest provocation he is justified in rushing for a knife and using it.
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  • 123 2 MR. Lira Kirn Pong, of Segamat, Johore thinks that a $100.000 war lottery will not be sufficient to stir up interest. He writes to the Tribune suggesting that a $5,000,000 under the patronage of H.E. the High Commissioner and their Highnesses the Sultans will be well
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  • 130 2 Singapore, Friday. "THIS does not seem to me to be a blameworthy bankruptcy/ said the Chief Justice, Sir Percy McElwaine, when he granted an elderly European, Mr. G. 0.8. Hackett, his discharge in the Bank, ruptcy Court to-day. The discharge was granted, subject to a
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  • 62 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Friday. DLEADING guilty to charge of theft of 28 coconuts, valued at 22 cents, from an estate at Sri Menanti, Baharom bin Haji Abdullah was yesterday fined $7, in default seven days' rigorous imprisonment, by Inche Haron bin Ahmad.
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  • 203 2 TN a Gazette Extraordinary new prices for rice are announced. Prices in Bangkok have advanced steeply as a result largely of heavy foreign buying, and in order to maintain adequate supplies to this market, it has been necessary to raise the maximum prices of both
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  • 83 2 (Frcm Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Friday. INNAWASAN, an Indian, was yesterday produced before Tuan Sheikh Abu Baker bin Yahya and charged with mvmg caused hurt to a compatriot earned Retnam by stabbing him with a knife on th e evening of Jan 16
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  • 280 2 Singapore, Friday. DARING daylight robbery in one of the busiest streets in Singapore was alleged to-day in the Criminal District Court, where Tiang: Tian Ho and Tan Ah Kow, two young Chinese, appeared before Mr. J. L. McFall on a charge of robbery.
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  • 152 2 Singapore, Saturday. THE Government's reply to the female operators at the Opium Packing Plant, Pasir Panjang, who have been on strike since Jan. 5, was read and explained at the Packing Plant by an officer of the Chinese Protectorate on Thursday afternoon. At the same time a
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  • 471 2 Singapore, Friday. AN application for an ejectment order, made by the Public Trustee, Singapore, against an elderly Chinese tenant, Chwee How Seng, of 36, Mosque Street, was altered when the question was discussed by members of the Rent Assessment Board, who met this afternoon. Mr.
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  • 98 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Uttar, Friday. CAUGHT in the act of distilling samsu on the night of Jan. U at Bukit Moh. Pari Jawa. an elderly Chinese, named Tan Chian, was yesterday fined $40, in default, eight weeks' rigorous imprisonment, by Inche Haron bin Ahmad
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  • 75 2 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Friday. MISS Janet MacGregor Sievewiight, nursing sister at the Bungsar Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, was married to Mr. James Hoi on Ntwbigging, chartered accountant, attached to the Public Trustee's Office. Kuala Lumpur, at the Presbyterian Church, Kuala Lumpur. The service was
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  • 52 2 Kuala Lumpur. Friday.—The death occurred yesterday of Sylvia youngest daughter of Mr. V. L. Bain District Forest Officer. Kuala Lumpur and Mrs. Bain. She oecame ill suddenly on Tuesday and expired in Bungsar Hos~ pita.' following an operation. The luneral took place at Cheras Road
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  • 217 2 Singapore, I rid MR. Tay Gan Boh obtained in charge from bankrupts vh n he appeared before Sir Percy M c Elwaine this morning. Mr. <, jj Po, assistant official Assignee, said that the bankrupt had paid u» Tl per cent, on his admitted claims. Re
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  • 218 2 (Frcm Our Own Coirespondent i Johore Bahr.i, Friday. A COOLIE'S alleged attack on his j\ kepala, Kok Yuen, with e*i sive acid was described by Yip Jce durirjr the preliminary inqh.ry into the charge of voluntarily can grievous hurt by acid throwing j)
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  • 480 2 T H f: toitowtaK memorandum from the headmaster of the King':; School Canterbury, setting out details of the scholarsnip scheme which has been Sffhf w a \r the *****01 as a memorial £f* late v f V*ount Milne r Published m T las i m
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 72 2 f Brimful of health fit is just natural for children to be full of lifebrimful of health. It is not always easy to keep them quite so well and strong as you would wish —unless you give them SCOTT'S Emulsion. It supplies the extra nourishment their growth demands. It builds
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  • 143 3 Singapore, Friday. Qf MARKING that though this X court had dealt lightly with offenders, but that due to prevalence, a more serious ould be taken in future, Mr. Qoh, Fifth Magistrate, toHned Private Hush Hamilton, I the Argyl* and Sutherland High, iSi $59, in default
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  • 88 3 Friday.—Lim Whatt Seng se and a former emSnig&pore Coid Storage, I -day and fined $10, in [ergo iO days' rigorous vn a charge of theft as cen& worth of bacon Wharf Singapore Har- h I yesterday. d guilty and admitted I OXWiCtMM. facts of the
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  • 10 3 Chrystal, of Kamuning s.put. has been admitted Gajah Hospita 1
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  • 34 3 Sir Alexander and Lady Small and their lKtle daughter. Irene, specially posed for the Tribune prior to their departure to Australia yesterday. Sir Alexander is the retiring Cdoniai Secretary. Straus settlements.
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  • 217 3 MRS E L G Haak, soloist at yesterday's popular organ recital at m the Victoria Memorial Hall, proved that she is a fine soprano and one who is an asset to the Singapore Music Circle. Yesterday's recital, with Mr. Werner Baer at the organ,
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  • 44 3 London. Jan. 20—The Prime Minister had an audience of the King at Buckingham Palace yesterday evening. The Duke cf Gloucester, Chief Liason Officer on Lord Gort's staff, arrived in London yesterday evening on a few days' leave from Fiance.—British Wireless.
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  • 649 3 Committee's Findings On Nervous Break-Down London, Jan. HE conference first convened by the Minister of Pensions in July, 1939, and continued subsequently, to advise the Government as to the general principles for dealing with cases of nervous breakdown which may become manifest in wartime, both
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  • 176 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Friday. WE regret to record the death, which occurred at his residence at Port Dickson to-day, of Mr. Leong Sin Nam, J.P. He had been ailing for some time and recently returned from a health cruise around Java
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  • 74 3 Reuter. London, Jan. 20. ON the Stock Exchange yesterday f iltedged were again approved. Kaffirs met selective buying, otherwise the markets were generally quiet In the money market the week's application of £*****0,000 for 1165,000.000 Treasury bills offered constitute a high record and £61.000.000 has
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 18 3 untitled Hussain Shah, attached to the Pests and Telegraph Department. Parit Bantar. has gone to Ipoh on tiansfcr.
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  • 95 3 Singapore, Friday. AT the conclusion of the inquiry into the death of an unknown 40-year-old male Chinese to-day,' Mr. W. G. Poittr, the Singapore Coroner, returned a verdict of death by misadventure Ihe deceased was knocked down by a locomotive drawing a goods train
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  • 69 3 IN accordance with the undertaking to review the cost of living as and when such ltview becomes necessary, Government have m ide adr justmrmts as follows: Employees drawing not more than H B day will now receive an aIU wance of $1.60 instead of SI; over SI
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 75 3 Be, office |jW3VflfflßH| To da y Phone 3.15, 6.15, i|L 9 I 5 Tribune says: It has. in fact, the cream of the highest enteral value since motion picturD staited. It is a picture you must not miss! ■'ted arti&ts NEXT CHANGE T™E WORLD'S GREATEST VIOLINIST JASCHA HEIFETZ "THEY SHALL
      75 words
    • 121 3 mj 10 I No waste because there's 9* nothing to throw away I 9 a m a minute because they are ready t to ser v c. See our />/*/) if tIUAIC&L selection of delicatessen jur ei,uay**i%r9** at your nearsst branch ana easily LIVE V* U A\ G J J
      121 words

  • 2301 4 VAST SOURCE OF VITAL COMMODITIES It is a privilege to hove an opportunity .such as thk; cf telling you something of the contribution which Australia is making to the War. I must apologise, however, for a certain reticence I have In praising or
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  • 111 4 THIS will be a salable Vr end for radio ttsteneri Malaya, for they will a ».le n hear both Lord Halif uv Mr. Winston Churchill lf n the outstanding figures tv British War Cabinet A speech by Lord Halifax th* Foreign Secretary, will be bi*ad cast
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 266 4 "YOU CAN OWN ANY ONE OF THESE FAMOUS BOOKS FOX ONLY" $3.0« and POST FREE. The Customs of Mankind by Lillian Eichler $3.00 The Book of Hobbies or A Guide to Happiness 3.M The Next Age of Man by Albert dward Wiggam 3.00 The Nature of the World and of
      266 words
    • 112 4 sure way to please a husband Here's a new kind of conk h™L r. k W.s to hot muffin, often! h» w JSE- But take care when you choose P y ste P-*> anyone can make perfect bis- a disappointing failure and ?hTss > Of expensive ingredients. carefully tested easy
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 5 Members «»i the Services dancing at Government House on Thursday nig ht
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  • 357 5 Singapore, Friday. IJIGHT strokes of the rotan, two months' rigorous imprisonment to followed by one year's police supervision was the sentence (20), a Bengali and ex-soldier from Johore, received this from Mr. H. R. Hughes-Hallet. when found guilty on a of theft of
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  • 238 5 Singapore. Saturday. h FURTHER case of the use of a false trade description came up for hearing before Mr L. C. Goh in the Fifth ale's Court, yesterday. Lam Yong Hin. of Chop Wing Joo, 40, Eu Tong Seng Street, Singapore, was summoned under
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  • 46 5 Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Friday. lief that King Ananda wU education in England was l by the Premier yesterday m an interview, when he anthat on completion ">f the King's in Switzerland, he would stua/ Ul England for "higher training."
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  • 313 5 Support Of Wife And Child (From Our Own Correspondent) Balik Pulau, Friday. VOTICE of appeal was given in the Balik Pulau Court yesterday when Mr. S. T. Stewart delivered judgment against Saw Boon Eng, a landed proprietor, who was summoned for failing to maintain
    313 words
  • 135 5 MANY members of the Indian community were present at the to wi*h Sir Alexander and Lady Small bon voyage when they left Singapore yesterday. Mr. R. Jumabhoy garlanded Sir Alexander with a silver garland o.: behalf of the Indian community. MissNoor (niece of
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  • 272 5 «PFriAL display ol rubber products is being held by B. F. Goo* A of the world's largest rubber manufacturers at Smga- yore Motors to-day. f fh ,v S nlay is to show hundreds o on view ssem mat -ll.ere wj> s ©plication ol of Malay,^
    272 words
  • 223 5 Last Night's First Night A MELODRAMA that gets by is the quickest way of describing "Panama Lady," the current feature at the Capitol. Suspense, a story with unusual twists and an unexpected ending ail add to ttv entertainment value of this film which goes a
    223 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 454 5 It'« not easy to believe that there is but Nescafe does what has never a short cut to making "the real been done before. It captures the thing" when it comes to coffee. But "soul" of good coffee; its lull it's true, now. For here is Nescafe, flavour, its elusive
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 244 6 A Thrilling, Romantic Story ol the South American Jungle! CAPITOL 1 TO-DAY.. 3.15-6.15-9J5 I WttSk BLACK GOLD PAVES THE ROARING ROAD TO HADES! 1 ALLAN LANE• si mm* brent donald BR,GGS r S IST. FEB. AT THE AIR-CONDI HONED CAPITOL SCREEN'S BIGGEST A/ M PLANS NOW OPEN MARVEL SINCE 3&
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  • 1178 7 Reconnaissances Only Test Flights (From Our Own Cor respondeat) Ixindon, Jan. 5. WAK air operations during 1939 were limited in scope and cannot be held to be in any sense a measure of what they are likely to he in the future. But
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  • 37 7 The Hon. Mr. W. E. Pepys. C.M.G., M.C.S General Adviser, Johore. (formerly seconded for service in Johore 1 has been granted one hundred and thirty-three days' leav j on full pay, with effect from Dec. 26, 1939.
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  • 199 7 Singapore, Friday. N. McKern of the R.A.F. Base was to-day fined two dollars by Mr. Conrad Oldham in the Traffic Court when he pleaded guilty to a charge of driving a car without a licence at Yeo Chu Kang Road on Dec. 22 last. 4 Bail
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  • 83 7 Chungking. DELNG one of the biggest wartime D enterprises, the $50,000,000 China Transportation Corporation will be formally started this month with the taking over of the SzechwanKwangsi Highway Bureau and the Fu Hsing Trading Corporation. The General Manager of the China Transportation Corporation is Mr. Chen Yen
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  • 370 7 Singapore, Friday. 4 JF anything; the recent strike of the servants of the General Hospital has made one fact evident—Singaporeans are as publicspirited as ever before, and can be depended on to rally round when the necessity arises," said Dr. R. B. MacGregor,
    370 words
  • 565 7 London, Jan. 4. rjpHE new home of the Criminal Investigation Department of Scotland Yard, a handsome building on the Thames Embankment near Westminster Bridge, should be completed very soon. Long ago the C.I.D. outgrew its meagre accommodation in the old building, and when
    565 words
  • 110 7 International News Agency. Shaokwan. r encourage the remittance from overseas Chinese, the Kwangtung Provincial Government has issued strict orders to all county governments and troops to give adequate protection to messengers bringing in money from overseas Chinese via Hongkong and Macao. In some cases, the funds were
    International News Agency.  -  110 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 64 7 We Present To You Gaim's Restaurant I MIDDLE ROAD. TEL. 3552 The one and only Restaurant 1 tint serves best North Indian and Continental Dishes. Open TiU 2 A. M. Under .MohaincUan Management DIAMOND STE£L SHELVING, I STEEL CUPBOARDS. I STEEL LOCKERS. I Write tor descriptive folier I the Manufacturers
      64 words
    • 63 7 II|ILIFETrME 0 3 ia\i\\\hl *—pcs wbieb mSUa *itu\ LuiAuM velvety uxaotixaess. tV* *u*r-J fBfnHI pnteed for the life Cf the ttKX.^ |HbH| veiling comfort. Pormawi* IvJUwi Visibility., easy One-Btroic» tott m frfnYVn Ing xnccbaaiiß) ID vacintsa M vtx tys e> 1 ■UhH JTfft CiTts ot personal ows. buy fluln th»
      63 words
    • 138 7 r— 1 GORDON HARKER'S most Famous role—lnspector ElkRecreated in the biggest film thrill of 1940. "IrEF alhambra" tun v v. s«^^«^T^ WHO IS THE MASTER CRIMINAL WHO MENACEjB THE SECURITY OF LONDON? ALSO A NEW ISSUE OF THE MARCH OF TIME "MEN of MEDICINE" -I J— I We wish Our
      138 words

  • 270 8 IN his farewell message to the Press, the retiring Colonial Secretary of the Straits Settlements, Sir Alexander Small, gave no more satisfaction on the question of the local-born in (Government service than he has been able to give during the four years in which he has occupied that
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  • 261 8 Senator Key Pitmann moved in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for an embargo on the shipment of war materials to Japan a few months ago, it was Senator Borah who strongly opposed such a motion and swayed the committee by his eloquence and the power of his
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  • 208 8 Reuter. London, Jan. 19. THE Soviet Government still recognises the Government of Chiang Kai Shek but recent professions of friendship towards China which have appeared in the Soviet Press have made more mention of the Chinese people than of Chiang Kai Shek's Government, says
    Reuter.  -  208 words
  • 107 8 Reuter. (Reuters Special Comment) London, Jan. 19. A GERMAN news bulletin published in Tokyo boasted that German aircraft had recently "annihilated" two Danish steamers, the Feddy and the Ivan Kondrup. in the North Sea. This is a typical instance, not only of German attempts to
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 104 8 Reuter. London, Jan. 19. FOURTEEN British officers and 1 engineers are among the crew of about 46 of the oil tanker Inverdargle, 9,456 tons, all of whom are feared to have lost their lives when the vessel sank off the south-west coast on Jan.
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 68 8 Reuter. T Paris, Jan. 19. it is understood here that the Government of Uruguay has sent a note to Germany requesting that the wreck of th.oraf Spec be removed within 60 days as Plate a danger to shi PP m g on the River
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 45 8 v n London, Jan. 19. m «ic u try> French Ulster of Armada ret^ ned France lhls mor S?h fj£ h H^ afT afttr discussions ThP Al L™ lniste s of SUDDI y regarding the Allies-' joint production of war—British Wireless
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  • 31 8 "If you want a man to live a normal life outside prison he should not be made to Uve an abnormal life inside hurfJ* w U t Gove rnor of Park-
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  • 232 8 Cape Town, Jan. 19. QPENING the new session of Parliament to-day, the Governor General Sir Patrick Duncan said that Parliament would be asked to give statutory validity to the Union's declaration of war, and the Government's consequential measures. f It would also be asked to
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  • 270 8 Reuter. Tokyo, Jan. 19. AN intimation that the Pearl River n will also be opened to third power shipping as well as the Yangtse was to-day given by the Japanese naval spokesman in a Press interview. Stating that the Japanese authorities on the spot
    Reuter.  -  270 words
  • 94 8 Reuter. Mexico City, Jan. 19. CENOR Ponciano Fernandez, Federal 9 Judge, has appointed an engineer as valuer on behalf of foreign oil companies. This step has been taken following the refusal of all the companies concerned to recognise the legality of what they describe as "confiscation."
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 58 8 Reuter. Tf ie m• m The Ha Sue, Jan. 19. ft is officially announced that foreign plane* flew over north eastern Holland yesterday at a great heieht HUE'S fired 011 °y Dulch arltiaircraft batteries. There was ame indication that the planes wer c British, and
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • Article, Illustration
    133 8 only does Burma, a unit oi 11 Empire, run war lotteries China, the neighbouring y Colony, organises them regularly and by that means is collecting much money for war funds, tals and the distressed. The Allies, say British Ministers are pooling all their resources f or ihe winning
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  • 219 8 WATCH for a few more political sparks in the Far East. The change in the Government of Japan is only the first of a series of dramatic developments. It may be only a hunch, but 1 see things moving very quickly in Japan and China during the next
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  • 183 8 AMERICA has presented to Japan a MB of over 600 claims for damage t» American persons and property by Japanese mntarists and their "puppet agents. There will be n> new trade treaty unless this account is satisfied. America cannot dictate to J?pan on her relations with other
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  • 120 8 COR an intelligent review, without pro--1 paganda, of the economic aspects of the war you cannot do better than read the latest issue to hand oi Lbe monthly report issued by the National City Bank of New York. The writers of this review manage to get fact.s and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 125 8 IF YOUR BREATH HAS A SMELL YOU CANT FEEL WELL 1 Unless 2 pint! of bile juice flow from our liver into our bowels day, our movements get hard and constipated and our food decays unnaturally in our 28 feet of bowels. This decay sends poison all over our body
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  • 195 9 Reuter. London, Jan. 19. f\ a hading article headed "Tenl vj(»n Relaxes," The T» m es writes: .vtatner. v*ith poor visibility owed up roads, nas probably for Un moment at any rate the ol whether the Nazi High land is cr is not about to launch ault
    Reuter.  -  195 words
  • 147 9 British Official Wireless London, Jan. 19. LACK materials in Germany notions on production for have led to a number devices which go far bevery of scrap and waste jrs the weekly journal its usual objective acthe economic trends in the .ed from German and
    British Official Wireless  -  147 words
  • Article, Illustration
    100 9 Miss Unity Mitford, daughter of Lord and Lady Rcdodale and fiiend of Hitler, arriving at Folkestone from Germany, where she was when war biokc oat. Miss Mitford. who was reported to have been shot in the head and is vow stated to be sericurly ill, kft by ambulanc?
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  • 88 9 Reuter. London, Jaai. 19. ANOTHER mysterious outbreak of air activity and gunfire over German seaplane bases of Sylt and Heligoland Bight is reported to-day from Danish sources. Several news agencies have received reports telling of hea,vy anti-aircraft firTTna explosions-, which were thought to be those of
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 242 9 British Wireless. London, Jan. 19. IN imufequate study of Britain's published A which are much more exhaustive than those °f any other leadmg p wer, have aroused comment in some countnes W h,ch is less favour able than the true facts warrant. Daily Telegraph
    British Wireless.  -  242 words
  • 84 9 Reuter. Copenhagen, Jan. 19. IF necessary, Denmark must use means I at her disposal to protec sure respect for her■ peace and mdc pendence, says a r eso]iition representatives of all part es n Folketing, with h Q e Socialists. Communists and National Th e
    Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 21 9 British Wireless. London. Jan. 19. record of nearly bUc in Actual figures are not made P wartime.—British Wireies-
    British Wireless.  -  21 words
  • 473 9 Soviet Apology To Norway Sweden Helsinki, Jan. 19. 'JHE Russian forces which are attempting to cut Finland's waistline are still retreating, and bitter fighting is in progress lor possession of the little village of Maerkijaervi, which lies on the only main railway which
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  • 189 9 Reuter. London, Jan. 19. THE Imperial air training scheme will undoubtedly prove ths outstanding feature of the war, declared Sir Kingsley Wood in v speech to the Oversea League. It is being carried out virtua\v beyond the reach of enemy air attack, said the Air
    Reuter.  -  189 words
  • 29 9 Reuter. Brussels. Jan. 19. It is learned that the Belgian Army leave suspended during the week-end crisis', is to be resumed shortly.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 94 9 Reuter. London, Jan. 19. [JENIOR Scotland Yard officials, engaged in investigating the circumstances of the great explosion yesterday at the Royal gunpowder factory at Waltham Abbey, Essex, which in addition to causing damage to property over a wide area resulted in five men being killed and about 30
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 44 9 Reuter. London, Jan. 18. The systems of thought and life in the German State to-day and its ambiguous associate the U.S.S.R. are systems intrinsically hostile to the Christian doctrine, said the Archbishop of York at the convocation in York today .—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 60 9 The black-out—as Sir John Anderson told the House of Commons—is beating the burglar. And the reasons are curious. Burglars can no longer ten the difference between empty houses and occupied ones. In several cases they have broken into well-lighted rooms. And if they do hit en the right house, they
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 386 9 BRITISH MADE l Itl l iii\a: SOMETHING TO KEEP YOU HAPPyHUH With Hobbies Fi(t-Machine or even a beginner outfi' costing only $1.35 you can become expert at making a 1 sorts of things. Complete patterns and instructions ar liJ$VHO«fl provided for moJ i galloons, mystery cigarette boxes, Nee 1 Hjlral
      386 words

  • 969 10 JJELOW is the full programme for the opening day's races of the Perak Turf Club's January Meeting; to be run to-day: RACE ONE PONIES Class 2—Div. 2—5»/ 2 Furlongs 30 0 SPRING GIRL 9.04 Mr. A. van Tooren Duval 14 2 FERNLET 8.12 Mr. Cheong Yok
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  • 45 10 Selections for to-day's races at Ipoh:— Race I—EAST LYNE Fernlet Race 2—BEVERANT Myanee Race 3 —BLUE AND WHITE Dewberry Race 4—TURN OVER Harriford Race S—SYCILLIAN Shoot Up Race 6 —HENGIST Newzy Race 7—PINAFORE Mallanuit Race B—BEANO The Caliph Race 9 PLAYBOY Temple
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  • 121 10 IN a friendly badminton match comprising five singles and two doubles, played at the Happy World Covered Stadium last Thursday the Playfair B.P. beat the Merry Union BP. by four tames to three. (Playfair players mentioned first):— SINGLES Leow Kirn Lee lost to P.T.
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  • 86 10 The following players have been invited to play for the Chinese Sports Association against that R.A.F. Tengah (62 B. Squadron) on Sunday, at Farrer Park ground:—Patrick Yee, Wai Mun, Peng Kong, Sunn Leng, Ah Kong, Soo Tuan, Fook Loy. Sum Wing, Kai Seng, Weng Kai, Hock Seng, Yew
    86 words
  • 581 10 THREE GAMES ON THE PADANG QFFERING dour opposition to the S.C.C. "A" yesterday the R.A.M.C. were down by eight points (a goal and a try) when the final whistle was blown in the seven-a-side rugby at the S.( by referee C. Prosper Liston, who
    581 words
  • 556 10 Punjab Regiment 3; Indian Association 1 gELFISH play by their forwards pitted against a plucky defence prevented the Punjab Regiment from scoring a much bigger uctory ever the Indian Association when the teams met in a hocKey mutch at Balestier yesterday. The Punjabs won 3-1
    556 words
  • 186 10 The following is the draw and start ing times for the Ladies' Fou competition to be played at Buk't Timah on Monday, Jan. 29:— 3.U0 Mrs. J. Moncur Mr. c F Winter v. Mrs. J. V. West Mrs f Ct. Hebdftch. 3.00 Mrs. G. Ambler
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 434 10 WHEN GASTRIC ULCERS ARE SUSPECTED There's no need for the stomach sufferer to give way to despair, even when acute pain suggests that excess acid has attacked his stomach lining, preparing the way for a gastric ulcs». There are countless instances where the gentle, healing work of Maclean Brand Stomach
      434 words
    • 91 10 l JJBjfsf-g| STANDARD SAKSAP VKILJ jF Blood buiititr Cures various r **Gs* tropica] d- r> Local Frice $1 per bottle Small bottle 50 cts sole Agents: A -S MOHAMED KASSJM CO. "9, Hill St., Singapore 'Phone 170« &n 4 gua'ra ntee to cur flies Fistula within 10 days without operation
      91 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 872 11  -  Many Thrills At Happy World (By "Spectator") |T is not often that a boxer of the calibre of Mohamed Fahmy is knocked out in a Malayan ring and, therefore, the promotion at the Happy World last night will long be remembered. For Fahmy,
    872 words
  • 46 11 Tommy Carrie (9-6' i) beat K.O. Gustilo (9-B'i) on points. Boon Mah (9-8! 4) beat David Dharmaraj (£414) on points. Joe Diamond (t-ISH) beat Rush Milling (10-3' i) on points. Flashy Sebastian (It-Mi) knorkefl out Mohd. Fahmy (115! j) in third round.
    46 words
  • 235 11 Singapore, Friday. SIMPLE pretty wedding took place this afternoon at Kee Sun East Coast Resort, Siglap, when Miss Waileen Wong, the well-known Malayan lady badminton champion, was married to Mr. Robert F. N. Kan before a large gathering. Miss Wong is the youngest daughter of the
    235 words
  • 56 11 The following will represent the Double Eagle XI in a friendly game of soccer against the Pasir Panjang Rovers tO-d»* at Farrer Park ground:—Ah Kow. Ah Pang, Soo Tuan, Ah Soo. Pun Chic v (Captain), Kirn Swee. Hock Seng. Lian Sin, Kok Choy. Ah Soo. Kai Sai, Ah
    56 words
  • 12 11 RUGGER: North vs. South Padang. HOCKEY: Singapore vs. Seiangor, Padang.
    12 words
  • 58 11 The following players will represent Fime Darby Sports Club against tiw Straits Times Sports Club in a friendly nrame of soccer on Tuesday, Jan. 23 at Farrer Park at 5.15 p.m.:—E. OVveiro; Neo Eng Bee. Choo Srng Chve; N. Ess. J.J Bell. A.D. Dant: Lim Chew Siang,
    58 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 353 11 ••BCPW" GRIPE MIXTURE. r v en after each feed, it soothes the digestive tract, prevents accumulation of Gas and cr tg digestive disorders common in children. (1 i s also an excellent emergency remedy for convulsions in children. i 'BCPW 1 Gripe Mixture be c saviour of your children's ilments.
      353 words
    • 151 11 (Hhousandshm^\ BATTERIES for your radio Obtainable from all dealers or from THE CHLORIDE ELECTtUCAL STORAGE CO., LTU, ,jr incorporated in England). la, Oldham Lane, SINGAPORE. CHAPPY MOTHER WHO WAS NOT KEPT AWAKE LAST NIGHT BY HER CHILD'S COUGH A cough always strikes harder at vvl UOY night. It deprives mother
      151 words

  • 34 12 Dr. C. P. Allen, Surgeon, Grade B. Malayan Medical Service, (formerly seconded for service in Johore) has been granted two hundred and twentythree days' leave on full pay, with effect from Dec. 13, 1939.
    34 words
  • 860 12 BRITAIN'S CROWING MILITARY STRENGTH Lrondon, Jan. 5. pOUR months ago the Prime Minister, within a few hours of the outbreak of war, was able to announce that the whole Empire was with the Mother Country in the fight against Nazi terrorism. Since then the
    860 words
  • 146 12 London, Jan ■> TEST pilot has saved high-speed bomber and secret type by the coi of a "home-made"' runway. He was flying the bomber Chester when trouble of a n racter developed, and hr to land in a fieid to m The prob'em cf take
    146 words
  • 319 12 India Ceylon Association, Johore Bahru, which has just completed another successful year, is receiving increased support frpm members of both communities and is making steady progress. The annual report of the committee of management is a proud le- 1 -C 1- A.
    319 words
  • 67 12 Chungking. A MOVEMENT has been started Really for the organisation of a "children presentation corps" in connection with the comfort driw for the troops and war refugees. All children from eight years o!d upwards may join the corps whose main activity will be the propagation of the
    67 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 177 12 s'l I*y tor clear distinct re- O S production for which > Agents: HOfc BOON LEONG I 5» Radio General Agency > Kuala Lumpur. ga K '■iiinniiMiiiiiiiia SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHEN YOU ENTRUST ALL YOUR CLOCK AND WATCH REPAIRS TO YICK WOH HING 429, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. (Near Middle Road.) 'PHONE
      177 words
    • 164 12 .SEND A CALL TO TXn BH3AL RADIO HOUSE 2C5. Oi chard Ec2d. Phon; 4967. tVhen You Need Mendc £jrvice or Spare Parts. (Mende Bcfffiefag Specialists.». MOTOR 1 > r IS—ARE VOI IVi \k> n»al SMOKY EXHAUSTS is w»« PUNISHABLE BY LAW? MAXIMUM FIXE IS $200 00». THE OLD WAV TO
      164 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 648 12 j TO-DAY'S IKAOIO j SINGAPORE LONDON ZHL 225 metres (1.33 mc s). TRANSMISSIONS 2 S ZHP 30.9« metres (9.69 mcs), GSG 17.79 Mrs (16.86 metres) P-m- GSF 15.14 Mc|t «13.92 metres) 12.45 Light Orchestral Concert played by the GSJ 21.53 Mc s (19.82 metres) Adelphi Hotel Orchestra, directed by A.
      648 words
    • 112 12 warns* j > r*w^ I Vw j/4 i It, w v/ CAPITOL: "Panama Lady."— 6.15 and 9.15 p.m. PAVILION: "Boy Friend."—3 15, 6.15 and 9.15 p.m. ALHAMBKA: "the Return of the Frog." —3.15, 6.15 and 9.15 p.m. CATHAY: "Hollywood Cavalcade."— 3.15, 6.15 and 9.15 p.m. ROXY: "Stanley and Livingstone."— 615
      112 words

  • 367 13 London, Jan. 6. ABOUT a month ago a famous cavalry regiment moved back from the line to rest billets, and the officers sought for ways and means to interest their men beyond the ordinary round of training. Someone had the idea of
    367 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 477 13 HV2»N D; Agents for Mickey Mouse Coffee. Box 369, c.o Malaya Tringapore. (28&.C) D Distributors in F.M.S. for Ccck Brand Products •Coffee", "Cocotin", "Milk", x ~82. Malaya Tribune, Singa(2B2.C> nD: An old good salesman. m rson to Messrs. Kishna Silk 25, Market Street, Ipoh. (280.C) i D Manager for Happy
      477 words
    • 476 13 Educational c^f r 5 A?TS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 541, Geyiang Road, Singapore. Special *.rainiivr f or all Commercial and Professional examinations. Success guaranteed. Tuitions are personally conducted r by qualified Accountants and Secretaries. Particulars from Principal: John G. Kong, F.Com., F.R.Econ.S., Examination Representative to the Institute ol Bookkeepers, London, and the
      476 words
    • 622 13 Wanted REQUIRED by office lames 2 seats in tar 8.15 4.30, Rangoon, Newton, Cantonment Roads. Please write Box 366 Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (278/.";» WANTED: A small piece of sea-side fend, Pcnggol preferred, either with or Without building. Apply Box No. 370. c o Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (288.C I WANTED: Typewriter,
      622 words
    • 575 13 Domestic Occurrence ACKNOWLEDGMENT Mr. H. W. H. Stevens (Daddy) and family wish to thank all those who so Isindly sent letters and telegrams of condolence in their sad bereavement. Miscellaneous HATj FFMANN EAGLE RED MENTHOL CONE, now in Balkerite Holders. Arrived; small quantity only. Send your orders mm* J. liea
      575 words
    • 385 13 A GENTLEMAN holding good position Wishes to have correspondence with a young and good looking lady. View matrimcny. Please write Box No 373. co Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (297.C) PuMic SAFETY PIANO Beware of "Tramp" Tuners Repairers! Your piano should be tuned and repaired by competent men from rcMable and well
      385 words
    • 388 13 NOTICE. BANGKOK BEAUTY SALON. We regret to intorm our many esteemed clients that for urgent reasons, we are temporarily suspending our business. We cordially thank them for their kind support and hope to return from Bangkok in the near future. CHINA RELIEF FUND COMMITTEE OF SINGAPORE. NOTICE NO. 3L DENYING
      388 words

  • 605 14 Accelerating Japan's Political Hara-Kiri Chungking, Jan. 19. JHAT Admiral Yonai's Cabinet is at best a transitional administration and will not be able to pull Japan through at this hour of grave external and internal difficulties, is the unanimous opinion of the Chungking press. No
    605 words
  • 61 14 AChenglu. COMFORT campaign is afoot to bring cheer and gifts to the families of the Szechwan soldiers this Winter. The Szechwan Wartime Service Corps which is chiefly responsible for the campaign, has enlisted 5,158 workers and established over 130 village units and 41 co-operative societies in Szechwan
    61 words
  • 226 14 Chungking. THE return of cloudy weather to the wartime capital—establishing a protective blanket against Japaiu>e raiders—has resulted in a business boom, the newspaper, Ta Kung Pao reported. Quoting the chairman of the Chungking Chamber <_i Commerce, the newspa per said business circles are already enjoying great
    226 words
  • 108 14 Chungking. UP to the end of September, 1939, there were 1,905 newspapers, 818 news agencies and 1,774 periodicals in free China, according to the Ministry of Interior. The Kiangsu Province with its leading port Shanghai led with 595 newspapers, 105 news services and 839 magazines.
    108 words
  • 164 14 rINESE vanguards ward along .he Canton Railway on the main K M front are continuing their m< n? up operations against the I I who are fighting in rear i,Vr i" f tion to cover the retreat 6* th a( body of the invaders, accordi!.**? field
    164 words
  • 306 14 Chuagkirg Chinese forces operating in the Fayuen sector. about fiftj ki!; metres north of Canton, ar e pursuing the retreatim* Japan c.c who are falling hack by two routes, one following the Cantcn Harkcw Railway and another following- the perpendicular highway linking Fatshan and
    306 words
  • 294 14 Hongkong. JAPANESE troops on the Canton-Han-kow Railway are making a further retreat from Kwantien to Sunkai, about 25 miles north of Canton, while some of the troops have returned to Canton the morale of the enemy troops beinc low. East of the railway, Nippon forces
    294 words
  • 113 14 Chungking. THE Chinese forces have rmpirloj the encirclement of Changhsouu;, an important Japanese ba>< ul.»nthe middle reaches of the Han River in Central Hupeh. This followed a successful ra Yangtsechen sector, north a hsiang, where the Chinese r<. a Japanese counter-attack afl day battle, during which
    113 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 365 14 RAFFLES CAFE DINE THERE TO-NSGHT Excellent Grill M A La Carte mm mm Cocktail Bar Relay of Raffles Orchestra Radio Programmes Social Atmosphere Comfort mmm Sea View Hotel I TO-NIGHT, SPECIAL DINNER-DANCE CABARET FIRST APPEARANCE IN THE FAR FAST OF THE ritio £rlmiTo§ ADAGIO—COMIC AND MUSICAL ACROBATIC DANCERS AN UNUSUALLY
      365 words
      3 words
    • 48 14 Have you heard best f«od i» Orchard Resiaurant Bar 38, ORCHARD ROAD, SPORE (near Cathay Cinema». PRICES VERY MODERATE. A. T. EDWAII»* CO.. LTD. AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS VALUERS, 11, MALACCA STREET, TELEPHONE 4G4€. Co.isult Us For All Classes M REAL ESTATE REQUIREMENTS AND INVESTMENTS. No Obligation Phone 4646.
      48 words

  • 253 15 LONDON TIN London, Friday. I Official Price) £234Vfe Buyers £234% Sellers rd (Official Price) £234V 2 Buyers £235 Seller* LONDON RUBBER London, Friday. Very Steady 12 b 12 l|l6s ward' Feb. 1115!16b 12s ..aid' Mar. 11% b 12s *,u\vard> April HTsb 11 1516 i PRODUCE London, Friday.
    253 words
  • 284 15 Singapore. Friday khabar Amerikan yang terkenal bernama Vlllard itu baharu Jugi -New York daripada lawatan-nya kan la berkata tlga suku daripada tennan sangat-lah ta* suka akan Hitler b ramai lagl pula yang tidak suka peperangan lnl. Ia berharap apabila Mah kaiah kelak, semua senjatar akan dart
    284 words
  • 758 15 FRASER CO'S SHARE REPORT Singapore, Jan. 19. MINING Ampat Tin Bu ■flffi Austral Amal 6 3 2*3 Austral Malay 3?. ,Sf^ Ayer Hltam S£ Hf* 226 23« Batu Selangor Berjuntal L,2 \fl Burma Malay o? oio Chenderlang ttli Hltam Tin 8 J J 7 J Hong Patt l lJ Hong
    758 words
  • 213 15 Singapore, Jan. 19 The following are the exchange stock ih's «ornlng according to the dally circular issued by (be Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corpora' Hon. SELLING umdon 2j4 ljlO Condon demand 2 4 I|l6 Lyons demand 2057 Ewitzerland demand 208 Hamburg demand New York demand 46 7|B Montreal demand
    213 words
  • 145 15 Singapore. Jan. 19. .tftam) W. Coast No. 1 per Koyan \t. !SS| W. Coast No. 3 pw Koyan Rice Siam 1 215 Rice Siam 2 135 Rice Siam 3 161 siam Broken Rice No. 1 157 Siam Broken Rice No. 2 Bice Saigon Al ftice Saigon 1 i Rice
    145 words
  • 134 15 Singapore, Friday. HULL conditions again prevailed in markets to-day and very little business was transacted. Local tin relapsed 1 5 8 to $122%, while the price of rubber at four o'clock was buyers Spot 39 cents, February March 38% cents, April June 36^ 8 cents, and July
    134 words
  • 106 15 Maynard 90 lOOnom SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL i% 1940 100 lOlnora 4 «4% 1947 101 103nom 4 a 1955 107 lOOnom 4% 1963 101 103nom 3% 55-66 114>a 11« sr;5 r 48-68 107» a 109> 2 X.1. 4Va% 70-80 113 115 3% 75-85 0.93«4 0.95 3% 75-85 94» 96«4
    106 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 89 15 THE EASTERN BANK LIMITED. (Incorporated in England) (SINGAPORE BRANCH) 4, D'Almeida Street. Authorised and subscribed Capital £2,000,000 Paid-up Capital £1,000 000 Reserve Fund 500,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON Branches: Bombay, Calcutta, Colombo, Karachi, Madras, Amara, Baghdad, Rahrein, Basra, Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened end money received on Fixed Deposits
      89 words
      364 words
    • 348 15 STEAMER BAILINGS. P&CX BRITISH) INDIA PASSENGER FREIGHT -x SERVICES For all information apply to: P. O.S.N. Co., The Agent, Collyer Quay, Tel. 5961. BJ.S.N. Co., BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., Tel. 5497. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD., (Apcar Line). For Hongkong, Shanghai, Mojl, Kobe Osaka Fortnightly For Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta
      348 words
    • 117 15 BRITISH t INDIA ilncoipoiated in England) P. 0. S. N. CO.*S SAILINGB. The P. 0. S. N. Company will have a passenger steamei sailing Westwards next month. The Agent, F. ft O. S. N. CO., 11A, Collyer Quay, Tel. 5961. I. S. K. LINE (ISHIHARA SANGYO KAIITN KAISHA, LTD.) Direct
      117 words

  • 124 16 Reuter. Paris, Jan. 20. 1 AST night's French communique reports a quiet day c.n the land front, with activity of aviation on both sides.— Reuter. London, Jan. 19. To-day's communique says there was nothing to repoit. Last night's communique stated that "in the Vosges,
    Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 62 16 Reuter. Stockholm. Jan. 20 A TOTAL of 310.000 Polish prisoners of war are employed on labour in Germany, according to the Berlin correspondent of the Swedish paper Dagbladet. The other 400,000 ire still in Poland. A hundred-thcusand Pcles who are not Drisoners of war
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 103 16 Protest Against Food Shortage Reuter. Peiping, Jan. 19. 4 S a result, it is believed, of the present acute food situation here, the wife of the President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce was shot dead by gunmen on Wednesday, when leaving her
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 113 16 Reuter. London. Jan. 20. niLGT Officer G. VV. F. Carey and Air- Gunner Crurr.oton baV<s be ;n awarded the Distinguished Flying foi 1. >t?y in fly in?, oprvaiiors pairs' the enemy, They wer9 respectively p i t and air-gunner -n one of a reraf
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 72 16 Reuter. London. Jan 20. J\R. GOEBBELS. Nazi Propaganda v Minister, broadcasting fiom Posen. violently attacked England. He sa J d" "As regards the English, there can be only one opinion—destioy them; they are ferocious wolves wearing lambskins The Biitish want to lorce on us a new
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 128 16 Reuter. London. Jan. 19. THE German Radio this morning sharply attacked the Dutch press for its comments on the torpedoing of the Arendskerk. The announcer refuted the allegation that the German U-boat commander acted with brutality, and said that the Dutch press ought to blame the captain
    Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 34 16 Reuter. Washington, Jan. 19. Senator Borah is in a aeep coma.There is apparently no hope.— Reuter. Later.—lt is stated that Senator Borah's pulse is growing much weaker R uter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 107 16 Reuter. Ottawa. Jan. lft THE Ontario Legislate, day passed by 44 U){{ 10 a motion condemning tfc Canadian Government s t) 1 cution of the war. The motion was proposed Hepburn, who announced be sign if the motion was deft The motion was an
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 116 16 Reuter. Louden, > S evidence that Gen war is directed as ntuiial shipping as Allies, an authoritative i instances seven neutral casualties during the last I Th? Italian ships zuc.i, mined as a result minelaying campaign; th Josephine C:;ailotte a: Astasia, mined; the Dutch skcrk torpedoed; the
    Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 287 16 London, Dec. 2^. gTALIN declares war. War on the working: masses of the Soviet Lnien whom he has discovered to be infested with slackers, spies and saboteurs at a time when "every hour is precious for the I defence of the Fatherland. In thousands of
    287 words
  • 353 16 oiytv Wiß Afn London, Dec. 29. gIXW-YEAR-OLD Mrs. Louis. Swain, German-born wife of a .h rm t V' hef Wa,ktd dOWB lhe from steamer at m berlin had advised her to go into a Nazi prison she was one cf a party
    353 words
  • 93 16 London, Jan. 19. peaking at the Inauguration of thrpnr St ai ea con }mittee set up to bring representatives oi employers and workers together to advise the Ministry of Supply, the Admiralty and Air Ministry "w*" connected with ward tbnV 0 i? Leslie Bur^in mention. £umhpr
    93 words
  • 63 16 Lady Veronica Brend a Hornby, sister of the Marquis of Duffsrin and Ava *as granted a decree nisi in the Divorc Court because of the misconduct of her husband Mr. Roger Antony Hornby whom she married in 1931 Hernet£ Won was not contested. Mr Justic Bucknlll exercised his dlscretio to
    63 words
  • 80 16 Warsaw, saw their home wrecked by wfth bCforc I' 1 fled My with her 12-year-dd son n S** y» on the seventh floor of a fathionaole block/ she said »we and e when V w itlß^ one o[ raia? and when we returned the bunding hao. been wrecked. -tTh y
    80 words
  • 78 16 Reuter. Zurich. Jan According to reports from I lin, German naval on k s that at least two of three r< submal ines whose less was nounced this week wcrt cas?h submarine nets. It is gt&ti some members of the crt able to escape by menus oi I
    Reuter.  -  78 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 114 16 f I—i1 —i —i OMWKS MID GIWRUITS Jig 65 54 STB D-1 gO4 M (Bsuwhj Ijlojto THE CAMAY BEAUTY METHOD sJpmWBR This Kilc&lt. C,ean natural loveliness is RF/VIITV SEPNET beauty's first law! Twice WStJ» I^ 1 1 biXtiU every day apply a light lather /ZiAiSj// of amay t0 v,,ur aco
      114 words