Malaya Tribune, 17 January 1940

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 21 1 The Malaya Tribune VOL. XXVII- -No. 14. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1940 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Wednesday, January 17, 1940.
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  • 248 1 Patrols Clash On Western Front Reuter. Paris, Jan. 17. A r KOL of the British force now holding a sector of the }?a<rinol Line encountered a German patrol in no-man's-land i Honda) night and fight ensued, says Reuters special corresi >h h the
    Reuter.  -  248 words
  • 75 1 Reuter. Panama, Jan. 16. j| latest freighters, Prince, 5.265 tons, iw into Bilbao by the Bri- liiornia Star, after $b bad mysteriously broken down v. r. was drifting hopeless|l\ as a result ol the breakdown, a fire I Ice out among the wood I Th»: fire
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 87 1 Reuter. r v London. Jan. 17. j war rating committee has published an addition to the advisor/ ■'-n<'ut!.(. rates issued on Jan. 4. The |:°r 1011 cencerns the rate for shipments Brest, and Havre and certain i importance of the addition lie ,v, in the subject
    Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 29 1 Darwin, Jan. 16. amer, Merkur 5,952 Melbourne from SinnaM. ASia^coaV 0^1 n T hf mnetv rJ**-T' 'ts aboard are b*s gone to her assistance.
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  • 339 1 Reuter. Hongkong, Jan. 17. It is understood that negotiations are proceeding for the placing of a big shipbuilding order in Hongkong by the British Government. It is believed that contracts will be placed for at least four cargo ships. 'ihc ships will represent a real Empi: c iff
    Reuter.  -  339 words
  • 109 1 Reuter. London. Jan. 17. ACCORDING to the (ierman wireless the Danish tanker Denmark, on which an explosion occurred on Friday, is now stated to have been destroyed with a cargo of 15,000 tons of oil. British coastguards on the south-west roast yesterday afternoon saw an
    Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 184 1 Reuter. Paris, Jan. 17. THE most categorical official denial is given to reports from Japanese sources that arms and munitions are being sent to South China .by the French Indo-China Railway. It is stated that insistence on these reports, which French circles are obliged to
    Reuter.  -  184 words
  • 60 1 To a garage somewhere In the Home Counties, which has teen converted since the war began into a letter office, come all the letters posted In England to the Army and Air Force in England and in France. This Is the mysterious "Army Post Office" to which lette-s T men
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  • 249 1 Reuter. London, Jan. 16. THE Admiralty announce that during the past week three British submarines, Seahorse, Undine and Starfish, failed to return to their bases or to report. These three vessels hud been engaged on a particularly hazardous service, and the Admiralty fear they must
    Reuter.  -  249 words
  • 34 1 Reuter. Washington. Jan. 16— The United States Senate has confirmed the President's nomination of Mr. Frank Murphy, Attorney-General to the Supreme Court and Mr Robert Jackson as Attorney-General in his placeRenter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 124 1 Reuter. London, Jan. 17. SQUADRON Loader (Acting WingCommander) Kichaid Kellctt, who led the Lgypt-Australia longdistance flight in 1938, has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for leading a combined formation iii aircraft operations ever rnemy naval bases inflicting heavy cafauU.'c on the enemy. Pilot-Officer C. A. Sykes
    Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 98 1 Reuter. Washington Jan. 10 MEW warships costing $2,276" million will be needed by 1945 in order to complete the Navy's current and proposed construction programme, according to Admiral Stark's testimony before the House of Representatives Naval Committee Th,- Secretary for War. Mr. Woodring. appearing before
    Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 34 1 Reuter. Rochester (New York*. Jan. 1 >. MR. Frank Gannett, publisher and critic of the New Dor-; has an noenced his candidacy tor the lie publican nomination for the Presidency.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 45 1 Reuter. Dublin. Jan. 17. A QUANTITY of arms and ammunilion is reported lo have been discovered by a c< ividerahlc force of civic guards combinjr the Kilworth Mountains dist: ict, near the County Cork and border. S:»me arrests have Keen made.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 164 1 Reuter. Lone >n. lan. II A SHOUT discussion followed Lord btanhonc's wai ie* <■ in the l ords, which was identical with Mr. Chamber* lain's review in the Commons. 1 Lord Snell urged quick and adequate help to Finland and asserted that if the Finns were
    Reuter.  -  164 words
  • 65 1 Paris, Jan. 16. A German submarine was attacked by French patrol craft while submerging. A statement issued In Paris to-day says that after the attack a patch pf oil came to the surface. The submarine was not seen again, but it is not certain if it
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 131 1 0 OTHER PAGES Paces «10.000 Bank Fraud 2 n Malayan Demand For Lotteries 3 chip's aptain Fined 4 State APP** 1 I> is m ,ssed 5 toe*** <> and 7 Threat To Belgium 8 I icerien The News'—C.H.S.J. 8 Ministers Explain Changes 9 10 and 11 Radfe 5 lassified Advertisements
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    • 89 1 THERE ARE 3000 6AR.GAINS ANO BAD BARGAINS, BUT All ASK FOR EVELYN ASTKOVA cos MET ICS. IHIGH Quality workmanship and "H. M. V." MODEL 675 materials. Seven-valve "World Tourer* Tabl* WIDE World rerrpfiofi with that Model ior »c. Main* v*Uh fluid clarity of reproduction always I light tuning I I
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  • 689 2  -  (From Our Own Reporter Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday. "'jMIKRE is no delinitc evidence of fraud or misappropriation and we are not prepared, in this instance, to take action to strike the solicitor oh" the rolls," remarked the Chief Justice, F.M.S., Mr. Justice Peyser, when
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  • 460 2  -  (From Our Own Reporter Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday. AT the close of the preliminary inquiry into the circumstances of the death of a three-year-old Chinese boy named Wong Wing Hon;? who was reported at the !-ctap/>k Police Station to have died of natural causes but who,
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  • 194 2  -  (From Our Own Correspondent Johore* Bahru, Tuesday. £IX DAYS after being reported missing, a Chinese pork seller, Lee Tong, was found dead in an estate stream in Kulai. At the inquiry into his death to-day, further hearing was adjourned to Jan. 23. Lee Tong
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  • 22 2 Mrs. Jackson, wife of Mr. R. Jackson iof Messrs. Wearne Brothers, Ipoh, has I been admitted to the European Hos{pital, Batu Gajah.
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  • 117 2  -  (From Our Own Reporter Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday. P spite of the increasing knowledge and enlightment the West is obtaining about conditions in the Far East, there are occasions when novelists and article writers on both sides of the Atlantic give cause for much amusement when facts
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  • 168 2  -  (From Our Own Reporter Ipoh, Tuesday. A PRETTY wedding was solemnised in Taiping yesterday when Mr. Randal Fowler, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Fowler of Koala Lumpur, was married to Miss Iris O Neil only sister of Mr. P. O'Neil. of the Electrical Department,
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  • 50 2 In connection with the Hari Raya Haji festival, the availability of the F M.S.R. week-end tickets has been extended. They may be used on outward journey from Thursday. Jan 13 to Monday, Jan. 22. and on tho from Friday. Jan. 19 to Wednesday, Jan. 24.
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  • 35 2 Mr. P. Madhavan Nair, formerly Station Mastei, Bukit Mcrtajam, and iately ag. 3ub Train Controller, Ipoh, xs promotec &j a permanent Sub-Train Controller and is posted at Gemas from the beginning of thi s year.
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  • 349 2 Cheque Made Out In Name Of Fictitious Drawer Hongkong, Jan. 9. WHILE Hongkong was in the throes of Yuletide festivities two weeks ago, an ingenious fraud was perpetrated, as a result of which a great banking institution in the Colony paid out nearly $10,000
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  • 116 2  -  (From Our Own Correspondent. Muar, Tuesday. Three Indians, Muniam, Mutthusamy and Velu were this morning produced before Inche Haron bin Ahmad and charged with the theft of a fowl valued at $1.20 belonging to See Ann. All the three accused claimed trial t-"»
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  • 69 2 Singapore, Tuesday. Convicted on his own plea of guilty, Tiong Toh, a 26-year-old Cantonese snatch thief, had sentence deferred a week in the Third Police Court this morning. Accused was alleged to have caused hurt to a Chinese woman when attempting to snatch her earrings at
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  • 434 2 Singapore, Tuesday. SURPRISE raid conducted on a house in Veerasamy Road on Nov. 22 last by a posse of detectives, headed by a police inspector, which resulted in the arrest of eleven Chinese, three of whom are women, and a haul of a large quantity
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  • 212 2 Last Night's First Nights JJENRY FONDA has pipe hat, fastened wart i right cheek, elongated h nose am bed some dark paint on it a gaunt look, and no I, him Abraham Lincoln The film In which h, P purtenances is "Young Mr t which opened
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  • 169 2 THREE bright comedies—one long zi I two short—and a travel picture d I California are the features of the programme at the Pavilion. The long comedy, "Chasing Danger has also many thrills in it, but th] cannot be taken seriously; they mm only the background for
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  • 135 2 JJAWAIIAN melodies and HaiH» romance are featured in "Hi Nights," which is now showing Capitol. This is a romantic music*, with plenty of fun, singing and dancu* and it is played almost throughout the island of romance from which I derives its name. The stars are
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  • 40 2 Tarzans Johnny WeismuHer. Crabbe and Herman Brbc another serious rival to < in the "Chinese Tarzan simultaneous opening Palacegay and Jubilee night. Depicting scenes of tl Malay Archipelago, bat! Ed natives, and romanci the picture Is thril ing entertainment.
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  • 26 2 In the first three untitled war, Lance-Corporal 1 Jarvis was awarded the first three months of tl been summoned for havi cured light in the W*ek-out.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 146 2 WHY LOSE FORHAN'S CAN SAVE THEM! Don't pay tribute to pyorrhoea! Keep your gums healthy and you'll a\t r\ i keep your teeth. A%oid sp'ongv, M U»lyj<>rh*ui blading gums by regular massage W *mduyfs*d m with Korhan's, the dentifrice that f mUfrin it.n- </tfts/W.>/7v6i/Cleansyour teeth and I turns a s\Hiial
      146 words

  • 154 3  -  From Our Own Reporter Ipoh, Tuesday. \N appeal for the retrial of iMoha r tv.mod Dahal bin Haji Suloh, a M.ilay Co-operative Officcir, on a ii ,e criminal breach of trust ,n respect of $25 was allowed yester- !,> the Hon. Mr. Justice Howes j11
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  • 263 3 ON FRIDAY Jan. 19, Madam Olga Cotlho trill give a song recital from the B M 1> C. Stati >n from 7 15 until 8 15 p.m. Madam ("oelho accompanies herself on the mhtar and is world famous as a Brazilian soprano and
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  • 60 3 Singapore, Wednesday. T Ses had 10 do the nu r he r,eneral HospHaJ this x V; uhen 200 hospital attend- wanl attendants and Extra reinforcements of police seiu to the hospitals and guards were <jent to the hospitals and guards entrances. Reason for the strike is a
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  • 81 3 Host and hestess at a delightful children's party at Government House yesterday were H.E. the Governor and Lady Thomas. They entered into the party spiri* thoroughly, as you will se3 by this picture, taken on the lawn. This afternoon a similar paity will be held at
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  • 43 3 The central depot which ha.s been opened at Government House to supply wool, for knitting garments for men of the Fighting Forces. wOl be open on Friday from 10 am. to 12 noon, instead of Friday for this week only.
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  • 332 3 Singapore, Wednesday. A NI MBER of Singapore Police Sations have their front doors closed and have armed guards stationed outside them to-day. Large posses of police are standing by at various centres to reinforce the city s mt squad who were called out yesterday to
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  • 55 3 The following statement is issued by the Department of Infrrmation this morning: The Keppel Harbour dockyards remain closed. The strike organisers are addressing the men outside the gates at Keppel Harbour and are urging the men to stand firm and refuse to return to work until all
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  • 649 3 Immediate Support For Tribune's Campaign proof that the public of Malaya want war lotteries is being received by every mail at the Tribune office. The response to a voting form published on Sunday has already proved exceptional. From all parts of Malaya readers are sending
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  • 23 3 Mr. F. J. C. Wilson, O.C.P.D. Tronoh, proceeds on long leave shortly. He is being succeeded by Mr. C. H. F:nner of IpdrT.
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  • 140 3  -  (From Our Own Correspondent Muar, Tuesday. "I WENT to a drain to wash my legs and saw the bottles of samsu and picked them up. The samsu does not belong to me," said Lim Yong when he pleaded guilty to a charge cf being found to
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  • 130 3 MAN WOMAN START FIGHT Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday. STATED to hay* begun frcm an altercation between a man and woman over 20 cents, a faction fight took plaoa in Segambut last night at the conclusion of which five men were taken to hospital and two others received minor injuries. Teochews and
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  • 307 3  -  (From Our Own Correspondent Muar, Tuesday. ABDULLAH BIN AHAMAD, a 20-year-old Chinese convert to Islam, was to-day produced before Tuan Sheikh Abu Baker bin Yahya and charged with having committed housebreaking and theft of two book*;, valued at $3, on the afternoon of Dec.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 77 3 Box Office fYSKVVVEg To-day Pllonc IRaiUUHBH 3.15. 6.15, na nn II M/iL/iY/i'jMo/r Modern 9.15 S production of^ mm; Mt.imcm with HENRY ALICE MARJORIE ARLEEN FONDA BRADY WEAVER WHELAN Directed by JOHN FORD A Co»mopolitan Production -—SHORTS— "WATCH DOG" V TO-MORROW rox PRE£ENT 1 ALICE THE ROMANCE OF nAk i r
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    • 154 3 pure, refined cane sugar of the highest quality TAIKOO SUGAR Refined and packed by a British Company in a British Colony obtainable at all Cold Storage Branch* s and high class dealers 'PHONE: SINGAPORE 5376 (s:ines), K. LUMPUR 3331 (3 lines), !POH 110 111 (2 lines), PENAN(i 1500 1501, BUTFEIIWORTH
      154 words

  • 255 4 CAPTAIN OF SHIP PLEADS GUILTY Singapore, Tuesday. fAPTAIN Pettigrew, master of a vessel, was fined $100 to-day by Mr. Conrad Oldham, Second Magistrate, when he pleaded guilty to the charge of permitting Dr. Karl Bondy, apparently a refugee, to land in Singapore to-day
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  • 51 4 A man with the secrecy of a Zaharoff, the generosity of a Nuffield, the astuteness of a Montagu Norman, and a personal fortune of some £10,000.000. Fritz Mannheimer lived 49 years unknown to 99 out of 100 men-in-the-street. His death recently set Europe's finances joggling like a seismograph in an
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  • 369 4  -  (F ro m Our Own Correspondent Johore Bahru, Monday. pLEADING guilty to an alternative charge of having driven a military ear along the 1st milestone, Johore Bahru-Kota Tinggi Road, in a negligent manner on Nov. 29 last year, Lance-Corporal Abdul Karim, of the Royal Indian
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  • 105 4 Singapore, Tuesday. rjONVICTED last week for theft of half a barrel of nails valued at $12, at Canberra Road, Naval Base, in the early hours of Jan. 10, Ong Choo Seng, a young Chinese, was this morning sentenced to pay a fine of
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  • 58 4 Singapore. Tuesday. Knocked down by a lorry in Bagdad Street near the junction of Arab Street early this morning, a 9-year old girl was taken to the General Hospital in a semiconscious condition. She sustained nib mere us abrasions over the head, forearm, and knee,
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  • 229 4 TUIE first annual general meeting of the Indian Association, Muar, will be held on Friday, at 5 p.m. at the Association premises, 13, Jalan Majidi. Important items on the agenda are the presentation of the managing committee's report and the election of office-bearers and auditors
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  • 19 4 The transfer of Lieut. S. B. Tan from the S.S V.F.Ft. of Officers to Active List, has been approved.
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  • 78 4 Singapore. Tuesday. THE presence of mind of a Chinese by stander saved the life of a 50-year old Chinese woman who fell into the canal running between Kampong Java Road and Keng Lee Road at about 8.40 this morning. The man jumped into the canal and
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  • 484 4  -  (Frcm Our Own Reporter Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday. *FHE third magistrate was told yesterday how the alertness of a Chinese detective saved a Sikh watchman at the Bukit Bintang Paik fron being seriously injured when, it is alleged, a private of the Mala.\ Kerimmt. Talib bin
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 73 4 SANDEMAN'S fS PORTS IS SHERRIES iP*ll§Sftn&BA] discerning Vintage Wine.. well-matured in wood. I Remember- *A I are fresh wherever you I 1,11 V them! :> Here, as in many other^ hotel* and restaurants «11 over the I In patent 'TRU-VAC tint <*° "PPrecUte the extra! J. Irxw nx l,n touch
      73 words
    • 327 4 Kidneys Musi Clean Out Acids Tour body cleans out excess ,v poisonous wastes in your blood Oam tftqr delisste Kidney tubes Poisons in the KMn«ys or Bladd< you suffer from Getting Up Kiel ousness. Leg Pains, Circles Backache, Aching Joints, Acidity ing passages, don't rely on ordii cines. Fight such
      327 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 108 4 CAPITOL: "Hawaiian Nights "—3.15, 6.15 and 0.15 p m PAVILION: "Chasing Danger."—6.15 and 9.15 p.m. ALHAM3RA: "The Return of the Frog." —3.15, 6.15 and 9.15 p.m. CATHAY: "Young Mr. Lincoln."— 3.15, 6 15 and 9.15 p.m. ROXY: "Fast and Loose."—6.15 and 9.15 p m. MARLBOROUGH: 4 King Kong."—6 15 and
      108 words

  • 119 5 The above is a photograph of .in oil painting (made from a photograph) of the late Mr. Xi» hard Page, late Senior Partner of the legal firm cf Messrs. Mien k Ciledhill, who died last June. The portrait was presented to Messrs. Allen ft Gledhill by Mr.
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  • 83 5 Singapore, Tuesday. IJfcXI i "sCE was deferred a week in tne cast in which Tan Hai Geh n;i<i Hock Lim, two vounj? Chinese, w< n c mvicted by Mr. H. Watson in the Third Police Court on a ai 'in carrying on a
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  • 542 5  -  ALLEGED INADEQUATE SENTENCES (From Our Own Reporter A XT m Ipoh, Tuesday. W application by the Public Prosecutor for the revision of the sentence passed by the Krian Magistrate in a summons case in connection with motoring ofTences was dismissed yesterday by the
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  • 14 5 Mr. Oliver Lyons Phipps, of Penang, winner of a Queen's Scholarship.
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  • 63 5 Lord de Villiers. South Africa's only peer, was married to Miss Lcvett Mackinnon, star of the ice ballet. "Switzerland". They m:t on board a liner bound from Sou+h Africa to Australia, and Lord de Villiers is reported to have paid £1,000 compensation to th* producer of the ice show r
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  • 298 5 Hongkong, Jan. 9. VUMEKOUS trading junk.s have been pirated near Hongkong during the past few days, according to reports received by the Hongkong Police, states the South China Morning Post. A cargo of sacks, paper, tea, preserved vegetables and oranges valued it $3.450 was seized by
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  • 556 5 Singapore. Tuesday. SA-BUAH lagi kapal s?lam Jerman telah ditenggelamkan oleh sa-orang ahli terbang British dalam Laut Utara dengan menggwgorkan bom di-atas-nya. Kapal selam itu apabila nampnk kapal terbang yang tersebu' beberapa batu lagi Jauh-nya. telah menchuha hendak menyelam ka-dalam laut: tetapi sudo/i terlambat. Jadi sempat-lah Juga
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  • 17 5 Mrs. L D. Whitfield, wife of the Headmaster Sultan Abdul Harnid Dflirnr. MM Star, has from Eng-
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 136 5 OUGHT TO BE BEST f^^^j If you had your choice of the milk from a tnousand dairies and if those dairies were all in one of the world's richest dairy regions then you'd know you were getting the finest milk money could buy. Yet that's what KLIM is the finest
      136 words
    • 457 5 ENG AUN TONG, THE TIGER MEDICAL HALL, SINGAPORE. 0 k'* 1 1 Prot«« your property thin •o pay for repairs A food paint Is the best "SZ- o <j# J^t/M sun and Tropical dampness. Hubbuck's is tha bast paint you can buy us* It ragularly. J PATENT L DIPLOMATTE 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 385 6 tm «r m BLACK GOLD PAVES the m lm% ROARING ROAD T0 HADES! P% A hot Pano-ma-ma and a fighting ton- brent D °p^ f i i^ Gs NEXT CHANGE at the CAPITOL TO-OAY'S TEA DANCE 6.20—P M BALCONY OPEN NIGHT DANCE AS USUAL AIR ANNEXE TO-MORROW AT 8 P.M.
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  • 519 7 Two Russian Companies Wiped Out By Finns Reuter. 'Fur? n Helsinki, Jan. 17. J.HE German Commercial Attache in Finland has resigned his post and joined the Finnish Army as a volunteer. Last night's Finnish communique claims that the Finns annihilated two Russian companies on
    Reuter.  -  519 words
  • 152 7  -  (From Our Own Reporter Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday. PUBLIC opinion is sought by Government on the Registration of Business Enactment, final drafts of which were published this evening in the F.M.S. Government Gazette. Government will receive these comments until the end of the month, the short time
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  • 54 7 Sir William Reid, a former acting Governor of Assam, and Lady Reid, set out for a stroll in the woods surrounding their HampsTiire home. Durford Rise. Petersfield. Their pet spaniel was with them, and Sir William carried his gun. After a 36-hours search polic? found Sir William and his wife
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  • 542 7 Reuter. (Kcultis City Special) London, Jan. 17. tin cash price in the I < ndon market yesterday was slightly easier but the forward quotation was firmer. The day's turnover was 150 tons, of which about 100 tons were undertsood to have been cash sales
    Reuter.  -  542 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 446 7 Pittite <3? Tttrttce*!^ Singapore Municipality TENDERS. ;DERS are now invited for the vjng materials or service. For •uiars se e Municipal Tender Room Date of Closin, ply of Sluice Valves V Water for period \U to 30-4-41. 4 p.m. 18 March, 1940 y of Two Chemical Feed Machines, 4 p.m.,
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    • 177 7 TRAINERS SHOW WAY TO STOP STIFFNESS! Enjoy vigorous exercise without fear of ■trained, sore muscles. Do as athletic trainers do —rub in reliable Absorbine Jr. This famous antiseptic" liniment penetrates deep down where the soreness is relieves congestion, gives quick, soothing comfort. Keeps muscles pliable and in prop-r tone. Try
      177 words
    • 31 7 I GREAT WORLD" CABARET GLOBE THEATRE To-day—Tea Night Dances To-night G. 30 to 8.45 9.30 to Midnight "KEEP SMILING." Thursday: "KENTUCKY." SATURDAY SKY TALKIE: To-night, EXTENSION TQ la. m. -daughter courageous."
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  • 183 8 UUCH anger has been aroused in Holland and in other neutral counlries by the sinking by a German submarine of the Dutch steamer Arendskerk in the Bay of Biscay. The sinking of neutral ship- is not a new thing in this war, but invariably these sinkings have been due
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  • 363 8 JjJUDDEN transfer of the United States Minister in Eire to the recently vacated Embassy in Brussels indicates the seriousness with which President Roosevelt regards the new German concentration on the Belgian and Dutch frontiers He wishes to be fully informed by a responsible man on the spot and
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  • 1060 8 Reuter. Amsterdam, Jan. 16. THE Dutch military authorities continue to check over the country's defence preparations, but no new measure is announced. "Holland is prepared for anything, but must not assume that there is any imminent danger at the moment," Reuter was told in The
    Reuter.  -  1,060 words
  • 176 8 Reuter. (Reuters City Special) ivondon, Jan. Hi. T HK ru,)her market is keenly interested in the Uniled Slates rubber statistics for December. The imports totalled 89,100 lons, show ing increase of 26,500 compared with November. This is considered to be due to larci ai
    Reuter.  -  176 words
  • 54 8 Reuter. London, Jan. 16. It was stated in the House of Commons to-day that the number of friendly aliens serving in the British Army up to Jan. 6 was 905. A Bill to deal with Czech assets bfeet?lL »°7 at Br itain wUI be introduced
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • Article, Illustration
    163 8 the "explanations"' j n House of Commons by Mr, h,,,., Belisha and Mr. Chamberlain we really know any more about tin situation, or the push-out, 0 f ex-War Minitser than we did before It not to be expected that either of these statesmen, uhatner their private differences may
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  • 243 8 THE PREMIER has made another review of the war situation which add* little or nothing to what he told us a few days ago In his admittedly vigorous Mansion House speech. Chamberlain has determination or i mind of his own. That Is certain Some of the Opposition
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  • 306 8 EVENTS of the approaching .spn!:- r wD .show the value or otherwise of the wedge-driving policy as it has been pursued so far. It is nut the policy itself so much that some of us doubt. It i> It* method of driving home the vedgfc THE MAIN
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 297 8 MODERNISE YOUR CYCLE LIGHTING With the New Patent DYNOHUB A REVOLUTION fIN CYCLE LIGHTING A bsolutely Weatherproof $15.00 COMPLETE WITH LAMP J*HE PATENT DYNOHUB (12 or 8 volt.) 1 is completely revolutionary in design. It provides electric lighting from a dynamo mounted in the fiont hub It consists ot the
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    • 26 8 For Style, Comfort Economy, CONSULT The Oriental Optical Co., MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS Head Office: 162, South Bridge Rd. Branch Office: 348, N. Bridge Rd, SINGAPORE. FREE TESTING.
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  • 303 9 Reuter. London, Jan. lb. CPEAKING in Parliament after J Mr llorc-Belisha to-day, the prime Minister, Mr. Chamberl ,„i said that as no explanation v i.' -iven in the letters which passed between him and Mr. Behshi speculation was soon busy as to the possible cause, and
    Reuter.  -  303 words
  • 982 9 Premier Reserves Detailed Reasons Chamberlain And Hore-Belisha Explain REUTER. MAKING important statements in Parliament last night regarding Mr. Hore-Belisha's resignation, the ex-War Minister himself and the Premier declared it was not due to any split between Mr. Belisha and any of his
    REUTER.  -  982 words
  • 626 9 no foundation, said Mr. I<• a m i f or the suggestion thai ,ir vr. ignai ion was connected with or t of a battle between Mr. and certain high officers, nbed as "oraaa hats'' over em oi promotion in the Army. nevi
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  • 567 9 Commons Debate British Wireless London, Jan. 17. F|UIUN(i the House of Commons debate last night, following Mr. Chamberlain's statement, Col. J. C. Wedgwood (Lab.) pressed Mr. Chamberlain to reply to suggestions that Mr. Hore-Helisha's resignation was due to prejudices against his being
    British Wireless  -  567 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 377 9 Bm E E® E 0 51E mossl3E s 0 51 s ffl Es E s aSB 3 ■Fl EXCESS ACID 1 I €|J CAUSES THAT PAIN Take this Advice and ■L Eat what you like Read how this quick-acting Powder w.l! you .mmcd.ate a re lief from your pain.
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  • 118 10 THE January Stroke competition of the 1 Garrison Golf Club was played at Tanglin on Saturday and Sunday, and resulted in a win for E. A. Joy with a net score of 64. The following were the best returns: E. A. Joy 82—18=64; L. C. Chater 77—12=65:
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  • 132 10 The Royal Singapore Golf Club 18 hole competition for ladies was played at Bukit Timah on Monday and resulted in a win for Mrs. R. Wakeford in "A" Division with a net score of 74 and in a win for Mrs. R.L. Nunn in "B'' Division
    132 words
  • 52 10 The following will represent the S.R.C. against the S.C.C. at hockey on Thursuay. on the S.R.C. ground:— P. P. Webb, It. H. Barth, P. F. de Souza; G. Clrrke, G. 2\ T Oenlers, L. S. Reutens R. Thoy, N. Sullivan, F. A. C. Oehlers, A. G. Valberg, J. Lovcday. Umpire—R.
    52 words
  • 484 10 GOOD WIN OVER THE AIRMEN V.M.C.A 5 R.A.F, (Kallang) 1 to their opponents in all departments of the game, the V.M.C.A. scored a clear-cut hockey victory over the R.A.F. (Kallang) who were beaten by five goals to one on the Anson Road j
    484 words
  • 61 10 The following have accepted to play for S.C.C. v S.R.C on Thursday Jan. 18. at the S.C.C.:—Dr B D .Moleswonh; PayLt. G. C FoKin hi' I L. E. Macnnilan; J. P. \vood W* It p ecl, Capt J R Kellett; G. ws' tfaites T. A D. He wan. Lt.-Comdr.* F.
    61 words
  • 168 10 races 6 a 7 eights for four SS?cSo¥bSS. day of the Perak An r Smd ClaSS FurS Str Inez Woden l\l Young Ginger o\ Monaveen iX Lady Ida Selangor II !*8 Abbot's Temptation J° Clifton Lad 2 Prunella President 2 1 Storm
    168 words
  • 226 10 I fHE Island Club beat the Sepoy Lines Golf Club in the social match piayed at the Island Course on Sunday, oy 9V 2 prints to 3. Result s were as follows:— J. Fletchcr-Cooke F. Sharp 4 vs. C. A. R Bateman E. L. Williams 1.
    226 words
  • 105 10 •]N Friday, Jan. 19, there wiil be the v usual afternoon races for all class cs at the Royal Singapore Yacht Club stating at 5.25 p.m. On Sunday, Jan. 21, the "C" Class will sail the third race for Trix Challenge Cup, starting at 9.50
    105 words
  • 63 10 The following players have been in vited to play for the Chinese Sports Association against the Moravia Sports Club n m*? M th Farrer Park ground at 5.15 p.m. .—Wai Mun, Patrick Yee. Soo Tuan Sunn Leng, Ah Kong, Tian Seng Focfc Loy. Sum Wing, Weng Kai K»7 £2? Hock
    63 words
  • 301 10 JJORE thrilling fights were witnessed by another large crowd at Tanghn last night in the second day of the Malaya Command boxing championships. Most of the fights were slogging affairs, and many hard knocks were given and received. Best of the contests was undoubtedly tne lightweight
    301 words
  • 64 10 The following will be selected to represent the Merry Union Party, against J h c P ayfair Badminton Party, in a inendly match, comprising of four singlas and three doubles, to be played on S£ y ftff- at Tan He nry Ooi, Sa. leh Ahmad T.S. Peh. S.
    64 words
  • 697 10 PROVING far too much for their weaker opponents, the Fortress Co., R.E. yesterday beat the S.C.C. "C" team by 21 points (3 goals and 2 tries) to nil, in the second day of the S.C.C. seven-a-sid, rugby tournament played on the padang. In other ties
    697 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 378 10 POISONED KIDNEYS Fight (icniis, I'urify Itlood and Stop >tting l.'p Nights To harmlessly flush poisons and acid from kidneys, to purify the blood and correct Irritation of prostate and bladder so that you can stop "Retting up nights," pet a package of GOLD MEDAL Haarldm, Oil Capsules, the famous urinary
      378 words
    • 219 10 Lose Tat Secret Method Discovered By Hollywood Cinema Stars Now Obtainable at Chemists fo^if &fe Y. secret method of reducing Defy 'at has been discovered by a Califorr i cfte'^ a V n !5 c 5 r fi >lB to the fan,,;: 2v f Hollywood. This discovery, called tormode, quieklv
      219 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 27 10 TO-DAY HOCKEY: CS C. vs. S.C.R.C. CSC S.R.C. vs V.M.C.A. Ju' niors, S.R.C; S.R.C vs S.C.R.C, S.C.R.C RUGGER: S.C.C Seven-a-side tournament. BOXING: Malaya Command Championship finals, Tanglin
      27 words
    • 22 10 TO-DAY High Water: 3.10 A.M. 8.7 ft. 3.17 P.M. 7.8 ft. TO-MORROW High Water: 3.50 A.M. 8.5 ft. 4.16 P.M. 7.2 ft.
      22 words

  • 1181 11 Singapore, Tuesday. |F offences oi this kind become common here, it is almost certain that those concerned will be flogged on conviction," said Mr istice Pedtow, when he sentenced two Cantonese, Wong Fook and Uu Kaam Van, to five years' rigorous imprisonment each at the
    1,181 words
  • 184 11 THE annual report of Glenealy Plantations, Ltd., for the year ended Oct. 31, to be presented at a meeting of shareholders on Jan. 27, is as follows:— The profit for the year amounts to $46,137.15. Add balance brought forward from last year $76,333.33, leaving a total sum
    184 words
  • 103 11 The Pasir Panjang Rovers commenced the New Year with a soccer victory over the Kota Rangers senior XI on Sunday at the M.F.A. ground by two goals to nil. The game wa? clean and well-fought out with Kota Rangers having the better of the exchanges, their
    103 words
  • 106 11 The second annual general meeting (f the Mayfair Badminton Party was held on Sunday, at Miss Lee's residence, 5, Lorong 33, off Geviang Road. The President, Mr. Tok Kee Leng presided and 25 members were present The report and statement of accounts for the year 1939 were received
    106 words
  • 85 11 There will be a friendly game of soccer between Harper. OiWUan Foe oa h Team and the Straits Time s FootbaU team en Thursday, at Farrer Park and fcllowing have been chosen to represent the former: -Lim Kirn Lang, Ng Yew Man Abu bin Salim. Simon Kong, G.J.
    85 words
  • 433 11 JUDGING from the last promotion between Mohamed Fahmy and Young Frisco, there snould be another enormous crowd at the Happy World Stadium on (Friday, when promoter C. M. Houghton, presents his first New Year card with four main events, introducing eight popular fighters. Interest in
    433 words
  • 148 11 Refused To Pay Assaulted Singapore, Tuesday. 'I'HAT he was instigated by others bigger thaii himself to commit the offence was the plea put up by a 20--year-old Chinese. Tan Ah Seng, who pleaded guilty before Mr. Conrad Oldham in the Second Police Court to-day to a charge of attempted extortion.
    148 words
  • 72 11 Singapore, Tuesday. WHEN Eng Chin Chye and Tan Lye Tee were charged with committing armed robbery at Kirn Yam Road on Jan. 10, Mr. L. C. Goh, Fifth Magistrate, ordered them to be remanded in police custody for 24 hours. The accused were alleged to have been
    72 words
  • 89 11 Singapore, Tuesday. THERE were two fire calls to-day, one being in the early hours of the morning, when several show cases of an Indian shop in Selegie Road caught fire. However, the quick arrival of the engines prevented the spread of the fire, which was put out
    89 words
  • 30 11 Dr. Calderwood will be in charge of the Health Office, Ktnta Sanitary Board, until the arrival of Dr. Anderson to replace Dr. Williams, Health Officer, who go?s on heme leave.
    30 words
  • 26 11 The Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Peterson, the new principals of the Anglo-Chhnse School and the Methodist Gins' School, Klang, respectively, have arrived to take charge.
    26 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 19 11 At Cameron Highlands i EASTERN HOTEL Ensures all conveniences 11 and comforts Stay at Mu,: »ya\s Popular Hill Station
      19 words
    • 82 11 BAD COLDS, CHILLS THROAT TROUBLES Are Soon Ended By JPEIPS ANTISEPTIC BREATHEABLE TABLETS O-CEDAR POLISH MAKES THAT CLEAN DUSTLESS HOME FRIENDS ADMIRE. CLEANS AS IT POLISHES BEAUTLFUX' FLOORS are easy with O-CEDAR POLISH. It m L quickly "cleans and polishes" all kinds of surfaces remove* spot* and ttednx, and imparts
      82 words
    • 357 11 GASTRIC ULCER caused intense suffering Evfn if your stomach trouble is not so serious as that of Mr. S. A., whose letter is quoted below, remember that his suffering probably began with just a twinge of indigestion. For that is how excess acidity farst makes itself felt, and often excess
      357 words

  • 141 12 British Wireless London, Jan. 16. DESCRIBING the outpourings from the Zeezen (German) radio station a s "deadly poison ga s for an unsuspecting public." General in a message to the South African Truth Legion, dealt with the danger to the South African people of insidious forms
    British Wireless  -  141 words
  • 79 12 Reuter. Tokyo, Jan. 16. THE* disastrous fire at Shizuoka (about 100 miles southwest of Tokyo), in which 3,000 houses were destroyed and 40,000 people rendered homeless, is now under control. According to the latest information, only two were dead and eight injured. The fire is reported
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 170 12 Reuter. Helsinki, Jan. 16. FOR the fourth successive day Soviet plane* have been raining bombs en towns in southern Finland, but the morale of the Finns is unaffected. Helsinki had two alarms to-day. The Officer Commanding Air Defence has issued a statement
    Reuter.  -  170 words
  • 40 12 Reuter. London, Jan. 16. Great Britain has placed an order worth two million pounds with the Brewster Aeronautical Corporation of the United States. This is the first British order for this type of machine. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 39 12 Reuter. Paris, Jan. 16. Thp edition of the New York Herald Tribun P announces that the first batch of American volunteers anrted In Finland. They are now being trained in skiing and rifle footing.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 414 12 British Wireless. TX London, Jan. 16. SINKINGS due to enemy action for the week ended Jan. 13 comprised 12 Biitish vessels of 34,077 tons, and four neutral vessels of 7,792 tons. The British ships sunk were the Othinftou Court »5,160 tons),
    British Wireless.  -  414 words
  • 129 12 HOUSE ADOLF—DID NOT BUILD (To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune.) Sir, —A certain amount of prominence was given in ?ast week's Sunday Tribune regarding the "Swastika covered shrine in Singapore." May I be allowed a little space to inform your readers that the Sinhalese Buddhists
    129 words
  • 542 12 (To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune J Sir,— "We sailed wherever ship could sail, We founded many a mighty state, Pray God our greatness may not fail Through craven fears of being great." Tennyson. People all over the Universe hate and abhor war. War
    542 words
  • 149 12 British Wireless. Ottawa. Jan. 16. A total of G. 5114,650.000 has so far been subsoribed to the first Canadian War Loan, which was first offered to the public yesterday, according to the preliminary report.—Reuter. Referring to this lean, the Tunes says:— "There can be
    British Wireless.  -  149 words
  • 62 12 British Wireless. London. Jan. 16. AFTER the experience of one week ol 71 the schemes for rationing of butter, and sugar—the only foods yet subject to rationing in Britain—it was stated authoritatively to-day that the machinery was working smoothly a net well. There has been
    British Wireless.  -  62 words
  • 52 12 Reuter. Washington, Jan. 16. IT is learned authoritatively that tunci 1 for the construction of four 45.000--ton battleships will be withheld until proor is furnished why they should not be abandoned in favour of larger ships, according to the instructions or the House of Representatives naval
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 751 12 TO-DAY'S RADIO SINGAPORE ROME 2RO 25.4 metres (***** kc[s) From 5.20 pan. to 7.45 p.m. (Local time). OTP 30.9« metre. (9.6t IM» Newg ln ench f:5 Miscellaneous programme of new Gra- Opera the song in lyric opera, mophone records. y. 130 2S SL" 11 7 RUbber ESS orchestra. 1.40 Miscellaneous
      751 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 392 13 j p gituz&otps Vacant Chinese male stenograph?! nee ring Department of Bntis.i Must have good knowledge tish. salary $50. Apply Box No. ..ava Tribune, Singapore. >RARY Civilian Foremen. Able tans, thorough knowledge reinncrete construction. Salary r month rising to $200.00 per Applications with testimonials Omcc, Blakang Mati. ED two lady
      392 words
    • 516 13 WATCHES! We hav e exclusive lines which enables anyone to sell at 100% profit Wholesale only supplied. Write ior illustrated catalogue. Nassim t~ns, 381, North Bridge Road, Singapore, i hone 3785. (267.C) MO r J TRIE PIANO, good condition, f>275 «.ash or nearest offer. Apply 25, Barker Road, Singapore. (252.C)
      516 words
      550 words
    • 599 13 m fort* Pekicta FOR SALE Ford 10 Van, 1937 model, in good running order, done 44,500 miles. H5O, tax paid to June 30, 1940, Insured io 26th M-arcn, 1940. Appiy Accountant, Malaya Tribune Press, Lvd 104 116, AnSun R.ud, Singapore. FOR SALE Fiat 1929, running order $65. Appiy 40, Upper
      599 words
    • 586 13 ®5 BLACK ORPINGTON FOWLS (Aus. Lralops), Also Eggs, Borneo Yellow Maize, Poultry Foods, etc. BELMONT EIOES. 15. Branksome Road, Singapore. (243-C> TO LET 516, Joo Chiat Road, near the sea. Apply S'ayers, 22, Malacca Street, Singapore. (274.C» TO LET: Newly-constructed semidetached house, with modern fittings, ready for occupation Ist February.
      586 words
    • 347 13 CLAIM FORMS. Claim Forms (C.L. Forms) will be accepted at the Import and Export Office up to Jan. 20, 1940, for goods on the Restricted and Prohibited Lists (Gazette No. 176 of Nov. 17, 1939) which were ordered prior to Nov. 18, 1939. After Jan. 20, C.L. Form submitted will
      347 words

  • 117 14 Chungking, Jan. 12. A NOTHER highly rated Japanese warrior, Lieut-Colonel Miura, who is called by the Japanese as "the king of atiack." met a doom at the Chinese hanr!s m a Dattle at Tashushan. a mountain near Liuan. a famous district in western Anhwei on January 4.
    117 words
  • 75 14 Shiuchow. DR K. T. Chung (Chung Ko-tok) of the National Relief Commission, who arrived here from Chungking recently with $?50,000 for war relief in Kwangtung Province, has proceeded to the north Kwangtung districts recently recaptured for an inspection. Dr. Chung said before his departure
    75 words
  • 231 14 UAVING more than five months learning first-hand conditions in seven provinces north of the Yangtze, the northern division of the Troop-Comforting Mission returned to Chungking, welcomed by 100 representatives of public bodies and a brass band. The southern division of the same mission, covering the central
    231 words
  • 57 14 Chungking. CHINESE youths residing in Hongkong v will shortly send delegates to Chungking to present a sword and the money they have collected to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. The student delegates from Hongkong are proceeding to Chungking via Indochina and Yunnan and are expected to spend two months
    57 words
  • 255 14 Chungking. 'pHE present hostilities have created new conditions, new needs, new complications and new problems, which tax the energy and resources of the country's educational authorities, said Mr. Chen Lifu, Minister of Education, in an article entitled "Education during the War." Despite the unusual
    255 words
  • 43 14 Chungking. THE Ministry of Education is making preparations to calling a conference for the provincial educational authorities to discuss the mass education Drogramme. The educational commissioners from the various provinces have been asked to come here to attend the conference —Chinese Central News
    43 words
  • 259 14 MANY STRATEGIC POINTS RETAKEN Chungking. THE Chinese troops continued to make progress in the Changtze sector in Southeast Shansi. where they have added Peichiachuan, Szetoutsun and other villages to the list of recaptured points. Rapidly approaching Changtze, the Chinese vanguards are now fighting the Japanese
    259 words
  • 97 14 Shiurhon FOLLOWING the recovery of L*j. tin, about halfway betwnea Leunghow and Sunfung; lhp Chungfa-Sunfung-Yangyuen Highway to the east of the Canton-Han-kow Railway in Kwangtung Province, the Chinese are pushing the retreat ing Japanese in two direction*. v cording to field dispatches reetued here. One Chinese
    97 words
  • 49 14 Chungkinc;.—Fifteen Chinese cf the Cambridge University have sen: here some £200 from a recent bution sale- and £42 from theii savings for civilian relief. The Chinese students of tin sibridge University will shortly charity performance tc raise fund civilian re'ief, staging a raw "United China." —Chinese Oen
    49 words
  • 257 14 Chungking, Jan. 12. ffcYER $80,000 has thus far been distributed by the Chungking Branch of the British Fund for Relief in China, formerly known as the Lord Mayor's Fund, since its inauguration in last March. Out of the total of $110,000, including
    257 words
  • 98 14 Hongkong. DECENT rumours that Japanese had constructed a large military airfield near Shumchun were confirmed to-day. The airfield is near the village of Kuttin, not far from Lokmachau it is just off the main Namtau-Shumchun highway. 250 h feet drome measures about 2 >500 by
    98 words
  • 133 14 Chungking. WITH ihe extension of hostilities in Fukien, Kwangtung and iKvraagsi provinces, the National Relief Commission last year allotted a total of 52.188.691 to the three pro vinces for the relief of war refugees, it is announced here. Of this amount, $50,000 was for the
    133 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 355 14 OYEZ! OYEZ! OYEZ! afk There will be bread hakim: and cake making Hat ye Raffles Bakery Ĕ^i> evening at 5 p.m. and it is a well 111 lE^^-T^S known fact that ye bread and cakes there baked will be of ye best quality j J V I made with ye
      355 words
      7 words
    • 48 14 Have you heard best food in Orchard Restaurant Bar 38, ORCHARD ROAD, SPORE (near Cathay Cinema). I'RICES VERY MODERATE. I. A. T. EDWARDS LTD. AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS VALUERS, 11, MALACCA STREET, TELEPHONE 4€4€. Const* Us For All Chsses Oi REAL ESTATE REQUIREMENTS AND INVESTMENTS. No Obligation Phone 4646-
      48 words

  • 87 15 LONDON TIN London, Tuesday. Official Price) £242 4 Buyers £242% Sellers d (Official Price) £242 Buyers £242*4 Sellers IONDON RUBBER London, Tuesday. v et Tone Quieter 1134 b 11% s Forward) Feb. ll 3 '4b 11% s Forward* Mar. ll 3 4b ll'ss Forward» April 11 11
    87 words
  • 245 15 Singapore, Wednesday. 1'he price n a noon n Sin ipnre lo-dny was:—— rubber i he price of rubber at noon in S nuabore to-day was:— :;S 1 i: Sellers 38 1 2. Pepper «FAQ) White y r. D"-Jan. S'ment. Sellers r AQ 1 Black 1 Afloat S'ment 3% Sellers
    245 words
  • 139 15 tv p Singapore. Jan. 16. fc wing are the exchange stock thig rording to the dally circular issued bj ttc -ug and Shanghai Banking CorporaSELLING tendon t t> L ,T 214 118 i :ian <* 2|4 ins I 2057 p demand 206 lemand *-nmnd 46 713 mane 51 5[8
    139 words
  • 793 15 FRASER CO.'S SHARE REPORT Singapore, Jan. 16. MINING Buyers Sellers Ampat Tin iIQV 5-3 Austral Amal j 3 7 d Austral Malay 37. o o Ayer Weng 085 090 Bangnn 22 9 Z?7 Batu Selangor 163 JJ, Berjuntal 1616 9 Burma Malay gg S^- nder^ ang 16 6 176 Hltam
    793 words
  • 196 15 Singapore, Tuesday. ALL MARKETS were quiet and easier to-day following the marking down of prices on the London Stock Exchange yesterday, which was said to be due uo international uncertainties. Local tin was 3 4 down at $124.00 and the price of lubber at four o'clock was
    196 words
  • 102 15 Maynard 90 lOOnom SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 5% 1940 100 lOlnora 414'» 1947 101 103nom 4»i% 1955 107 lOOnom 4 f 'c 1963 101 103nom 3 T e 55-6G 114'/a 116 5% 48-68 110 112 4' a 70-80 113 115 3% 75-85 0.93»4 MSI! 3'c 75-85 94>4 96»4 3
    102 words
  • 142 15 Singapore, Jan. 16. (Siam) W. Coast No. 1 per Koyan M. (Slam) W. Coast No. 3 per Koyan "ice Siam 1 222 ■ice Siam 2 201 nice Siam 3 192 Siam Broken Rice No. 1 161 Siam Broken Rice No. 2 153 Rice Saigon Al Rice Saigon 1 Rice
    142 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 108 15 THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA (TRUSTEES) LIMITED. Guaranteed and Controlled by XHg MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LIMITED. Tha Company, which is incorporated k the as. and registered a Trust Com pany, undertakes the following duties.BXEOUTOR &|OR TRUSTO OF A W2LU ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATM OF DECEASED PERSON. TRUSTEE OF A SETTLEMENT
      108 words
    • 89 15 I THE EASTERN BANK LIMITED. (Incorporated in England) (SINGAPORE BRANCH) 4, IVAlmeida Street. Authorised and subscribed Capital £2,000,000 Paid-up Capital £1,000.000 Reserve Fund 500,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON Branches: Bombay, Calcutta, Colombo, Karachi, Madras. Amara, Baghdad. Bahrein, Basra, Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed Deposits
      89 words
      303 words
    • 382 15 STEAMER BAILINGS. p*o, BRITISH! INDIA PASSENGER FREIGHT .SERVICES. For all information apply to: P. O.S.N. Co., The Agent, CoUyer Quay, Tel. 5961. 8.1.5. N. Co., BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., Tel. 5497. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD., I (Apcar Line). For Hongkong, Shanghai, Mojl, Kobe Osaka Fortnightly For Penang, Rangoon and
      382 words
    • 124 15 P& and BRITISH INDIA Incorporated in England) P. 0. S. N. CO.'S SAILINGS. The P. 0. S. N. Company will have a passenger steamer sailing Westwards next month. The Agent, P. ft O. S. N. CO., 11A, Collyer Quay, Tel. 59G1. j I. S. K. LINE (ISHIHARA SANGYO KAIUN KAISHA,
      124 words

  • 87 16 Reuter. Ankara. Jan. 16. A BILL giving the Government certain special powers with a view to strengthening national detente, and protecting rational t-conoinv in th» event oi "extraordinary circumstances" was introduced in the National Assembly to-da' for an urgent Vote. "Extraordinary circumstances'* deal ».Kh:— (1) General
    Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 57 16 Reuter. London, Jan. IG. ANSWERING a question in the Hsuse of Commons this afternoon, the Premier, Mr. Neville Chamb:iiain, said that reports of P:lL>h officers captured, and executed by Germans were confirmed by the available evidence. The number of victims was large and Germany was apparently
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 59 16 Reuter. London, Jan. 16. THE King and Queen and the two Princes es returned to London to-nay from Sandringham, where they have been staying since before Christmas. His Majesty held a Privy Council today, during which he presented Mr. Oliver Stanley with his seal of
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 1070 16 Premier's Review Of War Situation British Wireless. l.iunion. Jan. 16. IN his review of the WIT, Mr. Chamberlain said that export licences 1 were being granted for war material needed by Finland, and the amounts involved were
    British Wireless.  -  1,070 words
  • 69 16 Reuter. Tokyo, Jan. 16. apaN is U) make a deteimined eftoit J to patch up diHerences Between Thi'J was amiounctd by^he whose Cabinet 'formally approved by the Emperor this H pre "Generally speaking, t change nipr "there will be no salient cnan Q e in oolicy and
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 55 16 Reuter. London, Jan. 16. tyEARLY 800 Czech Officers have been arrested by the Gestapo since Christmas, it is learned at the German frontier from well informed Czech sources. Some officers including General Braun, former Czech military attache at Bucharest, are reported to have been fanmediately executed on
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 103 16 Reuter. Rio de Janeiro. Jan. 16. pRESIDENT VARGAS, inaugurating the work of tht Permanent Inter-American Neutrality Committee said that the security zone, as established at the Panama Conference, was necessary to prevent interference with free communications on American sea routes. "We must defend the principles af
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 38 16 A white barnacle goose caught on the shore of the Bowncss-cn-Sclw. cf Cumberland early this month been presented to Carlis'e museum It is said by ornithologists to be the third only of its variety to have been obtained
    38 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 63 16 L j HOX OFFICE TIMES 3.15 PHONE 3400 (3~-~-T~\ 6.15-9.15 P.M. ,I■l i 1 s OPENING TO-MORROW i HEART WARMING GREAT STARS cf^°- pay 01 T 1E^^^^^^ U Ju,t A,exander l Ragtime Band" brought back your hap- »"«»"ori«* with itt melodic* just to will thi* great I f human drama
      63 words