Malaya Tribune, 13 January 1940

Total Pages: 14
1 14 Malaya Tribune
  • 21 1 The Malaya Tribune VOL. XXVII- No. 11. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1940 FIVE CENTS The Malaya Tribune Saturday, January 13, 1940.
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  • 453 1 War Stops Vital Goods For Nazis Reuter. VITAL supplies from Russia to Germany arc seriously affected by the war in Finland, and it is reliably reported that Hitler is to offer mediation between Finland and Russia in the hope of putting
    Reuter.  -  453 words
  • 20 1 A Gcwian prisoner of war about to sign for his mail at a camp in France.
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  • 173 1 First Field Decorations Reuter. London, Jan. 13. FIRST decorations for bravery in the Held were awarded by Lord Gort yesterday, says Reutei's spetfal correspondent with the 15. E.F. The Military Cross went to Captain F. P. Barclay and the Military Medal to Laace-G rporal H.
    Reuter.  -  173 words
  • 197 1 Reuter. Shanghai, Jan. 13. h i understood that there is a possibility of Mr. K. E. Newman, counsel for defence, lodging appeal against the death sentence on Pri«t» Eckiord, Seaforth Highlanders, Icr t!i<- shooting of Piivate Davies. Strong verbal representations ara 'l< d to have been made by
    Reuter.  -  197 words
  • 368 1 Reuter. Paris, Jan. 13. f AST nighfs communique J states that there was local activity yesterday of reconnaissance units. —Reuter. Faris, Jan. 12. The weather on the Western Front remains bitterly cold, and conditions are aggravated by strong winds. Air activity on either side
    Reuter.  -  368 words
  • 186 1 Reuter. D I'RING RAT patrols over German seaplane bases one pih't observed a row of lights in Rantum Bay. wfcich doubtless formed a flar path to guide mmelaying aircraft. Six bombs were dropped and the lights were immediately extinguished. The*Ger.Tfen -round defences opened Are and mahv
    Reuter.  -  186 words
  • 15 1 A "Wellington" bomber being; assembled at a factory "somewhere in England."
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  • 260 1 Remarkable Escapes Reuter. London. Jan. 13. rpWG German aeroplanes bombed -1 and maihinc-gunned the British steamer Pitwines, 932 tons, off the Yorkshiip coast yesterday; the crew tooK to th? boats and all were saved. The steamer was taken in tow. The bombing could he heard
    Reuter.  -  260 words
  • 88 1 (From Our Own Krporter) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. SPEAKING at the annuo' meeting of the Incorporated Society of Planters this morning, Mr. M. E. Al'en said they were fortunate that the industry had been strengthened by the war and not crippled, as some other industries were.
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  • 36 1 Reuter. On the Stock Exchange, early trading was subsequently quieter bu», homo rails were firm on reports of good freight traffics, while there was fair sct'ft've demand for Kaffirs. Wall Street was easier.-Feu*'i
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 35 1 As a temporary idea sure during the war commandci»in-chief, flag office! and commodores have authority to approve the opening of wet in naval establishments on shore under their command without submission to the Admiralty.
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  • 113 1 ADVANCE TO CANTON AND NANKING Reuter. Chungking, Jan. I*>. THE Chinese claim they are continuing their advance southwards in Kwangtung province. Following the successful counter-offensive launched on New Year's Day the vanguard is closing in on Sinkai, north of Canton, has crossed the North River
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 24 1 "In my garden at Lambeth Palace is a barrage balloon which the men are good enough to call the Archb'imp The Archbishop of Canterbury.
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  • 67 1 Singapore. Saturday. A THOUSAND employees of the Singapore Harbour Board are on strike this morning, including fitters and carpenters. Their exact demands are not known at the moment, but are believed to include a general advance in the wages of skilled workers. Strikers gathered at the niain
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  • 1187 2 Singapore, Friday. SUMMONED at the instance of a former client to appear in the Civil District. Court, a local lawyer made his appearance before Mr. G. L. Howe, District Judge, this morning In a case which is said to be the first of its kind
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  • 120 2 fPIIE attractive medium of the J. cinema slide is now being utilised on behalf of the Malaya Patriotic Fund. Twelve theatres in Singapore are screening daily, without charge, two very striking slides. One shows an outstretched hand proffering a currencynote "in aid of British
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  • 214 2 BILLS entitled the Probate and Administration (Amendment* Ordinance 1940. and the Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders (Amendment) Ordinance, i 340. are to be introduced at the next meeting of the Legislative Council. In the case of the first, the objects and reasons state: A s
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  • 228 2 Singapore, Friday. on a warrant, T. K. Teng, appeared before Mr. Conrad Oldham in the second police court this afternoon for, it was alleged, evading service of summons. The accused was arrested by a detective. His worship asked the accused if he wished to be
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  • 53 2 London, Jan. 12. The King has approved the Appointment of Sir Edward St. John Jackson, Legal Secretary of Malta, to b e Lieute-nant-Governor of Malta in succession to Mr. Adams Hunter, a former Acting Colonial Secretary of the Straits Settlements, who has been transferred to Honduras
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  • 57 2 Singapore, Friday. KNOCKED down by a motor-van driven by a Chinese, a four-year-old Malay boy was this morning taken to the General Hospital by ambulance. The accident took place shortly before 10.30 at Upper Weld Road. The b:y, who received contusions and abrasions over his head, ears, hands
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  • 54 2 Singapore. Friday.-P. V. Raman Chettiar, the owner of No. 38, Jalan Besar, was this morning fined $75 and costs or in default one month's simple imprisonment by Mr. J. L. McFall, the Singapore Criminal District Judge, for converting a cow shed into a dwelling house without the permission
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  • 293 2 Singapore, Saturday IN his broadcast talk from the 8.M.8.C. station, Singapore, last night, on "The War As the Malays Sec it," Tungku Ismail, president of the Selangor Malay Association, said that at least 60 per cent, of the kampong Malays— at any rate in the more
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  • 44 2 Singapore, Friday. Two soldiers of the Royal Artillery, Changi, were this afternoon taken to the General Hospital by ambulance following a collision between a car driven by one of them and a lorry at East C:ast Road. Both received only minor injuries.
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  • 271 2 FALL IN NOVEMBER EXPORTS TO U.S. (Tribune Staff Reporter) MALAYA experienced very prosperous trading in 1939 compared with the year previous, the total gross turnover (imports and exports) for the first eleven months being $186,765,000 higher than the total rat the corresponding period in
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  • 52 2 Singapore. Friday. KALA SINGH of No. 3. Kallang Pudding, pleaded guilty this morning in the Criminal District Court before Mr. J. LMcFa'l on B Municipal summons charge charging him with selling adulterated milk"on Sept. 28. His honour fined the accused So and costs or in default two
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  • 297 2 Hongkong, Jan. to escape from the Matauchung internment camp on Nov. 30, Lav Kwong-fuk, 25, \va> dead by Sgt. Rothwell when h not take heed of the warnings, a Kowlcon Magistracy yesterday, Himsworth sat as Coroner at an quest into Lav's death. The following comprised the
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  • 36 2 For his courage in arresting a dangerous criminal after a long fight with occupants of a moving car, Police-con-stable William Bridge was presented with a cheque for £7 by Mr. McKenna at Bow Street Police Court.
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  • 735 2 Singapore, Friday. THAT the accident resulted from a sudden swerve made to avoid a dog, which had darted straight into the path of his car, was the defence put up to-day by a young Eurasian motorist before Mr. C. H Whitton in the Traffic District
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    • 72 2 The Wise Way to Perfect Hygiene You can be sure of Calvert's Jf Carbolic Sort Soap. It keeps you clean and refreshed, and ft is pleasant to use, because it n feels so smooth on your skin. When buying soft soap be V i f sure to specify Calvert's. CAIVERT'S
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  • 293 3 Singapore, Friday. rONVICTED last week on his own plea. Lian Ah Choon, a 22--old Cantonese was this morn- sentenced to pay a fine of $100 ac month s rigorous imprisonbv Mr. H. Watson in the Third Police Court. last week pleaded guilty to the. c T
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  • 44 3 Bomber crews receiving instructions in the flight offio* of a Royal Air Force station in France. The office is in a village near the airfield. The Scottish terrier held by the airman on left is the station mascot. (Planet News).
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  • 495 3 (Tribune Staff Reporter) pANGSTERISM and Singapore's many secret societies will soon have another force to contend with if present plans for a Chinese Beys' Club mature. A special sub-committee of ihe Straits Chinese British Association, of which Mr. T. W. Cng iz the chairman, have
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  • 204 3 Last Night's First Night THOSE who like quiet, homespun 1 humours, clever and at the Sams time refreshingly different, ought to se«. •Bad Little Angel," the new picture which opened at the Pavilion last night. Virginia Weilder is the "bad HfU3 angel" and she proves what
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  • 497 3 "She Asked Me To Stab Her" (From Our Own Correspondent) Sungei Patani, Friday. JJEARING in the Sungei Patani murder trial was concluded before Mr. Justice Kellagher when sentence of death was passed on the accused, a Tamil named Solai, who was found
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  • 198 3 Singapore, Friday. WHEN the case was mentioned this morning in the second police court before Mr. Conrad Oldham in which Chan Wee Tong was called upon to show cause why he should not be committed to prison for noncompliance with a maintenance order
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  • 61 3 Singapore, Friday.—The manager of Chop Seng Hoe Hin of Liang Seah Street, was this morning fined $25 and costs, or in default 30 days' simple imprisonment, by Mr. J. L. McFall in the Criminal District Court, for erecting a new corrugated iron roof in an open
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  • 54 3 James Omand, 16, son of Mr. David Omand, keeper at Stroma lighthouse, caught a train at Caithness the other day to go to Aberdeen to take up a wireless course. It was his first railway Journey. Later he was found unconscious and severely injured o» the line at Woodside, Aberdeen,
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  • 62 3 i>ato S. Q. Wong has been appointed an Additional Member of the Council of State for a period of three years from Jan. 1, 1940, states a Johore Government Gazette notification. Dato Wong, letired from the Johore Council of State in. February, 1938, owing to
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  • 48 3 "This war has aroused the naval in stincts of Greai Britain. The nation which disarmed en the seas is again becoming the leading naval power of the world. This arises also from the observations cf such a distinguished American statesman as Mr. Hoover,'' dec'ares World Telegram. New York.
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    • 159 3 »o /foes obtainable anywhere vyp X/ Because it has the superior flavour HHHIA fek uid quality only found in imported VT#7I I 1 ork. All our Australian Pork Is SvVT^^^^T/W obtained from selected milk and M^JjJJjUlmmwm^^ wheat led pigs. We always have a good stock of LEGS, CHOPS, M ;V&llmmm*mmmmW
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  • 1359 4 Neighbour Chases Fleeing Killer Singapore, Friday. THE story of how Wee Cheng Kirn, a 25-year-old Hylam, stabbed a compatriot named Quek Jin Wah and then escaped to his house across the street and there drank a solution of caustic soda was related to Mr.
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  • 41 4 "Germany, Moscow, Londen and Paris 4 1 know that once the slaughter becinS troi, and that victory in the old lash ioned sense of one nation im« n s m en another is highly unlikely" reasons the New Statesman and Nation.
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  • 97 4 Singapore, Friday. TOR being cruel to a hundred 1 frogs by putting them into two small bags, Low Yap, a 44-year-old Cantonese, was this morning sentenced to one month's rigorous imprisonment by Mr. H. Watson in the Third Police Court. Accused was arrested yesterday morning at
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  • 187 4 r J»HE statement of account ot the Malaya Patriotic Fund dated Dec. 31 shows total contributions as at Dec 15 of $967,387.82. With contributions since received of $3,408 31 in Singapore, $1,261 from the Malay community, $313.45 from the Ceylonese community and interest $437.32, the
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  • 74 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Friday. CHARGED with unlawfully assembling at the Coliseum theatre yesterday night six Tami's vigorously denied that they had done so. They admitted that they were present when some trouble took place. They said that they did not know each other and
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  • 376 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Friday. JHfc. visit of the Setapak police to the hut of a mining coolie employed by the Wong Ming Kai Kongsi after a report had been lodged in the police station to the effect that the three-year-old son
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 207 4 JVST UNPACKED THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF SESfJAL KNOWLEDGE. lUiJe** nd °?Vu*' under the neral editorship of Narman Jiaire. These books give all the essential knowledge that any lav man or ™S7 5,T«i./o W V ,UmeS Sin,leTOl»m G. H. KIAT CO, LTD, 6-8, Robinson Road, General office 6506 Printing pept. 6505. HEAD
      207 words
    • 163 4 f« Magnific m If'STRENGTH X ESPECIALLY por rH| n J MIDOIE-AGEIi /row'TYRODONE' You will be crowned with Mt Knprgy, feeling being youni r tal your years, physical forces youth, Vim, Vigour Take '*Tyr<»dogi<" Agents lor M:, Naina Mohamed Sons. lIT SM£AFF£f(S 1 'LIFETIMEkiII lull the pen a: 'h wr ymmnl
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 235 6 I «11.. PACKED OUT AT EVERY SHOW! Make It Your Week-End ENTERTAINMENT! THRILLS! ACTION! A 4 SHOWS TO-DAY A O I I 11 AM 3 >—6-15—9-15 r I I I— ALSO TO-MORROW mm mmmmKmmmmmmmmmmwmammwmm^mmmmmm^m^mmm^_ DOUGLAS f c^^^ RATHBOHE A^&i^^p f BARBARA O'NEIL I^^^^^ A NEW UNIVERSAL PICTURE Latest Gaumont News-
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    • 30 6 The Grand Refreshing Show for "that Tired Feeling!" lIS %k.»l Miry DOWHS CARLISLE p Conttance Eddie MOCRt QUILLAN fell* Matlr Sol m mum hoopii 2f\ wf Him CAPITOL'S Next Attraction
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    • 269 6 jgEL NEXT CHANCE (Mm X Recklessly they roat i SUE into the dawn...eagles HUBS of the war torn HB FIiYNN The IJncensored v,,s '«»m "THE Warner Bros. Thrilling lt O DAWN PATROL' Basil Raihbone il OaVid Niveil More lhan 1000 feet deleted Barry^ Fitzgerald Prior to the War has be<
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  • 207 7 Soldier Admits He Had No Money Singapore, Friday. Vh 1 hi) on the charge of attempted theft of a motor-car valued >00, Lance-Corporal Patrick Aherne (24) of the Royal to-day fined $i0 or two weeks' rigorous imprisonment Mr. H. Watson in the Third
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  • 73 7 Reuter. London, Jan. 12. It is reported that the British steamer I Granta, 2,719 tons, has been mined, and j has sunk on* the east coast. The crew were picked up by another vessel.— Reuter. London, Jan. 12. The Aumiralty denies that the H.M.S. Achilles has bten
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 75 7 Reuter. Amsterdam. Jan. 12. LIEUTENANT Claus yon Bohlen, son of Gustav and Bertha Krupp of the well-known armament firm, was killed on Wednesday, states a notice in the KoeinLscher Zeitung, which says that Bohlen, who was a lieutenant in a fighter squadron, was aged 29.
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 44 7 Canberra, Jan. 12. THE Australian Air Minister announced to-day that he is considering the formation of a Women's Auxiliary Air Force. The women will do the transport and similar work to relieve skilled men for the Empire training scheme.
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  • 240 7 Reuter. Washington, Jan. 13. Stark told the House of Representatives Committee on Naval Affairs that the United States Navy may seek authority to build cruisers of over 10,000 tons. He also revealed that the Navy was planning, under the proposed expansion
    Reuter.  -  240 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 111 7 I JlfiliPl i WL\y rrA^M— I the surest remedy tor bron1 chltlS, SUdden chlUs, 'flu SSEsfUrTSK is wrapped in silver paper. ML and Similar Chest and They are packed iasealad glass bottles, along with M \anCL weaknesses. rul» direction* prinud in leading language^ ■Ear I Soid by ail rnedicjoa deaiexa.
      111 words
    • 148 7 Your Gums Bleed Watch for Pyorrhoea! FORHAN'S CAN SAVE THEM! Why wait for gums to bleed Clean teeth and massage gums now ..with tor ban's. See your dentist twice a year mad follow hit advice. Thousands of them advise the use of Foxhan's twice daily to avoid pyorrhoea, the dreaded
      148 words
    • 225 7 JUBILEE THEATRE' Matinee Sat. 13th Sun. 14th Double feature 2.30 P.M. "A lank At Oxford" and "Mountain Justice" We Present To You Gaim's Restaurant 264. MIDDLE ROAD. TEL. 3552 r The one and only Restaurant that serves best North Indian and Continental Dishes. Open Till 2 A. M. I'nder Mohamedan
      225 words
    • 229 7 1 1 IRENE DARE 6-Year-Old Skating Marvel in a Thrilling Ice Carnival Show! 11 am. 3-15, 6-15 9-15 ALHAMBRA CARNIVAL THRILLS!—with the daring ttle Swish Miss who's won her way the marvelling hearts of millions! j|fg£ IRENE DARE 1 ROSCOt KARNS EDGAR KENNEDY IYNNE ROBERTS Dtrettwl tv lit* C. Kmten.
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  • 442 8 QENERAL Sir Hubert Gough'a statement, to the effect that before aggression is defeated all Europe will be in arms, might have a depressing effect on some people. It is, of course, an unofficial opinion; but it must carry some weight, for the Commander of the Fifth Army in
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  • 93 8 JAPAN is showing greater con- ciliation every day towards the Western Powers. This change of Japanese policy must be read in conjunction with the resignation of the Abe Cabinet. General Abe, the Premier, was said to be a staunch believer in the settlement of the China Incident
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  • 827 8 DICTATORS' NEW BLUFF (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 2. HITLER has been very disappointed with the lengthy written reports which Himmler, the head of the Gestapo, has submitted on his visit to Mussolini in Rome, says Madame Tabouis, the noted French political writer. Since
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  • 257 8 Frozen To Lifeboat —Radio Operator's Grim Ordeal Reuter. London, Jan.' 12. HiS hands frozen to the grablincs of the lifeboat, his jaws too si iff with cold to allow him to shout for help, engulfed by successive waves while the ship was sinking under him—this was the terrible ordeal of
    Reuter.  -  257 words
  • 55 8 Reuter. London, Jan. 12. 'JJHE crew of 17 of the British steamer Keynes, 1,700 tons, which was bombed and sunk by German aeroplanes in the North Sea yesterday, were landed to-day. Only the A'ireless operator was injured, although the ship was attacked twice, one aeroplane
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • Article, Illustration
    150 8 RESIGNATION of the Japanese Cabinet switches the interest r»f Malayan people temporarily to the developing crisis in the Far E I say CRISIS and I mean CRISIS. Don't let us be caaght napping. EITHER JAPAN GOES IN WITH RUSSIA IN THE PARTITIONING oj CHINA OR SHE MAKES A
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  • 221 8 TO get back to commonscnse In then dealings with China and the West, the Japanese War Party must be m to eat a so'id chunk of their own bombastic words. The only alternative is to send all Japan—every man. woman and child—into China to finish off a campaign
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  • 152 8 TALKING of shirts brings me back ta the question of war lotteries. You may be abie to put your shirt, or whatever you possess, on the war effort before long. At least you are given an opportunity of expressing your opinion. SEE THE SUNDAY TRIBIAE--if you can
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  • 132 8 MENTION cf war bonds bring the news of the issue oi n« t< ii"" Loans in Canada and other parts of tn" Empire. Many people are asking: *Wb> can't we buy defence bonds or certificates in Malaya?" If you have enough mor enough pull, I have no
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 245 8 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■^■■■■■ki SPORTS SHIRTS piNE CELLULAR COTTON MESH with Polo Collar, N (J J Short Sleeves and s 3 Button Front. In Grey/White, Fawn/White, Blue/White Well made and finished. $4.50 each. Sizes 14|/ 2 to 17J4 Collar. ROBINSON CO., LTD. f ————d Brilliantly Interpreting TJic Figure Mode "IXTIMO" RRiISSIERES by MAIDIW
      245 words
    • 58 8 Try Nan Sin For Better Value. Whatever your optical requirements... ...Nan Sin has exactly w'ual jou want plus efficiency and economy Try Nan Sin service oomplete satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back with a smile. NAN SIN OPTICAL HOUSE M.nuftcturlng Ophthalmic Optician; H. O. 325, North Bridge Road, Ongapore. (Phone
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  • 220 9 Crisis Admitted To Be Serious Reuter. Tokyo, Jan. 12. Till] Japanese news agency reported to-day that the Premier, General Abe, is placing his cabinet's resignation before Ihe Emperor. The decision, it was stated, was reached at a Cabinet i meeting this morning. With
    Reuter.  -  220 words
  • 26 9 London, Jan. 12. The new War Minister, Mr. Oliver Stanley, took over his duties at the War Office to-day. He has been laid up with influenza.
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  • 91 9 Reuter. Milwaukee, Jan. 12. "I BELIEVE the war will deii--1 nitely end in a few months as a result of revolution in the territory occupied by Germany and later in Germany itself," said Archduke Felix of Austria, lecturing here. The Archduke added
    Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 105 9 Reuter. Paris. Jan. VI. THE Magiuot Line is no longer a single line, but double, even triple, defence." General Duval writes in the Journal. He adds thai "allowing for maintaining guard in Bohemia and Poland. I am convinced that in the Spring. Germany will r,ot have
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 127 9 London, Jan. 12. MESSAGES from Bucharest report that King Carol of Rumania and Prince Paul, Regent ol Yugoslavia, held a meeting yesterday on the front!» i between their two countries. ..j I ,i mmcd they waited to exchangf partners of the Balkan Enit the
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  • 101 9 Reuter. Paris. Jan. 12, Till i rench contraband control inI tercepted IJ.OOO tons of contraband during the week ending Jan. 7, naking a total intercepted since the •tri break of war of 439,000 tons. ffl ally stated in London that r of British tankers in com
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 32 9 Reuter. r Nairobi. Jan. 12. I reported in many native Kenya as a result of tne Ut 11: 111 is considering relief v providing maize for purchase.-^Renter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 269 9 Reuter. Helsinki, Jan. 12. I tan division near Salla, which is almost surrounded by the ish Northern Army, is stated to have made several new at- break through the Finnish lines west and south, but without front, Russian planes -have been seen diving
    Reuter.  -  269 words
  • 508 9 Reuter. London. Jan. 12. f ERMAN aeroplanes again appeared on reconnaissance flights near the East Coast to-day. Anti-aircraft guns and British tighter pianes were active in the Thames Estuary, the Suffolk and the Yorkshire coast. The German High Command communique says that British planes raided
    Reuter.  -  508 words
  • 161 9 Reuter. London, Jan. 12. THE Italian steamer mined ycstcr- day is reported to be the Traviata, 5.000 tons. Sixty of the crew were rescued. Two German planes bombed and ma-chine-gunned the trawlers Burnbanks and Dandolo, off the north-east of Scotland yesterday. None of the crews was hit
    Reuter.  -  161 words
  • 88 9 Reuter. Oslo, Jan. 12. JHE King, opening the new session of the Storting, expressed the hope that it would be possible, in this new year, to establish peace in the world, especially for Norway's neighbour, Finland. He added:—"lt will be the aim of Norway, in co-operation
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 21 9 Mr. Neville Laskie. K.C. has announced his resignation as president of the Board of Deputies of British lew* on professional grounds.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 199 9 ®1 FAVOURITE WALTZES EVERYBODY LOVES. Z y L:;e IT ™28 Roses of the South Tales from Vienna Woods Vienna Blood 5032 Invitation to the Waltz ft 4(; 5017 Kiss Waltz mh &UaUi>b 111 Viemia Wine, Women Songs 027 1001 Nights 5021 Merry Widow r,(ils Triste My Hero 5030 Voices of
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  • 359 10 HOCKEY DEFEAT AVENGED (From Our Own Correspondent) j Muar, Friday. PLAYED at a terrific pace, the hockey match between the Muar Malays and the Muar Chinese resulted in a narrow win for the Malays by 3—2. The Malays thus avenged their previous defeat
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  • 229 10 P'HE seventh annual general meetin s or Merridale BP. was held at Mr. Tan S-ng Chor's residence on Sunday, Jan. 7. The following were elected ofncebeareis for 1140: Patrons: Messrs. E. U. Jacobs, J. James Seah Mvi Sia and Mm fc>g Tong, President: Mr. Tay Seng Chia,
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  • 65 10 The undermentioned will represent the Double EagJe XI for matches against the Municipal Services Club to-day and the R.A.F. (Tengah) to-morrow at the Farrer Park ground in both instances:— Pun Chiew (Captain), Ah Kow, Ah Pang, Ah Lye, Soo Tuan, Kirn Swee, Boon Kwang. 'Ah Soh, Hock Seng,
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  • 40 10 TO-DAY HOCKEY: Singapore vs. Negri-Sembi-lan. S.C.C; Singapore Women vs. Selangor Women, G S C.; SR C. "A" vs. Dutch Club, S.R.C. RUGGER: Malaya Cup Final, Services Penang, K.L. SOCCER: Municipal S. C. vs. Double Eagle XI, Farrer Park.
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  • 74 10 The Pasir Panjang iccvcrs team, playing the Kota Rangers in a friendly soccer game on Sunday at the M.F.A. ground (Baiv-stier Road>, will be chosen from the following:—Ong Eng Hoe, Leong Foon Chew, Loh Xwang Sung, Yap Kirn Hong, Leong Fook Loy, Wong long Seng. Wong Kwok
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  • 27 10 A table-tennis match of the Tamils Reform Association will be played in Uw association premises to morrow, at 3 p.m. Members interested are cordially invited.
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  • 193 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Thursday. RECOVERING splendidly after being down 1-0 in the first half, the Royal Engineers defeated the Town Board, Johore Bahru, by a convincing margin of five goals to one in a friendly game of soccer played at the Trade School
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  • 69 10 Singapore, Saturday. A heavy downpour early In the afterneon caused all sport fixtures arranged yesterday to be cancelled Hockey fixtures cancelled were. S r c.—V.M.C.A. at the V.M.C.A., S R C.-Signals at the S.R.C, and the S.C.C—R.A.F. (HQ.) at the S C.C, while the soccer match between
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  • 230 10 Singapore, Friday. T EE Soi Hong claimed trial this morning on a summons charge in the second police court before Mr. Conrad Oldham of neglecting to maintain his wife and 12-year-old child for the past four months at Singapore. Soh Kheng, the wife, said that
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  • 239 10 Hongkong. AN abortive attempt on the life of Mr. G. G. Phillips, SecretaryGemral of the Shanghai Municipal Council, was made on Jan. I when three assailants disguised as rickshaw pullers fired nine shcts at the car in which Mr. Phillips was travelling, according to information received
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  • 30 10 "The Berlin dailies report that, because of the war Hit'er hasn't time to eat anything... Licking Stalin's boots apparently is sufficient food "—Walter Winchell, in th£ New York Daily Mirror.
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  • 45 10  -  (From H. L Hopkin) London, Jan. 12. Mr Albert Todd, former Secretary ol the Singapore Turf Club, is leavingJtor Singapore on Monday week to replace Mr. C.A. Niven while the latter is on holiday. j Via Cable and Wireless*
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  • 517 10 Singapore, Friday. A FURTHER meeting of the Rent Assessment Board was held this afternoon, and under the Increase of Rents (Restriction) Ordinance enforced shortly after the outbreak of War to prevent profiteering, eighteen applications were dealt with. Of these, two applications were adjourned, increases being
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  • 603 10 Singapore Y.. I/APAL2 terbang Jerman telah berlegar dl-••It Jl8 negeri British sa-malam. Mereka datang melalui pantai Britisn pada beberapa ten pat, tetaoi ti<Lik menggugorkan bom. Mereka di-nalaukan oleh kapal2 terbang pembf-dii daa meriam2 penembak kapal terbang British. Kaoal2 terbang Jerman telah mulai bale* menyerang kapal2 British
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  • 91 10 Light reading for relaxation and stimulating fare for thinkers both found a place In a list of 1.3C0 bock titles compiled for the Services by the National Book Council, at the request of the War Office. The catalogue was provided for the use of people wishing to send books to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 313 10 Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day! Yes, it's obvious from all angles MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE Sales Representative A. T. Gillespie, P.O. Box 217, Singapore. It you use a solid dentifrice, try MACLEANS SOLID PEROXIDE DENTIFRICE WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILEWithout Calomel—-And You U Jump Oat of Bed Full of
      313 words
    • 75 10 lOurI Our "VFAMILY SECURITY POLICY "ii designed to augment your personel aWs by providing a regular income ft* your dependent in tho event of your death. If you survive the period of your family responsibility the policy provides CAPITAL for your Own retirement. Comurt us and we wiH advise you
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 372 11 [Protects City Against Japanese Air Attacks us value in money is said to have been beTof t5 pJ- a member of the People's Assembly, who recently stated in the course of a speech made to Hongkong that to protect Chungking against air raids at least
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  • 205 11 ADMIRAL Harry Yarnell, former nwiindfr in VMti of the United Suites Asiatic Fleet, has sent letters to several thousand prominent people in the I'nited States, under the letterhead of the Ameri,;ui Committee for Non-Participa-tion in Japanese Aggression, renesting them to support efTorts to h;ilt lhe United States
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  • 283 11 Chungking. JHKKK American health experts, Dr. L. L. Williams, Dr. H. A. Ku>h and Dr. Bruce Mayne arrived in Chungking to help China W the scourge of malignant malaria in Yunnan where thousands ttwese, tmiUm% through rocks and levelling hilltops, are building new
    283 words
  • 158 11 Shanghai. /CONSIDERABLE anxiety is pre\ah nt in silk and cotton industries in Japan over the American indifference to renew the trade treaty, which is scheduled to expire on 26 Jan., according to a Tokyo report. Technically the lapse of the treaty will produce the following three
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  • 104 11 Chungking. THAT the Japanese had originally 1 intended to push northward along the Canton-Hankow Railway into Hunan province has been proved by the discovery of a copy of a Japanese military order No. 531 issued by General Ando, which has now fallen into Chinese hands. The Japanese
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  • 137 11 Chungking. China Branch of the International Peace Campaign has received the following message from the Swedish National Committee cf the I.P.C. "We now understand better than before that peace must be universal and that the establishment of international law must be the main
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  • 89 11 Chungking. Led by Miss Liv Man-ching, four members of the Sikang Publicity Corps have returned to Chungking after a long trip to Tibet. The party travelled from Chungking via the Yunnan-Burma Highway and India to the "Hewn Kingdom" and came back by way of Sikang, China's westernmost
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  • 135 11 Sian. DRINCESS CHI of the West Banner and Princess Pa of the East Banner arrived at Yulin in North Shensi from Wuyuan in West Suiyuan to pay their respects to their chieftain Prince Sha, President of the Yeghe Jo League, at Jassak. They wil? shortly leave
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 84 11 H PILES FISTULA SPECIALIST Having had over 30 >' ea rs' experience we guarantee to cure Vistula within 10 days without operation whatsoever, or your money Z*i™£™ 6ed Numerous unsolicited H. KARIM BAKSH SONS, 709. North Bridge Road, Singapore. ROBINSON PIANO CO. S. S. LTD., Winchester House, Collyer Quay, SINGAPORE.
      84 words
    • 26 11 For Style, Comfort Economy, CONSULT The Oriental Optical Co., MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS Head Office: 162, South Bridge Rd Branch Office: 348. N. Bridge Rd., SINGAPORE. FREE TESTING.
      26 words
    • 42 11 taUHIflUg, STANDARD f JKr 7 sarsaparilla rONIC Ns£s Blood builder %W and purifier Cures various '"'V tropical di.sea.'.c.; Local Price $1 per bottle. Small bottle 50 cts. rfole Agents: A. S. MOH AMI it KASSIM CO". 79, Hill St., Singapore 'Phone 4708
      42 words

  • 141 12 London, Dec. 29. THE first Indian to receive a commission in the R.A.F. is Mr J M R. Jayakar, son of the Rt. Hon. M. R J*> ttkar lhe barrister. He has been gazetted p.loi officer, and will shortly b e promoted to flying
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  • 211 12 London, Jan. 12 THE progress of "the economic war" is reviewed editorially by th Yorkshire Post, which while renewing the warning against the comforting tales of German desperation, which come from neutral sources nevertheless takes a hopeful view of the British trade negotiations, which, it declares,
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  • 277 12 London, /an. 12. MOST of the European capitals arc having a oold snap at present, and Berlin in particular is having the coldest spell in 12 years. Berlmers are exceedingly short of fuel, and many reports of hardship have been received. lhe Berlin conespondent
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  • 74 12 London, Jan. 12. Turkish Government has accepted the offer of the British Government to send supplies worth over £20,000 for relief of victims of the earthquake. This is in addition to the contribution of £25,000 recently made by the British Government.—Reuter. These supplies consist of
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  • 21 12 After being aground for six hours off the English coast, the Italian steamer Veloce (5,464 tons) refloated under her own steam.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 358 12 mm I for clear distinct re- O production for which > Agents- 9X9 unsurpassed HOE BOON LEONG I Distributors: V Radio General Agency > Kuala Lumpur. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHEN YOU ENTOUST ALL YOUR CLOCK AND WATCH REPAIRS TO YICK WOH HING 429, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. (Near Middle Road.) PHONE NO.
      358 words
    • 226 12 COLD BIRD TEA Solo Distrib itor 6INGAF 0 H E T B "Glob© [louse" Tan Jong Farar Rd. Tel, J ■■■■■■■^^■■^■^■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Ql RELWBiUTY RuOGt r*li»b>!'iy k 1 b>.«or<J >"-- t 0 C»»fteri. If jrou ar, contemplltmg ihe pveelMi O* bicycle row cannot do belter ikm 10 m.eir in a Rudgc-and it
      226 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 764 12 I TO-DAY'S RADIO i it 1 SINGAPORE 1 LONDON TRANSMISSIONS t ft J ZHL 223 metre* (1.33 mc|s). G8G 17.19 Mr s (lfi.86 metres) ZIIP 30.98 metre* (9.69 mc|s) GSF 18.14 Mi- s (13.92 metres) p.m. GSJ 21.53 Mr s (19.82 metre*) 12.45 Light Orchestral Concert played by the Programme
      764 words
    • 117 12 CAPITOL: "The Sun Never Sets."— 315, 615 and 9.15 p.m. PAVILION: "Bad Little Angel."—, 6 15 and 9 15 p.m. ALHAMBRA: "Everything On Ice."— 315, 6.15 and 9.15 p.m. CATHAY: "Honeymoon in Bali."— 315, 6.15 and 9.15 p.m. ROXY: "Wuthering If eights /"—«l5 and 9.15 p m. MARLBOROUGH: "Nandakumar" (Hindustani)
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 2675 13 l» > > !^^M^^^ gtfua&owt Vacant Typist. Apply Bck Tribune, Singapore. (239.C) i ,iAN' Cock and "boys" hoki Apply to "X" Road (Near Kam.ngapore. ing Straits Chinese Cambridge Certificate iwledge of book-keeping Apply Box 343 c o me, Singapore. (217-C» AE DIATELY: Few Female cse Hand Knitting Salary plus commission
      2,675 words
    • 619 13 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received at the Director of Public Works Office, up to noon of the 26th February, 1940 for the following work:— Erection and completion of Administration and School Block with Tiffin Room and Radio Shop, Garage and Cycle Shed at the New Trade School, Balestier Road,
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  • 458 14 MOONLIGHT ATTACK FOILS RAID London, Jan. 3. dramatic story of a young R.A.F. officer leaving the dinnertable, sinking a U boat, and returning to the mess in time for coffee was revealed yesterday. The officer was first duty pilot, and as soup was
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  • 193 14 New York, Dec. 20. "QONE With the Wind," the picture that cost £1,000,000 to make, opened simultaneously at New York's Astor and Capitol Theatres last night—and lured out more ermine, mink, chinchilla and assorted precious stones than has ever been seen on Broadway
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  • 172 14 London, Jan. 3. MORE and more people ai<? keeping goats—not only because of their milk, but because they are so level-headed. Mr. William Wright, of Chelsea, who says he is the only man in London breeding goats told a reporter yesterday that many laikc firmsare buying
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  • 193 14 London, Jan. 3. jif P.S are to demand a British spokesman to reply to the lying propaganda of Lord HawHaw. Led by Mr. Harold Nicolson (National Labour, West Leicester), they will suggest that the Government should take a complete note of all that Lord Haw-Haw
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  • 34 14 The experimental Insurance schems for cattle, calves, sheep and lambs, ba~ con, pigs, and porkers, and horses introduced by the British railways, has been renewed for a further 12 month* from Nov. 19, 1939.
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  • 356 14 London, Jan. 3. A U n)(UV two minutes, struggling in the icy-cold waters of the v w C Where he had just Seen her soldier ""band drown, vowed that sne wculd live to give birth to her child. yor an hour Mrs. E. B. Bone,
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  • 28 14 Export of eggs and poultry has bepn prohibited by the Dutch Minfstef of Economic Affairs, but the export of seed potatoes is again permitted.
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  • 45 14 A 70 years' marriage partnership is broken by the death at 88 of Mrs Mary Portman, of Sandpit Cottage, Grimlev near Worcester, whose husband is 92 and worked on the land for 70 years" She leaves seven children, the eldest 69 and the youngest 45.
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  • 314 14 London, Jan. 3. J\|K. J. K. R BRANSON, of Battersea, sat down to a breakfast to-day of a bit of leek, a bit of turnip, some currants, some rolled oats and a small handful of grass cut from a nearby bowling green all
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 524 14 RAFFLES BAKERY €r CONFE CTIOMFRY for WHOLESOME BREAD CAKES Little Boy Blue come blow up your horn There is much to shout about every mom The Fread and the Cakes which at Taffies are sold are th- best in the town and all should be told. MADE WITH THE FINEST
      524 words
    • 388 14 S. C. R. C. NOTICE Members are herewith not inert thp General Committee has rjLa with the services of Willia Lai ?72 to the Club. 1 M Q POH CHEE juay Hon. Secretary. NOTICE. This is to advise all business firm* Singapore that our Clerk and Bill ft? lector S.
      388 words