Malaya Tribune, 9 January 1940

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 81 1 The Malaya Tribune r 0\ OTHER PAGES Pages Goodwill Mission To Malaya inema Fare For Troops 3 Kent Assessment Hearing 4 Western Front: Broadcast 5 Cinemas 6 and 7 Canada's Hu$e Effort g •I Review The News"—C. H.S.J. 8 Soviet Division Wiped Out 9 Sport 10 education Chief's Tribute 11
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  • 244 1 Roosevelt Appeals For Realism Reuter. London. June THE Prime Minister, when he speaks at the Mansion House todav, is expected to warn the people of sterner times a^ says Reuter s lobby correspondent. It is felt that there W1 b a general
    Reuter.  -  244 words
  • 106 1 Reuter. London, Jan. 8. Mr. Chamberlain s address to a meeting at Mansion House to-inor-icw will open a series of speeches by members of "the War Cabinet throughout the country on the progress of the war, which he will vind up at Birmingham on Feb. 24. Washington, Jan.
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 72 1 Reuter. New York, Jan. 9. Commenting on the British Cabinet changes, the Washington I'ost says they are of world-wide importance, because they have revealed considered anticipation on the part of Britain of a long war in which leadership of tenacity and quiet resolution is preferred to one of
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 132 1 Reuter. Washington, Jan.* 9. "The people of the United States recognise two facts to-day. The first is that the world outside our hemisphere is real'y in bad shape," declared President Roosevelt, speaking at the annual "Hundred Dollar" dinner of the Democratic Party (a function deriving its name from
    Reuter.  -  132 words
  • 254 1 Reuter. SU ekholm. Jan. 9. PRO UPS of volunteers, including 1 dilates aie leaving Sweden almost daily for Finland The Vclunteer Recruiting Bureau i> considering the training cf dogU is tot the Arctic front. —lit uU i. Amsterdam. Jan. 9. Bitter back in Berlin after the Christmas holidays,
    Reuter.  -  254 words
  • 182 1 Reuter. Rome, Jan. 8. SIGNOR GAYDA, writing in the Giornale dTtalia, declaif s: "Every one should note that Hungary stands by Italy's side in the policy Italy is planning and in the methods she intends to adopt for her development. "At the same
    Reuter.  -  182 words
  • 455 1 Reuter. Shanghai, Jan. 9. Till: trial of Private David Eckford <:n a charge of minder opens today. This is the first murder trial «I a BriU-h subject in Shanghai ince the case of Atma Singh three yfars ago. It i- ict ailed that Sineh was sentenced
    Reuter.  -  455 words
  • 90 1 Reuter. Rome, Jan. 8. SIGNOR Gayda, writing in Giornale dTtalia, gives a hint that Rumania should consider the ado* «<ming to t«'m< territorial differences with Hungary in view of the European situation. He says that the proposal to Hungary to settle the problems pacifically cannot creat
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 59 1 Reuter. London. Jan. 8. On the Stock Exchange die market 7. as initially hesitant owing to the recent political reshuffle, but the upward move ment was quickly resumed under the lead of gild-edged which closed higher on further influx of buying orders. Indian Governments encountered a demand, while
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 124 1 Reuter. London, Jan. 9. A NUMBER of financial and economic agreements between Britain, France and Turkey were signed in Paris yesterday. These agreements follow negotiations which have been carried en in London and Paris since the Treaty of Oct. 19 last. Under that treaty. Britain
    Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 106 1 Reuter. Shanghai, Jan. 9. A SERIOUS issue is confronting the Shanghai International Settlement authorities in the flat denial by Japane-e gendarmerie that they are detaining three would-be assassins of Mr. Godfrey Phillips, the Municipal Secretary. The Settlement Police contend that the assailants are being held by the
    Reuter.  -  106 words
  • 51 1 Reuter. Paris, Jan. 9. A COMMUNIQUE issued from the Prime Minister's office announces that M. Daladier yesterday afternoon was the victim of an accident. His foot was fractured but ths fracture has teen satisfactorily reduced. M. Daladier immediately returned to his work at the Ministry of
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 91 1 ,4b 1 r (MP Y:.i THERE ARE £000 BARGAINS ANO BAD BARGAiriS, bOT Alt ASr EVELYN ASTROVA COSMETICS Ip C C iq M RELIABLE overseas reception is more important than LI JJ ever To obtain this: great sensitivity, low f FOR CASH background noise and simplicity of tuning are
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  • 225 2  -  From Our Own Reporter Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday. WITH revenue exceeding the estimates and expenditure much less than estimated, the financial position of the F.M.S. in the first nine months of 1939 was very strong. The total revenue from January to September amounted to 50.6 million
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  • 49 2 Singapore, Monday. A Punjabi cyclist attached to the Heavy Eattery of the Pimjabs was involved in an accident at Changi shortly before 4.30 this afternoon, when his machine collided with a motor-car. He sustained abrasions over the right leg, and was taken to the General Hospital.
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  • 101 2 Singanore. Monday. WANTED for a crime committed two years ago, Ang Kirn San, a 24-year-old Hokkien, was yesterday arrested by a detective. He was produced this morning before Mr. Conrad Oldham in the second police court en a charge ol voluntarily causing hurt to Tan Ah
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  • 187 2  -  (From Our Own Reporter Ipoh, Monday. TAR A SINGII, well-known in local boxing circles appeared with lour Chinese rickshaw pullers in the Ipoh Police Court on a charge of fighting in public. The Sikh p T eaded guilty and said that the Chinese had attacked him. Inspector
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  • 24 2 Mrs. C.A. Whitchurch is leaving Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday for a holiday in New Zealand. She expects to be away for about four months.
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  • 226 2 Singapore, Monday. AN informal tea-party was this afternoon given by members of the Salvation Army at their headquarters in honour of Sir Alexander and Lady Small, who will be leaving the Colony shortly. Before the conclusion of the function, Lady Small was called upon to distribute
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  • 78 2 Singapore, Monday. BAIL in the sum of $SCO in two sureties was this morning offered to Vythalingam, a 27--year-old Tamil Hindu, who had a charge of armed robbery explained to him in tbe Third Police Court. The charge was a sequel to an alleged armed
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  • 172 2 Singapore, Monday. WEE Teck Teng, of Chop Loon Chiang, was this morning convicted and fined $100, in default two months' rigorous imprisonment, on a charge that on Nov. 28 he attempted to take out of the Colony $8,258 China currency in excess of $500
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  • 236 2 To Report On Relief Work (Tribune Staff Reporter) rpHE Kwangtung Provincial Government have appointed a goodwill A mission to Malaya. Members of the mission are now in Singapore. Their arrival follows closely the China Air Force Mission, whose delegates are already here on a two
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  • 189 2 Singapore, Monday. A fine of $25 or four weeks' simple imprisonment, was the sentence imposed on Edward Low, a 25-year-old Cantcnese who last week pleaded guilty before Mr. H Watson in the Third Police Court to a charge of theft of a fcuntain pen valued at
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  • 80 2 Singapore. Monday. LIM YEO KEE (32) a Teochiu. claimed trial this morning in the second police court before Mr. Conrad Oldham on a charge of stealing seven rambutan trees valued at $35. the property of Goh Chan Van with an alternate charge of dishonestly retaining stolen
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  • 210 2  -  (From Our Own Reporter Kuala Lumpur, Monday. JHE first of the thirteen Asiatic police officers who are charged at Raub police court with accepting illegal gratifications from the Pahang Lin Siong Motor Company as monthly retainers, was sentenced to-day to three months' rigorous imprisonment and one
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  • 33 2 IT WAS DECIDED to control the posting ing of Christmas and New Year greeting cards, because during the last war, enemy agents used them for conveying information to Germany through neut. sal countries.
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  • 117 2 THE 8.M.8.C. will stay on the air past its usual time to-night to relay the broadcast of the Prime Minister's speech at the Mansion House. This speech will be heard in Malaya at 10.05 p.m. (local time). It is expected to last for about three-quarters
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  • 65 2 Singapore, Monday. Charged with the theft of three pieces of pig iron, valued at $2, from the Singapore Harbour Board's premises, yesterday, Tan Boon Poh, an elderly Chinese was sentenced to-day to two months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Kenneth M. Byrne, Fourth Magistrate
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  • 208 2  -  (From Our Own Reporter Kuala Lumpur, Monday. |F there is seasonal rain, it is expected that the first batch of applicants for padi land in Tanjong Karang rice area will start clearing work in the last week of the month after Hari Rava Haii
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  • 80 2 Singapore, Monday. RAM SINGH (21), a Sikh, claimed trial this morning in the second police court before Mr. Conrad Oldham, on a charge of pretending to hoM office as a detective in the Police Force. Accused was arrested yesterday at 10.05 a.m. by a detective and
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  • 118 2 BEAUTIFUL scenes were seen in R all taken by Mr. Joe Fisher, at private screening at the residence ol Mr. Tan Chong Chew, J.P., last The films were shown to a very lan and distinguished gathering. Main film was a cine picture, in colour, of the wedding
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  • 113 2 The "Allied Forces" nlm show three performances to-day, at tn Capitol Theatre, in aid of the M Patriotic Fund, is already assured success by excellent bookings. Upstairs seats for the 9.15 show ar< almost fully taken, but some are available for the 6.15 show;
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 18 2 homes, the Telephone at the -^^^^^l^ 1 y CdUCed renta,S Residences attention. ORIENTAL TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED
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  • 35 3 Un Mrs. (>an Kee Teck, photographed after their wedding at Mr. Tan Ghi home, Malacca, recently. The bride was Kksa Tan Sun StO, SC< >nd daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Lan Soo Chi.
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  • 150 3 Singapore, Monday. CED before Mr. H. Watson In f phird Police Court this morning, bin Mohamed Majsooree. a Bombay Islam, had six referred against him. v > charges explained to him breaking at 19-9 Oxford Lin i arly hours of Saturday morning, and of possession of
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  • 72 3 m Oar Own Correspondent) London, Dec. 29. T. Swingier, resident enH gineer oi a sugar plantation at nt, British Guiana, was .ad through the back while ng at Christmas dinner t alien manager s house. i< unknown. reached the Mincing-lane er's employers, BooinneU and Cc,
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  • 59 3 An increase of $27,000. as compared with the returns for 1933. v seen In the monthly figures published by the Singapore- Traction Company Ltd. for December. 1939. The receipts 'or that month total 1225,000 The aggregate for the last throe months of the year total SG6G.UOO. winch
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  • 30 3 HIMMLER. Gestapo chief, officially announced recently that preparations for the bomb outrage were made before war bioke out by a workman' at thi Le.r hall, wnose deacripUon has beer, circulated.
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  • 262 3 Commendable Efforts By Film Distributors (Tribune Staff Reporter) f CINEMATOGRAPH entertainment is being provided for practically V a jj units Q f t he Army, Navy and Air Force stationed at various mints in Singapore. The lead in this direction has been taken by
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  • 163 3 Singapore, Monday. "j THINK I am right In Baying you deliberately made this false report to hide your negligence or criminal activities," remarked Mr. L. C. Gob, Fifth Magistrate, before lentencing Lee Kirn Chua, alias Lim Kirn Chua, to three weeks' rigorous imprisonment on a
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  • 389 3  -  (From Our Own Reporter Kuala Lumpur, Monday. AT ihe end oi the inquiry this morning before Che Megat Yunus in the Second Court into the death of a Chinese named Chong Chee, who was iound dead under mysterious circumstances in a lonely hut in Salah
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  • 58 3 Singapore, Monday. Said to have been knocked off Kallang Bridge on to the bank of the river when she was run into by a tncychst late this afternoon, an elderly Chinese woman was conveyed to the General Hospital by ambulance, suffering from contused wounds over the scalp
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  • 30 3 The Nazi tanker "Emmy Friedrich" With 39.500 barrels of oil. slipped out from Tampico Harbour recently. She s believ-d to be refuelling German Uccats lying off the South American toast.
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  • 135 3 Singapore, Mcnday. BAIL in the sum of S5OO was extended to a European motorist, Mr. Jchn Friend, who had five traffic charges preferred against Mat in the Traffic District Court this morning. The first charge was that of causin;, grievous hurt to an unknown Chinese a
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  • 59 3 Singapore, Tuesday. THE five thousand twakow hands who staged a lightning strike yes"nrtav have resumed work this morning, following negotiations between their representatives and the emp'oyers. The men went on strike when their employers refused an increase of ten per cent, in wages. However, the employers agreed
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  • 26 3 The Rev. Bishop Edwin F. Lee is addressing the Singapore Rotary Club on Wednesday at the Adelphi Hotel on "The Developing American International Mind."
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  • 91 3  -  -If You're Going Home- (From Our Own Correspondent London, Dec. 20. Malayans with the foices of the Crown will find a welcome at a new Residential Club opened by the Victorian League. Its opening, at a Sew weens notice, has been made possible by
    91 words
  • 149 3 Singapore, Monday. EWES Of $800 each or in default six months' rigorous >mp" ment were imposed to-day on X' Hoe Chiak and Chua X.a Mr. Kenneth M. Byrne, Fouttß Magistrate, on three charges of 4* tilling 7 gallons of samsu or nately with being in
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  • 97 3  -  (From Our Own Reporter Ipoh, Monday. THE driver of a Riley Sports car, Mr. John, had a miraculous escape from serious injury on Saturday night when his car crashed into the back portion of a lorry just near the Traffic Office in Brewster Road. It appears
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  • 43 3 ALTHOUGH AN INCREASE in untitled prices was sanctioned by the Mines Decartment it was not so great as tna; c s cmanded by the coal-owners, who ha <• now arranged a meeting of the Central Council to consider the heavy rise tti production costs.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 154 3 No matter what the conditions, ICEBERG BUTTER is protected at al! times from deterioration or contamination. This pure creamery hutter is sealed in an air-tight container and is obtainable everywhere. PHONE: STOKE 537f. (5 lines), K. LUMPUR 3331 (3 lines), 110 til (1 lines) PENANG 1500 1501, BUTTER WORTH 33.
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  • 1600 4 ONLY ONE TURNED DOWN Singapore, Monday. THE first business meeting of the Rent Assessment Board was held this afternoon at the Civil District Court when 22 applications were received from landlords. Those who composed the Board were Mr. G. L. Howe, chairman, Mr. C. F.
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  • 65 4 Singapore, Monday. A Chinese couple and another woman received injuries at Geylang Road shcrtly after noon today. The man sustained a bruise over his upper lip, and his wife fractured her right wrist, but the other woman came off best, receiving only abrasions over two of
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  • 41 4 A fully grown tiger, which had been causing owners of livestock in Tjek near Taiping, much trouble, has been shot by a party of Malay hunters The carcase was sold to the head boy ot a European in Taiping for $30
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  • 137 4  -  (From Our Own Reporter Penang, Monday. MR. James Dick. J.P.. manager of Messrs. Lslay Kerr Co., Ltd.. Penang was entertained to dinner at •Happy' Villa," Tanjong Bungah, last night prior to hLs departure for Home on retirement after approximately 25 years in Ma 1 ay a.
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  • 689 4 Singapore, Monday. EMPAT buah kenajaan Eropah yan g kechil2, la itu Norway, Sweden. Holland, dan Denmark telah menya akan dengan kuat pada hujong mtnggu yang lepas ini bahawa mereka tidak-lah s8-kalj2 akan memblarkan siapa2 pun menggangui kemerdehekaan mereka. Kenyataan tiii telah di-keluarkan mereka ia-lah sa-telah mendengar
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  • 44 4 m Singapore, Monday. At about 10.20 this morning, a clerk In the offices of the P.W D. was found sitting in his chair in a state of collapse He was umible to watt and *43 conveyed to the General Hospital by ambulance.
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  • 192 4 Take these strengthening tonic tablets Too many bouts of fever rm n ous. Each attack leaves your Jlttle weaker—a little more pre: eto far more dangerous ills. If you reel an attack coming on—or If you have recently recovered, lose no time in tak Ing a
    192 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 196 4 Over-mdulgence creates excess acidity m THESE SIGNS SAY j n tne system—a condition that 'ALKALIZE"' contributes to what is known as £jj sdNwi Ind.gest.on 0 U prevent f£k you alkalize or neutral.ze the JVQg^fXVV Heartburn excess acids by taking 2 tablespoons Mh| U Flatulence of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia—or 6
      196 words
    • 209 4 NAN YANG car SERVICE 4 TIMES DAILY. MALACCA TO SINGAPORE AT NAN CHIANG HOTEL. 84, Bunga Raya Road. Phone 91. SINGAPORE TO MALACCA AT HAICHEW HOTEL. 35, Beach Road. Phone 3015. BIUAR NAN YANG CO. Kruschen Has I Transformed Me I "A* 55> t began to feel I teas growing
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  • 2160 5 BROADCAST TALK FROM SINGAPORE Singapore, Tuesday. TMK possible form of a German attack in the spring was outlined by Brigadier M. D. Gambier-Parry, M.C., A.D.C., in the course a I roadca8t talk from Singapore last nijrht. The speech was as e attempt to
    2,160 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 106 5 The •'Premier" LIFETIME SheafferSX tfu only Retime 6« ttu Wkit* Vot X V The Finest Gift For Lifetime Sentiments 1 M For practical or stntimental reasons, zirt the finest- I LIFETIME with the new FINELINE MfiW t I streamline styling for comtortrin writing rcrinancnt Visi: I'^^k!^. 1 n Jp^ fl
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 239 6 MALAYA PATRIOTIC FUXD GRAND CINEMA ENTERTAINMENT TO-DAY 11 A.M.-3.15-6.15-9.15 I At the CAPITOL "THE ALLIED FOHi:ES" An Inspiring Series of Pictures of War and Topical Interest depicting the Forces of the Allies. Under the Distinguished Patronage Presence of H.E. The Governor. Sir Shrnton Thomis. G.CM.G., 0.8.E H.E. The General Officer
      239 words
    • 205 6 A FAMOUS STORY BY JACK LONDON... GREATER ON THE SCREEN! OPENING TO-NICHT PAVILION I This bey met death <$Ei k|mL Ie" n e doy she <*cs "sjEB&WiSAX 58« »o L-c r-'s b- d t <H| R0MA1?! OPrNTNG TO-NIGHT 6.15 9.15 TWO LOVERS IN WORM) j M lllk'J SHATTERED ILLUSION! o^B|@^|^Sh3hbsC9BEs9
      205 words
    • 327 6 ,m POSITIVELY LAST~IKVV I ALU AM IFIIA 3-15, 6-15 9-15 P.M. The Story That Shocked The World IRON FIST Of^k ijj^^. Oramd thdt shocked the world '"Lj now rocks the screenl.. Secrets JBL Ik th mOuS Cavell "murder" Vj 3 t JH W evealedl Sensational I Unbeltevdblel h« f «KO
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  • 245 7 Reuter. London, Jan. 8. JHE Home Office announces that Vice-Admiral Usborne, Director of Censorship since the outbreak of war has resigned to undertake new work of national importance, for which his experience and service specially qualifies him, in connection with specialised naval construction under Admiralty contracts. The
    Reuter.  -  245 words
  • 236 7 London, Jan. 8. THE civil defence of this country was discussed by Sir John Anderson. Home Secretary and Minister of Heme Security (in charge of A.R.P in a speech in Glasgow. He said that what was called the lull of the pasi four months
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  • 824 7 FATHER FORCIBLY REMOVED HER London, Pee. 88. LOV? letters written by a young K.A.F. man now on war service to a 21-year-old typist, were read in the King's Bench Division. Miss Norah Bradley, of Smethurstlane, Wigan, was awarded £75 damages with costs
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  • 155 7 Reuter. London, Jan. 8. A REPORT was to-day issued by the Polish Press Bureau, indicating growing unrest in both German and Russian occupied parts of Poland. In eastern Poland, which is under Soviet occupation, the general conditions are said to be deteriorating rapidly, the cost of
    Reuter.  -  155 words
  • 75 7 Reuter. London, Jan. 8. Th£ British steamer, Ccdiington Court, 5.000 tons, sank in ten minutes after an explosion off the south-east coast yesterday. The crew of thirtyfour were saved. A deck boy had a remarkable escape. He was on the lookout on
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 107 7 Reuter. London, Jan. 3. TO-DAY'S alterations in the Bank of England'.s official exchange rates are viewed by banking circles as a probable result of pressure by commercial institutions, who believed for some tim e that the spread between buying and selling rates is
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 505 7 Reuter. LONDON, JAN. 8. MX lIOKI Bl LISHA TO-DAY TOOK FAREWELL OF HIS STAFF AT THE WAR OFFICE. Renter's Parliamentary correspondent learns that there is no question at present of an earlier recall of Parliament to discuss the resignation. There has been some
    Reuter.  -  505 words
  • 267 7 Reuter. London, Jan. 8. JHE United States and Australian Governments to-day simultaneously announced the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Mr. R. G. Casey, Minister of Supply, will be the first Australian minister in Washington, and the first United States minister for Canberra
    Reuter.  -  267 words
  • 327 7 London, Dec. 20. '''J'HE six months between the granting of a decree nisi and the malting of the decree absolute is in no way intended as a tett of the morality of the petitioner," said Mr. Justice Bucknill, in the Divorce Court, London, yesterday. Sometimes the
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  • 69 7 Reuter. Washington, Jan. 8. IT Is officially announced that the United States and the Argentine have agreed to abandon completely the negotiations for a trade treaty which broke down last week. The State Department ascribes the failure of the negotiations to the impossibility of reaching
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 67 7 Singapore, Tuesday. Robin Aylmer Elliott appeared before Mr. J. L. McFall in the Criminal District Court this morning on a charge of housebreaking at the premises of the local branch of the Mercantile Bank on Dio. 27 at 6.30 p.m. with intent, to commit theft. Accused claimed
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  • 534 8 STRIKING passages occurred in a speech given last week by a veteran journalist, Mr. J. A. Spender, who, in a reference to the freedom of the Press, said that without this freedom Parliament would be a secret debating society and the law courts star chambers. The
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  • 396 8 Canada's Huge Expenditure Ottawa, Jan. 8. THE Canadian War Supply Board has so far 1 amounting to $65,000,000, declared Mr. Howe, Minister of Transport, broadcasting on Canada s war effort. ne added that this sum excluded $25,000,000 expended on the Canadian Railways to ensure
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  • 160 8 Reuter. Lcndi.n, Jan. 9. A BOMB was thrown la:*t night at the headquarters of the Special Constabulary of Londonderry. The city was shaken by a terrific explosion. All the windows in the front of the building were smashed but nobody was injured. About a dozen special constables
    Reuter.  -  160 words
  • Article, Illustration
    272 8 A MONO educated people of all c m- munities in Malaya the topic of conversation is the forced res; tion of Mr. Hore-Belisha from the War Ministry. WHY DID MR. CHAMBERLAIN I HIM OUT? WHAT DID HORE-BELISHA DO OR SAY THAT MADE HIM NO LONGER ACCEPTABLE TO THE
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  • 139 8 SEARCHLIGHTS playing in the skies of Singapore every night, and planes constantly patrolling, day and night, remind us that whatever politicians may do there are men with good nerves, good arms and expert knowledge watching over our destinies. How much more arduous must be the task cf patrolling
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  • 197 8 JUST at the time when Japanese shlp- ping firms were prepared to expand their business in the Oriental waters by taking advantage of Britain's withdrawal of a large number cf its merchantmen from this part of the globe. American ships have begun to show op In increasing numbers.
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  • 53 8 "NEWS REVIEW" has it thai I berlain's gout started when, h that a bomb had missed Hitler minutes. iMn. MOMENTOUS DECISION by th istry of Security: "Tempera!, tions inside gasmasks cause < v to run, leading to tears, smarting spasms, and an urgent desire move the mask."
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 560 9 Germans Hold Up Italian Planes Helsinki, Jan. 8. smashing Finnish victory is claimed in a special war communique issued here this afternoon. The entire Soviet 44th division of over 15,000 men, has been put out of action. This is the third division
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  • 135 9 Reuter. Tokyo, Jan. 8. JAPAN has formally decided to make every effort to assist in the formation of a new Chinese Central Government by Mr. Wang thing Wei. This was announced after an emergency meeting of the Cabinet. Mr. Wang and the Japanese sponsored Governments
    Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 71 9 Reuter. London, Jan. 8. THE Royal Mail liner. Highland Patriot, 14,000 tons, has arrived safely in Rio de Janeiro after a light with a German submarine. The liner was attacked by the U-boat which fired two torpedoes, both of which missed the target. The crew of the
    Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 114 9 Reuter. London, Jan. 8. A TRIBUTE to the inspiring indication which the farming community had given of their intention and determination to respond to the demands made upon them was paid by Sir Reginald Donnan Smith (Minister of Agriculture) in a speech in London. After
    Reuter.  -  114 words
  • 150 9 Reuter British Wireless. London, Jan. 8. AT the King's request, rationing rt of the Royal Household wM be as strict as possible. The King and Queco and other member-, of the Royal fnmily, in readiness for the rationing of bacon, ham, butter and sugar which begins to-day,
    Reuter & British Wireless.  -  150 words
  • 191 9 Reuter. Copenhagen, Jan. 8. THE Berlin correspondent of the Politiken says that Marshal Goering's first task as economic dictator is to secure fresh funds for war purposes. He adds: "The last war cost Germany 35 milliard marks a year. The present war will cost
    Reuter.  -  191 words
  • 24 9 London. Jan. 8: Over 500 Jewish refugees were arrested last night within territorial waters of Palestine, and have been taken to Haifa.
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  • 166 9 British Official Wireless. London, Jan. 8. THE attitudes of the authorities in Britain and Germany towards the circulation cf foreign news and comment afford interesting contrast. Information reaching London ihOW3 that increasing publicity is being given in Berlin to the ounishment of growing severity imposed
    British Official Wireless.  -  166 words
  • 101 9 Reuter. London, Jan. 8. THE Admiralty has published a list of casualties of officers and men of the Naval Service and stales that the names, in addition to those already published, represent all naval casualties up to Dec. 14. The ca.:allies Arise from vmiiotts hazards
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 37 9 BRITISH LABOUR FINLAND Reuter. London. Jan. 8: The Labour Party and the Trade Union General Councl of Finland have invited the British Labour movement to send a leading re presentative to Finland to study the situation there.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 21 9 London. Jan. 31 A sum of £1.500 was collected at a public meeting in Lahore for relief of Turkish quake victims.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 44 9 i gm mm Bfggffifßff^ Wi I MUST ORDER scotch >A _j _p t>ic.— at me y mm mmw (HO| CE OLD SCOTCH WHISK* fIV W »v I A F 4 J M MHISMr B If __k 1 CtAtCOW ———^^^JI "it's the scotch apb_6 ssss
      44 words
    • 110 9 I j THE RONEO A [Bk, I INDEXED DIARY W i FOR 1940 |H $2.75 NET. I Ij J ORDER YOUR COPY Wm LTD. O PHONE 62*"» 3, MALA< CA STUM I Xi SINGAPORE. I ___F MAm M*mr A jI^PAm» V I mmw JiCll FRESH STOCKS ALWA\> \IrIVT. flupniiTirijs Fnnps
      110 words

  • 369 10 Fast Hockey At Stadium V.M.C.A 3; S.C.R.C 0. MAKING the most of the opportunities that came in their way, the V.M.C.A. scored a comfortable victory over the S.C.R.C. in a fast snd exciting game of hockey at Prince Edward Road yesterday. Play was
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  • 31 10 The Consolation Prize competition at the Keppel Goif Club, open only to members* who have not won any competitions daring 1939, wiii be played on Sunday, Jan. 21.
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  • 28 10 The Kota Rangers senior eleven will play football against the Pasir Panjang Rovers on Sunday, at the M.F.A. kiound, Balestier Road, at 5.15 p.m.
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  • 284 10  -  (By “Pete” tpiGHT fans have eagerly awaited publication of news of coming promotions and I am able to reveal to-day that subject to the approval of the Singapore Boxing Board of Control, Mr. Cesar M. Houghton is putting up a capital card for Jan.
    284 words
  • 64 10 The following have accepted to play for S.C.C. "A" vs. R.A.F. "A" to-day at the S.C.C.: —S. Johnson; J. P. Wood, L. G. Robertson, G. B. Potter, D. M. Seward; J. W. Ewart, J. B. Potter; B. M. Purser, D. M. Walker, R. J. Maxey. A. M. Carbery,
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  • 292 10 |N a well contested game of hockey played yesterday at Balestier, the Singapore Colts' Hockey Club defeated the Indian Association by two clear goals. Lester Reutens and his brother Jackie played an excellent game, the latter being responsible for the Colts' opening goal in the
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  • 254 10 see ~A 3; B.A.M.C 0. VERY mediocre standard of hockey was exhibited on the padang A ySLrday where the S.C.C. "A" team beat the R.A.M.C. by three clear goals. otiPir work was conspicuous by wwS was a lot of wild wttiSfwid unnecessary barging Kelfett centre-half, played
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  • 186 10  -  (From Our Own Correspondent. Seremban, Monday. IN spite of the fact that a heavy show- er earlier in the afternoon made good hockey impossible, soire fast play was witnessed here in the frienaly match yesterday evening between Negri Sembilan and Malacca, which the homesters did well
    186 words
  • 41 10  -  OFrom Our Own Correspondent Bangkok, Monday. THE Thailand Derby run on Sunday resulted in Phya Phradibaddha Bhubal winning the King's Gold Cup for the third time in eight years' The cup thus becomes his own property. Scrven horses ran.
    41 words
  • 377 10 GOLF THE Royal Singapore Golf Club January 1 Bogey competition was played at BukifSah on Saturday and Sunday and resulted in a win for D.E. Rmto il in "A" Division with a score of 3 up, in a tie in "B" Division between A. B. Paterson
    377 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 278 10 I TO-DAV HOCKEY Combined s,: vices vs. Sings >re <Civiii ai S.C.C.; V* Jnen.s'iuiai 1. O S.(J. T~ iHOCKEY kvm FOR MH&.S.R.C. Mjlf 1 Singapore, Tuesday. hoxM y same played between < 4 *\«e K A F Hdqrs., responsible »cr t where they Trere E x rW IN ATI0N8 K
      278 words
    • 115 10 DIABETES. ®IF YOU ARE AFFLICTED WITH THIS DISEASE come to Thabib A Md. Hassan, the specialist for DIABETES. He guarantees to cure yon completely and permanently enabling you to take rice and sugar without fear of recurrence In a short time. He will give you back your lost energy and
      115 words
    • 13 10 |\|F THIS CATCHES/I I remember\ IVtHE TRADEMARkX WOODWARDS GRIPE WATER keeps baby well
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 45 11 The Junior Civil Service Association anniversary gathering. From left to right S.r Ong Siang Song. Mrs. Linehan. Mr. H. Weisberg Lady Small. Mr. Lim Sen; Kiang (President of the club, who presided. Sir Alexander Small, Lady Song and Mr S. W Jones
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  • 675 11  -  By Frank Owen As far back as 1923, when he enttrcd Parliament, a young unknown Jewish MLP. gave notice that ho proposed to walk in the steps of Disraeli until he arrived at the same high place. To the Disraeli ideal he has stayed faithhr
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  • 394 11 London, Dec. 24. j KEPT a boarding-school for children near the Slovak frontier In Poland, writes a Polish teacher in a message to the "Sunday Chronicle." All through the summer the school was crowded. As the rumours of War became more alarming, I sent all the
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  • 708 11 YOUTH OF MALAYA HAS BENEFITTED Singapore, Monday. I DEEPLY appreciate the value of your work with the youth of Malaya," said Dr. W. Linehan, Director of Education, Straits Settlements, to the Methodist leaders gathered in conference at Wesley Church. Much had happened, he said, in
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  • 162 11 British Wireless. London. Jan. 8. RATIONING is being regarded by the country generally as a necessary and even helpful expedient under the present conditions. The Manchester Guardian says:"Properly regarded, the system is not one of deprivation but of convenience. With quantities assured and alternatives available,
    British Wireless.  -  162 words
  • 156 11 Reuter. fRcutcr's Special Comment) London. Jan. 9. The Food Ministry announces the following reasons for rationing: (1» It prevents waste of food. We must not ask sailors to bring unnecessary food cargoes at the risk of their lives. <2> It increases the war effort. Reduction in purchases
    Reuter.  -  156 words
  • 231 11 "COMMUNICATIONS" aircraft, set aside for the use of high personages and officers of the fighting forces, play an important part today in the mechanics of government. Monarchs, dictators and business executives employ to an increasing extent aircraft for urgent journeys. The "corrunuriications" aeroplane is a specially
    231 words
  • 22 11 Mr. S.C. Northcote and Mr. L.C. Harding, of the Chartered Bank, Kuala > Lumpur, are leaving Kuala Lumpur for E England, on leave.
    22 words
  • 127 11 London, Jan. 8. AN 800-years-old ceremony, at which offerings of gold, frankincense and myrrh are made by the Kings of England at the feast of Epiphany, took place on Saturday in the Chapel Royal of Saint James Palace, when two gentlemen usli. r s
    127 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 33 11 HOARSENESS quickly cleared away Get your voice back and soothe that dry, irritated throat with the real medication of Vicks Vapoßub. Just •uck a tasty Vicks Cough Drop. m/ICKS MEDICATED V COUOH PROP
      33 words
    • 97 11 AMICO S YOUTH PILLS Marvellous pleasure £i ver And great favourite of Nawabs and the rich from time immemorial. Stocked at Naina Mohamed Sons, (Sold Everywhere) NACET For qualify plus value, there U nothing to equal the Nacet Set at the price. It contains a Nacet razor and two Nacet
      97 words

  • 100 12 SENSIBLE EFFORT (Tc the Editor of the Malaya Tribune.) Sir, —Please allow me to congratulate you on your efforts to start a sweepstake In aid of the war. Could anything be more sensible? We shall be able to send home unlimited thousands, and
    100 words
  • 145 12 (To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune.) Sir,—The recent large release hi the tin quota will certainly solve the difficulty in finding the actual producing capacity of every mine, and it will give the best possible opportunity to Government to revise the unfair assessment, which has been going
    145 words
  • 25 12 AMONG THE NUMEROUS people arlested following the bomb explosion in Munich, were Jews, Monarchists, Catholics and so-called "reactionaries." No Communist has been mentioned so far
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  • 519 12 Singapore, Jan. 5. Article Price MEAT Beef steak; kati 40 Beef stew or curry; kati 35 Fillet Steak; lb. 65 Mutton, Australian; lb. 42 Java goat flesh; lb 54 Mutton, Malacca; lb. Pork; lean; kati 48 Pork; lean and fat (Ist quality); kati 38 POULTRY Capons (locally
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  • 404 12 "FELT LIKE RATS IN A TRAP" London, Dec. 2S. WHENEVER you think about the Graf Spec's one battle, you probably think of the Hritish merchant seamen who were prisoners on board helpless in a ship being shelled by their own countrymen. What WERE their
    404 words
  • 113 12 London, Dec. 24. ABLE seaman Luke Carroll, of Upper Bean-street, Liverpool, was sixty-nine years old. He had been at sea on food ships since the war started. On his journey home his ship had to dodge submarines. He saw one torpedoed ship going down.
    113 words
  • 230 12 HUNDREDS of thousands of Service dress items have been rushed out from British factories since war l>egan, to meet the needs of the new lceions of women in uniform. The Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service p.lon« was responsible for the purchase of some 20.000 uniforms in the first
    230 words
  • 445 12 Dee. AS early as May 7 this year France wa s warned of Hitler's intrigue for a pail with Stalin. As late as September 2—fifty-six hours alter Poland had invaded—Mussolini was still fighting for a mf* peace conference. But midway between these two dates,
    445 words
  • 43 12 The Maharajah of Rajpipla has offered £7,000 a s a gift to the Empire's war chest, to be paid in twelve monthly instalments. The first instalment is to be earmarked for cigarettes for the troops in France.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 249 12 BE ALWAYS ON TIME! Entrust all your Clock and Watch repairs to expects with several Tears of experience and you will be assured of prompt service and satisfaction. YICK WOH HING 429, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD (Near Middle Road) 'PHONE No. 7922. Contractors for the repair jf Clocks and Watches to
      249 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 104 12 CAPITOL: "The Allied Forces."—3.15, 6 15 and 9.15 p.m. PAVILION: "Romance of the Redwoods "—6 15 and 9.15 p.m. ALHAMBRA: "Nurse Edith Cavell."— 3 15, 6 15 and 9.15 p m CATHAY: "The Magnificent Fraud."— 3.15, 6.15 and 9.15 p.m. ROXY: "Man's Castle "—6.15 and 9.15 p.m. MAKLBOROUGH: "My Son."—6.15
      104 words
    • 636 12 On The Air To-day WHEN AND WHERE TO I LISTEN IN SINGAPORE ZHL 225 metrce (1.33 mc|s). ZHP 30.96 metres (».69 mc s) p.m. 1.15 Miscellaneous programme of <; phone records. 1.30 The News and mid-day Rubber, r, n and Copra prices. 1.40 Interval. 5.00 Malay Rumbas and Tangos. 5.30
      636 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 567 13 mmm\ ft gitua&oH4 Vacant \TED Uocountry Agents for latest saving device. Box 332, Malaya c, Singapore. (192-C iLD: Teacher, school certificate, salary $25. Lodging free. Apply g :hool, Kuala Krai, Kelantan. (186.C» MED Agents throughout Malaya bber Coagulant and established Food Drink. Apply Box 134, i Tribune, Singapore. U94-C» NG
      567 words
    • 532 13 Educational EVENING CLASS FOR DRAUGHTSMEN Started. A few more vacancies. Fee reduced. Write to Principal, 17G, Race Course Road. Singapore. (173.C) "MODERN DANCING STUDIO" Funcamental steps, latest variations for beginners or dancers. Lady partners available far practice. Quick success puaranteed. Hours at Student's convenience. Moderate charges at 5-A. ANN SIANG
      532 words
      582 words
    • 518 13 m mm* Salt **ItkuituL FOPw SALE: Austin Car 7 HP. 1929 Model in good condition, $135. Apply 68, Raines Place, Singapore. UB7.C» MORRIS TEN SALOON 1937 Series j-ecentiy overhauled, in perfect condition, economical, very smart appearance, taxed. $975. Box 328, Malaya Tribune, Singapore. (175.C> FOR SALE Fiat 1929, running order
      518 words
    • 448 13 Tailoring Millinery etc. GIFT SHOP SALON $3.50 BARGAINS $3.50 HATS 14, CAPITOL FLATS 2nd Floor. LIFT OR STAIRS Personal PROF. PAUL LENTZ. Please write— I will come "H.H." 20-1, Saint Thomas Walk, Singapore. (185-C) WANTED a financier with $5,000]- by a woll known young Stairts-Born Chinese for a profitable business.
      448 words
    • 569 13 Singapore Municipality TENDERS. TENDERS axe now invited for the following materials or service. For particulars see Municipal Tender Room. Date of Closing Supply of Sluice Valves for Water for period 1-5-40 to 30-4-41. 4 p.m. 18 March, 1940. Installation of Sanitary Fittings at certain pre. mis°3 in Telok Ayer St.,
      569 words

  • 419 14  -  Shocking Revelations Of Existing Conditions (By Randall Gould Like the first report, this statement is factual and shocking in its revelations of condition* not merely tolerated by the Japanese and their puppet Chinese officials, but actually brought about by them as a means of
    419 words
  • 181 14 Chungking, p H I ABU. sources informed Uni.ed Press that it had been revealed that Yunnan province under Oovernor Lung Yun has sent to the ♦rent so Ht 150.000 men to participate in ;h-.« anti-Japanese war or ♦hree armies, namely the 58th, 60th and new
    181 words
  • 140 14 Chungking. AN official Chinese source stales that since the war began three Japanese lieutenant-generals and 19 major-generals have been killed by the Chinese. The three-lieutenant-generals include Chiji Taji, who was killed in eastern Hupei last June when he was travelling in an airplane which was shot
    140 words
  • 190 14 PREAT interest has been U the struggle between the w r T and British tobacco firms on the* side and the Japanese and \V an ne kuo" tobacco interetss on the *h°i for the purchases of tobacco ?i Shantung, according to v. business circles. As
    190 words
  • 367 14 Chungking, Jan. 3. £JHINA'S wartime finance has again marched abreast with the frontline fighters, announces Dr. H. H. Kung, Vice-President of the Executive Yuan and Minister of Finance. In summary Dr. Kung attributes China's financial achievements to the following factors: (1) The rock-like foundation laid in
    367 words
  • 267 14 Chungking. gLABORATE plans have been mapped out by the Three People's Principles Youth Corps Headquarters in Chungking and ratified by (.eneral.Fdmo Chiang Kai-shek, Coicnel f the Youth Corps. The chief object is to call forth the patriotic sentiments of the Chinese youth. Recently, an cider
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 304 14 RAFFLES BAKERY FOR BREAD DINNER ROLLS IF YOU WANT THE BEST 1 Little Miss Muffet could never rough it So ate Raffles Bread every day A man espied her And sat down beside her To share bread and life alway MADE WITH THE FINEST INGREDIENTS UNDER STRICTLY H\(,;KNIC CONDITIONS BAKED
      304 words
      19 words
    • 92 14 i Have jou heard best focd Orchard Res'aurant Bar 38, ORCHARD ROAD, SPORE I '.near Cathay Cinema). TRICES VERY MODERATE. A. T. EDWARDS I CO., LTD. Auction Sale 01 modern design stained and leak HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, including:— wardrobe, dressing tables, almei rn.hs, meat safes, single and double besteads, rattan and
      92 words

  • 124 15 ft x NEW YORK New York, Jan. 8. B. S. l pM 1P Fair Interest M- l01ie 19>4 191/2 April June 18 7 s 19Va h' THnc foreign exchange 1 London, Monday. ,1 „on Paris 176.50* 176.75** a Amsterdam 7.52* 7.57** n on Shanghai 4 15 16
    124 words
  • 196 15 Singapore, Tuesday. The price of tin at noon in Singapore to-day was;— j $126 KUBBER The price of rubbvr at noon in j Singapore to-day was:— Buyers: :>9: Sellers: 39*4. Aver Hitams 24/4*4 15/6 l 18 (London A.*..;*.cs 3/10^2 West Wiuvatersrand Areas 67/6 Shell Tr Tr. fearer) 77/6
    196 words
  • 167 15 if are the exchange stoc* tbJ« jag to the daily circular issued bj qq d Shanghai Banking Corpora. m SELLING ana 2 1 4 M lB 214 1116 2031 demand 207 312 md 1 45 13|16 UKI 51 s[B 85 5 60 I{2 1 en 'and 155 tls 155
    167 words
  • 786 15 FRASER CO.'S SHARE REPORT Singapore. Jan. 8 MINING Buyers Sellers Ampat Tin 5111a 516 Austral Amal 6.9 7.1 Austral Malay 37,- 39,Ayer Hitam 24j6 256 Ayer Weng 0.85 0.90 P.angrln 23 6 251Batu Selangor 1.65 1.70 Berjuntnl 10 6 11)6 Burma Malay 2313 24 3 Chenderlang 17|- 18,Hltam Tin 0.47
    786 words
  • 135 15 Singapore, Jan. 8. Et. (Slam) W\ Coast No. 1 per Koyan a. (Slam) W. Coast No. 3 per Koyan illce Slam 1 213 Sice Slam 2 »2 Sice Slam 3 W1 31am Broken Rice No. 1 Ml 31am Broken Rice No. 2 146 Rice Saigon Al Rice Saigon 1
    135 words
  • 24 15 THE GERMAN EASTERN FRONTIER nas been extended a lurMer 50 miles into pollsb terrltoly by Me adsorption ..< tin» !<»>vn .>l l.'d- .ol.. l. i.ll
    24 words
  • 105 15 cntiy iiivi u SINOAPORB MUNICIPAL 5% 1940 100 lOlnora 4 «2% 1947 101 103nom 4Va% 1955 107 lOPnom 4% 1963 101 103nom 55-66 114'.'a 116 5% 48-68 110 H2cl 4V 2 70-80 113 115 cl 3% 75-85 0.93V2 095», m 75-85 94>'a 96 t a 1962 94'i
    105 words
  • 167 15 Singapore, Monday. QUIET conditions prevailed in all sections of the share market to-day and only a small volume of business was transacted. The price of local tin was slightly better at $125 3 4 up U. while tr? price of rubber at four o'clock was buyers Spot
    167 words
  • 183 15 London. Dec. 13. JN view of the changes brought about by the war m the tin-mining industry the results ol Malayan Tin Dredging and Southern Malayan Tin Dredging, made up to the end of June, are of little more than historical interest. The domestic quota of only 31.275
    183 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 89 15 THE EASTERN BANK LIMITED. (Incorporated in England) (SINGAPORE BRANCH) 4, D'Almeida Street. Authorised and subscribed Capital £2,000,000 Paid-up Capital £1,000 000 Reserve Fund 500,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON Branches: Bombay, Calcutta, Colombo, Karachi, Madras, Amara, Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra, Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS' opened end money received on Fixed Deposits
      89 words
      412 words
    • 386 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. P&CX BRITISH J INDIA PASSENGER FREIGHT -SERVICES^ For all information apply to: P. O.S.N. Co., The Agent, CoUyer Quay, Tel. 5961. 8.1.5. N. Co., BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., Tel. 5497. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD., (Apcar Line). For Hongkong, Shanghai, Moji, Kobe Osaka Fortnightly For Penang, Rangoon and
      386 words
    • 161 15 P.CL BRITISH INDIA :Incorporated in England) P. O. S. N. CO.'S SAILINGS. Owing to the Company's inability to publish the actual departure dates of it's steamers intending passengers are courteously requested to enquire at the P. O. S. N. COMPANY'S Office to ascertain the approximate dates of departure. All vessels
      161 words

  • 87 16 Reuter. London, Jan. 8. MR- Jordan, «;mmissioner of New Zc. viand, has announced lhat the New Zealuna Government has placeii at the disposal of the United Kingdom authorities the New Zealand anti-tank ball iv now training in England, the sole re stiiction being that the
    Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 789 16  -  "Audacity" Of British Ships (vFrom Our Own Correspondent London, Dec. 29. THE statement made by the late Captain Langsdorff, Commander of the Admiral Graf Spee. in which he paid a tribute to the heroism of his British naval opponents, has reached London in
    789 words
  • 30 16 Reuter. London, Jan. 8. The registered number of unemployed on Dec. 11 totalled 1,361.000, which was 41,000 Jess than en Nov. 13, and 469,800 less than at Dec. 12, 1938.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 111 16 HELP FOR FINNS Reuter. Washington, Jan. 8. THE Government has informed the League cf Nations that American organisations are consulting directly with Finland regarding the lequest for material and hurr.anitaiian assistance. A note handed by the Un'ted States Minister at Bern? say a that
    Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 86 16 Reuter. Paris, Jan. 9. LAST night\ communique states that there was nothing of importance to report during the day. —Reuter. Paris, Jan. 8. Gen. Gamclin has handed to Gen. Gort and Gen. Ironside the Insignia of the Grand Cro?s of the Legion of Honour, at
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 95 16 Reuter. Amsterdam, Jan. 9. A BRITISH tanker has reached here after being attacked in the Norih Sea by a Heinkel bombei. Ihe plane dived through low clouds and dropped three bombs, one of which fell so near that the oil pipes cracked, the machinery was damaged and
    Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 62 16 Reuter. Brussels, Jan. 9. A ('CORDING to the Berlin correspondent of the Belga Agency a large*quantity of war material destined for Finland has been stopped in transit by Germany. At first sight the material seems to have originated from Italy but so far
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 76 16 Reuter. Zurich, Jan. 9. War material from Italy despatched to Finland is being held up in German Baltic ports, acccrding io the Berlin correspondent of the Swiss Newspaper Neuizuerher Zeitung, which says th-;t shipments have been stopped on orders Ircm Berlin, on the ground that even indirect support
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 185 16 Reuter. Helsinki, Jan. 9 THE latest Russian defeat (sec pa tt I 9) was largely due to the of great quantities of material t a ken from the Russian 16?. rd Division, which was cut to piece* n the same front a week
    Reuter.  -  185 words
  • 157 16 Reuter. New York, Jan. 8. BECAUSE the international <=itua. tion "in conjunction with Far Eastern conditions presents a threat of a world conflagration."' Admiral Stark, chief of naval operations, appearing before the House of Reprt. sentatives' Naval Committee, nrei that Congress to
    Reuter.  -  157 words
  • 51 16 Reuter. Moscow, Jan. 8. 'IHE Moscow radio announce Soviet passenger plane has left ia cow on the first trial flight on the m Moscow-Berlin air service. It nji I German plane will make the HI Jan. 12, and the regular service will begin on Jan. 21 via Minsk. KoenigsteS and
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 401 16 Ottawa. jyjß. Mackenzie King, the Prime Minister, in a broadcast recently gave details of the Commonwealth air training scheme. The number of men trained, he said, would run into thousands, of whom the great majority would be Canadians. But one-fifth would o tne from the southern
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 159 16 WAILE'S DOVE BiTUMASTIC 2 I»ow best :o PROTECT AGAINST CORROSION ROT DECAY The method is simple. Employ U AILES DOVE'S BITUMASTIC SOLUTION for all sur»accs Iron, Steel, Timber, Brick. Concrete, Felt, etc., —available in a wide range of colours. Obtrinable from l What did the j I Rancher say— I
      159 words