Malaya Tribune, 25 November 1939

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 78 1 The Malaya Tribune <>\ o i her i*ai;i-:s Pages l imit For Municipal Speeches? z pope's Encyclical 3 I t rrace Houses 4 KlIl h.ii and Lingui Tin Meetings 5 i inemas 6 and 7 Thai Plotters Sentenced g Generab Dictate To Hitler 9 >|M>rt 10 Malayan Romance «j Radio
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  • 342 1 Twenty Wounded: Vessel Saved Reuter. r B I HE Admiralty announces that the cruiser Belfast Ml was damaged by a torpedo or mine in the Firth of Forth, in the vicinity of May Island, on Tuesday. The casualties were twenty wounded. The ship
    Reuter.  -  342 words
  • 191 1 Reuter. Shanghai, Nov. 25. Japanese forces entered Nanning, strategic city of Kwangsi province, at 1.10 p.m. yesterday, according to Japanese Press reports here, though official confirmation is still lacking. Earlier a Japanese naval spokesman claimed that the fall of the city was only a matter of hours, as
    Reuter.  -  191 words
  • 86 1 Reuter. London, Nov 24. IN order to save the Fianona from foundering, she has been beached. —Reuter. The Fianona was an Italian ship of <\6OO tons, mined otT the south-east coasr It was previously reported that she car ried little cargo and it was decided, a*
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 98 1 Reuter. London, Nov. 21. GERMAN planes flew Over the Shetlands this morning. The all clear sounded thirty minutes after the warning.—Reutei. Later: The She/ands had two air laid warnings to-day. German planes Dew over the islands this morning, the all clear being sounded after thirty minutes.
    Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 72 1 Reuter. London, Nov. 25—The Board of Trade has authorised the London Chamber of Commerce to make, on behalf of the owner cf any cargo in an enemy ship lying in a neutral port, payments of freight and other charges to*or for the benefit of an enemy
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 74 1 Reuter. Washington, Nov. 24. the course of to-day's Press conference, when ussing national expend! Pre ident Kooseveit said h< had hopes the war would y the Spring, but he ivc n<> indication that he eyed his hopes would be fulfilled. Presktenl revealed thai
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 161 1 Reuter. Washington. Nov >i ,»11; Cordell Hull, ai to-diy j. Press 4,1 Conference, criticised sharply the attacks made in Congress recentI 1 D the Administration's reciprocal Iradi programme. > -a, question in regard t.> the United States trade should be allowed lapse expired next June,
    Reuter.  -  161 words
  • 28 1 New York, Nov. 24. j has dismissed five of harges f»z&iri>t Fiiiz Kuhn. Bur 3 .Nazi) Kader, a charge a stealing Reuter
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  • 171 1 Six Days In Open Boat Reuter. London, Nov. 25. S E > EN survivors of the Reamer Arlington Court, sunk off Iceland, *trc landed at an cast oast port by a Norwegian motor-vessel uhl,h Picked them up after they had been drifting for six days
    Reuter.  -  171 words
  • 439 1 Reuter. Pavis. Nov. 25. A GREAT impression has been n made here, says Reuters special correspondent with the British Expeditionary Force, by the news of recent successes of British and French planes against German aircraft The general conclusion among the British military and French
    Reuter.  -  439 words
  • 160 1 War On Women And Children Paris, Nov. 25. JJERR Hitler to-day continued his conference with high army and navy chiefs, amorg whom was the Inspector General of the German railways, says the Paris Radio. According to an Amsterdam report. Hitler discussed among «>thei things the construction
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  • 285 1 Reuter. London, Nov. 25. THERE is no doubt when Hitler re- fcrred to a dreadful weapon which could not be used against him he meant the parachute mine, Reuter learns from well informed quarters, where it is pointed out that it is an extreme form of frightfulness
    Reuter.  -  285 words
  • 98 1 Reuter. Paris. Ncv. 25. THE Turkish economic mission headed by M Menemencioglu, Secretary- Geneial of the Turkish foreign Office, arrived nere en route for London and met General Orbay yesterday.—Reuter. I The trade negotiations opened t?-lay at the Ministry of Economics with the Dan'sh mission
    Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 58 1 Reuter. P.i lis. Nov. Ef. A RIG redaction af French armed forcer in the region of the Italian frontier is implied in a communique aa> reduction of the army zon?. Departments henceforth excluded from the zone are Hautes Avoie, Hantea lere, Hautes Alpes,
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 111 1 Reuter. London, Nov. 25. "THE Fatherland is in peril not be- cause «f external enemies but because of the Fuehrer, who is leading us towards if setruction. Rcvohitirn against Hitler s our only salvation," writes a leader of the Hitler Youth Movement to the German
    Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 16 1 Reuter. Istanbul, Nov. 24. TfIHE death roil in the earthquake has reached Innumerable persons were injured.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  16 words
  • 97 1 Reuter. Enchsre I. Nov. 25. If. TATAKESCU Rumania's "iron Man," hay ioinu'l .1 new Government and M. Gafr ncu remains Foreign Ministrr—Renter. M. Tatarescu including Biembert of the other parties in addition to his own Liberal colleagues. The appointment of M. Tataroscu is regarded as ensuring
    Reuter.  -  97 words
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    • 83 1 LOST AND FOUND. "I wonder when you will stop that scratching habit of yours! said a man to his girl as he left her in disgust. She was suffering from Dandruff and would often scratch her head in his pres I .ce. Months after, his thought* turned to her again
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  • 206 2 Singapore, Friday. TpWO parallel lines, with zig-zag pattern between, will be drawn on the road over Sir Arthur's Bridge, Kallang, to separate traffic in an effort to reduce, if not prevent, motor accidents. The decision to carry out this experiment was confirmed at to-day's meeting
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  • 148 2 Singapore, Friday. REFERENCE to a year-old quarrel over a game of mahjong. which ended in a free fight between the complainant and the accused, was made to-day during the course of the preliminary inquiry before Mr. C. H. Koh in the Third Police Court in which
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  • 291 2 I A SPECTACULAR advance has been the feature of the week, and values now stand at levels higher than at any time since April 1937. The tone of the London market yesterday was described as strong, but the New York Exchange was relatively quiet. Trading
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  • 89 2 Singapore, Friday. PLEADING guilty to two charges of criminal breach of trust in respect of jewellery valued at 585.75 Gayah binte Abu Bakar, a 25-year-old Malay woman, was to-djay fined a total of $125, in default to undergo 10 weeks' simple imprisonment, by Mr. C. H. Kob.
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  • 193 2 Singapore, Friday. ATTRIBUTING her insolvency to the introduction of the talking pictures, a middle-aged woman. Mrs. Amelia Aroczoo, to-day appeared before Mr. Justice Manning, when she was granted her discharge subject to a suspension of one month. Mrs. Aroozoo, who was represented by Mr.
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  • 498 2 Singapore, Friday. AT th e conclusion of the inquiry into the evidence of idrntification of the bodies of those who died as a result of the Sirdhana striking a mine when leaving Singapore Harbour on Nov. 13, Mr. \V. G. Poner, the Singapore Coroner, rstarned a
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  • 125 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Nov. 8. MALAYA'S magnificent gifts, in parti- cular the £80.000 for the Red Cross and St. John's fund and the Regent of Kedah's million dollars to Imperial Defence, has brought a testimony of recognition in the publicity th°y have received in newspapers,
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  • 720 2 OPPOSITION BY MR. YAP PHENC GECK Singapore, Friday. REPLYING in an eloquent speech at to-day's meeting of the X Munich*! Commissioners to a recent suggestion by Brown to impose a time limit on the duration of Comm.ssH.ners Mr Yap Pheng Geek pointed out that the
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  • 322 2 THE fundamental conflict of ideals which exists in Europe to-day was stressed by the Algemten Handelsblad. of Batavia, in its comments on the offer made by the Queen of Holland and the King of Belgium to mediate in the war One must admire the moral courage
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  • 71 2 Singapore. Fridiv A VERDICT of death adventure was returned v" Mr. W. G Porter, the S ingap£ Coroner, to-day. at the conch sion of the inquiry j n t v" death of Seah Sg R working in a quarry. At the time of hi ceased
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  • 183 2 Singapon. Frists "THE next time you come no* n- 0 1 bably you will not find mm any other judge as might be committed to Mr. Justice Manning to bankrupt, V. P Yoirn arrears to the extent .1 §240 to the Official Assignee. Mr. F. A. Chua.
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  • 115 2 Singapore. Thursday JN THEIR v.-c-. k!y rubl Guthrie or Co., Ltd. state:— During the week ail have siead:ly advanced, and priW show a considerable Improvement on haiahce. Speculative interest hao penisid and with little or no selling preavf the undertone of the tnarki t firm. Nearby positions continue
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  • 202 2 Singapore, Frida T HE public examination of Mr. Richard James Potter Clarke r„nfn r"/ 3 111 Wh made his third a PPearance in the Ba ruptcy Cotift to-day, was adjourned sine die by hi< lordship Justice Manning. A^fn J' Han t> assistant Official Assignee who
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    • 62 2 SSfP TftEWBEUAS M I Grub I» c* r Though simple in use. the "Trewhella" Monkey Grubber will tackle the hardest job-by hand. Scientifically made to conserve physical energy and eliminate strain. Ideal for tree felling and rapid land clearing.. AS SUPPLIED TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTS, RUBBER ESTATES, ETC., THROUGHOUT MALAYA.
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  • 76 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Friday. TIIL world's largest tin recovery dredge, No. 6 Petaling Tin, Ltd., sjs launched to-day on the company's property in the presence of dv High Commissioner and Lady ih« i. i and a large number of gsesfo. weight when completed will
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  • 68 3 Tokyo, Nov. 24. i; UGH he was approached by the A Gen. Nobuyuki Abo offer of the portfolio of a l-tiir Minister. Mr. Chuji Machira of the Minseito, majority po party, yesterday formally replied th Premier that he could not aceepl the offer,
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  • 14 3 untitled Mothe Stowell, who recently m KedaL education service, at Ramsey, Isle of Man.
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  • 23 3 Alan D Dant and Dorothy Levison i n "Room For Two," opening; at the Victoria Theatre to-night.
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  • 419 3 £T about 7.20 a.m. yesterday, in spite of X flag (international) meaning "You should stop your vessel instantly," being hoisted by the Mount Faber Signal Station, the Norwegian steamer "Solviken" entered by the eastern entrance toward Keppel Harbour, states the Department of Information.
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  • 534 3 Impressive Papal Encyclical very large Roman Catholic community in Malaya were profoundly impressed by the Papal Encyclical issued on Oct. 20— the first of the reign of Pius XII and issued, for the second time in church history, from Castol Gandolfo. It will be
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  • 42 3 A talk will be given at the SR C. on Thursday at 6.30 p.m. on the subject "The Eurasian Probiem" to which all members of the community are invited It is hoped to make these talks a monthly event.
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  • 100 3 (From Our Own Reporter). Ipoh, Friday. r|VER a hundred have been rendered homeless as a result cf a disastrous fire which completely destroyed a row of shop-houses at Manong, 16 miles from Kuala Kangsar, yesterday. Damage has not been properly Itset*ad. but it is believed
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  • 33 3 The new artisans' quarters erected by the Singapore Harbour Board in Morse Road Harbour, are to b; opened by the Colonial Secretary, Sir Alexander Small, on Friday next.
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  • 152 3 (From Our Own Reporter) Ipah, Friday. POR failing to report her change of address, a young and pretty Thai alien named Boon Mcc appeared in the Ipoh Police court yesterday be. fore Mr. P. F. Y. Radcliffe and on pleading guilty to the charge was
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  • 85 3 Singapore, Friday. CijrPU MENTAL budgets were passed at to-da; meeting of the Municipal Commissioners for a total additional expenditure during the current year of Substantial iiu:*;*ses were approved in expenditure in 1939 on roads and rr«aterials and miscellaneous vorks. MESSRS. E. J. Bennett and A. J.
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  • 38 3 Reuter. London. Nov. 25. |T is learned in London that Germany is incorporating large numbers oi Polish prisoners in the German Army, which .s a violation of the Hague convention of 1907.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
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    • 149 3 io» The New Zealand Butter you can trust. Full of life-giving vitamins and extra deliciou s creamy flavour. THONE: STORE *S7« (5 lints K. LUMPUR 3331 (3 »mes>, IPOH UO 111 (2 lines), PENANG KB0 1561. B UTT E R\V*J KT11 SI C.S. 135A Advt. of Singapore Cold Storage Co.,
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  • 70 4 Singapore, Friday. THE annual prize-giving day of the McNair School was held this morning at the school hall. The following were awarded prizes: Standard I: Quek Swe° Teck, Lum Sco Chye, Tan Huah Chin, Lai Mm Tet. Primary II: Cecil Rodrigues, Chan Kv/ee Chuan, Koh Scow
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  • 81 4 Singapore. Friday. IN the maintenance suit in which Ella Shentob sued her husband Jacao Shentob, for maintenance, Mr. David Marshall of Messrs. Aitkin and Ong Siang. who appeared io; Ella Shentob, applied for postponement of the hearing to Tuesday at 11.30 a m. At the same time he
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  • 364 4 Municipal Laws Held Up Singapore, Friday. AS a result of a decision taken at to-day's meeting of the Municipal Commissioners further discussion will follow on the vexed question of whether or not the use of a terrace house in a bungalow area should
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  • 453 4 Singapore. Nov. 24. Seluroh dunla mi berchakap darl hal perbuttan Jermau melanggar undang2 perang yang kemudlan sn-kall inu ia-itu menaborkan perioki api la,a daiam scgala alor2 tempat perlaicnaa kapal2 Sir John Simon telah menyatakan dalam suatu uchapan radio bahawa periok2 apt yang U taborkan oleh Jerraan
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  • 151 4 THE League of Nations Health Organisation Eastern Bureau. Singapore, health bulletin for the week ended Nov. 18 read as follows:— The situation in eastern pores generally is this week favourable. One plague death only has been reported, viz., from Cochin. The last case of human
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  • 31 4 Reuter. Rangoon, Nov. 24. The Governor states that the British Government recognises that the attainment of dominion status is the national issue of Eurma's constitutional progress —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 54 4 Singapore. Friday. Lin Ah Choo. a Chinese woman appeared before Mr. L. C. Goh, the Fifth Magistrate, this morning, on' a charge of causing hurt with a chopper to Koh Ah Soon. His honour ordered the accused to be sent for observation and postponed the case to
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  • 132 4 nwut7 i*. Singapore, Friday. THE forthcoming marriage of Mr. Justice Manning, 56-year old Puisne Judge of the Straits Settlements, and Margaret Asher (Margot) Wilson, was announced to-day. Mr. Richard Joseph Manning was first appointed Puisne Judge in 1932 wh«n he was at Trinidad and
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  • 132 4 (To the Editor of the Malaya Sir—The readiness with Government agTeed to opei pilgiv'.m traffic to Mecca' of the Muslim Missionary clearly shows the Govern interest to respect Muslim even though times are abnori The pilgrimage to Mr ec L the five fundamentals of
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  • 244 4 (To the Editor of the Malaya Sir—I shall ba glad if y VJ me to enter a protest in known columns agahw driving of motor cars and loiries in Sp streets of our town. In doin so I am sure I am voicing the feeling oJ S public.
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  • 284 4 mTTT Singapore. Friday. fBREE bankrupts who appeared before Mr. Justin Manning in the Bankruptcy Court to-day obtained their discharges. Mr. Wee Kirn Huat. 3G-- lerk employed at the Asiatic ft whose liabilities amounted to $1 326.91 owing to 16 ci editors was p discharge, subject to a
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  • 27 4 Among the officers Jost in untitled ueous was Paymaster Comrn Martin Lawrey, who, in 1935 I secretary to Commodore W.P Wardlaw, in charge at Sin gap- 1
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  • 32 4 Mr. N. Ramsaran. untitled and news agent, Batu Gajah. who home in August last on account ot death of his elder brother in h 1 returned to h/s station on Nov. 15-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 96 4 SPORTING W% J SPIRIT AERATED WATER !CE MANUFACTURERS THE CAMAY BEAUTY METHOD r Clean, natural loveliness is T,, S $tlC&i- beauty's first law Twice BEAUrY SF.CRF.T every day app,y a liKht ,ather -«58 (> ama y to your face and ZUHCUI hands Then 30 seconds with a soft cloth and
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    • 10 4 THE TRUE TONIC FOOD Obtainable of mil ChtmLru mn4 Storm
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  • 915 5 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Singapore, Friday. and final dividend of 15 per cent, was declared at the fifth 1 genera] meeting of the Kuchai Tin Ltd., which was hsld ipany'a registered office this morning. the meeting, Mr. F. the chairman, said: tor the year
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  • 861 5 Singapore, Friday. "PRODUCTION during the year had to be drastically curtailed 1" conform to the lower quotas in force, and this, of course, is the reason for the decline in our profits as compared with the previous years figures," said Mr. F.
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  • 209 5 Singapore, Friday, y Xl( TER control over bullock 1 trts and hand carts with a v, *'w to preventing them from using streets in the heart of the (,t > not total abolition of these venules, was urged by Mr. A. J. 1 at to-day's meeting
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  • 152 5 Singapore, Friday. Approval for the waiving of Municipal building bylaws to permit the Singapore Improvement Trust to erect four air-conditioned quarters at Ridley Park with the heights of the ground and upper floor storeys less than those specified in the bylaws, was withheld when a committee
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  • 64 5 Singapore, Friday. A very high standard of needlework and handicrafts was witnessed at the Methodist Girls' School exhibition, which opened this morning. Schoolgirls, parents and friends made many purchases, the money realised going to the School Building fund. The exhibition was in charge of Miss R. M.
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  • 66 5 (From Our Own Reporter) Ipoh, Friday. OVER one hundred are homeless as a result of a disastrous fire which completely gutted a row of shophous:s at Manong. 16 miles from Kuala Kangsar yesterday morning. The damag? is believed to be about $20,000. The houses were
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 217 5 4?* open ~**nc v *tc Genera tiens of Ve t H Y?v3BB(EIW seur s all—have asked for "The hdl* Cnallen o" The sterling quahtWkicla ies wnicn endeared it io your forefathers are still in every ™*rktton bottle. Ask for the whisky that •^^■BS^ST?^^^? —n stcod tne test of time *Mr
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 502 6 ■■■■ana aaaaaaB* aaaa mciiiiiiiiiiiib ■ccaaaeo oaaaaaaaaaaa ■•mbbbb Dj you believe in ghosts? Can dead N>. /I men get their kilhrs? Here's the uciim t mystery drama of magic and wizarury ever told! 1 j LAST DAY 3-15 6-15 9-15 5 V* f\ Y 13 j I J The top-selling mystery
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    • 99 6 I JUBILEE THEATRE i Mature: Sat. 25th„ Sun. 26th. DcuLle Feature 2.30 p.m. ALI BABA GOES TO TOWN" and "KING STEPS OUT." I EMPIRE TALKIE Matinees To-day To-morrow 'Clutching Hand'! Complete Serial. j GRAND New World I Matinees To-day To-morrow "High, Wide Handsome" 'Dinner At The Ritz' i. j MOST
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  • 526 7 Sino-American Relations Should Be Strengthened Chungking. since the clipper days the United States and China have maintained the most steadfast friendship primarily due to the similar characteristic features of the two peoples, said Dr. t. Ti Wang, formerly Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the
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  • 247 7 Ml coal, salt, and gold, all of U them important mineral re- s for war, are to be found in Kansu in large quantities. Much in virgin mountains in unquanfity as the province has n studied intensively by ts md mineralogists. But cistenee, as well as that
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  • 85 7 Tokyo. ig Governments has v programme to re- j Beet, part of which ned by Soviet aviators, faftantflc report. s placed the present at three squadrons of ir squadrons of nghtted by Chinese fliers, rs cf heavy bombers ttle planes, handed by Soviet airmen I
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  • 164 7 RShaokwan. EPORTS from Japanese sources in Canton stated that reinforcements from Formosa will shortly arrive in Kwangtung to continue the push to the West. The total strength from Formosa will be five divisions, but a good many of them trained in mountain warfare will be r
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 62 7 "•rriimi;ii aa(lalM|nliSMalla| g a|llla y I Direct From ITS TRIUMPH- INT Success From The I I ALHAMBHA. TO-NIGHT Simultaneously At The j MARLBOROUGH AT 7 and 9-30 P.M. I EMPIRE TALKIE! AT 7 9 P.M. j VIOLET KOOI S f tuna's Greatest Actress in i I "EMPRESS WU I jCHEH
      62 words
    • 92 7 GALL mom: specialist, MRS. COOPER-ABBS, 2, Eu Court. SINGAPORE. GALL STONES removed without Operation. This treatment has a wide held of action. It tones up the bowels by promoting better circuration, purer blcca; it helps to lower the tension which leads to piles, li:gii blood pressure and hardening of the
      92 words
    • 131 7 OPENING 30th Nov. Simultaneously At MARLBOROUGH 1 12 Sensational Chapters. Marlborough Theatre MATINEES: TO-DAY TO-MOftKOU' 'Zorro Rides Again'j GREAT WORLD AMUSEMENT PARK. IWBAKKT TO-NIGHT 9 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT. TO-DAY'S AFTERNOON DANCE 2.V) To 5. 50 P.M. GLOBE THEATRE: ATLANTIC THEATRE: To-night Bobby Breen in "FISHERMAN'S WHARF/ "EOO SIONG SAT SOIL"
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    • 100 7 NEW-WORLD DANCE PALACE (Air-Conditioned. Phone 2477.) Night Dance; 930 to Mid-night. Tea Dance: 6.30 to 9 P.M. Every Tues., Thurs., Sats. Sunday Tiffin Dance: 1.30 to 5 p.m. VAUDEVILLE NUMBERS NIGHTLY BY LES KOHMER AND THE ASTOR GIRLS. WELL-KNOWN AUSTRALIAN ARTISTES. Grand S.C.R.C. Tennis Tournament DAME TO-NIGHT Extension To 1
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    • 293 7 A PICTURE EVERY PROGRESSIVE FREE THINKING, PeaceLoving Person Most See! An Amazing Story! A Truthful and Dramatic Picture, Exposing NAZI INJUSTICE and Brutality ALSO LATENT "PATHE GAZETTE" "King Decorates R.A.F. Heroes" SPOILS of WAR (French Contraband) U-BOAT PRISON ERS and FLEET AIR ARM. 4UN CINEMA, IPOH. 1 MAJESTIC, PENANG 30th
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  • 283 8 failure of the League of Nations as an instrument of peace would appear to be beyond dispute, but we are nevertheless interested in the suggestion which has been put forward that Great Britain, France, Poland and those British Dominions who have made declarations of war,
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  • 225 8 Government is to be complimented on its decision to hold the Sirdhana disaster inquiry in public. We have always maintained that any inquiry concerning a public matter in a democratic country should be held in public. In this way only can subterfuge be defeated and strict impartiality preserved.
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  • 101 8 FORMER KING'S SON AMONG THE GUILTY (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Friday. A SPECIAL court appointed to try 50 prisoners charged with trying to overthrow the Government has delivered judgment acquitting seven, sentencing 21 to death and giving life sentences to 22. The
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  • 398 8 Ready For The Fade-Out London, Nov. 21. DIBBENTROPS wile is alleged to have left Germany for Brazil. In a broadcast by the German Freedom Station the announcer de i hired that one after another of the wives of leading Nazis were leaving Ihe country.
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  • 70 8 Reuter. London, Nov. 23. FIR. BENES, former President -of CzeY_ choslovakia. declared to-day that, his country could not be crushed "It con ln "es. it lives, it exists." he said The present-day Nazi dictatorship ne went on, "Ls incomparable with the abs ute militarism of the
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 31 8 Reuter. London, Nov. 24. Lord Winterton has resigned the post of PaymasterGeneral for private reasons At the request of Lord Halifax he continues as Chairman of the InterGoyernment Committee for Refugees
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 110 8 Reuter. London, Nov. 24. M STARZYNSKI. Lord Mayor of Warsaw, has been sent to Dachau concentration camp following recent disturbances in the city. Reuter learns from Polish circles, which state that the disturbances led to ten executions and numerous arrests. The despatch of Starzynski is described as
    Reuter.  -  110 words
  • 124 8 Hongkong, Nov. 23 A CHINESE report from Ku n iin, capital of Kwangsi Pn> vince. states that 100,000 .Japanese troops, marching RorthwanJ along the Yamchov> {nn j n highway yesterday, were within 12 kilometres of an aadiaeißaaj strategic point in Kwangsi Pn> vince. Kwangsi troops were
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  • 85 8 j Amsterdam. Kov. 24. THE number of Jew.s in Qermanj a** I the Sudelenland, wi bout lusts I I Poland and Czechoslovakia, dropped I from 500,000 in 1933 to 185 000 on 0d 1. i 939, according to a report by Reich Association of Jows in
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  • 283 8 WANG CHING WEI STUBBORN Hongkong, N<>\. 24 |N his first interview given Io a foreign new s representative, Warm Chmg Wei told a Havas correspondent that Nanking ha* bed definitely chosen as the capital of the New "Chinese Federal (.<"<Tnmen!,** but he was unable
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  • 44 8 Reuter. Stockholm. Nov. 2i ITXPGKTS to Germany in ber were slightly less than w September, 1988. Authoritttn* circles state that this dis| any suggestion that goods Jjj being "smuggled" from the Unite* States to Germany via Sweden.-* Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 35 8 Reuter. Berlin. untitled A FRENCH fifthing vessel was sunjj a U-boat in the Atlantic on day, according to a Spanish message th,? German Official News -V 1" crew were rescued by fl Span! hoat Roster
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 200 8 7..i;K.!;i;.;:i!!:;:::! I BADMINTON I I RACKETS I IJ 4 i I g' J A SUPER SELECTION OF I J|f WELL-KNOWN MAKES j I I F. H. AYRES» I B "GREEN EAGLE" $5.50 m M "ACE* 9.00 iffff 1 J SYKES* I p S "FLIGHT COMMANDER" 59.75 S "SYKRAFT" MODEL t?
      200 words
    • 30 8 EASILY EARNED £100 A MONTH Send for Prospectus to-day. COUPON The British Chemical Hall Penang, S.&. Please send me your PROSPECTUS for which I enclose 2 cts. stamp. Name Address
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  • 398 9 Stormy Meeting With Hitler Reuter. INVASION of Holland, it is believed, was called off by the Nazi leaders after a strrmy meeting between Hitler and his generals, at which the latfe- opposed the invasion unless it was clear that Belgium would remain neutral. General
    Reuter.  -  398 words
  • 59 9 London. Nov. 24. FIGURES gfrtn by the Home Secretrry in a Parliamentary answer of the indicatable offences known to the Metropolitan Police show that there has been less crime in London in a blackout than formerly. The total for Sentember and October were 12,283 compared with
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  • 50 9 Reuter. London. Nov. 24. On the Stock Exchange, strong investment support for home rails and Argentine rails were the outstanding features of to-day's generally firm markets. Leading industrials were well bought during the last hour of trading, causing a cheerful close to the week. Wall Street was steady—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 141 9 "May Drag Us Into War" Tokyo, Nov. 24. THE British Embassy has issued a statement that "it has been established by the British Admiralty that German aircraft laid mines in five difierent localities off the east coast of England after dark on the
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  • 64 9 London. Nov. 24. THE Duke of Kent arrived in London a few days' leave. His Highness is Rear-Admiral on the the commander-in-chief of the Fleet, and this is the first time been to London from Scotland he has been stationed since the outbreak of
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  • 32 9 London, Nov. 24. j a.Mon of the inauguration President of Peru on Dec. 8. j has unpointed the British Mm- I l ima to be his special ambas-
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  • 74 9 Reuter. The Hague, Nov. 24. THE Dutch Shipowners* Association ha: issued a statement declaring that no Dutch ship is sailing or has sailed in the convoy of any belligerent power, and there is no intention to do so. Shipping companies, as a precaution, are
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 29 9 Reuter. ijourenco Marques, Nov. 24. The German liner. Watussi, which has been taking refuge in Mozambique since the outbreak of war left harbour in darkness last night.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 126 9 Reuter. London, Nov. 24. THE continued buying of certain securities on Indian account featured this morning's stock mar. ket. Among the issues mostly favoured are Burma Corporation nine rupee snares. One theory advanced la that the recent rise in Bombay of cotton prices is responsible for the
    Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 402 9 London, Nov. 2">. r JHE British Government's announcement of seizure of exports by Germany in retaliation fur illegal German sinkings conforms with the recognised principles of international law. The material disadvantage* to neutrals entailed by the Uritish action consist chiefly of dciay, which is
    402 words
  • 103 9 Reuter. London, Nov. 24. TIVE survivors of the Dutch steamer Sliedricht, 5,133 tons, have been landed on the northwest coast of England by a trawler which picked them up after 7*2 days in an open boat, following the sinking of their vessel by German
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 279 9 London, Nov. 24. 'J'HE intention cf the Opposition leader, announced on Wednesday in the Commons, to ask in th e new Parliamentary session for a secret sitting at an early opportunity to discuss imnr the organisation and output of supplies is understood to be
    279 words
  • 52 9 Reuter. Pans, Nov. 24. U-boat has been sent to the bottom, making three sunk by the French Navy in the last Jew days. A surrey ship saw the true! of a torpedo in the moonlight, turned about and went full speed and dsopped depth
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 345 9 WHEN GASTRIC ULCERS ARE SUSPECTED There's no need for the stomach sufferer to give way to despair, even when acute pain suggests that excess acid has attacked his stomach lining, preparing the way for a gastric ulcer. There are countless instances where the gentle, healing work of Maclean Brand Stomach
      345 words

  • 331 10 Splendid Play By R.A.F. Forwards Three-Quarters R.A.F. "B". .9 pts. S.C.C. "8"..... .3 pts, gOME splendid play on the part of the forwards and three-quarters enabled the R.A.F. "B" to beat the S.C.C. "B" by nine points (three tries) to three (a penalty
    331 words
  • 36 10 Playing against Jpseph Travers and Sons in a football match at Farrer Park on Thursday, Thornycrofts won by eight goals to one. Scorers: Kirn We a '.3> T. Sullivan (3) Kwan (1) Harry (1).
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  • 57 10 To-day RUGGER: Malaya Cup" Army vs. Nerxi-Malacca, S.C.C; RN.-R.A.F. vs. Johore, Jalan Besar Stadium; Friendly. S.C.C. vs. The Rest, Farrer Park. HOCKEY: S.C.C. vs. Punjab Regiment, S.C.C.; Police vs. Indian Assn.. Depot; fl C.R.C. vs. Dutch Club, Sektar; Raffles Inst. vs. Dutch Club; R I. TENUIS: SCR C.
    57 words
  • 36 10 Detective Branch Team who beat the Tanjong Pagar XT tor the Tongue Cup. The game was played on Thursday and ended r.\ a win for tne Detectives by four goals to one.
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  • 236 10  -  (By "Pete" gOXING promoters and enthusiasts who awaited the arrival of Star Frisco and other "stars" yesterday aboard the Conte Verde were disappointed when, on the arrival of the boat, it was discovered that the boxing itars were not on board. They had missed the
    236 words
  • 130 10 Singapore, Saturday. The Singapore Engineering Mechanics' Association Fcotball Cluo is playing a iriendly soccer game against the Chung Wha Football Association (Juniors) at the M.F.A. ground this evening. A return friendly game of soccer will be played at Farrer Park on Sunday afternoon at 5.15 p.m. between the
    130 words
  • 72 10 Owing to the downpour of rain yesterday, the following hockey fixtures were not payed. p n C R Q C o RA F (H 'Q■> SC. n'b °V.^J?!! lBn ad Regiment XT at SCC VS Netherlands The hockey fixture between the Y.M. <>.A. and the Casuals which
    72 words
  • 94 10 IS a keen rugby game played on their own ground yesterday, Victoria Schcol beat Raffles Institution by nine points (three tries) to nil. Kadir scored the first try early in the first period of the game, and the other two were sec red in the second
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  • 350 10 S.C.R.C. DINNER DANCE TO-NIGHT Singapore, Saturday. rpHE S.C.R.C. open invitation tennis tournament dinner takes pl ace to-night at 8 o'clock at the Clubhouse. After dinner members and guests will adjourn to the New World cabaret. The following are the results of the open invitation tennis tournament which concluded recently: Open
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  • 188 10 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur Saturday. HEAVY rain yesterday precluded the use of the outer track to-day for the usual fast gallops, and runners for the forthcoming Selangcr meet exercised at half pace on the inside track. Bay Rose and Twinkling Eyes galloned together, and the
    188 words
  • 62 10 The women's November competitions played at Garrison Golf Club resulted as follows:— NOVEMBER L.G.U.:— Mrs. J. C R Woodside 93—18-75, Mrs. R. H H Stewart 89—13=76. ROBINSON CUP:—won by Mrs R.H. H. Stewart. MONTHLY MEDAL-BOGEY: Mrs. F G. Brittorous 1 Up, Mis. R. H H. Stewart 1 down,
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  • 75 10 The Maxfli Badminton Party will meet the Mental Hospital Sports Club in a friendly game cf badminton oi iour singles and three doubles to be played at the former's court to-morrow I Sunday), at 2.30 p.m. Representatives cf the Maxfli will be: Lye Ah Leng, Goh Buan Teck.
    75 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 126 10 IF YOUR BREATH HAS A SMELL YOU CANT FEEL WELL Unless 2 pints of bile juice flow from our liver into our bowels cyret y day, our movements pet hard and constipated and out food decays unnaturally in our 28 feet of bowels. This decay sends poison all over our
      126 words
    • 295 10 That SORE Rf*^' Throat TF your tliroat is sore and painful wf /A —if you're hoarse or if it hurts T/ ~\l to swallow, be sure to take Peps, .fZ f for these antiseptic, breatheable M w tablets give wonderful relief and quickly curte throat trouble. /JB S Dissolved in
      295 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 128 11 hasty i t turn of the Baltic 1 Germans, uprooted from where, according to Nazi tganda, they were "pioneers ierman culture," only to loom for Bolsheviks, has I deepest resentment Germans in the Balkan I lates a message to the Express from Budapest). Strongest opposition to Hitler*
    128 words
  • 162 11 Hi Our Own Reporter) Tapah. Friday. OUS accident occurred last k-end at the 52nd mile CamHighland Road involving a D. lorry which was badly damAs a result P.W.D labouier erions fracture of his below the knee and other injuries. Four ether coolies ng the driver had
    162 words
  • 106 11 I 1" nion Badminton Party two fixtures at the red Stadium on nwsdaj and Thursday next. ten takes place on TuesVehicles Department t mj ten con listing of four thrae doubles. a match of live single ainst the Slarligh: < play will commence at players
    106 words
  • 584 11 British Bombers Too Near Rhine npRMAMv-c London, Nov. 5. S air war on Britain has been postponed, if not abanproblem h faCed with an vr S ent and des P erate Dare he launch his much-vaunted air fleet against London and
    584 words
  • 103 11 PRICES have firmed throughout the week and during the last two days the market has been strong, the main feature being the particular interest shown in the January March position which has advanced considerably more than ether deliveries, state Lewis Peat in their weekly rubber report. The domestic
    103 words
  • 52 11 The following will represent the Oxygen (Far East Oxy~g-'n Acetylene Co., Ltd.) Badminton Party: N. R. P. Cswamy, R. R- Nathan, Michael Wee, Peter Ang, De Lessep Sim Sock Hee, Tan Poh Chuan, G. Jean, Fong Yew Wah, A. Antoine, George Tan; Reserves: K. K. L m, P. Anthony, &B.
    52 words
  • 59 11 Chungking. Madame Ma Chao-chun, Head of the Central Kuomintang Women's Service Corps, has sent letters thanking the following diplomats for their donations sLJi w nte r» garment fund: Dr. H. Bidder, Counsellor of the German Embassy, M. de San, the Belgian Charge d Affaires, and Signor A Rossec
    59 words
  • 17 11 Captain B.Y.S. Abdullah, of the Military Department, Johore Bahru, is Wi mg at Grosvjenor House, Park Lane,
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  • 292 11 (Tribune Staff Reporter) Singapore, Saturday. THE romance of a Malayan Chinese heiress, daughter of the richest woman in the country Mrs. Loke Yew, is revealed with her arrival in Singapore yesterday from Hongkong where she was married. Her mother, Mrs. Loke Yew, interviewed in Kuala Lumpur, said
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  • 35 11 Mr. Egmont Hake has returned to London from a fishing cruise in the Arctic where he was when war biw.e cut. On his way home he was held up for a short time at Bergen
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  • 61 11 THE parents were interviewed by the Tribune in Kuala Lumpur last night. Mrs. Loke Yew declared: "I had heard of the marriage. My daughter has written to me of it. but I disapprove of the marriage." Mr. Choo Kia Peng declined to say anything: about it before the
    61 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 47 11 RADICAL AND RAPID CURE oriels and Adenofds WITHOUT OPERATION J ™'^i^BSs«Bl___B___lj_B«__S« The only remedy that has gained the highest reputation all over India and abroad. rrenee guaranteed, *are of imitations. I ALLEN CLINIC ''/.vuacitah, MADRAS. I I{ ~We at all Chemists. N V MOHAMED SONS, and Branches.
      47 words
    • 182 11 EASTERN HOTEL Cameron Highlands. Ideally situated 4,700 feci above sea level. All modern comforts and conveniences. MALAYA'S POPULAR HILL STATION A delicious dessert! And good for the V t lfl children! ROYAL VANILLA PUDDING fiHfllr }y, s na ur al for children to craw desserts, oni j Royal Pudd:n*s 7™
      182 words
    • 269 11 BRUSH YOUR TEETH THE SAFE WAY nan smumsnmi f SSSv/ use its charm y^SyS yjxj ~W A charming smile may mean a great deal In yowr Hie, and you must guard it with me greatest care. Behind the gleamfag white of your teeth dangerous decay may be setting in. without
      269 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 81 11 iiriiii-niiiiimiiiii-i ir MiiiwrrniTira»^ CAPITOL: "Cord Girls Go To Paris." Midnight premiere: "QUEEN for a Night." ALHAMBRA: "I Was A Captive of Nazi Germany m PAVILION: "Miracles For Sale." CATHAY: "Captain Fury MARLBOROUGH: "Empress Wu Cheh Tien." ROYAL: "Sharif Dakoo ROXY: "Trouble Brewing." GARRICK: "Red Barry" final chapters) 'Make A Wish."
      81 words

  • 104 12 In Convocation at Oxford on Sept. 21, the Vice-Chancellor, the President of Magdalen, presiding, the honorary degree of M.A. was conferred on Major G.N. Wocd. Commanding Officer of the Oxford University Officers' Training rorps. Cf all the commanders of the OTC said the Public Orator, Mr. T.F. Higham. in presenting
    104 words
  • 530 12 The following are further donations, totalling $5,870 for the Chinese section of the Malaya Patriotic Fund. The section has now contributed $106,245.1!) towards the Fund:— Tan Kah Kee $500. Ong Seng Say $200. GuaA Moh $30, Rubber Merchants' Association »200 Hiap Moh and Co. $30. Peng
    530 words
  • 318 12 THE following typical example lf Nazi propaganda was recent! broadcast over the German wuete» and is reproduced without luithe comment:— r "Something about Mr. Churcl v is often to be seen in the i of the House cf Commons Khen iE! thinks he is unobserved He
    318 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 103 12 RADIO Jfl tCADIO SERVICE CO. OF MALAYA, GREAi ASTERN OFllt/AL, CO., 19 3 4 LTD (Optician IVlr. C. Y. FAN), (Tel. 21f4). lvo 175. South Bridge Road, Singapore. muni im mmiiiiwn-inniiimii— mw I k**Tl I i mi Picked I and preserved as mwt soon as they arc ripe and packed
      103 words
    • 673 12 To-morrow's Church Services ST ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL Sunday, 6 50 a.m. Holy Matins. 8 00 a.m. Choral Sunday School P; m B JSJ£"° ng ,ud Saturday at 7 a.m. Holy Day) at communC 9.45 p s m 3o p m Evensons ana Sermon. Wed. sw pm 8 a.m. Holy Communion. SINGAPORE
      673 words
    • 775 12 <?T PETER'S CHURCH (Stamford Road): (Tamm. 5 CHURCH (Fort Cannin? H B Amstute, Minister: Sunday m The'sunda A y m School. 930 a- Morning KSff e ship /SrsS^SS. lev oVlld. y The P Epworth Leagt> e "wtttttesdA" (Bras Basah Road): Sunday, 9.09 a n fiSg of Bread. (English Service). 10.30
      775 words
      97 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 338 12 To-Day's j Radio j —-—I SINGAPORE ZML metres (1.33 mr s). ZHP 30.96 metres (9 69 nu s). 12 45 Light Orchestral Concert played by tho Adelphi Hotel Orchestra directed by A. Bershadsky. relayed from the Adelphi Hotel 1.30 The News and mid-day Rubber and Tin prices. 1 40 Lisht
      338 words

  • 108 13 Mrs. Cheng Kang Nghee (nee Goii Geok i Yin>, daughter of Mr. Goli Soon Watt and the late Mrs. Goh Soon Watt, at 193, Queen Street, at 7 a.m. on Friday 24th iast. after a brief illness. SJhe left behind to mourn her loss her husband. two
    108 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 315 13 B^kSJi-Hsiif up no s gg^5 5 tor refined wire door x 2U3. Malaya Tribune, (842-B) me Driver for Estate 3a per month, quurt-rs, for competent, willing an and Copies i Box No. 197. c o Malav-i wre. tB29M) v Oflice Clerk, Salary $35 es of testimonials to Box rribune, Singapore
      315 words
      479 words
    • 552 13 Wanted FORMIC ACID. Wanted to buy 1,000 jars monthly Formic Acid. Sfate lowest price. Box No. 201, co Malaya Tribune. Singapore. <840.8> GENTLEMAN in Kuala Lumpur seefcs acquaintance with ladies who can conyerse* in English, for companionship and to learn dancing. Apply Bux No 200. Mrlaya Tribune, Singapore. <8368> WANTED:
      552 words
    • 442 13 Miscellaneous LAND IN HIGHLANDS: TO LEASE to 30 acres in two districts of Malay States On main road. Bracing and invigorating Climate. Ideal site for bungalow or general farming. Conducive neighbourhood. Any period. Easy Terms. Apply EJ 272. Ampang Road, Kuala Lumj ur. (834.8» Owing to high cost of chemicals,
      442 words
    • 762 13 THE REGISTRATION ORDINANCE Male Europeans of British nationality in Singapore arc reminded that Mbn day. Nov. 27. is the date allotted for registration, under the Registration ordinance, for persons surnames begin with ST.SY Persons who fall within the category ST are asked to register between 9am and 1 p.m.,
      762 words
    • 768 13 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders from approved Contractors only will be received at the Settlement Engineer's Office, Public Works Department, Singapore, up to noon of the 4th December, 193 G. for fhe Supply and Delivery of GiLs and Greases for the year 1940 for the Public Works and Customs and Excise Departments,
      768 words

  • 285 14 London, Nov. 9. TMIIS love story began in Berlin. For years Jew and an Aryan girl, dodging the watchful eyes of S.S. men, courted in secret. Yesterday they were married—at Paddingtori register office. "I went in terror of my life until I managed
    285 words
  • 497 14 Singapore, Nov. 24- i Price Article MEAT Beef steak; kati *r Beef stew or curry; kati g Fillet Steak; lb. g Mutton, Australian; lb. Mutton Indian lb. Mutton. Malacca; lb. 54 (lstqua'ity*; kati 44 POULTRY Capons (locally reared); kati 55 Ducks; each J Fowls; kati Hens (locally
    497 words
  • 133 14 DAILY PRICES CURRENT Singapore, Nov. 24. No. IX R.S.S. Spot loose Nov Dec 40 40 3 4 Nc. IX R.S.S. F. 0.8 in cases (Selers optron) 40 3 4 41 G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. F 08. in bales (Sellers option) 40 40»i F.A.Q. R.S.S. F.
    133 words
  • 98 14 Kweilin. U7ITH Chinese warplanes 111 action against the enemy in Central and South China, it was learned that over 3,000 pilots have completed their training: and are ready to take to the air at any moment. About 1.000 mechanics ana aircraftsmen have also been available for service
    98 words
  • 198 14 Hongkong. x„ v 2; CHINA'S import and export tr*, V took an upward turn from h! September, when the balance L came favourable, reaching ,Jr; of $65,851,461 for September ai October, according to figures o ffi ally announced by the ShmTu'" Customs. Sh an ha, The November
    198 words
  • 160 14 Singapore Nov >: The following are the exchange stock at morning according to the daily circular I'sm ll the Hongkong and Shanghai Hank::.,; Conon tion. SELLING London i 4 Jj; .'jOiidon demanu iiaies for Freight Lyons demand Switzerland demand Hamburg demand New York demand Montreal demand Batavia demand Samarang
    160 words
  • 118 14 Singapore Itoi R. (Slam) W. Coast No. 1 per Koyan R. (Siam) W. Coast No. 3 per Koyau Rice Siam 1 Rice Siam 2 Rice Siam 3 Siam Broken Rice No. 1 Siam Broken Rice No. 2 Rice Saigon Al Rice Saigon 1 Rice Saigon 2 R. Rangoon "S.Q."
    118 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
      489 words
    • 248 14 ISLAMIC MALAYA RESTAURANT Established 1921. 206, Middle Road. An up-to-date Restaurant situatei at Middle Road, Singapore, opposite Registrar of Vehicles. AH kinds of delicious Indian Dishes prepared by expert cook. Prompt and courteous service. Charges moderate, give us a trial and be convinced. We cater for Wedding Birthday parlies M
      248 words
    • 184 14 PILES SPECIALISTS Tong Nam No. 285. Victoria Street. Singapore. BRANCHES: No. 220, Batu Road. Kuala Lumpur, No. 133, Hugh Low Street, New Town. lpoh. mm Piles Is a dangerous and painful disease. Early tieatment always is advisable. Messrs. LAU KIM PING and LAU PING HiyiANG of the above named premises
      184 words
    • 174 14 B Easy Running^^^^B^^^^^^^Bß I Enduring Strength Perffctrv Balanced \W V Beautifully finished. if m write for descriptive _f /*4L ĔG\ I m folder to W //f\\Jv\_\' W W the Manufacturers /flnH k\\ DIAMOND METAL «VI AM PRODUCTS CO., jl H COT. K-*mp.>n~ Rahru J Road, Singapore. jja^a^atfa^H Chinese STORY BOOKS
      174 words
    • 80 14 WHEN YOU ARE FEEDING BABY It's after the b.rth of a" baby that the mother needs careful attention Her strength has been severely taxed and when she is feeding the baby she needs extra and easily digested food. Doctors throughout Malaya nave recommended Horlicks for years as the Ideal food
      80 words

  • 222 15 BULLION MARKET I London, Friday. 23 7 1.6 23 9i16 Fine, per oz. £8.8.0 LONDON SHARE LIST London, Friday. 67|3 i.'obcr 27 4Vfe G ral Electric 75 3 Chemical Industries 30 9 robacco 120|lian Pacific 714 Tin 4'7i/ 2 PI In. Trust *****% 17,6 n Asiatics moy
    222 words
  • 50 15 Shanghai. Matsul. former com- -chief of Japanese troops •tna. who has been devotfco dorifying the splnits of to become chief adviser to Central Government" to be the future. ol the movement of "Asia the retired general is the removal of Western from Eastern Asia.—lnterna- News Agency.
    50 words
  • 806 15 FRASER CO'S SHARE REPORT Singapore, Ncv. 24 I MINING Ampat Tin B^ ers s Austral Amai CI4 ,T Rll/ 3 Austral Malay 6 L 4 > ia' 2 Ayer Hitam St 3 9 Ayer Weng 24,3 2 2 angrln 221f ft**, I Batu Selangor rig,, *S Berjuntal iff* Jjg* Burma
    806 words
  • 219 15 Singapore, Friday. THE price of tin at midday was declared 1 as -usual at $117 3 a unchanged from yesterday, and the price of rubber at four o'clock was: Buyers Spot m\k Deer 40 Jan Mar 39» Apr June 36 3 4 Market—steady. Sterling tin shares showed
    219 words
  • 50 15 SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 5% ISJ4O oq inn,, tiLm IQd7 lOOnom !2 5??« 100 102aom •S«tSL 108% 110,icl J2 80 109 HO^Cl JS i q;? 5 POCI !J J*g 88 00 91.00C1 JJ 55-65 90 92c S S ss and P.M.S 91d 18 3* 90 SII 2CI 90 91cl
    50 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 38 15 NOMINAL CAPITA!* $40,000,000 KSUED PAID UPj CAPITAL: $16,000,W0 branches taxousheo* Malaya, Siam, Burma, >»Qth China, French Indo-China and Nothes» lands East Indies. AGENTS CORRESPONDENTS in all principal cities of the World. HANKING TRANSACTIONS of every description undertaken. MASTERS.
      38 words
      19 words
    • 146 15 19-25, CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. Telephone, Manager's Office 4512 Exchange Dept. 4513 General Office 4514 Cable Address"PßO VINBANK." Head Office, SIUCHOW. PAID-UP CAPITAL (Ch) f 10,000 TOO RESERVE FUNDS t 13.000 M* TOTAL ASSETS (approx.) $108,000,000 Board of Directors: T. L. SOONG TSENG YANG FU Y. C. KOO CHAN YIU WOON
      146 words
    • 289 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITISH f "\INDIA t Incorporated in England) P. 0. S. N, CO.'S SAILINGS. The P. O. S. N. Company will have 2 cargo steamers loading for the United Kingdom during the remainder of November All vessels may call at ports on or off the route and all sailings
      289 words
    • 345 15 k P&o> BRITISH! INDIA^ PASSENGER FREIGHT v SERVICES For all information apply to: P. O.S.N. Co., The Agent, Collyer Quay, Tel. 5961. 8.1.5. N. Co., BOUSTEAD CO., LTD., Tel. 5497. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LTD., (Apcar Line). For Hongkong, Shanghai, Mojl, Kobe O-saka Fortnightly For Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta
      345 words
    • 127 15 I THE I EASTERN BANK LIMITED. unqapokb branchi 4, D'Almdda Street. J Authorised and ■ofcecrlbed Capital £2.000,000 Eaid-up Capital £1.000,000 Reserve Fund 500,000 I READ OFFICE: LONDON Branches: Bombay, Calcutta, Colombo, Karachi Madras, Amara, Baghdad, i Bahrein, Basra, Kirknk, Mosul and I Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened I and money received
      127 words

  • 125 16 Pins Decoration On His Breast Reuter. London, Nov. 25. CERGEANT-ORSERVER J. Vickers had the first French decoration awarded to a British airman pinned on his breast as he lay dying in a hospital behind the Magmot Line, writes Reuters correspondent with the R.A.F. in
    Reuter.  -  125 words
  • 89 16 Hongkong. A CEMETERY for the Japanese marines who fell at the China front has been erected by the Japanese naval landing party in the northeast of the dog racing track on Seward Road at Yangtzepoo in the ear tern oart of Shanghai International Settlement. Over
    89 words
  • 45 16 Reuter. Rome, Nov. 25. TT is oflicially announced that 1 Count Ciano, Italian Foreign Minister, has drawn the attention of the British and French envoys to ''the consequences which the seizure of German exports mijrht have on Italian traffic. v Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 348 16 London, Nov. 10. jijORE pitiful stories of the Nazi persecution of the Jews after the Yon Rath murder were told yesterday by Miss Irene Smallbones, actress daughter of Mr. R. T. Smallbones, formerly H.M. Con-sul-General in .Frankfurt-on-Maia. Mr. Smallbones and bis staff were responsible fcr
    348 words
  • 203 16 Chungking, x ov n THE Chinese high command ed the withdrawal fr. m angyu, fifty-five kilometres M of Nanning, yesterday, thus shift ing the centre of fighting 0n th Kwangtung-Kwangsi border Z T vicinity of a border town, «here \Z defenders are now firmly entrench! Granting
    203 words
  • 185 16 WHAT the average young man think about India's part in the wai illustrated by the response elicit questionnaire sent by the Civil A Directorate in August to all PUoti Engineers—both ihose with current and those with expired licences. Mm than 50 per cent, have
    185 words
  • 857 16 Reuter. I development in the Venlo (Dutch frontier) affair on Nov. 10 -o the issue of a semi-official state- ment in Amsterdam, revealing that i a Dutch Military Information Serj vice officer was also abducted, and a report from London that Best and Stevens, the
    Reuter.  -  857 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 271 16 The Sure Way to Protection Whea these h disease about, always aac Oahtffi Medical Soap. Its strength Another auaKty product it Caivtrft fragrant ToUm wot destroyed. Don't take chances M.ap. P.r your thin't g c^rf, .axe, always wash with it, PALVERTS 20% CARBOLIC Medical Soap a C CALTBftT A _»l_»
      271 words