Malaya Tribune, 9 June 1937

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Malaya Tribune
  • 40 1 The Malaya Tribune Malaya's National Newspaper: Guaranteed Largest Sales Vol. XXIV. -No. 134. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1937 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Wed., June 9, 19.iT. The Malaya Tribune 5M PAGES SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1937. FTVF CENT
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 473 2 M. HASSAN, i I 34, 36 37, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. 1 S Telephone No. 3411. I Branch at 24, Jalan Ibrahim, i II JOHORE. J I STOCKISTS OF: I Frigidaires, Koldchests, modern i electric chandeliers, fancy lamp J oowls and shade*, bed lamps, 1 j fans, electric bells, batteriss,
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    • 424 2 PtTOLIC NOTICES IN THE HIGH COURT. SINGAPORE Originating Summons No. 6 of 1937. In the Matter of the Will of LEOW CHI.4 HENG. deceased And In the Matter of Order 52, Rule 1. of th< Rules of the Supreme Court, 1934, Between No. 1, LEOW YONG MOEY 2, LIM SOO
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    • 254 2 VIROL for robust health in it i To THE UNIVERSAL STOMACHIC SALINE. Neutralizes all excess of acidity of the stomach, promotes digestion, takes away oppressive sense of fulness after eating and is taken with best success against stomach troubles of all kinds. .80 cents a box. A Werner Schur preparation.
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    • 236 2 .5. <. j JEST RECEIVED: THE CORONATION STAMP ALBUM, j Rich watered blue-greesn cloth spring-back binding with handsome orna- < mentation in gold. Contains 75 loose leaves, size 6V* 5 r 2" lithograph- I ed with grey quadrille squares. J S Each album wrapped in glass paper and stoutly toxed.
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    • 86 2 sons LTalMln* E m PUNLOP FOR DURABILITY i ACCOUNTANCY is a profitable Profession The importance of Acccur.t: steadily increasing for it is the pivot on which modern bus.: revolves. Why not study at ho in your spare time and enjoy the fisiancial results that will follow. Let us send you
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  • 794 3 SHIPPING NEWS NOTICES AIRCRAFT-CARRIER LAUNCHED I Merseyside Ceremony As Ship Takes To Water H.M S. Aircraft-carrier Ark Royal, the first ship ever designed in this .country expressly for the purpose of an aircraft-carrier and named after the flagship of Lord Charles Howard of Effingham when he defeated the Armada, was
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 395 3 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA (Incorporated In England.) P. 0. S. N. Co.'s SAILINGS OUTWARDS. Due Tonnage. Spore. 1927. BEHAR 6,000 June 14 RANCHI 17,000 June !8 SOUDAN 6,500 July 2 X AISAR -1 HIND 11,000 July 2 RAJPUTANA 17,000 July Ifi RANPURA 17,000 July 30 BURDWAN 6,070 July 31 RAWALPINDI
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    • 645 3 J M. B. K. I KOKUSAI LINE I (KOKCSAI RISEN KAISHA) I (Incorporated in Japan) For JAPAN, LOS ANGELES, NEW YORK (via Panama) Doe Due Sailing Dae 1 Penang Spore Spore via New York 1 -m s KIRISHIMA MARU Juno 5 June 8 June 11 Keelung July 24 1 ms
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    • 452 3 Special Holiday Cruises BANGKOK SAIGON Angkor Pnom Penh Displ. From Ret'g Tons. Spore. Spore. M.S. "ALSIA" 12,500 July 17 Aug. 6 "BORINGIA" 12,500 Aug. 7 Aug. 27 "LALANDIA" 11,000 Sept. 18 Oct. 3 "JUTLANDIA" 13,100 Oct. 9 Oct. 29 "MEONIA" 11,000 Oct. 30 Nov. IS "BORINGIA" 12,500 Dec. 11 Dec.
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    • 447 3 STEAMER SAILINGS i i m if NORDDEUTSCHER b\V XIA LLOYD NORD (Incorporated Id LLOYD Germany). The undernoted are the compeny Intended fixture!:— OUTWARD FOR MANILA, HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN. Due Spore. MR. sjs. "ISAR" omits Manila Due Penang June 25 P. Swettenham June 26 Singapore June 28 s.s.
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  • 267 4 "Sensational" Finds In English Sandpit Upmlnster, Fs-*.e.\-FIRST traces of early Snxon l:f<* U> b<.found in the mouth of the Thames between London r-.nci F< uthend have been unearthed in a sandpit nrar 1 ere by Mr. G. T Carter, a Komiord archaeologist. s of the Ft one.
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  • 250 4 j 5,000 Nurses March Fasi Before The Queer» London. HER MAJESTY, Queen Elizabeth, held a review of the St. John Ambulance Brigade on the occasion of the celebration of its jubilee The Queen is Com-mandant-In-Chief of the nursing corps find divisions. »ind tiit-; Is the first
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  • 248 4 Book By Commander King-Hall IN "Chatham House' 1 Con.. Stephen King-Hall, tu*t pui. Oxford University Pu ss. origins and growth of 'lie R-jyi.r i, tute of International A Hairs ji're ously described. The author left the Navy ,n nc- join the staff of the Institute to-day a member
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  • 90 4 Gen. \l o Y* Appec 1 jN a:: »:pue i 1i Gc:.p-jji Eve. he Vat Lor. r MW&! of 2. Gc r t"-J 'r-j-i nrt imiJ'i p-_ *il 112 !t« .t c~d lor cood **1. i .inn. Tiirr»ihur v ..u \r ty's z it.i r- TPf I I!
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  • 134 4 Rare mk To fcaili EPSCTMEJf of u.e *.112 rrt">l lock.-, ILr Is io Lk? a; &dj nunjtti a« ths Gabi)> 1, prln *r.i' is tiro» u-i n "ixr, ai!d there on 7 v, •«1 ;xii"lence. it is a tvo-vcitttnc ]j<» r bi: sjlri at i I •'clume I1
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  • 112 4 Stprclv Tn*r"n In J>i. *!i r i >u~ s lAV'4 Thzre is a steady umnv o ligwes icr i ji .r < m/tOi-cycic's «or 1931. 1)6. .iccu.'dln; vO ct-itxift.en •i:xrcu Trader." in 1034 :u i Ci uioi'.r-caiK exjjorLcd tva* 24. la venr 51 213 T>>e vuli: sn 14
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 265 4 NATURAL WHITENESS RESTORED tod^^^ -A mmmi&t mm\ ix,. fM lOHHHhBPgI X' «mpIBSeBBSb DON'T let dull, discolored teeth rob to teeth and the refreshed feeling it you of social charm or business leaves in the mouth. vmiD cmiic success--do what countless thousands Kolynos is economical, too, because aie do>ng. Brush your
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  • 206 5 AIR BOMBING Heavy Govt. Losses In Spain Reuter Wireless. Valencia, Jufte 3. A HINT of reprisals against air bombing is contained in the reply of Senor Indalecio Prieto, Minister of War, to the appeal for protection against bombing of civilians and destruction of open towns. Senor Prieto
    Reuter Wireless.  -  206 words
  • 92 5 Returns Show Slight Improvement Reuter Wireless. London. June 7 THI effectf. of the Coronation festivities are .seen m the unemployment •turns for thr month ended May 24 The total insured employed, excluding the agricultural schcme. wa* 1 387.000, which ks slightly less than n tba previous month, improvements
    Reuter Wireless.  -  92 words
  • 93 5 Reuter Wireless. \'o opposition i 3 expected in London ;::oi Germany to the British proposal that individual action in the case of future attacks on control ships should bt limited to self-defence. The task the moment is to device a formula which will give the principle ci consultation
    Reuter Wireless.  -  93 words
  • 104 5 Reminder Of Italy's Strength Reuter Wireless. Naple», June 7. CEVENTY submarines, probably the lar- gest number ever assembled in a single review, were shown by Mussolini to Yon Blomberg outside the Bay of Naples. The submarines were drawn up in two lines stretching eight miles, through which IlDuce
    Reuter Wireless.  -  104 words
  • 319 5 [Taere are numerous Clubs in Slng\* yore members of which are readers o) the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in the "Diary of Events'* The
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  • 124 5 Soviet Allegations Of Treachery Reuter Wireless. Moscow. June 5. A SENSATIONAL charge that M. Gamarnik, Soviet Vice-Commissar of War, who committed suicide a few days ago, was a spy who "sold his fatherland to Japanese and German imperialists" is made in the official organ Pravda, which
    Reuter Wireless.  -  124 words
  • 55 5 Changes By Prime Minister Reuter Wireless. London. June 7 MR Neville Chamberlain has decided there will be no Deputy Leader in the House of Commons, a position occupied by Sir John Simon In the Baldwin Government. Mr Chamberlain will combine ilie duties of Prime Minister and Leader in
    Reuter Wireless.  -  55 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 194 5 fp WE'RE PROUD OF JOHN rv W i NOW, NURSE." "Who wouldn't lie proud of a tine sturdy boy like that, Mrs. Brown. I hear he's doing well at school too. "He's twice as robust ns when last I saw him, but there, I knew that 'California Syrup of Figs'
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    • 89 5 [y| GIB S <|N 1 $250 F.O.R. or F. 0.8. Singapore. I $270 F.O.R. Any Station, Johore. 8 WH $275 CI F. Tumpat, Kcmaman, Kuantan. Rn! $275 n Kuching, Miri, Jess elton. Masters. TH E SPIRIT E N DSH I P Sole Agents:—SlME, DARBY Co., Ltd., Singapore-Johore-Malacca and Negri Sembilan,
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  • 458 6 LONDON COMMODITIES London, June 8. RUBBER Last Price To-day Change Tone Quiet Irregular Bpot Buyers 95 s 9^ X mum May Buyers. 95 a Sellers. MI|W 9 "U« JulyjSept. Buyers. 95 a 93 6 —Vi Sellers. W2 ~V* Oct/Dec. Buyers. 9 11 16 9 7 16 —V*
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  • 1258 6 Big Increase In Profits THE thirty-first annual general meeting of the Malacca Rubber Plantations, Ltd., was held at 19, Fenchurchst.. E C. in mail week. Mr. Charles Emerson I chairman of the company* who presided said: We record a profit on the year's working of £71,050. which
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  • 11 6 New Scudai -27.800 lb. Malaka Pinda—ss Qoo lb.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 576 6 I Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd. j (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). S i Successors to The Chinese Commercial Bank Limited t The Ho Hong Bank Limited and The Oversea-Chinese Bank Limited. i C APITAL Author ed I i (»,000.000.00. Issaed and Paid Up 510,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING, CH ULIA
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    • 219 6 THE EASTERN BANK LIMITED. (Incorporated in England) SINGAPORE BRANCH: 6, D'Almeida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £2,000.000 Paid-up Capital £1,000.000 Reserved Fund 500,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON Branches: ttombay, Calcutta, Colombo, Karachi, •Madras, Amara, Baghdad, Bahrein, smsra, Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed Deposits on
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    • 21 6 SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. (Incorporated in New Zealand.) MOTOR CAR INSURANCE W. J. DEXTER, Manager. Tel. 6920, 2, FlniaysoD Green.
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    • 262 6 FOR HEALTH, STRENGTH AND INCREASED POWER OF THE VITAL ORGANS TAKE SANUTAFER For youth and age, manhood and womanhood suffering from lassitude and a run-down feeling and the complexity of diverse disorders the sure index of a nervous breakdown, —SANUTAFER IS THE BEST TONIC and may be allowed to stand
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  • 1738 7 adse Fraser Co. Lyall Evatt A! Amnot Tin Buyers Sellers Sellers 4-Ampat Tin 5 9 6 3 gl £1 Asam Kumbang 35 6 37i6 £1 Austral Malay 56 58 56 6 Zt J'-Ayer HRam 27 3 28 6 J yer 7 e g US 1.30N 1.25 1.50n0m
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  • 1398 7 Mr. E. D. Hewan's Speech THE twenty-fourth annual genera] meeting of the Sungei Batu (Malaya) Rubber Estates. Ltd., was held at the registered office, 149, Leadenhallstreet, E.C., Mr. E. D. Hewan (chairman of the company) presiding Mr W. S. Riddell. representing the Secretaries (Messrs. Edward Boustead and
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  • 181 7 Effects Of The Gold Sales Reuter Wireless. London, June S. AN the money market, proceeds of the v week's colossal gold sales and large d'vidend d sbursements flooded the market with short-term credit, and consequently lenders were often willing to grant loans under the usual rates. However, the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  181 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 281 7 FRASER COMPANY. LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS Singapore, June 9. w Total for *x>okj CTo*c O—MM Company Dindend Date Rx.DiY. TEN PayaWt Data to date Bangrin Tin 5% June 23 Burma Ma.aya 2% Jun e 9 June 16 June 10 10% Ma avanTinonS 4 f"" 23 June 30 ,un 2&% Malayan
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  • 75 8 Military Road To Ismailia Reuter. London, June 8. ANEW agreement has beer* reached between the Suez Canal Company and the Egyptian Government Under its terms the Egyptian Government will receive £300,000 a year inst«ad of £200.000. The Company unaertake to construct a military road between Port' Said
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 180 8 Govt. Officer Admitted As I .ay Reader THE ceremony of installing Mr E. B. David. MC S. jus an honorary lay reader took place at Bt. Marie's Church. Bulterworth, at H am. on Sunday. Durh.g the Holy Eucharisric service, tht candidate, habited in cassock a*ud surpilce,
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  • 80 8 Last Landing At Air Base To-Day Singapore. Wednesday. THE last landing of a X.L.M machin. ~at the R.A.F. aerodrome will be at 4.45 this afternoon, when the new DC-3 will arrive. After Saturday civil aviation will centre at the Singapoi: Airport. Mr M A. Da'laert representative of the
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  • 132 8 Wife Of Doctor Passes Away (From Our Own Correspondent j Johore Bahru. June 8 The death took place at Segamat Johore I on the morning of June 2 of Mr*. Chelliah. wife of Dr. C. Chelllah D.M.Q.. Sesramat. after a brief illne?.-. :rom pneumonia. The cremation was
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  • 138 8 Singapore, June 9. Ships alongside the Wharves or expected to arrive. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1) Argun Maru 22. Main Wharf 'Entrance Gate 2) Hakozaki Maru 18; Bulan 16; Hector 14: Islami 11; Maetsuycker, Titan 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 2) Karapara 30: Silverbeech 32; Kirishima Mam 34:
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  • 20 8 Capt. O. G. Williams, of the Fourth Battalion, S.S.V.F. (M.V.C.i, is given attached to the Third Bjit'aUon Negri Sembilan) F.M.S.V.F.
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  • 94 8 Java ana souuran aumaiu: iNemei- ands. closing 1 p.m. to-day ttedan, Jaskl, Amsterdam? and 'LonJciti: Netherlands, closing 12.45 p.m. .o-day Australia. New Zealand. Java and Timor Dilly: Qantttt. closing 7 p.m. .o-morrow. Hongkong. Canton. 'Shanghai. Kobe. Manila and U.S.A Imperial, closing 7 p.m Saturday. Penane. Siam. Burma.
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  • 190 8 Mails expected from Europe etc. Amsterdami by Air <Netherlands! tolay. Deliveries of boxholders' letters :niy 7 p.m. to-day and general delivery if fetters 8 25 a.m. to-morrow. Wall expected from Netherlands todies by Air 'Netherlands* to-day. Dciveries of bcxholders* letters only 330 p.m. to-day and general delivery of
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  • 60 8 The s.s. Kampar for Slam fParcels only). Mail previously announced as closing at 11 a.m. on June 8 will now r lose at 11 a.m. on June 9 Mails for Sarawak «generally* Bintulu originally advertised for despatch by s.s. Vyner Brooke closing on June 9 will now be
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  • 19 8 The Air Mail Netherlands > despatched from Singapore on June 2 was delivered In London en June 8
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  • 13 8 Miss E. F. McConarchy, Nursing Sister, has been seconded for service In Johore.
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  • 19 8 Mr H. Watson. M. C. S., has been appointed a Coroner in the Settlement of Penang from May 15.
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  • 25 8 Mr. B. P. Nicholas Mar aging Director of The Bank ot Malaya L'd who left Kuala Lumpur in the early pan of April has returned
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  • 51 8 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures TO-DAY. JUNE 9 Football: S.A.F.A. Training, Anson Road Stadium: Govt. League, Div. 11, Police II v. Excise, Excise. Cricket: S.C.C v. Non-Benders, S.C.C.; St. Andrew's v. R.A. (Biakan Matir St. Andrew's: United Services v. esc. Tanglin; c.s.c. v. ac.s.. cs.c Selangor Races, second
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  • 88 8 The following passengers are arriving by the Kashima Maiu which is due here from Europe on June 27:— Mr. J. G. Campbell. Mr. H. E. Dillenbers. Miss L E. Dodd. Mrs. P Hamilton. Mr. L. P. Kars. Mr. J. R. Lansdill. Miss I F. Le Rutte, Mr. and
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  • 45 8 The Commander-in-Chief. China Station. In a notice through the Master Attendant. SS.. states that an uncharged submerged reef apparently steep to has been reported at 1.0 miie 360 deg from Olit Island. Lt. 02 deg. V N long ICi deg. 10' E. tapprox).
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  • 71 8 Chinese Cuts Throat And Attacks Son A SENSATION was caused al Pulau Saigon at about 8.30 a.m. today when a Chinese allegedly cut his throat with a knife and then attacked his little son with parang. The ambulance was summoned and removed the man and boy to hospital.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 223 8 9 II 11l MA LAVA^Sf:PR EMIE ft HOTEL TO-NIGHT j 1 KlXG't BIRTHDAY i »L\\ER BALL (PROCEEDS TO CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY) j I GRAND CABARET OF 30 ARTISTS j N hMi Charles and Helen—Cowan and Bailey—Nina and Vladimir also C xke Hobblets, Vyner Gomez and a Ballet of 18. EXTENSION
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    • 432 8 I YOUTH. YIGOIJH A VITALITY Restored In 30 Minute*. It is no longer required to carry through a treatment for hours or weeks if you fsel weak or prematurely old. German Doctor's latest discovery by the name Man Power Pills give marvellous and immediate results in cases of exhaustion, etc.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 271 8 I POSTAL INTELLIGENCE 1 1 STEAMER MAILS DESPATCHES TO-DAY yog PER DAT! AND TIM) China .generally. Titan June 9 1 p.m. G. Britain. Europe. Egypt and 9 noon Ceylon (Parcels only. Hector noon Trengganu (Parcels only) Tn P dens 9 1 pm Muntok and Palembang Both 9 1 P^n! DungSn.
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  • 549 9 Great Interest Aroused By Report On Operation Of Rear-Engine Buses Used In Chicago; New Designs For 1938 May Be Affected Detroit. nt-:, the strong posibility that one p more car makers will adopt >matic transmission as i r optional equipment in i ial
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  • 195 9 A mer jean Racing Driver's Plans WE EKLY MOTORING NOTES Salt Lake City, Utah. i lister speed car. driven by two engines developing a total h p.. Ab Jenkins—the foremost i'ivei'in America—will in Octoyear make an assault on Sir a Campbell's land speed record .337 m.p.h. i
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  • 121 9 v Most Popular Car VL' niL popular type: of car Thrr is little doubt that i ihis is the 10 h p. l i he 8h p. models rnak^ month of February, the •r which official returns ai'< T br registrations of ten -i totalled 0,249. or
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  • 318 9 Twin Carburetters Economy ANEW Wolse-lcy car is announced by Morris Indus-tries Exports, Ltd. the -18 80." It will be available in two body styles, a Saloon and a Salcn d" Ville. both presenting an attractive* choice of colour and uphokstery schemes. The chassis and general dimensions similar
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  • 374 9 Packard Production Figures MORE cars were produced and delivered by Packard in Marcfi than in any ether month in the entire history of the company, it is announced by M. M. Oilman.' Packard vice president and general manager. Still further increases are indicated bv the present higher rate
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  • 409 9 BY ROAD Van's Unique Journey AS road communications improve throughout the world and motor vehicles become more efficient and dependable, trans-conti-nental journeys, which enly a few years ago would have seemed fantastic, are being undertaken by adventurous motorists. The latest motoring enterprise on the grand scale is
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  • 195 9 Austin Workers Visit Porthcawl ANE of the mast important industrial l/ excursion from the Midlands to the sea each summer is that of the employees from the Austin factory at Longbridge, Birmingham. This year the trip is to Porthcawl. Hie Glamorgan resort, on Saturday. Tune 12,
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  • 199 9 Visits Ford Works At Dagenham HER Majesty, Queen Marie of Yugoslavia and H.R.H. The Infanta Beatrice of Spain saw something of the marvels of the British Motor Car industry when they paid a visit to Ford Works, Dagen- hem, recently. The Royal visitors were received by
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 95 9 Sit i* I' I <X '1 S i 1 oPJiealilik 1 OVALTINC I is now served' j Because of ft* supreme merit, 'Ovplfine' sboulr! j i a/Cafes. be the rfaflv beverage of everyone for maintain- -J§ Restaurants. ing abnndant energy and blowing health. I f I <>c It s unequalled
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  • 151 10 Munich Arresl Brings Climax Reuter Wireless. Berlin. June 7. THE quart cl between the Nuxls and the Cuthoi* cami* to a «'Umax tlUs Aeek-i*nd wlih the arrest tn Munich ot priest on Saturday, following a serine.* utiac& on the Government. i»l niUit Nazi youths demonstrated e?ut>lcl€» churches,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  151 words
  • 82 10 Second Marriage To Commoner Reuter Wireless. r.ULS June 3 Cu T ll ..ivond time Prince Emexl 1 :.4'opold of Llppc. eldest sou <-! Prince Leopold ihv four lb of Lipp<*, mid cousin o; Prince Bombard t 'if Netherlands, ha» nuurled a eow.mtm» t Hit Ltiue. runs the 23-year-old,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  82 words
  • 36 10 Reuter. London. June 9. A gazette notice say* that in celebration of His Majesty's birthday the King has appointed the Dochessea of Gloucester and Kent to the Imperial Order of the Crown of India.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 47 10 Mr. William Gowan Hill work manager of the Ho Hong Oil Mills. 1931. L d and president of the Singapore Swimming Club left by the "Gne.senau" on six months' leave which will be spent chiefly at Southampton His place will be taken by Mr. Lim Beow Eng.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 378 10 j THE ONE JUNGLE PICTURE DESTINED TO BREAK ALL "TARZAN" RECORDS. j at the CAPITOL] ELEPHANT™ BOY" s \daoted from RUDYARD KIPLING'S Million-Sale Jungle *^^V Adventure, "TOOMAI OP THK ELEPHANTS" Wr JJ ]^V^Bm Featuring the Famous Indian Elephant Boy ifd^§MmuSm\^JlS§^^^m^ Actually Filmed _in_the. JndianJungleJ "SAB l*" l t/ r v
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 624 11 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS! am. FOR SALE—Bentley's Complete Phrase^ 0 de in good condition. $25.00. or nearest I Apply Box No. 222", to Malaya' ime, Singapore. J By order of the Official Assignee"""" Re W S. BEE CO., Bankruptcy No. 60 of 1937 J AUCTION SALE OF I Four cases of dry
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    • 332 11 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE! ACKNO WLEDG MEN T. Dr. A. C. Dutta, M.C.H., M.8.E., and family wish to thank all relatives and friends who sent caskets, wreaths letters of 'condolence, etc., in their recent bereavement and also those who attended the funeral of Mrs. Dulphia Dutta, on Sunday, June 6. Avoid Eye
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    • 245 11 THE FAMOUS STAR OF PRIS ONER OF SHARK ISLAND" IN A NEW HIT I ALHAMBRA j shortly AISO MOT HJ N'' RES Ol BENNY LYNCH SMALL MONTANA FIGHT i the I A U Stellar A ttractionsj tl at the HAPPY THEATRE {'ABARET Ist show TO-NIGHT! 2nd Show Special vaudeville turns
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  • 20 12 URQUHART—To Blanche nee Berenger, wife of W. G. Urquhart at the Maternity Ward, General Hospital, a daughter.
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  • 38 12 Dr. C. Chelliah and children wish to thank their friends and relations who attended the funeral of Mrs. Chslliah. on June 3, at Segamat. and also who sent wreaths and messages of condolence in their recent bereavement.
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  • 889 12 JK)R some time the Tribune has advocated that the various community associations should get together, discuss the problems of education and political reform in which they are mainly interested, and evolve a common platform. We have pointed out to them very plainly that the attitude, sincere or not.
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  • 48 12 Arrive Early *or The Opening The public are advised to arrive earry for the opening of the Singapore Airport on Saturday. H.E. the Governor is not due mi'il 4.30. but there will be plenty to see from three o'clock onwards with the arrival of visiting aeroplanes.
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  • 302 12 EIGHTY THREE YEARS IN THE EAST rpHE following account of the early days of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China is taken from a brochure which was recently issued. A DISTINGUISHED economic his- i torian has written, "The story of the early struggles of
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  • 256 12 Of the few British overseas banks which were granted Royal Charters in the early days of joint stock banking only two remain in existence as originally incorporated. It is therefore not surpri-ing that the name of The Chartered Bank of India. Australia and China should have been
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  • 277 12 Among those who petitioned the Crown for the grant of a Royal Charter of Incorporation to the Bank were James Wilson (a former Finance Member of the Viceroy's Council and subsequently the founder of "The Econo mist" newspaper*, shipowners. East India merchants to London and the Piovinces, and
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  • 315 12 The foundations of the Bank's Reserve Fund, which now amounts to £3,000.000, were laid as early as 1861 and although the Bank's profit-earning capacity increased rapidly, the director of those days wisely refused to recommend the payment of large dividends. This prudent disposition of its resources enabled the
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  • 366 12 The crisis had disastrous repercussions in Australia and several of the banks opeiating there found Themselves in a position of extreme difficulty. At a meeting ol the proprietors of the Chartered Bank held in 1893, the Chairman remarked, "Inquiries ha\ing lately been made as to whether
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  • 247 12 The war beiweer. China an<l •n 1895 had the cffect of enhaucinr lite commercial importance ol Tientsin in North China and Bank opened a branch there in 18% At this time Li Huiig-chnn«. the ciea' Viceroy 01 ChilUl. was at the !:eiuht ol his power and influence ut
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 133 12 > —™m i 11 We can highly recommend this milk... there is none better obtainable Obtainable from v♦ f v ALL GOOD DEALERS >v ROBINSON [OLUMBIA CO., LTD. W|T TT Singapore. K. Lumpur. ITI ll_ g .net suit- rrrTiTMn t^-^^Sd2r able fur infants I ((0^4091] vitamin content. "Fresh as the
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  • 68 13 CHANCELLOR CLEARS THE AIR STERLING WILL BE DEFENDED MAINTENANCE OF COMMODITY PRICES \0 change is contemplated in British Monetary poMcy, Sir John Simon told questioners in the House of Commons yesterday. The Chancellor said the roller would reman as lad down by his
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  • 192 13 Reuter Wireless. London, June 7. QLESTIONS on the gold situation were out this afternoon by Mr. (Irattan Doyle, who asked whether Sir John Simon would continue to borrow in order to buy and neutralise gold so as to prevent credit inflation, or whether would propose revision
    Reuter Wireless.  -  192 words
  • 33 13 Reuter. Medical Recognition In United States New York, June 9. THE annual meeting of the American Medical Association, for the first time, has recognised the medical practice of birth control.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 461 13 Full Statement Of British Chancellor The monetary policy of the British Government in relation to gold was the subject of a number of Commons questions addressed to the Chancellor ol the Exchequer to-day. In reply, Sir John Simon said: "I am glad of the opportunity to make a
    461 words
  • 200 13 TRADE PACT? Empire To Be Kept Informed Reuter. London, June 8. IN the House of Commons Mr. Oliver Stanley, replying to Mr. Shinwell, said the United Kingdom Government had informed the Dominions Government representatives at present in London of the informal exploratory discussions they were having
    Reuter.  -  200 words
  • 27 13 Reuter. London, June 9. SIR Stanley rvjldwin has chosen the titles of Viscount, Coivedale and Earl Baldwin of Bewdley, states a Gazette notice.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 79 13 Russian Expedition At Work Reuter. Moscow, June 8. ""OUR Russian scientists isolated on an I ice floe near the North Pole in a vpaio message to Stalin state that erection of dwelling and working tents is ompleted and stores of food and equipn p nt organised. Research
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 198 13 German Hopes DEMONSTRATION BY STUDENTS Reuter. Belgrade, June 8. JX spite of Baron Yon Neura'th's communique the general impression here is that German hopes of securing closer political collaboration with Yugoslavia have not been fulfilled. It is believed that collaboration at present will be limited to th?
    Reuter.  -  198 words
  • 27 13 Reuter. Washington, June, 8. The Ch nese Ambassador, Mr. Wang was received to-day at the White House and presented his credentials to the President. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 372 13 PACIFIC PACT PROPOSAL Mr. Lyons Meets Mr. Yoshida Reuter. London, June 8. A FURTHER development from the suggestion of Mr. Lyons (Australian Premier) for a Pacific pact occurred to-day when Mr. Yoshida, the Japanese Ambassador in London, had a half-hour conversation with Mr. Lyons at
    Reuter.  -  372 words
  • 58 13 Reuter Wireless. Berlin, June 5. ADMIRAL Raeder, Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, has telegraphed to the Governor of Gibraltar his thanks for the assistance rendered to the "Deutschland" wounded, and the tribute paid to the dead. Admiral Raeder has added the readiness to help has "met with the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  58 words
  • 94 13 U.S. BILL State Monopoly Of War Materials Reuter. Washington, June 9. FIVE Senators, headed by Mr. Bono. X announce they are introducing a BUI to take the profit out at war by giving Government a practical monopoly of the manufacture of war weapons and munitions. It
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 60 13 Reuter. London, June 8. Nine nations represented at the conference have signed an agreement which operates from July 1, whilst the other two nations represented by observers are likely shortly to accede to it. A communique sta-es that it is hoped to secure the dhesion of governments which
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 1 13 DD^'.^, >^
      1 words
      32 words
    • 51 13 New LOW PRICED All Wave TJ M BRITISH H*IYI*V RECEIVER AT A LOW PRICE *-..*immmmmW9 $125 6 Marconi valves short, medium and long wave range Extra Loud-speaker plugs Pick Up Sockets Hum control Aerial trimmer Mains aerial ior local reception FuZZj/ Guaranteed By RAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORE &16 BISHOP STREET, PENANG.
      51 words

  • 484 14 WIDOW SEEKS PROBATE COURT MOTION Sequel To Singapore Motor Fatality Singapore, Tuesday. PROBATE of the will of the late Mr. John James Morey, who was killed in a rcotor accident on the Bukit Timah Road on Mar. 13, was granted
    484 words
  • 135 14 Gazette Notification To-Day Singapore, Wednesday. VTLNETEEN Justices of the Peac? have been created for the Settlements of Singapore (12), Penang (5), Malacca (1) and Labuan (1) by His Excellency the Governor, according to a Gazette extraordinary, published to-day. They are as follows:— SINGAPORE Mr. Chua Keh Hai.
    135 words
  • 66 14 Brigadier A. T. Shakespear. the Officer Commanding the Troops, who was to have commanded the padang parade this morning, has been suffering from a slight attack of influenza for the past few days. Though he was uo and about this morning, he was unable to take .charge of
    66 words
  • 219 14 Delightful Performance At The Capitol Singapore. Wednesday. ENTHUSIASTS for the urt bf the dance who were present at the L»j Meri.s pcrformunce at the Capitol i&jt night Will long remembei the* pleasure she gave them If possible, this delightful artiste was even more :>uccesslul tluin
    219 words
  • 181 14 Exciting Film Drama At The Pavilion AT THE CINEMAS SOMEWHAT an the lines or "The Green lieht." but mui'h more interesting and exciting. "Once A Dot-tor "M e Warner "Bros, feature Introduced nr the Pavilion Theatre yesterday, provides excellent screen fare Prettv Jean Muir. as the daughter
    181 words
  • 69 14 Fine Programme At The Ritz The Man Who Broke The Bank ot Monte Carlo," featuring Ronald Colman and "Three Cheers For F.leanore Whitney and Robert Cummings. provided excellent film fare for large audiences at the Ritz Theatre, Geylang last night. It is very seldom that two noteworthy productions
    69 words
  • 122 14 Business For Monday's Meeting THREE new members will take the oaths of office at the meeting of the Legislative Council on Monday, namely the Hon. the Officer Commanding the Troops. Malaya (Brigadier A. T. Shakespear, D.5.0.. M.C.), the Hon. the acting Attorney-General (Mr. R. Williamson) and the Hon.
    122 words
  • 104 14 Death In Hospital Of Mr. W. P. Thornley There passed away in the General Hospital, Penang, on Sunday, at the age of 42, Mr. William Patrick of Singapore. The burial took place in at the Western Road Cemetery. The Rev. Colin King read the service at the grave.
    104 words
  • 103 14 WAS SHE UNDER-AGE? ACCUSED MAN CLAIMS SHE WENT WILLINGLY (From Opr Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. June 8. A YOUNG Tamil girl named/ Pakiriamah, whose mother died when ?he was a baby, and who. according to medical evidence is still a minor, was the chief witness
    103 words
  • 637 14 Briefly outlining the facts of the case, the Public Prosecutor said thai the girl j lived with her father, Nagamuihu. or. Scudai Estate. Johore, where he worked. At about 8 p.m. on April 5. the father went out after dinner leaving his daughter at home. When
    637 words
  • 54 14 Batteries Return Barrage Reuter. Gibraltar, June 9. rp\VO warships navigating without lights fired over twenty rounds on the insurgent port of Ceuta early this morning. The shore batteries both at Ceuta and Carnero Point, on this side of the Straits, returned the fire after searchlights had
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 100 14 Chinese Apprentices In Britain Reuter. London. June 8 THREE Chinese engineer apprentices have arrived on Federation of Bntish Industries scholarships for training in British engineering workshops. They were at dinner last night with 12 other F. 8.1. Chinese apprentices and members of the Chinese Committee. Sir George
    Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 75 14 Japanese Press And Rumours Shanghai. June 8. iS a result of a protest lodged by A the Chinese Government to the Japanese Foreign Ministry. the Japanese Consul at Tsingtao has promised to prohibit the Japanese press from publishing unfounded rumours calculated to jeopardise Si no- Japanese relations. Mr.
    75 words
  • 44 14 PENSION GRATUITY Reuter. For "Sacked" Governor-General Of Free State Berlin. June 9. The Free State Dail has passed a bill to provide for a pension of £500 per annum and a £2.000 gratuity for Mr. Donald Buckley, former Governor-Gen-eral of the Irish Free State.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 812 14 BY MEMBERS k i Details Of Proposed Improvements Singapore Tucml.i AT a special gcneml meeting Ih<members of <he Sinfr-»u<"» Cricket Club, held to-da*. it decided to authorise the Commit; to carry out certain iltoratioiis u the ground floor and to borrow it.»
    812 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 618 16 PUBLISHERS AND POST OFFICE UNBEATEN SIDES PLAY A DRAWN GAME Singapore, Wednesday. RIVALS for Second Division honours and both still unbeaten so far this season, the Post Office and the Malaya Publishing House clashed at the Anson Road Stadium yesterday, the outcome being a
    618 words
  • 44 16 I i SR.C. team for Friday a* soccer vs. the V.M.C.A. en the Padang: C. Alphonso, J. Reutens, J Duclos, J. Loveday, W. F. Gomes, H. A. Savage, P. I d'Almeida, C. Dumbleton, G. Fernandez, H. R. de Souza, A. G. Armstrong.
    44 words
  • 214 16 Matches With Gordons And R.A.F. TWO friendly matches have been oiranged to be played at the Anson Read Stadium as follows; June 15: SAF A XI vs. Gordon Highlanders. June 26 S A F A XI vs Royal Air t'orce, This will be the first time that the
    214 words
  • 46 16 Reuter Wireless. Turnberry, Ayrshire. June 7. In the first round of the British Women's Golf Championship, the holder Pain Barton, beat Mrs. Galbraith of Troon, 9 and 7. The chief American challenger, Dorothy Traung, lost 2 and 1 to Miss Barry, Lancashire?— Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  46 words
  • 326 16 Play Starts On Friday Play wili commence this weekend In the Singapore LTA chiimrJonshn' tournament- A-*r a moments have been I tn;\cle for the 8 C C courts to he used during the week and the MC A courts on Friday? and Saturdays during •he period of
    326 words
  • 57 16 Tennis ties in the tournament at the Straits Chinese Recreation Club are as follows: TO-MORROW'S UK Singles Championship: Sim Seng Watt vs Low Hu Choc. Tan Joo Lim vs Chua Choon Sim. FRIDAY'S TIES Singles Championship: Vat Ah Hyan vs John Lim. Doubles Championsnip: Choon Leong and Chow
    57 words
  • 38 16 The annual athletic sports of Rangoon Road School will be held on the school i round on Friday. June 18, commencing at 3 p.m. Mrs. Lim Hon Hoe has kindly consented to distribute the prizes.
    38 words
  • 582 16 In Friendly Soccer Match TAKING full advantage of all the scoring chances which came their way, "A" Co. the t GoT *Z Highlanders defeated the Bata Shoe Company by 5—3 in a friendly soccer match on the Fraser and Neave ground yesterday. The Gordons victory was wellserved
    582 words
  • 400 16 POSITIONS to date in the S.A.F.A. League competitions are as follows First Division goals. P.W. L. D. F. A P R.A. CT) 8 5 1 2 19 5 1 1 RAF Hi 9 4 4 1 19 15 '< Chinese <3> 6 3 l 2 10 Midds
    400 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 12 16 fS\ GRANT'S W WHISKY wrtLiAM grant and sons, ltd, wstillhis. Scotland. UtM
      12 words
    • 123 16 Gunboat Jack Princess Leona appearing at Tea Night WF* Dances at the Happy Cabaret in Vaudeville Turn to-night j nightly. I B O X I M fflf* HAPPY WOIUJI VI A 111 in IM MU (;> H KIAT PRESENTS A BIGGER AND BETTER II CARD WITH SPEED AND PLENTY OF
      123 words

  • 388 17 YORKS FORGE AHEAD tall scoring Champions Beat Tourists u n. \ir>»llHfc run up a big score PuilMnouUt and took first ~.,i points in their County r iiMi»ship match against Sussex i»j>. |hi> result strengthening in i(••siiion f»f Yorkshire who took I'd ,i.lints in their match
    388 words
  • 163 17 P to date in the County cricunpionshlp tables after Fcihes are as follows: d a a as I o P. W L. W. L 15 S 3 4 7 5 0 0 2 0 105 81 77.14 0 4 1 0 150 98 65.33 2 0 2 2
    163 words
  • 498 17 Tournament Ties And Result FIVE teams competed with Sunnydale B.P. inter-team tournament for the Tan Joo Boon's Challenge Shield: "A" Team—Tan Liang Peng (capt,» Chan Joo Hee. K. G. Yeo and Tay Hian Poo. "B" Team -Simon Leong icapt.», Paul Lim. Lim Kirn Yang, and Phua Chiap Phang.
    498 words
  • 76 17 August B.P. soccer XI v. the Clerial Union to-day at the latter's ground at 5 p.m.: Chan Kong Mun, Ng Hong Ann, Lim Kok Yin. Ang Thiam Teen, Tan Lye Chuan, Leong Fook Loy, Lim Chin Hian, Chia Ec Soo. Ah Kum. Wee Eng Hong, Chan Cher
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  • 49 17 Paya Lebar Epworth League team vs. the Jovbells Badminton Party at the former's court, 8, Boundary Road, at 3 p.m., on Saturday next: Lim Hee Chin Lee Yang Chim, Lee Yang Kwang, Samuel Leong, Seah Kirn Kow, Lee Eng Kee, Seah Kirn Chye, Lim Chin Choon.
    49 words
  • 27 17 Reuter. In the Beckenham, Kent, championship, second round, E. J. David beat Choy (China) 6—4, 6—3, after Choy had received a w'okver from Avory.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 415 17 SECOND DAY Acceptors And Order Of Running THE following is the order of running i and acceptors for to-day's races at Kuala Lumpur. RACE ONE Ponies, Class 1. Div. 3, 6 furs.: Snuft-Box 9—2 Pymble J—! Devon King R Funny Bee B—l Shoot Up 7—12 Flying Column *—8
    415 words
  • 272 17 THE Singapore G.C. Ladies' June Medal competition was played at Bukit Timah on Monday and resulted in a win for Miss S. Lucas in "A" Division with a net score of 37, in a win for Mrs. E. F. o*Sulltvan In *'B" Division with
    272 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 163 17 "These are good who put you on to them?" That's three bails l fa*?* "dv Manner. j owt you. Meanuhilt MW fr eh? Been mean—have adu Maurier y ing to try them. l -on filtering the Mi S Virginia twice as good." exclusive filter tip, refining the smoke while JjT
      163 words
    • 111 17 IBIT GREAT EASTERN 1 1 a LIFE ll g2 FOURTEEN POINTS e| 2 z A series of 14 reasons why you > < should choose THE GREAT < 5 I EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE I v 2 CO., LTD., to look after your 3 2 Z < insurance needs. 5 <
      111 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous

  • 157 18 Statement Of Singapore Municipality rpHE Singapore Municipal health A statement for the week ended June 5 shows that there were 260 deaths, compared with 226 in the previous week, and with 290 in the corresponding week of last year. The chief cause of death were: Beri-beri
    157 words
  • 61 18 Reuter. Winnipeg, June 8. SIR Robert Clive, until recently British Ambassador in Japan, stated yesterday that the present fear of war was a guarantee of peace. He was speaking in Winnipeg on his way back to London. He declared no one wants war but everybody
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 29 18 Mr. Mah Kee Kiat, Manager of the Oversea-Chinese Banking Corpora* ion, Limited, Kelantan Branch accompanied by Mrs. Mah, is leaving for China on a holiday trip by the '"Scharnhorst.7
    29 words
  • 98 18 Official Guest Of Latvia President Reuter. London, June 8. LORD Plymouth is continuing his tour of the Baltic States. Yesterday he was received by the President of Latvia and later attended an official dinner in his honour. At the dinner the Foreign Minister of Latvia recalled the aid
    Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 103 18 Statement In The House Of Commons London. June 8. ASKED whether, should the Non-Inter- vention Committee cease to operate, the Foreign Secretary would make it clear that the Government would not permit invasion or conquest of Spain by any foreign power Lord Cranborne said he was glad
    103 words
  • 30 18 A commission as Major in the F. M.S.V.F. has been granted to Mr. G. R. Percy, M.C. Major Percy will be the reviewing officer at the Seremban King's Birthday parade.
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  • 13 18 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stanton of Banting are going home next week.
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  • 844 18 FRASER CO.'s SHARE MARKET REPORT SHARP BREAK IN RUBBER PRICES pRASER and Co.'s weekly report on the share market, dated June 8, states: Since our last report there has been a distinct relaxing in the tension, both political and financial, which clouded the horizon a few days ago, and one
    844 words
  • 43 18 London, June 8. Exchequer returns show that total ordinary revenue amounts to £106,328,915 compared with £97.244.203 at the corresponding date of last year. The total of ordinary expenditure is £162.914.506 compared with £158.325,176 Bt the corresponding date of 1936.—British Official Wireless.
    43 words
  • 26 18 The leave of absence granted to Mr. F. B. Thurston. Drainage and Irrigation Engineer. F.M.S., has been extended for two months with effect from Aug. I.
    26 words
  • 164 18 With the opening ol Lt Bangkok in 1894 Slum r. portant sph?rc of ihe li lions, Another LrxnCli opened tit Tongkab-Bku:. tn* of the Siumeae tin-»:m try In 1923 the Chart* collaboration with the >.. vlncial Bank Ltd %v.s the Royal Siamese or: the flotation of a
    164 words
  • 133 18 I The Chartered Hc-rfc t able service tL hv .v the Great vV.d by tr. menl from the r-i titles of r:iw tnatcii i tain the irrfg.t y industry 0. rhr B'- !P0 mt-n—a very uu-. served In the .ntnrti Crown. Thm.y-SiX or live* Aitt-r "hp
    133 words
  • 110 18 Mr Arthur a* sent Chftbrain course of an HE cf tlir pmpv, r tn ihp liiluro ol »ut the foUowlna t-ej tis "It would br rv* that th*s couji:.* r past, was built u. every nation In ?V ever ostimabU Knijur.- j In theory. a svr i
    110 words
  • 49 18 London Jun: One of the two 11,500 I built on the Clyde for t; was launched to-day I field of Glasgow. Mrs. v wife of the Secretary for named the new ship "Circj vessel is to be placed on I service of the Company.—l 6 cial Wireless.
    49 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 362 18 A Martyr to Indigestion 14 years of suffering ended in a day. That's the (wonderful story ot the writer ol the following letter •*As a manufacturing chemist, I congratulate you on the excellent formula of Digestif Rennie I have been a martyr to indigestion and dyspepsia for the last 14
      362 words
    • 131 18 Baby needs extra ill Allenburys W mTju Foods Vitamin D is absolutely necessary to babies, for without it they have weak bones and teeth or may develop rickets Vitamin D is frequently scarce even in mother s milk, but to make sure Allenburys Foods have a definite extra proportion of
      131 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 43 19 WELLS-GARDNER RADIOS ARRIVED. All Models From 5 to 13 Tubes and Battery Sets. SERVICEMEN NOTE!! Original Wells-Gardner Replacement Parts Available To All Service Shops and Servicemen At Usual Selling Prices. Sole Agents in Malaya: SUN RADIO SERVICE Co 124. Cecil Street. Thone 4454.
      43 words
    • 195 19 Portable Centrifugal Pumps. Self-priming, 28' suction lift. Weighs 93 lbs. 55" head. 2" size maximum output 8,000 gals. 3" size maximum output 15,000 gals Works on Diesel'oil or kerosaie. Homelite often get a job done before other pump could be put to work. 1 Full particulars irom sole agents. Spot
      195 words
    • 115 19 "Sound 95 advice MODEL 2G70 ALL-WAVE 11 VALVEC. SETS FROM $96. Tone-true volume with clarity rapid hook-up with the world's stations no trouble no disappointment perfect entertainment through perfect radio... Truly a Philco is advisable Easy Payments... Free Catalog** Free Home-Trial Th c In c o mparable The World's Largest
      115 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 1976 19 S 2 I i'| Wl* W& M fl BERLIN STATION Werner Rtchter-Reichhelm; Stage direr,.flamyan Listeiaers ISadio mmfa JZZ.mM H?~ r PROGRAMMES OF BRITISH EMPIRE <UL4. T 8.M.8.C. PROGRAMMES PROGRAMMES w-oay Cinvannr* flftatlm n« OOC «m 6.15 p m Call DJB. DJN. DJE «Mr- 2 RO, ROME Siugdinjic oidliun un lrOOpmg
      1,976 words

  • 91 20 KEEP UP TO DATE. Keep up-to-date— an air of distinction about clothes of the latest style- be up-to-date, too. in your choice of a laxative if you would enjoy that cheery sense of all-round efficiency which belongs to perfect health. Pinkettes, the tiny, pink, sugar-coaied pilules, are the choice of
    91 words
  • 67 20 Delegates Arrive In Canada Reuter. I Vancouver. June I Eight trade delegates from the Dutch East Indies arrived yesterday Vancouver led by the chairman cf Dutch Importer r Association in Batavla. Thj delegate.»; w:U negotiate with Japanese buslnesj mm. They seek to rc&ofust trade relations between
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 41 20 Reuter Wireless. Antioch, June 5. An Arab who was alleged to have been attacked by a Turk has been killed in a brawl. Troops :'ere called out to restore order. Crowds are forbidden to gather in the streets.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  41 words
  • 30 20 Reuter Wireless. Youngstown, Ohio, June 5. The Governor has summoned a conlerence constituting what is thought to be the first peace move in the American otee-1 Strike.—Reuier Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  30 words
  • 87 20 The next meeting of the Leaders Course of the Catholic Action of the Church of St. Joseph will be held at the Mercantile Institution, Queen Street, on Sunday at 5.45 p.m. These meetings are open to all interested and admission Is free. Lecture: Philosophy. The Constitutive Elements of
    87 words
  • 30 20 Mr. A. E. Kershaw, Warden of Mines, Seiangor. has been appointed 'o ac; as Senior Warden of Mines F.M.S in addit.on to his own duties with effect from May 6.
    30 words
  • 123 20 Clothing Worth $346 Missing Singapore. Tuesday. ALLEGED to have committed housebreaking and theft, two privates of the Middlesex Regiment, stationed at Oilman Barracks, appeared in the Criminal District Court, before Mr. H. A. F They we"r d e a originally charged before Mr W G Reeves, the
    123 words
  • 177 20 Garter Chapel .Stall Of Ex-King Reuter. London, June f J. A SPECIAL banner has been granted by the Kin* to the Duke ol Windsor, as a Knight of the Garter. The banner bears the Royal Anns, differenced with a label bearing the Royal Crown. Thus, it is shewn
    Reuter.  -  177 words
  • 53 20 (From our own Correspondent) Bangkok, June 8. CHOLERA cases in the week ending June 5 were: i n the Kingdom 70 cases and 49 deaths; in Bangkok city, 13 cases with only 5 deaths. The cholera season may be considered closed a s far as
    53 words
  • 119 20 £15 Millions Taxes Expected Reuter. New York. June 5. INTERNAL revenue authorities in Washington estimate maximum estate ti-xes amounting to $15,112,000 may be levied if all Mr. Rockefeller's estate Droves taxable The comparative smallness of the estate is attributed to Mr Rockefeller's philanthropic gifts and transfer of
    Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 72 20 Co-operation In Air Service Reuter. New York. June 9. The New York-Bermuda passenger air service will start on June 16. announce Pan-American Airways, who are co-operating with Imperial Airways The Imperial Airways flying boat Cavalier and the Pan-American flying beat Bermuda Clipper will make inaugural flights on Saturday.
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 44 20 American Scientists To Watch Phenomenon Reuter. Washington, June 8. A party of American scientists are observing the eclipse of the sun at 7.06 p.m. (G M T.i to-day on the Island ox Canton, North Samoa, with eleven tons of equipment.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 26 20 Reuter. Tokio. Juno 8. To-day the Emperor of Japan gave a luncheon party to members of the new Cabinet and outgoing ministers Reuten
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 634 20 tTo the Editor of the Mulaya Trtbum Sir.- The death in Karlkal. French India, on May 31 or Mr Moona Kadet Saltan has removed from the Muslin community of Singapore a «real personality who played a leading part not only In
    634 words
  • 73 20 Two-Way Trip At End Of June Reuter. London. June 8 THE first experimental flights across the Atlantic are to be made on June 24 It is announced ihat an Imperial Airways flying boat, either the Caledonia, or the Cambria, will leav e Point Harbour in the Irish
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 43 20 Reuter Wireless. Berlin. June 7. The exchange of views between Berlin and London is progressing satisfactorily, according to political quarters, and it Is thought that Germany may resume her "eat on the Non-intervention Committee by the end of the week.—Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless.  -  43 words
  • 33 20 Reuter Wireless. Berlin. June 7. Dr. Goebbels. in a SDeech at Frankfort, declared that the Nazis aimed at an increase in the German porulation to between 80.000.000 and 90.000.000.— Reuter Wireless
    Reuter Wireless.  -  33 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 781 20 NEW LIFE FOR HAIR "Dead" Hair Roots Rare. They Simply Become Too Weak to Grow New Hair THROUGH Hard or Scurfy Scalp SEE WHAT KOTALKO WILL DO. Thousands o? men and women hay« r» ~.•>; w n P Almost at once you will fee! new life f»L'. and hsir-growth-acttvity in
      781 words
    • 60 20 on iin; < owoissii it EtNST LEITZ WETZLAt It is the LEICA in connection with the famous LEITZ lenses, specially corrected and built for the Leica size, which turns out the outstanding pictures! Po never believe that there is another lens, which 1* "Also Suitable" SCHMIDT SHOTEN LTD., 90, Robinson
      60 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 408 20 Malayan List eners 9 Radio (Continued from page 19) N IROM STATION JZJ TOKYO TO-DAY 26.42 metres (11,800 kcs.). 620 a.m. Recorded music. TO-DAY 7.50 a.m. Close down. m English. 10.50 a.m. Openmg. Gymnast cs J2O p.m. News rf g tor women. Japanese Classical Romance Story t 11 50 VSi.
      408 words

  • 1575 21 LOOOTH FLIGHT ON EMPIRE ROUTES WITH the departure, on May 22, of an outward-bound Africa serfs-. >m Southampton, Imperial Airways readied yet another milem in air transport progress. This was the operation of their I,oooth service along the Empire air ites since the establishment of
    1,575 words
  • 225 21 Alleged Attack On French Actor Purls. EIGHT strikers who are charged with having taken tart 111 *avage a'tack on a French actor, Edouurd Forminyii. on the night of «Sept. 10 last at Soisaons, are now on trial before the eorlectional Court there M. Formisyn wys staying at
    225 words
  • 254 21 Decorations Offered To Museums London. pVERY detail of decoration and consu truction work used for the Coronation will be passed to posterity by the Office of Works, which was responsible for much of the preparations. The Office of Works is now tackling the huge task of
    254 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 75 21 Dr. G. F. HENNING'S EKZEMYL. Excellent for the treatment of Eczema, (Dry or Weeping) Psoriasis, Dhobi's Itch, Prickly heat. Pimples, Boils, Abscesses, Singapore Foot and all other skin diseases. Antiseptic, allays irritation, and opposes inflammation. Convenient nnd easy to apply. Only to spray the solution over the affected part from
      75 words
    • 296 21 Keep Your Skin Free a irom j TI Chafing or WM p!WL M any women think that discomfort I I V I from chafing and a hot prkkly skin is unavoidable. 1 o-day thousands are discovering the wonderful comfort to be obtained from usmg I u„. ura Talcum jfiMiMM ft
      296 words
    • 233 21 qS yj The Way S (S| to Ail-Over Loveliness! Mow If• so easy to keep your whole body as fresh and youth, ful as your face. Palmolive Soap, made with rich olive and palm oils, Is recommended by 20,000 beauty specialists. Palmolive gives you all-over loveliness. Read how: Morning and
      233 words

  • 729 22 EX-CONVICT'S SECRET OUT AFTER HAPPY MARRIAGE (From Our Own Correspondent) (By Air Mail) London, May 26. "MY husband's past, although I had no idea of it until now, will ho>t make any difference- I shaft" always have complete faith in hhn." With this remark a
    729 words
  • 1866 22 KIRBY RUBBER ESTATES Mr. H. R. Quartley's Visit THE seventeenth ordinary gt nr :i meeting of Lhe Kirby Rubber Esta e Ltd., was held at the reentered offices of the company. 17, Si He en'r.-place EC Mr C F Dupuis (chairman of the company" presided Mr
    1,866 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 97 22 HOLLYWOOD brings to you the IHE MOTION PICTURE STUDIOS gorgeous beauty of the screen stars. —will bring to you the same allure Far from Hollywood though you ma) and loveliness that you have so to the glamour and beauty of envied in personalities of the screen., the great stars can
      97 words
    • 759 22 Nidify Germs Cause 15 [Win [GAS J DizziNESSi Disease* Doctor Sc!ls hoy/ to kill germs jjiL' and remove the underlying cause 7 f -n of Getting U? Nijhts. IJrfc Acid. St^lL/^^ Nervousness. uf l y Ey alids. Los! Vigour. Dizziness. Frequent nP| *fl§t: W Headaches and Colds. /^to Look at
      759 words

  • 236 23 "Thousands Being Cured," Says Minister HOW the war against cancer ia succeeding was strikingly emphasised Sir Kingsley Wood, the Minister oi Health, presiding last night at the diner given by H.M. Government to the International Union Against Cancer He said: Although the cure of cancer had not
    236 words
  • 269 23 Support By Scottish Church Edinburgh. APPROVAL of an extension of grounds for divorce has been given by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland here. The findings of a committee which repcrted on Lord Alness's Divorce Bill were approved. These were to the effect that the Assembly
    269 words
  • 105 23 20-Ton Maeh ne For U.S. Army Seattle. Washington A g ant bomber, constructed secretly Tot tne U S Army, has jost been eomr t d here It wclgb.s 20 tons The huge machine contains Uvinf. •j.uMr-15 for its crew, a mess bnH. steep---it- quarters washroom and felrigrtratoy. was
    105 words
  • 70 23 Forbidden To Foreigners In Turkish Territory Anfc&ra. Thf transport by air of pa«senger* i3J! and freight from one point to »<lhrr on Turkish territory is tor- to foreigners by a new low be*he Great National Assembly, oovernmentfl B!!l. hcwevj» v the possibility of gran?-' to foreign concerens tot
    70 words
  • 436 23 UNEXPECTED Children Too Excited To Cheer 'From Our Ou.ii Correspondent) <By Air Mall» London. May 2U. QfEEN MAHV delighted and *irrpriscd two London streets yesterday, I ruin ouch she had received Jtn Luv.ution U> view (fccir Corona tion decorations. Each was visited during an afternoon drive
    436 words
  • 472 23 111 And Worryiag Over Money i (By Air Mail). 'From Our Own Correspondent) London, May 26 THE inquest was held on Alfred Stanley SJrkby, 26, ot Derwent Avenue, Edmonton, who was found shot dead on Wednesday in the haU adjoining St. John's Church, Stamford Hill, Tottenham,
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1 23 FJMEJEOB
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    • 224 23 HOUSE OF ROTHMAN I since 189 when Beerbohm V Cify3JLv' R y Trees affable friend Louis I s -Sfcvjr Rothman founded a .so-exclusive I flm tobacco rhop beneath London's I Carlton Hotel, the House of Rothman has been built upon an ideal—that of supplying exclusive I cigarettes to exclusive people.
      224 words