Malaya Tribune, 10 February 1936

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 38 1 The Malaya Tribune Malaya's National Newspaper: Guaranteed Largest Sales Vol. XXIII. -No. 33 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1936 FIVE CENTS The Malaya Tribune Singapore: Monday, Feb. 10, 1936. Malaya Tribune 17 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1936 FIVE CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 142 1 m Bottled in three £§51 It makes no difference at all fSEI sizes:—NlP. PINT MMM i_ WM and quart. p!!p whether you buy |q| guinness gp DOG s D STOUT SIME, DARBY CO., LTD.,'*^^^^' Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Seremban. Penang, Muar, Malacca, Ipoh, I^.MBig^ Kuching (Sarawak). MAAS-6 kuwT 1 POWDEBED MILK
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    • 102 1 New Shipment of Waterproof Dustproof Unbreakable Wyler Watches arrived On display at MALAYA WATCH CO. 433, North Bridge Road, Singapore. (near Middle Road). j WATCHES BUY AT MANUFACTURER'S mBIm J We are actual manufacturers' \JfW i and are thus enabled to offer you watches at I S prices which are
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  • 736 2 SHIPPING NEWS NOTICES. CLASSIFICATION OF THE QUEEN MARY Views Of United States Lines THE views of the United States Lines on the rating of ships by the Atlantic Conference, with special reference to the classification of the Queen Mary as a cabin ship, are expressed in a statement which has
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  • 131 2 First Of Southampton Class London, Jan. 24. U.M.S. Newcastle, the first of sight cruisIJ ers ordered for the Southampton Class, has been launched from the Naval yard of Messrs. Vickers Armstrong Limited at Walker-on-Tyne. The cruiser was christened by the Duchess of Northumberland. Because of national
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  • 207 2 Passenger Service By Freighters Tokyo, Jan. 23. I ONG-ESTABLISHED trans-P a c i fi c J 1 .shipping ccmpanies, operating large luxurious liners, shortly will consider measures to be taken against the increasingly popular passenger service of freighters, the "Hochi Shimbun" predicted to-day. The prediction was made by
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 438 2 v P& Wand BRITISH INDIA P. 0. S. N, CO.'s SAILINGS: OUTWARDS. Due. Tonnage. S'pcre. 1936. SOMALI 6,810 Feb. 12 CORFU 15,000 Feb. 14 RANCH] 17,000 Feb. 28 BANGALORE 6.000 Mar. 12 NALDERA 16,000 Mar. 13 CARTHAGE 15,000 Mar. 27 i'.UUTAN 6.100 Apr. 9 RAJPUT\NA 17 000 Apr. 10 BEHAi:
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    • 581 2 X. Y. K. LIME GENERAL PASSENGEft AGĔNTS, CUNARD WHITE STAR, LTD., (Incorporated in Japan). To LONDON, via Pcnang, Colombo, Aden, Port Said, Marseilles Gibraltar. f ms YASUKUNI MARU Feb. 19 ss. HAKONE MARU Mar. 5 s.s. SUWA MARU Mar. 19 s.s. "FUSHIMI MARU" Apr. 2 Rates to 1st class 2nd
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    • 475 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE. BANGKOK LINE. Luxurious One Class Motorships. Most Cabins have adjoining private bath. Excellent Cuisine. FOR MARSEILLES, LONDON, ROTTERDAM, HAMBURG AND COPENHAGEN. From From From From S'pore Malacca Port Penan* M.S. S'ham JUTLANDIA11-2 11-2 12-2 14-2 MEONIA 3-3 3-3 4-3 6-3 ALSIA 24-3 24-3 25-3 27-3 FIONIA
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    • 443 2 STEAMER SAILINGS NORDDEITTSCHER LLOYD y*- W (Incorporated in Germany). The undernoted are the Company's intended fixtures:— OUTWARDS. For MANILA, HONGKONG, SHANGHAI NORTH CHINA JAPAN. 1936. 5 "HAVEL" also calls Iloilo Feb. 25 "DONAU" omits Manila Mar. HOMEWARDS FOR HOLLAND, HAMBURG AND BREMEN: "ANSGIR" also calls Bilbao and Antwerp Feo. 17
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  • 122 3 RUBBER CONTINUES FIRM Good Support In London Singapore, Monday morning. Rubber (Singapore) 2514 cts., up 1 h ct. Market Tone: Steady, Quiet. Tin (Singapore) .$99"', unchanged. To-day's Prices:— London: 7 1 t cl., up 1 16d. Market Tone: Very Steady. New York: 15% cts., up ct. Market
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  • 1568 3 FINANCIAL NEWS VIEWS LATEST SINGAPORE SHARE QUOTATIONS lhe following share quotations are issued by PraMT and Co. and Lyall and Evatt:— MINING Singapore, Monday, 10 a.m. Issue. Fiaser Lyall Value Co. Evatt 4- Ampat 5 9 6 3 5 6 61£1 A. Kumbang 29 31 32 6 331 [6 £1
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  • 101 3 DAILY PRICES CURRENT Singapore, Saturday, noon. Buyers. Betters. No. I.X.R.S.S. In cases (F. 0.8. February) 25' 4 25 5 3 Good F.A.Q. in cases (F. 0.8. February) 25 316 25 1 No. I.X.R.S.S. (Spot-loose) (awardable Spore) 25 116 25 316 do. February 25
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  • 450 3 Cannot Now Compete At Economic Price IN a lecture given recently at the University of Leeds, Dr. W. J. S. Naunton dealt with the comparative values of .synthetic and natural rubber; and showed how, owing to great developments In the art and science of rubber growing, it wa.s
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  • 234 3 Government Bill For Reorganisation London. Feb. 8. IN the House of Com mans 011 M0111 day the (lovernment's bill to give effect to I he proposals for the reorganisation of the ngar Industry, announced last summer, will come ur for second reading. The Bill provides for the appointmerj
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  • 53 3 The following are rubber crop returns lor January: Ayer Kuning (F.M.S.) Rubber 74.500 lb Badek Rubber (Staffield Estate) 25.000 Eradwall (F.M.S.) Rubber 40 000 Chersonese (F.M.S.) Estates 68,000 Denniston Rubber 33,000 Highlands Lowlands Para 116,000 Kiabang Rubber i08,3u0 Kuan Rubber Plantations 64,100 Sungei Krian Rubber H7,000 Sungei Way
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  • 214 3 Branch in Singapore? PREMATURE REPORT REVIVED Singapore, Monday. THAT the Chinese fimr innMinl is displaying increasing interest in the welfare of the huge Chinese populatiuivin Malaya is again evident. As already reported in the Malaya Tribune strong rumours are atluat to the elicit that the Bank
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  • 261 3 Copra Provides The Mainstay Till- twenty-Sixth annual general meet1 ing of the Batu KaWMi Rubber and Coconut Plantations, Ltd., was held in London on on Jan. 22. Mr. E. B. Skinner (the chairman* said that it was with great pleasure that the directors recommended a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 247 3 THE UNITED CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. 'Incorporated "n the Straits Settlement*) 31-A ChuVa Street. (R nhsm Building) Singapore. Authorised Capital $4.000 000. U«~ed. Subscribed and Paid Up $1,000,000 Address:— Telephone Now.:— Tvohuabank 51R2. 5183. 5184. 5185 5186. Board of Directors:— *Vao Khene Chiane. Eeq.. Chairman. Bene Cheats. E»n.. Heputv Chairman Chionh
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    • 452 3 JHr > i S \l RGCJAftfIBD INSURANCE. Ba kmff as premium-: on insurance are protection lor your family is a certainty. But there is always the danger that protection may be lost, when an accident diverts funds from the insurance to meet expenses. The Asia Life offers a sure end
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 946 4 1 «5* Toblemne SCHIFFNER CO., LTD. J < TELEPHONE 7342. •J. M. HASSAN 36 37, BRAS BASAH ROAD, SINGAPORE. We undertake all sorts of work I in electrical, gas and water service lines. Wc give prompt attention to all I orders either big or small. Why not consult us about
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    • 595 4 Steel Buildings, Tanks, reinforced concrete pipes, Devon type smoke houses, water schemes, sanitary installations, rubber tyred bullock carts. All classes civil and mechanical engineering undertaken. Latest ideas in outdoor concrete tables. W. H. Pratt, Engineer and Contractor, Seremban. MOTOR VEHICLES FOR QUICK SALE. Morris Minor Saloon, in excellent running order.
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    • 710 4 PUBLIC NOTICES SINGAPORE TURF CLUB. NOTICE. SPRING RACE MEETING 1936. Saturday 7th, Wednesday 11th and Saturday 14th. ENTRIES CLOSE at 12 noon TUESDAY, 25TH FEBRUARY, 1036. SWEEPS:—A $5 UNLIMITED SPEEPSTAKE FOR MEMBERS ONLY will be held each Race day. Applications for tickets must be in writing and be received before
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    • 547 4 NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the trade mars, anu name uepicted above is the exclusive property of International Tobacco Company (Overseas) Limited a company incorporated in England and having its registered office situate at 338 346, Goswell Road London E.C. 1. and that the same is used by the
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    • 554 4 ORDINANCE NO. 44 (BANKRUPTCY). IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. Summary Case. In Bankruptcy. No. 694 of 1931. Re SOH KIM SENG oi No. 48, Keong Saik Road, Singapore, Shroff, Stamp Office, Singapore. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a First Dividend is intended to be
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  • 449 5 NEW HORROR Leaves No Trace Of Its Target (By Air Mail) London, Jan. 28. I)EATH RAYS that will blast out of existence all, that come in their path, leaving no trace of, the target at which they are aimed, have been brought within the
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  • 104 5 ESCAPED P RISONER RECAPTURED After Week In Johore Jungle Johore Bahru, Saturday. AFTER enjoying his freedom for over a week a prisoner from the Johore was recaptured at one o'clock this morning. It will be recalled that the man who «m,ir?p e ti° a workin S Party engaged oieak for
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  • 115 5 Definitions Of Categories Completed Reuter Wireless. London, Feb. 5. British delegation, energetically trying to circumvent the Naval Conference difficulties, consulted the Italians this afternoon to ascertain how far Italy supports the French demand to limit battleships to 27,500 tons. The imminence of the French elections inspires French firmness,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  115 words
  • 399 5 Worth £25,000,000 STEAM YACHT'S VOYAGE (By Air Mail) London, Jan. 28. MANNED by a crew of young men and girls, a little steam yacht will leave England in a few months' time bound for the Pacific on one of the strangest voyages in the history of
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  • 79 5 Poisoning Of Mother And Daughter Reuter Wireless. London, Feb. 7. THERI-: was a swift sensation at the 1 Nottingham Police Court when a second charge of murder was preferred against nurse Waddingham and Ronald Sullivan. It is alleged that the victim was the the eighty-seven-year-old Louisa,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  79 words
  • 30 5 Mr. Gene Benin has arranged a "Chap Goh Meh" dance, to be held at. the Negri Sembilan Dance Hall, Seremban. to-day »Sundayt from 6 to 8.15 p.m.
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  • 125 5 £35,000,000 Paid In Deposit Last Year London, Jan. 2M PEOPLE with Post Office Savings Bank accounts paid in .35,000,000 more last year. This is the largest increase in depo sits ever recorded in one year. The Post Office now has a record balance of £390,000,000 due to
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  • 212 5 Now Back At Work After Taking Kruschen To have rheumatism in the leg? is bail enough, bui this man, a tailor, had it in h:s hands too, and, therefore, could not earn his living. But he is fit now, and b:\ck at work. His
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 210 5 P o p liTa^^^Hs^^ ALL OVER THE WORLD Fresh English Fruits, gathered and u[\ t packed at the acme of their perfec- 7 don—serve them with CHIVER9' VSXSK/ T CUSTARD-they are delicious I 3 IkSSt Chlvers' Canned English 3\f Vegetables ase Inst as dependable-- J picked and packed in a
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    • 103 5 Everyday new groups of TOURISTS come to witness this IMPORTANT FACT French Indochina IS A TRULY TOPPING LAND for old monuments, fine hill stations, curious populations, exciting big game hunting EXCELLENT ROADS, GOOD HOTELS (FRENCH CUISINE) Apply to Official Tourist Bureau P.O. Box 186, Saigon. TOOK TYPEWRITER CO. 28-A, CHANGE
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  • 90 6 New Position Of Signal Mast On Mount iFaber The Master Attendant, S.S., in a notice to mariners states that the position of the signal mast on Mount Faber has been altered. The new position is close to the Time
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  • 139 6 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE Singapore, Feb. 10. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1) Rajula 22; Van Heutsz 20_ Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3> Calchas 13: Pres. van Buren 11, Shyogen Maru 6; Fushimi Maru. Kudat 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3) City of Hankow 32;
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  • 186 6 Increasing Shipments Of Rubber TRADE between Canada and Malaya. especially in rubber and pineapples, is reported to be on the increase. Increasing quantities of raw rubber are being shipped from Malaya. Shies londed with these commodities and general Malavan produce will short ly be calling at
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  • 93 6 During the week ending Feb. I, exports from Malayan ports amounted to 14,910 cases, of which: 11.233 (75 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom, 531 (4 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe, 1 085 (7 per cent.) cases to Canada, and 2.061 (14 per
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  • 187 6 SELLING Singapore, Feb. 7. London 4 months' sight JHto London 3 months' sight 2 4 33j London 60 days' sight JH London 30 days' sight London demand J 4 London T.T. R 'J Lyons and Prais demand Hamburg demand New York demand gg Batavia and Sourabaya demand Samarang
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  • 116 6 British Official Wireless. London, Feb. 7. Paris 65 1 64. 1 New York 4.02 1 16 Montreal 5.01 U. Brussels 29.44 1 2 Geneva 15.17. Amsterdam 7 30 4. Milan 62 1 8. Berlin 12 30*4. Stockholm 19 39 1 -> Copenhagen 22.39 1 2. Oslo 19.90U». Vienna
    British Official Wireless.  -  116 words
  • 193 6 Singapore, Feb. 7. r. (Stem) W. Coast No. 1 per Koyan $111 R. .Siam» W. Coast No. 2 per Koyan $107 R. (81am) W. Coast No. 3 per Koyan $10d Rice, B. Siam, No. 1 per Koyan $102 Rice, 2 Siam. N0.2 per Koyan $98 Siam, Rice, 1
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  • 83 6 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures TO-DAY, FEB. 10 High Tides:-0.38 a.m., 1220 p.m. TO-MORROW, FEB. 11 High Tides:—0.59 a.m.. 12.50 P.m. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 12 Hiffh Tides —1-20 a.m., 124 p.m. Rotary Tiffin, Adelphi Hotel. 1 P m Speaker: Professor G McOwan. Professor of Chemu-try
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  • 106 6 ALHAMBRA. —"Charlie Chan m Shanghai." *i»man CAPITOL.-"The Penect And air mail pictures of the iuneral of His Late Majesty King George V GREAT WORLD.—Caoaret Dancing. Side-shows, Malay Operas. Chinese Wayangs, Cinemas. Talkies, etc. HOLLYWOOD.-Tts A Bet and -Anna Karenina." D tnrp MARLBOROUGH: —Chinese tu *fNEW WORLD—Cabaret Dancing, Side-shows, Malay
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  • 85 6 Valuable Paintings For Australian Gallery Melbourne, victoria. A Rembrandt painting. The Philosopher, valued at £17.000. together With two miniatures worth £2 000 Lave reached here fr:m Lonaon m the steamer Port Adelaide. They are destined for the Melbourne National OJIG They probably represent the most valuable yet
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 356 6 MALAYAN PREMIER HOTEL J TO-NIGHT CABARET ATTRACTION C.ckta.l Dance 6.30 to 8.15 p.m. 1 W Dinner Dance SILVIA w-i 1,4 rfIMEDY TAP DANCING TEAM (Informal) 9.30 to Midnight comedy NON-DINERS $1.00 RAFFLES CELEBRATED WHEN IN PENANG STAY Dif ec,e d Co""™, AT THE E. AND O- HOTEL. <lll< I»'!^^^ t
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    • 92 6 SAVE YOUR LINEN by Marking It With CASH'S WOVEN NAMES Woven on fine Cambric Tape in fast colours. They are easily attached and will not harm the daintiest fabric. They protect clothing from loss or misuse, indentifv belongings at home or away. 12 d0z.*52.50, 6 doz. $1.90, 3 doz. $1.40.
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    • 48 6 The Healing Power Of Nature is possessed by PANCRESALETS The tried and approved Remedy for DIABETES (Diabetes Mellitus) Pancresalets is a highly valuable innocuous preparation. Rapid decrease in the secretion of sugar in the uririp and the blood. Sole Agents:— E. M. ABDULLA ft CO.. Capitol Building, Singapore.
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    • 61 6 CLAUDEMOR BALSAM (For Piles) The styptic, soothing balm for Haemorrhoids The use of this Balsam is absolutely beneficial. It also has soothing healing effect on all the distressing symptoms of Piles. None to equal "Clandemor" Balsam. It cures where others fail. Try It. Be convinced yourself. On sale at all
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    • 220 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Singapore Municipally TENDERS. TENDERS are now invited for the following materials or services. For particulars, see Municipal Tender Room. Date ol closing. Supply of 440 tons Common Seriah 160 tons Seriah Batu for the Sewerage Dept. Tender Deposit $50. required. 12 noon, Thursday, 13th Feb. 193f. Supply of
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 437 6 I Postal Intelligence j SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE TO-DAY Reneat and Tembilahan Rengat- ana giong Bee) Pontianak o 2 p.m. Java and Southern Sumatra by Air (Netherlands) 7 p.m. TO-MORROW Karimon (Tong Heng) 9 a.m. pZmSL <Aik Soon) o *m Smlkep «Hong Keat) 10 a.m. Tandjong Pinang (Hong Keat) 10 a.m
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  • 542 7 KING'S MERCY Asks Forgiveness Of Girl's Parents (By Air Mail) From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 27. HARTLEY Wintney, Hants, Satur(jaV —Written in the condemned c at Winchester Gaol before he v tS reprieved by King Edward VUI. [lis Majesty's first act of clema letter from Arthur
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  • 499 7 Variety Entertainment At The Y.M.C.A. Singapore, Saturday. Anniversary of the Chinese Christian Association of Singapore, was celebrated in a fitting manner to-night, when a variety entertainment was held at the Y.M.C.A. Hall, at which a large crowd of members and friends was present. During the evening a
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  • 318 7 Fixed For March CHINA BRITAIN TO CO-OPERATE Sin Chew Jit Poh. by China of all unfriendly acts and measures and effective collaboration with Japan. B.SADY TO ATTACK The Manchukuo troops under General Li Shiu Hsin have declared that they are ready to attack East Suiyuen on Feb.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  318 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 54 7 'ihem as Just Received Just Received I CREPE PAPER (in all colours) Price per fold 12 cts. each. Obtainable at:— PETER CHONG COMPANY Educational Booksellers. Printers, etc. Singapore, Malacca, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Penang and Branches. w^jS jjg Balances JI BL of various Obtainable at Boon Seng Co., Ltd., 36 38,
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    • 144 7 [toilet preparations I 1 AT SPECIALLY KEDICEI» PRICES j j fSlfe INTRIGUE COLD CREAM Large Jars 25 cts j ppl INTRIGUE SKIN FOOD Small Jars 25 cts j I INTRIGUE VANISHING CREAM Large 25 cts j i INTRIGUE WRINKLE CREAM Small 25 cis I MONOL GERMICIDE I INTRIGUE Manicure Accessories
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 530 8 PAVILION j SH0W HURRICANE OF HILARITY! A CYCLONE OF COMEDY! SPECIA1 PICTURES TOM LYNN A R v flvJEjl THE FUNERAL Vi THE GAYIEST AND GOOFIEST OF fP (late of Ipoh). ALL FUN-MAKERS! Paramount Record) Yesterday's Audiences simply rocked with Laughter Come and see CICELY COURTNEIDGE dance the RUMBA! It s
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  • 83 9 Letters To The Editor VOur readers are invited to write te u$ on subjects of public interest. It must be understood that the "Malaya Tribune" does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed bp correspondents. LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten (double spacing), and on one
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  • 248 9 Suggestion That "Nothing Ever Happens" (To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune; Sir—Your alarmist leader of to-day, prompted by the state of affairs in Europe and the world, emboldens mt to write to you. You ttrll appreciate mat I am gifted with oracular and prophetic powers as
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  • 188 9 \rv Chinese Queen\ Scholars I FJigihiP? 'To the Fd'tor of thr MaUni" Trihnnr SUf, i aw ojqceedtoMdy ttUtti to learn that my friend Dr. Lira Khg Hae has received an important letter addressed to the Viee-Chancellor of the Hongkong University by Mr, Onp: Wen Hao. Chief
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  • 20 9 Mr. A, C. Wilson, of flu* Public Wm.Ks Department, THnk Anson. jnul Mrs. Wilson arc shortly golnK home on h'ave.
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  • 111 9 (Germany Requests Full Inquiry Reuter Wireless. Berlin, Feb 7. THE German Minister at Berne has protested to the Swiss Government about the murder of Herr Gustiloff. the Nazi agent in Switzerland. 11 is understood that the Minister pointed out that the German Government had frequently drawn attention
    Reuter Wireless.  -  111 words
  • 85 9 London. Feb. 8. THF issue or the,, annual report on Poo Persons Procedure- by the Law Society marks the close of the first ten years in which the administration uf High Court Poor Persons Procedure has been carried out voluntarily by the Society, together with the Provincial
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 162 9 I mi; "M'1,1- (iWVNiV' STARS anna NEAGl HARDWICKE 'JgP i» a ,<»•.< off the feuding carerr of m*t*m* p,„ bum i "HBU of OLo IIBII'IIV' lir ,iMtl iln <l Dominion, I'roduelion KKAI> HOW LONDON'S ".o I feeJ that by this performance Ncag.e ,s eotMM to be yarded as the best
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    • 64 9 MIKA< TUM S I'll.I S < UU'.! Rftjfifal ur«* \V«thout Operation 1 ConttkU T\*r iSiUmkm PiIN spwinii«t«:!: r»|t-.i of cvrrj dcs million are radieal- PP> »y iurr<i by tin iB§'%s out Su r Opera- i" Hon. (.lurtrcatmcm Is pa and vre guaranty complete cure with'ii a wpek't ConiurTinn Hjnn»
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    • 338 9 f ARCHIE BLEYGR j I)IRE< TlN<; HIS OH N ORCHESTR A <>N Archie Bieyer is acknowledged as the best arranger of Modern Music S 1 in America. His arrangements are used all over Europe and America. 1 Now on REX RECORDS, you will hear Music arranged irom his pen ann
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  • 807 10 AN interesting summary of the world rubber stock position was given by Mr. Eric Miller, chairman of United (Sumatra) Rubber Plantations, Ltd., at the annua! meeting of that company held in London on Jan. 21. The total exported to consuming countries in 1935. was 820,000 Ions compared with
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  • 136 10 Reuter. Death Of Lieut-General Sir George Fowke Dinard, Feb. 9The death is announced of Sir George i owke.—Reuter. Lieut Gen. Sir George Fowke, K C.B.. K.C.M.G., C.B.. was born on Sept. 10 iK64. He joined the R. E. in 1884 and bad a .splendid military career, bcinu made
    Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 47 10 •Professor McOwan To Speak At Rotary Club Mr. G. McOwan. Professor of Chemistry at Raffles College, will be the speaker at the luncheon meeting of the Singapore Rotary Club at the Adelphi Hotel on Wednesday. His subject will be "The History of Synthetic Rubber."
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  • 80 10 Dr. R. van Geyzel, retired Senior Assistant Surgeon of the General Hospital, Seremban, who has been in private practice since 1919, leaves on a two months' holiday to Ceylon by the P. and O. Chitral which sails from Singapore on Feb. 14. He is accompanied by his youngest daughter, Miss
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  • 221 10 BENEFICIAL EFFECT OF NEW LEGISLATION THE beneficial effects of the proposed Monogamous Marriage 1 Ordinance which it is proposed to introduce >n the Strut* Settlements, particularly its effec ts on the Ch.nese community, are discussed by "L.C.L." in the following article. npilE outlook of the Chinese
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  • 139 10 'pHE simple fact of registration implies that the husband recognises only one wife and that the concubines, who cannot be registered, should be ignored in law. If the pretensions of the concubines and their children to share in an intestate estate are to be admissible in law,
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  • 221 10 JT cannot be denied that big sums of money are needlessly spent in litigation, the time of our courts is uselessly expended and a hazardous decision is the most that can be expected, particularly in cases where the evidence is both obscure and conflicting, as it generally is.
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  • 153 10 ITXDER the Judge-made law of Colony, the first wife or la wife of a Chinese intestate, and her children, share equally with his other wives and their children in the distribution of his estate. Even his mistress, kept outside the family house, would be treated on the
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  • 186 10 1 AM well aware that marriage registration involves the consideration of other things, almost equally weighty matters connected with it, such as equality in divorce and the like. This question of registration has awaited settlement so long that it may well be argued that a year more
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  • 245 10 By Looker On" GOSSIP-WRITER says that most girls who do great swimming feats do it for publicity. And they seek it through the usual Channel. A A A A Mr. Anthony Eden is depicted in ,1 French review as a cultured young man living in an
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 25 10 j You 4an SlooEt Through Ti<*k<*i*» FROM ANY Railway Station TO PENANG HILL MAXWELL'S HILL (Taiping) CAMERON HIGHLANDS THE GAP (Pahang) AND Fraser's Hill j
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  • 520 11 PORTS CEDED? Fighting Starts In Suiyuen Sin Chew Jit Poh. Peiping, Feb. 10. IT is reported that at least half of the Japanese demands have been verbally accepted by General Sung Che Yuen, the Governor of Hopei, as a condition for
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  520 words
  • 125 11 Reply To Message From Singapore Muslims Singapore, Monday. THE Muslims of Singapore, who forwarded a message of sympathy through the Colonial Secretary on the death of His late Majesty King George V, have received the following acknowledgment from the Acting Colonial Secretary: With reference to your letter
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  • 345 11 Daughter Of Former Chief Justice Singapore, Monday. TWO well-known former residents of 1 Singapore were on board the Fushimi Maru when the N.Y.K. liner came into port yesterday. They waved eagerly to the large number of friends who were on the wharfside to welcome them. They were
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  • 183 11 Yorkshireman And Italian Diplomat Montevideo, Uruguay. EVEN the gravest international political complications have their lighter moments —for instance the incident of the Englishman here who was trying to catch a bus... This Englishman was a determined man the hailed from Yorkshiio> and when he saw a bus
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  • 62 11 Amsterdam, Jan. 11. There are no parades now. tor ihe soldiers stationed at Groningen, North Holland. M None of the soldiers feels .it enough to drill. In fact every single man in the garrison has gone sick—with hifluema. The military hospital is absolutely full Many soldiers, unab.'e
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  • 33 11 Marlene Dietrich, co-star with Gary Cooper in "Desire" at Paramount, is the only star who invariably eats in the studio cafe. She frequently sits at the counter with the extras and back-lot workers.
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  • 242 11 AIR RAID City Bombed For Over An Hour Reuter Wireless. Dessie, Feb. 9. TN a further attempt to kill the Emperor of Abyssinia, seven Italian Caproni bombers appeared over Dessie this morning, swooped and, flying low, bombed the city and the surrounding hamlets with incendiaries and
    Reuter Wireless.  -  242 words
  • 124 11 Chines: Merchant S.N. Service In 1937 Singapore, Monday. \T is understood in Chinese circles here that the projected shipping service of ihe China Merchants' Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., between China and Malayan port;;, will be opened In 1937. The China Merchants are at present negotiating
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  • 265 11 From Hiding By Starvation Johore Bahru, Feb. 8. <From Our Own Correspondent* DRIVEN by hunger and thirst, the Chinese convict named Tsu Pat, who escaped from his guards while he was working in the company of several other prisoners at the Johore Bahru Rifle Range on the afternoon
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  • 147 11 MORE TROOPS All Strategic Pom s Occupied Reuter. Alexandria, Feb. 9. RESPITE the fact that the tension in Egypt, arising from the threat of an Italian invasion, is now practically nonexistent, British troops continue to arrive and all strategic points in and around Alexandria are now
    Reuter.  -  147 words
  • 72 11 Accident While Out Riding Reuter. Dublin, Feb. 9. ]y|R. Brian de Valera, the 20-year-old younger son of the President, was killed to-day while riding. He was galloping with his cousin in Phoenix Park, when his head struck the branch of a tree. Brian was unseated
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 150 11 Will Ha lie Re-Elected To-Day? British Wireless. London, Feb. 8. DOLLING takes place on Monday in the by-election in Ross and Cromarty, in which the Dominions Secretary, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, is standing as the National Government candidate. He is opposed by Mr. Randolph Churchill (Con.) as
    British Wireless.  -  150 words
  • 151 11 Hun Warrior And His Lover Budapest. THEY loved each other at least 1.200 years ago. They were rich. They were united in death. They were buried with their arms round each other. A rope of pearls, wound round his neck and then rcund hers, bound them together in
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  • 163 11 England To Cape KING'S CUP WINNER SUCCEEDS Reuter. JpLIGHT Lieutenant Rose, flying the Miles Falcon plane with which he won the race for the King's Cup, set up a new record yesterday for the Eng-land-Cape flight, beating the time set up by Mrs. Amy Mollison, the famous
    Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 77 11 MAY 1937 To Visit India In October Reuter. London, Feb. 9. lytAY 1937 is likely to be fixed for the Coronation, according to Buckingham Palace sources and an early announcement is now expected. The Imperial Conference will be held immediately before or after the Coronation
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 36 11 Paris, Feb. 7. The threatened rate war in Atlantic shipping has probably been averted by a decision which it is understood, has been practically reached to make slight increases in passenger rates on all Atlantic lines.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 77 11 Dallies progress wonderfully when nourished anil strengthened by the vital food values contained in "BEAR BRAND" Natural Swiss Milk Under tropical conditions its use is essential. Sole Agents for Malaya: JOSEPH TRAVERS SONS, LTD., SINGAPORE and PENANG PMOUTRIE'S I j HAVE THE NEW "11.M.V." ALL AUTOMATIC llltlHMl j 1936 RADIOGRAM
      77 words

  • 104 12 HEAVY LOSS Damage To British Film Studios Reuter. London, Feb. i). DISASTROUS tire this morning caused extensive damage to the studios of the British and Dominions Film Corporation, Ltd., at Elstree. The flames were noticed at 2 a.m. and they
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 151 12 Flight From Singapore To Pekan Singapore, Monday. THE death of Mr. M. Foster, Commissioner of Police. Pekan, who died in the early hours of yesterday morning, has cast a gloom over his brother officers and his friends. A gallant but futile attempt was made
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  • 263 12 Two Wdl-Known Families (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Feb. 9. rro well-known Malay families in Johore were united by the wedding which was solemnised on Thursday at the Residency. Segamat. of Inche Hassan bin Ahmad of the Audit Office, Johore Bahru. son of Inche Ahmad bin Esa
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  • 73 12 Verona. An extraordinary animal, which for some time past has been causing farmers heavy losses of poultry, has been shot here. Of a flame-red colour, the creature was about five feet long, shaped roughly like a pie,, with forefeet like a bear and bind feet like a duck.
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  • 139 12 Branches For Penang And Kuala Lumpur THE Malaya Tribune understands that the China Travel Service is planning to establish a branch in Kuala Lumpur and another in Penang. The Singapore branch was opened in October, 1934, and according to the manager, Mr. T. C. Wang, it has
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  • 160 12 Causes Motor Collision In Johore 'From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. Feb. 9 THE court must stop this sort of jayriding by cyclists on the streets of Johore." said Sheikh Abu Bakar (Second Magistrate, Johore Bahru) sentencing a Chinese to pay a fine of $20 on a charge
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  • 78 12 Santiago Bombed With Fiour-Bags Santiago. Chile. Bombardment from the air by 50 military aeroplanes has des royed many of the most important building* in Santiago, the capital of Chine. The machines made a mass attack at dusk Thev swooped ciown from the direction of the Andes Mountains
    78 words
  • 86 12 Moscow. A Roman pagan temple which was destroyed by earthquake in 1679 is now being reconstructed near Garni, in the Soviet Republic cf Armenia, by the Russian professor of architecture, N. G. Buniatyan. The temple was built in the 1st Century by order of the Armenian King
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  • 459 12 Arrival In Singapore BETTER RELATIONS WITH MALAYA Singapore, Monday. WITH the objects of improving trade relations between Malaya and Australia, two Australian trade officials arrived in Singapore on Saturday to confer with the British Trade Commissioner, the Singapore Chamber of Commerce and the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.
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  • 206 12 MANY DEATHS Trains And Cars Snowbound Reuter Wireless Chicago, Feb. 10. TWENTY people are dead in the Mid-Wi »t as a result of the most paralysing blizzard of this century. Hundreds of motorists are stranded in under-zero weather and railway traffic is at a standstill. Several
    Reuter Wireless  -  206 words
  • 97 12 Passengers Disembark By Launch THE Lloyd Triestino liner Conte Verde arrived 'at 4 a m to-day and lay in the roads until 10 a.m., when she sailed for Manila and China. Passengers for Singapore were disembarked by launch. Asked why the vessel did not berth alongside the
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  • 314 12 Lady Murison And Her Daughter A large crowd of friends greeted Lady Murison and her daughter Miss Diana Murison, who is coming to Singapore to be married, when they arrived yesterday afternoon on board the Fushimt Maru. k Miss Murison is to be married next Saturday at
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  • 261 12 Frank Morgan And Cicely Courtneidge AT THE CINEMAS MANY a picture has been helped by the work of that fino actor Frank Morgan, and it was a wise move to make him a star on his own account. He makes full use of his opportunities in "The Perfect
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  • 70 12 The Theatre Royal in North Bridge Road has been drawing crowded houses since last week when they put on "Sarangathar," a fine Tamil talkie. Miss T. M. Sarathamal, V. S. Sirinivasan and other well-known Indian stage and screen artistes are fealured in the
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  • 64 12 Moscow. Ancient frescoes dating back to the beginning of the llth-Century have been found in the Sophia cathedral in Kiev, the birthplace of Russian Christianity. The frescoes were concealed by a layer of oil paint. Amcng those revealed are portraits of the Kiev Princes Jaroslav and Vladimir,
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  • 174 12 NEW VIEWS All U.S. Ships Must Be Protected Reuter. Washington, I'cb. 9. CONGRESSIONAL leaders have abandoned the campaign for immediate enactment of permanent neutrality legislation in an attemnt to bring about an adjournment f Congress by May 1. The new strategy was announced by Senator Pittman, chairman
    Reuter.  -  174 words
  • 360 12 Views Of Japanese Minister A keen political struggle is now taking place in Spain between the Left and Right Parties, according to His Excellency Arata Aoki, the Japanese Minister for Spain, who passed through Singapore yesterday on his way back to Kobe. His Excellency, who has
    360 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 40 12 5» ommm .J. jTollana' Vermouth! 1 ITALIA X TYPE 1 s I I I $1.35 5& Another per bottle Tollcy j fr m aH QUALITY j j dealers. Product. Sole Agents for Malaya: 1 IHeALISTER «V CO., LTD. J «J.
      40 words
    • 17 12 Overseas Assurance CORPORATION, LIMITED, China Building, Chulia Street, THONE 5808. SINGAPORE Fire, Marine, Motor .ft WORKUKNH
      17 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 138 12 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS The programme of drills up to and tor week ending Feb. lb, 1936, is as follows: TO-DAY. .FEB. 10 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters. Cadre Classes. LA. and M.G. 5.15 p.m.—Hequarters. SR.A. <v», Gun Drill. Case 111. i 6.15 p.m.—Miniature Range, S.R.A. <v> Recruits, Empire Test. G p.m.—Headquarters. S.R.E. Company
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  • 275 13 BIG ORDERS Conlract With The Soviet Reuter Wireless. New York, Feb. 7. TEARING a possible oil embargo Italy has engaged 30 tankers, mostly Scandinavian, to transport oil from the Gulf of Mexico this mouth, according to the New York Times. It
    Reuter Wireless.  -  275 words
  • 33 13 A Singapore 111 aircraft of No. 205 (F. 8.) Squadron, taking off in the Johore Straits, Singapore—one «f the flying boats making the trip to Japan. MUAR ASSIZES School Master On Murder Charge
    33 words
  • 138 13 (From Our Oivn Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Feb. 9. THE list at the Muar Assizes which will open in the Supreme Court, Muar, 'efore Mr. Justice J. V. G. Mills on Feb. 16 is a fairly heavy one. There are two cases of alleged murder in cne of which a Malay
    138 words
  • 20 13 Inspector Samsudin from Krian has taken over from Raja Yahaya 0.C.P.D., Tronoh, who went on transfer to Kuala Lumpur yesterday..
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  • 31 13 Mr. J.L. Woods, who went home with Mrs. Woods some time in April last year, returned to Ipoh on Thursday. FRENCH SHIPYARD STRIKE OVER Proposed Salary Cuts To Be Abolished Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 50 13 St. Nazaire, Feb. 9. CONSEQUENT or? the new proposals by employers, involving ihe maintenance of salaries and the abolition of the proposed cuts, a meeting of 2,500 shipyard workers decided to terminate the strike and a vote is being taken at Havre. Brest and other strike centres in the afternoon.—Reuter.
    50 words
  • 27 13 Mr. R.E. Wilson, Secretary to Resident, Negri Sembilan, is confined to his bungalow with influenza, and Mr. R. L. German, D.0., Seremban, is acting in his stead.
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  • 636 13 The approaching departure from Ipoh to Kuala Lumpur of Mrs. L. A. Thomas, Girl Guides Commissioner foj; Malaya, will be generally regretted by Perak Girl Guides, amongst whom she has come to be well known. The other European Guide officer in Perak is Mrs. T. M. Kilpatrick, one of the
    636 words
  • 94 13 Reuter. Commissioner Of PoMce Killed Zanzibar, Feb. 9. THE Acting District Commissioner, Mr. Ian Rolleston, only son of Sir Humphrey Rolleston, was killed when a group of police officers were overwhelmed V by a mob of armed Arab rioters who were demonstrating against unpopular rules for grading copra.
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 63 13 The Draft Rules of the new Ipoh Public Library has been prepared and another public meeting will I ortly be called to adopt the rules. Meanwhile, all those desirous of joining should forward their names to Mr. A. V. Aston, convener of the Committee as it is not unlikely that
    63 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 142 13 •J. .g. j 1 NO MATTER WHERE YOU GO j J take your servant S j ICYB A L L j J with you, and she will keep your food and drinks cold all the time for 24 S hours, before she takes a rest. She will give you tee-cubes
      142 words
    • 107 13 "As sweet and fresh in Malaya as it is in the Arctic" ditions, ICEBERG BUTTER is protected at all times from Ĕ /g»?^ 'JjilmL deterioration or cortamin- BJ. 136 1 MOTOR UNION INSURANCE I I CO., LTD. I J (INC. IN ENGLAND) J j FIRE-MOTOR CAR CYCLE-MARINE- j j wnPKMFXT's
      107 words

  • 775 14 PRIZE GIVING Exciting Men's Doubles Final Singapore, Monday. rjUV weather coupled with faultless arnuijrenientfl enabled the Chinese New )Tear Open Invitation Tennis Tournament at the S.C.C. to be brought to a conclusion yesterday afternoon. The playing of the Men's Open Doubles
    775 words
  • 46 14 The Selangor Chinese Rugger Team, with the President, Mr. Loh Kong Imm, seated the f entre. G. M. Knocker, the Coach? on his right, L D. Mac Donald on his left, and Ho Seng Ann. the I earn. Secretary, on the extreme right of the picture.
    46 words
  • 216 14 I America Beaten At Hock-sy Reuter Wireless. Garmisch iBaravia», Feb. 9. THE Men's Combined Downhill race was won by Franz Pfnur < Germany > with 99.25 points. The Slalom part of the event was also won by Pfnur. his time for the two runs being 72 1 10
    Reuter Wireless.  -  216 words
  • 55 14 The SwC.S. billiards tournaments wn. be concluded this week. To-day 3L. Gillett (—2O) meets Marshall <— 50 in the semi-final oi the handicap event. The winner plays E. a Bowĕrman C— XO) to the final tomorrow. On Wednesday the championship fln*l of 500 up between H. Gray and
    55 words
  • 405 14 Mixed Foursomes WIN FOR DR. AND MRS. MONCUR r VHE S.G.C. monthly mixed foursomes competition was played at Bukit Timah yesterday and resulted in a win for Dr. and Mrs. J. Moncw with a net score of 34 1 j. Fifty-four cards' Ujet* taken out and the
    405 words
  • 50 14 New Time For 200 Yards Breast Stroke Reuter. Nf\\ Haven (Connecticut), Fob. 9. J (MINN Y Wiggins, of Providenceri, ret uo a world's record for the 200 yards breast-stroke in shimming of 2 minutes 24 110 sccunds beating Carte nnet's time of 2 minutes 25 2 10 seconds.—Renter.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 310 14 Held To A Draw ITALIAN FIGHTER'S GREAT DISPLAY Boston. rpoNY Shucco, clever Boston Italian, put on a blazing finish to gain a draw with hard-punching A1 McCoy, French-Canadian star who has campaigned frequently in' Montreal in a bruising 1.-round bout at Boston Garden. The deadlock enabled Shucco
    310 words
  • 72 14 Ireland To Meet Scotland On Feb 22 Reuter. The following are the teams in tne rugby international to be played at Murrayfield on Feb. 22 between Ireland and Scotland IRELAND Morris. Boyle. McMahon. Bailey, Malcolm*on. Hewitt, O'Connor. Alexander. C. Beamish. Deering. Graves. Russell. Siggins. Sayers and Walker. SCOTLAND
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 435 14 Prize Distribution SUCCESS OF DUTCH MEMBERS THE 1935 season at the Singapore Swimming Club was brought to a conclusion on Sunday morning with the distribution of prizes by Mb. W. C. Hill, the president. J. Mv Vaa Suylekom and J. H. Van Ketwich, two Dutch members, were
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  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 1052 15 TWO PRODIGIES Utile's Chance Of New Record (By Air Mail) London, Jan. 28. next and interesting periS alities, in addition to such lished players as Mrs. Glenna Vare, Lawson Little, Gene Macdonald Smith, and T. D. ir, are likely to
    1,052 words
  • 32 15 One of the hills used for jumping and downhill races in Switzerland, which gives an idea of how these races are now being run at tne i Winter Olympic Sports in Bavaria.
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  • 262 15 "Artists' Community" In Moscow Suburb 'By Air Mail.) London, Jan. 28. ONE of the most interesting building schemes is the group of eleven eight-storev apartment houses which, when completed, will constitute an artists' quarter of several thousand inhabitants. It will be known as the Artists' Community." The
    262 words
  • 282 15 NERO —A "MANIAC DEPRESSIVE" Might Have Made A Good Violinist (By Air Mail) London, Jan. 25. 1IERO was a maniac-depressive. That is the conclusion reached by Dr. Hubert J. Norman, a London mental specialist. Nero suffered from a mental disorder which consisted of three phases—mental depression, mental exaltation, and a
    282 words
  • 126 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. Feb. 7. The annual general meeting of the mS Stal Club was held recently when the following ensuing year were elected.Dr C A. Stanley; Hon. Genl. Secretary and Treasurer. Dr. Koshy Eapen; Asst. secretary and Cricket Secretary, Mr. K. lonn ah Football
    126 words
  • 693 15 IN 5 1/2 HOURS Feat At R.S.Y.C. Races rpo go from Tanjong Pagar to A Changi (Fairy Point) and return by sail in under 5 Vi hours is a record made by Merlin this week-end which will take some beating. Any type of craft may choose
    693 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 62 15 POULTRY BOOKLETS. L Poultry Disease— .35 2 Poultry Course No. 1& 2— 25 5. Nutritive Value of Poultry Feeds .it 4. Poultry Feeds— .15 5. A few Words to Poultry Raiser 10 t, Poultry Hints—.so To be had at-No. 8, Raffles Chambers Uohamed Dulfakir Company, High Street, G. h. Klat
      62 words
    • 234 15 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE is "GREAT" by reason of the fact that in a period of little more than a quarter of a century it has (1) built up a large business all over Asia; (2) acquired a thoroughly sound financial position; (3) introduced modern innovations that were previously absent
      234 words

  • 1256 16 FULL REPORT To Be A Limited Company? Singapore, Monday. A SUGGESTION that the Chinese Swimming Club should be converted into a limited liability company not for profit is to be considered by the in coming committee of the Club. At the twenty-sixth annual
    1,256 words
  • 144 16 Not Building Customs Wall Nanking, Feb. 9. THE revised tariff is likely to be announced on Mar. 1. The revised rates have been approved by all the Powers except Japan. The Chinese Foreign Office has instructed the Chinese Ministers abroad to notify the Powers that the object
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  • 92 16 At the 28th annual general meeting of the Singapore Shorthand Writers' Association, held last Monday, the following were elected office-bearers for 1936: Patrons, Mr. Cheang Peng Moh and Mr. M. R. Menon, F.1.P.5., F.1.5.A., A.C.R.A.; President, Mr. K. R. Naidu-Vice-President, Mr. Song Teck Hee; Hon. Secretary, Mr. Ec
    92 words
  • 657 16 Mr. Charles Curtis CRUSADER AGAINST VICE MR Charles Curtis, whose death is announced by Reuter, was the first man of Indian ancestry to occupy the Vice-Presidency of the United States. In his youth he wore the blanket of his Indian, forebears on the Kaw reservation in
    657 words
  • 136 16 Body Stuck To Ice In Lake MR TTiM ct Nanking, Feb. 9. Yuan of th, n r? er f the Contr °l *van of the Chinese Government was drowned in Yuenwu LakVyesteTdav The deceased, who was 50 yearTof a£T was unmarried and is survived by n* younger
    136 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 334 16 In these strenuous times of keen competition, it behoves one to get full value for what is being paid. Particularly is this so in the everyday necessity of beverage. We commend "GOLD LEAF" Tea to the general public with the utmost confidence that no better value can be secured anywhere
      334 words
    • 19 16 The Picture that is destined to break even "TARZAN" Records "MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY" M.-G.-M's. Two Million Dollar Triumph
      19 words
    • 559 16 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS ORDINANCE NO 44 (BANKRUPTCY) IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE: Summary Case. In Bankruptcy. No. 212 of 1,1? Re OON KAY CHAY of No. 61 Club Street, Singapore, Clerk. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that First and Final Dividend Is Intend* be declared in
      559 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 47 17 All these ar3 to be P&fif k To these add Speed, fjjfi| Comfort, Economy and Hp raanv other features. life -M* M I H k H A 4 HH juBHHHi Hi Hk Hk Hi .HHHHHHf UNIVERSAL CARS LTD., SJF*"K Itcfi cntml ii* WEAHNE BROS.. LTD.. PENANG MALACCA
      47 words
    • 38 17 WESTINGHOUSE icor 01 11r i\<-\ i' vht] impr'Yi'ment known to the industry to-day— ALL-METAL TUBES Shadowgraph toning. H'gh-fidelity tone control. Automat c volume contr 1. Concert-type dynamic volume WORLD-WIDE KADIO CO., lis*, North Bridge Itoa«i. Singapore, i I
      38 words
    • 314 17 RHEUMATISM? T vc tried everything How often is thi> remark from people who have suffered from rheumatism for a long time And "'ho are irrcMned to regard their case as hopeless! Yet many a man. and woman in this staee bordering: on despaii has found new health and vigour, ond
      314 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 1431 17 »1 fT% I Qwr (T _JJ A €h M| fm I (Comedian); Frederick Pain (Pianist', chestra, relayed from the Pump Room, if AO AU T Cm II If Greenwich Time Signal at 720 p.m. Leamington Spa. Andante and Rondo IECIt Elf 7.35 p.m. The BBC Empire Orchestra; Capriccioso iMendelssohn, arr.
      1,431 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 618 18 y j STILL CHEAPER AIR TRAVEL j I by j IMPERIAL AIRWAYS j S FOUR ENGINES AIRLINERS j SPECIAL $UEO RETURN '30-DAY' VALIDITY SINGAPORE —PENANG j j For .further information and bookings apply to I IMPERIAL AIRWAYS c o Mansfield Co., Ocean Building. J Tel. 5154. •j. ]wTWIm co., ltd.,!
      618 words
    • 222 18 «5» s J JUST ARRIVED j i r 'unfit' i J GALVANIZED SIDE-LIGHT S LAMPS i Dioptric Lenses 7" X 5" (Approved by Board of Trade> As Required by New Regulation S For TONGKANGS JUNKS. S HYE SENG CO.. i Ship-Chandlers, Sail-Makers, etc. i 35 36, Chulia Street: J S
      222 words
    • 45 18 Help Kidneys If Kidney Trouble or Blaooar W«*^ O nPM yo U nuffer from Gettln* Up Nights, Nervousness. £>lziln«*k* P.hnimatLsm. Stiff n»*», Burnlr* Ofc=inarUri(f. Ifrhlng or Acidity trr th« atvr discovery Cystex (>-ls*-tex>. nuKr»nto«« to mod jour tro'-bV?, in I (W» IUWUO/ At «il «dl«.«Ml*L».
      45 words
    • 21 18 CHARLES LAUGHTON CLARK GABLE with a cast of nearly 5,000 in "MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY" Opening at the CAPITOL, March 3rd
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 2128 18 I mrt faanar d P (Vincent d'Indy). We sing of doughty deeds. %lrf|*|Yji5t I k^Mi^rfi 9 1140 am. News in English. PjojJ. »J Rapsodie 9.35 p.m.-Something of all Sor»s lM.Ml nerS 12 l)Qon Reco ded music. foWJ; "iSSE' (PhJUppe A n entertaining musical miscellany. 12 50 p m. News in
      2,128 words

  • 524 19 Bad Mental Health Clamed w London, Jan. 23. T)AD mental .health "on the part of all C concerned" was Blamed for many of troubles which confront the world Lord Allen of Hurtwood, speaking at onference here on Mental Health. ie conference was arranged by the nal
    524 words
  • 40 19 London, Jan. 24. Dr. Lip Feng-shien, of Perak, a grauate of King Edward VII College, Sinhas taken his degrees in London a Member of the Royal College of >ns iM.R.C.S.) and Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians
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  • 262 19 Snow Breaks Telephone Wires ffup London, Jan. 22. THE highest village in the Highlands oi Scotland—Tomintoul—is nnw Wtely cut off from tto Gutto telPnlJnn? snowst has broken the connecting the village thi rn?S ach Wlthin 25 miles because m are sncw Mocked. Wales, too, is suffering from
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  • 73 19 London "Storm" Chinese Exhibition Reuter. London, Jan. 24. London continues to "storm" the Chinese Art Exhibition at Burlington House. By the of its seventh week, 192,000 people had visited it. The exhibition was closed for a day in mourning for the late King. The whole of the second
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 211 19 Birthplace As National Shrine Paris. THE birthplace of Joan of Arc, the little village of Domiremy, is now coming to be regarded as a French national shrine. During the war, statues to Saint Joan were placed in most French churches, and ever since Domremy has been a
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  • 130 19 Car-Piloting For Unemployed Graduates Prague. Unemployed university graduates in Prague have invented a new profession —"car-piloting." Foreigners driving up to petroi stations on the Prague boundary, are surprised to find themselves addressed through the window in their own language. An intelligent-looking young man offers his services as
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  • 413 19 South African Act Proves A Fiasco Cape Town. THE "Old School Tie" Act passed in South Africa recently to restrict the use of colours and uniforms to those who are entitled to them has so far pioved rather a fiasco. All "cads" caught wearing registered
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 28 19 y STYLE fP 9j QUALITY m AND eh VALUE I^l quality LAWN MOWERS, at attractive prices j BOON SENG CO., LTD., W 38. Robinson Road, Tel. 7268. I
      28 words
    • 215 19 Better the proved ear/ w.v. v— Ttmrr-nrrrnntyii-nnan-mlonnMaHnnii i uHMunw ij, uij f i .'.-> ••>.,.> j B j The illustration below gives some idea of the excellent Since the days of the first Austin it has been the policy of this front ventilation of the famous manufacturer to constantly improve
      215 words
    • 163 19 The All-British j IMPERIAL |lg|^B^I to-date machines on the mar- J& S ket. They are made to last, and j will 'urn out perfect letters Bjfl I j for many years. I l m^c Imperial "Good Companion." Sinrapore Also 25, Java Street, Kuala Lump ur. (Phone 3373.) THE CAMERA THAT
      163 words