Malaya Tribune, 14 September 1935

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 38 1 The Malaya Tribune Malaya's National Newspaper: Guaranteed Largest Sales VoL XXIL- No. 220 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1935 FIVE CENSSi The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Saturday, Sept. 14, 1935. Malaya Tribune 20 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 193'; FIVE CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 77 1 HeaJ The Dominant THE LAST WORD IN THE ART BREWING Ln g Soto in port era: The East Asiatic Company, limited., I I SINGAPORE bLLaLA LLMPUR PIWANG. I WMMMUMWĔaMWnnUWaUMtĔWaWtnWtMWatMWĔWtBtnnMWMmU^ 5! IE! I ONLY AT- w X up jl, s I CAN YOU SEE i THE BEST MADE IN BRITAIN J
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    • 152 1 THE "CONTAy CAMERA THE SCIENTIFir INSTRUMENT 00, W O, Bk M. SINGAPORE, B Crosse Blackwells Soups, Jams. Pickles. Sauces and Pastes and many other prepared food deiicacie? owe their perfection to the Jong of one of the oldest aid best known British Manufacturers. Only the very best ingredients are used
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  • 612 2 Shipping News Notices. NORWEGIAN SHIPPING IN CHINA Outlook No Brighter Than Last Year •HE outlook for Norwegian shipping 1 Ijnats v the Far East*** Trade is no brighter DM th.iv it was a year ago, de- dared Mr. N Aall. the Norwegian Consul- I Oneral at Shanghai, to S representative
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  • 362 2 Keen Competition Among Shipping Companies EXTREMELY keen competition among shipping companies has developed as a result of the action of the China Merchants' Steam Navigation Co. in placing its four new steamers; the Hai Yuan. Hai Heng, Hai Li and Hai Chung, in the service along the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 407 2 STEAMER SAILINGS and BRITISH INDIA p |o,fl N. Co's SAILINGS: OUTWARDS. Dae Tonnage. Singapore. 1935. rnrr-'U 15,000 In pore ™r£u »00 Oct 25 S.wrm "000 Nor. 8 "aEtHAGE 15.000 Dec. 6 RAJPUTANA 17.000 D£» CHITRAL IMJ j BIfRDWAN ".070 CATHAY > r >" ,m RAWALPINDI W.(MJ Jan. CORFU 15.000 Kb.
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    • 45 2 10.5.X. LINE I s.s. "AFRICA MARU" (10,000 G. Tons). LEAVES SINGAPORE OCT. 10th. direct tat COLOMBO lit M Deck. $120. $31.20 $17. The above vessel provides good accommodation especially for Deck passengers. For further particulars please I «ppiy to: OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA, j TEL. 6887—0.
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    • 465 2 lt)>fct«ii|i.fcililiill!!W»fTFTI(ilillllllll"l"i'l»»«"""""«"""""""" HEAP ENG WOH S.S. CO., LIMITED. (RED FUNNEL LINE) (Incorporated in Straits Settlement) REGULAR PASSENGER and Cargo Services from Singapore to Java, Borneo, Banka and Billiton. For BATAVIA. CHERIBON AND SEMARANG. (Every Tuesday and Friday) s.s. GIANG SENG Tues. Sept. 17 Bs. NAM YONG Fri. Sept. 20 For SOURABAYA
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    • 185 2 N.Y. KJ-INE GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS. NEW REDUCED FARES TO EUROPE VIA SUEZ, Minimum Rates. L ndan Next Sailings- m 5 si KASHIMA MARU Sept. 19 m!s. VASUKUNI MARU Oct. s.s. HAKONE MARU S1 s.s. SUWA MARU FUSmitITIAjWJ Nov 14 s.s. HAKOZAKI MARU To JaP»" via Homrkong. Shanghai. Next Sadmgs— s
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    • 514 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE. BANGKOK LINK. Luxurious One Class Motorshipa. Most Cabins have adjoining private bath. Excellent Cuisine. FOR GENOA, LONDON. ROTTERDAM. HAMBURG AND COPENHAGEN. From From From From Spore Malacca Port Penang M.S. Sham LALANDIA 17-9 17-9 18-9 20-9 JUTLANDIA 8-10 8-10 9-10 11-10 MEONIA 29-10 29-10 30-10 1-11
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    • 467 2 STEAMER SAILING*' Jf NORDDEUTSCHEI LLOi D. \y. (Incorporated a 7 a Germany). The tmdernoted are the Company's b> tended fixtures:— OUTWARDS. ma. t "TRIER" for Manila, Hongkong Shahghai .Japan Sep! 19 S 'HAVEL" for Manila, Hongkong, Shanghai, Japan North China <»« I "DONAU" for Manila, Hongkong, Shanghai, North China Japan
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 55 3 STRAITS TYPEWRITER AGENCY. (Established in 1914). Stationers and Repairers. 14-A Charnre Alley, Singapore. "CORONET" refunded. Ring us up for mechanics in case pour typewriter is out of order and needs immediate attention Monthly clean ng of typewriters m offices undertaken, and can be arranged on receipt of instructions. Phone Nos.
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    • 67 3 LINEN EMBROIDERIES, LADIES' FANCY j UNDERWEARS, ARTICLES AND j PEKING VARIETIES. j j UNIQUE CHANCE j Call at K. 11 Chan's new retail shop (Peking Co.) at 235, River j Valley Road. Quality and will convince you to have a trial. i j CYCLES EQUIPPED WITH < BOSCH ARE SAFE
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    • 74 3 TUNE iii the WORLD with a centurion 10 tube RADIO BETTER FOREIGN RECEPTION. Sole Agents, Malaya: SEOW KUAN COMPANY, DHOBY GHAUT, SINGAPORE. Agents: Harper, Gilfillan Co., Ltd., Singapore Penang, S.S. Small Injuries w which is easily applied and ——sT hich does not get out of place, even when applied to
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 1042 3 Radio For Malayan Listeners ""for ffS™ mom, h 0IW m£~.bbrun^show^e Programmes For The Miscellany Of Music Week-End Programmes For The And Nonsense Week-End (PCJ 19.71 metres) THE Empire wirelen programmes for satttotiav the week-end are as follows- uxda Y (D ja 31.38 Metres; DJQ 19.63 Mertes) TRANSMISSION o h NrJ
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 521 4 *M. HASSAN, 36 3T, BRAS BAS>£ *OAD, Ij SINGAPORE. |We undertake all sorts of work Ertn electrical, gas and water ser- vice lines. |L JL I rWe give prompt attention to all either big or small. ■Sby not consult us about your I lirequirements? 1 Estimate submitted upon je Koest
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    • 653 4 EDUCATIONAL fAU EASTĔiuN MUSIC SCHOOL l-A, Kirk Terrace (Off Dhoby Ghaut) Singapore, The only and oldest institution of its kind V Singapore with up-to-date eqmpS2t Had gained a aeries of successes m the Trinity College ExaminaW v, the past. No age restriction. Write for particulars. /INCIANO, Principal. PIANOFORTE STUDIO I
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    • 294 4 BY ORDER OF THE REGISTRAR OF VEHICLES. AUCTION SALE OF "FOR®" Motor Lorries No. S-591, 931. 337 643, 662, 747, 338 278, 1186, 1291, 1341, U75, 1977, 1706 and 5*7 "DURANT" Motor Car No. b-174d "BUICK" car No. S-4237. ''FIAT" car No S-6500 and also a lot of Tricycles. Private
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    • 214 4 A NEW SPIRIT IN THE 1 MEDICAL WORLD. tv f OT complicated and given A BP M,a n^,t 7 or g e rthat the physician's up cases. P°"V is to restore the highest and on y minion is >gg| sick to health to cure as i and highest Jdeal and
      214 words
    • 334 4 ITS REAL EFFICACY. fmiNO CORN CURE 30 eta. per bottle.. R Spedfic Corns Warts, Callositje. Ring-worm and "Singapore foot VICTORIA DISPENSARY. BURMESE SPECIALIST Professor Khoo 800 Lone 331, Tanjong Pagar, Singapore^ and any poisonous Snake Bite. GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO. 275. South Bridge Road. Singapore CHARGES CHEAPER THAN ANYWHERr I.
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    • 275 4 CLOCKS I AND 1 WATCHES I We have the finest on display at our I showroom for your inspection. I 1 429, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD (Near Middle, Road) 1 tir ..iiiiiMUMiimiDmmi'r'ii' n r'iiwnii. i n i i i i-r^ MESIGHT CONSERVATION. 2 Safeguard your eyes—they are your I greatest possession.
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  • 337 5 Messrs. Lewis And Peat's Review MESSRS. Lewis and Peat <S) Ltd., in their weekly report dated Sept. 13 st ite: Stagnant conditions have continued throughout the week and little trading has taken place. Colony stocks at the end of August sh re decreased by 4.966 tons indicating
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  • 110 5 Germany's Synthetic Rubber Experiments Renter. Berlin, Sept. 13. As regards the synthetic rubbc statement, which announced the establishment of a svnthetic rubber plant, the Ministry of Economics states that experiments in artificial rubber havr been carried out for some months and the outcome justifies the hope cf
    Renter.  -  110 words
  • 1477 5 Financial News Views LATEST SINGAPORE SHARE QUOTATIONS Tne following share quotations are issued by Fraser and Co., and Lyall and Evatt:— MINING Singapore, Friday, 10 a.m... issue Fraser yaJJ Co. Ac EW* 4j- Ampat 4J- 4j6 4j- 4|6 £1 A. Kumbang 32 6 33 6cd 32 6 33;6xd £1 A.
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  • 81 5 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. Singapore, Friday noon. Buyers. Sellers. No. I.X.R S.S. in cases (F. 0.8. September) 18% 18% Good F.A.Q. in cases (F.OB. September) 18% No. I.X.R.SS. (Spot-loose) (available Singapore) 18 Ms 18% do. September 18% 1894 do. Oct.] Dec. 19 19K do.
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  • 406 5 Discussions Behind The Scenes (By Air Mail.) (From Our Own Correspondent} London, Sept. 6. DISCLSSIONS have been proceed ng behind be scents id regard to the cont nuatjon cf tin restriction, which, according to the Article ol* Agreement, mus. be brought a conclusion before the end.
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  • 186 5 Low Retail Profits And High Efficiency BUSINESS methods ol retailers were de fended recently by Mr. Frank Chatham, of Harrods, at the Summei School of the Drapers' Chamber of Trade, at Oxford. "It is often stated." he remarked, "that only a small part of the economies effected by
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  • 206 5 Accounts Disclose Profit Of $148,131 The ninth ordinary meeting of the shareholders of Katu Tin Dredging, Ltd., will be held at the registered office of the company. Mercantile Bank Buildings, Kuala Lumpur, on Thursday, Sept. 20, at 12 noon. The following are extracts from the j directors' report
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  • 508 5 Market Watches Control Committee (By Air Mail) (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Sept. 6. NERVOUSNESS over the heavy specula- tivo position in October-December rubber; the heavy Malayan .sriprments last month and an unexpected heavy increase in United Kingdom stocks are joint'y blamed for the discouraging fall of
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  • 62 5 Italy is negotiating at the Piraeus to buy or hire lighters and water carriers. She is also recruiting labour and offering wages of £5, together with upkeep, states a Reuter message from Athens. Meanwhile, the men of the shiprerairing yards there are on strike, demanding higher
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 207 5 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK. LIMITED, METER CHAMBERS, RAFFLES PLACE Capital Fully Paid Yen 100,000.000. Reserve Fund Yen 127,4")0,000. HEAD OFFICE: YOKOHAMA. BRANCHES at Alexandria, Batavia, Berlin. Dairen. Fengtien, Hamburg. Hankow, Harbin, Honolulu, Hongkong, Hsinking. Karachi. Kobe, London, Los Angeles, Manila, Moji, Nagasaki, Nagoya, New York, Osaka. Paris, Peiping, Rangoon, Rio
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    • 378 5 mm Aft 9 sssspbssjeSjb isis km. IF EVERY WIFE KNEW WHAT EVERY WIDOW KNOWS EVERY HUSBAND WOULD BE ADEQUATELY INSURED. We offer you something unusual in insurance The International has devised an exclusive insurance feature. The Disability Compensation Clause. Under this Clause we not only pay certain benefits in case
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  • 75 6 npnmark Maru, Japanese, 4,266 tons, froni^SohTma' 13.9, to Mombasa 14 Lalandia, Danish 3 095 tons from Ranekok 12.9, to Malacca 16.9. GG Merlin. French, 993 tons, from Saieon 12.9, to Saigon 16.9. Hero, Norwegian. 823 tons, from Bangkok 12 .9,
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  • 63 6 A wireless message has been received at the Master Attendant's Office from the Commander-in-Chief, China Station, to the effect that a capsized junk dangerous to navigation was reported to have been sighted in position Latitude 32 deg. 33. Longitude 122 deg. T East. Later the junk wreckage was
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  • 166 6 Singapore. Saturday. Tlie following passengers arrived in Singapore from Europe by the P. and O. Chitral yesterday:— Mr J Chisholm. Mr. J. Goode, Mr J Horsfield, Mr. L. Hygate. Ms. J. Mac'achlan. Mr. and Mirs. W. Martin, Mr md Mrs. A Skene. Mr. and Mrs. A Williamson, Miss M.
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  • 192 6 Who would expect a well-known doctor to be a victim cf persistent stomach trouble? His own medicine did him no good! Then at la*t he found the way to conquer obst'nate stomach disorder. Here are his ov.n words: -I find that 'Bisurated' Magnesia taken after
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  • 122 6 Mails expected from Australia. Ntther- I lands Indies etc. by Air <Qantas> time of delivery of boxholdeis' letters only 3.30 p.m. to-day, and general delivery of letters 4 05 p.m. to-day. Mails expected from Netherlands Indies, by Air (Netherlands! time of delivery of boxholders' letters only 330 pm
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  • 285 6 SELLING Singapore, Sept. 12. London 4 months' s j g *Jt 2 4 1 32 London,3 jnonths sigh. London 60 days sight 31 32 London 30 days' sight London demana 16 London T/C. Lyons and Paris demana Hamburg demand New York demand Batavia and Sourabaya demand V 2
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  • 119 6 WHAT'S ON? Public Functions And Sports Fixtures TO-DAY, SEPT 14 High Tides: —11.50 a.m., 12.05 p.m. Racing: Singapore Professional Meeting, fifth day (Gold Cup). Boving: Gunboat Jack v. Young Fr:sco (for Orient Middleweight Title), Olympic Stadium. Hockey: Colts v. O.R.A., R.I. ground. Golf: Garrison Club, Men's
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  • 75 6 ALHAMBRA.-"Baboona." CAPITOL. —"The Love Affau c. v.Dictator." S E WOR~a£?et Dane*, Malay Operas, Chinese Wayangs. Cinemas. Tabues. «c HOLLYWOOD.-'Son of Kong and —"The Old-fashion-edNEw' WORLD.-Cabaret Danclni Side-shows, Malay Operas, Chines* wavangs, Cinemas, Talkies, etc. PAVILION.-"The Richest Girl Sl tie. W RTTZ.--"The World Changes' and Diplomaniacs." ROXY "Clivc Of India.
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  • 65 6 LYALL EVATT'S DAILY REPORT Singapore, Saturday. All sections quiet. MINING: Ayer Hitam HK Idrts Hydraulic 53 6-. c.d. Raub AuM. Gold $5.90 $6.05, c.d. Renong Co n 19 6 20 6 x.d. INDUSTRIALS: M. Breweries $230 $2 40 x.d McAlister $85.00 $86 00. x.d. rhomycrofts $2.00 $2.15, Union Ins. $320.00
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 97 6 FIGARO j Ladies Hairdressers. PERMANENT WAVING By European Experts. $8. $10 and $15 only. RAFFLES HOTEL, (Room 120) ft at 93, Bras Basah Road. TELEPHONE 2868. I I mmm* I (NEW WORLD, JALAN BESAR). I m MATINEES TO-DAY TO-MORROW I 1 FRANK BUCK'S Great Malayan Jungle Epic I "BRING 'EM
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    • 4 6 j MattCreme& Cold Cream
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    • 216 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF Valuable jewelleries vcmprising brlliun; and dia. pendants, neck-laces, rings, bangle*, brooches chain orooches, earriajr? ou., To be held at 7 he «alcroom ot Messrs. Cheong Koon Sent: Co.. Ud., No. M Chulia Street, On Tuesday, 24th September, 1935, at 10.30 a.m. (Now on view). (Catalogues
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    • 41 6 Coloured Glass Tulips I I *tTs i Open Closed. Assorted Colour J Bent Straight styles. complete I with leaves. liOiig Short stems J 13" 17" respectively. BYE SENG CO., j Ship-Chandlers, Sail-Makers, etc. j 3."> &36 Chulia St: 'Phone No. IHI7.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 133 6 SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE TO-DAY (Togian) 11 a.m. pontianak (VUentnm 11 a.m. and Assam OOtfhM Great Britain. H2**d*ffi and South Axn^^^> l4B p m and Kretay Hing) 2 p.m. gSS»«n«*-S and 3 p m (Toba) 3 p.m. Kal Pinane g«9*> 3 p.m. b£;«'' B ?K n aV g n,o p.m. Ml
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  • 188 7 Storm Destroys Telegraph Poles Sin Chew Jit Poh. I Hongkong, Sept. 13. THE commander of the Reds on the j borders of Szechuen has surrendered, together with eleven other chieftains, to the Government forces. The mutineers in the army commanded by General Hsu Yuen Chuen have
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  188 words
  • 77 7 Car Collides With Prison Van Karachi, Aug. 20. Two British Army Service Corps men were slightly injured in a motor car accident and admitted to hospital todait is stated the accident occurred near the Collector's bungalow where the car belonging to the Injured was involved in a collision
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  • 88 7 Sin Chew Jit Poh. Shanghai, Sept. 13. The Japanese War Office is dissatisfied v.'ith the North China Economic Society i n the ground that most of the members belong to Mr. T. V. Soong's clique and depend mainly on the Chekiang financiers for support. The Japanese economic
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  88 words
  • 120 7 Death Of Former Chief Of Destroyer Flotillas London, Sept. 13. The death is announced of viceAdmiral Sir Colin MacLean.—Reuter. Vice-Admiral Colin Kenneth Maclean, oldest surviving son of the late Maj.Gen. Charles Smith Maclean saw service in the Great War at Zeebruge, and with the Destroyer Flotilla of the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 150 7 mrt i i i i i i i t '•iiiiiiinnti.» .i.m l «jniniiim!»tajuij a lir On Sept 16 The MALAYA TRIBUNE Will Publish A Special Illustrated Supplement In Commemoration Of The 40th Anniversary Of The Accession To The Throne of H. H The Sultan Of Johore And His Highness's 620
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    • 70 7 Nothing adds more interest and attractior. to the home than a small aquarium. We shall be pleased to show you how simple it is to rear attractive miniatur? fish from Japan and America. Our new stocks of fish range from 20 cts. upwards. Aquariums of all designs and dimensions vary
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    • 114 7 SHAMPOOING JP^ WITH MULSIFIED mmm soap PRESERVES THE OF CHILDREN'S HAIR Young hair and tender scalps cannot stand the harsh effect of alkali, so common in ordinary soaps and cheap shampoos. That is why every mother should use Mulsiiied Cocoanut Oil Shampoo. It is absolutely pure. It does not dry
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    • 313 7 made fn'a/ 0/ Kahuna i I a cuse of .Neuroses. have been surprisIrrifabifify Very often that irritable feeling is due to nothing else but a lack of certain minerals in the body. Start taking Kalzana, the mineral food, for a time. In the majority of instances this results in a
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 310 7 RADIO FOR MALAYAN LISTENERS (Continued from page 5) 2RO, ROME Z.G.E. KUALA LUMPUR j (Wavelength 48.92 MXtres) Broadcasting On 31.13 And ta n~ ja I The broadcast for to-morrow (Sunday) ZD.4O Metres j from Statton ZGE, Kuala Lumpur, on 48.92 Metres, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.. i.s Every Monday,
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    • 228 7 CLUB DIARY [There are numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." JChis Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 338 8 j Positively LAST NIGHT of this Notable BRITISH Production (CAPITOL j 3.15-6.15-9.15 j Lft— in Gm— most Spectacular Achievement A TteOtag story of ho»r «.unknown doctor became the power II behind the Throne of Denmark only to meet his fate at the hands of the Executioner j I j LAST
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    • 329 8 IEARLY1 EARLY YOUR FRIENDS FIKST hopkins Girl in the World B^^ l With JOEL McCREA, FAY WHAT, REGINALD DENNY. A grand comedy-drama packed v.ith IT HfcATHE HOYALj .it km The Greatest love story ever written! RKO's Ep c Romance of all time— me urea Of PARADISE TO MORROW-Master Man-hunter of
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  • 235 9 Girl Done To Death In Her Sleep AVisawella, (Ceylon), Sept. 4. A MURDER at Rangeama. near Woodend Estate, Dehiowlta, was reported. M*'. S. S. J. Goonasekera, Police Magistrate of Avisawella, (Ceylon), accompanied by Mudaliyar Fernando, visited the spol yesterday, and held an inquiry. R. A. All
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  • 45 9 Colombo. The death occurred suddenly of Mr. H. F. B. Carter, of "Grassenbere676, Colpetty South, Colombo. Mr Carter, who was Assistant Secretary of the B.S.S.I., was well-known on local soccer fields, turning out regularly for the Sports Club in their League engagements.
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  • 31 9 The death occurred at Srinagar, Kashmir, of Mrs. Hardy, the wife of Dr. Hardy, the Private Secretary to Hi.? Highness the Maharaja Holkar. Mrs. Hardy succumbed to cholera.
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  • 158 9 "Because Father Beat HinT Gampaha (Ceylon), Sept. 6. A FIVE-YEAR-OLD boy. told the Gampaha Court (Ceylon) to-day that bi» mother gave him over to a passer-by, i he had been continually illtreated by his father. P. Rana, of Pohonnoruwa, was charged with havin? ill-treated his son.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 412 9 «■pm THEME SONGS FROM FILMS:— j GOld Di^ gerS 1935 «»re obtarnhh on REX RECORDS at U;> yoUr ReCor<is during- September, wo V il! Kive away FREE 0F CHARGE one J liMl box of REX needles for each REX record TMA MUSIC HOUSE, <;i/6:i HIGH STRKET store. Brashes: 167 Selegio
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    • 305 9 K^nini:wuiuiiiiMiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiittituitituiuiu^ j NEW WORLD: j I FREE* FREE!! I I MID-AUTUMN MOON CAKE FESTIVAL I 1 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY. I j SEPTEMBER 12TH., 13TH 14TH. J I DON'T MISS THIS ASTOUNDING I I PROGRAMME. PAY ONLY GATE ADMISSION SEE j 1 1. Gorgeous Lantern Procession Depicting Chinese Mythology I (Animals—Fishes,
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  • 762 10 rjHE reactions to the British Foreign Minister's speech at the League Assembly are as interesting as they are varied, but they do not inspire us with confidence in the League's ability to prevent Italy and Abyssinia going to war. France and several of the smaller powers have
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  • 12 10 A NEW BUILDING Art Gallery In Nanking City Sin chung Jit Poh.
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  • 289 10 Nanking, Sept. 13. The Central Government has approved the proposal submitted by Dr. H. H. Kung, the Finance Minister, for tne expansion of the premises housing the National Theatre, the Musical Institute and the Art Gallery. The new building, which will cost $200,000, wlil be used for the holdine of
    Sin chung Jit Poh.  -  289 words
  • 6 10 Notes and Comments A Tin Anomaly
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  • 218 10 TURING his, In a double sense, T.ying visit to this country, Mr. V. A. Lowinger. the Malayan representative on the International Tin Committee, told the Malayan mining industry much that was informative and interesting regarding the quota scheme and its operation. Incidentally, he was instrumental m dissolving a little, though
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  • 220 10 The Begging Nuisance jHOUGH it may not generally be recognised, mendicancy is one of the most lucrative of professions, particularly in the Orient, where the professional beggar is recognised as part and parcel of the community. An instance of how the "stars" in the profession faie was forcibly brought home
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  • 171 10 U.S.A. And The League |N all discussions of the League 01 Nations it is well to remember that one of the prime movers in this excellent plan to ensure peace was President Woodrow Wilson, who took so prominent a part In the Versailles Conference. Naturally it was regarded as certain
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  • 199 10 •THERE has been a good deal of loose talk about the possible closing of the Suez Canal in the event of war but a consideration of the matter from the aspects of history and of international law indicates that it would be difficult for anyone to close it. The actual
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  • 19 10 By "Looker-On" WOMAN writer marries publisher.' That is one way of making sure that what she writes is printed.
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  • 379 10 The Non-Stop Revue Company, recently in Singapore, has been a great success in all the places visited. A show like that stands on its own legs. A former taipan" of Hongkong left an estate valued at a million and a half dollars. In other cases the estate is leaving the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 63 10 Obtainable fmn all Qood Dealers i Sole Agents: f SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR BOORDS j THE WORIGINAL BASIS OF ALL GOOD COCKTAILS j| j W 1 We ORiGINaI SOLE AGENT/ JCtiN LITTLE *w CC. LTD. Singapore and kuala lumpur BOM PH Bf*l NEW Brt COLUMBIA H TABLE GRAM) H R GRAMOPHONES
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    • 66 10 I i i liilnlillllllltJllltllllMl'lll'llllllllllllltllHlllI 1 I I t I J f Angela di Martinis j I ENGLISH SCHOOL OF DANCING 1 The only School in Singapore I i teaching the latest LONDON CRAZES "CHARLESTON BLUES'* s "CARIOCA" "BLUES WALTZ" Children's Class $5 per month. 1 Every type of Dancing taught.
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  • 1117 11 Supports The Covenant CANNOT LET IT DIE Reuter. (Geneva, Sept. 13. the Assembly was packed and excited to hear M. Laval w ho previously chatted animatedly with Sir Samuel Hoare. There was great applause as M. Laval mounted the
    Reuter.  -  1,117 words
  • 513 11 Abyssinia R;ady IMMEDIATE FIGHT URGED Reuter. Aadis Ababa, Sept. 13. fever and military pre- parations are spreading throughout the country. In Ogaden tens of thousands of Somalis are rallying to the Ethiopian colours. Armed with ancient rifles and swords they are gathering round Daghpur. One of
    Reuter.  -  513 words
  • 134 11 Its Working Criticised SIR FRANCIS VOULES' VIEW Reuter. London, Sept. 13. DISAPPOINTMENT with the Rubber Restriction Scheme was expressed by Sir Francis Voules at yesterday 's meeting "of Kuala Muda Rubber Estates, when he emphasised regret that the working of the scheme had not operated ouicklv as
    Reuter.  -  134 words
  • 343 11 Rumoured Closing Of River Port (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Friday. DUSINESS men in Taip ng, especially the r.?e merchants, are alarmed at .he rumour that Government has decided to close down the river pert oi Telok Kertang for the landing cf g>ods by all vessels
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  • 130 11 Reuter. New **ork Sept. 13. All the eleven ships which were held up by a strike of wireless operators have now sailed, having engaged blackleg operators to enable them to leave.— Reuter. An earlier message stated that the wireless operators of eleven ships including the American Scantic
    Reuter.  -  130 words
  • 66 11 British Official Wireless. London, Sept. 13. Milk nrices and conditions of sale for the nexf twelve months were announced to-Hav by the Milk Marketing Board. The new contract nrovides for a increase of a shade under are halfnenny ncr prallon to be paid by the distributor to the
    British Official Wireless.  -  66 words
  • 207 11 Application For A Seat Deferred Reuter. Geneva, Sept. 13. THE League Council meets privately at 3 p.m. when it is expected to increase the number of Council seats to sixteen by the addition of China. Later. A secret meeting of the Council discussed China's application for
    Reuter.  -  207 words
  • 55 11 By-Election Result At Dumfries Reuter. London, Sept. 13. THE by-election at Dumfries, dut to the death of Dr. Joseph Hunter (Liberal) resulted as follows: Mr. Fildes (Nat Lib) 16.271. Mr. Downie (Labour) 10.697. No change.—Reuter. The results at the last General Election were: Dr. Joseph Hunter (Liberal)—26.B73. Mr.
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 164 11 Chinese Eating House Keeper. Fined Singapore. Saturday. Goh Hee Cheow, a Chinese licensee cf an eating shop in Victoria Street appeared before Mr. C. H. Whitton. the Third Magistrate, yesterday, charged with employing an unregistered waitress Such eating shops in Singapore have to employ a certain number of
    164 words
  • 206 11 Experimental Flighis START FROM PENANG NEXT MONTH Reuter. London, Sept. L'L IMPERIAL Airways will commence a series of six experimental return flights between Penang and Hongkong on October 2 with a view to the eventual linking up of Hongkong on the Imperial air route. Tfee
    Reuter.  -  206 words
  • 116 11 Culprit Says He Wanted It For His Own Use Singapore, Saturday. Pleading guilty to the theft of a bicycle, a Malay youth was fined $3U »»r one month's rigorous Imprisonment by the Third Magistrate, yesterday. The cycle was stolen from outside a house in Balesth" Road on Sept.
    116 words
  • 55 11 Formal Negotiations Still Remote Sin Chew Jit Poh. Nanking. Sept. 14. It Is unofficially intimated in Nanking that although Mr. Chiang Tso Pin. the Chinese Ambassador to Japan, has held preliminary discussions with Mr. Koki Hirota, the Japanese Foreign Minister, formal negotiations for SinoJapanese economic co-operation are
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  55 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 24 11 Eyesight Once Ruined Is Never Recovered C °C n$ S U CHONG, Opt D. (U SjU THE BERLIN OPTICALCO., 142, South .Bridge .Road. SfflfeifPORE.
      24 words
    • 46 11 NOW RELEASED SIXTH ISSUE Call on your dealer now and hear the NEWEST SELECTIONS of wonderful tunes of every typo. ONLY THE MOST FAMOUS ARTISTS RECORD EXCLUSIVELY FOR "CHAP kl HIM.. p Lists sent on application. S. Noutrie Co., Ltd. "H.M.Y." Specialists. SINGAPORE and PENANG >M
      46 words

  • 745 12 Bankruptcy Court DID NOT RETURN FROM CALCUTTA Singapore, Saturday. fIKDERS for the arrest of three Singapore bankrupts were made in the Bankruptcy Court yesterday by Mr. Justice Gordon-Smith on three motions brought by the Official Assignee on the ground that the
    745 words
  • 37 12 A meeting of the Malayalee Association to ccl«brate the Onam festival will b e held in the City High School, Bencoolen Street, W Sunday at 4.30 p.m., with Mr. K. P. tfcsava Mcnon, 8.A., in the chair.
    37 words
  • 156 12 Convictions In S.S. And F.M.S. Singapore, Friday. WITH several previous convictions in Singapore and the F.M.S., a middleaged Javanese, Haji Dulsamat bin Haji Ali, was sentenced to one year's rigorous imprisonment, by the District Judge, H. A. Forrer. to-day. on being convicted of housebreaking and theft.
    156 words
  • 278 12 Impudent Theft Of A Clock (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Sept. 12. About noon on Tuesday a wall clock was removed by a thief from a house at Gajah Berang Road. Neighbours stated that they saw a Eurasian youth calmly walked out of the house with the clock
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  • 172 12 Carry-Over Of Two Months' Supply I Singapore, Friday. An ordinance to amend the Tin and Tin Ore (Restriction; Ordinance. 1934, is about to be introduced into the Legislative Council. The "objects and reasons" state: It is desired to permit a carry over of two months' supply of tin-ore
    172 words
  • 101 12 Singapore, Friday. An elderly Chinese, a patient at the Tan Tock Seng hospital was this morning produced before Mr. C. H. Whitton, the Third Magistrate, on a count of attempted suicide by tying his *.hroa f with a piece of cloth on the morning of Aug. 29. Lim
    101 words
  • 109 12 Reported Annulment Of Marriage THE Sunday Referee states to-day (reported the United Press on Sept. 8) that it has learned from an. authoritative source that the Holy Roman Rota has annulled the marriage of ex-King Alfonso of Spain. Ex-King Alfonso married Princess Victoria Eugenic (Ena» of Battenberg, a
    109 words
  • 54 12 Sent To Prison Folr Nine Months Singapore, Friday. A Cantonese who was found in possession of a revolver and 16 rounds of ammunition was sentenced to nine months' rigorous imprisonment by the District Judge. Mr. H. A. Forrer. to-day. The revolver was lost by a person m
    54 words
  • 59 12 /Returns From Holiday In Scotland British Official Wireless. London, Sept. 12. The Queen of the Netherlands and Princess Juliana returned to Holland yesterday. The early part of their holiday was spent in Scotland and more recently they have been the guests of Princess Alice. Countess of Athlone
    British Official Wireless.  -  59 words
  • 50 12 New Record From Los Angeles To New York Reuter. New York, Sept. 13. Miss Laura Ingalls broke the record for the flight across America from Los Angeles to New York, returning the tine of 13 hrs. 50 mins. Miss Amelia Earhart's time was 17 hrs. 7 mins.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 80 12 Visitors to Singapore include Prof, and Mrs. D. B. Blacklock, from Shanghai; Col. A. B. Hearle and Lt. G. P. Shearer, from Hongkong; Mr. and Mrs. Thorley, from Hongkong; the Rev. Father Thompson, editor of "Catholic Leader," from Brisbane, the Rev. Father Stanaway from Bulimba, Brisbane, and the
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  • 160 12 Col. Lindbergh No Longer Chief Washington. COLONEL Charles A. Dindbergh is no longer the chief of Americas "Caterpillar Club." AH Americans whose lives have been saved Dy parachutes automatically become members of this club. Lindbergn has for years been the highest-ranked member. Now he has been replaced by
    160 words
  • 149 12 Gas Container Hidden In Safe Budapest. A novel "burglar trap" which not only makes it impossible to rob any safe to which it is fitted but also catches the thief has been invented by a Budapest policeman. The device, which has been patented, i? extremely simple. A special
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  • 90 12 Admitted To Hongkong Hospital j Reuter. Hongong, Sept. 13. Sir Thomas Southorn. Officer Administering the Government, Hongkong, has been admitted to hospital. Appendicitis is suspected. Mr. N. L. Smith, secretary for Chinese Affairs, who is at present acting Colonial Secretary becomes Officer tering the Government, since Mr.
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 634 12 Sultan Of Selangor's Birthday Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday. KLANG to-day was en fete, the occasion being the 72nd birthday of His Highness thie Sultan of Selangor, Sir Al'aidin Suleiman Shah, G.C.M.G., ibni AlMarhum Raja Muda Musa. Business centres and shops were closed for the day and the town
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  • 88 12 Benedictine Monastery Church Consecrated British Official Wireless. London, Sept. 12. The church at the Benedictine monastery of Downside Abbey near Bath, which has taken fifty-three years to build and the foundation stone of which was laid in 1874 by Caidinal Manning, was consecrated to-day by Cardinal
    British Official Wireless.  -  88 words
  • 81 12 To Leave For Kuala Kangsar On Friday H.E. the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, accompanied by Lady Thomas and Miss Thomas and attended by the personal staff, will leave Singapore for Kuala Kangsar at 10 a.m. on Friday next and return at 6.40 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. L
    81 words
  • 320 12 Settlement Of Once Great Nation (By Air Mail) London, An-. 29. THE French Government has of: I settlement to the remnant i once great nation of Assyrians. This is revealed by Captain George Gracey in a report issued by the Say, the Children Fund. The Assyrian
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  • 155 12 Increased Consumption With Less Imports Berlin. Eggs are short in Germany, the Nazis do not deny this. But they have a "satisfactory" explanation to offer. Germans are eating more eg»gs, says the official explanation, the increase bkxig of as much as 20 per cent, in some districts.
    155 words
  • 157 12 Judiciary And Land Matters Discussed Sin Chew Jit poh Nanking, sep» 13. The National Judiciary C l.tcrei •jpened her yestivday morn'-rs h€ delegates ;/ko attended, m lucr- i!H*e from the various high oonrts, munoei 106. The National Land Administration Conference opened at the same time at the offices
    Sin Chew Jit poh  -  157 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 3 12 7Vl.».kV'H 555V 554»,^
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      55 words

  • 83 13 To Miss Helen Vinson CEREMONY IN NEW YORK STATE Reuter. Harrison (New York), Sept. 13. Perry married the film siar Helen Vinson just before midnight, the ceremony being performed by a Justice of the Peace. Miss Vinson is aged 27. The marriage
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 41 13 A variety concert organised by tne Straits Chinese Reading Club in honour of its President, the Rev. W. Murray. OBE MA on his departure from Malaya on retirement will be hrfdat the V.M.C.A. hall at 8 1J p.m. to-rrigftt.
    41 words
  • 67 13 To Wed Miss Doris Cross Youhg Reuter. Washington. Sept 13. Senator W. G. McAdoo. ex-Secretary of th° Treasury, is marrying tomorrow Miss Doris Cross Young. nurse from California. This is Mr McAdoo's third marriage. His first wife died in 1912 and his second wife, who is
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 76 13 Reserve bookings for the non-stop race ball and waltz competition to De held to-night are reported to be W Valuable prizes such as a gold ring sei witn diamond, a gold ring set with jadt and silver eiearette cases will be presented by Chop "Boon Hin' of
    76 words
  • 22 13 The members of the Indian Chamber of Commerce, Singapore, are reminded of the general meeting to, be on Sunday at 3 p.m.
    22 words
  • 116 13 Reuter. 1 Parents Refuse To Accept Suicide Idea i Westchester (Pennsylvania), Sept. 13. r MR Rogers, son of a millionaire an H Mr. Kelly who v/ere arrested in connection with the death of a wa*" musical star on Sept. 12, wrre leased on bail of $2,500 each
    Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 122 13 Salvation Army Leader To Speak On "Korea" Another interesting lecture v 11 be given to members of the VM.G.A ano their friends on Wednesday. Sept. 18. when Brig. Lord, who is the founder Ot The Salvation Army In Singapore. WiU speak on "Korea." trig Loi-d is lully Qualified
    122 words
  • 84 13 Strong Reminder By Guarantor 1 Powers British Official Wireless. London, Sept. 13. Strong representations were made v-sterday to the Lithuanian Government by France. Great Britain and Italy, the thr*e guarantor Powers of Memel State, with regard to the conduct of he forthcoming' elections to the Meme, Diet The
    British Official Wireless.  -  84 words
  • 155 13 Lively Programme At The Pavilion AT THE CINEMA PIQUANT situations, lively humour and a strong, but not "stoppy" love interest are the features of "The Richest Girl in the World," now showing at the Pavilion. The story is cleverly conceived and well told. The rich girl who decides
    155 words
  • 124 13 Duk° Of Gloucester And His Bride Reuter. London, Sep*. 13. IT is understood that the Duke ot Gloucester and his bride will live in a fairly small house near Camberlev. Surrey in order to enable the Duke t fulfil his duties at Staff College Camberlev. to
    Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 168 13 Chinese Teacher Fined At Muar (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. Sept. 12. Toh Aun Hu. a Chinese teacher was produced before Ungku Hassan, Third Ma°i«trat:. by H. G. Moles Ass Protector of Chinese. Muar. yesterday, on a charge of giving false information to the Registrar of Schools regarding
    168 words
  • 134 13 Formal Opening Of New Chinese Temple (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Sept. 12. The foimal opening of the new Lieuchew Temple at Jalan Arab was celebrated vesterdry evening. A large f*weitr including the Chinese leaders and tH< piominent officials of Muar, was present. Mr Tan Sin KKng,
    134 words
  • 70 13 Transit Times For Cables To London The Eastern Extension Company announces that the trans 1 time on full rate telegrams from oingapore to London on the 13th ii"istf|r were as follows: Telegrams handed in up to p i.' 6 minutes. Telegrams handed in up to 5 iU 1
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 27 13 I I I i BUY JZEISS-IKON CAMERAS 1 I Siegap@ire Photo Co,, the largest PHOTO STORE IN MALAYA 37-39, HIGH STREET I I SINGAPORE 'Phone 6389. j
      27 words
      135 words

  • 1225 14 Picking The Winner LAST DAY OF AUTUMN MEETING (By •'Vigilant") Singapore, Saturday. AKF.COKD crowd will no douM be present at Bukit Timah to-day, the last and the most important day of the Singapore Turf dab's Autumn Meeting. The chief
    1,225 words
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  • 89 14 (fiy "Vigilant") RACE ONE To Win: Comma. Places: Army Contractor and Evensong. RACE TWO To Win: Satire. Places: Young Ginger and Emperor Kublai. RACE THREE To Win: Sea Lion. Places: Tony and Dough Boy. RACE FOUR To Win: Greenstone. Places: Athlacca and Sailor Bill. RACE FIVE To Win:
    89 words
  • 137 14 Result Of St. Leger Sweep Draw The following is the tosult of the draw of the Perak Turf Club St. Leger Swe«n 1935. Baodai *****, Bartholdv *****, Bahrain *****. Buckleigh *****, Flash Bye 15D27, Field Trial *****, Fairbaiin *****, Hairs* *****, Plassy *****, Pry The Second *****.
    137 words
  • 297 14 RACE ONE 2-30 PM, Ponies Class 2. Div. I— s l 2 fur?. Speedy Lady 3.12 Gold Finch .8.10 Myanee 8.9 L*sheen 8.8 Army Contractor 8.8 Evensong 8.4 Comma 8.0 Spoilt Girl 7.13 RACE TWO 3-00 P.M. Griffins Div. 2—6 furs. My Old Sweetie 9,0 Con Con
    297 words
  • 45 14 Race I—Bonny. Eyes. Race 2—Stavisky and Silver Jubilee. Race 3—Nil. Race 4—Dark Look, Sunshine Sue and Nahgoo. Race s—Carioca. Race 6—Belle Edna. Race 7—Gee Up, Tavarner, Star Player and Silver Monk. Race B—Jackie. Double Tote: Races 6 and 8. Big Sweep: Race 8.
    45 words
  • 91 14 Death Of Mr. H. Moeding In Singapore THE death occurred a few dav> ft 0 e e ral H °sPita]. Singar m Mr. H. Moedmg, a German resk-err f Singapore, who was lawn tennis ci picn of the S.C.C. in the few ver>s ceding the war. During
    91 words
  • 69 14 To Be Held At Y.M.C.A. Pool On Sept. 21 The Anglo-Chinese School will hold i r annual carnival o/i Satut.;. September 21, from 4 u> C p.m. m Y.M.C.A. Pool (kindly for :he sion) at Fort Cann-ng. Heats for th>- Boys' 120 Yards Free Style Handicap
    69 words
  • 32 14 Members of the Amicable A Association aie notified bba-t then be a tea danct at the Association' premises on Sunday, 15th Inst., coi mencing from 1 p.m. to 4 n.m.
    32 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 211 14 "I tested Colgate's guarantee of whiter teeth g o m q i that Colgate's same time. Colgate's delightful A Dental Cream guaranteed peppermint flavor refreshes the to make dingy teeth whiter mouth... perfumes the breath, and lovelier. So I did this: for And Colgate's also stimulates 2 minutes every morning
      211 words
    • 106 14 'liitiilitiiilittiiliiliiiHliiliiiiiliiiiiiiii.iiiiinriniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiniiiinir CHINA' Underwriters j I Limited. (Incorporated in Hongkong). I A British Company Registered f I in Great Britain and Hongkong I LIFE, FIRE, MOTOR CAR, 1 MARINE PERSONAL ACCIDENT I Insurance I Thone 4276. Z I Office: Hongkong Bank Chambers Second Floor Singapore, f m mi in 365, North
      106 words

  • 729 15 Cup Football (,1'NNISUS HELD TO A DliAW Singapore, Friday. 1HK Wilts' second 'cam created a I i r?nhr a* ;Wcn lltad this *ven iu; they dew two all with the Royal \itil I|r, iv hi Hie S.A.I 1 .A. UDMif Wil"; were rather unfortunate hwe drew Hie
    729 words
  • 116 15 Exciting Cricket At Scarborough Reuter. London, Sept. 13. MR. 11. 1). G. Leveson Gower's XI met the 11.C.C. West Indies Team to-day at Scarborough and were defeated by the narrow margin of two runs. The M.C.C. side batted first and knocked i:p 2(58 Ames scoring an
    Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 54 15 Kuala Rovers Qualify For Cup Final (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. By defeating the S C R c. by five seals to one yesUrday, the Kuala Rover-, qualified to meet the T.P.C.A. to the final ol the S.F.A. Cup competition, which will take pi? re en
    54 words
  • 267 15 List Of Fixtures For To-Day THE following matches in the English and Scottish Football Leagues will be played to-day: FIRST DIVISION Arsenal v. Sheffield W. Aston Villa v. Preston N.E. Blackburn R. v. West Bromwich A. Bolton W. v. Evert on. Chelsea v. Leeds U. Huddersneld T. v.
    267 words
  • 281 15 Orient Championship GRUELLING BATTLE PROMISED (By "K.O.) Singapore, Saturday. WILL Young Frisco retain his laurels, or will Gunboat Jack add a new title to his collection? Jack has the best record <»f any fighter in the East. COLLECTION OF TITLES He
    281 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 36 15 YOUNG FRISCO B O KIN G GUNBOAT JACK Clash of two Orient Champions AT THE B (Middles) Will has Snapped* out j M A You Thr,,ls br m wmnßhTa different fIP Gong to »a« n Saturda)
      36 words
    • 241 15 THE j GREAT EASTERN LIFE IS J "GREAT" by reason of the fact I I. that in a period of little more than a 1 quarter of a century it has. J (1) built up a large business all over Asia; i (2) acquired a thoroughly sound financial 1 position;
      241 words

  • 519 16 Fast Hockey At Hong Lim Green Singapore. Saturday. THE S.C.K.C. shared honours with the V.M.C.A. when they met in a hockey match played at the s C R.c. ground yesterday. A feature of the match was the brilliant goalkeeplng oi tfec Cheok Wah. Tne V.M.C.A. did
    519 words
  • 177 16 Little's Amazing Golf FINEST DISPLAY EVER SEEN Renter. LAWSON Little continues to IBUc ihe golfing world with his remar\able playing in the American Amateur Calf Championship. He won every round he played with <he greatest ease and entered the semi-finals yesterday to meet John Goodman, player »if
    Renter.  -  177 words
  • 188 16 General Meeting Of Sports Section The first general meeting of the newly organised Spar.s Section of the Indian Association was held at the Association premises on Wednesday, with Mr. A. K. Surattee. the President of the Association on the Chair. It was decided to organise football also and
    188 words
  • 521 16 Proceedings At Annual Meeting Singapore Sat < 11 GENERAL meeting of tl n Hockey Association wa S.C.C. yesterday, with Mi i ger in the chair. The included Mr. J. 8. De Souza Secretary, Capt. Douglas sident. Mr. R. a. Ashworth <', G. E. N. Oehlers (SRC I
    521 words
  • 53 16 Darul Bahar To Meet Kota Raja At Soccer Singapore. Saturd A match which should provide plei ot interest will be playeu at the J Besar Stadium to-morrow. The Darul Bahar Club, who are the holders of the Hastie Cup, will mi Kota Raja Club. Ihe latter are
    53 words
  • 58 16 The following has been selected present th< Reynard BP at a fi maieh against the Mayfai- B P. on court at Anthony Road to-morr m day) at 2..10 p.m. sharp. Yeq Sin X Rah'm. Draman. Hassan. S. G. Singh Keng Lena;. Yeo Lee Kang and Ifene 1 I
    58 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 177 16 iiiainiß»TiaM iin— ■riwur nil wibi wMi-Bmiiir nnr i r I imbrofem tradihan of I I quality, maintained for ntitrJn 1 B I I tsWs* I OOc JP" J*" m I 1 1 H*t I Fifty \mW Sm* I ESrfP- ,uu «^3l« KIT F. A. BARTHOLOMELS2.. LTD. HBHB^ SINGAPORE J F.A.
      177 words
      341 words
    • 99 16 LODHRA j UTERINE .TONIC j IT CURBS menstrual dii »r<U r every kind. t IT pTssesscs to ii properties. J proves the general state < C the Mo «i t gives tone to the system ami render' J the e< niple::'on beart fill. i IT exercises the most benefw ial
      99 words

  • 89 17 To Hold First Congress In Geneva Geneva. A eongW of European Moslems is hr. held in Geneva on Sept. li, it is an nounced here, and delegates fcO*| W Moslem community in Europe will b. will b: the first confess of pulS? European Moslem, ever to held P
    89 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 345 17 CHURCH SERVICES Details For This Week-End CHURCH OF ENGLAND BT ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL ,;,"Huiy communion, m Matins. Choral Eucharist. Hoiv Communion. p_£;; Evensong vChoral) and 1 n WEEKDAYS mm „mon: on Monday, Wedf'SSii Day) ana Friday D ay, at 8 a.m. Tuesday, day and Saturday «8. Maty V \i at 7
      345 words
    • 416 17 8.45 a.m., Sunday School. 11.30 a.m., Blakang Mati Service. 1 6 p.m., Evening Service. Preacher: Rev. T. C. Gibson. Monday, 4.45 p.m., Session Meeting. 5.30 p.m. Board of Managers. Thursday, 6 p»m., Choir Practice. PAYA LEBAR METHODIST CHURCH (opposite Police Station) Sunday 9 a.m., Sunday School. 10 a.m., Service of
      416 words
    • 260 17 Vespers at 5 p.m. ftft nw Friday—Evening Service at 5.00 p.m. GEYLANG METHODIST EPISCOPAL j CHURCH 1 Sunday, 8.50 a.m., Consecration Period Sunday School Teachers. 9 a.m., Sunday School (Lower DepU 920 a.m., Sunday School (Higher Dept.) 9.50 a.m., English Service. Preacher: Rev. S. M. Thevathasan. SUDject: "The Meaning ol
      260 words
    • 145 17 BLONDE BRUNETTE WHITE GRAY OR DYED Your hair can be bo lovely and natural when dressed to your type of cd inure ViernieseßeautyPar our 12L NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, ba ■winner of International Hairdresser-a Exhibition j I A ?e < ATTHE v* A J^A HEW LOW PRICE IT*! YOU CAM BUY
      145 words
    • 29 17 Y i modem in its styling. Pearl fingertips Silver placed, g 1 in velvet lined case with all accessories. I m veivev price on appllcatlo n. L r 1
      29 words

  • 191 18 Reduced 6 lbs. And Still Enjoys Her Meals ->* e dared not eat the food she I lancied; and she was afraid to satis:/ 1 her appetite to the full. She had i I cone tar. t dread of becoming too fat! A" that
    191 words
  • 199 18 Payments Suspended Temporarily SOMETHING of a sensation was created In business circles in Hongkong recently when the Head Office oi the Bank of Canton, Ltd., one oi the best-known Chinese banking houses in the Colony, failed to open its doors, a notice being posted on the door .stating
    199 words
  • 195 18 Roy Cured After 85 Blood Transfusions New York. A 14-year-old boy, suffering from a combined bone and blood disease, has won an 8-months' fight for life at the New York Hospital. During this time, the boy Harold Pfeger received 85 blood transfusions b lieved to
    195 words
  • 72 18 j Berlin. j Tne management of the "N.S.U.' motorcycle factory in Ntckarsulm (South Qermsny) lias given its entire stall their holidays for the HUne week —the fii p t Iti September. During that period the Works will be e'osed. The management state that they would iath
    72 words
  • 82 18 Hindus Want To Share Management 1 The Saiva Parlpalana Sabhai, Jaffna, on behalf of the Hindus in Ceylon, have requested His Excellency the Governor to enable members of the Hindu community to take a share in the administration of the Kataragama Dewale. They claim that the majority of
    82 words
  • 153 18 Letters To The Editor I Our readers are invited to write to us on subjects of public interest. It must be understood that the "Malaya Tribune" does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed by correspondents. LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten 'double spacing), and on
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  • 127 18 Complaints Bureaux In Bulgaria Sofia. Bulgaria has become a Paradise tor grousers. An office to receive complaints from members of the public has been set up In each of the country's seven provinces with a central bureau in the capital to consider difficult cases that cannot be dealt
    127 words
  • 265 18 Military Value Of fL Invention DUMOURS are current in Bew series of complications in th* s the development of television urX many. in G eiThey are based upon a decrn. h by Herr Hitler, by the Reich PrS S l ter, Baron yon Eltz. and by fi
    265 words
  • 188 18 To Be Printed On American 1 Treasury Notes f Washington. D.C. Dollar notes of a new design soon to be issued by the Treasury will bear the motto "Novus Ordo Seculorum." literally A New Order of the Ages." but thought by many to be Latin for "The
    188 words
  • 57 18 Riviera Title For Bathing Belles Juan-Les-Pins. "The Queen of Sunburn" is the latest title for which fair visitors to trie Riviera are asked to compete. Entrants must wear the scantiest of patning- suits, and only those whose skin is tanned to the deepest shade of mahogany may
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 500 18 TAN HO OON CO., LTD. Auctioneers, Appraisers and Estate Agents REQUEST YOU TO VISIT THEIR SALE ROOMS 4T NOS J)0 m 92, MARKET STREET, JUST TWO MINUTES FROM fi RAFFLES SQUARE, AND INSPECT THEIR LARGE AND \< ASSORTED RA*CE OF j Cnmm grain, oaksi<»«,. t d and «a\ pftlished teak
      500 words
    • 179 18 mosquitoes that ruin CviD Mrs IF YOUR LITTLE GIRL Still P/^ Before you know it that little girl of yours will be grown up. But now—her needs are a child's needs. She must be carefully watched; she must be encouraged in regular habits of elimination. When constipation does occur—she should
      179 words
    • 109 18 106% 'PENNSYLVANIA I AT ITS FINEST GUARANTEE Veedol is guaranteed by the TIDE WATER OIL COMPANY to be a 100 pure Pennsylvania Motor Oil. It is a scientifically proportioned blend of LUBRICATING stocks refined exclusively from selected PENNSYLVANIA Crude transported to Tide Water's Bayonne Refinery over its owned Pipe lines
      109 words

  • 782 19 luecessefl Of Raffles j Institution ing students from Raffles itution were successful in the Chamber of Commerce (Spring I xamlnations: nini EngHrnh: Roy Ferroa (with ii il u*nvritins: Ang Chenfi Kian r'. per minute). IrithOMtie: Ang Kang Ho n H fCk., Daing Basok bin Dainr .d
    782 words
  • 268 19 From The Malaya Tribune, Sept. 14,1915 MR. T. A. Shearwood, of the Straits Settlements, in an article on "lilympses of Malaya," expresses the view that Singapore will probably become the naval bate of the military marine of tho Far East. Hongkong, he points out, is an isolated
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 32 19 IDEAL EATING HOUSE, r pean Indian Dishes Always Available. Open Daily up to 2 a.m. I international! De|j ious Prompt and Service! Moderate Undertaken (lomer of North Bridge Road and Arab Street.
      32 words
    • 34 19 I Typewriters are the most uph£ on the mar- iii IBtIiII ket. They ure n .uif to lust, and JfiSSSSI BV'* L^fsH yean:. Imperial "Good Companion." Singapore. i| R EAL I pSife FRUIT I
      34 words
    • 191 19 n fif -=~tf~*~f- urnm msm ti rrm —rT^rririrrTTXTr-Tittt ri on iii i mi* i, 8.000 MILES BY AIR! Baby's record trip *Ljfcr on Ggfey.Gate You ma\ hive seen pictures in the t wou l<J be difficult to Interested to hear that she has been of COW GATE Milk fbdlatt the
      191 words

  • 139 20 The musicians of the Mayfair Musical Party, who are taking part in the Ist Anniversary Concert at the VVtortl Memorial Hall on Sept. 15. The Queen at Harrogate:—H M. the Queen arrived at Harrogate. Yorkshire, to join the Princess Royal, the photograph shows the
    139 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 119 20 CLOVER'S FOR BASKETS BOUQUETS m WREATHS THONE 4521. 12-A CAPITOL BLDGS. LAVENDER A tradition of immaculate womanhood this V^jllA V> ASflffr Lovable Fragrance is so right* at all times r-.prri.illy for those pleasant informal occa- Jf^i sions when an exotic scent might be out of V Jr place. It adds
      119 words
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