Malaya Tribune, 10 August 1935

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 40 1 The Malaya Tribune Malaya's First National Newspaper: Guaranteed Largest Sales Vol XXU. No. 190 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1935 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Saturday, Aug. 10, 1935. Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE^ SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1« FIVE CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 182 1 Kj„J The t Dominant In jIl It Won't Help Her To Shine In Society— i —but will tielp lier to "shine" at home O-Odar La the all-purpose polish X apecial »uccesa op fine tonitow 9 cause, besides cleaning and polishing. VV t «fe< ds" »be wood and brings out IM
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    • 137 1 THE "CONTAX" CAMERA mm Sole AgCull THE SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT CO, FX). Box ft. RINGAPORB. SSt Crosse Blackwells *?fWk 1,1 i.'ut* Pickle* Sauces and Pastes and many oth*r pre j V 'KwiSl/ i pared food delicacies, owe their perfection to th* long nence n f one of thp oldest and best
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  • 378 2 Shipping News Notices. GALLANTRY AT SEA Medals For Us worth Rescuers THE Board of Trade announced that the King had made the posthumous award of the Albeit Medal in recognition of the gallantry displayed by Mr. Thomas Gibson late cook in the steamer Usworth, whiVh foundered in the Atlantic on
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  • 132 2 Sailings To South Africa Start In August The Blue Star L:ne liaVe concluded ogo f i»t:ons with the South African pin? Conference whereby they huve come members of that conference, with tgular saiTngs front Glasgow, Liverpool, nd the Bristol Channel, as well as from Iiddlesbrough and London.
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  • 103 2 596 Clocks For The Queen Mary 'By Air Mail) London, July 25. When the Queen Mary, the giant unard-White Star liner now preparing >r her maiden voyage, comes into scrice she will have on board 590 clocks— e largest marine clock installation in \e world—says the current issue
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  • 93 2 The June issue of "The Lifeboat," the ournal of the Royal National Lifeboat nstitut on. contemns a record of the ->rv cos during 1934 by foreign lifeboats O British vessels. Help was given to 34 British vessels in distress off the coasts of Denmark France, Holland. Ice'and and
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  • 157 2 To Share Mauritania's Fate THE 25-year-old Cunard White Star liner Olympic, of 46,439 tons, is, I understand, at last to share the fate of the Same line's Mauretania, at the shiphlUfri I■' yard at Rosyth, stales the "Daily Mail" Glasgow correspondent. I Earlier report?, that the Olympic would
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 402 2 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA i> t v os N. CVs SAILINGS: OUTWARDS. Due Tonnage. Singapore. 1936. MMtMM 17,000 Aug. Ii HTKDWAN 6,070 Aug. 29 fiuPUTANA 17,000 Aug. 80 I'A 11,000 Sept. 6 CHITRAL IMOO Sept. 13 OM MA 0,810 Sept. 25 CATHAY 15.000 Sept. 27 R*W AI HINDI 17,000 Oct.
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    • 33 2 O.S.K. LINEII s.s. "ARABIA MARU" (10,000 G. Tons). LEAVES SINGAPORE AUG. 11, direct for COLOMBO lit 3rd Deck. $120. $31.20 $17. For further particulars please apply to: OSAKA SHOSEN KAISHA, j TEL 5887-0.
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    • 516 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE. BANGKOK LINE. Luxurious One Class Motorships. Most Cabins have adjoining private bath. Excellent Cuisine. FOR GENOA, LONDON, ROTTERDAM. HAMBURG AND COPENHAGEN. From From From From Spore Malacca Port Penang M.S. Sham ERRIA 20-8 20-8 21-8 23-3 LALANDIA 17-9 17-9 18-9 20-9 JUTLANDIA 8-10 8-10 9-10 11-10
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    • 454 2 STEAMER SAILING? fc? NOHDDEUTSCHI;» yktk LLOYD. ig\ (Incorporate in nGennapy). The undernoted are th© Company's uv tended fixtures:— OUTWARDS. 1935 "ODER" for Hongkong, Shanghai, North China and Japan Aug "TRAVST for Hongkong, Shanghai, North China and Japan Sep! HOMEWARDS. For Rotterdam, Hamburg Hrerr. "FRANKEN" also calls Genoa, Marseilles, Casablanca, Barcelona
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  • 539 3 Her Life Story OUGHT AGAINST THE SOVIET Colombo. I I i MODERN Amazon, who fought j with the Cossacks against the Keds." was wounded five times and won the Russian equivalent of the V.C., has arrived here to seek peace and recover in health. She is
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  • 90 3 l .S. Navy To Spend £89,000 On Machine Washington. A huge experimental naval patrol roplane costing $445.000 (£89.000), has ordered by the United States Navy department. The machine will be designed by Mr. Igor Sikorsky, the noted aeroplane designer. It will be simlliar, it is under'ood, to the
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  • 60 3 Moscow am will be able to ring up a volcano .'■•oon. Fbls -' arc to be Tarioos he a:ht on Mount the 16,000-foot-high dead vOlearo, hose Ce-o-pred peaks three rivers the Baksa, Malka, and Kuban. The v are being installed to mountaineers, geologists tad teorelofiatl
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  • 354 3 British Govt.'s Attitude Criticised London, July 18. THE attitude of th«* British Government in regard to Empire migration has been criticisid in the House of Lords by the Earl of Mansfield 'Conservative). His (Omplaint was that there was:— Lack of plans for Imperial and Colon al development and
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  • 91 3 Fresh Outbreak In Orange Free j State Bloemfontein. Plague, which by the end of Marcn this year had caused the death of 4b persons, has broken out again—in the Orange Free State. Fourteen natives and one European have contracted the disease and died. It was hoped
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  • 384 3 Alleged Murder Of Boy Of Ten KANDY (Ceylon). July, 18th. ACTS of cruelty were alleged against p. I Marian, a private tutor of Ampitiya, who was charged at the Kandy Police Court this morning with t'he murder of a boy of ten, Chandrasena who had been
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  • 120 3 Lisbon Pickpockets Locked Up During- Carnival Lisbon. The recognised pickpockets of Lisbon 1 —180 of them—have just spent seventeen days in prison here, throughout the city's festas (carnival). Before the festivities started the police conducted a raid and took them all under arrest, in order to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 175 3 AMAZING OFFER TO ALL I WHO WANT WHITER TEETH WHITERTEETHmean time. Colgate's delightful new beauty for your peppermint flavor refreshes amile, for you! So do this: for your mouth perfumes your 2 minutes each night and breath. Besides, Colgate's morning, brush your teeth stimulates your gums—helps with Colgate's Dental Cream,
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    • 172 3 More Healm and Happiness 3 iwaa^, v Here she comes, with her rich gift i 5555 j 01 <, ,l t fr° m the green pastures of England Factory packed with its fresh whole- some nutrition intact—Cow fit Gate 11 Milk Food "the from the West". And hapf>v mothers every.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 554 4 M. HASSAN, M A 17 BRA? BAfiAH ROAD. MNGAPOBE. i We BID ike ail sorts of wort to electric*i. gag and water ser We givv j rompt attention to all rd r< either big or small. U Why not consult us about your ite submitted upon re I que thAttt
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    • 692 4 AUCTION SALE, j Estate <>i Soona a,,a I{a>eiia >,a,la Snpramanian Cliettmr deceased. particulars and conditions oi Saw of j r (V e of Robber land situate at Pay* Rd&pift in Malacca compris d in Statutory Land Gtanl No. 2616 To be sold by Public Auction by Meters. Ching Keng Laj
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    • 690 4 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF MALACCA. Originating Summons \o. 2 of 1935« i lit the Matter of the Estate of Chingh Poh Ann deceased and in the mailer of Ordinance 52 It. 112 relating l„ land al Machap in Malacca tOMpriltd Ui Slahitor> Land Grant
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    • 521 4 NOTICE. GCIMN APPOV l vt *i i.ri.hv riven that the app- Ilation, trade marks and get up depicted are tL DwieTty of The Namiki Ma nufacturing Co., Ltd. of Tokyo, Japan, and ib V bvthem inrcspecv of their fountam pens pencils Have bee \i e rt r n w
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    • 344 4 Baßtßaaeßaeßaaeaaaßaaaaaaaßß^eeeaßßSßßaaeae»r Whether they be DAINTY WRIST WATCHES < WOrn LADIES OK STURDY ONES FOR GENTLEMEN Always Call a! tivlwTßOßyrii miim 429. NORTH BRIDGE ROM). (Near Middle Road) I FOR THE BEST \M) MOST RELIABLE TIMEKEEPERS EYESIGHT CONSERVATION. Safeguard your eyes—th*y art your greatest possession. It i 3 dangerous to neglect
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  • 176 5 Reduction Of Duty On Certain Products i British Official Wireless. London, Aug. 7. ON the recommendation of the Import Duti< s Advisory Committee, a Treasury, under the 1932 Act, has been which reduces from to-morrow, Aye months, thi- customs duties on iin iron and steel products
    British Official Wireless.  -  176 words
  • 131 5 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. F for Shell Motor Spirit ana ysnds of Kerosene are as follows: ell Aviation Spirit in 4-gallon per British Imperial $1.07 ir Spirit ex pump per Imperial gallon $0.81 >r Spirit to 4-gallon per British Imperial 30.89 Motor Spirit per 4-gallon tin $3.63
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  • 1511 5 Financial News Views LATEST SINGAPORE SHARE QUOTATIONS Tne following share quotation* are issued by Fraser and Co. and LyaU and Evatt:— MINING Singapore, Friday, 10 a.m. Issue Fraser va MM CO. gvatt 4 Ampat 4,- 4 6 4 3 4 6 £1 A. Kumbang 33 34- 32 :V £1 A.
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  • 92 5 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. Singapore, Friday noon. Buyers. Sellers. No. I X.R.S.S. in eases (F. 0.8. August) 19 5 10* Good F A.Q. in cases (F. 0.8. August) 19 516 19 71G No. IX.RS.S. (SpoMcose) (awardable Spore) 19% 19St do. Aug. 19 3 4 19% do. Sept.
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  • 650 5 Revisw By League Of Nations TlIE Review of World Trade for 1934 which has just been published by thj Economic Intelligence ServTce of t'he League of Nations contains a general synopsis of world trade during the year 1934 and t comparison of the figures for that year
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  • 253 5 Interests Of Importers And Exporters 1 i The League of Nations is paying attention t<» the i.iterest-s cf the importers and exporters of meat. A committee of E'xnertl met under the auspices of the Leagi.e Economic Commit cc at Geneva at the end of June to see
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  • 542 5 Lewis And Peat's Review IN their weekly report, dated Aug. y, Messrs. Lewis and Peat (.S) Ltd., state:— With the August holidays intervening, the week under review has been very quiet. Manufacturers, showing a certain amount of interest for near deliveries, kept values here very steady in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 241 5 THE YOKOHAMA SPECIF. BANK LIMITED, j METER CHAMBERS. RAFFLES PLAGE. I apitaJ Fully Paid Ten 100,*****00. Reserve Fund Yen 125,800.000. BEAD OFFICE: YOKOHAMA. BRANCHES a* Alexandria, Batavia, a, Daircn, Fengtien, Hamburg, HanHarbfn, Honolulu. Hongkong, Hsink g, Karachi, Kobe, London, Los Angeles, la M j), Nagasaki, Nagoya, New York, Peipinj?, Rangoon,
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    • 384 5 IF EVERY WIFE KNEW WHAT EVERY W I D O W KNOWS EVERY HUSBAND WOULD HE ADEQUATELY INSURED. We offer you something unusual in insurance The International has devised an exclusive insurance feature. The Disability Compensation Clause. Under this Clause we not only pay certain benefits in case of temporary
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  • 118 6 HARBOUR BOARD 8H T PS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE Singapore, Aug. 10. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1) Rohna 22. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3> Pres. Adams 11; Katong 9; Patroclus 7. iSmpire L«»CK tJAtmUMS 3» Akibasan Maru 30; Narbada
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  • 43 6 London. Aug. 9. STERLING in New York is 4.96 7 16, Paris 74 15 16, Gold 140s. v ..(I. The Stock Maikets are inclined to be fiimer. notably Home Rails and Industrials. War Loan V: per tent, is 107'i.—British Official WifHew.
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  • 172 6 Mails expected irom Europe, etc., .Amsterdam", by Air (Netherlands), date of arrival uncertain. Mails expected from Australia. Netherlands Indies, etc., by Air .Qantas). time of delivery of boxholders' letters only 3.30 p.m. to-day and general delivery Of letters 4.05 p.m. to-day. Mails expected from Netnerlanus Indies by Air
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  • 48 6 The s.s. Narbada for New Zealand. Mails previously announced as closing at 7 p.m, to-day will now close at 11 a.m. on 12th instant. The s.s. Arabia Maru for Ceylon &c. Mails previously announced as closing to-day will now close at iO a.m. on 12th instant.
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  • 20 6 The Air Mail despatched from Singapore on Aug. 3. was delivered in London on Aug. 9. (6 days).
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  • 331 6 SELLING Singapore, Aug. 9. London 4 months' sight 2 3 31 32 London 3 months' sight 2,3 lb io London 60 days' sight 2.3 W\6f London 30 days' sight 6 London demand JjJ JJJi London T.T. 2 3 27 R^ Lyons and Paris demand »w Hamburg demand **J
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  • 182 6 Singapore, Aug. r (Siam) W. Coast No. 1 per Koyan $142 r. SUm) W. Coast No. 2 per Koyan 40 r. (Siam) W. Coast No. 3 per Koyan 38 Rire B Siam No. 1 Koyan Slim Rice! I! Siam. No. 2 per Koyan $100 Siam, Rice 1 Siam. Rice
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  • 71 6 ALHAMBRA. "Now or Never' "Gift of Gab." CAPITOL "Sanders of the River. EMPIRE. "My Pa GREAT WORLD -Cabaret Danclni Sid;-shows, Malay Operas. Chinese Wayangs, Cinemas, Talkies, etc. HOLLYWOOD.—DoubIe talkie ISAKC'3 CIRCUS. < Kalians R 9.30 p.m. MARLBOROUGH Indian Talkie. NEW WORLD. —Cabai et Dancing Side-shows, Malay Operas. Chinese Wayangs.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 600 6 M 111 ,M KM mm *i SINCSAPORK HOTELS j Z i I I I i ■MllMI«W'lW""""* ITtlT lr r 1 trir—ii i i MALAYA'S PREMIER HOTEL J VJMH* TONIGHT SPEC! %L DINNER CONCERT 8.15 TO 9.15 P.M. DANCE (formal) 9.45 to Midnight I md CABARET ATTRACTION SUCCESS THE SFNS VI
      600 words
    • 32 6 I "LOTUS" j I PACE BEAUTIFIER ĕ TRADE [LOTUS MARK m Q yiu urns mimou. hail '^2 Removes FRECKLES, PIMPLES, PRICKLY—HEAT. The Tropical Dispensary, 226, Beach Street, Penang. Central Store, Johore. ■B*sßmmmms*ss^*m*ms»i^pmm*s*imw
      32 words
    • 87 6 vb(LN8 <.m--.l-li °M':7'NU r«>c..ves>. ll. li v»"»"' > 'l,s< ,v r.- u. 5.i-.;..! > 'l,"'»'"'" ,.4 i' vc'!'" >.N!' l l.>.i 'b'.l.ra''' >N.e>..>. "l'l l > t..!t n «m >l> >! > "..!.>... M.^urat-., n.-l.. >..">'' l, tl ..,,.«v :.i..'i>' '>> Nl!<>l>«.' "Vlil op. l.,'l >«.->. SRHRINGO L BEST PERFUMED
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    • 126 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT Singapore Municipality TENDERS. TENDERS lire now invited for the following materials or services. For parti- euiars, see Municipal Tender Room. Date of closing: Construction of road. drains and culverts at St 11 Road, from East Coast Road to Joo Chiat Place 4 p.m., Monday, 19th Aug., 1935. Supply
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    • 107 6 thejyeatherl is trying^ ill ■ANDREWS ■in the morning H Day succeeds day-sticky, |g| airless, stifling—and night E brings only fitful sleep. ■H But you must carry on. You cannot change the H weather but you can race it better if you enjoy tin mm fitness which comes from ||B a
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 266 6 CLUB DIARY [There are numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the ''Malaya Tribune." .This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in the
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    • 133 6 [POSTAL jMffUjCgjCE SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE TO-DAY •Medan, Siam, Burma India (Calcutta, Bombay and Soutnern India, only), Iraq, Egypt, Great Britain, Ireland, Europe and N. and S. and Kretay (BhanurangsD 2 p.m. Pamangkat. Sambas and SingSwang (Tomohon 2 p.m. soeneei Liat (Senang) 3 p.m. DHmbi < Toba) 3 P m Muntok.
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    • 119 6 DIARY Of T44€DAY[ 1 Li WHAT'S ON? Public Functions And Sports Fixtures TO-DAY. AUG. 10 High Tides.—7.37 a.m.. G. 13 p.m. Exhibition Tennis Match by Mr. H< Cochet, Goodwood Park Hotel. 5 Football: "Malaya" Cup Final, X Lumpur; Friendly. Singapore E:. School v. R. 1., Balestier Road. Cricket: S.CR.C. v.
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  • 90 7 New York. The Czecho-Slovakian film Ecstasy." which was the subject of prolonged litigation in Europe, has been declared "immoral and obscene," and banned from the United States. The Federal Government seized copies of the film which arrived for exhibition in New York, and in a subsequent hearing
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  • 307 7 Weil-Known People In The News MR. J. L. Gray was recently transferred to Karmen Estate, Mengkarak, Pahang. A Mr. Lim (Tee Ec, Head Postmaster, Ipoh, is spending a short vacation on Cameron Highlands. A A A Tuan Syed Omar Shahabudin is acting as Auditor-General, Kedah, in place of
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  • 40 7 In order to avoid clashing; with other events, the International Congress for Population Problems, which was to have been held at Stuttgart from Sept. 9 to 16. has now been fixed for Aug 26 to Sept. I.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 103 7 111 I I ,II I I I 1.1 I I II I I'll ■1111 1 'I ■f SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE I (^iam-SuJiil JCOTfe I Phenomenal performance that is consistently a year ahead of all competitive Radio Receivers. VOLUME DISTANCE TONE QUALITY i (13—556 METERS) 1 DEMONSTRATIONS ARRANGED WITHOUT OBLIGATION, f EVERY
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    • 22 7 TUNE in the WORLD with a centurion 10 tube RADIO 1: NJ<>Y N. Sole Agents, Malaya: SEOW KUAN COMPANY, DHOBY GHAUT. SINGAPORE.
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    • 74 7 THE WORLD AT YOUR FINGERTIPS WITH A WESTINBHOUSE 8 TUBE ALL WAVE MASTER RECEIVER You will marvel at the clearness of the speech, the brilUant treble and dominating baas of the music. May we prove this to you by a demonstration without any obligation on your part? We sell RCA
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    • 203 7 wtv. maintamr d for ncarfy I I 11 iJ i iui i iiiiiiiii J I IMPORTANT NOTICE j NEW EXPERIMENTAL BUS ROUTE I I STARTING FROM 7th AUG. 1935. I I THOMSON RD. JUNCTION OF BALESTIER RD. I To Merchant Road and Vice Versa I Serviced By f I Singapore
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 393 7 EMPIRE programmes FOR WEEK-END The Portland String Quartet T Empire wireleaa programmes for tho week-end are as follows: SATURDAY. TRANSMISSION 2. ,m. Big Ben. The Pendleton Public Hand. Talk: "Foreign Affairs." GreenI ime Signal at 7.20 p.m. 1 b Commodore Grand Orches- Sumnifrt'ime at Home, No. 4 de." A talk
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    • 491 7 PHOHI, HOLLAND Programmes For The Week-End (PCJ: 19.71 Metres). SATURDAY. 7.50 p.m. Dutch National Anthem ana opening announcement. 8 p.m. Records. 8.05 p.m. Newstalk by Mr. L. Aletrino. 8.20 p.m. Declamation by Mariette Serle. 8.30 p.m. Talk on literature by Johan Koning. 8.45 p.m. Records. 8.50 p.m. "Latest News Prom
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    • 436 7 BERLIN, SHORT-WAVE STATION Programmes For The Week-End (DJB: 19.74 Metres; DJN: 31.45 Metres; DJQ: 19.63 Metres). SATURDAY. 4.05 p.m. DJB, DJN Announcement (Germ., Engl.). German Folk Song. Programme Forecast (Germ., Engl.). 4.20 p.m. Flute Music from the days of Frederick the Great. Kurt Walther. 4.35 p.m. Topical Talk. 4.50 p.m.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 519 8 mm mjmjm mm mm mm WM\ continuing THE popular success mk L M &Pl_3 mm m 0F A GREAT double mWm mmm 9mW mm FEATURE PROGRAMME. SSS2 m TO-DAY 3.15—6.15—9.15 I J A I /*i A MIVP' 30 BIG STARS IN THE YEAR'S I >>i iftfjfllf— 0 0f SNAPPIEST SHOW!
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 231 9 Great World Cabaret BY POPULAR REQUEST RE-APPEARANCE OF Nino Fely (I tor national Artistes, Dancers and Comedians) WW] perform for two nights only TO-NIGHT—IOth AUGUST TO-MORROW—llth AUGUST Hi LA HI LA POEMA TANGO ANII WALTZ F \NTASIF I ,U the beamy ot the Daneea Ycu will enjoy the exqohute sing
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    • 534 9 nmnmmmmßmMmamwmtmmmWmmmmtmWmWßm «B««WBWnMnjMMV I Manufactured with the utmost mmm JP^^T^BP^WS care, no trouble in the form of Jm W fogging, spots, telegraph wire::, R^bbJ^^S^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbl letc.,I etc., will mar your work if yon flj use Zeiss Ikon film. Its sensitivity 1 J I 1 corresponds to that of a highly It f
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    • 409 9 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 1.1 i i ii iiii i r i i I AUGUST ISSUES—TREMENDOUS HITS.
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  • 764 10 JTUIE dispute between Italy and Abyssinia has been relegated to the background in the news cables of the last few days by somewhat exciting reports from France, Japan and China, but that dispute still presents great danger to the peace of the world. Although a three-power meeting
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  • 159 10 Peerage For Sir Bolton Eyres-Monsell? Bolton Eyres-Monsell. First of the Admiralty, who at 54 Is one of Lhe younger members of the present Cabinet, is to retire from active politics lat the next election. He feels that after 25 years' strenuous political *:ie he has earned
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  • 52 10 Interesting Meetings Next Week MR. Henry Cochet will address the Singapore Rotary Club at the luncheon meeting on Monday, Ladies may be invited as guests on this occasion. At the meeting on Wednesday, Mr. V. A. Lowinger will be the speaker, and his subject will be "Rubber and
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  • 40 10 JAPAN LEAGUE IVill 3it 0n Opium cki!6 (^ommittebs Reuter. Qeueva. 9. IMe Japanese announces Mat will accept M<, council's invitation to continue to sit on tbe Dpium and cnlld Wellare coinmlttees as Innl» as Mis is not regarded as precedent.—Neuter.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 161 10 A MEMBER of the Siamese Assembly j A suggests that village elders and magistrates were more active in suppressing crime in the old days when "titles and medals were given to them as rewards." In these sterncir and more democratic days it would seem
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  • 168 10 i VISITOR to Singapore was heard to remark the other day that he never I saw a city with such large numbers ol juvenile smokers. This is really true to judge from the number of urchins, many of them hardly eight years of agt, who are seen brazenly
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  • 183 10 I MALAYA is a country which possesses a large number of free lance jour- nalists as the specially contributed artl cles to the lecal press prove and it I been suggested by one of these enter prising writers that in order to tail these free-lancers together a»club,
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  • 174 10 TRAINING for the Singapore Turi Club races which will open at tru end of the month will not begin, ornjially until Thursday, Aug. 22. This is a departure from previous practice, toe usually there has been a period ol three weeks of training, but any benefits to
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  • 500 10 By "Looker-Oir SOME boys in school were asked to define an editor. Here are some ot their definitions. it* A -An editor is a man who handles words;" "An editor makes his living out of the English language;" "An editor is somebody who does not do
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 202 10 SHtCIAL SALE OFFER Robinson's Famous »mm*~- BATH I LJatii SoAn soap. 2s v,OLCT six different PERFUMES— Kont>soM 6 v o Ltd.. j Singapore. d_~- THE FINEST iX f r SOAP VALUE V,: I SALE PRICE Iv Jf M.On Per Box. ROEiNSON LTD- j T NGAPORE. I j {Rtgllltr**! [rod* Marttj
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    • 58 10 i. ii.tniiiiiiiiiiiiioiniiaiiißiniiiiiTtwininiiiiiiiiiMiJiimiiiiwiJuMu»^ 1 Victoria Theatre j August 12th at 9.15 I p.m. I I I GRAND DANCING DISPLAY I by I Angela di Martinis j Pupils I i 1 Part proceeds in aid of I CHILD WELFARE SOCIETY. I m mmmmmmmmmm m i 5 9 Booking at John Little Co.,
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  • 194 11 iiy Circles Surprised MOST WELCOME DECISION Reuter. Paris, Aug. V. pHK International Tin Com1 millet* has increased I he ntput quota by 15 per cent, to er cent., retrospective to .1 111 v 1. !h International Tin Coni- it
    Reuter.  -  194 words
  • 5 11 l'.'.e ,,»dav:
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  • 49 11 I'l'mulition Reaches Delicate Sta^e British Official Wireless. London. Aug. 0. r 1 the lumoiu Water- Thame; has reached ■Mi tr.pineeriiv; stage > vejltrday and will a r.ion h. 1 ..idori Comity Council have 'h' 1 Dominions, Colonies and mementoes of the fine bronze lamps which British Official $'irt-!ess.
    British Official Wireless.  -  49 words
  • 117 11 Opening At Olympia Next Week British Official Wireless. London, Aug. 9. JJEXT Wednesday the Annual British Radio LxhiDiticn cpens tor ten days at Olympia. London, and buyers from many cf the world are beginning tc arrive. Ine wireless equipments Indus ry in Rtitain has expanded enormously and
    British Official Wireless.  -  117 words
  • 104 11 Annual Trek To Scotland Begins j British Official Wireless. London. Aug. 9. i I A FEATURE this year of the usual heavy passenger traffic to Scotland for "the Twelfth" —the opening of the grouse season—is the increase in the numbers travelling by night. One train leaving London to-night
    British Official Wireless.  -  104 words
  • 92 11 Cant. Black Returning To London Reuter. Cairo, Aug. 9. pAPT. Campbell Black, who arrived here at 5.30 a.m. in the course of his flight to Capetown, has abandoned the flight and is returning to London as one of his engines is misbehaving.—Reuter. RETURNING TO ENGLAND London, Aug. 9.
    Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 52 11 Reuter. veulli 0s Octoxenarinn 8lHipbuil6er Londuu. 9 I'be deatb is announced ol tbe ocM«euarian sblp-duilder. 8lr mitred lvlul?neux palmer—Neuter. 8ir palmer was born on .lune 3. 1853 and was tbe lourM son ol tbe pirst. Naronet. In 1884 be married Lllen p.dltll daul?bter ol tbe late prederlck
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 54 11 Minister Of Transport To' Prohibit It British Official Wireless. London, Aug 9. It is understood that the Minister of Transport, Mr. Hore Belisha, proposes to prohibit the use of radio sets m motor cars in built in areas owing to the complaints of annoyance caused to
    British Official Wireless.  -  54 words
  • 46 11 British Official Wireless. London, Aug. 9. The total amount applied for fan tenders for £40,000,000 Treasury Bills was £60.605,000. mt The average rate per cent, for bills at three months was lis. 9.37 d. compared with lis. 9.13 d. a week ago.—British Official Wireless.
    British Official Wireless.  -  46 words
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  • 10 11
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  • 173 11 Peacs Overture AN INVITATION TO CHINA Reuter. Tokyo, Aug. 9. nPHE Japanese Press declares A that when the Chinese Ambassador, Mr. hang Tso Pin, returns from leave on Aug. 20, Mr. Hi rot a will open negotiations for the recognition of Manchukuo. closer Sino-Japanese economic co-operation
    Reuter.  -  173 words
  • 439 11 Visit To Tokyo To Ascertain Japan's Views British Official Wireless. London, Aug. 9. most closely in touch with Far Eastern affairs emphasise that Sir Frederick Leith Ross' visit to Tokyo is only designed to ascertain the Japanese view, just as he was recently interviewing all
    British Official Wireless.  -  439 words
  • 153 11 Winnrr Of The Derby In 1922 And 1926 London. Aug. 9. THE death is announced of Lord Woolavington.—Reuter. Bir James Buchanan. G.C.V.0.. LL. D. first Baron of Woolavington, Sussex, was born on Aug. 16. 1849. He was the youngest son of Alexander Buchanan, of Bankell. Sterlingshire.
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  • 59 11 U.S. President Takes Firm Stand Reuter. Washington. Aug. 9; pRESIDEN i Roosevelt is determined to stand firm ajyainst the threatened strike by NewYork relief-workers. He fold the Press Conference that those in need of relief could take the jobs ottered or go without. If they refused the Government's
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 63 11 Reuler. Washington, Aug. 9. AFTER a conference of both Houses. the Senate passed, as amended, the Social Security Bill providing for comouisory unemployment insurance, old-age pensions, federal grants to aid needy and sick mothers and children, and extensions to public health service. The measure was passed by the-House
    Reuler.  -  63 words
  • 106 11 Being Supplied To London's Fire Brigades British Official Wireless. London, Aug. o. ASBESTOS suits which will enabh wearers to pass khrc<igii a liny furnace are being supplied to 'he Bri ish Fire Brigades. A?bestcs protective clothing, which resists heat, has lo; been Ir. use. but the asbestos suit,
    British Official Wireless.  -  106 words
  • 38 11 New British Bill Becomes Law British Official Wireless. London, Aug. 9. The most important among the bills which became law at the end of the past week before Parliament adjourned was the Housing Act.—British Official Wireelss.
    British Official Wireless.  -  38 words
  • 119 11 Three-Party Conversation* On Thursday British Official Wireless. London, Aug. 9. CONVERSATIONS between the French British and Italian representatives on the Italian-Abyssinian problem will begin In Paris on Thursday. The Minister for League of Nations Affairs. Mr. Anthony Eden, and Sir Robert Van Sittart. Permanent UnderSecretary for
    British Official Wireless.  -  119 words
  • 33 11 There will be untitled party at the Chinese Swimming Club on Monday at 5.30 pm. In honour cf Mr. Lee Kong Chian, president cf the Club, who is day lor a round-the-world trip.
    33 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 125 11 '■■■fill! I: til I I I I I lllllillllllllllhtliaill" COMBINED SERVICES j ILNJJLM.iKX.iI. I Leave Singapore 1 for I ''"kmbanrr-Batavia Bandoeng 1 Every i a Monday 6.15 a.m. Wednesday 7. a.m. f Thursday 6.15 a.m. I X L.M. K.N.I.L.M: Offices, 19, Stamford Road, Of to any Booking Agency in Singapore.
      125 words
    • 222 11 Do You Know These Names? I I RUDY VALLEE JACK HYLTON, f I PAUL WHITEMAN AL BOWLLY, I DUKE ELLINGTON GRACIE FIELDS, I CICELY COURTNEIDGE NORAH BLANEY. I Z These Are Just A Few Appearing On The August List Of I "H. M. V." Records I m m 1 Ask
      222 words

  • 666 12 Entitled To Notice MANAGER'S APPEAL DISMISSED Singapore, Friday. rfHE appeal of Mr. A. L. B, Swaine 1 against hi?, conviction and filie of $60 on a charge of mischief by pulling down an attap dwelling house and poultry "shed" belonging
    666 words
  • 56 12 Reuter. Death Of Sister Of Famous Composer New York, Aug. 9. VI US. Saylin Henkin, a sister x of Irving Berlin, the writer and composer of popular .songs, was killed when she fell from the roof of a four-storey building. Her legs, arms and skull
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 204 12 From The Malaya Tribune Aug. 1«. IM.*> THERE have been heavy rains m Kuala Kubu these last few days and a great deal of damage was done au> a consequence of the floods. Public properties have suffered raost Goods stored in the Railway goods shed were damaged,
    204 words
  • 319 12 Contravention Of Aliens Ordinance Singapore. Friday. An American named N. Nathanson appeared in the Third Court before Mr. Blacker this morning charged with (1) giving false information to the effect that he was going to Manila whilst he gravelled to Shanghai. (2) Failing to report when leaving Singapore
    319 words
  • 74 12 Mother And Child With Many Wounds Silicap«>rc. Saturday. THE dead bodies of a Cantonese waitress Phua I'ob Lian (aged 22). and her daughter (aged 4 jears) were discovered in a room at Lorong 16. Geylang Road, last night by other inmates of the house. Beth had been
    74 words
  • 107 12 Nino And Fely To Appear Again Nino and Fely, the Continental Cabaret artistes, have returned to Singapore after a most successful season in the F.M.S. They appeared at the Selangor Club where they drew crowded houses nightly and their dancing was much appreciated. Nmo and Fely will
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  • 197 12 N.C.O.S In Siamese Army MINISTER OF DEFENCE EXPLAINS (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Aug. 9. pOLLOWING the communique which was cabled earlier this week, the Minister of Defence has issued an explanation which discloses that fifteen Noncommissioned Officers have attempted to promote trouble in the ranks
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  • 87 12 Sitiawan On Flying Map WORK is fast progressing:, it is understood, to put Sitiawan on the flying map of Malaya, and the big piece cf ground, stretching from Sitiawan Road in Simpang Ampat. Sitiawan. to the site of the former Sitiawan district hospiial is beins levelled for use
    87 words
  • 40 12 Reuter. Nanking. Aug. 9. An official report by a Government investigator states that 100.000 perished as a result cf the Yungtse floods, 14,000.000 were rendered homeless end 100.000 square kilometres inunda;:ci. The material damage is estimated at $500,000,000.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 314 12 "Not Wholly Absurd/ Says Bishop THE idea of a new German God is not wholly absurd. This was the statement made at the Temple Church here by Dr. E. W. Barnes, the Bishop of Birmingham, when he was discussing "Neo-Paganism," as recently manifested in Germany and
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  • 46 12 Delayed 15 Hours At Manila By Typhoon Singapore, Saturday. The President Adams A'iL 1 not be arriving in Singapore until air o'cio this evening, according to information >unolitd by the local agents Owinc to a typhoon the steamer was delayed 15 hours at Manila.
    46 words
  • 85 12 Singapore, Friday. Charged with being a reputed thiel and found in the back seat of a taxi near the New World in the early hour; of the mcrning of Aug. 2. a Chinese named Kwek Chee Mcc was sentenced tc two weeks' ricorous imprisonment by Mr. Blacker,
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  • 83 12 Letters To The Editor [Our readers are invited to write to us on subjects of public interest. It must be understood that the "Malaya Tribune" does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed by correspondents. LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten (double spacing), and on one
    83 words
  • 173 12 (To ihe Editor, the Malaya Tribune) Sir—l wish to support your correspondent "T" and I sincerely sympathise him in his annoying experience of receiving bad 10-cent coins. I have on several occasions suffered the same annoying experience, and recently must have lost about $5 in this way. It
    173 words
  • 131 12 Chinese Co. Registered In Singapore THE United Chinese Bank. Ltd., has been incorporated under the Companies Ordinance. The temporary offices of this bank are at 100 and 102 Robinson Road. They have secured a lease of the premises at Bonham Building at the corner of Chulia Street and
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  • 105 12 Singapore. Friday. Mr. Tan Thoon Lip. for some time acting Deputy Registrar. Supreme Court, was his morning admitted and enrolled as an advocate and solicitor of the Supreme ourt. Mr. Johannes appeared in support of he petition, and after Mr. Thoon Lin Liad taken the usual oath, his
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  • 76 12 Results Of Ties In The Tournament Singapore. Saturday. rtO further ties were played yesterday in the Amateur (four-ball) Billiards Championship comeption. The results are as follows: Omar bin Hussein Fatul Karib> beat Gan Hock Gin (C.S.A.) by 300 to 259, and Woon Kai Chiang received a walk-over
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  • 92 12 Dinner At Johore Istana Besar (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Aug. 9. A meeting of high European and Malay Government officials was held in the office of Ungku Abdul Aziz (Mentri Besar* Johore) yesterday, to discuss what should be done in honour of the 63rd birthday and
    92 words
  • 239 12 Judgment R?ser\:d RESPONDENT CIV EVIDENCE (From Our Own Reporter* Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. JUDGMENT was reserve d by Justice Cusserj in the Si Court yesterday, after the n hearing of the petition divorce brought by William Sil against his wife, Emile Nona, M. K. Albert as co-respondent. The,
    239 words
  • 251 12 A Yorkshire Man's Challenge CAPTAIN Far.elli, who eh Major C R. Attlee, the Bn Labour M P., to a' duel in any net. .ountry, as a consequence of remarks Major Attlee in the House of Commo. on the Italo-Abyssinian dispute, earl, .his month, has received from a Londoner,
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  • 41 12 Leipzig is to have a twelve and a ha mile long tree-shaded strand prom« nade. For the past two years authorities have been busy reguL the flow of the various waterwa they expect to finish their task year. I
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 408 13 Appal Succeeds HALF THE SENTENCES SERVED Singapore, Friday. rpfjp Indian seamen of the British steamship Baron Beln who were recently charged the Master Attendant, Capt. if. in the Marine Court combining on July 20 with the of the ship
    408 words
  • 133 13 lor ln^anilx Singapore, prida?. K lv Nave caused tbe deaM ol a l3.?i..aro!d cb.nese bo?. 8eab un peb. a man. iVg I'lanc; So,., v. bo treats, for subsequent ,<, bi »l,e t. n)peared before Me 8ceo,.sl i>4l 14 Mice t>...c.uv, tbe «ireliminar? lnquir? ll..e a «barpe of murder
    133 words
  • 453 13 Singapore Bankruptcy Court Singapore, Friday. THE Bankruptcy list this morning was a very short one, several matters being postponed and several others being withdrawn. Mr. Justice a'Beckett Terrell presided and Mr. C. O. Lim, the Assistant Official Assignee, was in charge of Ihe proceedings. Receiving and adjudicating
    453 words
  • 296 13 Bill To Provide For Revised Edition Singapore, Friday. AN Ordinance to provide for the preparation and publication of a revised edition of the ordinances of the Colony is about to be introduced in the Legislative Council. The "Objects and Reasons" state:— In 1920 a revised edition
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  • 108 13 Chinese Found With Dutiable Cigarettes Singapore, Friday. Pleading guilty, before the District Judge, Mr. H. A. Forrer, to-day, to a charge of importing 45,000 Rough Rider and 18,000 Double Ace cigarettes on which no duty had been paid a Chinese, Liew Hong Loo, was fined $1,500 or six
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  • 88 13 Woman Who Planted After Restriction (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Aug. 9. A Chinese woman, who owns a rubber plantation at Kota Tinggi was charged before Sheikh Abu Bakar bin Yahya (Second Magistrate, Johore BahnD, who specially went up to Kota Tinggi to hear the case, with
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  • 66 13 Young Malay Sent To Prison Singapore, Friday.' Awang bin Ahmad, a young Malay was sentenced to nine months' rigorcus imprisonment to-day, by the Second i Magistrate, Mr. N. Grice, on being con victed on charges of theft cf jewellery valued at $482. and breaking open a closed
    66 words
  • 56 13 Canada Negotiating With United States Reuter Wireless. New York, Aug. 2. The Canadian Government is reported to be negotiating here for the flotation of $76,000,000 ten-?ear note issue at 2*b per cent., the proceeds being primarll? for repa?ment of the one?ear bank loan contracted in the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  56 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 67 13 See the Latest £AAMAM CARS j All Graham mode's are low-built and wide tracked. They liold the road with comfort and safety. The outboard springs provide practical independent front suspension without "knee action." Absolutely Vibrationless and supremely smooth Standard and De Luxe models in various colours just arrived. Trial run
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  • 450 14 Impressive Play MAKES THE GAME LOOK EASY Singapore, Saturday. CCIXTILLATIXG tennis was dis4 played by Henri Cochet, the renowned professional player and former Wimbledon and Davis Cup "star", at the Goodwood Park Hotel yesterday afternoon. Cochet figured in an exhibition match
    450 words
  • 71 14 Will Not Fight At Kuala 1 Lumpur Singapore, Saturday. IT is understood that Gunboat Jack is indisposed and will therefore not be able to fight Young Aide to-night, at Kuala Lumpur. Jack was still in Singapore 1 this morning. Mr. R. D. Simon states that the American negro
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  • 102 14 Trip To Kuala Lumpur This Week-End I j Singapore, Saturday. The Malay Football Association team have journeyed up to Kuala Lumpur and will play the Selangor Malays on the Tamil Physical Culture Association ground to-morow. Five players who are in the Singapore Malaya Cup team will be included
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  • 540 14 Catch-As-Catch Can RUGGER XV BEATEN BY SOCCER XI Singapore, Friday. 1 HEHRE uas a most entertaining ball game cn the Padang to-day j when the soccer eleven and the lugger fifteen of *:hc S.C.C. met in an exciting scramble. They wcie supposed to be playing undc:
    540 words
  • 95 14 Crisp's Good Bowling INTERESTING COUNTY GAMES I London, Aug. 9. THE South Africans scored another overwhelming victory against Warwickshire at Birmingham by an inning" and 174 runs. Going in first, the tourists scoreu 498, Rowan 102 and Noursc being unbeaten with 160. CRISP TAKES 10 WICKETS
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  • 198 14 Derby's Fine Victory Over Northants Reuter. Derby defeated Northants at Northampton by 100 runs. Derby: 85 (Clark 5 for 33) and 362 (Townsend 102». Norihants: 186 «Mitchell 7 for 73) and 161 (.Copson 5 for 44». WIN FOR HANTS Hampshire beat Essex at Chelmsford by 78 runs. Hants:
    Reuter.  -  198 words
  • 503 14 Keen Rivalry At Sports Meeting Singapore, Saturday. A FRIENDLY spirit of keen rivalry among the different houses distinguished the eleventh annual athletic sports of the Rangoon Road School, held in conjunction with those of the Afternoon School on their ground yesterday The beys were extremely fortunate, indeed,
    503 words
  • 336 14 Rugby Secton LAST YEAR'S SEASON REVIEWED Singapore, Saturday THE annual meeting of the Sjtfj. Rugby section was held yeattr. day evening, with Mr. J. If. Sim the chair. At the outset. Mr. B. E. Ahlitta reviewed last year's season, which, he said, was a highly successful one.
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  • 66 14 A Thousand Holes Without Any Rest Peoria, Illinois, July 4. Robert (Chief) Ccy, strong man and marathon golfer of this town, has played 1.000 successive holes of polf without a rest, breaking his old record of 476 consecutive holes. Coy used 25 caddies and play<d It night with
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 6 14 You must not)/ M|| miss your
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    • 110 14 Charles Whitcombe who will lead the British team against America in the Ryder Cup Competition. RYDER CUP GOLF British And American Teams London. Aug. 9. ERNEST and Reginald Whitcombe have been selected to fill the vacancies in the British Ryder Cup team to play America at Ridgewood, New Jersey, on
      110 words
    • 112 14 -»*TT«i!«xi«H«iTß»«nßn»iißu«ii«u«ußiimit«ii«n«iißiT«ttßfi«u«ii«ti«n«r» i CHIN 4 m WW- I Underwriters Limited. i (Incorporated in Hongkong). H A British Company Registered in Great Britain and Hongkong 1 LIFE, FIRE, MOTOR CAR, MARINE PERSONAL I ACCIDENT I Insurance 1 Thone 4276. Office: Hongkong Bank Chambers I Second Floor Singapore. V.lfl l'll''«i.lllli:iiiinliHi, I,r II I
      112 words

  • 442 15 Sdangor Verms Singapore At The K.L. Stadium Who Will Win? Can The Homesters Stage A Revival? Will Singapore Maintain Their Superiority? History And Past Results Recalled (By "Forward") Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. i )-l)AY is Cup-Final Day! Thousands and thousands of r fans from all
    442 words
  • 970 15 Tangible Expression Of Appreciation Iv beautiful cups were sent as a expression of appreciation, ana 'he suggestion of Capt. Buller himthe;-" came to be known as H.M.S Malaya cups. Oi was awarded for rugby football art the other for soccer. A l plv was sent to Capt.
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  • 402 15 Good Ground For Selangor Critics Looking through the tables for both the North and th§ South, one is *tro*> by the comparatively high number of goals that Selangor conceded. Singapore's forwards scored 19 goals and their defence concede only four, whereas Selangor collected 18 but gave
    402 words
  • 160 15 To Challenge In American j Zone j I I j j I "IT seems to be that our best plan for next year will be to chalcnge in the j American Zone of the Davis Cup," Jac.; iCn wi'ord told "The Referee" represents tive after
    160 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 120 15 1 Nothing adds more interest and at tractio to the home than a small aqcar'um. We shall be pleased to i j shov yt.u how simple it is to rea" attractive miniatur fish from Japar ami America. Our new stocks of tih range from 20 cts. upwards. Aquariums of all
      120 words
    • 216 15 gnu GREAT EASTERN LIFE "GREAT* by reason of the fact that in a period of fittfe more than a quarter of a century H has (1) built up a large business all over Ada; (2) acquired a thoroughly sound financial position; (3) introduced modern Innovations that were previously absent from
      216 words

  • 493 16 Annual Spoils At Jalan Besar Stadium Mn|ipnr» Saturday. AT the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday afternoon, in the presence ol a biu gathering of spectators, the annual sports of the Singapore English School were held. Among those present were Mrs D. R Swaine. wife of the President, Singapore
    493 words
  • 269 16 Rowing Heats In Singapore THE heats of the Senior Pairs tor the Illawara Cup (Royal Singapore Yacht Club; were duly rowed oft on Thursday, over a mile course betweei Pulo Brani and Blakang MaU. when there was a slight following wind and adverse tide. In the first heat
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  • 117 16 Indoor Games: Lightning Knockout Tournament All .senior and junior members of the Y.M.C.A. are reminded that there will be a Lightning Knockout Tournament: Billiards and Ping-pong, Classes A.. B and C.—on Wednesday Aug. 14. commencing at 7 p.m. At the conclusion of the tournament the prizes won for
    117 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 98 16 j Warm StudiOS i- i am,--i j iii 1 1 MB m\mn "in i n TONIC WIN! With evcrj bottle ol /OD 4$ KNERVIN TONIC WINK LJE& ti ij tills very attractive fIQ J HAND BA(i J !H /j FREE 3 i f A splendid nit te yours to-day. This
      98 words
    • 73 16 Illllllllliili«iillliliti»ii|iiiiiiiiiiilll.lllllllil««ll I'il'H'lf r- j I J" I I m Prelude to Pleasure. m m Wherever Smart and Connoisseurs assemble, i the popularity ol' "Gold Tea" brand is I f significantly in evidence. t In selecting your Tea you may always eon- 1 5 1 ndently rely upon 'dold Leaf" as
      73 words
    • 75 16 l^^^^^' v COLDS r F ymj have t>.«<l r«>l<! ruh ><»or I rtaeM with 7,am-Hok BMMT 7,am-Duk over thr n«>s<- ami nMdf ilie nostrils, or rabZatn-Bith ini<> your hands, hoM them eup-hkr <Io .r to nos»- ami nuoifh ami breaths la the medicinal balneal tfivrn c»fT. /.am-lluk banishes stuffiness, soothes
      75 words

  • 173 17 Vuthor's View After A Trip To Europe Baltimore. x :br> United States needs is not a t( but a king, declared Mr. Mencken, the well-known American ,,n ariival here after a trip to Roosevelt would make a good rt off with," the author added. fter becoming
    173 words
  • 295 17 i;l- vcnlh Kdition Of The Year Book I.) 11! 'ion i f th Armu- ok has just been published. on i»ii the organisation and .1 r force or «> 1 eouni ii tr colonies. t' j th4 .-«iuntries. tlr short May 193«>. !i:il d» fence expenditure 1
    295 words
  • 120 17 Delimiting The Frontier between Them I fit IVe»i<lc.".t of the Council cf the i' .f Na'iar.. I>r. Tcvnk Kusiu Aras. a nti'fi Col< nel Frederic Isclin, a '■■x r. ;i as ;he neUtrnl thair- Joint Com- .ieteinrrnnig ,>n the ground the wdemarcaVd part or" the it or.*'or
    120 words
  • 469 17 The Current Singapore Prices Singapore, Aug. 9. < MEAT i Beef, steak, kati 32 Beef, stew or curry, kati 25 Fillet, steak, 45 Viu ton, Auotidiian, per lb. 30 Pork, lean, kati 44 Pork, lean and.fat Ust quality), kati 35 POULTRY Capons locally reared), kati 55 Ducks,
    469 words
  • 80 17 Man Who Grew Pears On Apple Trees Persuading pears to grow on apoltrees was only one of the Lats accomplished by Ivan Aiitchurin. Russia's "plant who died last month, In his private orchard the 75-year-S-vk, Lie mist grew hlaok currants as taays ag grapes, and p'ums a
    80 words
  • 178 17 Moved Like A Wooden Man How hanpv th'<? man must feel to be strong and lit again, after beir.g a vicdini of rheumatism for so long. "it is many years now," he writes, "sine* was Arsl laid lh> vrlth ckronie rheumatism. Then I had to Ro
    178 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 364 17 i mmmm him mm i in i i i i 1.1 ii i i i i i i i i i i i ij. > RESULT OF THE I GRAND' MYSTERY SOAP COMPETITION Competitors wore asked to state which was the most famous health soap in the world and to
      364 words
    • 163 17 GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO M 275. South Bridge Road, Singapore. (Optician Mr. C. y T AN). CIH 21b4). CHAKtiES CHE A I»E R THA N aNY W HERE 1. Sight tested glaaaaa supplied from $4 on 2. CKOOKES LENSES completed with stylisu frame from $6 on. /ONLY GOODRICH SILVERTOWNSGIVE *&>
      163 words
    • 31 17 sure death to POWDER I \,M,fBS ym Spray. 1 I CORN-PAIN is gone-! £fc mm It's marvelous how C-/ Wk/f P am disappears when H < /Er you use a drop of
      31 words

  • 330 18 Worst Outbreak In North Bay Area WEARY fire-fighters strung aeioss a 100 mile front in Ontario's northland called for mure volunteers and equipment in a renewed effort to combat the worst outbreak of bush fires reported this year. Frcm Sudbury in the south to Iroquois
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  • 181 18 Fat Teachers Banned In New York New York, PORTLY school teachers are banned by Now York City School Authorities on aesthete, physical and psychological grounds. This, at any rate, 1« the explanation cf its refusal to license heavyweight teachei*s which his been gven by a board of
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  • 92 18 The Permanent Mandates Commissi nut in Geneva for its twenty-seventh session from June 8 to IK. The < mission c-cnsideied the annual report--1934 of the mandatory Powers for Pi tine, Syria and the Lebanon, Tangany South West Africa, Nauru and NGuinea. It also considered a number of petitipi
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 708 18 i i i i i i i i i i i i I lim l i n i i i iimiHMiMiimiiin-jtiiiimi»^ j Elizabeth Arden Buy Elizabeth Arden s Preparations I j and Save! j f PLIZABETH ARDEN has created a sc'entific Preparation for every t ~f your skin. And v
      708 words
    • 370 18 ELLAMS 0 ii* i? a- ALL BRITISH Self feeding j, liupiicator Shorty and silent in action. thta Duplicator will turn out over 100 copie.s per minute. The machine is of ah exceptionally solid construction. By r means oi a variable lever, the density of copies can be varied and the
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    • 406 18 CHURCH SERVICES Details For This Week-End CHURCH OF ENGLAND ST ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL 6.50 a.m., Holy Communion. 7.30 a.m.- Matins. 8 a.m., Choral Eucharist 5.30 p.m., Evensong .Choiai) ana Sermon. WEEKDAYS Holy Communion: on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a.m., Tuesday, Ihursday and Saturday at 7 am, Evening Service and
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    • 549 18 Subject: 'TThe Things* We Think About." 6 p.m., English Service, Brigadier A Lord. fTuesday, 8 p.m., Prayer Meeting—Rev. Goh Hood Keng. Thursday, 4 p.m., Bible Class. (Malay j Friday, 8 p.m., Bible Class (English;. STRAITS CHINESE CHURCH Frinsep Street 8.15 a.m., Sunday School and Bible classes 9.15 a.m., <Malay»— Mr.
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  • 149 19 IK-ar Boys, I havt a very interesting piece of news jjive you all this week. Hi lo\t vou will find a letier from a boy < inada, who wants lo correspond u ,U, school bovs in this country. II, 1S seventeen years of age
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  • 62 19 DEAR Sir: ish to obtain the address in your district with rrespond. I realise that est is rat i;er irregular, but means by which I can ri 'spondenf in your counars old and would like letters, souvenirs and to our respective id it me in touch with
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  • 482 19 By .v. T. Fatt") "Youth is a blunder; manhood is a truggle; old age is a regret," said Youth, is indeed the most imlife. Youth is like a young tree which will give good fruit provided it is well cultivated. Again youth can be described as an
    482 words
  • 345 19 (Ah Bok) aS it is desirable to have definite designs. For he more distinctly we are aware of our indivx.ual desires in reading, the mor<* definite- and lasting will be our learning Hence it is well to cultivate a habit of calHnt; our-elves to account for
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  • 307 19 (Ah Bok> In this scienl fic age Wood-ptjip is put to many purposes other than paperToaking. Following the discovery of recent time that paper or wood-pulp can be utilised for weaving, it is now employed for the manufacture of collars and tics, raincoats, headwear and
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  • 264 19  -  •By "Tan Ah Tee" Learning is m essential and al>o indispensable subject of life, not only of human beings, but also of animals. A dog has to learn to please its master in all his moods. A race horse has to learn exercise and running before it la allowed
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  • 79 19 AUNT SALLY'S LETTER My Dear GirLs, The number of letters I received this week were again very few, but the ones I received were very interesting and I must thank those of you who sent in articles. iThe decrease in the number of letters was more noticeable
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  • 353 19  -  (By "Starlight Ong" Many people have a wrong idea as tc what a hero really is. Children, especially, are told that a hero is a person With extensive power and influence as a conqueror. Fcr that reason they claim that Napoleon Bonaparte is a hero.
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  • 300 19  -  (By "Starlight Ong" Kindness to animals is an essential part Of human virtue Animals are dumb and helpless in our hands and they cannot plead their <>wn rant. Suc'b animals like the horse, the ass, the mule, and the buffalo have worked hard enough for nan to
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  • 157 19 iBy "Moonlight-Girlie" Malacca) Banks play a most important part in the business life of every country, and it is almost impossible to imagine how commerce could bo carried on witbou: their help. They are the heart of business li f e and as money is the
    157 words
  • 163 19  -  (By "Black Magic" I am an old ragged hat. 4t first I was beautifully made and put in a shop. One evening a lady bought Die for two dollars for her beloved daughter. She brought me home and gave me to her little girl. She received
    163 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 62 19 9 r °CK TYPEWRITER CO. S A. CHANGE ALLEY. SINGAPORE. II IVlephtme No 2fi3.1 5i Dealers i n new secondhand pJ I 1 Rl u»i. Typewriters. }0 l [R EES of all makes of Type- ft 1 alculators, Adding Machines, L sell Kolok Ribbons A Carbon X fc W i
      62 words
    • 146 19 What can be the matter? When your good little son suddenly becomes cross, contrary, tearful something more than his disposition is to blame. «gjg m**-- I Probably he is constipated he needs a laxative. But be sure to give him a laxative suited to a child's sensitive system. Give him
      146 words
    • 124 19 LION BRAND KRUPOK lk:«n Udang (Fish and Prawn Crackers) of Super Grade Obtainable from all high class provision dealers D. T. Lim's Herbs Tea for Diabetes, Rheumatism, Kidney Trouble and all kinds of Urinal Complaint Composed of absolutely harmless medical herbs and leaves Perfectly safe for the youngest child Sole
      124 words