Malaya Tribune, 29 January 1935

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 39 1 The Malaya Tribune Malaya's First National Newspaper: Guaranteed Largest Sales Vol. XXIL- -No. 24 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1935 FIVh CENT? The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Tuesday. Jan. 29, 19.J5. Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, TUESDAYS, JANUARYS 29, 1935. FIVE
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 113 1 Read The ĕribnnt Dominant In zSMa/aya I fry Clover Brand milk I f Your p urse jCW 5/"<W L~PANISH MILK WtRIUZED NATURE f SOLE IMPORTERS: Economy and THK F4ST ASIATIC CO, LTD., Satisfaction. x lft PENAN G, KUALA LUMPUR SINGAPORE. 1 RID FEATHER BUTTER! v r i |i J D
      113 words
    • 145 1 j I fig* Crosse Blackwells Soups Jams Picklea, Sauces and Pastes ari d man y other pre- fMM P delicacies, owe their perfection to the bug experience \fSSS:f S ne 0f ty Y: de st an( J best kTIOWn BrftWi Manufacturer, Only W th very best ingredients are used and
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    • 0 1 !> < «»!>
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  • 608 2 Shipping News Notices. FITTING OUT THE QUEEN MARY How The Work Is Progressing ißy Air Mail) 'From Our Own Correspondent) Glasgow, Jan. 10. THREE months after her launching—an event which was outstanding among the occurrences of 1934—the 73,000-ton Queen Mary may seem to have passed from the public ken, to
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  • 352 2 New Apparatus To Prevent Sea Mishaps AN invention which, it is hoped, will minimise the risk of collision at sea in fog is to be given its first pract-'cal trials under th? auspices of the Radio Research Board in the New Year. The value of the invention
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  • 306 2 I Proposal To Build New Liner Despite the recent official announcement in the Second Chamber that, the Dutch Government considered it useless to attempt to compete in the Atlantic pass.nger traffic with the shipping companies in the leading martime countries and that the Government would not grant any subsidy
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  • 507 2 Questionnaire To British Shipowners THE Coastal Trade Development Council has issued to the principal firms engaged in the coastal industry a questionnaire to secure authentic information as to the alleged employment cf foreigners in British coastal ships and to rebut a recent complaint that practically every crew
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  • 113 2 Four liners finish their annual overhaul at Southampton namely, the Cunard White Star liner Aquitania. which leaves for the United States after attention from Messrs. John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., the Cunard White Stat liner Homeric, the Royal Mail liner liner Atlantis, and the Blue Star
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 392 2 STEAMER SAILINGS. and BRITISH INDIA I' O. S. N. Co.'s SAILINGS. Oil WARDS. Due Tonnage. Singapore. ISH6. CI TIiAL 16*60 Feb. 1 PHI 1 0,100 Feb. 14 CA E WAGE 13,0 iO Feb. 15 BEHAR o,oo' Feb. 28 <i, •,15,000 *t!ar. 1 SOI DAN 6.600 Mar. 13 < ORFIJ I&jUOO
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    • 337 2 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE. TO GENOA. LONDON. ROTTERDAM. HAMBURG AND COPENHAGEN. From Prom From From Spore. Malacca. P >rt Fenang. M S. Slum. MEONIA 19-2 19-2 20-2 22-2 I A LSI A 12-3 12-3 13-3 15-3 BORINCTA 2-4 2-4 3-4 5-4 ERRIA 23-4 23-4 24-4 25-4 LALANDIA 14-6 14-5 15-5
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    • 488 2 N. Y.K. LINE GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS for CUNARD WHITE STAR LTD. (Incorporated in Japan.) To London via Naples, Marseilles. Next Sailings— 1935 s.s. FUSHIMI MARU Feb. 8 s.s. HAKOZAKI MARU Feb. 21 m.s. TERKUNI MARU Mar. 6 s.s. HAKUSAN MARU Mar. 21 s.s. HA RUN A MARU April 4 MINIMUM
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    • 527 2 STEAMER SAILINGS. NORDTfEUTSCHER 9 LLOYD. (Incorporated in The underno;<ed are the Company's intended fixtures: OUTWARDS. 1935. "COBLENZ," for Manila, H'kong, S'hai, N. China and Japan Feb. 3 "SAALE," for Manila, H'kong, S'hai, N. China and Japan Feb, 12 "LAHN." fcr Manila, H'k mg. S'hai, X. China and Japan Feb. 23
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  • 173 3 v \LUES fall away SLIGHTLY Rubber Stocks Up i 183 Tons p- Our Financial Correspondent) uj ore, Tuesday, morning, jo-day's Prices r (Singapore), 20% cts., down ct. v; -;<et To'ie: Quiet. ,S ngapore), $114%, up $V6V>tcr(ia>'s Prices: •n: 6 1 ;;d., down Ysd. M ;ivft Tone: Easier.
    173 words
  • 58 3 In .'ci?( of :he powers conferred tion 2 f the Tin and E tment, 1931. S retary t Government here- 1 i T- -ore (Restric'Xr 1933. which were i i.r: lien No. 9862 in D 30, 1932. as follows: j .graph ta> the words ect:al to twice" are
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  • 1361 3 Financial News Views. LATEST SINGAPORE SHARE QUOTATIONS The following mining share quotations are issued by Fraser Co., exchange and stock brokers. Rubber quotations are those of Fraser Co., and Lyall and Evatt: MINING Singapore, Tuesday. 10 a.m. The following mining snare xiuotatlons are issued by Fraser and Co., exchange and
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  • 87 3 U.S. President's Reply To Congress Reuter Wireless. Washington, Jan. 24. A DETERMINED movement by both parties in Congress for a detailed explanation as to how the four milliard dollars shall be expended on lelief works brough: a reply from President Roosevelt that it was a physical
    Reuter Wireless.  -  87 words
  • 248 3 Gilt EdgHd Securities Weaken Reuter Wireless. London. Jan. 24. ON the Stock Exchang?, gilt-edged securities further weakened owing to competition for new capital issues, while among foreigners, Japanesa loans declined owing to reports of renewed hostilities. Otherwise, apan from sustained interest in South African minings, the markets ruled
    Reuter Wireless.  -  248 words
  • 239 3 Statistics Ar-3 Still Disappointing MESSRS. Lewis and Peat, Ltd.. LonIfl don, in their weekly market repoi. dated Jan. 15. state: PLANTATION —The market has been qu eter during the waek but the undertone keeps firm. Part of th 2 gain renorted in our last issue has been losi
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  • 62 3 DAILY PRICES CURRENT For R.M.A. No. I. X. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Singapore, Tuesday, noon. Buyers- Sellers. Spot (loosr., 20V 2 20% (F. 0.8.) February 20% 20% Feb.' March 21»4 21% April June 22% 22% JulySept-. 23% 23-* Tone of Market: Quiet, steady. Latest Cable: London Spot
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  • 683 3 Improved Demand Fiom America THE following, which arrivsd by air mail, is from the Mining Journal of Jan. 19, and is of particular inI terest to the local tin mining industry: 1 Af er a long period of stable prices cash tin this week advanced rapidly on
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  • 25 3 Los Angeles, Cal. Surface line employees derailed and overturned street cars during a walkout after their employers refused to submit to arbitration.
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  • 426 3 MAYNARD CO., LIMITED Sales Up But Deficit Recorded Singapore, Monday. THE annual general meeting of Messrs. Maynard and Co., Ltd., was held at tlu registered offices of the company in the Char ercd Bank Chambers at noon to-day. Mr. J. W. E. Adams was in the chair and f .ho
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  • 104 3 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Motor Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are as follows: Shell Aviation Spirit in 4-gailon drums per British Imperial gallon $1.18 Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon $0.82 Shell Motor Spirit to 4-gallon drums per British Imperial
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  • 50 3 The following are the prices of Socony gasoline and kerosene: BENZINE Socony Motor Gasoline (ex pump) ncr British Imperial Gallon $0.81 Socony Motor Gasoline x /a drums) per drum $3.48 Socony Motor Gasoline C,4 Wns) per tin ».70 KEROSENE Devoe's Imperial Brilliant (per Sylvan Arrow (per tin)
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 235 3 ittt YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK LIMITED, MISTER CHAMBERS. RAFFLES PLACE. Capital Fully Paid Yen 100.000,000. Rawru Fund Yen 124,250,000. READ OFFICE: BRANCHES ut Alexandria, Batavia, Berlin. I)air.rt l enpt-t-n. Hamburg Hankow, Harom. Honolulu, Hongkong, Hsinking, Karachi, Kobe, London, Los Angeles, Manila, Moji, •w<- k Nageya, New York, Osaka, Paris, Range—, Rio
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    • 78 3 Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappi I N. V (NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY). Established in Amsterdam, 1824. HEAD OFFICE: AMSTERDAM. WITH BRANCHES IN ROTTERDAM AND THE HAGUb, BATAVIA. Branches throughout the Dutch East Indies and in the Straits Settlements, India, China, Japan and Arabia. LONDON BANKERS: The National Provincisl Bank, I*»"**Correspondents in the principal Cities
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    • 219 3 Oversea-Ghlaese Banking fuinfliin l'« (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) SUCCESSORS TO THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, Ltd., THE HO HONG BANK, Ltd. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, Ltd. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HFAD OFFICE- CHINA BUILDING, CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE. LOCAL BRANCH; 458, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chee Swee Cheng,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 605 4 M.HASSAN, 36 ft 37, BkAS BASAH ROAD, SINGAPQJtg. We undertake all sorts of work in t lactrieal, gas an water service line. v»f yiw prompt attention to all order: eil her pig or small. Why not consult as about your require mcnts V Estimate submitted upon reI quest withoul charge
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    • 770 4 EDUCATIONAL. I Private tuition given by s Lady- teacher in English, French, Dutch and B V Gorman. Coaching students backward B I in rchool-lessons. Charges moderate I I Apply Box No. 560, c o Malaya I M Tribune. I MERCANTILE INSTITUTE^ 61. WATERLOO STREET. Homing, Afternoon and Evening Classes. Receives
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    • 765 4 I SINGAPORE AUCTIONEERS, Important Auction Sale Of Valuable Jewelleries. Compris'mf:—Not klaces. brooches* :'nars, pendants, bracelets, pins lockets, ear-ring.", gold buttons, jade necklaces. *C9f*l cases, solid and gold ch'ming packet watches, all set S/ith d'smo ids, brilliants and precious Stonrs, etc. BTo8 To I/O h?ld at par Saleroom. Nc, i>. Chulia
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    • 493 4 I I LINGUI TIN, LIMITED. DIVIDEND NO. 20. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a FirstInterim Dividend of B per cent, for the year ending 31st August, 1936, wiU be paid to Shareholders o.i the Register on 22ml February, 1985. NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN thai the Transfer Books of the
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    • 329 4 i Admittedly there are See* i Scores i.f WATCH, CLOCK GRAMOI'HO N E REPAIRERS in Singapore, but IYfckWohHiiig 429, NORTH BRIDGE RO ID f (Near Middle RoaoiJ f can honestly dam t fl have enough a experience to safety aaaci:e ail 4eli tie 3 AREN'T THEY THE CGNTRAC i
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  • 290 5 Mr. Winston Churchill On India rv, DAY'S Empire wireless programme i as follows: p.m. Big Ben. Sydney Torch, Organ of the Regal Cinema, Edi.m A Burns Night Programme ition of the 176th anniversary )u l's birth. Devised by James (Greenwich Time Signal at 20 p.m. m.
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  • 87 5 :n a.m. G.S.A. 49.6 metres and 31.5 metres. Transmission 5. pan. G.S.F. 19.82 metres and G.S.G. 16M metres. Transmission 2. 7 M p.m. G.S.F. 19.82 metres and <,•»: :.>.;> metres, TranMnission 2.. 9JZS p.m. G.S.E. 25.3 metres and metres, Transmission 3. 11.21 pan. (.SC. 31.3 metres and 49
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  • 31 5 Bombay. -stop skating record is Pai ices Deboo and upils cf the Bombay Fort lei ted for 24 hours without only refreshmenx was and a few apples.
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  • 238 5 W ireless Programme For To-Day THE wireless programme for to-day as announced by the German ShortStati0il > Berlin, Broadcasting House, is as follows: P-5 1 DJB, DJN Announcement Germ., Engl.). German Foik Song. Programme Forecast (Germ., Engl.). *20 p.m. Li.tie Juvenile Theatre. 4.bU p.m. News in English.
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  • 213 5 Young: Malay Remanded At Taiping (From Our Own Correspondent j Taiping, Jan. 26. Bakar bin Aziz, a Malay young man. v;as produced in the Taiping Police Court to-day on a charge of committing housebreaking by nigh: by entering into a sundry goods shop at No. 11, Market Square.
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  • 114 5 To-day's Memorial Services In China Sin Chew Jit Poh. Shanghai, Jan. 23. To-day is the ihird anniversary of the stare of the Shanghai "War." A service will be performed at the tomb of the Unknown Warrior at Meihangchen, in which representatives from the public ins itutions in the
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  114 words
  • 162 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala L pis, Saturday. Prior to their departure on leave to Ceylon Mr. S. Rajupillai. audit cicrk. attached to the F.M.S. Railways, Kuala Lipis. and Mr. C. Vythal ngam. Permanent Way Department, was entertained to dinner by the Subordinate Staff of the Railway Department,
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  • 624 5 Personal Paras About Local People THE Hon'ble Mr. G. R. Leonard, British Resident, Pahang, was the guest-of-henour at a dinner which Mr. Leong Sin Nam, J.P., M.C.H., gave in Ipoh la:t week. t> Dr. Lim Eng Cheang, Assistant Medical Officer, District Hospital, Ipoh. is proceeding on transfer to
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  • 97 5 Paris To Madagascar In 3 Days, j 13 Hours Reuter Wireless. Antana Narivo, Jan. 23. Three French airmen have broken I the record for a flight to Madagascar, i reaching here from Paris in three days 13 hours 18 minutes, compared with the previous record of four
    Reuter Wireless.  -  97 words
  • 209 5 To Come Into Operation Next Winter Reuter Wireless. London, Jan. 23. THE extension of unemployment insurance, to agr. cultural workers in eluding forestry and horticulture employees, is proposed in th 2 report o* me unemployment insurance Statutor. Committee onesided ovar by Sir William Reve'ridga. T.t
    Reuter Wireless.  -  209 words
  • 80 5 Driver Acquitted On Charge Of Manslaughter Reuter Wireless. Messux, Jan. 24. The train disaster at Lagny ov.:r Christmas time in 1933 in which ov'r 200 D3ople were, killed is recalled by by the Correctional Court's acquittal on a charge of manslaughter of Lucien Daubigny. driver of the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  80 words
  • 42 5 Reuter Wireless. Paris, Jan. 24. As the result of a large number of tpp'ications from young Saarlanders since the plebiscite to join the French foreign Legion, a new regiment is to 0« cuated making the Sixth Legion of he R-giment.- -Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  42 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 8 5 Details from: Spot Radio, Ltd., 58, ORDCHARD RD,
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    • 113 5 «l!lllllllHllllli|M|i:|tl|!i|iir,l"iiiiiiiiiin■;,Ihliiliiliilliliiliiliil'if <tiitill.:Iiilnliil)HiilllllilllllttillHIIlll't' ti'iM I I I I |i'ti:|>i|i'|!|» Safe for Children's Coughs Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gets ~>*4kwk\ quick results without the use of narcotics. It soothes inflamed membranes i almost at once, yet is absolutely safe ~ip COUGH for children as well as adults. Pleas- tREMEDT ant tasting, economical, and
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  • 111 6 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE Singapore, Jan. 20. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1) Rohna 22. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3) Kedah 18; Toussoum 16; Gorgon 15. Perseus 13; Shirala 11; Aeneas 9. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3) Carignano 3C; City of Dunkirk 32; Amagisan Maru
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  • 97 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lipis, Saturday. At the annual general meeting or the Chinese Club, Kuala Lipis, the following were appointed office-bearer: for the year 1935 President: Towkay Koh Yew Kee: Vice-President: Towkay Koh Kit Gin; hon. secretary: Mr. Ong Seong Tek hon. asst. secretary:
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  • 543 6 JUST WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW TO-DAY'S SHIPPING AENEAS PASSENGERS The following passengers arrived in Singapore by the Aeneas from the United Kingdom on Monday:— Mr. T. E. H. P. Kennedy, Mr E. V. Hunt, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Bowyers, Mr. V. L. Hart, Mr. H. P. Bryson, Mr.
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  • 50 6 Reuter Wireless. London, Jan. 25. The Duke and Duchess of Kent resumed their honeymoon when despite the stormy weather they left London by air for Southampton en route to the West Indies. They will return in April when they will occupy their new London residence. —Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  50 words
  • 44 6 Mails from Batavia and Palembang ov aeroplane are expected at ihe General Post Office, Singapore, at 2.30. p.m. today. From China by the Naldera. due at Singapore at 10 a.m. to-morrow. From Holland by the Kota Nopan, due at Singapore on Thursday.
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  • 14 6 Left Arrd. By Spore London Air Mail dmperiai* Jan. 21 Jan. 23
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  • 538 6 Wealthy Chinese Sued By Wife (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipch. Monday. AN order for $40 as monthly maintenance was made by Che Osman. Second Magistrate, in the Ipoh Police Court on Saturday, when ttu case in which Mr. Chin Thin Nyan, a son of a wealthy Ipoh
    538 words
  • 208 6 SELLING Singapore, Jan. 29. London 4 months' sight 2,4 7 3: i London 3 months' sight 2 4 310 London 60 days' sight 2 r l 53> London 30 days' sight 2 4^ London demand 24 3j32 London T.T. 24 3|32 Lyons and Paris demand BGS Hamburg demand
    208 words
  • 219 6 Singapore, Jan. 29. R. i Siam» W Coast N. 1 per Koyan $123 R. (Siam IW. Coas; N 2 per Koyan $121 R. (Siam i W. Coast N. 3 per Koyan $12 2 Rice B. Siam N. 1 per Koyan $125 Rice, B Siam N. 2 per Koyan $123
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  • 224 6 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures TO-DAY, JAN. 29 High Tides.—4.24 a.m., 5.57 p.m. Rugby: Seven-a-Side Tournament S.C.C.; Medical College v. S.C.F.A. (R.S.), College ground. Golf: Garrison Club. Monthly Mixvj Foursomes Competition. Opening Performance by Royal Balinese Dancers, Capitol Theatre, G p.m. TO-MORROW, JAN. 30
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  • 71 6 ALHAMBRA.—"Student Tour." APOLLO.— Dawn Trail"' 'English talkiei. "Sam Pek Eng Thye" (Malay talkie». I CAPITOL.—RoyaI Balinese Dancers. EMPIRE.—"The Lost Special" (chapters I—(j/. GREAT WORLD.—CaLaiet Dancing, Side-shows, Deans Grand Opera, Chinese Wayangs, Cinemas, Talkies, etc. MARLBOROUGH.—"Lobipita." NEW WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing, > Side-sho*s, Malay Operas, Chinese Wayangs, Cinemas, Talkies, etc. PAVILION.—Bebe Daniels
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  • 53 6 The following passengers arrived in j Malaya from Europe by the Mejonia: Mrs. E. Footner, Mr. H. Kingdon j Rowe, Mrs. D. Morrison, Mr. S. F. i Doyiey, Mr. A. Foss, Mihs G. Boje. Mh> P. Marnk> Mr. and Mis. Arns, Mr. Van Daalen, Mr. R. A. Rainnie
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 225 6 rii i-i i^i™iiimniniiiiiiiuiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiTi»Hii!iiiiiiininiiTraiiiniim^ SINGAPORE HOTELS I m 5 *.it'itMiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui):ii(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaimiiiii»iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' i iiHiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiliiliiiiitiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiniHt.' I SEA VIEW HOTEL. f ENTIRELY RENOVATED g S IDEAL SEASIDE RESORT. X ffi EVERY ROOM WITH PRIVATE BATH, RUNNING HOT COLD WATER X X TENNIS COLF SWIMMING SUNBATHING. Cj ffi ONE OF SINGAPORE'S SCENIC BEAUTY SPOTS. Dj Cj
      225 words
    • 80 6 ur t TOCK TYPEWRITER CO. 1 28-A, CHANGE ALLEY, I I SINGAPORE. I Telephone No. 2633 I Stockists of Erika New "EIUKA" I Brand Portable Type- I I writers, 4 Banks wit* IraES I English KeyDoards fit- I j ted with Standard Pica 1 Also Dealers in new secondhand Typewriters.
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    • 26 6 fit K^l^ M^Ĕwk^Mo*i gives that matt complexion; I the best powder base. I M for cleansing and massage; I 9 P keeps the skin supple. B
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 309 6 CLUB DIARY [There are numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is providcd specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping U up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest ic*ll still be included in the
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    • 76 6 visit to Mr. Yap Chan Swee (vice-Pre-sident), 48, Emerald Hill Road, 7.30 p.m. Fall in, Mr. Goh Hiok Heng's residence, 394, North Bridge Road. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 6 Mayfair Musical Farty: New Year visit to Mr. Khoo Soo Ghee (Pattern), nz Cross Street, 7.30 p.m. Fall in, Ai Tong Old Boys'
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    • 180 6 [postal intelligence SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE TO-MORROW Java and Southern Sumatra (Netherlands) 6 a.m. Tarempa (G. Verspyckj 8 a.m. Karimon (Hang Yon) 9 a.m. Pengerang (S. Soon Heng) 9 a.m New Zealand (Centaur) 10 a.m. Australia, Eastern (except Brisbane) Southern and Western. I Centaur i 10 a.m Java, South-West Sumatra, S.East
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    • 73 6 DAILY WEATHER REPORT Malayan Meteorological Service Yesterday. Last Night Ma*. Brierht Mm. Temp. Rainfall Sunshine. Temiv hcauons. Dej?. F. Inches. Hours. Dejr. P. Alor Star 90 Nil 10l Sitiawan 89 1.49 r>.6 72 Kota Bharu 86 Nil 10.1 r>B Bukit Jeram 88 0.18 8.9 71 Malacca 8(5 0.05 2.5 7:;
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  • 559 7 Motoring Notes News "HOW DOCTORS HELP INDUSTRY" Talk By W. J. Cameron Of Ford Company Gentlemen: How doctors lichle help modern manuis go little known that we h for a moment to-nigm. sidei the years that are r working life by eyehen a man's eyesight he qften found it change
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  • 184 7 The New Morris-Commercial Truck v Morris-Commercial truck is daily j f orming splendid work over what has v n described as the most treacherous r '<ud in the world, namely the track ■torn Wau to Edie Creek in the distant. 'Mountainous country of New Guinea. Tne road
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  • 491 7 1 Passes Rigorous War Office Tests MORRIS Industries Exports Ltd., announce a new Morris-Commercial irtomJ h sho t wheelbase chassis, ers Tiactor for articulated Six-wheel-I The new model embodies many 0 f the I mSSSf A the P°P ular Morris-Com-meiciei «c and CS" type chassis, ant' nas
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  • 220 7 Successful Reliability Test Carried Out A two-ton long-wheelbase six-cylinder Morris-Commercial truck, which had 'already covered over 5.000 miles, recently und'erwent a comprehensive test at the hands of The Bulletin (Australia). "No preliminary adjustments were made." spates the paper, were carried out with a payload of 3*2 torn and
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  • 301 7 New Product By Dunlop Company 1 MOTORING correspondent writes:— M A new tyre, which is stated to be skidproof, is announced by the Dunlop Rubber Company. Its tread is built upon a foundation of cords completely insulated with rubber from one another and it has sharp edges
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  • 392 7 Sporting Effect Not Comfortable ONE of the most popular mo ding fallacies is that a l>Av driving position is t;ood. L'uruus -hat ihis belief should have gained gound in spite of all the objections, which experience teaches. It has been i'os ered by the confusion cf what is
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  • 134 7 Speed Test For New Midget A 750 c.c. M.G. Midget J4 model, the nroperty of M. Jacques Menier, the wellknown French chocolate manufacturer, established a new 24-hour record m the International Class "H" at Montlherv on December 7. The car (the same one. incidentally, which tied for
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 241 7 Introducing The I REN AU LT IRS PO RT. I I Outstanding Speed and Acceleration. Built for the enthusiast who j desires high performance and outstanding acceleration, with ex- X) treme economy and ease of handling. I Cycle Carriage Co, (1926) Ltd. v Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Malacca. Ipoh Motors, Ipoh.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 230 8 HERE'S EDDIE IN HIS GRANDEST COMEDY SINCE E "whoopee r I a ANN SOTHERN ETHEL MERMAN J||B colour c| fc| K'PHONE: Th e world wisest and most mysterious detective j? 5709. returns to thrill you with his greatest advantage! ft lH CHARLIE CHAN S In COURAGE j I A Fox
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    • 450 8 I A 1 U A jl/I Dp A I Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's brilliant successor to f "HOLLYWOOD PARTY." NOW SHOWING AT 6.15 9.15. fejST 2 BOOK YOUR PASSAGE NOW See the world with hundreds of <he most beaut girls in the .jj? Universe The big new idea 'n musical entertairnivirt. It's like
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    • 168 8 The Great Musical Comedy Success That Ran For Over Two Years in London. MISTER CINDERS with CLIFFORD MOLLISON, ZELMA O'NEAL, W. H. BERRY, RENEE HOUSTON, FINLAY CURRIE, EDWARD CHAPMAN and those 8.8.C. "Cads THE WESTERN BROTHERS (wearing their old school ties), i NEXT CHANGE! PAVILION jj Book Now For The
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  • 212 9 Haul Worth $1,000 EARLY MORNING DISCOVERY Singapore, Monday. JVIIE well-known establishment of Messrs. Frankel Brothers, m Victoria Street, was burgled during the week-end. Many gold cigarette cases and articles of jewellery wev: stolen, the total value of which is believed to be in the neighbourhood of $1,000.
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  • 315 9 Suppression Of Opium In Yunnan Sin Chew Jit Poh. Shanghai. Jan. 27. A PLAN to suppress the opium evil in Yunnan within a period of three years has been formulated and approved by the Yunnan Provincial Government. No poppy will be planted and the Government will be given
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  315 words
  • 49 9 Kingston. Ontario. Eighty pigeons valued at more than V..?CO were suffocated by smoke when a arc destroyed a shed belonging to Mr. J. Medlyn here. Mr. Medlvn Is a well-known Ontario olgeon exhibitor and some of the dead birds had won numerous prizes at local shows.
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  • 314 9 Assault With Piece Of Iron Singapore, Monday. SOW See Chye, a 30-year-old Chinese was before Mr H. A. Forrer, the Criminal District Judge, this morning charged with being armed with a piece ol iron 'which used as a weapon of ofience is likely to produce death I while
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  • 192 9 Plea For Mental Examination Rejected Singapore, Monday. "Yeo Bak Lim" called out the interpreter. •Yes, I am here" replied a man witl spectacles, pencils, pens and other accessories In his upper coat pocket wh. appeared before Mr. J. M. Rrander, th-j Third Magistrate thi:? morning, on u charge
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  • 112 9 Additions To Last Year's Estimates (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 29. Fedeial Council, at to-day's meeting, s to be asked to sanction additions to i .he .1934 Estimates found necessary dur- j ing November last. totalling approximately $135,000. This includes all charges either of an unusual
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  • 200 9 At the annual general meeting heid on the night ol Jan. 24 at 12, Kirk Terrace, the. following were appointed office-bearer:; for 1y34 l'J35, subject Ij confirmation President: Mr. Koh Soon Huat; VicePresidents: Messrs. Tan Chiang Chua, Lim Leong Geok. Lim Nee Eng and Lee Gm Siew;
    200 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 231 9 VICTOR HERBERT'S IMMORTAL MUSICAL STAGE SUCCESS Brought tottjescreen at last... the event of the year! j Stan and Ollie J ambitious full- j OLIVER' -=^f*" HERBERTS immortaX^^l^I 7 fi^besiiiM''! TOY LAN D I METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYEg COMEDY HIT MHAMBRiT '.F'r MATINEES EVERY DAY. 1 niirsday 1 1 to HEALTH IS| IPPI PRICELESS
      231 words
    • 65 9 s 'IMIIIt !■:<•'IIHII'rrfCHHMHII,!!,!!,|| lIIHIIIMfIIIIIIMIIIIIIIHIIJ'iIKI SPRING SHOES j i FOR 19 3 5 j m m 1 THE LATEST CREATION. 1 Smart, Reliable, Extremely 1 I Comfortable And Quite I Moderate In Price f 201, 202, Queen Street. I i SANG KEE Co. (Established 1902). m 1 Leading House Of High
      65 words
    • 475 9 X THE ROYAL WEDDING ANTHEM, )1 U (Specially composed for the. wedding of tm?£h£2» Their Royal Highnesses) fif: (l The I)uk<> of Princess H H l KENT. MARINA. M I You will be able to mark the Royal H jflMpk- 4 J Wedding in a practical mar.ner by porchas- IS
      475 words

  • 704 10 |N a previous comment on the Charhar incident we argued that it was v ery unlikely that a major tight between China and Japan* would develop. Events over the week-end have confirmed that opinion, but they do not lessen the gravity of the situation from the international
    704 words
  • 112 10 Applications for the Straits Setlements M"Nt5 «Singapore» dinn,', !0 b. held .'!1 l'. 20. Kh.!' il H > Cowrnor is to b, cl»'"' I,"NOtlr. should bv received bv hon s.crclarv »»o< than 31 ln order »-> m.lice th> dinner a it hoped that cvory member >vih >»"». !i<1 Under the
    112 words
  • 178 10 Wood Expert's Evidence On Ladder Flemingtcn, Jan. 23. COURT Room finger-print tests by which the defence sought to shake the efficacy of the New Jersey finj ger-print experts' methods and' the j production of a piece of plain board from the ladder used by the kidnapper formed the
    178 words
  • 254 10 NOW that the incoming comm ttee of the Incorporated Soc'ety of Planters has been delegated to deal with the matter, the likelihood of the Malayan rubb:r planting industry adopt ng a policy of one day's rest in seven, or, hi more popular language, no Sunday
    254 words
  • 259 10 THE reluctance of planting companies I to adopt the idea, especially when it Decants recognised that there was a surfeit of rubber in the world, is incomprehensible. On each occasion the matter was raised there was no lack of arguments, ranging from the sublime to ridiculous, against it. It
    259 words
  • 175 10 IN England an agitation is now conducted against late comers theatres and cinema shows, and < ha* i b:en suggested in all seriousness those who arrive after a perform.a: has started should be kept out an the first act :n the case of a stage, show or until
    175 words
  • 216 10 I I AW-ABIDING c tizens practically world over often fail to realis* thai lit is part of their duty to co-opera c with the police in the cause, of cr me prevention. I Malaya is r.o exception to this default i and so long as people whl cont'nue
    216 words
  • 283 10 By "Looker-On" Hfl ANY reports of social functions which Ifl reach this office from enthusiastic contributors have, to be heav ly subedited before they appear in print. Alcohol was freely consumed" is a sentence in one report which will not see the light of day except
    283 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 172 10 SPEC! L OFFER OF SHIRTS AND SHOES! During stocktaking all oddments are displayed at clearance prices. Sizes: M»j—l7 Neck. PRICE $3.00 EACH A collection of various jB [makes. All U>;U models. j£ dark brown and black. -^jj^ I PRICE $6.50 PAIR I Robinson Co, Ltd. SMMBM iLji mm m b
      172 words
    • 59 10 FEW ARE GIVEN THE ART OF PERFECT TAILORING. The famous house,of WING LOONG enjcys this singular distinction, and offers you its excelled service and high grade workmanship. PHONE 7627 WING LOONG HIGH ST. SINGAPORE I YCU SEE IT EVERYWHERE because it's liked /*"■s everywhere MjM W\ McCALLUM'S <M^\ P E
      59 words

  • 224 11 MINISTERS shouted DOWN Dole Debate Speaker Clears Public Gallsry Reuter. RECORD uproar for many years occurred in the House of Commons last ni'jht when the Premier was severely attacked. Pandemonium followed in the public L-allery, which had to be
    Reuter.  -  224 words
  • 53 11 Canton Colore Machine Crashes Sin Chew Jit Poh. I! ngkong, Jan. 29. A :!ACHJ\E beicneiiig to the C h»*oii Avia.'on Cf'lege crashed during 2 pra?ti:e flight r>ver Can', n ve^'crd*v mci.iing. The taL-NC was ;"i~ gasolene lank ra'ching fire liic uu'meter and a cadet were injur J.—Sin
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  53 words
  • 536 11 India The Dominating Question Reuter. London, Jan. 28. A DED session of unusual ortance opens with the mbly of the House of Commons fternoon and the House of tarda to-morrow. will he the dominating quesfor the next seven or eight despite a number of domestic ires, such as
    Reuter.  -  536 words
  • 204 11 The Empire Route SPEEDING UP OF MAILS London, Jan. 29. THE Daily Telegraph states that a joint delegation from the Air Ministry and the Post Office, consisting of Mr. F. G. Bertram, M.!\. Mr. T. L. Guinness, Brig.-Gen. Sir Frederick Williamson and Sir Edward Campbell, will
    204 words
  • 80 11 Death Of Member Of Chinese Delegation Sin Win Pao. Nanking. Jan. 8. A telegram received by the Executive Yuan to-day reports that Mr. Liv Po Shen, a member of the mission sent to attend the state funeral of the Dalai Lama, died on Jan. 6 while riding
    Sin Win Pao.  -  80 words
  • 34 11 The Royal College of Science has r warded its Ophthalmic Diploma of Optical Science to Mr. A. M. Ezekiel. O.D. (Phila), F.I.C. (London». of the firm of M. Ezekiel Sons, optometrists, of Raffles Place.
    34 words
  • 218 11 Revenue Surplus Ot $52,404,194 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Monday. THE general balance, shset of tile F M.S. Government at Nov. 30 lhst as publ shed in the latest issue ->f the Government Gazette shows a surplus of revenue, over expenditure of $52,404 194 and 38' 2
    218 words
  • 42 11 THERE is an improved demand from America fcr tin where the tinpla'e imiustiy has increased by s'. per cent, capacity, according; to the Mining Journal of January 19. A repoi ion the maiket appears en our financial page ;o-day.
    42 words
  • 118 11 Currency Depreciation At Hankow Sin Chew Jit Poh. Shanghai. Jan. 28. With reference to the petition of the Chamber of Commerce, Hankow, for relief, it is learnt that the depreciation of the exchange has been caused by the depieciation of Shanghai banknotes. The Ministry of Finance has wiled
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  118 words
  • 77 11 H.M.S. Renown To Return For Repairs Reuter. London. Jan. 28. It was learned from the Admiralty that as a result of the warship collision between the H.M.S. Hood and the H.M.S. Renown on Jan. 24, the Renown is likely to return to England in consequence of damage
    Reuter.  -  77 words
    41 words
  • 573 11 Swimming Club Secretary THIRTY-FOUR YEARS IN SINGAPORE Singapore, Tuesday. QNE of Singapore's best known European residents, Mr. H. R. W. Lobb, is leaving to-morrow on retirement. Mr. Lobb has been for a number of years the secretary of the Singapore Swimming Club, a social
    573 words
  • 108 11 Better Fortifications In The East Reuter. Moscow, Jan. 28. {N the past four years the Soviet haj increased its army mechanisation fouifold. declared M. Molotov, addressim the- All-Union Congress of Soviets. The army now possessed, he said. The army now possessed, he said, larger planes together
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 347 11 Persistent Demand EFFECT IN LONDON AND PARIS Reuter. London, Jan. 28. THE dollar is now worth 2s. 6d. more than gold, while the franc continues to be undervalued in terms /oi the metal, the London price of which, which is fixed by supply and demand,
    Reuter.  -  347 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
      72 words

  • 1450 12 EMPHASISE RACIAL HARMONY CHEFR UP THE LIVES OF THE SICK AND THE POOR '(From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Monday. SI 1 i Shenton Thomas, m a speech at to-night's Rotary Club dinner, made a plea on
    1,450 words
  • 81 12 Mr. 11. M. Pakrysamy And Miss G. Thanapakiam (Prom Our Own Reporter) a« i~« Kuala Lumpur, Monday. -i tLS!£f 9^m^W9Mb 9 took place at ÜBnft^ ndor Kampong, New Pe£mS s°??' Mr. R. M. Pakryof Mrs M he W R and T Workshop, fpr G Th anapakiam, daughRaja°, f
    81 words
  • 274 12 Two Wall-Known Families United (From Our Own Correspondent j Kuala Lipis, Jan. 28. BY the marriage of Mr. Lee Teh Chuan to Miss lee Yoke Soi. .wo wellknown business families in Kuai 1 Lipis have batn united The ciidegroom is the eldest son of 7owkay &f d
    274 words
  • 88 12 Letter From Messrs. Drew And Napisr MESSRS. Drew and Napier write as follows: "We should b? grateful if, in regard to the widely reported evidence of a wtness in the Nagalingam case, that such witness paid $60,000 as commission lor negotiating a loan of $1,200,000 to Boon Hong,
    88 words
  • 71 12 First Increase For Fourteen Years Reuter Wireless. London, Jan. 24. The first increase in th 3 birth rate: In Britain for fourteen years occurred in 1934. It is learned the figures show a.4 per thousand increase compared with 1933. There was a slight increasin 1928 over 1927
    Reuter Wireless.  -  71 words
  • 139 12 Inhabitants Fleeing In Disorder Shanghai, Jan. 29. ACCORDING to latest reports from Eastern Chaihar, the Japanese troops in the Tatan area are advancing on Kuyuen. The inhabitants of Kuyuen and Tush hkow are fleeing in disorder. Accompanied by his s-cretary and a military attache, Mr. Ariyoshi, the
    139 words
  • 263 12 B1u2 Shirts Are To Be Disbanded Hongkong, Jan. 29. IT is learnt from reliable souices that Mr. Hu Hj'i Min. ill? veteran Xuomintang leader, has offered to co-operate with the Nanking Government on three j conditions, namely il) freedom of th* press; <2» disorganisation of the Biu' shirts, and
    263 words
  • 256 12 Substantial Surplus Recorded 'From Our Oion Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Monday. AS already telegraphed, the Federated Maiay States Government had a surplus at the end of November last, oi $52,404,194.38 V 2 c£:its. At the ol Novemoer, the figure stood at $50,879,200.22/2 cents. Outstanding items on the liabilities
    256 words
  • 197 12 List Of Appointments In Latest Issue THE following is the list of appointments, gazetted in the F.MS Government Gazette:— Mr.William Ferrier Mavor to be a p vr c UOne 5' and Customs, Dept., w Govt. Monopolies, SS. E^ r Mass y Westmorland Wooes D< nt~ Trade and Custom.
    197 words
  • 233 12 Attributes Insolvency To Wife's Illness (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Monday. I do not meant to be hard on this cre ditors want to colJ 0 o5 eir dues," was the statement made ?L Assistant Official Assignee m the Supreme Court, Ipoh, when making an application before the
    233 words
  • 6 12 Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  6 words
  • 654 12 Java Discoveries i i i LECTURE BY DR. CALLENFELS THE Royal International Ou Johore, wa> crowded on Sunday evening, when members and fnem gathered to welcome Their High- nesses the Sultan and Sultanah 01 their return from Europe and t listen to a lecture on the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 592 13 Dismissed By Court STRONG CRITICISM BY JUDGE ;From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Monday. n i'[;0Vii remarks were passed by Cnief Justice, Sir Samuel Th ma*. in the Supreme Court this x in dismissing the appeal by i .int-e Fong Yew
    592 words
  • 153 13 Novel Point In The Supreme Court I Singapore, Monday. iaix motion is to set aside probate r, vr r g roun d that the will has been 0KP d by subsequent marriage of a gentleman with a lady who j him be his secondary wife. The 1
    153 words
  • 297 13 Two Chinese On Trial For Murder (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Jan. 28. There was rt ceremonial opening ol Assizes ,o-day. whcn mur oer case. P <?rr^ n6Se Cllia Iior Lay ar.d Ong Seng, stood charged >,f HoayX g s e t^btat h h u Ciown wltnps.-y Ta
    297 words
  • 87 13 Air Force Complaints In Police Courts Singapore, Monday. An Indian washerman, named John, found himself in the Second Police Court this morning charged with criminal breach of trust of Royal Air Force uniforms valued at $<?. The Court-inspector asked his honour to press the case as quite a
    87 words
  • 331 13 Coroner Returns Verdict Of Suicide (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Jan. 28. THE inquiry intc the death ol Mr. C.J. Nind, a European warder in the Tai ping Prison, who was suddenly found dead in bed in his Quarters in the morning Oi Dec. 27. when his boy
    331 words
  • 464 13 Chinese Emigration OBJECT OF MALAYAN TOUR Singapore, Monday. pROFESSOR Ta T. Chen r Ph. D., Professor of Sociology of Tsing Hua University, Peiping, is in Singapore on a mission on behalf of the institute of Pacific Relations, to study the standards of living of tin Chinese
    464 words
  • 132 13 Man Charged With Fraudulent Possession I i Singapore, Monday. A charge of being in fraudulent possession of a Chinese woman's coat and trousers was cited against a man named Sin Mm Kuo when he was produced before Mr. J. M. Brander, the Third Magistrate, this morning. Court-Inspector
    132 words
  • 74 13 Shanghai, Jan. 2« The Chinese are opposed to the Japanese plan to create a buffer zone along the Charhar-Jehol border. The proposed Sino-Japanese parley will be held at Kouoeikou. a strategic pass at the Wall, within a week. Col. Matsui. the Japanese Military Officer at Kalgan. arrived
    74 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 46 13 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mm 1 I ■> I Ml JIWII IMJI—P— "PROMINENT I (THE MOST UP-TO-DATJ ROLL-FILM CAMERA In one camera you have Automatic Range Fhder, Exposure and all tie improvements of a modern camera. COME AND SEE ONE TO DAY Singapore Plhoto C©. 9 37-39, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE.
      46 words
    • 107 13 LIFE INSURANCE FOR RiCEaORSES! A remarkable policy issued by Lloyd's underwriters is now available covering racehorses and other valuable animals against death during currency from any cause. Particulars from SIWE, DARBY CO., LTD. Insurance Department Singapore. TEL. 5144. HARRY ROY HIS HalilaVaT^liluiL JH ■■"^^■■■Qa^aMß Obtainable at— JUST RECEIVED I NANG
      107 words

  • 740 14 Thrilling Finish HEADLEY MISSES HIS CENTURY Port of Spain, Jan. 28. THE West Indies won the second cricket Teyt by 217 runs after a most thrilling finish with only thirty seconds to spare. Having scored 302 in their first innings
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  • 310 14 Sir Shenton Thomas In Viery Close Game SIR Shenton Thomas and the Hon. Mr. M. B. Shelley were very narrowly beaten in their foursomes match against W. Mailer and A. C. Meredith in the Senior Golfers-Selangor Golf Club encounter on the Club links on Saturday. The Club won
    310 words
  • 365 14 Lumpur Colts To Congregate At Chinese New Year (From Our Oivn Reporter) rluala Lumpur, luesday. npIIE Chinese New Year is to be qiutt g busy for Celts hockey players an over the country, because they wnl be congregating at Kuala Lumpur over the holidays to play
    365 words
  • 205 14 Draw For First Round In Rose Bowl The following is the draw of the Rose Bowl to be piayed at the Garrison Golt Club in February 1935: First Round:—Capt. and Mrs. E. M. Lindesay v. Ft. Lt. and Mrs. F. L. Pearce: Capt. S. W. Jones and
    205 words
  • 56 14 The following will represent the Rangoon Road School Old Boys' Association against the Social Athletic Party in a friendly soccer match to-day at the school padang —Gaffar; G. VeerapDan and Mohamed Shariff; Shunmugam, Muthuveloo and M. Ibrahim; Sivasamboo, Salleh, Ismail, Eusope and Mohamed Tahir. Reserves: Wee. Thiam Swee.
    56 words
  • 529 14 Civilian Teams Knocked Out Of Tournament Singapore, Monday. BY the defeat of the Public ScrviceG "X" '.e-day at the hands of the RA F. "B' no civilian team remains in the remaining rounds of the seven-a-side rugger tournament, unless the Singapore Volunteers can be reckoned as such. The
    529 words
  • 110 14 Result Of Akuzawa Cup Competition The following is the result of the above competition played at the above Club on Sunday, Jan. 20: K. Tajiri (18) 69—68=137. F. Suganuma (16) 69—69 13S. T. M. Heng (18) 69—74=143. S. Ikeda (15) 67—77=144. F. R. Martens (12) 73—71=144. Chua
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  • 150 14 At the annual general meeting held at Dr. Chia Keng Hoe.'s residence, 3, Sea Avenue, Katong, on Tuesday, Jan. 15, the following were elected officebearers for ths year 1935: President: Dr. Chia Keng Hoe; VicePres dents: Messrs. S. O. Seng, Pang Cheng Yean, Cheong Hock Chye, Lav
    150 words
  • 984 14 Conclusion Of A Most Successful Season Singapore, Tuesday. THE Girls Sports Club crowned a successful hockey season on their ground yesterday with another win over the Y.W.C.A. Beth sides were unable to field their first teams, but nevertheless, a keenly contested game ensued in which
    984 words
  • 79 14 Fixtures For The Month Of February The following are the fixtures for February, 1935: Rose Bowl to be played during the month (Mixed Foursomes). Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 2 and 3 Governor's Cup (18 holes bogey). Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 9 and lu Men's Monthly Medal (Bogey).
    79 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 65 14 fj£S^% a V I FLAVOURS ALL OVER THE WORLD \V>^^ Confront high quality that never varies and a wide range of GfiffilT/ ddlciou» flavours have ensured *^ll?f/ universal fame fqt Chivefs* (Sy Jellies. Delightfully cool and appetising, they arc, at the same time, very wholesome and nourishing. Start usinrf them
      65 words
    • 75 14 Fom fo fccwe perfectly white teeth DO NOT DELAY! BUY FLYING HORSE TOOTH PASTE At prices to suit the pocket of everyone. There is no better dentifrice sold and every tube sold by us is guaranteed to be made from the finest materials money will buy ON SALE EVERYWHERE Large
      75 words

  • 171 15 Draw For The Fifth Round London, Jan. 28. T hound of the English F. A. ayed off on Feb 16. is published below, Tottenham, who are .cit'd for the Cup, have o play at home, their -s this time being
    171 words
  • 149 15 Singapore Colts To Take Part j i THE Singapore Colts will be travelling 1 »h°o S5 Lvm Pur to participate in Meet Mala yan Colts Quadrangular S£i2SS» will he played as follows: SeUa a ngof&lt F s eb Si gaPore C ltS V Perl°k Q Colts Feb 4
    149 words
  • 336 15 Result Of Mixed Foursomes Competition The monthly mixed foursomes competition was played at Bukit Timah on bunday and resulted in a win for Mr and Mrs. J. V. West with a net score of f rt y _slx cards were taken out and the icllowmg returned: Mr.
    336 words
  • 87 15 Putting British Boxing On The Map In nutting up £1.000 for a heavyweight novices' competition Wembley Stadium directors have definitely planned to put British boxing right on the There Is £300 and the Lord Lonsdale Silver Trophy for the winner and £175 for the runner-up. Jimmy Wilde says
    87 words
  • 33 15 Reuter. London, Jan. 28. The following League matches weie played to-day: FIRST DIVISION Preston N. E. 2 Wolverhampton 1. Sheffield W. 2 Blackburn 2. SECOND DIVISION Burnley 0 Sheffield U. 2.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 227 15 Lipis Hockey Club v. Raub District I UNDER ideal weather conditions the Lipis Hockey Club beat the Raub District team by 4 clear goals, prov- I ing superior in an all branches of the Same. I For the home team Tengku Mohamed was the outstanding player scoring
    227 words
  • 231 15 Entries And Ties For Tamils' Tournament (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. The following are the entries and ties for the All-Malayan Tamils' tennis tournament to be held by the Tamilians Physical Culture Association, Kuala Lumpur, during the Chinese New Year holidays (Feb. 2 to 1>):— SINGLES.
    231 words
  • 229 15 End Of The Season Spirit In Vogue Singapore, Monday. Hockey players seem to be taking things fairly easy these days, now tha: the season is drawing to a close, and games during the past few days have been played in a nonchalant spirit. The game between the S.R.C.
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  • 81 15 The Majestic 8.P., will hold a special general meeting on Friday. Feb. 1, at the residence of Mr. Koh Sai Chai, 18 Keong Saik Road at 5.30 p.m. to be followed by a Committee Meeting. The second anniversary celebration of the Party will be held at Mr. Aw
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  • 127 15 Shield Won By Chinese Club (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Monday. THE annual general meeting of the Selangor Lawn Tennis Association was held at the Secretary's office, Selangor Club this evening. A shield for inter-clubs competition, )-resented by Mr. A. H. Flowerdew, the President, was accepted by
    127 words
  • 121 15 At the last general meeting of the Young People's Circle, held at the Geylang Methodist Girls' School, the following officers were elected for the first half year 1935: President, Mr. Lim Chuan Kirn; Hon. Secretary, Mr. Yeo Yong Poh; Hon. Treasurer. Miss Chen Goke Moi; Hon. Auditor.
    121 words
  • 109 15 Before a large crowd the Sunrays B.P. narrowly defeated the Happy Pals B.P. by four games to three at the formers' court on Sunday. Scores: (5.8.P.. players named first). ?'f Billy L. H. Beng beat Josie 15-9, 51-1; Hvnry Goh lost to L. C. Poh 6-15. 9-15; S.
    109 words
  • 307 15 What Victory Or Defeat Will Mean To Al And Frisco (By "X.0.") Tuesday. ft. QPECUIATION is rife as to whether 0 ?r«ttCT and middle- t\-\\ tf the Orient, will succeed in lowering the colours of Al Rivers when they clash at the New
    307 words
  • 95 15 Kuala Pilah District League At a meeting of representatives of the various badminton teams in Kuala Pilah. held at the Ulu Muar premises on Jan. 21, it was decided to hold a Badminton Tournament, to bt* run under the League system, in and for die Disrtict of Kuala Pilah
    95 words
  • 62 15 In connection with the dance held at the S.V.C. Drill Hall in December las T by the Committee of the St. Joseph's Church Christmas Entertainments, the surplus funds which amounted to $202 have been distributed as follows: St. Anthony's Bread Fund $100. Oiphans St. Anthony's Convent $30,
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  • 45 15 S. J. McCabe Engaged To Be Married S. J. McCabe, the Australian Test cricketer, who has just been appointed captain of the New South Wales team in succession to A. F. Kippax, has announced his engagement to Miss Edna Linton, of Townsville, Queensland.
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  • 108 15 The Treasury-Audit Sports Team will be "At Home*' to members of the senior and junior staff, their families and friends on Friday, Feb. 1 at 5 p.m. at the Junior Civil Service Association premises. On this occasion the annual soccer match, the third of its series, between
    108 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 122 15 immm n in FRISCO—RIVERS. FRIDAY, FEB. ht IFRAXKELS I rkcl Office. «Di pay more tha.i FRISCO—RIVERS. FRIE \Y. FEB. Ist. houl I be allowed to Seal I Fight It will teach then to be "He Men." FRISCO—RIVERS. FRIDAY, FEB. Ist. Ii ghl that will stagg.r local Fistic History. You caa't
      122 words
    • 69 15 BURMESE SPECIALIST. KHUO BOO LONE. c o Hung Sing Dentist Shop. 331, Tanjong Pagar Road, (opposite Empire Cinema Theatre). v 1 Having had 40 years' experience at Rangoon, public, that he can cure chronic and complicated cases left hopekss. Trouble, Pneumonia, Cancer, Bronchitis, Syphilis, Asthma, Sore Throat, Heart Failure, Backpain,
      69 words
    • 118 15 I Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. I 1 The Great Eastern Life Assurance j j Company, Limited. j |jj (Incorporated in the Stiaits Settlements). jj] Jjj HEAD OFFICE Great Eastern J .fe Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. I LONDON OFFICE 27, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000
      118 words

  • 2232 16 Dr. P.V. Van Stein Callenfets' Work In Malay Peninsula DR. P. V. Van Stein Callenfels, 0.11. E., Hon. F.R.A.I. and F.L.S.A., the dfetrmguished Dutch archaeolc- < .st. contributes a most interesting article in The Illustrated London News of the result of
    2,232 words
  • 29 16 Muskegon. Mich. Twenty-three sailors landed safely from a castaway freighter in the teeth of a 60 mile gale. One Guardsman was swepr to death, X
    29 words
  • 164 16 Mr. Tan Soo Chye And Miss Quek Puay Choo *Tl*E rt ic:nce of Mr. Tan Soc Chye was me venue Cl a very enjoyable iur.cv4k.;i Oil oaiumay iasc, cue being his marriage to Miss ruuy V^liOJ. 250 guests were present and btti-r a d m.~r, wtixu was (n.ivened
    164 words
  • 164 16 Ramakrishna Mission Head In Singapore Swami Paramananda, the founderpresident of Vedanta Centre, Boston, and Ananda Ashrama, La Cresenta, I California, arrivea in Singapore en route to India on Sunday. Ii is wcxl over a quarter of a century since he dedicated himself to the cause oi tne Ramakrishna
    164 words
  • 133 16 Being Planned Along French Lines Reuter Wireless. Berlin, Jan. 24. The long awaited Nazi plan for breaking up the present political structure of Germany was advanced another stage at a cabinet meeting to-day. The scheme is to substitute for the present State divisions, a series of Departments
    Reuter Wireless.  -  133 words
  • 96 16 Aunt Of Ex-King Alphonso's Heavy Loss Reuter Wireless. Paris, Jan. 2S. It is too dreadful, not for my sake, but my grandchildren, said Infanta Eulalia. aunt of King Alfonso, to Reuter, alluding to the mysterious disappearance of several hundred thousands pounds worth 0 f her jewellery. The jewels
    Reuter Wireless.  -  96 words
  • 85 16 Prince Of Wales's March For Bagpipes Reuter Wireless. London, Jan. 25. ine news that the Prince of Wales has written a slow march for the Bagpipes has greatly surprised Court circles as only his most intimate friends were let into the secret. Pipe Major MacDonald of the Scots
    Reuter Wireless.  -  85 words
  • 57 16 Another American Step Towards Adherence i > Reuter Wireless. 1 Washington, Jan. 25. I Another step towards American adThe Hague Court was taken by the Senate adopting the reservation proposed by Senator Vanderberg pro- i viding that adherence does not mean re- en i Ameri ca's exclusive right
    Reuter Wireless.  -  57 words
  • 270 16 Mohammedan Now Sues For Recovery i'From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Monday. T113 hearing cf .he civil suit in which a Mohammedan. Kurusadaif ciaiinmg Zl2i i: cm a Ma-ay w Qm named Jama Dm.4 Dm ivlcha 1 money advanced in tne hope 7: ma:iy
    270 words
  • 85 16 Special Photographs Of King And Queen ißy Air Mail» (From Our Ou:n Correspondent) London, Jan. 19. By command cf the King, Mesa Rapnael Tuck and Sons have takea special photographs of Their Majestic for reproduction en 'he- occasion of the Silver Jubilee. These pictures will be available
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 89 16 "'1 M 11| I I gg- assiaß Kj S jj I The reason why "GOLD LEAF" Tea has so superior a flavour is be- jj I cause the Tender Shoots are picked from the plant grown on the I Highlands of Ceylon and blended by Experts. jj The contents of
      89 words
    • 93 16 EYESIGHT CONSERVATOR J Safeguard your eyes—they are your I greatest possession. It is dangen>u? t tn neglect them. Free Sight-Testing and a wide range of glasses and frames to choose from. NEW CHINA OPTICAL CO.. Manufacturing Onticians. H6. H gh Street, S i.gapore. Flavouring Essences for Cakes, Jellies, Ice-Cream, Syrups,
      93 words

  • 45 17 The Chinese Association of tapoie held their annual meeting and tea party on Saturday. Four pictures of the occasion, taken by a Malaya Tribune nhn.n v y a Mala y a Tribune photographer, appear above and below on the left.
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  • 35 17 weaaing ol Mr Khor Kok Tee. second son of Mr and Mrs Khor Boor Kang. to Miss Ch'ng Suan Liew. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs ch?ig Kheng Seng, at the Khor" Kongsi. Penang recently
    35 words
  • 142 17 France And Abyssinian Incident Reuter Wireless. Paris. Jan. 2i. WHILE it is stated mo Government decid&Sl to mak3 strong representations to Abyssinia w th regard to the recent tribal attack on a French column, do French de marche has yei be:n made the Government awaiting the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  142 words
  • 142 17 j 80-Mile An Hour Gale Sweeps Britain I Reuter Wireless. i London, Jan. 25 AN eighty-mile an hour gale accompanied, by heavy snowstorms in Scotland, is raking Britain and blew the giant Paris-London air liners to a standstill compelling their return. Thereafter ai' the day's services were
    Reuter Wireless.  -  142 words
  • 81 17 Labour Minister Meets T.U.C. Reuter Wireless. London, June 24. A campaign to reduce working hours to absorb unemployed was opened by a meeting of the Labour Minister. Major Stanley, with Trade Union Congress leaders at the former's invitation It is known Government considers a general forty-hour week without
    Reuter Wireless.  -  81 words
  • 507 17 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lipis. Saturday. MR. Samuel Titus, who was formerly in-charge on the Kuaii. Pergau Rubber Estate. Kelantan. ever 3 years and owing to the slump three years ago was retrenched has now been re-engaged en the same Estate In the
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  • 109 17 (From Our Oivn Correspondent) Taiping, Jan. 26. The Austral Malay Tin, Ltd, has maae an offer to rent part of the premises of the Perak Club, Taiping, for a period of 10 years at the annual rental of $l,8t)0. As a result of the offer made, the Perak
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  • 165 17 Viceroy's Appeal For Federation Reuter Wireless. New Delhi, Jan. 24. i N earnest address by the Viceroy, Lord WJlingdon, to a packed Legislative Assembly coincided with the. publication of the Government's India jam in London. Lord Willingdon stated he was convinced the scheme gives India
    Reuter Wireless.  -  165 words
  • 151 17 Prominent Brahmin Distharged And Re-Arrested 'From Our Own Correspondent j Klang. Jan. 26. M.\ Mac Donald. J.D., Kr i _»imp... appeared, bei'orc 'Che Osma:i~ bin u.aii;,, the Klang Magiscraic mil saom—b --a applied under instructions from u,o D.t-.t. for the withdrawal of the cA*sig« originally preterred against ..iiathar
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  • 164 17 Charge Of Vagrancy Against Two Former Soldiers Singapore, Mtmclny. E:\jjstd in shirts and prey flannei trousers two Europeans, Jac:t Clarke and Albert Ernest Burt, formerly attached lo tht Wiltshire Regiment, apn ard before Mr. J. M. Brander. tho Third Magistrate, on a charge of vagrancy. having
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  • 24 17 Warm Springs, Ga Additional buildings for the great in fantile paralysis cure centre were form ally opened by the Chief Executive.
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  • 873 18 Ceremonial Opening Yesterday (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Jan. 27. THE first Johore Bahru Assizes for the year began this morning with ceremenial opening when many members ol the Johore Bar and the public attended. Mr. Justice J. V. G. Mills, who was accompanied by Mrs.
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  • 56 18 Reuter Wireless. Oslo, Jan. 25 In the presence of several of his oo•eag"°s at the Oilo University. Profes sor Klaus Hansen, drank ten grams o f heavy water. It poisons animals and fish and its effects on humans hitherto has been unknown. Hansen so far has
    Reuter Wireless.  -  56 words
  • 659 18 Action By Municipal Commissioners THE following are excerpts from the minutes of an ordinary meeting of the Malacca Municipal Commissioners held on Jan. 23. The President reads a petition dated Dec. 31, from a number of laundrymen in which the principal point at issue is the
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  • 190 18 Examination Of Solicitors In The F.M.S. (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 29. An important amendment is to be moved in Federal Council to-day making provision for the exemption from the preliminary examination, of advocates and solicitors in the F.M.S. Council is to be asked to
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  • 118 18 Reorganisation Scheme In Train Reuter Wireless. Berlin, Jan. 23 R" EORGANISATION of the Storm Troops was the subject of two meetings here yesterday, firstly, of the leaders of the Storn Troops, who were received by Hitler who spoke of the duties of the reorganised trooos and. secondly,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  118 words
  • 17 18 Reuter. London, Jan. 28. Admiral Yamamoto and the other Japanese naval delegates left for Tokyo via Siberia.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  17 words
  • 132 18 To Develop Corporative System Reuter Wireless. Rome, Jan. 24 MUSSOLINI has effected another h's periodic Cabinet reshuffl All Cabinet ministers and undersecretaries have resigned and ii t been replaced by new men, a nunV of whom have helped to organise tu corporative system and it seems io
    Reuter Wireless.  -  132 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 815 18 k "V I I I i i i MnMHg». i i|,;|f||lllli|lW, "MHlilf 1"^IIIillinilk<IITni!|lllilli!llll'lfl''llUIII!IIIIIIU j Messrs. POWELL CO., LTD., I 2, Raflles Place. I (Established 1863). Strait* Settlement*' Oldeat Salesroom. I i J I Open Daily for inspection of furniture, antiques, hardware and I miscellaneous goods. I i I i TO
      815 words
    • 265 18 !HSZSa£ra£SSESaS2SSSESESHSHSES2S2S2.TCSK.LSZSZSHSH^ TAN HO 00N CO,, LTD. Auctioneers, Appraisers and Estate Agents REQUEST YOU TO VISIT THEIR SALE ROOMS iT Wis 90 92, MARKET STREET, JUST TWO MINUTES F R O M RAFFLES SQUARE, AND INSPECT THEIR LARGE L\D ASSORTED RANGE OF Cross-grain, oakstained and «ax polished teak Household Furniture, etc.,
      265 words

  • 838 19 i uting Of Depression To Reopen Empire 1 Gates Air Mail) 1 London, Jan. 10. j tion from this' I her parts of the I at a standstill re are signs that i earlier than many our surplus new lands overthe world-wide embarrassed the employment
    838 words
  • 81 19 v»o-!nch Turf On i arnier's Flocks •By Air Mail) London, Jan. 7. er of Berkham- ford hire, was astonished, through his meadows 1 >' v rass growing on the •is .sheep Mr. E. C. Dickins, informbranch of the National of which he is chair- ded to investigate
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  • 69 19 t io Restore Germany's «n.fieal Wool Industry 1 Munich. >gans "Cloth is Precious" 'ieiman hi* own-Rag-man," papers have begun a cam- flermans to save all cloVh- "J t tiinj since the War, house\horte<l "for the sake of the artfully to keep all worn-out n them over to
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  • 129 19 £3,000 Won Through A Nap Lisbon. l LISBON boy has won £3.000 through tt going to sleep. is a 14-year-old bootblack known as Jose. Once a week he sold sweepstake tickets and. just before the draw was due to start, he had to return all unsold tickets or
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  • 95 19 Canadian Farmer's Mysterious Concert Edmonton, Alberta. When Ben Robert, a farmer of the Red water district, went to fetch a pail of water from his well he was astonished to hear the voice of a wireless "crooner accompanied by an orchestra, coming' from the depths of the well.
    95 words
  • 670 19 Mr. Mac Donald On World's Need tßy Air Mail) London, Jan. 11. WE are living in a world which has more ;nd more need of the spirit of our Empire—the championship of liberty. and the pursuit of world peace." So snoke Mr. Ramsay Mac Donald in
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  • 109 19 Brigade Crosses Frontier To Save Life Prague. i Polish citizens standing in the streets cheering a force of 'invaders' who had crossed the Czechoslovak frontier. That was the remarkable spectacle which was seen in the Polish village of Zegiestow, when the fire brigade from Stara Lubovna, a town
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  • 61 19 London. Exceptionally mild I weather has brought a "second spring" to Britain. In many places primroses, violets, snowdrops and, other spring flowers are in full bloom. While in Llandudno. Wales, roses, jasmine, verbena, —all summer flowers—are blossoming. Scotland, too, is enjoying such a "heat wave" that
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 196 19 l B RITAIN'S DEPENDABLE CA R I j I Nets; Bodies with Style I and Clean Cuf Lines i Austin policy has always concentrated on vital factors—dependability in running:, economy l( in upkeep, and sensible bodywork. It is in this latter respect that Austins excel, each new model displaying a
      196 words