Malaya Tribune, 22 September 1934

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Malaya Tribune
  • 40 1 The Malaya Tribune Largest Circulation Of Any Daily Newspaper In Malaya XXL- N: 234 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1934 FIVE CENTS- The Malaya Tribune Singapore: Saturday, Sept. 22, 1931. Malaya Tribune 24 PAGES. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1934. FIVE CEMIS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 62 2 Dear Gfcrb. You will notice that there are four new members this weak, which in a great improvement on last week. Please make it clear to all who wtaft to become members of the Corner that as regards writing essays, the rule is not to make them
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  • 193 2  -  i By "Cecelia Wee." A father was very much troubled to e that, his son was In the habit or pending hbr time In the company or tr>ys of "bad habits nnd evil way;,, Rt therefore tried the following plan U) impress upon his son's mind the rct
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  • 18 2 "Ice Queen" "Sernorita C," "Blushing Rose," and "Nyona Batawi." Their badges are being forwarded to them.
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  • 540 2  -  (By "Adorable". Once there was a king v/ho wa? very loud or hearir.e stories. He spent ull I lis time listen ln<? to stories, but never J hed enough, for tie more he fc*ard the j Ui )it he wan tel. A; last lie sent
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  • 242 2  -  -By "Greenhill Jennie." A poor slater was at work upon the roof of ft house, when he lost his footing and fell down into the narrow street upon a man who was passing. The pedestrian was instantly killed, while the slater himself escaped uninjured. The son of
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  • 363 2  -  (By Lilian Goh There Is something about money which is rarely taught to boys or young i men who have just left school, and that i Is how to use It. We all know that money can bring j comfort and ease to ourselves. The lack of it
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  • 288 2  -  (By "Rosy Chia." About five or /six hundred years agu there lived 1» China a bright little boy whose name was SSff-ma Giang One day he went out to play with seven or eight other little boys in a big field. One of them had bought a ball
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  • 114 2  -  (By "Rosy Chia." I am a dog. belonging to a cruel young man. One day my master took me with him to a river. There, he hired a boat, and put me into It wit him. Hp rowed out into the middle of the stream and threw
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  • 292 2  -  (By "Rosy Chia." Long ago a merchant ol Sii.i»: was crossing the Huang-bo m i r IL boat on a business trip. Tin- ttl j spread out In full, but on the w storm rose and his boat rapKtst'ti He could not swim but he moiiawn cling to the
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  • 180 2  -  'By "Rosemary Chang." Once there was an old wealthy Chinese In Changsha, who went to :i briber's shop to have his beard shaved "JI This wealthy gentleman S3w a youny lady, who was poorly dressed and v.tin offered to sell her hair to ilu- bawve The barber
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  • 153 2  -  tßy Cecilia Wee If a man does a thing exactly 1 appointed time, he is said to o* So u punctual man attends »u. t»u ti at the appointed time An unpunctual man will not ito i Ing to what he suys. He caus< •> euc annoyance not only
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  • 96 2  -  By "Lilian Goh." I was asked to be Santa Cl:»ll wrapped me up In the bit» n<d en, was like a hot oven inside sweating terribly Then when they tied the ma. I: face, some of the beard p k my ncse. When I came ou> away
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 153 2 v w ~«-.,.»-».».f... ~v j REMINGTON RAND Inc. j I can supply all your I Steel STATIONERY CABINETS j I I Sled FILING CABINETS f m -Z I Step? KARDEX CABINETS j j Union Building, jj l Phone 2426 Singapore. I I SMOKE j |IVIANfIIAJBOUg f THE ARISTOCRAT OF CIGARS
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  • 919 3 Eight Cars For Tour r> ooo APPLICANTS FOR TICKETS o[j i."),oOO applications have been ;eived by Mr. Vaithyanathan, ry to the Hon. Sir D. B. JavaMinister of Home Affairs, for l( i Pl i ion to the Audience Hall o~ occasion of the visit of His
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  • 490 3 Nanking Sessions Open On October 2 I'ciis iv, seven-day session. and members of «i^SS 8 V offlcials rim si p i 01 tne medical nrofesThi n a f Easte rn territories P chief%m«i io nal Gover nment will be the 400 doctors wno are expected to attend
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  • 116 3 Former Govt. Building Becomes Educational Centre Moscow. Children will soon take possession of ihe great buildine at Kharkov formerly occupied by the Ukrainian Central Executive Cowmittep. The Ukrainian Government, after mov-, ing its headquarters to Kiev, handed over the building to be turned into a palace for
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  • 178 3 Antiquarians Excited By Skeleton Find Paris, Aug. 18. A PARTY of antiquarians and historians has hurried off to Pamplona, capital of the Spanish province of Navarre, following news from that place that the bones of the great Roland have been discovered. Excavations undertaken by the Cul- tural
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  • 193 3 Ten People Commit Suicide Hankow, Sept. 2. A RRIVALS from Huangkang, the worst ip famine stricken district in eastern Hupeh. have brought here a horrible tale of how ten persons committed suicide over two bushels of rice. It appears that last week a Mr. Miao, a school
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 284 3 SHOWING AT CAPITOL THEATRE ANOTHER DON'T HIT' f[ MlfiS U- 11 From I <>>■ Film— mm I \ll "SPRINGTIME MM j FOR HENRY." ii f This is the latest of Fox Movietone Record from Kox Film "Springtime for Henry." *F—lls. FORBIDDEN LIPS. FOOLIN' WITH THE OTHER WOMAN'S MAN. j T.M.A.
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  • 640 4 Shipping News Notices. CARRIAGE OF FOOD BY SEA Part Played By Carbon Dioxide Gas ItilE big part which carbon dioxide gas will play in £he improvement of the food supplies of Great Britain is discussed in the report for 1933 of the Food Investigation Board, which is issued by *be
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  • 291 4 Second Vessel With Boilers On Deck A short time ago a paper was read before the Oslo Shipowners' Association by Mr. K. G. Meldahl, managing director of the Frederikstad Mek. Verksted, giving, for the first time, a general outline of a new type of ship which the shipyard
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  • 604 4 The Jutlandia A Pioneer Diesel Ship rIERE has just been transferred to Californian ownership, and placed under the Panama flag with the name of Noumea, one of the most famous ships afloat at the present time, the East Asiatic Co.'s motorship Jutlandia, which was not only one of
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  • 402 4 Funds Urgently Needed By Marine Assn. WITH the recent announcement that financial assistance is to be given to ihe shipping industry, bringing to the public notice the parlous conditions existing to-day, no more suitable time could be found to refer to the distress among British merchant seamen and
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  • 193 4 Voice Capable Of Reaching Ten Miles The siren of the new Cunarder 53* will be the loudest voice en the seas. In time of need, in an Alfeq,tic fog foi instance, it will carry ten through the darkness. i r v- This great vioce will issu?
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  • 532 4 Wreck Returns Of Lloyd's Register OF all the ships that are lost at sea none are so pathetic, so mysterious, or inexplicable as those included under ihe sombre heading of "missing" in Lloyd's Register wreck returns. The returns are for the quarter ended December 31 last, and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 366 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. mm ii *"A t P& o« n d BRITISH INDIA T. O. S. N. Co/s SAILINGS. r OUTWARDS. Due Tonnage. Singapore. 1 -.BHUTAN 6,10<) Sept 27 ~j JAJPUTANA 17,000 Sept! *8 BkHAR 6,000 Oct. 7 C HITRAL 15,000 Oct. 12 SoUDAN 6,500 Oct. 24 CARTHAGE 15,000 Oct. 26
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    • 151 4 'Tff LLOYD TRIESTINO j (Incorporated in Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. j SINGAPORE TO ITALY CHINA. Calling at Penang, Colombo, Bombay, Karachi, Aden, Massowah, Suez, PoTt tailing at Colombo, Bombay, Suez, Said, Piraeus, Brindisi, Venice and Port Said, Brindisi, Venice Trieste, i Trieste. to, m.v. MONCALIERI Sept. 26 Sept. 26
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    • 209 4 HAMBURG-AMERIKA UNIE. DeutKh |H D n Anstralische DampfschuYs Gesellschaft. (Companies incorporated in Germany). PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. OUTWARDS. HONGKONG SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. Due Spore. M.s. RUHR, via Manila Oct. 4 I t m.s. DUISBURG, via Manila Oct. 16 t m.s. RAMSES, via Manila Oct. 80 t m.s.
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    • 624 4 I STEAMER SAILINGS NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. (Incorporated h Germany The ondernoted ere the Compan* tended fixtures:— y OUTWARDS. "SAALE" for H'kong, S'hai I9H Japan N. China "MAIN" for Manila, H'kong Pt 28 S'hai, N. China Japan rw "ODER" for Manila, H'kong 9 S'hai, N. China Japan rw 00 HOMEWARDS. 28 "DONAU"
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  • 341 5 Mining Shares Singapore, Saiurcmy „ mining al >« e Quotations i tiy Fruser and Co,, exchange TT j l: ,.<k oiokcra: Buyers. Sellers \m. i m 5 5» Kumoang Tin 37|6 4Qicd il Miiay i>o.- 52,6 ini tm Tin M,6 15|3cd .V» 'IF iin Tin 36 *!h
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  • 86 5 ;n fr RASER CO., EXCHANGE >l) STOCK BROKERS. Buyer». Sellera. Municipal j act cent. 108 112 nom uunlopai 4 V per cent. 110 115 norij jvlaiiinpal -1 2 ptr cent. 110 115 noni Municipal 4 per cent. 105 110 noil Municipal r. per cent. 118Vit llOVi ci
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  • 175 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION RUBBER AGAIN HIGHER Increase In Home Stocks Singapore, Saturday, 11 a.m. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 25i/ 8 cts., up 1 4» ct. Market Tone: Steady. Yesterday's Prices:— London: 7%d., up «/«d. Market Tone: Very steady. New York: 15 516 cts., up 316 ct. Market
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  • 160 5 Dr. Schacht Declared 44 Too Optimistic M Berlin, Aug. 22. /GERMAN business circles are inclined to VJ doubt statements on Germany's economic position made to a Prague newspaper yesterday by Dr. Schacht, Minister of Economics. They feel lhat he was far too optimistic in stating that
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  • 19 5 The Currency Commissioners Issued $425 720.32 in exchange for sterling received in London during the week ended Sept. 19.
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  • 138 5 Continental Demand For Dollars Reuter. London, Sept. 21. I HE weakness of sterling, which set in yesterday, was accentuated to-day by Continental demand for dollars. British control started to support sterling by buying francs when tht rate touched 74 75, which consequently .mproved to 74.78. The dollar, however,
    Reuter.  -  138 words
  • 135 5 Ipoh Rubber Capital Increase (By Air Mail). (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Sept. 12. The directors of Ipoh Rubber Estat< s (1932), Ltd., have come to an arrangemen' with the proprietors of the neighbouring Gunong Kroh Estate, whereby, subject to approval of the shareholders, the toman/ will acquire
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  • 107 5 Dividend Of Ten Per Cent. Declared The office of the Yokohama Speci Bank is in receipt of a telegram Lon its Head Office to the enect that, al the 109 h half-yearly ordinary generVi meeting of the shareholders, held ul the Head Office at Yokohama on September
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  • 129 5 Tfie following are index numbers rcpresen ing the estimated monthly traffic receipts of Cable Wireless. Ltd., as related to comparable traffic in the y«ir 1929:— Monthly figures reduced to working day average. Working day average of comparable receipts, year 1929=100. 1930 1981 1982 January 96.0 76.3 78.4 February
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  • 278 5 Twenty-first Annual Report I THE report of the directors of the Eastern United Assurance Corporation, Ltd., for the year ended June 30. 1934. to be presented at the annual general meeting in Singapore on Sept. I 28, is as follows: The premium income less reinsurances and commissions
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  • 404 5 Reviews By Local Firms MESSRS. Lewis and Peat I Singapore >, Ltd.. in their weekly rubber report dated Sept. 21, sta c: More hopeful news is now coming through from America and the prospect of an early settlement of the textile siiike has brought in fresh inquiries to
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  • 214 5 Blocked Account System Avoided IN his report on economic conditions in Yugoslavia, Mr. H. M. Sturrock, Commercial Secretary to the Belgrade Legation, refers to the satisfactory position of United Kingdom imports into Yugoslavia. In trade with the United Kingdom the blocked account system is now largely avoided
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  • 211 5 Paterson Engineering: Earns £17,700 t PATKKSON Engineering Cooipfilly, I which w;li made pithlm 1» t yL-ar, rt- ports a not profit of £17,7 ii« Cot the 12 months to April 30 last. Thi* comparcr Vvi'h u net jirdit ii* lh.« yt-'ii" "112 ftliown >J! k .< -iatotnent
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  • 88 5 Six Largest Have Deposits Of V.4,964,208,000, Tokyo. Sept. 6. The six largest banks of Japan today reported total deposits of Y?n 4.964,208,000 at the end of August, representing an increase of Yen 236,000,000 over total deposits as of Dec. 31, last. The same institutions reported security holdings valued
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  • 709 5 Rubber Shares Singapore, Sa'.uraaf. m The following rubber share quotation* JL ire issued by Fraser and Co., and Lyali Jind Evatt. ssue /alue. Fraser Lyall m 1 v Co. Evati. 1 Alknby 1.80 1.95 1.85 1.95 f 1 Alv-r L.ajah 1.45 155 1.50 tMJ I IA.
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  • 73 5 QAJLT PKICEA CUKBCPri. Singapore, Friday, noon. I' Bayer* Sellers R.S.S. equal to London Standard, Snot (loose) 25 2534 do. (F. 0.8.) 25 1 4 25% p Standard R.S.S. on Tender: Oct Dec. 26*4 2G»4 i Jan. March 27Vh 27 1 4 J April June 27 7
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 85 5 Nederlandscbe la Bandel-Maatschappij, N. V. (NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY.) Established in Amsterdam, 1824. HEAD OFFICE AMSTERDAM. WITH BRANCHES IN ROTTERDAM AND THE HAfcUR BATAVIA. Branches throughout the Dutch East Indies and in the Straits Settlements, India, China, Japan and Arabia. LONDON BANKERS: The National Provincial Bank, Limited. Correspondents in the principal
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    • 88 5 THE EASTERN BANK LIMITED (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4, D'Almeida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £2,000,000 Paid-up-Capital «.000,000 Reserve Fund and Rest 500,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay, Calcutta, Colombo, Karachi, Madras, Amara, Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra, Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed Deposit
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    • 211 5 ii ,lBH«t«l)«<i«i VI t «II r <• i Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements). SUCCESSORS TO THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, Ltd., THE HO HONG BANK, Ltd. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, Ltd. CAPITAL: Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. BEAD OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING, lIITJA STREET. SINGAPORE. LOCAL BRANCH: 458, NORTH
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 445 6 I M. HASSAN, 86, A 87, BRAS HAS AH ROAD, IN SINGAPORE. mNe undertake all sorts of work mn electrical, gas and water ser■'ice line. ByVe prive prompt attention to all ■brders either big or small. ■Why not consult us about your ■Requirements ■Est linage submitted upon re■]ut st without
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    • 1580 6 NOTICES.. AUCTION SALE. BY ORDER OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JOHORE AT JOHORE BAHRU. Civil Suit No. 13 of 1933. Between S. M. S. Sinniah Chettiar, son of Muthu Karuppan Chettiar of No. 26, Jalan Tan Heok Nee, Johore Bahru, Plaintiff And Lee Iw (f) Administratrix of the estate of
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    • 373 6 EDUCATIONAL, FAB EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, Established 1128. i (A Government Registered School)- (For Boys and Girls). j l-A, Kirk Terrace, Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. I Enrol for a Sound Musical Education— 1 Training both m Technique and j Theory. Complete Courses leading to T.C.L. Certificate, Diploma, A etc Booklet free. M.
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    • 537 6 LATE AGA N~~ The Clock or Watch has STOPPED or k giving the Wrong Time. Being Late Often means LOSS OF BUSINESS OR EVEN LOSS OF WORK Therefore take all Clocks or Watches that go wrong to YICHL WOH HIMG Their One and Only Address 429, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD (Near
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  • 344 7 story Of Their Plucky Fiffht For Life THE story or a gallant fight for life 1 by two Chinese fishermen was rein their rescue from drowning X P.M. steam:i General Verspycl: oast of Johore last week. two men concerned are Ang King Boat Quay, Singapore, and
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  • 214 7 Girl Whose Kisses Rout Railway Officials IT was suffocatingly hoi, and the trau* from Split to Vienna was crowdedno place even to stand The pretty little Viennese girl in the tnua class compartment could stand l! tm longer and moved to an empty first class carriage. A
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  • 68 7 Viceroy's Thanks To Subscribers Reuter. Simla, Sept. 20. HE. the Viceroy, in announcing that the subscription list for the func for the relief of sufferers in the eartnquak? at Bihai and Orissa in January v.ill on October 1, said that he was mo3t grateful and stated that subscriptions
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 109 7 £aid To Have Altered Chits For Petrol (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. A MALAY syce named Ahmat wac produced before the second magistrate, Mr. J. P. Biddulph, on a charge of dishonestly inducing a petrel pump attendant to deliver to him in smcJl quantises at different
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  • 520 7 Ruling On Interesting Point Of Law (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. A RULING on an interesting point oL law as effecting estate employees who occupy bungalows on estates was given m the Supreme Court to-day in connec tion with a case in which a
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  • 149 7 Message From Ceylones? In Selangor (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Friday. A PUBLIC meeting of the Ceylonese of Selangor was held in the Town Hall, Kuala Lumpur, to-day, when the following resolution was passed: "That this meeting of the Ceylones-e of Selangor resolves to forward the
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  • 51 7 Between 200 And 300 Said To Be Homeless (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Sept. 21. TT is reported that between 200 and 300 have been rendered homeless and destitute as a result of the recent fire at Lumut. Mr. Gregg, the District Officer, has opened a Relief
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  • 46 7 Lisbon. A clerk at Cartaxo has typed for 21 hours on end. He claims that this is a world record for endurance. The clerk's name is Joaquim Bernardes Ferreira and the Town Council at Cartaxo are jroinß to present him with a silver cup.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 87 7 PARKE-DAVIS L J COMFORT HBP powder J *M| nnr pa*** I Um xt( as a Baby I'oivi: r \j :vV for the Nursery, a sootninf ■I±. Uc:tt:on for t'nc Sick Room 3 fV a; id ;;s an idea! Dusting H jjl l owd r j'or the Toil't Tabic. m fS
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    • 370 7 Ii iiiii i i i i i Imi ii. •m i •miwinmintitiiin* !iii■ i i 1 ii i •>• i mtMMMMM Teeth Lovelieryour breath fragrant with Colgate's Be assured of coraplete reach. Its polishing inmouth loveliness teeth gredient the same that that flash white and dentists use gives teeth breath
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 337 7 Wireless TO-DAY'S EMPIRE PROGRAMME Organ Recital By Harold Ramsay r -DAY'S Empire wireless programme is as follows:— 6.20 p.m.: Time Signal from Big Ber. The Northern Studio Orchestra, directed by John Bridge, from a Manchester studio. 7.20 p.m.: Time Signal from Greenwich. The Commodore Grand Orche* tra, directed by Joseph
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  • 144 8 JUST WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW TO-DAY'S SHIPPING VESSELS ARRIVED I Temple Bar, British, 2,570 tons; from Dairen 21.9, to Port Said for Aden 22.9. Nagato Maru, Japanese, 4,325 tons; from Calcutta 17.9, to Yokohama via Hongkong 18.9. Cape St. Francis, British, 2,170 tons; from Mauritius 18.9, to Hongkong 19.9.
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  • 215 8 The following arc passengers by the Fushimi Maru which left Singapore for Kurope on Sept. 21:— Mi-. K. P. Chinnikorn, Mr. P A Sagorkhed, Mr. H. Fukuyama, Mrs X Fukuyama, Mr. S. R. Gandhi, Mr G Coda, Mr. H. Hattori, Mr. Hirata, Mr M. lida. Mr. H Imagawa, Mr.
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  • 107 8 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE Singapore. Sept. 22. Bast Wharf (Entrance Gate 1) Rajula 22. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3) Haraldsvang 16; Meonia 14; Pre.>. Harrison it; Agamemnon 9. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3) Mirzapore 30; Steel Navigator 33, Malacca Maru 37. I Empire Dock
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  • 34 8 Policy To Be Announced To-day —or fFrom Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Sept. 21. A broadenl this ife'vcniiie: intimates ihat the premier will announce the reconstruction of the Cabinet with Its afternoon P
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  • 77 8 The local agents of the Imperial Airways notify that the outward aeroplane Is expected to arrive at Singapore at about 7 p.m. to-morrow. The mail will oe available to boxholders and window delivery ticket holders immediately Correspondence for non-boxholders will be sent out by the 8.25 a.m. delivery
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  • 197 8 SELLING. Singapore, Sept. 21. London 3 months' sight 24 7132 London 4 months' sight 2 4 13|64 London 60 days' sight 2 4 3116 London 30 days' sight 2,4 ?32 London demand 2j4Va London T.T. 2 4 3j32 Lyons and Paris demand BG7 Hamburg demand 142 New York
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  • 184 8 Singapore, Sept. 21. R. fSiam) W. Coast N. 1 per Koyan $132 R. (Siam) W. Coast N. 2 per Koyan $123 R. <Siam) W. Coast N. 3 per Koyan $120 SSS N 2 per Ko van SiCl Siam, Sinhoay Al <:ic, Siam, "Sinhuay" 1 1??; Siam, "Sinhuay" 2 JJ
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  • 104 8 Public Functions Ana Sports Fixtures TO-DAY, SEPT. 22. High Tides.-10.34 a.m., 10.12 p.m. Races: Singapore Turf Club a Meeting, second and last U v r Football: S.A.F.A. Cup Sem r Anson Road Stadium; Govt Division One, Marine I v P Police Depot. Rugby: Trial
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  • 67 8 ALHAMBRA.—' King Kong." APCLLO Chinese pictures. tion A?ITOL Stage and Screen aUrac EMPlRE.—Cantonese talkie. GREAT WORLD.-Cabaret Dancing rfl' w° W Dean s Grand °P c Cht > Se .i- ayanss Cinemas, Talkies etc NEW WORLD.— Cabaret Dancing Maiay °P eras Chinese Wayango, Cinemas. Talkies, etc pS^'^ ll Men Ar
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 78 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS a b?e E for:- n three years btain1. PIONEER'S latest Tamil Talkie and t. S. Velambal (by the same nro 2 A U «T S T f T^ wedding) 6 Pr Ajanta's Urdu Pictures:— (a) SHAN-E-KHUD\ (b) RANGILA RAJPUT (c) MAYAJAL (d) ROYAL MUSICIAN (c) DUKTHAR-E-HIND Featuring Master
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    • 109 8 "tr LATEST **sr M4L4Y RECORDS Sung By Mr. Abdul Latiff, Miss Brintik, Miss Anna Liem, Che Norlia, Miss Nancy and others. B. ***** Stamboel The Rail Krontjong Terang Boelan. B. ***** Stamboel Menggigit Hati. Krontjong Miss Brintik. 8.***** Stamboel Monte Carlo bii Nacht. Krontjong T.T.G. B. ***** Krontjong Sinar Indonesia
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    • 291 8 E NT'S. Singapore Municipalit TENDERS. nJm^J? 1 8 a i" e inV,ted for t!, P fol owing materials or services. For oani'Jlara, cc Municipal Tender Room. p n -„i Date of closing lin chase of ten bullockdrawn tumbler-carts, lying at Peoples Park Sewage Pumping Station -nd Albert Street Pumping Station,
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 612 8 jj [POSTAL MfftUJgtNCE SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE TO-DAY Trengganu fLarut) 2 p.m. Australia, Eastern and Southern (Nieuw Holland) p.m. Java, South-West Sumatra, S.East Borneo, Celebes, Moluccas and T. Dilly (Nieuw Holland) 2.30 pm New Zealand (Nieuw Hollang) 2.30 p.m. Djambi (Toba) 3 p.m Muntok, Palembang and Pladjoe (Senang) 3 p.m. Soengei
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  • 154 9 CONTROL MEASURES AND THEIR APPLICATION R.R.I. PATHOLOGIST'S LECTURE my Small-Holdings Are Generally Free Of Problem (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, yU\is it that native smallhold mgs> where root disease treatment entirely neglected, are ofte n completely free from root diswhereas the large commercial
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  • 1069 9 THE rubber tree is a naiive of the icai rain fore-r and can onlyIt vated with success in a tropiral .forest region, said Mr. But all tropical rain forest us abound in root d'sca-e caraso that successful rubber culr. and the occurrence of root ar<
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  • 1295 9 Illustration Of Principles Involved The lecturer here pointed out that the above description of the life cycle cf a rhizomorphic root parasite applied to a purely theoretical case, and had been given to illustrate the principles involved in the simplest possible way. He then proceeded to show, by
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  • 1222 9 Changes Which Take Place In Felling We can pass on now to consider the roct disease conditions which exist in standing jungle, and the changes which take place when a piece of jungle land is felled for the planting of rubber. As will be gathered from the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 85 9 *S Rr^ OVERSEAS CLIMATIC The new container brings the hest English Chocolates fresh to you and keeps them fresh even after opening. Rowntree's Overseas Chocolates are a rich and varied assortment specially made for the connoisseur and are packed in a vivid rain- /tftty/k bow-spiral tin. TRFF Climatic Chocolates are
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    • 393 9 Cafe CAPITOL BUILDING, 27, STAMFORD ROAD. The cleanest and homeliest little restaurant in town. Attractive special terms to 1 monthly boarders. Outside catering a speciality. Your inquiry invited. I MAKING STRONG! li'f?"-", I I "Sistering" i a a Pdef-r is ef- f I best remedy for /lB??R" Z* 5 j
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 227 10 ALHAMBRA I gT l^® fwB&0 fhe bluest moment in the strangest adKtnture drama this thrill-mad world has seen! concieved by EDGAR WALLACE I Ai kko H,dio an d MER I A N C. COOPER Picture Released See the 20 :on brontofaurus, the flying lizard, ty J'av,|i«n Lid. and all the
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    • 384 10 ifliiaimfivjrrviiei 1 PAVILION 3 5 TOI^ AT Zii I A GREAT NOVEL! A GREATER PICTURE" i f! ■aHWaaSHaV 11 )ears its mi ntv emblem I I above the defiance of a strug- M I W s,in ff humanity! It preserves m I ,ffe-forc e that is love «V amidst the
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  • 183 11 THE CINEMAS "All Men Are Enemies," which began a season at the Pavllien last night, is a delightful love story of the elding it* beginning and climax in the fashioned but ever popular order, havromantic land of Capri. A war story, it treats
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  • 74 11 That most successful picture "King King" has been brought to the Alhambfj for a .special return <x:reenin& in respopsa to numerous requests from those who were unable to see the film when it shown at the Capitol recently The production deal.*] with the terror; j
    74 words
  • 58 11 The Police Band, under Mr. F. E. Minns, will play the following programme at th-? Botanic Gardens to-morrow: Overture, '-Tally Ho," Ansel); Selection, "The Merry Widow." Lehar; "And;tn f Cantabile." Tschaikowskv; American Sketch. "By the Swanee River," Myddleton: Selection, "Fifty Years of Song.' j Brown; Song, "The Better
    58 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 476 11 I I I I I '•"■"■"•"■«•l'«'llll|illtl|M|M||,tll|l||-|<'t<t|| l H j :ft <Jo-« 0 n d *oiW-V9 w 00fl It YAM SENG E ii onA A \oo«*** 1 f O OeSV wo I ai Sen Sonu Hits and a barrel of fun. l i i I l ••■•iiti;ftniiiiii:i«i.«H«iianu».i«mi'»ii«;a- Startling Predictions In Your
      476 words
    • 594 11 CHURCH SERVICES Details For This Week-End ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL 6.50 a.m., Holy Communion. 7.30 ajn., Matins. 8 a m., Holy Communion (Choral). 5.30 pjn., Evensong (Choral) and Sermon. 10.30 a.m. Parade Service at R.A.F. Base. Holy Communion on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8 a.m.; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at
      594 words
    • 183 11 Wednesday, 7.30 p.m., Cantonese Service. Thursday. 7.30 p.m.. English Service. •BETHESDA" Sunday, 9 a.m., Breaking of Bread. 4 p.m., Bible Classes and Sunday School. 8 p.m., Gospel Service. Speaker: Mr. Sidney Dam. Tuesday. 5.30 p.m.. Prayer Meeting. Wednesday, 8 p.m.. Gospel Meeting in Malay. Friday. 5.30 p.m., Bible Address. Speaker,
      183 words
    • 366 11 SAFE WAY TO REDUCE 39lbs. Off—And She Feels Better woman yrho lias found a «uri», ai'c un> J to lose fat—without frrjil; diitinif or da ntft*rou* UjayfS writes: "A year i»j? < wu«- oaten up «Ith rheumatism. «««.I wa- far ton fat. T weighed 1] 3tonr. and, u. my i*
      366 words
    • 60 11 [1 USE RAJA STAMBUL ROSE PEKOE TEA. I NOTED FOR ITS FLAVOUR |I AND PURITY. Z Obtainable Everywhere r I Direct from: T. G, hi AT t 0., Z 4u, Newton Kd., 'Phone 2)M. m I "ill II i I I I I I I I I 141 I I
      60 words

  • 85 12 TAN.—Mrs. Tan Teck Bo;. (Nonya Batak) died peacefully at bier residence, No. p, Shanghai Road (ell* River Valley Road)' Singapore, at 11.30 am. on Friday, 21st instant, aged 56. She leaves behind her 3 4 daughters 3 son*-in-law (Messrs. C. O. Quek. T. Wee and W. P.
    85 words
  • 319 12 tyHEN will the governments of Malaya awake .0 the fact that the present shortage of labour constitutes a problem of the first magnitude? At met tings all over the country it has been urged tliat rubber estates are now in a position to absorb much more than
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  • 297 12 \TEKV wc lcome is the news that work on the wharf exten- I ftionw .scheme for the Singapore Harbour Board will be before the end of the year and a big undertaking will be completed in four years' time. The scheme provides a much needed addition to Singapore's
    297 words
  • 167 12 JN connection with the protests made by the Association of British Malaya against the imposition of textile quotas, it is interesting to read the views of Sir John Barlow, as expressed in an interview with the Malaya Tribune. It may be said thai Sir John, as a partner
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  • 95 12 The Central Aid Fund and Society, has been exempted from registration in Penang. Second-Lieutenant G. T. W. Perkins has resigned his commission in th'» S.S.V.F. Mrs. M. R. Menon and child, who have been away in India, returned on Thursday by the Rajula. Mr. Yong Shook Lin has been appointed
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  • 118 12 A( Home Given By Mr. And Mrs. Caldccott Singapore, Saturday. H.E. the Officer Adm'nistering the Government, Mr. Andrew Caldecott and Mrs. Caldecott, gave an At Home to about 350 guests, including many members of the Services, at Government House last night. The evening was fine and with the
    118 words
  • 144 12 people seem, to be under the imprfssion that Prince George's marriage to Princess Marina will affect the. line of succession to the throne. At tfie moment, the succession stands as follows: The Prince of Wales The Duke of York Princess Elizabeth Pri-cess Margaret The
    144 words
  • 148 12 John- Anderson's tenure of office as Governor of Bengal has proved jf such value to that province and has bad such an enormous influence on Indian opinion that his appointment ii the next Viceroy of India, if the choice should fall on him, would be an extremely
    148 words
  • 208 12 jgREAD. which in the past was regard- ed €s the staff of life, appears to be talcing a less important part in the. dietary of the present day. The peoples ol the East have, of course, always given I i I preference to rice as a staple
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  • 232 12 rjiHE Panama Canal, which cost the j United States over £100,000.000 to construct, has just celebrated its twentieth anniversary. It is interesting to rcall that the idea of a canal through the Isthmus of Panama originated in the mind of a Spanish engineer, Saavedra Ceron. in
    232 words
  • 303 12 By "Looker-Oif A LOS ANGELES cinema house recently I Apparently the League of Nations, by aX advertised: "Merry Wives of Reno, forbidding the. Gran Chaco war to conCarefully cooled." j tinue. has made it a permanent tnsti- tution. In these days of stricter censorship the cooling
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 228 12 Popular Perfumes OI» P Y RAJ A H H I BUNGA RADIN .MAS W V BUNGA KEMANTTX J BUNG A RAJAH it illlis? 4,1 at $i 75 per bottie Made Spc< ially for SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR •ng. i itiiiiii i i i 1 1 i i i ii nil i
      228 words
    • 105 12 yly- PERFECTION .-.Uy V U\ describes tbe id per lor *o v workmanship of Mnga- So wJF] pore's Leading Tailor g£ WING LOONG is an- %N gj£ donbtedly in the fore- JV" Zjr front and offers you. with j/V g£ Perfection in Suitings, V* g£ Bty!e and Cat, complete X)
      105 words

  • 747 13 RED INDIAN'S COLLAPSE DEATH FOLLOWS IN HOSPITAL Thunderface's Fate Knocked Out In The Last Round Singapore, Saturday. yOUNG Thunderface, the American Indian boxer, died in the General Hospital, Singapore, this morning as a result of his contest with Frank Weber at the New World
    747 words
  • 54 13 New York Police Chief Resigns Reuter. New York, Sept. 21. j QENERAL O'Ryan has resigned from y* the City Police Commissionership .following differences with the Mayo? j Mr. Laguardia, as regards the treatment lof striking taxi drivers, i Chief Inspector Lewis Valentine has I been appointed to succeed
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 416 13 Large Payments LONDON MINISTER'S SPEECH Reuter. Geneva, Sept. 21. JLfR. Quo Tai Chi, addressing the Fourth Commission on the demand that the Chinese contribution be halved, said that he was unable to conceal the fact that the Assembly's vote on the subject of China's re-election to
    Reuter.  -  416 words
  • 149 13 No Weakening MORE MILLS CLOSED IN U.S.A. Reuter. New York, Sept. 21. the Union chiefs were gathered at Washington to consider peace proposals, the textile strike continued unabated. The strike leaders claim that there has been no weakening of the strike since yesterday and that additional mills
    Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 138 13 Death In Hongkong After Operation NEWS has been received of the death in Hongkong on Tuesday of Mr. Feidjof Mangskau, who was formerly manager of Namazie Oil Palm Plantations, Johore. Mr. Mangskau, who was a Norwegian, 37 years of age, was a well-known figure in Singapore, and
    138 words
  • 31 13 Reuter. Sept 22. The Seiv>*e MuniMo'ix Inqtrrv Commit cc adjourned t H 'he end of November, though the Chairman said that the Committee had only yet scratched ihe surface.-Renter.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 56 13 Poles Withdraw Their Resolution Geneva. Sep; 21 SOMEWHAT dramatically, the Pcles withdiew their resolution for a conference to examine the univcrsalir.a'icn of minorities system which was submitted yesterday. Tne move.-. \t. Raaqmski r.;id th s in view of the attitude oi some of the principal Powers, especially Captain
    56 words
  • 1001 13 FULL DETAILS OF if SCHEME Completion In 1938 New Roads And Godowns AS mentioned briefly in yesterday' j' issue, Messrs. Topham, Jones Railton Ltd., have been awarded tYi contract for the Wharf Extensior. Scheme by the Singapore Harbovi Board. It is anticipated that work will begun before
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 210 13 p ii ii iii i i MUM i ii i »i ii M ill iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiwiiiliituiHiiittitHiiitiiiiiimiiwitiiiti*!-»»».* I H £^iv S SI (tv ii Esc I v Ik* "His Masters Voice" 9 1 I NEW RUMBA RECORDS. N. 4255. Olvido Trio Matamoros. Negra Consentida C. Molina's Orch. 1 N. 4273. El Panquelero
      210 words

  • 831 14 COMMISSIONERS' DECISION Yesterday's Meeting ALF TO BE RAISED FORTHWITH T an extraordinary meeting yesterday, the Municipal Commisiners of Singapore approved of a vering and sewage disposal scheme ich provides for a "temporary outl into the estuary of the ScranL River." ft was decided to apply
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  • 1400 14 To Be Called Upton As Necessary? He suggested that an easier way to finance the scheme was to raise a loan to cover the whole capital charge of $8,000,000, spreading it over a period probably longer than 40 years. A reason for that was that the cost each
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  • 326 14 The Eighth Moon Celebration r[E eighth Moon Festivities this weekend will be celebrated at the New World with a gorgeous display of fireworks. Those who have had the privilege of witnessing fireworks displays at this premier place of amusement on previous occasions will readily admit that they were
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  • 141 14 The following is the health bulletin >f the League of Nations Eastern Bureau, Singapore, for the week ended Sept. 15 Bassein: 1 plague case and 1 death. Bombay: 1 cholera case and 1 death 2 smallpox cases and 1 death. Calcutta: 32 cholera cases and 7
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  • 630 14 Debtor Who Was Sent To Prison Singapore, Thursday ALLEGED to have sworn a false davit in judicial proceedings, Chun» Wan Tug, an employee of a jewellery shop, was prosecuted before the D. Judge (Mr. H. A. Forren to-day. The complainant, a pedlar, had don* business with the
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  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 985 15 LARGE EXCESS IN THE VALUE OF EXPORTS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING Handling Of Tin Restriction Scheme Criticised Singapore, Friday. ■HE Hon. Mr. James Robertson, Chairman of the Singapore mber of Commerce, who presidil the half yearly meeting hold aft moon, gav e a mos, hensive
    985 words
  • 575 15 In Process Of Being Smoothed Out As is only natural with scheme of such magnitude, some difficulties have in the initial stages of its operation, but these are in process of being smoothed out. The arrangements mad* l to meet th rt special circumstances of Singapore have worked
    575 words
  • 866 15 A Clear Picture Of Trade Of I The Colony I After si 1 tines which contlnn?d over a period of about sixteen months, ihc Trade Commits or. rcmCJudeci its labour; in. June last. and its report wa& issued »o 'he public in the end of July. T\
    866 words
  • 887 15 Foreign Imports And Exports Imports into Singapore for the half year ended June 30, 1934. IST HALF' OFflfltt Quantities Value Tow t Tin Ore 3.«8 r j 3,268.694 Para Rubber 66,300 6,573.948 Other Merchandise 114 178,544 Total 123.021.186 C:in and Bullion 3.973 648 Grand Total 126.994.831 IST HALF OF
    887 words
  • 1023 15 Increase Of 32.8 Per Cent, Reported Exports of Tin and T«n-ln-or* from Federated Malay States during the hai! ypar showed an incre&s" cf 32.8 cent, comparer' with ilu* period oi 1033, The. relative figures are:— /•'foils Tons 1933 194 374 11 570 1933 258.136 11.570 Increase 03.702
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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  • 577 16  -  Knocked Out In The Final Round Collapses And Succumbs In Hospital (By "K.O." Singapore, Saturday. reported on page 13 of this issue, there was a tragic sequel to the irn contest at the New World last it between Frank Weber and ng Thunderface.
    577 words
  • 99 16 Gabo Retires With Injured Eye After promising to develop into necoie affair, the Kid Gabo-Bud Walley scrap ended disappointingly. Gabo punished Walley in the first three rounds, but Bud got going in the fourth round and shook G&bo with terrific left hooka to the face One of these
    99 words
  • 119 16 P" S. Wisa Beaton In I Handicap Singles I Singapore, Saturday. E finals were played of yesterday the 3.C.C. Autumn tennis to^rnaClub champion, N. S. Wise, found ndicap of owe 40 to J. P. de 0 D P j vs 16.5 too much for him «A Class singles
    119 words
  • 28 16 Ie draw in the big swpph of races resulted m^J"**' REDOUBLE tmmMm THE CRISIS l'£& BUCkIC Pancan 116 53 Call ***** Vlndßarde J?*™ ***** L
    28 words
  • 137 16 Concluding Stages Of S.G.C S Championship THE semi-finals of the Singapore Golf Club championship will be played on Saturday afternoon and the first tie will be reserved from 2.45 p.m until 3 p.m. and the tenth tee from 4 p.m. until 4.15 p.m. The final will commence on
    137 words
  • 85 16 Unruly Scenes In Match Between Local Rivals London, Sept;. 1. Jsfc l0 4 o Wembley commenced h ab Ut fifty mat <-' he the extra preliminary round of th e Cup. linX°v of! bet Teen local rivals > Wei.252 J Oakensates Town, had to be abandoned goalless
    85 words
  • 273 16 TV To-Day's Fixtures In The Leagues Saturday. j npHE following are the fixtures in the j J- rng-ish and Scottish Football Leagues jto b? played to-day: FIRST DIVISION Birmingham v. Blackburn R. Everton v. Huddersfield T. Grimsby T. v. W'hampton W. Le:ds United v. Liverpool. Leicester C. v.
    273 words
  • 24 16 Little Pat (Che Meor up) winnir- the opening even, at yesterday's races from The Imp (Mr. Seven, Lady Mildred (Che Din). eiu tU 1
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  • 412 16 Hockey At K.L. POLICE LOSE LEAD OF TWO GOALS (From Our Owni Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Friday. JN an interesting game of hockey on the Padang to-day, the Selangor Club, playing their second fixture of the season, defeated the Police Depot by the odd goal in five. .Even
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  • 166 16 Raffles Institution Beat The V.B.S. Singapore, Saturday. pLAYIXG on the Victoria Bridge School ground yesterday, Raffles Institution lefeated the Victoria Bridge School by our goals to two in a soever match. Even exchanges prevailed during the irst half of the game and the score at iaStSS only om
    166 words
  • 58 16 Extortion Charge Against An Alien Reuter. arrested her"-?e a t t c e n r! nS Cr Wd (I The Bronx D.suS^KeyXfa'res ■SrttfWS? °to y b a P cha T a against him be Preferred The police releas*7 J?V ept 21 I as they are connect on
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 533 16 With Brilliant Form NOW IN SEMI-FINAL ROUND Singapore, Saturday. »THE Malays have enUr'd the s«. ni rou "d of the SJLFJt cup competition winning tkdr replay a«iiiist Pulau Brani in convincing >..\ they will rnert the Police on Tuesday m the semi-final. To-day, the Chinese and
    533 words
  • 49 16 K. H. Lievers, of Loi he ing of the new Winsford br r»e baths. lon ered the British record for 500 yard style set up by ..'ran Taris, i Salford, in IMB. Lievers. who is io yaars >f »jre, km the awU by 3-C» H'v.. hi t;mv
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  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • 160 17 At Bukit Timah THE MAN-AT-THE-RAIT *»i m OM KAILS Ri c I—l. THE IMP. 2. SHORTY. 3. LARRIKIN. Rare 2.—1. GROCK. 2. DEAR MOON. 3. Singapore Race 2—l. LADY RAJA. 2. TIMBANG. 3. BACCARA. Race 4.-1. TAJ MAHAL. 2. KIO RITA. 3 GI Mi' n r
    160 words
  • 398 17 Handicaps for to-day are as follows: RACE 1 I Ponies, Class 3, Div. 2, b v 2 furs.— p.m.: Highland Lass 12.5, Larrikin 11.10, Little Pat 11.3, Shorty 10.12, Red Blazes 10.10, The Imp 10.10, Yellow River 10.7, Lady Mildred 10.1, Mickey Mouse 10.0, Cameo II 9.12, Hop Over
    398 words
  • 59 17 The following will represent the Bukit Timah Sports CTub in a soccer m&tch against the Headquarters Wing team of the Wiltshire Regiment on the former's ground on Saturday: Karim; Rahmat, j .Salleh; Mak Mok, Ismail, Thasan; Siak I Tonft-," Hassan, .Bobol:, Hassan, Kian Sweo. Reserves, Yew Chye, Kallimut.u and Yin-
    59 words
  • 14 17 The full report of yesterday's raflfea will be found on page 18.
    14 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 47 17 J When Other Remedies j FAIL TRY j I BBb i"<>ucnwt Milan* I a^EM^S t muhl Hn Bl j aBBI ■I PRICE 65 CENTS. J THE FEDERAL DISPENSARY, Ltd. |j (Incorporated in the F.M.S.) Rallltt Place, S ngapore, also at I Ku la Lumpar, Kb in.... Scremban.
      47 words
    • 175 17 I Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over 135,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, .Limited. 1 (Incorporated in the Straits Settlement*). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Gecil Street. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry, E.C. j The Company has £2i,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and
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  • 3933 18 Singapore Amateur Race Meeting Opens Two Wins Each For Che Meor Mr. Wahab: Triple Green's $94 Singapore. Friday. riNE weather and good going favoured the first day of the Autumn Amateur races here to-day, when a fair gathering was present to watch the enjoyable sport. Favourites
    3,933 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 194 18 I F. A. BARIHOIOMEUSZ LTD' I 20, Ruffle* Quay. Telephone So, 2234 I FURTHER I 'MENT OF H.M.V. RECORD! THE CAT AND THE FIDDLE" I BGIS2—THE NIGHT WAS MADE FOR LOVE. Rt-man's Orch. I E6IS3—SHE DID XT SAY YES. I abrose's Orchestra. I m TRY TO FORGET. Ambrose's Oichestra. I
      194 words

  • 190 19 Johore Malay Found Guilty (From Our Own Correspondent) JUiore Bahru, Sept. 20. A YOUNG Malay of Pontlan Kltchil, «3 named Jaffree bin Arshat, was v^ gee L befor 6heikh Abu Bakar bin Yahya (Second Magistrate, Johore Bahru), who specially went up to try the 2ft yesterday, on
    190 words
  • 95 19 Former livestock Manager Acquitted Singapore, Friday. K. s. Naidu, the former manager ot the Malayan Livestock Co., who was mdicted on a charge of criminal breach ol irus: in respect of a sum of $225 03 was to-day acquitted by the Second Magistrate (Mr. N. Grice) without
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  • 483 19 Interesting: Address At Kuala Lipis (From Gut Own Correspondent) Kuala Lipis, Sept. 18. AT the request of Mr. A. J. Grade, -VI.C.S., Secretary Uj Resident, Pahang, and Chairman ef the Co-operative bocie.y, Kuala Lipis Branch, a meeting of all Government Servants wai held at the Court
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
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  • 530 20 Seven Capital Crimes Since Aug. 20 THE unprecedented wave of murder, which is causing uneasiness in Hongkong, has been responsible for a redoubling of Police effort, says ths South China Morning Post. I European officers of the Criminal Investigation Department had no less than seven murders,
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  • 728 20 Ihird List Of Subscriptions To' Function I ILo n.iic list of Hub.-<f:ri|jLioiis Lo Ihe function arranged in honour 01 iii sii.victli b. ilid.iy ol Mr. Ch'jhl Swi. oi Malacca, is us follow*: Amouni pr'*vicuj»]y ackurwIcUged 247 The ClU'l.M ir Com nu'ii'y M i laeert 2«13 Mr,
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  • 254 20 Navigation Treaty Signed With Russia Blagoveschensk, Sept. 5. AS the result of negotiations which have gone on for two months ai SaghaUen (Heihot between the Amur State Board of Navigation and the Harbin Bureau of Navigation, a technical agreement has been signed regarding navigation on frontier waterways, including
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  • 259 20 Interview With Indian Delegate Singapore, Fh "rkVER 600 delegates attended the V/ ference and more than 5n n of them were from countries other I Japan," said Pandit Vishva-B Shastri, representative of the H delegation to the Pan-Pacific Bud Conference held at Tokyo rec when he was
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 682 20 M OASAMULARISTA Telegraphic Address:—Calchemico. M Gircommmm 10 very useful and va,uab,e herbs Wt rrgk have been used. An ideal "Pick I jfl| Me Up" after child birth and acute jHf diseases. A very reliable brain and [B general tonic for both men and E women. I*% r Urn M PRICE
      682 words
    • 61 20 $6.00. THE ELECTRIC IRON D5825 C o 1 o u r ell s=vr WITH THE BIG NAME Price $7.56 I Universal Voltage M del. JJ I" II I&| W% ITP |^^^^_B B t HIM U 11., MADB» IX ENGLAND. Bj| H I ftH ■11 ■M 11 ■■I J V*! Advt.
      61 words

  • 664 21 AVERAGE ANNUAL EXPENDITURE £1,106,1)90 CAMPAIGN OF DRASTIC ECONOMY E*OUR years of economic and finanr rial depression have subjected public institutions to a heavy ial strain. The League of S lons lias borne its full share of train. [< has even sometimes been sugd that the League
    664 words
  • 997 21 £1,179,234 At End Of Last Year When he mentioned the assets -of the League, he had not included arrear contributions These had amounted at the end of last year to 41,179,243, but had fortunately been reduced by the end of April this year to £992,395, or 7% per cent,
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  • 174 21 Ceylon's Financial Position rpHE statement of revenue and expendi- ture issued by the Financial Secretary, Ceylon, discloses an excess of revenue oyer expenditure for the period under review (October, 1933-August, 1934), of Rs. 4,208,004, the total revenue being Rs. «7,605,348 and the expenditure Rs. •53,397,294. Last
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  • 106 21 Second "Floating Island" To Be Established Berlin. A second "fVat'mr island" for the south lantic air aeriee is to he established iccordtti; to an announcement made by the Lufthansa, the German eir line. The motor vessel SchwabenLmd has been converted for servLr as the second relay vessel
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  • 78 21 Revolver Shot For Hiccups Paris. A hiccup cost Rene Debargue, aged 25 his life. His friend Jean Fourmestrot found him hiccuping" violently and decided to try the effect of a shock. Standing behind the suffering man, M. Fourmestrot let off a revolver. At that moment, however, If.
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 139 21 M KEEP iP^ H, i M In hot climates a dog's blood quickly c,ets overheated and impure. If your dog is listless, off his food, always scratching or out of condition Sherley's Tonic ondition Powders will soon put him right. They will purify and cool his blood, restore his appetite,
      139 words
    • 500 21 I Crosse Blackwells Soups, Jams, Pickles, Sauces and Pastes and many oth?r pre--1 pared food delicacies, owe their perfection to the long experience of one of the oldest and best known British Manufacturers. Only the very best ingredients are used and the careful attention I given to preparation and packing
      500 words

  • 417 22 Fifteen Entrants TYPICAL NATIONAL BĔAUTIES Paris. IN the Sylvan surroundings of the Boia Boulogne fifteen of Europe's most "ypical" beauties sat down to lunch. They are on their way to England to compete in an international beauty contest at Hastings this month when they are to compete
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  • 472 22 Details Of Current Prices Singapore, Sept. 14 MEAT I Beef, steak (round», kati 2Q 1 Beef. stew or curry, katl I Pork, lean, kati 42 Pork, lean and fat (Ist quality), katl 32 Mutton, Australian, per lb. 3U FOW 1, katl J2 Hsns (loe&lly reared), katl 30 bucks
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  • 58 22 Berlin. For the first time a religious ser\-ice has been held in the Passion Play Theatre of Oberammergau. It was in honour of 700 visiting teachers and students of both sexes from England, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and India. The Rev. G. H. Woolley, Chaplain of
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  • 357 22 Tragedy In Ceylon Village Tangalle, Aug. 30. THE unusual story of a villager who tihcught he could be hanged on a charge of killing another by a rash act and anticipated what he feareo. would be his end, was told at an inquest. It was
    357 words
  • 159 22 Seventy Elephants Shot In Three Days Kampala, Uganda. Seventy elephants have been shot ii three days near Kampala by Captain Sa! mon, M.C., (he jrame ranger who was ii charge of the huhting expedition made b; the Prince of Wales during his visit t< Uganda in 1928.
    159 words
  • 97 22 Unemployed Tamil Starved Himself To Death Colombo. Samuel Rogers, an unemployed Tamil has deliberately starved himself to death After seven months without, work, he found his savings exhausted and, refusing to accept charity, decided to starve him self to death. His family, the police and the
    97 words
  • 106 22 Thirty-Mile Journey In A Hearse Chesterton, Maryland. Negro friends heard .Mr VCsliU! otowjit had died in hosr;i:.ti, 9v ihe\ lathered in a crowd outsiL* his hoy if A hearse turned the con er and drew up outside the door. Mr. Stewart, clad in a white
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  • 893 22 Matter Treated As Joke REMINISCENT MAJORS PREDICAMENT piFTY years ago it wu» Un usual for an Indian steamship to leave Calcutta b or Madras for London cv- I without some lions 01 tigers board, consigned to zoo* geries in European cities When the vessels wen through
    893 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 190 22 1 11 j How She Fooled j Him! Jgr j A Bride's Confession ing in a hot ballroom." V Mousse of Cream is the mar- f vellous discovery of a great French but malces it four times as adherent Chemist. Scientifically blended in Poudre Tokalon gives a marvellous Poudre Tokalon.
      190 words

  • 58 23 My Dear Nephews, Thank you for the many contributions received this week. I have been able to use most of them with very little reai alteration—another indication that the standard of the work you are sending in is rapidly
    58 words
  • 349 23 <B' f Sanna.") Books have a grca- deal of influence on human life rtnd so should be stlee 4 °d with great c c They are d video into two gioirjs; the good and bad. Reading of books, by which I mean good books, should be continuous, as
    349 words
  • 226 23  -  (By "K. Hwa Lim." There is nothing hard in the world, but we must have strong will power to do It. A thing, no matter how difficult it is. can be accomplished, provided that I one makes up his mind to do It. There is a proverb which
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  • 371 23  -  <By "Richard Soh," K.L. During the first week of the midsummer vacations, I was asked by my brother to accompany him to a little town In the district of Pahang. When I arrived at nxy destination I was surprised to see the unhygienic condition of the place.
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  • 179 23  -  (By "Montgomery Koh." Without a doubt, the foundation ot superstition is ignorance. In almost every brain, there is some cloud of superstition. Ah superstitious people believe in millions of lucky and unlucky things, omens, miracles, or; but tne more sensible people, regard every one of these
    179 words
  • 184 23  -  (By "D. Wong." Gratitude is certainly a great virtue. That spirit of thankfulness is truly human. Take the wonderful example shown us by a dog—let it even b? a parish dog —for cne kind act done to It. It win show gratitude all its life-time for that act. Unfortunately,
    184 words
  • 170 23  -  By "Ngiom Tony Fair." Reading is the best recreation fo students. But mon of us, do not pa much attention to what we read an thus we often gain nothing from who? as known as thoughtless reading. We should avoid it. But thoughtless reading Is belter ilia: 1 going
    170 words
  • 109 23  -  By "Willy Chart." Oranges li .vr vuluaun nK tiditiil pioi P<TtiCs. The jti: ik u.fie. \r blOod-cleau-. rp. and h also »11 ctptie. and is oi speeiaJ «service to ra. heal.h ol the boUy Ag a preventive of Jnfloeny .1; is believed by many autbrtiUi* on tiiJ MibjncL to
    109 words
  • 94 23  -  'By "Willy Chan." It was very darlc and as thew was mpolicem n on duty, a burplar to break into a small house Th< house was occupied by only two peopk. both of th:m were timid. Hear'na someone orowlln* abou downstairs, the timid man seized u]
    94 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 152 23 I THE LAST WORD IN THE ART OF BREWING. Sole Importers: The East Astatic Company, Limited. j SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG. j Poisons as dangerous as the poison in 'he fangs of the serpent may be created in the mouth, if particles of decaying food are allowed to remain in
      152 words
    • 242 23 No. 41. CONSUMPTION HAS SEEN CURED. i A Remedy for Consumption Ha* fieen Found. DERK P. YONKERMAN DISCOS OF THE NEW REMEDY iOR COfVST WTION I Ma r ve.lous rs I. may ..c m after <vi:turica' lof failure, a rer.-irdy has be n dijccvrcd that! has cured thp dead'y
      242 words

  • 136 24 A-- Incident in the cup tie between tie Malays and Patau Brani. A draw reunited. The first three in th e half-mile eve nt at the City High School sports. Lance-Corporal Adamson, of the lsi Troop. Scots Greys, In a spot of bother whilst
    136 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 80 24 "DAISY" "for FLOWERS. 15, Orchard Road, Mnjrapore. Thone 4097. »*heir MM MODEL—e-cel every other i ptn ,n the «wH»t pen-market— iHtSf /j I g especially for its cheapness, durahilitv 1 |i and world-wide lacquer designs. B g rhe nibs which are tipped with best H g indium ensures smooth writing
      80 words
    • 62 24 ((eaa The J Iribmte For 'Best SPORTS REPORTS in general Debility and for spe?dy Convalescence after Fever or any wasting disease Serravalfo s Tunic (Cinchona Iron Wine) is the supreme Tonic as a BLOOD BUILDER i NERVE INVIGORATOR HEALTH RESTORATIVE Use it and it will bring you back again to
      62 words