Malaya Tribune, 21 September 1934

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 41 1 The Malaya Tribune Largest Circulation Of Any Daily Newspaper In Malaya Vol. XXI. -N». 233 SINGAPORE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1934 FIVE CENT& The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Friday, Sept. 21, 1934. Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1934 FIVE CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 993 2 Shipping News Notices. DISPOSAL OF BOILER GASES For And Against Divided Uptakes THE adoption of divided uptakes in the new French liner Normandie, as well as in the German liners Lremen and Europa, suggests that this method of disposing of the boiler gases has points of merit, and that its
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  • 247 2 Reorganisation Of Capital Structure LINE Steamers proroses yet a further step in the reorganisation of its capita] structure. This step follows naturally on the considerable improvement in profits shown by the accounts for the year ended Dec 31 1989. Meetings are to be held on Sept. 14
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  • 181 2 Corresponding Total For British Navy The 24 warships for which tenders axnow being considered by the U.S. Navy Department are additional to the 3l' ordered last year with funds piovided from the Industrial Recovery Act. The 24 in elude four 10,000-ton cruisers, 14 destroyers, and Hx submarines.
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  • 120 2 I The number of ocean vessels arriving a f the port of St. John, N. 8., during Julwas 23 of 49,220 net tons. Coasting I arrivals numbered 140, aggregating 107,040 i i let tt>ns Ocean departures totalled 27 of 30.719 net tons, and coasting departure*
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  • 231 2 Germany Ready To Participate i I London. THE readiness of the German Government to take part in an International Conference for settling the problem of shipping subsidies and related questions has been welcomed by British shipowners. Those of them who are aware of the adverse consequences that must
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  • 267 2 Half-Year's Big Increase In Cargo Tonnage During June a total of 441) vessels I entered and cleared the port of Hali- fax, as compared with 543 in June, 1933. t and 5S8 in June, 1932. net regisj tered tonnage is reported hi 498,673 tons, as compared to
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  • 243 2 Hope Of Conference In October IT is hoped, but not yet certain, that an International Shipping Conference will be held in London early in October to deal with subsidies and what is called rationalisation. Invitations were sent out from London during the past week, but there has
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  • 150 2 Construction Of Ice-Breaking Vessels The Marti Shipyard at Leningrad is now constructing three ice-breaking vessels, which are destined for the transport of personnel, goods and stores to the Polar radio stftions and for hydrographical service. Each vessel will be of 3,720 tons, and will be equipped with engines
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  • 130 2 Voan Of $20,000,000 To Repay I Old Debts Government capital of $30,000,000 be appropriated as soon as possible so that funds can be available for the improve ment of the administration. The Company points out that after re forms have been introduced into the ad ministration the Company
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 362 2 STEAMER SAILINGS. Audi BRITISH INDIA P. O. S. N. Co.'s SAILINGS. OUTWARDS. Due Tonnage. Singapore. BHUTAN 6,100 Sept 27 RAJPUTANA 17,000 Sept. a 8 BEHAR 0,000 Oct. 7 HITRAL 15.000 Oct. 12 > N 0,500 Oct. 24 CARTHAGE 15.000 Oct. 26 RAN PUR A 17.000 Nov. 9 BURDWAN 0.070 Nov.
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    • 147 2 1 mm -TT-rr>»j»»Mi I Iff LLOYD TRIESTINO I (Incorporated in Italy). j EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. I SINGAPORE TO ITALY CHINA. Calling at Penang, Coiomb:, Bombay, w_ Karachi, Aden, Massowah, Suez, Port Caning at Colombo, Bombay, Suez, Said, Piraeus, Brindisi, Venice and J Port Said, Brindisi, Venice Trieste. Trieste. m
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    • 199 2 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. DeoUcb |Hpß] Awtraliache DampfschifT. Geaellschaft. (Companies incorporated in Germany). PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE OUTWARDS. HONGKONG SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. Due Spore m.s. RUHR, via Manila Oct. 4 t m.s. DUISBURG, via Manila Oct. 16 t m.s. RAMSES, via Manila Oct. 30 t m.s. SAUERLAND, via Manila
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    • 594 2 N0R1)I)EI rStß^ The undernoted art th. r tended fixtures:— OUTWARDS. "SAALE" for HTcong g Japan N. China "MAIN" for Manila, H'k S hai, N. China J a an "ODER" for Manila 'h Shai, N. China Japan HOMEWARDS. "DONAU" for Marseilh Rdam, H'burg Brem< FULDA" for Genoa. Bai Lisbon, R'dam, H'burg
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  • 461 3 Mining Shares Singapore, Friday. The following mining share quotations issued by Fraser and Co., exchange I stock brokers: flue Buyers. Sellers Ampat Tin 5|- b\9 i am Kumbang Tm 37|6 40|cd tral Malay 50 52,6 Hit am Tin 1416 15i.3cd C Weng 2.00 2.10 Bangrin Tin 261-
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  • 177 3 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION HIGHER PRICE OF RUBBER More Interest By New York Singapore, Friday, noon, ro-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 25 cts., up y% ct. Market Tone: Steady. Tin (Singapore;, $113*4, unchanged. Yesterday's Prices:— London: 7V4,d., down l|l6d. Market Tone: Steady after easier. New York: 15 1;18 cts.,
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  • 234 3 Excellent Prospects Now Offered THERE is no lack of confidence in rubber circles that the commodity must improve as the incidence of restriction becomes more apparent, writes the financial Editor of the Observer. As yet there is no rush to buy rubber shares, but investors who
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  • 450 3 Profit Of $7,740.89 For The Year THE following is the Directors' report to be submitted at the twenty-fourth ordinary general meeting to be held at No. 137, Heeren Street, Malacca, on Saturday, Sept. 29 at 12 noon. The Directors submit their Twenty-fourth Annual Report and
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  • 145 3 Severe Competition By Japan THE severe competition of Japan in Far Eastern markets which were formerly regarded as British and Dutch preserves is causing a great deal of discussion writes the "Daily Express"). In 1928 Britain exported 120 million florins' worth of goods to the Dutch Indies, and
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  • 479 3 The following publications were issued or received by the Department of Statistics, S.S. aad F.M.S., during the period September 8 to September 14, 1934, inclusive, and are available for public use in the Reference Library, Fullerton Building, Singapore. Application may be made by members of the public resident
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  • 157 3 Application For An Increase (By Air Mail) London, Sept. 5. THE Government of India have promised the Legislative Assembly to make representations to the International Rubber Committee with a view to India's rubber quota being increased. Examination, of the figures in committee during the passage of the
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  • 296 3 Firmest Of Speculative Groups j A prominent firm of Stock Exchange i broker», in London, in its weekly circular, writes on the shares and the commodity as follows:— "The Rubber share market holds it? i place as the firmest of all the speculative I groups in the
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  • 655 3 Rubber Shares Singapore, Friday. The following rubber share quotation; are Issued by Fraser and Co., and Lyail and Evatt. Issue Value. Fraser Lyall Shares. Ie Co. Evatt. 1 Allenby 1.80 1.95 1.80 1.95 1 Aloi Gajah 1.45 1.55 1.50 UM 1 A. Hitam 2.30 2.50 2.20 2.30
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  • 70 3 ♦>/jLi run i« c€KJunt Singapore, Friday, noon. Hp Buyers. Seller* < J« R.S.S. equal to London Standard, Spot (bose) 25 '1~> 1 i' do. (F.O.B.) KM 25% Standard R.S.S. on Tender: Oct. D»c. 20'm 86% Jan. March 27* 27H April June L'T 7 s Tone of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 82 3 Nederlandsche Bandel-Maatschappij, N. V. (NETHERLANDS TRADING V SOCIETY.) Established in Amsterdam, 1824. HEAD OFFICE AMSTERDAM. WITH BRANCHES IN ROTTERDAM AND THE HAfcUB, BATAVIA. Branches throughout the Dutch East Indies and in the Straits Settlements, India, China, Japan Arabia. LONDON BANKERS: The National Provincial Correspondents in the principal Cities of the
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    • 71 3 I 111 YOUR SMALL COINS may seem too few to bother about Don't treat them carelessly, they can mean so much. Save each day and deposit regularly tn a SAVINGS ACCOUNT plus 2H% Annual Interest paid quarterly, will soon give yon a substantial balance. It's surprising just how quickly small
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    • 297 3 THE EASTERN BANK LIMITED (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4, D'Almeida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £2,000,000 Paid-up-Capital £1,000,000 Reserve Fund and Rest 500,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay, Calcutta, Colombo, Karachi, Madras, Amara, Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra, Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed Deposit
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 481 4 k HASSAN, m 4 87, BRAS BAB AH ROAD, m SINGAPORE. ■undertake all sorts of work ■ectrical, gas and water serIgive prompt attention to all ■rs either big or small. m not consult us about your irements ■mate submitted upon reBt without charge or obliga- g I THONi: 3411. laya
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    • 446 4 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED—Canvassers, Chinese, Male and Female, to sell Indian Patent vMedicines. And Agents for F.M.S. Terms:—Salary plus commission. Please apply personally between 9 a.m.—ll a.m. to A. S. 0. Sala, 171-A, Selegie Road, Singapore. AYURVEDA SIDDHA OUSHADHA SALA. YOUR LUCK. ONE YEAR MONTHLY DETAILS $150. Weekly details, 1 year
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    • 381 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. AUCTION SALE. By Order of the Municipal Commissioners of the Town of Singapore under the powers conferred by Section 71 of Ordinance No. 135 (Municipal), for the recovery of rates in arrears. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable freehold site fronting Hoot Kiam Road and Irwell Bank Road off River
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    • 530 4 FOR SALE I FOR SALE:—One second-hand "National" Cash Register and two "Vabr" Fire Extinguishers, all in splendid condition. Apply Rox No. 444, c|o Malaya Tribune. POULTRY BOOKETS wrz n WL GUHATHAKUBTA, M (U.S.A.). Poultry Course No. 1 25 eta. £utrit*ve Value of Poultry Feeds 15 eta. Poultry Feed* 15 eta.
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    • 333 4 EDUCATIONAL, FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, Established 1128. (A Government Registered School) (For Boys and Girls). 1-A, Kirk Terrace, Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. Enrol for a Sound Musical Education— Systematic Training both .n Technique and 1 Theory. Complete Courses leading to T.C.L. Certificate, Diploma. etc 1 Booklet free M. ANCIANO, Principal. PRIVATE
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    • 516 4 FOR ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION TAKE ALL CLOCKS, WATCHFS or GRAMOPHONES THAT GO WRONG YICK WOH HING Their one and only address 429, North Bridge Road. (Near Middle Road). SKILLED WORKMANSHIP PROMPT SERVICE MODERATE CHARGES. Contractors for the Repair of Clock* Watches to the British Army Malaya. Singapore. TO LET. TO LET—Compound
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  • 130 5 BARK CONSUMPTION NOT LIKELY TO LEAD TO DIMINISHING RETURNS (From Our Own Reporterj Kuala Lumpur, AN average yield of over 400-lb in acre, and the belief that tapping conditions on small holdings are not likely to lead to diminishing returns, were amon<? the outstanding points
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  • 376 5 Meads said it should be remb 4 red that the majority of the a < re collected during a period i übber prices were at their |owe and tapping was conservative when many small holdings had orarily ceased to be worked. It possible therefore
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  • 725 5 According To Nationality Which Preponderated Of the 90 holdings, 33 were Malay. 33 Chinese, 10 Javanese, eight Tamil and Lix Sumatran owned. All holdings were, as far as possible, relected according to the nationality oi owners which preponderates in each locality. The subject on which statistical dat;\ was
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  • 660 5 Mean Height Of Thirty-1hree Inches The records taken in connsction with aaik consumption showea that 82 per -ent. of the trees under observation were ,appeu on the single cut system with of an average xengtn 01 1;3 of the licumference, wnile 11 per cent, were jnder the V
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  • 840 5 Continually Tapped For Eleven Years In this connection I should add that the average age of the trees under observation was 16 years so that allowing for their having been brought into tapping at the age of five all trees had been more or less continually tapped
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  • 55 5 August Bank Holiday Accidents !n England And France Paris. England lad far more fatal road acci-d-nts than France on Angtu bank hoi i■jay this year. j.eople were killed and seven were ?*r.*TOlsly injured in Fiance on the French Vugust bank holiday (August 15). Twenty-four peop'e were kiilej in
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  • 108 5 Bengalis Alleged To Have Been Thrashed (From Oar Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 20. PANDEMONIUM reigned in the vicinity ol the Government clerks quarters at Chanahthong Road, Brickfields, for a brief while last evening when two Bengalis, who it is alleged, called at the
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  • 73 5 Subscriptions Now Total £19,000 Brussels. Subscription lists now total 2,004,000 Belgian francs (about i'l9,oooi for the memorial to the late King Albert, and new contributions are being received daily. The fund will be divided between a s atue of King Albeit, and at the express wish oJ
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  • 43 5 Short Visit To Johore Bahru (From Cur Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Sept. 18. Fifty-five Japanese Sea Scouts from on beard the Waji Maru now in harbour visited Johore Bahru and were shown round the town by their Japanese friends here.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 149 5 BABY'S OWN TABLETS. A Great Remedy. A great remedy lor all childhood ailments, constipation, diarrhoea, indigestion, teverishness, stoma h-ache, colds croup, to ixpel wtims, and releve the pains of ing, is Baby's own Tablets. i> vised by a doctor, who for many years made a special study of children
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    • 278 5 BOOKS FOR THE BOXERS. I The Jimmy L)e Forrest Boxing Course (20 weeks' Training) profusely illust-ated $7.00 set j Training for Boxers by Nat Fleischer $3 00 j Hew to second and How to Manage a boxer by Nat Fleischer $3.00 I Box ng taught through the "slow-motion" Film (showing
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  • 65 6 MITSUI BUSSAN KAISHA JUST WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW TO-DAY'S SHIPPING Straits New York Freight Tariff No. 11 It is notified for information that, with effect as from Oct. 1, 1934, the name of Mitsui Bussan Kaisha will be added to the list of Steamship Lines parties to the Straits/New
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  • 111 6 Singapore, Friday. Togian, Dutch, 672 tons; from Pontianak 20.9, to Pontianak 22.9. Hulvdan, Norwegian, 761 tons; from Bangkok 20.9, to Bangkok 21.9. Silverhazel, British, 3,091 tons; from Bombay 20.9, to Vancouver 25.9. Senang, Dutch, 729 tons; from Palembang 20.9, to Palembang 22.9. Produce, Norwegian, 743 tons* from Bangkok
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  • 102 6 Singapore, Sept. 21. A notice from the Supt. Marine Department, Johore reports the wreck of a sunken tongkang wiih a cargo of timber, at the Muar River entrance, Johore at a distance of I mile, 102 deg. from Kuala Muar flashing light buoy. Let. 2 deg. 3', 20"
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  • 122 6 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES OI EXPECTED TO ARRIVE Singapore. Sept. 21. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1) H M.S. Herald E.E.E. Wharf; Ophir 22; Anshun. Clara Jebsen, Pronto 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3» Sirdhana 18; Mahidol 10; Bennevis 7 Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3) Mirzapore 30: Tung Song
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  • 41 6 Question Of Abolition Postponed For Year u£*JL meetin of committee No. 4 of if J?? g i pore Commissioner, it was agreed to postpone for a year consideration of the que-tion of the abolition r jrerbride petrol pumps
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  • 22 6 Mr C. S. Gomez will speak on "Life without Study is Death/ at the Malayalee Association on Sunday a t 7 pm.
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  • 15 6 From Philippine Islands by the PreI sidrnt Harrison, aue at daylight to- morrow.
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  • 190 6 Introduction Of "Winter" Time Table HOMEWARD: Commencing with tne Air Mail to bo closed in Singapore on eh? evening of Oct. 31. the Netherlands Air Service will fly tc a "Winter" time table. This will involve several cnanges of route; the aeroplane leaving Singapore at daybreak each
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  • 191 6 SELLING. Singapore, Sept. 21. London 3 months' sight 24 7132 London 4 months' sight 24 ***** London 60 days' sight 2|4 3:16 London 30 days' sight 2j4 5|32 London demand 2j4% London T.T. 2j4 3|32 Lyons and Paris demand 8G7 Hamburg demand 142 New York demand 53 Batavia
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  • 209 6 Singapore, Sept. 21. R. (Siam) W. Coast N. 1 per Koyan $132 R. Coast N. 2 per Koyan $123 R. (Siam) W. Coast N. 3 per Koyan $120 Rice, B. Siam N. 1 per Koyan $104 Rice, B. Siam N. 2 per Koyan $IGI .Siam, Sinhuay Al $18 i
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  • 323 6 Public Function- \nd Sports Fixtures TO-DAY, SEPT. 21 High Tides.— a.m., 9.20 Municipal Commissioner.,' I Meeting, 2.15 p.m. Football: R.I. Hv. Victoria r v School, R.I. U Bnd^ Races: Singapore Turf Club, Amav,,r Meeting, first day. iim a.cur Boxing: Weber v. Thunderface rrrt_* match),
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  • 57 6 ALHAMBRA.—"King KOJ I AFCLLO —Chinese pictu CAPITOL.—Stage and Screw tion. EMPlRE.—Chinese tail GREAT WORLD. -Ca ban Side-shows, Deans Grand Op ncse Wayangs, Cinemas. Talki MARLBOROUGH.—Hindusta i new world.—Cabaret D Side-shews. Malay Operas, Chin yangs, Cinemas, Talkies, etc. PAVILION.—''Born To Be Ba< RlTZ.—Double talkie: "S.O.S berg' and "Tom Brown 01
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 27 6 DANCERS! "YICK'S" DANCING SHOES, Solid Leather Throughout J A PAIR Inspection Cordially Invited At; YICK WAH SING, Watchmaker Footwear Ifannfacturer 81, North IJridee Road, (Near High Smet).
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 76 6 DAILY WEATHER REPORT Malayan Meteorological Service Lut Yesterday Night Max Bright Mm. Temp. Rainfall. Sunshine. Temp. Stations. Deg. F. Inches. Hours. Deg. F. Alcr Star 85 0.11 L 6 72 Sitiawan 85 0.02 0 8 71 Kota Bharu 85 0.02 0.6 72 Bukit Joram 80 Nil 1.8 73 Malacca 84
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    • 424 6 [POSTAL INTgyjgHCt SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE TO-DAY Java, South-West Sumatra, S.East Borneo, Celebes, Moluccas and T. Dilly (Ophir) 2.30 p.m. Muntok (Ophir) 2.30 p.m. Burma (Sirdhana) 3 p.m. India, North and West (Sirdhana) 3 p.m. Belawan and Medan (Tinombo) 3 p.m. Bengkalis, Fort de Kock, Padang, Pakan Baroe, Siak and Selat
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    • 230 6 practice, 139, Tank Road, 7.30 p.m. Henderson A.P.: Friendly badminton match with Playfair A.U., 5 singles and doubles, latter's court, Seah Street (off North Bridge Road), 3.30 p.m. Assemble, Sports Captain's residence, 33, Zion Road before 2.30 p.m. for transport. The Straits Physical Athletic Party: Monthly committee meeting, Mr. Kok
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  • 2342 7 Glimpses Of Some Forthcoming ilms ONE unhappy young woman at the Paramount studios during the film>f "Bolero," was unable to rehearse re v.ith George Raft, the picture's b« cause of a cold she had conted from sitting too near a fan. I'HE Kirl was none other
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 85 7 mini I Mi;iiiiiiriTiinrimiiiiwinii»wi»in«iminiiiiiiM»i 1 .".n»M."Tumblers—eight llfe f 1 beautiful colours LIGHT BLUE MOTTLED RED HMgHH MOTTLED GREEN If you have not already learnh the value H||t^p3W of Odol for preserving lhe teeth and |||M|K^tt purifying the mouth—begin your lesson #JH to-day Buy a tube of Odol Toolh Paste |MTO|p^^B and
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    • 295 7 t .1 EVERY SATURDAY f IS AIR MM DAY r THE IMPERIAL AIRMAIL closes in Singapore each Sa- j turday at 7 p.m. and is deli- I vered in London on the morn--1 ing of the following Monday j week. The postage to Great -ounce: Apply to Post Uiiice or
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 234 8 > loaoi 1 loaoi rono jBROUGHT BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! alhambraS o \Opening To-night 6.15&9.15t\ \a Film that outleaps the wildest imaginations! II I O 1 1 Continuing his triumphant reign m KING KONG j the ape as big as a battleship has broken hisl chains! NEITHER STEEL NOR STONE
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    • 400 8 mm NTfiHTTvY I and SCREEN Attract ion! j p g i^uvjaaa^* II Paramount's Glamorous Dance Epic Bk9| BOLEMO vvilh SALLY RAND »r-'«s sjs»bs ft. ill J See GEORGE KM I and CAROI E LOMBARD perform mi*'* WHI ihe Thrilling 'BOLERO" and other Dancts. R j Presented! with a grand Stage
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    • 117 8 I^^px Noiin*ties fc-y .■■;<■ hi. milk I A progress 'Wj^^f Mellin's Food Biscuits are invaluable during weaning, whether a babe has been hand-reared or breast ft I Sold in heriretiralh sealed boxes by all chemist* and Stores. Sole Agents:— HENRY WAUGH Co. l td. UVTEST ADVERTISEMENTS, Singapore Municipality TENDERS. TENDERS
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  • 89 9 Bilateral Pact RUMOURS WITHOUT FOUNDATION Reuter. Paris, Sept. 20. JJUMOURS that France is contemplating a Franco-Russian bilateral pact, are completely scouted in well-informed circles. It is authoritatively stated that French diplomacy has no intention of abandoning the idea of an Eastern Pact, despite the defection of
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 235 9 Ex-Clerk To Lawyer Gets y 16 Months j (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. THE accused is a danger to the. community and will ba sentenced to eight months rigorous imprisonment on each charge, said Mr. J. P. Bidduloh. Second Magistrate, in convicting a Chinese named Kan
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  • 102 9 Chinese Boy's Death At Ampang (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Thursday. A VERDICT of,death by misadventure was recorded to-day by the Second Magistrate, Mr, J. P. Biddulph at an inquest held into the death of a Chinese boy named Chew Ah Chai who died as
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  • 80 9 Rubber Smoke House Gutted 'From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Sept. 20. AS the result of a fire which broKe out last night at Temiang Sou h Estate, Seremban, a smoke house was completely gutted. The building and iv contents were Insured. Mr. C. A. S. Dewar, manager of
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  • 917 9 Public Mesting In Kuala Lumpur 'From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Thursday. HTHERE was a very representative gathering at the Torvn Hall lor. tc-day's public meeting to appoint general and expeuive committees in connection with he proposal to extend a unitrd welcome 0:1 behalf oi all
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  • 68 9 Viceroy's Thanks To Subscribers Reuter. Simla, Sept. 20. HE. the Viceroy, in announcing tha: the subtcriptioa list for the fund for the relief of sufferers in the eartnquak •at Bihai in January will close on October I, said that he was most grateful and stated that subscriptions
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 433 9 I The New World In celebration of Sth M on Festivities a Grand Display of Fireworks imported from China y i great expense will be he!d in the Boxing Arena, FREE OF CHARGE. Oh;(he 22nd and 23rd I September, 1934, commeneirjjr a f 8.36 p m# nightly and also Free
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  • 648 10 praiseworthy persistence the Association of British Malaya refuses to leave Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister alone on the question of textile quotas. It returns to the attack in a letter now made public, urging that, whatever may be done to fight the flood of cheap goods with which Japan
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  • 104 10 In future the luncheon meetings of the Singapore Rotary Club will be held at the Adelphi Hotel on Monday instead of Wednesday. Next Monday Miss R. Prior will speak on "Vocal Production." With reference to the report, appearing in yesterday's Malaya Tribune, of proceedings in the Second Magistrate's Court against
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  • 64 10 Preparations For Meeting In Manila THE Rotarians of the Philippine Islands are making preparations for the fifth Pacific Rotary Conference, to be held in Manila in February. Mr. Bob Hill, president of Rotary International, will attend, together with a large delegation from the United States, and representatives are
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  • 242 10 AFTER reading Mr. David S. Waite.* interesting address to the Rotarians on the impressions of a newcomer, the people of Singapore, may be excused for having a good opinion of themselves. His opening remarks appeared to indicate that we were, to be told some unpleasant truths,
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  • 200 10 jgVEN film stars And that their arrival in Singapore does not set the town jn fire. When Charles Chaplin and Douglas Fairbanks came here they expressed pleasure—and one wonders whether they really meant it— at not being beset by crowds of admirers. When they danced at the
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  • 117 10 rpHE film industry has been enji j great many laughs over thi ship war which is n ow in strenuous month, but what bus Hollywood most cause for amua is the. inconsistency of the church organisations which have joined hands in the move against so-called offensivfilms. For instance,
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  • 139 10 interesting figures have been made available recently in connection with the film industry. World capital invested in motion pictures amounts to $2,500,000,000. and of th:, $2,000,000,000 is invested in the United States. The industry pays annuaily iv taxes $100,000,000 and employs 290.00'J persons, 30.000 of whom are
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  • 303 10 By "Looker-On" rrHE installation of Fraser and Neave's sports ground next to the offices of the Malaya Tribune is greatly apprec altd by the members of our staff. j For the football rr.uich witu whirl re Mound was opened the winder upstairs formed a very convenient
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 102 10 I Popular I Perfumes W HllßHrrT ,U,N( A KAI>IN MAS KITNCA KKMANTIN fl H i' BUN 6 A RAJAH 1 P All at $1.75 pet- bottle B JuS^^^3 !v| Watfc Specially for I! SINGAPORE KUALALUMPURJ |'l k Ol* •I•I i I I MMMMMiNIMIM ii IMMnANMM I"» MN liii..|i |ii|..|:iimi.lii|iiljili'lii|iHii|iHiHi;iiiliHilliililliHllllilll»^ BOORDS!
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    • 197 10 CROWN Life Insurance Co., TORONTO, CANADA. ESTABLISHED 1900 Insurance G $139,000,000.00 Chief A%?nt For Malaya; V. R. VICK E4, Hong Kong Rank Chambers, Singapore. s BENEFIT PERFORMANCE! m s I in aid of I THE STORE BOY SCOUTS 1 I JAMBOREE FUND. m 5 i i Hy kind permission of
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  • 593 11 RANSOM MONEY TRACED American Sensation Dramatic Statements By Neighbours Reuter. SENSATIONAL development in the Lindbergh kidnapping ease is reported Irani America, where the police have arrested a man on whose premises were found notes which are !l. irid to have formed part of the S5Ov0OO
    Reuter.  -  593 words
  • 24 11 annual general meeting of the on Road School Old Boys' Assowill be held at the Rangoon Road premises on Sept. 27 at 6.30 p.m.
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  • 34 11 mbers of the Municipal Services are informed that the draw for the dicap billiards events will-take place Club House'on Monday, at 5 p.m the handicaps will be fixed. .111 petitors are requested to attend.
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  • 20 11 A late portrait of Prince George, whose engagement to Princess Marina, of Greece, was announced recently. Photo by Hugh Cecil.
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  • 434 11 Quotas Essential SIR JOHN BARLOW'S VIEWS OIR John Barlow, who took an active part in Manchester for the agitation for quotas on piece goods, is at present paying a short visit to Malaya. Sir John is a partner in Barlow and Company and in the course
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  • 113 11 Record Crowds CAR FORCED TO PULL UP Reuter. Colombo, Sept. 20. gXTKAORDINARY scenes of enthusiasm marked the arrival of the Duke of Gloucester aboard the cruiser Sussex, en route to Australia. The Duke will stay four days in Ceylon and present to Ceylon the ancient Crown
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 227 11 (fhina Disappointed At Her faiiur? Shanghai, Sept. 21. IN -an interview, Dr. W. W. Yen, Chi- nese Minister at Moscow, who is now on leave in China, said that Russia's entry into the League might change definitely the situation In th e Far East. I The aggressor has
    227 words
  • 45 11 Singapore, Friday. a verdict of death by misadventure was returned yesterday by the Singapor: Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter, when he inquired into the death a 60-year-oid Chinese, Ng Ah Guan, who died in the General Hospital on Aug. 30, following an accident.
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  • 368 11 Plane Leaves Brisbane On Dec. 10 IMPERIAL Airways announce that it is pioposed to begin the operation of the Austral an extension to connect wiih the following seivices:— I E 298 leaving London Dec. 8 air. Brisbane Dec. 20 I W. 298 leaving Brisbare D?c.
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  • 365 11 Arms Inquiry Charges Against China Reuter. Washington, Sept. 20. THE Chinese Government, through Dr. Alfred Sze, has asked the United States to furnish evidence indicating ♦hat any more money frcm the American wheat and cotton loan have been used by China for the purchase of munitions.
    Reuter.  -  365 words
  • 248 11 President «Roosevelt To Intervene Reuter. New York, Sept. 20. ORESIDENT Roosevelt is hurry, ng fiom the America s Cup races for a conference at Hyde Park to which was summoned the Labour Secretary. Mr. Perkins, and the Strike Mediation Chairman, Mr. Winant. T>;e opinion is generally expressed
    Reuter.  -  248 words
  • 127 11 Singapore Visit TO TOUR EASTERN UNITS Reuter. London, Sept. 20. QIR Philip Sassoon, Under Secretary for Air, will leave for Singapore on Saturday from Calshot in a new Short Singapore Three Flying Boat. He will tour en route the Air Forct i units of the Overseas Commands
    Reuter.  -  127 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 200 11 HEYMAN BUTTER The fresh delicate flavour of HEYMAN BUTTER is due to the ideal conditions under which it is made. Produced ir Victoria. Australia, it is handled ;i!:< packed with scrukeep in perfect condimm rf u !r > 1 "HIS MASTER S VOICE" POPULAR RECORDS. ***** Cafe in Vienna Tango
      200 words

  • 1512 12 JBTHER LETTER TO COLONIAL OFFICE r Philip Cunliffe-Lister Is Not Impressed URTHER correspondence between the Association of British Malaya and the Colonial Office on the subject of the textile lotas in the Straits Settlements is published below.
    1,512 words
  • 41 12 Policy For Whole Colonial Empire T*HE Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies replied! as follows on Sept. 5:— I am, directed by Secretary Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister to acknowledge the receipt of your letter oi\ Aug. U regarding
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  • 217 12 Former Cattle Company Manager Charged Singapore, Thursday. rtE former manager of the Malayan Livestock Co., K. S. Naidu, appeared before the Second Magistrate (Mr. N. Grice) to-day on a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of a sum of $1,019.01. It was alleged that
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  • 77 12 Wharf Extensions Contract Awarded MESSRS. Topham, Jones and Ruilton, Ltd., have been awarded the wharf extension's scheme to be undertaken by the Singapore Habour Board. Work will probably be begun before the end of the present year, and the contract win be completed' in 1938. The extensions provide
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  • 341 12 Pictures And Vaudeville At The Capitol FOR weeks past we have been promised something unusually good in the Paramount production "Bolero." It is now to be seen at the Capitol and fully realises expectations, for we have here a picture oiit of the ordinary
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  • 169 12 Singapore, Fiiday. A Javanese hawker is alleged to have been assaulted yesterday. He sustained injuries to the left temple and cheek "»nd was taken to the Tan Tock Seng Hospital. A Javanese Quartermaster of the steamer s.s. Reael belonging to the K.P.MI Company, was said to have fallen
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  • 40 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Sept. 20. It is hoped that the new Cabinet, which, it is believed, will contain some ycung senators, will be completed to allow the Assembly to meet on Saturday to hear their policy.
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  • 149 12 Chinese Pined For Evasion Of Dues (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Sept. 19^ SONG LAI, a Chinese who came walking across the Johore Causeway from Singapore, and successfully got past the Customs Barrier, had bad luck when he was called back. As a result he was
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  • 1378 12 Alarming Position SPEECH AT KLUANG RUBBER MEETING I Singapore, Frida; THE annual general meeting of the Kluang Rubber Co., Ltd., was held at their registered offices fi Hongkong Bank Chambers, Collyer Quay at noon to-day. Mr. S. Q. Wong was in th< and the others present
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 1383 13 DR. TEMPANY'S ANNUAL REPORT OPINION STILL .DIVIDED ON CLEAN WEEDING QUESTION (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, T HE markCd rlse in the Price f rubber h led to considerable in* movement in condition? on rubber estates and the easing of the c, momic situation
    1,383 words
  • 1183 13 Six Per Cent. More Than In 193?. Imports of rice into Malayan in 193J i amounted to 592 900 tons valued a' $33,844,793. whilst exports amounted t I 158,944 tons valued at $9,440 551. shew- ing net imports to be 433,956 tons valuI ed at $24,404,242 and compared
    1,183 words
  • 1121 13 Rapid Extension In Singapore Island The price of sundried leaf ranged from $22 to $58 per pikul, the price varying according to districts rather than according to season of the year. At the close of the year the area under tobacco was as follows: I Federated Malay States
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 32 13 ZEISS IKON CONTAX j A MASTERPIECE IN SMALL-FILM CAMERA Bra: v Jaf ijjiKiw i V V m a—. hh Singapore Photo Co., 37-39, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. I I -i 1 I 1
      32 words
    • 89 13 THE I EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY j ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in England). WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION, FIRE, MOTOR, MARINE, ACCIDENT, ALL RISKS, BURGLARY AND BAGGAGE I INSURANCE. General Agentf SJME, DARBY CO., LTD., SINGAPORE. TEL. 6144 is battel tfuui cute! This maxim especially applies to the dreaded infectious diseases occurring in the tropics.
      89 words

  • 1117 15 CHALLENGER LEADS AT TURN DEFEAT NOT DUE TO ANY TACTICAL ERROR BY MR. SOPWITH Reuter. After a promising start and leading up to 'he torn* the Endeavour lost yesterday's rate in the America's Cup «s
    Reuter.  -  1,117 words
  • 61 15 The following arc the round fixtures, in *hr Singapore Malay InterSchool fontbaU competition for the Syed Mohamed Alkaff Cup: Sept. 22. T. Kechil «*nd T. Bclanun v. Telok Kurau at Geylang English School. I Sept. 24. Geylang v. Sepoy Lines at Victoria Bridge School. Sept.
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  • 421 15 Three Finals To Be Played To-Day Singapore, Friday. THIREE finals are due for decision to-day j in the S.C.C. tennis tournament, the concluding stages of which are being (reached. They are as follows:— B Singles Final: D. A. Johnston (ow« 3) v. L>. Chestnutt (owe 3). B Doubles
    421 words
  • 269 15 Thunderface And Weber Meet Again Singapore, Friday. ALL roads should lead to the New World Arena to-night. After a remarkable .se/iuence of victories. Frankie tasted defeat at the hands of Young (Josephi Thunderface three weeks ago. but to-night he will have an opportunity of turning
    269 words
  • 185 15 Callovers For Cesarewitch Cambridgeshire Reuter. London, Sept. 20. THE callover for the Cet,arewitch Stake*' #(2 miles, 2 furlongs), to be run m Newmarket on Oct. 17, is at piesent al follows:— I 20 1, Swifi and taken and off fered. J 20 1. Solar Boy, offered. j 22 1. Cotoneaster,
    Reuter.  -  185 words
  • 139 15 British Challenger Beaten London, Sep 20. THE American, Freddie Miller, retained his world's featherweight ti-tle, according to recognition by the National Boxing Association of America, when he ou pointed the British champion, KeJ Tarle'on, of Liverpool, tc-day in a 15-rcund contest at Liverpool. The fight was very
    139 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 216 15 im .1 111 i!mi!iri:mi'l!<i\i.mMlnkniiiiiiiiiti!iiiiiii;:i':iimiil!il!:iimHii)iiiiu»iii!!i<:«>'i<!ii:i'i«t'»j|i'ii.iuiuiiiiii|i;i:!»niiw about Dandruff Maybe you don't realize that dandruff is the frequent forerunner of falling hair and baldness. For your hair's sake, check it. There is a very simple rule which will serve you well to overcome dandruff, and to keep your scalp in a healthy condition.
      216 words
    • 120 15 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $3 ">,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, limited. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlement*). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. j LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry, E.C. The. Company has £2*,000 depowted with the Supreme Court of England and complies
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  • 795 16 Clubs Adopt Nursery Idea London, Aug. 20. 'A N arrangement nas been arrived at by Birmingham and Bilston Borough whereby the amateur club will be taken over as a nursery. Young amateurs associated with Birmingham will be able to play in a properly constituted side when they
    795 words
  • 86 16 FRIDAY. STRAIGHT: J. W. Jones y N Fvfe MONDAY. VOLUNTEER: J. w. Muncey and C Ayres v. C. H. W. Goult and F. W. Peachey. STRAIGHT: K. C. Gillett v. winner of A. D. Baker v. F. J. L. Mayger TUESDAY. VOLUNTEER: Winners of \T W Muncey
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  • 164 16 Junior Division Finals On Saturday (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. I HE finals of the Selangor junior ladies' and men's open doutles oadminion championships will be played on Saturday a the Victoria InsUtu ion Hall. Fjay will commence at 2.30 p.m. A. S. Samuel and
    164 words
  • 180 16 To-day s Race At The I R.S.Y.C. i To-day the "B" class yachts of the R.S.Y.C. will sail the sixth race of the change-boat series starting at 5.15 p.m. In accordance with the condition? helmsmen will sail the following boats: Helmsmen representing:— Will sail:— Prima Donna Punai Paddy
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  • 118 16 1 In a friendly badminton match played at their court, the Straits Physical Ath"B" team defeated the Universal Badminton Party by four games Ito three on Sunday last. Results (S.P.A.P. players mentioned first; Tan Seng Hock beat Chan Fook. Kan 15-8, 15-11; Yap Hood Chwee lost tj
    118 words
  • 418 16 Annual Athletic Sports Results Singapore, Friday. 4 LARGE gathering of spectators witntssed the first annual athletic ipoits of the City High School, neld at .tie Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. The Chinese Consul-General, Dr. Phillip Tyau and Mrs. Tyau were pre3ent. Mrs. Tyau distributed the prizes. There was
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  • 50 16 The following will represent the S.C.R.C. at hockey against Raffles Institution on Monday at the school ground at 5.15 p.m.: Cheoh Wah; Henry Boon, Tiong Seng; Choo Beng, Fong Lim, Kee Siang; Tuck Soon, Kit Soon, Chim Bock, Robert Eu, Yuen Fong. Reserves, Geo Lee and Kee Pow.
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  • 451 16 Opening- Or Frasei Neavc's Field Singapore, Friday. MESSRS. Fraser and Neave. Ltd., have viced t.ieir stuff with full sports facilities. They have built a spacious sports lou ii* o he vacant p.ece of land uaUd tA the junction of Sng«or t e°t and Anscn Road. The
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  • 118 16 Segamat Bealen In Last Match Of Season Playing theii lasi cricket natch for the season, Kluang scored an ear/ victory over the Segamat Malays by Bt runs. AUhougn a heavy shower of rain interfered with Uw play, the pKch was quite i.t lor a good Same, and *hp
    118 words
  • 34 16 The Enggor F. A. drew with the untitled shire Bana Boys at soccer 4—4 on Monday at the V.MC.a. ground. The scorers for Enggor F. A. were Mohd. Kassim, Ah Loo, Dawood and Syed.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 359 16 H 1 ••111 1..1 'tlllllll.tllllllllf-'lllllllllt' •'l||l|l!|lllllll<ll4l!|'«lttllllllUIHaiti:ll'|l'*ll| '|!I|M»(<| V» till I ft 11l I l"»I Arrest Ihe Progress.! *zp j c of that COUGH H lest it may linger and H lead to something serious. I I Take JPf» I Dr. DE JONGH S m§ k I M LIGHT BROWN I
      359 words
    • 97 16 fSF A Everybody v Sees Your Hair A Y This light delicate cream, free from grease or mWmmj* If oil, works w <»ndcrs for your hair. Keeps it m\m\ 4 neat, trim and attractive; arranged just the w ay you want it. And it rwings out al! the Wk\ I
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  • 323 17 hour (inference 1ST LEAGUE'S IJ KAMME Reuter. London, Sept. 20. t League, with Sir 1 ripps as leader, is than eighty-six hich one runs into ie programme of the iference to be hold n October 1. Unionists are furious, League has thus Labour to bear the ing
    Reuter.  -  323 words
  • 357 17 In Honour Of Sultan's Birthday 'From Our Own Correspondent) chore Bahru, Sspt. 20 D^n e G M fl i beC0^ng ver l»Puiar.Malays m Johore Bahru. i„ *L Jui ie < uie nrst dance to be hcH %JS% i 0C10le Club Joh ore Bahru proved to o-?
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  • 273 17 Caught Trying Doors Of Shops (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. BEING unable to give a satisfactory account of himself, a Chinese, named Chee Foo, was to-day bound over to be ol good behaviour by the second, magistrate, Mr. J. P. Biddulph, and was ordered to execute
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  • 568 17 Tragedy Near Kuala Lumpur (From Our Oicn Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. AN inquest into the deaths of two Tamils, a man named Kamaran and a woman Munniamah, was held to-day before Mr. J. p. Biddulph. in the Coroner's Court. was stated that the woman was iound
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  • 83 17 In Aid Of Selangor Boy Scouts (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. A SUCCESSFUL bridge and mah-jong drive was held in the Town Hall, Kuala Lumpur, yesterday, to raise funds towards the cort of sending three Boy Scouts from Selangor to participate in the Scouts' Jamboree in
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 172 17 No more RUNNING OUT A W *nds that nni»ancel Hold this magnificent pen I* th* light, and jet rings, "mysterious windows," 23 H instantly when to refill! 1 I lie revolutionary new Vacumatic Parker holds 102% more ink. Reversible gold point. Good judges everywhere rail Parker's Vaeuaaatic the woild's easiest
      172 words
    • 296 17 •^•«••Wt«t.|>:»..f 9 TtM i rt f u f !t .T„r f Jtlf^r tf;BlJt i t«, i n./. i i- iI t ntKti.. r tl .t»« t ..«^atr <; iM«t:tt:W« l ii»tr»tifittHi «|trsMti i f U*m*»* limit., rri I|!■ j r S m I GIVE YOUR CAR i 5 E A
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  • 352 18 Military Officer's Complaint (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Sept. 19. A CHINESE motor car driver, named Mui Cheong Hai, was produced before Mr. F. V. Duckworth (First Magistrate, Johore Bahru) this morning on a charge of rash driving. The case was a sequel to a complaint
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  • 280 18 iesjiution Pass2d At Kinta Sanitary Board I (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Sept. 20. i T the monthly meeting of the Kinta iV Sanitary Board to-day Mr. Windeatt, in asking for a rtbate of a portion of the general assessement on unoccupied houses within Sanitary Board
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  • 42 18 Alleged Breach Of Trust (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 20. rpHE charge of alleged criminal breach X of trust against Ke Tjong Kwa, exManager of Bata Shoe Company in respect of $2,416 was withdrawn by the police to-day.
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  • 701 18 OVER RESTRICTION ISSUE Refusal To Ratify Rubber Control Agreement Bangkok, Sept. 14. AT the twenty-second meeting of the Siamese Assembly held on Sept. 14, which was attended by 108 members, the Government resigned after having failed to agree with the members on the question of ratification
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  • 919 18 Sudden Reduction To 15,000 Tons Nai Pong-'ndr Bhunbadhanr. one of the representatives of Übon: The Government came to an agreement on 15,000 tons, and when it observed later thaUsuch was not enough it proposed to ask for 25,000 tons. i Before the Assembly can come to any decision
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  • 211 18 Girl Whose Kisses Hout Railway Officials IT was suffocatingly hot and tne iraa. from Split to Vienna was crowd a no place even to stand. The pretty little Viennese girl in third class compartment could siaiu- i no longer and moved to an empty ri. class carriage.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 747 18 i ■)»i n i f>ttimt asmnrE'nwtmiir■■■»■ AUCTION SALE OF I Show and book-cases, marble top centre table, bentwood chairs, Z Underwood and Royal typewriters, type-writing tables, bevel Z wall mirror, Electric bathroom mirrors, gramophones and a records, pictures, vases, marbl° statues, electric table fans, tennis rackets and balls, baby cinema
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 353 18 Wireless TO-DAY'S EMPlfti PROGRAMME Charles Manning And Hig Orchestra TO-DAY'S Empire wireless pn is as follows:— t 6.20 p.m.—6.50 p.m.: An organ by Ernest W. Ifaynai ed from Bath Abbe) 6.50 p.m.: The 8.8.C Dan c directed by Henry H Signal from Gr. noon;. 7.35 p.m.: Charles Manning and I
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  • 261 19 Surprised At Report \0 FINAL DECISION REACHED Bombay, Sept. 5. f\S nee by the Associated regarding the message d by the Hindu (of Madras) ng to be sent by its Wardha pondent foreshadowing Mr retirement of the executive of the Congress,
    261 words
  • 766 19 Labour Department's Achievements Madras, Aug. 29. I N ot V' eCent rCViVal of the ment ha t 0 r n CommiMioner, the Governlish for o. COn! ,de S ed desirable to publish for general information a summarv ?o r t tte W So k n'°- far by
    766 words
  • 265 19 Decline In Efficiency Alleged Simla, Aug. 29. rpHE whole of yesterday was devoted by the Postal Enquiry Committee to the examination of Rai Bahadur Sabharwal, Assistant Postmaster-General, Punjab and Mr. Bishandas, Superintendent of Post Offices, Ambala Division. The examination ranged over the working of the Railway Mail
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  • 337 19 Gandhi Explains His Offer To Compromise Wardha, Aug. 23, AS some confusion has been crated over Mr. Gandhi's offer of compromise regarding the Communal Award resolution of the Working Committee. Mr. Gandhi was asked to clear the position. In reply he said. What was offered J was freedom
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  • 205 19 Dr. Tagore's Appeal For Communal Amity 1 Calcutta, Aug. 19. I DR. Rabindranath lagore has sent the J following letter to Pandit Malaviya; f 4 I address this letter to Moslems as well as Hindus with most sincere desire for <the good of all sections of the community.
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  • 104 19 Forbidden To Collect Money Food In Bavaria 1 Munich. The orders of mendicant friars, which! fni m< lbers in Bavaria, have bec» f foHjiddon to collect money and food. fh>s ban takes the form of an announce-f merit issued at Munich saying that their I 1 July? 0
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 101 19 O-CEDAR POLISH I MAKES THAT CLEAN D LISTLESS HOME I FRIENDS ADMIRE/ I »::.\!'TIFirL FLOORS BEAUTIFUL FLOORS I arc easy I KY&h»t W are easy I Hi 1 i 1 Wo» l Tile Floors |HL jdHW W d T e Cleans As It Polishes" J O-Codar is the safest and
      101 words
    • 92 19 J Himalaya Bouquet Those who xlo not use HIMALAYA BOUQUET TOILET PREPARATIONS Tl ZV^ ,y deliEhtfultheyarethe ense, Tr T th < Himalaya Bouquet captivates me senses with a delicate and fascinating allure. 1 I'l'JT" f 1 rrr, DAWSON'S FRICTION SURFACE j I RUBBER-CANVAS BELTING I FOR PLIABILITY WITHOUT STRETCH 1
      92 words