Malaya Tribune, 11 September 1934

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 39 1 The Malaya Tribune Largest Circulation Of Any Daily Newspaper In Malaya Vol XXL- -N* 224 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1934 FIVE CENT* The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Tuesday, Sept. 11, 1934. Iflalatm 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1934 _FIVE
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 179 1 WATCH THE MALAYA TRIBUNE FOR LATEST RACING NEWS Whether it be for Bungalow, (iaruge, Mill, Factory Godown or Office Building—no matter what kind of edifice or struetuie, SIME, DARBY CO., LTD., invi'e your enquiries for ali A ij. M All materials supplied are Building and Structural Materials and regardless of
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    • 169 1 TReaJ The I 'Dominant In sSMalaya l Heavy Smokers unseen j Know That FNFMIPS Even the Best of Tobaccos causes dryness and Jf\ TT. HHIICim irritation oi the throat—Relieve it with Lakerol f^ZS^Ĕ&Sk\ Pastilles. They are soothing and keep the mouth fresh and allow go tobacco odour. |j HiOM ALL
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  • 420 2 Shipping News Notices. THE NEW MOTOR TANKER Largest Electric-Welded Ship Of Her Type j ANEW motor tanker, the PoughkeepsieSocony, launched by the United Dry Docks, Inc., New York, for the SoconyVacuum Oil Co., is claimed to be the largest electric-welded vessel of her type yet built. The Poughkeepsie-Socony is a
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  • 233 2 New Inner Harbour Berths Inconvenient Canton, Aug. 27. While repeated reports are made in the loeal vernacular press stating that foreign steamship companies are ready to moor their vessels after October 1 inside the new Inner Harbour, it was learned to-day that the companies are most reluctant to
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  • 208 2 Problem Of Harbour Development In view of the announcement by Bibby Line that their ships will from next year call at Cochin, both homeward and outward, the following message, dated July 9, from Cochin, will be found interesting: The Government of Cochin have issued the following communique
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  • 470 2 Express Services Across The Pacific Washington, Aug. 13. REPORTS have been received here for the rapid progress toward completion of six express motor ships, built by Nippon Yusen Kaisha especially for the Japan silk trade to the Atlantic Coast of the United States. Other Japanese lines are
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  • 65 2 During the first seven months of this ?ar 3,265, ships passed through the Suez anal, compared with 3,047 in 1933. Receipts totalled 498,670,000 "francs, an in crease of 16,610.000 francs (about 1 33,900 at par). In July the number of transits was 137, compared with 415, but
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  • 445 2 Surgeon On Out-Of-Date Methods (By Air Mail) London, Aug. 29. A "SHIP'S surgeon," writing in the current issue of "The British Medical Journal," has some outspoken comments to make upon the out-of-date' methods still in use with regard to health aspects of ships and ports. The "bill of
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  • 167 2 At a recent meeting of thee Oslo Shipowners' Association an interesting account was given by Mr. Meldahl, managing director of the Fredrikstad mek. Vervted, of the new Fredrikstad type of steamy ship. This is the first time that any details of this new type have been
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  • 517 2 Scandinavian Officers' Opposition STRONG condemnation of the policy of shipping subsidies was expressed at the ninth congress of Northern Ships' Officers' Organisations, heid in Stockholm, under the presidency of Captain G Osval3, "managing director of the Swedish Marine Officers' Association. Captain Osvald stated that the present poor
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 378 2 |P& and Iritish I INDIA m\ O. S. N. Co. s SAILINGS. J OUTV/ARDS. I Due jf Tonnage. Singapore. ■:O.MOJUN 15,000 Sept. 14 tHUTAN 6,1*0 Sept. 27 tAJ PUTANA 17.000 Sept. 28 lEHAR 6.000 Oct. 7 IHITRAL 15,000 Oct. 12 iOTJDAN 6,500 Oct. 24 lARTKAGE 15,000 Oct. 26 IA NPTIRA
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    • 146 2 iff am mm I (Incorporated in Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. SINGAPORE TO ITALY CHINA. Calling at Penang, Colombo Bombay, j| j Karachi, Atlen, Massowah, Suez, Pert Calling at Colombo, Bombay, Suez, Said, Piraeus, Brindisi, Venice and Port Said, Brindisi, Venice Trieste. Trieste. 1 Due Leave Due s.s. CLARA CAMUS
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    • 207 2 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. DeuUch jH-kfi; Anatralische Dampfachiift Geiellschaft. (Companies incorporated in Germany), PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. OUTWARDS. HONGKONG SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. Due Spore i m s. KULMERLAND, via Manila Sept 18 m.s. RUHR, via Manila Oct. 4 t m.s. DUISBURG, via Manila Oct. 1C t m.s. RAMSES, via
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    • 562 2 j STEAMER SAILINGS NORDDEDTSCHER LLO\h Uncorpora'M h Germany). The nndernoted are the Com Dan v tended fixtures:— P y l OUTWARDS. "COBLENZ" for Manila, HTcong UU S'hai, N. China Japan "SAALE" for Manila, H'kong, S'hai, N. China Japan Sesl 26 HOMEWARDS. Itti "DONAU" for Marseilles. Oran, R'dam, H'burg Bremen Se]
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  • 525 3 Mining Shares Singapore, Tuesday. The following mining share quotations -re Issued by Fraser and Co., exchange Mid stock brokers i- sU a .J value Buyers. Seller*. i< Ampat Tin 51« 5;9 i Assam Kumbang Tin 37|6 40jCd i Austral Maiay 50 52 6xd L Hitam Tin 14|6
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  • 148 3 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION LOCAL TONE EASIER All Markets Practically Unchanged iBy Our Financial Correspondent> Singapore, Tuesday, noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 25% cts., unchanged. Market Tone: Quiet. Tin (Singapore), $*****» U P Yesterday's Prices:— London: 7 9 16d., unchanged. Market Tone: Quiet. New York: 15% cts., unchanged.
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  • 196 3 Years' Profit Of $10,877 THE annual report of Tamtalak Rubber Estates, Ltd.,.for the year ended June 30, be presented at the annual meeting of shareholders on Sept. 22, is as follows: The result of the year under review shows a profit of $10,877.55 which, added to the balance
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  • 30 3 The outuut of New Scudai, Ltd.. tor August amounts to 36,200 lb., making a total of 163,200 lb. for the first five months of the current financial year.
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  • 933 3 Huge Expenditure In Prospect PLANS have been prepared by l»cal authorities up and down the country for pumping money on a great scale, in the immediate future, into British industry. Expenditure to the tune of about £40.000,000 is to be applied to municipal enterprises of various kinds.
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  • 221 3 Good Report For Last Year TiHE annual report of K'uang Rubber Co., Ltd., for the year ended June 30, to be presented at the annual meeting of shareholders on Sept. 21, states. The profit for the year, subject to directors' fees, amounts to $11,897.20; add— transfer from reserve
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  • 85 3 The following crop returns are reported for August: Ayer Kuning (F.MS.i Rubber Company, Ltd. 80, 000 lb. Badek Rubber Estate, Ltd., (Stameki Estate I 31.200 lb. Bradwall (F.M.S) Rubber Estate. Ltd. 41,400 lb. Chersonese (F.M.S-) Estates, Ltd 79,000 lb. Dennistown Rubber Estates Ltd Dennistown Estate) 47,500 lb. Highlands
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  • 108 3 Messrs. Stanton Nelson and Co., Ltd., report: The market in the earlier part of the week was subject to bearish interpretations locally of the intended legislation regarding export credits, and prices fell away. The refusal, however, of the London anr 1 New York markets to
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  • 591 3 First Annual Meeting Of Company Singapore, Tuesday. IHE first annual meeting of Lithographers, IWmted was held yesterday at 20 and 21, Raffles Chambers, Singapore. The following shareholders attended: Messrs. K. C. Eu (Chairman), W. McMuilan, Wong Tien Choh, Khoo Wee Tong, J. Israel (directors >, Yong Loon Cheng,
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  • 37 3 Reuter Wireless. London, Sept. 7. Bradford yarn merchants and spinners have adopted the Manchester decision not to enter into further arrangements to make deliveries to Germany, pending a settlement for liquidation of old debts.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  37 words
  • 644 3 Rubber Shares Singapore, The following rubber share quotatloi are Issued by Fraser and Co., and Lyf and Evatt. J Issue J Value. Fraser Lvall Shares. k Co. Evatt 1 Allenby 1.95 2.05 1.85 2.00 s 1 Alor J.'.jah 1.60 1.70 160 1.6» IA. H.tam 2.10 2.20 2.10
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  • 63 3 DAILY rUGM OOBBSHT. Singapore, Tuesday, no* Buyers. Sells 1 R.S.S. equal to London Standard, Spot (loope) 25>/ 2 26J. do. (F.O.B.) 25% 25l Standard R.S.S. on Tender: Oct.! Dec. 26 26 Jan.:March 27% 27) AprilJune 28% 28 Tone of Market: Very dull. J Latest Cable. London
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 90 3 THE EASTERN BANK LIMITED (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4, D'Almeida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £2,006,000 Paid-up-Capital £1,000,000 Reserve Fund and Rest 600,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay, Calcutta, Colombo, Karachi, Madras, Amara, Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra, Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed Deposit
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    • 83 3 Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappii, N. V. (NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY.) Established in Amsterdam, 1824. HEAD OFFICE AMSTERDAM. WITH BRANCHES IN ROTTERDAM AND THE HA«UJS BATAVIA. Branches throughout the Dutch East Indies and in the Straits Settlements, India, China, Japan and Arabia. LONDON BANKERS: The National Provincial Bank, Limited. Correspondents in the principal Cities
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    • 208 3 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation LtC (Incorporated in Straite Settlement*). SUCCESSORS TO J' THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, Ltd., THE HO HONG BA*K, I AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, Ltd. CAPITAL: Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING, CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE. I LOCAL BRANCH: 458, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chee
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 516 4 M. HASSAN, 88, ft 87, BRAS BASAH ROAD, SINGAPORE. a undertake all sorts of work electrical, gas and water ser- line. 3 give prompt attention to all lers either big or small. a not consult us about your juirements timate submitted upon reBst without charge or obligan. THONE 3411. GAFFER'S
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    • 362 4 Yea, We'll Meet You At The Gift Shop Where The Ceaseless Bargains Flow. NOTICE. THE GIFT SHOP is removing to more convenient premises and we invite our many esteemed and valued clients To Visit Our Grand Opening Sale On Ist October, 1934, At The Capiiol, Mansion*, 157, North Bridge Road.
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    • 965 4 FOR SALE FOR SALE—Ford Sedan, good condition. Also Keivinator refrigerator. 11a, Nassim Road. Telephone 1318. Annual Sale Ist To 30th September Real Bargains In Quality Goods For Men's Wear. CAMPBELL CO. j lfi, HIGH STREET i 1 hi j Obat Priok (1) Give to mothers for 10 I days only
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    • 573 4 I HERE'S SOMETHING NEW AND RELIABLE. I jN^' -"X M.C.C. Special, 15 Jewel. Chromium Plated, Interchangeable, Swiss Mad* Watch. We Guarantee to replaoe a Kei Machine within a year of pur i I if anything goes wrong with Watch provided it shows no sign of Rust. t mr "ajfll YICK
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  • 312 5 Prince's Death KING ALFONSO'S SON IN ACCIDENT CIX hours after a dramatic eacajN from serious injury when a car driven by his sister crashed into a wall on a mountain road, Prince «,<>nzalo. King Alfonso's youngest son, died from haemophilia (uncontrollable haemorrhage), an incurable < (Utary
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  • 135 5 Stories Of Two Convicts Brinbane, Queensland. HERE are two stories about unlucky numbers sent bv Reuter correspondents: T. L. Forrest, of Ingham, Queensland, is being sent 13 miles to Stewart's Greek Gaol, to serve 13 months' imprisonment after being convicted on 13 charges. When he had been in
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  • 67 5 Fines For Sounding Their Horns Oporto. As part of a campaign to rid Oporto of noise, the municipal council have made a regulation forbidding motorists to sound their horns within the town's limits. Those who disregard the regulation will have to pay a fine of ten shillings. A
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  • 258 5 Potential Discoveries Insured S° sure of success are the organisers of the latest expedition to be fitted out to search for hidden treasure on the iamous Cocos Islands, 500 miles off Panama, that they are seeking to take out insurance on their potential treasure trove up to
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  • 166 5 Man Insured Against Winning Lottery Paris. A leading French business man asked a prominent insurance company to insure him against winning in the French National lottery—for which he had no tickets. The company accepted the risk without hesitation. This is the explanation: To advertise his shops, the
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  • 59 5 Berlin. An ox which was being led to slaughter at Zschopau Saxony, broke loose and dashed among the buildingsaof the local Sports Club. After a number of jumps it finally reached the roof. The roof was unequa. to the strain, and the ox crasi.«\i throrgh
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  • 270 5 Accident With Ancient Pistol Hollywood, S pt. 3 RUSS Colombo, the movie star and radio crooner, while examining a gun at a friend's house, was accidentally shot in the left eye. The bullet penetrated the brain and it is feared that the wound is fatal.
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  • 184 5 Bench Refers To Danger Of Walks At Night j I YOUNG couples should walk in better lighted throughfares at night, as, when they do walk along dark paths, people are apt to suggest scandalous things," was the advice given by Mr. E. W. Hamilton at the Hongkong Magistracy
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  • 74 5 Ex-King Alfonso "Banished" j •From Coins Madrid. -Af»ew peseta (6d.) piece has been issued ITere to replace the coin bearing the head of ex-King Alfonso. The coin, which is of silver, bears on one side a matronly figure holding a laurel branch above her head with the legend
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  • 65 5 Police Use Tear-Gass And Bombs Reuter Wireless. 4» Buenos Aires, Sept. 7. The police at Rosario, the Argentine meat-packing centre, suppressed with tear-gas bombs and rifle fire a serious revolt in the local prison. One man was killed and several seriously injured in the course of a fight
    Reuter Wireless.  -  65 words
  • 54 5 Reuter Wireless. Geneva, Sept. 5. Turkey has presented her candidature for the seat on the Council of the League which China is due to vacate. A Turkish official statement says Persia Is withdrawing her candidature in favour of Turkey. TLo development means that China's chances of being re-elected
    Reuter Wireless.  -  54 words
  • 160 5 Never Neglect Them However much you pride yourself on being fit, don't fall into the danger of neglecting symptoms of indigestion. Don't think "it's only something disagreed with me." It only "disagreed" because your digestion was cut of order. I i And gastric and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 183 5 OXY-ACETYLENE ~j Ii TtHE H!\ I PROCESS ONLY METHOD W>, SUITABLE W' I FOR THE tm WELWNC STEEL DKUMS il —ni m i ikm>—n—m i /3 Warm Studio*. 2. 3—l Just Published! Just Published!! i THIRTEEN SIMPLE LESSONS ON HYGIENE for Standards One and Two by Fred B. 1 nomas/.
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  • 125 6 JUST WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW TO-DAY'S SHIPPING I VESSELS ARRIVED Cremor, Dutch, 2.754 tons, from Amoy 11- 9, to Deli, Penang, 12-9. Viking 11, Norwegian, 2,668 tons, from Madras 9-9, to Haiphong 10-9-34. Reijnst, Dutch, 2,432 tons, irom Cheribon 10-9, to Java ports 13-9. Giang Ann, British, 546 tons,
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  • 123 6 j SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE Singapore, Sept. 11. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1) Rohrta 22; Anhui *JO. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3) I j dir. Huygens 18; Kumsang, Toussoum, 16; Aeneas 9; Kudat 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3) City of Mobile 33; Mentor
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  • 52 6 Four out of the six candidates from the Mercantile Institutl, Singapore, for the Spring examination of the London Chamber of Commerce were succestul. The rerults were: Bookkeeping: Teo Sah Tee (distinction). Commercial Geography: Lim Joo Suan. Elements of Commerce: Lim Joo Suan. English: Lim Joo Suan. Typewriting: Teo
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  • 25 6 The s.s. Kudat for Bangkok (Parcels only) Mails previously announced as closing at 10.30 a.m. to-day will now close at 2.30 p.m. to-day.
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  • 14 6 Lett Arrd. By Spore London Air Mail (Imperial) Sept. 2 Sept. 10
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  • 194 6 BELLING. Singapore, Sept. 11. London 3 months' sight 2j4 7182 London 4 months' sight 2|4 13 64 London 60 days' sight 2}4 3116 London 30 days' sight 2j4 5|32 London demand 2|4Vs London T.T. 2j4 3|32 Lyons and Paris demand 870 Hamburg demand 144 New York demand 5814
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  • 207 6 Singapore, Sept. 11. 1 R. <Siam> W. Coast N 1 per Koyan $132 R. (Siam) W. Coast N. 2 per Koyan $124 R. (Siam) W. Coast N. 3 per Koyan $118 Rice, B. Siam N. 1 per Koyan $107 Rice, B. Siam N. 2 per Koyan $104 Siam, Sinhuay
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  • 256 6 WHAT'S ON? Public Functions Ami Sports Fixtures TO-DAY, SEPT 11 High Tide.—11.55 a.m. Football: S.A.F.A. Cup, S.A. Union Chinese I Anson Road StadiurrGovt. League, Division Two, Su v. Marine II, J.C S.A. Golf: Keppel G.C. Committee meeiint'. TO-MORROW, SEPT. 12 High Tides.—0.08 a.m., 12.18 p.m Races:
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  • 66 6 ALHAMBRA.—"A Very BOnourabk Guy/ apollg.—"Whither Germany,' o:5 and 9.15. CAPITOL.—"The Return Of ror.'' EMPIRE— "Up For Murder" and "Many a Slip." GREAT WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Dean's Grand Opera, Chines* Wayangs, Cinemas, Talkies, etc. MARLBOROUGH.—Miss Sulochana in "Snbhagaya Sunderi" (Hindustani talkie). NEW WORLD.—Cabaret Dn:,.i;<p. sideshows, Maiay Operas, Chinese Wayangs, Cinemas,
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  • 74 6 The marriage ci Mr. Chua untitled cf the Municipal Treasurer's D» ment. Singapore, and Miss Po B. will take place on Monday. Sept. 24 L'cut.-Col. M. M. Bidder. D.S.O in London on Aug. 27 at the a as the result of a motoring acci Lieut.-Col. Bidder was in the Sun
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 699 6 I SINGAPORE HOTHS i|!i|ll|it|ll|li|lllllllllll|l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111 I 1 I I I I I. I I I lUlilllHiUllUlltlinll 1 ********************111 l 1 ADELPHI HOTEL i FA VOL RITE DOWN TOWN HOTEL, i g PACING ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL.
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    • 201 6 LATEST A V'VERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. LIQUORS REVENUE ORDINANCE 1927. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, under sector 8 (3) of The Liquors Revenue Rules 1928, that Soo Thve Tong the proprietor of MALAYA CAFE situated at No. 27 Stamford Road. Singapore, has made an application under the above Ordinance for the grant to
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 530 6 [POSTAL INKILIOENtf SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE TO-DAY Western Canada and Western States of U.S.A. (Kumsang) 2 p.m. China (generally), Hoihow (Kumsang) 2 p.m. Hongkong (Kumsang) 2 p.m. japan (Kumsang) 2 p.m. Netherlands India, Bagan and Selat Pandjang (Hong Thong) 3 p.m. Bengkalis, Laboean Bilik and Tandjong Balei (Rokan) 3 p.m. Java,
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    • 217 6 general meeting, Mr. Khoo Eng Watt's residence, 41, Craig Road, 8 p.m. The Young People's Circle: Evening for music lovers and the literary-minded, 8 p.m. Lunar Athletic and Musical Party: Music practice, Mr. Low Bah Chee's residence, 32, Amoy Street, 7.45 p.m. SATURDAY, SEPT. 15 Telok Ayer Epwcrth League: Tennis
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    • 62 6 DAILY WEATHER REPORT Malayan Meteorological Service Yesterday Max. Brirhl Ma. Temp. Rainfall. Sunshine. 1 < mpStations. Deg. F. Inches. Hours Def.F. Alor Star 8S Nil Kt.T Sitiawan 89 Nil 8.9 Kota Bharu 89 104 Bukit Jeram 90 Nil 8.4 Mai?-. 86 Nil 6.5 Singapore: (Kallang Aerodrome) 89 Nil 9S (Bt.
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  • 793 7 Common Superstition 'A"IIAT EXPERIMENTS REVEAL spite of the fact that the majority of snakes are quite harmless popular prejudice against them insurmountable, writes E. G. j .lender in The Times. Almost absurd story about these rep- is accepted at its face value and iout the slightest attempt
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  • 175 7 Heart Removed For Five Minutes Mexico City. rjIHAT a woman can live after her heart has been removed and stitched for five minutes has been proved by two doctors here. Margarita Hernandez Bernal, a domestic servant, while carrying out her duties fell for some unknown reason from the
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  • 123 7 Floating A Miniature Boat Down Ihe Danube Budapest. An attempt is being made by an unemployed man named Gabriel Kovacs to float a specially constructed toy boat 60 inches long down the Danube from Hungary to the Black Sea. Living in the little village of Sobor, in the
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  • 380 7 No Warning Signs In The Child THE fact that tuberculosis, as a whole, is on the decline must not be allowed to obscure the fact that among young adults such a satisfactory state of affairs does not exist. In the search for means of attacking this
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  • 111 7 Insects Which Deposit lOOlbs. Of Honey On W r all I Ottawa. Here are two stories about bees in Canada:— At Elora (Ontario), Mr. James Mahoney was driven from his bedroom when a swarm of bees took possession of the wall. After the bees had fought new habitation
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  • 106 7 Bandit Who Was Hero Of The Poor Budapest. The "Robin Hood" of Hungary has died at the age of 86—in gaol. His name was Liliom and he was th% hero of countless "penny dreadfuls." Once he worked on a farm. He tended a herd of cattle. But
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  • 97 7 Rumanian Crown Prince Trying To Reduce Sibiu, Rumania. Crown Prince Michael of Rumania is following 9 strict regime in order to reduce his weight. In the restaurant car the Arlberg Express he was seen to eat only a spoonful of jam, a tiny slab of butter
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  • 69 7 Aviator Drops Into Sea By Parachute Havana. An American aviator, Mr. Podey. had a remarkable escape from death when his plane collided with a buzzard at a height of 800 feet and crashed into the sea with a crumpled wing. The airman just had time to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 105 7 bald 'ruth about Dandruff j Maybe you don't realize that dandruff is the frequent fore- j runner of falling hair and baldness. For your hair's sake, check it. There is a very simple rule which will serve you well to overcome dandruff, and to keep your scalp in a healthy
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    • 275 7 r j I T A I N 8 'D E P I N D A B L E CAE f MOTORIST} For the new motorist investment in an Austin Seven is safe because it removes risk beforehand. No risk of unforseen maintenance expenses-when total costs are less than a penny
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  • 655 9 l»ible Near Girl's Body «By Air Mail) London, Aug. 22 it TTH a large family Bible lying open near her head and an open copy Pilgrim's Progress" at her feet, a girl was found on a bed at her having died from asphyxia due to
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  • 468 9 IMails Of Current Prices j Singapore, Sept. 7. MEAT Beei, steak tround), Jcati 27 Beef, stew or curry, kati 22 J ork, lean, kati 42 Pork lean and fat fist quality), kati-33 Mutton. Australian, per lb 33 Fowl, kati 30 Hens (locally reared), kati 40 Ducks (Java), each
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  • 756 9 Distinction For Mines Overseer (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Monday. JUR. Narain Singh, late Overseer, Mines ATJ Department, F.M.S.. has been awarded* the Imperial Service Medal. Mr. G. E. London's appointment a3 Under Secretary, F.M.S.. with effect from Apr. 27. 1932, has just been gazetted. Mr. London
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  • 178 9 Letters To The EJit or. [Our readers are invited to write to us on subjects of public interest. It must be understock that the "Malaya Tribune" does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed by correspondents. LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten (double spacing), and on
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  • 99 9 Admiralty To Replace The Enchantress London, Sept. 7. The Admh-ahy announces that it has been decided to pay erf H.M.S. Enchantress and place her on the sale list. She is over 30 years old and considerable expenditure would he required to make her fit for further Mrvjee.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 139 9 m m m ARHEOL possesses the same thera- peutic properties as sandalwood oil but as it contains 100 per cent, of active principle, while the l>est oils f never yield more than 80 or M), its effect, weight for weight, is much (S AIJ |JT7| li A greater. Moreover Arheol
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  • 81 10 DEATH. LEE—MR. LEE KEN(I IIEE. aged 65, passed away peacefully on the 8th Sept., 15)34, at 2.45 p.m., at 93, Cuppage Road. He leaves behind h s wile, Nee Ian Kim Choo, 1 son. Lee S an Quan, 1 daughter, Airs. Ta.i Soo Il< ng, 1 daughter-in-law, Mrs.
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  • 712 10 a time when the Chinese are wondering whether they can count any friend among the great nations, it is unfortunate that a report emanating from a newspaper correspondent in the Dutch East Indies should have obtained a certain amount of credence. The report is absurd on the face
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  • 54 10 The band of the Wiltshire Regiment will play at the Singapore Swimming Club on Sunday from 6 to 8 p.m. Lieut.-Col. F. V. B. Witts, a former member of tl»e Shanghai Defence Force, has been appointed General Staff Officer (First Grade), Fifth Division, with effect from Dec. 16, says a
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  • 218 10 OEFERRING yesterday to the disaster which overtook the American lircr viorro Castle, fire sweeping the vessel and 225 Uvjs being lost we stated chat these calamities emphasised the iecesc'dy of all possible attention being given to lite saving precautions at sea FurUiCf rews
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  • 232 10 JN our sporting pages yesterday we gave an account of "Marathon golf ;?nd the prodigious :eats which have been achieved. But there is no need to go beyond Singapore m search of golfing giants. We bft*e with us, fo* example, Mr. J. M. Si.-jie. who opened and i
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  • 187 10 NEW undertaking r<. teachers in English i* Colombo, in the form ci a Reft-*!! Course, has. according to n pui proves an immense success. Thisi i*. iUt a which might well be followed by teacher, English schools in Malaya, if of the teaching profession hi i
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  • 204 10 yytHILE on the subject of teachers v teaching, it might be useful to com ment briefly on the value of erttida in education. Inspectors of schools ar obviously critics, but their criticism should be constructive in order to pre vent tsachers from becoming sensitiv to criticism. Other
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  • 233 10 By "Looker-On" "IT is interesting to hear that a Chinese who walked to Lordon wore out fifty pairs of boots. Most of these round the world hikers only wear out their pants—on steamer chairs. This must be the close season for round the world wanderers. Not
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 152 10 1 USE S MILK u Z f° r infant feeding. i There is none j better obtainable. FROM ALL GOOD DEALERS— I SOLE AGENTS: Robinson Co., Ltd., I SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR UTILE'S B fc!££ ,N BARGAINS IN NURSERY WARE, LAMPSHADES, ETC. BELPLASTIC WARE. IColoui Blue, yellow, orange, green aid mottled.
      152 words
    • 77 10 TIIE ART OF PER FECT TAILORING. The famous house of WING LOONG enjoys this singular distinction, and offers you its excelled service and high trade workmanship. PHONE 7627 WING LOONG HIGH ST. SINGAPORE ———bw ii—HI.J.H f!^a———— am LIFE IN THE TROPICS often entails loos of vitality. No finer "Pick me
      77 words

  • 541 11 UNITED STATES NEXT? New President Will Germany And Japan Remain Reuter. A T private session of the League Council yesterday, it was unanimously decided to off er the Soviet a permanent seat on the Council, thus bringing to an end
    Reuter.  -  541 words
  • 77 11 Foul Play Against American Citizen? i Router. I New York, Sept. 10. According to the Post the relatives of j Capt. Wilmott will demand a rigorous j investigation of his death and declare 'he report that Capt. Wilmott died of i heart failure was ridiculous. He had never
    Router.  -  77 words
  • 88 11 Keeping Out Of New Pacts i Reuter Berlin, Sept. 10. GERMANY has sent a Memorandum to the British. French and Italian Governments staling that there is no possibility of Germany joining the Eastern Lccarno Pact as long as certain Powers continue to refuse her equality in armaments. Germany
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 143 11 Guns Left Over From The 1 War Reuter. i l Washington, Sept. 11. A LETTER to Mr. Miranda, President of the American Armament Corporation (1933), Limited, from Mr. John Bail, Director of the Soley Armament Company, Limited, London, was read at the Senate Enquiry on the munitions industry,
    Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 302 11 Sunday, Sept. 2. j The Hon. Mr. C. C. Brown and Mrs. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Currie had luncheon at "The Lodge. Tuesday, Sept. 4. His Excellency and Mrs. Caldecott, attended by the personal staff, left The Lodge," Fraser's Hill, for Kuala Ll His U
    302 words
  • 360 11 Inquiry CommencEs GRAVE ALLEGATIONS BY PASSENGERS Reuter. Astbury Park, New Jersey, Sept. 10. A TERRIFIC explosion occurred on board the Morro Castle this morning. Sparks and flaming cinders shot high into the air and searchers were prevented from boarding the gutted vessel. The explosion took place
    Reuter.  -  360 words
  • 280 11 Preparations For Monster Meeting Shanghai, Sept. 10. The people of Nanking are milking preparations for a monster mass meeting in the city on Sept. 18 in memory of the loss of Manchuria. The public institution in other cities are following suit. It was on Sept. 18, 1931,
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  • 307 11 A Speculative Move NO EARLY EFFECT ON MARKET Reuter. London, Sept. 4. piNANCIERS are most undecided as to the effect of Chinese restriction on dealings in silver, which was widely discussed in the city but all agree that it is a retaliatory measure against America. It was
    Reuter.  -  307 words
  • 34 11 Ten People Killed And A Hundred Injured Reuter. Bucharest, Sept. 11. Ten were killed and 100 injured in a collision between a passenger and goods nam at JiniDmia, i*.<u' the iugo-Slavia trontier.—Keuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 182 11 Successful Gala Race Ball On Saturday Singapore, Monday. All attendance records were broken at the New World Cabaret on Saturday, when the first Gala Race Ball was held, dancing being indulged in until 2 a.m. Everybody present had a very enjoyable time. Miss Mollv was heard to
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  • 111 11 Giant Refunding Scheme In America Reuter. Washington, Sept. 10. The Treasury has announced a giant refunding of $1,200 million on 4th Liberty Bonds, bearing 4.25 per cent, interest, du eon Oct 15. and $524.758,500 certificates of indebtedness due Sept. 15. The certificates will be convert'ble in two-year notes
    Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 66 11 Fishing Boats Struck By Typhoon t Shanghi, Sept. 11. r r HE typhoon which struck Shanghai A on Saturday inflicted considerable damage along the Japanese coast, Its force striking the Japanese islands directly. Two hundred Japanese fishermen, on board 26 fishing boats, it is believed. I were
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  • 98 11 New High Record On Exchange London, Sept. 7. A FEATURE of business on the Lonoon Stock Exchange, which was generally very restricted, was the continued investment demand for British Government securities. 3 l/ 2 per cent. War Loan was unchanged at 105-1/16. The 3 per cent, funding loan
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  • 174 11 Agreement Reached ACTIVE DISCUSSION CONTINUE JT is reported that five principles ft the settlement of the problems < the demilitarised zone in North Chir, have been agreed upon bet wee Gen. Huang Fu (chairman of th Peiping Political Council) and M Ariyoshi (Japanese Minister to
    174 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 200 11 5* "jOB ww TOt A PRODUCT OF SOIIH AFfiICA $i% Of exceptional quality, KEY BRAND Brandy is of full yet j;!j: j!• ;ij delicate flavour, and sells at a rei;: markably low price. It is re- IUfJ IjßiTi commended by all who have tried Hrilhr BBHIBt I ;l vve are
      200 words

  • 298 12 I Heavy Fine Paid )EATH OF CHINESE CYCLIST Singapore, Tuesday. bg District Judge (Mr. H. A. Forrer) delivered judgment this rning in connection with the case which a young American, Phillip aiding, manager of L. Dreyfus J Co., was charged with causing
    298 words
  • 161 12 unicipal Prosecution In Singapore Singapore, Tuesday. Chinese named Tan Vow Hong was duccd in the Third Police Court yeslay before Mr. J. M. Brander on a rge of having stolen over 10,000 gali of water from ihe Municipality of jtapore. he charges brought against him are
    161 words
  • 133 12 Trustee Securities In Great Britain (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Monday. IE F.M.S. Government Gazette publishes the text of the Colonial Stock I Extension 'F.M.S.) Order, given at kingham Palace on Oct. 1, 1932, by I Majesty the King, and which pro~s that F.M.S. Government Loans shall
    133 words
  • 582 12 Alleged Kidnapping Of Child i i (From Our Ourrt Reporter) j Kuala Lump"", Monday. AT the. Kuala Lumpur Police Court today, before the First Magistrate, Mr F. K. Wilson, Mr. M. Morrison who was appearing for a Tamil woman, Valliamah alias Meenachi, who was charged with
    582 words
  • 202 12 Reuter. > Sir George Henschel Singer j And Pianist London, Sept. io. i THE death is announced of Sir George Henschel.—Reuter. fSir George Henschel, Mus. Doc. (EdinJ and Member of Merit of the Society for the Furthering of Music (Holland), was born on Feb. 18. 1850. j
    Reuter.  -  202 words
  • 72 12 Certain that he will repeat the success he scored in "The Eagle and the j Hawk," one of his most popular films, Paramount has purchased for Cary Grant ithe iNell Shipman story, "The Eye of the Eagle" drama of a grounded j aviator threatened with blindness. Frances
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  • 202 12 Rebel Leaders Shot ALLEGATIONS OF TORTURE Shanghai, Sept. 11. MANY Chinese citizens sobbed at the sight of four Chinese Volunteer commanders being placed before a Japanese firing squad and shot yesterday. They had given repeated trouble to the Japanese and Manchukuo authorities and werv arrested in Heilungkiang
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  • 186 12 Chairmen's Discretionary Powers (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Monday. AN Enactment further to amend the Sanitary Boards Enactment, 1929, is shortly to be introduced in the Federal Council. The object of the new Bill is to provide for the amending of section 50 of the Sanitary Boards
    186 words
  • 153 12 Rapid Decline Of Migration Reuter Wireless. London, Sept. 6. ENCOURAGEMENT of large-scale Empire migration should be avoided in the present state of the overseas markets and also general advances of capital for land settlement should be discontinued, according to the report of the inter-departmental committee on migration
    Reuter Wireless.  -  153 words
  • 207 12 Another Busy Day For Ambulance Singapore. Tuesday. rpwo Chinese women lassaulted each m other at about 8.47 a.m. yesterday, in the locality of Chua Chu Kang Police station, and sustained head injuries. At about 1.38 p.m. yesterday an accident occurred at jthe junction of Geylang Road and Paya
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  • 75 12 Wellington. For the first time in 39 years the extinct volcano Ruapehu in Crater Lake has erupted A column of water and steam were hurled 700 feet in the air during the eruption. Owing to the absence of wind the column remained suspended in air for rive minutes.
    75 words
  • 99 12 Feuermann's Return Visit To Singapore i DETAILS of the programme which Emanuel Feuermann. the world I famous cellist, is to play in the Victoria Memorial Hall on Friday, from 9.30 p.m.. are now available. Mr. Feuermann had a great reception on his previous yisit and is assured of
    99 words
  • 159 12 Trespassed On Board A Ship Singapore, Tuesday. Choo Lee Chuan, a coal coolie was produced in the Third Police Court before Mr. J. M. Brander this morning, on the charge of trespassing In the cabin of the third officer on board the Steamship Machdui, while it was lying
    159 words
  • 206 12 Brigade Called Out Four Times Singapore. Sept. U. The Brigade had a busy day with grass fires yesterday, having to deal with fou». At 1.39 p.m. they ware called to Chancery Lane and on the arrival of the Brigade, a large area of bush and :allang was
    206 words
  • 107 12 Result Of Turkey's Five-Year Plan Istanbul, Aug. 13. A whole series of new factories—first results of Turkey's "five year plan"—are to be opened by the prime minister «,ismet pasha) this month. He starts by opening a big cotton factory at Bakirkeny, a suburb of Istanbul, to-day. To-morrow,
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  • 139 12 Vain Efforts To Extinguish It Hangchow, Aug. 29. AFIRE, which destroyed several thousand mcv of forest, bjoke out at Shaohsin, i:i Southern Chekiang, on Aug. 27 and i.he fire is still going strong in spite of the efforts of the fire fighters to put it under
    139 words
  • 462 12 Road Crash Injuries DEFENDANT DEMts NEGLIGENCE .Singapore, Tu< AN action for $30,000 damag< commenced in the Supremi to-day before the Chief Jue Walter Huggard, by Mr. John O'Regan, former warder 0 f tne Johore Bahru Prison, against Mr Frederick Cator, of Singapore. The plaintiff alleged that at
    462 words
  • 76 12 Popularity Of French Rail-Car Service Nice. "See France by rail-car" h. the latent invitation to holiday-makers here. Single-coach, motor-driven rail-t.ii> ar«likely to be put into service all the way from Paris to the Riviera soon. They have proved enormously popula. this summer between Nice and Ment-ne and an
    76 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 71 12 r i'i|iil!iliii:iiiiiMiii|tiliiiHllifHiiitiiiiiiitiitttiiiMiWili.lii| :|t.tM>ia '■:tiitlitiuiiiiniiiii!ti:i<:«iii!«l:ii--;>.iai;iunitiati|.(a.ii!i|:iliiliiaiiiiiiin m I zAn eminent journalist writes: f i 1 m "Nowhere in the world do grapes grow under more ideal conditions than they do in Australia, and Tolley's Brandy j 9 I m could justly be described as f REAL BOTTLED SUNSHINE." 5 m i m
      71 words
      20 words

  • 549 13 In Coffin Alive INTERVIEW WITH A TRAVELLER Singapore, Monday. II ii LE is known outside the J country itself of the inhabitants i life in Mongolia, and occa[ly an enterprising journalist iter makes a trip there and sets n
    549 words
  • 42 13 Actinium Isolated For First Time Reuter. Cleveland (Ohio), Sept. 11. "T HE American Chemical Society has learned that actinium, rarest m -tal on earth and worth a million dollars an ounce, has been isolated for 'he first time.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 79 13 At the annual general meeting of the international Buddhist"Union the following were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year: Patrons, Luang Vuthisara Netinati, 'i'.sul-General for Siam, and Mr. Aw Hoon Par; president, Dr. A. J. Thumboo; -presidents, Mr. B. Titus de Silva Mr. B. L. Martin; hon. secretary, Mr.
    79 words
  • 337 13 Presentation Of Silk Address 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Sept. 10. AT the 13th annual general meeting of the Chinese Philanthropic Society, which was held in Ipoh on Sunday, the members made a presentation of a silk address to Mr. A. C. J. Towers- in recognit on
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  • 61 13 Japanese Action On Coast Of Kwantung Hongkong, Sept. 11. A Japanese warship made sudden appearances in Pakhoi and Kongmoon, m the Kwangtung district, on Saturday, it is learnt. The captain, accompanied by a number of marines, landed and took photographs of the places. The warship subsequently sailed away,
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  • 308 13 Injunction Granted In Supreme Court Singapore, Tuesday. THE Calico Printers' Association, Ltd., applied for an injunction in the Supreme Court yesterday before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Huggard, against Chop Kai Loong, under the Registration cf United Kingdom designs Ordinance, 1931, from selling, publishing or exposing
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  • 42 13 General Chi Guilty Of Misappropriation Canton, Sept. 3. Charged with the misappropriation of public funds earmarked for the purchase of ammunition, General Pan Chi, high councillor of the Rehabilitation Bureau of the Central Zone of Kwangtung, was executed this afternoon.
    42 words
  • 145 13 Accused Thought To Be Mentally LTnbalancsd New York, Aug. 31. BENJAMIN Franklin Yarn, charged with demanding money by menaces from the Roosevelt family, under threat of kidnapping the President's grand-children, appeared before the court to-day. His story is believed to have satisfied the authorities that Yarn
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  • 225 13 Funeral Of Mr. H. F. Cardwell (From Our Owri Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Monday. THE death occuricd at the Bungsar Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, on Sunday evening of Mr. Herbert Fitzroy Cardwell, manager of Diamond Jubilee Estate, Malacca. Mr. Cardwell, who was 46 years of age, leaves a widow, who
    225 words
  • 97 13 Deadlock In Negotiations With America Reuter Wireless. Washington, Sept. 6. A deadlock has been reached in the negotiations between the United States and the Soviet for the settlement of America's debts claim totalling ovfr $500,000,000. Following a cohference between M. Troyanovsky, the Soviet Ambassador, and Mr. Moore, Acting
    Reuter Wireless.  -  97 words
  • 85 13 Hitler's Appeal To Political Leaders Reuter Wireless. Nuremberg, Sept. 7. The 20-acre Zeppelin Meadow accommodating 400,000 people was one solid mass of brown uniforms on the occasion of the rally of political leaders. Spectators packed the surrounding stands while many thousands were unable to obtain admission and 21,000
    Reuter Wireless.  -  85 words
  • 102 13 London, Sept. 10. The death is announced of Dr. Roger Fry.—Reuter. Dr. Roger E. Fry had been Slade Professor of Fine Arts at Cambridge since 1933. After taking a science degree at Cambridge he devoted himself to art and studied under Francis Bate, and subsequently in Paris.
    Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 201 13 Elimination Of "Surplus" In Full Swing Berlin, Aug. 31. HINTS that Herr Hitier, following the June 30 episode, would adopt, his next s-,ep in reform, a drastic reduction in the strength of the Brown Shirt Army, are being borne out. The process of eliminating the "surplus" Storm
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  • 99 13 Double Talkie At The Ritz The Ritz cinema at Geylang, opposite Lorong 41. provided a very entertaining double-talkie programme last nignc when they put on "Catherine «13 Great" starring Douglas Fairbanks, .Tnr.. and Elizabeth Benmer at the flnrt house and "Her Majesty Love" featuring Marilyn Miller, Ben Lyon,
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  • 74 13 New Chaplain To Missions To Seamen The new chaplain of the Singapore Missions to Seamen, Rev. A. V. Warden arrived in Singapore by the s.s. Glencleach on Sunday last, He was met on arrival by the Master Attendant, Captain Fr?yberg and is at present the guest
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  • 96 13 The following pupils of Rajah's College I were successful at the London Chamber of Commerce Spring examinations: Senior: Bookkeeping and Accountancy— Robert Rodrigues. Typewriting—Thum Ah Bee (50 words with Distinction). Junior: Rajah Shorthand—Chua Yam Teck (60 words with Distinction), Lim Choon Beng (60 words with Distinction), Ramoo Pakrisamy
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  • 51 13 Mediation Board Hopes For Early Settlement Reuter. Washington, Sept. 11. THE Textile Strike Committee has extended its offer to submit to arbitration for another twenty-four hours in view of to-day's meeting of the Mediation Board with representatives of the manufacturers at which the Board thinks a settlement
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 456 13 Important Conversations Proceeding Reuter Wireless. Rome, Sept. 7. IT is admitted that conversations between France and Italy are proceeding but a Foreign Official declares they have not yet reached a stage of negotiations and adds that there is no question of a Franco-Italian political and military
    Reuter Wireless.  -  456 words
  • 128 13 Effect On Price Of Sterling Reuter. Shanghai, Sept. 10. the Government's ex■T change order, the market opened nominal, with sellers of sterling at 11% pence. It then dropped rapidly to 16 3 4, but there was no business and speculators were panicky. There was a better market in
    Reuter.  -  128 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 120 13 I I I I r ■n.n.H.,..,,.......,...^ i t»MIEM FOR YOU I 5 m m m I From a simple Box-form Camera that any I school boy can use to the' most up-to-date and most expensive photographic instrument B I for advanced amateurs and professionals. I There is a camera for
      120 words
      32 words

  • 1686 14 SOME POINTERS FOR PUNTERS Large Fields Of Lesser Lights i Catered For (By The-Man-At .The-Rails.") Singapore, Tuesday, j If UK second mid-week card of the i IF Gold cup meeting to-morrow will j ybe of nine
    1,686 words
  • 19 14 Sanderson, the S.R.C. goalkeeper, cavipf in the Cup match yesterday against the Indo-Ceylonese, which the S.R.C. won 3—o. SCRATCHINGS
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  • 50 14 Race No. 1— Trefold. No. 2.—Sllvanus. Race No. 3.—Laguna, Mentone. Race No. s.—Lady Kuala, Golden Maize. Race No. 6.—Doorbyter. Race No. 7.—Sungei Besi, Vedcvrer. Race No. B.—Speed Boat, Sparkling Eyes. Double Tote: —Races Nos. 7 and 9. Big Swer^p:—Race No. 9. AMERICAN GOLF SURPRISE Schoolboy Beats Walker Cup Captain Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 639 14 Erookeline (Massachusetts), Sept. 11. the American Amateur Golf ..Championship, first round, an eighteen-year eld schoolboy, Bobby Jones, of Birmingham, Michigan, beat the American Walker Cup Captain. Francis Ouimet one up.—Reuter. Indo-Ceylonese Knocked Out Of The Cup Good Display Against S.R.C. Who Win By 3-0 Singapore, Tuesday. j 1> V a
    639 words
  • 363 14 Kuala Langat Fields A Team 1 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala, Lumpur, Monday. KUALA Langat District, through the efforts of their energetic D.0., Che Mohamed Salleh, are now able to field a hockey team. They played their first match against the Klang Coast Club on Thursday last
    363 words
  • 25 14 Singapore, Monday. The Government League football match between the Land Office and the Immigration Department to have oeei; played 60--day has been postponed".
    25 words
  • 361 14 Results Of Tournament Ties Sin gape re. Tuesday. I HE following were the result! of the ties played yesterday to S.C.C. autumn lawn tennis tournament: A CLASS SINGLES.—HANDICAP J. P: de C. Hamilton, plus 15.5. beat E. A. Joy, plus 15.3. 6—3. 6—4. Y. W. Brand, plus I,
    361 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 418 15 it WIN FOR JACK PETERSEN I London, Sept. 10. .VI iL- City, Jack Petersen won h Empire Heavyweight i ,p beating Lurry Gains, of utter retiring in the thir- iit n-round contest.—Reutn i WONDERFUL PLUCK. I London, Sept. 10.
    418 words
  • 194 15 Results Of Shoot Of N.S. Battalion (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Sept. 10. JIHE following aie the results of tht riiie meeting held here on SaturwmlJ and bunday Macnine Gun: 11, H. G. Banham anc PW. lneophuus (14); 2, Pte. D. C. Ba i:ir and rte. J. S.
    194 words
  • 130 15 National B.P.'s Win Ovei Marigold B.P. "B" rHE National BP. defeated the Mari, gold B.P. "B' oy I'cur games U ti iee in a friendly game of badmintoi at the latter's court on Sunday ftist. Sccres (National B.P. players' name lust): SINGLES Scong Mcng Tek beat Chua Len Kuan
    130 words
  • 58 15 Australians' Big Total Al Scarborough Reuter. London,, Sept. 10. rrHB scores, at the close of play to-day 1- in the match between the Australian and Mr. H. D. G. Leveson Gower's XI at Scarborough, were as follows: AUSTRALIANS: 489 (McCabe 12< CWnnerfield 53, Fanes 5 for 1
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 61 15 The following have been selected to re- present the i'ijet'u! Badminton Party .iv-irsi the Grange Badminton Party, or Surday. at the former's court, 522, Kam uitg Inhva Road. George Chen, Chin Them Swee, Ea Hock Chian/, Huang Ch'n Wei, Koh Swee, Tay Kheng Ann and Lim Jaik Kirn.
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  • 206 15 WIELDS' CONQUEROR TO MEET PERRY Reuter. nPHUB semi-finals have been reached in the American singles tennis championships, two Americans, an Englishman and a South African having wr.n through. Perry (Great Britain), the holder, will meet Kirby, the South African, who created a very big surprise, beating
    Reuter.  -  206 words
  • 152 15 >erby Winner Made Strong Favourite Reuter. London, Sept. 10. HE St. Leger call over is as follows 1 Windsor Lad 4 to 6 laid and wanted TTmidwar 100 to 14, Lo Zingaro 10( to 8. t Adept 18 to 1 taken and offered. Primero 18 to 1
    Reuter.  -  152 words
  • 80 15 Tennis At Japanese 0 Club (jrom Our Oion Correspondent) Seremban, Sept. 10. rHE following are the results of th Wakata Cup Competition held a he Japanese Ciub on Sunday DOUBLES Sakata and Kotoh beat Koiwai ant )do 7-5, 3-6, 7-5; Nakata and Sug; icat Moto and Itoda 6-2.
    80 words
  • 205 15 Trix Wins Second Race For Sleight Trophy The "C" Class of iht R.S.Y.C. yacht' urned out on Sunday for the seconc ace for a trophy presented by Mr. E V. Sle-ht. The race started at 9.50 and skip pers received a sharp reminder e•> tc he necessity of
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 15 Choor Singh, the Nondescripts' cricketer, who by scoring 145 against the United Engineers during the week-end reached his thousand runs for the season.
    25 words
  • 435 15 Yale B.P. Win The Jarrett Cup Competition i (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Monday. THE Yale B.P. of Klang won the Jarret 1 Cup oji Saturday last when they bea the Lucky Star B.P. by three games lo nil. The match was played on the Yalo B.P.
    435 words
  • 221 15 Colts Beat Chinese By Four Goals '(From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Monrlay. The "B" teams of the Selango* Colts j and met to-day t:t hockey on j the latter's ground, an interesting display resulting in a 4-nil win for <).c Colts. Mr. Low Cheng Lum umpired
    221 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 137 15 melting depilatory I arc now definitely superseded. Thi3 j ■covery, called W enlo-White, is now .-ted in the New Veet, which dis- j yes the keratin in the hair and hair roots. 1 1 hair just falls away as if by magic. Veet is delightfully perfumed and as j j'
      137 words
    • 204 15 l imfliiiiiH;iiniirtM|iHiiini»nm«t«l .iMiiiiiinitiiiii'tlMUUtliirrf ;:iEifUi.;ioiui. iTTrn»'lM|ti«iffiJ|intil«ti!i: i m M 5 m m I ASSETS EXCEED $12,000,000. I 1 j ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $35,000,000 f I m I The I I Great Eastern Life i m m I Assurance Co., Ltd. j I I (IwedtpOfateri in the Straits Settlements). I m
      204 words

  • 572 16 Keen Struggle WINNERS TO MEET RAILWAYS (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Monday. A LARGE crowd of cricket enthusiasts watched the second day's pla\ yesterday, on the Taylor Road ground when the Stonor Shield semi-final between the Selangor Indian Associatioi and the Rangers
    572 words
  • 84 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Monday. COMPETITION in the tournament for the "Sheppard" Cup has begun in North Perak. In the opening match the Taiping Chinese Recreation Club defeated the Clayton Club, Parit Buntar, by 2—o matches. Sen 800 (T.C.R.C.) beat Spykermar. (CO 6—o, 6—3. The tournament Is
    84 words
  • 292 16 J.C.S.C. Tournament Concludes (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Sept. 9. THE annual lawn tennis (handicap) tournament of th<* Johore Civil Service Club, Johore Bahru, was concluded yesterday with the playing of the final in the mixed doubles between Mrs*. Sedwick and K. MacLennan and Mrs. Still and
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  • 155 16 Annual Clerical Union Event In October The Clercal Union will hold its thirn annual cross-country race, open to all in Malaya, on Sunday, Oct. 28 at 7.0C a.m., starting from the Union's Clubhouse, Rangoon Road. The race was successfully ran Jasi year and attracted as many as 46
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  • 124 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Sept. y. The rugger season in Negri Sembilan commenced to-day when the "All Blues" held their first practice on the station pad ang. Owing to inclement weather only twenty-four turned up, and the sides had to be completed by the inclusion
    124 words
  • 335 16 S.G.C. Championships To Begin On Saturday THE draw and starting times for the qualifying round of the Singapore Golf Club championship on Saturday arc as follows: 2.30 E. H. Hime and R. Craik. 2.35 J. Crichton and A. N. Macaulay. 2.40 G. Finlay and S. P. 2.45
    335 words
  • 179 16 Miss B. Wolstenholme Loses Her Northern Swimming Title i j Duncan Reid, of Bolton, regained the 200 yards Men's Northern Counties breast stroke championship at Southport returning the time of 250 l-ssec. J. L.Cregeen, of Birkenhead, was second in the time of 2.54 2-5 and the holder, M.
    179 words
  • 55 16 Sheffield United Beaten At Home By Bradford City Reuter. London, Sept. 10. The results of matches played to-day in the English League are as follows: SECOND DIVISION Hull City 1, Plymouth Ar. 1. Sheffield Utd. 1. Bradford City 2. THIRD DIVISION (SOUTHERN) Millwall 2, Bournemouth 0. Cardiff City
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 463 16 Kuala Lumpur Team Win Inter-Club Race Ipoh, Monday THE large number of entrants f rn the Ipoh district Was 7£ teature of th e very successful annual gala held by the Ipch 5? ming Ciub yesterday. Ancther outstanding feature was exhibition of diving by
    463 words
  • 131 16 Fred Perry And Suzanne Lenglen r'O of the. world's most famous law tennis players—F. J. Wim bledon singles champion and Davis tw hero, and Mdlle. Suzanne Lenglen—* shortly to appear in films. Pe-ry is going to Hollywood to p»a. as himself—in "At Your Service. He will
    131 words
  • 122 16 The Government Services loapue t*bkJ »s at Sept. 1, were as follows:— FIRST DIVISION p. w. l i». r. f Medicals 7 4 3 0 U p Monopolies I 4 4 8 11 Prisons I 5 4 1 Police I 2 1 1 li 4 Marine I
    122 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 150 16 F, A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ LTD., 20, Raffles Quay. Telephone No. 2234. [H H. M. V. Specials! RUDY VALLEE HIS CONNECTICUT YANKEES PLAYING (Original Artist) t 1 12%-HOLD MY HAND, foxtrot. NASTY MAN, foxtrot. from film "GEORGE WHITE'S SCANDALS" T (>489-GOODNIGHT, LOVELY~LITTLE LADY, foxtrot. *****-SHE REMINDS ME OF YOU, foxtrot. MAY I,
      150 words

  • 398 17 Motoring Notes News THE NEW TAXATION SCALE ..j, Kngined Car To Be The Vogue? iBv Air Mail). t* Or Oxen Correspondent) London, Aug. 22. uH lias been expressed that the S* ion scale which comes into nuary has not wrought any se in car design. Jyi** 1935 programmes have been
    398 words
  • 123 17 M.G, Magnette's Average Speed Of 80 M.P.H. TtHE British Empire Trophy Race, held recently at Brooklands under the auspices of the British Racing Drivers' Club, resulted in a win for Capt. G. E. T Eyston driving a 1087 c.c. supercharged M.G. Magnette. The winner's average speed was
    123 words
  • 248 17 Orders For Morris Vehicles ORDERS for Morris-Commercial vehicles continue to be received in large numbers from all parts of the world, including remote an comparatively undeveloped territories no less than the wider Dominion markets where these trucks have been long established. A selection from among recent interesting orders
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  • 129 17 "Hornet Special's" Outstanding Success A Wolseley Hornet Special model, which competed at a meeting held bi f the New South Wales Light Car Club at Avon Dam, covered itself with glory. It achieved fastest time of the day hi each of the three light car class events, against
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 25 17 Call at our showrooms and arrange for a trial run or write for full details. Lyons Motors Limited 92—100, ORCHAIU) ROAD, SINGAPORE. MAAS—3B. 1 Tt-
      25 words
    • 193 17 THE CORRECT GRADE OF I shell MOTOR OIL IFOR SINGER j RENAULT CARS IS I TRIPLE SHELL i Advertisement of the Asiatic Petroleum Company (S traits Settlements) Ltd. J THE 1934 TERRAPLANE SIX THE MOST SENSATIONAL CAR IN THE HISTORY OF MOTOR-CAR BUILDING! I 80-85 horsepower 112-116 inch wheelbase (Special
      193 words

  • 235 18 Accused Surprises The Court (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Sept. 10. A CASE of alleged robbery at the Assize Court to <lay took an unexpected turn when the first accused, after pleading not guilty, made a clean breast in the witness box as the defence
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  • 161 18 Arabs Welcome Amir After London Visit Amman. Transjordan. Mounted Arabs fired their rifles into the air as a sign of enthusiastic welcome -o the Amir Abdullah of Trans jordan on 'is return from England. They cheerfully disregarded the fact hat R.A.F. pilots were flying low In formition
    161 words
  • 106 18 Discovery Of New Treatment Reuter Wireless. Shilling (Assam», Sept 7. A GREATLY improved preventive ior cholera, which iris claimed has alleady been successfully used, has been evolved by the Director for the Pasteur Institute, Lieut. Col. Morison. The preventive is known as bacteriophaga was first tried in certain
    Reuter Wireless.  -  106 words
  • 104 18 Eccentric Deputy Chooses Pistols M. Philibert Besson, the eccentric Deputy for Puy, who used to climb trees and lamp-posts during his electoral campaign to address voters, has challenged Maitre Barrere, a soliei or of Puy, to a duel with pistols. The challenge follows a summons taken out
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  • 52 18 Mr. H. A. Aussem And MSfIS M R Brohier Singapore, Tuesday. The wedding of Mr. H. A. Aussem, only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Aussem, of Singapore, to Miss Moira Ruth Brohier, third daughter of Mr. Brohier of Colombo, Ceylon, took place at the local Registry of
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  • 38 18 Boston, Massachusetts. A shop in Boston advertises the fact that you can have your shoes cleaned there in these words:— "Pedal legaments artistically illuminated and lubricated for the infinitesimal remuneration of ten cents (5d.) ncr
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  • 160 18 Stops His Golf for A Wedding (By Air Mail.) (From Our Own Correspondent) •London. Aug. 27. WHEN Miss May Rose and Mr. Alfred Campbell arrived at St. Andrew's Church. Deal. the. courate* refused to marry them as the bridegroom fcmld not produce the certificate of banns published in
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  • 72 18 Evidence Taken Across Dividing Line Cologne. A witness in Holland has given evidence to a German Court. The witness refused to enter German territory, but his evidence was wanted for a case before the Aachen Courts. So the Court went to Ĕ spot close to the frontier,
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  • 65 18 Soviet School For Acrobats And Clowns Adelboden, Switzerland. Lady Baden Powell is presiding over the International Conference of World Committees of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts now in session here. A total of 250 Guiders and officials from 28 countries are present at the conference. The delegations
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  • 211 18 Factories Continue To Close Down Reuter Wireless. Washington. Sept. 7. MR. Gorman and other strike leaders held the first conference with the mediation board at which the presentation of the labour case was unfinished and will be resumed to-morrow, when Mr. Sloan and other representatives of the mill-owners
    Reuter Wireless.  -  211 words
  • 128 18 "Really Creative Art" In Germany Reuter Wireless. Nuremburg. Sept. 6. We have turned propaganda into a leally creative art. declared Dr. Goebbells, addressing Nazi propaganda officers. He declared that the end justified the means and propaganda being a form of productive imagination, propagandists must intimately know the peoples'
    Reuter Wireless.  -  128 words
  • 97 18 More Power For Bishop Mueller Reuter Wireless. Berlin. Sept. 6. The nominal union of the Evangelical churches in Germany was accomplished when Dr. Jaeger, the juridical member of Re chbishop Mueller's ecclesiastical cabinet, decreed that the churches in Bavaria and Wuerttemberg ceased to be independent and their legal
    Reuter Wireless.  -  97 words
  • 74 18 Many Arrests Made In Germany Reuter Wireless. Berlin. Sept. 6. Fifty alleged Communists have been arrested by General Goering*s police in the Schoeneberg district of Berlin. The raids, which followed long and careful observation on certain houses and people, are continuing ana are creating much excitement. It is
    Reuter Wireless.  -  74 words
  • 81 18 Punter's Three Lucky Choices At Deauville Races Lille, Nord, France. The Tote agency here has paid 62,520 rancs (£820) on a bet of 500 francs (about £6). The punter fancied one horse in each of the Deauville Races. So he put 500 francs on Sweet Legend,
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  • 70 18 Has Travelled 600,000 Miles In 45 Years Maclean, N.S. Wales. W. Selmin, the "Bread boatman," has just completed his 45th year delivering bread on the Lower Clarence river here. In travelling his daily round he has covered between 600,000 and 700,000 miles —without an accident. Most of his
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  • 448 18 Jury Return Verdict Of Suicide Singapo. Qay AVERDiCT of suicide by hai iglne fc returned by a Coroiu: jury f sisting of three Sikhs, at the i o ikt Nand Singh, before Mr. W. j Porta Singapore Coroner, yesterday a was added to the effect that qq
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  • 280 18 Carried Victim Some Distance Singapore. Monday SIDIK bin Ali, a van driver employed by the Singapore Cold Storage Co Ltd., was to-day found guilty by Mr. C. H Whitton. the Fourth Police Magistrate of causing hurt by a rash ana negligent act and driving a motor van of
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  • 81 18 R.A.F. A» Melbourne London, Sep-. A 19,000 mile formation from Melbourne, where they w:u kp sent the Royal Air Force at tenary celebrations, was beu,.n l>> 203 Flying Squadron of the F: A sisting of three short Rang'"";' j boats which left Basr on V.'<v and are expected
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 810 18 MORTGAGEES' SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD SINGAPORE LANDS AND HOUSES To Be Held At The Saleroom Of Messrs. Tan Ho Oon Co., Ltd., NOS. 90 92, MARKET STREET. ON TUESDAY, 18TH SEPTEMBER, 1934, AT 2.30 P.M. Lot 1. Valuable freehold land and house, No. 655-4, off Aljunid Road, Geylang
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 319 18 Wireless TO-DAY'S EMPIRE PROGRAMME Thrills On The Ocean Bed rpO-DAY'S Empire wireless programme is JL as follows: 6.20 p.m.: Time Signal from Big Ben. The Whitby Municipal Orchestra, conductor, Frank Gomez., relayed from the Spa, Whitby. 7.20 p.m.: Time Signal from Greenwich. An organ recital. 8.05 p.m.—8.50 p.m.: The Midland
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  • 982 19 Passing Of The Worlds Most Dangerous Spy (By Air Mail) London, Auk. 20. H,<; tasted all that die world offer in the way of romance, danger, and exciting ad"Mademoiselle Doktor," Anno Marie Lesser, had regret before she died in 'a im near Zurich—that she to
    982 words
  • 81 19 Th < Pinal Section Of Bush House London, Sept. 7. (j eatest operations in oftce England will be completed in the Strand and Aid--1 section of Bush House, I conspicuous features of n orks has leased the profile: ing for housing the staff Government departments will also mark
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  • 38 19 Belgrade. Korses bought by the 'it in Yugoslavia are to "under their own power." <>l' a Srem brved famous "<"ti-«. and they are going to > na\ to prjve how i h, *y are.
    38 words
  • 185 19 649,000 Tons Of Shipping At Southampton London, Sept. 7. THE port of Southampton is in the midst of* one of the most crowded periods it has experienced in the past two or three years and it is estimated that in the three days ending to-morrow the tonnage of
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  • 289 19 Exchange Agreement Signed THE new exchange agreement between Britain and Germany has been signed in Berlin and will, come into operation on August 20. The agreement deals exclusively with future commercial transactions between the two countries and does not cover outstanding debts due to British traders. Negotiations
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  • 135 19 Man Who Lived In Sty For 30 Years Lisbon. POLICE have discovered at a farm near'Guimaraos, Traz-os Montos, a man who has lived with pigs in their sty for 30 years. He has long hair and a shaggy beard, and when spoken to, can only grunt In reply.
    135 words
  • 168 19 Changing; From Political Tlieme To Human Dramas f Helsingfors. J Stars are soon to rise in the film firmament of Soviet Russia. The cinema public of the U.S S.R. are demanding human dramas on the screen—with the inevitable hero, heroine, villain and the "happy ending." This development
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  • 583 19 Problem Of The Tide PLANS FOR ERECTION OF GRANDSTANDS last of the rivets which have been used in the construction of Cunarder No. 534— the largest ever put into any ship— has been driven, and preparations are well advanced for the launch o7 the great
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 52 19 PEACIĕ BRAND I CONDENSED MILK Economical and Satisfactory Sole Distributers: 0. RA MAS AMY NADAR 86, MARKET STREET, SINGAPORE. TEL. 7692. a imj mmt MMI A touch and AWAY! "^"^^^^^^^^fc^^^f^^^^B tx 11« Solo Agents:—The Borneo Motors Limited, Singapore, Seremban, Malacca, Kuala Lumpur, ipoh, Taiping fYiiang. Stockists: —GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. LTD.,
      52 words