Malaya Tribune, 7 September 1934

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 42 1 The Malaya Tribune Largest Circulation Oi Any Daily Newspaper In Malaya Vol XXI, No. 218 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1934 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Friday, Sept. 7, 1934. Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1934. FOR 5 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 1412 2 Shipping News Notices. 17-TON SHANGHAI YACHT Specially Designed Craft For Ocean Voyages A SMALL auxiliary yacht, to be called Dei rare, is now under construction <t the Shanghai Marine Motor Works, under the management of Mr. H. B. Sweet, to the order of Capt. H. E. Hilman, R.N.. (Ret.), s_ays
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  • 71 2 Smaller Vessel Seriously Damaged Leghorn, Aug. 23. The Excordia, a steamship owned by the American Export Line, collided vith a two-masted schooner, the Efisia Serra di Savoia, near Palmaiola Island yesterday. No lives were lost, although the eight men on board the schooner were forced to abandon their
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  • 46 2 China's mercantile marine forms a very small portion of the world's shipping. Her totai lonnage, exclusive of junk* '3 only 535.387, the number of ships' (steamships) amount only to 3 261 of which only 177 exceed 1,000 tons, 'and mly two 5.000 tons.
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  • 419 2 Employment In C.N.C. Ships for protection against pirates have been placed on three fast passenger steamers of the China Navigation Company, says the "Shanghai Times." This move followed the pirating of the s.s. Shuntien and became effective at the end of July. Although many ships operating tn southern
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  • 142 2 Increase In Traffic For Last Year During the twelve months ended June 30, 1934, 612 steam vessels, burners, 288 motorships and three sailing vessels entered the port of Sydney froma overseas states a report issued by the! Sydney Harbour Trust. Interstate totals ■were: steam 870, oil 107, motor
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  • 489 2 Efficacy Of Marconi Apparatus 1 TRIBUTE to the efficacy of the latest of Marchese Marconi's many inventions for assisting in the safe navigation of thz j seas was paid by Commodore Sir Bertram I F. Hayes, K.C.M.G., D.5.0., R.D., I R.N.R., who represented the Honourable
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 367 2 I STEAMER SAILINGS. I I CX and I BRITISH H INDIA II T. O. S. N. Co.'s SAILINGS. OUTWARDS. i| Due |P Tonnage. Singapore. [I C9MORIN 15.000 Sept. 14 BHUTAN 0,100 Sept 27 RAJPUT ANX 17,000 Sept. 28 BEIIAR 6,000 Oct 7. |1 CHITRAL 15,000 Oct. 12 soi.'DAN n.r>oo Oct.
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    • 140 2 j iff LLOYD TRIESTINO (Incorporated in Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. SINGAPORE TO ITALY CHINA. Calling at. Penang, Coiomb.% Bombay, < m A Karachi, Aden, Massowah, Suez, Poi-t Calling at Colombo, Bomtmy, Suez, Said, Piraeus, Brindisi, Venice and Port Said, Brindisi, Venice Trieste. Trieste. 9 Due Leave Due ;s s
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    • 220 2 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. Deutscb |HaSl Anitralische Dampf schiffs Gesellschaft (Companies incorporated in Germany). PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. OUTWARDS. HONGKONG SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. Due Spore. M.s. ERMLAND, via Manila Sept. 7 t m.s. KULMERLAND, via Manila Sept 18 m.s. RUHR, via Manila Oct. 4 t m.s. DUISBURG, via Manila
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    • 571 2 STEAMER SA fL] (IS NORDDEUTSCHE^ Germany; 6 n j ernoted ths Con,p tn> tended fixtures:— i*. OUTWARDS "COBLENZ" for Manila, Ilk l U S'hai, N. China Japan "SAALE" for Manila, H'kong 15 S'hai, N. China Japan HOMEWARDS. "ALSTER"for Genoa, Marseilles m Oran, R'dam H'burg Breir- n '<« "DONAU" for Marseilles,
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  • 450 3 Singapore Friday. iallowing mining share quotations d by Fraser and Co., exchange ock brokers Buyers. Sellers. »at Tin 51- 5j9 un Kumbang Tin 37|6 40|cd tral Malay 501- 52,6cd Hltam Tin 14|6 1513 r Weng 2.05 2.10 rln Tin 26 21^ uagjtat Tin 50- 53aderiang
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  • 159 3 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION LONDON SLIGHTLY STEADIER Local Tone Remains Quiet (By Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Friday, noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 25% cts., unchanged. Market Tone: Quiet. Tin (Singapore), $*****, down $V\. Yesterday's Prices:— London, 7%d., up 1 16d. Market Tone: Firm, but quiet. New York: 15V4,
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  • 145 3 (By Air Mail) London, Aug. 29. The directors of Hevea (Johore) "Rubber Plantations have acquired for £39.800 the Tiong Kiat Estate, situate at Paloh. North Johore. In order to provide the requisite funds for the purchase price and estimated expenditure and further working capital, it has been
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  • 45 3 W. HAMMER CO., LTD. Singapore, Friday. At the annual general meeting of Messrs. Hammer and Co., held at noon to-day, a final dividend of 75 cents per share was declared, absorbing $78,300. 00. An interim dividend of $M% cents per share has already been paid.
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  • 587 3 Sterling Issue Of I £1,500,000 DETAILS are only now beginning ot reach London of the new Chinese Sterling loan of £1,500,000, a week after the issue. Apparently the loan is secured on the future instalments of the British portion of the Boxer indemnity. Under the terms
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  • 109 3 Review By Guthrie Co., Ltd. MESSRS. Guthrie Co., Ltd., in their weekly rubber report dated Sept. 6, state: The market at the present time is considerably influenced by speculation, and manufacturers are showing little interest, although the general opinion is that they would do so, were there any
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  • 1200 3 Excellent Triennial Report THE triennial report of the Oriental Government Securitfy Life Assurance Co., Ltd., presented at a meeting of shareholders and policyholders in Bombay on July 11, is as follows: The Company, which was established in 1874, is the oldest Indian proprietary offi .e transacting life
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  • 660 3 Singapore Friday. The following rubber share quotations arc Issued by Fraser and Co., and Lyall and Evatt. Issue Value. Fraser Lyall Shares. Co. Evatt. 1 Allenby 1.95 2.05 1.95 2.00 1 Aid Gajah 1.60 1.70 1.60 1.6 a 1 A. Hltam 2.10 2.20 2.10 2.20
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 98 3 THE EASTERN BANK LIMITED (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4, D'Almeida Street. AUt Ca r LiUl SUbBCr ibed *2W°OO 0 u?-Ctpital AT> ?>Z'Z Reserve Fuid and Rest 500,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay, Calcutta, (>lombe, Knrachi, Madras, Amara, Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra, Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and
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    • 64 3 WITH ANNUAL INTEREST OF 21/2% P.a. PAID QUARTERLY. A SAVINGS ACCOUNT is your easiest way to* save. All the odd cents put carafuHy aside and regularly deputed will very quickly five you ready Money for any possible emergency. Easily accessible sad always available you ahoald hesitate no longer to open
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    • 268 3 SINGAPORE CHAMBER Of COMMERCE. DAILY PRICBlS OOBUHT. Singapore Friday. Buyers. Sellers R.S.S. equal to Load »n Standard, Spot (loose) 25% 25*« do. (F.O.B.) 26% 2*\ Standard R.S.S. on Tender: Sept. 26% 26 Oct. Dec. 26% 26% Jan. Marc h 27% 27* April June 28% Tone of Market: Dull. Latest Cable:
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 611 4 M. HASSAN, 86, A C 7, BRAS BASAH ROAD, SINGAPORE. We undertake all sorts of work in electrical, gas and water service line. We give prompt attention to all orders either big or small. Why not consult us about your requirements Estimate submitted upon request without charge or obligation. TIIONK
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    • 342 4 Just Published! Just Published!! THIRTEEN SIMPLE LESSONS ON HYGIENE for Standards One and Two by Fred B. Thomasz, Headmaster, Central English School Price t6 cts. a copy T. E. SHORT ESSAYS The Ideal Book for the students Price 60 cts. a copy Obtainable from the pnblishens PETER CHONG COMPANY Booksellers,
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    • 602 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. THE UNITED MALACCA RUBBER ESTATES, LIMITED. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements).' I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the v/enty-fourth Annual Ordinary General Meeting to be held on Friday, September 7, 1034, the Directors will recommend that a Dividend of 3% for the year ended 30th April, 1034,
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    • 109 4 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED EXPERIENCED TEACHER for English School. Apply with testimonials, stating age, qualification to P.O. Box No. 4. Annual Sale I Ist To 30th September Real Bargains In I Quality Goods For Men's Wear. CAMPBELL CO. 16, HIGH STREET I i J> SMALL roots bS a a —J t
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    • 229 4 EDUCATIONAL. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, Established 1128. i (A Government Registered School) (For Boys and Girls). l-A, Kirk Terrace, Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. Enrol for a Sound Musical Education— Systematic Training both in Technique anc" Theory. Complete Courses leading to T.C.L. Certificate, Diploma, etc Booklet free.. M. ANCIANO, Principal. POULTRY BOOKLETS
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    • 513 4 LATE AGAIN The Clock or Watch has STOPPED or is giving th Wrong Time. Being Late Often means LOSS OF BUSINESS OR EVEN LOSS OF WORK Therefore take all Clod or Watches that go wrong 1 YICK WOH HirNG Their One and Only Axldre 429, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD (Near Middle
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  • 903 5 The Assizes STORY OF FORMER QUARREL Singapore, Thursday. rjIIARGED with the murder of a Chinese in Kampong Kapor district at about midnight on july 16 last. Abdullah Khan, a North Indian I>oliceman, pleaded an alibi at the Assizes to-day. He
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  • 66 5 Kuala Lumpur Employee In Court (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 6. ITL Tjong Kuah, was produced in First Magistrate's court to-day on a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of $2,416, the property of the tata Shoe Company, entrusted to him in
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  • 121 5 Programme A Mixture Of Work And Entertainment Two thousand Esperanto scholars nave collected here for the 26th Universal Esperanto Congress, which opened here to-day. Thirty-four different countries are represented. The programme of the congress is a mixture of serious work and entertainment. The serious side includes a summer
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  • 132 5 Prefers Living In England To The United States Hollywood. Douglas Fairbanks Junior prefers living in England to the United States according to a film journal correspondent Miss Louella Parsons. h-> has made several trios to England --id she. has close contacts with the British film players. *T
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  • 75 5 Interesting Find At Kuala Lumpur (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday. A first edition of Nimrod's "The The Road and The Turf" was discovered in a second-hand book shop at Kuaa Lumpur recently. On the fly-leaf arc the words, "To A.B.H.S., from the author. The book is
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  • 103 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Sept. 5. A middle aged Chinese named Kok Chit of Gelang Patah, was lined $150 (in default three months' r.i.) by Mr. P. V: Duckworth this morning on a charge of having been in possession of three gallons of samsu in
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  • 32 5 Oran, Alegeria. Madame Pascal, a resident of Oran, has given birth to quadruplets. Three are girls and one is a boy. The babies of normal weight, are ali doing well.
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  • 113 5 Suspicious Movements Of Rebels Reuter Wireless. Vienna, Sept. Troops throughout Carin'hia are pre pared for emergency owing to reports suspicious movements among the Au; trian legion who entered Jugo-Slavia after the fighting in July. Some troops have already been d s ritched to strengthen the frontier de fence.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  113 words
  • 194 5 Government Expect A Big Yield This Year Moscow. Over 110 million roubles (£ll.OOO 003 're to be spent on the cons ruction o >ew sugar enterprises and the neon rue ion of those already ex sti-g i mticipation of a greatly increased yieh rem this year's sugar
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  • 140 5 5,000 Bathers Rush Through Town Sofia. Th? extraordinary spectacle of 5.00~ rushing helter-s!?, 35ter through Re street in bathing costume has beer witnessed at Varna, the seaside rcsor on <he Black Sea. t-v v WPre sw mming and splashing n bort in the sea when tj cv-hr-ome overcast
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  • 84 5 New Eurasia Plane Arrives In Canton Hongkong, Sent. 6. The new passenger Lufthansa aeroplane ordered by the Eurasia Aviation Company arrived in Canton yesterday evening. The machine, a 16-seater, left Berlin en Sept. 1, passed Aden the next day, India (Calcutta) on Sept. 3, Bangkok on Sept. 4,
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  • 89 5 Enthusiastic Reception In Portugal i 1 London, Sept. 3. The Prince of Wales, who is engaged on a pleasure cruise on Lord Mayne's yacht, which he joined last week at Biarritz, paid a strictly private visit today to the Portuguese Colonial Exhibltion at Oporto. In spite of
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  • 51 5 Paris. An aeroplane dfiven by heavy oil had made a successful flight at Villacoublay, according to a Ministry of Air communique issued recently. The plane was a Potez 25 with a new type of 14 cylinder engine and made its first flight with a load of two
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 51 5 fil w TmWW i Articles may he handed Id f«r SPECIAL and EXPRESS LAUNDRY SERVICE. Dry Cleaning Waterproofing, Invisible mending undertaken. WEEK DATS, HOURS, 7 a.m. 2 pun. A 4-6 p.m. SATURDAYS, HOURS, 7 a.m 2 pjn. RECEIVING DEPOT SINGAPORE STEAM LAUNDRY LIMITED. 255. ORCHARD ROAD, OPPOSITE COLD STORAGE. S.B.L.
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    • 326 5 vfTtffuvwjriniHiii|iiKitiiiifi.iiiiiiiiii«iiiiia.iiiiiiii»iii*r( 'r'ir'iii|i:iiiii.ti(tiit!iiiit!iiiiiii«ii|i:iiiiiitnttii<i«ii»itmff)«iiiiw.>«<ii<i|iii i I ARE YOU USING j THE AID SERVICE TEJ 1 i I FOR PASSENGERS, MAILS AND FREIGHT TOE DIRECT AIR MAIL TO LONDON THE UNITED KINGDOM i ,s operated by IMPERIAL AIRWAYS j I LN DAYS I LUXURIOUS COMFORT REGULARITY DON'T JUST THINK ABOUT AIR TRAVEL USE
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 350 5 Wireless TO-DAYS EMPIRE PROGRAMME The Rhyl Silver Prize Band TO-DAY'S Empire wireless programme is as follows: 6.20 pm. Time Signal from Big Ben. An organ recital by Dom Gregory Murray, relayed from Downside Abbey. 6.50 p.m. The B.B.C. Dance Orchestra, directed by Henry Hall. (Time Signal from Greenwich at 12.00).
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  • 448 6 Board Of Inquiry Established Reuter Wireless. Washington, Sept. 6. ABOARD of three has been appointed by President RooseVelt to inquire into the textile strike. It is comprised of John Winant, Governor of New Hampshire, Mr. Marion Smith, of Atlanta and Mr. Raymond Ingersoll, President of Brooklyn Borough
    Reuter Wireless.  -  448 words
  • 477 6 VESSELS ARRIVED Toboali, Dutch, 673 tons; from Bagan 6.9.34, to Bagan via ports 8.9.34. Fukuyo Maru, Japanese 3,404 tons; from Dairen via Shanghai 6.9.34, to Port Said 6 9.34. Daumark, Danish, 5,342 tons; from Dairen 6.9.34, to Aden 6.9.34. Senang, Dutch, 729
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  • 114 6 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE Singapore, Sept. 7. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1) Ophir 22. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3) Kamuning 15; Ermland 14; City of Bath 7. Empire Dock (Intramce Gate 3} Tempei Maru 30; City of Mobile 32; Thmiand Castle 34; Taybank 37;
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  • 84 6 Should Be Larger And Better Equipped Reuter. Raritan Arsenal, New Jersey, Sept. 6. "THE United States need a larger and better equipped army," said the Secretary for War, Mr. Dern, on, his arrival to attend manoeuvres which will last four days. "I should, tjp see th e army
    Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 55 6 From Philippine Islands by the President Adams, due at Singapore at daylight to-morrow. From China and Japan by the Arizona Maru, due at Singapore on Sunday. From China ana Japan by the Shunkc Maru, due at Singapore on Sunday 49 From China and Japan by the Sumatra Maru,
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  • 23 6 The s.s. Ermland for Manila. Mails previously announced as closing at 3 p.m. yesterday will now close at 4 p.m. to-day.
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  • 200 6 SELLING. Singapore, Sept. 7 London 3 months' sight 2|4 7-32 London 4 months' sight 2|4 13 64 London 60 days' sight 2j4 3|16 London 30 days' sight M London demand -,4Va London T.T. 2,4 332 Lyons and Paris demand »ott Hamburg demand 144 New York demand 58 X
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  • 305 6 Publk Functions And Sports Fixtures TO-DAY, SEPT. 7. High Tides.—lo.3o a.m., 9.55 p.m. Football: S.A.F.A. Cup, Chinese II v S.C.C, Anson Road Stadium. Golf: Keppel G.C. Ladies' Spoon (Stroke) and Committee Meeting Tennis: S.C.C. Autumn Tournament. R.S.Y.C Regatta, 5.15 p.m. TO-MORROW, SEPT. 8. High
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  • 66 6 ALHAMBRA.—"We're Not Dressing. APOLLO.—"Wither Germany;' 6.13 and 9.15. CAPITOL.—"Merry Wives of Reno FMPLRE.—"Fashions of 1034." GREAT WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Dean's Grand Opera, Chinese Wayangs, Cinemas, Talkies, etc. MARLBORCUGH.—Miss SuJochana In "Subhagava Sunder!' iHimmstani talkie*. NEW WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing sideshows, Malay Operas, Chinese Wayangs, Cinemas, etc. PAVILION.—"The Trumpet Blows.' RITZ —"Thief
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 42 6 ANOTHER GOOD OFFER I FREE DEVELOPING ENLARGING for FILM BUYER Start from 23rd Till 31st :> 1934. YICK WAH SING Contractors for the Repair of Clockand Watches to the R.A.F. Base m Malaya. 81, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD (Near High Street). i« i .^^-^J*-^——
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 67 6 ■iLY WEATHER REPORT ■Malayan Meteorological H Service H Yesterday Night Max. Bright Mm. umm Temp. Rainfall. Sunshine. Temp ■ons Deg.F. Inches. Hours. Deg. F. Star 89 Nil 9.4 75 ■*an M Nil 8.5 72 Bharu 88 Nil 2 8 74 Jeram 91 Nil n.4 75 B 6 86 0.04 6.2
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    • 532 6 [POSTAL INKIIICtHCi SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE TO-DAY East Africa (Ophir) 2.30 p.m. Mauritius (Ophir) 2.30 p.m. Java, South West-Sumatra. S.- East Borneo, Celebes, Moluccas i and Timor Dilly (Ophin 2.30 p.m. Belawan and Medan (Tinombo) 3 p.m. Bengkalis, Fort do Kock, Padang, i Pakan Baroe, Siak and Selat Pandjang (Ampang) 3
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    • 407 6 Crescent Road, Rating. Assemble, Mr. Ang Cheng Kang*s residence, 499, Havelock Road, 6 p.m. Telok Ayer Epworth League: Tennis tournament' 1st round, 4 p.m., Eveland Seminary, Mt. Sophia, Ping-pong tournament suspended till Sept. 22. SUNDAY, SEPT. 9 International Buddhist Union: Annual general meeting, Union premises, J18, Sophia Road, 2 p.m.
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  • 381 7 Preventing "Nervas." JEAN HARLOW TAKES UP* FRENCH p it weren't for their hobbies, some of Hollywood's most famous tars "might experience bad cases of "nerves" during those trying lapses between pictures. Invariably, every well known screen player has a hobby, and works
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  • 180 7 Impressive List Of Property Holdings Bing Crosby, who has always been a thoroughbred racing fan has added a 50-aere ranch to his already impressive list of property holdings, on which he plans to establish a stud farm. The tract is near Rancho Santa Fe, 25 miles north of
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  • 124 7 Shirley Temple's Quickness i At Learning The secret of five-year-old Shirley Temple's quickness ac learning complicated dialogue has been revealed by her mother. At nrght, an hour before she goes to bed, the child star is given two readings of the following day's lines, then she is asked
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  • 62 7 A master of five languages, Adolphe Mmjou has made talking pictures in all of them except Italian, he revealed while appearing with Elissa Landi in the Paramount picture, '{The Great Flirtation." He made the first talking picture in ■he French language. It was entitled Mon Gosse de
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  • 1649 7 Glimpses Of Some Forthcoming Films SCREAMINGLY funny are the peculiar domestic relations of three families who fail in and out of marital difficulties that lead into the meshes of the Reno divorce racket, in merry "Wives of Reno" Warner Bros.' latest which opens at the Capitoi
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 263 7 Yf RUST AND CORROSION fcx' ,v f by the use of Metzink, the most efficient paint for all metal surfaces. Slaj Recently introduced by Hubbuck's, Kx!l4D Metzink is a combination of Metallic 'I mc mc Oxide with the necessary 'Iff Tl vehicle. Its effect is to galvanise the 4 ii
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 182 8 Hi I I I i i i i i .1 i liitiifJl.iii^'i.ii-liifiililliiiniiilMiriiiiiiiiiiiiliiliilniniiiiHiniiilliliiliiliiliiliii'iliilitliil'ililliilMlilliilH* ML I'LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR] j That's just one of the song hits Bing Crosby H| to Carole Lombard in this story of an al,s love l lie [^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^MBBBPPMU 1 RU ITS PARAMOUNT WEEK—LET'S GO! ii'i!ii iß::t::SBlfiS«fl!u i B"i.ii!.iiii:!i.iiiii!ii:!ii'fi:ii.i:!i!:i!:ii:iuii!l!!liiluiiH«liil!!«!H"«l"
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    • 314 8 Do you remember old "Sugar Daddy" from "GOLD DIGGERS" and j g "FORTY SECOND STREET? Here he is Back again TO-NIGHT at the j CAPITOL B "Merry Wives of Reno" »m&&iHwmmmWßW&m t Come on a screamingly jolly excursion to (OMEFARLV: VOL WILL LOVE THIS SHOW! GrandGalaopeningNight Pill \L tion at
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    • 218 8 I PAVILION it 6.15. TO-NIGHT M 5. I IF YOU LIKE THRILLS, A GLAMOUR. EXCITEMENT —THIS IS YOl'R I j PICTURE! 1/ DANCER AND LOVE! J He knew each day of A 1 danger each night of UMPET LOWS mm ADOLPHE MENJOU ™FRANCES DRAKE will make §fjr your blood run
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  • 69 9 X A. Suppiah, State Treasurer, sembilan, has proceeded on two leave and Mr. P. Ardy Pillay, Assistant. P.W.D., is carrying duties of State Treasurer as well own. C H. Williams, Health Officer. Padang, Lower Perak and Camealands. will be proceeding to on transfer
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  • 16 9 W. Eveson, of Johore, oming oil transfer to Tapah oh as Health Officer. Batang
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  • 21 9 of the Larut and Matang Board will be held at the Board Oilice. Taiping. on Wedlept, 19. at 10 a.m.
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  • 39 9 d a stowaway aboard the s.s. from Negapatam, said in the Police Court that he had a mg at Sungei Siput who would Magistrate, Mr. D. Wills, fined 136 with sentence of 20 days imprisonment i In default.
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  • 37 9 Pi M 'kiETSBfe formerly manager of l r View Estate, Batu Gajah and Sfiffi Sabata n* Estate, Johire, has recently returned from England and is a Present staying with Mr. C F Smith at Fusing. V
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  • 77 9 a squel to a special round-up of the vagrants made by Mr. D. N. Livingstone, 0.C.P.D., Leong Wan, a Chinese and Braini, a Mohammedan,. Charged under the Vagrancy Enactment in the First Magistrate's Court, Ipoh Accused, who pleaded guMty, wexe found Sleeping on a five-foot way. The Mohammedan was
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  • 22 9 Mr. W. Eagle.-Bott, J.P., Sitiawan, and Mrs. Eagle\-Bott, who went to, Frasers Hill of a fortnight's holiday, have returned to Sitiawan.
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  • 31 9 Mr. L. R. Barnett-Smith. Supervisor. Export Duties, Lumut will be leaving for i Home on long leave in the middle, of September. Mr. Harward, of Teluk Anson, will relieve him.
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  • 19 9 Mr. Lauder Nicol, Inspector of Schools, Pahang, has been on a short visit to the Cameron Highlands.
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  • 109 9 Brilliant Address By Sir James Jeans Reuter. London. Sept. G. IHREE thousand million pounds has 1 added to the world's wealth E li on's inventions, according to Sir Jeans, m a brilliant Presidential British Association at d the need for a new v and a new
    Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 587 9 Tennis Tournament At The Sultan's Palace (From Oar Oicn Correspondent) Kuala Lipis, Sept. 3. HIS Highness the Sultan cf Pahang. who is jyj all-round sportsman anci a tennis player of no mean ability, has requested the organisation of a tennis tournament to be held at Pekan.
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  • 467 9 General Information For Motorists THE following information i.s supplied by the Automobile Association of Malaya on the state of roads in Singapore and up the Peninsula for the benefit of motorists. SINGAPORE ChangU Joo Chiat. Tanjong Katong and Grove Roads. Temporary Level Crossing-;. Caution. Newton Circus at Junction,
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  • 73 9 A two-headed tortoise, weighing seven tatties was caught by a fisherman at Wai chow, says the "Canton Daily Sun." The tortoise is described as having eyes and a mouth on both heads, one of which is natural but the other is located on the tail end of Xke
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  • 92 9 Ahmit Bin AH. a native of Malaya, was charged before Mr. Hamilton in the Central Police Court yesterday with entering the Coloi*/ without a valid passport, says the South China Morning Post of Sept. 1Defendant was committed to the House of Detention for one month during which period eiTorts will
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  • 689 9 Capt. C. E. R. Jacobs POEMS LIKED IN TWO CONTINENTS Singapore, Friday. RETURNING to Malaya to -morrow by the President Adams is Capt j C. E. H. Jacobs, Headmaster of the High School, Bukit Mertajam, after] a six months' vacation in England. He made his return via
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  • 69 9 On Cycling Tour Through Malaya 'From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur. Thursday. Three Rover Scouts from Singapore. J. Silberman. J. Ransom and J. Duclos. who went to.Penangon their cycles, visiited the branch office of the Malaya Tribune" in Kuala Lumpur to-day, in th? cpurse of "their journey back
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  • 95 9 Inducing Mongolians To Join Manchukuo Nanking. July 18. The Government has received .1 L<.lngram lrom Prince Teh of Inner Mongolia reporting that more than a thousand Japanese and Koreans well versed in the Chinese language have sj<-retly pioceeded to different banners in Inner Mongolia disguished as merchanu Their
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  • 88 9 Appointment Of British Teachers Cairo. Seven new British men teacher3 are U b„- appointed to secondary schools and British women teachers to the ffirli* primary school in Cairo. Their maip task will be to teach English to their pupils. The Ministry of Education has approved of the appointments.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 291 9 j GOOD NEWS FOR PILES SUFFERERS. FAMOUS PILES SPECIALIST. 1 i tilting Hours: H to 12 a.m. 2 to 6 p.m. TERMS MODERATE. Jan; ufferera from piles thought it fatal a surgeon and so had given up ired <•omr.'etely without operation, me. I huh! several testimonials from wn persons. A
      291 words
    • 368 9 j RECORDS FROM f j j Bing Crosby's Latest I ■L^^ji^fi j "WE'RE NOT jßh DRESSING Jw^k T. M.A. MUSIC HOUSE, j I Branches: j j 167. Selegie Ud. 854, (Dylans Kd. I TRADE UPSTAIRS of «ufiS <fe ftftFff MONEY! VA^ 1 f'** A OPENING SEPTEMBER, STH. AURELIA'S NEW DEPT.
      368 words

  • 184 10 TEO—Mrs. Teo Choon Hian, age 68, passed away peacefully this morning, at 4.30 a.m., at 109, Waterloo Street. She leaves behind her husband, 1 son, Teo Shin Fook, 1 daughter, Mrs. Tan Teck Guan, 1 adopted daughter, Mrs. Lee Teek Siong, 2 sons-in-law, Messis. Tan Teck Guan
    184 words
  • 664 10 WHEN Mr. W. M. Citrine delivered his attack on dictatorships at the Trade Union Congress he, of course, had excellent material to back up his arguments. He was referring particularly to Fascism—a name by which Labour leaders in these days brand the creeds of all their opponents—but he
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  • 102 10 The. Rev. A.V. Wardle, the new port chaplain for Singapore, is due to arrive by the Bencleuch to-morrow. Mr. Oliver Marks, the secretary of the Association of British Malaya in London, who went into hospital for an operation on July 3, was able to return Home on Aug. 13, having
    102 words
  • 224 10 rOSE of us who know Singapore thought that Mr. Roland Braddell'f book indicated very strikingly the romance which is to be found here. That impression was not conveyed to Mr. F. Kingdon Ward, who reviews "The Lights of Singapore- in a London
    224 words
  • 183 10 "TT is strange," goes on the critic, "that the author, after early suggestions that the spice trade was one of the great motive powers of history, should then lapse into so practical a vein as to advise anyone who goes to Singapore to be more English than the
    183 words
  • 180 10 T ET us proceed to criticise the critic. Mr. Kingdon Ward's suggestion that Ar. Braddell's book is -good pah »41 uiff, such as guide books, Gov'-mr eports and time-table.s ar» made r b absolutely unfair. -The Ljghkj Singapore" is anything but thai, lad been just another guide
    180 words
  • 237 10 QINGAPORE people wno have spent a quiet hour or so in the. local Botanic ai Gardens will not be surprised to read of the trouble which started in a" zoo in Chicago recently, when a pitched battle took place between hundreds of monkeys representing two different type The
    237 words
  • 251 10 By "Looker-On" NATIVE planters of South Sumatra have found an effective war of dealing with rogue elephants. Shooting is allowed only if it can be proved that an elephant has been guilty of destroying plantations, and it is hard to get a "conviction." A' m So
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
      235 words
    • 139 10 CROWN Life Insurance Co., TORONTO, CANADA. ESTABLISHED 1900 Insurance G $139,000,000.00 Chief Aspnt For Malaya: V. R. VICK E4, Hong K©ng Bank Chambers, Singapore. 'Jfi PERFECTION iX J\ describes the superior V &\J. wortamaoHhip of Slug*- V HBP pore's fcetdJn* Tailor. jSN WIMO LOONG to bo- X MN doubtedly in
      139 words

  • 217 11 Committee Appointed ENTRAL CONTROL AT THE HAGUE Reuter. The Hague, Sept. 6. pY order of Dr. Colyn the Government of the Dutch Last Indies has appointed a committee to prepare the way for the amalgamation of the Billiton Mining Co. of
    Reuter.  -  217 words
  • 62 11 MADE IN JAPAN iiadges Of Prince George And Princess Marina Reuter. Kobe, Sept. 6. OSAKA manufacturers are making hundreds of thousands of badges displaying the photo£taphs of Prince George and Princess .Marina for export to Great Britain in anticipation of the wedllin&- Recently Japanese manufacturers shipped quantities of banting and
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 160 11 Three Months For Kuala Lumpur Chinese 'From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. Leong Nam, a Chinese, was to-day produced before the second magistrate, Mr J. P. Biddulph, and charged with causing hurt with a knife to Leong Toong at Mun Sang Mine, Serdang, on Aug.
    160 words
  • 151 11 Inquest On Kuala Lumpur Woman (By Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. An inquest into the death of a Chinese woman named Ah Kieow, who lived Cecil Street and died as a result of iking caustic soda on July 10 was teard to-day before the first magiste, Mr.
    151 words
  • 137 11 Evidence Before Senate Committee Reuter. Washington, Sept. 6. EVIDENCE that the British Government gave Japan the design for the X type submarine was given before the Senate committee of inquiry into the American munitions industry. Letters from Mr. Carse, president of the Electric Boat Company, to
    Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 192 11 Removed Coat From Sleeping Man (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. At the Kuala Lumpur Police Court, before the second magistrate, Mr. J. P. Biddulph, a Chinese named Joo Choong was to-day charged with theft of a coat at Pudu on Aug. 5. Chief Court-Inspector A. E.
    192 words
  • 290 11 Wedding Of A Johore Sportsman (From Oar Own Correspondent) Malacca, Sept 6. St. Francis' Church was the scene of a pretty wedding to-day when the marriage took place of Mr. N. B. Barthelot, of the P.W.D., Muar and Miss Doris Gaudart, eldest daughter of Mr. J. Gaudart of
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  • 111 11 Indian Girl To Remain In A Home (By Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. In connection with the application made before th e first magistrate Mr. F K. Wilson, by Mr. G. A. Hereford on behalf of the mother of a girl named Sivapakiam who was connected with
    111 words
  • 259 11 Re-Election Sought NATURAL CLAIM TO A SEAT Reuter. Geneva, Sept. 6. r*HINA has decided to stand Loi-re-election to the League Council. In a statement Mr. Quo Tai-chi said China had a natural and inevitable claim to remain on the Council as representing Asia, of which China
    Reuter.  -  259 words
  • 47 11 Two Killed And 40 Injured Near Glasgow Reuter. London, Sept. 6. A N rnginc driver and a fireman were killed and over forty people were injured as a result of a ccH'sicn between two passenger tiains at a junction two miles trcm Stenoeh station, Glasgow.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 222 11 Houses And Public Buildings Decorated Reuter Wireless. Nuremburg. Sept. 4. Uniformed Nazis to the number of 500.000 have poured into the city from > throughout Germany to participate in the sixth party congress, which will open to-morrow. Houses and public buildings are bedecked with huge swastika flags and
    Reuter Wireless.  -  222 words
  • 134 11 Singapore, Friday. Jalan Eunos was the scene of an accident at 12.26 p.m. yesterday when a bus containing four passengers ran off the road and overturned, injuring three persons, a Malay, the Chinese driver and a Chinese girl. The driver, who received two cuts one on the forehead
    134 words
  • 316 11 Small Setbacks REPLY TO GERMAN CRITIC Reuter. Nanking, Sept. 6. 'J HE strength of the five per cent. re-organisation and other Chinese loans war? cited by a spokesman of the Ministry of Finance to rebut the criticisms recently uttered by the president of the German AsiaticBank. The
    Reuter.  -  316 words
  • 48 11 Bus Tragedy In China Shanghai. Sept. 7. A MOTOR-BUS plying between Hangchow and Nanking crashed over a bridge yesterday at Yihsing. Seven passengers were killed and 16 injured. A woman who was washing clothes under the bridge was crushed to death.— Mm Kuo Jih Pao.
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  • 135 11 Hitler's Speech At Giant Rally Reuter. Nuremberg. Sept. 6. THE coming of labour conscription in Germany was foretold by HenHitler in a brief address at a giant rally of labour volunteers in which 50,000 youths of military age performed soldierly evolutions with .the humble spade. "The time will
    Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 82 11 $740 Raised By Great World Performance The total receipts at the cabaret given at the Great World on Aug. 15 in aid of the Missions to Seamen amounted to $878.47. After deducting expenses, the Missions' funds benefit to the extent of $744. Th'-. committee to express their
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  • 146 11 Yacht Thrown On The Rocks Reuter. London, Sept. 6. A SEA mystery is revealed In a message received indirectly from Mr. Noel Coward that he is marooned on an insignificant island in the Mediterranean and requesting assistance, stating that the yacht in which he was cruising foundered
    Reuter.  -  146 words
  • 36 11 Violence In U.S. Textile Dispute Reuter. New York, Sept. 6. SIX strikers were killed and 14 wounded in fighting in North Carolina and South Carolina to-day arising out of the textile strike.— IU uter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 152 11 Draft Instructions CABINET APPROVAL AWAITED Reuter. Tokyo, Sept. 6. 'JHE Prime Minister and the Mini ters for the Navy and Forei> Affcirs have completely agreed < the draft instructions for the Nav Conference, which the Cabinet expectcd to approve to-morrow. Rear Admiral Yamamoto, who w leave
    Reuter.  -  152 words
  • 40 11 Emanuel Feuermann, the famous ct list, whose recent recital in Singap* was a great success, is returning h( from Java next week, and will give a other recital at the Memorial Hall Friday, Sent. 14. at 9.30 p.m.
    40 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 87 11 HEYMAN BUTTER The fresh delicate flavour of HEYMAN BUTTER is due to the ideal conditions under which it is made. 1 "sOLE AGENTS: i Dean's Maimoon Opera I (both combined) j at the Great World! I ON 8& 9 SAT. SUN. SEPT. 1934 j I IN AID OF THE SINGAPORE
      87 words

  • 1201 12 Court Hearing IISIT OF MARCUS SHOW Singapore, Thursday. BE RESTING evidence was given before the Third Magistrate J. M. Crander) to-day concernB the case in which a Singapore «itor, Mr. Philip Ho Ah Lim with assaulting a police in the discharge of
    1,201 words
  • 726 12 Not Caused By One Of The Doors? When one of the half .doors was opened outwards it may have struck your forehead?—No, the door did not hit me. You pulled the defendant, holding him by his collar and tie, away from the door?— No. I held him
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  • 595 12 People Some Distance Away* When witness reachcd the doorway the manager closed the door. The doors were actually closed when witness reached .the spot. They were people some distance away from the door. Witness stood on the left of the door and the complainant was on the
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  • 658 12 Told He Could Not Go In 1 The complainant then held him by his hands?—No., he put up his hand and said, in Malay, that he could not go in. Did the complainant hold him. meaning to detain him?—No. Is it your story that the door was i
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  • 260 12 Crosby And Other Stars At The Alhambra QUITE a galaxy of talent is presented in the entertaining Paramount musical offering now being shown at the Alhambra. First there is Bing Crosby, crooning away in that rich baritone which has brought him fame and fortune. Then
    260 words
  • 149 12 Ranion Novarro and Jeanette MacDonald received an ovation befitting their reputation as the prince of "Tv? anc of song when The Cat and the Fiddle" commenced its second Singapore season at the Roxy Theatre last night. It was a great success when it
    149 words
  • 45 12 In response to popular demand, the fine Hindustani talkie, the "Thief of Baghdad," will be &hown for one more night to-night at the Ritz Cinema, Geylang, opposite Lorong 41. There will be two performances at 6.15 and 9.15 p.m.
    45 words
  • 390 12 Hawker Assaulted WAYLAID ON Ills WAY HOME Singapore, Friday. JJAVING pleaded guilty to cha i of assault and then, three members of the Wiltshire kV kM 1 stationed at Tanglin Barracks were dealt with by the Third Magistrate j (Mr. J. M. Brander) this morning, j
    390 words
  • 191 12 Minister To Italy Interviewed Shanghai Se it. 7. MR. Liu Wen Tao. the Chinese Minis icr to Italy, wiii fly to Kuling to day by 'plane to meet Marshal Chian Ka' Shek. He called on Mr. Wang Chins Vv> <Premier) Mr. Tang Yu Jen «Vice Foreign
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 35 12 I j j I /Ifpi Rupert: Come on guys, j follow me, Fve landed in I the BEST of Spirits." rt|>ipawe from Deaiers I \< Only $2.75 j PrQ^boU TOUEYS BRAMDY mm B m < i ii
      35 words
    • 21 12 THE Overseas Assurance CORPORATION, LIMITED, China Building, Chulia Street. •PHONE 5808. SINGM'^Kt ■IRE, MARINE, MSTOfI VEHICLES WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURE P r
      21 words

  • 960 13 Trip To Europe T HE INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENT Singapore, Friday. ijR. Manuel L. Quezon, the Filipino >»i .it r. arrived in Singapore last the John Van Oldenbarnevelt liatavia and sailed this morning same vessel for Europe. a n'.raged on a three-months' which covers the Dutch East Italy,
    960 words
  • 149 13 Indian Gets Seven Years (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Sept. 6 AT the Assizes to-day before Mr. Justice. Whitley. Palyan was charged with murder by s.abbing his wife, Sinathay:e. at 10, Aboo Sittee Lane, on June 26. The fatal wound was in the abdomien and there were
    149 words
  • 101 13 Two Newspaper Men Among Convicted (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Sep*. 6. THE Special Court has delivered judgment in the case of the seven men charged in connection wi'h the Oc ob"" rising. Fiv e were sentenced to life imprisonment and two were acquitted. Among those
    101 words
  • 135 13 Inquiry Into Kuala Lumpur Tragedy (From Our Own Re-porter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. A verdict of death by misadventure was recorded by the first magistrate, Mr. F. K. Wilson, to-day at an inquest en the death of Tan Lia Cheang, a boy of 15. who died as a result
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  • 136 13 A Gala "Race" Ball Arranged A gala race ball will be held at the New World Cabaret to-morrow. Various attractions will be offered. The Misses Gracie and Flora will give an exhibition Ol the Carioca Rumba, while Miss Molly, he versatile cabaret girl, will be seen in vaudeville
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  • 671 13 China Outrage RELIEF OF FLOOD REFUGEES Shanghai, Sept. 7. SEVERAL Chinese Special Police were killed by bandits on the out- i skirts of Shanhaikwan, in North China, on Wednesday night. The former proceeded to the east gate to carry out an inspection but met looses of
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 97 13 I Crosley Refrigerators You must see the new CROSLEY SHEIfvADOR and TRI-SIIELVA-DOR Electric Refrigerators to fully Appreciate the advancement in refrigerator design, convenience, and performance that they represent. There is a Crosleydealer near you—ask him to show you both series—make every comparison that occurs to you—your good judgment will then
      97 words
    • 153 13 EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY 1 ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated io England), j WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION, FIRE, I MOTOR, MARINE, ACCIDENT, ALL I RISKS, BURGLARY AND BAGGAGE I INSURANCE. I I General Agents SWB, DARBY CO., LTD., I SINGAPORE. TEL. 6144. Points ""^^^^^l 'CAFASPIN' the new form of the world-famous ®o§ret-'s gt Aspirin, performs
      153 words

  • 1837 14 The Outstanding Horses In Card Of Nine Events (By The-Man-At-The-Rails Singapore, Friday. FIELDS are comparatively smaller for the third day of the Singapop Turf Club's Autumn (Gold Cup) race meeting to-morrow, than on the
    1,837 words
  • Article, Illustration
    4 14 .^r^r^ c n T
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  • 43 14 Race No. 2.—Boardwalk. 3. —Great Idea. 4. —Eastern Ally, Penang. 5. —Nonya Bukit Timah, Happy New Y?ar. 6—Shoot Up. 7 —Row Ecat, Bestlot, tfunkawaila. n n Kitty Toirton. DottMe Tote:—Races Nos. 7 9. Big Sweep:—Race No. 9All engagements:—Happy rs ~w ear.
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  • 270 14 Wins For Japanese And Americans mHi: Chinese mot the Japanese Ycung JL Men's team in the baseball league on Sunday and gave the leaders a hard game. The Japanese team certainly had no easy time. At one time it looked as though the Chinese might even win. Keng
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  • 409 14 THE following are the. handicaps for 1 the fourth day's races (Sept. 12):— HORSES. Ciasj 4, Div. 3, 5V 2 furs.: Trinle Green 9.00, Rangoon 8.13, Boy ChaXn V Gunga Dm 8.06 Green Me iK 8 03, Lady Wallada 8.03 Little Mother 3.01. Bare Cure.
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  • 46 14 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. Playing their first match of the seaton, the Selangor Indians, one of the strongest sides in the State, beat the F.M.S. Railway Institute by 4—3 at the Railway ground yesterday. The Indians meet the Selangor Chinese next.
    46 words
  • 480 14 Racing Dates TWO NEW CUPS m COMPETITION n JHE Singapore Turf Club' s>, A (Governor's Cup) m year will sec two new for racing competition. They will be known g the Ann! versary Cup, in comm the anniversary of the opening 0 f the excellent Bukit
    480 words
  • 529 14 Singapore, Friday. IN the first hockey match to be played in Singapore this season, the P.WD. Sports Club beat the Singapore Hornets "B" team by three goals to two on the N.C.C. ground yesterday. Fine combination characterised the P.W.D.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 914 15 hirst Division Players Finish Poorly Singapore, Friday. al Artillery wtre eliminated the S.A.F.A. Cup competithey were beaten by the three yesterday by the ep&rtment Football Club at d Stadium. an < yen game when judged changes, but the
    914 words
  • 343 15 Busy Season Ahead Of S.C.C. Members rie list of Rugby football fixtures of the S.C.C. just issued shows that the season will be a very busy cne, there being fixtures practically every day or every alternate day from Sept. 29, when the Newcomers meet The
    343 words
  • 332 15 Results Of Tournament Ties Singapore, Friday. r,HE following were the results of ties played yesterday in the S.C.C. .ennis ournan^jrn». Ĕ A CLASS DOUBLES Hewett and L. V. Taylor (owe 3) beat L. Road and Capt. T. Woodali (owe 15) 3 —6, fll —3, G —2. O. Fuller
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  • 22 15 The event on Sunday at the Singapore Swimming Club will be the "B Class Aggregate two lengths irestyle (handicap).
    22 words
  • 110 15 Reuter. London, £ept. 6. TiHE Minor Counties' score against the Australians yesterday when their two-day match began, is 182 and not 133 as reported yesterday. A no-ball was incorrectly credited to Ebcltag, whj on reading the faci. fci tho n.ornh.g papers, pointed out the
    Reuter.  -  110 words
  • 84 15 Efforts To Prevent Fight Broadcast Reuter. London, Sept. 6. ON the occasion of the Harvey-Peter-sen right in June the 8.8.C. broadcast a prompt commentary, despite Jeff Dickson's refusal to permit a broadcast from the ring. For the Petersen-Gains match on Sept. 10, Dickson has disconnected all telephones
    Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 43 15 Owing to the replay in their Cup-tie match against the Government Services on Sunday, the proposed friendly match between the Wiltshire Regiment and the Clerical Union arranged to be played on gte Jalan Besar Stadium on that day has been postponed.
    43 words
  • 46 15 j The following will represent the Indian Association at cricket against the C.T.A. 'en Sunday at 2 p.m. on the C.T.A. j ;round: Mistry, Davar, Amarchand. Heri govind, Slokhan Singh, Dr. Rajahram. ParanjothV, Angullia, Abbasbhoy, Nadai: I and Yaima. Reserves, Chandy and Sinha Jr.
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  • 46 15 In view of their outstanding successes a: the Singapore Olympic Championships, the members of the Young Chinese Amateur j Weight-Lifting Party are hoiding a dinner in celebration of the occasion at the New Century Restaurant, the Great World, on Saturday, at 8 p.m.
    46 words
  • 405 15 Selangor Tennis SUCCESS OF ONG EE KONG (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. ANG Ee Kong for nine years tennis U champion of the Y.M.C.A., re tained his title this evening by defeating Leong Hoe Yeng 6-3, 9-7 thus avenging the deft at which h<
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  • 151 15 The American Tennis Championships. Reuter. Forest Hills, Sept. 6. A SURPRISE was created to-day in the third round of the American tennis singles championships when George, M. Lott, one of the doubles champions, was beaten by E. W. Feibleman of New York, though after flv e sets,
    Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 76 15 S.CR.C. To Meet R.A.F. On Saturday The following have been chosen io represent the S.C.R.C. in an inter-club tennis fixture against the R.A.F. M Saturday at the Club courts at 4.30 p.m.Singles: C. K. Pang, Dr. Chia Teck Yam, Arthur Lim. Doubles: Tan Huck Toe and Cheong Chee
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  • 42 15 Beaten By Odd Goal In Colombo THE Austrian football team which was recently in Singapore and won both matches played was beaten by 3—2 by a scratch team in Colombo. Previously the tourists had lost only one mateh—in Malang, Java.
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  • 20 15 The Clerical Union will hold a hockey practice on their ground on Saturday. Tlfose interested are requested to turn up.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
      98 words
    • 169 15 I Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance i Company, Limited. flncorpowted in the SUrt-iU Settlement*). HEAT> OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies
      169 words

  • 584 16 Thrilling Mile Relay Race 1 TTELD at Hampden Park, Glasgow, for rhe first time in Scotland, the British Police Athletic championships proved one of the finest meetings seen "nrth of the border this season. Performances were of a high standard, and thrills abounded in the four
    584 words
  • 85 16 Playing at the Solar Athletic Union's court, the Mayflower Badminton Party defeated the home team by five games to nil. Scores (Mayflower players mentioned first):—Seah Eng He e b3at Tay Chin Lye 15—9, 15—10; Wee. Boon Hai beat Wee Cheng Siang 15—10. 12—15 15—2; Tan Yong Kian
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  • 91 16 There will be a hockey practice game at the S.C.R.C. on Friday between the Captain's XI and Convenor's XI at 5 15 p.m. Team--: CAPTAIN'S XI: Tiang Seng Yew Teck, Evan Wong, Choo Beng, Fong Lim An Chuan, Gim Lock, Yuen Fong, Robert Eu, Seng Whatt, John Lim,
    91 words
  • 34 16 The following are the ties in the S.C C snooker championships: FRIDAY Volunteer Snookers-Pairs:—A. S Banks Mcleod BrUmmitt V H Gra y a™* JStraight Snookers Championship:— C. Ayres v. S. A. Woosey.
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  • 35 16 The sports team of the Anglo-Chinese Continuation School under Mr A M Chenan. after visiting Seremban, Kuala Lumpur Kampar, Ipoh and Malacca playing football, badminton, ping-pong and tennis, returned last week after a 12 days'
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  • 817 16 24th Win Of St. Louis Cardinals New York, Sept. 6. LATEST results in the U. S. major baseball Leagues are as follows:— NATIONAL LEAGUE. R. H. E. Chicago "Cubs" 16 0 New York "Giants" 5 8 0 Moore s6ored a home run for the Giants. St. Louis "Cardinals"
    817 words
  • 177 16 Kranji Team Beaton By Johore Sida (Frcm Our Oun Correspondent) Johore t :thvu, Sept. 3. I Th rtecn goals were scored at Kranji yesterday, when the Kampong iiahru Football Team cf Johore Bahiu met the Wiieless and Telegraph*Station football team cn the latter's ground. > The game
    177 words
  • 124 16 nan. r r.a,, Reuter Wireless. DODGSON, driving an n won the Royal Antr.m v Tourist Trophy &dfe b ing margin of eleven «ecoVX heti 3 35 laps of the famous Ardw P °S presenting 478 miles at V 74 65 """Perl Hall driving a Bentk-y
    Reuter Wireless.  -  124 words
  • 184 16 Odd Came Victory Over Jollydale The National B.P. defeat,,1 lh dafe B.P. a friendly badninw tf: by four games to three on Sundty Merry-\ oungster B.P.'s court Scores: (National B.P c. 8. Wee beat Li„, Soong Meng Tek beat A :5_5 15-2; Lim Cheng KwJ t, at u
    184 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • 268 17 Historical Pageant To Be Staged -1 Toronto, Ontario. 2. A CHORUS of 2.000 voices will sing al a what promises to be the largest and most interesting exhibition ever held in British North America. The Canadian National Exhibition, the biggest of its kind in Jhe World, onen.,
    268 words
  • 95 17 "People's Flying Day" In Germany Cologne, Aug. 4. In order to encourage Germans to be aii -minded," a great "people's flying day" will take place here, to-mcrrcw, under the auspices of the 'Strength Through Joy" Movement. Over a thousand free flights over the town will be given,
    95 words
  • 945 17 A Changed Outlook On Life UJy Air Mail) London, Auk- 29. OX those of ufl who can remember more than one past generation the most outstanding impression of modern times is that the world seems to be growing younger. The changed conditions of life, due to the
    945 words
  • 161 17 Fay Chaldecott To Play In New Production Hollywood. i Fay Chaldecott. who is known as tiie smallest platinum blonde of the movies, i has been assigned a role in the forth- j coming production of David Copperfield. Fay Chaldecott. who is five years old, Is the daughter of
    161 words
  • 141 17 To Keep Wives Away For A Lonaf Time Belgrade. The grass widowers of Slavonski Brod have formed a club—to keep fiieir wive; away. The men found tryit it was an expensive business to keep their wives away on holiday for a long time, and the bank managers
    141 words
  • 117 17 No Tombstone Above Grave Of D. H. Lawrence I z P&ris The grave of D. H. Lawrence, the poet and novelist, in Venice cemetery neatNice, has been the subject of an article in "Candide" called the "Abandoned Lover." The writer expressed astonishment at the unkempt state of the
    117 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 379 17 THE LIFEKUOY OF HEALTH. Own Tablets ar- the- little childDoy of health for they keep them r ugh those early years when their being constantly menaced by the Imentl to which children aie subOwn I ablets are mildly laxative, neither gripe nor purge, they are read:rrushed to powder a.nd are
      379 words
    • 235 17 -**********11 I I I I I I l I Mil IMI 111 l 111 I II I 111 ***** I I I .1 I 111 i: M 111 I 111 l Mill II I■•||i t m m 5 m !i 1 I (Advertisement of The Asiatic Petroleum Co (S.S.) Ltd).
      235 words

  • 592 18 Monthly Meeting ASSESSMENT RATE FOR 1935 (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday. THE general assessment rate and the water rate for 1935 will be the same as for the present year, a recommendation to that effect having been carried at to-day's meeting of the Kuala Lumpur
    592 words
  • 609 18 Estimated Revenue Of $400,000 Mr Coweill said that the n calculated on about cohect the same sum as thi, year and if our revenue on other items tn as we expect we should show Hlight balance on the right side on current running expenses for 1935 and that
    609 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 557 18 PIANOI REPAIRS I denote a standard not obtainable elsewhere I The Most Highly skilled workmanship J I The finest materials (regardless of cost) Perfect satisfaction I SEASON CO., LTD. m 9, D'ALMEIDA STREET, m (next and back of Mercantile Bank). ■Dean s k Maimoon Opera I GRAND BENEFICIAL PERFORMANCE I
      557 words
    • 294 18 MAZO.% for Maximum Light at Minimum Cost contract «m a*m*H thomson-mooston ca-cra Kow" HO?SE ALOWYCM LONDON. W.C.X THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED I Use Mazda Save On Veur I Jj No need for baby to fret al! day and cry all night when Sunshine i J Glaxo is there to feed
      294 words

  • 938 19 Flight Abandoned lORCED TO LAND FOR PETROL London, Aug. 8. I IE first Canada-England flight and the twenty-fourth Atlantic ring by airplane was achieved by J. R. Ay ling and Captain nard Reid, who landed at Heston odrome, Middlesex. [nc airmen left Wagasa Beach, ario,
    938 words
  • 362 19 Newspapers Sponsoring A Movement VfEWSF APERS in Hongkong are engaged in sponsoring a "Come to Honirkontr" movement and the suggestion seems to be that the colony could be made an attractive resort the year round, for visitors from all Shanghai W r,d SayS thC N C D NcWS
    362 words
  • 88 19 Thirty Persons Drowned In Haiyangchen Tientsin, Aug. 6. According to a special Tangshan telephone message flood is now menacing the districts in Luantung area as a result of incessant rainfall in that region. Shanhaikuan and Chinwangtao have both been affected and the streets are all under water. Haiyangchen
    88 words
  • 98 19 Important Parts To Play In Picture Hollywood. Two white rats are Hollywood's litest film stars. Their names are Essie and Wessie, and they have important parts in the film, "The Man With Two Faces." The rats were not allowed to work before the camera? for mote
    98 words
  • 70 19 Four-Storey Stone House With Tenants Inside Helsingfors. A four-storey stone building in Moscowis gonig to be moved 117 feet, according to the newspaper "Eravda." The house is at present occupied by 370 people, and its weight is estimated at 6,000 tons. The tenants will continue
    70 words
  • 79 19 Peiping, July 27. Mr. Ku Meng Yu, Minister of Railways who is now in Peiping spending his summer holidays, has telegraphed to the directors of all Government Railways in North China instructing them to come to Peiping for a conference for the discussion of measures for introducing reforms
    79 words
  • 533 19 Licensing Plan To Stop Assaults A CTION is being taken to sweep all beggars from the streets of Britain. This follows the revelations made by a London detective who, disguised as an ex-sailor selling matches, last week watched for a wanted man. He showed that begging
    533 words
  • 72 19 Consulate To Be Abolished Amoy. Aug. 2. IT is understood that the French Consulate at Amoy will soon be closed up and the French Consul, who is acting as Dean of the Consular Body at Amoy. will be recalled for service in the French Foreign Office. After
    72 words
  • 73 19 A turtle weighing two hundredweights was dragged ashore by residents at Nathania, i, seaside town north of Jaffa. It was so strong that it would not have, been caught but for the fact that part of its massive shell had been broken—apparently by a blow from a
    73 words
  • 60 19 English is to be taught In most ol Esthonia's secondary schools as the principal foreign language. In deciding the much-discussed question of which languages should be taught, the Government have considered the wishes of each school, and 20 have decided to adopt English as their first foreign language."
    60 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 361 19 ĔjjajS' Bottled in three M makes no difference at all and quart. IBPj whether you huv iQI GUINNESS fgm mG s nEAD STOI,T SIIWE, DARBY CO., LTD, W^^UB Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, Penang, Hoar, Malacca, Ipoh, MAASV mmmmmmmmmmmmommW^ fin in in in i i i■iniiiiinii*iiiii n i i i i,
      361 words