Malaya Tribune, 31 August 1934

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 42 1 The Malaya Tribune Largest Circulation Of Any Daily Newspaper In Malaya Vol. XXL -No. 2512 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1934 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Friday, Aug. 31, 1934. Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1934 FOR 6 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 557 2 Shipping News Notices. ATLANTIC PASSENGER TRAFFIC Half-Year's Increase For Westbound Voyages I NORTH Atlantic Passenger Conference figures in respect of westbound voyages between January 1 and June 30 this year show that nearly 5,000 more pas- sengers have been carried, the total reach- j ing approximately 75,000 as compared with
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  • 180 2 Launched With Customary Ceremony There was an interesting function a', Pootung when the launching of a newly-built auxiliary cutter yacht was carried out with full ceremonial. The boat is the property of the Rear-Commodore of the Shanghai Yacht Club, Mr. R. Lock, and will join the Shanghai fleet
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  • 463 2 Passing Steamer Saves 24 Shipwrecked Men A DRAMATIC story of the rescue of 24 members of the crew of two trading junks, by the steamer Chak Sang, is told in a letter by Mr. E. Maxwell, one of the Engineers, to his wife, who resides in Kowj
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  • 260 2 New Marconi Invention Made Public Milan, Aug. I, The am ret Marquis Marconi's uew ittven. ion, which has hitherto bewn guarded with *.ubb« in tenacity, wast at last revealed tojay when the inventor invited a number of 'iiafntraiahed guest*, including the preai *>l! the Italian Navigation Service
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  • 241 2 Every Luxury On AtlanticLiners IITIIEN the United States liner Washingf» ton sailed for the Channel ports recently j she had on the forward part of her I "sports deck" a specially fitted room conj taining 25 dog kennels with every comfort for the canine pets of the passengers
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  • 88 2 I The Canadian Beaver, a steamer of 2,401 i tons, formerly in the service of the Cana- dian Government Merchant Marine, plying I the Western Atlantic, will shortly be sail- 1 ing Chine as coastal waters. The boat was recently purchased by .i noted operator of Chinese
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  • 778 2 Officers' Society Urges A Bold Policy IN the report of the Officers' (Merchant Navy) Federation for the 18 months ended June 30, issued recently, it is explained that it had been customary for the council of the Federation to submit an annual report. As, however, an application
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 409 2 STEAMER SAILINGS. —a~ Ny i .1.1 pi i .;-jr it BRITISH INDIA I». O. S. N. Co/s SAILINGS. OUTWARDS. Due Tonnage. Singapore. >RE 6,000 Aug. 31 RAWALPINDI 17.000 Aug. 31 OMORIN 15,000 Sept. 14 BHUTAN 6,100 Sept. 27 RAJPUTANA 17.0(H) Sept. 28 BEHAR s\ooo Oct. 7 CHITRAL 15,000 Oct. 12
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    • 150 2 r—* j W LLOYD TRIESTINO (Incorporated in Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. SINGAPORE TO ITALY CHINA. Calling at Penang, Colombo, Bombay, Karachi, Aden, Massowah, Suez, Port Calling at Colombo, Bombay, Suez, Said, Piraeus, Brindisi, Venice and Port Said, Brindisi, Venice Trieste. Trieste. Due Leave Due mv MONCALIERI Sept. 16 Sept
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    • 217 2 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. Deutscb H B R Australische Dampfschiffi Ge,ell cnaft (Companies incorporated in Germany). PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. OUTWARDS. HONGKONG SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS Due Spore. M.s. ERMLAND, via Manila Sept. 0 t m.s. KULMERLAND, via Manila Sept 18 m.s. RUHR, via Manila Oct. 4 t m.s. DUISBURG,
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    • 533 2 STEAMER SA||. IN J j «WJ^ The tmdernoted are th. n I tended he c I OUTWARDS. I "COBLENX" fur M ;i J >'hai, X. China A- J S "SAALE" to»- Man S'hai, N. China <fc J«| HOMEW "ALSTER" for Genoa J Oran, R'dam H'burg "DONAU" for Mai R'dam, H'burg
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  • 503 3 Singapore, Friday, 11 a.m. loilowing mining share quotations ssued by Fraser and Co., exchange ick brokers Buyers. Sellers. %mpat Tin 5;3 5,7& i am Kumuang Tin 37,6 40,--txal Malay 50 52 6cd Hitam Tin 1* 6 15,3 t Weng 2.05 2.10 uigrin Tin 26,6 27,9
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  • 165 3 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION QUIET TONE CONTINUES Sterling Movements Cause Uncertainty <By Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Friday, noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore). 25V4 cts.. unchanged. Market Tone: Quiet. Tin (Singapore), $114%, up Yesterday's Prices:— London, 7 9 16(1, unchanged. Market Tone: Quiet after tirm. New York: 15% cts..
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  • 206 3 Singapore, Aug. 31. R. (flam >W. Coast N. 1 per Koyan $131 R (Siam) W. Coast N. 2 per Koyan $124 R. 'Siam) W. Coast N. 3 per Koyan $116 Rice. B. Siam N. 1 per Koyan $109 Rice, B. Siam N. 2 per Koyan $106 Siam, Sinhuay Al
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  • 90 3 Successful Display At Olympia B.O.W. Rugby, Sunday. p THE Radio Industries Exhibition at Olympia closes to-night after an exceptionally successful display, and it is estimated that business resulting had. two days before its close, totalled £21,826,000. The total business done by the radio industry for the
    B.O.W.  -  90 words
  • 153 3 Progress Of Great New Steel Plant The coke oven and by-product plan' at the great new iron and steel works at Corby, Northamptonshire, has been put into operation. The plant oomDrises a modern coal wisherv. coal .Horage and blending »Vant. 35 comnound coke ovens of th" Becker type
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  • 104 3 Plant To Manufacture Rods And Bars Cardiff is to have another steelworkSir John Beale. chairman of Gue.-'. Keen and Nettlefolds. Ltd.. stated at the recent annual meeting of the company that his firm was about to spend £150 000 on the construction of a pant for the
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  • 104 3 Two L T seful Publications On The Market The excellent work the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya is doing is exemplified once again in the publication of a booklet dealing with "Variations in the composition of latex from clone and seeding rubber," written by Mr. J. •L. Wiltshire,
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  • 358 3 Improved Economic Conditions npHE first six months of 10.54 has witnest j an unmistakable economic recovery in Canada. The improvement, although moderate, has been widespread and unquestionably promising. Basing its calculations on a large number of industrial factors, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics finds that the index number
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  • 104 3 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Motor Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are as follows: Shell Aviation Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial gallon $1.19 Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon $0.82 Shell Motor Spirit in 4-gsllen drums per British Imperial
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  • 53 3 The following are the prices of Socony gasoline and kerosene: BENZINE Socony Motor dasoline (ex pump) per British Imperial Gallon $0.82 Socony Motor Gasoline (tt drums) per drum $3.45 Socony Motor Gasoline (V* tins) per tin 3 70 KEROSENE Devoe's Imperial Brilliant (per tin) $2.43 Sylvan Arrow
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  • 155 3 Birmingham Craftsmen Display Their Wares In connection with the Art Gallery Jubilee Year programme an exhibition is being held in Birmingham to show the extent Midland industry can manufacture well-designed goods suitable to modern conditions. The craft-work o individual artists is not shown, excep to illustrate their
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  • 60 3 Renong Consolidated Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., produced 654 pikuls during August at an estimated cost of $13,000 or 11.11 cents per cubic yard of 17,000 cubic yards treated. Hours run, 470. Katu Tin Dredging, Ltd., produced 458 pilrula at a cost of $11,500 or 10.64 cents per cubic
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  • 396 3 Draught And Activity In U.S. (By Air Mail). London, Aug. 15. RUMOURS have again proved well-found-ed and the decision of the International Tin Committee to reduce the quota output b> ten per cent, caused little surprise. The reduct ion is from per cent, of standard tonnage to
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  • 84 3 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd. reported the following latest buyers' price-, received by cable yesterday, for Malayan Palm Oil i?nd Palm Kernels: PALM OIL IN BULK: c i.f. landed weight Halifax (Nova Scotia) 2.75 cents (U.S. currency) per lb. c.i.f. landed weight Liverpo< 1 Holand Hamburg £11
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  • 71 3 Messrs. Guthrie Co.. Ltd.. in'their weeVly rubber report dated Aug. 80, stater The market has been quiet since la« reporting. In spite of poor support from America prices have been well maintained Stocks in the United Kingdom show an increase of 308 tons and now stand *1 107,70.")
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  • 49 3 Th volume ot steel production in t." Sheffield area, which early this year a vanced beyond all previous recon continues to increase month by mon' and has now reached a rate equivak to 1.500,C01 tons a year. The high pre-war output was 879.000 tons in 19i.i.
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  • 690 3 Singapore, Friday, 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotations are iasued by Fraser and Co., and Lyall and Evatt. Issue Value. Fraser Lyall It Snares. Co. Evatt. 1 Allenby 1.95 205 195 200 1 Alcr Oajah 100 1.70 i.o.j i 0.-< IA. H tarn 2.10
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  • 60 3 Singapore, Friday, noon. Bayers. Sellers. ELS.S. equal t<> London Standard, Spot (loose) 25% 25%. do. (F. 0.8.) 25* 25% Standard 11.5.5. <.n reader: Sept S. OcTbec. 26% 26*4 Jan. March 27% 27% April June *fl Tone of Market: Easier terniency. j Latest Cable: LoadOS Spot Sheet
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 90 3 THE EASTERN BANK LIMITED (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4, D'Almeida Street. AU 'Sf, SubStribed £2.000.000 Pai d C uTcapHal |1~ Reserve Fund and Rest 500,000 HEAD OFFICE: LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay, Calcutta, Colombo, Karachi, Madras, Amara, Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra, Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on
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    • 62 3 TEACH YOUR FAMILY THE VALUE OF THRIFT The child who is taught to recognise tho advantage of consistent savin? becomes the adult life well armed for the solution of its problems. The Bank is eager to help in establishing this valuable habit. $5» opens a SAVINGS ACCOUNT. MAKE IT TO-DAY.
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    • 131 3 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements). SUCCESSORS TO THF THIN ESE COMMERCIAL BANK, Ltd., THE HO HONG BANK, Ltc THECHINE AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, Ltd. CAPITAL: Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. CHINA BUILDING, CHULIA STREET. SINGAPORE. HEAD »8. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chee Swee Cheng, Esq.,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 237 4 I M. HASSAN, I 30, ft 37, BRAS BASAH ROAD, 1 SINGAPORE. Bfc undertake all sorts of work Hti electrical, gas and water sor■lV giv.> prompt attention to all ■i 'Nm thi r big or small, ■yhy 21 »t consult us about your ■tquin ments ■stimaio submitted upon re■uest without
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    • 689 4 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the partnership heretofore subsisting between A T. K. P. L. M. Mootiah Chettiar and one IH. P. L Palaniappa Chettiar carrying on I bur. ness as moneylender at No. 3G (former ly 03), Market Street, Singapore, under thvie or firm
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    • 285 4 EDUCATIONAL. PAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, Established" 1128. (A Government Registered School) (For Boys and Girls). l-A. Kirk Terrace, Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. Enrol for a Sound Musical Education Systematic Training both in Technique and Theory. Complete Courses leading to T.C.L. Certificate, Diploma, etc Booklet free. M. ANCIANO, Principal. PRIVATE TUITION: Cambridge
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    • 434 4 SITUATIONS VACANT. "WANTED" EXPERIENCED TEACHER; for English School. Apply with testimonials, stating age, qualification to P.O. Box No. 4. i WANTED —Chinese Ladies and Men for canvassing wholesale and retail goods. Good prospects to capable persons. Apply to Box No. 427, c|o Malaya Tribune, i WANTED —Salesmen Ladies and Men
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    • 442 4 I FOR ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION TAKE ALL CLOCKS, W\ I or GRAMOPHONES j\\ i WRONG YICK WOH BlNfil Their one and only addi 429, Nortfa Criritrr* Roa (Near Middle Road). I SKILLED WORKMAN PROMPT SERVICE MODERATE CHARGE Contractors for the Repair Df Cl Watches to the British Ar Malaya. TO LET.
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  • 612 5 Alleged Bribery COUNSEL MEETS WITi AN ACCIDENT Singapore, Thursday. ALLEGED to have received an A iltefc) gratification of $1.50 H. Mills, a Eurasian Inspector attached to the Vehicles Department was prosecuted before the Second Magistrate (Mr. N. Grice) tj-day. According to the prosecution, conid by Detective-Inspector Jeans
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  • 127 5 Extension Of Grid System In Britain London, Aug. 28. POLLOWING the completion of the grid system for the supply of electric power to all parts of the United Kingdom a further development cf production and distribution is now in land. Five new water power plants are Deing constructed
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  • 257 5 Indian Who Wanted A Licence Singapore, Thursday. A charge cf giving false information to a traffic officer on July 18 last was against an Indian, Sangevi Tanggavelu when he was brought before the Third Magistrate, Mr. J. M. 3rander, to-day. Tanggavelu claimed trial. Mr. W. J. Park, A.S.P.,
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  • 174 5 Church Of England Tamil Mission There will be a musical concert in aid )f tne Church of England Tamil Mission in Singapore and Johcre on Satlrday, Sept. 8, in St. Andrew's School lall, at 8 p.m. The Archdeacon and Mrs. Graham White will give their patronage, and a
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  • 101 5 Rome's War On Inconsiderate Motorists Rome. No motor horns must be blown in Rome between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m., by order of the Governor of the City. Hcooting has been forbidden for some time past after 11.30 p.m., with such success that the "silent" period is being
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  • 93 5 Obstruction With Table And Chairs Singapore, Thursday. A question as to why letter-writers were being suddenly prosecuted, having never before been brought up, was asked by the Third Magistrate, Mr. J. M. Brander, th's morning when three Chinese letter-writers were charged with obstruction and fined $1 each. The
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  • 237 5 Johore Chinese Squatter's Complaint (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Aug. 29. A CHINESE squatter named Yap Nam, who lives alone on a pineapple plantation on Swee Leong Estate, Senai, six miles from town, related to Mr. F. V. Duckworth (First Magistrate, Johore Bahru) to-day now he was
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  • 108 5 On American Declaration Of Independence Melrose, Massachusetts. A YELLOWED copy of the Declaration of Independence may bring a small fortune to Mrs. Laura Whynot Harlow, a dress-maker here. It had lain in a drawer for about tweLty years as she did not think it of value. Then she
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  • 190 5 Ruling The World With Child Minds (By Air Mall.» London, Aug, It. I DR. Elizabeth Slotin Chess r, wuU-~ known woman doctor Uiinta UihI the world to-day 1« ruled by child mind* and that wat on* reason why th«re wj;' so much war talk. Politicians Fhp
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 94 5 Articles may b# hanrit-d in f«r I SPECIAL and EXPRESS LAUNDRY SERVICE. Dry Cleaning Waterproafinr, Invisible mending undertaken. WEEK DAYS, HOURS. 7 a.m. 2 p.m. 4-6 P-™--j SATURDAYS, HOURS, 7 a.m. 2 p.m. RECEIVING DEPOT SI NG A P CRE STEAM LAUNDRY LIMITED, j 255, ORCHARD ROAD, OPPOSITE COLD STORAGE.
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    • 519 5 ■i frSF *"pHE Girl of To-ci.iv has many more Successful girls know the secret of |s A difficulties to overcome than the P*in relief through taking 'ASPRO.' p #j girl of ten years ago. yet she is deter- 'ASPRO banishes pains and headaches, f jfe mined to make good, even
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 414 5 Wireless TO-DAY'S EMPIRE PROGRAMME The Hotel Metropole Orchestra TtO-DAY'S Empire wireless programme »s as follows:— 6.20 p.m.: Time Signal from Big Ben. An organ recital by Harold Spicer, relayed from the Church of the Messiah. Birmingham. 6.00 p.m.: The 8.8.C. Dance Orcheslia directed by Henry Hall. (Tirm Signal from Greenwich
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  • 188 6 Local Musical Society's Production mm r.iYXBERS cf the Singapore Musical SoTl c-iety taking part in tne production o. Merrie England" are asked to note that taring to the Hall being engaged, there rill be no practice next Tuesday. Performances of the opera are now rovisionally fixed to take
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  • 141 6 what The Revenue Returns Show London, Aug. 29. ENCOURAGING signs of Britain' economic recovery are furnished b he revenue returns, which last weel ihowed receipts of £12 311.041 compare: urith £11.834 7G2 for the rorre3pondiir week in 1933, and exceeded expenditure ?y £3.865.091. These are confirmed by the
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  • 149 6 Lo;al Lawyer Taken To Hospital Singapore Aug. 30. A natty nioior accident occurred at I be junction of Cmm Hiil Road and Orchard Road at about 1.10 yestcrdav afternoon, w>\rn Mr. A. J. Braga. the local Singapore lawyer, and hs wife were tnvo'm d in a collision w.
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  • 122 6 New 1 Method o^raphy From liwjSw* r 'H 4. LonobTir, A mhemc for Lhv survey by aerial ph«iPf l *****10,1 W* of Englana Al'nn .^n R u y an ««timatod cost of JL.nn,./OC. h». s been in principle b\ Survey and details at «nance, ineludiBK the co-operation of
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  • 336 6 An Appeal By The Crown Singapore, Aug. 31. AN appeal by the Crown in the case in which" Quek Seng Ho was recently acquitted by the Second Police Magistrate on alternative charges of keeping a common gaming house or assisting in the management of it, at 3, Bugis
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  • 204 6 Chinese Bather Saved From Drowning Singapore, Friday. Whilst bathing in the Katong Park Bathing Pa gar yesterday afternoon. a Chinese was saved from drowning by the life guard in charge. He was taken to the Tan Toek Sen;,- Hospital in a semi- onsciou* condition. A Chinese was knocked
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  • 187 6 JUST WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW TO-DAY'S SHIPPING KANO MARU Maiden Voyage Of Japanese Vessel. Singapore, Aug, 31. The Kano Mara. of the Kokusnl Ki3e.i Kaisba Ltd., expected hern to-day vr.i her mrtidi*n vovarre. at 6 p.m., to inaugurate a regular service from the Sireit: to No*' York via the
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  • 156 6 Singapore. Friday. Merlin. French, 954 tons; from 8aigon 30 -8, to Saigon 3-9. Ngow Hock. Norwegian, 707 tons; from Bangkok 31-8, to Bangkok 1-9. Akabahra Norwegian, 661 tons; from Bangkok 31-8. to P. Swcttenham 1-9. Toboali. Dutch, 693 tons; from Bagan 30-8. tc Bagan 1-9. Hervar, Norwegian, 761
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  • 121 6 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE Singapore, Aug. 31. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1) Plancius 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3) Bangalore 18; Angelina 16; Keramiai, Lornaston 14; Prometheus 11; Rhexenor 9; City of Oran 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3) Silvercypress 30; City of Mobile
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  • 29 6 From France by the Andre Lebon, due at Singapore at 0 a.m. to-morrow. From China Japan by the Tokiwa Maru. due at Singapore at noon on Tuesday.
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  • 193 6 SELLING. Singapore, Aug. 31. London 3 months' sight 2|4 7132 London 4 months' sight 2|4 13,64 London 60 days' sight 214 3.16 London 30 days' sight 2|4 London demand London T.T. 2.4 3,32 Lyons and Paris demand 008 Hamburg demand *JJ New York demand »»Vt Batavia and Sourabaya
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  • 167 6 Public Functions Sports Fixtures TO-DAY, AUG. 31 Hi'.;h Tides.—2.43 a.m., 2.25 pjn Football: S.A.F.A. League, D Chinese v S.R.C., Jal n Stadium; R.A.F. v. Puiau £2 Anson Road Stadium; scJi League, Bras Ba*ah v kS.C.F.A.; Govt. League. Di Survey v. Marine 11. j.c S
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  • 55 6 L 1 ALHAMBRA.—"Lucky Devils." APOLLO—Hindustani taikie. CAPITOL.—"It Happened One Higbl FMPxRE. —"Jungle M\ I serial. GREAT WORLD. —Cabaret Duxta| eides'hows. Dean's Grand Opera. ChtDfli Wayangs, Cinemas, Talkies, etc. MARLBOROUGH.—Hindustani talkie NEW WQRLD. —Cabaret Dudm% sideshows, Malay Operas, Chinese Wa* yangs, Cinemas, etc. PAVILION.—"EarIy To Bed." R.TZ.—"No More Women ant:
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  • 60 6 Card Written By Girl Who Died 16 Years Ago Miss K. Stanford oi Cj. Wood Green. N.. recentl> pic 1 ore pis1card written •*> I» who diet! .sixteen years The postcard, written in "Shall soon bs homr. arc nearly over.*' It Sept. 8, 1906, in Pershort.
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  • 84 6 League Of Bulletin The following is the heab'» 1 the League of Nation*- 1 Singapore, for the <\« t k <•/;<!> Bombay; 1 p-malli ox c.i Calcutta: 41 cholera ci* ,ri as compared with Jii case •> 1 in the previous week; -»>" nnd 3 dea'.hs
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  • 46 6 Singapore, tn The ease in which Kwok I i' i charged with being in po counterfeit chop of Chcp J up before the Third Magi M. Brander) this psoming The preliminary inquiry was fixed for Sept. 18. The man is not on bail.
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  • 47 6 Smsapon W A appeared Magistrate, (Mr. J. M charge of vagrancy t found sleeping at S .20 a Quay. In his defence he ss map and the low tide 1 for him to go home. He to the House of Detenti 1 A riation.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 58 6 TH E j£ {Kyis ELECTRIC RECORDING The Wonder f CTS. J EACH. Jj of 1934 SEPTEMBER ISSUES ARRIVED. This shipment includes some of the latest Talkie Hits, such as, May I, BuHd a little Home. Carioca, etc. ONLY 50 CIS. E ACH. List on application. T. M. A. MUSIC HOUSE,".'*
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    • 102 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS Singapore Municipality' TENDERS. TENDERS are now invited for the following materials or service*. For particulars, pee Municipal Tender Room. Date ef closing. Supply and fixing fence 6 feet high at proposed new market at Paya Lobar, 4 p.m.. Wednesday, Sept. 19, 1934. Supply and fixing of steel roof
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    • 156 6 DECIDE FIRST' j I There are Thousands and Thousands 1 of Different Designs of Trade Marks I in Watches, and so far as you come I I to us, you will be Quite Safe. 1 WE ONLY STOCK i SWISS MADE I WATCHES AT LOW PRICES I {j We have
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 73 6 DAILY WEATHER REPORT Malayan Meteorological Service La* Yesterday Nighl Max. Bright Mm. Temp. Rainfall. Sunshine. TempStations. Deg. F. Inches. Hours. De*. F. Alor Star 85 1.38 7.3 73 Sitiawau «y 0 01 5.1 73 Kola Bharu 88 0.53 10.1 72 Bukit Jeram 88 Nil 8.3 73 Malacca 84 Nil 7.5
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    • 230 6 IPOSTAI IHTaiKiWI SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE TO-DAY Java, South West-Sumatra, S.East Borneo, Celebes, Moluccas and Timor Dilly (Plancius) 2.30 p.m. Muntok (Plancius > 2.30 p.m. Sbengei Liat (Plancius) 2.30 pm. Belawan and Medan (Tinombo) 3 p.m. Bengkalis, Fort de Kock, Padang, Pakan Baroe, Siak and Selat Pandjang (Ampang) 3 pm. Aden
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    • 524 6 CLUB DIARY [There are numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will stHl be included in the
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  • 497 7 Talented Actress STAR OF "WICKED WOMAN" k STATUESQUE blonde girl stepped onto 'The Merry Widow" set at the Metro^Goldwynllayer studio/. Up leaped director Ernest Lubitsch, and there were tings in German. .Maurice Chevalier stepped over, and there was a rapid exchange
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  • 228 7 No "Middle English" Dialogue r jTHERE will bt nc "Thecs," "Thous," 'Wilts" OT 'De.its" In Cecil B. DeV .cV next Paraniount spectacle, "CleoP"!ia 'Ji*e which is being written lor the pictar- will all be in modern EixJrsh without even a "wlrther" r*r '-whence to gtre il
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  • 1082 7 Glimpses Of Some Forthcoming Films AN attractive entertainment is in store for Singapore audiences at the Capitol Theatre on Sunday when M. Alexandre Levitoff will present the Russian Ballet which comes direct from a brilliantly successful Continental season. THIRTY artistes, including many famcus dancers of the
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  • 332 7 Paramount* School For Players IITHERE will the movies get their stars of the future? Producers are asking themselves that question with increasing alarm as legitimate stock companies continue *o decrease throughout America, road shows to grow fewer, and theatres to close their doors. And the concensus
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 321 7 SLIDCE MIIK (SWEETENED CONDENSED) "SLEDGE BRAND" J^^^^-w^^'V Sweetened Condensed "*j SWISS MILK is pure rich Milk collected from B>js%& m £/Jf!k selected cows which Mi* *> mĔtt graze upon the verdant /*f/9 and health giving past- m\i> "Mil ures of the Emmenthal flr? *b *II HI in the famous Bernese
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 334 8 H yWWA mm n iV/fTi A Thrill Romance of the iAJLII AIYItSK/\\ j Worlds death defying stunt W 1 I men! ■positively last night TO-NIGHT 6-15 and 9-15 The most breathless thrill MX BOVO in LUCKY DEVIL with DOROTHY WILS3N and WILLIAM GARGAN EE racing autos t kidding at nine'y
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    • 686 8 I We Knew the whole town would talk about this Snappy. Daring hut delight- I CLARK GABLE Co starred for tho first time with I CLAUDETTE COLBERT j hit Happened One Night" I i A Red hoi romance of a girl who was after a husband—and a man who Z
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    • 90 8 I l I J Watch for \he gila < pening "^-m*^ At HARLIBOROUGH. Prudoctd rv ,t ii. 1 .MALAYA FILM I I LATEST ADV KItTfSEMEXTS STENO-TYFIST- Wanted ju < female. Apply with cop* menials to Box No. 4'Yl. c o M Our Weekly Dance Practice (!a Held On Saturday
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  • 62 9 The Hon. Mr. S. N. Veerasamy, who has recovered from his recent illness, is spending a short holiday in Penang. It is expected that he wih stay there for about a month, a f ter he will, if his health permits, proceed to India,
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  • 25 9 f I Mr. J R. Owen, who recently returntcd to Malaya from Heme, has taKen ever the management of Rejok Estate, I Bentcng Pahang.
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  • 54 9 j Tuan Syed Shaidali, Head Master, Government English School, Batu Go- jah, and Mrs. Shaidali have gone to Cameron Highlands icr the midsummer /acaticn. Mr. Arthur Tinker, manager of Jong Landor Rubber Estate, Ltd.. and Mr. ana Mrs. Elphinstone are spending a •>hort holiday at Cameron Highlands at
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  • 183 9 j A charge of criminal breach of trust, was brought u»j in the First magistrate's Court. Ipoh, against a Chinese, named Lee Hong who is an inmate ot ihe local hospital. It is alleged that accused was employed as an assistant j under a Chinese contractor. On tne morning
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  • 21 9 Mr. W. de Maclaren, manager of Changkat Serdang Estate, Taiping. was admitted to the Taiping General Hospital suffering from lever.
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  • 15 9 Mr. E. M. Allen. of Tennamaram Estate, Kuala Selangor, has returned from Home.
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  • 89 9 Atter a lapse of some years the Agri- cultural Show ol Kuala Langat District has been resuscitated through the efforts ol the District Officer. Inche j Mohamed Saileh. and preparations are being made to hold it on Sept. 23, at Morib. Attractions to be held in conjunction with the
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  • 20 9 The next meeting cf the Perak Btate Council will be he'd at Kuala Kangsar en Monday. Sept. 17.
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  • 11 9 Chinese small holders in Malacca are taking up tea cultivation.
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  • 32 9 It is said that there is now a good demand in Kelantan for hand-worked rubber mangles as the native rubber producers have discovered that they can produce good rubber with these.
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  • 140 9 South-West African Natives Terrified Windhoek (South West Africa). L:6n c are becoming a serious menace in j the Out jo District, and tho people arc j terrified. Several reats have been killed and eaten by three lions who talked through th? towns hip of Outj > to the
    140 words
  • 117 9 i Ten Per Cent. Increase In A Year Paris. I France is making more motor-cars Som* 191.537 were turned out Id I!'•»■'. accciding to the "Chronique dcs Transports." an inciessp of 9.5 per cent, as compared with 1932. I A more striking proof of the vital ty of
    117 words
  • 140 9 Man Holds Up SL\ Men And Rescues A Prisoner Now Y«»rk. A man armwd with ait automatic pi*l fuTvcil hi* way into the jjaol at the military ha hi* on Govrttior'i» Inland, 'i New Yoi'k harbour. Mui rw?Uod out' < f the p« <- >mn«. He forced
    140 words
  • 106 9 Canadian University To Teach The Language Toronto (Ontario). Mr. W. J. Dunlop. Director of University Extension Fducation. has Informed the Esperanto Congress that the University of Tovonto will offer a course in the language when the autumn classes open. It will be the first universnj in Canada to
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  • 59 9 Line Between Canton, Hainan And Nanning Canton, Aug. 10 A tiial flight on the newly established air route between Canton, Hainan and Nanning will be made to-morrow v>y the South-west Avia.ion Company. If the test fUght turns out a SttCOes, formal service between the three places will
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 341 9 .M.iiMi iniiiimni i.iiiiiiinm.i,it.uiiu I iM-tti^ New World Cabaret! Gala Charity Ball Saturday Ist. September, 1934. j j (IN AID OF AUSTRALIAN JAMBOREE I FUNDS) I i Under the Distinguished Patronage of His Excellency the General Officer I Commanding the Forces, Malaya. j I 3 Vaudeville and Dancing Competitions t I
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  • 643 10 INVESTMENT piNANCIERS, brokers and others interested in the* Malayan money market are wondering what will be the olect of the loan redemption announced for tomorrow. The S.S. and F.M.S. Victory Loan of 1923-34 is to be repaid and as a result the sum of $15,000,000 will be released, investors who
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  • 110 10 Mr. W. S. Hogg, the representative of Lendrum. Ltd., in Malaya, accompanied by Mrs. Hogg and their two children, is returning to Singapore by the Aeneas, which is due on Sept 11. The marriage of the eldest daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Visuvalingam, of Kuala Lumpur, and Mr. M. Thambipillai,
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  • 359 10 Major W. A. Gutsell, commanding th° Negri Sembilan battalion of the FMS Volunteers, has been promoted to the rank of Leut.-Colonel. He has recently taken over the management of Mamb iv Estate in place of Mr. J. S. Beldam vviio for health reasons is not to lim 'O Malaya at
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  • 254 10 Modern Girls yHE old controversy over the moderr English girl has been revived by the comments of a German journalist after a visit to England. He appears to have nothing good to say of them. "They want to live well and marry early," he says, "and if possible they do
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  • 203 10 JN spite of the. exemplary punishment inflicted on people who have been convicted of disfiguring others by means of acid, the crime continues to b mitted and a Chinese wa 'five years at Kuala Lumpur t] j day for causing injury to a c jin this way. Five years is
    203 words
  • 264 10 London's Traffic from Home state thai safety lanes which have. bee:. out for the use of pedestrians tt desire to cross to tha other side j road without danger to life or M j have proved a notorious Motorists ignore them, it is said, tt means that a safety lane
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  • 34 10 By "Looker-un pROM a contemporary: "He celebrated his birthday on the last day of next month." I am still trying to puzzle this out. A Marriage dyspepsia-his wife does not agree with him. i
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  • 194 10 If war really does break out in the Far East we shall hav e to spell all those Russian names again. Most people would be very happy if fheir dreams came true. r, ut I have just met a large-scale punter at the races who dreamt regarding the coming Gold
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 93 10 RALEIGH THE ALL-STEEL BICYCLE PRICE PRICE 45.00 I 45.00 THE RAJAH A GENUINE RALEIGH MACHINE SOLE AGENTS: SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR i i i ii,,, mm imm nnmm in, ,i, n tmmmmmmmmmm I 1"' 1 1 i i I I 111 111 *****1111 ■>»MMWJlillM >l .|i l |i l l |i,|.,
      93 words
    • 140 10 CROWN Life Insurance Co., TORONTO, CANADA. ESTABLISHED 1900 Insurance G $139,000,000.00 Chief Agftflt For Malaya V. R. VICK E4, Hong Kong .lank Chamber.-;, j Singapore. PERFECTION Justly k\N A\ describes the superior l\j I workmanship of Sings- txl pore's leading Tailor KN Kj£ WING LOONG is nr> P\N EZ£ doubtedlj
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  • 1247 11 Vigorous Retrenchment NO ADDITIONAL BURDENS Shanghai, Aug. 31. SPOKESMAN of the Ministry of Finance says that the fear that Central Government will be iiv indebted at the end of the financial year is unfounded. This rear a budget is the
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  • 67 11 Reuter. Washington, Aug. 30. npHE German Government has sent a note to the State Department declining to place American holders of Dawes and Young loan bonds on an equal footing with holders of other nationalities. The contents of the note have not been
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 100 11 Kidnappers Demand $168,000 Reuter. New York, Aug. 31. J<HREATS to kidnap one or all of President Roosevelt's erand-children and to do bodily h*rm to the President himself have just been disclosed in the form of a letter addressed to Mrs. Roosevelt, demanding payment of $168,000. The
    Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 86 11 Pensions For The 1916 Insurrectionists Reuter. Dublin, Aug. 31. rE Senate has passed the committee stage of the Bill to provide pensions for participants in the insurrection cf 1916 and aLso sufferers on both side; hi the civ 1 war of 1922. The threatened split in the United
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 77 11 Reuter. Death Of Famous Theatrical Producer New York, Aug. 31. The death of Mr. Charles Bancroft Dillingham, the famous theatrical producer, occurred to-day.—Reuter. Ml Dillingham, who was 66 years of age had produced 200 plays, mostly musical, s nee 1900. and managed 50 prominent stars. He was
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 86 11 (Frcm Our Oil" Corresvondtmt) Seremban. Aug. 30. Before Mr. V. W. Purcell, Manzur hin Bakar, a clerk employed in the Government toddy shop at Nilai, brought in a claim of $400.72 against Zamal bin Ali for the damage caused by the defendant ►o his motor cycle on
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  • 197 11 California Governorship THREAT TO DEMOCRAT SOLIDARITY Reuter. San Francisco, Aug. 30. gUFPORTERS of the "New Deal" are placed in an embarrassing position by the victory of Mr. Upton Sinclair, who has been elected as Democratic candidate for the governorship of California. Mr. Sinclair has long been a
    Reuter.  -  197 words
  • 43 11 Labour President Gives His Approval Reuter. Washington, Aug. 30. The Labour President, Mr. Green, in a broadcast speech, gave approval to the threatened textile strike as justifiable, because the textile code has not realised the pro-labour purposes of the N.R.A Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 140 11 Stole Gold Locket And Pawned It Singapore, Aug. SO. ftaving previously pleaded guilty to a charge of theft of a gold locket valued at ISO. Raioo. a 16-year-old Tamil youth was dealt with by the Second Magistrate (Mr. N. Grice) this morning. The complainant was a compatriot.
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  • 146 11 Demand For Dollars FEARS OF FURTHER DEPRECIATION Reuter. London, Aug. 30. i TTHE price of gold in London eclipsed all records to-day, when approximately £345,000 worth changed hands at £7 os. 3d. The price was based on supply and demand and included a premium of 7d.
    Reuter.  -  146 words
  • 32 11 To Begin In United States To-Morrow Reuter. Washingon, Aug. 31. *THE United Textile Union has ■a Ordered a strike in the cotton textile industry throughout the no."ion. to begin to-morrow.—Reuter
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 72 11 Subscriptions For Year Amount To $18,202 Mr. J. M. Sime. the hon. treasurer of the Children's Aid Society, sends the fourth and final list of subscriptions for I the year. I The total amount received was I $18.202.58, made up as follows: Previously acknowledged $14 742 06
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  • 53 11 Huge Passenger Machine For China Shangha', Aug. 31. A new plane, capable of holding 20 passengers, and reliable in fog, has been ordered from Germany by the Eurasia Aviation Corporation. It is now flying to China, having left yesterday, and is expected to arrive here early in September.—Mm
    53 words
  • 184 11 Birthday Honourad At Consulate-General IHE 54th birthday of Queen Wil1. helmina of the Netherlands was celebrated at the Consulate-General lor the Netherlands this morning. Owing to the recent death of .the Prince Consort the celebrations are not being held on the* same scale as in other years and
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  • 44 11 S ngapore, Aug. 31. The case against H. C. MiJls, a Eurasian Inspector employed in the Vehicles Department, who is on a charge of receiving an illegal gratification of $1.50 will be resumed before the Second Magistrate (Mr. N. Grice) this afternoon.
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  • 68 11 Request For Asiatic Seat Reuter. Geneva, Aug. 3( THE League of Nations has received letter from Pers'a submitting candidature for the non-perman Asiatic seat on the Council, which is piesent held by China. A complicated situation is likely in this connection, as endeavour to retain
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 56 11 S.ngapore, Aug. 3 It is alleged that a Chinese won shopkeeper was robbed of about $800 cash last night. Eight Cantonese, it is reported, ai cd with daggers, entered her shop Tanjong Pagar Road at about t! o'clock. She was threatened with dei and the whole shop was
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  • 44 11 Singapore, Aug. 3f The preliminary inquiiy into chai of possession of counterfeit coins abetment of the offence prefeij against two Chinese, Ow Kian Hock I Ng Mong Seng 'was fixed for hearing fore the Second Magistrate <Mr. Gricei on Sept. 26.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 201 11 J*llllllllllll!IIIIIIIIMIMI!llllllllll|ll|l!ft. r i|l:|i;|ll|lll>'l' l l M l l H|lllllllll1IIUinlM|:llllllllMIMln|M|.ll|llMillt!lil l |li|''ilir I HEYMAN BUTTER Ik I I 5 The fresh delicate I flavour of HEYMAN BUTTER is due to the ideal conditions under which it is madeI Produced in Victoria. I H I f SOLE AGENTS: i w «F' fJ
      201 words

  • 707 12 Serious Position MORE PLANTERS' MEETING 1 pinion that estates were in ger of being penalised owing inability to produce their !uc to the Government prerecruitment of sufficient vas expressed at a meeting committee of the Johore Association last Friday, s estimated that a total existed on the
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  • 288 12 Steady Growth Of 1 jk Membership (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Aug. 30. THE Cameron Highlands Club whicr was started some months ago by a small group of enthusiasts in the Ringlet area is reported to be thriving and j membership is growing steadily. 1 The club house
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  • 183 12 Tamil Attempts Highway Robbery (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 30. "I WILL not do it again" said a Tamil, J -I named Muthu, who .pleaded guilty j before the second magistrate, Mr. J. p. Biddulph, to a charge of theft of jewellery valued at $140,
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  • 187 12 By A Mongrel Who Did Not Belong To The Men A mongrel dog howling piteously at the door of Uspallata Observatory, which stands 10,000 feet above sea level, under the colossal statue of the Andes Christ, saved the lives of three men battling for life in a
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  • 136 12 Stranger Takes Away "Dead" Man's Money A man was found lying. apparently dead, in a street in Harbin. A crowd gathered round—as crowas will anywhere in the world. A young man elbowed his way through the people. Overcome with grief, he fell on his knees besid e
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  • 156 12 One Of Two Fines Refunded (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. Aug. 30. Beiore Mr. Justice Mudie a Chinese I lorry driver named Song Ah Khan appealed against the conviction of Mr V W. Purcell for carrying an excess load 2 n i lls *o motor lorr y- for
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  • 102 12 A fisherman, patiently sitting on the banks of the River Douro. had watched his float motionless on the water for hours. Suddenly it disappeared, and the fisherman, delighted, struck. After a desperate struggle the "catch" was brought to the surface. It proved to be a
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  • 402 12 Council's Assistance To The Industry THE first general report of the International Tin Research and Development Council, which has just been issued, describes the organisation and progress of this body which was established by the governments and tin producers of the principal countries exporting the metal.
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  • 91 12 Fine Hindustani Talkie At The Ritz i Hindustani fflm fans who missed seeing the fine Hindustani talkie M Shan-E-Subhan." or "The Will of Allah" when previously shown here, have an opportunity to see it at the Ritz Cinema Gey4ang, opposite Lorcng 41 where It was shown last night.
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  • 209 12 Bailiff's Liabilities Of $21,898 Singapore. Friday. The BankruDlcy Court this rmininc was sitting for only 15 minutes Mr K. Beth, at the outset.' said he So™ c f n ret ues ted by the. Official Assignee to apply for a week's adiourn?nTrii^ tht matters in whic h he
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  • 655 12 Singapore Lecture MISERY AND DEATH IN GERMANY Singapore, Frida t A GRAPHIC account of th p r f K he j€ v> S CXpelliYi Germany by the Nazis was given 1 Dr. B. H. Shein. the emissai World Zionist Organization rw Singapore, in the course of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 1324 13 The Assizes i-TAMIL SENTENCED TO DEATH From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 30. I ADMIT the crime and think six I years' imprisonment will be a flicient punishment," said Manii;,m, a Tamil estate labourer, who m tried for the murder of his wife, on M&y 11,
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  • 74 13 Sequel To Kuramoto Disappearance Nanking, Aug. 23. Tne Police Commissioner in Nanking, Mr. Chen Cho, and the Garrison Commender, General Ku Tseng Lung, have been awarded the Military Medal, First Class. The award was recommended by the War Ministry because of their meritorious services in connection with the
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  • 392 13 Year's Prison For Old Offender (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. A CHINESE named Wong Thin was today produced before the second magistrate. Mr. J. P. Biddulph, and charged with being suspected of retaining stolen property, a lamp, at Davidson road on Wednesday. Court Chief Inspector
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  • 97 13 To See Hula Hula Dancers The Navajos Indians of Arizona have a belief that any man who gazes on a seminude woman will lose the sight of his eyes. Temptation, however, was put in their way when a troupe of "hula-hula" dancers performed at a fair at the
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  • 143 13 Objected To Prayer Meeting Ningpo, Aug. 14. BECAUSE he objected to holding repeated prayer meetings for rain, Mr. Hsu Vi Chin, a sixty-three year old primary school president, was brutaily I murdered by a mob of nearly a thousand men in the outskirts of Ningpo,' it is
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  • 137 13 Canton Makes Bid For World Markets Canton, Aug. 22. The Cantonese are making great strides In the manufacture of piece for export. The Bureau of Reconstruction has recently received samples of natural silk from the Kwong Tung Provincial Weaving and Spinning Mills. These samples have been given
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  • 138 13 Investments In China Welcomed Canton, Aug. 17. Rear-Admiral Chang Chi Ying, senior naval officer of the Pearl River Flotilla, who created a considerable furore by his efforts to ban mixed bathing, has now proposed a scheme to induce overseas. Chinese to invest their money in enterprises in Kwangtung.
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  • 128 13 Shipment Of Beans Destroyed Dairen, Aug. 14. A hundred and forty carloads of Manchurian soya beans stacked in 45 mounds on the local waterfront were destroyed by fire at noon on Aug. 13. I The loss, including destruction by water, is estimated at $378,000, all of '.vhich is
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  • 76 13 Poisonous Snakes Put In Bed The death of General Sirov, the chief of the Transcaucasian Ogpu (secret, police) is reported from Helsingfors. On retiring to bed the General was bitten by two poisonous snakes, which are alleged to have been deliberately inserted between the sheets. In spite
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  • 46 13 Mr. Phillip de Ronde Is Uruguayan Consul in New York. He complained to the police Because so many motorists Parked cars outside his house. The police got busy. Next day They left a summons on the first car. Unfortunately— It was The Consul's Own car.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 95 13 s i I I Plaubel Makina j f II Camera I i Bright Sunshine or Fading Light. Speed er still, the Plaubel Makina II is always the winner that 1 takes the picture. s| I Fitted with high speed Anticomar F12.9 lens m I Compur Shutter with S lf-Timer. 5
      95 words
    • 105 13 THE I EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in England). WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION, FIRE, I MOTOR, MARINE, ACCIDENT, ALL RISKS, BURGLARY AND BA6GA6E INSURANCE. j General Airem* SIME, DARBY CO., LTD., SINGAPORE. TEL. 6144. catarrh, respiratory troubles A W what terrible tormentors! But do not despair, 'Cresival' the proved remedy, will
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  • 1720 14 GOING LIKELY TO Bb HEAVY Outstanding Horses m Card Of Mine Events (By "The-Man-at-the-Rails Singapore, Friday. ALL those interested in the forthcoming Autumn (Gold Cup) Meeting of the Singapore Turf Ciub must have been studying carefully the handicaps,
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  • 626 14 Results Of Tournament Ties Singapore, Friday. THE results of ties played in the S.C.C. autumn tennis tournament yesterday were as follows, an interesting result beinc the defeat of Roy Smith and W. C. Hill owe 30, by A. D. Anderson and R. F. Goodman owe 15.4 in the
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  • 205 14 To-Morrow's Se-mi-Final In Cup Competition (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Thursday. TiHE Tamilian* Physical Culture Association and the Selangor Rangers mccl in the semi-final of the S.F.A. Cud competition on the T.P.C.A. ground on Saturday. The winners will qualify to meet the Chinese in the final the
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  • 33 14 Mexican Easily Wins Feather Title Reuter. I New York. Aug. 31. BABY Arizmend;, cf Mexico, easily •beat the Italian-American Mike Btlloise on points in a contest for the world's featherweight championship.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 44 14 Reuter. London, Aug. 30. Ttiere no play to-day in the cricket match, between the Australians and Kent at Canterbury. The wicket Was saturated. Play began yesterday when Kent scored 21 for 2, at which stage rain curtailed further play.— i Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 213 14 Weber And Thunde r f a( TO-NIGHT'S FIGHTS J NEW WORLD 1 Singapoiv, frifc E-RANKIE Weber is the J F for knight's big batl at VVcild Arena. The European Uj confidence in himself Ls unsl fpife of the Red Indian's ,7" the impressive fcrrri showing in his
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  • 143 14 Saturday's Bouts At The Great World Arthur Suares and Egnatio Fenaail clash for the third time at Hm Grea: World Arena to-morrow night, ever I three-minute rounds. It will be recalled that the Bangalore middleweight backed away from the Filipmo and got the verdict hewever, had a
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  • 63 14 Two Games In The First Division TWO matches will be played tfr in the First Division ol the League as fallows:— g.• Chinese v. S.R.C. Jalan Besw dium. rojc R.A.F. v. Pulau Brani, Anson Stadium. c jcc The match between th a ,'",< jot Pu'.au Bran? was
    63 words
  • 83 14 The match played on Sundaj the Marigold B.P. and the ,on the latter's court ended in the visitors. The results ww 15 Chong Tee beat Francis Tan HoC Chua Leng Yong beat Tan 15-9, 15-7; Lee Jouy Seah B*» l y:* Foh 10-15, 15-0 (retired). w»J Seah beat
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 31 14 The usual thumb-nail sketches of horses* ioim and final selections, after thr «cratchings. by "The Man-at-the-Rails" and "Winning Post" will appear in to-morrow's Malaya Tribune. mmmmmm ■a»'i;i<!iii;iiniki l. w.j.w. 26. mmmm
      31 words

  • 63 15 Windsor Lad Odds On GREAT YORKSHIRE STAKES London. .10. 'S iiK roault of the Great Yorkshire I iir(i'-,vt.»ir*old (M miles») as follow*»*: WINDSOR LAD (9.9) 2, iROtf GREY (8.12) X WIX-A-STEP (7.13), ix ran. Won by three lengthn;
    63 words
  • 51 15 Vnothcr Odds On Favourite Wins Reuter. London, Aug. 30. nit resoli. of :he C.imcrack Shakes. ,ii»i ii Yoxk resulted as foHcv/a.— 1 BAHRAM. 2 CONSEQUENTIAL < PHALANGE. I ran. Won by a lensth; few inr.- ij.. betxveen i.econd and th rrt H tu —2—7 Bahrain; 5—1 Conscqix.itial 100—6
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 115 15 Second Time This Season In First Division I Singapore, Friday. j pOR the sc( or%1 'im c this season, the, l conceded a walk over in the f*irst Division of the S-A.F.A. League, wh<vi of their players failed to turn up at th- Anson Road Stadium
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  • 45 15 Clapton Orient Beaten At Home Reuter. London, Aug. 30. To-day's results in the English League were as follows:— THIRD DIVISION (SOUTHERN) Clapton Orient 0, Coventry 1. Queer* Park R. 3, Crystal Palate 3. THIRD DIVISION (NORTHERN) Carlisle Utd. 2, Accrington St. Q, —Renter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 99 15 Reuter. Newport, Rhode Island, Aug. 30. The Rainbow defeated the Yankee by 2 minutes 21 seconds in the third rice in the final series of the America's Cup trials over a 30-miie triangular course The Rainbow 'ed by 2 minutes 11 seconds after 10 miles and 1
    Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 155 15 Exhibition Badminton Games Singapore. Friday. SPECIAL exhibit ion games have been arranged by the Singapore Badminton j Association in connection with the Charity j Show at the Great World on Saturday and I Sunday in aid of the Bukit Ho Swee lire victims. Many members
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  • 128 15 S.C.C. Beat Siong 800 At Soccer Singapore, Friday:. PLAYING on the S.C.C. padang yesterday, the S.C.C. beat the Siong 800 XI by six goals to nil, in a soccer match. BRAND who played centre forward accounted lor four ot the Club's gaals. The score at half-time was
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  • 93 15 Two Finals Played Off Yesterday (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Aug. 31. Two finals in the Penang Badminton Association championships were played off yesterday evening resulting in Miss Boey Chwee Lan winning the ladies' single.* championship and Tan Boon Piew and Tung Ghim Huat becoming the men s
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  • 100 15 The following are ties in the S.C.C. snooker tournament:— MONDAY VOLUNTEER SNOOKERS PAIRS A. D. Baker and E. A. R. Newton v. Dodds and S. D. Taylor. A. S. Anderson and S. A. Woosey v. W. Muncey and C. Ayres. TUESDAY STRAIGHT SNOOKERS CHAMPIONSHIP A. S. Banks v.
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  • 31 15 Members of the Juvenile Amateur Weightlilting Association are informed thdC free transport to the Ifew tyorjd for the v/eightlifting thampiooships tomorrow will be provided Trora the Association premises at 6.30
    31 words
  • 326 15 Soldiers Beat Airmen In Second Division Singapore, Friday. THE Wiltshires defeated the R.A.F. by three goals to two, when they me' in i Second Division soccer match at Tangiin yttsterday. Their victory was mainly due U> the scud work oi the forwards, and their steady
    326 words
  • 67 15 New York, Aug. 31. Latest results in the U.S. major baseball Leagues are as follows: AMERICAN LEAGUE. R. H. E. Detroit "Tigers"- 6 13 0 Rogell scored a home run. for the Tigers. Cleveland "Indians" 17 1 Averil'l scored a home run for the Indians. Washington "Senators" 2
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  • 83 15 Result Of Meyer Cup Draw At Island Club The following is the result of the draw for the Meyer Cup (Club Championship*, the first round of which must be completed by Sunday, Sept. 2: W. McMullan Bye, Lt. Col. Allen v. G. C. Grove, C. Bateman v. D.
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  • 541 15 Soccer Friendly MALAY PLAYERS SHOW GOOD FORM Singapore. Friday. THE Government Services, thank* chiefly to a splendid defence, an.l brilliant goalkeeping by Lee Pak Tong, had little difficulty in beating the Police by four goals to one in soccer friendly played on the J.C.S.A. ground yesterday.
    541 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 290 15 I I I I I I I 111 II fl'llt'l''l llHl;lH|[.l'!|nilAl|l)| l l:l|l.|iiil!ll!lMt>ilHl,!lMiTl|}l|tilJl|Mt!:|li|ll|(i|(l|l|stllllfflf|ltt'>t |'|l'|l > B j@ SALE! 0J Brunswick Records i $1.00 each. I m Please send for our latest list, l Season Co l 9 Ltd, 1 9, D'Almeida Street. I (Back and next to Mercantile Bank). *1'
      290 words
    • 169 15 I j Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. i The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, Limited. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and
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  • 2081 16 Honours In Field Events Go Overseas London, Aug. 7. "VINE championships, three of them in the women's events, were decided on the second day of the British Empire Games at the White City yesterday. And, as it was Bank
    2,081 words
  • 241 16 Given Not Out After Bcj n Bowled Middh Stump A N amusing cricket problem arose »c a result of an incident at Port (Dorset) when T. Rowland, a fast ler, hit a batsman's middle stump nd ing it spinning many feet awaj Bu» to the general astonishment
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 289 16 I I I I I I I I I I I i I 111 I I I I I 111 llllllllli I I I I I I I I 11 A BART HOLOMEL S2 LTD. LmhM SJiiCAPORE j F. A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ LTD., 20, Raffles Quay. Telephone No. 2234. I I
      289 words
    • 315 16 •l||!|ll|ll|llllllllll!IIHIIII!llllllllHIIIIIIIU!l|'|llllllllllllllll,ll! I I I I I 1 I I I I I- I I I I I; Cstomalt is highly concentrclec only teaspoonful closes are needed not fablespoonfuls as wifh the naustous malt-and-01. Ostomalt, moreovei, is delicious. It has a distinctive orange f avour wmcn never palls. SB contains three
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  • 181 17 Swoop Down In The Dark Peiping, Aug. 10. 0 N ccount of their weakness the V Chinese police at Shanhaikwan are* unable to check the activities of thebandits in that region. It has been revealed that the banditshave established their base at a point ten Chinese
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  • 273 17 Girl Under Age Uses Another's Name (By Air Mail.* London, Aug. 4. A LLEGATIONS that a bride under age -*> used the nam 3 of another >fi in order to get married were made in a singular case at Bristol. On summonses acc.t.mi< tneni of making a false
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  • 189 17 Legal Action Threat To Imitators (By Air Mail) London, Aug. 9. MISS Gracie Fields, one of England's most favoured variety artists, has taken the unusual step of banning impersonators Miss Fields states she has been forced to take this action. "The times I am imitated each week
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  • 114 17 To Test Equipment For French Himalayan Expedition Paris. Three men intend to camp on the summit of Mont Blanc for a week. This will be the. first time that anyone has used this strange place as a camping site. Watchers in the valley below were* informed
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  • 72 17 Measures To Develop Administration Nanking. Aug. 10. The Ministry of Communications has decided to hold a National Postal Conference on Sept.-1 and the meeting will be In session for three days. On Sept. 10 a National Telegraph Conference?'will be held at Nanking and it will also be session
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  • 79 17 Tigers And Wolves Devour 9 Formers Hankow, Aug. 10. Tigers and wolves are active in East- <m Hupeh, particularly in the moun- tains near Huangpi. As they cannot find anything to eat in the mountains they have come to the villages at night during the last few days.
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  • 105 17 Annual General Meeting: At Kuala Lumpur (From Our Own Reporter) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 30. The eighteenth ordinary general; meeting of" the. F M3. Benefit Society was held in the Town Hall to-day. when a large "number of members attended. Mr. L. Koch presided. The annual report and
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  • 109 17 Nanking, Aug. S. The outlook in Kweichow is by no means optimistic as the province is threatened with another war, according to advices received here from Kweiyang. It is understood that General Yu Kuo Tsai, the Opposition leader, has declined to assume office as Director of :he
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 188 17 HY IXSWBR IS ALWAYS i A S OWN TABLETS/* parts oi the world are writing to the Dr. Williams' expressing appreciation for h their children have derived Own Tablets; one such letter Mrs. J. A. Brown. Bayside, itei as follows: r of eight children, and I have often been asked,
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    • 161 17 CUFT f MOTOR 1 Advertisement of The Asiatic Petroleum Company Straits Settlements) Ltd. f CONSTANCE BENNETT KEEPS HER SKIN SO SMOOTH WITH GENTLE, SAFE LUX TOILET SOAP Constance Bennett and 701 oul <>} y ihe 713 leading film* in *l*l**§f V\ Hollywood and England iim: Lux 1 Soap 44
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  • 488 18 To Fight America's "Red Menace" Oklahoma City. rIE Ku Klux Kian, the hooded secret society that terrorised Oklahoma until a decade ago. has raised its head again, and a strong movement is on foot to revive the Kian in all its ancient "glory." The purpose
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  • 98 18 Villagers Sentenced For Torturing Women Nagpar. Central Province. Sixteen villager* have been sentenced to terms of imprisonment for beatinj, and tourturing four women who were believed tc be witches. Ihe rumour had gone round a village In the Central Provinces that a cholera evcemic was due i-j
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  • 81 18 To Be Launched By Wireless By Duke Of Gloucester London, Aug. 28. The Duke of Gloucester has consented to launch by wireless from Australia on Dec. 7 the new 20,000 ton Orient line steamer Orion building by Vickers, Armstrong's for the Australian mail service. He will be attending
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  • 79 18 Allegation Of Harbouring Fails S ngapore, Thursday. i Alleged to have been visited by Kong Hoon Kon~ the missing fireman who has been wanted since July in connection with the murder of two children and the wounding of their moth*" Chinese, coffee-shoo assis'ant in ManJong Pagar, named
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  • 256 18 Mr. Lloyd George Acts As Host At Banqust (By Air Mail* London, Aug. 11. MR. LLOYD GEORGE, clad in flowing bardic robes, acted as host at the 14th centuiy baaquet at St. Donat-4 Castle. Glamorgan, Wales, during the pageant of bards. He was deputising for the
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  • 113 18 Revolving Stage On Two Floors A new revolving stage, on two fiootfs. such as no other theatre in Europe can bors is being constructed in the Bavarian State Opera House in Munich. The two floors of the stage rest on turn-ing-platforms eleven yards in diameter, and can be.
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  • 105 18 "A Horrible And Hellish Practice," Says G.B.S. Plainview (Texas). Mr. Marrion F. Peter? of Plainview, Texas, codec's cattle brands designed by famous people—so he wrote to Mr. George Bernard Shaw and asked for a design by the famous Irish playwright.Mr. Shaw was puzzled. Why? 'he wrote back.
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  • 94 18 Samuel Insull Gave His Scat To Stout Woman Chicago. Mr. Samuel Insull. formerly Chicago's richejt muiionane, wandered down to i'Ac free symphony concert in the kvOild's Fair grjunds. He sat dewn in an unreserved section. Then a very s.out woman informed him acid.y that the seat which
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  • 88 18 The fo. lowing warships will visit Singapore in September and October: H.M.S. Capetown (Capt. D. A. Budgen), due from Colombo Sept. 13, leaving for fionTkon- 7 Sep.. 17. H.M.S. "Leith (Capt. O. Bevir), due Iron; Colombo Oct. 3, leaving for SouraLaya and Nlw Zealand Oct. 7. H.M.S. Grimsby
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  • 36 18 Benin. One person killed every day is the June death-rate from traffic accidents recorded In Berlin. The total number of traffic accidents wore 2,535. Most of the accidents were caused by "speeding" drivers.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
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  • 615 19 The Old Civilisation COUNTRY GIVEN TO INDOLENCE THE present parlous state of China 1 has led many thinkers to study of the decline of the Chinese people. Some have expressed views which are in accord with our own, while there are others whose ideas we
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  • 105 19 Bishop Denounces Mixed Sun-Bathing Madrid. Strong condenination of what he describes as "the indecency at Spanish bathing beaches," which are "steeped in sensuality," has been made by the Spanish Bishop of Tuy in a pastoral letter to his diocese. The Bishop declares that bathers of both sexes
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  • 83 19 Woman Who Lived Solely On Sugar Lisbon. Maria Luciana hag died at the age 56 after passing 44 years of her life without gating. She lived in the village of Sao >Vbastian<> dog Carros, Alemtejo. At the age of 12, she fell a victim to malaria
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  • 445 19 Criticism Of Export Quota Figure IN a leading article on rubber control, The Hindu states:— The Government of India, we hope, will take note of the loud complaints that have been made by planters in South Indian States, Indian and European, that the rubber export quota
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  • 133 19 Former Safe-Blower Arrested Pending "Investigation" Kansas City, Missouri. Sam Taylor had been a notorious safe-blower. But after serving a long sentence in the Missouri Penitentiary, he left prison reformed—and an evangelist. One day Taylor passed a shop where he had perpetrated one of his crimes. He walked in.
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  • 132 19 Americans Giving More To Charity New York. A rise of 44 per cent, in gifts to charity this year is declared to be another sign of recovery. A survey covering New York, Chicago Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Boston revealed that the total gifts known amounted to £3,975,000
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  • 73 19 Stockholm. A two year old hen belonging to a farmer in the Roskilde district has turned into a cock. Until last year the fowl laid eggs and cackled like any other hen, then it began to develop a comb, its tail feathers grew longer, and it
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  • 750 19 Nanking's Plan WILL IT BE A WISE POLICY A CCORDING to latest Nanking despatches the Chinese Government is planning to remove all superfluous troops in the country to the boruei districts after the extermination of the Red menace for tha purpose of strengthening China's border defences.
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  • 91 19 Hanking, Manchukuo. Japanese policemen of the "Public School" type are to preserve law and order in Manchukuo Sri future. His administration has allotted about £86,000 to provide for the formation of a Japanese nucleus from which the Manchukuo police service will, in time, be built up. Candidates
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 353 19 'r 1 i i,B im wi, When your Car is covering the endless miles J ru ss of running with a maximum of comfort, appearance, safety and long wear. INDIA mical motorist. j BRITISH AND THE FINEST TYRES MADE. We are pleased to furnish fullsst particulars on application. I I
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