Malaya Tribune, 30 May 1934

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 41 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol. XXL- No. 127 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1934 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Wednesday, May 30, 1934 Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1934 FOR 5 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 80 1 The (Tribune Dominant In -L^Aalaya MILK AT ITS BEST j I Singapore's Favourite Brand n c I The Quality Is Worth TWice The Price. Safe and_good for Baby f Blue Cross Milk Is Especially Made For Babies. 8 j It Contains The Nourishing- And Essential i Ingredients Baby Specialists Recommend.
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    • 43 1 A. FLINTER. 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates.
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  • 1624 2 Shipping News Notices. THE RECONSTRUCTION OF SHIPS. Considerations Of Speed, Resistance And Cost. IN a recent article in "Hansa" dealing with the modernisation of ships, the writer states that the most important fact that had emerged was that the best results can only be attained when it was recognised to
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  • 482 2 Crack Ship Of Shaw Savill Line. AS befits a company with such a fine history and traditions based on good .«p'-vice in the past, the ohaw. Savill and Albon Line are always careful to retain historic names in their fleet, and they yre following this policy in
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  • 706 2 Charterers' Appeal Fails. IN the Court of Appeal, consisting of Lords Justices Scrutton. Greer and Slesser. an appeal was heard from a decision by Mr. Justice Branson in the King's Bench Division on a special case stated by an umpire In an arbitration between the owners
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 394 2 STEAMER SAILINGS. and BRITISH INDIA P. O. S. N. CO.'S SAILINGS, OUTWARDS. Due Tonnage Singapore OUDAN 6,666 June 6 RAJPUTANA 17,000 June 8 RANCHI IT.OOd Juno 22 BURDWAN «;.OT<» July 5 i ARTHAGE 15,666 July 6 RANPURA 17.000 July 20 SOMALI 6310 1 i ORFU 15J608 Aug. 8 MANTUA 11.000
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    • 127 2 m LLOYD TRIESTINO (Incorporated in Italy). J j EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. I SINGAPORE TO ITALY CHINA. «k* at Cotanb.. Bo mbay j X XrV?f Colombo, Bombay Suez A(,en Massowah. Sue- PoW i Port Sa.d, Brindisi, Venice Trieste' Brindisi Venice and Trieste j Due Leave Due ni.v CLARA CAMUS June
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    • 191 2 HAMBURG-AMERIRA LINIE. J Deutsch jHpfil Australische Dampfsehiffs CJ Gesellschaft. (Companies incorporated in Germany). PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. I Due Spore. M.s. DUISBURG, via Manila June 9 m.s. RHEINLAND, via Manila June 12 m.s. SAUERLAND, via Manila June 20 s.s. NORDMARK. via Manila
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    • 558 2 STEAMER SAILINGS, fly NORDDEUTSCHKK LLOYD. The undernoted are the Company's r tended fixtures:— OUTWARDS. 1984 "ODER" fm Manila H'kong, S'hai, Japan N. China "TRIER" for Manila, H'kong. S'hai, N. China Japan J HOMEWARDS. "ISAR," for M'seilles, Oran, R'dam, Hamburg and Bremen arrives May SO; "COBLENZ" for Genoa," B' R'dam, H'burg
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  • 355 3 Nining Shares. japore, Wednesday 11 a.m. .ng tin share quotations are asei and Co., exchange and Buyers. Belian. Tin 6i6 71--ttn 37 6 40|--43 6 45 [il m Tin 15 16;--1 95 2.05 Tin 34 9 35 6 t Tin 49- Sli riang Tin 9 10 0.53
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  • 102 3 aspi'ED BY FRASER CO., EXCHANOI AND STOCK BROKERS. Buyers. Seller*. tta we Municipal Dl> S per cent. 100 108 norn r Municipal A 1 2 per cent. 105 107 norn i Municipal V 2 per cent. 100 108 norn re Municipal (1913) 4 per cent. 102 103
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  • 151 3 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. ANOTHER DROP IN RUBBER. Reaction To Troubles In America. (By Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Wednesday, noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore). 18% cts., down ct. Market Tone: Easier. Tin (Singapore), $114*4, down Yesterday's Prices:— London, 5 13 16d., unchanged. Market Tone: Quiet. New York, 11
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  • 199 3 Singapore, May 30. R. (Siami W. Coast N. 1 per Koyan $HC R. (Siam) W Coast N. 2 per Koyan $86 Fice, B. Siam N. 1 per Koyan $95 Rice. B. Siam K. 2 ncr Koyan $9i Siam, No. 1 $163 Siam, No. 2 $136 Siam, No. 3 $112
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  • 37 3 Renong Consolidated Tin Dredging Co., Ltd produced 719 pikuls during May, at an estimated cost of $13,000. or 123 4 cents per cubic yard. The hours run were 412 and the cubic yards treated 102,000.
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  • 1266 3 Mr. Eric Miller On The Control Scheme. (By Air Mail.) London, May 16. rE fourteenth ordinary general meeting of the Pataling Rubber Estates. Ltd., was held or. Friday last, in the Council Room of the Rubber Growers' Association (Incorporated), 2, 3 and 4 Idol-lane. London, E.C.,
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  • 707 3 Last Week's Business Reviewed. 1 \fJESSRS. Fraser and Co., In their 29 statl^ y market report dated May As far as the local share market is concerned the week under review has passed in an atmosphere of more or less complete indifference towards any share price fluctuations,
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  • 368 3 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Wednesday 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotation* are Issued by Fraser and Co., and LymL and Evatt lame Value. Fr»«wr i,— i Shares Co. Evatt 1 Allenby 1.60 I.Boxd 1.70 l.bOcd 1 Alor Oajah 1.05 1.15 1.00 1.10 IA. Hitam 1.60 1.75 1.50
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  • 295 3 [FRASER Sb CO.'B QUOTATIONS. 9 •> d CLOSINa QUOTATION© 3"3 3 1 Buyers Sellers 4 a, > > >2 $2 Alex. Brick Ords. 080 0.81 52 $2 Alex. Brick Pref. 1.55 1.60 tl £1 B. Ameri. Tobacco 117 6 122 6 HO $5 B. Malaya Trustee 5.40 5.00 £1
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  • 68 3 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. Singapore, Wednesday, noon. Buyer*/ Sellers. R.S.S. equal to London Standard, Spot (loose) 19 l'j% do. (F. 0.8.) 19% 19% Standard R.S.S. on Tender: June 19% 19% July Sept. 20 20% Oct. Dee. 20% 20% Jan.-March 21% 21% Tone of Market: Irregular. Latest Cable:
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 87 3 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated tn England). SINGAPORE BRANCH I D'Almeida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £2,000.000 Paid-up-Capital £1.060.000 Reserve Fund and Rest 600,000 HEAD OFFICE LONDON, BRANCHES: Bombay, Calcutta, Colombo. Karachi, Madras, Ainara, Baghdad. Bahrein, Basra, Klrkuk, Mosul uid Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed Deposit
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    • 70 3 IN HAND WHEN YOU HAVE A SAVINGS ACCOUNT. No doubt you have some unrealised dream—heretofore made impossible by inadequate funds. A Savings Account will soon enable you to make these desires a reality. Sufficient ready money for your next holiday—perhaps some article you want to buy— any wish you have
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    • 206 3 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation! Limited. (Incorporated in Straits Settlement*.) SUCCESSORS TO THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BAN*, LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING, CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE. LOCAL BRANCH 458. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chee Swee Cheng,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 339 4 M. HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. M-17, Bra* Basah Road, SINGAPORE If you ar*> in need of electric lights, fans, motor.*, etc., and waier please write to the above address or 'Phone 3411. Ji—UJ nwiiJUMwWlfr—' i i mil > TELEPHONE in in. n ROPBAN HAIRDRESSERS, YMIH Stamford Road. KERB A
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    • 738 4 i PUBLIC NOTICES. HOTI€E. A meeting of the Justices of the Peace for the Settlement of Singapore will be held in the District Judge's Chambers, Criminal District Court, South Bridge Road, Singapore, at 9 a.m. on Saturday, the 2nd. day of June, 1934, to elect one of their number to
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    • 523 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. SINGAPORE AMATEUR FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION. S.A.F.A. CHALLENGE CLP COMPETITION. 1934. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Entries from ArtllTated Clubs and Associations for Teams to compete in the above Competition will be received up to noon on Friday, Ist June, 1934. Applications must be accompanied by :;n Entrance fee
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    • 270 4 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED —A Chinese Salesgirl lor a well-established fiim; experience not necessary if willing to work; god prospects. Apply Stating age, salary required an-i qualifications if any to Box No. 354 c o Malaya Tribune. DRESSER WANTED. QUALIFIED DRESSER (CHINESE PREFERRED). SEND TESTIMONIALS, ETC., TO, MANAGER—CHAN WING RUBBER ESTATE,
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    • 214 4 EDUCATIONAL FAR EASTERN MftSIC SCHOOL, Established 1928. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). l-K, Kirk Terrace, Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. Enrol for a Sound Musical EducationSystematic Training both m Technique and Theory. Complete Courses leading to T.C.L. Certificate, Diploma, etc. Booklet free. M. ANCIANO. Prinrii JOHANNA ENGLISH SCHOOL, 40.
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    • 566 4 i BE ALWAYS IN TIME TAKE ALL CLOCKS OR WATCHES THAT GO WRONG TO YICK WOH HING 429, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD (Near Middle Road). Contractors for the repair of C and Watches to the British Army Malaya. AJ.G.P. ii •i'i!i»niiniiiMi^iiriiir:iiiii]inimnitrfitf T iiHiHri|i'ii |i f FIGARO I BEAUTY CREATIONS 5 THE
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  • 84 5 Letters To The Editor. Our readers arc invited to write to us on siJhiprt* ni i y c understood that the "Malaya Tribune" dop<public interest. It ■ens expressed by LITTERS SHOULnT !^„f55° r?e jiSlBLE. preferably typewritten (doubt; spacing* and cntL A J Pen names may be used,
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  • 89 5 T the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir W 11 you please allow me a small pace to state a grievance about the temporary clerks of the P.W.D.? There a certain scheme under consideruon jout these temporary clerks. It is rumoured that a certain head of department did not recommend
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  • 177 5 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune:') 3ir,—Following upon a proposal by the Singapore Bar Committee for the format on of a Provident Fund for solicitors' clerks in Singapore, about a year ayo, a meeting of the representatives i the clerks in all local Law Offices was onvened,
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  • 171 5 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune"; Sir, —I thank you fcr your yesterday's Ed torial—a subject of great importance and interest; and also for the opportunity you give to the public, through the medium of your esteemed paper, Ito express their views on matters of pubhc interest. I have
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  • 263 5 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune"; Sir,—As I sat ruminating on Hollywood, and the possibilities of attaining success as a film artiste, I was reminded of the supposed formation of an "Elstree" at Kuala Lumpur. Malaya perhaps will one day have its own "Hollywood." but I doubt whether there
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  • 273 5 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune") Sir, —I was an applicant for the post of Lady Assistant in the Municipal Electricity Department Show Room. I consider my case is like that of scores of other girls, namely, I am single and unemployed, and I have no means of support.
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  • 368 5 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir,—The letter in to-day's issue, under the above heading, from "T.Cube," lather nterests me I am a married clerk and my pay is C 45 a month—previously it was $60 but t has been cut down owing to the slump. I live
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  • 272 5 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir,—Apropos the suggestion of the Raja Muda on the above subject, I would like to point out that the people of this country to-day spend enormous sums on lotteries conducted in Siam and elsewhere. Should there be a State Lottery in Malaya, there
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  • 307 5 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir.—l beg to brine to the nc'ice o. the Singapore Traction Co., thiough Mm 'Malaya Trbune." that there popular discontent with the bus service to and from Tanglin. Besides th? com plaints brought iorward by "Tann** In your issue of the 23rd
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 80 5 Once upon a time there lived a great Egyptian king named Tutankhamen Get a Nestles Volume 2, "Wonders of the Wo r 1 d" )j Aibum and read about the fascinating customs and splendour of these ancient rulers of Egypt. X Send 10 cents in unused postage stamps, or 5
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    • 327 5 WORK IS EASIER NOW FAT HAS GONE Took Off 28 lbs. With Krusch^n 'I we- t! a? ;i m atfctf :«r», a woinvi v;;t» 'that I bnpttlK i bordrv i! i' rhoortn it. jf>, it tin] 1 hint Lo go vii h j j .•mi t line fi. nl tatted
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  • 85 6 LIFEBOAT SERVICE IN APRIL. 1 During the month of April there were I 25 launches of lifeboats to the help of I vessels in distress. Three lives were rescued, and help was given to two boats and vessels. Already this y3ar 81
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  • 30 6 The "Bangalore" left Hongkong and is expected to arrive at this Port on Wednesday, May 30, at noon. j She will proceed alongside a S.HB wharf on arrival.
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  • 197 6 SELLING. Singapore, May 30. London 4 months' sight 2|4 11|64 London 3 months' sight 2j4 5132 London 60 days' sight 2 4 961 London 30 days' sight 2|4Va London demand 214 7j64 London T.T. 2|4 3|32 Lyon and Paris demand 892 Hamburg demand 149 New York demand 59,8
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  • 87 6 Public Function And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, MAY 30. High Tides.—12.01 a.m., 1109 pm Rotary Club Weekly Tiffin, Xd»lrbj Hotel; Dante will speak on "Tho*'<w v with demonstrations Football; S.A.F.A. League, Division one o*' j. v Pulau Bl "ani, Anson Road Stadium; Johore, J.C.F.A. v
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  • 49 6 ALHAM3RA.—T like Lt that W CAPITOL.—Dante, the Magician EMPlRE.—"Tarsan—the t pc Mi GREAT WORLD.— Cabar< sideshows, Dean s Grand Opera I Wayangs. Cinemas, Talkie etc MARLBOROUGH.—Hindustani NEW WORLD.—Cabaret sideshows, Maiay Operas, Chim Wayangs, Cinemas, etc. PAVILION.—"Advice to the Lovelorn." RITZ.—"LaI-E-Yaman." or The of Arabia. ROXY.—"Esk mo." preceded bj
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 786 6 WHlllllllllll MIIIIIIIBIHIIIIIIHIIIHIIIIMIWI ■IBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITIIiTiniITWIIIIHimniIiiIIiinir li J till 'ITirilftlftlWTlW«BMßf j 1 SINGAPORE HOTELS j LANKA HOTEL, 1 (Established 1905). m I 2? y Five Minutes Walk I and Lodgtnf House r m n.. C 4 s with special terms may be from Railway Sta- J Every Comfort and arranged for pleasure tion
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 98 6 [POSTAL INT€LLIO£NC£ SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. South-Africa and South-East of South-America (Santos Maru) 2 p.m. Kemaman, Kemasek, Dungun, Trengganu and Besut (Lipis) 2 p.m. Kretay (Prachatipok) 2 p.m. Pontianak (Khoen Hoea) 3 p.m. Tongkal and Djambi (Tohiti) 3 p.m. Banka Island, Pladjoe and Palembang (Thedens) 3 p.m. Belawan and Medan
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  • 157 7 Mia ran tees Of Security Wanted. Reuter Wireless. Paris, May 26. II ui: i h Government has accepted Urltuih Goverrunenfs invitation preliminary naval conversa- r .n tithe Mve signatories of the n Treaty of 1922. tied out that the conversant bilateral and will be con-ii-iiugh the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  157 words
  • 94 7 From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, May 28. The marriage took place recently at Hindu Temple, Paul Street, Serem- of Mr. V. Nanoo. of Edayilaveetil idakkathU, Quilon, Travancore, and of Ft andard-Vacuum Oil Co., of Sermban, and M ss V. C. Saratha, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Keloo. Inspector Yeop
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  • 56 7 Hongkong, Ma y29. The Canton Construction Department is negotiating with the firm of Siemens for the building of a water-power station at Yungkiang. The tender of the Qacm is for a sum of over $20,000,000, which the Canton Government considers is too high. The negotiations are still
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  • 168 7 Price Problem Now Acute. Reuter Wireless. Paris, May 25. rpHE closing to-day of the flour mills •A at Corbeil, the greatest in France, has brought to a head the what problem in "France with probable international repercussions, as according to a wheat expert, France may join the ranks
    Reuter Wireless.  -  168 words
  • 182 7 Annua! Meeting In Johore Club. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, May 29. An 'At Home' was given by H. H. 1 ungku Ampuan Besar and Dr. Mrs. R. O. Winstedt on Sunday afternoon at the Johore Club to the Guides and Brownies »t Jonore Bahru and all
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  • 22 7 Reuter Wireless. Sena. May 25. II Bataioff. the Bulgarian Minister to Paris, has been appointed M.nister ior Foreign Affairs.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  22 words
  • 108 7 Outrage At Paris War Memorial. Reuter Wireless. Aurt... Paris, May 27. BOMB exploded in Pere la Chaise Cemetery this morning just before a number of well-known persons, including General Gouraud, Military Governor of Fans, M. Rivollet, Minister for Pensions, the widow of Marshal Joffre and representatives
    Reuter Wireless.  -  108 words
  • 87 7 Problem Of Japan's Ambitions. Reuter Wireless. Washington, May 23. rE Secretary for the Navy to-day stated that the United States will have to consider the strengthening of her Naval bases in the Pacific if Japan sought to build a navy in excess of the limits imposed by the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  87 words
  • 23 7 Reuter Wireless. Paris. May 26. The International Aeronautical Federation's gold medal for 1933 has been awarded to Wiley Post.—P.euter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  23 words
  • 120 7 Authorities To Abolish Consulates? Nanking, May 15. ACCORDING to a report submitted to the Executive Yuan by the Foreign Office, the Dutch Indies authorities, using as a pretext various patriotic movements among Chinese residents there, are threatening to withdraw their recognition of Chinese consulates. It is
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 85 7 O-CEDAR POLISH MAKES THAT CLEAN DUSTINESS HOME FRIENDS ADMIRE BEAUTIFUL FLOORS BEAUTIFUL FLOORS are easy flK^^fSHp lIDEALI IDEAL FOR IDEAL FOR WoorrTile°Floors Wood Tile Floors "Cleans As It Polishes" O-Cedar is the safest and best of all polishes for fine furniture, pianos and woodwork. It quickly "cleans and polishes" all
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    • 261 7 Heat IjjSgi Extremely hot weather often brings fevers aad other dangerous diseases. A l 3 Guard aguin-t these illnesses with Waterbury's Compound. This fa* effects of the tropical climate. Sold in mous tonic gives extra strength and Red ami Blue wrappers, the Red as a vitality tothecnt ire body...brings new
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    • 247 7 WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE— WITHOUT CALOMEL And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Feeling Great If you wake up in thp rooming feeling sour and depressed, entinHy lacking in vi"i ami vigour, don't swallow a l<>t of saC.s, mineral water, oil or harsh purgatives and expect them
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 326 7 CLUB DIARY. [There are numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which are readers a/ the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-overate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 492 8 < Ba w^^^» A LH AMBRA J COMMENCING TO DAY—MATINEE 3.IS—USUAL SHOWS 615 9.15 jj THE PICTURE Al^ L ANT TO 1 HT IL w ohf boy ,ook ot those 1r,,, W T R 8 i 1 9 Oh, girl-look at those boys!... 1 i H** AA. "T ReveUn the
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    • 262 8 j LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ORDINANCE SO. 155 (COMPANIES). NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CONTRIBUTORIES. Name of Company: SOtTi'HS.LN OMNIBUS SERVICES, LIMITED. Address of Roistered Office: 63 H.N P. Chi-ia Buildine, Chulia Street, S ngapore. Court: Supreme Court of the Settlements st Singapore. Number of Matter: Companies WindingUp No. 2 of im
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  • 172 9 Japan Accepts British Invitation. Reuter. Tokyo, May 28. AS the outcome of deliberations by the Fore'ign Office and the Navy Board officials, draft instructions to Mr. Matsudaira will be submitted to-morrow by Mr. Hirota with the Cabinet's approval It is understood that the Japanese Government appreciates Britain's sincerity
    Reuter.  -  172 words
  • 119 9 Shanghai, May 29. At a meeting yesterday, the Japanese Cabinet decided to participate in the preliminary naval parley on condition that discussion excluded Oriental politics. Japan considers she is the only stabilised force in the Orient. It is believed that China is her ultimate objective. If Great
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  • 86 9 Bandits Attack Japanese Troops. Reuter. Harbin, May 29. Bandits have derailed and attacked a Japanese troop train near Muling. It is believed that 35 Japanese have been killed and many wounded.—Reuter. Shanghai, May 29. Six coaches of a train proceeding along the Chinese Eastern Railway were derailed on
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 92 9 Return Of The Grant Anderson Company. The Grant Anderson Company which proved very popular at the Victoria Theatre two months ago. has returned after a tour of the v 'ar East, and will open at the theatre to-night. The play will be "The Improper Duchess," which Is new
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  • 93 9 Bulgaria Dismisses Health Official. Reuter Wireless. A«urrmipr Geneva, May 26. otWUEL to yesterday's narcotic accusations against Bulgaria was seen y W J? en the Bulgarian delegate hid^ir Ce w 'J 1 tlie nev/ Government J?iJ caidy f dismissed the Public Health vk mentlone d by Russell Pasha. A
    Reuter Wireless.  -  93 words
  • 139 9 Alienation Of Making False Charge Delivering judgment this morning in tne case in which Lee Cheng San was charged with instituting false criminal proceedings against a compatriot, Lim Koon Seng, the District Judge acquitted the accused. Accused, according to- the prosecution, had reported 'o the Police that eomplamajit
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 441 9 {fijxj/fr to oe chic one j must individual acces- i v soriesforeach ensemble...." f You'll find the very latest [n handbags, bracelets, drop V earrings, chromium and y \i\ crystal novelties, priced from j rjj ten cents to ten dollars, 1 I ss y i "'JtouVEAUX o j i&t Capitol
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    • 237 9 Famous Seer Will Advise You Free Would you like to know without any tost, what the stars indicate your future w r ill be; whether you will be successful, prosperous and happy; about business; love; marriage ties; friends; eneing will come to you sealed from this Noted Astroloajii groat astrologer
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    • 225 9 j DAVENPORT DIESEL OIL ENGINE. 3 H.P. 6 H.P. 8 HP. A SAFE, DEPENDABLE and ECONOMICAL POWER UNIT. features:— EFFICIENCY <>f a Diesel SIMPLICITY— No complicated air cm::- WĔ ff9L\ prrssor «cjsten» for injecting Mr Mm MAr mmn No Carburettor. No Magneto, No f M fmg |H Spark M«rs. No
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  • 51 10 CHIA.—Chia Boon Kang, formerly on the tutorial staff of Raffles Institution, passed away in Java yesterday afternoon, at 3.45 p.m., leaving behind his beloved wife, a teacher in Teluk Kurau English School, to mourn her loss. He also leaves behind his beloved mother, sis;e;-s and brothers. Deeply
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  • 758 10 I *J*HERE is a lot of misunderstanding and misconception about moneylending in Malaya. That it has become an evil, in respect of loans at extortionate interest to humble wage-earners who involve their friends as sureties, is not to be questioned. There is the definite statement of an official
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  • 227 10 Mrs. Li Yen, wife of the Chinese Vice-consul in Singapore, left by the "Conte Ro?so" for Shanghai yesterday to oay a yisit to her mother. It is announced in the F.M.S. Government Gazette that Mr. M. Rex has been appointed Controller of Rubber, and Mr. W. F. N. Bridges Deputy
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  • 163 10 rrvHE members of the Straits Settle- merits (Singapore) Association may be congratulated on securing as their new President/ a truiy public-spirited gentleman in Mr. H. W. Raper. He assumes office at a difficult time, when the membership has fallen regrettably. It is now just
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  • 158 10 JOHORE has now "done its bit" in the way of legislation to provide for Rubber Control, and in the discussion of the Bill yesterday one very cogent point was brought out—that injustice may be done to individuals, humble or eminent, but this does not affect the general principle,
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  • 156 10 rpHE Singapore Municipality, v> many attractive things to offer I made a very promising incursion salesmanship. We are urged to cook by gas, and the electrical goods displayed in the showroom in the Municip building look most alluring. Havii done so well in this direction, we sue gest
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  • 159 10 rpHIS, be it noted, is merely a stateI ment of account, yet it has all th< peremptoriness of a final demand Every householder reading it has first feeling of guilt, wondering U h al done, wrong, and then a feelini rigntcous resentment. Officials maj ply that it is
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  • 506 10 By "Looker-On" rpHOSE K.L. policemen who mobbed a A referee ought to have arrested themselves for disorderly conduct. V Craving excitement, a Singapore girl challenged Dante the Magician to cut her in half. A I am asked to state that the rumour that a number of men offered
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  • 38 10 FINANCIAL NEWS, on page 3. OUR READERS' VIEWS, on page 5. CLUB DIARY, on page 7. JOHORE COUNCIL, on page 13 SPORTS NEWS, on pages 14, 15 and 1»J CO-OPERATTON IN PAHANG, on p. W
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 153 10 JP PERFECTION Justly describes the superior workmanship of SingaQFj pore's Leading Tailor. V s gfj WING LOONG is un- \N E£ doubtedJy in the fore- So K£ front and offers yon, with TV K£ Perfection in Suitings, V 1 K£ Stye and Cut, complete N K£ satisfaction and inexpcn- /V
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  • 99 11 BIG INCREASE OF PRODUCTION. I ml-ii Commission. menace to the WORLD." Reuter. Geneva, May 29. i .'?>us c harges were levelled China in connection with traffic by Mr. Fuller, delegate on the Opium Commission. ;hat four years ago opium .11 in China was at
    Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 143 11 Signing Of A New Political Treaty. Reuter. Washington, May 29. United States and Cuba are signnew political treaty to-day amendment entitles the United to intervene in Cuba if necessary *e protection of American lives and poverty. Washington, Later. :er the signing of the Cuban treaty Cordell Hull
    Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 96 11 Body Found In Harbour At Kobe. Kobe, May 8. ;ld Sidley, a sailor who had been for a fortnight from the British Eastern fleet, was this morning i Heating in the Kobe harbour, Qt ad. covery was made by officers of OS K. s.s. "Unjaku Maru." Owing the
    96 words
  • 53 11 I'rice Of 18% Cents In Singapore. |M BBFR was down to 18*4 cents in Singapore this morning—a of half a cent from yesterday. 'ahour troubles in the United including Akron, where workers in rubber factories are de"unding higher pay, are largely Sponsible. °»r Financial Correspondent states 'Ut lower
    53 words
  • 81 11 Shooting Tragedy Recalled. i *dlev. who was sentenced to 'Hit whose sentence was com- 1 life imprisonment, was re- 1 the Mental Ward recently Amoy Road Gaol. r Hadley was convicted of the of Capt. W. Youngs, a British late last autumn, and was sendeath by H.M.
    81 words
  • 252 11 Sequsl To Speech In The Dail. London, May 29. TN the House of Commons to-day, referring to Mr. McEntee's iecent speech, Mr. J. H. Thomas (Secretary 1 t 1 Dominions) welcomed its conciliatory tone but added That later speeches made in Ireland did not, unfortunately, seem to
    252 words
  • 70 11 Demand Of The Workers In Akron. Reuter. Akron (Ohio), May 29. MAJOR labour conflict is foreshadowed in consequence of rubber workers formulating a demand for 75 cents an hour compared with the present 40. They also claim a guaranteed working year of 44 weeks, with half-pay periods of
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 149 11 Six Months' Moratorium Agreed. Reuter. Berlin, May 29. SIX months' moratorium on-German foreign debts has been granted by creditors at the conference. The debts agreement gives creditors the option cf taking accruing interest, firstly, in cash in six months' time on the basis of 40 per cent, or
    Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 78 11 Forming A Green Belt Around London. British Wireless. Rugby, May 26. In connection with the scheme to promote a green belt of open spaces between the hub and the outer ring of London a two hour aerial survey was made yesterday. This was a private and preliminary effort
    British Wireless.  -  78 words
  • 53 11 Luncheon Party At Buckingham I Palace. Reuter Wireless. London, May 26. The Queen spent .her 67th birthday at Buckingham Palace, where the chief celebration of the day was a luncheon party Other observances were a Royal Salute fired from Hyde Park and the flying of flags by Government
    Reuter Wireless.  -  53 words
  • 369 11 Grave Situation. STEEL AND TEXTILE TROUBLE. Reuter. New York, May 29. STRIKE of 300,000 cotton operatives is threatened, according to Mr. Francis O'Gorman, the text le labour leader. He predicted that the men well strike if the N.R.A. orJer to cut down output by 20 per
    Reuter.  -  369 words
  • 39 11 Disaster At Colliery In China. Shanghai, May 30. SEVEN miners were killA ed at the Kailan Colliery, at Tanghiachuiv? yesterday as the result of a fir The hatchway was choked by the dense smoke.—"Mm Kuo Jih Pao."
    39 words
  • 1117 11 Reuter. Japan's Grief. "NELSON OF HIS COUNTRY." Tokyo, May 30. iJiHE death of Admiral Togo is announced. At 3 p.m. yesterday it was reported that his condition was hopeless. Indicative of the nation's concern at Admiral Togo's condition, countless thousands are flocking to shrines and temples throughout
    Reuter.  -  1,117 words
  • 146 11 Refugee Raids Two Lonely Cottages. Reuter. London, May 29. AEROPLANES zooming over the undulating country, 50 motor-cars. 500 civil.ans, many of whom are armed, and the Blackshirt Fascists, are agisting the police to scour the country in the hunt for constable Jex's assailant. The refugee
    Reuter.  -  146 words
  • 163 11 Truce Offered. IBN SAUD READY TO ATTACK. Reuter Wireless. Cairo, May 29. JBN Gaud has ordered an offensive against Sanaa, the Yemen capital. to begin at dawn to-day. Saud's troops are at present Bt Hodeida and have to cross 150 miles of desert and climb 7,000
    Reuter Wireless.  -  163 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 246 11 SLIDCI MILK (SWEETENED CONDENSED) "SLEDGE BRAND" Sweetened Condensed nfitg SWISS MILK is pure rich Milk collected from I selected cows which Mgt m graze upon the verdant O £/Lffl and health giving past- H h $ItWti'A K£/J&W ures of the Emmenthal f £^»^^l//»/ in the famous Bernese ™*r~ $//W* Oberland,
      246 words

  • 530 12 "MATTER OF URGENCY." Money In Johore. APPLICATION IN SUPREME COURT. interim receiving order was made against Mr. Khoo Boo Gay. the WvHl-known Singapore Chinese, who is at present in Shanghai, in the Supreme Court to-day by Mr. Justice Pritchard. Mr. J. K. Gale,
    530 words
  • 183 12 Briton Found Shot In Shanghai. A verdict of suicide while of unsound mind was returned by the British coroner in Shanghai in the case of Mr J. T D Woodley. aged 23, who was round shot on May 10, with his Volunteer Corps rifle by his side. Miss
    183 words
  • 46 12 Martial Law Declared In Tientsin. L Shanghai. May 30. Martial law was declared to-day in JJ&SSSSE? Ci i y and British Concession akin hi 1 d trict P oli <* precautions 5 tfv of■ thi H! Jf SlOn beinß the anniverc V V 30
    46 words
  • 167 12 Col. Wedgwood On Debt To America. Reuter. London, May 29. JN the House of Commons to-day Col. J. C. Wedgwood 'Lab., Newcastlei under-Lyne) caused mystification when he asked Mr. Neville Chamberlain j (Chancellor), whether he had considered his proposal for paying the American debt. j Mr. Chamberlain
    Reuter.  -  167 words
  • 169 12 Death Of A Famous American Sailor. i Reuter. Washington, May 29. The death is announced of Admiral Charles Frederick Hughes.—Reuter. The late Admiral Charles Frederick Hughes was born on Oct. 14, 1866. During the Spanish-American War, 1898, he took part in the Battle of Manila. He was
    Reuter.  -  169 words
  • 250 12 Chinese Committed For I Trial. i T f>AY Tee Hui alias Francis Tay, a J- Singapore clerk, was committed for trial at the Assizes by Mr. N Grice the Second Magistrate, this morning on charges of alleged forgery of letters to the Secretaries of three Turf
    250 words
  • 34 12 Mr. Tan Chye Seng, of the Tan Agency. 28c. Chulia Street. Singapore, asks us to state that he is not the clerk named Tan Chye Seng who has been charged before the Second Magistrate.
    34 words
  • 493 12 Chinese Merchant Heavily Fined. FINES totalling $120, in addition to costs. $2.50, were imposed this morning by Mr. H. A. Forrer, the District Judge, on Teh Kirn Seng, proprietor of Chop Chee Hung, of Upper Cross Street. He pleaded guilty to three charges of importing, selling and
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  • 729 12 Girl's Alleged Loss Of $1,000. A YOUNG Eurasian, Clifford Henry Hogan, and Miss Mabel Wickwar, a teacher in the French Convent, were accused and complainant respectively in a preliminary inquiry which was begun before the Third Magistrate (Mr. J. M. Brander) yesterday. Detective-Inspector J. Tolmie, who investigated
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  • 57 12 Thousands Of Casualties In Chile. Reuter Wireless. Santiago de Chile, May 28. Many people dead and thousands injured and damage estimated at 10,000,000 pesos are the results of a cyclone which swept Conception, heralded by a violent hailstorm. Hundreds of workmen's houses were demolished and one was swept
    Reuter Wireless.  -  57 words
  • 450 12 J apanese Act i\ i THE RAILWW QUESTION. Shanghai, Ma > (l jyjUCH progress is being the Japanese "military churia with their scheme to aerial net over the Three IV,. Recently completed aerodr m elude three in the interio ing, six along the South M Railway, six
    450 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 168 12 I FREE j Tolley's "Slogan" Competition j $200 IN PRIZES OFFERED. I As Tolley Scot! and Tolley Ltd., we offer five prizes for the best advertising slogans submitted for Tolley's Famous T.S.T. Brandy. The slogan must not exceed eight words, as for example, "Malavari market cap. tured by consistent quality
      168 words
      21 words

  • 1297 13 RUBBER BILL IN JOHORE. (iENERAL ADVISER'S SPEECH. Quit Rents. Sympathy Of Large Estates. as rtported in yesterday's "Malaya fribunc" the Rubber Regulation •r rn "lit for Johore, "a bill to re- the production and export of r and to provide for matters dental thereto," was
    1,297 words
  • 231 13 Must Motor-Cycles Have Rear Lights. IVIIIETHER or not the law requires a motor-cyclist to have a rear light illuminating his number plate was a point raised before the Fourth Magistrate (Mr. C. H. Whitton) yesterday, when Kenneth Cornelius, was prosecuted for riding his motor-cycle with his rear
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  • 87 13 Former Adviser To China In Singapore. Sir Frederick Whyte, who was between 1929 and 1932 Political Adviser to the National Government of China, passed through Singapore yesterday by the "Conte Rosso" on his way to Hongkong, accompanied by Lady Whyte. "I em on a oleasure trip," he
    87 words
  • 223 13 Final Performances ToDay At The Capitol. THE CINEMAS. your hany° an b d e a S clev er wlth You have to be s,age '""sions. well. M 1 eood showman as ab?St n lhowmanshn, th er H e if- i 0 and sleight of ri P,
    223 words
  • 162 13 "Advice to the Lovelorn," which is the current attraction at the Pavilion, contains a most unusual theme and will be popular with all who like fasimoving entertainment with plenty of comedy mixed with the romance. Lee Tracy and Sally Blanc are the two principals, wiih
    162 words
  • 160 13 Lal-E-Yaman 99 At The Ritz. "Lal-E-Yaman," or "The Hero of Arabia," a Hindustani talkie which ran for 17 weeks in Bombay and which drew crowded houses for over a week at i's premiere in Singapore, was put on its second run at the Ritz cinema, Geylang, last night. "Lal-E-Yaman" deals
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  • 71 13 Strike In Shanghai Still Continues. Shanghai, May 29. The strike at the British American Tobacco Company's factory at Shanghai has been aggravated by the stevedores refusal to load and unload goods for the Company. Marshal Chiang Kai Shek has instructed the Shanghai Municipality to take steps to put
    71 words
  • 76 13 Reuter Wireless. Berlin, May 28. The debts conference has survived for another day when a breakdown seemed inevitable. Other delegates refused to cont'nue without the Dutch and Swiss and French, upon which the Reichsbank called another plenaryy meeting of all delegates for tc-morrow. It appears it was Dr.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  76 words
  • 143 13 Traffic Offenders lv Court. npHREE Europeans were fined by the Fourth Magistrae (Mr. C. H. Whitton) yesterday for violating ttie Traffic Rules. Pleading guilty to a charge of driving a motor-car without a licence, Staff Sergeant J. Flemning was fined S3, j A similar fine was imposed on
    143 words
  • 17 13 Reuter Wireless. lVlny 2s 1'de ul novo! Vicd Vol-sin" l>rckccl L520 at 32le.—lieulcr VVlr?!!»»».
    Reuter Wireless.  -  17 words
  • 92 13 Socialist Demonstrations In Vienna. Reuter Wireless. Vierna. \i f Tl EXTENSION of the power- of thi txa mary court- hd to a strations yesterday evening in me voting class district of Scnmelz. Cries cf "Live fieedom! Down wi'h tyranny Down with Dolfivs'" were rased and shooting
    Reuter Wireless.  -  92 words
  • 56 13 Reuter Wireless. Rome, May 26. The Crown Princess, formerly Princess Marie Jcse, of Belgium, "is expecting her accouchement at the end of September, announced the President in the Chamber at a special s'tting at the end of the session. The Deputies were asked beforehand to attend wearing
    Reuter Wireless.  -  56 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 124 13 «,-..<■ 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J a* m I A COMBINATION OF BEAUTY AND PRECISION. THE PLAUBEL MAKINA II I CAMERA I I Takes Plates, Film pack and roll film of 314
      124 words
    • 55 13 ONLY A CIGARETTE askjfor CAVAICADE VIRGINIA I Rolled in Celoured Popers OF SO AT POPULAR made by i obtainable 5-OUI6 GERARD LTD everywhere MiMMMMBMBMBIB^B»MBMHiM FRESH STOCKS NOW Sole Distributors: Sole Agents for Malaya: SWEE LEONG CO., TOM STOREY A CO., 26. China Strert, r-13. Hongtonc Bank Chambers. Singapore. Siinpapora. I
      55 words

  • 179 14 FRENCH LAWN TENNIS. T* Britishers Beaten. MISS SCRIVEN IN SEMI-FINAL. Reuter. "IN the quarter-finals of the French hard courts championships to-day, Jack Crawford Australia) beat Hughes (Britain) 4-6, 6-4, 6-2, 6-3, and Boussus (France) Beat Austin (Britain) 5-7, 6-2, 6-2, 2-6,
    Reuter.  -  179 words
  • 63 14 United States Team To England. Reuter. New York. May 30. THE United States Lawn Tennis Asrc'ation has named Stoeffen, Shields. Sidney Wood. Lott and Van Ito co to England to represent the States in the Davis Cup. .\Thev will sail in the liner "Paris" on ,Ty p 0.
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 14 14 551. KK»V 30. I w. >!" rln> ol 'In- k'a.r tS3l t0
    14 words
  • 401 14 P.C.C. Beat Ipoh Club In Penang. TiHE Penang Cricket Club defeated the Ipoh Club by one goal to nil in their annual soccer encounter on Saturday on the Penang Esplanade. The home team played better football than the visitors. Both wings (Evans and Cooleyi played up well
    401 words
  • 309 14 Inter-Club Matches. i PROPOSAL REFERRED TO COMMITTEE. SUGGESTION to hold an interclub competition between member clubs was made at the annua' general meeting of the Singapore Lawn Tennis Association held at the S.C.C. pavilion last night. The President, Sir Walter Huggard, K.C. was in the chair,
    309 words
  • 80 14 Regulars v. Volunteers On Friday. The annual match for the Garrison Cup, between the Regulars and Volunteers, will be played at the Anson Road Stadium on Friday, commencing at 5.15 p.m. The Regulars will be represented by: Cpl. Perry (R.A.F.); Cpl. McKenzie (R.A.FJ, Cpl. Hall tR.A.F.i; L. A
    80 words
  • 115 14 The Mayfair Badminton Party beat the Serangoon .Lads Badminton Party by 4—3 on Sunday. Scores (Mayfair "B" names first l: SINGLES: See Gim Siang beat Billy Lim 14-14. 0-3, 15-9. 13-13, Yeo Heng Whatt beat Robert Lee 15—12 J2—ls, 15—12; T. S. Lee beat K. S. Eng 15—5,
    115 words
  • 57 14 The Diehard B.P. beat Sect Kirn Cheng's B.P. on Saturday last on the former's court by five games to one Scores (Diehards names first)Michael Tan beat Kee Hup Senc 15 1 £Si «23? Kirn sick .is—l 4 IJ 2), 15—12 Chan Chim Twt beat Tan Chuan Hock 15-8,
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  • 10 14 Mr. Choy Khun Onn, the S.C.P.A. daughter o f OSSTjS^^^
    10 words
  • 410 14 Third Division Of S.A.F.A. League. THE Abattoirs Sports Club secured a deck ivevictary by 3-1 over the S.R.C. in the Third Division W A" of the S.A.F.A. League at the latter's ground yesterday. Better finishing earned for the Abattoirs their victory, but, generally speaking, both sides
    410 words
  • 159 14 Annual General Meeting Of F.A. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 29. The eighth annual general meeting of the Malacca Amateur Football Association was held yesterday at the premises of the Seng Cheong Society. As usual the attendance was poor. The following club representatives were present St. Francis'
    159 words
  • 54 14 Reuter Wireless. London, May 26. Two world's walking records were created at the White City Stadium today. F. Redman of the Metropolitan Club covered ten miles in 74 minutes, 30-3! 5 seconds, breaking the twenty-six-year-old record. G. Galloway, of Surrey, walked twentyone miles, 869 yards, in
    Reuter Wireless.  -  54 words
  • 67 14 The annual athletic sports of St. Andrew's School will be held at the Jalan Besar Stadium on Thursday June 14. There will be two events for old beys, 100 yards and 880 yards. Intend ng competitors should get into touch with the sports master at the school
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  • 31 14 The 23rd annual athletic sports of St. Andrew's School will be held at the Jalan Besar Stadium on Thursday, June 14, beginning at 3 p.m. Lady Alleyne will present the prizes.
    31 words
  • 645 14 Champions Dismissed For 90 Runs At Chesterfield. At London, May 29. £JOUNTY championship cricket matches concluded to-day were notable for the number of games which had to be decided on the first innings. Only three out of eight were won outright. Sussex scored the best
    645 words
  • 212 14 Arrangements For WeekEnd Cricket Test/ rpHE padang will be enclosed for A the Clarke Cup match between the Europeans and the Rest this week-end, and there will be a moderate charge—3o cents for the Europe Hotel side and 10 cents to the sea side of the ground—on Saturday
    212 words
  • 168 14 The County champion hip tabb brought rurht ud to date and incJm results of matches coocloded is as follows: PWLDWLPossObtPHt Sussex (2) 750 0 1 1 105 83 Yorks (1) 4 2 0 1 1 0 60 39 Surrey ***** 1 75 38 aUjo Kent (3) 6 3
    168 words
  • 80 14 "At present I am not enthusiastic about going to Australia, because I cannot get a reasonable guarantee," Davis told the "News Chronicle." "It is all very well for Walter Lindrum to say that he end I would play before ercord attendances, but I want something more definite
    80 words
  • 53 14 First-Slip" writes pointing cut that a certa'n young Sikh player should have been given a chance of playing in the Rest trial. That trial has already been played and the Rest XI selected to meet the Europeans and no useful purpose can be served by bringing this
    53 words
  • 105 14 The following: is from the I Ceylon":— In Sydney, blind erfeketerf h their games against OM Mothei aid of a ball, which tinkle.- Lite a it is moving. According to a report <>f is also enjoyed by blind player Last month a match wms la the blind footballers
    105 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 810 15 Beaten For Second Time In First Division. Airmen Fail Completely In Front Of Goal. •> A I had only themselves to for their defeat at the i SC.C. yesterday by two the First Division of F.A. League at the Anson goad Stadium. i
    810 words
  • 202 15 American And National Leagues. Reuter. New York, May 29. T ATEST results in the U.S. major Basely ball Leagues are as follows: AMERICAN LEAGUE. R. H. E. Philadelphia 5 7 1 Cleveland (10 innings) 6 14 0 (Foxx scored two home runs for the Athletics, and Averill for
    Reuter.  -  202 words
  • 75 15 Sequel To Monday's Sensation. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumnur, May 30. A DEPARTMENTAL !nquiry was held yesterday in connection with the fracas following ho First Division l match between the Selangor Rangers and the Dopot Police, in which Mi. G. Alexander, the referee, wr.s roughly handled byi
    75 words
  • 62 15 International Match With England Team. (From Our Own CorrespondentJ BangkcU, May 29. In the final of the international gor match yerterday, Siam almost dcfeatec England. Siam tied in the foursomes and lec by one game in the singles when th( eighth pair commcnced the last game which was
    62 words
  • 40 15 Entries for the Chinese inter-distric soccer League close to-morrow. Those who have not yet sent their applications are requested to do so immed'ately to the hon. assistant secretary S.C.F.A., Mr. Koh Swee Chiang, Genera Post Office, Singapore.
    40 words
  • 259 15 Fort Canning's First Defeat. A o?° A L dcwn at the interval, the Straits Cattle Traders' F.C. did well in the second half to score two opportunist goals and win their game yesterS ay^ h f™ tll€y pla y ed th e Fort Canning Jalan Besar
    259 words
  • 316 15 Latest Positions Of The Teams. fATEST positions in the S.A.F.A. League are FIRST DIVISION. Goals. P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts. SC.C. 10 8 1 1 26 8 17 9 6 3 0 21 13 12 Chinese 7 5 1 1 28 5 11 Wdts. 7 3
    316 words
  • 133 15 Chinese Win The Sultan's Challenge Cup. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 29. The Perak Chinese Recreation Club *on H.H. the Sultan of Perak's Chalenge Cup awarded for lawn tennis doubles competition between clubs In Perak, by defeating the Ipoh V.M.C.A. jy three matches to one. This Ii
    133 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 46 15 ''■>•- t i I I I l l l I l I I l ii 'inii.ifiiiiiDiiiii'iiil.'iiiirii'iiiiiiiiKiil'iiini'i':!''!"!'i':«.'«.t«:'iiiiMi.|itt 1 1 IT ~llMiT|l|l I HIB II II I HI .MLJUI "L^JLUm. igf] Better 9| Brighter H Cleverer mm Snapshots film B Me /fej/*/' /97/77 UKODAK ■U Zfo? KODAK FILM K-5
      46 words
    • 154 15 SINGAPORE LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION An Open Invitation Lawn Tennis TOURNAMENT (Singapore Championships). Sanctioned by the L. T. A. M. will be held on the SINGAPORE CRICKET CLUB COURTS, SINGAPORE, I from June 11th, 1934, at 4.50 p.m. ea. day. (Mondays to Thursdays Inclusive). Events. Entrance Fees. j L SuSel 6
      154 words
    • 10 15 MIDDLE JUNE BRINGS R.K.O WEEK. Something To Lock Forward To
      10 words
    • 159 15 SATURDAY TO kuala MONDAY LUMPUK JUNE »TUWO> STARTLING NOVELTIES OF ARCHIMEDES OUTBOARDS. In order to meet the growing demand for a powerful all-round service motor ip-W B having low weight, very low price fgjff^jSWß^^^ and low running M ggS^jp^^S^» costs, w e introduce C*s«atf£fr; "^Sgfl^M^^^^ for 1934 our model wtf^LsWrn
      159 words

  • 3114 16 Tests Will Afford Colts A Chance Of Sub. tituting Stalwarts. fJHE .following interesting .review of the first-class Counties is tftken from the latest issue of the "Cricketer," and was written on the eve of the commencement of the present season. YORKSHIRE. Among the Yorkshire
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 260 16 AHuets exceed $12,000,00«. Assurance in force oyer $35,000,00f The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., ltd. (Incorporated m th* strait* Settlement*) HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 37, Old Jewry. IO The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and compiles with the
      260 words
    • 85 16 I 111 •i« 11 Dance with these tunes A463-CANT WE TALK IT OVER? foxtrot. SING A NEW SONG, foxtrot. A537-PLL FOLLOW YOU. foxtrot. SING. (It's good for you) foxtrot. AlO4-HAD I THE WORDS—waltz. WHITE FLOWER OF HAWAll—foxtrot. A443-SHINES ON HARVEST MOON. f >xtrot. WHO AM I? foxtrot. A479-GIVE ME A
      85 words

  • 1240 17 from the tereen plou ttarrinq bu KM. HA RWOOD and SAIJCA VttftTlL CHAPTER VI. Queen finds her time no occupied with the proof peace than they had with war. Everything -ive way to her duties and time for her beloved imu was to be stolen from that she
    1,240 words
  • 199 17 OftTy Sirtall Proportion Frorfi Trtis Empire. 1 Rugby, May 24. TIMBER imports to Great Britain have been considerably increased by activity in the building trade. Nearly ten million tons of unmanufactured timber valued at about £30.000,000 was j imported last year, a rise of 20 per cent, on
    199 words
  • 86 17 Yemen Crown Prince's Threat. Reuter Wireless. Cairo, May 26. aud Saud h ave notified thoir father. King ibn s»nri r^ens7v e e ry^ ng Ht rSSnfffe Heatez aCCOrdlng 10 re P°rts from f*K*3 from Je£ Wah that he Emir Feisal has ordered his troo&s to advance to
    Reuter Wireless.  -  86 words
  • 56 17 Invited To Appear In Moscow. Shanghai, May 29. Under instructions from Mosco v, M. Eogomoloff, the Soviet Ambassador to China has invited Mr. Mei Lan Fang, i 6 Y(ell-known female impersonator of Uie Chinese stage, to proceed to Russia and give performances. Mr. Mei has accepted the offer
    56 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 672 17 After A Meal, How Do You Feel? Do you feci m though hud over-en; «yen after a light meal? Th«rnm', able Mfiati.-n r.f being full, means raw in *li" tomach. the re.-uli of mipvrfoH ,1 -•ien. Klntulencr hi distressing, often «m and may taiOtaea*, .ji/.., ne itfpfag palaL T.i enjoy
      672 words
    • 61 17 Cuticura TALCUM POWDER Mid refreshing. Smooth, antiseptic, and containing the delicate medication of Cutleura. it absorbs perspiration and cools and soothes the okin. Ideal as a quick deodorant during hot weather. Com pic each Soap. Ointment and Talcqm free upon request, from Muller Phipps (Malaya) Limited, Union Building, Singapore. ttfF
      61 words

  • 236 18 Britain Asked To Vote For Peace. British Wireless. Rugby, May 25. VISCOUNT Cecil of Chelwood has announced that it has been decided to circulate throughout England a questionnaire asking people to vote on peace and disarmament. Five questions are to be submitted. These have been drafted with the
    British Wireless.  -  236 words
  • 119 18 Chinese Pleads Guilty To Possession. Pleading guilty to a charge of possession of deleterious drugs, one and a half lb. of Indian hemp, valued at $60, at the Telok Ayer Basin on Monday, a Chinese. Poh Chew Liong, was ahowed ball in $750 until June 6. when sentence
    119 words
  • 323 18 Seremban Malays Sent To Prison. (From Our Own Correspondent J Seremban, May 28. /CHARGED with housebreaking and theft by night, two Malays named Daud bin Ahmat and Suki, appeared before the police magistrate, Mr. T. P. F. McNiece. Both claimed trial and were undefended, while Mr. J.
    323 words
  • 142 18 Police Journey By Sea And Land. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. May 28. After a long and tedious journey by launch through the Straits of Johore and then walking for miles through the iungle. a police party consisting of abcut 30. which left Johore Bahru on May
    142 words
  • 64 18 Ravages Of The "Reds" In China. I Shanghai, May 29. The carnage to Sunganhsien. a district In Fukien. by the ravages cf the "Redfi" is estimated to exceed $80.000,000. The sufferers are in need of urgentrelief. The Fukien Provincial Government has appropriated $200.000 for relief measures. The
    64 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 203 18 1 .■.'."Jl DON'T FORGET jTO REMEMBER THAT i WARDONIA w RAZOR. j >1 DE LUXE SET S3 TRY AW wm ALL STORES 0f The New Way CHRMISTS of Shaving WR-4 nothing like NUFIX I jflU LO ua,it y Dressing for the Hair lill! -fefch Fixes.without hardness or deposit m I
      203 words
    • 373 18 j "PADSON THE DRY-SMOKE PlpjTj "DADSON" GUARANTEES A DRY SMOKE FOR THE WKTTKSr j SI not smoke I 1' never foul j 1 clean. PUCE $4.r,0. POSTAGE EXTRA. I 11. KIAT CO., LTD., 15 &'ls-A, Collver Qny, 5in,,,,,,, I ,I ,IBBM I ■■■•^wvmmbmrwHaaai^^^^^^^^ CHEONG KOON SENG CO., LTD AUCTION SALE
      373 words

  • 1514 19 i h,' fjilTnese Society. I NK.MIM.OYMENT discussed. Own Correspondent.) Kuala Li pis, May 25. I T. K FATE of the Pahang A <if tlie Jaffnese Co-opera- ,?>, Ltd., was held at the nation Club, Kuala Lipis, nil inst., presided over by Kandiah, chairman of the d iet
    1,514 words
  • 90 19 Three Deaths In Indian Affray. Reuter Wireless. Nathiagli (North West Frontier), May, 23. NUSE Rachell, one of the two Indian Christian nurses, who pluckily went to the rescue of Miss Doj, a Damih nurse, when she was stabbed to death by a Pathan fanatic, has succumed to her
    Reuter Wireless.  -  90 words
  • 226 19 Government Of India's Plans. Simla, May 10. IT is understood that the Government propose introducing a Bill in the Simla session of the Assembly regarding the restriction of rubber IC drain^ roierniripm *l Resent clear how the Sl° f In dla will seek to ratify the International
    226 words
  • 240 19 Election Of Officers At Annual Meeting. fFrom Our Own Correspondeni.) Seremban. May 27. The annual meeting of the Negri Scmbilan Association was held this morning in Saint Paul's Old Boys Assembly Hall, with Mr. A. G. Lopez presiding. After the minutes of the previous meeting had been
    240 words
  • 202 19 Sequel To Withdrawal Of British Subsidy. British Wireless. Rugby, May 24. More houses have been built in Britain in the twelve months ending March 31, than in any year since the war despite—or because of—lhe withdrawal of the State building subsidy. When the subsidy was removed at
    British Wireless.  -  202 words
  • 151 19 Huge Uncr's 1,100 Mile Tour. Reuter Wireless. London, May 24. A feature of the Empire Day celebrai tions this year was the holding of the »first Empire Air Day. The fastest fourengine air liner in the world. "Diana." left Croydon with a party to visit aeroI dromes
    Reuter Wireless.  -  151 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 127 19 ————R >••:■s:• v MORRIS MINOR TOURER The 1934 MORRIS MINOR TOURER as a" M depicted above, modern to the minute, with l]uo 11,11 s P ecificati o" and outstanding perW% gf Mgr formanee, will certainly set a new fashion in 1 li nt car motoring. L| ITED Powerful hydraulic four-wheel
      127 words
    • 438 19 approve of tender hearts but not tender gums. f^T^^^H There is some- kJ-~4»MB thing about a f0» tender-hearted TNE gums woman that appeals to a man. rrr m HB But a man will look askance at .1 j."'*"' woman with poor -rr-; teeth. Tender "ffiSSSf* mam Sums forebode M diseased
      438 words
    • 101 19 t i i >, iiiwtimimiiai i i i i i i i t Mtut^ ASKIT m m 1 is the safest remedy for Nervous Bilious Head- 1 f aches, Neuralgia, Tooth- I I ache, Rheumatism, Sleep- I lessness, Influenza, Colds in I the head. I TRY IT TO-DAY. I Instant
      101 words