Malaya Tribune, 29 May 1934

Total Pages: 26
1 26 Malaya Tribune
  • 41 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol XXI. ■No. 1258 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1934 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Tuesday, May 29, 1934. Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1934. FOR 5 CENTS*
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 222 1 ~-%eoJ The landau Iribine Dominant -jMalaya j Ma K. E_ RO I_ i UNSEEN j Rest of Tobaccos causes dryness and A'tW)/ \l FINFIWIFS >j ;:l; timi of the throat— Relieve it with Lak.-rol -/f (< MIK.-s. They are soothing and keep the mouth >~V,_*__!_?>!*• 1_ and aJlow no toba'co
      222 words
    • 135 1 A. FLINTER. Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest price* according to daily exchange rates. mmmwmmm i i i 1: >iiiiici iii i
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  • 730 2 Shipping News Notices. LAUNCH OF PADDLE STEAMER. Fortieth Vessel For The Southern Railway. BUILT to the order of the Southern* Railway Company, the paddle steamer "Sandown" was launched from the Leven Shipyard of Messrs. Milliarr Denny and Bros., Ltd., Dumbarton, re cently. The vessel is the fortieth con- structed at
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  • 587 2 London Steamer Alone To Blame. THE President, Sir Boyd Merriman, in the Admiralty Court on Apr. 26, gave judgment finding the steamer Heron," belonging to the General Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., London, alone to blame for a collision in fog near the Bass Rock, in the Firth
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  • 352 2 First "Grain Race" Ship Home. THE Swedish four-masted stetl barque "Abraham Rydberg," which arrived at Falmouth on Apr. 27, is the first of the 21 sailing ships engaged in the "grain race" from Australia to reach a British port. She left Wallaroo on Jan. 10, so she has
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  • 1028 2 Evasion Of The Board Of Trade Regulations. AT the Birkenhead Police Court recently, before Messrs. E. J. Hughes and G. J. Jackson, George Lamos, master of the Greek steamer "Anastassios Pateras," of Chios, was charged, on the information of Captain G. Jenkin, principal of the Board of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 399 2 STEAMER SAILINGS. ■'j > /I v duel BRITISH INDIA P. S. N. CO.'S SAILINGS. OUTWARDS. Due Tonnage. Singapore SOUDAN f>.s«w> June G RAJ PI IT AX A 17,000 June 8 RANCH] 17,000 June 22 BURDWAN 6,070 July 6 CARTHAGE IMW July 6 RANPURA IT.dOO July 20 S< IMA LI H.Bl<»
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    • 69 2 11 j——, jmgm I AMERICAN LLOYD AGENCY, LTD., (Incorporated i„ g B Steamship passages hooked by all Lines Airmail tickets obtainable here PM.3. Railway tickets may be purchased at this office. NO BOOKING FEES. Baggage, household effects and merchandise collected, ktored, shipped or delivered at reasonable rates. Insurance effected. Further
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    • 178 2 W LLOYD TRIESTINO (Incorporated in Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE SINGAPORE TO ITALY CHINA. Calling at Penang, Colombo, Bombay Calling at Colombo, Bombay Sup* ~*f a i Ac eT V Massowah. Suez, Port Port Said, Brindisi, Venice Trieste Bnndls1 Venice and Trieste. Due Leave Due m,v CLARA CAMUS June 1
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    • 188 2 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. Deutsch Australische Dampfschiffs |Q Cj Gesellschaft. (Companies incorporated in Germany). PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPA> PORTS. Due Spore. M.s. DUISBURG, via Manila June B m.s. RHEINLAIffD, via Manila July 12 m.s. SAUERLAND, via Manila June 26 s.s. NORDMARK, via Manila July 9
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    • 555 2 STEAMER SAIIJNg^ £g NORDDEUTSCHKR (Incorporated v, The undernoted are the Company tended fixtures: OUTWARDS. "ODER" for Manila H'kong, S'hai. Japan N. China "TRIER" for Manila, H'kong. S'hai, N. China Japan I HOMEWARDS. "ISAR," for M'seilles, Oran, 1 R'dam, Hamburg and Bremen arrives May If; sails J "COBLENZ" for Genoa/B'lona. R'dam,
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  • 436 3 Mining Shares. apore, Tuesday 11 a.m. following tin share quotations art i and Co., exchange and ■J* Buyers. Sellar*. 6 6 71--mg Tin 37 6 40--43 6 45 Tin 15- 16--2.00 2.10 34 9 35 C rm 49- 5iTin 9 io 0.53 0.56 S Be A» 0.57
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  • 148 3 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. SELLERS HOLDING 1 OFF. Increase Of U. K. Stocks. (By Ovr Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Tuesday, noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 1914 els., down 14 ct. Market Tone: Quiet. Yesterday's Prices:— London, 5 13,16d., down Hid. Market Tone: Quiet. New York, 11 13 16 cts.,
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  • 199 3 Singapore, May 29. R. <Siarm W. Coast N. 1 per Koyan $90 R. (Siam) W Coast N. 2 per Koyan $86 Fice, B. Siam N. 1 per Koyan $95 Rice. B. Siam N. 2 lei Koyan $9i Siam, No. 1 $163 Siam, No. 2 $136 Siam, No. 3 $112
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  • 1820 3 Record New Life Business. THE annual general court of the Royal Exchange Assurance was held at the Head Office of the Corporation Royal Exchange, E.C. Mr. Vivian Hugh Smith (Governor) presided. Mr. Alexander Mac Donald Manager and Secretary* read the notice convening the meeting and the report
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  • 141 3 Big Improvement Over Last Year. Reuter. Fttrthttp Ge "eva, May 28. URTHER important improvements in mhl h c mm ercial statistics, mblished by the Financial Section of he League, include an increase of 20 n y" i*. COal Production during -anuary. 12 per cent, in petrol, 51 per
    Reuter.  -  141 words
  • 129 3 Large Business In Sugar. Reuter Wireless. ON o* London. May 23. k mar k e|lLS h rn 8e a,^ d t ay en^ P 'S n most instances turnine weaker &7 n aiit e SF-|°f aP thp h«ii <3-16ths on the day. terHne as diri .h ng
    Reuter Wireless.  -  129 words
  • 88 3 t Statistics, Batavia- Bttre a Production on Estates, converted b 1« MM of 2.240 lb. dry weight territory ToUl ™3 l< U Mar., 1934, lava 7^7 JR )utcr Provinces 94,457 *tl 87^ Note Th" 166,284 15 oro 16 147 Aote.— rhis is an estimate of total nro
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  • 647 3 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Tuesday 11 a.m. I The following rubber share quotation* are Issued by Fraser and Co., and Lyai and Bvatt i Issue Value. Fraser Lyau m Shares. Co. Evan 1 Allenby 1.65 1.85 cd 1.70 I.Bocd 1 Alor Gajah 1.05 1.15 1.00 1.10 IA. Hitam
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  • 72 3 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. Singapore, Tuesday, noon. Buyers. Seller*. It.S.S. equal to London Standard, Spot (loose) 19*4 19% do. (F. 0.8.) 19% 19% Standard R.S.S. on Trader* June 11» 20% July (Sept. 20% 20% Oct.-Dec. 21 21% Jan.-March 21% 21 7 H Tone of Market: Dull, Sellers
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 87 3 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In England). SINGAPORE BRANCH: 4, D'Abneida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £2,000,000 Paid-up-Capital £1,060,000 Reserve Fund and Rest 500,000 HEAD OFFICE LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay, Calcutta, Colombo, Karachi, Madras, Ainara, Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra, Kixkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed Deposit
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    • 207 3 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation? Limited. (Incorporated In Straits Settlements.) SUCCESSORS TO THK CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BANE, LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000 00. HEAD OFFICE. CHINA BUILDING. (HI JJ STREET, SINGAPORE LOCAL BRANCH 458, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chee
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 818 4 ni. Hassan: ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. lf-37. Bra* Baaah Road, SINGAPORE If you are In need of electric 'ght§. fans, motor*, etc., and water trvfee. pI«»MP write t 0 the above Mttatv or «<»w«wwpww«i^is*mßmas»wßs^wnweaanmma TELEPHONE 4610. 1m EIROPEAN HAIRDRESSERS. ffiPfl] 7.». Stamford Road. h KRK PERM ANENT WAVE SlO. OIL
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    • 767 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. IN THE ESTATE OF KAVENA HAJI MANJOOR SAHIB, DECEASED, late of No. IC4, Arab Street, Singapore, who died on the 29th day of August, 1933. Pursuant to Sectio.i 29 of the Trustees Ordinance 1924. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that creditors and other* having claims against the estate
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    • 636 4 PUBLIC NOTICES. i n g^ 3 NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that mp have obtained the exclusive rights to exhibit in the S.S., E.M.S. and Siam the underme Itioned talking serials produced by Nat Levine of Mascot Pictures Corporation of U.S.A. The Three Musketeers, The Whimpering Shadow The Shadow of
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    • 290 4 SITUATIONS VACANT. IMtESSER WANTED. QUALIFIED DRESSER (CHINESE PREFERRED). SEND TESTIMONIALS. ETC., TO, MANAGER—CHAN WING RUBBER ESTATE, JAGOH, JOHORE. WANTED. WANTED—OiI Engine, 5-7 horse power, quote lowest price to Shaw Brothers. WANTED second hand billiard-table in first class condition complete with accessories. Full particulars and lowest price for caah to Box
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    • 253 4 EDUCATIONAL. 1 > i FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, Established 1928. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). 1-K, Kirk Terrace, Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. Enrol for a Sound Musical Education— Systematic Training both m Technique and Theory. Complete Courses leading to T.C.L. Certificate, Diploma, etc. I'.ooklet free. M. ANCIANO, Princi;
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  • 601 5 Seremban Court. VICTIM'S YEAR IN HOSPITAL. Our Own Correspondent./ Seremban, May 26. IMBAN police court was crowdith Malays to-day from the m District, to hear the case a Malay named Mohamed bin Sundut is charged with tarily causing grievous hurt a dangerous
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  • 88 5 The Youn<r Men's Friendly Band and the Girls' Friendly Band of Singapore jointly will celebrate their anniversary on Friday, beginn'ng at 8.15 p.m. a; the Young Men's Christian Associat'on Hail. These two Juvenile institutions are doing exce'lent work among young men and women of the town. The parent
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  • 262 5 New Aspect Of Colonial Dumping." (By Air Mail.) (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 16. FOR a whole week, Parliament had a rest from the rubber footwear controversy. In the interim a spokesman for the defence has appeared. A letter by Mr. F. W. Kershaw has been published
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  • 100 5 Siking Buddha's Warning To The Press. I Shanghai, May 27. Receiving a grbup of pressmen yesterday, the Siking Buddha taught them to recite spells to combat against po _-o gas attacks in the coming Worl. V-a* and asked them to circulate thes- amongst the people. j The
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  • 85 5 Another Brutal Crime In America. Reuter Wireless. New Ycrk, May 25. A lyln lew for some tim e the l, lnger gan S has perpetrated another bruial murder by machine-gun-ning two policemen in East Ind ana who. from their motor-car, challenged the approach of the bandits The search
    Reuter Wireless.  -  85 words
  • 92 5 Crowd Try To Overturn Car. Reuter Wireless. London, May 25. j I There were disorderly scenes at Ber- '< moncisey to-day following a meeting ,of strikers employed by Hay's Wharf at i which Mr. Ernest Bevin, Secretary of I the men's union, advised the resumption of work.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  92 words
  • 84 5 Bo'ivians Suffer Considerable Losses. Reuter Wireless. London. May 25. F:e:~e fighting between Bolivia and Paraguay is proceeding In the Grand Chaco, accord ng to messages received in London. A report from the Paraguayan capital states that 12.C00 Bolivians Ruffered considerable losses when attacking the Paraguayan positions, and adds
    Reuter Wireless.  -  84 words
  • 253 5 Problem Of International Control. I Shanghai, May 26. rE problem ot the restoration of postal communication between China and Manchuria is mere complicated than that of the resumption of railway traffic. Postal communicat'on will probably be handled by a third party. Mr. Yen Tung, one
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  • 302 5 Geneva Gathering. LESS AMBITIOUS OBJECTIVE. Reuter. Geneva, May 27. (YN the eve of the re-opening of the Disarmament Conference hopes of the work proceeding along the old lines but with less ambitious objectives are raised, firstly, by th' prospect of the Soviet developing a plan of mutual assistance
    Reuter.  -  302 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 41 5 I V i I NIVEA CREME I The Tropical Skin Food prevents and heals 1 Skin Disease 1 Manufactured in ENGLAND* 1 1 Obtainable in All Dispensaries 1 |ti Sofe Agents: 1 LOHMANN CO., LTD. -jj 124. ROBINSON ROAD, jjj SINGAPORE.
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    • 24 5 j MA RTELI" j I If \i tgp V |j|p X Sole Agenfs*;— N. V. Straits Java Trading Co. |j (INCORPORATED IN BATAVIA.) 9
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  • 124 6 HARBOUR BOARD. SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE. Singapore, May 29. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Santos Maru 22; Kota-Baroe 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). Athos 11, Kedah (shifts to 48 9) 18' Terukuni Maru 13; Marnix Van St
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  • 325 6 Inefficient Brakes On Lorry In Johore. (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. May 27. As a result ot having inefficient brakes on his motor-car, a hire car driver named Low Sung was produced this morning before Mr. F. V. Duckworth (First Magistrate, Johore Bahru» on two charges of
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  • 56 6 ALHAMBRA—George Arliss in "The Affairs of Voltaire." APOLLO.—Chinese pictures. CAPITOL.—Dante, the Magician. EMPlRE.—"Tarzan—the Ape Man." GREAT WORLD—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Dean's Grand Opera, Chinese Wayangs, Cinemas, Talkies, etc. MARLBOROUGH —Hindustani lalkie. NEW WORLD—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Malay Operas, Chinese Wayangs, Cinemas, etc. PAVILION—"Advice to the Lovelorn." RITZ.—"LaI-E-Yaman." or The Hero oi
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  • 51 6 Another Huge Vote For Defences. Reuter Wireless. Paris, May 24. The Chamber Army Commission has approved the appropriation of over a thousand million francs for frontier defence. This is 770,000.000 in excess of credits previously voted. The new fortifications will be built along the Luxemburg and Saar frontiers.—Reuter
    Reuter Wireless.  -  51 words
  • 198 6 SELLING. Singapore, May 29. London 4 months' sight 2 4 11 64 London 3 months' sight 2|4 532 London 60 days' sight 2 4 9:84 London 30 days' sight 2i l 9 London demand 214 764 London T.T. 2|4 332 Lyon and Paris demand 892 Hamburg demand 149
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  • 106 6 The following is the programme of drills of the Singapore Volunteer Corps up to and for June 3, 1934. TO-DAY, MAY 29. 5.20 p.m.—Headquarters, S.V.C., Corps Practice, King's Birthday Parade. TO-MORROW, MAY 30. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, D. Eurasian Coy., Practice King's Birthday Parade. THURSDAY, MAY 31. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters,
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  • 285 6 WHAT'S ON Public Function And i Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, MAY 29. 'High Tides-11.15 am., 10% Johore State Council Meetint? 1 1 Football: S.A.F.A tea® R A V V czni? Divksh-1 K.A.F. v. S.C.C., Anson Road £>♦ Division three A, S.R.c v ,\o S.R.C.; Division three E
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  • 74 6 Mails from Batavia and Palemb; aeroplane are expected at the Ck Post Office, Singapore, at 2JO pm today. From Eastern Australia by the "Marella," due at Singapore at n am to-day. From Holland and Germany by the "Marnix van St. Aldegonde," dvi Singapore at 2 p.m. to-day. From
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 606 6 SINGAPORE HOTELS GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL 'Phone 6190. Telegram GOODWOOD. Admirably located—sufficiently distant from city noise to ensure i an atmosphere of peace and quietness. LARGE GARDEN—I 4 TENNIS COURTS. EVERY COMFORT High-class restaurant under expert European supervision. Lock-up garages: Moderate Kates: Terms, j Apply:—Manager. METROPOLE HOTEL TEL. 7986. BRAS BAS/H
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 73 6 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. Last i esterday Nigh f M *x. Bright Mm. Temp. Rainfall. Sunshine. Temp Stations. Deg. F. Inches. Hours. Deg. F. Alor Star 87 0.02 4.7 75 Htiawan 91 0.01 4.9 71 K. Trengganu No report. Bukit Jeram 89 Nil 7.7 72 Malacca 87 0.31
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    • 181 6 [postal inteuioence SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Bengkalis, Laboean Bilik and Tandjong Balei (Rokan) 3pm Selat Pandjang and Bagan (Hong Thong) 3 p.m Siak. Pakan Baroe, Fort de Kock and Padang (Hong Kwong) 3 p.m China, Japan, Korea, Formosa, East Siberia, Western Canada and Western States of U.S.A. (Conte Rosso) 3
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  • 2836 7 Annual Report. CHINESE NEW YEAR i'XHIBITION. WORTHY fact regarding the Rafflei Library was that the r of British subscribers the iirt time passed the sand mark. borne out in the annuai the Raffles Museum and ior last year which was laid able
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  • 194 7 Any sufferer from indigestion—and who does not suffer in some degree—can put an end to pains and discomfort in a way which doctors everywhere have proved almost infallible. Some time ago, what is called the Maclean Formula was discovered by one of the greatest
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 60 7 j j2) II EXTRAORDINARY SUE OF j BIG USED CARS To-day BIG USED CARS are selling at ridiculously low prices. I The capital saved in their purchase more than compensates the ySjjL. slightly higher running costs and you still have the smooth running comfort enjoyed only in a big car.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 280 8 ll"w■E•_e■____*»»»—^ fmmmM f' OPENING LAST NIGHT OF TO-MORROW SPEUAL REPEAT SCREENING! 0R G E it t j, lt way WTyr w if;. v j-pzrkling,, :rgf'. O BRING 3 TO RigJi-pi>wered romantic drama filled V BLAZING UFI trllh mirth, melody and snappy dance THE MOST IN- j| numbers. TRIGU,NG Pft
      280 words
    • 269 8 'flHffllßKflL LAST TWO DAYS! 111 (Special Matinee. p.m. Tomorrow). /ou m what you i see, ana Oorit see what youttin j SIM-SAL A-BIM n \^r^^^%^J^ f An Mystic R-vue. INEW PROGRAMME MORE MYSTIFYING THAN EVER I j SPECIAL TO-NIGHT... .SINGAPORE GIRL CHALLENGES j DANTE! II A SINGAPORE GIRL H AS
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    • 328 8 Biwwgwni opening 7? TO-NIGHT. S| V' BROKEN HEARTS? they were just "WISE CRACKS" j »jl Advice to the j LOVELORN/ 20 m A* A DARRVI F 2ANUC <\/ VSALLY BLANE Ai LAUGHED AND THE WORLD LAUGHED WITH HIM AT THOSE WHO WEPT ALONE! Last-Night To-Night 6.15 9.15 p.m. MARLBOROUGH 6.
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  • 390 9 Charge Against A Lorry Driver. REMARKING that he was satisfied that the prosecution could not explain the reason for the arrest of a lorry driver named Lan Chin Tiang, who was charged with disobeying the traffic signal of a police constable, the Fourth Magistrate, Mr. C.
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  • 342 9 Constitution 01* Municipal Commission. A meeting of the committee of the Singapore Ratepayers' Association was held at the otfices of the Association, Hongkong Bank Chambers. Singapore, on Thursday. Those present were Mr. Tay Liaii Teck ivice-president) in the chair. Mr. R. M. Meyer I vice-president I; Mr. D.
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  • 94 9 Clashes With Police In Jerusalem. Reuter Wireless. Jerusalem. May 23. I Forty people were injured in clashes with the police during the seven-hour strike which commenced at noon at Telaviv as a protest by the Jewish community against the Government's immigration policy. The clashes occurred when the crowds
    Reuter Wireless.  -  94 words
  • 599 9 I Extension To The Cabaret. A P LEASAN T surprise awaits those Satu^°v V:^K the New Woll l Cabaret on thpm. y The elaborate extension ;n, mcntlon of which oiade in nmL, i imns some time b&s been iS? and the new cjfcaret, if it posai or dancing
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  • 106 9 Hongkong. May 28. The conference of Japanese Consuls in South China to be held at Formosa will probably be postponed as the result of consultations at Tokyo between the Governor of Formosa and the Japanese Ministers abroad. It was agreed that in view of the prej sent situation
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  • 300 9 A Rowing Blue For Singapore. 'By Air Mail.) 'From Our Qvm Correspondent J London, May 16. MR. W. D. Erskine-Grum, the rowing blue, is leaving England in a few weeks to join the staff of an oil company in Singapore. His brilliant career started by his becoming
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  • 39 9 Dying From Cancer In The Throat. Reuter. Tokyo. May 29. Admiral Togo is lying on his deathbed, suffering from cancer in the throat. The Emperor to-day raised him from the rank of Count to that of Marquis—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 399 9 mm i^^^HßhH >{* AKKLiN(i, TASTELESS, W ODOURLESS Manufactured by special process and US(I( J °V *H the leading Aerated Water Factories in Malaya. ft lODHRA i UTERINE TONIC ;f A'/ THE SOVREIGN REMEDY FOR KĔKĔT** tfV/*, ALL MENSTRUAL TROUBLES 1 I ~*Ym y *y<M™ N WE WORLD OVfR IHP if
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    • 412 9 1 111 I I Hl' "I 111 l COMING SOON ALHAMBBA FINE CLOTHES, FURS, JEWELS, CARS, SERVANTS ...oil these she possessed,, but she didn't own a dime! At the swell resort they thought she was a real Countess What happened will keep you mightily entertained. SEE ITI FAY WRAY i
      412 words

  • 69 10 engagement. The engagement is announced <>f Miss Lai Che.ig, filth daughter of Mr. Tan Pong Guan and the late Mrs. Tan Pong Guan, of Singapore, to Mr. Law ,)<>o .»in. Manag- ing Proprietor of Eastern Trading Co., third son of Mr. and Mrs. Law Yew Swec, of Kuala
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  • 748 10 (41F the salutary lesson taught by experience in the working of the Stevenson Scheme has been well learnt and taken to heart, and the present Regulation Scheme should aim at mainI tOining a truly fair and equitable price j level, say in the neighbourhood of Sd. a
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  • 179 10 Capt. H. E. Pike, R.E.. has been appointed Adjutant of (be Johore Volunteer I Lmpincers. Mr. W. Miller Mackay has been appointed an unofficial member of the Council of State, Johore. Mr. T. Leijssius, who had been indisposed for the past week, was able to attend office yesterday. Mrs. C.
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  • 135 10 GREAT care, is beir.g taken with the Moneylenders' Bill. It is now being referred to a Select Committee, who will fully appreciate the far-reaching effects ol certain of its provisions and give them long and earnest consideration. But His Excellency., in Council yesterday, found
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  • 143 10 r|NCE again the Municipal Commis- sinners have had a discussion on the bus question, in relation to proposals for the replacement of those on the Geylang -Tanjong Pagar route by larger vehicles. It has been decided to call a I special meeting "to deal with the whole question."
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  • 147 10 A N interesting sidelight on the men- tality of writers in the Indian Pre:>s is offered by the comment of the Hindu on the question of emigration to Malaya. Expressing regret at the sion of the Government to permit emigration, the paper weeks to n comparison
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  • 176 10 I rpHE Consul-General for Gi }i Maenss. writes to us as "In ycur 'Look Around' oi Mat, •>, the number ol unemployed many is—owing probably to graphical error in a Rei j Indicated as being 8 mill "The number of unemployed Germany was 2.8 millions on Anrii against
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  • 483 10 By "Looker-On" rpilE Colony's legislators can congratu- late themselves on having done a fine day's work yesterday. The Rubber Bill alone was good measure for one meeting. And how curious it is that everyone is now eloquent in praise of Restriction! Where arc the critics of yesterday? They
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 238 10 gr r r i ■>fiiiiiiiiiiiit(iiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiic i'.t'iiiiiiifiin>f i i i i i mm i tmmmtmmiiitMmmmmmmm»mttitsts it 31 I F. H. AYRES— v ASSOCIATION SCUTTLECOCKS. I ENTIRELY OF ENGLISH MANUFACTURE, AND THK most DURABLE SHUTTLE- l I VND CHAMPIONSHIPS i SIN( X MHO, AND IN MOST OF THE PRINCIPAL TOURNAMENTS k J
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    • 59 10 —————-ii—--— ——.M I FEW ARE GIVEN THE ART OF PERFECT TAILORING. The famous hoii-r of WING LOONG enjoys this singular distinction, and offers you its excelled service and high grade workman,hip. PHONE 7627 WING LOONG HIGH ST. SINGAPORE >>*v ■■■WW ■111 I II lIIBIWMM On >n\c everywhere, «»r from I
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  • 462 11 tr-:** j \SI\TIC MEMBERS OF, COMMITTEE. I fl)ato Wong's Plea. 1 \l>atement Of Quit Rent. II 1 III certain minor amendments, r Rubber Regulation Enact- for .1 hore was passed at a ir;ti" of the State Council held in .,re
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  • 91 11 "One Third Of World's Wheat Market/ Reuter. London, May 29. 'Till] meeting of the wheat advisory/ committee, which was to have been held in London yesterday, has been postponed. \ceording fo the "Daily TeleKrapfc," Argentina is threatening to break last autumn's world agreement unless her demand for onethird
    Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 53 11 Ke-Elected For The Fourth Time. Reuter Wireless. Prague. May 24. l!i eighty-four-year-old President tJ '.vk was to day re-elected President '"cho-Slovakia for the fourth time votes against 38 by the National A mbly of both Houses. opponent was a Communist who at • minute contested the aged in
    Reuter Wireless.  -  53 words
  • 21 11 untitled Hon Mr M C. Hay has been appointed Kaminer in Malay in Johore ol the Hon. Mr. F. T. Tree.
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  • 278 11 Strikers Again Clash With Police. Reuter Wireless. W San Francisco, May 28. ILD noting occurred on the waterfront after the report on a compromise plan for settlement of the longshoremen's strike had been rejected by the men. I Fifteen hundred strikers clashed with 500 police, who used
    Reuter Wireless.  -  278 words
  • 82 11 Not To Be Sold To Bolivia. Reuter Wireless. Washington. May 23. A resolution authorising President Roosevelt to ban the sale of arms anc munitions to Bolivia and Paraguay been passed by the House of Representatives. The resolution was drawn up by the State Department on Saturday for in-
    Reuter Wireless.  -  82 words
  • 60 11 Youth Stabbed In Osaka. Shanghai, May 29. CHINESE youth named Yip Muk Hua is reported to have been stabbed to death by a number of Japanese in Osaka last Thursday. The Chinese Consul in Osaka has lodged a protest with the Japanese authorities, demanding compensation and punishment of
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  • 225 11 Death Of Former Judge Of Appeal. The death is announced of Viscount Sumner of Ibstone, at the age of 75.— Reuter Wireless. j Rugby, May 26. ViscounC Sumner, a former Lord of Appeal and a British delegate to the Peace Conference in Paris, died in London aged 75.
    225 words
  • 330 11 Chinese Peasants. MANY JAPANESE KILLED. Shanghai, May 29. jyjORE than 300 Japanese soldiers have been killed as the result of the determined resistance put up by the Chinese peasants at Han, in Manchuria, since they rose against the Manchukuo and Japanese autho rities on Mar. 10. Four
    330 words
  • 31 11 H.H. Sultan Abu Bakar. C.M.G., Sultan of Pahang. whose birthday is being celebrated to-day. The photograph, showing the Sultan in polo kit, was taken at Pekan recently.
    31 words
  • 142 11 Sensational Story Told At Geneva. Reuter Wireless. London. May 25. THE Opium Advisory Committee today heard at Geneva sensational revelations of illicit traffic in opium in Bulgaria, made by Mr. Fuller, the American representative. Russell Pasha, the Chief of Police in Cairo, said Bulgaria was the one big
    Reuter Wireless.  -  142 words
  • 328 11 De Valera's Defiance. PREFERENCES FOR GOODS. Reuter Wireless. Dublin, May 28. "yyE say to the British, 'We will give you preference for your goods when you give us preference for ours.' This was the statement made by Mr. de Valera in a speech to a gathering
    Reuter Wireless.  -  328 words
  • 107 11 Saudi-Yemen And Ibn Saud's Demands. Reuter Wireless. Cairo, May 23. The Saudi-Yemen peace terms do not fulfil Ibn Saud's original demands if reports from Arabia are correct. The terms are stated to be that the peace treaty will be operative for 20 years. Idrissi, the chief of the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  107 words
  • 107 11 Attempt To Make New Record Fails. Reuter. New York. May 28. THE French airmen Codos and Rossi, who left Paris in an attempt to beat their own record for a non-stop flight in a straight line, landed at North Truro, Massachusetts. Later they flew on to New
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 105 11 Ameriirs Attitude To Token Payments. Reuter Wireless. Washington. May 25. The strictest secrecy is being maintained regarding the con tents' of President Roosevelt's eagerly expected message to Congress on War Debts, on the preparation of which the President is speeding up to-day. Nevertheless, it is authoritatively intimated that
    Reuter Wireless.  -  105 words
  • 168 11 Burglary Sequel. SEARCH FOR A CYCLIST. Reuter. London, May 28. DOUCE patrol cars are scouring a wide area of Sussex downs in an endeavour to trace the assailan* of a young Worthing constable named Jex, who is in hospital seriously wounded by a revolver shot. Following
    Reuter.  -  168 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 68 11 BUY BRITISH WINEL RECORD CARRIERS Covered in black Morocco I I leather-cloth, white index cards II w^n round t.abs numbered in p 7 B| black, Wind schedule for 1(5-25 records. Record carriers for both sizes 10 ins. and 12 ins. records in stock. Prices from $2.60 to $6 50 New
      68 words

  • 1758 12 Clauses Oppressive. PETITION FROM CHhTTIARS. "THE Moneylenders' Bill has been referred to a Select Committee comprising the acting Attorney General (Mr. J. ft. Pedlow), Mr. A. P. Robinson and Mr. C. E. Wurtzburg. Opinions were expressed yesterday in the
    1,758 words
  • 123 12 To Meet Maturing Obligations. Rugby, May 25. THE subscription list will be opened and closed on Monday for the new Canadian £10,000,000 3% per cent, loan 1950-55. which is offered at 96% per cent. The loan is being raised partly to provide funds to meet maturing obligations —applications
    123 words
  • 43 12 Japanese Attempt To End It. Reuter. Tokyo. May 29. A combined campaign to end the oarty system is being prepared by all Rightist groups in consequence of the intensification of the political situation partly as a result of the share-dealing scandal.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 407 12 Rubber Bill Passed. SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA. AFTER about three hours' discussion in the Legislative Council yesterday, the Rubber Regulation Ordinance 1934 was passed through all stages and become law. The icting Attorney-General (Mr. J. 11. Pedlow) moved that the bill be passed through all
    407 words
  • 115 12 Local Girl To Be Cut In Half! DANTE the Magician, who has been such a success at the Capitol that his season is being extended until tomorrow, offers a special attraction for this evening's performances. A local girl, who wishes to remain anonymous, has challenged him to
    115 words
  • 127 12 Alleged Forgery Of Rent Receipt. Tan Chye Seng, a clerk employed by Mr. Tang Thye Hoe, a big local house owner, was brought up yesterday before the Second 'Magistrate, Mr. N. Grice. charged with having forged a rent receipt for $6.50. using it as genuine document and cheating.
    127 words
  • 26 12 Reuter Wireless. Santiago, May 23. Chile has notified her willingness to join in the international embargo on munitions to BolMa and P:»/aguav Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  26 words
  • 1101 12 S.S.(S).A. Meeting. BIG DECREASE MEMBERSHIP. J HE improvement in coi trade, which ho said brought about slowly but bably be better because of commented upon by Mr. the retiring President, at meeting of the Strait- (Singapore) Associal night. The Association elected su tl Raper as its
    1,101 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 592 13 Great London Melbourne Race. ITALIAN AIR ACE. Visiting Singapore. PREPARING FOR BIG CONTEST. Reuter Wireless. interesting visitor to Singapore is Major Francis Lombard!, who ,<i on Sunday by Imperial Aira from Europe. He is an Italian air ace and ha> c l it to Singapore studying conns in preparation for
    Reuter Wireless.  -  592 words
  • 215 13 Military Officer Fined In Singapore. F lEUT. E. J. H. Moppstt, an Army officer, was fined $2 by the Fourth Magistrate (Mr. C. H. Whitton) this morning for disobeying the lawful order of a traffic constable. A pol'ce constable stated that on Apr. 2, at about 10.20 a.m.,
    215 words
  • 32 13 Appointed By Soviet To Berlin. Reuter. Berlin, May 28. Jacob Suritz. recently Soviet Ambassador to Turkey, who is a Jew, has been appo nted and accepted as Ambassador to Berlin.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 150 13 Suspected Man Sent To Prison. FVESCRIBED as a suspected member of a gang which assembled at Tan Thye Place on May 20, Tan Whee Seong was this morning sentenced to eight montns' rigorous imprisonment by .the District Judge, Mr. H. A. Forrer, when he guilty to possession of
    150 words
  • 104 13 "Voltaire At The Alhambra. THE CINEMAS. Those who have not yet seen that excellent picture "Voltaire" should take advantage of the final opportunity offered at the Alhambra to-night. The large audience presenl last night showed that this return screening is welcomed. George Arliss is in the leading part, and that
    104 words
  • 60 13 Recovery Administration's Work Lightened. Reuter. Washington, May 28. The N.R.A. administration's work has been measurably lightened by the Presidential order establishing local selfgovernment for many coded industries. The order suspends price fixing and i other provisions in certain industries, while the hours and wages clauses are untouched. Col.
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 1551 13 Police Raid. THREE MEN IN COURT. exhibits, consisting of alleged counterfeit 20-cent pieces and countless articles and material connected with counterfeiting were piled up before the Second Magistrate Mr. N. Grice, yesterday, when a preliminary inquiry was begun against three men. They are alleged to have been
    1,551 words
  • 148 13 Death Of Famous Wartime Ambassador. Cannes. May 24. THE death is anncunced at the age of 65. of Mr. Brand Whitlock, the famous United States Minister (later Ambassador) to Belgium throughout the War.—Reuter Wireless. Mr. Whitlock's name became well known to the Allied nations during the war
    148 words
  • 80 13 How Defendant Paifl Out Rs. 1,500. Amusement was caused n the Colombo Law Courts recently, when a defendant, on beine ordered to pay the plaintiff's proctor Rs. 1.500, tendered i the amount in on» cent pieces. The Proctor, thereupon, said. "This man has brought these one cent
    80 words
  • 167 13 JAPAN AND THE D.E. I. Delegation Arrives, CONFERENCE IN BATAVIA. Japanese delegation to the Japan -Netherlands Trade Conference in Batavia arrived in Singapore this morning from Japan by the "Santos Mt:ru." They were welcomed by Mr. Teijiro Tamura, the Japanese Consul-General in Singapore, and several Japanese residents. Speaking to a
    167 words
  • 190 13 Unveiled In An Ipoh School. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 28. Ths Res dent of Perak unveiled "meritorious service tablets" at the Anglo-Chinese School, Ipoh, cn Saturday evening to record the services rendered to the school by former principals and members of the teaching staff. The Resident
    190 words
  • 129 13 Hope Of A Commercial Agreement. British Wireless. Rugby. May 25. Informal and exploratory talks have been proceeding for some months with the Uruguayan Government through their Legation in London with a view to concluding a commercial treaty Is In force between the United Kingdom and Uruguay. Dr.
    British Wireless.  -  129 words
  • 102 13 Interest In Latest Nazi Proposals. Berlin. May 23. Wide interest to aroused by tbe latest Nazi proposals which, however, are entirely unofficial, for helpiag German exporters to recover the £240.000.000 worth of foreign trade lost in the past two years. The suggestions are made by the Employees' Association
    102 words
  • 38 13 The following passengers arrived in Singapore by the Imperial Airways liner "Arethusa": Mr. J. W. Binge, from Alor Star. Mr. G. W. Swire and Mr. W. H. Lock, from Bangkok, and Commandotore Lombardi. from Brindisi. I mmm w-m
    38 words
  • 34 13 Mrs. Dhanalakshmi Ammal, wife of Mr. T. N. Ramanujam Naidu, sub-postmaster. Naval Base, died on Sunday morning and the funeral took place at the Hindu Cemetery, Bidadari, In the evening of the same day.
    34 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 60 13 O *V HERE IS A PROPOSITION THAT WILL INTEREST YOU. THE NEW FOTH FIjEX Latest twin-lens Roll-film reflex. Fitted with FJ3.5 Foth Anastigmat lens in focal plane shutter with self-timing device. For $69.50 Takes 12-6x6 cm pictures—pictures that you can be sure of—on a roll of 8 exposure film. Inspection
      60 words

  • 251 14 Disgraceful Scene." POLICE RECRUITS RATTLED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 28. i MOST disgraceful scene was witnessed this evening after the ame in the First Division of the ./.elangor League on the Kuala LumI ur padang between
    251 words
  • 122 14 Sunday's events at the Chinese Swim- lJng Club resulted as follows: "A" DIVISION—(200 yards freestyle landicap): Tan Wee Chwee (scr.) time 2.20 2 5 sees Sim Teng Pheng (10 sees.) ime 2.31 2 5 sees.; Sim Boon Hoon. y "B" DIVISION—(200 yards free style landicap): Yeo Jui
    122 words
  • 88 14 English Holders Of Title Defeated. Paris, May 28. IN the third round of the French hard courts doubles championships to-day, Menzel and Hecht (Czechoslovakia) beat Fred Perry and Hughes, holders of the doubles title, 6—4, 6—4, 6—2. "bunny" Austin and Hare beat Yon Cramm and Denker (Germany)
    88 words
  • 212 14 Larwood And Oldfield Meet. English and Australian cricket shook hands —in the persons of Harold Larwood and W. A. (Bert) Oldfield, (says a report in the "Daily Mirror'). The two famous Test players met at Nottingham, where Oluneid, who arrived ahead of the main Australian party, was making
    212 words
  • 87 14 Mechanic Not Expected To Live. London. May 29. KAYE Don, the famous racing motorist, and. his mechanic, H. F. Taylor, were injured at midnight' in a motor smash near Douglas, Isle of Man, last night. After a card party which he attended, Kaye* Don is reported to
    87 words
  • 18 14 "Don" Bradman, who scored 160 against Middlesex at Lord's yesterday. THE DERBY. Colombo Still A Firm Favourite. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  18 words
  • 149 14 London, May 28. rpHE latest callover on the Derby to be run at Epsom on June 6 is as follows: 7 to 4 COLOMBO. 10 to 1 UMIDWAR, taken and offered. 21 to 2 EASTON offered, 100 to 9 taken 100 to 9 WINDSOR LAD offered. 12 to 1 taken
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  • 106 14 At the inaugural meeting of the Sunnydale B.P. on Sunday at the residence of Mr. Yeo Leng Chuan, 18, Pegu Road, Mr. Tan Joo Soon was elected Patron, with the following as office-bearers: President. Mr. K. G. Yeo; vice-presi-dent. Mr. Tan Lye Sia; hon. secretary. Mr. H. J. Chan; hon.
    106 words
  • 359 14 $1 Tickets In Big Sweep A Success. Mr j. D. Kemp, President, presided at the half yearly meeting of the Penang Turf Club which was held on Friday afternoon at the Turf Club offices, Chartered Bank Chambers, Penang. Others present were. Messrs. D. Benson Lee Toon Poon, C. C. D.
    359 words
  • 190 14 Match Against P.W.D. Sports Club. Playing on their own ground on Sunday the Khalsa Association beat the P.W.D». by six wickets. Scores P. W. D. V. Ponniah run out 23 C. Morgan b Williams 2 J. Cambell b Williams 5 A. Cooke b Williams 0 Sta Maria b Williams 12
    190 words
  • 153 14 Annual Test" Match On The Padang. TEAMS for. the annual Clarke Cup cricket match, which will be played at the S.C.C. on Saturday, Sunday and Monday next, commencing at 2 o.m. on the first day, and at 11 a.m. on the following days, are as follows, subject to acceptance of
    153 words
  • 165 14 The bowling was at a discount in Sunday's game at the Depot between the Police and the N.C.C. The match was left drawn. Scores POLICE XI. R. C. Oehlers b Pereira 81 Wight b Pereira 0 Wait b Chelliah 12 Haxworth ibw. b Chelliah 30 Woosey c Fernando b Chelliah
    165 words
  • 101 14 S.C.C. v. The R.A.F. At Anson Road. AN important match in the First Division of the S.A.F.A. League takes place at the Anson Road Stadium to-day when the S.C.C, who lead in the competition, will be opposed to the R.A.F., who are third on the list. The Club won 4—l
    101 words
  • 173 14 MARIGOLD BEAT JOYBELLS. On Sunday the Marigold B.P. "B" beat the Joy bells B.P. by six gameo to one on the former's court. Scores (Marigold names first):— Singles:—Quek Song Quee beat Tan Ann Cheng 15 —6, 15—3; Chung Cheng Hock beat George Teo 15—3, 15—-0; Tan Kirn Song beat Francis
    173 words
  • 537 14 ULSTER T.T. PRIZE. Lord Craigavon announced in Belfast in mail week that £1,500 in prize money has been offered by Lord Rothermere for the Ulster Tourist Trophy motor race, which takes place on September 1 over the Ards Circuit. AUSTRALIANS BEAT MIDDLESEX. Bradman Scores 160. ENTHOVEN PERFORMS HAT-TRICK." London, May
    537 words
  • 61 14 Tournament ties at the V.M C A week" TO-MORROW: T. S. Tan and G Poh v. E. Simon and I. Resin} THURSDAY: Dr. Wee and Dr. Kamis and Dr. Loh. FRIDAY: Yadi and L A. ABJ winner of T. S. Tan and G. CP Simon and I. Reshty.
    61 words
  • 51 14 I V.M.C.A. team thi- United on the V.M.C.A. -round on Batu i 2 p.m.: R. Lyne (capt>, S. D. C Gibson, S. Ferreira. A van tv Lee Fong Lim. R. P. Ridley E B Sym Teng Pheng, V. Xuvier. Lt Soon, L. M. Pennefather, Lee TUCK Looi Eng
    51 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 1053 15 Municipal Services Retake The Lead From S.H.B.J.S.C. Y\S(\ at the Ja'an Besar y< aterday, the Municipal beat the Straits Times Press rj by G-4 Services were cleariy superior ■-t half, but a fine rally by its Times
    1,053 words
  • 244 15 American And National Leagues. Reuter. New York, May 28. T ATEST results in the U.S. major Baseball Leagues are as follows: AMERICAN LEAGUE. R. H. E. New York 4 9 1 St. Louis 15 1 (Burns scored a home run for the Frowns) Philadelphia 0 6 1 Cleveland
    Reuter.  -  244 words
  • 117 15 Another Practice For Singapore XL SINGAPORE'S probable Malaya Cup XI, which beat Mr. Lee'c team in a Charity match a* the Anson Road Stadium last week, will again be seen in action on Saturday, when the Wiltshire's will provide the opposition. Charges will be 50, 25 and
    117 words
  • 48 15 Sunday's Race For Van Schreven Trophy. Tarbet won the second race for the Van Schreven trophy at the R.S.Y.C. on Sunday, and having won the first, stands the best chance of carrying it off. The "B" class sailed the first race for the Hoops Remembrance Cup
    48 words
  • 75 15 The Marylebone Cricket Club has elected as a member Mr. F. H. Hawkins, who started life as a ground boy at Lords.' The M.C.C. at its a.mual meeting will discuss a proposal to admit 1,000 new piembers a year, instead of 200. There is at present a waiting
    75 words
  • 55 15 Municipality v. Singapore Japanese G.C. T U t F f,,l w i»g are the teams ld starting Municipality (Mun the first): i«unieipal tfam mentioned St d Kel v- S«V*y«*! and V- MW*««l and B.4a._de Smb. and Sen Clio, v. Honda and B ss '~SB,aki mjUr an<i WilSOn V
    55 words
  • 127 15 Man Who Never Won A Championship. ,f thi R SF lri^ M Veteran Professional th and Ancient Club, and the Klrle Jin Mai f K df diH at his ho ™at Kirlexi in mail week, aged 74 "Thl'n aS 'SffTl within an winning a e en that he
    127 words
  • 216 15 International Rugby Footballer's Bad Luck. All the spurting world will have learned with regret of the accident to H. G. Owen>mith. England's briliant Rugger full back, vhose qualification raised a controversy be a use he is also a South African Test cricketer (says a writer in the
    216 words
  • 81 15 Shanghai, May 29. The Chinese delegation to the recent ?ar Eastern Olympic Games at Manila eturned to Shanghai yesterday. Intea viewed, Dr. C. T. Wang, the leader <f the delegation, said that the Far 3astern Olympiad was still exitsent as ;hina did not vote for its dissolution.
    81 words
  • 53 15 Al Tong Old Boys' team v. the Java Traders Association to-morrow at 7.30 \t the latter's premises in Stanley Street Lim Eng Seng, Chua Eng Cheong. Yeo Cheng Hai, Toh Chin Poh, Tan Boon Teck, Goh Seng Geok, Ang Thian Koon, Ong Keng Siong, Tan Seng Thong and
    53 words
  • 43 15 The heading "Warders beat Postals" in the Government League competition natch reported in Friday's issue should have read Land Office instead of Postals as the game was between the Warders and the Land Office, as stated in the report.
    43 words
  • 37 15 Lady members of the Playfai Athletic Union are requested to note that the closing date for the ladies' open singles championship is Thursday, May 31. Unless sufficient entries are received the tournament may be cancelled.
    37 words
  • 44 15 The Government Monopolies S. C. team v. the Union Chinese B.P. at the Playfair BJVs court on Saturday: Tan Miang Cheng, S. Q. Quek, C. T. Tan, Heng Swee Tee, Lee Jouy Seah, Lee Peng Kwang, and Ang Chwec Whatt.
    44 words
  • 19 15 The Clerical Union defeated the Chinese $pQrtirtg Association' 6-1 on Sunday on the 'C. U. ground.
    19 words
  • 22 15 Entries for the annual sports of the S RC, to be held on" June 30. close oh Monday, June if.
    22 words
  • 179 15 Issue Of Importance To Fernandez. fpHE result of Friday's return bout between Arthur Suares and Ignacio Fernandez is of importance to the Filipino, who lost the last bout on points. The decision on that occasion, it will be remembered, met with a mixed reception, there
    179 words
  • 35 15 World's Welterweight Boxing Title. Reuter. B. PVPV New York, May 29. ARNEY Ross won the worlds welterweight title to-day by defeating the holder, Jimmy McLarnin, on points over 15 rounds. I Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 39 15 The King of .Sweden, caught on the tennis courts by the Paris Midi, gave his impressions of the 19:54 Davis Cup chances. "The two chief competitors are undoubtedly Great Britain and the United States he said.
    39 words
  • 490 15 English Soccer. THE RECKONING IN COLD CASH. yyHEN the "tops" and "bottoms" or the Leagues are decided at the end of the football season, the reckoning in hard cash follows. Norwich have gone their way into the Second Division at last, and therefore must be prepared
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 16 15 j I THE CALCUTTA CHEMICAL CO., LTD. (Incorporated in India). M RAFFLES CHAMBERS, SINGAPORE. 'PHONE 4476.
      16 words
    • 168 15 FOR YOUR HOME'S SAKE USE 'ROLAMATS' METAL MATS MATTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ROLL-I P METAL Sole Agents for Maiaya OIOCKISISTOM STOREY CO. wiiiteaway laidlaw co. ltd., Hongkong Bank Chambers, iioon seek trading co. Singapore. «■MMHHAMaBOHMMMnMI 12. W.J.W. 1. m«MN|I I SELANGOR TURF CLUB I SUMMER 1934 RACE MEETING. I SATURDAY,
      168 words

  • 2283 16 Recollections Of Late RanjitsinhjVs Performances. gXPERTS and cricketer journalists have written much in praise of that wonderful personality, the late Prince Ranjitsinhji, Jam Sahib of Nawanagar. They have had their say. Now let a spectator—one of those countless thousands who pay at the gate—record his
    2,283 words
  • 96 16 The National B.P. beat the Chinese Chin Woo Athletic Association on Sunday at the tatter's court by 3 games to 2. Scores (National B.P. names first): Singles:—Sng Beng Teck beat fang Eng Mong 15 —I, 15 —I; Lim Cheng X beat Lim Kirn San 11—15, 15—8, 15 Lee
    96 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 272 16 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Strait* getttemente). WAB f areat Lttr Building. Cecil Street, Singapore LONDON OFFICE: 17, Old Jewry. IO Company bus £20.000 dotted with th. Supreme Court o< England and compile, with the BrltUh Lire AMurance Oompanie, Act in every P^ WANTJCD ATTRACTIVE
      272 words
    • 31 16 j it A N D I I I CONDENSED MILK Economical and Satisfactory i i I j Sole Distributors: 0. RAMASAMY NADAR 86, MARKET STREET, SINGAPORE. TEL. 7692. j MSK3 J
      31 words

  • 1281 17 qU||N ->^3 LUCY HUFFAJCE* WW from the «ereen plau %iamma -Jf 1 /xv HH.HARWOOb ond SAIKA a MCTU. I importance Swedish cabinet, d badly to carry on has sted so long— for Queen Christina r ed Prince Charles. j royal line, is the hero having won a decisive the country.
    1,281 words
  • 99 17 A Hapsburg Goes To Austria. Reuter Wireless. Vienna, May 23. rIE first visit of a member of the Hapsburg family to Austria since the War has been paid by Archduke Eugen. a brother of the last Emperor who was welcomed by only a small crowd when j
    Reuter Wireless.  -  99 words
  • 105 17 Foreigners Ordered To Cease Works. Reuter Wireless. r„~ TTr ,Istanbul, May 25. HOLLANDS of foreigners employed t i/& rofe ssions or artizans (notably 1.200 of Maltese extraction but not speaking their mother tongue > are precariously situated as the result of the Government s approval ot a law
    Reuter Wireless.  -  105 words
  • 105 17 What H? Told The Military. Reuter Wireless. Sofia. May 24 KING Boris was the object of a wildly enthusiastic demonstration of loyalty when he attended the national holiday parade to-day of soldiers and school children outsid? Ilevsky Cathedral. The whole of the present Cabinet and the majority of
    Reuter Wireless.  -  105 words
  • 85 17 Doctor And Women Sent To Gaol. Reuter Wireless. S. Paul s jrf.nneapoiis' May 23 A SENTENCE ol two years imprisonment in a reformatory and a fine of SI.OOO has been passed on Evelyn Frechette, the beautiful girl friend of Dil linger, who participated in his crimes after
    Reuter Wireless.  -  85 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 155 17 THE ROOMIEST LOW-PRICE CAR NEW FORD V-S for 1934 CHOICE of THREE ENGINES V-S 30*h.p., 4-Cylinder 14 ti p. or 24 fcup. Front Compartmeni of Tudor Greater Headroom Measure* 44 inches from dash U hack oi twmM .eat. Thi. gfeti The New Ford for l«4 n UOVM inches from -eat
      155 words

  • 696 18 Accused Certified As Insane. (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, May 27. 'rwo men were killed and two very seriously injured on Scudai Estate a Japanese owned estate situated at the B'2 mile, Batu Pahat Road, on the evening of Apr. 18, as the result of an
    696 words
  • 53 18 Death Oi Yorng Member Of Parliament. Rugby. May 25. The death has occurred after a long illness of Mr. Murray Philipson, Conservative Member of Parliament for Twickenham, aged 32. He was an enthusiastic airman. The by-election, which his death will necessitate, will be the 44th since the
    53 words
  • 91 18 400 Japanese Commit Suicide. Shanghai, May 28. FOUR hundred Japanese and Manchukuo troops are reported to have committed suicide in Jehol owing to exhaustion and shortage of ammunitions when fighting against Chinese Volunteers. The Volunteer leader, Gen. Liv Ching Shan, has been killed. Marshal Chiang Kai Shek has
    91 words
  • 198 18 Dr. S. Luther And Miss H. Devasahayam. \From Our Own Johore Bahru, May 26. Dr. and Mrs. S. Luther were hosts at yesterday evening to a large circle of friends cf all communities, at their residence, after their marriage, which was solemnized. last Saturday at St. Christopher's
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  • 122 18 Future Of Germany's Former Colonies Raised. Reuter Wireless. Berlin. May 23. A more hopeful feeling prevails around 'he Conference, and it is even suggested that it may come to an earl er conclusion than generally expected. The main object is reported to be the oroblem of helping Germany
    Reuter Wireless.  -  122 words
  • 462 18 Between China And Manchuria. Shanghai. m., v v rrHE Japanese Commander Q haikwan states that throir along the Peipine-Mukden i begin to operate in the middle when new Special Police mi\ ed into the demilitarized zone The withdrawal of Manrhukuo p from Nantienmun and the ren< Malanya
    462 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 186 18 r* i SO EASY TO WASH TobraJco stands up wonderfully to sunshine and washing. Sec the fascinating range of designs. Its clear and lovely colours go so well with fresh young faces. Its wonderful quality enables it stand endless tubbing, and of course it carries the Tootal guarantee. A TOOTAL
      186 words
    • 106 18 NERVOUS AILMENTS Perhaps you yourself feel that something is not quite in orchr with your nervous vitality The ThToTcANlfe 1 n I 2 VE i RK NERVES, i the diS nf 7i re y Rge J he system of the glands supplying Wke needs building-up again. That is why ever?
      106 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 382 18 CLUB DIARY. [There are numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the Malaya Tribune!* This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in the
      382 words

  • 1026 19 Motoring Notes News. Latest Product Of Rover Factory. Interesting Newcomer To Popular Light-Car Class. with unusual interest and ex- 11 that I began my trial tesl 10-h.p. "special" Rover John Prioleau, in the «observ«r. M known cars of this make from the original 6-h.p. cylinder, the last example of i
    1,026 words
  • 87 19 An M.G. car belonging to Mr. L. L. Roos, of California, has been selected by the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film company to appear in a picture with a British story. The selection was made after a thorough examination of all "foreign" cars in Hollywood. At a recent reliability trial
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 102 19 RENAULT SPEED FOUR represents Speed in Us most economical form. 1934 Renault offer an improved range of Speed Models, among them, and probably the most popular one ever produced, is the RENAULT SPEED FOUR. It enters the new season with an outstanding appearance and greater power. The new Aero-dynamic radiator
      102 words
    • 141 19 THE CORRECT GRADE OF SHELL MOTOR OIL FOR ROVER RENAULT CARS IS TRIPLE SHELL Advertisement of The Asiatic Petroleum Company (Straits Settlements) Ltd. ——i m in UITTr HM I Iff Hill Hull 111 IM IW ■MWUBIIMIOILIMU>-^a__^^, PERFORMANCE BORN OF QUALITY Essential to successful driving in present day traffic are powerful
      141 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 842 20 WHITE A WAYS I l A **t\ GREAT 1 .~T. PROFIT SHARING °< *W* *et*7 rC Q < iSS&r M our Ae9r ec c %rF^HUiB>l X e*P e \o cC WSKKM S3 oce our ,no THE SALE OF THE YEAR scull caps.\ *\OT» 0 A e%? c orO^SJ-^ —**\OU* ***iaaa
      842 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 958 22 SgE_Tm~BACiTpAGE FOR ra^. mhs HV MERCERISED r 5 -^i —-7= j~' v STRIPE f"'"" r C> 7*" to only S I '^'I^^ *V "y^-."/;« f'V 1 > I ;;r 1, tl W f 1 I^ exceptional offer so only, floor rugs <'••".':- k!;: "JS^tr^l^dw iVvV si" r r
      958 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 612 23 SEE THWACK FOR STARTLING j j Sal. Price < 1.00.a«h. Sa, 50 cts. each. fffl ENAMn 0 .eavy and ~rvic« ALUMINIUM KETTLES. MOULDED GLASS DISHES. S j I ll} ENAMEL BATHS. make, as sketch. Bl n ak SIZ( pints >./. 6 inches »,th Mini I 11 i If J I
      612 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 544 24 SEE THE BACK PAGE FOR STARTLING BARGAINS. l THE GLASS JAM POTS. Wade, sell stropping and honeing 2HH Con lining3sosheets fine S ~i i ASSORTED NON-TWIST TAPE. Sale Price 950 each 9 B ruled paper, BARGAINS IN BOOKS. inch as illustral CHILD'S MOTOR WAGGON. va,ue 350 good novels hyleading authors,
      544 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 483 25 I ALL GOODS LISTED ON THIS PAGE TO BE CLEARED REGARDLESS OF LOSS. 1 rC O CADET PA A V Hurricane Lantern lanterns. UR IfX I A small hand I X 1 LANT; Brown and White Oxford Shoes. y J, <i<i<^ V '''"'j m NO. *****. BLACK BOX CALF DERBY
      483 words