Malaya Tribune, 26 May 1934

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Malaya Tribune
  • 40 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER,,IN MALAYA. Vol. XXL No. 124 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1934 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Saturday, May 26. 1934. Malaya Tribune 20 PACES SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1934 FOR ft CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 204 1 r-%e.a The I (Tribune Dominant In zZAdalaya i j THE LAST WORD IN THE ART OF^tEWING- Sole Importers: J The East Asiatic Company, Limited. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PKNANG. THE BEST BOOK FOR CROSSWORD PUZZLES 'TfcJF' .HI SWIFTSURE" V on will sleep well by Grainu M a 11 Jt P»~ «'opy.
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    • 178 1 A. FLINTER. 6, Raffle* Place, Singapore Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. SeOitif at latest and lowest marke: prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornament* oi every class and quality paying highest prices according to daily excnanztrates. I Himalaya j Bouquet j Toilet Preparations I
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  • 98 2 Dear Girls, I have not touohc-rl any of the letters ived thfe week, except tor one and have instead concentrated ort rearing Mir letters received previously. The owe letter opened was from "Alice," of Kcmaman. who is welcomed as
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  • 245 2 'By "Snowdrop.") HELLO CHUMS! Sorry I have not been keeping in touch with the "Corner" for the last few weeks. Although I have not written to the "Corner" nevertheless I read what is i written in the "Corner" from week to week. One afternoon recently I went
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  • 197 2 (By "Snowdrop.") I AM a Blackbird, and I have to work very hard for my living. One morning, as I was hopping about looking for my breakfast, an errand boy came trudging down the road. Seeing me. the naughty fellow nicked up a stone and aimed it
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  • 167 2 (By "Fairy Queen.") MY dear loving cousins, I wonder whether you know what Love is and what it can do for us? The mere word -Love," whenever I feel wretched or angry, makes me have a feeling of calmness and peacefulness. Why is this so? The answer will be—because
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  • 277 2 (By "Rosemary") THERE once lived two little girls whose names were Laura and Lizzie. As they were sisters they were very devoted to one another. One day as they were walking in thp wood they heard the cries of the goblins asking them to buy the juicy fruils
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  • 207 2 By "Sunny Girl.") HELLO cousins, hope you all are quiu well Gee! my trip to Palembang way I absolutely thrilling. i "Constance," I hope you'll be the Mrs; jto spot my article. When the ship j landed we had to step into a tiny house jto
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  • 123 2 (By "Rosette.") HELLO girls! It is a long time since 1 last wrote to our popular "Corner." How are you all? Quite well I hope. First of all I want to tell you about a little boy named Freddie, whose father once gave him a fine gold watch
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  • 97 2 (By "Miss Modern") EVERYONE wants to be clean, for to be clean is to be healthy. We must keep the "Rules of Health." by washing ourselves regularly; if this is not done the blood will become impure and bad health isi the result. Cleanliness is necessary, too, to selfrespect,
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  • 59 2 (By "Smiling Doodle," Seremban.) LONG before the introduction of motor cars into Malaya, the only means of conveyancc was -the bullock-cart. In those days travelling was unsafe and travellers had to endure several hardships; the chief of them being the attentions of .robbers. The motor car has revolutionised
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  • 323 2 By "April Sunlight ¥N one of the very wild parts ci l l( a where lurked many beasts. lived once an English lady with band and a baby boy. Whilst she was serving, one day <•: heard a thump overhead, bu iie little thought to it as
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  • 155 2 By "Rosy Chia MOST of us like to have a holiday after hard work. One day my father promised us that he would take v for a trip in a motor-boat to Tanjoa Rhu. We were greatly delighted when the day dawned. We had our clothes arc
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  • 139 2 (By "Lilac" K.L.). HELLO! from where have I arrived Oh yes! I've coma from the land Putoff. I travelled on the s.s 'Get T Work." I stayed away from the "Cornet for a short while, but it called 111 back. Well, to my work. We. in
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  • 117 2 fBy "Pearly Tooth ONCE there was a miller who ir> r < side the River Dee He ways happy he sang at hi. work day the King heard him loudly that the King came a d him why he was so happy The miller smiled and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 148 2 i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Itiiililli' l I I I I I I ■•lIIW I f CO* fo trust o weak imitation I DEMAND powerful FLIT Im*l tout baby's health and comfort worth the protection that come* only with FLIT,
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    • 99 2 STRAITS TYPEWRITER AGENCY. (Established in 1014). J Stationers and Repairers. 14-A, Change Alley. Smgapore. money will refunded. Ring us up for mechanics in case your typewriter is out oi* order, and needs immediate attention. Monthly cleaning of typewriters in offices undertaken, and can be arranged on receipt of instructions. Phone
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  • 744 3 Luxury College. < or USE OF STUDIES OUTLINED. Reuter. London. y (){'S(; police "undergraduates" an going to have a jolly time rhe new Metropolitan Police gc—the policemen's unfversity ah the Prince of Wales will open M mlon on May 31.) ,ey will almost certainly be rent to
    Reuter.  -  744 words
  • 58 3 Prague. Mantisek Elias, who had just been leased from prison, informed the police h;i t his two young brothers had stolen rj, Jd irom a timber yard. He did this, he declared, so that his J hers should have an early taste of on in order to discourage
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  • 145 3 Bathing Beauty Sues A Mayor. Rome. CK)R displaying a life-sized photograph of a bathing beauty as an advertisement for a seaside resort the mayor of Cesenatico, on the Adriatic coast, has been sued for £800. Seven years ago Signorina M. a beautiful resident of Milan, went down to
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  • 161 3 Attendance Of Members Of The "Old Brigade." For the benefit of those members of the "Old Brigade" who were unable to be present at last night's practice, for the ceremony of the presentation of the colours to the S.V.C. to-morrow, it is notified that the assembly will be
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  • 99 3 What Chilean Teachers Must Submit To. Santiago, Chile. Not content with submitting the State school teachers to an examination to test their scholastic attainments, the Chilean Government has now decided to examine them on their politics. A recent commission of investigation discovered that the Communists had "smuggled"
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  • 96 3 Man Who Foiled A Couple Of Robbers. Reuter. Prague. Two unknown men held up KenMaximilian Hirsch on the staircase of a block of flats at Brno, Moravia. They took a leather case from his pocket. No, please,' begged Maximilian. His tone was so earnest that the men felt
    Reuter.  -  96 words
  • 96 3 Taxes Reduced Six Times In Twelve Months. Amsterdam. Six times now within the past twelve months have the local taxes been reduced in the village of Liederdorp, near Leiden, in Holland's bulb-growing district. It is known as "Prosperity Village." School fees, marriage fees, water and electricity charges have
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  • 72 3 Coat-Of-Arms Of German Town. i Cologne. A new design for the coat-of-arms of the City of Coburg, which abandoned its oVd one because it bore the "Un-Aryan" symbol of a Negro's head, has now been new arms take the form of a shield with a dagger, designed after
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  • 691 3 What Nanking: Should Do. 1 AS we have already pointed out on several occasions the situation in Sikancr and Tibet to-day is no better than the situation existing in Manchuria betore the Japanese occupation of that territory. We are gratified to learn that although a group
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  • 156 3 Tramps Half Across Spain In Search Of Her Parents. Madrid. A lovely 17-year-old girl who has wandered hall' across Spain in search of her unknown parents, has been picked in an exhausted condition near Villafranca in North Spain. Since her babyhood the girl had lived in Madrid
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  • 126 3 But It Terrifies A Town As Much As When Alive. Sofia. An enormous wolf was found dead In a field near Preslav in Bulgaria. It was so large that people came frcm all parts of the town to see the animal. Many went so far as
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  • 331 3 Monday, M?... 14. In the morning H.H the Sultan of Pahang called on Hi< Excellency at GovetnmenHouse. Mrs. Caldecott had luncheon with Mrs. tee Choon Guan at Mandalay Villa. Tanjong Kat >ng. In the afternoon His Excellency presided at the Annual General Meeting of the I'nion lack Club.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 374 3 1 The mother on the right is Mrs. Howard with her little son —fed on Cow Gate—lst prize winners in the London News-Chronicle "Mother and Child Competition," Feb. 1932. HPHE doubts and difficulties of the past have gone —and the drudgery too! Look at these sparkling mothers with their bonny
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  • 1029 4 Shipping News Notices. PLYMOUTH, AN IDEAL PORT. Its Value For Atlantic Services. 110 mv (inncl Plymouth Is the Meal port for Atlantic traffic, for calls of short duration." r airi M Paul Lp Brun, In an interview with The Journal of Commerce and Shipping Telegraph." M. Brun has just retired
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  • 227 4 Request From White Man On Island. (By Air Mail.) I.on lon, May 16. A REQUEST for matches caused the li3C»B--ton Matson-Oceanic l'ner "'Mariposa" to heave-to in the middle oi the Pacific Ocean. When the liner reached !>an Francisco the captain reported that ho had been hailed by natives
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  • 205 4 Cause Of Industry's Troubles In Britain. <By Air Mail> < Fmm Our Own Correspondent' London. May 16. The approaches made to the Government by the shipping industry were dis cussed by Major R. J. Dunlop, president of the Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom, in an
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  • 449 4 Government Should Grant Relief. (By Air Mail.) London, May 16. a INURING recent months, the efforts 1/made by tramp shipowners to obtain Government aid for the industry 'have aroused considerable interest," said Mr Edmund Watts, In his speech lat the annual meeting of the Britain Steamship Co.,
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  • 873 4 Weil-Known Shipowner's Leading Part. I i fpHE recent growth of the Finnish merchant A fleet and the part played by Mr. Wihuri, the well-known shipowner, form the subject of an article In the currcnt. "Finnish Trade Review." It states, in par.:— "The Finn*: are traditionally
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 420 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. Pa 0«d BRITISH s INDIA i P. O. S. N. CO.'S SAILINGS. I OUTWARDS. Due Tonnage. Singapore K&ISARIHIND 11.500 In port r»A\ 6,500 June 6 RAJPUT ANA 17,000 June 8 RANCH! 17,000 June 22 RURDWAN 6,070 July 5 3 RTHAGE 15.000 July 6 R INPURA 17,000 July 20
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    • 68 4 AMERICAN LLOTB AGENCY. I/TT)., (Incorpontrr; ft. BM.), Steamship pasMSjiiu lH>f,krd by all Lines. Airmail tickets obtainable here. P.M.O. Railway tickets may be purchased at this oflM*. NO BOOKING TOES. Baggage, household effects and merchandise roiiected. stored, shipper! or delivered at reasonable rates. Insurance 'ffected. •JSfSjl l!l f0r a 0n re
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    • 180 4 I iff LLOYD TRIESTINO I j (Incorporated in Italy). I EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. i SINGAPORE TO ITALY CHINA ..ailing at Penang, Colombo, Bombay riling at Colombo, Bombay Su-? Karachi, Aden. Massov.ah. Suez. Po' T j j Port Said, Brindisi, Venice Trieste! Brmdisi. Venice and Trieste, Due Leavp d up
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    • 192 4 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. Deutsch |H D P| AostrmliKlM Dampfachiffa (Q CJ Gesellschaft. (Companies incorporated in Germany). PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. Due S'poro. SCHEER May 28 ma. DUISBURG, via Manila June 9 hi. RHEINLAND, via Manila June 12 jn.s. SAUERLAND, via Manila June 26
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    • 583 4 STEAMER SAILING^ NORDDE UTSCH E|{ Germany). OUTWARDS. "ODER" for Manila H'kcng S'hai, Japan N. China i "TRIER" for Manila, HTtong 5 S'hai, N. China Japan r.,, HOMEWARDS. "ISAR," for M'seilles, o ran 1 R'dam, Hamburg and Bremen arrives May 30' v "COBLENZ" for Geiioa, B1 »na R'dam, H'bug Bremen "CHEMNITZ"
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  • 522 5 Mining Shares. .pore. Saturday 11 a.m. ne louowuig tia snare quotations an 4 by Prasei ana Co., exchange ant vc r Buyers SeUars. imnat Tin 6 6 7- Kam bang Tin 31 6 40 Malay 43 6 4o am 'fin 15 16 2.00 2.10 34 0 35
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  • 148 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. RUBBER PRICE AGAIN UP. London Stocks May Be Higher. Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Saturday, 11 a.n To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 19% ct;s.. up 1 i ct. Market Tone: Quiet. Yesterday's Prices London, 5' d., up 1 16d. Market Tone: Quiet. New York, 12 3
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  • 202 5 Singapore, May 25. R. <Siam> W. Coast N. 1 per Koyan $96 R. (Siam» W. Coast N. 2 per Koyan $91 Rice, B. Siam N. 1 per Koyan $97 Rice, B. Siam N. 2 per Koyan $92 Siam, No. 1 $163 Siam, No. 2 $136 Siam, No. 3 $112
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  • 2126 5 Encouraging Progress In First Year. HTHE second annual meeting of the Oversea-Chinese Banking Corpoiation, Ltd was held a-, the bank's premises in Chulia Street, Singapore, yesterday. Mr. Chee Swee Cheng, the chairman cf the board of directors, addressed the meeting as follows: The report and accounts for
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  • 231 5 Reviews By Singapore Firms. JN their weekly rubber market report Peit 2 Messrs and Peat Singapore I Ltd.. stateThe chief features of the market during the past week have been irregularity and susceptibility to news of any description. On the whole, in spite of fair support at
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  • 647 5 Rubber Shares. Singapore. Saturday 11 am. The following rubber share quoin ionare issued by Fraser and Co., and LyaJ and Fvatt. Issue VaiUC t"a.oc» oharea &> oc s-.v**. i Allenby 1.65 IJScd 1.7U IJOcti 1 Ak.r Gajali 1.05 1.15 1.00 1.10 IA. Hitam 1.60 1.75 100 1.60
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  • 72 5 DAILY PRICES CtJRRF.NI. Singapore Friday, noon. Bu>erv aeiitr». R.S.S. equal to London Standard, Spot (loose) 19*4 19% do. (F. 0.8.) 20tt 20% Standard R.S.S. on Tender: Juno 20 H 20' i July Sept. 20% 20% Oct. Dec. 21% 21% Jan. March 22% 2L" k Tone of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 89 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In England). SINGAPORE BRANCH I 1, D'A'meida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £2.000.000 Pald-up-Capltal £1.060.000 Reserve Fund and Rest 500.000 HEAD OFFICE LONDON. BRANCHES: Bombay, Calcutta. Colombo, Karachi, Madras, Arnara. Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra, Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed
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    • 208 5 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated m Straite Settlement*.) BUCCEBSORS TO THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BAN*, LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Uu $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING, CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE. LOCAL BRANCH 455. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chee Swee Cheng.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 222 6 M. HAS9AIV. I ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. M-37, Bra* Basah Road. SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric .ights, fans, morons etc., and water lervice, please write to the above •address or 'Phone 3411. in una wsw a^wiiiJiCT^Mai TELEPHONE 4610. I n EUROPEAN HAIRDRESSERS, PQf||) 7t, Stamford Road. KBRKA
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    • 702 6 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by my Client Gopalsamy Narayanasamy Rajagopal, of No. 8, Lorong E, East Coast, Singapore, that he has no further connection or dealings with Madam Veerammal, she having left his care and protection. T. TALUKDAR, Solicitor for G. N. Rajagopal. Dated this 23rd day
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    • 869 6 PUBLIC NOTICES. I > rtl m* 3 NOTICE. In the Estate of CHAN KIM HONG NEO, Deceased. PURSUANT TO THE TRUSTEES ORDINANCE 1929. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and other persons having any claims against the Estate of CHAN KIM HONG NEO late of No. 112, Pasir Panjang
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    • 563 6 EDUCATIONAL. 1 I FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, Established 1928. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). 1-K, Kirk Terrace. Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. Enrol for a Sound Musical Education Systematic Training both m Technique and Theory. Complete Courses leading to T.C.L. Certificate, Diploma, etc. Booklet free. M. ANCIANO, Prmcii JOHANNA
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    • 354 6 THE RELIABLE AM) j FASHIONABLE j WATCH. Latest Range of lies;.."' j Now on View at:— YICK WOH HING 429, NORTH BRIDGE (Near Middle R I HII ||l| B A.J.G.P. ttaa( ■■•ii *****,,, FIGARO BEAUTY CREATION'^ j 3 THE If 9S PERMANENT Z BY EUROPEAN LADY I J RAFFLES HOTEL
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  • 764 7 Chinese Opinion. SITUATION IN FAR EAST. /'AX anybody say that China today has net yet reached her critical .-tajre. If so, wnat can we d,, to cope with the situation? It is a ij est ion that should be thoroughly •bought over by the 400,000,000 people
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  • 130 7 What Young Children Have To Know. Helslngfors A C ASS 01 schoolchildren, eenUy 2 was 10, was re- vy "J, ~u> tcliowmi exam nation particularly atiected by crisis'? P J£LJS\ at an the ««««luencea ol a commercial crisis? halt vdence thereof a .\V ;,lon existing between vario'j countries?
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  • 1024 7 I The Local Bhumlhar Brahman Sabha j has succeeded in collecting $423.82 towards the Behar Central Relief Fund. The Sabha highly appreciates the collection of Pandit Bali Karan Rai Sharma who has voluntarily collected jne-third cf the above sum. I The following subscribed: Bhagawati Rai, Govt.
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  • 144 7 German Shopkeepers Want Them To Go. Reuter. ma11 who Joined that itm«o Z ovemen t with the hoj,e nartmprvf tne end of the de siens n?\ res have been showing T-tLIr J lncre asirg restlessness laiely. «frJtSc ve een askir »g why the big dtflriiv m wnich see
    Reuter.  -  144 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 16 7 LA KG 5] contains 8 oz':. MEDIUM A NflaU Am St ifcfc £gr jj cy. g.
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    • 274 7 Oiw expects to pay a little more for I I a cigarette oj such excellent Quality 1 I 1 "'lTicre sno sweeter I obacco comes from Virniiu.i A^S and no bettor brand than the Three Castles.' "-t* vw..iw»v% /> -iißiiati«iiiti»iiaiiiitaiiaiiaTmtaiiaiiakia:iaiiaiißiiatmaiiaiiaiiai r Todays Quickest aid to sparkling cleanness of TEETH. There
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  • 104 8 JUST WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW TO-DAY'S SHIPPING HARBOUR BOARD. =SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE. Singapore, May 26. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Nil. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). Eri<~ Maru 16: Gemas 11; Apoey (5 p.m. shifts to 50 1) 6. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3).
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  • 40 8 From France by the "Andre Lebon," due at Singapore at 2 p.m. to-day. From China and Japan by the "Shunko Maru," due at Singapore tomorrow. From China and Japan by the "Santos Marti," due at Singapore on Tuesday.
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  • 64 8 ALHAMBRA.— Bureau of Missing Persons." APCLLO.—Chinese pictures. CAPITOL.—Dante, the Magician. EMPIRE.—T Cover the Waterfront." GREAT WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Dean s Grand Opera, Chinese Wayangs, Cinemas, Talkies, etc. MARLBOROUGH.—Hindustani i alkie. NEW WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Malay Operas, Chinese Wajangs, Cinemas, etc. "PAVILION —'"Girl without a Room." *RTT2.—"Dinner at Eight" and
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  • 209 8 SELLING. Singapore, May 25. London 4 months* sight 2(4 11i64 London 3 months' sight 2j4 5,32 London 60 days' sight 2 4 9|6! London 30 days' sight 2j4V3 London demand 214 764 London T.T. 2|4 3j32 Lyon and Paris demand 892 Hamburg demand 149 New York demand 59
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  • 236 8 Public Function And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, MAY 26. High Tides.—8.42 a.m., 8.36 p. m H.M. the Queen's Birthday. Singapore Amateur Race Meethv r and last day. Singapore Volunteer Corps Presr Of Colours. S.C.C. ground 515 Cricket: A.C.S. v. Nondescript* r? N.C.C.; Ceylon Sports ci'ub
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 650 8 i smnAPom moms i GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL phone 6490 t Telegram GOODWOOD. Admirably located— sufficiently distant from city noise to ensure I an atmosphere of peace and quietness. LARGE GARDEN —14 TENNIS COURTS. EVERY COMFORT High-class restaurant under expert European supervision. Lock-up garages: Moderate Rates: Terms, Apply:—Manager. ¥ifROPOLE HOTEL TEL
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    • 578 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT STATE OF JOIIORE IX THE SUPREME COURT OF THE JUDGE AT JOHORE BAHRU. Land Application No. 51 of 1933. Between KAN A VIENNA AHNA LAN A RAVEN At MAN A PALANIAPPA CHETTIAR (son of Kanappa Chettiar) of No. 22 Market St., Singapore Chargee And WONG BOW TOON formerly
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    • 69 8 I SENSATIONALLY 1 successful: I A PERFECTLY GORGEOUS FILM!! WITH GARBO ACTING AS SHE HAS NEVER ACTED BEFORE j INTELLIGENT, BEAUTIFUL AND THRILLING ENTERTAINMENT! CHRISTINA yH| with John Gilbert iWM lan Keith Lewis Stone 11 Elizabeth Young ygf A Metro-Goldwyn Mayer Picture It will enthral you and send you away
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    • 128 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TO LET—Furnished 2 large bedrooms with bathrooms attached, dining room and large verandah, garage and servant's quarters, including electric light and water. Rent $40, inclusive. Three minutes' walk to i sea, 15, Chapel Road, off East Coast I Road, Katong. I* i i COMING SOON i AIBAMBP4 FINE
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    • 275 8 LATEST: ADVERTISEMENT. NOTICE. j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai M have obtained the exclusive rights to exh 1 in the S.S F.M.S. and Siam the tmd< n j timed talking serials produced by Nil Levin* of Mascot Pieoves Corporation U.S.A. The Three Musketeers. The Whispering Shadow. The Shadow of the
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 92 8 POSTAL INT€LLICtHCt SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Kemaman, Kemasek, Kretay, Dungun, Trengganu and Besut (Boribat) 2 p.m. Djambi (Toba) 3 p.m. rembilahan and Rcngat (Maros) 4 p.m. Tandjong, Balei and Laboean Bilik (Rantau) 4 p.m. Saiika Island, Pladjoe and Palembang (Senang) 4 p.m. Bangkalis and Bagan (Toboali) 4 p.m. Bandjermasin (Belawan)
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  • 1583 9 from the tcretn ptou %tamnq 6(/ KM.HARWOOP orftf SALKA V1ERTEL CHAPTER 11. One nay after the riderless charger had come back to Stockholm, the Chancellor presided at an assembly which he had convened. The great throne room —with the empty throne a 1 one end— was filled with
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 437 9 Foods The/Allenburys' Foods are particularly suited to the I ceding of infants in hot climates. They are free from harmful germs, and are readily prepared by the simple addition of boiling water, thus giving complete independence of doubtful milk supplies. Moreover, J they are practically identical in composition with 1
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    • 417 9 THE 8-IN-ONE SPORTS KNIFE. 1 Made in Sheffield, England, of the Finest Quality Steel. It is inches lone;, with 4 Finest Quality Steel blades embodying:-('art- ndge Extractor, Tin Opener, Leather Borer, Bottle Opener, Screw Driver, Fib-. < Wire Scraper, and Hunting Blade. It has a Stag Handle with Nickel Ends
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 318 10 iinininimmii i i ii:iitiMtNiiiti!iiiiiiiiiinii;i'ii'i ii'Hi'i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 1 ALH|NBBA TO-DAY 3.15-6.15-9.15 i•••iI i i ~,,i••'';e'.',,ii i j i i i i i i i mi umiiiwui iiiiii 'I TONIGHT I Twite Nightly M ££1 DflQOilPli
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    • 301 10 i PAVILION To-day 3.15-8.15-9.15] I charles 'farrell j S sk*™*' Vi l charlie'ruccles '<*¥ < MARGUERITE CHURCHILL Gregory Rjrcff and l I I i«p NEW WORLD CABARET I IEEPS "CABARET DE LUXE." Partner! TEA DANCES ADMISSION TO CABARET FREE V COMMENCING, SATURDAY, JUNE 2. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, From
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  • 468 11 Orchestra And Soloists In Singapore. pi r.s the Children's Concerts have r bt-i-r. popular feature of life in Musical enthusiasts have •;:V good programme, and children schools have formed appreciate '{.udiences. csterday. in the words of Mr. H: iwn, Father of the Children's the organisers attained the
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  • 46 11 Reuter. I' Wf Sofia. Before M4nka Mednikarova drowned herself in the sea at Varna because her married life was unhappy she traced with her ringer a farewell message to her parents in the sand. Forgive me," she wrote, "My love to you.'—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 104 11 Dr. Hugo Eckener Receives Dirigible Trophy. Pans. THE Harmon Aviation Trophy (international class* has been awarded as follows by the International League of Aviators for 1933: Aeroplane trophy I men pilots I. Wiley Post. Aeroplane trophy (women pilots), Maryse Hilsz. Dirigible trophy. Dr. Hugo Eckener. Spherical balloon trophy,
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  • 236 11 Charge Of Doing Business As A PawnbroKer. j I The case,Against Tan Kim Hwa. who carried on a business as a pawnbroker without a licence, came to an abrupt end before the Fourth Magistrate. Mr. C. H. Wiltton. yesterday, when, on the advice of his counsel, the accused
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  • 656 11 Accused Says Girl Is His Wife. THE defence in the Mvi Tsai case in which a Chinese named Lim Ket Seng was charged on three counts under the Ordinance, was commenced before Mr D. Wilis in the Penang Police Court on Wednesday. Mr. W. L. Blythe,
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  • 66 11 Reuter. Pram if. Czech advertisers put a slogan wh.-iv Englishmen would pat their firm's address. Result: Following the Spring Sample Fair at Prague, orders are being receir ed from England adorCssĕd to: •Mr" sf Iron by Electricity nnd Save You Hands:" "Messrs. Buy Czechoslovak Prodirts." and "Messrs.
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 191 11 TIIE PERFECT j 4 AMERICAN TWINS ®MADE IN U.S.A. WINCHESTER FLASHLIGHTS BATTERIES single ait WESTINGHOUSE BULBS i 1511 t Obtainable everywhere or from j KHOO HENG PHO CO.. Agents. J j 27, South Canal Rd., Singapore, j urn ii —mm —imnrr —rrr —i n «a— a a» aaa j better
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    • 318 11 A 19 STONE MAN LOSES FAT 56 lbs. Off—Feels Better Now A woman writes about her htuband as follows:—"He started to take Kiuschrn Salts tot rheumatism. His weight wa- ?h«-u 19 stone. He began to lose weigh', an! tow he is 15 stone, and feels better. He look half-a-tea spoonful
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 591 11 CLUB DIARY. JZi-g? r numermu Clubs and Z2252. s n 9apore, most of the SEiSf? £L which are readers of the Malaya Tribune." This Diary is proS /lS a y /or them Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings °i g f? er Z l
      591 words

  • 863 12 A JAPANESE trade mission has passed through Singapore, intent on opening up new markets. Yesterday*? cable news from Chinese sources contained a long account of Japan's assault on the markets of South China, her endeavour to persuade the Chinese that her goods are "cheapest and best." It
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  • 187 12 The death took place at h er residence f jS?Hf g Lar l e Pe nang. on Tuesday' of Edith Ccombs, wife of Mr Charlie Coomos. Senior Sanitary Inspector of he Penang Rural Sanitary Board Thp deceased, who had been in ill-health for two years, was well known in Pulau
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  • 147 12 mHE Kuala Lumpur paper takes to task those who press for fulfilment of the Government's promise to give financial support to the Singapore Anti-Opium Clinic. Its argument is that there is still some doubt as to whether the form of treatment of opium
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  • 166 12 jrpo old residents ol Bangkok the news that Mr. E. C. Monod is still going strong at the age of 84 is particularly gratifying. Fifty years and more in the tropics have not impaired the constitution of this splendid Frenchman, a veteran of the Franco-Prussian War. Successful
    166 words
  • 139 12 PROPAGANDA has its u should be kept out of to be legitimate news despj reputable agencies. No such r is imposed upon itself by tl Imperial Service—a Japan* agency-which is busy rear., map of the East (in fancyi. effort rehashed the ridiculo about British troops operatic i n
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  • 149 12 A KUANTAN correspondent ends th I** following: counter with a full grown b out in the jungle a' fey. It appears that the man/ armed only with a parang cutting rattan when he came laceTto face with a bear and two cubs jnimal Attached him on sight Rteted
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  • 411 12 By "Looker-On r rpo-DAY is the Volunteers' great day. Hurrah for the S.V.C! The Corps has a proud if short history. And its war service was very valuable. There are still many pre-war Volunteers in Singapore. Why nof a Reunion of the Old Guard? Excellent was the Children's
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  • 55 12 GIRLS' CORNER, on page 2. THE POLICEMAN'S UNIVERSITY p. FUTURE OF TIBET, on page 3 FINANCIAL NEWS, on page 5. CLUB DIARY, on page 11. MUNICIPAL MEETING, on page 12 SPORTS NEWS, on pages 16, 17 and RADIO NEWS, on page 19. CHURCH SERVICES, on page 20.
    55 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 107 12 1 DELICIOUS! I PRICE GO cents PER TIN SOLE AGENTS: I ROBINSON CO.,LTD., i SINGAPORE, KUALA LUMPUR. I 'iiiiiiiijiii<iiiiiii 11 ■■■■■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit SANDWICHES SOUPS, STEWS Marmite makes all meat and vegetable dishes more nutritious and digestible as well as far more appetising. It is the Great Yeast Food, extremely rich in
      107 words
    • 182 12 THE ART OP PERFECT TAILORING. I The famous house of WING LOONG enjoys this singular distinction, and offers you its excelled service and hifh grade workmanship. PH0NE^7627 WING LOONG HIGH ST. SINGAPORE Angela di Martinis! j ENGLISH SCHOOL OF DANCING. THE LEADING EUROPEAN SCHOOL < OF DANCING IN SINGAPORE THREE
      182 words

  • 1106 13 THE RESIDENT'S VIEWS. IS HIS CONSENT NECESSARY. Golf Club Hopes. Legal Opinion On Proolem. j HERE has been an interesting sequel to the "swimming incident which has been iting Kuala Lumpur for a idc table time. The Resident declined to give consort for
    1,106 words
  • 156 13 io-Day's Proceedings In Police Court. H. J. Fougere, a European A well known in loeal business and sporting circles in Singapore, mud a second appearance before tin Third Magistrate (Mr. J. M. Grander) this morning, in connect >n with a charge of criminal breach of trust. The charge
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  • 67 13 Overriding of Vote Thought Certain. Reuter. London, May 25. HTHE "Financial Times" learns from tain thf n rd am l hat U is Poetically cerwi ov.rHH tCh ,v? ast Indian Government will override the vote of the People's council and introduce an export dutv on native
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 59 13 Government To Help Only Certain Students. (From Our Own Correspondent.j Bangkok, May 25. ii\:.lfcSE students be"ng educated abroad learnt with' surprise anc regret that the Government »s withdrawing its' support and maintenance of students on Aug. 1, except in the case <of these who have w jr. scholarships
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  • 445 13 Chinese F2ars. REPEATING FORMER METHODS Shanghai, May 26. 1,000 women and children have been robbad in the salt districts around Kaochow during the past two days. The Police opened fire on the robbers, killing several of them. The trouble is spreading. The "China Prsss." Shanghai, published
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  • 60 13 Shanghai, May 25. Hailstones as big as eggs fell at Tsangnsien and Yuktinhsien, in Hop?i. yesterday. Two hundred and fifty people were killed by a which occurred at Kaichiungshan in the Lokchanghs en district, yesterday. Twelve villages were destroyed. The Pehkiang River was obstructed by the
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  • 166 13 Empira Day Dinner. THE GOVERNOR'S REBUKE. Reuter. Malta, May 25. A m<ad€nt occurred at the Empire Day banquet arranged by the Royal Empire Society and the Overseas League. Following the wildly-applauded speech of the Governor, Gen. Sir David Campbell, X.C.8., scathingly attacking certain pro-Italian elements in the
    Reuter.  -  166 words
  • 111 13 Death Of Well-Known Composer. M D London, May 25. R. Gustav Hoist, the well-known composer, has died following* an operation.—Renter. Mr. Hoist, who was of Russian origin was born at Cheltenham in 1874 He was trained at the London College of Music, and his compositions, which were of
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  • 67 13 Chinese Customs InspedorGeneral In London. Reuter. London, May 25. Sir Frederick Maze. Inspector-General or Chinese Customs, will be the guest of the Grocers' Company at a banquet on May 29 and will attend a dinner given by the China Committee of Members of I Parliament on June
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 31 13 Bill For Abolition Of The Senate. Reuter. u iv« Dublin, May 25. The Dail passed the Bill for the abolition of the Senate by 54 votes to 38. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 246 13 Improving Prospects In j Gold Countries. Reuter. London, May 25. '"JtfiE recent decline in sterling in terms of the gold currencies is not due to any intrinsic weakness in sterling but is attributed to the improving financial prospects of the gold bloc countries, causing repatriation from
    Reuter.  -  246 words
  • 126 13 Disarmament. M. BARTHON'S VIEWS. Reuter. Paris, May 25. M A SOLUTION at Geneva is not impossible," declared M. Bar thou, in the course of a debate on foreign policy in the Chamber. He added that he promjned Mr. Henderson his help and no Issue wan closed, but
    Reuter.  -  126 words
  • 50 13 The Police Band will play the following programme at the Botanic Gardens to-morrow, starting at 9 p.m.: Overture, "Marinarella" (Fuctk); Selection, "A Strauss Garland" I Winter'; Selection, "A Gipry Piincess' (Kalman); "Les Adieux" (Beethoven "Serenade" (Toselli); Selection. Souire's Songs; Waltz, "Gems of GungT'; March. "Passing of the Regiments."
    50 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 45 13 < j "STRICTLY j j BETWEEN J j OURSELVES" I Don't Miss m m I HOPKIN I I O/l I I ROLAND BR4DDELL 1 i i m f/iis week's I ("SUNDAY j I TRIBUNE I IB ifasauiiiauiuii •"•ininMBiiiniiiiiiiiii!«ini,i„ < l llll t l li ll llt lk
      45 words
    • 78 13 BUY BRITISH WINEL RECORD CARRIERS Covered in black Morocco leather-cloth, white index cards with round tabs numbered in ■B black, Winel schedule for 16-25 records. I Record carriers for both sizes I 10 ins. and 12 ins. records in stock. I Prices from $2.60 to $6.50 I New Records received
      78 words

  • 761 14 REFUND OF RATES. LATE CLAIMS ALLOWED. Legal Formalities. Erection Of Rubber Smokehouses. IiE monthly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners yesterday was one of the shortest on record, the business on the agenda oeing completed in a little under haif an hour. There were no
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  • 769 14 Principle Involved In Outside Work. MR. G H. DA SILVA queried a decision of committee No 2 agreeing to allow Dr Hunter (Municipal Health Officer) to act as hcnorary arbitrator in matters arising out of the dissolution of partnership of a certain firm of medical practitioners. He raised
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  • 708 14 QuesUpn On Payment Of Fees. MR. S. H. MOSS)*said that he did not understand what was really meant by a decision of committer No. 7, reading "agreed that the fee., to be paid to the Home Agents for the months of January and February 1934, should be based
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  • 163 14 Chinese Newspaper Sued For Damages. A CLAIM for damages against a local Chinese newspaper, the "Kwong V/ah Yit Poh Press" Ltd., and its editor, for an alleged libel, was mentioned in the Penang District Court before Mr. B. F. Bridge on Wednesday, following which the case
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  • 205 14 Mr. S. Fung And Inspector Judge. There was a breeze between Mr. S Fung and Detective-Inspector J. Judge yesterday in the Third Magistrates' Court when the case against two Indians. Lab Singh and Dass, was mentioned. The accused appeared on charges of cheating in respect of a
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  • 84 14 Special Services To-Morrow And Monday. The Buddhist Wesak celebrations .will take place to-moriow and Monday. In Singapore there v/ill be special services at the Buddha Gaya Tiger Temple in Racecourse Road. In Kuala Lumpur on Monday there will be services at the Sri Lanka Buddhist temple, and addresses
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  • 240 14 Important Decisions By Conference. Shanghai, May 25. A PLENARY session of the National Financial Conference now in progress at Nanking was held yesterday. Dr. H. H. Kung, the Finance Minister, who presided, read a message from Marshal Chiang Kai Shek encouraging the delegates to work out their object
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  • 267 14 League Of Nations Bulletii I THE following is the health bulletin of the League of Nations Eastern Bureau. Singapoie. for the week ended May 19. 1934. Alexandria: 1 case of typhus. Basse n: 2 plague cases and 1 deatn. Bombay: 1 plague case and 1 death:
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  • 138 14 Empire Day was celebrated by the staf7 and students of the Eton High School Singapore. At 8.30 a.m. the staff and students assembled under the chairmanship of Mr. K. N. R. Pillay, a senior member of the staff. After the musica entertainment by the students of the
    138 words
  • 692 14 Labour Shortage. EFFECT OF HIGHER PRICE. REPORT extending to 11:; j (L ed pages gives a very tw.pVty record of the work of the I Planters Association dtnijr year ended Mar. 31. Concluding his review. ih< mtn, the Hon. Mr. J. \V. K. Assays We are pleased
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  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 511 15 I ":inese Children. XSUL on the future. ..•it World to-day and towill be the rendezvous .umbers of children who the Singapore Chinese Welfare Exhibition a fir own. bit ion, which is perhaps of its kind organised by as formally declared open evening by Dr. Philip u, the
    511 words
  • 200 15 Mipv Awards in Horticultural Section. if is an attractive list of specal the Horticultural section of ',i!:i'";in Evhihition to be h°ld in T umnur on June 2. 3 and 4. A 1: > 1 d medal presented by H. H. the of Pahang will be awarded to the
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  • 312 15 Funeral At Bidadari Cemetery. v THE funeral cf Capt. W. J. Davies, of the Straits Steamship Co., whose death was reported yesterday, took place at the Bidadari Cemetery yesterday afternoon Archdeacon Graham White officiated. 9 Among those present at the graveside were Messrs. C. E. Wurtzburg, G.
    312 words
  • 122 15 Preliminary Meeting Of The Powers. Reuter. London, May 25. y»EUTER learns that on the initiative it of th- British Government, communications were recently exchanged between the Governments of the prin- cipal naval Powers with regard to the question of whether it would be advisable or helpful to hold
    Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 127 15 Opening At Polo Ground To-morrow. PROMOTED by the Singapore branch of the Kennel Association, a dog show is to be held on the Singapore Polo Ground to-morrow, to commence at mid-dav. when the judging begins. The show will close at 7 p.m. Owing to quarantine restrictions the shew
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  • 196 15 THE CINEMAS. Rapid action and a good mixture of comedy and drama characterise the film "Bureau Of Missing Persons," which began a season at the Alhambra last night. Lewis Stone, Bette Davis, Pat O'Brien and Glenda Farrell are the featured players. I The film is a
    196 words
  • 140 15 The Girl Without A Room." Charles Farrell, Charie Ruggles, Marguerite Churchill, Gregory Rator> and Walter Woolf make a superb team in the gay Paramount picture, "Girl Without A Room," which was introduced at the Pavilion theatre last night. Overflowing with gaiety, this glamorous film of the night life of Paris
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  • 101 15 Warner Bros.' sensational production, "I Am A Fugitive From A Chain Gang," starring Paul Muni, is the chief attraction, at the second house, in a doubletalkie programme at the Ritz cinema, Geylang. There have been crowded houses since the picture began its run.
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  • 325 15 How It Was Observed Up-Country. (From Oar Own Correspondent) Seremban, May 24. The English Schools in Seremban assembled in front of the padang of the Negri Sembilan Club for the Empire Day celebration. The children formed a square, with the Scouts lining the inside of the square. On
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  • 388 15 Official Opening In August. A SMALL group of enthusiasts decided f*- in August last to form a Flying Club in Penang to further the development of c vil aviation in this country, following the pioneering done by the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur Clubs, and today the Penang
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  • 41 15 Reuter. Warsaw. Maria Ogorrk-Drzezgowa and Ernest Drzezga were married in prison the day before their trial on a charge of spyina. They have now been sentenced to life imprisonment, and must serve their sentences in prison far apart.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 59 15 <f*J HERE IS A PROPOSITION A THAT WILL INTEREST YOU. THE NEW FOTH -FLEX Latest twin-lens Roll-film reflex. Fitted with F|3.5 Foth Anastiirmat lens in focal plane shutter with self-timing device. For $69.50 Takes 12-GxG cm pictures—pictures lhat you can be sure of—on a roll of 8 exposure f:'ni. Inspection
      59 words
    • 181 15 MaMmiiiiiani!iiiiiiii"iiiiiiiitinaiiiiiti'i.ii.:i •iniwuiifiwii! I ASKIT j is the safest remedy for Z I Nervous Bilious Head- I i aches, Neuralgia, Tooth- j I ache, Rheumatism, Sleep- I lessncss, Influenza, Colds in i the head. I TRY IT TO-DAY. j I I Instant Relief may at once b? i obtained by using
      181 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 191 15 Startling Predictions In Your Horoscope. YOUR EEAL LIFE TOLD FREE. Would you likp f o know wlhout any oogfc what the stars indicate for ycu, whether will be fcuccessful and happy and what Indicated for you In business, love, marriage, frl nds. enemies, lucky and unlock? pe: tod what pi
      191 words

  • 2849 16 A Series Of Upsets On The First Day. Mr. Whitaker, Mr. Seven Che Yuen Each Have Two Wins. k SERIES of upsets marked the opening day's racing in connection with the Singapore Turf Club's Spring Amateur race meeting which commenced at Bukit Timah yesterday
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  • 146 16 (By "The-Man-At-The-Rails."). RACE I.—HOP OVER. Arjuna II and Mickey Mouse, places. RACE 2.—IRISH LADY, Lady Raia, Shorty, places. RACE S. —MEKLONG, Head ot the Bffl and Cracker, places. RACE 4.—SAIL UP, His Mark and Gunga Din, places. RACE S.—DEWI, Remount and Little Miss X. RACE
    146 words
  • 57 16 S.C.C. Team To Mcd The Airmen. S.C.C. team v. the RAF. -it A..Road on Tuerday in the Fir-' I> of the S.A.F.A. League: F. C. Cherrihgton; C. G r u F. A. McCafferv; L. V Taylor. Muncey. A. Dcnald; S. E Ciaitv Craig, E. A. Jol, Y. W.
    57 words
  • 71 16 Serangoon Lads BP. B Mayfair B.P. "B" to-morrow ter's court at 3.15 p.m.: Singles:—Robert Lee. M I < K. N. Yeo, and K. S. Eng Doubles:—M. Lee and X N T. H. Lee and K. S. Eng Parties desiring to haw the Serangoon Lads B P communicate
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  • 43 16 Chin Woo Atheltic Assoc* court v. the National B P 3.20 p.m. Singles:— Yong Eng Mo! Fong, Yip Peng Yew. g Doubles:— Lim Kirn S Tat, Choo Chee Wing. Kan HocK Reserves:— Lum Pit Hin tU Soon, Yuen Mun Kong
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 269 16 I Interesting 111 I I i i lOfI Of the 392 legal-reserve life insurance companies in the U.S.A. and Canada that are listed by "B?st's", the foremost life insurance rating-manual, 93 are rated "A." ("Best's" rating, as explained by themselves, is "from the policyholder's viewpoint not the stock- holder's or
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  • 1195 17 Las l Night s Fights At The New World Arena. Bel!' programme of five fights acted a good crowd to the v rid Arena last night. contingent from Biakan on hand to back Gunner and i runner Brown. a tine display, putting his in the second
    1,195 words
  • 202 17 Annual Athletic Sports Meeting. THE annual athletic sports of the Anglo-Chinese Continuation School were held yesterday at Jalan, Besar Stadium In the presence of a large crowd. At the conclusion of the meeting Mrs. Edwin F. Lee gave away the prizes to the successful competitors. Results High
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  • 329 17 Amateur Meeting At Bukit Timah. HANDICAPS for to-day's races are as follows: RACE I—Ponies—Class 3—Div 3— 5V 2 furs.— p.m. Janet 11.7 Puth Arl 9.7 Mickey Mouse 11.5 Arjuna 11. 9.3 Lady Mildred 10.7 King Dick 9 3 Prime Minister 10.7 Moobarak 8 7 Hop Over 9.12
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  • 520 17 COUNTY CRICKET RESULTS. Pataudi In Form. GLAMORGAN ATTACK COLLARED. Reuter. London, May 25. TPHE Nawab of Pataudi registered the highest score in the mid-week county matches, scoring 214 not out against Glamorganshire in the match played at Worcester. Centuries were not so plentiful as
    Reuter.  -  520 words
  • 209 17 The table is as follows: P W L D W L Poss Ob: Perc. Sussex (2) 6 4 0 0 1 1 90 68 70.55 Kent <3> 531 0 1 0 75 50 66.66 Worster <15> 3 1 0 0 2 0 45 25 55 55 Surrey <9>
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 204 17 Famous Seer Will Advise You Free Would you like to know without any cost, the -tar< indicate your future will be; you will be successful, prosperous ippy; about business; love; marriage friends; enetravels; sickv I 'Hi this Noted Astrclogei astrologer predictions have startled the most J <.f two continents. You
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    • 156 17 <J— BBS j i SINGAPORE LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION An Open Invitation Lawn Tennis TOURNAMENT (Singapore Championships). Sanctioned by the L. T. A. M. will be held on the SINGAPORE CRICKET CLUB COURTS, SINGAPORE, from June 11th, 1934, at 4.50 p.m. ea. day. (Mondays to Thursdays Inclusive). Events. Entrance Fees. L
      156 words
    • 18 17 IE E IIW Distributors HenrqWauoh The Archipelago Brevvcru. 1 > Co. Ltd. Singapore f s Henry Waugh Co Ltd.
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  • 1341 18 Cricket In The Melting Pot This Season. LETTER which was recently published in a contemporary i i worth of every consideration, writes "Second Slip" in the "Cricketer." The writer, who states that he has lately arrived from Australia, says: "The recent bother (enthusiastically helped
    1,341 words
  • 663 18 Hampshire Match Ends In A Draw. I I Reuter. London, May 25. THE match between ihe Australians p.nd Hampshire at Sou hampton which was begun cn Wednesday, ended in a draw to-day. The tourists' scored 433 in reply tc Hampshire's total 420. Chipperfrid b?ing undefeated wi
    Reuter.  -  663 words
  • 83 18 At the annual general meeting of the Malacca Chinese F A. the following were elected to serve for the ensuing year:— President, Mr. Tan Soo Lock; vicenresident, Dr. Ooi Keng Lock; hon. secretary, Mr. Chan Choo Tiong; assistant. Mr. Kam Soo Hock: treasurer. Mr. Ong Chin Yam:
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  • 21 18 The return soccer match arranged between the S.P.A.P. and the Siong 800 A.A. for to-day has been cancelled.
    21 words
  • 243 18 Chinese Return. WELCOMED AT HONGKONG Hongkong, May |-.HE Chi nese delegation t> cent Far Eastern Olympia! a in Hongkong from Manila i, morning. Representati\ cs from over o, Chinese associations in the C accorded them a cordial we icon f Mrs. Tsai Ting Kai, wife of former
    243 words
  • 130 18 P.W.D.A.A.BBat Education Department. (From Our Own Correspondenti Jchore Bahru, May 25. fk* th? Johore Civil Service riun nar'ariT this even n? the Pub v r. V. T -vv* Department Athletic Association i"et the EdiKat'on Depa r tmrnt in th- 1 romd 0 f the JB.DF.A. League ?nc brat
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  • 405 18 Postals Beat Rock ites By An Inrngs. On Whit Mrnday last, on the KuLu padang, Malacca, the Postals Cricket XI avenged their recent defeat by troun ing the Rocklites by an innings and two runs. Incidentally the Rocklites suffend their first defeat of the season. Keen fielding by
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 207 18 AhmU exceed $12,00M«i. A*.«rance In force over $35,000,6#r The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporate In the Strait* Settlement*) HEAD OFFICI. Great Eastern Life Bulldlni, Cecil Street. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: J7. Old Jewry. IO J Tne Company ha» £20 000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and com
      207 words
    • 31 18 Be Sure to Come! TO OUR ANNUAL CHEAP SALE j OF RECORDS MUSIC 3,000 RECORDS OF DIFFERENT MAKES TO BE CLEARED. COMMENCING 28th MAY, AT Nang Heng Co., 103-105, Selegie Road.
      31 words

  • 1184 19 How Best Results Can Be Obtained. Avoid Trees When Erecting An Aerial [NG a wireless set is not I as simple a job as it there] are sometimes so to be taken into often a position where would be just aerial would have a in
    1,184 words
  • 84 19 T alks Of An Offensive Nature. Rugby, May 22. many subjects to be disbe International Broad- onference, which will iHion next month, will be ol political talks of a proture offensive to listeners "ountries. anxious that broadborities in all countries fm to pledger not to infbis form of
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  • 177 19 Improved Reception In Conditions. IN recent times the Colombo Broadcasting Station, which was much improved by the instalment of new, up-to-date apparatus, has successfully relayed short-wave broadcasting stations in Europe, including the Empire Station. Tins lias created quite a thrill among listeners in Ceylon and South India. The
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 82 19 0 GUARANTEE A MB of QUALITY f j A A Love,y thild! l Your baby 100 can have It strong straight limbs, a 0 j) :^^fc v ready smile, and a happy (I disposition if you gfare 11 (I him ft 0 ZCS I Baby Robin, fed on l For
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 545 19 TO-DAY'S RADIO. Details Of Empire j Programmes. 9.20 p.m. The Sixth National Eisteddlod of the Children of Wales, relayed from the Eisteddfod Pavilion, Old Colwyn. 6.20 p.m. Time Signal from Big Tom (St. Paul's Cathedral, London). The Northern Studio Orchestra, directed by John Bridge, from a Manchester studio. 7.05 p.m.
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  • 249 20 Massive Ruins Buried In Dense Forest. Reuter. Paris. FRENCH archaeologists are bringing to light the wonders of a lost civilisation by their work in Angkor, the ancient capital of Cambodia, which lies buried in the Heart of the jungle in French Indo-China. Angkor was founded in
    Reuter.  -  249 words
  • 84 20 Leads To Spanish Prison Revolt. Reuter. Madrid. VISITORS to Victoria Prison brought a beautiful basket of oranges for their friends inside. After the customary search they were admitted. A few minutes later, armed with pistols which had been concealed in the false bottom of the basket, the
    Reuter.  -  84 words
  • 133 20 Solution To The Fuel Problem. Reuter. Edmonton. Alberta. rE people of Aklavik, on the north coast of Canada, are rejoicing at the discovery of a seam it coal near the town. Samples of it have been sent to Edmonton for analysis, and if it proves to be
    Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 44 20 Reuter. Los Angeles. Miss Sidney Fox, the film star, who filed a suit for divorce against her husband Mr. Charles Beaham, on grounds of iH-treat-ment, has secured her divorce. She declared that Mr. Beaham used "vile -oh very vile-language" to her.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 212 20 German Spy Who Stole British Plans. Reuter. Montreal. HOW a German secret service agent joined the Canadian forces during the War, and, by securing for the enemy full details of the proposed storming ©f Vimy Ridge, made the capture of that strategic point much more difficult and
    Reuter.  -  212 words
  • 69 20 Reuter. Czechoslovakia!! Factory Takes On 2,000 New Workers. Prague. A considerable improvement in the Czechoslovakian armaments industry is revealed by the latest unemployment figures. The Brnenska Zbrojovka (Brno Arms Factory), a concern in which the famous Skoda Works of Pilsen has an interest, has just taken on 2,000
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 158 20 Recovering After Three Years Treatment. Reuter. San Francisco A pretty Los Angeles girl 1S 1 covering from a disease whicii J- m ened to encase her limbs and a stone shell. uer This girl, Miss Trudy von Raven** was unable to walk three year., aj..
    Reuter.  -  158 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 530 20 r WHY does Bourn-vita give me BETTER SLEEP and more energy/ I REMARKABL E NEW EVIDENCE j V s The di estibilil > and digestive power" of a food-drink deyffl/l/ m y terniine. very largely, its ability to help you to sleep. And '//w J hcre are authoritative figures showing
      530 words
    • 483 20 CHURCH SERVICES. Details For This Week-End. S. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL. 6.50 a.m., Holy Communion. 7.30 a.m.. Matins. 8 a.m., Holy Communion (Choral). 10.30 a.m., R.A.P. Parade Service. 5.30 p.m., Evensong (Choral) and Sermon. 8.30 p.m„ Service at Missions to Seamen. Holy Communion on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8 a.m.; Tuesday,
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    • 544 20 LATEST ADVEK^mp^ (Vide Garette No. 37 of li th *uy, m, TENDERS INVITED. TENDERS will be received m, Wednesday, the 6th June, I<j: {4 .t 1 mal Secretary's Office, *> Mat Councillor's Office fens* Resident Councillor's Office M la persons desirous of cnotructin* f« lor the Government at and Malacca,
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  • 632 21 I Many Battles. nWDlTS RETREAT TO 8 fukien. Hongkong, Apr. 29. f|i(j ward <>fl a Communist cuonter- attack on Chunmenglin in >( ,iithern Kiangsi, the Cantonese mul'T General Yu Han Mou an rr.akin*- a drive against the "Red" at Hueichang. The vanof General Yu's troops have v;;(
    632 words
  • 475 21 Details Of Current Prices. Singapore, May 18. MEAT. Beef, steak (round), kati 31 Beef, stew or curry, kati 9* Pork, lean, kati S Pork lean and fat (Ist quality), kati 32 Mutton, Australian, lb. Fowl, kati 2 Hens (locally reared), kati 4^ Ducks (Java), each 45 Pigeons, domestic
    475 words
  • 122 21 German Who Gave Vent To His Feelings. j I Berlin. While conversing in Spanish with two South Americans on an express train from Frankfurt to Berlin, a German bus ness man .spoke contemptuously of the Hitier Government. This is what happened next: A passsnger who understood Spanish
    122 words
  • 52 21 Melbourne, Victoria. Mr. Thomas Hunt is 92, but he is still proprietor, editor, reporter and often compositor of the Kilmore (Victoria) "Free Press." Mr. Hunt established the paper 70 years ago, and is now the oldest editor in the world, says the "Melbourne Herald." He can read
    52 words
  • 290 21 "Air Chiefs Must Take Risks." j Reuter. London, April 20. r THE vital need of modern aviation, according to Air-Commadore P.F.M. Fellowes, leader of the Mount -Everest Flight Expedition, is that all positions of authority controlling air progress should be heldA by fearless men and women willing to
    Reuter.  -  290 words
  • 417 21 The undernoted non-fiction worki will be ready for issue at Raffles Library to-morrow at 9 a.m.: Agar (Herbert) The American Presisiaents trom Washington to Hardin".. A s.uay in Democracy). Ilius. Ait ng ton (C.A.» Eton Faces old and young. (Poetry). Aitiwill (Kent Horizon. Browne (Lewis) Since Calvary. An
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  • 206 21 Pilgrimage To "Seamless Robe" Of Christ. Paris. rpWO hundred British Roman Catholics X are expected to make a XTuI? Paris at Whitsun to t° tunic of Christ vene rate the holy This relic is believed to be thp »coom less Ckmf worn by Chrtat L his
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  • 114 21 Chinese Government Organises Competition. Nanking. Harassed by International problems as it is to-day, the Chinese. Government has turned aside from its worries—to organise a national competition for the best kite-flying performance. Hundreds cf entrants responded and i great meeting has been held here— under the supervision of the Minister
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 106 22 I 1 I INTRODUCING 1 TWO BEST CAMERAS OF THE YEAR I il p l] Takes Plates, Roll films and film Automatic Focussing j packs 6X9 cm. L. coupled with range I! Roll film Holder is fitted with finder I ■jj automatic numbering device. n LB Particulars on request. I
      106 words

  • 108 23 i it,ok At This Week's Mail Hag. I iver. a letter from one oi i the Corner, who points .t ae many articles sent iv iid published in the h.v been copied wore :r booKs or magazines. noticed 'his and have j •< tim asked
    108 words
  • 230 23 By "Montgomery Koh") the rumours of war and the pre'ions for war cause a great deal of !)1<> and we all imagine that the Id is coming to an end. a ill we be having another war soon? day, a friend of mine told me that ehow a
    230 words
  • 117 23 By "Tiddy Chua") H vt rybody! Now. now, don't get I am not I?. E. Jeffries, the news rter. but Tiddy Chua. i chums, let me introduce myself, vi t a little boy, a new addition i'old. the youngest nephew of 1 i think. I do not possess
    117 words
  • 99 23 By Wandering Jew.") new member, aiitf a stranger >nier. I naturally feel a bit write anything at first, until l thoroughly introduced, in the country side far i town, and I find myself, a f. wondering how to while 'V pare time. 'Uirday I enjoy reading the
    99 words
  • 445 23 <By 'Tan Chong Seng") In the days of yore Goek Lay the j Lmperor of Heaven, during a certain j festival, invited all fairies irom all places io celebrate at the Seng Siow Palace, j where there were fairies dancing to cheer up the guests. He next
    445 words
  • 173 23 (By "Teik Hock.") Ah Bah was a pupil of a certain school in Penang. During the Christmas holidays he went to Taiping to visit his grand-parents. They were very pleased to see him, as they had not seen him for a long time. One evening
    173 words
  • 150 23 >By "Stan Laurel") In the days when dragons were common, a ship was travelling from Singapore to Sarawak. After a day's journey, a terrible incident occured. A portion of the water began to circle a hundred yards ahead of them, and a second later a dragon appeared
    150 words
  • 285 23 By Attaboy His greatest desire and lifelong ambition was to possess her. He was out for a hunting expedition when he saw her at the cross roads and she had also seen him. He was a very tall, thin and old man with the inevitable
    285 words
  • 311 23 (By "Go-pal Rajah One of the greatest, if not the greatest, forces governing the human body is habit. From getting up in the morning to lying down at nig) i ninetenths of our actions are unomatic. With most people, far ioo few actions are made into habits,
    311 words
  • 129 23 (By "Sunny bin Ahmat," Labuan.) The town in which I live is not very large. It has several streets, the chief of which is called Beach Street. Here are the largest and best shops, a clocktower, and the market. The market is used daily for the sale of
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 289 23 TIONG HOA HOTEL TEL. 3447. No. 123, North Bridie Road (Opposite St. Andrew's Cathedral or Bext to Union Jack Club) SINGAPORE. Recently Furnished Modem Sanitation. CHARGES MODERATE ROOMS $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 PER DAY. SPECIAL MONTHLY TERMS FOR BOARDERS. Breakfast 60 ot*., Tiffin 80 cts, Dinner $1 00 Our long experience,
      289 words
    • 183 23 THE GIFT SHOP 33. Stamford Road. NOW OPEN. NOW OPEN. (No connection with any other '(Jift Shop' in Singapoe). LADIES' HATS, ART JEWELLERY and MILLINERY, latest creations from PARIS ;snd LONDON. AGENTS for the famous— Champs Elysee-Fleurs de Pari*. Cannon Hat*. Liyterlyte Hats, Children's Hats. The Ideal House for suit
      183 words
      92 words

  • 96 24 Mr. D. F. Hu.ton. tbf champion shoi ai ttt* r* A M i t. a tn< ww ventral Kflc meeting held at Kuala Lumpur. A The successful team in the breas and back stroke relay race at th Oommand arquat>c sports, he'd ih
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 11 24 "DAISY" for I FLOWERS. 15, Orchard Rd„ Singapore. Phone 1097 i
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