Malaya Tribune, 23 May 1934

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 40 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. I Vol. XXI.- -No. 121 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1934 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune >Ve«1ne>i«li,v. 2.i. l!»I4 Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, WLVttL304V. N/VV 23, 1934. FOR 5 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 150 1 %e*i The (Tribune J 7/7 zSA/lalaya I i i i 1934 111 l 111 ||||*p *****11 New beauty 1111 11 i NEW REFINEMENT New Power AND SPEED i j Ij J j IN THE i ■ijj AUSTINS i|j SEE THEM AT— j Borneo Motors Ltd. j SINGAPORE. PENANG. IPOH, KUALA
      150 words
    • 222 1 A* FLINTER. 6, Raffles Place, Stagapoitt Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments oi every class and quality, j paying highest prices according to daily excnange j rates. 2 1,1,,,, l, M 1
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  • 1076 2 Shipping News Notices. THE ROYAL NAVAL RESERVE. Admiral's Review Of The Present Position. THE Admiral Commanding Reserves, ViceAdmiral G. K. Chetwode, C.8., CB.E. was the guest at a recent luncheon mcc ing of the Southampton Mas'.er Mariners' Club, when a large company listened with great interest fee hfe talk on
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  • 563 2 To Take The Place Of TJie i "Leviathan." »l w»»ij 'Vpurtca lll Ibc ol Qom» Z Ml'lce «no «<Npn»uss 1ele«s«»pn" rceenUv l,ni pl»l» U> ta? up permanently t)nlt«l< 6t»l«5 llncr l>evl2M»n' oncl builo new v« .ll bncl oeeli 1iU6 belore 3roppb,H UyHlci Llireau bv >1 ?r»,Nslin.
    563 words
  • 195 2 Passenger Traffic Slump Coming To Its End. 1«. w note «n»». tNere i» «l 2<zvH»ce ln Uze nmnuel ol Nu,wezo ..KNoupN tne incre»He <lu« not «,uHl on tNe lll»<Ir. «wulll Umt tNe slmnp w sl«lt>«ll »c Me en«i ol iv3N »s.lj ol l93l, plumW«V »>t.M lurtdel N, l322
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  • 216 2 Breach Of Rules The Main Cause. j The findings la conrtec ion with the Board jof Trade inquiry at Grimsby concerning the loss of the trawler "Sabik" and 12 hands off Iceland on Jan. 26. after a collision with the trawler -Euthamia." were given in Grimsby j recently.
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  • 156 2 The following are passengers of the ""Meonia." which left Singapore for London on May 22:—Mrs. G. Thorp, Master Geoffrey Thorp. Mr. and Mrs. J. M Bartlett, Mr. D. A. Fox. Mrs. D. H. Giemmee-Oppenheim, Miss GremmeeOppenheim, Mrs. J. de Haas, .Miss J. J. de Haas, Miss R. Manning,
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  • 572 2 New-Steamer For African Service. CT\HE steamer "El Djezair," built for the "X Compagnie de Navigation Mixte, has been completed less tfian 11 months after the laying of her keel, which is a record for her builders, the Societe dcs Forgeset Chantiers de la Mediterranee. She was ordered
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 379 2 STEAMER SAILINGS. p*cl BRITISH INDIA P. m O. S. N. CO.'S SAILINGS. OUTWARDS. Due Tonnage. Singapore BEHAR 6,000 May 24 X ISA R I HIND 1,500 May 25 S< M I) A N 6,500 June 6 R \.I|M T.\ 17,000 June 8 RANCH! 17.000 .lune 22 BURDWAN «',.070 July 5
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    • 48 2 ill Itliiv). .0 5 Penan., co.ombo. .ombav !?'.'"5 at s-nlombo. Nombav 8u« 8ue-. pH l'...l 5>.<'<l. Venieo H lr,oi>tc' Venice »nd l-rleste. Due m.v 5 5 »n l?0«l-8 l cl. ll ol. «Lo. l. 34SUN0 Ml)0 77.15 gs^nn ill.4<l 77.15 l?l.43 9«H9 «S.L7 H05.72 l»lH7 04.2» m.. 7"
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    • 196 2 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. Deutsch Mitt] Austrahsche Dampfschiffs Gesellschaft. ***>- (Companies incorporated in Germany) PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. Due Spore. s.s. SCHEER May Z7 m.s. DUISBURG, via Manila June 8 m.s. RHEINLAND, via Manila June 12 m.s. SAUERLAND, via Manila June 26 s.s. NORDMARK,
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    • 527 2 STEAMER SAILINGS jgfc NORDDKLTsf .ii,„ Germa. The undernoted are the Cam tended fixtures:— n OUTWARDS. '.'MAIN," for Mamla, H 'kon c HOMEWARDS. "GOSLAR," for Genoa M'aeill, Oran, Havre, R'dam, and Bremen "ISAR," for M'seilles, Oran R'dam, Hamburg and Bremen Ma* Passenger steamers with cabin uS? termediate class accommodation 1 ln
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  • 551 3 Mining Shares. apore, Wednesday, 11 a.m. N t following tin share quotations are ed by Fraser and Co., exchange and Utek brokers. J5 Buyer* Bell.™ 4 unpal Tin b6 7 Kumbang Tin 37 6 40 Malay 43 6 45 Hitam Tin 15 16,--2.00 2.10 v Bangrin Tin
    551 words
  • 171 3 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. EASIER TONE OF RUBBER. Fall Of London Stocks. i B\j Our Financial Correspondentj Singapore. Wednesday, noon. i To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), cts., down 1 et. Market Tone: Easier. Tin (Singapore), $114% up $»nYesterday's Prices London. down 1 16d. Market Tone: Dull. New York 12«*
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  • 157 3 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Motor Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are as follows: Shell Aviation Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial gallon $1.19 Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imprial gallon $0 82 Shell Mo or Spirit in 4-gallon drums per
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  • 85 3 Slackening Demand For Securities. Reuter Wireless. n London, May 19. f\N the Money Market this week, with a slackening demand for investment m securities, there has been a large volume of money available for short loans and consequently the average rate for Treasury Bills was only 16s.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  85 words
  • 134 3 Monaco Unable To Sue State. Reuter Wireless. Washington. May 21. British bondholders' hopes of recovering from America part of the £78,000,000. the estimate of the present-day value ot the bonds repudiated by eight States ot the Union a century ago, have been dashed by tne decision of the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  134 words
  • 105 3 £54,000 Scheme Launched In Majorca. Palma. Majorca. A funicular railway is to be built to I the summit of Majorca's loftiest peak. I the Puig Mayor, which rises to a height of 4.500 feet. Plans for the railway have already been approved by the authorities and a
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  • 77 3 Invasion Of American Markets. Reuter Wireless. New York, May 17. CONTINUED large imports of coUon wm, o teXtlle fr °m nations thP hi!^ atC i 5 «rtously undermining f£f with the result that l»Lu de authority of the cotton and n£2Xf mdustr y has petitioned the lann Commission
    Reuter Wireless.  -  77 words
  • 93 3 South Africa Government Suspension. Reuter. Capetown. The export of butter from South Afri:a has been suspended for an indefinite oeriod by the Government on the advice of the Dairy Industry Control Board. Although there is no shortage of butter in the Union for domestic purposes, production has fallen
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 75 3 Supplies From Dutch East Indies. Hague, May 2. It is learnt from authoritative sources iere to-day that a Japanese company operating aluminium works in Formosa has signed an agreement to take 24,000 tons of bauxite every year from the Nibam Company, of Bintang, in the Netherlands East
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  • 34 3 India Still Remains A Buyer. 'From Ow Own Correspondent► Bangkok. May 22 lndW l?> slUl buyine rice from Slam. Thirty ihousarid tons have* been booked in iMrtered bottoms for Indi3 next month.
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  • 138 3 I'be < >l1"« n< i .imi»l!<,., b,»< r». lr«m, ti,e blet .«f Central ljl,lel»u lZ.,t2vi2,»ec' "l t.'»!','lMl<. i'.,».l"" "..t tanpell ul e".l "t 1:^.4. >.. tt llol20v l'.l, tl> ce»>e,l 7'otnl .<. H n Xllmber ot .4>el> ,> «,f i» Xlnnber ol TVrl l>«2tes.
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  • 200 3 Singapore, May 23. R. (Siam) W. Coast N. 1 per Koyan $90 R. (Siam iW. Coast N. 2 per Koyan $86 Rice, B. Siam N. 1 per Koyan $89 Rice, B. Siam N. 2 per Koyan $85 Siam, No. 1 $163 Siam, No. 2 $136 Siam, No. 3 $112
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  • 551 3 Fraser Co.s Weekly Report. MESSRS. Fraser Co.. in thur weekly share market report dated May 22 stateJ5L££ 0 J? Share and commodity markets have been singularly devoid of incident rull he pa week and under the influence of holidays and other attractions the attention or would-be operators
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  • 690 3 Rubber Shares. Llnylipnre WrUnelicl.v. ll loUovwU rudder »n«.l« t,ual»t»on« lHsuexl nv «mcl Oo.. »nd and llvnt^. l«lN» V»lue tsN»ll,« ,».>»». i 1.65 I ll5c-<l 1 ?U lSytti l 105 l 15 100 l l'< 1 MMm 160 175 160 l.7U l Xniny 2 3«) 3 00
    690 words
  • 25 3 l > <»l 1" l.,.»..'"!, >'^..,.!.,.,/ I: > > >,- »Ul> ll... l,.n 1'"!'« ..s l l1.<!> l«»»» <ul.l>' < !>l>"! <^'^.l ll>. V. >,.'.! .->>!.., i. < l ll>
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 68 3 «Incorporated ln l>mgl»n6, 4. v/li»»«4<» «tre« and subscribed Cpilai «."00.000 p»id>up>0apltal «.000.000 ««serve puod and ««t t 500 000 »»^i«c««^: l5omb»7. Qaleutta. Colombo. Ilaraelu. Stladras. l3sgbda6. Vanreln. »»5ra. Xl,lcult. I«o«ui and 8ing»por«. opened and «one? re«elve<l on Deposit, on 'erms to be aso» talned on appilcatlon. opened and interest at
      68 words
    • 62 3 WITH ANNUAL INTEREST OF IVt p.a. PAID QUARTERLY. A SAVINGS ACCOUNT is your easiest way to save. Al' the odd cents put carefully aside and regularly deposited will very quickly give you ready money for any possible emergency. Easily accessible and talways available you should hesKate nu longer to open
      62 words
    • 216 3 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation' j Limited. (Incorporated In Straits Settlement*.) SUCCESSORS TO THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONC BANK. LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Up $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING, CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE. LOCAL BRANCH 458. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chee B*ee
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 612 4 ML HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR J56-.T7, Bra* Is*sah Koad, SINGAPORE !ff you are jr. Bf4 of electric iffbtfi. fang, motor?, etc.. «mJ water ivjce, plea* writ* to tne above r TELEPHONE 16J0. m EUROPEAN HAIRDRESSERS, 7». Stamford Koad. i KBRK PER* \NENT W Wi: fW. OIL gjEUGENE GREAI EASTERN
      612 words
    • 368 4 l:v <.l:l.l'l: <" l«n l'ol p.-r ol- .louc»ltl-<. xi .ionon« nzunl'. ,V,)l'll.-«.lic>n X<» l«» ><». 2l. >larket ttlre«< «in«npus»>. ll<» l?Xi. < „„»s2tt«»s. ><». K. «K»ll"N lt n«um. .l»»n<»sr. Cnare'r XOl-ls'l-' !5 lli.'.t ull :!>.,c si» < N"l,l un«l<»lllnllll. N<». l."t X". 167. subi.<t "> tm- nlnwn' l't't'l, of S2.l>».
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    • 287 4 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED —Manager for rubber estate with reasonable salary. Apply, Box No. .151, to Malaya Tribune. "SERANGOON CAFE AND RESTAURANT 593 A. SERANGOON ROAD. 'Junction cf Serangcon Rd. and Balestier Re HYGIENIC AND FIRS.T-Cf.ASS FOOD AT MODERATE PRICES AVAILABLE. Till 2 a.m. Nightly. LANE MOTOR GARAGE. 59. Penang Lane.
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    • 234 4 EDUCATIONAL. F\R EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, Established 1028. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). 1 X Kirk Terrace. Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. Fnrol for a Sound Musical EducationSystematic Training both m Technique and Theory. Complete Courses leading to T.t .L. Certificate. Diploma, etc. booklet free. M. A NCI A NO.
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    • 291 4 POPULAR I ENGLISH RECORDS 8.6431—1 want you, I need you. You're my past, present and future. N.42s3—Alekoki. Hawaiian Love (Waltz). N.4247—N0v iecita —Tango. Queja Gaucha— Tango. N.4248—H0t Hula Lips. After You've Gone. G.V. 4—Romantica Mujer. India Inglesa. G.V. s—Mama Ines. Tribilin Cantore. 6 V. 19-Me Odias—Rumba. No Me Maltrates Nena.
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    • 437 4 BE ALWAYS 1 N TIME TAKE ALL CLOCKS OR WATCHES THAT GO WRONi TO YICK WOH HING 429, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, (Near Middle Ro« Contractors for the repair of Cloi 1 and Watches to the British I Malaya. •iiiiiiii:iminniimtin«nitTin>rfni»Tirirt*iHTTiniiT i i i t FIGARO BEAUTY CREATIONS. THE I PERMANENT WAVE
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  • 432 5 Views Of Johore Rubber Planters. i ol the committee of the Planters' Association vas R nixie Lovick and LJ;u»k Chambers, Slngailnw ug vert- present:—Mr. he chair». Messrs. A. ii sinsakl. 8. MaUuzaki, J. H F Plerrcpont and Mr. R. i for the Secretaries. i Mocker and
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  • 115 5 Rs. 650 Subscribed In Singapore. ITNDER the chairmanship of Shriman y Pund t Bhagcwti Roy Sharma, the local Bhumihar Brahmana Sabha succeeded in collecting the sum of Rs. 650 from local donors, and this amount was remitted by air-mail to the Bihar Central Relief Fund Committee on
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  • 174 5 European In Motor Accident In Bangkok. 'I'bc DlKu Court. 3lam. bus confirmed Me lin.l:nF ol tl»e Appeal Court tli" judgment ol tbe Cat!°?o« Couit ln tbe c2se 282ln:U Ivlr. N. 82lbarrv lollovinl? 2 motor accldcnt I'be accident dates back to 1. 1932. and in tbe original cuurt
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  • 232 5 Skipping 4 Mill (!l,ina. lsllkML passed tnrouen «lnzapore ieZ. eontlv. bound tor Cnlna. 2 Nlue k'unnel ste2mer—tne "letresins" vitN 2 cotton 2nd vool mill on doard. It make» 2 cargo ol 1.000 ion»—2 c2780 consistlnF ol macnmerv lo: tne complete equipment ot 2 combined nnine 2nd
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  • 45 5 Produced By An Invention In Hunan. Shanghai, May 22. An inventor in Hunan has produced a spirit to replace benzine for driving motor-cars. The Government is establishing a factory to manufacture the spirit at an estimated expenditure of $300,000.— "Mm Kuo Jih Pao."
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  • 33 5 "Min Kuo Jih Pao. Nanking. May 22. The Chinese Foreign Office has lodged a protest with Holland against the alleged anti-Chinese movement in the Deich East Indies—"Mln Kuo Jin Pao/
    "Min Kuo Jih Pao.  -  33 words
  • 81 5 Sentry Shot With Own Rifle. Reuter Wireless. Moga, May 21. A PUNJAB band of 27 dacoits successfully plotted to escape from Faridkot State gaol. The leader engaged a sentry in conversation and then seized his flowing beard, while the others disarmed him and then shot him dead with
    Reuter Wireless.  -  81 words
  • 50 5 Allegations Against Nazis In Austria. Reuter Wireless. Vienna, May 19. There has been a series ot bomb outrages in different parts of Australia, believed to be perpetrated by Nazis with a v ow to holding up the" Whitsuntide tourist traffic. No casualties are reported up to now.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  50 words
  • 35 5 Is Recognised By Sate Of Salvador. Reuter. Tokyo. May 21. The Consul-General for Salvador has formally notified Mr. Ting Shih Yuan, the Manchukuo Minister in Tckyo, that Salvador recognised Manchukuo on March 3. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 428 5 Alor Star Thronged For Installation. A LOR STAR was en fete on Sunday, when H.H. Tunku Mohamed, eldest surviving son of H.H. the Sultan of Kedah, was installed as Heir-Apparent Ito the Throne of Kedah, with the title of Raja Muda. This title has remained in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 iiPi f» I ii jj l Ls prepared in England.
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    • 95 5 "lo a rea/h/ clean l< must use s! i^ l i Vv lien cIornt75 2le willed vvirn 2 cliCIv, N2l--Ii 5C-IV I crl-cIt amount cs ru!?l?lNt? 15 rcczuil-ec! cc cyct ttieni cle.ili tlii8 50CN cur tilt? sal)llC3. L/ vV23ii!nz tlll_ln vv'ltn u/?<',t^v t,0tt 52VC tlic clt)llit.'3—.inc! ///.,.'<.'.'/ Ii)ec2U5e 5un!ienr i?
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 274 5 CLUB DIARY. o*T Sff 6 are numerous Clubs and societies in Singapore, wost ot the members of which are readers of the Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included
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  • 52 6 JUST WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW TO-DAY'S SHIPPING THE "ANDRE LEBON." The "Andre Lebon" is due here from Colombo on May 26 at 2 p.m., and will probably sail on Sunday, May 27 at 10 a.m. for Saigon, Hongkong, Shanghai Nagasaki and Kobe. She will berth at a S.H.B. wharf
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  • 125 6 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE. Singapore. May 23 East Wharf 'Entrance Gate 1). Hong Kheng 22; Rohna 20. Kola (p.m. to 12 13) A. Dk. Entrance. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3) Corfu 18; Concordia 16; Gleniffer 13; Shirala 11; Silvermaple 8; Apoey 6 Empire Dock
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  • 64 6 Mails from Batavia and Palembang by aeroplane are expected at the General Post Office. Singapore, at 5.30 p.m. today. From Europe (London mails despatched on May 3), by the "Kaisar-I-Hind due at Penang at 6 a.m. to-morrow. From China and Japan by the "Corfu due at Singapore at
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  • 164 6 Singapore, lielav 22. Ixindon 4 months' s»3tlt 2>4 IIM Ixmdon 3 monUis' 2j4 5j32 Ix>ndon 60 davs' «l«M 2>4 9!S1 30 davs' 214'/, Qondon demand 214 7IV4 I'.l'. zjH 3^32 Lvoli 2nd Paris demand 395 kl2mbu53 demand l4s iVev Vorle demand Lata via and 8ourab»va d»mand 87 »/4
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  • 56 6 ALHAMBRA.—Richard Arlen in "Hell and High Water." APCLLO—Chinese pictures. CAPITOL.—Dante, the Magician. EMPIRIC—• Brother Alfred" and the "Love Race." GREAT WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Dean's Grand Opera, Chinese Wayangs, Cinemas, Talkies, etc. MARLOROUGH.—SyIvia Sydney in "Street Scene." NEW WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Malay Operas, Chinese Wayangs, Cinemas, etc. PAVILION.— "The Thirteenth
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  • 234 6 WHAT'S ON? Public Function n <i Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY. MAY 23 High Tides.--A 55 a.m liji p n Football: S.A.F.A. League Uivi-1« R,A.F v. Wiltshire*. Aii.Mij, Stadium; Division thr»*» i< Office v Krv Customs v. J.C.F.A ,J C S( V Malayan Command Aquuin* (second day), Y.m.Ca
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 163 6 l 5««KPV>lllk «!0I»« „»„„ni»,l r«-r 1905). Nve Nmute» vV»K s l>i°8ClH«< l«»l«« «ll! lvo» «»l«V5»? Lves> OmloN 2N6 >e.»«45,ull!v pull tiun «iNll z e Kieellenl pn» nr<,»nma lo «tKlerllte T'erm» 8. l»«nl ,K tor l'a«5e»ssc«. 8 I'crmH lor f:li>i<2^0»r N<«.rder«. 51.00. 1.50. 2.00 I'elelinnne PNt I 1>c» t2 13 0lp?
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    • 340 6 Lurcpesn t.ady requires girl as pergonal multl. v,a»bing>. mowing. 3«I»l-v 315 t. 520. Nnx Xo. 352 e o Xulnya I'ribune. llX I'Uk COtlltl' Ol-' 'llt« z>l^t.^cc^. >"N,.5 (s) ..^j^.ss uno1. I'/x» C,I?(i»X l(l>, Xl-IN 2nd 2. 0,N 5 l.ll» K l^-cecu.^r nnd <f lb» v»jll of l.nw >< 5. N,cr».<e6.
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    • 36 6 COMING SOON ALHAMBRA y m y > f A GLORIA MM ROGER f ria l J Gloria Story by Harry Saubcr. Directed by Harry Lachman. A Stanley Bcrgerman Production. Presented by Carl Lacmmlc. A UNIVERSAL PICTURE v
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    • 489 6 I WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILEWITHOUT CALOMEL And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Feeling Great i If you wake up in the morning feeling sour •nd depressed, entirely lacking in mi vigour, don't swallow a lot of salts, mineral Wrter, oil or harsh purgatives and eaperf tktm
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 167 6 lO-VH?. Kretav (Valaval 2 p.N. «em2man. lcem2selc. vuneiln, 1'renL32nu 2nd vesut 2 1'onelcal 2nd Oi2mdl «l/onIU» 3 pan. V2lillH Island, pladjoe 2nd ?2lembunlz «ITnedons» I p.m. r?ontlan2li «Kbnen Noea» I p^n. 8«l2V2N 2nd lvledan lCremer» 4 p.m. Ioutbern 8um2lr2. 8outbLast Borneo. Celebes. iVlolucc2s and 7/lmor Oillv <Nv 7 p.m. "Kledun.
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    • 72 6 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Malayan Meteorological Service. Last Yesterday Nigh* Max. Bright Mm. Temp. Rainfall. Sunshine. Temp Stations. Peg. F. Inches. Hours. Deg. F. Alor Star 88 Iff] m 75 Sitiawan 92 Nil 11.5 72 K. Trcngganu No report. Bukit Jet-am 90 Nil 12 1 73 Malacca 86 Nil 7.7 70
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  • 346 7 HOW GOVERNOR WAS SHOT AT. Miraculous Escape. ardly Outrage At Races. > > "l ut tlio riie«8 ol tne race kor > ttt tliili >< xvore lirecl at ll ill» LxceUencv. lie <. «vernor nor anyone in >.!- l»it. in box
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  • 285 7 Wireless Plant Installed In Madras. rpHE cons ruction of a new wireless plant both at Rangoon and Madras will bo begun this year. This fa in order to improve tne efficiency of telegraph communication between India and Burma and provide a telephone link between Rangoon and the general
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  • 596 7 Latest Jottings From The Mail. pandlt 1>lebru ba? been lr»nslerred to tbe vebrs Dun Oaol ch I', i« propozed to abolizn lbe ltrZt claH< ln tbe Mectric lrail, <5ervio«! ul «be Louln Indian ltailwsv. 5 4 5 Lir Qeorge and LcbUHter nulled lrom Lomdazs. lor llome on
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  • 200 7 Mr. GandnTs New Definition. Recommendations which will have important effect on tome major Indian indUj-ries and revolu ionise the present Swadeshi moremcrt. are stated to have been made by Mr. Gandhi in a new definition of Swadeshi which he has circulated among some of the Swadeshi workers. This new
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  • 291 7 Tough Time Ahead For Swarajists. Bombay, May 12. JTWO resolutions, one expressing the View that the t)an on Council entry imposed by the sess.on of Congress and ano her opining that if OQiacU-ofciry is smpte! by Cong.Vs it should be carried on by Congress itself, were passed
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  • 72 7 A Pa'na message of May 7 states: The news that a Bankipore postman has lost a rover insured fcr one lakh of rupees, which, it is rtated. was addressed o the Bank of Bihar. Ltd., Patna, by the Central Bank of India Calcutta Branch, has caused a considerable sensation here.
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  • 280 7 Draft Report Before Whitsun. rpHE Parliamentary Select Committee was to A meet finally on May 15 to conclude the examina ion of the evidence and exchange view on the broad principles which will govern their forthcoming report. It had been expected that the Chairman's draft report would
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  • 77 7 Renewal Of Madras-Mysore Agreement. The question of renewal of the agreement between the Mysore and Madras Governments entered into nearly thirty-five years ago during the Dev.anship of Sir. K. 'Seshadri, regarding the utilisation of the Cauverl water at Sivasamudram for power purposes will come up for
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  • 803 7 Ranchi Conference. "A NEGATIVE DECISION." London, May 4. decisions of the Ranchi Conference appear rather puzzling to most English newspapers, which assumed that the formation of the Swaraj Party and the decision in favour of Council-entry meant cooperation in the working of the White Paper. They are
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 767 8 /T-^^^/s^^"^ l X!> lXll'ltX < >'il'xxv IX llll. <ll-,:v Vl ll^W^W <1e <l ll." ll,t- ttliu>v evcr >" 3>.il?2l>ore. > l X!> >'..!!<!» X>l. l:i>. ,,<!. ,< l.i l.,l< l .V7 7NU« 0l s < THE THIRTEENTH CANDLE A WARNER PICTURE WITH ISOBEL ELSOM GIBB MCLAUGHLIN JOYCE KIRBY NEXT
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  • 616 9 BOGUS UNEMPLOYMENT STAMPS. REMARKABLE STORY TOLD AT THE OLD BAILEY. STARTLING disclosures of the activities of a gang of international forgers, who used a printing plant in Warsaw to produce bogus Health, Pension, and Unemployment .iamp> to a face value of £44,700, were made during the
    616 words
  • 2161 9 |S they were -unable to speak English, the three Poles: Edward Popielec, 18, traveller; Benjamin Turek, 42 traveller; ami [sets Jakob Najmark, 42, labourer, ad tlie unfamiliar procedure of an court explained to thorn by an interpreter, through whom they 1 told their
    2,161 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 3 9 WEILL MONTOR, LTD.,
      3 words
    • 275 9 NSN »5)«>»«>5l VV^tzol^lH r,tt«6 will, kneels H ctl vol lt L»4R»ls0Ml <08l!< uv HC> wben NUiKlsOK vVl,«on« >HM M» n»ll vv rbere «r«> «iso,,ll».'> .<iv«.,. VU1 c4»l>l L<» tv^^l«—I, IV 4 V«I,^ >VNLlX l/et .'Xcel'li ,.l:l Viilbe. lllHtl„5 «ml lbe relmbMiv l..r wilicb N.5.H. -lr.- lnmn,,>. l ,.,ar lbe d
      275 words

  • 55 10 The engagement is announced of Mr. Hubert A. Monteiro, of the Medical Dept., Singapore, third son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Monteiro of Muar to Miss Mina Conlcir c Ider daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Cordeiro of Loroag C-l, St. George's Rd., Singapore. (Hongkong
    55 words
  • 40 10 Friends of the late MR. WILLIAM PLIJNKETT are informed that his remains will be removed from No. 508, Sims Avenue, r ir interment, at Bidadari Cemeteiy (Protestant section), at 4.'30 p.m. to-(lay. (Ceylon and F.M.S. papers please copy), i
    40 words
  • 693 10 l.avo l.t. cus>.int< ill our column» to, ton' n v. r.v llelicato <mestio,<: llial ')s >Vomanliooll. social lnentalitv n.t» cn»Nl?en' l/reatl.v ill recent veul-5. 7'b< re is more openness ol «oel, on topics once taboo in polite eire,o>. i„ro i- jn.'l.nlil) Nl'.le cleanlb >s ol n,it,ll as
    693 words
  • 196 10 A meeing of the Johore Council of 5itate will be bcld ut tbe Newa»,. Iabru. on l/uesdav at II n m 'Nie quarterlv meeting ol tbe 8inga> pole Catbolle Vonng Klen's n will b? lleld on Lundav at 9.30 am >> C I». Cllnw. barrlster-nl-law. nrlived i,l l'.iiu on f'rldn)
    196 words
  • 145 10 A REMINDER that what is known as technological employment affects office as well as manual workers is given by the strike of 2,000 dockers at Ber--1 mondsey, because five clerks, "dis- placed by office machinery," had been given work in preference to recognised dockers. Calculating
    145 words
  • 169 10 rpHIS note could well be linked up with to-day's Editorial, for it refers to the ■women of to-morrow" who are being so usefully educated at the Chinese Girls' School. Mr. Song Ong Siang's speech at the annual general meeting, reported in our issue of yesterday, was a
    169 words
  • 133 10 4 CORRESPONDENT ol the Soiiykuk T>mcx pays an extraordinarily high compliment to the Press ol "These papers," he says, succeed in throwing Siam Into arms of Japan. Constant drij away a stone, and Siam may b« to let the various prophecies 0 f i Malayan newspapers be
    133 words
  • 152 10 CURIOUS situation a arisen about labour in T; Government, for excellent restricted immigration declare that as a result Chen age of estate workers; and now th* committee of the Johore P A "as Restriction has been adopted,*' thai curtailment of immigration win m^ t t difficult for
    152 words
  • 435 10 N7 "l.oakcr.l>l< Lancasbire men arouild I'd l>kt lo osser m> svrnpatl,iel< ol col,rse. to cnortle 1'lluse VnrKsblrc lads en», plav crickk', 'b^v? riaclnl» is not vet over ln lor «bc montb ol IVsav. lor we nr<o nuve a», amateur meetin»? on l'ridav and ttaturdav H 5. 5lln'clnpule amateurs
    435 words
    44 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 65 10 _H l lll^l lVl.XlxlXi < !»0»Ii>»Oi> H VO, I^i>. Mil.. lv' Vl.X <^HWlM»«l»»z«l»lW»l«lMBg«>«aWg^^MB»«g,W^^ inle Assent." l0NlV ll K l/sl'.. < <''""lporutesl in l'.,.l?I.»nd). xllilt,.. lsi ,'k:x>i><i ipsi,,. I ,x ,l,l- '<"»>> >«i >v<»,ll» t llLlllL- "Oltll »..,sl) »l0.!n,,l ll.. <ir. l,' IMl.i^ '".>>.->' .!<..>'. liX 1>Vl) <.l>I>^. >."" i'-'u'
      65 words
    • 84 10 zu»u, llv de«erlbe« tbe i,up«>r»nr p.,,' A? v>l>,<. ,«».>x,. .< »n <i,<' lale IlOlll <'N>l7. ></„ «ill, l.slolllN, »n l> V» l ,?nmftle<r li<»„ ,,n<l «NlKsisN. l^ pboue 752? ljf angel» di lVglrtlniz «X0LI8U or N4>is«Kg llll? rungpezn scltggl. gp M 3I5lgzpgNl5 /ti«v «itinios HNrsetive »nck 0lUL0»l3X I X55 lwlee
      84 words

  • 798 11 pbTAILS OF NEW LEGISLATION. Stocks Taken Over. Suggestion Of Worldwide Agreement. Reuter. /'ONJKCTl RES as to the legislation regarding silver contemplated in the United Mates have been answered by |'re>ident Roosevelt's message to < muress, which is given below.
    Reuter.  -  798 words
  • 85 11 Singapore—Australia Service. Reuter. London, May 23. fTHE fastest four-engined commercial aircraft in the world, destined for the Imperial Airways' Singaporc-Aus-iralia service, has undergone satisfactory trials at Hatfield. The machine's maximum speed is 175 miles an hour. Each engine has 200 horse power, and there is accommodation for
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 79 11 Reuter Wireless. Cut Throat Of An Army Chaplain. Cairo. May 21. Abdel Sum in FawaT, a vegetable hawker, has been sentenced to death for the murder of the Rev. John Carden. former Roman CathoMc Army Chaplain, who had retired in Cairo and who was found murdered with
    Reuter Wireless.  -  79 words
  • 81 11 Leaves This Morning For Port Darwin. Reuter. Batavia, May 22. Miss Jean Batten, who is flying to New Zealand from London, has arrived on the island of Lombok and left for Koepang. Batavia May 23. Miss Batten left Koepang for Port Darwin at 5.45 this morning.—Reuter. Miss
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 658 11 Seeking New Markets. VIGOROUS ANSWER TO CRITICS. jpOR the purposes of finding newmarkets for Japanese goods, a party of 15 influential Japanese industrialists, manufacturers, exporters and other business men are now in Singapore. Prospective markets are to be sought in the South Seas region, India, Egypt, the
    658 words
  • 60 11 Another Disaster Follows Great Fire. Reuter. Chicago, May 'i 2. HOLLOWING great fire, another disaster occurred in Chicago when a huge water tank, with a capacity of 40.000 gallons cnished through a seven-storey building. Four people ar« kr wn to haw been killed and 20 were injured. It
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 214 11 Recognising Manchukuo. WILL SALVADOR BE EXPELLED Reuter. Geneva, May 22. 1' HE neWfe tnat Salvador has recognised Manchukuo not only marks the first breach in the united front of the Powers towards Manchukuo but raises the question of how far it affects the fundamental principles of the
    Reuter.  -  214 words
  • 101 11 Samburu Warriors Blood Their Spears. Reuter Wireless. Nairobi, May 20. Dwellers in North Kenya were horrified at the news of fresh "ritual" murders, similar to those committed last year by the fierce Samburu warriors, which led to a Government investigation and the imposition of a tribal fine. A
    Reuter Wireless.  -  101 words
  • 94 11 To Be Presented To Imperial Airways. London, May 19. A Royal Air Mail pennant has been instituted for aircraft carrying mails and will be analagous to the Royal Mail pennant carried by mail boats. The pennant is blue, with a yellow device consisting of a Royal Crown
    94 words
  • 117 11 To-morrow's Concert At Wesley Church. For several years the members and friends of Wesley Church have met together in the church hall for an informal social evening on Empire Day. The name "Church Night" has been given to these gatherings. The programme to-morrow night will consist of community
    117 words
  • 89 11 Danger To Motor Industry. Reuter Wireless. Berlin, May 21. AFRESH hint of the serious shortage of raw materials in Germany is given in the current issue of the economic weekly. "Deutacher Volkswirt," which discusses the danger to the motor manufacturing industry owing to the lack of
    Reuter Wireless.  -  89 words
  • 74 11 Two Murdered In Danish Mission. Reuter Wireless. Rawalpindi, May 19. A tragedy at the Danish Mission, Mardan, is reported in a telephone message from that Frontier station which says a Pathan fanatic, who had been converted to Christianity and was employed at the mission, ran amok and murdered
    Reuter Wireless.  -  74 words
  • 87 11 >l»ncl,uku<) lvUl^'. EXCEEDING TREATY RATIO. Reuter. 7oK.t... >lav tb»> rel'.lt.' «I'll! n^ili,!>.'!"», llltit I>Ia,l'nuKun i« cmliNlKillll "N a prnislnninn o>l naval colltttltlctinn. enaldilil/ t<» <x«,»d lb, ratio. Iik»utel ll'.ni u verv liutb',ritillivl> tli«» cm .lan. tt) contracted lur tllo cnn>li',ctinn nl tvcn 0.' t«>,>.>< < i cli.
    Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 35 11 Reuter. Sao Paulo, Brazil. A child born here has four arms and four legs. Mother and baby are at present doing well, but doctors say that the child will dip— Peuter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 101 11 !»»Ml! Mlll «Mlllllll H VWli!ll.l.l l'erseelil»n" Lr2N<l zwcaroni L/ > »NllVermie«.„ilzre VV H >» >«^«^»^l^>«^^^i lic.lcv <»l lll.v'.lir. >>WWM V /M l lie> ..,l- «'I'lioil- N p»cll«l?e« lrom ull t </ »V dealer». —5 liLco«i)8 F 1>«o verv l/"o<i from tbix j.lil xvnicb is u i>llocb numb<r in U»e :'t.vl'
      101 words

  • 2057 12 WELL-KNOWN CEYLON FAMILIES. OPENING OF TRIAL AT THE ASSIZES. 4 I lil V l. in tremendous interest 18 t»>Ken lnr< «Knout 0>lon in tne (!ourt. lx >lr. justice on ><tcpnen 3enevir»lne, un »2s cnarxell vvitn l lil mtlrcier ol
    2,057 words
  • 29 12 Visit Of Experts To Great Britaki. Reuter. London, May 22. Five Chinese air experts, headed by General Wong Kong Yue. have arrived to inspect British aircraft.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 255 12 Seremban Tamil's Third Offence. (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, May 22. A TAMIL named Ponnan was charged before the Seremban police magistrate, Mr. T. P. F. McNiece, with allowing cattle to stray on the public road. Accused claimed trial and was represented by Mr. Ernest Jeff, while Inspector
    255 words
  • 74 12 Woman's Complaint Against Married Couple. ratber unusual came up loi menlioll belore lVlr N. N Null tbe<2ivil Vi.<l,i< i .luc!«e. vestersav IXtrs. «Florence l»beiumena» Qee poo.,. plalntiN. claimes lrom dbia (3bim 'reilk ans bis v/ite. ol gemoilan l?lats. lvamponk Noas. 5500 .15 sama«es surleres a result ol' tbe
    74 words
  • 91 12 Report Expected To Be Issued In June. The report of the Trade Commission of the Colony appointed to make a study of the trade of the Straits Settlements is expected to be ready some time in June. Since the Commission was set up several months ago. the members
    91 words
  • 427 12 I'no Interesting Xilitillll> l^ersttNIlities. THE Military and Communications Missions •of the Chinese Government which passed through here last week on their way to Europe brought to Singapore two interesting personalities. Gen. Hsu Ting Yao. who heads the military mission and Gen. Yu Fei Peng, who heads
    427 words
  • 80 12 Alleged Offence On Board Ship. Lee Eng Hock, an English speaking Chinese appeared before the Third Magistrate. Mr. J. M Brander, on a charge of criminal breach of trust of $1,200 on board the S.S. "Murudu." As the "Murudu" had sailed from Singapore and would not be in
    80 words
  • 47 12 A Tamil named V. Samy Rau was charged with criminal misappropriation of 10,000 francs, French currency, before the Third Magistrate, Mr. J. M. Brander, yesterday. The accused claimed trial and the case was postponed to May 29, bail in the sum of $100 being allowed.
    47 words
  • 517 12 Critical Position. PROPOSED PLAN Tn SAVE IT. A PL^N to save Malay; industry, which is critical position, was explain* prominent member of the 1 v( a' Q Singapore In an interview with "Malaya Tribune" represei yesterday. The plan calls for pi work, not by those engaged in
    517 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 97 13 Two Men Taken To Hospital. -HER accident occurred at a level in Singapore last night and :notor-lorry was involved. T tppears that at ,abcut 8.15 p.m. a tshed into the gates at the ing in Tanjong Katong Road, through both gates and came
    97 words
  • 186 13 Alleged To Have Made False Charge. Alleged to have made a false charge r; ::i intent to injure, a Chinese, Lee C;eng San, appeared before the District judge uMr. H. A. Forrer) yesterday. Mr. S. B. Tan appeared for the prosecution and Mr. T. Talukdar defended. According
    186 words
  • 74 13 Alleged Receipt Of Illegal Gratification. A North-Indian dresser attached to '.<■ Police Depot Hospital in Thomson B. N. Panday, appeared yesterbefore the Second Magistrate. Mr Grice, on a charge of receiving illegal gratification from a Sikh constable. The aPegation was that accused had cied $10 from Jabbar
    74 words
  • 134 13 Prospects Of Soviet Joining The League. Reuter. Geneva, May 22. ue circles are very optimistic about Russia ioining the League. It is understood that Russia has waived her original stipulation that she should be invited to join in the same way as Mexico, by a unanimous vote
    Reuter.  -  134 words
  • 55 13 Changes In Personnel Announced. Reuter. Berlin, May 22. Changes in the personnel of the Soviet Embassies in London and Tokyo are believed to be foreshadowed by the announcement that the Soviet Ambassador Berlin, M. Leo Chinchuk, has been tiled and will be succeeded shortly by M Suritz, the
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 64 13 Italian Officer Sentenced In France. Reuter. Marseilles, May 19. A sentence of two years' imprisonment 1 been passed on Antoine Facincano, jn officer of the Italian Marine Reserve, ound guilty of espionage, who was desr as a wireless expert and who was arrested two months ago while working
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 173 13 Thirteenth Candle 99 At The Pavilion. 1-nero »3 an Ldgar Wallace Nnvour arout lNe Warner Vrottiers mystery film "lbe I'liirteentn Candle." was introduced as tne main tcature ut yesterdays cnange at tbe pavilion tlieutrc. Isobel Llsom. 0lbd and «lrby till tne main roles ln tills interesting drama ol
    173 words
  • 101 13 Chinese Exhibition At The Great World. For three days, from May 25 to 27 inclusive, there will be an exhibition at the Great World, for the purposes of enlightening the public in matters relating to the general welfare of children. Exhibits will be classified as follows: wearing
    101 words
  • 84 13 And The Benzine Tins Caught Fire. A three-wheel cycle cart containing a number of benzine tins, which were fceng filled at a petrol pump in Bencoolen Street last night, caught fire owing to a passer-by dropping a light into one of the tins. The fire was put
    84 words
  • 368 13 Clos2 Of The Colour Ceremony. /from 0U5 c>u?7, t^orreiponclent.) Zeremban. bluv 21 <VNi3 «8. Nattalion ol tbe 5.168V5V K. beis a mess sinncr at tbeir Neasquarters on Latursav in bonour ol tne presentation ol tbe Oolours. at wbicb over a 100 quests ans members xvore present.
    368 words
  • 577 13 Attack Feared. EXTREMELY CRITICAL SITUATION. Shanghai, May 23. to information gleaned from diplomatic circles, the situation in North China is extremely critical, in view of the possibility of Japan launching a general offensive inside the Great Wall. Developments in the situation are expected following the forthcoming return
    577 words
  • 56 13 Italy To Send Famous Pilots. Reuter Wireless. Rome, May 19. Italy has decided,to enter the Eng-land-Australia air rape in October next, and her plane will be piloted by Francis Lombardl, who crashed in South America in January last after crossing the South Atlantic to Brazil. The second
    Reuter Wireless.  -  56 words
  • 131 13 10N0NL 8IMM0N8L8. 8oNcitor Explain» position. sT'o t?le "Nalal/d T'riduue Llr. —In your issue ol yesterday's dnte tNere appear» an article regardllll/ tNe issue ol zummonses against certain Advocates and solicitors ys tbe Supreme Court ol lor Kavinlc wltnout taking our certificates autborising tbcm so to pructl^e tbe last paragrapr» nl
    131 words
  • 151 13 Forgery Charge Against Chinese. rE preliminary inquiry into charges of forgery and alternative charges of using as genuine a forged document, against a Straits-born Chinese named Tay Tee Hui. alias Francis Tay. was cont nu?d before the Second Magistrate (Mr. N. Grice) this morning. The accused is
    151 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 76 13 >' »l »1' lbe finest Camera ok lbl/ Ve:i>'. zM/ lbe ll witb R«WWiU l !en>- in t omplil slify -V ,^butl<l. lakes pwleg, lilms and Mm Automatic I pack» 6X9 cm. eoup!e6 will, runsse I iin6er. z r«L new i>'itt«l will, l?olk Vnastiemat k' 3.5 lens an6 l?ocal plane
      76 words
    • 41 13 25K for VlK (3 llXl K»ar,o»<r r,»<» of »0 Z" l»c»»ul.^l> m,<i« d/ »««7a,t>,K»t.l t.Otll5 kvl«vv»,«t«r 3IOQl(3 Luie vtst^iduturs. Lale tor ivislava' l.LOlXC. «I 1<»!>l H«?n.. lb eldna s.r«el. c 15 NonlllM'll Vl»«ll evanlv»». s>»lr«lx»r«. 8inl»l»«re. 10 l l»iM»«i»l»«, »5 l —<
      41 words

  • 494 14 Siamese Southpaw Ready For Battle With Guillermo. ItfEIL Hemchit, the Siamese lightweight who fights Battling Guillermo in the main event of a programme of five fights at the New World Arena on Friday night, is expected to arrive from Malacca to-day. Hemchit realises he
    494 words
  • 257 14 Stern Test For Malaya Cup Team. SINGAPORE'S probable Malaya Cup side will be put to the test in the game arranged for to-morrow at the Anson Road Stadium, when the proceeds will g 0 to that deserving charity, the St. Andrew's Mission Hospital. Singapore's chances in their Malaya
    257 words
  • 243 14 Kyle And Patterson At Prestwick. Reuter Wireless. 1,,™ London, May 23 only surprising result in the first round of the British amateur championship was the defeat of Stout the former English champion, by Foee (Liverpool) 2 up. 55 In the second round, Johnny Fischer b6at Koreland 3
    Reuter Wireless.  -  243 words
  • 52 14 Playing on their own ground th* Singapore Khalsa Association beat Iht Asiatic Youths by 37 runs Scores fi SftSi U 9 i Sin S h 25 Ram Piara 6 for 49 and Ravilal 4 for 18) ASIATIC YOUTHS 57 ClLn Pi«r« 20. Ocpa! Dass i for 28, B.
    52 words
  • 385 14 latest positions Ot I'Ke Il positions in tbe 4. League llmd Cup competitions are as toilows: t'lNSI' DIVI3ICN. Coals. p W. L. D. pts 3.C.C. 9 7 1 1 24 8 15 Cl:1ncse 7 5 I I 2s 5 11 7 5 2 0 19 1U 10 Wilts
    385 words
  • 121 14 Malay R.C. Beat Royal Air Force. Tennis members cf the Malay Recrea- tion Club, Telok Kurau, visited the 1 Naval Base, Seletar, on Sunday, and en- j gaged in a series of six matches against R.A.F. players. Except for one game, which was left unfinished, the Malays won
    121 words
  • 85 14 Jasin Club Beat Seng Cheong Society. (from Out Own Correspondentj Malacca, May 2!. On Sunday the Seng Cheong Society's XI travelled down to Jasin and played the Jasin Club. The Club batted first and compiled 75 runs, of which J. R. Hill contributed 18. The visitors replied with
    85 words
  • 1056 14 McCaffery Goes Forward To Score Deciding Point. 1)R the second time in the First Division of the S.A.F.A. League :i pet it ion this year, the S.C.C. beat Malays at the Anson Road ilium vesLerday. Respite
    1,056 words
  • 90 14 I'be WeeK-2ns V. N seleates tbe Oerbvsbire N. N bv 4—1 at tbe latter's court on 5unsav 3coreZ t>VeeK-l3ns N N names «ingles: C Kenss 3oon boat 3. K. Cb-ll 14—14 '1-3>. 15—3. 15—3- Nobel t 1"c lost to l?rancls «ob 13—13 t3—5l. 15 12. l3—13 »0—5»: O.
    90 words
  • 89 14 Qiasrt6 AP. defeated th< M P.P. by 5 games to 2. on suit: iv j latter's court. i Lee Chwee Chin beat R. Froi 15-4; Tan Mene Chew bent I. R 15-8. 15-8; Koh Pway Thow b coin 15-3. 15-C; Loh Chye Teck F. Rodrigues 7-15.
    89 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 621 15 ra s~X£L2c* Cricket Reuter. London, May 22. SUSSEX: 264 and 293 for 9 wickets. WORCESTER -BEAT ESSEX. o-nlfi 1 wa s a feature of the game between Essex and WorcesteronrL a, C 1? elmSt ord the visltors on me first innings. The Worcestershire
    Reuter.  -  621 words
  • 27 15 The Ceylon Tamils were beaten by the Bushy-Park Sports Party at volleyball on Saturday on their grounds at Nelson Road by 21—8, 21—16, 20—20. 3—o.
    27 words
  • 89 15 International Meeting At The White City. I London, May 21. At the White City to-day the international inter-club meeting was won by the Milocarian Athletic Club, the Berliner Club, Germany being second, the Achilles Club third and the Swedish Club fourth. The winners were as follows: 100 yards:—Borchmeyer,
    89 words
  • 69 15 Kuala Queen Imported By Mr. P. J. Vasey. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Mayy 22. Kuala Queen, the winner of the Governor's Cup race in Singapore, writ of the horses brought out to Malaya for Mr. A. van TooC?n by Mr P J Va5ey, of Messrs. Praser
    69 words
  • 58 15 Entries For Championship Meeting. The qualifying round of the Singapore golf championship will be played at thr Keopel G.C. on Saturday, June 16 Entries should reach the honorary secre tary, Keppel G.C. not later than June Conditions and entry lists are poster at the Singapore G.C. Keppel G.C
    58 words
  • 42 15 S.C.C. team v. RA. 2nd Battery on Friday at the S.C.C. T. G. Lashmar; R. v. Welch, A. Ferguson; T. Robertson. S. Webb, J Crichton: L. D. S. Gardner, R. Johnson, P. D Cork, M. C. Elliott, J. B. Pickering.
    42 words
  • 248 15 N»V2« XI Vwt» 8t2te c!»pitl»i. '5orm s)u, b»Mo. lV«l»v 22. "rvl.e tbe P n.t "7d 7' mltcn lost a single tbe so lar and similar position b "Nlcli bad w lerward owved "U de uiayed it is lmderstood. on Ivlav 31 "ii' eveoi,.,'. N«t b«l bi
    248 words
  • 196 15 l(.I.. Ii2,l>v».vmen Vo»t ltclizz Club. <5>otn Qur 0l0n Correzponelent.) Lelcnilxtli. lvluy 22. Itie i Delia Club Lndniinon party »>l r-tremban met tile «Hil^vay lvlalt'y VudmiiUon party <»l '.lNll:l t.ul:ipur t!:c l<ll»g 0eorge V cliool ill,!! c.'ll'.ili. .i,,'t io5.t all lbe i lnyed. Lcores ,pl'r.> Nulla names rst,. >Xbu
    196 words
  • 134 15 Negri Sembilan Chosen To Meet Selangor. (Frcm Our Own Correspondent. > Serrmban. May 22. The N.g:i Sembilan Chinese Recreation Club iefeatsd the Milal Sport* Union on the S'ation ladang by 6 goals to nil in a league fixture. Mr. P. S. Muthu refereed the game. On the TCinc
    134 words
  • 33 15 Badjcissingen, May 21. The seventeenth game in the chess mampionship resulted in Bogoljuboff resigning. The 18th game was drawn and thq i score now is Alekhine, 1H' 2 points, BogcljubofT Wfg.
    33 words
  • 77 15 Colombo's Price Remains At 7-4. Reuter. London, May 22. OETTING on the Derby, to be run on n Jun is now as follows:— 7—4 Colombo. 10—1 Windsor Lad uS=5 Ea™to,r r taken and oflered18—1 Lozingaro, offered. 20—1 Admirable Drake offered 22—1 taxen. SM Tiberius offered, 25-1 taken. B~~J
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 236 15 P.W.D. Collapse For Only 50 Runs. ttJKjS? on their own ground at h£? \u 2 Sunday the Ceylon Tamils ,at n e Pubhc Works Department by five wickets. The scores were: P W.D. t. V. T. Campbell bR. V. S. Sundram 5; S. Ahin c S. Nathan
    236 words
  • 182 15 The Ceylon Sports Club second team bnat the Railway Institute en the Ceylon Sports Club ground on Sunday afternoon by two wickets. Scores Hung live c lvlnn'am b 8. K. Sunderam 24: b Kandasamv I: IVadaraian c b Sabartiln, l: d XandaSamy Xrlnrlnan e NalaslNlIbam b
    182 words
  • 409 15 American Opinion. MANILA OLYMPICS* CONCLUDE. "Sin Chow Jit Poh" Manila, May 23. 'pHE American newspapers in Manila are devoting much attention to the latest developments in connection with the Far Eastern Olympic Game* and the rift between China on
    "Sin Chow Jit Poh"  -  409 words
  • 65 15 The annual sports of the -Anglo Chinese Continuation School will be held en Friday, commencing at 2.30 at the Jalan Besar Stadium. No personal invitations are being issued, but friends, old boys and parents will be welcome. Mrs. E. F. Lee will give away the prijses. There will
    65 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 51 15 I to be really chic one i< must have individual acces- sories for each ensemble—" j J3r VJlfe You'll find the very latest in handbags, bracelets, drop earrings, chromium and jjr k crystal novelties, priced from g* y j ten cents to ten dollars, at.....:. T «JIIOUVEAUX co 161 Capitol.
      51 words
    • 26 15 ALHAMBRA NEXT CHANGE Mh^Jßil'lllllllfilM "B VB£ A 0 8 r MISSING PERSONS' ft f~ j*- M A Pho) Notional Mh, wIKi > I BETTEIOAVIS LEWIS S. STONE
      26 words
    • 56 15 YARDLEY ijflt LAVENDER I^6* A tradition of immaculate womanhood this X^l^^^ijL especially for those pleasant informal occasions when an exotic scent might be out of I 4 place. It adds to each moment a refreshing \^J|^^k Sprinkler bottlei to and in Larger Sizes up to j^^fcWj Sole DistributorsHErVßY VVAUGH CO.,
      56 words

  • 786 16 Disqualification in Preliminary Event. A NUMBER of really good bou:s were seen at he Town Hall on Thursday, when competitors for the Penang Amateur Boxing Champioi met in eliminating b nts. «facki2 Joaquim r.i:-! G. Saury," the two well-known, amateurs, qualifn i for the finals lo
    786 words
  • 121 16 I At the annual general meeting of the Bendemeer A. C, held on Sunday the following were elected office-bearers for the ensuring year: j President, Mr. Low Peng Cer; VicePresidents, Goh Teck Swee; Goh Swee Long (reflected), Low Peng Hoe, Dr. Lav Peck Hiong; lion, secretary, Mr. Tan
    121 words
  • 186 16 rirst M»Ili?2 cup I'll»! NeI6. f/'rom c«r Correspondents lpob. ?6«v 2i. rsri»r tirst peruk ivl»wv« Cup trwl Neld I. on lbe l»<l»nlz tod»> ln line veatNer Several ol lno.e 6elu«ted l<. inke p»r ll:d not turn out nut»ble <2uan Lean «llld Cbln liHee 0n.l. »> H<:r»ppv UirnuLlwu.. lit
    186 words
  • 142 16 Horlicks team v. Evenday B.P. at 4. North By dge Read, on Sunday at 3 p.m.: E. Tian Cheng, Ong Kwec Yang, Neo Kirn Poh, Tan Choo Kee, Ang Beng Lay, Tmn Kan Guan and E. Cheng Leong. P teres: Lim Hock Soon,- Yeo Guan Bwee and Tan
    142 words
  • 613 16 Not So Bright? UNIMPRESSIVE WIN TV GUINEAS. <By Air Maili. London. May 9 COLOMBO'S success in the 4 Thousand was not ed as easily as had been x many of the onlookers v, pointed with his performs] It did not leave me with tl presshn that he
    613 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 217 16 Assurance In force over $35,000,60f i he Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated Is tiw ftnlts Settt—aentt). nreat Extern Life Bulldtol. Cecil Street. Sinfapore. LONDON OFFICE: 17 Old Jewry. 1.0. SJCAfllomci. ant Supreme Court of ■mland and compiles with the Brit Ufa Life Aaeurance Compenle. Act In etery wanttti
      217 words
    • 74 16 lM^>ci!(»r55 G Valerbury'» Coluponnd t>?^ u«» proved il» value during !^«!^ff eonv»le»c«mee. It oontaiu» vs/ luun) el<m«nl». includiug»generou»«nluunl i»! "l «x»d l!v« oil ll,»t belp, ,1 < r«g»jn beailb «nd !>! lZW l»!! l?M AM "r»p,x:rs»; lbe lt«i g«». lV^'l' l D! er»I »nd brunelllttl t«»n,>. ?i» "si > llllllllllllllM
      74 words
    • 238 16 First Shipment Now Arrived! The Most Perfect All-British Records, j The reasons why THEY SUCCEED WHERE OTHERS FAILED* I j TONE QUALITY —Compare the tone of tho;e records and you wil' »1 discover that they are clearer, softer, iweetei ai natural. PT'RITY —You will also notice from the wry first
      238 words

  • 96 17 O UR HEADERS' VIEWS. Letters To The Editor. -eaier» axe mwieu \*j write to us o* subjects of public Interest. It must be under- Malay* Tribune" does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed by cones»f jitters SHOULD BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten (double y a >id on one side
    96 words
  • 105 17 i Editor, "Malaya Tribune") t ket Street, in Tumpat, Ke--nd the adjacent streets are Volied with street-lamps. During c f the month the vicinity r Tumpat Market, at night, ,'d into complete darkness, scarcely possible for a to penetrate through the k thoroughfares. ility is frequented by
    105 words
  • 123 17 K'.te-Hying Perils. r.i ie Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") The season *of kite-flying has mil in Singapore. Much was your valuable journal last senilis subject. ning as I was seated outside in Desker Road. I noticed a bov. about. 9 years old, carrying ,i"t io to 12 feet long and madly tur
    123 words
  • 292 17 <To the Editor, 'Malaya Tribune.") j Sir I crave the indulgence of your j lumns to bring to the attention '.if j Singapore Traction Co. the very unfactory bus service on the Botanic > > «ls-Finlayson Green route. the general experience of resi- j Tanglin that they almost
    292 words
  • 488 17 To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") ir I read "Thaddian's" letter on .tit 1 Womanhood," and the subseO'.u's concerning the same subject keen interest. Tluddian" broaches the subject with i ciity under the impression that all -Uinking people will agree with in my view such people will pity him.
    488 words
  • 551 17 (To the Editor. "Malaya Tribune") Sir,- The recuperative power of Malaya commercially, which has lately been evidenced beyond expectations, and the fact that the general outlook is more than promising, will probably release the majority of the workers from the oppressive circumstances of recent years The unsound
    551 words
  • 189 17 For Trip That Can Never Be Made. Evanston, Illinois. IN the drive of a big house here a motor-car is still waiting—after 25 years—for a trip that can never be made. It is a monument to a woman's love. Out-of-date, worn by the weather, deep in
    189 words
  • 105 17 Chilean Newspaper Goes Bankrupt. I Santiago. which was one of Chile's y ne *spapers when it was piivately owned, has gone bankrupt as a State organ. aper was bought by the Government five years ago, it has been, c nserva tive, militarist, socialist, liberal and coalition. During
    105 words
  • 59 17 Reuter. Copenbagen t bc p:lot Nutli wlros" name b', Knowl' l,l,d bonoilled .lirol,l»bou< Scandinavia c'wd at Cld SKn«en. Nutb bad taken part il, 30 rescue cxpeditlulis and in llie .uvlng ul 293 xbluwrceked nnlriuois. Ne was condillllr. ll o. de tlie lorernost lllesavrr ln Scuncllnava. lind
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 569 17 SUFFERED WITH WffIWJZBM On Hands. Fingers Became Watery. Cuticura Healed. I suffered from weeping eczema of the hands. Little white specks appeared be tween my fingers, then itching began and my finger* became watery. When I retired for the night the itching was worse, resulting in loss of sleep owing
      569 words

  • 115 18 Appeal For Goodwill In Europe. Reuter Wireless. Berlin, May 21. «rpHE League of Nations Is merely an JL association ot nations in which nominally equality of rights prevails but in reality political force," declared Von Papen, in a speech delivered to-day at Trier to thousands of Geriuans
    Reuter Wireless.  -  115 words
  • 45 18 Reuter Wireless. Aleppo, May 21. Arrests have been made in connection with the throwing oi a bomb in the leading hotel, where the President and the Premier of the Syrian Republic are staying. The visitors cheered when the pair arrived. —Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  45 words
  • 200 18 Magistrate Shot And Killed. Hongkong, May 23. rE magistrate of Fungshunhsien was shot dead by a bandit while he was carrying out an inspection of the work in progress for the construction of the Fungtang highway last Saturday. The Police Department in Canton has decided to organise women
    200 words
  • 108 18 I Briton Sends A Farthing To 1 America. Reuter Wireless. Washington, May 20. 1 A surprise greeted f he United States Treasury when a letter was opened from Martin Finn, Portsmouth, England, containing one farthing on account of the British War Debt. The letter declared. "Congress says Britain
    Reuter Wireless.  -  108 words
  • 62 18 Two Clerks Badly Injured Reuter Wireless. Washington, May 21 A bomb enclosed in a package mailed frnm New York exploded in the Post Office here to-day. shattering the hand of »he clerk who was handling it and badly burning another clerk The officials deny the report
    Reuter Wireless.  -  62 words
  • 46 18 Rruter Wireless. Munich, May 20. Sentences of eight. five and three years' penal servitude were passed on three residents of Kaiser Lautern who communicated to a foreign Government a falsified order purporting to have come from the national headquarters of the Storm Troops.—Rruter Wireless.
    Rruter Wireless.  -  46 words
  • 312 18 Sikh Lorry Driver In Court. (F r Ltn Our On»n Correspondent.* Kuala Lumpur, May 22. AT the Kuala Lumpur Police Court: today "a Sikh named Jekil Singh, was charged before Mr. F. K. Wilson with escaping from the lawful custody of a police constable and a detective at
    312 words
  • 33 18 Reuter Wireless. Rome, May If). Germany's disarmament representative. General Yon Ribbentrop, was receivde to-day by Mussolini, who cordially discussed the disarmament and agreed to the necessity of reaching a convention.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  33 words
  • 621 18 Soldiers Patrol Stress t» Sofia. s Reuter Wireless f The British Minister was escorted by ar officer when he desired to leave the Legation, while Reuter's correspondent was unable to leave the Legation until midday. Military, with hand-grenades in 1 evidence, are forbidding all traffic Mushanoff.
    Reuter Wireless  -  621 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 396 18 W Am Not A "Pinkettes" Putt! Eye not quite true, due no doubt to some minor stomach disorder. Pinkettes will put this riffht. These tiny laxative pills tone up the liver and clear the food tract of i any accumulation of waste matter, thereby removing the cause of biliousness, upset
      396 words
    • 11 18 IvlaKo tbe top l2ycr vvnb cl»icl««n »»/».57»: 8V Il-lss <!>lX lil2k'
      11 words

  • 265 19 National Conference Opens. “Sin Chew Jit Poh." 5ll2ne.nNi ll«ay 22. l n .'!<»2l Conlcielice. at- 5,00 dele8at«3>; lrom Cl,».,a. tocjtetner <Fitn >,«t opened it ll a.m. ..del,.. e>! wore delivered «<!bln« 'preinieri Or ...d Kl, cina Vln ernpli2iileed tNe impo, >' re,icc >vl»icn. tie «aid. re fton8idle
    “Sin Chew Jit Poh."  -  265 words
  • 184 19 Special Visitors See Dress Rehearsal. Reuter Wireless A m Oberammergau, Mav 17 TERRIFIC ordeal was undergone by Alois Lang, who takes the part of Curist in the jubilee Passion Day, the nrst under Nazi auspices, the dress rehearsal of which was heM this afternoon in intense cold and
    Reuter Wireless  -  184 words
  • 259 19 Father's Effort To Beach Body Of Dead Son. Reuter. L2Nti«eo labile,. 2iul «muiv» «it lbe Andean bei8b.« <veo «l—<»r,«i eonnuereu—b> a,» lli»l,>i.'.. Vi, -rl.s»mlt« tu reucb tbe vollv ",,lv »»l «bo 2<»» lcllied un ulr erulb .<-un, Woodv on tbe t)n»te<l «is liner 5<»n v»ni6ilell ln 1922.
    Reuter.  -  259 words
  • 360 19 Soviet Watching His Movements. "Sin Chew Jit Poh" and "Min Kuo Jih Pao," Shanghai, May 22. Amov >mZ ?i c JS 1 Department in Pea°e PrL. arre f. ted by order of the Sunday on f V t tlon Headquarters on f illegaUy SelUns case: is
    "Sin Chew Jit Poh" and "Min Kuo Jih Pao,"  -  360 words
  • 139 19 Drawn Battle Between Shark And Eagle Ray. Reuter. Durban. Hundreds of bathers made a panicstricken dash for the shore when a great commotion occurred in the sea about 40 yards from the beach at Durban. Suddenly, two huge fins, one black and the other white, appeared in
    Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 114 19 Victoria Cross Fetches £175 In Hollywood. Reuter. Hollywood. Authentic foreign decorations find a brisk market in Hollywood where they are snapped up for use by film heroes. The current prices include: Victoria Cross £175 or £10 a week rental with deposit of £100 Bulgarian order £30
    Reuter.  -  114 words
  • 66 19 Amalgamation Of Two Concerns. Shanghai. April 26. Negotiations have been completed for the amalgamation of the gold section of the Shanghai Stock Exchange v/ith the Gold Bar Market in Shanghai. The new market will have an initial capital of two million dollars, which shall be equally borne by
    66 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 174 19 l.llXl2 10 I-ril: kOK Irlk yll.p. iXlOI-lDKIZ? ">o «Kiel, «M lW' W 3«lM M M 1 »1, i l»W MWWWDlM^Ml^^MME-I) Wl lbe New WoKele? l>ilne 4.N«or 83l««n. l <»lt lMIV!X«. l)0llv >p.ito -l'l>rwllrsi e... i/iue mounting'' afforlls e..xtra l,o<lv 4 ««>:,» l,ox I'ae« witb<lul lncroaslnt''tb< ionslln > !'>l,rin»v
      174 words
    • 475 19 i" lbe remvliy lor Nervous Liliouj, Ne»^ »cnez, I'ootn- I > acne, Kneum2ti»m. 3leep- I le8i»no56. in I tlie N026. 1 i Instant Relief may at «mce be I I obtained bv u>;inl5 l'rice So cent», in bottles ul I I 30 I'adlel». I V»bule>,«le «UMpller, lor 8in^»p<»e I «lnrorporl»l><i
      475 words