Malaya Tribune, 19 May 1934

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Malaya Tribune
  • 40 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. XXI.- No. 11H SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. MAY 19, 1934 FIVE CEN The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Saturday. May 19. 1934. Malaya Tribune 24 PAGES. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1934. TOR 6 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 74 1 I iTribane Jjowmunit In •JMahiya 1 THIS 1,1 ,hes (I: Vs ot *°<t*™ motoring, the trend In b <dy design i v" m i'" he ~istintUv i" f«vour of the Saloon, ami less and |j Ks Bttention is ""i' l l »>e production of an up-fawlatc 1 j j M
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    • 44 1 A. KLINTER. 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Phunopdi mnC Pearl Necklace* ot every size and quality, at latest and lowest mark prices. Also buy lag gold coin* and gold ornaments oi eveary class and quality, paying highest prices according to davy exchange rates. i
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  • 159 2 Kemaman Girl Grasps The Idea. Dear Girls, "Ivy." "Rosa Lee," "Water Lily," "Nancy Pang" and "Nell" are welcomed this week as new members of the Girls' Circle. "Nell," who lives in Kemaman, ha-> Srasped the idea of the purport of the "Corner," —that of acquiring
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  • 171 2 (By "K. P. Cheong.") WHAT is happiness? Although it U ~r a small wor d yet it means a lot in life. There should be happiness and goodwill in every home. When a person is sad and gloomy we nave to try and cheer him up. We do not
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  • 160 2 'By "Morning Star") rE Botanical Gardens is one of Singapore's many interesting places. Tourists from foreign countries usually come to visit this place. It is situated in the quiet and peacful district of Tanglin. This beautiful garden covers p. large area of land and is easy of access
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  • 171 2 (By "Maureen," X.L rjNCE, a little hungry mouse was roamI V ing about the house in which he I i,v 'ed. Of course, he lived in the roof and i was in search of some food. Socn he j spied a large piece of plum-cake. Just
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  • 569 2 (By "Nell Tan Nyachik," Kemaman.) THE other day our teacher gave us a story to illustrate thai "Everj'thiiig is for the good," and I think my sisters of the "Corner would like to hear it as well. Long, long ago. somewhere in India, there lived a king
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  • 179 2 'By "Silver Star.") I WAS sleeping one night in a room where all the lights were put out. I lay awake all night until the clock struck twelve when I saw something white sitting on a chair near the table. I looked at it I saw it
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  • 96 2 'By "Lucky Star.") CONGRATULATIONS dear cousin "Miss Nooriyah" <Trengganu> for your wellwritten article on the above subject. But whoever can keep away from theatres which are the chief sources of enjoyment for young and old folks. Spend while you spend and save while you save is my motto. There
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  • 172 2 By "Sueet Sl.rr (HAVE oflen heard and n when even very skllli.'. and surgeons failed. motmu. i. had succeeded 111 bringing to health. The endeavours ot poeLs ~1: 10 impress us the statp|\ 1 scenery amongst mountinr been in vain for w* aiv for preciate the magnificence .1..1
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  • 178 2 ißy "Mix* Trengoanu." TreWWW Hello cousins. I dmrsuy ail will know ai tilnnoe thai 1 new member to the "Circle, 1 will be welcomed by you .ill. ml 112 not tell you how glad 1 would could only Rel acquainted W!" It W3S a greot wonder
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  • 124 2 By Katii Ctft' ALTHOUGH »hr WoiM Si" is .simple, yet it h.i ing. it includes uiu; taking pari in an .aw» be a good sport, tlx if is the right spirit ur.d fair-pJay When tafcine pan u. be serious, and when »h Is losing he or sr»r -ii •»Ithe
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  • 97 2 (By "Sunshine Susie I AM sure many of us have tempers Sometimes when to do a thing very quickly, and 1; cannot be done in time, *ve temper. But that is very ought not to expect to do t;v<"\ < once, and in a hurry, or to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 313 2 STRAITS TYPEWRITER AGENCY. (Established in 1014). Stationers and Repairers. 11-A, Change Alley, Singapore. money will be tj refunded. King us up for mechanics in case your typewriter v out of order, and needs'imiwdiate attention. Monthly cleaning of typewriters :n offices undertaken, and ca i be arranged on receipt of instructions.
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  • 90 3 Bandits And Drug Smugglers. Tientsin. A\n\ 21. rfiii: Hopci provincial authorities are 1 t increasingly difficult to peace and order in the Loantrie' in view of the interference the Japanese. tderstdod that m most of the •lifts iii the Luaptung area apanese troops stationed and roops are
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  • 61 3 I>imt Si r\ ico With Italy. SHanjyJiUi Apr mi' ti»ti, ui.uW> ov »hr Intfi- l t Itcr.tph Adrnmioiration fo* li rouimuntmiion between net lt.ilv hnv< b:cti c.omplfieti •H» .«ivil» wilt br formally tn- 'i i! li. i lu' near future, ii i<< from cammuuicotioius circles r.ti i si
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  • 73 3 Itn estimation Experts From Shanghai. Shanghai Apr 3u i > .ilt iiit« auspices of ilie Shanghai 11 iO*jC liicllist rial Association a sconc v .>iK«tjnn commission WIM be ors'n rcl lor t'tit- purpose ot making inVesli Uoris iii the Soulh-west. The commission will visit Kwnnust, rwungttum und
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  • 20 3 Tientsin, April 24. w W. Yen, Chinese Ambassador iet Russia, left here lor Nanking afternoon.—"Shun Pao."
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  • 134 3 Cutting In Front Of A Motor Car. A D CYCLIST was charged in the Will 1 S£ 8 P !i Crurt Mr. P. Will, with riding his bicycle in i rash and negligent manner by cutting E May 16 m at Larut Road 011 His l oncur. What
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  • 93 3 .Many Envoys Go IV) Hongkong. Hongkong. Apr. 27. In view of the serious diplomatic situation the South-west Political Council is, again getting busy and envoys are coming between Hongkong and Canton. To-day the South-west Council resolved to send Messrs. Chow Lv and Teng Chiang Yang, two members of
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  • 90 3 His "Advice To The Powers." Hongkong, Apr. 27. Mr {la T!,irt Min broke his long sin vrv to-day by issuing a lone declaration under the caption of "An aavice the Pn\v?ra." lii rljb decimation vli Hu states thai J .pan is planning '<» occupy China a.«
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  • 403 3 "Japan Stirs Up Trouble." Can lot. Apr. 27rpHE South-west Political Council today addressed a telegram tr the League of Nations and the signatory Powers of the Nine Power Treaty strongly attacking Japa-i for her rec3nt statement. In this telegram the South-west points out that the Japanese
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  • 81 3 Ringleaders Arrested By Police. Peiping. Apr. 22. The second strike declared by the yorkers Of the TUngShan coal mines has been settled as result of the high handed measures Uk'.n by the Chinese authorities. The ringleaders of the strike have ali be.jn arrested and ;lv> labour union has
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  • 80 3 Reported To Be In Financial Difficulties. Shanghai. Apr 30. Thr China Merchants Steam Navigation Company is again in financial difficulties and in order to relieve the situation a rigid retrenchment policy lias been adopted by the company A large number of stflfT members will be dismissed to-day to
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  • 78 3 Sufferers Break Into Houses. Hongkong. Apr 2b. A Strious famine has broken out in Hainan Island. The famine sufferers have organised themselves imo many groups to rob rice stores and force their way into the houses of rich families to demand food supplies. Many rich families have already
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  • 71 3 Hongkong. April 21. The South-west Political Council has -eceived a telegraphic report from Gtej teral Wang Chla Lieh, Chairman of th Cweichow Provincial Government, reorting that the opposition troop hi Iweichow under the command of General heh Mm Vi have been completely di- rmed by the Hunan troops
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  • 65 3 Nankin?. April 29. For the purpose of liquidating torehjn oans contracted by the Chinese Gov< rnnent during the past few years th Finance Ministry has decided to orgfiiise a Foreign Loans Liquidation Com nisslor to study the matter and to de vise effective measure- tor the repayneaf of
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  • 80 3 Shanghai. April 24. Mr. Quezon. Speaker of the Philip pine Senate, is arriving here from the United States to-morrow on his vv.i} back to Manila. Mr. Quezon will be the guest ol noi our at a dinner party given by the local Pan-Pacific Association, to-morrow, it
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  • 164 3 The folbwinf information has been received from the- Central Bur< tits, Batavia. v \r,,~ t .u Foreign export of lubber from Neth trlamla India dunne the month ol U I.KM (converted to long torn of 2.210 lb., net wnght. 1.c., mcludmg Bioia are). (Preliminary Figures). Java
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 162 3 Mtiiilitiiftiiaiiililillitltlililili t I Ittlll—lf****——■> Men like these They have spread the friendship for Craven Mixture Tobacco from end to end of the Empire soldiers, sailors, sportsmen all, putting so much into life, expecting much from it in the matter of smoking-joy. In every Garrison Town, in every Port and City,
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    • 370 3 The mother on the right is Mrs. Howard with her little son —led on Cow Gate— !>t prize winners in the London News-Chronicle "Mother and Child Con petition," Feb. 1932. r I doubts and difficulties of the past have gone and the drudgery too! Look at these sparkling mothers with
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  • 947 4 Shipping News Notices. RECORD TONNAGE AT COPENHAGEN. Steady Development Of The Port. IN spite of the depression in trade the port of Copenhagen has had quite a good year, e.peeially as to the inward tonnage, states the "Danish Foreign Office Journal." In" the course of recen 1 years there has
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  • 484 4 Position Considerably Strengthened. HPHE report of the directors of the UnionCastle Mail Steamship Co., Ltd., at the annua meeting states that the profit for the iuer C U f> *f me fr m inv^tment S and after providing for depreciation of the fleet L £2 P BoTn r
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  • 356 4 Greece Willing To Co-operate. rjTHE Greek Government has instructed the A GrecJc Minis'er in London to approach the British Government to express theJr wlllto co-operate with them and other Governments through a marlUme conference to s udy the present situation of world shipper The Greek Minister has addressed
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  • 93 4 The following table, showing the amount ittd classes of laid-up Swedish tonnage on \ 1. has been compiled by the Swedish Sta'powners' Association:— To al Group gross tons. No. of ve&sels. gross tonnage. 190-1,00 102 49 522 I.COO-2.000 136 *****8 2 000-3.000 24 55 476 3.000-4.000 4
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  • 71 4 The Soviet is good it's promise to employ more British tonnage in the trade between Ru sia and this country, in accordance with the recently-concluded agreement. During March, ihe Anglo-Soviet Shipping Co. has chartered 42 British vessels, of abou 358 000 tons, which compares with 15 vessels of 116.000 tons,
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  • 628 4 The Cycle Of Booms And Slumps. MR. W. K. John, who has just retired from the post of secretary to the Genera] Steam Navigation Co., revealed some of the big changes in British shipping and the cycles of boom and slump periods to "The Journal
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 358 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. *""*T j BRITISH INDIA P. O. S. N. CO.\S SAILINGS. OUTWARDS. Due Tonnage. Singapore BEHAR 6,000 May 24 I LISAR-I-HIND 11.500 May 25 lOUDAN 6.500 June 6 RAJPUTANA 17,000 June 8 RANCHI 17,000 June 22 BURDWAN 6,070 July 5 CARTHAGE 15,000 July 6 RANPURA 17.000 July 20 SOMALI
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    • 68 4 AMERICAN LLOYD AGENCY, LTD., (Incorporated In SS.). Steamship passages booked by all Lines Airmail tickets obtainable here. P.M.S. Railway tickets may be purchased at this office. NO BOOKING FEES. ga g h t ousenold eff ects and merchandise collected, stored, shipped or delivered at reasonable rates. Insurance effected. Further information
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    • 189 4 Hf LLOYD TRIESTINO m tW (Incorporated in Italy). i i EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE SINGAPORE TO ITALY CHINA. Calling at Penang, Colombo, Bombay I Calling at Colombo, Bombay Suez K c ar -*i ch Ac en Ma ssowah. Suez, Port Port Said, Brindisi, Venice Trieste Brindlsl > Venice and Trieste.
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    • 215 4 111 II HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. Deutsch |HpP| Australische Dampfschiffs (tt*jCj Gesellschaft. (Companies incorporated in Germany). PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. Due Spore. s.s. PREUSSEN, via Manila May 20 s.s. SCHEER Ma y £7 m.s. DUISBURG. via Manila May 29 m.s. RHEINLAND, via Manila June
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    • 579 4 STEAMER SAnjNo» N ORDDELT>( HE|) LLOYD. Germany/ The undernoted are thp rv~ tended fixtures:- Cr OUTWARDS. "MAIN/ for Manila, H'kone Sha., North China and Japan*' May HOMEWARDS. §"GOSLAR,» f or Genoa, M'seiH,, Bre a men 6 H bur "SAARBRUCKEN» for Gero-, Barcelona, Lisbon, Rotterdam' Hamburg and Bremen M R'dam'H f
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  • 437 5 pore. Saturday, 11 a.m. wing tin share quotations are Frasei and Co., exchange and gyack brokers. Buyers. BeUara in 6 6 |U X imbang Tin 37 6 40i- Malay 43 6 45 im Tin 15 16 2.07% 2.15 Tin 34 9 35 C umgkat Tin
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  • 171 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. VALUES BELOW YESTERDAY. Local Rubber Price Unchanged. i 'By Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Saturday, 11 a.m. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 21 54 cts.. unchanged. Market Tone: Quiet. csterday's Prices Lond >n. Rubber, 6 3jl6d«, up Vfld. Market Tone: Steady, quiet. New York 127/« cts.,
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  • 146 5 The weekly rubber auction report of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association, dated May 16, states: Catalogued 1,660,956 1b.=741.50 tons Offered 1,407,373 1b.=628.29 tons. Sold 1,151,705 1b.=515.49 tons. London, Spot 6 3 lCd. New York, Spot, 13 eti RIBBED SMOKED SHEET: Cts. per lb. Standard quality
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  • 94 5 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd., reported the following latest buyers' prices, received by cable yesterday morning, for Malayan Palm Oil and Palm Kernels: PALM OIL IN BULK: c.i.f. landed weights New York Philadelphia $2.15 (U.S. currency) per lb. c.i.f. landed weights U.S.A. Pacific Ports $2.10 (U.S. currency)
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  • 781 5 I Very Strong Financial j Position. HTHE annual general meeting of shareA holders of the Ziangbe Rubber Co., Ltd., was held in Shanghai recently, those present including Mr. A. J. Welch (chairman), Sir Elly Kadoorie and Mr. L. E. Canning (directors) and Mr. C. F. Shakleton (secretary), the
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  • 45 5 The output of Buklt Katll Rubber Estates, Ltd., for April was 14,231 lb., a total for twelve months of the financial year of 199,476 lb. Ayer Molek Rubber Co., Ltd., jproduced 15,254 lb., making 93,488 for six months of the current financial year.
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  • 333 5 Reviews Of Local Business. M ud ßS in^ is and Pea -Singapore). gufar h du?i^ ta 'h market has been *re level a it t lound the Present New York Z of u f in London and New York brought values down to ihe 6d. mark early In
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  • 233 5 Half-Yearly Report Of The Directors. The report of the directors of Oii Palm Plantations, Ltd., for the half-year ended Feb. 28 is as follows: The estate has continued to be visited regularly by Mr. E. J. C. Edwards and his last visit was made during the month
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  • 44 5 Shanghai, April 30. The Ministry of Industry has drawn up a four-year plan for the development of the Chinese fishing trade, it is learned from industrial circles. A goods amount of $5,000,000 has been set aside for that specific purpose.—"Sin Wen Pao."
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  • 948 5 Dividend Of Five Per Cent. London, May 9. (By air mail). TIHE twen.y-eighth annual ordinary general X meeting of the Kapar Para Rubber Estates t/o L„d.. was held at the registered office, 3 Hall-coun, Cannon-street, E.C., Mr R- W. Harrison presiding. The representa ive of the Secretaries
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  • 635 5 Singapore. Saturday, 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotation* are Issued by Fraser and Co., and Ly*l; and Evatt. Issue Value. Fraser Ljmu m Shares. Co. fe,-vau 1 Allenby 1.G5 1.85 cd 1.70 IJOcd 1 Aior Gajah 1.05 LIS 1.00 ILt 1 A Hitam 1.60
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  • 69 5 DALLY PRICES CURRENT. Singapore, Friday, noun. Buyers Senega R.S.S. equal to London Standard, Spot (loose) 21 21% do. (P. 0.8.) 21% 21% Standard R.S.S. on Tender: June 21% 21 -St July Sept. 21% 22 Oct.-Dec-. 22% 22% Jan. Marrh 23% Tone of Market: Steady, sellers reserved.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 89 5 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In England). SINGAPORE BRANCH I 4, D'A'maida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £2.000.000 Paid-up-Capital £1.080,000 Reserve Pund and Rest 500.000 HEAD OFFICE BRANCHES: Bombay, Calcutta, Colombo, Karachi, Madras, Amara, Baghdad, Bahrein, Basra, Klrkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed Deposit
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    • 208 5 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated In Strait* Settlements.) SUCCESSORS TO THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Uu $10,000,000 00 BEAD OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING, (111 LI A STREET, SINGAPORE LOCAL BRANCH 458, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 516 6 M. HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. If-S7, Bra* Baaah Hoad, BINGAPORE If you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above address or 'Phone 8411. TELEPHONE 4010. I HI ROPEAN HAIRDRESSERS, PAPITI 79, Stamford Road. Wl 1,1 KERKA PERMANENT WAVE $10.
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    • 662 6 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tho goodwill, stock-in-trade, furniture and /ittings appertaining to the business of The Eastern Tailoring House and Eastern Piece Goods Store of No. 40, High Street, Singap >r<\ heretofore carried on by Ong Kee Siew of No. 1. Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore, have this
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    • 536 6 EDUCATIONAL. I \R EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, Established lt-28. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). 1-K, Kirk Terrace, Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. Enrol lor a Sound Musical Education Systematic Training both in Technique and I Theory. Complete Courses leading to T.C.L. j Certificate, Diploma, etc. booklet free. M. ANCIANO, Princi:
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    • 150 6 ;"|llllll"lll|:'li<l!ll!llttlMI'l|ll|l||T|ll||||',| I ll' •Hl»ll'lll»«tl|f I Trade Markj "GIN VAN PAO" j I GOLD PILLS I A Safe and Effective Tonic Pills for Men—Young and Old. I m 1 "GIN VAN PAO" SILVER PILLS m I A Safe and Effective Tonic Pills 1 for Women —Young and Old. I I Manufactured
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    • 563 6 THE I I RELIABLE r and I FASHIONABLE WATCH. I Latest Range of Desj I Now on View at j YICK WOH HING I «29, NORTH BRIDG] I (Near Middle" Rd.). m l, l '«'n»«niiniiw«inimTiiiiiiimiifiiimi:fnii!ii FIGARO I BEAUTY CREATIONS, gI I THE I|| »8 PERMANENT WAVE I S|i BY EUROPEAN
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  • 1751 7 MR. V. A. LOWINGER'S REPORT. PLENTY OF CAPITAL AVAILABLE FOR INVESIIWEINT. "XHE experience of my first year's tenure of office as Agent is that the funcions of the Agency have become of <he nature of a Trade Commissionership than they wi re in the earlier years."
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  • 551 7 Lack Of Evenness In The Product. FLAKE. United Kingdom (Tons) Foi Consumption. 1927 T o° Q ?i- Malaya. N.F.I 1928 JJE ?60 3 5-.1 1929 f4 4.99T 1930 H 4 0p« 1931 630 3,237 1932 Kg j? 92 4.124 4.290 539 3 683 PEARL. 1Q97 Ma'ava. N^t 1920 4P3
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  • 147 7 Many Inquiries Reached Britain. Many inquiries have been received with regard to supplies of timber. Mr. J. p. Edwards, of the Forest Department, made a comprehensive sur of the po.vif:on while in England snd was in frequent consultation with the Agencv. It was a timely event as the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 105 7 ii > ■■r j i i,.i„r'.i"i-n.inr-.ii.i..iti: aCiCiliilUMiniiiJiniiiiiiiuiniiii'iiiiirmiitni ii i Mi:i.,i.rM'.ni l i!:i' «luuraui x>lL«..i.irii!!iaiuiuiumiiiiitfiiiiiiiirf l iiiiiiiiiiiuiui.(iu<!!luii>*-*>' Purity Value ii GILBEY'S {St INVALID PORT. WP| JjNVAUDPO? T f AMAZING FREE OFFER [j§i A handsome Wine Glass is now given away free with every bottle of |I |p f Gilbey's Invalid Portwine
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    • 181 7 p > §1 TO THE CONNOISSEUR IT IS QUALITY THAT COUNTS is a cigarette of unique merit MADE IN 60 CENTS ENGLAND PER TIN ARDATH TOBACCO COMPANY LTP. LONDON f Today's Quickest aid to sparkling cleanness of TEETH. 1 There has never been anyth Ing like this in a dentifrice
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 390 8 P ——I—i—■■iiiimiiiwuwiii'i «i i mii ini~r mr i iitTmr^Kmi\»natsmaiiwfwwvmmimmasmsmsmm^sm 1 SUIGJLPORI HOTILS I GOODWOOD P4RK HOTEL Scctta Read. Phone 6490 Special Dinner Dance TO-NIGHT Music by ARTHUR'S ELITE BAND. DINNER DANCE $2.00. NO CHARGE FOR AFTER DINNER DANCING. FOR RESERVATIONS 'PHONE 6490. METROPOLE HOTEL TEL. 7986. BRAS BASAH ROAD. IDEAL
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    • 258 8 LATEST! ADVERTISEMENT. TENDERS INVITED. TENDERS will be received at the Coloi Secretary's Office until no m on Ma 1934, for the following service for th< I eminent Monopolies Depart men year 1934:— Supply of charcoal to the Opium I to be delivered as desired. Tend quite price per pikul. Singapore,
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 113 8 [POSTAL INTUIIGENCC SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. Kemaman, Kemasek, Kretay, Dungun, Trengganu and Besut (Lipis) 2 p.m. Djambi (Toba) 3 p.m. Sarawak, Sibu, Miri, Labuan, North Borneo and Jolo (Marudu) 3.30 p.m. Tandjong Balei and Laboean Bilik (Rantau) 4 p.m. Bengkalis and Bagan (Toboali) 4 p.m. Tembilahan and Rengat (Maros) I
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  • 76 8 Five Long-Distance Lines Established. Nanking, Apr. 22. The Ministry of Communications have drawn up mtaj.ut.-s for the construction of Aye longdistance telephone services in the country. One of the lines is between Nanking and Hankow, another be ween Nanking and Tientsin, the third between Tsinan and Tsingtao, the
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  • 75 8 Organised By Manchukuo In Tsitsihar. Nanking, Apr. 27. Th.' Government has received reports from the North o the effect that the Manchukuo Government is now organising a Mangolian Army with its headquarters established at Tsitsihar in Heilungkiang. So far two divisions ot Mongolian troops have been organised with
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  • 146 8 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE. Singapore, May 19. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Rohna 22. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). Benardin de St. Pierre 18; Najam 16; Kangaroo 12; Pres: Adams 11; Talma 8; Sarpedon 8. Empire
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  • 250 8 British Comment. REASON FOR CHINESE OBJECTION. Reuter. London, May 18. COMMENTING on the Washington silver developments, the "Financial Times'* points out that silver a* present forms 12 per cent, of the metallic reserve of American currency. It is not yet stated how much curI rency is to
    Reuter.  -  250 words
  • 158 8 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Prices for Shell Motor Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are as follows: Shell Aviation Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial gallon $1.19 Bhell MJotor Spirit ex pump per British Imperial gallon $q g2 Shell Moor Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British
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  • 42 8 From China and Japan by the "Havana Maru," due at Singapore on Monday. From Philippine Islands by the "Gleniffer." due at Singapore on Monday From China and Japan by the "Akita Maru." due at Singapore at 6 a.m. on Wednesday.
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  • 418 8 Judge On A "Wicked Conspiracy." IN the Probate. Divorce, and Admiralty Divi--1 sion. before Mr. Justice Bateson. a petition was dismissed, on the third day of the hearing, on the application of the petitioner, who withdrew the charges again 4 the co-respondent. In his petition, Mr. Alfred
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  • 40 8 Nanking, April 29. Using the returned por ion of the Italian Boxer Indemnity funds as security the Finance Ministry has decided to float a new loan of $44,000,000. Details of the loan have not yet been announced.—"Shun Pao."
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  • 43 8 Tsinan, April 10. It is reported that Colonel Doihara, the Japanese military officer who was responsible for the secret departure of Henry Pu Vi from Tientsin, has secretly arrived at Tsingtao. His movemen's are being shrouded in the utmost secrecy.—"Eastern Times."
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  • 54 8 Nanking, April 16. The Mayor of Nanking, Mr. Shih Yin, issued a circular order to-day ins ructing that no cigare te smoking is allowed by the staff members of the Nanking Municipal Government. Mr. Shlh declared that in ca;e ar.ybody is found disobeying the new order he will
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  • 187 8 SELLING. Singapore, May 17. London 4 months 1 sight 2|4 11|64 London 3 months' sight 2 4 5132 London 60 days' sight 2 4 9|64 London 30 days' sight 2|4Va London demand 214 7164 London T.T. 2j4 3|32 Lyon and Paris demand 867 Hamburg demand 149 New York
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  • 210 8 Singapore, May 16. R. 'Siam) W. Coast N. 1 per Koyan $90 R. (Siam) W. Coast N. 2 per Koyan $88 Rice, B. Siam N. 1 per Koyan $89 Rice, B. Siam N. 2 per Koyan $85 f iam «No. 1 $163 Siam, No. 2 M $136 Siam, No.
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  • 124 8 Columbia Salmon Rich In Vitamins. Exp2rimental studies by Canadian Government Fisheries research workers have shown that the oil of the British Columbia Salmon is very rich in Vitamin A. As a matter of fact, the poorest sample of salmon liver oil examined in the investigation was found
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  • 63 8 Establishment Of Foreign Affairs Bureau. Peiping, Apr. 22. In view of the many diplomatic dealings in Hopei province the Hopei provincial authorities have decided to establish a foreign affairs bureau to handle local diplomatic affairs. Mr. Sun Jen Yu, former Chief Secretary of the Presidential Office in the
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  • 41 8 It is notified in the Government Gazette that the tender of Messrs. Chan Seen at $24,500 has been accepted for the extension of nurses' quarters. Kandang Kerbau Hospital. Ten tenders were received and that of Messrs. Chan Soon was the lowest.
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  • 287 8 Public Function And 1 Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, MAY 19 High Tides a.m,, 2.50 pm, Singapore Races. "Pageant of Beauty" Cab&rt i Hotel, 10 p.m. Meeting of Federal Council rt j Bill at Kuala Lumpur. Charity Bazaar: Anti-Opium c Kampong Java Road, ut 2 Official
    287 words
  • 66 8 ALHAMBRA.—"Let's Fall In Love.' APOLLO.—Hindustani talkie. CAPITOL.—"Wonder Bar." EMPIRE.—Victor IfeLftgten In "Die* Turpin. GREAT WORLD.—Cabaret D sideshows, Dean's Grand Opera. Chi Wayangs, Cinemas, Talkies, etc. MARLBOROUGH.—"I Cover the Waterfront." NEW WORLD.—Cabaret sideshows, Malay Operas, Chini yangs, Cinemas, etc. PAVILION.—Edward G. Robinson znt Kay Francis in "I Loved a Woman.'
    66 words

  • 303 9 Capital Available For Investment. An attempt has been made to review some oi the more important factors, but the trade inquiries have been very wide in their scope. It is often as useful to state what cannot be done as to encourage potential activities, and this nas often
    303 words
  • 914 9 Satisfactory Bookings For "Shorts." THE MALAYA FILMS.—The films made by the expedition organised in 1927 have served 'their purpose well Year after year the -Technical editions" were included In the Imperial Institute's cinema programmes, and a large number of private lecturers availed themselves of them in addition. Then
    914 words
  • 378 9 The Publicity Side Of The Agency. In the past the Agency has exhibited for sale various articles such as basketry, pewter, silverware, etc. The quantities sold have never justified the trouble and expense and this practice will be discontinued. In the case cf any manufactured article that, by
    378 words
  • 79 9 Letters To The Editor. < Qur rraaert art nnin ur ivntf ts M da tiitrimt. .j ,i j thi Trtbvt*- 4ms n* mo*ulrifr 11 must U ..WTiJi LjfrTSflS SHOULD MM AS MB2MW AS Posirmfl OphOonj expresmd by oorrw- a,.*/, and on on* Me of the jnper <W9SriW
    79 words
  • 90 9 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir. What is the status of a married nan with regard to her capacity to er into a valid contract? To what extent can she bind her husband, Aud may I know what is the law by ii a contract is to be
    90 words
  • 136 9 'To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune") Sil"Thaddian's" little knowledge of iatic womanhood is a dangerous thing. There may be a class of Asiatic >nun as he condemns, there such women in all nationalities. For every negative there is an affirmive. It is absolutely wrong to say ill women (irrespective
    136 words
  • 173 9 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune") Sir.—l am a constant reader of your most popular journals, the "Malaya Tribune" and the "Sunday Tribune." I was extremely surprised to see that the "Sunday Tribune" last week reached me at 1.45 ajn. The Tribune" is the best value, for its
    173 words
  • 180 9 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir.—At the Sanitary Board meeting held en Wednesday last, Mr. J. R. Vevanam asked that another inquiry should be instituted by the Sanitary rd to go into the matter thoroughly and "catch the culprits who have been practising criminal malpractices." II
    180 words
  • 270 9 <To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") SkV-I read with Interest "An Admiof Job's" letter in your issue of the ii w t and 1 Wite agree with his t *J do not want t0 see or hear aoout the next war—not even the comix rJI, And nobody wants
    270 words
  • 533 9 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune") Sir, —For your information and comments, for the sake ef justice. What will the Malayan Governments do with the stock of rubber in the Restricted areas held by some of the licensed dealers, smoke nouses and milling factories after the midnight of May
    533 words
  • 32 9 "Treat Rich and Poor Alike" is distressed because the head of his depart- ment, as he alleges, shows favouritism. Kis grievance is hardly one that can be aired in the Press.
    32 words
  • 45 9 Unusual Heat This Summer. Peiping, May 2.. According to a sta'cment issued by ihe Peiping Observatory, it will bfc ur,usually ho. this coming summer, (his being indicated by the colour of the sun and <he moon observed from the Observatory.—' Chtaia Times." i
    45 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 722 9 J FRESH STOCK CITIES OF SIN. MCK4JRICK DE LEJOJW. In the xities of the East—Yokohama, Tokyo, Hong Kong, re, Shanghai Port Said, Maca;> others—Hendrick de Leeuw, the author, sought ana lound, after years of skilful investigation and study, th< tru end tonishmg story of the traffic- ir. women
      722 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 424 10 mm f I ALHAMBRA"! 1 to-morrow story I POSITIVELY LAST DAY: t1 1B 18 fef the heroes behind MO full 8.1 5. —Wf 1 thrill pictures? Don't mis* thi< grand and kl»j -:>u Their km was the vi^T*/iK^3 final answer to season s j ROBERT ARMSTRONG gayest musical question— I
      424 words
    • 410 10 4mjmmW3mrfßmn' MATINEES: 3.15. 9 TO-DAY SUNDAY. LAST TWO DAYS! j WARNER'S RECORD-BREAKIN7IITt'SIC:AI7SfcNSATION. i j They '—St the world in drama, son? and lautf'.'.er in §t Warner Bros.' upreme s nss icn >jf the cemXurj. .UK H one and fly Rfcard Cortes Delorca IM Rio VI Jo' on Kay Franc's Dick
      410 words
    • 230 10 SS jj j mjj, 1 MARLBOROUGH I OPENING TO-M(;H l r TO-NIGHT: 6.15 9.15. j a Matinees—To-day Sunday, ft i MATCH! "^^feto have his way! i Till! Swith a woman like herM I g gyou can bet your lifeß I WMTSB EBAII?. Sthero's the devil to payiß 1 wf£3kl iHrHWH
      230 words

  • 1213 11 New Policy. LARGE SUMS SPENT IN IMPORTS. 'j UK policy in many countries today is to encourage local proiori instead of relying on im□rta of staple commodities. Thi h policy is largely dictated by the present international currency difficulties and the tariff barriers erected the Governments
    1,213 words
  • 276 11 Sir Roger Keyes On Japan. •By Air Maili. London. May Lonrin?, P s P ea kmg at the City of cSion S^ erVatlve and Unionist Assort last declared a inpH n w Sh Empire could only be SnaTdefenL PropCr ImpCrial and "tn? e iS£2 a v
    276 words
  • 100 11 Concluded Between Kwangsi And Annam? Catiuui. April 22 i:»t txtß'r- uia lh«. Kuans*! nuiltorl les ba\e in »irL»emcot wi»h Jiv French «UUiurtNe.i »n Aiirum for liic tstHblxthmcn? ot b? n"D<u Kvnani'i! und Annum :<»t tjcin (I'lut'd by tiic uf ihc Kv Provlriini Govorniu-tik. C»o^% Tli tepirsema ivi
    100 words
  • 82 11 Activities In South China. Hongkong. Apr. 27. Li Chi Chun, alias General Ting Chiang, who had been active in the Luantung Djsirlct m Hopei. is reported to have secretly arrived in Fukien Li is now working hand >n hand wi h the Japanese agents in the South to
    82 words
  • 97 11 Entertained By Peiping Official. Peiping. May 3. I Mr. Latham, Dcpu y Prime Minister and Minister of External Affairs of the Australian j Commonwealth, was enter al;ned to-day by Professor Ma Heng. Director of *he Palace Museum. I The Australian mission is leaving Peiping for Shanghai to-morrow afternoon
    97 words
  • 85 11 Australian Delegates In China. Stongluti. Apr jut Mr Lit (hum, M4ni*tti for External AU<wi-, nj 'he Australian Commonwealth. who i in Shuntluti on a good-Mill viin Irs*vtnc lor NqoUic to-night, Al Nunkmg, nc will me guesc ol im« Chnji.-jp GovcriLmi'O He intends to lcwve lor North Chhin on
    85 words
  • 74 11 Two Hundred Miles Of Trenches. Peiping. April 18. It is reported thai the Soviet military authorities have built up a long trench at a poinv north of Manchuli. The trench is 200 miles in length and has accommodations for tanks, aeroplanes and armoured cars. It is said that
    74 words
  • 99 11 Soviet View Of Recent Incident. Reuter. Moscow. May 17. rpHE Soviet account of the recent firing on a Manchukuo steamer in the Amur River states that the party on board were taking photographs of the sist and ignored rea ue sts to deThe frontier guards thereupon fired
    Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 544 11 V Trebitsch Lincoln. I RETURNING TO CHINA. 1 "•I MIC public hill*! still remembJ "Abbo*' (.'Hon iTrebits. I.i*u:o!ii) wlu» established a Ikaldhi <entiv in ijhantfhui for bis foreip u»w;ip|t" and imvivcrt a rnofct 'ordi. wtlomc in M/»nkinif. where ho st&a low lucMiro* on Uurltlhism. O'ni j
    544 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
      37 words
    • 195 11 yxi imitations, Delicious 'Ova'tim:' is without equal as 7/ Qoaltine docs the regular daily beverage for children. It is no f co/iiaia any upixmcli rich in the nutritive* elements Ii lj #j c uqiiircil for building up and maintaining I nOliWnotu <3U£ar 1\ i X mil health, sound nerve.- and
      195 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 549 11 CLUB DIARY. [There are numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is protided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in the
      549 words

  • 85 12 ONG —Mr Thik, father of Ong- Sang Quen. ii«»on Chwue and Chig Hock Chunr., passed away peacefully a» his rcs den 't* Xx 334-A (Bth miledUmi/), EaM Const Road, at 4 a.m.. on Friday M:ty is, at the ngrt* of 73. ReifttiVen and friend* are requested not
    85 words
  • 707 12 *j;HAT a member of the Free State Dail should make reference to "our friends in Britain is a sign of progress indeed. Mr. De Valera himself would never use such a phrase. Mr. McEntee's conciliatory speech will undoubtedly evoke a cordial response, for it is quite well
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  • 297 12 Mr. H. S. Russell, a director of Sime, Darby and Co., Ltd., who has been in charge of the joint firms of Sime, Darby and Co. and Huttenbach, Lazarus and Co. in Penang. sailed from Singapore by the "Conte Verde" on leave. Mr. C. M. S. Nathen has been gianted
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  • 145 12 JUNE of next year will be a notable month in the annals of the British Empire. King George will celebrate the 26th anniversary of his accession to the throne, and, well in advance, preparations are being made to organise a special Empire-wide tribute to
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  • 151 12 "EXTOLLING the achievements of the National Government at the Royal Academy banquet, Mr. Ramsay MacDonald was interrupted by an impatient listener who asked, "Why not say something about the exhibition?" But the Government refuses to take the hint. The air mail brings news that a nation-wide propaganda
    151 words
  • 181 12 the third time since the British Court of Criminal Appeal was instituted 26 years ago, an appeal against a conviction for murder has been success- i ful and two men sentenced to have been released. The news is a cible reminder of the fact that Straits Settlements Court
    181 words
  • 208 12 j rr.HE British Ambassador tc Washing, j A ton, Sir Ronald Lindsay, has had j conference lasting an hour with President Roosevelt, and it is reported tl he conveyed a British offer regarding War Debts. This difficult problem it one of the big obstacles to real work recovery,
    208 words
  • 493 12 "Looker-OiT T HOPE you have a nice Whitsun. folks. Sorry we Slaves" of the Inky Way can't join you. A A A It's "business as usual" with us. Oh, why didn't daddy make me a merchant or a Civil Servant or something? A A I can't help admiring
    493 words
  • 54 12 GIRLS' CORNER, on page 2. N.E.I. RUBBER STATISTICS, on page 3 SHIPPING NEWS, on page 4. FINANCIAL NEWS, on page 5. OUR READERS' VIEWS, on page 9. CLUB DIARY, on page IL RADIO PROGRAMME, on page 19. CHURCH SERVICES, on page 20 CAMPAIGN AGAINST CADGERS, p. 2BOYS*
    54 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 365 12 B I 03g (Qvpoinimtnf £o a7aj'cof ß (6c QKntg fc-tfM)- Cfennce of TTafe* j In Smart Shapes with Snap Brim, New Season's Shades. j High Grade Quality Perfect Style i and Finish. i Price $1 G. 50 ea. i Mid Grey, Castor, Beaver, Fawn. EXCLUSIVE TO Robinson Co., Ltd. '■'.POKE
      365 words
    • 107 12 THE ART OF PERFECT TAILORING. I The famous house of WING LOONG enjoys this singular distinction, and offers you its excelled service and high grade workmanship. PHONE 7627 WING LOONG HIGH ST. SINGAPORE Angela df Martinis ENGLISH SCHOOL OF DANCING. THE LEADING EUROPEAN SCHOOL OF DANCING IN SINGAPORE. THREE LARGE
      107 words

  • 644 13 REMARKABLE DEBATE IN COMMONS. Singapore Base. \,,l V Menace To Any Nation. Reuter. Lurid*>li, May 18. I ,iuf' < ummons a?) Attack >»' in the Far East i a l>y Sir Stafford Cripps > 14»i»tnh. who maintained ,i liiiii embarked on
    Reuter.  -  644 words
  • 148 13 Lsague And Opium Evil. Reuter. London, May 18. OIR John Simon in the House of v Commons informed Mr. David Grenfell (Lab., Gowen that the Opium Committee of the League had not issued its report on the official opium monopoly established in the north-eastern provinces of
    Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 199 13 Aerodrome For Hainan Planned. I I Hongkong, May 18. Gen. Chen Tsi Tang, the Commander-in-Chief at Canton, has instructed the Air Department to survey the coastal districts in Hainan with the view to the constructiin of an aerodrome at Kiungchow. Mr. Chang Yam Mm in an interview said
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  • 78 13 To Be Slowed Down In America? Reuter. Washington, May 18. It is rumoured that the cotton and textile code authority is proposing to the N.R.A. a 25 per cent, curtailment of current production during the summer months with a view to preventing the further oiling up cf stocks
    Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 54 13 Industry Leaders Agree On Revision. Reuter. Washington, May 18. General Johnson states that the N.R.A. and leaders of the steel industry have practically agreed to the terms of revision of the steel code and the result will be announced before May 31, the date of the expiry of
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 55 13 U.S. Measures To Stop Kidnapping. Reuter. Washington, May 18. Diliinger's activities are responsible for the speeding up of the legislative measures signed by Mr. Roosevelt providing Federal penalties for offences so far governed by State laws. For example, kidnapping will henceforth be a Federal crime if the victim
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 458 13 Six Thousand Killed. CRITICAL SITUATION In The North. Shanghai, May 19. fpWO unsuccessful attacks were yesterday launched by Japanese troops against Ilan, where a large force of Chinese peasants are holding out. Assisted by a force of Volunteers, they put up a desperate resistance against the attackers,
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  • 73 13 Are They Liable To Seizure? Nanking, May 8. The Ministry of the Interior has settled the question whether Mahjong cards are contraband and liable to confiscation. In reply to an enquiry from railway authorities, the Ministry states that the possession of mahjong cards does not in itself constitute
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  • 69 13 Observation Tour By Former Ipoh Chinese. Shanghai, May 19. Mr. Tay Lay Seng, a former merchant of Ipoh (Perak) who is now a committee member of the Examination Yuan and one of the most influential overseas Chinese in Nanking, is on his way to Fukien to make investigations
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  • 97 13 Appalling Conditions. ACTION BY BRITAIN AND U.S.? Reuter. Geneva, May 18. appalUng example of misffovernment was the description applied by Mr. Anthony Eden (Foreign Under-Secretary) to the situation in Liberia in the course of a speech to the League Council. Liberia's gross failure to observe her
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 190 13 Chiang's Plan To Suppress Them. Shanghai, May 18. MARSHAL Cniang Kai Shek has decided to send another two divisions to Fukien to co-operate with the Government troops in their campaign against the "Reds." He has decided to clear China of all Communists within four months. Gen. Li
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  • 36 13 Japanese Delegates Passing Through Singapore. Reuter. Tokyo, May 18. The Japanese delegation to the JapanNetherlands Trade Conference in Batavia will embark from Kobe fer Batavia on the "Santos Maru" on May 19, via Singapore.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 42 13 Reuter. Paris, May 18. The Chamber of Deputies passed a vote of confidence in the Government by 360 votes to 205 votes and adjourned the debate on decree laws and general policy, upon which the Socialists demanded an immediate debate.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 92 13 Mysterious Gunboats Off China Coast. Changsu, Kiangsu. Apr. 27. Late this afternoon two mysterious warships both of grey colour suddenly appeared along the Kiangsu sea coau and started to fire with both guns and machine guns. The bombardment lasted for half an hour. Several shells were later discovered
    92 words
  • 57 13 Association Formed In Shanghai. i Shanghai, Apr. 28. The various trade unions m Shanghai have formed a Rent Reduction Association to demand a reduction in hou ,c rent. The Association will be formaUy inaugurated this afternoon and it will soon send a delegation to see Mayor Wu Teh-chen
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  • 110 13 To Teach Chinese In Shanghai. Reuter. London, May 18. TWELVE cotton operatives, including one married woman and two girls, are being sent by the Calico Printers' Association to the new mill which is being built in Shanghai, with the object of instructing the Chinese work-people. The men
    Reuter.  -  110 words
  • 163 13 Protest Against American Tax. Shanghai, May 17. The Chinese Foreign Office has instructed the Chinese Minister at Washington to lodge a protest with the United States Government against the American tax on Chinese sesamum, acting on the request of the Hankow Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Rogers, the American
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  • 128 13 For Prisoners And Workers In China. Nankii?, May I. By order of General Chiang Kai Sink, all criminals in the conn ry are to recef'e military training- during tr.e piriod ihey are under detention. The idea is that in ime of emergency these ciiminals can be incorporated iuto
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  • 39 13 The Singapore branch of the Overseas League will hold a dinner and dance at Sea View Hotel on Thursday next in celebration of Empire Day. H.E. fhe Officer Administering the Government and Mrs. Caldecott will be the principal guests.
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  • 192 13 Arms Embargo. CONSIDERATION BY LEAGUE. Reuter. Washington, May 19. jyjß. Roosevelt has issued a message to the Senate, asking for ratification of the 1925 Geneva Arms and Ammunition Convention as part of ft move to control the munitions traffic. He declared that the private and uncontrolled manufacture
    Reuter.  -  192 words
  • 46 13 Dante To Talk To Singapore. "Z.H.1.," Singapore, have just made arrangements for a special talk to be made over the air at 12 mid-day on Sunday, May 20. by the well-known variety artiste. "Dante," who is appearing at the Cap tel Theatre on Monday.
    46 words
  • 42 13 Nine Hundred Firms Close Down. Hankow, May 8. Of the 8.000 shops in the Municipality of Hankow about half are carrying on with a loss, while 900 firms have suspended business. The Municipal authorities are considering relief measures.—"Eastern Times."
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  • 67 13 Branches In Foreign Countries. Shanghai. Apr 28. The Cen ral Bank of China has decided to establish teveial branches in foreign countries. The places where the branches are io be established are New York, London. Paris, Tokyo, Osaka. Yokohama, Sydney, Saigon and Hongkong. Tf the branch offices can
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 118 13 I I |ir|;iiii|i'li'lllliilil|i'llllll|lHi!llHlHMilllllilHll I Now On Sale I "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" NEW RECORDS I For May Two very good records from this issue are 4 Brave Hearts 1 which is a March number in the style of the famous March of the Grenadiers, and 'Love is a Son g' a
      118 words

  • 2104 14 ACTION IN SINGAPORE. EVIDENCE BY WELL-KNOWN OWNERS HE secretaries of the Penang and Perak Turf Clubs and two well-known racehorse owners gave evidence before the Second Magistrate (Mr. N. Grice), yesterday, in a preliminary inquiry into a case in
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  • 310 14 Witness Who Had No Luck. Mr. R. S. Lctah. said he carried on business in Change Alley. He also had a otalJ at the New World. He knew the accused, having aieti him vmr.e at Die New World some time in March last. The accused told witness that
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  • 65 14 Another Disappearance Goes Unexplained. Reuter. New York. May 18. A further unexplained disappearance of monetary gold, amounting this week »o $6,772,000 and for the past three weeks to ever $22 million, is disclosed in the Federal Reserve Statement. Wall Street believes that it reflects gold transfers by the
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 66 14 (From Our Own Correspondent J T J ,Seremban, May 17. A Chinese named Moh Yuen pleaded guilty when charged with being found in possession of a still for the manufacture of samsu. and secondly, possession of nine bottles of samsu. The magistrate imposed a fine of $10, or
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  • 209 14 Many Applications From I "Old Brigade." THE application from former Volunteers to take part in the ceremony lof the presentation of Colours on Sat- urday, May 26, have been very satisfactory, over 80 having sent in their names. As space on the ground will be limited, all
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  • 98 14 Fine Imposed On Indian In Seremban. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. May 17 or making a false report to the Police against a Tamil named Sokalingam isher Sing was this morning fined $10 pr two weeks' r.i. by the police magistrate, Mr. T. P. F. McNiecInspector Che Wan,
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  • 1168 14 Committee's Report I or Last Year. T*HE annual report of Property Owners' and p Association for last year In addition to the meetings convened in arc. Rule 8, your Oommittee*he° meetings to consider mattei urgent attention and actioi In order to obtain a the present system of
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  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 1041 15 Wu Lien Teh. VBLE WORK IN CHINA. 264 pages Dr. Wu he director, and Dr. the senior quarantine sent their report on ional Quarantine Service table publication, con- umber of special articles rl holers prevention and ibjeets, together with rations. bo was Lorn and educated a recognised
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  • 116 15 At the half-yeariy meeting of the Singapore Gurus' Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society. Ltd.. the following were elected as office-bearers: President: Captain D. R. Swaine. M.A.. MC; Vice-Presidents: Mr. E. R. Davies, M.A. and Mr. R. E. Smith. 8.A.; honsecretary: Che' M. Nor bin A. Awans: hon.
    116 words
  • 207 15 Generous Gifts In Hongkong. MR, Aw Boon Haw. the B ngapore philanthropist and "Tiger Balm" magnate, Is now visiting Hongkong to seo the construction work of the modern hoKpitai a' Cheung Chau. Hongkong, oi which he is the donor. He wu'i given a cord'al welcome un
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  • 217 15 Technical Co-OperationWith South China. It Is learned that owing to the in.- istense of Gen. Matsunaga for a mode; ate policy, the Japanese will adopt a less drastic policy, and aim for technical cooperation with South China. But their attitude with regard to the problem of Amoy will
    217 words
  • 859 15 Better Terms MEMORIAL TO THE 1 GOVERNMENT. JT is understood that it is possible that temporary clerks employed in the Public Works Department will he engaged on terms of service better than those at present in force. A memorial signed by the majority of the 4.*» temporary
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  • 60 15 Japanese Purchases From U.S. Stopped. Reuter. Washington, May 18. THE House of Representatives Military j Affairs Committee has decided to i recommend favourable action on the Faddis Bill, restricting the exportation of tin scrap from the Un ted States. The decisicn followed reports that Japan was purchasing tin-plate
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 43 15 The following have been elected to form the Bar Committee, Penang:— 1 Mr. B. E. Ross (president), Mr. jLi.m I Cheng Ean, Mr. C. D. D. Hogan. Mr. E. A. de Buriatte, Mr. R. D. Hume and Mr. P. J. D. Regester (secretary).
    43 words
  • 106 15 Former Magistrate Now A Coolie. Tsin<tn. May 4. BECAUSE the magistrate of Tungao was found gudty cf squeezing General Han Fu Chu, the Chairman ot Shantung, (and "Cltfim'i Solomon") ordered him tc come to Tsinan and bo made him a coolie on road construction work at
    106 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 60 15 I SPECIAL BARGAINS! in shopsoiled cameras, j i Reflexes, Cine cameras, j Projectors etc., I 1 I Here is an example Nagel Vollenda Model 65 j fitted with F/6.8 lens in Nagel Shutter. Slightly j shop-soiled. j Original Price $23.50 j Special Bargain Price $15.00 i i I and a
      60 words
    • 91 15 ONLY A CIGARETTE!!! Yes!! But with a Filter a Cork Tip ErimsH DOCTORS have approved IN ROUND AIRTIGHT THIS OF 10 CRTAIHACLE EVERT .YH2T.E I FILTER TIPPED VIRGINIA made in England by ROTHMANS FRESH STOCKS NOW!!! Sole Distributors Sole Agents for Malaya SWEE LEONG CO., TOM STOREY CO., 26, China
      91 words

  • 463 16 Anglo-Chinese Schoolboys At The Jalan Besar Stadium. fpilE twenty-fifth annual athletic sports of the Anglo-Chinese School was held yesterday afternoon at the Jalan Besar Stadium before a large crowd. Among those present was Mrs. A. Caldecott, wife of H.E. the Officer Administering the Government. At
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  • 56 16 Mr. A. E. R. Gilligan gave a cricket talk to members and friends of the Welldon Park Cricket Club, at South Harrow in mail week. He said that it was more than likely that Australia would regain the Ashes during the coming summer, out that England would not
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  • 50 16 Mr. R. E. S. Wyatt, the Warwickshire cricket captain, who is a skilled figure skater, fell on the ice and received a cut above the eye from another skater. The wound had to be stitched, but the injury has not impaired his form with the bat this season.
    50 words
  • 291 16 Gloucester Trounced By Sussex. Reute r. London, May 18. SUSSEX trounced Gloucestershire at ia« r H v?J e day by an innings and InLl* Ina SUSSGX to k first k HOCk and scored 406 runs for eight wickets, and declared, J. Parks scoring 181 runs. Gloucestershire found
    Reuter.  -  291 words
  • 376 16 More Important Than The Tests (By Air Mail.) M London, May 9. K. T. A. Higson madp a remark at the recent Lancashire cricket function at Old Trafford into which sometfting can be read, writes "Old Ebor" in the "Athletic News." He expressed the hope that the Australians
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  • 647 16 Grimmett And O'Reilly In Form. Reuter. London, May 18. AFTER scoring 220 in their first innings, Essex collapsed for 99 at Cheimstord yesterday, when they went in for their second essay, faced with a deficit of 218 runs. C. V. Grimmett (5 for 54i and
    Reuter.  -  647 words
  • 67 16 First Round Matches Start. Reuter. i In fV Q Paris, May 18 N the first round of,che Davis Cup lawn tennis world tournament Rous b—l, 6—l, 6—4 and Merlin (France) h£t Metaxa (Austria) 4-6, 8-6 6-2 6-2 In the first r^hd^ttSS» "StOL fX an Ar d India
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 59 16 o^;r Ah^. sweewah v.y^ m w o s Monday: Yadl and I Alsaeoff v Tnn Swm Wah and B. R. Misirf Tan Tuesday: Kamis and Dr. Loh v E Ellis and J. Solcman, E. Simon and I Yoru ty C V h H»«t and^anchin and R. cc V
    59 words
  • 815 16 Alteration In Order Of Runninu T* Events. H iU) alteration in th e order in which to-day's card of nine races will be run was announced yesterday. The pony event, originally put down as as the opening
    815 words
  • 147 16 (By "Thc-Man-at-the-Rails.") RACE L—MISS METALLIC, Eleven* h Hour, place. RACE 2.—JINGLE LORE, Windfall and Crock, places. RACE 3.—ISLAND FASTNESS, Zeeland and ifeariette, places RACE 4.—BAY LADDIE, Silvanus George Edward 's, place-i. RACE r>,—DRIFTING HOME, Oolong and Golden Star, places. RACE 6.—MOUNTAIN BELLE. Bairn Oil and
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 276 16 I Interesting HI j f tne 392 legal-reserve life insurance companies in the U.S.A. j and Canada that are listed by "B st's", the foremost life insurance ng-manual, 93 are rated "A." '"Best's" rating, as explained by mselves, is "from the policyholder's viewpoint—not the stockholders or yet the agent's." Th?
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  • 933 17 Visitors Outclassed In The Second Period Of Play. j her iavoured the opening Malaya Cup season this n yesterday at the Anson I lie Malaya Command re by four r oals to nil, in
    933 words
  • 135 17 Mir National And American Leagues* Reuter. New York. May 18. 1 uiis in the U.S. major baieunii arr- a> follows: tOiICAN LEAGUE. lA 2 9 1 7 0 0 "It;! a home run for the Bonurn ior the White Sox 4 10 1 5 u a a home
    Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 13 17 dly soccer match between the the R.A.F. arranged for yeswas cancelled.
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  • 210 17 Badminton Tournament Results And Ties. Results in the Solar A.U. open singir-s champtonship tournament: A. DIVISION: Kv.ek Chip Jion beat Chin Chong Kiat 15-7 15-1; Kwek Chip Jian beat Goh Soo Kher 15-4, 15-4*; Tan Soo Aik beat Goh Soo Kher 15-7 15-9; Tay Chin Lye beat T.
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  • 47 17 I S C.C. "B" XI v. Harlequins on Thurs- 1 next at the S.C.C: Q h Strooboeh; J. R McDougall, T W. Morrav; G. Dodds, G. Boas.. T Ivl. Maciauchlan: C. Fitiock. D. Alexander, IF. E. E. Hinrliey, P. H. Harrison, J. K. 1 Gale.
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  • 419 17 Latest Positions Of The Teams. LATEST positions in the S.A.F.A. League and Commercial Cup competitions are as follows: FIRST DIVISION. Goals. P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts. S.C.C. 8 6 1 1 23. 8 13 Chinese 7 5 1 1 28 5 11 R.A.F. 7 5 2
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  • 74 17 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Serembin. May 17. The Yale B.P. of Klang will *is:t Seremban on Monday to meet the newly formed Merry Gang* BP. at the lattcrs' court. The following will represent, the Merry Gang 8.P.: Veerapon. Tnn Fooh Cheng. Lee Tee Siang and Lim Ewe LawMisses
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  • 86 17 C. W. Packfcrd, writing in the "Sporting Life." gives the following list or fifteen best Rugby players in Great Britain, for the last season: H. G. Owen-Smith (England). L. A. Booth (England*, Idwal Rees (Wales 1 H. Lind (Scotland), K. C. Fyfe (Scotland), B. C. Gadney (England).
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  • 80 17 Rugby football is rapidly gaining ground on the Continent. It has been announced that in two years Italy will have 8,000 clubs and it is even considered likely that the game may be made compulsory in Italian schools. Germany, too, is putting through a vigorous rugby campaign.
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  • 74 17 in a fast game on Monday at Balestier Plain, the Clerical Union defeated the Ho Hong Sports Club by the odd goal m three. It was an evenly contested game, the teams being very well-balancea. The score at the interval was 2—o in favour of the Clerical Union,
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  • 83 17 The Clerical Union 111 defeated the Govern- n n Treaauiy-Audit XI on the Union's ground on Monday I—o.1 —0. j Ftng Howe was the goal-scorer. I The following will represent the Clerical Union 1 111 v. the Department of Statis xs to-day ,on the Union's ground at
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  • 116 17 Whit Monday Event At Bukit Timah. rrHE following are the draw and stait--1 ing times fer the S.G.C. Navy Challenge Cup competition to be played at Bukit Timah on Monday. Conditions 18 holes Medal play 3 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. W. McMullan a.G.C.) v. Mr. and Mrs. R.
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  • 57 17 The ladies' monthly medal was play Q d at the Garrison G.C. on Wednesday and Thursday. The following were the best returns Mrs. E. O. Lewin 45—14—31 Mrs. S. P. Holnws-Smith 39— 7—32 Mrs. S. H. Moss 49—13—36 Mrs. F. G. Hyland 49- 9—40 Mrs. F. R.
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  • 143 17 Playing at the Novice Badminton Party s court at Hertford Road on Saturday last, the Treasury-Audit Sports team best the Government Monopolies Sports Club by 4 games to 3. Scores (Treasury-Audit names first): SINGLES: S:h Kirn Soon lost to Lse Jouy Seah 10-15. 4-15; Ng Lianrr Chuan Lost
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  • 55 17 The following players are asked to turn no to-morrow at Clerirai Union ground at 4.30 p.m. Tan Kirn Eng. Ong Seng Kock, A. Ptnto, D. X Samv. Ton Chwee Teck Lim Boat Lye. Lim T:an Lye. Hoi San. Van ,v. v, T an. S°"W Khiam Chum, Low
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  • 43 17 Marso'd BP. t.?am v. the Rowell United BP. on the tatter's court on Monday at 3 p.m.: Sim Kano-. Lens; Yong, Chon? Tee, r©uy Srah. Leng Bean. Song One-?. P*> Heck. Hua Ouee, Kirn Song. Leng Kuan Cheng Liat.
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  • 36 17 The Useful Badminton Part* of Wr a■»ore wh <*h was Inaugurated In 1932. has mw been pxemptcd from registration Mr. S h H(?n L<ma has elected •»sst. snorts eanttin vice Mr. Chiang Wan, leagued.
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  • 957 17 Last Night's Boxing At The Olympic Stadium. rpONY Beltran proved that he is a worthy opponent for any featherWeight in Malaya when he decisively j beat Sherlock Warren at the Olympic j Stadium last night. Unlike his stablemate, Young Fer- j nandez, Beltran has no
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  • Page 17 Advertisements

  • 535 18 Warwickshire's Leader Favoured By P. F. Werner. (By Air Mail) London, May 9. QNE of the first duties of the Test Selection Committee will be to look for a successor to D. R. Jardinc, who has announced his decision nor to play in Test match
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  • 79 18 *'I learn on srood authority that valentine is likeJv to be asked to captain England," writes Mr. A E R S ihe News Chronicle.' Ihe first Test team will probably be: H. Sutcliffe (Yorkshire). C. F. Walters (Worcestershire). W. R. Hammond (Gloucestershire) A. Mitchell (Yorkshire). L. Ames
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  • 101 18 Championship Tournament At Porthcawl. in ths I order of th in the 'Holm Mi« i£ were Mlss Wade, lire gr-jsr Sp°to y "sss miss Miss Coriett prZ Ulai k anc .defeated Miss Wanda I lJsh champion one up Misißirt™?~ eighteen-year-old EngMwoinaii bA'' !Mlle. Degunzbourg (France, two and" Miss
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  • 70 18 On Sunday the H ane's a p i«« ,the Union Chinese RP at ttU >; fl ateci 1 court. tne tanner's j Scores (Hiang's names first)- MRtefftos: Goh Chin 800 b o .f rhlI Cman Lee 13-13 (5-2». laZ?. h V. a Lim Kien Hint whl!;' J^~ 8:
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  • 229 18 Who Is The Greater Of The Two. -riSf 5 that mean tha t the professional teif Sn'eS" than «SS teur one? Or is Cochet a worse nlavpr now than a few years ago? P y would appear that the court on which these matches are played i?
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  • 79 18 Ti den and Vines have issued a chali lt n to tJ Fred Perry and Jack Crawford I th world's leading amateurs. Wlora The Americans are willing to nlav without a "gate," or if admission money I s charged, they are willing for the money to go to
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  • 26 18 rFrom Our Ou?n Correspondent.) Seremban, May 17. o2a ta K tlo^ro st Paul's OMA. beat the N.S. Club 4-2. Mr. Lee Lin Kon refereed.
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  • 558 18 Tributes To Jardine And Grimmetc (By Air Mail.) London, May 9. pEOPLE are beginning to realise that Bradman was an even greater batsman against the unorthodox attack of Jardine's team than he was in England On Grimmett, however, rests Australia's hope of winning the "Ashes,"
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  • 110 18 The Yorkshire County Cricket Clm, programme this year is again a veiv s?t m Wl n h th exception ot Some, 55r£ C C and Cambridge and Oxford Universities, at Sheffield i A P. I s?? rtant event ls Maurice Ley S£ m **nent match He nas
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  • 276 18 Lady Swimmers. CHINESE GIRLS VVI i ALL EVENTS. Manila, May [9 £JHINA'S Jady swimm. a clean sweep of aquatic events in the I Olympiad at the Rizal M< here. Miss Yang Shau King, th< i lady national champion, v 100 metres back-stroke metres
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  • 141 18 Ties have been arranged in the tv I vonshire B.P.s tournament as ft TmaS H ROUND Class A, to SS, Chc S R v Cheon S Hock Quee, II 22? V 7 ap Chin Tte Mak Ifang Mohamed Jaffar. Arthur Lim v X Chek Tuan. SECOND ROUND,
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  • 57 18 Derbyshire B.P. v. the Week-End BP to-morrow at 3.30 p.m. at the court: K. S. Chen, Francis Koh. Koh Chy Tuan, B. J. Pereira, L. T. Fen Captains of Clubs or Parties d matches with the Derbyshire B P communicate with the sports ca] secretary, Mr. Francis Koh.
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  • 17 18 Entries for the Catholic You: Association's badminton. draughts and other tournament ■> at 6 p.m. to-morrow.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 170 18 AsteU exceed $12,000,00f. Aasirance In fore* over $35,000,00? The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. .(Incorporated ta the Stralte SeUlemente). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Ufe Building, Cecil Street. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 87 Old Jewry E.O. The Company has £20.000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the
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    • 73 18 LATEST HITS BY LEW STONE AND HIS ORCHESTRA. AMBROSE AND HIS ORCHESTRA. F39OS—WAGON WHEELS, slow foxtrot COFFEE IN THE MORNING, slow foxtrot i(From film "Moulin Rouge"). F3884-GOSH. I MUST BE FALLING IN LOVE ft LULLABY IN BLUE, foxtrot. F4O43O—WAGON WHEELS, foxtrot. BOULEVARD OF BROKEN DREAMS, fjxtrol (From film "Moulin Rouge")
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  • 842 19 •r,, ihnicai I'robhms. WE AMAZING KKSULTS. n L\G read that Birthday Greetfrom Admiral Byrd in the to President Roosevelt in were broadcast by th-? BS in America, I think may like to have the followers regarding the broad- [he radio equipment of
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  • 287 19 All Listeners In Mass Campaign. Radio scientists ire at work on a plan (or clear in 5 the ether and stamping out wireless interference by means of the world-wide massed listening system which they are launching in co-operation with the 8.8.C. rE World Radio Research League
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  • 210 19 Latest Facilities For Passengers. THE Imperial Airways announce that arrangements have completed for the dispatch of private wireless messages in India and Burma from aircraft of the Imperial Airways and Indian TransContinental Airways in flight. This service is also extended to all countries served by Empire routes,
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  • 310 19 Development Of Navigational Aids. There is a dehni c and happy association between wireless developments and shipping, and the progress of 'he Marconi International Marine Communications. Ltd.. and its further development ci navlga ional aids are matters of very considerable importance in the world of shipping. That
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 22 19 I'iumtH'.uii.'jnirnii,,! m nniimmnp yim'''iiiHiM riwfflllLLJ We can get 2££ I iuu nn«u GOOD BOOKS, NY BOOK i/jin uronfr LIMITED, you want gaeea
      22 words
    • 91 19 Tested by Experts DECLARED to be perfectly pure and a Milk of only the very highest standard, eminently suited for Mothers and Children. A. A r\ V-'J I m A I MI LKMAI D SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK V 5 yw condensed 1 Milkmaid BRANfy i sweetened yjy j i.tM Anglo-Swiss
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 301 19 TO-DAY'S RADIO. Details Of Empire Programmes. 6.20 p.m. Time Signal from Big Tom (St. Paul's Cathedral, London). The Northern Studio Orchestra, directed by John Bridge, from a Manchester studio. 7.05 p.m. Dance music (gramophone records). (Time Signal from Greenwich at 12.00). 7.35 p.m. The Commodore Grand Orchestra, directed by Joseph
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  • 574 20 Salvation Army. DISSENSION RUMOURS DENIED. (By Air Mail) London, May 9. holding the position for five years, Gen. Higgins, head of the Salvation Army, has given formal notice of his intention to retiro from office on Nov. 10. To choose his successor a meeting of the
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  • 169 20 Opening Ceremony This Afternoon. r E official opening of the Singapore Anti-Opium Clinic by Dr. Philip K. C. Tyau, Consul-General for China, will take place to-day at 3 p.m. Among those who have accepted the invitation to be present at the opening ceremony are the following: The Consul
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  • 590 20 Administration u ep For Last Year. THE following report on v tration of the FM S vl Fund for the year 1933 fcli V. A. Lowinger: gned cy J The accounts of th* Fund at th of the year under review dit balance of £28,170 7
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 147 20 What YOU need to regain your -re to offset the to., which c.imate and condUil er T >ew on your Western-bred system, with measure c,.cuhte o L 7 I I mm* your Western energy. That's why I It R the great preserver and restorer of human energy AAa> OF EOURN-VITA'S
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    • 571 20 CHURCH SERVICES. Details For This Week-End. S. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL. 6 a.m., Holy Communion. 6.50 a.m., Holy Communion. 7.30 a.m., Matins. 8 a.m., Holy Communion (Choral). 9.15 a.m., Holy Communion. 10 a.m., Children's Service. 5.30 p.m., Evensong (Choral) and Sermon. 8.30 p.m., Service at Missions to Seamen. "H M.S. TERROR." 7.15
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    • 136 20 Friday, 8 p.m. Epworth Leaouc meeting. WESLEY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Fort Canning Road. Ministers: The Rev. H. B. Amstutz aM the Rev. W. S. Reinoehl. Sunday, 7.45, Parade Service 1 Barracks. 8.30, Sunday School. ;U5, Unified service of worship wan sermon by Mr. Reinoehl. 6. Evening service of worship vlt:
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  • 2216 21 How The Tests Might Effect The Cricket Championship. Till-; fact that the Tests and other n preventative cricket matches rob th strongs! counties of their players in quite a dozan may make the chami more pen than usual, but
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  • 141 21 Hundred Year Old Sussex Rule. After more than 100 years of "no play" on Sundays, cricket matches wll oe played on the village green at ineia, near Crawley, Sussex, this summer. local club, founded in 1804, is one of the eldest clubs in the country, and it has
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  • 232 21 To Spread Influence In China. Peiping (By Mail.) A CCORDING to information from well vvt.t l i lf^ ed S uarters the Japanese in isortn China have organised a special organisation known as the North China Association which has as its aim the It er^ cc of Japanese
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  • 74 21 Completion Will Take Fifty Days. Changchow, Apr. 22. Under orders of General Chiang Kai Shek a large airfield is now under construction at Changchow. Five thousand men are engaged on Mie work and it will take them 50 days to complete it. The field will 5? bi? enough
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  • 84 21 Not More Than Ten Hours' Work Daily. Nanchang, Apr. 29. General Chiang Kai Shtk has issued i circular telegram to the provinces intructing that workers should not work more than ten hours a day and that Hires/ment of workers by employers is strictly prohibited. General Chiang also
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 322 21 l >|(TlMfr|/ l |n,,,|K|P|nirr|nfh l t|||, l ll l l fM| !|l lnf M l m l l n|n l M|^ l l l l l r f r KING ALFRED m m m m WOULD NOT HAVE BURNT THE CAKES IF THERE HAD BEEN A I GAS COOKER WITH
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  • 977 22 Strange Institution. SANDWICH EXCHANGE OF BERLIN. German press recently published an interesting- Ktory of two enterprising and high-powered young* men who ai'oul of the law by attempting to improve the technique of the time-honoured beggar's trade l»v some modern go-getting methods. Having convinced themselves that time is
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  • 354 22 When Truth Is As Strange As Fiction. In his play "Horses," which was one of the outstanding successes of the German stage last season. Richard Billingei. perhaps the most powerful of the younger generation of German playwrights, depicts the tragedy of a farmhand who commits suicide because he
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  • 234 22 Celebration Of Twenty-Fifth Anniversary. The world's only Museum of Cookery which is located m .n the historic city of Frankfurt-on-the-Main recently celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary. It was opened in 1009 by the International Cook's association in the latter's headquarters »in Frankfurt. Th( mv. cum Is dividr;' into
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  • 117 22 Exhibition To Be Held. Shanghai, Apr. 30. THE various Chinese industrial works in Shanghai have jointly organised a "Native Products" exhibition in the North-west by way cf encouraging the people in that region to buy more Chinese home products. The exhibition will be held at several places along
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  • 342 22 GiVes Interview At Nanking. Sianfu. Apr. 25. MR. T. V. Soong arrived ut Tungkwan from Honan this morning. After making a brief inspection arouna the strategic pass, Mr. Soong continued his journey and reached Sianfu at 5 o'clock this afternoon.—"Shanghai Chen Pao." Kaifeng, Apr. 24.
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  • 471 22 Details Of Current Prices. Singapore. May 11. MEAT. Beef, steak (round*, kati 30 Beef, stew or curry, kati 24 Pork, lean, kati 40 Pork, lean and fat (Ist quality), kali 32 Mutton, Australian, lb. 40 Fowl, kati 38 Hens (locally reared*, kati 42 Ducks, (Java* each 46 Pigeons,
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  • 142 22 After Losing On|\ n K "I started taking Km ft< 1 Sail ago," a young woman write 5 lbs. m weight, and I feel 50 lbs. I am full of vigour w| I was listless and worried But if my troubles would not Worry me to-day
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 220 22 I Silenburgs I I Foods I 1 are particularly suited to the I 1 feeding of infants in hot I I climates. They are free from I I harmful germs and are 1 X readily prepared by the I 1 simple addition of boiling I a water only, thus giving
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    • 449 22 THE GIFT SHOP S3, Stamferd Read NOW OPEN. NOW op EN (No roaacctioa with tat other *(iift Shop' in Siagapo LADIES' HATS ART JEWELLERY and MILLINERY, I latest creations from PARIS .md LONDON. AGENTS far the famous:— Champs Elysee-Fienrg n« Paris. Cannon Hal*-. Lfc>terlyte Hat Children Hats. The Ideal House
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  • 86 23 1 Look At This Week's Mail Bag. •ar nephews. have had a very heavy mail this i and consequently I have been able out only a few letters for publicyou will notice the letters, in most are brief. I am glad to see this ement,
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  • 142 23 By "Rikki Tikki Taii V '•«•al rich lady thought tliat .she one of the bristles of ooth-brtteh. while she was brush- She fcmctcd th* Hi her throat was the cause of iljilCS'.s .ho sh« went to several docb!" ll ioJd her that th re was in her
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  • 129 23 By K Kohrj ".'V and comedy stand for the :Uti£ asp-rets of the drama. 1 i lifjf'i it u complete ol human 1 word, axe of Greek origin, and f> »i u-ecJ buck lo the old days of "-•k Mramji. Tragedy was the applied to the nam?
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  • 88 23 lij/ 'Wee Teck Yean") •hums, I am very glad to till t I ,trn a member r>f this famous Before beginning I would 'link Uncle Bob for his kind--1 '1 Wiily Chan" for encouraging loin the "Corner." ,v about the subject. man engaged a boy who well but
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  • 89 23 flv "N. T Fatt.") people -ay that the poor have thai th«y can earn u living: rich people need not labour tuna. 1 think tl>at everyone 1 ibwir no matter how rich he v 111 Uoin for work To labour i* H'u» duty '"'i' cup be accomplished without i"ut
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  • 381 23 'By "I. K. Kew."> Shortage of food during any expeditions in Greenland is a matter of slight Importance, uu the explorers can provide themselves with food by seal hunting. There are various methods for hunting reals, and a particular method is used to suit the particular occasion. Kayak
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  • 190 23 By "Happy Mahmood." Kelantanj Children should not be allowed to lor the same thing twice. Tills» may be Accomplished by 'parents, teachers, oi whoever may happen to have the management of them, paying attention to tlvir little wants, if proper, at once, when passible. Children should
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  • 175 23 (by "C. Ahvis."} All newspaper men are a Jolly anu happy, not to mention a darin:; lot. Some famous playwrlters of the world began as newspaper men. Some renorter* are expert*; in anything in the line of crime, some in racing, football, or other games. All reporters like
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  • 213 23 'By "Balbo. O' Campo."> It was midnight. Everybody was in j dreamland. Thieves were busy with theii hands in the dark. Owing to the still- ness of the hour, there was calmness everywhere. Nothing could be heard, not even the sound of barking dogs. The silence was only
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  • 162 23 \By "Sam Par Loh.") On the first day of this month, If stars. Soo Guan, Soo Keng, Soo Suan and I cycled to a near by town called Mengkibol. We started from our town early in the morning. Before commencing our journey, we inspected our cycles and
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  • 149 23 'By Khalidas") At present many people talk and read about war, but only the politicians and some others know what is war. The other day I came across a line which spoken by John Bright many, many years ago at a peace conference of a society in
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  • 119 23 By "E. K. Yap," Trengganu.J On May 1, 1934, the Wei Sin School of Trengganu celebrated its 19th anniversary. A public meeting attended DV a large number of people took place at about 10 a.m., after which a tea-pam was held. In the evening of the 3a*nj day
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  • 65 23 (By -Happy Pal.") What is a bad language? Bad language is a vice. It is always hearct among the poor people of lower classes and when they were boys they mixed with low company and naturally they were in the habit of using bad words They heard bad
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 242 23 TIONG HOA HOTEL TEL. 3447. No. 123, North Bridge Road, (Opposite St. Andrew's Cathedral or next to Union Jack Club), SINOAPORE. Recently Furnished. Modern Sanitation. CHARGES MODERATE. ROOMS $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 PER DAY. SPECIAL MONTHLY TERMS FOR BOARDERS. Breakfast 60 oU., Tiffin 86 cts.. Dinner $1.00. Our long experience, quick
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    • 102 23 Sports Cups Medals Inspect our large and comprehensive s;ock of these in the very latest deigns and compare our prices before deciding elsewhere. SPECIAL PRICES TO CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS AND SCHOOLS. K.M. OLI MOHAMED, Jeweller, No. 38, High Street, SINGAPORE. SERANGOON CAFE AND RESTAURANT 593 A. SERANGOON ROAD. (Junction cf Serangcon
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