Malaya Tribune, 15 May 1934

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Malaya Tribune
  • 40 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYAJ Vol XXI.- No. 114 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1934 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Tuesday, May 15. 1934. Malaya Tribune 24 PAGES. SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. MAY IS, 1934. FOR r-RNT^
    40 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 143 1 J 'The (Tribune Dominant In *lMalaya Heavy Smokers unseen I Know That ri (I n the Best of Tobaccos causes dryness and i'nation of the throat— Relieve it with Lakerol v 7 X illt s. They are soothing and keep the mouth (I an<J al'nw no rohicco odour. W J
      143 words
    • 140 1 am, A. FI4NTER. 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily excnange rates. ________J N"\v Hudson Bicyclefl V machines
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  • 216 2 Cured in Two Weeks. litre's a mail who suffered with his stomach tor ctfifht y-irs, whom even hospital doctors could not cure, until they gave him a treatment which you can gi t from m st chemists out herd. H, gays:—"] want to tell you of
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  • 137 2 Moratorium May Be Declared. Reuter wireless. Berlin, May 11. A POSSIBLE outcome of the protracted debts conference is now suggested to be a two years' moratorium on debt payments and the supply of raw materials on a credit basis to meet I ho requirements of Germany's industry
    Reuter wireless.  -  137 words
  • 75 2 Reuter Wireless. Berlin, May 9. Interest and amortisation of payments sible for the 21,000,000 marks loss of on the Dawse Loan is chiefly respongold shown on to-day's Reichsbank returns. On the other hand, the foreign currency influx from Germany's export trade is so small that it had
    Reuter Wireless.  -  75 words
  • 848 2 A Seriotis Problem. WHAT SHOULD BE DONE. "£JHINA'S greatest danger to-day comes from within and not with-out-from her own people rather than the imperialists. Never since the dawn of history has there been a case where a nation of 400,000,000 people could be subjucated by another
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  • 285 2 Assyrians Cannot Find A Home Reuter. Geneva. THE 20 000 surviving members of the oldest Christian community in the «/rrld have had another disappointment n their efforts to find a home. Once again the door has been slammed in their faces. They are the Assyrians, who lived
    Reuter.  -  285 words
  • 233 2 Egyptian Judges And Mixed Courts. Reuter. Alexandria. EGYPTIAN judges threaten to strike because they are not allowed to preside over the Mixed Courts—which try cases that involve both foreigners and Egyptians—at Cairo, Alexandria and Mansourah. They are indignant at the appointment of an Italian, Judge Panetta, to preside
    Reuter.  -  233 words
  • 151 2 Five New Companies To Develop Them. Dairen. The floating of five new comoanies with a total capital equivalent to £3,500.000 is part of a far-reaching plan of economic development which the South Manchuria Railway Company proposes to carry out during the coming financial year. The proiected companies
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  • 120 2 "Makes The Film Almost Real." Berlin. A "plastic screen,' which gives a steroscopic effect to films and rrx.kes them stand out in relief has been invented by Professor G. Koegel. I He claims that his discovery *make j the film almost real." The screen is composed of a
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  • 117 2 NataPs Petition To The King For Battle Honours. Maritzburg, Natai. A petition to the King to grant tne Dattle honours of ftorke's drift to the Scuth Wales Borderers, is to be made by the Natal Provincial Council through tne Prime Minister. A motion to this effect was
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  • 73 2 Allegations Against Torgler And Thaelmann. Reuter Wireless. Berlin, May 11. Ernst Thaelmann, former leader of the German Communist Party, will shortly be tried in Berlin for high treason and alleged complicity in political murders. General Goering recently announced that both Torgler, who was acquitted at the Reichstag fire
    Reuter Wireless.  -  73 words
  • 244 2 No Removal To Th< South. Peiping, M. u .> rpHE recent report that foreiations in Peiping will short h moved to the South has beer in Legation circles here. It is pointed out that the p German and American Lf-ati already established their king which enjoy a
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  • 319 2 Going On Inspection Trip b Honan. T Tientsin, Apr 2 i 2 learned here thai It snal Chang Hsueh Liang, for the nrpose of getting acquainted with toe conditions in Honan, will shortly v Chengchow by aeroplane to confer with General Liv Chih regarding the bantiil situation in
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  • 62 2 Maxim Gorky's Works An* "Cement/' Helsingfor* No fewer than 19,000.000 copi' works of Maxim Gomy have ju rrnted in Moscow. Other best-sellers are tlu <- ■<; f) novels of Schelchoff ana which 2,100,000 and 1.300.000 copi 1 pectively have been published. 0 Two hundred thousand Alexoi Tolstoy's
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  • 55 2 i Danish Railways' Co»" With England. Copenna^ri The Danish State railways have ?ruifed a contract to British lu supply of coal for six mom r.niount of 125.000 tons. It is stated that this is «•ted purchase, but an outcome or jjoiiey, which is to secure a <•
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 233 2 OF INTEREST TO RESIDENTS OF KATONG, CEYLANG and JOO CHI AT. OPENING OF NEW BRANCH OF j I %Ma A» For the convenience of our numerous Customers in Katong, j j Geylang and Joo Chiat, we take pleasure to announce that J COMMENCING FROM WEDNESDAY. 16th MAY, 1934. j i
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  • 955 3 HOME OFFICE "CABINET." SWEEPING REFORMS ADVOCATED IN BRITAIN. (By Air Mail) London, May 2. gWEEPING reforms which will co-ordinate the crimefighting resources of every police force and revolutionise criminal investigation work in Great Britain are now being considered by the Home OffiVe. First steps have already
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  • 261 3 "The Discovery Of The Year." THE Malayan Orchid Soriety has had on inc wnolc another bad year, so the 'Society "Review" states editoriallv. f »iif more large collection, that of Mr. I eew Yong Moey, has been broken up. There are now few big collections in Singapore. Thieves.have
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  • 238 3 Criticism Of Draft Constitution. Hongkong, Apr. 15. Mr. Hu Han Mm is now bending his energy on drafting a statement giving his views of the Draft Constitution at recently published by the Nanking Government. The statement will be forwarded to Nanking for the consideration of :he Government
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  • 81 3 "Sin Wen Pao." Shanghai, Apr. 5. The various public bodies of Paoshan have submitted a petition to the Kiangsu Provincial Government requesting that immediate steps be taken for the repair of the dykes along the coast, in view of the approaching season of high tides. The petition points
    "Sin Wen Pao."  -  81 words
  • 46 3 “China Times." Nanking, Mar. 27. The Government has decided to exercise control over food production and consumption in the country, it is understood from official circles. Measures for such control will be worked out by the National Economic Commission and the Finance Ministry.—"China Times."
    “China Times."  -  46 words
  • 41 3 Hongkong, Apr. 11. I The Cantonese authorities are ne- j gotiating a new loan of $10,000,000 with I the Hongkong merchants. The loan will be secured on the Cement Works I in Canton, it is understood.—"Shun Pao." I
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  • 452 3 Visit To Central China. QENERAL Huang Fu left here for Nankins m0f, nteg It is understood that S wnt ng has sem one of his secretaries h Tf X make arran &ements for him for a brief res. at that mountain retort. tneial Huang will first prbceed
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  • 152 3 Government To Abolish Them. “Ta Kung Pao“ Nanking, Apr. 2. The Government has drawn up definite measures for the gradual abolition of irregu'ar taxation in the provinces, according to reports from wellinformed circles. As a first step, the provincial authorities must make a detailed investigation of the number
    “Ta Kung Pao“  -  152 words
  • 70 3 "Shun Pao." Nanking, Apr. 9. The Ministry of Communications has recently concluded a loan of with the Sino-British Boxer Indemnity Fund Commission for the purpose oi constructing long distance telephone services along both the Shanghai-Han- j kow and Peiping-Hankow Railways. Contracts for the construction have already been
    "Shun Pao."  -  70 words
  • 262 3 WHAT OUR CONTEMPORARIES ARE SAYING The Unemployed. >T;he reminder given by Mr. John Hands in his report on the work cf the Selangor Asiatic Unemployment Committee, that distress really exists among us to-day, is a timely one since, as our planting correspondent has pointed out, the coming of Rubber Restric
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  • 243 3 Times of Malaya. AT the last meeting of the Perak State Council the Hon. the Raja Muda was bold enough to suggest that the example of other countries be followed in the matter of State lotteries for the purpose of raising revenue. The proposal was, not unexpectedly, knocked
    Times of Malaya.  -  243 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 280 3 FOR YOUR HOME'S SAKE USE 'ROLAMATS' METAL MATS MATTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. c I Sole Agents for Stockists:— TOM STOREY ((>.. whiteaway LAiulaw co., ltd., Hongkonjr Bank Chambers, MOON, SECK TRADING CO. Sole Agents K. M. ABDULLA CO., 27, ROBINSON ROAD. SINGAPORE f tjfili F*Cfe tFAUTIFIER LOTUS BRAND (BUNGA TRA'TAY
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  • 917 4 Shipping News Notices. FUEL ECONOMY IN SHIPS. The Yarrow Boiler And i Taylor Stoker. jT|NE of the 12 Yarrow boilers lor the three vl train-ferry steamers of the Southern I Railway Co.. building by Mecsrs. Swan. Hunter I and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., was subjected I to a steaming trial at
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  • 460 4 Circumnavigation Of Africa. THE trans-Atlantic flight of General Balbo and his aerial squadron is not forgotten, and has set, up a unique record, but credit must also be given to the unusual performance of two Italian submarines, which followed and supported the flight. The two submarines ware the
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  • 173 4 More Ships Because Of Reduced Rates. Eighty-eight more ships passed through the Suez Canal during the "jeriod from Jan. 1 to April 10 this year him in the same period of last year and of this increase the first 10 days of this month—the rates having been
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  • 403 4 Quarter's Movement On North Atlantic. i ,-pHL' North A lantic rass-snzer raturns for A th* fir.t three mon hs of the presem vcar do not show evidence of any appreciable mp-ovemen in the commercial and industrial M look either in the Uni.ed States or ■an-da this year's westward
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  • 104 4 i i "ho Holmwood." one of the oldest Middlesbrough ships, which war built for the Constantine Shipping Co. in 18C7, has again changed hands. Her last owner was Mr. X. Sidevides. of Istanbul, who offered the vessel by public auction, and it was bought by Mi. Emafucl
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  • 44 4 R?cent soundings in the South Channel of Pt-iiang Harbour revealed that the shoal on the western side a< the northern end is extending into the Channel, patches bearing 22 te I having been found to exist within the lim'ts of the Channel.
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  • 783 4 Considerable Increase In Vessels Commenced. j THE statistics is ued by Lloyd's Reg'ster of Shipping r garding merchant vessels under COtUftrac ion a the end of March last show in Great Britain and Ireland there is an taker a".? cf 149 539 tons in the wor'i in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 333 4 I STEAMER SAILINGS. 1 //Ma if A A P& and 1 BRITISH INDIA i V. 0. S. N. CO.'S SAILINGS. OUTWARDS. Due Tonnage. Singapore BEHAS 6,000 May 24 KAISAR-I-HIND 11,500 May 25 S< IUDAN 6,500 June 6 RAJPUT ANA 17,000 June 8 RANCH] 17,000 June 22 B1 RDWAN 6,070 July
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    • 60 4 AMERICAN LLOYD AGENCY, LTD., (Incorporated in SS.). Steamship passages booked by aU Lines. Airmail tickets obtainable here. PMS. Railway tickets may tee purchased at this office. NO BOOKING FEES. Rnutcaße household effects and merchandise collected, stored, shipped or delivered at reasonable raes. Insurance effected. Further information regarding sailings and fares
      60 words
    • 176 4 I m LLOYD T«EB7WI (Incorporated in Italy). j EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. SINGAPOR E TO ITALY CHINA. Calling at Penang, Colombo, Bombay, f J Calling at Colombo, Bombay Bbm K c ara A< en Ma3S owah. Suez, Port |j Port Said, Brindisi, Venice Trieste Brmaisi, Venice and Trieste. Due Leave
      176 words
    • 222 4 H A MBURG-AMERIK A LINIE. Deutsch Hp?? Australlsche Dampfschiffs Gesellschaft. (Companies incorporated in Germany). PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. OUTWARDS. HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. Due Spore. s.s. PREUSSEN, via Manila May 19 s.s. SCHEER May 27 m.s. DUISBURG. via Manila May 29 m.s. RHEINLAND, via Manila June 12
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    • 576 4 STEAMER SA IjUNG^ NORDDEUTSCHEH LLOYD. (Incorporated i n Germany). 2i n f ernoted are the Company's i. tended fixtures:— H y< ,Q OUTWARDS. "MAIN," for Manila, H'korg 1 S'hai, North China and Japan HOMEWARDS. "GOSLAR," for Genoa, M'seilles 1954 Oran, Havre, R'dam, H'burg snd Bremen v "SAARBRUCKEN," for Genoa, Barcelona,
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  • 507 5 Mining Share*. Singapore, Tuesday, 11 a.m. i«he following tin share quotations are uju"ci by and Co., exchange and brokera vS« Boyeri nmn 1 pat Tin 6 0 7.Kumbang Tin 37 6 40Malay 43 6 45H Lam fin 14 9 15 6 2.071 2.15 r Tin 34 fi
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  • 168 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. LONDON RUBBER PRICE FALLS. Local Sellers' Quotations Nominal. (By Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Tuesday, noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 20% cts., up ct. Market Tone: Steady. Tin (Singapore), $113</ 8 down $1%. Yesterday's Prices London Rubber, 5 15 16d., down 1 >jd. Market Tone:
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  • 198 5 Singapore, May 14. R (Siam) W. Coast N. 1 per Koyan $90 R tSiam) W. Coast N. 2 per Koyan $86 Rice. B. Siam N. 1 per Koyan $8, Rice, B. Siam N. 2 per Koyan $83 Siam, No. 1 JJg Siam, No. 2 J**2 Siam, No. 3 J"J
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  • 32 5 The output of Renong Consolidated Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., for the first half of May amounts to 271 piculs, the hours run being 193 and the cubic yards treated 48,500.
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  • 367 5 Effect Of Rubber Quota Publication. Reuter Wireless. London, May 8. ON the Stock Exchange to-day. rubber shares weakened owing to the fail in the price of the raw material. Nearly all minings rallied well and interest was sustained i-n Industrial: but otherwise the markets, generally speaking, ruled quiet.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  367 words
  • 29 5 To Be Enforced In British India. Reuter. Simla. May 14. JT is officially announced that rubber restriction will be enforced in British Ind a on June I.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 86 5 Total Loss Of 57,000,000 Marks. Reuter Wireless. Berlin, May 9. The report of the General Electrical ~o»iDany for the last year, read at today's general meeting, shows a total loss of 57,000,000 marks. The chairman explained that foreign business was extremely bad during the year and amounted to
    Reuter Wireless.  -  86 words
  • 129 5 The following information has been received from the Chief of the Central Bureau of Statistics, Batavia. Foreign exports of rubber from the six principal ports of the Outer Provinces dur- ing April, 1934 (converted to long tons of 2,240 lb. net weight, i.e., including moisture). Port
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  • 118 5 London Delegate States The Position. Reuter Wireless. •"l I London, May 11. JAPANESE competition was dicussed at length at a meeting of the International Cotton Spinners' Federation in London to-day. The members listened to the Japanese delegates explanation of their position, notably Mr. Shimada, who particularly deplored the
    Reuter Wireless.  -  118 words
  • 1561 5 Mr. Wreford Brown's Views. (By Air Mail) London, May 2. THE second ordinary general meeting oi Selangor River Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at the offices of the company, 481-484, Salisbury House, E, C. Mr. Chas. Wreford Brown presided. The representative of the Secretaries (Messrs. Taylor Noble
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  • 650 5 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Tuesday. 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotations are issued by Fraser and Co., and Lyai and Evatt. Issue Value. Prmser Ljrmu m Shares. it Co. Bvmw. 1 Allenby 1.70 I.Bocd 1.75 1.90 1 Alor Gajah 1.10 1.20 100 1.10 IA. Hitam 1.60 1.75
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  • 68 5 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. Singapore, Toesday, n on. Buyers teVafß. R.S SL equal to London Standard. Spot (loose) 20% do. (F. 0.8.) 21 21% Standard R.S S. on Tender: June 21 21% JulvSept. 21% 21% Oct.-lVc. 22% 22% Jan.-March 22* 22% Tone of Market: Quiet, selleri reserved.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 82 5 THE EASTERN BANK. LIMITED. (Incorporated in England). SINGAPORE BRANCH 4, DA'metda Street. Authorised and Subscribed V Rest rve Fund and Rest 500.000 Reserve OF¥ICE LONDON. BRANCHES I Bombay, Calcutta, Colombo, Karachi, Madras, Ainara, Baghdad. Bahrein, Basra, Klrtuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed Deposit on
      82 words
    • 206 5 Oversea-Chinese Banking corporation Limited. (Incorporated In Strait* Settlement*.) SUCCESSORS TO THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK. LTD., THE HO HONC BANK* LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL; Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Ub $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE. CHINA BUILDING. CHULIA STREET. SINGAPORELOCAL BRANCH 458, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chee Swee Cheng, Esq.,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 163 6 HASSANvI ELECTRICAL AND WAIL* CONTRACTOR. I Si-37, Bras Basah Koad. y SINGAPORE J t I! If you are in need of electric I lights, fans, motors, etc.. and water ft service, please write to the above: II address or 'Phone 841 JI EPHONE HMO. WkA±*ill?\ ■111 KOPEAN H UKhKESSKRS. fSf|||
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    • 483 6 NOTICE. aVERSEA-CHENBSE BANKING CORPORATION, LIMITED. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Seccnd Annual General Meeting of the Company will bo held at the Registered Office of the Company. China Building, Chulia Street, Singapore, on Friday, May _.">, 1934. at 12 o'clock noon. AND NOTICE IS
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    • 277 6 EDUCATIONAL. i FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, Established 1928. (A Government Registered 8cbool). (For Boys and Girls). t a Kirk Terrace. Ohoby Ghaut, Singapore. wnrol for a Bound Mu-ieal EducationSystematic Training both In Techniqr* and TheorT Complete Courses leading to T.OX. Certificate. Diploma. etc. Booklet free. M ANCIANO. PrlnelpaL I TUTORIAL,
      277 words
    • 226 6 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED—Manager for rubber estate with reasonable salary. Apply. Box N>. 351, co Malaya Tribune. CHINESE SALESMAN wanted by wellknown European Firm. Must speak and read Chinese. Experience hardware market essential. Good prospects for right man. Apply enclosing copies of testimonials to Box No. 350, c o Malaya Tribune.
      226 words
    • 495 6 VULCAIN THE RELIABLE AND FiASHIONABLE WATCH. H. cm to *-r H i r *s 1 1 (Latest Range of Designs Now on View at:— YICK WOH HING 429, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD (Near Middle R<i.i. ;l"li:i:n:iniTTi!!l!lininiii|t»liHTHni I I I i FIGARO BEAUTY CREATIONS. THE I PERMANENT WAVE j a BY EUROPEAN
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  • 690 7 Selangor. Mrs Napper has resigned the secreship of the Selangor Gardening :v Her duties have been, taken by Mrs. N. C. E. Miller, who has undertaken the hon. secretaryship the Horticultural Section, M.A.H.A. Mr G. C. Thambusamy, retired chiet reader, F.M.S. Government Press, a Lumpur,
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  • 149 7 Invitation To Veterans To Be Present. j I j IT has been already announced that an Old Comrades Contingent will be present at the presentation of Colours to the Singapore Volunteer Corps on May 26 Mr. E. A. Brown writes to say thai the number of applications
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  • 220 7 National Conference To Be Held. "Sin Wen Pao." Nanking, Mar. 22. Tho Government has decided to call a national finance conference some time in June. The finance Ministry has already appointed a committee of four to make necessary preparations for the conference. The meeting is expected to be
    "Sin Wen Pao."  -  220 words
  • 204 7 Aged Woman's 18,000 Miles Trip. London. AN 18.000 mil- tour ol Afilca by air at &c age of 81—'hat ft the a:tonishing. feat ot Mrs. Margaret Torrey, of Heachem. Norfolk. "It was my flrs; flight," she said when she arrived back at" Croydon, "and lt was my
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  • 141 7 Keen Competition With Japanese. Tientsin, March 24. The coal industry in North China is now facing a critical situation. According to investigations made recently the coal products from different mines in North China cannot find a market in the country. Formerly, coal in the North was sent to
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  • 213 7 News Of Aid From Nanking. GREAT interest has been aroused In local Chinese circles by the decision Overseas Committee at Nanking toraward a number of grants to 51 Chinese schools abroad, including several In -Singapore. Details of the grants, at least in so far as Singapore
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  • 93 7 Banned By Marshal Chiang. “Sin Wen Pao." Nanchang, Mar. 27. General Chiang Kai Shek has issued a circular order to the provinces instructing that in the future no Chine:. books should us2 covers with foreif i names on them. The use of foreign letter heads by newspapers, magazines,
    “Sin Wen Pao."  -  93 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 51 7 NIVEA CREME j a I The Tropical Skin Food prevents and heals i I Skin Disease H jl I Manufactured in ENGLAND. 0 I 1 jj Obtainable in All Dispensaries 1 i Sole Agents: li !i i B 1 LOHMANN CO., LTD. j 0 124, ROBINSON ROAD, jj 1 SINGAPORE.
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    • 12 7 I Sole AgenfsJ;— N. V. Straits Java Trading Co. (INCORPORATED IN BATAVIA.)
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 309 7 CLUB DIARY. [There are numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings cf general interest will still be included in the
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  • 145 8 JUST WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW TO-DAY'S SHIPPING HARBOUR BOARD. SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE. Singapore, May 15. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Reijnst 21. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). D'Artagnan 18; Hague Maru 15, Sibajak 12; Luceric 10; Perseus 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3). Phemius
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  • 107 8 Trials In Chicago And New York. Reuter. Chicago, May 15. /CHARGES of maintaining 34 dummy y accounts during 1930-31 with eight brokers, who conspircd with him to keep gigantic grain dealt 'secret, are made against Mr. Arthur W. Cutten, one of the biggest speculative traders in the Chicago
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 52 8 ALHAMBRA.—"DeviI Tiger." APOLLO.—Double Indian talkies. CAPITOL.—"Wonder Bar." EMPlRE.—"Blossom Time" (Cantonese talkie). GREAT WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Dean's Grand Opera, Chinese Wayangs, Cinemas, Talkies, etc. MARLOROUGH.—"A Woman's Fight" (Chinese picture). NEW WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Malay Operas, Chinese Wayangs, cinemas, etc. PAVILION.—"Aunt Sally." .1 RlTZ.—Hindustani talkie. ROXY.—Slim Summerville in 'Horse Play," preceded
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  • 21 8 Mails from Batavia and Palembang by aeroplane are expected at the General Post OfTice, Singapore, at 2.30 p.m. today.
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  • 194 8 SELLING. Singapore, May 15. London 4 months* sight 2|4 11|64 London 3 months' sight 24 5|32 London 60 days' sight 2|4 9|64 London 30 days' sight 2,4 V a London demand 2|4 7J64 London T.T. 2|4 3|32 Lyon and Paris demand 896 Hamburg demand 149 New York demand
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  • 156 8 .WHAT'S ON? Public Functions And Sports Fixtures, TO-DAY, MAY 15. High Tides.—l2.l9 a.m., 11.29 p.m Golf: K.G.C. Committee Meeting St. Joseph's Old Boys' Association bir G. H. Cafe, 8 p.m. Football; S.A.F.A. League, DiYisioi RAF. v. Malays, Anson Stadium. Div. three A- S.HB v. Medical Services,
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  • 1068 8 Society's Report. GOOD PROGRESS MADE. rpHE annual meeting of the Child Welfare Society, Singapore, will be held at Government House on May 23. In the report for last year the committee state:— The Society exists to help the very pooi to keep their children healthy and the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 252 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. I' "E. T. SPECIAL" j i 'RACING TIPSTER). DID YOU WIN ON I SATURDAY ?—NO I THEN CONSULT US. j J FOr a?e. We LEGATION, ON SALE AT: OOLONG, j Missrs. Federal J Rubber Stamp WAR ATA H, j Company, j nvvtll J liokstall— Rt ILL j GEL
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 74 8 DAILY WEATHER REPORT. I Malayan Meteorological 1 Service. Las I Yesterday Night Max. Bright Mirr. Temp. Rainfall. Sunshine. Temn. Stations. Deg. F. Inches. Hours. Deg. F. Alor Star 87 0.41 8.6 74 Sitiawan 88 0.01 6.0 73 K. Trengganu No report. Bukit Jeram 89 1.84 10.3 70 Malacca 87 2.08
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    • 156 8 [pQSUUNrciLICEHg 1 SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSfc. TO-DAY. Benekalis, Laboean Bilik and Tandjong Balei (Rokan) 3 pjn. Sclat Pandjang and Bagan (Hong Thong) 3 p.m. Siak Pakan Baroe, Fort de Kock and Padang (Hong Kwong) 3 p.m. Ceylon Southern and Western Inf jia (D'Artagnan) 4 p.m. TO-MORROW. Java, Southern Sumatra, SouthEast Borneo,
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  • 174 9 A CRYING NEED IN BRITAIN. young men wanted to replace VETERANS. IIA\ IN'G weathered heavy economic storms and entered upon a brighter era, Great Britain's industrial future is j, peril from a shortage of highly skilled labour. i he matter is urgent and of first-class
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  • 1516 9 London, May 2. gREAT Britain's premier place as th* workshop of the world is in peril. Since the industrial revolution its climax a hundred years I tain has held the foremost among the manufacturing cause of the skill of her en and the high quality of
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  • 435 9 Acid Poured On Foreign Dresses. “Eastern Times." Tientsin, April 6. The Anti-Modernism Movement, which was first started in Hangchow and then spread to Nanking and Peiping, has extended its tentacles to Tientsin. During the last two days local agents of the movement have been very active in theatres
    “Eastern Times."  -  435 words
  • 28 9 The World's largest youth hostel has just been opened at Hamburg. It is the "Heln Godenwind," a 2,700 ton barque formerly on the Chile service.
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  • 87 9 Amazing Motor Record In France. Reuter Wireless. Monthlery, Maty 10." THE world's land record for 4.000 miles was broken to-day by a six-cylinder 3,200-litre Delahaye car, which has been circling the track since Tuesday afternoon. The new time is 36 hours 13 minutes and 56
    Reuter Wireless.  -  87 words
  • 133 9 Going To Europe To Study. “China Times.“ Hongkong, Apr. 12. In spite of earlier reporis of his departure General Tsai Ting Kai, the commander of the defunct 19th rout« Army, did not leave China until this evening. He boarded the ship at 7 p.m. io-day and was seen
    “China Times.“  -  133 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 254 9 HEAR!! DICK POWELL Sings BY A WATERFALL HONEYMOON HOTEL on BRUNSWICK RECORDS lObtainableI Obtainable at SE4SON CO, LTD. I 9\ D'Almeida St., Singapore. I TIONG HOA HOTEL TEL. 3447. No. 123, North Bridge Road, (Opposite St. Andrew's Cathedral or next to Union Jack Club), SINGAPORE. Recently Furnished. Modern Sanitation. CHARGES
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 311 9 TO-DAY'S RADIO. Details Of Empire Programme. 6.20 p.m. Time signal from Big Tom (St. Paul's Cathedral, London). Reginald New at the organ of the Regal, Kings-ton-on-Thames, Surrey. 6.50 p.m. The Commodore Grand Orchestra, directed by Joseph Muscant, relayed from the Commodore Theatre, Hammersmith, London. (Time Signal from Greenwich at 12.00).
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 301 10 I GALA PREMIERE mm j BY VIRTUE OF ITS GREATNESS, SELECTED AS OUR ft fftiniTAl 1 .kl L\ m\ mm 4th ANNIVERSARY ATTRACTION. 1 ||A| I I 111 mm\ m mMW m mf warner bros musical J VHI I I Uli J m m W M EXTRAVAGANZA of the KAY
      301 words
    • 124 10 j TO-NIGHT: 6.15 9.15. !The First Perfect Talkie Produced entirely in Singapore Malaya 1 j MARION BURNS KANE RICHMOND in j I "DEVIL TIGER" I A Fox super thriller with HARRY WOODS j J See Malaya's fiercest jungle beasts clash in mortal combat J o j You and the whole
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    • 267 10 li'liitiiliiliililliiliiliilliliiliiliil.iliililliil iliiliil: |:f|li|iili,l::iiilii|i!li!lli|:llHliiliiliili]|i;|; I I I I i i Si|ML JEBE LEL I WORLD-FAMOUS LADIES BAND BECAUSE THEY PROVIDE THE I BEST DANCE MUSIC IN TOWN m I DANCING NIGHTLY FROM 9 TO 12 P.M. t FOR A SHORT SEASON ONLY. f EXCELLENT FLOOR—BEAUTIFUL PARTNKRS^ WONDERFUL MUSIC. WHY NOT
      267 words

  • 97 11 Letters To The Editor. l)ur rtaaera ore mwteu w wnle to us on subjects of public interest. It mutt be under• that th*. "Malaya Tribune? doet Hot nĕcessarily endorse opinions expressed by cones*)dents. LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten (double dcing> and on one
    97 words
  • 109 11 ti m the Editor, "Malayc. Tribune.") Sir—It does not take a very highly i H'lliKent individual to see thfi ii.con,'rniTv of the appearance of letters on hf above subject, in your celebrated P jTi'ar as I can remember, I cannot 11- r meeting any person who scemicHi.illy
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  • 139 11 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune"), Sir —1 he Rubber Restriction scheme will be in operation in Johore very soon v.s will be needed for the rtestr>ction Olhce. I l draw the attention of the Johrate nenl authorities to the fact tftmt c number o! school boys will
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  • 148 11 (To the Editor, -Malaya tribune") Sir.—May I ask if rertricting, or iti cthei words boycotting through legalised channels, piece goods and other goods f Japanese origin, is not admitting defeat. while indirectly ihe p®orly paid Asiatic British subjects ore nvide to battle ior Imperial Britain. Ii preference is
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  • 171 11 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") i Sir—The letter from "Johorian' j;rea£- ly surprises me for the absurdity oi ms assumption in saving: that I advisee people to walk backward. I plainly said that we had better abide by Wh. ancestral custom "so long as it is $ot
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  • 217 11 'To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir, —Some months ago I published "Brithers A,' A Minute a Day with Burns, Poet, Prophet and Lover of Brotherhood," first, as an unillustrated book; second as an illustrated book with 120 illustrations. A third edition will be published within the next week
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  • 290 11 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune") Sir—I shall be grateful if you will kindly allocate me space in your correspondence column* to say something regarding Saunders Road. Urged by a .friend to appeal by publicity to the Municipality to provide a street lamp on the corner of
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  • 735 11 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir. —I read and re-read what "Thaddian" wrote in the "People's Paper" on certain aspects of Asiatic womanhood the other day. I should say that tne problem of woman is not a vital subject for us, the Asiatics, only, but a serious world
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  • 673 11 Three Killed. WELL-KNOWN PENANG CHINESE: MOST terrible motor accident, bringing tragedy into the lives of well-known Chinese families in Penang, occurred a few hundred yards from Bukit Tengah junction in Province Wellesley on the main road from Butterworth to Taiping, on Saturday evening states the "Straits Echo").
    673 words
  • 77 11 Losses Of American Farmers. Chicago. May 11. liHE drought and dust storm are caus- ing farmers an estimated daily loss of two million dollars. Cattle are.unalwe to secure fodder, which is covered by a thick blanket of dust and are dying m, the lleias. while human beings are
    77 words
  • 133 11 Mr. T. Illion. the famous gkobe-tio ring phiosopher. demonstrating a raft fitted with an outboard engim during a demonstration in London of equipment he will use during a coming expedition. A genera) view of sheep leavine. the station yard on arrival at Horstrd Keynes, Sussex,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 38 11 ROSKOPF and PARKER Leading Since 1866 Pocket and Wrist I I Cold-Chrome hs4 i STAINLESS STEEL |3ffit f' FINEST FULLY JEWELLED MOVEMENTS. pgfcsgW AT ALL WATCH DEALERS. ISSIS "pOLii IMPORTERS: Weill Jta! Montoi> ?E^MU JkSk ~ORE. VBONE 6046.
      38 words

  • 54 12 TKO—Mr. Too Cheng. aired of No. 108-G. Rangoon Road, passed away at 8.20 a.m. on Monday, May J I The -.ortigv will leave the residence at 10 a.m. oi Wednesday 10th Bukit Brown. Thi deceased leaves behind a wife, so is. Idaughters, 1 son-in-law and 3 grandchildren
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  • 679 12 1 ITTLE time has been lost by Japan in indicating just what was meant by the "Hands on China!" warning given by respon sible spokesmen recently. That is in relation to one point—the ban on technical assistance to China. Japan has given notice of her withdrawal from
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  • 120 12 tti Sunday, May 6 H»s Excellency an d Mrs. Caldecott visited Raffles Light. r 4 Tuesday. May 8. Hb Excellency dined with Colonel h. b. L. G Gunn and Officers. Royal at the Officers' Mess, Blakang c Wednesday. May 9. His Excellency presided at a meeting of the
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  • 116 12 Dr. R. Vythilingam, attached to the Gmoral Hospital, Kuala Lumpur win be leaving for Ceylon with his family on Thursday by the "Conte Verde" on holiday. ™*<m Master Veow Ifene Cheow, a .student, Bt Joseph's Institution. Singapore bavin* won the Major .Scholarship left 7 U ,a,a L "mpiir. for two
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  • 140 12 HTHE report of the League of Nations Commission on the Paraguay-Boli- via war may not stop the slaughter, but it .serves to spread reliable information about a tragic quarrel which is impoverishing both combatant countries and wiping out the flower of their manhood.
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  • 158 12 i yESTERDAY we wrote about traffic 1 control. After making more careful observation than usual on our way home In the evening we would like to remark that if Singapore drivers as a whole were not exceptionally clever there would be an appalling death-roll from street accidents.
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  • 121 12 I I "OEVERAL ladies have given up their mornings to play with the children. The improvement in the children's i manners and their general behaviour are a joy to sec. and look forward to th< with great pleasure, as also do children to their weekly trip Park a
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  • 231 12 jyf EET Mr. O. p. Jones Airways. He has just cot pfct j JJorM-i record of a really raluabl for he hps Qown a million Q crossed the English Channel 4 and has carried 65 oCfi passeng out a tingle mishap. With sucii U quote, it is no wonder
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  • 423 12 By "Looker-On" A SINGAPORE debating society has decided that the Press should not report "first offender" cases. A More people than usual are just now telling journalists just how to run newspapers. It's so kind of them! A :.<* 4 Wingan Retaken" was a heading in yesterday's Malaya
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 331 12 I bromfordl GOLF I i BALLS j m PLAY H ROM FORD I aY, AND KEEP I IN 'THE I FAIRWAY. I Bfohford j B .+*m.*r~j*-*.m.i'm mi II 111 II I ■■■■iliw. iMauuJJJWMIIiIWCT——i II it M j i THE FINEST GOLF HALL MADE I I Obtainable .t: 1 I Robinson
      331 words
    • 41 12 THE ART OF PERFECT TAILORkNG. The famous house of WING LOONG enjoys this singular distinction, and offers you its excelled service and high grade workmanship. PHONE*7627 WING LOONG HIGH ST. SINGAPORE I nrcuĔĔutns llD'Cullum* a mellow and friendly spirit. I I
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  • 213 13 By Soviet Fortress. I CAPTAIN badly WOUNDED. Reuter. TENSE situation has been created between Japan and Russia by the news that a Manchukuo steamer was fired on from a Soviet fortress at the junction of the Amur and Sungavi rivers.
    Reuter.  -  213 words
  • 66 13 West Ham By-Election Result. London, May 15. r riiE result of the by-election in the Upton division of West Ham due the resignation of Mr. A. J. Chotzner, was as follows:— B Gardner (Lab.) 11.998. J. R. J. Macnamara (Con.) 8.534. Fenner Brockway (Ind. Lab.> 743. The result
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  • 80 13 Between Italy, Austria And Hungary. Reuter. Rome, May 14. Agreements between Italy, Austria id Hungary, designed to give practical effect to economic protocols in the te pact, have been signed by Sig. I tsollni and the Austrian and Hungu Ministers. Hiey provide, among other things, facilities for the
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 30 13 Tne S VC. practice ceremonial parade arranged for this afternoon has Jjj n cancelled. In its place a parade will be held on Friday at 5-20 p.m.
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  • 37 13 Mr. V. F. Rajah, Telegraph Inspector ''tached to the Posts and Telegraphs. •J"hore. and recently stationed at Seganiat. is proceeding to Ceylon on long >aye prior to retirement by the "D'Artagnan," leaving Singapore at 6 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 49 13 Rubber Falls A Halfpenny In London. AS the result of heavy liquidation rubber fell a halfpenny in London yesterdav and at the close was below 6d. at 5 15jl6d. In Singapore at noon to-day spot rubber was quoted at 20% cents. There is an absence of sellers.
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  • 303 13 Restoration Of Postal Communication. Shanghai, May 15. ANXIETY is felt concerning the tendency of Great Britain and France to favour, in a certain form, the restoration of postal communication between China and Manchukuo. which Great Britain believes does not infringe the principle of no:i-recognit on of
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  • 67 13 Manchester Chamber s Demand. London, May 15. A demand for the immediate institution of an anti-Japanese textile quota system in Malaya, including Singapore, is contained in a l solution approved by the directors of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, which instances the example of Holland's negotiations with Japan
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  • 91 13 Lord Salisbury Withdraws Reform Measure. Reuter Wireless. J 9 London, May 10. THE House of Lords passed the second reading of Lord Salisbury's Reform Bill by 171 votes against 82. Two hundred Peers were present ou! of a membership of 750. Lord Salisbury indicated that as Lord 1
    Reuter Wireless.  -  91 words
  • 53 13 Seriously affected By Bad Weather. Reuter Wireless. Washington, May 9. Mr. Wallace, Secretary for Agiiculture. declares that from present weather indications the 1934 wheat crop in the United States ntight be as low as i ;'5n 000 000 bushels compared with a nor- 1 mal crop of
    Reuter Wireless.  -  53 words
  • 44 13 Tragedy In A Belgrade Factory. Reuter Wireless. Belgrade, May 9. Five people were killed and ten seriously injured through an explosion at a gunpowder factory at Tamnika. An electric globe broke and the pieces fell into the machinery, causing the explosion.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  44 words
  • 40 13 Miss Jean Batten's Flight To New Zealand. Reuter Wireless. Athens. May W. Miss Jean Batten, who is making a third attempt to fly to New Zealand, has arrived here after a very rough flight from Patras Renter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  40 words
  • 181 13 Gasometer Explosion. SEVERAL BUILDINGS DESTROYED. 1 Hongkong, May 14. A LARGE gasometer of the Hongkong Gas Works exploded at eleven o'clock this morning, converting the surrounding works into a huge mass of flames. At least 50 persons were 1 illed and 20 injured. Numerous people were
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  • 91 13 Charge Against Landowners In Germany. Reuter Wireless. Berlin, May 10. The Minister for Agriculture, In a speech to farmers at Starkwo. Pomcrania, alleged that the so-called East Eibian Junkers had exploited vast estates to their own profit by using agricultural machinery and driving away manuai labour. He said
    Reuter Wireless.  -  91 words
  • 61 13 Interviews Sir John Simon And Mr. Eden. Reuter Wireless. London, May iO. General von Ribbentrop to-day conferred with Sir John Simon and with Mr. R. A. Eden for an hour and a half. He declined to make a statement at present and said that his visit here was
    Reuter Wireless.  -  61 words
  • 60 13 Increase In Tax On Sports Rackets. Reuter Wireless. London, May 10. Duties on sports rackets and unstrung racket frames trotd May 12 will be ss. per racket and 3s. per frame or 25 per cent, of the value, whichever is tne greater. It is claimed that ihe existing
    Reuter Wireless.  -  60 words
  • 239 13 Commons Inquiry. OCCUPY FOURTH PLACE. Reuter. London, May 14. JN the House of Commons at question time to day Major-Oen. Sir Alfred Knox (Un., Wycombe) raised the matter of the British ganison al Shanghai. He remarked that the Japanese and French forces already exceeded the British,
    Reuter.  -  239 words
  • 105 13 Now A Communist League Secretary. Reuter Wireless. London. May 3 0. EDUCATED at Harrow, a clerk in the Foreign Office, and an ex-attache to Madrid, who retired on a pension in 1923, Mr. R. F. Orlando Bridgeman, C M.G.. M.V.O., is now Secretary of the British Section of
    Reuter Wireless.  -  105 words
  • 167 13 Missing Material For A Dress. When the case of criminal breach of trust in respect of a crepe-de-chiue dress against a Bengali tailor named Makial was resumed in the Third Magistrate's Court before Mr. J. M. Brander, yesterday, it was announced by the prosecution that they were not
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  • 114 13 Mr. E. Blomfield And Mr. E. Fisher. The wedding of Mr. E. Blomfield, of Dunlop Rubber Plantations. Negri Sembilan. and Miss E. Fisher took place at St. Andrew's Cathedral. The briae is the daughter of the Hon. F. M. B. Fisher, former Minister of Trade and Customs, j
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  • 58 13 Mysterious Disappearance From Train. A mail bag put on the mail train at Tanjong Malim has been reported to have been lost in transit. The bag contained the mail which included five registered letters. lt is believed that the total value of currency notes enclosed in the various
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  • 316 13 Hospital Performance A Big Success. I THE cocktail party held before and after the 6.15 performance at the Capitol yesterday, in aid of St. Andrew's Hcspital, was a huge success. The entire receipts from the performance were donated to the Hospital funds by the Amalgamated
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  • 87 13 Significance Of Next Year's Conference. Reuter Wireless. Tokyo, May 9. THE Navy's intention to extricate Japan from the fetters of existing disadvantageous naval treaties wai stressed by the Minister of Marine when addressing a convention of provincial Governors. He emphasised that the 1935 naval conference would have a
    Reuter Wireless.  -  87 words
  • 66 13 Now Spreads To Meat Packing Concerns. Reuter. New York, May 14. THE industrial strife has spread U) the meat packing concerns and strikes' ol meat cutters and butchers have been or*f*ted at St. Louis and Desmoines. The protracted coal mine trouble in Illinois has resulted in another
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 236 13 America Aroused. FATE OF LITTLE GIRL. I Reuter. il New York, May 14. 4 j THE country has been electrified by* the eryn ic announcement from# T ucs%ti, Arizona, that June Robles* ha* 1«#n found alive but ill. 1 xV t. June\ the six-year-old grand-* daujffUcT erf
    Reuter.  -  236 words
  • 61 13 To Be Paid By Tin Supplies? Reuter Wireless. Washington, May 9. j MR. Cordell Hull has approved of plans for a congressional committee 1 to study the advisability of exchanging war debts for supplies of tin. America's annual purchases ot tin amount to $05,000,000. 80 per cent, of
    Reuter Wireless.  -  61 words
  • 88 13 Credit Insurance Scheme In US.A. Reuter. Washington. May 15. Legislation introduced into Congress for the promotion of a housing projjajnjrne will provide for the establishment of a home credit insurance corporation, capitalised at $200 million and the creation of an unlimited number of V. ~1 mortgage associations, with
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 126 13 Now On Sale j 1 HIS MASTERS VOICE" j NEW RECORDS j For May f Two very god records from this issue are Brave Hearts t which isa March number in the style of the famous March of the Grenadiers, and 'Love is a Song' n waltz'with a Viennese lilt.
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  • 1527 14 Dramatic Story. p r 1 .4»REFUSED TO MARRY HIM. I A LLECED to have shot a girl bell cause she refused to marry him, a Eurasian. Hinton Alphonso, stood 1 charged with attempted murder, and 2 dramatic evidence was given by
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  • 447 14 Malay Sentenced On Cheating Charges. WITH the exception of a case, the further hearing of which had to be adjourned sine die on account of one of thf two accused having to undergo an operation, the list of cases before the third session of the Singapore Assize
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  • 135 14 Incidents Mar Salzburg Celebrations, Reuter Wireless. Salzburg, May 10. rE claim that the Government was successfully restoring economic life In Austria was made by Dr. Dollfuss in an address at the official celebrations of the Patriotic Front. The celebrations were marred by a number of untoward incidents,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  135 words
  • 108 14 Imam Accepts Sandi Terms. "Sin Chew Jit Poh." Shanghai, May 14. Chinghai, a province in the far west of China, is the grip of an extremely cold spell of weather. So cold was it that Mr. T. V. Soong, the chairman of the National Economic Council, who is
    "Sin Chew Jit Poh."  -  108 words
  • 226 14 Hitier's London Delegate Optimistic. Reuter Wireless. May 11. .tip everybody in all the nations eon--1 cerned do their best, a disarmament convention ought to be reached in a very <-hcrt time as there seems to be hardly any material differences." declared Yon Ritbentrop. Hitler s special disarmament commissioner, when
    Reuter Wireless.  -  226 words
  • 192 14 i Forthcoming: Performance Of "Merrie England." Members of the Singapore Musical Society are reminded that the first practice for "Merrie England" will be held in the Memorial Hail on Tuesday, May 22. It is hoped that all will try to turn up by 5 p.m. as there is
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  • 60 14 Malacca, May 13. Capt. T. P. Coe, Director of Posts and Telegraphs was in Malacca yesterday on an official visit. Mr. V. H. Vinson. Engineer-in-Chief, Posts and Telegraphs, was als in Malacca. Mr. J. Baruch, of Victoria Bridge School, has come on transfer to Malacca High School. Mr.
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  • 298 14 interesting Musical Event In Singapore. On Friday, May 25, a concert is to be given under the auspices ot the Singapore Children's Concert Committee, which will be unique in the musical annals of Singapore. For the first time in the history of the concerts, the children themselves
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  • 195 14 Suggested Payment In Silver. Reuter. Washington. May 14. AMOVE was afoot to-day to permit Great Britain to pay the June instalment of the war debt in silver if she desires. Senator Thomas is described as ready to add the projected Silver Nationalisation Bill clause renewing authority to
    Reuter.  -  195 words
  • 66 14 "Sin Chew Jit Poh." j Shanghai, May 14. Gen. Huang Fu. the chairman of the I Peiping Political Council, is expected to meet Dr. H. H. Kung, the Finance Minister, before he returns to Peiping. Gen. Huang declined to see pressmen who called at his residence yesterday,
    "Sin Chew Jit Poh."  -  66 words
  • 876 14 Annual Meeting. MR. A. CALDECOTTS SPEECH. J?HE 15th annual general meeting ot the Union Jack Club, Sin-ape was held yesterday evening. H.E. the Officer Administering Government, the Hon. Mr. A. < cott, presided, and others present included H.E. the General Officer O >m manding, Major General E.
    876 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 31 14 (11l Rupert: Come on guys, JMpA follow me, I've landed in j j the BEST of Spirits." j j JLfHkl] $£L& i j vV|jF) Obtainable from all Dealers j TOUEYS BRANDY
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  • 367 15 Loans To Farmers. M V OFFERS OF HELP. GROUP of prominent Chinese A me rxhaiit* and business men in 3 j apore are planning to establish ~k in Fukien with the view to o] ening up that province. W hen Mr.
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  • 141 15 Mr. Bennett States Canada's Principles. ci PEAKING in the Canadian House o: O Commons recently, the Prime Minister Mr R B. Bennett, stated in emphatic'terms that there would be no repudiation of debts, nor payments of interest by Canada. The Prime Minister, speaking without preparation, dealt with Canada
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  • 114 15 Belgian Interests Active In Canada. Belgian interests which for some years held a virtual world monopoly of radium deposits, are reported to have scouts in the Great Bear Lake radium field in Canada. The Belgians own ihe pitchblende aeposits at Katanga, in the Belgian Congo. Prior to Gilbert Laßine's
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  • 51 15 The report of the F.M.S. Distressed European Fund for Aorii shows that receipts amounted to $1437.58, made up as follows: Clubs, $835.40; Incorporated Society of Planters, $83.34; other monthly nbscriptions, $114; othe» donations, $336.75; refund $68. Only one new application for assistance was received, this being in Kuala
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  • 187 15 Compradore Fined In Singapore. QUEK Teo Guan, the compradore of 1 he S. S. "Tahiti," was fined $104 by the Tnird Magistrate Mr. J. M. Brander, yesterday, when he pleaded guilty to a charge of bringing unstamped letters into the Colony from the Dutch East Indies. Court Inspector
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  • 92 15 Chinese Charged With Attempted Suicide. Lee Joo How. was produced before the Third Magistrate, Mr. J. M. Brander, on a charge of attempted suicide by throw,ng himself into the Singapore Rivet. Before the accused could plead Court Inspector Cowie remarked that the accused had behaved queerly and he
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  • 35 15 Bangkok Lawyer Sails To Lowestoft. (From Our Own Correspondent > Bangkok. May 14. A Bangkok lawyer named Culley. who left Siam in November in an 11-to:i Bangkok-built .yacht for England, has arrived at Lowestoft.
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  • 196 15 Surplus For The Second Year. I Reuter Wireless. London. May 9. T!HE surplus of £1,355,000 over the Budget estimates, which the tree State Minister for Finance was able to announce in the Dail to-day, has surprised everyone. This is the f e.ona successive year that a substantial
    Reuter Wireless.  -  196 words
  • 114 15 Italy's New Plan Starts On July L Reuter Wireless. Rome, May 9. MUSSOLINI'S idea of a Corporate Bt*t« will be inaugurated on July I. An clncial communique ronrilnglntoM closely printed pages explains that tnere will be 22 corporations, comprising employers and employed, to control tne country's production and
    Reuter Wireless.  -  114 words
  • 106 15 Alternative Plans For Stabilisation. Reuter Wireless. London, May 11. rpHE Wheat Conference to-day failed to A agree to the minimum price plan and consequently a sub-committee, representing Britain. France, Germany, United States, Canada and Australia was appointed to consider possible alternative plans for stabilisation and improvement of wheat
    Reuter Wireless.  -  106 words
  • 130 15 relegram To Shanghai Chamber Of Commerce. 1 Shanghai, May 14. The Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai received a telegram from Mr. Shen Kung Po, the Minister of Industry, last week when the latter was in Singapore. It is stated in the contents that the overseas
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  • 57 15 Special Commission Appointed In Alexandria. Reuter Wireless Alexandria, May 10. In consequence of scandals occupying public attention for some time, the Government has decided to dissolve the municipality of Alexandria and to substitute a special commission of six Egyptians, three Britons, one Frenchman, one Italian and one Greek
    Reuter Wireless  -  57 words
  • 42 15 To Be Applied To U.S. Cotton? Reuter. Washington, May 14. The House of Representatives Agriculture Committee has voted in favour of applying the Exchange Control Bill to cotton, besides grain. The Bill provides for limiting short selling and speculation. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 134 15 The funeral of Mrs. J. T. L. Giffening. who died on Sunday at the age of 62, took place at Bidadari Cemetery the Archdeacon Graham White officiating. Wreaths were received from: Her loving husband and son, her loving mother, Jack Mabel and family Alice, Marjorie, Joubert
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  • 81 15 Indian pilgrims far outnumoff*lpflj Prims of other nations on this gwrs loumey to Mecca. Official "J***" show they numberea more tnan double the Egyptians who .«e always staunch supporters of the pilgr mages The n""-es pre* Indians 9 815. f/yvp tians 4,170. Japanese Syrians ?55 Algerians 1915.
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  • 107 15 The Johore Bahru indians and Cey lonese have thus far collec ed $375 for the Indian Earthquake Relief Fund, lne instalment of Rs. 500 has been forwarded to Babu Rajendra M the Agent of Government of India. The balance will be sent by the end of this month. Under the
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  • 100 15 Vikram Charitra "At The Ritz.. I The Ritz cinema opposite Lorong 41, will show a very entenainmg Hindustani talkie, entitled "Vikram Charitra," to night and to-morrow aaight only. There will be two performances, at 6.15 p.m. and 9.15 p.m. "Vikram Charitra" deals with a story adapted from Indian
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  • 88 15 Exchange Of Views On Politics. Hongkong, May 14. Mr. Siao Fat Cheng, a member of th< South-west Political Council, returned tc Canton yesterday, from his holiday 11 Si am, where he had business. Mr Siao has drawn up two proposals on the political situation which he
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  • 70 15 General Fight Follows Alleged Assault. Rangoon, May 3. It is reported from Moulmeingyun that a fight occurred between Burmans and a certain section of oouth Indians, resulting in some casualties. It appears that trouble arose over the alleged assaulting of a Burmese boy by a Tamilian. The
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  • 358 15 Sudden Activity. WORKING WITH THE MANCHUKUO Shanghai, May 15. *OED Spears" bandits have made their appearance in South Hopei. being active at Feihsiang and Yungnan. They are working hand in glove with the Manchukuo agents.—"Sin Chew Jit Poh." Wuhu. May 5. As a result of the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 914 16 Harbour Board Strengthen Their Position At The Top. MIIIK Singapore Harbour Board M§ J.S.C. strengthened their position kH the top of the Commercial Cup Ible by defeating the Government iijonopolies at the S.H.B. ground in rStntonment Road yesterday by the
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  • 84 16 Goals. P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts. S.H.B.J.S.C. 12 7 4 1 36 20 15 Municipal S. 10 6 2 2 31 10 14 Monopolies SC. 10 5 3 2 29 12 12 MPH. 11 5 4 2 32 2*l 12 1 AP.C. 8 5 3
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  • 92 16 Colombo The Favourite At 13 To 8. Reuter London, May 14. THE callover on the Derby, to be run at Epsom on June 6, Is as follows:— COLOMBO, 13—8 (taken and offered) UMIDWAR, 100—9 (offered). EASTON. 100—8 (taken and offered) WINDSOR LAD, 100—8 (offered), 13— i
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 281 16 Clear Cut Win Over Straits Times. T»HE Straits Times Press Sports Club A proved no match for the M. P. H when they met in the Commercial Cup Competition yesterday at the Anson Road Stadium, and the Publishers won a rather tame match by four goals to
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  • 456 16 Refill To Carry The Top-weight. HANDICAPS issued for the fifth and sixth days of the Singapore Turf Club's Governor's Cup race meeting are as follows: FIFTH DAY (SATURDAY). Horses, Class 3, Div. 1, 7 furlongs. Bobbibingo 9.0 Maggie Girton 8.2 Glad Eyes 8.10 Sky-Raider 8.1 Great Sport
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  • 61 16 Malays v. R.A.F. In First Division. The first meeting this season between the Malays and the R.A.F. in the First Division of the S.A.F.A. League, poslponed from Mar. 28, takes place to-day, at Anson Road Stadium, when the Malays will line up as follows: Hoji Dol; Jantan. Ahmad
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  • 1388 16 Five Pony Races In A Card Of Nine Events. (By "The-Man-at-the-Rails.") fJ*»HE second mid-week card of nine events for to-morrow's races at Bukit Timah will again see some of the largest fields of the present Governor's Cup Meeting. There are 18 ponies in the list
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  • 70 16 Ilcrsrs and ponies not accepting at noon to-day are: RACE I—Micon Tok, Ben Hall, Lucky Number, Snipe, Red Blazes, Lady Mildred. RACE 2—Saucy Eyes, Loyalty, Remount, Kangsar. RACE 3—Redouble, Sea Aerial. RACE 4—Vaswyne, Miss Woo. RACE s—Five Dollars, Scrubbing Brush. RACE 6—Gold Piece, Dioware. RACE 7—Etona RACE B—Vederer,
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  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • 656 17 Malaya Command Probables Impress. military Side Make Ready For Friday's Cup Game. lined Services try out esterday on the Garriund and resulted in an j ictory for the Prowho defea'ed the lours) 4-0. Ihi cleverer side and heir victory. Their
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  • 65 17 tag have been selected ml Johwc in the Malaya h against the Malaya Comf. iduy at the Anson Road Wallace; Shariff, A. Majid J N. T. Bewicke, Sahak; A. Ma.'Combie (capt.), i, Amin. KVES:—Muthu, Ah Lock, •MAX:—Haji Ja'afar. is to meet al the General Post JkMMM
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  • 143 17 i Club Beat American Association. foursomes match played between J ieiation and fhe Island Club on over thr Island course resulted j A names first): n~ <0) and A. F. Easton (15) i i <1) and Dr. H. L. H. on <1R> and V. B. Windle '18; v
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  • 72 17 nis For Friday's State Trial. t lor Friday's Malaya Cup trial ia Lumpur Padang are as folRS: Kum Pak, See Hu, Elmer, Sunny, J. Mhd., Lai Moon. ...V Henry, Soon Teck, Ah Chee. Vytilingam, Dinah, Kai Chong, Pillai, Mori, Ahmad. n. Mahmood, Keng Swee. v, s: m Sundram,
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  • 108 17 This Week's Ties In Handicap Tournament. I I Ties arranged for this week in the billiards rournament at the S.R.C. ar3 r.s followo: TIF,*3 FOR TO-DAY. Championship: E. H. Valberg v. E. A. de Souza. "A" Singles (semi-final): W. H. Mosbergen (owe 50) v. H. N. Balhetchet (owe
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  • 137 17 Sherlock Warren's First Main Event. Battling Guillermo and Rough Diamond are to settle their argument at the Olymp?" stadium on May 18. "Guilly" was very unfortunate to los-* the decision when the pair last met, at the New World Arena. He will now have his chance to avene;
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  • 248 17 A Great Third Wicket Partnership. London, May 14. IN the three-day match at Lord's, between the M.C.C. and the Australians, the haadouarters team, after scoring 341 runs lor the loss of seven wickets on the first day. completed their innings for 332 runs. T W Wall,
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  • 130 17 Latest Results From Manila Olympiad. Manila, May 15. China beat Java at soccer in the Far Eastern Olympic Games here yestrrda by ;vo i:ojk to nil-in the presence ot d,n. enthusiastic crowd. The Chinese «cam received a gi V u\atiou for the accuracy oi uv. If shooting
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  • 619 17 St. Francis' Beat IndoCeylon Association. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. May 13 A SPORTING gesture by the Ihdo-O fk lonese. who agreed to play on until 6.30 p.m. to enable St. Francis' Association to score the necessary runs, resulted in the latter winning Saturday's match on the
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  • 30 17 The reply of the tie in the "A" division of the May bogey competition at the Singapore Golf Club resulted in a win foi V 7 MeMuHen.
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  • 1061 17 \\9 II 1 I l^i Mr. J. B. Bong And The Umpire Have Their Say. rjiHE controversy which has arisen over the decision of the Executive Committee of the S.L.T.A. to order the replay of the unfinished match between Ong Ec Kong and J. B.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 29 17 I SIGHT-TESTING j FREE .SEEING Don't NEGLECT your BELIEVING EYES! FOR ALL DEFECTS OF VISION Please Consult: New China Optical Co., (Manufacturing Opticians), 96, High Street, SINGAPORE, S 3.
      29 words
    • 70 17 i g-wwtM v m m^*xjui T m I High > V I Their I!KU every- I other nen i» -tne exisUffj* p/**i- market—especially tor tt» cheap* 1 J <f-, s ness, durability and wo?lr]-v.4s£ VwKrtmWmr lacquer designs. th t a The n<!,.-, which arc tipped with -//I.- /£isfyr eest iridium
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  • 1275 18 Inaugural Meeting Enthusiastically Supported. (Frcm Our Own Correjuerdent.) Johore Bahru, May 10. gADMINTON enthusiasts throughout the State of Johore will be glad to know that the inaugural meeting arranged to take place in the Johore Club, to form a Johore Badminton Association, was held with happy
    1,275 words
  • 39 18 Thirty-three cards were takpn mh J L. J. Haxworth 1 BALL SWEEPS: Saturday J L I W;* 1 a 6 TELEGRAPH CUP. In the final of the telegraph Cup, s*hfT CS C W Watso at Khe
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  • 84 18 Tne Powell Uni ed 3.P. held their seconl annual g?nual mivAr? on Sa'urday ai the resident's residence, 'j, Koweii Road; at 3 p m There vai a large asssmbly of members The l President took the chair. Tho omc-b-arers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President,
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  • 474 18 Record Of Matches With The Australians. THE game completed at Cambridge on Friday, when the Australias won by an innings and 160 runs, was the sixteenth between the two sides. The following record of all their previous encounters will be found interesting. Cambridge University did not meet the
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  • 124 18 This Week's Tournament Ties. The following ties have been arranged in the lawn tennis tournament at the S.R.C. TO-MORROW'S TIES. Doubles Handicap: G. Ro:s and T. da Silva v. W. E. Mayer and K. C. Wylie, D. E. Siddons and H. De Souza v. N. E. Ess and
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  • 76 18 Australia's Reserve Wicket Keeper. B. J. Barnett, the Victorian wicket-keeper, is on? of the most popular members of the Au.tralian cricket team. This is probably dv? o his facu'ty for entertaining as well as his being an excellent darlber. Clever of hand tricks are his speciality. It
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  • 50 18 Eleven cards were taken out for the Robinson Cup at the Garrison Golf Club. The following were the best returns: Mrs. S. H. Moss 4 up Mrs. C. N. Bennett 1 down Mrs. T. A. Arnold 4 Mrs. H. B. Rose 4 Mrs. J. H. M. Mcc 12
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  • 61 18 In celebration of the Epworth League anniversary, Epworth Leaguers in Singapore will hod a dinner and social at the Wesley Church Hall on Friday at 7 p.m. All Leaguers of the Strai s Chinese Epworth League are urged to attend. Tickets for the Dinner at 75 cent* each
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  • 19 18 An extraordinary general meeting of the Bales i»r Friendly Athletic Party will be held on Sunday at 10 a.m.
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  • 466 18 Sunday's Events. THE VAN SCHREVEN CUP RACES. the R.S.Y.C. on Sunday, metre class sailed the fj s of a series for the Van S I Challenge Cup. The wind at the star; Wa and easterly and Tarbet mad, cellent start followed at a length by Kathleen.
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  • 214 18 Douglas Ross Scores 84 Not Out. St. Andrew's School best Bt. Joseph's liutituton by five wickets on Saturday. D. C 1 scoring 84 not cut (10 fours anu 4 the winners. Scores: ST JOSEFH'S: R. Mnjoo c PuUen b Singh 12, R. Cordeiro b lies Hin 3. O
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  • 120 18 I At their court on Saturday 1 son Athletic Party beat the Green i 1 by four games to three alter a hard I Scores (Henderson names Bret) SINGLES: Yap Keu Kern lost o X Kirn B—ls, 10—15; Chan Teck S tag h Kian Soo 13—13 (s—o), L5
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 240 18 I"""" 1 1 Aaeats exceed $12,000,W«. Ambmw in fore* over $35,000,00* I The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. j (Incorporated In tne Strait* Settlement*) HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Bufldlnf, CecU Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 17, Old Jewry. E.O. The Company has £30.000 deposited with the Bupre me Court
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  • 89 19 iviiish "Captain Kettle Of 1 I»* 1 i 1 he Air. Reuter. London, May 9. F ,> uiion miles of flying was for the first time when the pilot. Mr. O. P. Jones. Crovdon from Paris to-day. is equal to 10,000 hours in is bearded and
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 62 19 f;.»! Singer For Covent Garden. Belgrade. the Bosnian g'.r] ;aang to fame by her won- nng of the role of Salome. vitcd to appear at Covent i 0 1 u been visiting Prague, j oi her great success at the i she has received cllers to 1 w,
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  • 37 19 Reuter Wireless. Bucharest, May tr. he object of avoiding a food Cabinet has prohibited the of all cereals lor an indeI The situation is due to drought and great heat causforest fires. —Reuter Wire-
    Reuter Wireless.  -  37 words
  • 31 19 Reuter. London, May 11. S. E iv.ard Brandis Denham has been :ed Governor of Jamaica in sucSir Ransford Slater, who has d through il 1 -health.—Keuter 7.':rf io. s.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 25 19 Reuter Wireless. Berlin, May 0. 'C mployment In Germany total.* j 00, contrasted with 5.331.000. to the further decrease of 190,000 Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  25 words
  • 185 19 N3w Hebrides Expedition Completed. Reuter. Sydney. A FTER spending seven months in the South Sea islands of the New Hebrides two members C f the Oxford University Expedition are on tgfr way to England from Sydney in the Liner oranto." he> are faking with them a collection
    Reuter.  -  185 words
  • 82 19 Body Found Near Power Cable. Arras, France. A balloonist fell to his death in a r trange accident near here when the balloon's guide rope struck an electric power cable. The gondola heeled over, M. Marquet, a well-known balloon en thuslast, was pitched out. His companion. M. Spietz.
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  • 73 19 Eighty-One Per Cent. "Moving Baek wards." Lausanne. No fewer than 81 of 100 glaciers in Switzerland which have been "under observation" by the Society of Natural Sciences are reported to be moving backwards. Of the remainder, 15 are moving forwrml and 4 nre standing still. The scientists'
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  • 452 19 Details Of Current Prices. Singapore, May 4. MEAT. Beef, steak 'round), kati JJ Beef, stew or curry, kati 25 Pork lean kati Pork! lean and fat (Ist quality), kati 32 Mutton, Australian, lb. Jj Fowl, kati Hens 'locally reared), kati 3b Ducks, 'Java), each Jjj Pigeons, domestic unfledged,
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  • 130 19 Provision For Carrying Automobiles. Work on the Zeppelin, L.Z. 129. is going ahead rapidly. It may be seen daily until September and each 3,000 th visiter has the right to a free trip. With a length of over 813 feet and greatest width of over 133 feet
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  • 70 19 i German-South America Airship j Service To Re-Open. Berlin The German-South America airship service will be opened again on May 26 when the "Graf Zeppelin" will leave Friedrichshafen for Brazil, The service will be fortnightly throughout the summer, leaving Friedrichshafen each second Saturday and Rio de Janeiro
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  • 952 19 The Sultan Visiting Singapore. (From Our Own' Correspondent) Kuala Lipis, May 12 1 TC J Ig Wfee de the Land ITI Office, Kuala Lipis, left on the 7th Inst on transfer to the office Qf the Controller of Ruboer. Kuala Lumpur T Dr O'Connor, Medical Officer,
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 26 19 TRAIN I BRAND CONDENSED MILK ■Kf-- I Recommend 'TRAIN MILK for your daily use. PURITY AND ECONOMY Mitsubishi Shop Kiasha, Ltd., UNION BUILDING. Phone 5977—5978—5979 MLSjC.4.
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    • 468 19 m I Hf SPAivM TASTELESS, j %WWjfeLESS a Manufactured by special process anil used ]>v>ill 1 he4eading Aerated Water 1 Factories in Malaya. I fx. lODHRA 1 1 UTERINE TONIC 1 f -"A 7 THE SOVREIGN REMEDY FOP üBLY** BM ALL MENSTRUAL TROUBLES AW *\KNOm THE LWP. Hi AO/? P5
      468 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 154 20 j Always the centre of 250oftheWor,d 8Most ~m A M H i I J dutifulGiris! T. MM. Music House, I I POpUlarity» Gorgeous Spectacle! Head Office: 61, High Street 1 I Six New Song HUs! Branches:— 167, Selegie Road, 9 I 854, Geylang Road. 3 g—— i mvi TT»r-B-Tni'-T urn
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
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  • 3513 22 Dir. J.G. Hay On Rubber Control Scheme. <By Air Mail.) London, May 2 THE twenty-seventh annual general meeting of the members of the Labu iF.M.Sj Rubber Co., Ltd., was held at Winchester House. Old Broad Street, EC, Brig.-Gen. the Hon, Charles Lambton, DS.O. (the chairman),
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  • 97 22 "Public Instruction In The USSR Moscow An exhibition of "public instruction in the U.S.S.R." is being sent to London this. year. Altogether the Soviet authorities despatching 30 abro year to illustrate various aspei cultural life in the Union. k The Public Instruction Exhibition visiting England. Holland, the Unuw
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  • 102 22 Aeroplane Plunges n Crowded Square. Belgrade Appalling casualties seen, when a military aeroplane wa. dive out of the sky straight in crowded central square of Novi market time. ive Hundreds of people ran for the But sreh was the panic that the populace could not get clear Del
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 256 22 I POINT for POINT I Choice o? tw^ 131 and 157 WHEELBASE Increased Power, Speed and New Economy. SINGLE OR DUAL REAR WHEELS. In every truck in the Ford 4 and 8 cylinder range, you Heavy Duty type frame and springs for h? a y will find outstanding features. Compare
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  • 1042 23 Motoring Notes News. Where The Road Begins: A Film. \Jvu\iie Talkie of Intense Interest To Motorists. rectly to the point, Where V road begin? rista it might correctly be road, any road, begins with be used upon it, the car with the car with which re the Road Begins" is
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  • 550 23 Difficulties Which Have To Be Overcome. THE Singapore flying club was founded in 1927 with the object of encouraging commercial and civil aviation. When H.R.H. the Prince of Wales became patron En 1981 the name was changed to the Royal Singapore Flying Club. The Straits Settlements Government eon
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  • 135 23 Toughened glass, introduced on to the British market last year, is now being fitted to export models of several well-known British oar Arms. Toughened glass does not fly like ordinary glass when broken, but merely crumbles into harmless, bluntedgsd. rugar-Hke crystals. Consisting of only one pane of glass,
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  • 28 23 Joseph Lucas and Co., manufacturers of motor and cycle accessories, are putting in hand a large six-storey extension to their factory at Birmingham, to cost £40,000.
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 104 23 RENAULT SPEED FOUR represents Speed in its most economical form. fpOR 19.°,4 Renault offer an improved range of Speed Models, among them, and probably the most popular one ever produced, is the RENAULT SPEED FOUR. It enters the new season with an outstanding appearance and greater power. The new Aero-dynamic
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