Malaya Tribune, 8 May 1934

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 35 1 The Malaya Tribune rHE MOSTIiIPOPULAH DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol. XXI.- No. Los SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1934 FIVE CENTS. iilic ittnlaua (Tribune Singapore: Tuesday, May 8, 1934. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1934.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 65 1 The iribmtc Tjominani In zSMittlaya I I Swan Brand j milk that is Uked by everybody j I s 4 economy I i combined j p j H Sole Importers: j' The East Asiatic Co., Ltd. j SINGAPORF KUALA LIMPI R PENANG. j HM MMMI«anaMMMI MWHWMI I. WJ.W. 113. ILAJI
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    • 142 1 A. FLINTER. 6, Raffle* Place, Singapore, Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily excnange rates. I I I Himalaya j Bouquet <Jj|P^
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  • 217 2 Drunkenness Charge. HEART ATTACK SUGGESTED. I (By Air Mail.) (From Our Own Correspondent I Lnodon, Apr. 28. JJEAR-ADMIRAL Gordon Campbell. V.C., M.P. for Burnley, aged forty-eight, was fined 10s. by Mr. Hay Halkett at the Westminster Police Court yesterday on a charge of having been incapably drunk
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  • 54 2 Berlin. The tax on motor cars brought into Germany by tourists, which was one mark a day. has been removed. Foreign motorists now pay no taxes whatever, of their cars, no matter how many times these arc taken across the border and for three months after the
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  • 251 2 Miss Connie Ediss Of The Gaiety. (From Our Own Correspondent.) (By Air Mail.) London. April 25. MISS Connie Ediss, the famous comedienne, who arpeared in many of the London Gaiety Theatre productions before the war, has died at Brighton at the age of 63. She was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 184 2 FOR YOUR HOME'S SAKE USE 'ROLAMATS* METAL MATS MATTING JlgSB OF EVERY] DESCRIPTION. L Sole Agents for toaiaya stockists:— TOM STOREY CO.. win tea way laidlaw co., ltd.. Hongkong Bank Chambers, hoon reck trading co. Singapore. BttSasaMMBMISHBMasaHWi 12. W.J W. 1. g^ggy^B B E IF YOUR NAILS WITH CUTEX Use
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    • 181 2 I Whispered Theßeason... 'Unpleasant Odour is Caused by Underarm Hair' Yvonne always wondered mb\ < unpopular and it was su< h a p c: tei it was ditncuit to tell her > 1 plucked up courage—" Haii •.imp is uot only atfy asd rei 552! aagra tea prehlenj of body
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 319 2 CLUB DIARY. 1 [There are numerous Club* and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in
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    • 66 2 Rovers 8.P.. Monthly committee meeting, Mr. Ong Boon Beng's residence. 1 Beo Lane. 7.30 p.m. Attendance necessary. Sunbeam Musical Party: Great World invitation. Assemble, Mr. Ang Cheng Kang's residence, 499, Havelo?k Road, 6.30 p.m. Party upi F cr.n and badge. Springdale-Minstrelc: Special music practice. Mr. Gan Soon Guan's residence, 162.
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  • 298 3 May Become Viceroy Of India. THE news was given recently from a really trustworthy source" that Mr. Ramsay Mac Donald may reliwjuwniWJ Premiership in about a year's time irom n °He has no invincible objection to taking a peerage, but after his strenuously active career,
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  • 141 3 Presented With Purse By Local Chinese. The Right Rev. Mgr. Adrian Oevals. the newly consecrated Bishop of Malacca, administered the Sacrament of Connnnat on at the Church of St. Peter .'•T>d St. Paul. Queen Street, on Sunday, when over 200 Chinese received the Sacrament. The Bishop was assisted
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  • 114 3 Parliamentary Mace To Be Returned. Reuter Wireless. Washington, May 4. A historic gesture of friendship to Canada is proposed by Presiden. Roosevelt, who has askea Congress to authorise the return of the Mace of th? Parliament of Ontario which was captured in the war of 1812 and
    Reuter Wireless.  -  114 words
  • 97 3 Narrow Escape Of Five Airmen. Reuter Wireless. London, May 4. What was nearly a iriple air tragedy at 5,000 feet above the ground was averted by the cool behaviour of msm- bers of the Royal Air Force. 1 Two machines attached to the ihir. flying and training school
    Reuter Wireless.  -  97 words
  • 178 3 Subsidy For Tramp Steamers. Reuter Wireless. London, May 2. 'THE House of Lords to-day debated a common Empire maritime policy. Lord Mo\ :tone regretted South Africa subsidising an Italian Line when in the event of trouble the British Fleet would have to protect them if ihey were
    Reuter Wireless.  -  178 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 519 3 ALL THE LATEST COLOURS j The new season s Tobralco designs '*> are here AU th? lat st co ours. and j j SUCh fasc natin S pattern-. Everywhere g the sheps are making special displays. Be early and choose for your frocks. 'll kn W h W beautifully T
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    • 64 3 I sm t THIS WEEK IS HOSPITAL WEEK, jj ST. ANDREW'S MISSION HOSPITAL BALL. RAFFLES HOTEL. TO-MORROW, 9.30 P.M. $tM. I TELEPHONE 4610. I 1 LADIES HAIR DRESSING. fonr Tickets in exchange for $6.00— I CXit. Shampoo, Setting r ■pr r ii 79, sumf rd R d I I LII
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    • 371 3 TERRIBLE AGONY WITH INDIGESTION. To luffer such agony from indices- j tion that he was a physical wreck, and nearly mad with pain, despite morphia and chl:roform, and then, after three doses of Maclean Brand Stomach Powder, to feel better and j] sleep soundly without any drugs— 1 that is
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 408 3 EMPIRE RADIO. To-Day's Programme. Local Time. 12.35 p.m. Time Signal fiom Big Tom. ;Sl. Paul's Cathedral, London* Dnno mmic (gramophone records'). 1 20 p.m. A sport? talk. 1.35 p.m. Time Signal from Greenwich. Brt- h rwmprwra, a wogramaM o* grerr.ophone records. 2.20 p.m.-2.35 p. in. News Bulletin. 6.20 p.m. Time
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    • 104 3 donee music with Aranka yon Major, and Henri Leoni. 8.05 a.m.-8.20 a.m. News Bulletin. ijc ijc Z.H.I. SINGAPORE (49.9 METRES.) I To-morrow's Programme. j 6.00 p.m. Recorded music. 6.30 p.m. Relay of dance music by Raffles Hotel Dance Orches tra under the direction o*' Mr. Dan Hopkins. 645 p.m. News
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  • 1680 4 Shipping News Notices. SHIPPING IN TIME OF WAR. Protective And Defensive Measures. AN address On The Protection of Shipping In lime Of War" was delivered to members of the Sou.hampton Master Mariners Club at a recent luncheon meeting by H. M. Burrough, R.N.. from the Tactical School. This was
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  • 317 4 Government's Inertia Criticised. GOVERNMENT inertia is attacked by Sir Charles Hipwood, K.8.E., CB. (late head of the Marine Department of the Board of Trade), the director of the National Union of Manufacturers, in a recent Issue of the Union's journal, wherein he says:— "It is high time, and
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  • 50 4 Stockholm A claim that Sweden owns the oldest steamship still in service has been made by a Stockholm newspaper. It states that the Swedish steamer "Malaren," which plies between Stockholm and Koping. is the oldest steamer still in service in the world. She was built in 1848.
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  • 70 4 THE LUTINE" SALVAGE. Salvage efforts to recover the gold from the "Lutine" wreck, off Terschelling. have been restarted, the suction dredgers "Volharding" and "Tcxei" being at work in removing the sand on the spot, and it is hoped the upper part of ♦he wreck will be reached socn. after which
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  • 42 4 The Italian salvage steamer "Artiglio," which is searching the sea bed off Cork coast for wrecks of vessels sunk In that area during the war. has located the wreck of an unk.iown vessel, and placed buoys over the spot.
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  • 746 4 Placing The Industry On A Firmer Basis. THE value of the proposed general code of fair competition !for the United States shipping industry was stressed by Mr. T. R. Weaver, deputy administrator of the National Recovery Act in charge of marine codes, when he addressed a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 337 4 •jSTEAMER SAILINGS. "BRITISH INDIA t I P. S. N. CO.'S SAILINGS. OUTWARDS. Dm Tonnage. Hinguport 1 BIHTAN 6,100 May 1( f. RAWALPINDI 17,000 May 11 BEHAK May 24 KAISAR I HIM) 11,500 May 2! SOUDAN 6,500 June t I RAJPUTANA 17,000 June I RANCH! 17,000 June 22 BURDWAN '•,.i)7(» July
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    • 54 4 AMERICAN LLOYD AGENCY. LTD., (Incorporated in SS.). Stennydnp passages booked by all Lines 'l 1 11 obtainable here. VMM. Radway tickets may be purchased at this office. NO BOOKING FEES. ass ir± sonable ra e S insurance effected Further Information regarding faiea M, be ob.ained at offlfe No. 64, ROBINSON
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    • 166 4 I iff LLOYD TRIESTi (Incorporated in Italy), j EXPRE3S SERV CARGO SERVICE £l"! at Co-°mbo, Bombay Suez Kara(hl Ad Ma<sowah SueTlW j Port Said. Brimhei, Venice Trie te Said Brindisi > Venice and Trieste c,, Due Due" m v CLARA CAMUS June 1 J U n e 1 s.s CONTE
      166 words
    • 219 4 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. Dentin HntPl AuftrallBCh Dampfschiff. lß**Cj Oeaellschaft 'Otrinaniea incorporated in Germany) PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. OUTWARDB HONGKONG. SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. Due B'pire. I*- PRJEI SSEN, via Manila May IS m.s. DUISBURG. via Manila May 29 ms. RHEINLAND. via Manila June 12 m.s. SAUERLAND. via Manila Jun*
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    • 568 4 STEAMER SAILING'S NORDDEI TS( JLOVJ). German; The undernoted arc the Com tended fixtures: OUTWARDS. 8 SW M E 'rJ° r Manila < H *komj .7,5 i^;, Ch,na and J*P*n 'MAIN,' for Manila, HTboiw S'ha,, North China and HOMEWARDS. "GUSLAR." for (;,„ua Oran, Havre, RUm,. H'burir Bremen "SAARBRUCKEN," for (Sen, Barcelona.
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  • 499 5 Mining Shares. Singapore, Tuesday, 11 a.m. rr.r foUowlni tin share quotations are Joed by Fraser and Co., exchange and gtocK brokers. a,> pat Tin 6,7V 2 7|Kumbang Tin 39!- 41!--ral Malay 42 6 43 6xd Hitam Tin 14 9 15 6 weng 2.00 2.10 p ~n n
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  • 186 5 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. PRICES INCLINED TO; nv ttAftTiro DCi ti^OlLilV. Further Advance In New York. (By Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Tuesday, noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 24»/i. cts., up Vh ct. Market Tone: Quiet and slightly easier. Tin (Singapore), $116, down $V B Yesterday's Prices London Rubber,
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  • 107 5 Foreign Imports of tin ore during the month of April. 1934. Country of Origin. Tons. L Alaska 2. 204 3. Netherlands India: Banka and Billiton Singkep Other Places 3 4. French Indo-China 121 5. Japan 8,) 6. Siam 1.209 7. Tanganyika 4 8. Union of South
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  • 202 5 Complete Cotton And Wool Plants. 1 H/TiACHINERY for the complete equipment of combined spinning an weaving mills for both cotton and w which are to be erected in China was despatched from Birkenhead on wne s.s. "Teiresias" at the end of Mar f^; u The consignment, totalling
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  • 155 5 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. j Prices for Shell Motor Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are as follows: Shell Aviation Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial gallon Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British Imp rial gallon Shell Moor Spirit in 4-gallon drums per British Imperial
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  • 65 5 Another Drastic Reduction Announced. Reuter Wireless. Berlin, May 4. A further drastic reduction in German imports is announced. Importers were authorised to acquire foreign currency to a maximum of 50 per cent, of then iequirements in October, 1930, but the amount was since cut down to 17 per
    Reuter Wireless.  -  65 words
  • 203 5 Singapore, May o--8 <Siam> W. Coast N. 1 per Koyan $90 EL (Siam» W. Coast N. 2 per Koyan gb Rice, B. Siam N. 1 per Koyan $86 Rice, B. Siam N. 2 per Koyan $8Siam, No. 1 %\zs Siam, N. 2 Siam, No. 3 %\2<y 3iam, "Sinhuay" 1
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  • 15 5 The output of Hong Fatt 'Sungei Besi), Ltd., for April was 1,025.21 plculs.
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  • 597 5 Particulars Of The Mierger. (By Air Mail). London, April 25. A CIRCULAR to the shareholders of the Kampar Malaya Tin Dredging states: Plan las been prepared for the amalgamation, on terms which are considered io be mutually satisfactory, of Kampar Malaya Tin Dredging, Southern Kampar Tin Dredging. Penawat
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  • 99 5 Causes Better U.S. Interest In London. Reuter Wireless. London, May 4. On the Stcck Exchange to-day giltedged securities were an outstanding feature of strength on a steady investment demand, but owing to the approaching end of the fortnightly account, business in other sections was restrained. With commodities, rubber
    Reuter Wireless.  -  99 words
  • 49 5 The output of New Scudai, Ltd., for April amounts to 30,300 lb. This is the first month of the current financial year. The crop of United Malacca Rubber Estates for April was 56,330 lb., a total for the 12 months of the financial year o5 448,794 lb.
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  • 773 5 Payments Of Dividend Resumed. (By Air Mail.) London. April 25. TiHE ordinary general meeting of the Rosevale Rubbe- Company, Ltd., was held at the registered office. 33, Eastcheap, 8.C.. Mr. Richard Arnold (chairman oi the company I presiding. The secfe ary (Mr. A. B. Simson) havin; read
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  • 649 5 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Tuesday, 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotations are issued by eraser and Co., and Lyan and Evati. issue mm Value. Fraser Ljran ss j onares. Co. ifraw. 1 Allenby 1.70 1-90 1.90 2.00 1 Alor Gajah 1.00 1.10 1.05 1.15 IA. Hitam 1.60
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  • 72 5 DAILY PRICES CtJRRENT. Si ipapore, Tuesday, noon. Buy era. Sellers. R.S S. equal to London Standard, Spot (loose) 24% 21 do. (F O B.) 24% 24 Standard R.S.S. on Tender: May 24 21 !s June 24\ 24% July Sept. 25% 25% Oct. Dec. 25% 2.y\ Jan.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 93 5 IDANTEI 1 MORE ENTERTAINING I IJ THAN A DRAMA THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In England). SINGAPORE BRANCH 4 D A'meida Street. "»£e*** sutacrlbed mmm Fund and Rest «W0.000 HEAD OFFICE LONDON, BRANCHES: Bombay. Calcutta, Colombo, Karachi. Madras, Amara, Baghdad. Bahrein, Basra, Klrkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and
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    • 202 5 Oversea-Chinese Rankin* Corporation Limited. (Incorporated In Straits Settlement*.) SUCCESSORS TO THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BANK. LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Uu $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE, CHINA BUILDING. CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE. LOCAL BRANCH 458. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chee Swee Cheng.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 452 6 [LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED -By a well educated and < <>mhnen ially trained businessman a financing [partner with $25,000. Nu risk. Business very profitable. No competition. J, rr*afc>pportunit:e3. Equal position of trust provided. Address B»x No. 547, o mmtoy* Tribune. TURF INFORMATION SYNDICATE. MM. WA S LEADING TURF ADVISEES, BBTABI ISHED
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    • 258 6 She loved him for hi* I money-and he w« W§Bt*WTm&*tt A broke 1... He wot will- ..WE?*? OPENING to-night n I r ffvl V» II li I With an ALL-COMEDIAN Cast including lHtfrnTHk 0 Theima Todd. Leila Hyams, Andy, WH»^\^4»J» •>• Grant Mitchell, John Miljan, Una O Connor. Screenplay
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  • 113 7 HARBOUR BOAftD. SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES OR EXPECTED TO ARRIVE. Singapore, May 8. East Wharf «Entrance Gate 1). Anhui 22; Rajula 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3». Pembrokeshire 13: Kedah 6. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3). I'e iang Maru 30; Kajang 32.
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  • 69 7 Europe "London mails despatchApril 19), by the "Rawalpindi," due I at G a m. on Thursaay. m Japan by the "Havre Maru,' due •a pore to-morrow morning, m China and Japan by the lera," dut- at Singapore at 10 a.m. o-morrow. Ii »m Holland and Germany by th?
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  • 209 7 SELLING. Singapore, May 8. London 4 months' sight 2 4 1164 London 3 months' sight 2 4 532 London 60 days' sight 2 4 96» London 30 days' sight 2 J London demand 2 4 704 London T.T. 2 4 332 Lyons and Paris demand 895 Hamburg demand
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  • 212 7 Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. _j. TO-DAY, MAY 8. T des s 24 a m 7 25 p.m. S.C.C. Tennis Final. Football. S.A.F.A. League. Division one, I» R VJC F A An on Road < btadium; Division three A. SCFA I J. Abattoir. SR.c.;
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  • 84 7 ALHAMBRA.--Edward Everett Horton in "The Poor Rich." APOLLO. -Chinese pictures. CAPlTOL.—Stanley Lupino in "Happy" and the Chin Loo company oi Chinese jugglers on the stage. EMPIRE Richard Dix in 'Day of Reckoning." GREAT WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Dean's Grand opera, Chinese Wayangs, Cinen as, Talkie.-, et* ISAKO CIRCUS. —9.15 p.m.
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  • 34 7 Seremban, May 7. Playing on the Station padang yesterday evening, the Malay Regimen, defeated the Nilai Sports Union in League fixture by 4 goals to one. Mr. Ayavoo refereed the game.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 364 7 Wb»i«i«lMb.ii l ,,,M CTl MMMWlllimiUl;ro^ SINGAPORE HOTELS METROPOLE HOTEL TEL. 7986. BRAS BASAH ROAD. IDEAL CENTRAL. MODERN SANITATION. RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS. GOOD CUISINE. EXCELLENT BAR. MODERATE RATES. PER DAY. PER MONTR. Single Double. Single Double Bedroom Only and Attendance $2.50 $4.00 40.00 70.00 Bed and Breakfast $3.00 $5.00
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 170 7 [POSTAL INTELLIGENCE SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSfc. TO-DAY. Hoihow (Anhuii 2 p.m. Siam (except Lower Siam) (KudaU 3 p.m. Bengkalis. Laboean Bilik and Tandjong Balei (Rokam 3 p.m. I Selat Pandjang and Bagan Hong Thong) 3 p.m. Siak, Pakan Baroe. Fort de Kock and Padang (Hong Kwong) 3 p.m. TO-MORROW. Djambi, Java.
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  • 76 8 TAY—Mr. Tay Tye Yang passed away peacefully at No. 115, Everitt Itoad, al 12.o5 p.m. on Monday, May 7. G'J years. He leaves behind his wife, five son* (Swee Watt, Kim Eng, Kim Fuay. Kim Tec and T<x-k Seng), one son-in-law and one (laughter (Mr. and Ma
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  • 698 8 gOMEWHAT disturbing arc the numerous rejrorts and allegations of the prevalence of what in Malaya is known as "squeeze," and in other countries as "graft"—both synonyms for illegal extortion. There has recently been a prolonged inquiry into charges of petty corruption on the part of employees of
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  • 234 8 Mr. K. H. Wu. dancing teacher, formerly of Penang and late of Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur, has beo engaged as manager at the Wembley Cabaret Penang. Mr. Tan Sim Hong, of the Singapore Municipality and a student of the Home Study Agencies of Malaya, has been elected an Associate Member
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  • 146 8 IIfHEN flying to Singapore from Kuala V Lumpur on Saturday, Mr. Ong Ec Lim and Mr. Loke Yaik Foo were "in the air for just over Wi hours." Compare that with the time taken by rail, road and sea, and it will
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  • 207 8 TT is often remarked that criminals take more trouble over their exploits than would be necessary to make them prosperous citizens in some lawful line of endeavour. The records of the courts prove that this is no exaggeration. Take, for example, the strange case of the three
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  • 195 8 ¥T has been stated, not without founda- tion, that China's future lies in the development of her backward areas in the North-West. In this connection th present trip of Mr. T. V. Soong chain, ot the National Economic Counc i 7 that remote region is of great ance.
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  • 206 8 IlfE commented the other day on the scene at the Royal Academy ban quct. where a diner interrupted Mr Mac Donald's paean of praise ol the National Government with the retnart "Why not say something about present exhibition?" At that time the name of the interrupter hid not beei
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  • 432 8 By "Looker-On* I TNCLE Sam wants to be sure that he isn't "stung" for his rubber. A A A He's entitled to ask that, and no doubt due assurance will be forthcoming AAA But how about a little mild bluff aftei his own heart? Cheap rubber plenty of
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  • 42 8 ADMIRAL M P. FINED, on Dft| CLUB DIARY, on page 2 FUTURE OF PRIME MINISTER. 0« P RADIO PROGRAMME, on page 3 SPORTS NEWS, on pages 12 and 13 FAREWELL-TO MR. BRYSON. on P MOTORING NEWS, on pace 15
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 177 8 I; J THE "DAVIS CUP" V\v/ v 6 THE RACKET \\V VJ SUPREME. 1 $29.50 \l A r cir Stocks A vailable Robinson Co,, Ltd Singapore. j I i l l I i i i i i i i i i i mm i l I l I l l
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    • 56 8 FEW ARE GIVEN THE ART OF PER. FECT TAILORING. Tho famouK hou«e of WING LOONG enjoy* this singular distinction, and offers you its excelled service and high grade workmanship. PHONE*"7627 WING LOONG HIGH ST SINGAPORE M'Callnms J s 0 C //II I ico 5 f r,h, kr Oi ifKCiirii Oa>taullu.'.ky
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  • 790 9 THE RUNCIMAN MANIFESTO. WARDING BRITISH INTERESTS; Malaya s Position. News Taken Calmly In Tokyo. Reuter. (JRE VT Britain is resuming liberty of action in the face of Japan's intensive trade competition. News of the quotas which the Colonic- will be asked to
    Reuter.  -  790 words
  • 282 9 War Debts Question Again Debated. Reuter. Washington, May 7. SPECULATION with regard to War Debts has again been aroused by the Attorney-General's ruling that Great Britain is not a defaulter under the Johnson Act, coupled with the news that Mr. Roosevelt is sending a message regarding
    Reuter.  -  282 words
  • 137 9 Position Of American Bondholders. Reuter. London, May 6. LITTLE has so far transpired as to the progress cf the German debts conference, which has been meeting 'in Berlin since April 27. The first, official intimation of progress is tontained in a statement issued by the conference president, Mr.
    Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 430 9 Much Anxiety. I i I MONOPOLY CONTROL FEARED. I Reuter. London, May 7. fJiHE inter-governmental agreement to implement the Rubber Regulation Scheme has been signed at the Foreign Office by the representatives of France, Great Britain, India, Holland and Siam. Various points regarding the rubber agreement
    Reuter.  -  430 words
  • 73 9 Claims Not To Be A Defaulter In War Debts. Reuter. Washington, May 8. THHE Soviet Ambassador has protest- ed to the State Department against Mr. Cummings' ruling tha'. the Soviet Union is in default in War Debt payments. The Ambassador declares that he outlined to Mr. Moore, the
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 67 9 Taken To Chicago To Answer Charges. Reuter. New York, May 7. SAMUEL Insull was aroused from his bed at 5.30 a.m. on the **J steamer "Exilona," on which he was brought from Europe. ...unant He was transferred to a Government cutter outside New York harbour pre paratory to
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 38 9 Mr. J. Tryner and Mr. R. L. Eber have been appointed to fill the vacancies on the Victoria Theatre Board OX control caused by the resignations of tne nun. Dr. Lim Han Hoe and Mr. A. E. ThornleyJones.
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  • 320 9 Lord Ponsonby. ACCUSES BRITAIN OF WEAKNESS. Reuter. London, May 7. RESOLUTION urging the Government to adopt a more vigorous foreign policy, particularly regarding the Far East and Disarmament, was moved by the Labourite Peer Lord Ponsonby in the House or Lords. He declared that Japan's recent declaration
    Reuter.  -  320 words
  • 100 9 Imam Collapses On Hearing Bad News. Reuter Wireless. Aden, May 4. Apart from a few minor Sultanates, King Ibn Saud now practically dominates Arabia in consequence of the victorious march of his troops along the Red Sea coast. There are now Italian and British warships at Hodeidah and
    Reuter Wireless.  -  100 words
  • 65 9 Trouble Over A Question Mark. Reuter Wireless. 11IUI »< Berlin, May 4. The "Essen Erseolkes Zeitung" and the "Koelnischevolk Zeitung" have resumed publication after being banned for inadvertently inserting a question mark at the end of a sentence referring to Hitler's reconstruction work. The secret police have issued
    Reuter Wireless.  -  65 words
  • 39 9 U.S. Liquor Tax Not To Be Reduced. Reuter Wireless. Washington, May 2. It is understood that President Roosevelt is disinclined to reduce the liquot tax. He is in favour of other methods of attacking bootleggers.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  39 words
  • 50 9 A performance will be given at Isako s Circus to-night, commencing at 9.15 o'clock, in aid of charity. The circus will only remain in Singapore for a few more days before leaving for Batavia. Part of the proceeds of to-night'" show will be given to the Pentecostal Mission.
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  • 443 9 British Trade Fair In Singapore. A GREAT sh °w so far;" "a gratifyf* »ng success;" "exceeded all expectations;" "the right filip at the right time to trade recovery;" ihe greatest lair of its kind." These are but a lew of the nice things which the
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  • 23 9 Madrid. May 4. The Foreign Minister has appointed an Ambassador to the Vatican in order to negotiate a concordat.—Reuter Wireless.
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  • 452 9 Canton's Concern. INQUIRY INTO TRADE CONDITIONS. Hongkong, May 8. npHE South-West Political Council at Canton is sending one of its members, Mr. Tsan Shiao Fong, to Malaya and the South Seas to investigate the trade of the overseas Chinese and find out what preliminary measures may
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 129 9 Now On Sale I HIS M4STER S VOICE" I NEW RECORDS I I For May J 1 Two very good records from this issue are Brave Hearts which is a March number in the style of the famous March of the Grenadiers, and 'Love is a Song' a waltz with
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  • 641 10 ALLEGED CONFESSION READ IN COURT. "I FIRED FOUR SHOTS." THE ACCUSED'S DEMEANOUR AFTER ARREST. A VERY important stage of the prosecution case against Mak Weng Cheng, who is now on trial for the alleged murder of Inspector A. E. Popejoy, and the
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  • 517 10 Said He Wished To See A Magistrate. Inspector Jeans: On Apr. 8 in the morning I took a statement from the accused. I asked accused if he was willing to tell a magistrate all that he had told me. I explained to him that it jyas up
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  • 213 10 Statement Could Not Have Been Relied On. "I did no think a statement from hire ther. would be of any value so I did no record any statement. "A statement taken from a man !n that condition would nol be relied upo ana I should not have been
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  • 448 10 Evidence Of Identification Parade. Certain parts of the evidence recorded in the morning are as follows:— Inspector Jeans, giving evidence of the identification parade at the hospital, said that all the side doors of thr ward were then closed. It was a very dull morning and at
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  • 552 10 Given Chance To Change Clothes. At 10.15 on the same morning a further series of identification parades were held. General witnesses, who had already giveh evidence, were taken before the parade one by one to see if they couid identify anyone. Between the time each witness was taken
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  • 547 10 Court More Crowded Then Ever. T*HE hearing was resumed this morna mg, with the court more crowded than ever. hv M i/ e^ ns was recalled and questioned *>y Mr. Knowles. Witness said he remembered the identification parade on the morning of April 8 at the hospital. There
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  • 391 10 Chinese Turns Parang On Himself. HOW a Chinese of the labouring class turned a parang on his own throat after assaulting his mother-in-law. following a quarrel with his wife over ten cents, was told yesterday before the Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter, when he conducted an inquiry into
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  • 377 10 Forthcoming Presentation. "OLD BRIGADE" TolS PRESENT. IfK. Edwin A. Brown, v formerly a Major in the Sin* pore Volunteer Corps, following interesting letter Sard to old Volunteers participaU* to the presentation of Col the S.V.C. We are sure many veterj 5 be grlad to avail themsHv*.
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  • 32 10 Reuter. Washington. May 2. President Roosevelt is working 011 his policy for a bimetallic monetary standard. but is maintaining the gmtps* secreov a. r to his next moves Route. Wireless.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 1781 11 FULL TEXT OF JUDGMENT. Pilot's Death. EFFECTS OF ELECTRIC SHOCK. M Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 7. a I PENDED is the full text of the A b ortant judgment delivered by nief Justice. Mr. Justice C. J. in the suit brought by the Trustee
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  • 310 11 One Of Visiting Amoy Troop. rFHE Singapore Coroner, Mr. W G dead at* thp tUrned i a verdict of "found on a vouna rlT usion of the inquest a Chinese, whose body was found floating in the sea off Pasir Pan1 he evidence showed that tv»* fSm d
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  • 89 11 THE CINEMAS. Both the performances at the Marlborough theatre wsre crowded last nigh:, when a Hindustani talkie entitled "Daku-Ki-Ladki," was put on. Daku-Ki-Ladki" is a thriller. Miss Sulochana. the highest-paid Indian film star whom local Indians know by her fine acting in "Mahduri," takes the
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  • 191 11 The funeral of Mrs. Louisana (Anna> de Costa took pace this morning at the I Bidadari Cemetery, the Rev. Father Dias officiating. There were many relatives and friends present. The following sent wreaths: Mr. and Mrs. Khoo Thiam Swee. Messrs. Khoo Khoon Liat, Kuah Song
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  • 53 11 The Police Band will play the following programme at Teluk Ayer this afternoon starting at 5.15 p.m. I March, "Machine-gun GuardsMarechal; Selection. "The Arcadians, Monckton; "When You Come Home" Squire Descriptive, "The Mill in the Black Forest/ Eilenberg; "Three Dream Dances," Coleridge-Taylor Selection ol Airs from Sullivan's Operas;
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  • 79 11 Mr. Cheng Kung Po, Minister of Industries in Ch'na, accompanied by Mr Jolsen Ho, Director of the Bureau of Trade Marks, arrived in Penang on Friday last from Singapore, and was met by a large gathering of leading members of the Chinese community, led by the Chinese Consul in Penang.
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  • 33 11 Members of the Tong Soon Kok are informed of the death of the mother of Mr. Yeo Joon Fatt on Sunday at her residence, 30, Tessensohn Road. The funeral will take place to-morrow.
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  • 109 11 I I Members Of Tourist Trade Committee. The following have accepted the invitation to become members of the Tourist Trade Committee. Penang. Messrs. H. W. Esson, Lim Keong Lay, P. N. Knight, H. MacNeice, J. A. McEvoy, C. G. Barnes, M. Saravanamuttu, J. C. Miller, J. p. Souter.
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  • 28 11 A lecture on "Experience and Its Value" will be given at the Singapore lodge of the Theosophical Society by Swami Bhaswarananda on Thursday at 630 p- m mm
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  • 107 11 Armed Attacks On Nazis. Reuter Wireless. Hamburg, May 2. EIGHT Communists have been sentenced to death for participating in armed attacks on Nazis between March, 1932, and May. 1933. Thirty-three others were sentenced to terms of hard labour up to 15 years.—Reuter Wireless. Berlin, May 4.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  107 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 180 11 5 "''"""■"■"■"■"■■'■"■''«■■■■■"■■■■•'■lW^ {The- BOLEX G-916 I WMMir —I PRO J ECTOR I m^lC^ (§\mw The Bolex Model G 916 Pr °j ector W nas tlu> s P ec a l feature of showing either 16 mm or 9.5 mm Films. It ls equipped with a high powered HH lamp which
      180 words
    • 81 11 I ;wiiiiiiiiiitiiiitiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiii, il l l s ebravauo's tonic j I (Cinchona and Iron Wine) Z jffti ]is all you require Either *22 I las a Restorative or a Tonic I j it will make you fit. I Agents ror*Brißsh Malaya and 8.N.8. HOCK SENG CO., 1 .311 313, Victoria Street,
      81 words

  • 180 12 McCabe Scores 108. GLAMORGAN TROUNCE SURREY. Reuter. f£ London, May 7. AT the close of play on the second day of the match between the Australians and Leicestershire, the position was that the County required 181 runs with nine wickets in hand, to wipe out their first
    Reuter.  -  180 words
  • 200 12 Island Club And American Association. A FOUR-BALL foursomes match is to be played at the Island Club on Sunday morning. All matches will start from the tenth tee. Names and starting times (American Association players mentioned first): 8.45 A. W. Bourne, Jr.. (9) and J. F. Easton (15»
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  • 464 12 Monopolies And Municipal Services. A HARD game was seen at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday, when the Municipal Services and the Government Monopolies Sports Club met in the Commercial Cup competition. The Municipal XI were generally expected to win, but only managed to share the
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  • 320 12 M.P.H. Score Seven Without Reply. IN a one-sided game at the Anson Road stadium yesterday, the Malaya Publishing House inflicted a heavy defeat on the Fraser and Neave "B" team, scoring seven times without reply, j The game was a Commercial Cup fixture. Fraser and Neaves were beaten
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  • 108 12 New Hon. Secretary And Treasurer. AT a meeting of the Council of the Malaya Football Association last night officials were elected to replace the hon. general secretary and the hon. treasurer, who recently resigned. Syed Hussain bin Ali was elected to replace Mr. Mohamed bin Haji Ali, the
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  • 77 12 I Sherlock Warren And Kwi Draw. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 7. Sherlock Warren and Kid Kwi provided j the main event at the City Park. It was j a ding-dong battle from start to finish, and the decision of a draw was received with loud apDlause.
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  • 72 12 j Mixed Doubles Handicap Final To-day. Yesterday's mixed doubles handicap semi-finals at the S.C.C. resulted as follows: F. V. Duckworth and Mrs. Blake (owe 15.2) beat S. E. Newbsry and Miss Pedler (owe 2) 6—2, 7—5. F. E. Rowland and Mrs. J. v. S. Brooke (plus 2> beat
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  • 40 12 Colombo Still A Strong Favourite. Reuter. London, May 7. To-day's call-over on the Derby to b<> run at Epsom on June 6, was as follows 7 15—8 COLOMBO offered, 2—l taken it! EASTON R tak6n ffered: KNIGHT d
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 552 12 Commercial Cup Soccer Competition. FRASER and Neave "A" received something of a shock when they visited the Singapore Harbour Board in the Commercial Cup yesterday, for they came away with a defeat of 3—l. The home team played a great defensive game and the way they
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  • 131 12 Holder Gets Through To The Quarter-Finals. Low Hock Kiat < holder i Of the Afiton A. C defeated ihe Ipoh Malay entrant, Haji Yeop Adlan, 300-238 m an exclHng fame in the third round of ihe xVlalayan billiards championship tournament at the New World last night In the
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  • 98 12 S.R.C. team v. the I.C.F.A. in the First Division of the S.A.F.A. League, at An.son Road Stadium to-day: J. Sanderson. H. C. Humphries, T. Albuquerque. C. Hal. J. Pereira. W. Gomes, N. Jackson, A. G. Valberg, G. Day, P. F. de Souza. A. Oliveiro. Reserves: F. W. Ayres,
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  • 1662 12 Prospects For To-morrow's Races. Second Day Of Governor's Cup Meeting. (By "The-Man-at-the-Rails.") ANOTHER card of nine events are down for the second day of the Singapore Turf Club's Governor's Cup race meeting at Bukit Timah to-morrow. The working day programme has been 1 assigned
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 102 12 RACING IN 1933. An interesting survey of racing in Malaya, compiled by Mr. J. C. Oftborne, the Stipendiary Steward to the Straits Racing Association, in resnect of last year, is held over owing to lack of space to-day. It will be given in full in to-morrow's issue of the Malaya
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  • 46 13 Horses Not Accepting At Noon To-day. Horses scratched from the races for to-morrow are: Race I—Marcelle 11, Lucky Number, Snipe, Mickey Mouse. Race 6—Prince Caravel Race 7—Brass Knob. Race 9—Fifty-Three, Brown Tony. ALL ENGAGEMENTS—Ascot Frock BIG SWEEP.—Race 9. DOUBLE TOTE —Races 7 and 9.
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  • 186 13 May Bogey And Ladies' Spring Cup Competition. The Singapore G. C. May bogey competition was played at Bukit Timah over the week-end and resulted ln a tie between J. B. Carr (6,1 down) W. McMullan (7,1 down) and G. Fin'ay (9,1 down) in "A" Division and in a
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 135 13 ii r~ mm mm mmmmm *mtfmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mm AIRSHIP BRAND FINEST CONDENSED MILK Try A Tin AND BE CONVINCED Sole Distributors: A. ALLAPITCHAY Co. 147-149, BEACH ROAD, I SINGAPORE. Tel. 2882. g M.S.K. 3. I j iii :iiiii!iMiimiitiiiiiiiiiiwiii:miiMmiwiiiiiiiiiw I I I >CX INSTRUCTION BOOKS ON DANCING. 1 ►X OF MODERN BALLROOM
      135 words
    • 245 13 Assets exceed $12,000,00*. Asaurance In force over ftts,ooo,oo* The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the fitralU Settlement!). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil street Sinsanora The Company has £20.000 deposited with the Bupreme Court of »™v„„ LONDON OFFICE: 17. Old Jewry. 10. ATTRACTIVE PLANS OF ASSORANOE.
      245 words

  • 715 14 V S. Footballers' Farewell To Mr. H. P. Bryson. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, May 5. rpHERE was a large attendance at the J- tea party given by the Negri Sembilan Foo ball Association yes'erday evening at the Negri Sembilan club m honour of Mr. H.
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  • 275 14 Muar Me?ts .Tohor? Pahru In State Trial. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, May 4. The second "test" match in order to choose the team to represent Johore against the Malaya Command in Singapore in the Malaya Cup was played this evening on the Johore Civil Service Club
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 572 14 OXY-ACETYLEDE I Tmoxy-^yieheJ steel I 13. \V,!.\\ 2 li urn—■ i i i mm UMPW —"j Their 1934 MODEL—excel every fiß^ ther pen in the existing pen- \W mai Let—especially for its che<'<o- I J nes*. durability and world-wide i MWj^JMĔmWm^Lr lacquer designs. I I&j/aĕLWeLt 4 The n bs which
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  • 607 15 Motoring Notes News. Insurance Of Open Cars To Be More. Are The Propo sd Increases Justified? eat to Overseas motorists pirit ol uncertainty vhich r preading in motcr-car lnSimultaneously with the merit ol reduced rates urance comes news cc companies are inibiy their rates for d Hie sports models. justified?
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  • 62 15 just bcui received I effecf thef- an j 3v Mr. McKella' r ith Wales Lieht >r cars up to 1150 i osed of 75 m.p.h.. :ap events. tes tha': Wolsel"- j won first and I five miles op?n 1 i r 2000 cc. and places in the five
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  • 118 15 There ore indications of a record motoring season ,in Britain this year, j Doable shifts are working in the big motor factories ir the Midlands, the distributive trade is doing bigger busij p.? 4.--. than evei before, and everything t points to more car.; being mad'
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  • 228 15 Midgets Climb The Rockies. MR. W. Johnson of Winnipeg, Canada, recently described In The Autocar his experiences with a 1931 M.G. Midget, and stated with sincere enthusiasm' that the Midget had given "an excellent performance.* Had it been a thousandpound car it could not have run any better."
    228 words
  • 189 15 Dame fashion is moving faster than ever these days! In fact, she is running away with herself in the Humber Vogue" Saloon. It appears that Molyneux of Paris and London one day hespied Milady sauntering down the Rue de la Paix, exquisitely gowned in one of .his
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  • 138 15 Morris vehicles played consp.cuoa tarts in overcoming the recent revoiu ion in Siam, according to advice oceived from Messrs. Barrow, Brown an 'o. Ltd. of Bangkok. Morris-Commercial six-wheelers were mployed by the government foi thi lansport of troops and ammunition, and or the hauling of heavy artillery
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  • 115 15 The annual Convention of Morris and :vToiri.,-Cummeicial Dutch Dealers leld in November at Th- Hague, und t! he auspices of Messrs. N.V. Morris Auto nabtel-labrieken, whose headquar* r ere in Delft. A full range of models was on view, md received with such enthusiasm by .if.
    115 words
  • 109 15 Enormous interest has been created overseas by the latest Morris, Wolselev. Morris-Commercial and M.G. products Orders received for these vehicles, for the first three months of the season, show very satisfactory increases in each case compared with the corresponding months of the previous season. The average percentage*
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 109 15 REN4ULT SPEED FOUR Speed in its most economical form. p()R 1934 Renault offer an improved range of Speed Models, among them, and probably the most popular oife ever produced, is the RENAULT SPEED FOUR. It enters the new season with an ut stand ing appearance and greater power. The new
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    • 138 15 THE CORRECT GRADE OF SHELL MOTOR OIL i j FOR j ROVER EL \J JL/T CARS I IS TRIPLE SHELL j Advertisement of The Asiatic Petroleum Company (Straits Settlements) Ltd. PERFORMANCE born of QUALITY Dead silent cruising at well over a mile a minute is one of the most impressive
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 283 16 M. HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. M-37, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and water service, please write to the above •address or 'Phone 3411. HAIR CREAM and FIXATIVE BANDOLINE HAIR FIXATIVE. MHZ I HAIR CREAM. UNORA HAIR CREAM. HUILE HAIR
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    • 375 16 THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mr. Yong Voon Piew also called V. P. Yong has left our service and is no longer authorised to transact any business on our behalf. Nam Hin Pineapple Factory Co., Tai Yet Pineapple Factory Co. (Sd.) YONG
      375 words
    • 432 16 FOR SALE. FOR SALE—I93O Modei Humber Snipe, I Sports Saloon. Excellent condition. One j owner. .§1,500 or nearest otter. Apply Uox No. 346 c o Malaya Tribune. I Cure Radical—Effect Permanent—Charges Moderate IF THE WEALTH OF LIFE LIES In the Acquisition Retention of Robust, Radiant Rebounding Health Then Delay Not
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    • 283 16 DOG SHOW A dog show (held under licence of the Malayan Kennel Association) will be held in Singapore on Sunday, May 27. Schedules and full particulars may be had from the Show Secretary, H. T. G. Robey, c o V. R. Vick Co-, Ltd-, E 4, 4th Floor, Hongkong Bank
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    • 303 16 CLOCK OR WATCH you treasured n stopped working a Ago, or Months < Jt Years. NEVER MINI), BRINe it, US AND WE WILL GOING RIGHT FOR S 2 NO TIME YICK woh ni m 429. NORTH ERU JLjfJ I NEAR MIDDLE ROAD) Contrac ors for the Ben and Watches to
      303 words