Malaya Tribune, 5 May 1934

Total Pages: 24
1 24 Malaya Tribune
  • 41 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol. XXI. No. too SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1934 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Saturday, May 5, 1934. Malaya Tribune 24 PAGES. SINGAPORE. SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1934. FOR 5 CENTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 80 1 %cad The irikne Dominant -^Malaya \J 2 —77 ACROSS THE SEAS OR ACROSS THE STREET BLUE CROSS MILK IS ALWAYS THE SAME, Si ISIS DEPENDABLE. PURE. ECONOMICAL Jflfj Lt wm Hil RICH IN NOURISHMENT. pp mk rr; W| I I I MP II j Blue Cross men Constantly inspect Blue
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    • 50 1 A. FLINTER. it, 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and I Pearl Necklaces of every size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market I prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of p every class and quality, ft paying highest prices ff according to daiiy exchange L rates.
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  • 116 2 How To Join The "Corner." l>ear Girls, A Seremban girl writes askine what she has to do to enrol as a I member of the "Corner," and wheh j articles should be sent in *f, th e e may be other readers i ol the
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  • 185 2 (By Miss "Lilian." Trenc/ycmn.) IPS™ 1 must thank Aunt Mc.bel for the oaage which I have received. What a lovely badge it is I put it on my jacket and it looks very nice. One Sunday morning at about 5 o'clock, Misses Caroline, Nooriyah, Janet and two boy friends
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  • 215 2  -  By K.L. Aurora wa., the beautiful goddess of dawn. One day when she was out on her rounds she caught sight of a handsome mortal—Tithonus. When Dawn railed on Tithonus he laughed because of his joy. One day win.: tithonus was pounng cut his ]jvc for Aurora
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  • 201 2  -  < By /\V P! Hcv [niet leesbaar] I IN£ aci y> v nust I was doing my homeW0 J, k near a win dow. a gust of wind v.arnc blowing past me and it sweijt mv writing materials away. I ran after them ana when I came back
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  • 107 2  -  j <By "Y.K. Neo." ONE morning I woke up earlv anri t thought. I would like to read ™Py of Saturday* l' a P«- which I had bought the previous day. xt was on the chair beside my bed together with a candle which I lit As
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  • 55 2  -  (By 11 "Bright Eyes." JAURING the first week of my holiins places h3Ve t0 many 'nterestKatong PaT't'w^he 1 „3 „n which the Police Band was playtag a£d the music was extremely good. The Mir IffS 6 nf P n Ved many sweet son ?s, but lonely?" a
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  • 365 2  -  (By "L.E.A.F.") LONELY! Yes. she was just a small lonely figure. Her lovely young mother, the one dear Pal on earth, had left her for the great beyond, irom whence there is no return. With heavy footsteps I watched her climb ihe narrow, winding path up the
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  • 221 2  -  'By "Phyllida." Malacca. ¥>ERHAPS one of the strange sights which meets the eyes of a visitor to Malacca, is the water-cart which is drawn by a single buffalo. It is one of the relics of ancient times, which has been handed down to us by past generations.
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  • 125 2  -  (By "Happy Neo." ONE sunny day, my mother and my father took my two sisters, and myself for a picnic in the fields. After tea my sister, and I went roaming round and we found two hayricks placed close together. We thought it would be fun to
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  • 230 2  -  (By "Rose Chia" To be contented is to be happy arid the contented man is the happiest of men because he wants nothin» Jlt may be rich or he may be poor n th* eyes of other people, but he is in n case rich in his own estimation
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  • 215 2  -  By "Smeet Star." rrHE best woman in this wide wide world is one's own mother. God gave us to her to love when He j put us into her arms as her babv mothers love is most amazing and out it life would be very difficult indeed How patiently
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  • 184 2  -  (By "Katy Cheang." ONE day. as Dewdrop, a little fairy girl, was returning home, she received a terrible fright. Her dandelion watch had stopped, and so she had lost count ol the time. Perhaps the fairyland gates were already shut! Suddenly she heard a cry of pain, and
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  • 144 2  -  (Bij "Alice" Kemaman. I AM an cnthusiasiic reader of the "Girls' Corner," and have been admiring the articles of my sisters in the "Corner." I find the "Corner" is contributed by cousins from far and wide, and is kept lively every week. As I am also very anxious to
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  • 110 2  -  I (By "Early Bird." HELLO! Cousins, what a pleasure 'o be among you all again, as I have beer, away to Hongkong for one and a hall months and oh! what funs I have got during my short visit there. If I were to tell you
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  • 52 2  -  (By "Margaret." MOST parents are old-fashioned They do not like to see u.> play badminton, cycle, etc. But they liko to work at.home, sewing, knitting and cooking. They also don't like us t ivear short skirts, without r-tockings fVxid most of us like to wear short skirts and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 88 2 Bothersome Wtt\ /il f w( defy week ufilri sprays m INSIST on powerful FLIT it kills without fail Remember the comfort of Tour guests and don't buy weak imitations of FLIT. Your friends will approciate your hospitality when you save them the annoy* once of insect pests. Consider your own
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  • 75 3 At the recent annual general meeting Kuantan Recreation Club, with ddent, Mr. W. N. Gourlay, M.C.S. let Officer, Kuantan >, in the chair, were over forty members present, election of office-bearers for the year resulted as follows: PresiDistrict Officer, Kuantan (exhort secretary, Mr. S.
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  • 153 3 Chinese woodcutter at Batu Kurau the o her day, instantaneously as *he result of a huge tree falling im. He had sought shelter under tree during a thunderstorm when, trong gust of wind, the tree iprooted. He started to run but ble to get clear, as the spread branches
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  • 352 3 annual meeting of the Cheah was held on Apr. 24, at Uhe premises, 3, Armenian Street. In nee ol the chairman, Mr. Cheah .i\ was voted to preside. There ret forty members present, report and audited s.atement of mts were unanimously adopted. resignations of Mr. Cheah ng Lim and
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  • 451 3 Mr. Nadesapiilai, of Salem, India, an expert in teaching vocal music, veena, flute, violin, harmonium and miruthangam, has been selected as music teacher for the Sangectha Abivir.hi Sabah, of Kua'a Lumpur. j At the third annual general meeting !of the Tamil Abivirthy Sangam, Port Swettenham, Dr. S. V. Chellum
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  • 56 3 .and for solid rubber tyres is lining, undoubtedly dus m no ill measure to the new legislation for road surfaces, which aims at I pneumatic tyres by practi- LOtor vehicles after 1940. ginning of March the prices s were increased by 10 per a further decline in
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  • 70 3 Reuter Wireless. Bermuda, May 1. The five British navy officers sailing from Hongkong to England in a 54-fool ketch have left here en the last stage. Scorning the Azores as a half-way halt, they are making the last lap of 4,000 miles without sighting land. They left
    Reuter Wireless.  -  70 words
  • 492 3 New Secretary-General Welcomed. "¥T is the aim of the Institute of Pacific I Relation working through the national and local research institutions of all the member countries, to bring what is unique and important in eacn national heritage to the common task, namely, a collective' effort to
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  • 75 3 Memory Of Japanese Attack In 1927. i Shanghai, May 4. j Flags were flown half-mast in Tsinan, the capital of Shantung, yesterday, the occasion being the anniversary oi the "Tsinan Tragedy" of 1927, when Japanese troops attacked the Nationalist forces, resulting in numerous Chinese casualties. I All the
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  • 64 3 Alleged To Have Accepted Money. Kling bin Ahmat, a Malay lanceco/poral, was charged in the Third Magistrate s Court, on Thursday with receiving illegal gratification from two Chmese hawkers in Eoat Quay. The charge was in respect of sums of 20 cents and three cents respectively. The two
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  • 64 3 Saved Through Landing In Tientsin. Shanghai, Mav 4. An aeroplane on the Peiping-Shan,?-hai service burst into flames near Tientsin yesterday and was forced to land in the cJ*y. A gaie ic sweeping over Lanchow, and the emplane which is to convey Gen. Huang Sliao Hiung, the Home
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  • 50 3 The Singapore Anti-Opium Society acknowledges with thanks the receipt of a donation of $500 from "Well-Wishers." The donors are a local organisation who wish to remain anonymous. Bishop Edwin F. 'Lee has associated himself with the anti-opium movement by joining the Anti-Opium Society as a sustaining member. L
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  • 200 3 Irish Girl Still In Hospital. Reuter. Halifax. CATHERINE Carr, the 24 year old Irish y girl stowaway, who is now in hospiSlJ e £2r, r i m I from severe frostbite !£r£i2E 11 days tri P across the Atlanaway in the lifeboat of a team w.. may, after
    Reuter.  -  200 words
  • 199 3 I To Begin In Singapore On May 9. Singapore Hospital Week for this year Jffl begin on May 9 with a Ball at Raffles Hotel at 9.30 p.m. Mrs. Chamier is in charge of the arrangements. Tickets can be obtained from Mrs. Chamier. and also at the Hotel,
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  • 170 3 B2st Film Acting In 1933. Reuter. Hollywood. THE laurels for the best film acting in 1933 go to Charles Laugh ton, it was voted at the annual banquet of the Academy of Motion Picture <Arts and Sciences here. A thousand persons attended the function, at which Laughton was
    Reuter.  -  170 words
  • 149 3 Eight Men And A Woman "Marooned." Sydney. Eight men and a woman have spent 17 days "marooned" at Portland Roads. For the last five days they had nothing to eat but oysters. The party went to Portland Roads from Batavia Goldfields, in Northern Queensland, to wait for
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  • 308 3 League And Problems In China. Reuter. Paris, May 4. 17KDLLOWING the Japanese AmbassaJT dor's interpretative comment to M. Bar thou on the "Hands off China!" statement, the French Government has replied noting with satisfaction Japan's respect for the independence ot China and the treaty rights of
    Reuter.  -  308 words
  • 45 3 The L.N.ER. are shortly putting some new sleeping coaches into service. Distinctive colours are being emplovorl in the decorative scheme Including blue yellow, green and pink. Carpets in blu« and fawn are used in the compartments, sponge rubber sheeting be-no-employed under them for greater comfort.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 64 3 i i i i i i i i i ■::iMiiita| lT «avTnKiuiii«i)atiiHiuiutußuaniiiuiaiiiuii[iiiiiiiiiausiißjiii!iiiii:Biiauaiiiii«!iiiiii:i!!iui l :ii!aiis LONG LIFE TO YOUR SILVER i Just a sprinkle of Silvo a br Sk an tnat does you credit. mk Silvo is safe for silver and plate. mcxitt a sons, ltd, NVU »ni cxrow. England. Agents:
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    • 76 3 I j^gj^g^^^Fl^g^jß^^BMWg|gy9fcg*^-*^^ Women and men are amazed at ihe rapid effect of "Pebeco" on dulled and tobacco stained teeth. They like the "salty" tang which comes from the special ingredient used by "Pebeco". This ingredient cleanses and refreshes the whole moufh and the effects last for hours. Buy a f
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  • 343 4 Nitric Acid Thrown On Their Clothes. lOCAL Chinese theatres and picture i houses are greatly worried over the activities of the local iron and blood grbup against "modern" girls and men, which have caused many fashionablydressed men and women to avoid amusement places lest their
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  • 231 4 Modern Dresses Are Not Accepted. Hanchow, Apr. 12. For the first time in history pawnshops here have refused to accept modern dresses of women. The reason given is that modern dresses are only fashionable for one year after which no one cares to wear them. The pawnshops would
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  • 119 4 Prohibits Payment Of Ransom. Nanchang, Apr. L The Headquarters of the Generalissimo at Nanchang has issued a circular <-rder to the provinces instructing that In the future no person is allowed to pay ransom for captives seized by Communists, i The order declares that in such cases the
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  • 89 4 Drastic Punishment For Two Railway Officials. The court trying the officials concerned in the railway disaster at Tawaitui in the Urals recently, when 33 passengers were killed and 69 injured sentenced the two leading accused to death by shooting. These were the engine driver named Zmeev, who
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  • 247 4 Daring Firemen Save Commander's Wife. ONE of England's stateliest castle homes near Truro, Cornwall, owned by the celebrated British polo player Captain Charles Tremaine, has perished jin flames. chambermaid discovered the fire and awoke all inhabitants. Mr. Tremaine and his wife, with many of their guests,
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  • 109 4 Retirement Forced By Poor Health. Reuter Wireless. London, May 1. Announcing his decision to retire from '.he Salvation Army, General Higgins recalled that when accepting the leadership in 1929 he was unable to promise to continue after his seventieth birthday, which fell a few months back. He was
    Reuter Wireless.  -  109 words
  • 102 4 Alleged Assault On His Wife. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, May 3. Alleged to have chopped a toe off his wife's foot with an axe, a Chinese ramed Wong Tek Looi appeared before the Police Magistrate, Mr. T. P. F. McIviece, charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurt to
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  • 156 4 Enormous Activity In England. IN the past 15 years so fewer than 2,175,000 new houses have been created in England and of this number nearly 1,900,000 were built in the last 10 years, 60 per cent of them by private enterprise. Though the population lof Great Britain has
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  • 65 4 East African Planters Reach Agreement. Reuter. Nairobi, May 3. East Africa tea planters have reached agreement orl tne proposals of the International Tea Committee for the-in-clusion cf East Africa in the restriction scheme The :,ugar industiy is prepared to Jdu !n a similar scheme. The proposals of both
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 57 4 Survey Of Route For Air Race. Reuter Wireless. London, May 1. The airman, Ruby Waller, has landed in London after a record-breakine: outward flight from Port Darwin, which he left on April 23. He left London on the outward flight on March 23, to survey the route for
    Reuter Wireless.  -  57 words
  • 63 4 The new Cunard-White State liner No. 534, which has been so much in the news lately, has a projected accommodation for 3,000 passengers and will contain such modern amenities as a covered swimming bath with under-water lighting, air-oenditioning apparatus, shorjs where passengers can purchase books flowers, fruit, sports goods, etc.
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  • 59 4 It is understood that a scheme is afoot for the establishment of a rufcber factory in Travancore for manufacturing motor-car tubes, cycle tyrts ai-d tubes, ricksha tyres, rubber sheets etc It is ot interest to record in this connection that the area under rubber in Travancore has increased during »he
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  • 28 4 A huge success is prophesied for inflatable beach mattresses. They should be extremely popular, not only fcr use on hard shingle beaches, but also for campers and motorists.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 238 4 The E(onomy—Power, Durability and Brightness of Focussing I *i- J Flashlights depend entirely on the correct batteries and lamp bulbs used. WINCBESTEB~~ BATTERIES Xapr I WESTINGHQIISE BULBS I p rELI* i k, win guarantee you more than what you expect of them 1511 T rf• R Obtainable everywhere or from
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    • 488 4 PUT ON WEIGHT Kruschen Took It Off Again A woman zcnds tlx; following a consequences of a motor accident in was lnvolvrd: "A year ago I had a Wry bad mo or which left me more or less a enpp; to lie in b d sc long, and being imabli
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  • 68 5 ,,r nadrrs are invited to write to ut on subject, of public interest It must h* "Malaya Tnbane- doe. not mcoarily oSm LETTERS SHOULD BE AS MUST AS POSSIBLE vnlenMv ZTT-' .„<i 0« one Me o, the paper onl,. Pen name, w ie
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  • 76 5 T, the Editor, "Malaya Tribune") c Gambling is going on here on a le every day. from directly ai until dawn the next day. nes on under the very eyes of the detectives on patrol duty and rv strange that they do not the gamblers. a small
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  • 60 5 l/;,* Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") .ng been a constant reader rued journal, I cannot help i record the multifarious I have derived from it i been a source of wonder n.e iocal residents are not h tiic papers at all. Icn. it is to their advanuno subscribers to
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  • 84 5 Editor, "Malayc Tribune.") 1 n a reader of your valuable r and have noticed that r competitions for money no long:r to be permitted in the C >kmy. I be much obliged if you will hten me as to whether the > p competition for cash prizes, Saturday last.
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  • 102 5 Fditor, "Malaya Tribune.") rubber was at its worst, i r pikul, employees in comI and coolies all had their I reduced. j outlook are better now, of rubber is about 23 cents j vhich is more than four t was before. It is high lovers or rubber
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  • 181 5 Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") I is modern world of advance i- iu;. been completely changrful inventions have made ianid that the world appear: tho advantages of civilised brought within the reach vl Q. of civilised men are very fact they appear to in- J daily. And thoughts of employment
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  • 137 5 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir, —Will any of your readers kindly let me know whether the law in this country permits an employer to terminate an employee's services wiih a month's notice from the 2nd of the month to the 2nd of the next month?
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  • 145 5 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") j Sir, —Our Municipality wants waking j up; and, as private appeals to their j office have had no effect, perhaps a little publicity will do no harm. For the last month Sambau Street has been almost impassable The surface is badly broken
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  • 172 5 I (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune."; Sir,—I see that you have stopped any further cash competitions in the "Malaya Tribune" and the "Sunday Tribune." And we are told it was at the Attorney General's request. If the action of conducting cash competitions Is jm offence in the eyes of
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  • 139 5 Angry Bees At Viceregal Party. Reuter. New Delhi. BY his calmness when attacked by an angry swarm of bees an elderly Indian saved from "disaster" a garden party given in honour of the Viceroy and Lady Willingdon in Kapurthala State. Their Excellencies were just about to arrive when
    Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 1205 5 Educating "Blang." A WOLF FROM THE JUNGLE. "V. W. R.» contributes the following interesting article on bringing up a tiger to "The Field." I gLANG first saw the light of day in the jungle of north-east Negri Sembilan near the borders of j Pahang, Federated Malay
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 14 5 Insist on 6 OVALTINESQm aIity always tell* rnTrTniiTi^^ There's no comparison^OWLTlNE is Supreme SiffIIIITTTTTTTTTTTT^^
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 559 6 Sm. HASSAN. 0 ELECTRICAL AND WATER W CONTRACTOR. M M-37, Bras Ba.sah Road, m SINGAPORE. Ifl If you are in need of electrit iHgrits, fans, motors, etc., and water tJHervice, please write to the above gMdjdress or 'Phone 3411. HJBUC NOTICES. ■ALAYA TRIBUNE, 1 'PHONE: 5811 and 5812. SUBSCRIPTION RATES.
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    • 794 6 fUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. In the Estate of CHAN KIM HONG NEO, Deceased. PURSUANT TO THE TRUSTEES ORDINANCE 1929. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and other persons having any claims against the Estate of CHAN KIM HONG NEO late of Nc. 112. Pasir Panjang Road, Singapore, who died on
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    • 676 6 THE TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDINANCE, 1933. In exercise of the powers conferred upon Mm by section 4 (1) of the Traffic Regulation Ord.n-in.-e. 1933, the Chief Police Oftice-, Singapore, issues the following regulations in respect of traffic on ihe occasion of the British Trade Fair to be held at the i
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    • 372 6 FOR SALE. FOR SALE. SELETAR PLANTATIONS. LIMITED. About 000 acres consisting of old trees at present being tapped, together with all buildings, tools and plant are offered for sale. Being situated close to the Naval Base, the land should be of considerable value for building purposes in the near future.
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    • 369 6 EDUCATIONAL. 9 FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, Established 1928. lA Government Registered 8ciiooI). (For Boys and Girls). t-A. Kirk Terrace, Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. Enrol for a Sound Mucical EducationSystematic Training both in Technique and j Theory. Complete Courses leading to T.C.L. Certificate. Diploma, etc. Booklet free. M. ANCIANO. Principal. TUTORIAL I
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    • 470 6 mmmmmmmmmwrnmrn mm m CLOCK OK WATCH you treasured might have stopped working a Few Daj Ago, or Months, or may be Years. NEVER MIND, BRING IT TO US AND WE WILL HAVE IT GOING RIGHT FOR YOU IX I NO TIME. YICK WOH HING 429, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, (NEAR MIDDLE
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  • 178 7 A LEISTER CROWLEY'S WHITE MAGIC. HOW AN AMAZING LIBEL ACTION FAILED. (By Air Mail) .1 11 y London, Apr. 18. y\ H H the sudden collapse of an amazing libel action in the king's Bench, Mr. Justice Swift, in trenchant, witherterms, denounced the ma n —an
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  • 2302 7 pari of the case for the dehad been heard when a inn was made to the jury they had probably heard suftiaii appalling reflection, reMr. Martin O'Connor, tha f tl 3 enlightened age the Cour called upon to investigate ml ug called magic,
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  • 285 7 Seeking Inspiration In China. A THIRST for fresh inspirations garnered from the cpmmon folk of the j world Is the motive behind a world tour I now in the process of realisation by Mr. i Alexandre Tcherepnine, one of the world's foremost contemporary composers and pianists. In the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 278 7 Bfe JL jar i^k < ji.' 1 it ?^*%jfi t &mr 1 he Mrs. Howard with her little son prize winners in the London New Chronicle "Mother and Child Competition,' 1 Feb. 1932 doubts and difficulties of the past have gone-and the drudgery toe,! Look at these sparkling mothers with
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  • 845 8 Shipping News Notices. REDUCING THE FIRE RISK. Sprinklers And Automatic Alarm System. TBS directors of the Orient Line have decided that iheir new mail and passenger liner, of approximately 20,000 tons, under construction by Messrs. Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., at Barrow, is to be fitted with Messrs. Mather and PlaYs Grlmnell sprinklers
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  • 420 8 Proposal To Lay Her Up Permanently. ACCORDING to a Reuter message from New York, a plan to lay up permanently tne United liner "Leviathan" and build a new vessel to cost between $11,000,000 and 15,000,000 (between £2.200,000 and £3,000,000 at par) is reported by the New York
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  • 112 8 Ship's Lifeboat Crew Cheered By Troops. The s nry of a rescue at sea. which wai watched by 600 troops, was ,old when th» transport "Lancashire" reached Southampton from India. The ship—was crossing the Bay of Biscay when Private J. Goodier. of (hi Cheshire Regiment, fell
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  • 161 8 The Peruvian Government has authorised the Peruvian Seam Ship Co. iCompamn Peruana de Vapores) to open a public sub senptien list for a minimum amount of 2.000,000 soles for the purchase of a floating dry dock for Callao to replace the one which sank at San
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  • 348 8 Problem Of Gas-Tight Holds. THE remarkable progress that has been made by Australian chlllcd meat within the last few months, enabling It to compete with the Argentine product, whereas only a short time ago the longer distance was held to preclude anything but the less popular frozendown carcases,
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  • 69 8 H.MS. "Lowestof Britain's newest work on which wa.s begun last August, was :uceesstul!y launched a; Devonport Dockyard lest month The naming ceremony was per.oimed by Mrs. Henderson, the wife of VIC3Idmiral R G IT. ILnderson. The "Lowrs'off i s a vers~l ot 1 060 ;ons. and will
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  • 906 8 Launch In The Autumn Possible. THE following official s atement was made by Sir T. Bell, managing director of Messrs. John Brown and Co.. Ltd.. Clydebank. "Consequent upon the Royal Assent bong given to he North Atlantic Shipping Bill In the House of Lords,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 329 8 STEAMER SAILINGS. «a —==j- —sf //r' P fl BRITISH INDIA I». JkO.B. N. CO.'S SAILINGS. OUTWARDS. Dw Tonnage. Sirigaporr BHUT IN 6,100 May 1(1 M RAWALPINDI 17,000 H«y II 11 BEHAR 6,000 May 94 KAISAR-I-HIND 11,500 May 2F3 iOUDAN June I RAJPI TANA 17,000 .June f I RANCHI ]7.000 June
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    • 64 8 AMERICAN LLOYD AGENCY, LTD., (Incorporated In SS.). Steamship passages booked by all Lines Airmail tickets obtainable here F.M.S. Railway tickets may be purchased at this office NO BOOKING PF.ES. RamaKe. household effects and merchandir.e collected, stored, chipped or delivered at reasonable ra»es. Insurance effected. Further information regarding sailings and fares
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    • 203 8 I iff iioYo triestTwo I I r 4F (Incorporated in Italy). J I EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. j SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA Calling at. Penang. Colombo. Bombay Calling a. Colombo. Bombay. Surz pWI K rarh A ""j« Massowah. Suez, Por: Said I Said. Brindisl. Venice Trieste. BrlndlsL Venice and
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    • 227 8 HAMBURG-AMERIRA LINIE. UUCII [HXaI Auatrallach, Dampfschlff. M Cj Oeaellschaft 'Oripaniea Incorporated In Germany). PASSENOER AND CARGO SERVICE. OUTWARDB BONGKONO. SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. Due S'Dore ■s.B. PREUSSEN, via Manila May 1!) m.s. DUiSBORa. via Manila, May 29 ms RHEINLAND. via Manila June 12 mjs. SAUERLAND. via Manila June
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    • 585 8 STEAMER SAILINGv y-± NOBDDEUTSCHQi j $$9 LLOYD i (Incorporated n Germany) The underacted are the Company, y wl fix i urea:— naf OUTWARDS. "SAALE," for Manila HW S'hai, N. China and Japan v 8 "MAIN," tor Manila, H'kong S'ha.. 9 North China and Japan HOMEWARDS. y 22 10U GOSLAR." for
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  • 576 9 Mining Shares. Singapore. Saturday, 11 a.m. j xne following tin share quotations are bailed by Fraser and Co., exchange and stock brokers. Issue vt i ue Buyers. Sellers. 4 Ampat Tin 6'7V 2 71--ri Asam Kumbang Tin 39 41|ri Austral Malay 42 6 43 6xd 1 t
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  • 149 9 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. LOCAL RUBBER PRICE HIGHER. Heavy Buying In N.ew York. (By Out Financial Cnrretpondent.1 Singapore, 11 a.m. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 24'/j. cts., up lf4 cts. Market Tone: Firm. Yesterday's Prices Lond.:n Rubber, 7d., up 3 16d. Market Tone: Firm. New York, 14% cts., up
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  • 207 9 Singapore. May 4 R i Siam >W. Coast N. 1 per Koyan $92 R. iSiam) W. Coast N. 2 per Koyan $88 Rice. B. Siam N. 1 per Koyan $86 Rice. B. Siam N. 2 per Koyan $82 Siam, No. 1 $165 Siam. No. 2 $I*o Siam, No. 3
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  • 335 9 Review Of The Week's Business. MESSRS. Lewis and Peat (Singapore!. Ltd., in their weekly rubber report dated April 4. state: The labours of the committees that have been studying the questions of rubber control have at last been ended, and their achievement in reaching agreement deserves the
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  • 157 9 Text Of The Official Communique. Following telegram has been recelvet by .he Federal Secretariat. Kuala Lumpur, from the Secretary of S.ate for th( Colonies, dated May 2. 1934: Communique of special meeting o' International Tin Committee in London on Mav 2 after usual statistics reads as follows:—
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  • 77 9 j The directors of the Gene-al Accid3nt Fire i r.nd Life Assurance Corporation. Ltd.. have resolved to recommend the payment of the following dividends for the year 1933. subject o income-tax. A final dividend of 2<_. per cent, making rive per cent, for the year, on the preference
    77 words
  • 55 9 The output of the bucket dredge of Kuchal Tin Dredging Co.. Ltd.. for April was 608 piculs Actual running time was 567 hours. 45 minutes and the ,ime lost 128 hours. 15 mmuus. Government tin restriction stoppage was 24 hours, the average digging depth 52 feet and the
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  • 206 9 Profit Of $2,257 Last Year. THE annual report of the directors of Changkat Serdang Estates, Ltd.. for the year ended Jan. 31, to be presented at the annual ganeral meeting of shareholders at the French Bank Buildings on May 12, is as follows: The accounts show a profit
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  • 1105 9 Difficult Conditions. NETT LOSS OF OVER $25,000. rr\HE seventh annual general meeting of Thorny croft (Singapore) Limited was held at the company's registered office, Thorny croft House, Tank Road, yesterday. Mr. H. Elphick was in the chair and among those present were Mr. i Merton H. Brown,
    1,105 words
  • 663 9 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Saturday, 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotation* are issued by Fraser and Co.. and Ly&L and Evatt. Ima Value. Eraser tynu m Shares. ft Co. Evert Allenby 1.60 1.80 1.60 180 1 Alor Gajah 1.05 1.15 1.05 1.15 1 A. Hitam 1.60 1.75
    663 words
  • 78 9 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. Singapore, Friday. noon. Buyers. Beiior». I R S.S. e<iual to London Standard. Spot (loose) 2S i* do. (F. 0.8.) -2.TN Standard R.S.S. or. Tender: May 23>i 23* June 23«* 23 July Sept. 21 24 V« Oct. Dee. 84% 24V4 Jan. March 24 25
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
      47 words
    • 89 9 THE EASTERN BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In England). SINGAPORE BRANCH 4, D'A'meida Street. Authorised and Subscribed Capital £2 000.000 Pald-up-Capltal £1,000.000 Reserve Fund and Rest 500.000 HEAD OFFICE LONDON BRANCHES: Bombay, Calcutta. Colombo, Karachi. Madras. Amara. Baghdad, Bahrein. Basra. Kirkuk, Mosul and Singapore. CURRENT ACCOUNTS opened and money received on Fixed
      89 words
      147 words
    • 201 9 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated In Straits Settlements.) SUCCESSORS TO THK CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BANK, j LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Uu $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE, CHINA RUILDING, CHULIA STREET. SINGAPORE LOCAL BRANCH «58, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chee Swee
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 690 10 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i mmmmmmnm mmm* mmmrM j j|j^ SHOW,NG TO-DAY: I TOGETHER FOR THE f I |P THE SCREEN'S TWO OUTSTAND- 1 -itimj? m ING personalities give you 1
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    • 243 10 LATESTADVERTISEMRN^ NOTICE. I NOTICE IS HEREBY (ivEN rh Yong Voon Piew also called V P left cur service and is no lon-, 1 1 to transact any business on oui I Nam Hin Pineapple Barton r« Tai let Pineapple FVtorj <," (Sd.i TONG SHAi ujj I M r THE SINGAPORF
      243 words

  • 93 11 NOTICE TO MARINERS. Owners and mas.erj of shipping arr requested to keep their vessels as clear of the range as possible during the h»avy gun practice, which *•>!! take placi a. Blakang Mati on May 16 and 17 ialternative date), commencing a:
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  • 53 11 Hawdan. Norw.. 761 tons from Bangkok 3—5. for Bangkok 4—5. Tobelo," Dut.. 684 tons, from Pontinok 3—5. for Pontianak 4—5. •Kudat," Brit 1,021 tons, from Bangkok 4—5. for Bangkok B—s. •Angby." Sarawak. 417 tons, from Sibu 4—5. for Sibu 6—5. •Senang.' Dut.. 729 tons, from Palembang 4—5.
    53 words
  • 80 11 Championship Tournament At The New World. Last night's second round matches in the Malayan Billiards championship tournament for the Padmore Challenge Shield, at the New World, resulted as lollows: Ang lee Kiah «Amicables» Joeat Chio Eng Wah Siong Boo' 300—271: Goh Guan Chuah fC.U.) beat Jfg Fook Chin
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  • 16 11 From China and Japan by the "Penang Maru," due at Singapore on Monday morning.
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  • 36 11 Members of the Straits Bachelors' Physical Culture are requested to attend the funeral of the aunt of Mr. Tay Oen Seng, to-morrow. Th? cortege will leave 215, Teiok Ayer Street, at 10 ajn. I
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  • 207 11 SELLING. Singapore, May 4. London 4 months sight 2j4 5|32 London 3 months' sight 2|4 9;64 London 60 days' sight 24V 8 London 30 days' sight 2 4 764 London demand 2|4 3|32 London T.T. 2j4 564 Lyons and Paris demand 895 Hamburg demand New York demand 59
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  • 81 11 Tunku Kassim. Tunku Izaham. Tunku Rakiah. Tunku Noor. Tuan Sved Manaur Aljeffrl and Wan Md Amirt. who went to Sumatra for the niarrmge of Tunku Izaham. the fourth sou 01 Hi. Highness Tunku Ibrahim, to a daughter Of H.H. the Sultan of Deli, returned to Alor Star from Medan tn
    81 words
  • 80 11 ALHAMBRA.—Janet Gaynor and Lio- nel Barrymore in "Carolina." APOLLO.— Chinese pictures. CAPITOL--Hold Your Man" and stage attraction. 1 EMPIRE.— The Invisible Man." 1 GREAT WORLD.- Cabaret Dancing, 1 sideshows, Dean's Grand Opera, Chinese Wayangs. Cinen us, Talkies etc I ISAKO CIRCUS.—9.IS p.m. MARLBOROUGH.—"Fairv of Baghdad." Hindustani picture. NEW WORLD.—Cabaret
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 548 11 i SINGAPORE HOTEL 3 tl mSopole hotei TEL. 7«J86. URAS BASAH ROAEW IDEAL CENTRAL. MODERN SANITATION. RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS. GOOD CUISINE. EXCELLENT BAIfJ MODERATE RATES. j PER DAY. PER MONT I Single Double. Single Dou j Bedroom Only and Attendance $2.50 $4.00 40.00 7(A j Bed and Breakfast
      548 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 119 11 [POSTAL jgfgMggg SINGAPORE MAILS'CLOS&. TO-DAY. Ceylon, Southern and Western India and Western Australia (Dalny) 2 p.m. Kemaman. Kemasek, Kretay, Dungun, Trengganu and Besut tßoribatt 2 p.m. Djambi (Toba) 3 p.m. Mauritius (Tinhow; 4 p.m Tandjong Balei and Laboean Bilik (Rantau) 4 p.m. Bengkalis and Bagan (Toboali) 4 p.m. Tembilahan and
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    • 100 11 Jpugy of d3y] WHAT'S ON? Public Functions And Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, MAY 5. High Tides.-1.31 a.m.. 3.36 p.m. lg D?y re RaCeS Sprinß Meetin S- Ist.' "Paris At Midnight." Cabaret in Aid of non-European Unemployed, Volunteer Headquarters, 9 p.m Cricket: S.C.C. v. S.V.C.. S.C.C. 2 pmPwn YJ fc°ifc YMCA 2KI
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  • 38 12 The family of the late Mrs. Margaret Regir.a Pestana, wish to convey their thanks to all relatives and kind friends •who attended the funeral, as well as those who sent wreaths and letters of condolence.
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  • 67 12 LOH- Mr. Loh Kye Wee (late Cashier of Messrs ./aeger Co.), passed away peacefully, at No. 96. Dcsker Road, at 6.10 pan., on Friday, May 4, at the age of 48. He leaves behind his wife, one son, thiCdaughters, five brothers and 4 sisters to mourn their loss. Funeral
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  • 629 12 INDIAN politics look like developI ing along familiar lines as a result of the meeting the other day of leaders of the Swaraj Party. These "Home Rulers" are for the greater part the more extreme elt ment of the National Congress, and Mr. Gandhi seems to be
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  • 13 12 Lieut. R. F. Pinson. S.S.V.F.. has been promoted to the ran* of Captain
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  • 12 12 Mr. C. T. Mlddleton. M.C.S.. has been appointed District Officer. Christmas Island.
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  • 14 12 Mr. Low Kirn Yin has been appointed a Deputy Collector of Land Revenue. Singapore.
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  • 15 12 Mr. J. W. Callan. Secretary of the Penang Club, has arrived back from Home leave.
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  • 17 12 Mr. K. P. Mohained YusofT has been appointed a member of the Mohammedan Advisory Board for Singapore.
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  • 21 12 Mr. John Hands, of Kuaia Lumpur, is leaving for Home on Thursday next and expects to be away about ten weeks.
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  • 20 12 Mr. Abdul Kadir bin Depong and Mr. Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Aziz have been granted commissions in the 3.5. V.F.
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  • 21 12 Mr. T. W. V. May. Assistant Architect. Malayan Public Works Service, has been seconded for service under the Government of Johore.
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  • 23 12 Mr. M S. Menon. of the Y.MCA School of Commerce, has been elected an Associate of the Faculty of Tearher> In Commerce. London.
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  • 24 12 The Hon. Mr. W. J. VTUcoxaon has been appointed a member of the Standing Advisory Committee on Opium in plac« of Mr. J. Bagnall.
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  • 27 12 Mr. Lt Rayman has been apnoin*ed to as Financial Adviser and Treasurer F.M.S.. in place of the Hon. Mr M Rex who Is to be Rubber Controller
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  • 22 12 Lieut. J. E. A. Clark ha", been appointed acting Captain while in command of B (Machine-gun Co.). Prnang and Province Wellesley Volunteers
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  • 28 12 Miss Maclnerny. Librarian of the Rubber Research Institute, is goinp on leave by the "Corfu" in three weeks' time. Mr. J M. Hollway will act durin" her absence.
    28 words
  • 39 12 The following have been elected mem--52* i, h e ar Committee, Malacca Mr. W. F. Zehnder, Mr. H. P Clarke J* r W t l H Sa", Mr. S. G. Pillay and Mr! Goh I low Wan (hon. secretary*.
    39 words
  • 42 12 The deaths occurred in Madras on Apr. 24 last of three of its leading citizens, Sir C. Sankaran Nair. Sir C V Kumaraswami Sastri and Dr. s. Ranghachari. The death If also announced of Sir Haji Ismail Salt, of the same Province.
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  • 48 12 The following have been aonotntpH the Straits Chinese Const!Uatfve Com rnlttee for Malacca:—The Hon. Mr Tan Cheng Lock. C.8.E., Dr. H. K. Lung, Mr Loh Kirn Swee. Mr. Tan Chong Lek Dr. Tan Seng Tee, Dr. B. H. Ong Mr Tan Soo Hock and Mr. Chan Teck Chye'.
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  • 135 12 THE Kuala Lumpur paper makes the interesting suggestion that with rubber around sevenpence a pound it is "not beyond the bounds of possibility" that an actual cut in production will be held in abeyance—that "if the threat of the scheme is sufficient to
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  • 177 12 IT all started In the Sunday Tribune. Dr. Khalid Sheldrake wrote an account for Malaya's most popular weekly journal of the offer to him of the throne of the Muslim portion of ttM State of Sinkiang. for which he hints*!' suggested the new name of "Islamestan The offer was
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  • 221 12 an Admiral of the Fleet speaks. particularly when he is no other than the hero of Zeebrugge. he is assured of an attentive audience. Even if tne usual publicity-seeking type of politician had been concerned, the remarks made by Sir Roger Keyes at a Conservative Party meeting
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  • 202 12 rpHE activities of the Communist China and the several camper which the Government is launching against them are aeain "in the new The "Red" menace has been a periods problem in China for many years and will continue to be a serious problem so long as control of
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  • 442 12 "Looker-On" QOOD luck at the Races to-day, boys! What's that?— And high time, too!"? Lots of us feel like that. The K. L. paper waxes mildly ironic at the emergence of Mr. J. G. Hay as a zealous Restrictionist. He was the man who, in a local address
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 486 12 WORTHS —NEWEST I FOUNDATION GARMENTS I &k T0 MOITLD F EMININE I \*J FIGURES TO THE LINES I VA\ OF THE MODE. j MODEL NO. 883. /ttjj (as illustration) 883 •rill I PRICE $3.95. vTfS/ or for the entire range visit ROBINSON CO., LTD., j SINGAPORE. Jackson s Ready (Mixed
      486 words
    • 32 12 THE ART OP PERFECT TAILORING. The famous house of WING LOONG enjoys this singular distinction, and offers you its excelled service and high grade workmanship. PHONE 7627 WING LOONG HIGH ST. SINGAPORE
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  • 1431 13 I \K(,E CROWDS AT GREAT WORLD. Buy British." Collective Effort Of Local Firms. KIBED by the British Trade Commissioner, Mr. I». Boulter, as the biggest md best function of its kind u he'd in Singapore, the Km pin
    1,431 words
  • 303 13 Marshal Yen Shi Shan On Japan. Shanghai, May 5. rpHE Legislative Yuan held a secret -l meeting yesterday at Nanking and adopted the following resolutions: <1) To urge the people to co-operate with the Government to combat foreign aggression against China. <2) To strengthen China's national defences
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  • 54 13 Fifteen Men Reported Missing. Reuter. New York, May 4. FIFTEEN longshoremen are missing as a result of Brooklyn's worst fire for twenty years which destroyed the pier of the Barber shipping lines. The fire started during the unloading of a cargo of kapok and rubber from a canto
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 122 13 Committee Abandon Their Concessions. Shanghai, May 4. The twenty-four members of the Mongolian Autonomy Committee who werejsworn into office on Apr. 23, have issued a circulatory telegram announcing that all autonomous commissions, conferences and feudal leagues are simultaneously abolished. They give their reason as follows: "In view of
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  • 72 13 Japanese "Ronins" Raid Shops. Shanghai, May 3. i A number of Japanese "ronins" demonstrated in Amoy on Tuesday and raided shops. A passer-by was assaulted. When the police arrived the "ronins" dispersed. The Municipality of Amoy has exp'ained to the Chinese community, who I are indignant at this
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  • 64 13 French Airmen's Attempt On Own Record. Reuter. Marseilles, May 4. The airmen, Codos and Rossi, will start from Le Bourget at the end of the month on a non-stoo flight to Tokyo in the aeroplane "Joseph Lebrix," in an attempt to beat their own world long-distance straight line
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 996 13 Workers' Demands. LIST OF OFFICIAL DECISIONS. A LIST ol the demands by the employees of the F.M.S. Railway who have just returned work after striking against the 15 per cent, pay cut, togethei with the decisions of the authorities, were conveyed In til* men early this morning.
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  • 291 13 Appeal To U.S. MIDDLE COURSE THE ONLY WAY. Reuter. Washington, May 4. AN appeal to the United States to take the lead in a movement for the rpduction of world tariff barriers was made by Mr. Wallace in a broadcast to-day. He said that he favoured a
    Reuter.  -  291 words
  • 226 13 Assembly May Not Support Legislation. Reuter. London, May 4. rE "Financial News" New York correspondent says that an unknown buyer operating in New York has acquired 20,000,000 ounces of silver, it is rumoured, for a stabilisation fund which has been used to buy silver in order tc
    Reuter.  -  226 words
  • 97 13 Shanghai, May 4. No fewer than 156 persons, consisting of the cream-of China's athletic talent. left Shanghai by the "President Mc- Kinley" yesterday for Manila to repre- sfcnt China in the forthcoming Far j Eastern Olympic Games. Dr. C. T. Wang, who is in charge of the
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  • 147 13 Gentlemen's Agreement." TRADE WAR ACTION UNNECESSARY. Reuter. Washington, May 4. OFFICIALS of the State and Commerce Departments are not surprised, at the reports of British intentions with regard to Japanese competition. They indicated, however, that until competition is greater they believed that the general world economic
    Reuter.  -  147 words
  • 59 13 Shanghai, May 4. The Tibetan deputation wi!l leave Nanking lor Kiangsi during the weekend and consult Marsha 1 Chiang Kai Shek on the question of *he return of the Panchen Lama to Tib?t. The delegation la conveying a letter and also various gifts from the present Regent in
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  • 23 13 From Tuesday. May 22, the third :md fourth police courts will be held in the old Chinese Protectorate in Havelock
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 44 13 TOMORROW'S "SUNDAY TRIBUNE" will contain All the Usual Features, the Latest Home and Malayan News, a Full Report of the Singapore Races and Other Events, a Brilliant Short Story By Berta Ruck, Many Special Articles, and Lots of Pictures. 24 PAGES FOR 5 CENTS.
      44 words
    • 189 13 »•iiiiittiiMiiitiiiMiiwiiiittiiiiiiiii:iiiiiirfi,inainitiMti!iii» i i ii'ii iiiiiiii'iiii m:;i:'i. it i I i i i f i i i;'ii'r'r'iiiiiiii;tiiniiuiitfv j BRITISH TjfflK FM| 1934.! j Way 4ih to May I2!h. v .a t m Open daily 630p m. or wards 1 at the j \great world I j KIM SENG ROAD, SINGAPORE. j
      189 words

  • 3168 14 CHINESE WITH A GUN IN HIS HAND. AN IDENTIFICATION PARADE. HOW WITNESS PICKED OUT ACCUSED NAN. pURTHER evidence was recorded in the Assize Court yesterday in the case in which a young Cantonese named Mak Weng Cheng (alias Ah Nga, alias Kat Chat Chai) stands
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  • 355 14 Peace Between Qi And Japan'. S TT is reported that g£ ut*M x chairman of the p 7 I Council, is shortly n to negotiate for I outstanding problem, HE?' and Japan Lo,..,, cleared up 0 n £e*L S I matters settled by 7 between the two
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  • 41 14 Shanghai. May I There will be a big review oi H scouts at Nankin? to-morrow A thousand have signified their readiness I attend. The boy scouts of Shanghai will tiff part in the review —"Sin Chew Ji* Po-'
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  • Page 14 Advertisements

  • 1155 15 Th* Annual Meeting. CHAIRMAN'S HOPES FOR FUTURE. k s optimistic note was struck by Mr. ii Page, in his speech as man a* the annual meeting of ion r.nd Co., Ltd., held yesterthe Chartered Bank ChamPis, Singapore. R< forring t<> the prospects for Mr. Page said
    1,155 words
  • 300 15 First Impressions Of A Visitor. THE stalls are distributed over the entire area of the Great World, numbering in all 149. representing 75 exhibitors. The local motor trade has a very impressive display and their stalls will be a great attraction to the motorist and the potential motorist.
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  • 114 15 King George's Message Of Sympathy. IJ E the High Commissioner has received mtLEL SW"? telegram from the State for the Colonics:infnZ ,c^ y the Xin commands me to rSS nf' ft* J" has heard with 7, rtf°f death of His Highness Tunku Ibrahim. Regent of Kedah, and
    114 words
  • 145 15 THE CINEMAS. AiHomhi ma, which o P e necl at the Alhambra last night, is a delightful romance of the Southern States of America with its setting on a charming estate which has its roots in the days long before the civil war. The film
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 165 15 1 1 1 •:•<«* it•i■iii•ii■iii!ii,ii,•iii I SATISFACTION The Satisfaction of LEICA CAMERA users can be proved by I the fact that no late model Leica Camera has been brought to I us for trade-in with other I I type of cameras. 1 I It is undoubtedly the Master g Camera
      165 words
    • 312 15 ONLY A CIGARETTE!!! DOCTORS have approved IN ROUND AIRTIGHT TINS OF SO OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE ■FILTER TIPPED VIRGINIA made in England by ROTHMANS FRESH STOCKS NOW Sole Distributors Me Agents for Malaya SWEE LEONG CO., TOM STOREY CO., 26, China Street, I-15. Hongkong Bank Chambers, Singapore. Singapoie. MMMWMMtOMMIMI 10. W.J.W 2.
      312 words

  • 875 16 Moderate Fields For Opening Days Events. Thumb-Nail Sketches Of The Horses Which Have Accepted. rrHE Singapore Turf Club's Spring (Govi. error's Cup) six-day professional i meeting starts at the Bukit Timah Racecourse to-day at 2.15 p.m. and there will be moderate fields for all
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  • 155 16 By "The-Man-at-the-Rails.") RACE I—COUTTE DOR Great Idea and Stick Up, places. RACE 2.—BOOKLET STAR Biddy Marsh and Get Up, place. RACE i—TIN POOL Combination and Waratah, place. RACE I—GREAT HOPES Miss Metalic and NlßttSra Treize, places. RACE 5 —DRIFTING HOME Republican and Aurora, places. RACE
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  • 231 16 Jardine's Successor Bowls Brilliantly. Reuter. London. May 4. TV R. JARDINE'S successor to the *J Surrey cap.aincy, E. R. T. Holmes, made an auspicious start for the season by leading his side to victory by the margin of an innings and 173 runs over the M.C.C.
    Reuter.  -  231 words
  • 572 16 Judges Fail To Agree. THE judges disagreed, and the referee, Mr. F C. Johnson, voted for Arthur Suares. That was the end of the main event at the Olympic Stadium last night—l 2 threeminute rounds between Suares, the middleweight champion of India, and Ignacio Fernandez, of
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  • 119 16 Reuter. The Thousand Guineas At Newmarket. London. May 4. There were ten starters for the 1.000 Guineas tone mile) run at Newmarket to-day. Kilmurry dropping out of the list. Campanula won by a length The placed horses were1. Sir G. Bullough's CAMPANULA I Harry Wraggi 2. Lord Durham's
    Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 36 16 Walter's team v. the Victoria Bridge •ichool on the V. B. S. ground to-day at 2 p.m.: Walter, John, Rengan, Rajendram, Sundram, Harold, Melville. Basil, Michael, Nadarajah, Julian. Reserves: Victor, Gilbert, Ulric, Cyril.
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  • 754 16 S.C.C. Sustain Their First Defeat For The Season. ONE of the largest crowds this season saw the Chinese inflict the first defeat oi* the season oi the S.C.C. at the Anson Road yesterday in the First Division of the S.A.F.A. League, by 3 goals
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 50 16 ■••*****1■*****111,,,,, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t T FRANZ TO-DAY TO-MORROW wSm TWO PERFORMANCES 4.30 p.m. 9.15 p.m. JWW Children under 12 years— Half Price to all classes H TO; I for first show only. gjjlt J&m J ING 477 MOUTRIE'S
      50 words
    • 128 16 Owing to heavy pressure on space to-day, "Echo's" special comments on the game have been held over and will appear in to-morrow's "Sunday Tribune." Who* Who Amoimg Malaya's Racnimg' Fraternity See M^o-morrow's SUNDAY TRIBUNE Two pages of photographs and interesting pen pictures of jockeys and trainers and others connected with
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  • 621 17 The Blue Riband Of The Yachtina World. v (♦AN Britain win the cup she has never the America's Cup—the trophy no Britisher has won since it was aced for round the Isle o? Wight •g years ago? re the schooner America won ihls fr
    621 words
  • 33 17 Union "A" team to-day L" team in the CU. League: Hoe (Caot.), Muthucumaru. c Kuan. Keng Huat. Gomes. a Kee. Peck Jim. Yeow Siang. ig, Do Souza and Tian Kee.
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  • 45 17 Straits Physical A.P. team v. the Sioir; Boo A.A. to-day a; the SJ9 B. grot; no. L ong Chong, Kwong Guar.. Ah Kov. Liar Loc':. Yew Lent?, Ah Loo. Quan Chong, Hai Choo. Swee Quan, Soo Kher. Seng Hock. Seng Bah. Mun Choy.
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  • 119 17 The American National Leagues. Reuter. New York, May 3. LATEST results in the U.S. major baseball Leagues are as follows: NATIONAL LEAGUE. R. II. V Brooklyn 5 i» New York 0 Lott and Lefty O'Doul sv.orcd Lome runs for the Giants. Chicago 2 'J Pittsburg 4 <J i
    Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 92 17 i Rain Prevents Play In Mixed Tournament. Rain again necessitated postponement ibf the S.C.C. mixed doubles open tie j between N. S. Wise and Mrs. Swaine j and Lt. M. T. L. Wilkinson and Misj> Hastings. MONDAYS TXE3. Mixed Doubles Handicap F. E. Rowland and Mis. J. V.
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  • 149 17 V.M.C.A. WATER-POLO. The Framroz Shield League Competition. The Blues, captained by Tan Wee Chwet, beat the Browns captained by Lim Fook Leong, by six goals to four in their fix.ure in the Y.M.C.A. Frainroz Cup camp:tit.on yesterday at he pool at Fort Canning Th? Browns were unfortunate to ue wlthuu.
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  • 39 17 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. May 3. The Negri Sembilan Tamil Union defeated the Negri Sembilan Club in a League fixture on the station padang yesterday by four clear goals. Mr Lor Ini Kon referred the gamp.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 52 17 \-1 I ATKST WTS —II j iiV BILLY KEID AND HIS PIANO ACCORDEON BAND. J ON REGAL—ZONOPHONE. THE LONGER LIFE RECORD. 85 Cta Onlj. I Write for laJ*<t lists. I NANG HKNG CO.. (Agents). 103-105, SELEGIE ROAD. J and TIGER SK| BEER S^§&~*l xij^tev Wi iTvming '111 f mm 1
      52 words
    • 163 17 Assets exceed $12.000,00e. 1 Assurance in force over $35,000.00? j The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in m, etralta Settlement.. W HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Ufa Building, CecU Street Singapore The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of LONDON OFFICE: 17. Old Jewry. 80. ATTRACTIVE PLANS
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 675 17 CLUB DIARY. j [There are numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is protided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings cf general interest will siill be included in
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  • 118 18 Over £3,000,000 On New Bridges And Locomotives. Madrid. A hundred and fifty new locomotives are «o be built for the four principal Spanish railway companies at a cost of £1,077 143 ac cording to plans approved by the Superior Railway Council. superior The es imates were originally prepared
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  • 776 18 Shantung Forces Against Them. Tsinan, April 13. THE remnants of Liv Kwei Tang's brigands are still at large and they are continuing to move towards the sea coast. Several brigades of Shamung troops are now following after them with a view to rounding them up at the coast.
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  • 471 18 Details Of Current Prices. Singapore, April 27. MEAT. Beef, steak (round), kati 28 Beef, stew or curry, kati 25 Pork, lean, kati 40 Pork, lean and fat (Ist quality), kati 33 Mytiton, Australian, lb. 33 Fowl, kat*: 32 liens (locally reared), kati 40 Ducks (local), each 4b Pigeons,
    471 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 761 18 "SISTERINO." MAKING STRONG! "PILEFEER." i -Sisterknr*' i. Au n iyM |l is Ii j best remedy for v// fective for piles, i j ladies, effective for f [j f> manufactured ac- j j lumbago, dysmen- jj9 >nraß i cording to an excel- j| I orrhea leucorrhea. ral f I lent
      761 words
    • 393 18 CHURCH SERVICES. Details For This Week-End. S. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL. sth Sunday after Easter. 6.50 a.m., Holy Communion. 7.30 a.m., Matins. JB a.m., Holy Communion (Choral). 9.15 a.m., Holy Communion. 10 ajn 7 Children's Service. 5.30 p.m., Evensong (Choral) and Sermon. 10.30 a.m. Matins at Naval Base. 6.30 p.m., Service at
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    • 263 18 FRtSH cXilsi PINEAPPLE TARTS SASAGOON LOVE LETTERS BISCUITS SASAGOON CAKES KWEE SIMPRKT KWEE BOH HONEY CAKES KWEE KOYA PISANG LENGKENf, CASHEW NI TS Etc. D. T. LIM COMP A W, 353» North fridge Rntf, SINGAPORE. Sports Cups Medals. Br rn¥tft our large arid pniiuiiifcuirfp, stock of these in the very
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  • 465 19 THE 40-METRES BAND. Variable Transmitter. MOSQUITO-PROOF BUILDING. lAi)I(J Bangkok is actually at a I ailed Phva Thai, but don't i ii orry you! imo far out of range rd on its medium wavel is a fairly good signal on waves. So short-wave will be interested
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  • 218 19 Service From Govan Parish Church. GOVAN Parish Church,, from which a service will be relayed to the Empire on May 20, is not a venerable pile, but it stands on» a site which has been associated with religion for more than a thousand years. It has had many
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  • 115 19 A PIQUANT tale is told in Vienna uf a strange enquiry which the Budapest broadcasting authorities recently received from Paris. U appears that in a French divorce suit, the suspected wife contended in her evidence that she could not haw been in the company of a certain
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  • 144 19 Making Arrangements To Broadcast. ELABORATE arrangements have been completed for the broadcasting of details of the play in the England v. Australian Test cricket matches. The initiative has been taken by a chain of B (privately-owned) stations led by 2UW, Sydney, 3DB. Melbourne, and 4BC, Brisbane. The plan
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  • 119 19 Wireless For The Desert Wanderer. |T would appear that a portable wireless set is now part of the equioment of the desert wanderer. At all events this is the view taken by the Turkish Government which has arranged for a special series of Drogrammes from Ankara designed to
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 76 19 S^'SF^" OW lip fiiiiiiiianiiitiiti«ii«iiiii!iiiiii.tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii::ii,iiiinii:ii.i:it; luiui!' nam I i:ii:iiiiiiiiiii;tiiliiiMiuii n i 'iiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiinininiri.iinifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiitiiiiiMiiiiiiniuriiiiihiiianitttniui FOR EVERY USE IN THE HOUSEHOLD -L r A exce ent keeping properties of l ,e f»niou» Milkmaid Sweetened Pure, wholesome and made only v from the best the world produces, "aTi r minT" ideally suited for every possible
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 539 19 EMPIRE RADIO. TO-DAY'S PROGRAMME. Local Time 12.35 p.m. Time Signal from Big Tom (St. Paul's Cathedral, London). Sea Shanties and Students' Songs, a programme of gramophone records. I. 05 p.m. Science in the Making, a talk by Mr. Gerald Heard. I 1.20 p.m. Jack Payne and his Band. (Time Signal
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  • 1253 20 Paternity Order. REMARKABLE STORY IN HOME COURT. (By Air Mail.) London, Apr. 18. A NOTHEU chapter in the remarkable story of a young man who went to prison 15 occasions rather than contribute to the support of a child, the paternity of which he denied, was
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  • 317 20 Lieut. J. H. Boteler And Miss Sheila Hooper. ONE of the prettiest weddings ever seen in Shanghai took place recently when Miss Sheila Rochfort Hooper, younger daughter of the late Mr. Ernest Rochfort Hooper and Mrs. Hooper, became the wife of Lieut. John Harvey Boteler, R.N., only son
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  • 48 20 Reuter. New York, May 3. "Upon the insistent demand of an overwhelming majority of members of all divisions of the industry," the Silk Textile Code authority has ordered the complete shut down of all production throughout the United States for the week beginning May 14.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 42 20 Paris. Reuter learns from a very reliable source that the Mendelssohn Bank of Amsterdam has lent to the French Government one milliard francs <approximately £12.500.000 at present rates), at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 453 20 j BETTER for gj energy has been welcomed by sufferers jlilK j from sleeplessness is easy to un- I 'l I I'M -fli flf'll dcrstand. Never before have they 1 r== discovered a bedtime drink so cer- ■HIHHV' s Hlllf' 1 w i j'l j||f|^| tain in its power to
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  • 1195 21 THE EMPIRE ROUTES. CALCUTTA AND SINGAPORE. \ustralia Next. I i.u;-Up Schedules All I The Time. ten years of u British i ;,l (Tort to establish air i II definitely commercial |u t been completed. in —after various ,t subsidies had been exr(i %v ith —that
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  • 132 21 Publishing Firm "A Scurrilous Opponent Of Nazism." General Goering announced that he has forbidden the well-known weekly Berliner Illustrierte Zeitung" of the Ullstein Firm to publish a serial artie'e entitled "The War Experiences of Flight-Lieut. Hermann Goering." Bui the first instalment appeared after the public had been
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  • 104 21 Cost Of Postage Abroad To Be Increased. Vienna. A new set of Austrian stamps is being printed in consequence of the decision to raise the cost of postage of letters and postcards abroad. Whereas ir cost 2}fcd to send a letter from London to Vienna, the postage
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  • 48 21 Woman's Boast And The Penalty. Madrid. "1 will not die before I am 115," Manuela Fidalgo, of Madrid told her grandchi'dren. Sh* was then celebrating her 109 th birthday. Next day she fell downstairs, struck her head a violent blow and was killed instantly.
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
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  • 633 22 Powerful Army Hold. "BUT ONLY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY." JN view i powerful influence excel ;e Army on Japanese na policy since the outbreak of the i churian trouble in September 1931 the criticism to which roilitarj interference in political affa ri (een subjected in recent month-,
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  • 195 22 Slump Makes Residence Abroad Difficult. ALL over the world people have been flocking home to their own countries from abroad as a result of the economic crisis. A complete reversal of the usual streams of migration is shown by figures issued by the International Labour Office. In Australia
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  • 298 22 Soldier Who Rescued The "Lost Battalion." COLONEL Gordon Johnston, the most decorated soldier of his rank in the United States Army, has died here of injuries received in a polo match, aged 59. During the World War he won renown <T7 icaautnf the famous- "Lost Battalion" )f
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  • 162 22 Prepayment Of Letters To Friends An Insult. Th? 203 th anniversary of the oldest postmark was celebrated in Germany in April 10. The letter bearing it is ■'-mped "De Mannheim. April 10. 1734 The Princes of Thurn and Taxis, who nerated the postal service generally in Taropc, later
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  • 69 22 Plane-Steamer Scheme Being Considered. Reuter. O.tawa. Establishment of a ship-to-shore air mail service in connection with Canadian Pacific Liners in the coming summer was stated by a high official of the Post Office Department o be under consideration. The cbject is to rpeed up the mails between
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 365 22 Soviet Must Buy The Former's Goods. Stockholm. THE Government has asked the Riksdag to approve the agreement concluded recently with the Soviet Union, whereby Sweden would grant a loan of 100.000,000 krenor (slightly more than £6,000,000) to the Soviet for the purchase of Sweden goods. The
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 194 22 Sllenburgs Foods Made from the purest milk ofcows pastured in the home counties, the 'Allenburys' Foods are as easily digested as mother's mile. They are germ free and are simply and quickly made by the addition of boiling water only. Milk Food No. 1 Milk Food No. 2 Hirtlilu 3
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  • 69 23 i I.ook At This Week's I'osf -Jiafl. r, \'(-ph^WS, vtt-ek there has been a large letter ami it has not been ...cUrde them all or even :r the best of them. that we hold another coming in and subjects >p€* jd. The up-country particularly anxious
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  • 162 23  -  By "C. Alinis" i is holiday month for and iUrls. It is a jolly t/.e holidays, jfnd we should best to make the most of just starting upon his .t outside a big shop, where hopping, when a tall man cut of another shop, and f ::d§ the pillion
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  • 151 23 Thong," Trengganu.) aith everything is i it life is a misery, world thac has no ong and healthy and f the most perfectly Surely there must be ambition for health, ai i; i ur! v -!th" .so says the prouealth is essential if Now let me conpi
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  • 119 23  -  Bi/ Monicicam. morning my friend ca/.ie -bike and asked me whe- like to go to Johore. I ressed and got on the piland in a minute we sped !o Road at a terrific speed. Pd many cars and lorries and We stopped the bike at hop and refreshed
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  • 467 23  -  (By "C.K Koh." After getting our parents' consent, my friend, Teng Kee and I prepared for a sojourn in a nearby jungle. Having had all the necessary things in our trunks, we started off in a taxi. The weather was ideal, and we chose a site
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  • 156 23  -  (By "Happy William." ONCE there lived two hunters in a lonely island. They were shipwrecked. One day. they decided to go hunting together in a jungle. While they were walking together. In *he jungle they saw in a distance about half a mile, a dark brown
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  • 143 23  -  <By "Fortune" Selfishness is that supreme self-love or preference, which leads a person to direct his purposes to the advancement of his own interests, power, or happiness, without regarding those of others. He tries to appropriate to himself as large a share as possible of the good things of
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  • 490 23  -  (By "He-who-now-writes" A sense of humour in a person is that faculty of his imagination which makes him see the ludicrous aspect of common events with which he is concerned and affected. There is in this world a class of people who
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  • 135 23  -  (By "Chew Yew Seng." To deprive a man of true friends is just the same as to deprive him of his eyes. He would be like a blind man living in darkness. Just as our two eyes are precious and indispensable to us so are our friends. For the
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  • 111 23  -  (By "S.K. Samy." A man went to a lawyer and said, "What would you do if some person's dog came into your house and stole a joint?" "Well," said the lawyer, "I should of course, make the owner of the dog pay for the meat." "But," said
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 740 23 I ASKIT is the safest remedy for m Nervous Bilious Head- t aches, Neuralgia, Tooth- I ache, Rheumatism, Sleep- j lessness, Influenza, Colds in j the head. I TRY IT TO-DAY. I Instant Relief may at once be I obtained by using I "ASKIT" I i Price 65 cents, in
      740 words