Malaya Tribune, 2 May 1934

Total Pages: 20
1 20 Malaya Tribune
  • 41 1 The Malaya Tribune THE MOST POPULAR DAILY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA. Vol. XXI. No. 103 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1934 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Wednesday, May 2, 1934. Malaya Tribune 20 PAGES. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1934 FOR 5 CENTs'
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 195 1 %cmi The 'Dominant In 1 PROTECT 9 J^jl)\ baby's delicate si*|© skin $f Use the finest of Talcum Powders... Colgate's! V If fhese finely ground, fealher-like talcums soothe skin irritations, absorb excessive skin moisture, V keep skin cool and comfortable and stay on v 1 hours longer. Contain no grit
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    • 159 1 A. FLINTER. mmmm 6, Raffles Place, Singapore. Importing Diamonds and Pearl Necklaces of evef| size and quality. Selling at latest and lowest market, prices. Also buying gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. It's Worth Reaching For!! 1 A
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  • 303 2 I Artificial Respiration For Two Years. (By Air Mail). London, Apr. 18. npHE current issue of "The Lancet" contains an account of a patient who has been kept alive for approximately two years by artificial respiration. This patient, a man of over 60, began seme
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  • 100 2 Direct Air Service To Be Established. Reuter. London, Apr. 30. 'pHE inauguration of a direct ShangJ- hai-Berlin-London air mail routs, via Chinese Turkestan and Russia! bringing contact between East and West to within three to four days was foreshadowed by Mr. Huang Nia-shu. the Director-General of the Chinese Postal
    Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 127 2 Reuter. Death Of A Former M.P. London, April 30. The death is announced of the ex-M.P., Dr. John Morrow Simms.—Reutcr. The Very Rev. John Morrow Simm», C.B., C.M.G., D.D., LL.D., K.H.C.. had been a soldier, Army chaplain, and Member of Parliament in the course of his
    Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 42 2 Reuter. Berlin, May I. Herr Goering has resigned from the Ministry of the Interior in order to devote his whole energy to air force defence in Germany. He will be succeeded by Hr. Frick. Reich Minister for the Interior.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 74 2 Bombay Police Compelled To Fire. I Reuter Wireless. Bombay, April 27. *tH W »V las s es h^ ye occurred between" strikers and loyal workers involved in the mill strike, which ha* now spread to 40 mills, affecting 55.000 workers. ihe police were compelled to Are when strikers
    Reuter Wireless.  -  74 words
  • 47 2 Rejuvenation Expert Marries At 68. Reuter Wireless. Berlin, Apr. 27. f$ |s reported from Bucharest that Serge Voronoff, the rejuvenation expert, who is 68 years of age, has married at the Austrian consulate Hilda Schwaetz. aged 21, who is a cousin of Madame Lupescu.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  47 words
  • 150 2 Now In The Possession Of A Harness Maker. The recent return of a number of Napoleon's orders and decorations to the Berlin Zeughaus draws attention to a litQe kjonwn relic of the Emperor now in the possesion of a harness maker in Traunstein, Bavaria. It is a mantle
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  • 75 2 German Shakespeare Society Addresses. The 1 annual meeting of the German Shakespeare Society was held in Weimar, April 24. There were addresses on Shakespeare in German Philosophy" and Shakespeare and the Present" by well-known authorities and festival performance of "King Richard II." The programme for the
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  • 49 2 Reuter Wireless. Washington, Apr. 25. President Roosevelt to-day reviewed Japan's policy with Mr. Hull, who was with the President for over an hour discussing the entire international situation and the Japanese question, apparently in particular. Mr. Hull declined to make any comment on the interview.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  49 words
  • 323 2 Have Now Almost Disappeared. ]L|R F J. DAVY, the well-know,, pro prietory planter of Sungei Sinn," will be sailing for Home on a h3E during the course of the next few d™,district are hopinJ says the '"Times of Malaya that fh elephants beyond the Plus Forest
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  • 46 2 Agreement Between 12 American Countries. Reuter Wireless. Buenos Aires. April 27. Representatives of 12 American countries, the United States. Bolivia Cuba Equador. Salvador, Guatemala Venezuela, Panama. Nicaragua. Honduras Costa Rica and Haiti have signed an anti-war pact. Peru is expected to ska later.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  46 words
  • 26 2 Reuter Wireless. London, Apr. 27. The painters. Mr. Meredith Frampton and Mrs. Dod Procter, have been elected Associates of the Royal Academy.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  26 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 280 2 wcaliitUf RUINS YOUR HAIR SoAP should 1««- Mcd \ery carefully, if >ou want to keep \<>nr hair looking its best. .Many iinpi and prepared shampoos rontain too imn h free alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. The be-t thing for steady use is MlilnHlfd
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    • 191 2 TeA is a delightful drink, but too much tea is harmful to most people. Tea contains tannin and caffein; two drug stimulant* whick, if taken to excess, cause nervousness, indigestion, headaches, loss of appetite and loss of sleep. Postum twice a day and tea the rest of the time as
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 639 2 EMPIRE RADIO. To-Day's Programme. Local Time 12.35 p.m. Time Signal from Big Tom (St. Paul's Cathedral. London) J»ck Howard (baritone); Murray Ashfofd and Edgar Sawyer (entertainers) Jane Bernard (character studies); Reg- and Ronnie Dale (entertainers at the piano); Wagstaffe'f Dance Band. 1.20 p.m. A recital by Solomon (pianoforte), a programme
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  • 818 3 Entry Of Manchukuo. JAPAN THREATENS TO WITHDRAW. "World Daily News." ,'"T HE Tenth Far Eastern Olympics i will be held in Manila from Ma> 12 to 19. The Japanese Athletic Federation and various athletic bodies in Japan held joint meetings on May 24, and 31* and
    "World Daily News."  -  818 words
  • 341 3 Billiard Tables Made In Kuala Lumpur. A NEW local industry has just been ■r* started which promises to become a flourishing trade once it has been estabashed. Mr. J. R. McLeod, till recently Building Inspector in the FM.S. Ra'lwavs, announces that he is prepared t"> make billiard
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  • 171 3 100,000 People Visit Famous Caves. A message from Saalfeld, Thuringia, states that over 100.000 people visited the Fairy Grottoes there last year, and that the number of Easter visitors to these un&ue caves was greater than ever. The caves are riot the result of natural eiosion. Originally
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  • 188 3 Quaint And Interesting Legends In Germany. j j Many quaint and interesting legends ore connected with eggs at Easter Time In the German countryside. An egg laid on Maundy Thursday Is treasured carefully for it will keep fresh the whole year. If kept in the pocket it will
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  • 59 3 The thrills of surf-riding are to be rrvo'unionised by a new rubber urfcplane. invented by an Australian doctor. The new "plane" takes the form of an oblong corrugated board of rubber, which can be inflated. It enables the h»ad to be kept of the water and banishes nose, ear and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 232 3 ~tI I I I I I I 1' tnl-tM' 1.411 ft ■<■■~!, ai fl •.li.l|Mllll!:|tiii l tii l ii|, l |i !t t 1 l il llt ill:r i! llli| illilW||||l|ni|| >. Wt 4 v.ii 9 1 iy- i ra^Aaff s W¥\W i'I 1 Mr i Mff yll i v
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    • 595 3 NOW CLEAN TEETH WHITER jft. THIS FASTER WAY I A *our Instantly Kills Germs That gorgeous Cause Most Oral Troubles teeth. QTART brushing your teeth with Kolynos. J Oln just 3 days they'll look 3 shades whiter. T lr They'll feel much cleaner. Here's the reason: kolynos does what ordinary
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 546 4 MM. HASSAN. jl I ELECTRICAL AND WATER I -> CONTRACTOR. I I If-37, Bras Basah Road, I SINGAPORE. II If you are in need of electric lights, fans, motors, etc., and watet J service, please write to tne above I ALWAYS THE P SCENTED m HAIR OIL Re,y 0n i
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    • 605 4 PUBLIC NOTICES}. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the business known as "Y. MOHAMED IBRAHIM" carri d on by Y. Mohamed Ibrahim at No. 134, Taqjong Pagar Road, Singapore, has been sold to SOONA KAVENA ABDULLA CO. as from the 26th day of April, 1934. t NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER
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    • 672 4 FOR SALE. FOR SALE. One complete set, The Encyclopaedia Britannica, 29 volumes. Leather bound in excellent condition., $75 nett. MART EXCHANGE, 24, High Street, SINGAPORE. When on Serangoon Road don't forget— refresh yourself at the Anglo American Lunch Rocm, 112. Upper Serangoon Road. LANE MOTOR GAKAGE, 59, Penang Lane, (Corner
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    • 389 4 EDUCATIONAH FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL, Established 1928. (A Government. Registered School). (For Boys and Girls). L A, Kirk Terrace, Dhoby Ghant, Singapore. Enrol for a Sound Musical Education— Systematic Training both In Technique and Theory. Complete Courses leading to T.C.L. Certificate, Diploma, etc. Booklet free. M. AN CIA NO. PrtncrpaL
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  • 188 5 WHAT OUR CONTEMPORARIES ARE SAYIG Church And Slump. AMONG. the many things affected by the slump in Perak is the Church of England. In spite of rigid economy in every possible direction Church x'unds have remained sorely depleted owing to the heavy retrenchment among Europeans that has taken place, and
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  • 276 5 THE question might be asked what Malaya has done in preparation for j Rubber Restriction. As far as we know, so far rio start has been made to be ready for Restriction, so that any scheme that is accepted could be put into operation without any further delay.
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  • 483 5 Supplies From The Ditches. (By Air Mail.) London, Apr. 18. FJE'K 6 a mistak e to supfhe P ?h!r,tv at f TeC n t rains refreshing £Sk??!2 Ce of En gland and giving have solved the sJn'le 6^^ 8 SU u Cked U P rain lik e
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  • 243 5 Man Who Kidnapped Jacob Factor. Reuter. Chicago. J notorious Touhy Gang—the gang j fU 1 nn^w Ch K kidnapped Jacob Factor the financier whose extradition to England has been ordered in connection with m h^t US S lng charges—has been finally broken up. «f^u" ce .o r^ C0rds
    Reuter.  -  243 words
  • 37 5 To the manyf uses of rubber in sports has been added yet another in the form of streamlined, inflated rubber equipment for ski-ing. This equipment is worn by Leo Gasper! who holds the world's cp-ed ski-ing championship.
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  • 234 5 Belt Frame JIuch Too Weak. 4ft V (By Air Mail». April 18. THE bells in the Eajs Barton (Northlands) Church tower, which is accredited with being CJie finest example Saxon "stone carpenfcry" in existence, have been silenced by the death-watch beetle. The ravages of tte: insect
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  • 78 5 Eight Persons Burnt To Death in Sleep. "China Times" Shanghai, Apr. 4. Eight persons, two of them girls, were burned to death in their sleep early yesterday morning in Chapei when a fire started from an overturned oil lamp in No. 62 Loan Terrace, Mongolia Road Chapei. The
    "China Times"  -  78 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 274 5 i i iiii itiiiiiiiii^iiiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiittiiana^ ASKIT I is the safest remedy for I Nervous Bilious Head- 1 aches, Neuralgia, Tooth- ache, Rheumatism, Sleep- I lessness, Influenza, Colds in I I Ihe head. TRY IT TO-DAY. I Instant Relief may at once be I obtained by using "ASKIT" J Price 65 cents,
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    • 86 5 NEXT WEEK HOSPITAL WEEK j N E STL E'S CHOCOLATE j l is eaten and enjoyed by everyone. It holds a further attrac- ft tion. Within each packet and tin is a picture stamp, S ft realistically coloured. The collection of th2se makes an interesting hobby. d Start your collection
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  • 883 6 Shipping News Notices. STABILISATION OF U.S. SHIPPING. Essential To Code, States Owners' Representative. ra statement on ihe general shipping code -now before the National Recovery Administration, Mr. Ira A. Campbell, counsel for the American Steamship Owners' Association, stresses the need for stabilisa ion in the industry, and urges that unless
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  • 40 6 Reuter. Athens. The Government has decided to order two new destroyers at a total cost of £440,000 The destroyers, which will have a displacement of 4.200 tons, will be constructed in the Greek naval arsenal.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 442 6 Compensation For Decline In^Curr,2ncies. WRITING in the "Deutschen-Verkehrs-Nachrichten" on the problem of shipping subventions, Herr Dr. Fessler, of the German Ministry of Traffic, declares that the increase in economic protection wr.s the cause of the lack of trade, and was one of the most regrettable results of the
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  • 142 6 Windjammer Now An Aquarium. San Francisco. Mocf of the once-proud wind-jammers of Pacific sailing days are now dismantled, doing service as barges or floating fish-reduc ion plants, or else retting unused, but the "Star of Alaska" ha:, cone to a differen fate. The old vessel, once the
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  • 59 6 Twenty-eight "flower-brides" arrived in Dairen recently by the O.S.K. steamer "Tacoma Maru" from Kobe and Mojl. The steamer brought 94 feminine passengers altogether; so the bridal contingent comprised nearly one-third of the fair voyagers. Coming to Manchur'.a as promised brides for colonists said to be gui c the "rage" among
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  • 466 6 Measures Against Such Dangers. AM Admiralty lecture to members cf ,he Southampton Master Mariners' Club given by Commander R. de Sali:, R.N. recently, the subjec. being "Gas and Defence Agains, It." Ships might be attacked by gas when at sta or in por Commander de Salis said, but
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  • 32 6 Reuter. Athens. Owing to the failure of the Commercial negot'ations between Greece and So\ie; Russia i* is announced that the latter will no longer charter any Greek steamers.—Reuter".
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 660 6 Rejuvenation Of Blue Star Liner. FORMERLY engaged on the B)6c Star Line's South American serv cc, the twin-screw steamer "Trojan Star" has successfully undergone a process of rejuvenation at the hands of the North-Eas'ern Marine Engineering Co., Ltd., and Smith's Dock Co., Ltd to fit he/
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 366 6 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITISH INDIA ft O. S. N. CO/S SAILINGS. OUTWARDS. Due Tdnnage. Singapore BHUTAN -»6,100 May 10 RAWALPINDI *****0 May 11 BKHAR !!?,6;000 May 24 X AISAR-I-HIND .11,500 May 25 SOUDAN —€.500 June 6 RAJPUTANA Juno 8 RANCHI June 22 BURDWAN 9» 6,070 July 5 CARTHAGE 15.000 July 6
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    • 191 6 I ifi LLOYD mm j j (Incorporated in Italy). EXPRESS SERVICE. CARGO SERVICE. j SINGAPORE TO ITALY AND CHINA. .Calling at Penang. Colombo. Bombay, j Calling a*, Colombo, Bombay Sue* Pnrt K*™chi. Aden. Massowah. Suez, Pon Said, j Said, Brindisi, Venice TrtaS. Brlndisl Venlce and Trleste- Due Leave Due mV-
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    • 221 6 HAMDURG-AMERIKA LINIE. i Deuiacb H n R Auatrallsche DampischJlls Oeaellschatt 'Ooripanita Incorporated In Germany) PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE. OUTWARDS HONGKONG SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. Due Spore > i s.s. PREUSSEN, via Manila May 16 m.s. DUISBURG. via Manila May 29 ms RHEINLAND. via Manila June 12 ms. SAUERLAND,
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    • 569 6 STEAMER SAILINGS tfORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. ''■imtYj&r (Incorporated i n 1 Germany). undernoted are the Company's in'endr OOT WARDS 1934 "SAALE," for Manila, Kongkon S'hai, N. China and Japan 9 "MAIN," for Manila. H'kong S'hai. North China and Japan homewards. mm 5 "GOSLAR," for Grnoa, M'sciile Oran, Rotterdam, Hamburg and Bremen M
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  • 521 7 untitled Shares. gapore, Wednesday, 11 a.m. {at i Uuwtug tin share quotations are lv rahtT ana Cu., exchange and itock brokeJ*- i i Buyers. Sellar*. to pat Tin 6 7V2 7|Kitinbang Tin 39 41,--tral Malay 42 6 43 6xd Hitam Tin 14 9 15 6 l B6
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  • 171 7 Financial News Views. TO-DAY'S MARKET POSITION. NO CHANGE IN RUBBER PRICE. Reaction Probable Very Soon. (By Our Financial Correspondent.) Singapore, Wednesday, noon. To-day's Prices:— Rubber (Singapore), 23% cts., unchanged. Market Tone: Firm. Tin (Singapore), $117%, down 7 i;. Yesterday's Prices London Rubber, 6 jd., up 3 lCd. Market Tone: Steady
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  • 117 7 Sensational Advance In Rubber. Reuter Wireless. London, Apr. 28. ON the Stock Exchange, German loans strengthened considerably as the result of the British Government's protest against a moratorium on the Dawes and Young loans Among industrials, Dunlops were a strong fea.ure following the excellent annual report and
    Reuter Wireless.  -  117 words
  • 113 7 Dividend Doubled This Year. On the Stock Exchange on Saturday the Dawes and Young loans showed gains of 26 and 16 3 4 respectively being influenced by the British Government's communication to the German Government regarding them. Sterling on New York was 5.14% and on Paris 77 38.
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  • 313 7 Profit Of $60,000 Last Year. 'I IIE annual general meeting of the -1 Atlas Ice Co., Ltd., Malacca, was held on Wednesday, April 25, at 18, Jonkei Street, and the following is the directors' report to the share holders for the year ended Dec. 31, 1933: After
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  • 945 7 Fraser And Co.'s Weekly Report. I Tukangs 74 to 95 cts., Tambalaks '.0 jto 92' 2 cts., Tapahs $1.60 to $2, Ulu Benuts 42 to 54 cts.. United Malaccas $1.22 to $150. Utan Simpans $1.20 fto $1.60. INDUSTRIALS. Straits Traders have been on the easy side throughout
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  • 642 7 Rubber Shares. Singapore, Wednesday, 11 a.m. The following rubber share quotatloni are Issued by Fraser and Co., and LyaJJ and Evatt. Issue ✓alue. Fraser Lyan i shares. Co. Evan. 1 Allenby 1.50 1.55 1.65 1 Alor Gajah 1.00 1.10 1.05 1.15 1 A. Hitam 1.60 1 75
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  • 71 7 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. Singapore, Wednesday, noon. Buyers. Sellers. R.S.S. equal to Lond m S.andard, Spot (loose) 23 23% do. (F. 0.8. 28% 23% Standard R.S.S. on Tender: May t*M 23% June IV, 1 23% July Sept. 24 24% Oct. Dec. 24% 24% Jan. March 2r> 26%
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 262 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENT. THE SINGAPORE AUCTIONEERS. We have pleasure in announcing to the Public that we have to-day started an Auctioneering business under the above name and address. We act as Real Estates and Commission Agents; Mortgages arranged and Rents collected. We hold Auction Sales TWICE WEEKLY at our sale-rooms,
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    • 314 7 C ASH IN HAND WHEN iOl ham: A SAVINGS ACCOUNT. No doujt you have some unrealised dream—heretofore mad? .muoso.b c t>y funds A Sa\iii£s Accoun: wiil soon enable you to intke these desi es a* mil y. Sullicicnt ieady money for your next holiday—perhaps some artie'e you want to buy—
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    • 205 7 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited. (Incorporated In Straits Settlements.) SUCCESSORS TO THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LTD., THE HO HONG BANK., LTD. AND THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. CAPITAL Authorised $40,000,000.00. Paid Uu $10,000,000.00. HEAD OFFICE. CHINA BUILDING, CHULIA STREET. SINGAPORE. LOCAL BRANCH 458, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS I Chee Swee
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 241 8 I irfraN. The most colourful l to-night WtaW na "V n S re i.V ead! i i- o \3r A rox Film. o.i.j 1.15. wF j she dances UK* I m j FUME f4oVfS MKf I CHAINED j'f| LIGHTNINU NEXT CHANGE TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME JANET LIONEL. IGAYNOR BARHYMORE
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    • 237 8 CAPJTOI j I TO-DAY: 3.15 6.15 9.15. I Hhnw Tremendous Success I Htefl HrH 9 The Bigjresl Stajre \nd Screen I Attraction Ever Tut On This I mWmW Theatre! JERE C£| LEE I Orchestra. The musical attraction that has broken box office recordl wherever they I have played. I A
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    • 254 8 i: t Pavilion, Ltd., a comedy full of side split tint sii > jj! Tom Walls and Ralph Uy nil in 66 TURKEY T>m Walls riding a bo king steer —Ralph stand of the piece and Robertson Hare Ringing carolsi It's a not They are fumier thai! ever. I j
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  • 147 9 (antral Elcctric Company's Installation. Mv have received from the General iketne Company an interesting rrh'.ire on the electric propulsion and quipmont of the QT.E.V. of 1 Jermuda." I in ship and her sister ship the Monarch oi Bermuda" have
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  • 97 9 Mails Irom Batavia and Palembang by lane are expected at the General Office. Singapore, at 5 p.m. to-day. From Europe 'London mails despatchd on April 12 >. by the "Rajula." due at Penang at daylight to-morrow, f rom China and Japan by the Somali," due at Singapore at
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  • 91 9 Position:—Between Resim Point Test Hut. Pulau Brani and St. James Shore Test Hut Must East of Power Station*. On Sunday. May 6. between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. a tongkang towed by a War Department vessel will pick up the submarine cable between St. James and Pulau
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  • 200 9 I SELLING. j London 4 months sight 2.4 532 London 3 months' sight 4* WJJ London 60 days' sight London 30 days' sight JJ 'ff* London demand JJ London T.T. z R J? Lyons and Paris demand -J Hamburg demand New York demand Batavia and Sourabaya demand 4
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  • 87 9 j Public Functions And < Sports Fixtures. TO-DAY, MAY 2. High Tide.—12.45 p.m. Rotary Tiffin, Adelphi Hotel: Mr. C. A. Vlieland, M.C.S., on "The Peopling of Malaya," 1 p.m. Police Band, Waterloo Street, 8.15 p.m. Football; S.A.F.A. League, Division one, H.A. v. I.C.F.A., Jalan
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  • 66 9 ALHAMBRA —Clara Bow'in "Hoopla.'' APOLLO— Bunga Bakawali." CAPITOL.—"Going Hollywood' and stage attraction. EMPIRE.—"The Invisible Man." GREAT WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Dean's Grand Opera, Chinese Wayangs. Talkies, etc. ISAKO CIRCUS.—4.IS and 9.15 p.m. MARLBOROUGH—Fairy of Baghdad. Hindustani picture. I j NEW WORLD.—Cabaret Dancing, sideshows, Malay Operas, Chinese Wayangs, cinemas, etc. PAVILON—RaIph
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 290 9 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED—Chinese Attendant and Sales tiirl for Trade Fair, must be able to speak English and Malay. Apply 8, 80.-.ham Building. NOTICE. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF SINGAPORE. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. D.C No. 2434 of 1888. Between RACHA SINGH, son of Vssa Singh. Plaintiff and MAS ANT SINGH. Defendant
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    • 475 9 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED—By European business house two energetic Straits Chinese to push the rale of well-known proprietary article. Coed commission and expenses. Apply Box No. ■>44. c o Malaya Tribune. FOR SALE. SELETAK PLANTATIONS. LIMITED. About GOO acres consisting of old trees at preaettt being tapped, together with all buildings,
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    • 404 9 I SINGAPORE HOTELS j sv i ii i. tifti •if limn intiii iMtiiuii ti till <■ i i"s •.t j LANKA HOTEL, I The o„.y Bo.rdi„ X <—*«-•->• I I and Lodging House ~vc Minutes I with special nun may be from Railway Sta- I I Every Comfort and arranged
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 140 9 [POSTAL INTtLLIGtHCt SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSfc. TO-DAY. Kretay (Valayai 2 p.m. Kemaman, Kemasek, Dungun, Trengganu and Besut (Asdang) 2 .pm. Pontianak 'Khoen Hoea) 3 p.m. North and East India iSuisang) 3 p.m. Belawan and Medan (Both) 3 p.m. Tongkal and Djambi (Tohiti) 3 p.m. Banka. Island, Pladjoe and Palembang (Thedens; 3
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  • 704 10 earnest appeal for public sympathy and forbearance is made by the Hon. Mr. W. E. Pepys, in the capacity of Commissioner of Trade and Customs, F.M.S., in his annual report for 1933. Here is what he writes: "Every Customs administraticn has its problems, even in countries which
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  • 271 10 Dr and Mrs. R. M. Dannatt and ipnuly. of Kuala Lumour, arrived from Home last week. Mrs. Dannatt and the children are staying a: Fraser's Hill Before Mr. Justice Whitley in the Penang Supreme Court on Monday Mr E N. Taylor. D.P.P., Penang, was admitted as a barrister and solicitor
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  • 149 10 rE large and distinguished attendance at the funeral of Dato Abdullah bin Jafaar, the former Dato Mentri Besar of Johore, who died in Singapore on Sunday, was a tribute to an interesting personality. As Prime Minister from 1922 to 1928, Dato Abdullah was a
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  • 166 10 rp'HE question of which is the best system of taxing motor vehicles is revived in the latest issue of the Malayan Motorist, which is opposed to the present method of making the car-owner pay a neavy annual registration fee regardless of the mileage covered by him annually. It
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  • 148 10 TMPORTS, $34,874,144. Exports, 1 $46,039,581. That is the very encouraging summary of trade during the month ended Mar. 31 last offered by the Statement of Foreign Imports, Exports i and Shipping for Malaya. For sorrel like three years the statement has h so gloomy that merchants havr
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  • 223 10 W H p fl Sir Ronald Ro died eighteen months ag 0 he described as one of the the human race. True, he had until his declining years before he accorded full recognition and t* accrued to him from his great disco* but he lived to know
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  • 483 10 By "Looker-On* TN all this fuss about Rubber, don't let us forget Tin. A A The miners of Perak and Selangor aren't nearly so happy as their friends the planters. A A That Buffer Pool business is developing, and a slightly increased export allowance doesn't make the idea
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  • 66 10 EARLIER CABLES, on pages 2, 17 19RADIO PROGRAMME, on page 2. FAR EASTERN OLYMPIAD, on page 3 NEW MALAYAN INDUSTRY, on page 5 BRITISH WATER FAMINE, on page 5. SINGAPORE ASSIZES, on page 12 SPORTS NEWS, on pages 14 and 15. CLUB DIARY, on page 15. FIGHT
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 339 10 I U an d V° u have I m! music wherever you go!" I J ROBINSON LTD., I SINGAPORE. i iiiii■iiiiii■i■lli■lli■illllll i i i i i i i i i i i i i ii I i i i i i i i i i i i i r I
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    • 143 10 —rIP PERFECTION justly jSS A\ describes the superior workmanship of Sinjra- N> pore's Leading Tailor. ho «JS WING LOONG is un- [V s g£ doubtedly in the fore"ft front and offers you, with JV g£ Perfection in Suitings, JV J£ Stye and Cut. complete Zfi} satisfaction and inexpcn- [v j£
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  • 1177 11 TREND OF TOKYO CONVERSATIONS. OFHCIAL STATEMENT ISSUED BY LOCAL CONSUL-GENERAL. Reuter. gIR John Simon's statesmanlike handling of the delicate situation created by the "Hands Off China!" sensation has called forth a shower of congratulations. It is, at the
    Reuter.  -  1,177 words
  • 45 11 Unchanged To-Day At 23 Cents. THE price of rubber in the Singapore market at noon to-day was 23 1 1 cents, showing no change from yesterday. The demand for rubber shares continues at constantly increasing prices, but scrip is difficult to obtain.
    45 words
  • 217 11 Labourers Return To Work To-Day. THE strike of labourers employed by F.M.S. Railways, which began on Saturday, has now virtually ended. An official message from the railway authorities received at noon tc-day "The majority of the daily-paid railway employees who have been en strike returned to work
    217 words
  • 107 11 The, Sydney Street Rccalied. Reuter. Paris May 2. RIOTIXG broke, out in a working class district at midnight, when demonstrators attacked taxicab drivers taking out th-ir cabs for night service. The police were summoned, and the demonstrato.-s took re.'ige in a large block of buildings, whence they hurled
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 108 11 Children By The New Method. Reuter Wireless. New York, April 30. THE birth of what is claimed to be "the test tube" twins to a couple living on Long Island has brought to the attention of the public two obstetricians, including a prominent woman doctor, who have
    Reuter Wireless.  -  108 words
  • 726 11 Nanking Government. MR. WANG CHING WEI MAY RETIRE. "Min Kuo Jih Pao." Shanghai, May 2. IMPENDING changes in the personnel of the Nanking Government are reported. It is strongly rumoured that Mr. Wang Ching Wei, the chairman of the Executive Yuan, and, therefore, virtual Premier, intends
    "Min Kuo Jih Pao."  -  726 words
  • 173 11 Proposals Of New Tariff Bill. Reuter. Washington, May t. "C'XHIBITS of Japanese pencils, costing ■-I 22 cents a gross, which it would cost three times that amount to produce in America, were used as an argument in a debate in the Senate Finance Committee on the
    Reuter.  -  173 words
  • 330 11 Mr. J. 6. Hay's Views. PIVOTAL PRICE SUGGESTED. Reuter. London, May 1. J. G. Hay, a member of the Rubber Negotiating Committee, speaking at the meeting of the Lab i Rubber Co., said it was estimated that rubber production would amount to a million tons and consumption
    Reuter.  -  330 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 301 11 Always correct" ard in the best of taste i A'k&t 'sißgM Nowadays, women of cultivated j taS c and sound judgment an using t more Eau de Cologne—and they are j i \m?3cBß giving their preference to Key J ir/ Wv Brand. Its exquisite fragrance is acceptable and never vuljj
      301 words

  • 3590 12 ASIATIC INSPECTOR'S EVIDENCE. HEARD NO UNUSUAL SOUNDS IN PAWNSHOP. Evidence By Police Inspectors. I THE trial of Mak Weng Cheng, a young Cantonese, who is charged with the murder of Inspector A. E. Popejoy and wounding a Chinese detective,
    3,590 words
  • 89 12 London Trade Council's Action. Reuter Wireless. I London, Apr. 28. THE London Traders' Council has called a special meeting of delegates, representing 250,000 irade unionists, to consider methods for combating Fascism. In a memorandum sent to the delegates, the secretary of the council states that the only possible
    Reuter Wireless.  -  89 words
  • 185 12 Thrills In A Singapore Accident. I AN unusual accident, providing all the thrills of a film story, occurrcd yesterday at the level crossing in Grange Road. It appears that a lorry with a load of bricks was approaching the level crossing when the gates came down to
    185 words
  • 336 12 Elaborate Precautions Everywhere. London, May L FEARS of serious May Day disturbances in various European centres have so far proved groundless. A most important celebration took place In Germany, where a gigantic "Day of National Labour" was staged. In opposition to the Communist celebration, two million people
    336 words
  • 501 12 $20,000 Involved. INSURANCE COMPAW SUED. 1 (From Our Own Cod,. Kuala Lumpur, rpHE suit in which Trustee, F.M.S. as adn of the estate of Jost ph ceased, i.s claiming $20,000 General Accident Fire Assurance Corporation, j insurance policy dated N was heard by Mr. Justit. S J
    501 words
  • 55 12 The April untitled a neat little book bound blue, contains full Information as how to the air mail, particulars the services, and fees. It may not be generally known thai inland telegraau are accepted at all Po.-';:.' Telegraph Offices in Malaya for transmissioi Singapore, Kuala Lumpur or Penang b2 posted
    55 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 549 13 BOLD STEP JUSTIFIED. Sales Keep Up. The Discontinuation Of Com pe titions. The discontinuation of the $100 t oot hall competition in the "Sunday Tribune" last week has had lit tia or no effect on sales, as
    549 words
  • 48 13 I Dvvers Own Record For Saigon To Paris. Reuter Wireless. Paris, Apr. 28. Miss Maryse Hilz, the French air- oman, has lowered her own feminine i cord lor the Saigon to Paris flight, vering the distance in five days, ten 1 mis und forty minutes.—Reuter Wire-
    Reuter Wireless.  -  48 words
  • 47 13 The accident ambulance service of the S ngapore Fire Department answered 207 i lis last month. These were made up as follows: motor i 'idents. 4';; trolley car accidents, 5; r llapse cases, 17; attempted suicide, 4; shooting or stabbing. 77: other cases i -.ti
    47 words
  • 189 13 Chinese Shot While Hunting. 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. May 1. Whilst out with a companion hunting wiict boar in -h? gunglfl surrounding the Tupai war.M J iU, a Chinese was accident!? shot Ifc was prompt'y conveyed to the ratpmg Hospital "where an operation was
    189 words
  • 333 13 Stage And Screen Show At The Capitol. THE CINEMAS. /COMBINED vaudeville and screen programmes are coming quite frequently to the Capitol, and the response in i he form of large audiences shows that they are popular. The present offering is a particularly attractive one. On
    333 words
  • 161 13 Clara Bow. the famous "It" girl, returns to the local screen in Hoopla,'' which began a season at the Alhambra last night. The star has lost none of her vivacity and charm and her performance in this production is moie than equal to anything that
    161 words
  • 49 13 Reuter Wireless. Berlin, Apr. 30. With General Goering's resignation. President Hindenburg has created in the Reich a new ministry of Science and Education and Training under Dr. Rust. The changes are described as a furtner step towards centralisation in the Nazi Plan for Reich reform.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  49 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 72 13 W IllilllW II ijl yl IHI I H 111 1 Ml I Wmmimmmr ALBUMS. The best way to keep and show your photographs neat and artistic is to mount them in ALBUMS. Here are a few ot the popular ones Happy Snaps Album 50 cents. "Lotus" 75 n "Nubian" 75
      72 words
    • 118 13 ONLY A CIGARETTE ask for j £§L CAVALCADE rWjTO VIRGINIA ,1 Rolled in Coloured Papers AND AIRTIGHT TINS OP SO AT POPULAR made by obtainable |P LOUIS GERARD LTD everywhere FRESH STOCKS NOW!!! Sole Distributors: Sole Agents for Malaya: SWEE LEONG CO., TOM STOREY CO.. 26, China Street, C-15. Hongkong
      118 words

  • 383 14 Government Action. CM£R6£NCY LANDING OF PLANES. i (From Our Own Correspondent., Seremban, Apr. 30. j VtHE annual general meeting of the j f Seremban Golf Club was held yes- j trday at the Club, with Mr. A. B. S. j ■orton presiding 7. The report of the
    383 words
  • 191 14 Championship At The New World. I'iWG interesting billiards matches took -l place at the New World last night in the second round of the Malayan championship tournament for the Padmore Challenge Shield. In the lirst game the Ipoh Malay entrant. Haji Yeop Adlan beat S. Ali AlAttas
    191 words
  • 138 14 Wisber v. George At New World. A REMINDER is given of to-night's programme of fights at the New World Arena. Frankie Weber and Mr. Nai Kirn Lin arrived from Penang yesterday The European boy looks very fit and is confident of adding another victory to his record. Peter
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  • 109 14 Rain Ajrain Interferes With Tournament. Ran again prevented play in the mixed doubles tournament at the S.CC yesterday and the ties have been transferred to Thursday. TO-DAY'S TIES. Mixed Doubles Handicap. Mr. E. C. Cherrington and Mra. Chernngton iowe 15.4» v. Mr. F V Duckworth and Mrs.
    109 words
  • 122 14 Ping-Pong Championship Tournament. Ties in the Amicable A.A.'s annual ping-pong championship tournament have been arranged as follows (first tie each day commerce at 7 p.m Thursday: Yeo Ah Kow v. Tan Soo Hong, Tan Cheng Chew v. Hee Quee Njian. Wee Tok Eng v. Tan Teng Seng Tan
    122 words
  • 85 14 Last Sunday's Event At Bukit Timah. L Sgt. Tamby bin Salleh was the winner of the spoon shoot held at the Bukit Timah Range last Sunday, his scores being 200 yards. 32; 500 yards, 32- 600 yards 35 (highest possible), total 99 L Cpl. A. C. Monteiro was
    85 words
  • 79 14 BP I SfLZm? n Sund ay, f he Hiangs B.F. led the St. Gregory B.P by three games to one. The other three games w e t S Pla: f ed owing to rain E 65 Scores (Hiang's names first)Sia^Ts 8 b r ea Khn
    79 words
  • 138 14 First Match Of Tour Starts To-day. THE Australians play the first match of their 1934 tour of England to-day in a threp-day match against Worcestershire. The touring side is made up of the following W. M. Woodfull, D. G Bradman. W. A. Oldfield. A. F. Kippax, 3. J.
    138 words
  • 87 14 Malayan Tennis Champion Sails For Manila. Lim Bong Soo. Malayan and Singapore tennis champion left Singapore yesterday by the "Conte Verde" for Hongkone to join the other members of China*, tennis team for the Far Eastern Olympic Games at Manila. They will leave Hongkong by th<> "President
    87 words
  • 64 14 All Yesterday's Matches Postponed. All yesterday's League soccer matches —S.R.C. v. Malays in Division 1 at the Anson Road Stadium S.C.C v Pulau Brani in Division II at the S.CC and the Wiltshires v. Cattle Traders at Geylang. had to be postponed owing to tne rain. TO-DAY'S GAMES.
    64 words
  • 132 14 On the Playfair B.P.s court last Saturday, the Government Monopolies Sports Club beat the Bachelor's Some by 5 ties to 1. Scores (G.M.S.C. names first) 15 B ee n°n w V*n?* Chan e chin Han 15-8, 13-13. 5-4; C. T. Tan beat Anthony Wong 15-2. 10-15, 14-14,
    132 words
  • 67 14 The Henderson A.P. "B" team v Harbour Vlew B.P. "B" team on Sunday ?i« ders n s c °urt, Henderson Road <off Alexandra Road), 3 pmSINGLES: Chan Teck Seng, Koh Oon Poc ng B h Whatt and Tan Howe DOUBLES: Yap Yew Keng and KUm &?on bT
    67 words
  • 37 14 The Chinese Commercial Athletic Party has removed to 124, Cross Street (first floor). Secretaries and captains a *L leS r Who wish to communicate with the Party are requested to note the above address.
    37 words
  • 89 14 Nondescripts' CC. teams in the weekend matches: v. St. Joseph's Institution on Saturday at the N.C.C. ground at 2 p.m.Choor Singh. J. N. Fernando. V. cnelhah, I. Salim. F. Chopard, P. R. Forbes. F. Perera. L. Sequira, K. T. Ooi, H J. Bruyns. A. Nakhoda. v. the S.R.C.
    89 words
  • 50 14 Ties arranged in the V.M.C.A. tennis tournament are as follows: To-day (Men's Handicap Singles "B") M. L Reshty v. Yousof b. Ishak. Saturday (Men's Singles Championship, Final) Ibrahim b. Daud v. LA. Alsagoff. Saturday (Men's Singles Handicap Class "A" Final* Tan Thian Jan* r. Dr. Chia Teck Yam.
    50 words
  • 689 14 The Probables For Todays Two Thousand Guineas. Reuter. HANDICAPS for t}ie second day of the Singapore Turf Club's Spring (Governor's Cup) race meeting to be held on May 5, 9, 12, IG, 19, 21, 25 and
    Reuter.  -  689 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
      34 words
    • 149 14 The first day's handicaps were published in the last issue of the "Sunday Tribune." SO cts. (Kp) SO cts. M E. T. SPECIAL" J (THE TURF WIZARD). IS NOW IN TIP TOP FORM! LOOK K ay e LA RUT Paid lit* MEMORY v; Ann METTLE /1 i HAPPINESS 151. THESE
      149 words

  • 234 15 tctical And Written ;ts For Kef ?rees. r Football Association will a Testa as follows 1 n T st; May 11, Practical ii the Victoria Institu--0 p.m. each clay. Rel trees Test is open to erees, who desire to a higher and to any, ma? desire to
    234 words
  • 84 15 i., following will he the team ti firs! Selamror Malaya Cup Thursday on th- S.C.R.C. Road, at 4.45 p.m.:— OCRS. —Kan Fak: Dinah. Hn: Him Wan, Taib. J Mhd.; ti Swee, De Soupa, Sulaiman, v T• k. Ah Chee. WHITES. —Ghani; Arr»fin, Kai PillaL Sonny, L. De
    84 words
  • 157 15 blowing circular has ocen Issued ers 0 f Selangor Football teal player may have paid for ■we refunded to him ray motor, tram, boat fares. :essary expenses actually in- I him in travelling frcm and nc or work, fcr the purpose) of In s match. H tel
    157 words
  • 70 15 "Min Kuo Jih Pao." Shanghai, Apr. 30. I i delegates to the Far East chedttled to begin at May 12. will sail for the Phin May 3, by the "President McWfl Teh Chen is presenting a. rlaga to the athletes. Before rture a farewell ceremony will [d
    "Min Kuo Jih Pao."  -  70 words
  • 217 15 British Amateur Golf Title. Reuter Wireless. Formby, Apr. 26. MICHAEL SCOTT, the British Amateur champion and Walker Cup Captain, 1 was surorisingly beaten by <Z and 2 in the fourth round of the English Golf Championship by the 23-year-old K. Frailer. The latter, however, lost m the fifth
    Reuter Wireless.  -  217 words
  • 205 15 Lembcrger Cup Race Will Be Re-sailed. Instead of the light winds which usuai'y prevail at this time of year an unexpectedly fresh westerly blow greeted R.S.Y.C. yachtsmen on Sunday morning and most of the B class boats seemed lacking in human ballast. The race was the second for
    205 words
  • 118 15 This Week's Tournament Ties. T c for his week in the lawn tennis tournament at the SRC. are as follows: TO DAY'S TIES. "A" Btng'ea: N. E. Es- v. F. BenDy, winner cf Nr. 1 aIKV v. K. C. EH'hctrh'j'. Ladles' Singles: Miss M. Lewfei v. Mma
    118 words
  • 85 15 Medical Services Beat Customs Department. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Apr. 29. Playing in a constant drizzle on the Johore Civil Service Club padang to-day, the Medical Sports Club beat the Customs I—o in 'he J.B.D.F. League. The sodden nature of the ground made play rather difficult
    85 words
  • 149 15 National And American Leagues. Reuter. New Ycrk. May 1. f ATEST results in the U.S. major ba; e Li ball Leagues are as follows:— AMERICAN LEAGUE. R. H. E. Philadelphia 2 *9 4 Higgins and Finney scored home runs for the Athletics. 0 St. Louis J r 4
    Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 117 15 E 3 fn m a large patherinu of spectators the Happilads A.P. defeated the Plavfair A.U. by five games to t*o, at their Court on Saturday. Score? < Happilads names first Koh Pway CMm beat C. T. Uru 15 o, 15—10- Teo Chve Guan icst to 3.
    117 words
  • 67 15 Teams for the final of the Anson BP.'s inter-team tournament, on Sunday at 10 a.m.: "B" team: Soh Kee Thye 'capt.', Hah Choon Kong, Sim Poh Tarn. Tan Pch Dins:. Miss Yip Wong Tai and Miss Tan Ah Loi. i "E M team: Sng Teck (capt.'. Soh Ah
    67 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 49 15 t i i i i i i i i i i i c Si:****™""" 1 111 from "FOOTLIGHT PARADE" *****-BY A WATERFALL, foxtrot. T\Ss» HONEYMOON HOTEL. foxtrot. *****-SHANGHAI LIL', foxtrot. I V\ SITTING ON BACKYARD ill V» 1 FENCE. I\ I Obtainable from l\\ X/Nang Heng Co. 8 IOjMO^
      49 words
    • 226 15 Assets exceed $12,000,00«. Assurance In force over $35,000.00' The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the StralU Settlement*) HEAD OFFICE: Oreat Eastern Ltfe Building. Cecil Street. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry. E.O. The Company has £20.000 deposl^ the Suprtme of England and compiler with the Brltlah Life
      226 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 372 15 CLUB DIARY. {There are numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most ot the members ol which are readers of the •Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happeninas cf general interest will still be included in the
      372 words

  • 1969 16 League Of Nations 9 Important Work. •JHE activities of the Malaria Commission of the League of Nations during the last ten years and its plans for low 6 d6SCribed in the article which beThe importance of the work is evident from the fact that there
    1,969 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 243 16 SANATOGEN will give you IjTjHY wait hoping that new health may come by |Vf itself —when by taking Sanatogen, you can be blfeWcf sure of new strength and vitality. Thousands and thousands of appetite disappeared because men and women who suffered Sanatogen actually feeds the like you from weakness or
      243 words
    • 16 16 PACKED WO WAYS Del Monte Sole Distributors:— HENRY WATT ru nr\ Tmn SINGAPORE PENANG*! Xl™ gj&^
      16 words

  • 334 17 Activities Increasing In Extent, "Sin Chew Jit Poh." Shanghai, May *1. THE Japanese Government is alleged to have sent a n.imber of spies to Shanghai. Recently espionage activities in Shanghai and Nanking have beer, extensive. Apparently this is a prelude to Japan's taking steps to dominate
    "Sin Chew Jit Poh."  -  334 words
  • 34 17 Feed Fox. who was champion jockey in 1930 has received a proposal from Brigadier Tomkinscn. manager ef the King's stud and racing sables. to ride for His Majesty during the forthcoming flat-racir.g season. I
    34 words
  • 141 17 Brother To Replace Him Next Tour. Reuter Wireless. v London, Apr. 29. THE Duke of Gloucester will visit New Zealand and Australia in the autumn in the place of Prince George. His Majesty the King has decided that in view of the heavy strain en- tailed, it is
    Reuter Wireless.  -  141 words
  • 84 17 Police And Civilians Injured In France. Reuter Wireless. Paris, Apr. 30. Police reinforcements were rushed to Mantes, where 15 police and 30 civilians v/ere injured in by-election riots. The incident which aroused intense political passion was tne fact that the police officer in charge was M. Bonnefoy Sibour,
    Reuter Wireless.  -  84 words
  • 36 17 Reuter Wireless. Washington, Apr. 28. The Farm Administration announces that up to now over 500,000 wheat production contracts have been signed, reducing the acreage by 7,500,000. The reduction campaign ends on May 10th.—Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  36 words
  • 291 17 Lives Lost In Making i A Record. I I I I I J J Moscow. TIHE dramatic story of the ill-fated A stratosphere balloon "Osoaviakhim 1," in which three men lost their lives, is told in the log of the flight which has just been made public.
    291 words
  • 49 17 Disguised As British 'Tommies." Cairo. A man named Gutrguis Azer reported to Heliopolis police that he had been attacked and robbed by two "British soldiers" while walking through a lonely street at night. Inquiries have now revealed that the assailants were Egyptians wearing stolen British army uniforms.
    49 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 561 17 jjfift irvifftfifttu ijiiirklv and easily. Let it be sour first thought in treating itching! burning affections, eczema, pimples and other li-finuring blotches. No I household should be with* j .»it it. h Soap. Ointment and Tai- cum free upon request, from Muller I I'hippsi Malaya)Limited,Union Kuilding, Singapore. EASTERN OPTICAL CoT.
      561 words
    • 241 17 If The Bed Pulls—Pinketteg t Are Indicated! It is generally a sign of a sluggish liver, the disinclination to b? up and about, yet deriving no additional rest from lying late in bed; finally, getting up disgruntled, with little tlms to rpare, rushing off to work in a bad humour.
      241 words

  • 1693 18 APPEAL IN STATE COUNCIL. Flood Damage. Need For Special Measures. PLEA for the restoration of the wage cuts suffered by the Johore Malay officers was made by Dato Awang bin Omar at the meeting o;* the State Council, held in the Dewait
    1,693 words
  • 278 18 Nsed For Changes In Tribal Customs. (By Air Mail). London, April 18. THE need for changes in the tribal customs of the British Protectorates nd Territories in Africa, and the im>oitanc? of a system of education for the chiefs, were emphasised on Tuosay at a of the
    278 words
  • 104 18 British Educational Pictures In Great Demand. Bucharest. Cinema proprietors throughout Rumania are endeavouring to hire British educational films in ordei to comply with a new "uplift" lr.w. This law states that in future Remanian cinemas will be compelled to show cultural films on all national holidays, Including Sunday,
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  • 40 18 An interesting item exhibited at the British Industries Fair was the "Swish" patent fastener—a rubber zip fastener. Its great advantage is that it does not damage dainty fabrics like the metal fastener should an edge become caught in the teeth.
    40 words
  • 637 18 The "Endeavour." BRITISH CHALLENGE TO AMERICA. (By Air Mail.) London, A] JN a yacht -building yard off Portsmouth Harbour, full smell of ships and tar, a in curves and streamline- j on the slipway. She is the all-steel ra "Endeavour," which will bt soon and on which
    637 words
  • 32 18 Badcr.-I' Thp world's ches* chair matches began en March 31 a( B Baden, the famous Black Fop where the introduction of ronletl led to a large increase of wlu* I
    32 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 470 18 Beauty is not a gift... it can be won Vv rpHE woman who attracts is ihe woman whose skin is kept youthfully radiant, smooth and firm by the cosmetic blend *M&mr cf olive and palm oils in Palnjolive Soap. Morning and night, give your\tLy S Swb self this home beauty
      470 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 182 18 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. This Week's Programme Of Drills. The following is the programme of drills for Singapore Volunteer Corps up o and for week-ending May 6, 1934: TO-DAY, MAY 2. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, Intelligence PI., Ceremonial Drill. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, 1st Bn. Sig. Sec., Ceremonial Drill. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, Armoured Car Section. Ceremonial Drill.
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  • 547 19 Brighter Outlook. SKKKING COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP. I i. eighteenth annual general meeting <>f the F.M.S. Chamber iinmerce was held in Kuala Lumr yesterday (reports the "Malay Mail"). In his address the chairman, Mr. ii. Temperley, said:— .;ik that the year 1933 marks an nee from the depths
    547 words
  • 771 19 knd ()f Japanese Boycott. i!" the price of rubber is mainpresent levels there would be every possibility of further nient in the bazaar trade duri year says the F.M.S. ol Commerce report for 1933. j lesser extent the price of is in any recovery in local trade, the
    771 words
  • 214 19 Huge Fund Created In United States. Reuter. Washington, April 30. rE Treasury has formally created a two billon Stabilisation Fund, apparently depositing $200 million with the Federal Reserve Banks for active J use and holding the remaining $1,800 million in reserve. To accomplish this the entire two billion has
    Reuter.  -  214 words
  • 237 19 100 m.p.h. Motor-Cycle Race At Brooklands. j (By Air Mail). London, Apr. 18. A REMARKABLE high-speed duel took place at Brooklands this week between Miss F. M. Blenkidon and Miss M. Moore. In spite of the high wind and rain, Miss Blenkiron, after getting away to a
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  • 144 19 First Summons Under The Section. A fine of S25 was imposed yesterday by the District Judge, Mr. H. A. Forrev, on Goh Sam Yong, of the Medical Office, North Bridge Road, for having in his potsession eight phials of cocaine hydrochloride in solution, an offcnce under the Deleterious
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  • 103 19 German Comment On French Note. Reuter Wireless. Berlin, April 27. The French Government has at one blow destroyed the result of long negotiations making a prompt understanding possible, declared Hr. Von Neurath, in a speech to-day when he renMed to the latest French Note on disarmament, and the suggestion
    Reuter Wireless.  -  103 words
  • 89 19 Lays Wreath On Whitehall Cenotaph. Reuter Wireless. London. April 26. Passers-by in Whitehall this morning watched the King of Siam. the shortest monarch in the world—he is only five feet high—carry a large wreath of roses and lilies from the Home Office and reverently deposit it on
    Reuter Wireless.  -  89 words
  • 68 19 Boots' Directors To Make An Experiment. Reuter Wireless. London. April 27. Five thousand employees of the Nottingham factories of the Boots Drug Co will for the next five months work a five-day week without any reduction in pay as the result of the decision of the directors to
    Reuter Wireless.  -  68 words
  • 73 19 Restoration Of Ten Per Cent. Cuts. Reuter Wireless. Washington, April 26. Complying with the wish of President Roosevelt in the interests of national recovery, the railway managers have agreed to restoration of the ten per cent waee reduction operating these last two years. Two and a half per
    Reuter Wireless.  -  73 words
  • 395 19 Congness Suggestion. I GREAT MENTAL DEVELOPER. (By Air Mail.) London, Apr. 18. X HQ su Sgestion that bridge should form part of the national educational system was made here at the opening of the National Bridge Association Congress. Mr. Bernard C. Westall, chairman of the
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  • 125 19 High Prices Realised For Unique Furniture. Reuter Wireless. London. April 27. High prices were realised at Christmas at the sale of the Marquis of Zetland's magnificent collection of unique furniture. Gobelins tapestry and other objects of (art from his London house The whole scheme of decoration was originally
    Reuter Wireless.  -  125 words
  • 64 19 Indian Police Fire On Procession. Reuter Wireless. New Delhi, Apnl 25. Ten people have been killed and 20 injured at Sultanpur, Kapurthala State, as the result of the police firing on Moslems who persisted in taking a Mohurram procession through a prohibited route. Hindus objected to the cutting
    Reuter Wireless.  -  64 words
  • 55 19 British Warrant Officer's Narrow Escape. Reuter Wireless. Bombay, April 27. After wounding Sweetland. an English warrant officer of the Indian Auxiliary Force, in the temple with a dagger, a youth fired four shots with a revolver at the officer but all missed. Sweetland's injury is not serious. His
    Reuter Wireless.  -  55 words
  • 34 19 London, Apr. 27. The death is announced of Mr. R. C. Wallhead, Labour Member for Merthyr Tydvil. He has been in indifferent health Cot the last two years.—Heuter Wireless. Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter Wireless.  -  34 words
  • 168 19 Felt Like, An Old Woman Here is some useful information for anyone troubled with that uncomfortable complaint, lumbago. A woman writes:— "For Vcars I suffered from lumbago. During wet weather I could only turn in bed with great effort and pain, I was so stiff and
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 234 19 THE BEST BOOK FOR CROSSWORD PUZZLES. 'SWIFTSURE" Crossword Puzzle Dictionary by Granville M O'Hara. PRICE $1.50 Per Copy. (All rifht reserved). Printed and published by: PETER CHONG COMPANY Obtainable from all booksellers throughout Malaya. United Central Works. GENERAL CONTRACTORS of SANITARY, WATER, GAS AND ELECTRICITI 1 AND ALSO REPAIRERS. OFFICE
      234 words
    • 321 19 CUT ME OUT. And send me with your name and address to Boon Pharmacy, Penang. I will bring you FREE under PLAIN COVER a medical leaflet, of Santi Oil which tells you how to regain lost vigour and manhood by a rational HOME TREATMENT. POULTRY BOOKLETS BT 6 X Gl
      321 words